#Adira ( lunarxdaydream )
cxrsedmoon · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) continued from x
Lorenzo is all too aware of how his family is, so when Yesenia was the first to arrive, he certainly wasn’t surprised at how quickly she brushed him aside in order to meet Adira. His family was going to adore her, that much he did know and he had a feeling that Adira and Yesenia personally would get along rather well.
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A fanged grin is returned towards both Adira and Yesenia, the male shifting to take a seat as they awaited the arrival of the others. He was certainly excited that she was finally meeting everyone, though he wondered how she would take to them all. “Don’t you worry about him, he knew this was coming. Now, come come, sit.” A hand waves towards a spot further from Lorenzo, though knowing he’d still be able to hear them easily, it felt a bit more private, at the very least. “I think this girls chat is well overdue.” Yesenia takes the space next to her, all attention on the woman as the excited grin turns playful. “Now, spill, tell me all about you. Lorenzo kept all the details to himself.”
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) asked:  Lorenzo, does your pack know about Adira? If so, how do they feel about the situation? Do you expect your relationship to go far? Would you like to have children one day? (Truth serum)
Truth Serum! // Still Accepting
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“They know a few things, but not that much. There is some things that it isn’t really up to me whether or not they find out about her. I haven’t even given them a name yet because I’m not sure how she’d feel about it. Though, I guess that it is about time to have a discussion about this. What I have told them so far, they are rather excited for when... or if, they get to meet her. Anyone who plays a role in my life, they are always ready to meet. They worry, of course, but I think they’d be able to see that Adira is a good woman with a beautiful heart and that’s all that will matter.  That, and that we are safe.”
A warm hands rubs at his chin a bit in thought. “The future is something that is always difficult to say. Anyone in the beginning of a relationship believes its long term but considering what each of us are, how we live our lives, nothing is guaranteed. Though I can say that I do hope it goes far, and if there was anyone I think it was possible with, it would be her, but I don’t know for sure.”
Something of a laugh rumbles in his throat. “Of course, it’s practically in the nature of a lycan to aim to mate and eventually have kids. Especially one in my position. It’s usually the alpha’s own child that tends to become the next one. So yes, I do want children one day.”
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thecircusfreaks · 5 years
| @lunarxdaydream​ |
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“I can definitely recommend you some of our exotic teas or our latte macchiatos. If you’re more interested in alcoholic beverages, then I’d recommend you’d come back after 6pm. Then we’ll be serving those.” Trey spoke to Adira, a polite smile remaining on his lips. She wasn’t a regular, he would have known if that was the case. “You knew in town, usually we attract our regulars and those they bring along. For new customers to find us, that’s pretty rare.” And that was due to the café being just outside of town. To some that was an issue with public transportation and what not. For others the quietness and nature was a blessing.
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
The stench of blood... so strong it was nearly sickening. The alpha followed the scent, battling with his own instincts that were telling him it was best to leave this be. Usually soft caramel eyes were now aglow of fiery gold, senses on edge as trepidation forced muscles to remain tense. Ready for anything that might be awaiting him at the end of this trail. But the sight that greeted him was the last thing he could have ever anticipated.
A rush of recognition, eyes widening in shock as those familiar red locks were the first thing he noticed. The same ones he’d run his hands through, smelled countless times merely with her passing by. A scent that he couldn’t even find buried under the death surrounding her right now. Lorenzo was so struck by the sight of her, he barely even noticed the corpse on the ground. And once she began to move, all shock was forced back, finally taking in the scene as a whole no matter how unbelievable it seemed.
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The words left his lips without his permission, but he wouldn’t take them back even if he could. It had been exactly what he had been thinking. Between the change in her appearance, the shift in her scent, all the way down that look in her eyes and wounds on her frame. It didn’t feel like it was Adira standing before him. If his mind could catch up quick enough, he’d wonder how he never figured it out. Yet, at the same time, he knew.
It was all too easy to mask a scent, the tracking skills of a lycanthrope was known all throughout the world, those who wouldn’t want to be caught would know ways to avoid it and yet... he never realized... not even once.
Her words were the one thing to finally bring him back, his head spinning, heart racing all he could do was react. He couldn’t think. He let his frame move on its own, feet making quick work of the distance between them as teeth grit. “Adira...” a low growl, nearly catching in his throat as his hand reaches out, the warmth of his fingers sliding around her wrist. “What... what happened here?” Worry had his accent growing stronger, the Spaniards homeland clear with each word and thick on his tongue. Vivid golden irises scan over the demons frame, spotting the wound on her shoulder and not even hesitating to cover it with his bare hand in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
Eyes leveled with hers, he hated death, war, fighting, all of it. It was why he fought so strongly for the peace treaty between the lycans and the vampires. So he did everything he could to avoid looking down at the body right next to them. “Will this heal? You are a demon, aren’t you? You can heal this?” More than anything, he just wanted to know that she was going to be alright.
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) continued from X
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) asked:  💋 (Adira-Lorenzo)
SEND 💋 FOR A SURPRISE KISS FROM MY MUSE bonus points if you specify where you want it / setting !
It was only supposed to be for a moment, a cover to hide her from her target. It was all too easy to pick up their scent, the prickling sensation that caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end. He always listened to his gut, and it has never steered him wrong. So the moment it hit him, caramel eyes scanned their surroundings, searching for the one responsible. The moment he spotted them, the warmth of his hand circled around Adira’s, a gentle nudging followed after as he lead her down an alley.
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A maze of turns followed, his pace quickening until he was sure they had enough distance between them. Swift hands took residence on the curve of her waist, pressing her back against the wall of a darkened corner where the night lights couldn’t reach. His lips sought out hers, urgent at first as he waited for the scent to appear, for the sound of footsteps to echo against the bricks walls of the alley. But none came.
As his frame began to relax, the softness of her lips against his struck him like a strike of lightning straight to his nerves. The urgent kiss slowly morphed into something else. Something more. A yearning within the Lycan that he’s never felt so strongly before. His need was consuming him, he had to stop... but he couldn’t. And yet she deserved better than this, better than the dark and musty alley crevice. So he fought, finally managing to pull away as his chest heaved and the grip on her waist tightened ever so slightly. His once soft eyes now glowed a vivid liquid gold and though the kiss was over, he still couldn’t pull away any further than that and seemed utterly incapable of forming words.
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cxrsedmoon · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) asked: 
It is rare for Adira to find herself with little to say. Confrontation is not something she is so willing to shy away from. It is not in her blood. Not in her demeanor. But neither has the new desire to seek what could be. With wanting came weakness. A risk to be harmed. For potential of irreparable damage and lose herself in a lie. As Adalene often said: 'you should know better'. 
"I do." Listen. Take the information. Use her logic to think rather than be led astray by a beating heart that demons had no business to follow. And if the wine will numb the unease building in her muscles then she will gladly use it ...
Continued ask
A nod is sent towards the demon, warm eyes shifting to gaze upward as thoughts race through his head. There was no going back now, not that he wanted to.. but how would she take knowing the truth? How much does he say? What to even start with...
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“You know what I am already,” obviously and he knew there were little things he’s told her here and there, something she knew beforehand. All he could do for now, was start and see where it led. “I am the alpha of the Spanish pack, it is because of this that things are a bit different for me.” A soft sigh escapes, gaze drifting back towards her. “This means that whoever I choose as my mate, will become the alpha female of my pack. That I am required to have children. If something does not take me before then, I will eventually die by the hands of the next alpha. A tradition since the beginning of our kind. And it is usually the child of the current alpha who takes their place.”
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) asked: “You never told me who was coming to this thing.” How strange. Not once in her life could she recall feeling nervous and yet there it is: the incessant beating of her chest. Her smile remains confident. Entirely secure in her appearance but there is something about he unknown that leaves her to wonder: just who exactly was attending this event? They traveled quite a ways and exhilarating as it is, old cautionary habits are hard to throw aside.
Arm slips through, holding naturally as shoulders remain straight. Her mind wanders. Teasing her with various possibilities beneath composed demeanor. “In fact … I had no idea you knew people all the way over here.” Frankly she knew little of his personal life now that she thought about it. Yes, a few tidbits here and there but nothing about the people themselves that existed in his life. (Adira-Lorenzo)
The Halloween Ball
The warmth of his hand takes residence upon the one that slipped through his arm, caramel eyes flickering about the manor before them as a soft breath is released. “I do not know them on any personal level, if that makes any difference,” he could already hear the music pouring from inside, smell the decadent food wafting towards them. “It seems all the alphas have been invited, along with others from their packs,” he motioned briefly towards the ground not that far away, vivid red locks all too easily spotted even in the dark of night. The Swiss pack were the only wolves he knew with such bright hair, and there was no denying even without scent that they were in fact wolves.
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“Many attending seem to be those in any sort of position of power or wealth, this is likely nothing more than a chance to mingle with those people and garner favors, create connections and such.” He turns his smile back towards her as he began to make the trek up towards the entrance. “Luckily for you, there is only so much they’d want from us, our attendance will likely be the only thing actually needed so I can spend the entire night giving you every ounce of my attention.”
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) asked:  Subtle grin pulled across her lips as form obeyed to his pull. Arms carefully falling to his shoulders, twirling a few of his dark strands around her finger. “Oh … so you’re a masochist.” Brow rose as humor rang in every spoken word. Warmth of the lycan easily permeating through, luring her further into his playful web. “… Now how should I punish you?” Face drew closer, leaving mere inches between as she continued to feign contemplation. “…You seem the stubborn type …” (Adira)
Continued ask from here
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Him being called a masochist, well that was certainly new. Not that he was going to deny her claim either. Especially not with the attention she was currently giving him. “Maybe I am,” he chuckled, so tempted to close what little distance remained between the two of them. He could still so vividly remember the taste of her kiss, the feeling of her warmth against his frame. “But I am a man at the mercy of a beautiful woman, surely this is a dream come true, no?” He laughed softly. “Do your worst, Reinita.”
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​​ ) asked: Adira: 5’9
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“Now see, I think that is just the perfect height difference.”
Lorenzo: 6′2
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) submitted:
Jealous Adira (one of many jealous muses)
His charisma is bound to draw others close. His warm smile inviting anyone nearby to approach for conversation. Suave words on accent coated tongue enough to sway even the most poised of women. Deep down, she has always known there is a past. A slew of paramours in his long life. To think otherwise is absolutely foolish – especially when experience has been honed to perfection. No truer title has suited him better than Casanova.
Yet despite his skillset, Adira knows he would not stray. He is not the type to toy with her heart, let alone so brazenly in public. He has never given her reason to doubt him. His lips seared with passion when they pressed to her. His words filled with adoration when they whispered in her ear. Golden pools open windows to what might have lingered in his mind. Lorenzo has showered her with affection that only reflects his sincerity.
So what is this unease coiling inside her stomach? What is it about that woman that angers her so? Primal urges demand to tear her away. No demands needed to be asked when she could see it in her eyes; the way they moved over Lorenzo, lips curled into a coquettish smile. How mortal hands couldn’t stop from playfully touching his arm.
‘… I’ll rip it off her…’
The thought is as surprising as the heat burning under her skin. Possession isn’t something Adira has ever exercised. Men have come and gone in her life. Each left without interest. The sight of them with another barely enough to make her turn her head. It just didn’t matter. Not even the smallest nudge inside her chest flickered … but now – it’s as if it takes every ounce of control to not let take over.
‘I’m overreacting.’ But the more she watched the woman shamelessly flirt, the more Adira yearned to hurt her. Teach her a lesson to stay back. Make her claim and – ‘… No.’ Frame pushes the crowd. Breath of fresh air not entirely lost to the need to intervene. ‘No violence.’ Even as instinct screamed for it. Even as demon blood burned at the mere thought of it. ‘… It’s fine, Adira.’
Because in the end, she knew he would not respond to the other’s advances. She trusted him. Believed in him. There is no need to hurt the other woman …
-- Not physically at least.
Arms slip around his waist. Curves pressed into his side; little to no space left as gaze drifts over the mortal who had moments earlier been gazing at him with the same desire Adira often did. “Sorry for interrupting but I’ll need to steal my boyfriend back.”
Demons never did like to share …
Jealous Muses // Still Accepting
Such a scene wasn’t unfamiliar to the alpha, he’d long gotten used to the idea that women found him attractive. Most of the time he welcomed their advances, flirted back and enjoyed making any woman feel good about herself. It had become something that he had been known for, a lover of all women. Until he met Adira.
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Now his attention was always set on her, unable to accept any other’s advances when she was all he could think about. Even as this woman spoke to him, openly flirted, he gave no response that could be misconstrued. Gave no reaction that could be thought of as anything other than merely being polite. Loyalty was an important part of being a lycanthrope, especially the alpha.
When it seemed as if this woman just wasn’t getting the hint, he had been prepared to tell her. Ready to explain that he was spoken for, that her time was being wasted but a spot of red entered his peripheral and had him instantly choking on his words. The look that burned within her eyes had his mouth suddenly running dry, heat burning beneath skin as warm lips parted, ready to reply to Adira but against nothing came out.
Such beauty, such deadly grace, it’s no wonder that she had been so easily able to steal his heart right from him.
Corazon.... Boyfriend....
The things those two words did to him.... what she could do to him with but a look. It drove him wild. Strong arms wrap around the demoness with pride, fanged grin gleaming beneath low lights as golden hues danced within once caramel irises. “I can now say that I am officially the first man to have ever been able to lay eyes on true perfection.” He didn’t even wait for the other woman to walk away, far too wrapped up in the woman within his arms.  How easily she stole his very breath away. All thoughts a jumbled mess when it came to her. “How am I so lucky to be the one to call you his girlfriend?”
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) asked:  Did she want to know? Was she ready to hear it for herself? Could she accept it so readily as he might expect? “… if not now then when?” — Because who knows when someone will come along to challenge him. Lorenzo could very well go back to his pack tonight or tomorrow and then … — Teeth grit as chest tightened yet again. Another drink of wine barely serving to distract. “Unless you’re the one that doesn’t want to …”
The Talk
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If not now then when? She had a point, obviously it had to happen eventually. But were they ready? Their relationship had barely even begun, but perhaps this was for the best. Better to clear the air before things go much further. He was aware of how most people took to the ways of his people, Certain things that were deeply rooted into their blood, something that could likely never be changed. Hands raise, spreading out before him as a small, but weak smile tugs at his lips. “I am ready to talk, and listen.” So much to explain, so much to ask... where does one even begin. “I guess it’s safe to assume you’d like me to start?”
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) asked: “Something wrong…” That’s one way to put it. Where on any given day she would’ve thrown him a playful look, tonight Adira found it nearly impossible to try. Wine held, a silence followed as she took another drink. Frustration still lingers beneath the surface. Confusion. Uncertainty. Most of all, fear — an emotion rarely ever felt — refused to disappear. “… You haven’t … told me everything, have you?”
Time to clear the air
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Her response only had that dread building, jaw clenching just the slightest. And then. the question nearly has him freezing, eyes widening just the slightest in surprise. He knew this would happen eventually, but had thought it would be on his own terms. Not that he could blame her, especially if just found out any of the many facts about his kind or his position through someone else. It wouldn’t reflect well on him. “No, I think we are both guilty of that.” A soft statement, not to accuse or shift from blame. “There is a lot to know about both of us, is now the time that would like to have this discussion?” An honest inquiry, any subject that hadn’t been spoken of ran the chance of making them uncomfortable. He didn’t mind opening up now, however, he wondered if she was the same.
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) asked: Lorenzo, have you wondered why Adira avoids talking about her personal life? How do you intend to tell her about the new alpha process in the pack? Would you want her to turn in order to become your mate for life? 
Truth Serum! // Still Accepting
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“I have wondered, yes. It’s only natural. But I can assume that it’s likely the same reasons why most of us do not so openly speak of these things. There are things that are hard to talk about with others, some that you’d rather keep close. Or even the subjects that you simply don’t know how to broach. The reasons are endless but I figured if she wished to speak to me about any of it, she’d tell me when she was ready.” A soft sigh left warm lips. “When the time was right, I’d have brought it up. There is still so much that needs to be said between the two of us and I don’t think either of us are in any sort of rush to get there but when it is time, I’ll know and I will just explain things to her. It can be a lot to take in for anyone, especially a potential mate to an alpha.”
The next questions did have lips pursing just the slightest, that was another hard topic to speak of. “The mating process is an important process to all lycanthropes. And it the biggest oath we can take. When one becomes a mate, their entire life will revolve around that person. It is something that can never be broken except by death. Even then, the one left alive still has to endure it. If the two of us were to get to that place, yes, I would want her to become my mate. There is no higher honor among our kind. But that is a lot to accept so while I would want that, I would never force her to if she didn’t wish for it.”
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) asked:  “… some more wine would be nice …” At least until she figured out how to broach the topic all together. (Adira-Lorenzo)
Unprompted // Always accepting
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A dark brow raises at the request, bronze fingers circling the bottle. The glass is cool against warm skin, ruby liquid pouring into her glass as his eyes watch her carefully. He could feel it, something was off about her tonight. Something was on her mind. And something told him that it wouldn’t be a good thing for him. Dream pooled in his gut, leaning back after placing the nearly empty bottle back upon the tray. “Is something wrong, Adira?”
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
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Submit a picture of your muse // Still Accepting
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Lorenzo, once again, found himself utterly struck by the sight of her. All it took was one simply look, a flash behind her eyes and he was nothing but putty in her hands. How gorgeous she always was, beguiling in every sense that a fanged grin had already begun to form on warm lips. He didn’t have any idea what was on her mind in this moment, but he knew that no matter what it was, he was going to enjoy it. “Yes, bonita, is there something you’d like to tell me?”
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cxrsedsouls · 3 years
( @lunarxdaydream​ ) asked: “Now that should do it.” Not exactly her initial plan but hey, no use in letting good things go to waste. Fingers rake through red tendrils one last time; each flow in beach waves now that the curls have long loosened. Ends kiss exposed skin with some left to rest over lean frame. Corners curl as another look is given to her reflection: black jeans with the designed ‘tears’, wrap secured to bared waist with gold coins hanging from sewed beads to chime with every move. Halter strings cross only to tie behind and hidden beneath crimson curtain. Low cut and tight against her chest, little is left for the imagination. Every breath a hopeful temptation to hands that would itch to touch – no, beg – to brush across warm skin.
Light is flicked off as the door is pulled open to meet the lycan. “Sorry, it took a little longer than I thought.” Oblivious act is in full swing as she moves across to find her purse. Phone carefully tucked into back pocket, bracelets ringing in near equal tune to the scarf on hip. “ Ready? I’d hate to miss out on the Halloween fun.”
Revenge that is oh so very sweet!
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The moment she stepped out, it felt as if the world stood still. Breath hitched, eyes instantly becoming a sea of gold as they dragged over her form, lingering between the halter top and the chains around her waist. A sight now burned into his brain, one he had no intention of ever forgetting. How she knew... he couldn’t say but all he could think of was just how gorgeous she was and how she always seemed so easily able to render him speechless. Heat nearly radiated off the alpha, chest nearly heaving for breath that seemed far too warm.
He struggled with the thoughts running through his mind, images playing before his eyes and making it that much harder to think straight. But oh when he finally managed, a smirk curled at the edges of his lips, a fire burning behind golden irises. “You seem to think that I’d ever be able to let you leave dressed like that, mi reina.” Accent thick, eyes finally raising to meet hers again before his hand reaches out but doesn’t touch her, not yet. Instead, it grabs hold of the door and flings it open. “You’re going to have to show me just what those hips can do.”
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