#Aden Stone
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gliterarias · 8 months ago
✨Resenha Interligados
 Dessa vez meu comentário vai começar um pouquinho diferente...
"Querida Nick.
    Um livro favorito, um bebê para nós leitores, tal qual o meu "PJO e o Ladrão de Raios" é para mim, é sempre um livro difícil de emprestar, as vezes impossível de sair da estante se não for para nossas próprias mãos. Você me emprestou um livro assim!! Era para ser uma recomendação e empréstimo de um livro que gostávamos e você me entregou um livro com esse peso pra ler!! Menina, imagina o meu medo e pânico cada vez que eu pegava esse livro na mão. Da próxima, por favor, ajuda sua amiga com ansiedade e me empresta um livro de peso normal (risos), que se acontecer qualquer coisa eu possa comprar um novo que não vá trazer traumas para nenhuma de nós duas. Obrigada pela confiança e por me apresentar um dos seus mundos favoritos, eu gostei muito de conhecer o Aden (Haden) e seus muitos amigos."
    Agradecimentos feitos, agora vamos para a hora verdade. O livro da vez foi "Interligados - Aden Stone e a Batalha Contra as Sombras" o primeiro livro da trilogia "Interligados" da escritora Gena Showater, lançado em 2010, que mistura mistério, drama, romance, ação e o paranormal, vindo direto de um dos desafios das Gliterárias, onde nós tínhamos que emprestar entre nós um livro para a outra, que fosse um livro que gostávamos muito da história, e ai volto eu para casa com a bomba, "o livro favorito" de uma amiga. Cuidei tal qual um filho, passou um bom tempo na minha cabeceira para que eu ficasse de olho nele o tempo todo, até eu criar coragem para o ler. 
    E aí veio a segunda bomba, a Nick (a mãe\dona do livro) tinha me falado um pouco da história, a sinopse atrás do livro complementou meu entendimento inicial e ... bem ele não é um livro da minha vibe (risos nervosos). Eu olhei pro plot, o plot olhou pra mim e nós decidimos que um não servia para o outro. Mas, eu precisava ler e ele já estava ali. Então, eu comecei a minha batalha contra as sombras.
Aden Stone, que na verdade se chama Haden Stone (e esse foi um fato engraçadíssimo pra mim, o querido não sabia falar o próprio nome e até hoje se apresenta se chamando de Aden), é um garoto que a princípio eu entendi, tal qual os médicos dele entenderam que fosse, um garoto esquizofrênico, ou no mínimo, com transtorno dissociativo de identidade. Aden tem 4 almas vivendo na cabeça dele. E, pasmem, cada alma tem um super poder. Enquanto o super poder de Aden é ser super perturbado por esses quatro 24h por dia. Então vamos começar por aí, os 4 amigos mais íntimos de Aden e seus poderes: Julian, ele pode ressuscita os mortos, na realidade ele os ressuscita sem querer fazer isso, basta ele chegar perto de um cemitério que os mortos se levantam e tentam devorar o pobre Aden; Elijah, prevê o futuro, bom, ele tem visões do futuro, que na maioria das vezes quando mudam é para pior, então, Aden mesmo não gostando do que Elijah compartilha com ele, o garoto tenta não mudar o que vê, por que já aprendeu que as mortes vistas por Elijah acontecem independente do que Aden faça para mudar; Eve, pode viajar no tempo, bom, "ela" pode fazer Aden voltar por alguns momentos em uma parte da vida do menino e ali eles podem alterar algumas coisas que aconteceram com o garoto, as vezes para melhor, as vezes para pior, por isso, Aden odeia quando Eve os manda de volta para algum momento de sua vida, visto que o menino foi abandonado e passou boa parte da vida internado em diversos hospitais psiquiátricos; e finalmente, chegamos em Caleb que tem o dom de tomar para si o corpo de outra pessoa por um tempo, Aden pode se fundir e possuir o corpo de alguém, o que é estranhamente legal em alguns eventos (risos), exemplo, possuir o corpo de um lobisomem muito, muito zangado e correr por aí.
    Tudo que Aden sabe é que esses 4 queridos que vivem dentro dele nem sempre estiveram ali, eles tinham uma vida antes de estarem em Aden mas não conseguem se lembrar de quem foram antes disso, por isso seus nomes atuais foi Aden quem ajudou a dá-los, e tudo que esses 4 queridos querem é estar fora da cabeça do jovem, apesar de o terem acompanhado desde o nascimento até agora em seus 16 anos, eles querem seus corpos de volta. E Aden não os aguenta mais dando conselhos a todo momento não deixando o menino em paz. Eve é a voz da razão e mãe do grupo, Elijah é o tio do "eu avisei", Caleb é quem dá as ideias ruins e atazana Aden o tempo todo quando vê uma menina bonita ou alguém querendo briga com o menino, e Julian gosta de estar do lado de todos comentando sempre a favor da voz que estiver falando mais alto.
    E bem, para falar com seus amigos, Aden até pode falar mentalmente com eles mas as vozes falam tanto que a voz do mais novo nunca é ouvida em meio a bagunça, então infelizmente Aden precisa falar em voz alta para que eles escutem o que bem... faz com que Aden seja taxado de maluco. Atualmente Aden está vivendo em um rancho para jovens rapazes com problemas onde o dono do lugar tenta dar aos meninos uma segunda chance de viver em sociedade, o que em tese era uma boa ideia. Mas na pratica acaba não sendo tão bom assim. Quando Aden fica sozinho com os garotos eles mostram o lado que os fez acabar ali. Então para ficar o mais longe possível dos rapazes Aden costuma fazer suas atividades do rancho bem rápido e fica o mais afastado possível dos garotos até a hora de dormir. Certo dia quando Aden finalmente consegue seu primeiro final de semana fora do rancho ele caminha sem rumo pela cidade que mal conhece apenas para tentar relaxar um pouco de sua própria situação. O ruim é que o garoto não conhece a cidade ainda então acaba parando bem no meio de um cemitério e quando Aden nota isso Julian também acaba notando e os mortos começam a se levantar. Em meio ao caos do ataque Aden nota uma presença e imediatamente olha para onde essa vem e ali ele se depara com uma menina, que parece tão assustada quanto ele e quando seus olhos se encontram um vento forte empurra ambos para o chão a menina se recupera mais rápido e corre dali enquanto Aden tem que se livra da cena do crime que acaba de cometer sem querer. Ali o garoto se lembra de uma das mais recentes visões de Elijah, a garota quem ele viu Aden beijando. 
Aqui meus queridos eu achei o nosso querido herói muito emocionado, Elijah viu ele beijando a garota e automaticamente o Aden assume que eles são namorados, então por que não correr atrás da provável garota não é verdade? Mas o que o menino notou também é que assim que os olhos dos dois se encontraram as vozes se calaram, elas ficaram atordoadas enquanto a garota estava por perto e assim que ela se afastou elas pediram que Aden não fosse mais atrás da menina pois ela tinha um estranho efeito sobre eles, e um efeito que Aden almeja a muito tempo. Silencia-las.   
O primeiro encontro de Aden e Mary Ann faz o garoto quer de vez ficar ao lado dela, Mary Ann não é a garota da visão de Elijah mas faz Aden se sentir bem e dono do próprio corpo. E estranhamente Aden tem vontade de abraça-la como se a conhecesse desde muito tempo atrás. Com esse estranho encontro o garoto resolve fazer de tudo para ficar ao lado dela por máximo de tempo possível, Aden bola um plano que seus amigos aceitam por querem o bem do menino e acreditarem na teoria de Mary Ann pode ajuda-lo a tira-los da cabeça dele. Aden se matricula em uma escola, na mesma escola que Mary Ann, infelizmente um dos "Imundos" ,como ele costuma chamar os garotos do rancho, vai estar dividindo o ambiente escolar com ele. 
    E estranhamente no mesmo momento que os dois garotos entram na escola Mary Ann começa a ser perturbada, seguida e ameaçada por um estranho lobo gigante que parece aparecer só para ela. O que a faça suspeitar de ambos, mesmo que estranhamente Mary Ann se sinta atraída a dar um abraço em Aden toda vez que o vê, ela sente como se o garoto fosse um irmão a muito tempo perdido que finalmente tinha voltado. Até que ela é salva por Aden do lobo, então ele também podia vê-lo! E mais que isso Aden possuiu o lobo para protege-la. Depois de uma luta árdua com o Lobo o garoto começa a suspeitar do Imundo que agora é quase um amigo para ele. Mas ele não tem nem tempo de pensar nisso antes de encontrar, ou melhor ser encontrado pela garota das visões. Que se diz ser nada mais nada mesmos que uma princesa vampira, simplesmente a filha do próprio Drácula, Victória é a garota por quem Aden vai se apaixonar e morrer por ela. Enquanto isso o Lobo volta a encontrar Mary Ann e é ela quem descobre que o Imundo e o Lobo são pessoas diferentes, o recém apelidado Lobinho, é conquistado por Mary Ann e acaba virando um pet da menina (risos) sério de lobo mal a cachorrinho de bolsa em poucas páginas, e logo ele se mostra em sua forma humana e se apresenta, esse foi meu crush do livro Riley. E com esse quarteto formado o desvendamento desse mundo magico e novo para Aden e Mary Ann começa, muitos seres mágicos estão sendo atraídos para Aden e pretendem usar o menino para seu bem o acabar com ele.
    Eis minhas reclamações, as coisas se resolvem rápido de mais, Aden é um personagem morno, parece ter uma personalidade inacabada seria facilmente um dos meus queridinhos só pelos traumas de infância mas o querido é muito sonso, ele fica terrivelmente apaixonado e bobo por Victoria, em um simples respirar da menina, e Lobinho, que tinha tudo para ser o bad boy do livro acaba se rendendo em um virar de paginas a Mary Ann, quase que perde totalmente o charme, ele conseguiu manter um pouco da personalidade marrenta mas mesmo assim de um personagem top ele virou um personagem requentado, Victória é outra, tadinha parece que só a colocaram no livro pra Aden ter uma desculpa para sair e entrar do Rancho a hora que quiser, a é e ter um ex asqueroso e criminoso em muitos sentidos. Aliás Gena parece odiar ex namorados (risos) todos os que apareceram foram o auge do nojo.
    Gostei do livro? Sim. Foi uma delícia passar duas tardes inteiras o lendo freneticamente (risos). Chorei lendo? Sim. Tem uma cena em específico que eu chorei horrores, senti que tinha perdido um amigo ali na hora, por que eu consegui me colocar no lugar do Aden e sei que aquela foi uma perda terrível para o menino. Mas não sei se vou encarar mais dois livros com essa turma. Os casais foram previsíveis demais para o meu gosto, Gena até tentou botar um clima de dúvida, mas não deu certo. E muitas das grande propostas de plot twist da história eu já tinha matado nos primeiros capítulos ( um deles foi o que me fez chorar, risos).  É um universo com muito potencial eu adorei o conhece-lo, mas foi mal aproveitado, Aden podia ter sido melhor isso o faria um dos meus queridinhos fácil, Victória não precisava ter sido só uma chave mágica, Mary Ann quase se salva e vira minha queridinha se também não resolvesse as coisas com uma facilidade quase magica, em segundos ela sai de um choro copioso para pensar na solução magica para o problema, e por fim Riley que foi um desperdício, um personagem que começou tão bom perdeu toda a pose de durão em segundos ao lado da menina. 
    "Interligados - Aden Stone e a Batalha Contra as Sombras", com toda certeza ganhou o direito de estar na minha estante física de livros lidos e é uma recomendação pra uma leitura de sessão da tarde, é um livro que dá vontade de ler, você vê os problemas dele, mas toda hora aprece uma coisinha que te faz continuar virando as paginas continuamente. Se você ainda não leu é a minha recomendação de leitura de aventura adolescente cheio de referências mágicas e paranormais. 
✨resenha por: Tainá✨
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movie-titlecards · 7 months ago
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The Unseen (2016)
My rating: 4/10
I mean, turning invisibility into, essentially, a highly embarrassing rash is certainly A Choice, but even without that this didn't do a whole lot for me - just your average indie melodrama, with all the pacing issues and slightly dodgy writing this implies.
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voguefashion · 1 year ago
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Edward Enninful's British Vogue (December 2017-March 2024)
December 2017: Adwoa Aboah by Steven Meisel
January 2018: Taylor Swift by Mert & Marcus
February 2018: Margot Robbie & Nicole Kidman by Juergen Teller
March 2018: Gigi Hadid & Bella Hadid by Steven Meisel
April 2018: Gugu Mbatha-Raw by Mikael Jansson
May 2018: Vittoria Ceretti, Halima Aden, Adut Akech, Faretta Radic, Paloma Elsesser, Radhika Nair, Yoon Young Bae, Fran Summers & Selena Forrest by Craig McDean
June 2018: Cara Delevinge by Steven Meisel
July 2018: Ariana Grande by Craig McDean
August 2018: Oprah Winfrey by Mert & Marcus
September 2018: Rihanna by Nick Knight
October 2018: The Beckham's by Mikael Jansson
November 2018: Fran Summers by Inez and Vinoodh
December 2018: Stella Tennant, Adut Akech, Primrose Archer & Saffron Vadher by Steven Meisel
January 2019: Dua Lipa by Nadine Ijewere
February 2019: Emma Stone by Craig McDean
March 2019: Naomi Campbell by Steven Meisel
April 2019: Naomi Scott by Nick Knight
May 2019: Kate Moss by Mikael Jansson, Jamie Hawkesworth & Inez & Vinoodh
June 2019: Madonna by Mert & Marcus
July 2019: Zoë Kravitz by Steven Meisel
August 2019: Karlie Kloss by Steven Meisel
September 2019: Adut Akech, Gemma Chan, Greta Thunberg, Jameela Jamil, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Adwoa Aboah, Jacinda Ardern, Francesca Hayward, Ramla Ali, Christy Turlington, Salma Hayek, Sinéad Burke, Jane Fonda, Laverne Cox & Yara Shahidi by Peter Lindbergh
October 2019: Kaia Gerber by Steven Meisel
November 2019: Jourdan Dunn by Nick Knight
December 2019: Emma Watson by Alasdair McLellan
January 2020: Taylor Swift by Craig McDean
February 2020: Lupita Nyong’o by Steven Meisel
March 2020: Irina Shayk by Mert & Marcus
April 2020: Jodie Comer by Steven Meisel
May 2020: Rihanna by Steven Klein
June 2020: Judi Dench by Nick Knight
July 2020: Rachel Millar, Narguis Horsford & Anisa Omar by Jamie Hawkesworth
August 2020: Reset by Mert Alas, Lubaina Himi, Alasdair McDean, Craig McDean, Nadine Ijewere, Nick Knight, David Hockney, David Bailey, Martin Parr, Marcus Piggot, Jamie Hawkesworth, Tim Walker, Juergen Teller & David Sims
September 2020: Marcus Rashford & Adwoa Aboah by Misan Harriman
October 2020: Emma Corrin by Charlotte Wales
November 2020: Serena Williams by Zoë Ghertner
December 2020: Beyoncé by Kennedi Carter
January 2021: Kate Moss by Mert & Marcus
February 2021: Dua Lipa by Emma Summerton
March 2021: Angelina Jolie by Craig McDean
April 2021: Janaye Furman, Precious Lee, Mona Tougaard & Achenrin Madit by Steven Meisel
May 2021: Thandiwe Newton by Mikael Jansson
June 2021: Billie Eilish by Craig McDean
July 2021: Malala Yousafzai by Nick Knight
August 2021: Margot Robbie by Lachlan Bailey
September 2021: Gemma Chan by Hanna Moon
October 2021: Zendaya by Craig McDean
November 2021: Adele by Steven Meisel
December 2021: Lady Gaga by Steven Meisel
January 2022: Kristen McMenamy by Steven Meisel
February 2022: Amar Akway, Majesty Amare, Akon Changkou, Nyagua Ruea, Abény Nhial, Maty Fall, Janet Jumbo, Adut Akech & Anok Yai by Rafael Pavarotti
March 2022: Naomi Campbell by Steven Meisel
April 2022: Anya Taylor-Joy by Craig McDean & Queen Elizabeth ll by Antony Armstrong-Jones
May 2022: Lila Moss by Steven Meisel
June 2022: Gisele Bündchen by Steven Meisel
July 2022: Beyoncé by Rafael Pavarotti
August 2022: Cara Delevingne, Cynthia Erivo, Ariana DeBose, Jordan Barrett & Munroe Bergdorf by Mert & Marcus
September 2022: Linda Evangelista by Steven Meisel
October 2022: Timothée Chalamet by Steven Meisel
November 2022: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Tribute
December 2022: Simone Ashley, Senna Miller, Yasmin Finney & Elizabeth Debicki by Scot Trindle
January 2023: Iman by Nadine Ijewere
February 2023: Priyanka Chopra Jonas by Zoë Ghertner
March 2023: Rihanna, A$AP Rocky & son by Inez & Vinoodh
April 2023: Jill Kortleve, Precious Lee & Paloma Elsesser by Inez & Vinoodh
May 2023: Sinéad Burke, Selma Blair, Aaron Rose Philip, Justina Miles & Ellie Goldstein by Adama Jalloh
June 2023: Miley Cyrus by Steven Meisel
July 2023: Miriam Margolyes, Janelle Monae & Rina Sawayama by Tim Walker
August 2023: Maya Jama by Steven Meisel
September 2023: Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford & Christy Turlington by Rafael Pavarotti
October 2023: Lily Gladstone & Leonardo DiCaprio by Craig McDean
November 2023: Emily Ratajokwski, Adwoa Aboah , Irina Shayk, Adut Akech, Karen Elson & Mona Tougaard by Sean Thomas
December 2023: Kate Moss,Lila Moss, Olivia Colman, Jodie Comer, Stormzy, Little Simz & Tilda Swinton by Tim Walker
January 2024: Emma Watson, Tolu Coker, Priya Ahluwalia Torishéju Dumi & Amber Valletta by Charlote Wales
February 2024: Julia Roberts by Lachlan Bailey
March 2024: Karen Elson, Irina Shayk, Laverne Cox, Anya Taylor-Joy, Serena Williams, Rina Sawayama, Karlie Kloss, Jourdan Dunn, Amber Valletta, Precious Lee, Cindy Crawford, Jodie Comer, Gemma Chan, Adut Akech, Vittoria Ceretti, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Cara Delevingne, Jane Fonda, Gigi Hadid, Linda Evangelista, Adwoa Aboah, Miley Cyrus, Paloma Elsesser, Iman, Victoria Beckham, Ariana DeBose, Jameela Jamil, Oprah Winfrey, Salma Hayek, Christy Turlington, Selma Blair, Maya Jama, Anok Yai, Kate Moss, Kaia Gerber, Cynthia Erivo, Naomi Campbell, Simone Ashley, Dua Lip & Lila Moss by Steven Meisel
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madamlaydebug · 9 months ago
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The 7 Stars and 7 Golden Lampstands of DNA......
The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are7 stars, lampstands and churches the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches. In the End Times, Saint John had prophesied the appearance of the "one like a son of man," who reveals what the seven stars and seven lampstands represent. (Revelation 1:14-20)
In the Gnostic biblical text, the Revelation of Saint John, we are told the truth of the seven stars by John, who clearly states that these stars are actually angels of the seven churches. The meaning of angel is a spiritual human being who is believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God. This angel would be an actual person in the flesh.
The seven churches do not represent actual buildings, but the Body of Christ who are represented by the DNA of people or groups (tribes) of people. The word "Church" comes from the Greek "ku-ri-a-kos" or "ku-ri-a-kon" that had later morphed into an Old English word "cirice (kirche or Kee-ree-ke) and in Scotland, it was "kirk." These words would eventually evolve into the modern English "church." (1) The Greek Ku-ri-a-kos is derived from its root: "Ku- ri-os," which means "lord." Thus, the Greek "kuriakos", that today in English is pronounced church, is something that "pertains to, or belongs to, a lord."
John then tells us that the seven lampstands are the seven churches and the big question is, "What does he mean by seven lampstands?" The golden lampstands remind me of the alchemical substance said to be capable of turning base metals (lead, for example) into the living gold of the philosophers. A substance we know of today in myth as the Philosopher’s Stone; that in reality is the fire of life, but this stone in science is called Phosphorus or in the occult and bible, Lucifer or the Morning Star. It is simply the Alpha and Omega of all chemical energies, including that of our very own DNA!
Phosphorus is commonly found in inorganic phosphate rocks and phosphate is the body’s source of chemical energy. The phosphorus atom is of the nitrogen family, but having that characteristic of firing. Phosphorus is the philosopher’s stone that is the central symbol of alchemy, symbolizing the light within our DNA and in nature, and it is the least abundant element cosmically relative to its presence in biology," says Matthew Pasek of the University of South Florida. Without phosphorus, there would be no thought or wisdom. This is the atom that fires our blood to produce chemical energy, consciousness, creativity and life.
The Lord in most ancient times was known by various names such as Marduk to the Sumerians, Aten or Aden to the Assyrians, Osiris to the Egyptians, Zeus to the Greeks, Saint Peter to the Catholics, Yahweh and now Adoni to the Hebrews. The Lord we know of today is actually the largest gas planet in our solar system, Jupiter.
In the bible, Jupiter becomes Japheth which means Jupiter, who is called one of the sons of Noah in the Abrahamic tradition and was the father of all the Indo-European people. Both the early Irish Celts and the early Britons traced the descent of their royal houses from Japheth, as did also the early Saxons who corrupted his name to Sceaf,–pr. ‘sheaf’ or ‘shaif’ (see chapter 7). (Refs: 1DB 2:802. NBD 599. JA 1.vi.1. P 1:26). In Acts 14:12, Barnabas a Levite who is from the Tribe of Levi in which they called Zeus (Jupiter), and Paul they called Hermes because he was the chief speaker.
The number 7 is often called the holy number, the prophetic number, or the mystical number. One of the clues as to why this number is so special, is because we humans who have 7 body parts, Seven DNA Polymerase Families, and with our 7 senses, are the SO BELOW of the AS ABOVE. The AS ABOVE which correspond to the SO BELOW in us humans, are the 7 planets with their elements and gasses in our solar system. We are the microcosm of the macrocosm, in which everything is number and all is energy or should I say, chemical energy?
The earliest reference to the number 7 to DNA and the cloning of humans can be accredited to the Sumerian creation myth and flood myth found on a tablet excavated in Nippur. It is dated approximately 1600 BC during the first Babylonian dynasty. In the Sumerian text, the planet Jupiter represented by the Babylonian God Marduk (Merodach, Amar-uduk, and Marudulc) battles Venus the evil Goddess Tiamat who takes the form of a gigantic snake. Marduk (Jupiter) then goes to battle, ultimately defeating her. For his victory against the planet Venus, AKA Tiamat, the king of the planets, Jupiter, AKA Marduk is made the King of the Gods.
After Marduk (Jupiter) triumphed over Tiamat (Venus), he divided her corpse into two sections, the upper half becoming the sky and the lower half, the earth. Marduk then creates humanity from his blood and bone. This is key in understanding the number 7 because of the Seven DNA Polymerase Families that can be further subdivided into seven different families: A, B, C, D, X, Y, and RT. DNA polymerases are widely used in molecular biology laboratories, notably for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA sequencing, and molecular cloning. Yes, the seven in DNA that was used in the cloning of the human race!
DNA polymerases from all kingdoms of life have historically been organized into seven distinct families based on phylogenetic relationships. These 7 DNA Polymerase Families may very well be the seven lampstands that Saint John had written about that resides in our very DNA.
This makes perfect biblical sense because my angelic Revelations above details the science behind what Saint John had meant by the seven angels, the seven churches, and now the seven lampstands- which we can connect to DNA and in which the gold would be Phosphorus, which as a phosphate is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes. Humans obtain their energy through phosphorus that is extracted from foods ingested into the body by converting it to the chemical energy that is then stored within the body. It makes up 1% of our total body weight and is present in every cell of the body; most of the phosphorus in the body is found (85%) in bones and teeth.
The ancient Sumerian allegorical stories in stone were not just talking about the planets and Gods they worshiped, but also the creation of the current human race that was created by the "blood and bone" of the Babylonian God named Marduk in mythology, but whose name in reality, truth and science is simply the planet Jupiter.
As I stated above, phosphorus is present in every cell of the body; most of the phosphorus in the body is found (85%) in bones and teeth. Could it be that the Sumerians were informing us that we come from, or our chemical energy in our DNA is from the planet Jupiter? I believe that My alien, Jupiter, and the Seven DNA Polymerase Families theory will start to become more apparent to you as you read more of my blog or past articles that I have written on the planet Jupiter.
The Future of the Race of Jupiter and Other Races
Many people today are operating on only the 5 basic physical senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. The problem that we have if we only use these 5 basic senses, is that we are not being our true selves by not fully utilizing all the 7 senses, which we can tap in order to be fully conscious as a a true human being. These other two major sense are our minds for thinking, and our blood or DNA for Gnosis or intuition.
The human body has seven body parts and there are seven planets in our solar system. In astrology, parts of the body are ruled by the signs and planets. Hermes had written that there are seven holes in the head of an animal, distributed to the seven planets. There are seven days in creation, seven spirits before the throne of God, and seven days in the week. Monday for the Moon, Tuesday for Mars, Wednesday for Mercury, Thursday for Jupiter, Friday for Venus, Saturday for Saturn and Sunday for the sun who rules over the brain and heart.
In addition to the senses not being fully employed, many people are simply using only 6 of their 7 body parts in the 6th Age. The most important part is our 7th member, which is the head that contains the mind, and which many people simply are not using correctly or at all. Hence, a fully functioning human who has full control of their 7 body parts, including their head and mind, can then possibly activate all 7 forms or modes of perception to become a true Jedi or Gnostic Warrior.
As I have said in my previous articles on 666, this is the 6th Age in which man was created on the 6th day of Saturn and his number is 666. We fall short of the perfect number 7, which is Sunday that is represented by the sun who rules over our brains and hearts, because Christ which represents our true divinity was crucified at Golgotha (the place of the skull). Those who do not start using that 6th sense of their minds and developing their 7th sense of DNA activation via Gnosis will simply not evolve or ascend to the 7th Age.
1. Oxford Universal English Dictionary: Church [Old English cirice, circe; Middle English chereche, chiriche, chirche; whence churche, cherche, etc.: -Greek Kuriakon...]
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chasindtrevelyan · 6 months ago
Max is thirteen when news of a Blight spreading across Fereldan reaches Ostwick…along with a number of refugees who’d fled for their lives. While rumor had it that Kirkwall was the harbor for most refugees, it didn’t mean the other city states didn’t see their own stragglers. For the most part, the people of Ostwick were tolerant of the newcomers, so long as they were willing to work and whether it be on the farms or as servants at the noble houses, or wherever they could apply their skills. Not all of them were agreeable, some turned to banditry, others turned to living on the outskirts of society and begging for scraps.
Max himself knew little of them, only that they were strangers to their lands, and that he should treat them with kindness, but also with caution. He thought little of it, going about his days the same as he ever had.
However, there came a day when the whispers in the halls turned into a panicked meeting. Pockets of blight had been discovered and ghouls spotted roaming about the woods nearby. A search party was formed, and though he was young, Max was allowed to join on the promise that he remained with his brother. Aden was only two years older, but he was bigger and stronger and had more formal training and so it was deemed that Max would be safe enough in his company. The brothers were not about to complain, and off they went to search in the direction they were ordered.
For hours they combed the woods, but as time passed they began to suspect that they’d been sent in the least dangerous direction. Still, they kept looking…even as they began goofing around and acting the way young boys tend to when not being monitored. Their fun was interrupted when Max slipped and went tumbling down a hole, Aden jumping down after him to check that he was alright. Beyond some dirty scratches, all was well, and they turned their attention to getting back out. The lip of the hole was just beyond reach, and what roots stuck out from the ground proved too weak to be used as a means to pull themselves up.
There was a cave several meters further in, which they considered as another possible exit, but with no clear idea where it might lead other options had to be considered first. They were discussing the possibility of Aden boosting Max out of the hole and going for help when they heard it. A shuffling noise, followed by a low groan. Turning, they both froze.
A ghoul.
It appeared to be a woman in a dirty, tattered dress, but her face was clearly disfigured by blight, her eyes milky and dead looking. They’d been told what to look for, and she certainly fit the bill. More shuffling from deeper into the gloom of the cave told them that she was not alone. They couldn’t stay here. They had to get out.
Aden crouched, hands cupped in front of him.
“Get over here!”
Max didn’t try to argue, he went, bracing a foot in his brothers hands and reaching for the lip of the hole as he was hefted upwards. He dug his fingers into the dirt and stone and clawed his way forward until he could stumble to his feet. He twisted back around, reaching down, but Aden shook his head.
“I’m too heavy, you’ll just be pulled back in. Go find father and the others!”
He wanted to argue, to beg, but he knew better. Aden was right, and the only way to save him was to find more people. He scrambled to his feet, and took off in the direction he knew the others had gone, yelling for help as he went. Adrenaline and fear replaced fatigue, and he ran even as his legs began to ache and his lungs began to burn. He didn’t know how far he went before he found the others, but he all but knocked his father over as he stumbled into him. His concern was plain, but Max had no air to explain, so he simply yanked on his fathers arm and pulled him back the way he’d come, gasping Aden’s name only once.
It was enough, his father remounted his horse, hauling Max up behind him and he and the others set off in the direction the youngest Trevelyan indicated. He was not allowed near the hole once they reached it, held in place by one of the soldiers as a precaution while his father and another soldier reached the lip and reached down, hauling Aden up only moments later. He was alive, if a bit bloody, and though it clearly pained his father to do it, he ordered everyone to keep a distance as they escorted the boys back home. Another contingent would be sent out to deal with the remaining ghouls.
Once they arrived, Aden was whisked away out of sight and Max was led to a separate room to be checked over. When it was clear he was unhurt, he was sent to his room with strict instructions to eat something and get some sleep. Wearily, he agreed, though his sleep was fitful and broken up by nightmares. When morning came and Aden was still nowhere to be seen, he went looking for his father and was told that Aden had been quarantined in the infirmary until further notice. Until they could be certain he had not been infected with the Blight, they could risk no others going near him.
Max’s protests fell on deaf ears, and when he refused to relent, he was ordered back to his room. He opened his mouth to argue further, but a sharp smack had him closing it and spinning on his heal to leave the room. Message received.
Unfortunately for his father, he seemed to have forgotten that Max was not one to listen to rules when it came to his closest sibling. Once out of sight, he made his way to the halls used primarily by the servants, one of which contained a back door to the infirmary. To their credit, the door was locked, but Max knew how to get into places he shouldn’t and he had the lock undone in a matter of minutes and he slipped inside the room after making sure it really was deserted. He could see Aden sitting next to the window and he darted in his direction without a moment’s hesitation.
It was foolish and reckless. Aden could be tainted, and by exposing himself, he very well could become so too if that were the case. But he didn’t care. If Aden was tainted, they would leave him hear until he died, and then deal with his body afterwards and Max refused to let that happen. If Aden was tainted, he would not let his brother die alone.
Aden was, understandably, furious with him. Yelling all manner of things about how much of an idiot he was being, things he knew their father was likely to parrot later should they both survive this ordeal. But eventually he ran out of steam, and though clearly still angry, he did not turn Max away when he tucked himself against his side.
He would stay, for better or worse, he would stay.
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months ago
Events 7.3 (after 1900)
1913 – Confederate veterans at the Great Reunion of 1913 reenact Pickett's Charge; upon reaching the high-water mark of the Confederacy they are met by the outstretched hands of friendship from Union survivors. 1938 – World speed record for a steam locomotive is set in England, by the Mallard, which reaches a speed of 125.88 miles per hour (202.58 km/h). 1938 – United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicates the Eternal Light Peace Memorial and lights the eternal flame at Gettysburg Battlefield. 1940 – World War II: The Royal Navy attacks the French naval squadron in Algeria, to ensure that it will not fall under German control. Of the four French battleships present, one is sunk, two are damaged, and one escapes back to France. 1944 – World War II: The Minsk Offensive clears German troops from the city. 1952 – The Constitution of Puerto Rico is approved by the United States Congress. 1952 – The SS United States sets sail on her maiden voyage to Southampton. During the voyage, the ship takes the Blue Riband away from the RMS Queen Mary. 1967 – The Aden Emergency: The Battle of the Crater in which the British Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders retake the Crater district following the Arab Police mutiny. 1970 – The Troubles: The "Falls Curfew" begins in Belfast, Northern Ireland. 1970 – Dan-Air Flight 1903 crashes into the Les Agudes mountain in the Montseny Massif near the village of Arbúcies in Catalonia, Spain, killing all 112 people aboard. 1973 – David Bowie retires his stage persona Ziggy Stardust with the surprise announcement that it is "the last show that we'll ever do" on the last day of the Ziggy Stardust Tour. 1979 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter signs the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. 1988 – United States Navy warship USS Vincennes shoots down Iran Air Flight 655 over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 people aboard. 1988 – The Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge in Istanbul, Turkey is completed, providing the second connection between the continents of Europe and Asia over the Bosphorus. 1996 – British Prime Minister John Major announced the Stone of Scone would be returned to Scotland. 2013 – President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi is removed from office by the military after four days of protests all over the country calling for his resignation, to which he did not respond. The president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Adly Mansour, is declared acting president until further elections are held.
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maya-matlin · 10 months ago
What is your OTP, BROTP(s), and NOTP(s) for each (main) Degrassi character in TNG and Next Class?
Emma Nelson:
OTP: Sean/Emma (seasons 1-4)
BROTP(s): Manny, JT, Liberty (season 6+), Craig
NOTP(s): Peter
Jimmy Brooks:
OTP: Jimmy/Hazel
BROTP(s): Spinner, Craig, Marco, Ellie (even though I also ship them)
NOTP(s): Jimmy/Ashley, especially when they got back together in season 5 because it always came across as so bland and like they were both settling
Terri MacGregor:
OTP: Spinner/Terri
BROTP(s): Hazel, Paige, Spinner, Jimmy
NOTP(s): Terri/Rick
Ashley Kerwin:
OTP: Craig/Ashley
BROTP(s): Ellie, Paige, Liberty (but I'd consider that more of a mentor/mentee thing than an actual friendship)
NOTP(s): Jimmy/Ashley & Ashley/Alistair because I'm petty
Liberty Van Zandt:
OTP: JT/Liberty
BROTP(s): Manny, Toby (I have mixed feelings but overall I like their friendship in later seasons), Emma (season 6+), Ashley
NOTP(s): romantic Toby/Liberty
Manny Santos:
OTP: Jay/Manny
BROTP(s): Emma, Darcy, Liberty, JT, Marco, Toby, Alex (it's not real but I desperately want it to be)
NOTP(s): Manny/anyone but Jay honestly. Mick and Sully obviously, but also Craig after season 3
Toby Isaacs:
OTP: Toby/Kendra
BROTP(s): JT, Liberty, Manny, Emma, Jimmy
NOTP(s): romantic Toby/Liberty
JT Yorke:
OTP: JT/Liberty
BROTP(s): Toby, Paige, Manny, Emma, Danny (sometimes)
NOTP(s): JT/anyone but Liberty but it's not that serious for me
Spinner Mason:
OTP: Spinner/Paige & Spinner/Darcy
BROTP(s): Jimmy, Jay, Marco, Craig, Holly J, Paige (when they're not involved), Terri, Danny
NOTP(s): Spinner/Manny
Paige Michalchuk:
OTP: Spinner/Paige
BROTP(s): Hazel, Marco, Ashley, Terri, Spinner (when they aren't involved), Alex (I hate saying this, but I preferred them as friends and didn't think Paige was the best girlfriend to Alex), JT
NOTP(s): Paige/anyone except Spinner or Alex because they were all terrible. Matt was a predator. Jesse seemed to exclusively date barely legal freshmen. Griffin essentially re-raped her.
Sean Cameron:
OTP: Sean/Ellie
BROTP(s): Craig, Jay, Alex (even though practically nothing was done with it), JT, Snake, low key the Take on Me detention bunch even though it was never followed up on
NOTP(s): Sean/Amy
Snake Simpson:
OTP: Snake/Spike
BROTP(s): Joey, Wheels, Sean
NOTP(s): Snake/Ms. Hatzilakos
Craig Manning:
OTP: Craig/Ashley
BROTP(s): Marco, Sean, Jimmy, Emma, Spinner
NOTP(s): Craig/Ellie & Craig/Manny after season 3
Joey Jeremiah:
OTP: Joey/Caitlin
BROTP(s): Snake, Wheels, Dwayne, Spike
NOTP(s): Joey/anyone but Caitlin
Ellie Nash:
OTP: Sean/Ellie
BROTP(s): Marco, Ashley, Alex, Jimmy, Paige, Take on Me detention bunch.. justice for Ellie/Hazel because they didn't have to be rivals
NOTP(s): Craig/Ellie & Ellie/Jesse
Hazel Aden:
OTP: Jimmy/Hazel
BROTP(s): Paige, Terri, Take on Me detention bunch, Spinner, Alex
NOTP(s): Hazel/Marco, I guess
Marco Del Rossi:
OTP: Marco/Dylan
BROTP(s): Ellie, Paige, Spinner, Craig, Jimmy, Alex, Manny
NOTP(s): I don't care enough about Marco's other canon pairings to be against them, but Marco/Eric because it just seemed like Marco was desperate not to be alone in that relationship and only got with Eric because they were both gay
Caitlin Ryan:
OTP: Joey/Caitlin
BROTP(s): Spike, Lucy, Susie, Maya, Snake, Ellie until the writers ruined it for fucking Jesse
NOTP(s): Caitlin/Kevin Smith 🤮 & Caitlin/her old fiance
Spike Nelson:
OTP: Snake/Spike
BROTP(s): Caitlin, Joey, Erica, Heather, Lucy, Liz (even though I mostly dislike her)
NOTP(s): N/A
Jay Hogart:
OTP: Jay/Manny
BROTP(s): Spinner, Alex, Sean, Emma, JT (I can't explain it)
NOTP(s): romantic Jay/Alex
Alex Nunez:
OTP: Alex/Ellie
BROTP(s): Jay, Paige, Ellie, Marco, Hazel, Sean, Craig a little bit
NOTP(s): romantic Jay/Alex
Peter Stone:
OTP: N/A, because he deserves no one
BROTP(s): Riley, if I have to pick one but his actual BFF is his mother who keeps getting him out of legal trouble
NOTP(s): Peter/anyone with a pulse, but Peter/Emma was the worst by a mile. I also feel personally slighted that Maya's rebound crush after Zig broke her heart had to be on Peter.
Darcy Edwards:
OTP: Spinner/Darcy
BROTP(s): Manny, Jane, Spinner (post-breakup)
NOTP(s): Peter/Darcy
Mia Jones:
OTP: Danny/Mia
BROTP(s): Anya, Jane, Manny, Liberty, Sav
NOTP(s): Mia/all of her other boyfriends, but especially Peter and Lucas
Holly J Sinclair:
OTP: Sav/Holly J
BROTP(s): Fiona, Anya, Spinner
NOTP(s): Declan/Holly J
Jane Vaughn:
OTP: Jane/Darcy
BROTP(s): Darcy, Danny, Holly J, Sav
NOTP(s): Declan/Jane
Danny Van Zandt:
OTP: Danny/Chantay
BROTP(s): Sav, JT, Spinner, Jane
NOTP(s): Danny/Leia, but I don't really care
Derek Haig:
BROTP(s): N/A; I'd say Bruce, but they weren't even fun together.
NOTP(s): Derek/any girl he expressed interest in
Damian Hayes:
OTP: Damian/Liberty if the show had bothered to develop them and hadn't paired Damian with Emma first as if all three of his love interests were interchangeable
BROTP(s): N/A because he didn't have any friends and wasn't interesting enough for me to come up with any suggestions
NOTP(s): Damian/Emma
Clare Edwards:
OTP: Clare/Drew
BROTP(s): Alli, Adam, Jenna, Drew, Connor, Jack
NOTP(s): Eli/Clare
Alli Bhandari:
OTP: Dave/Alli
BROTP(s): Jenna, Clare, Anya
NOTP(s): Johnny/Alli & Leo/Alli
KC Guthrie:
OTP: KC/Clare
BROTP(s): Bianca, Connor, Dave, Drew (when they aren't bringing out the worst in each other)
NOTP(s): KC/Jenna
Connor DeLaurier:
OTP: Connor/Jenna
BROTP(s): KC, Dave, Wesley, Clare, Dallas
NOTP(s): Connor/LoveQueen16
Sav Bhandari:
OTP: Sav/Holly J
BROTP(s): Danny, Mo (but I wish they'd talked about anything besides Sav hooking up with his teacher), Adam, Eli (mainly because the episode where they hung out was one of the rare times I liked him), Jane, Spinner, Chantay
NOTP(s): Sav/Anya & Sav/Ms. Oh
Anya MacPherson:
OTP: N/A, but Anya/Wesley or Anya/Fiona if they happened
BROTP(s): Holly J, Riley, Fiona, Wesley, Chantay, Leia, Alli, Mia
NOTP(s): Anya/all of her canon love interests, but Anya and Owen was somehow her worst pairing
Riley Stavros:
OTP: Riley/Zane
BROTP(s): Anya, Peter, anyone else because the writers rarely let him talk to anyone besides Anya or Zane
NOTP(s): Riley/any woman
Chantay Black:
OTP: Danny/Chantay
BROTP(s): Anya, Jenna, Sav
NOTP(s): N/A, but Chantay/Bruce if we were supposed to think they were a thing
Leia Chang:
BROTP(s): Anya
NOTP(s): Danny/Leia but again, I don't really care
Johnny DiMarco:
OTP: N/A, but I guess his college girlfriend
BROTP(s): Bruce only because of season 9
NOTP(s): Johnny/Alli
Bruce the Moose:
BROTP(s): Johnny because of season 9
NOTP(s): N/A or Bruce/Chantay
Kelly Ashoona:
OTP: Kelly/Liberty
BROTP(s): Liberty, Manny
NOTP(s): Kelly/Emma
Blue Chessex:
BROTP(s): Riley, I guess. God, so many of the characters introduced in season 8 were flops.
NOTP(s): Blue/Holly J
Dave Turner:
OTP: Dave/Alli
BROTP(s): Adam, Drew, KC, Jenna, Connor, Wesley, Tristan, Tori, Eli (sometimes), Fiona
NOTP(s): Dave/Jacinta
Jenna Middleton:
OTP: Connor/Jenna
BROTP(s): Alli, Becky, Clare, Dave, Jake, Chantay, Adam
NOTP(s): Jenna/Luke Baker
Declan Coyne:
BROTP(s): Fiona, but even that I have mixed feelings about after Love Lockdown where he essentially made her an accessory to rape
NOTP(s): Declan/Holly J, but really Declan/anyone
Fiona Coyne:
OTP: N/A, but Fiona/Anya if they happened & Fiona/Imogen is a ship I'm fine with
BROTP(s): Holly J, Eli, Drew, Imogen, Dallas, Anya, Marisol, Bianca, Dave
NOTP(s): Fiona/all of her male love interests
Wesley Betenkamp:
OTP: Wesley/Hannah
BROTP(s): Connor, Dave, Anya
NOTP(s): N/A
Zane Park:
OTP: Riley/Zane
BROTP(s): Anya & the same answer as Riley - anyone, because Zane does not exist when Riley isn't in an episode
NOTP(s): N/A
Eli Goldsworthy:
OTP: N/A, but Eli/Lenore was probably his most tolerable relationship
BROTP(s): Fiona, Imogen, Adam, Sav, Dave
NOTP(s): Eli/Clare
Drew Torres:
OTP: Drew/Bianca
BROTP(s): Dallas, Adam, Fiona, Dave, Clare, Imogen, Becky (before it was ruined), KC
NOTP(s): In canon, Drew/anyone but Bianca or Clare
Bianca DeSousa:
OTP: Drew/Bianca
BROTP(s): KC, Imogen, Fiona, Clare (I have to assume the show was at least thinking about making them friends), Adam
NOTP(s): Bianca/her abusive exes
Adam Torres:
OTP: Adam/Becky
BROTP(s): Dave, Drew, Clare, Whisperhug, Connor, Bianca, Jenna, Dallas
NOTP(s): Adam/Fiona
Marisol Lewis:
OTP: Mo/Marisol
BROTP(s): Fiona, Jake, Bianca (Katie losing both Drew and Marisol to Bianca would have made me happy)
NOTP(s): KC/Marisol, but I don't actually care
Owen Milligan:
OTP: N/A because he's a disgusting creep with zero respect for women
BROTP(s): Fitz, because that least makes sense even though they probably wouldn't realistically run in the same circle
NOTP(s): Owen/Anya, but Owen/anyone
Jake Martin:
OTP: Jake/Clare
BROTP(s): Mo, Jenna, Marisol, Zig because they'll probably be related by marriage someday which is sad for Jake, Imogen
NOTP(s): Jake/Katie
Katie Matlin:
OTP: N/A because I don't trust her in relationships
BROTP(s): The Katie/Marisol friendship had its moments
NOTP(s): Drew/Katie & Jake/Katie
Imogen Moreno:
OTP: Imogen/Jack, but I'm barely invested
BROTP(s): Eli, Fiona, Becky, Drew, Whisperhug, Bianca
NOTP(s): Eli/Imogen
Mo Mashkour:
OTP: Mo/Marisol
BROTP(s): Jake, Whisperhug, Sav
NOTP(s): N/A
Zig Novak:
OTP: Zig/Maya
BROTP(s): Tiny, Grace, Maya during the times where they weren't dating, Damon (at least in season 12), Miles if the show had let them be friends, Zoe if they'd been allowed to be platonic, Frankie, Shay, Whisperhug
NOTP(s): Zig/Zoe & romantic Zig/Grace
Maya Matlin:
OTP: Zig/Maya
BROTP(s): Grace, Tori, Tiny, Zig when they're not dating, Goldi, Tristan (NC season 4), Zoe if only because of the potential, Shay, Saad, Jonah, Whisperhug
NOTP(s): Miles/Maya & Cam/Maya when the fandom overhypes them
Tristan Milligan:
OTP: Tristan/Miles
BROTP(s): Zoe, Tori, Maya (NC season 4), Miles (pre-relationship), Oliver, Grace
NOTP(s): Tristan/Yates
Tori Santamaria:
OTP: Tori/Miles, honestly
BROTP(s): Maya, Tristan, Dave, Cam
NOTP(s): Zig/Tori
Campbell Saunders:
BROTP(s): Dallas, Maya in theory, Tori, Tristan, Bianca, Alli
NOTP(s): Cam/Maya
Becky Baker:
OTP: Adam/Becky
BROTP(s): Imogen, Jenna, Jack, Dallas, Drew (pre-relationship)
NOTP(s): Drew/Becky
Luke Baker:
BROTP(s): N/A, but his friendship with Dallas was interesting
NOTP(s): Luke/anyone
Miles Hollingsworth:
OTP: Tristan/Miles
BROTP(s): Zoe, Tristan (pre-relationship), Zig, Grace, Jonah, Frankie (sometimes)
NOTP(s): Miles/Maya & Miles/Lola
Zoe Rivas:
OTP: Zoe/Grace
BROTP(s): Grace, Tristan, Miles, Goldi, Maya, Zig, Winston
NOTP(s): Zoe/men
Winston Chu:
BROTP(s): Zoe
NOTP(s): romantic Winston/Zoe
Frankie Hollingsworth:
OTP: Frankie/Esme
BROTP(s): Shay, Lola, Esme, Zig, Tiny, Miles, Hunter (she's the only one that almost makes him tolerable)
NOTP(s): Frankie/Jonah
Grace Cardinal:
OTP: Grace/Zoe
BROTP(s): Zoe, Maya, Tiny, Zig, Miles, Jonah, Goldi, Rasha, Tristan
NOTP(s): Grace/men, but overall Zig/Grace
Tiny Bell:
OTP: Tiny/Shay
BROTP(s): Zig, Maya, Grace, Frankie, honestly I could probably friendship Tiny with anyone in his class
NOTP(s): Tiny/Lola
Hunter Hollingsworth:
BROTP(s): Frankie
NOTP(s): Hunter/Yael, but Hunter/anyone
Jack Jones:
OTP: Imogen/Jack
BROTP(s): Becky, Clare
NOTP(s): N/A
Shay Powers:
OTP: Tiny/Shay
BROTP(s): Frankie, Lola (NC season 4), Yael, Esme (it's dumb, but it makes sense in my head), Maya, Zig
NOTP(s): N/A, but I hope Shay wouldn't have been paired with Hunter or Baaz in seasons 5 and 6
Lola Pacini:
OTP: Lola/Saad
BROTP(s): Yael, Frankie, Shay (NC season 4), Rasha, Grace
NOTP(s): Miles/Lola & Tiny/Lola
Jonah Haak:
OTP: Jonah/Goldi
BROTP(s): Maya, Grace, Miles
NOTP(s): Frankie/Jonah, but I don't think any of his relationships worked
Esme Song:
OTP: Frankie/Esme
BROTP(s): Frankie, Shay, Rasha, honestly anyone barring Zig or Miles because Esme desperately needs friends since she either alienates people or they pre-judge her for unfair reasons
NOTP(s): Miles/Esme & Zig/Esme, but both were interesting as things all three characters needed to experience
Goldi Nahir:
OTP: Jonah/Goldi
BROTP(s): Rasha, Zoe, Maya, Grace, Shay
NOTP(s): N/A
Yael Baron:
OTP: Lola/Yael
BROTP(s): Lola, Shay, Baaz for reasons I don't understand, potentially Saad
NOTP(s): Hunter/Yael
Vijay Maraj:
OTP: Vijay/a likable personality, but seriously N/A
BROTP(s): Yael because he supported their coming out
NOTP(s): Tristan/Vijay
Baaz Nahir:
OTP: Baaz/Yael even though Baaz is a disaster
BROTP(s): Yael, Saad (another in my head this would be good friendship)
NOTP(s): Baaz/Grace
Rasha Zuabi:
OTP: Zoe/Rasha
BROTP(s): Goldi, Grace, Lola (I'm so pissed these two couldn't even form a friendship during Miles's three actor play because everything revolved around Mola), Winston
NOTP(s): Rasha/her ex
Saad Al'Maliki:
OTP: Lola/Saad
BROTP(s): Maya, Yael, Baaz
NOTP(s): N/A
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the-teezone · 11 months ago
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Teezo Touchdown for Rolling Stone’s Future of Music digital cover, March 2024
“I could sit here and pout,” he says. “I can take all of this off, wipe the glitter off and go apply to any one of these jobs that’s hiring for the holiday season, and Teezo Touchdown is over.” But that’s not the plan. “I can’t stop right now,” he says. “I’ve chosen to do this.” Read full cover story.
Teezo Touchdown's Rolling Stone Digital Cover Shoot | Behind the Scenes 
Words by Brian Hiatt
Photographs by @aijanipayne
Photography Direction by Emma Reeves
Styling by Jenny Haapala
Styling Assistance by Dom Alexander
Hair by Monique Avant
Makeup by Keita Moore @ The Only Agency using Pat McGrath Labs
Videography by Athina Sonitis
VFX Design by Miguel Fernandes
BTS Editing by Aden Khan
Lighting Direction by Hayden Bullard
Digital Technician: Duck Feeney
Styling Assistance/Interns: SaraJane Owusu and Jordan Peterson
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emerals · 2 years ago
basic info dumping about the lads
!not set in stone!
adhd, asperger's syndrome, recovering anorexic
house wren
june 2nd, 2006 (gemini)
phoebe (mother) + carmelo (father)
cape suzette
spunky, brutally honest, assertive
into engineering
inspiration: nikki (camp camp)
VA: elizabeth maxwell
bisexual demisexual demigirl
may 14th, 2006 (taurus)
harper (mother) + alonso (father)
st. canard
quiet, strong, smart
into chemistry
inspiration: varian/catalina (tangled: the series)
VA: ruby jay
black (dark-skinned)
anxiety, depression
black swan
october 7th, 2006 (libra)
esther (mother) + major (father), rhys (step-father)
faith (younger half-sister by 15 years)
st. canard
laidback, loyal, sarcastic
into pyromancy
inspiration: louis (telltale: the walking dead)
VA: vincent tong
omnisexual aromantic
depression, cptsd
november 30th, 2005 (sagittarius)
chariya (mother) + negasi (father)
kimora (younger sister by 9 years)
st. canard
tough, short tempered, rude
into therapy
inspiration: cassandra (tangled the series)
VA: eden espinosa
pansexual asexual
irish setter
february 13th, 2006 (aquarius)
roisin † (mother) + finn † (father), noelle (adoptive mother) + blanca (adoptive mother)
conor † (older brother by 6 years)
friendly, strong, trusting
into history
inspiration: glenn rhee (the walking dead)/tadashi hamada (big hero 6)
VA: cameron boyce
black (light-skinned)/danish
adhd, anxiety
black lop rabbit
september 23rd, 2006 (libra)
winterva (mother) + leonard (father)
giselle (older sister by 5 years), cashmere and ricky (older sister and brother by 4 years), myrene (older sister by 2 years), jocelyn (younger sister by 3 years), shawn (younger brother by 8 years), malina (younger sister by 11 years)
cape suzette
chipper, condescending, fearful
into art
inspiration: pinkie pie (my little pony)
VA: haley tju
anxiety, depression
sable ferret
january 24th, 2005 (aquarius)
edith (mother) + emerson (father)
cape suzette
independant, distant, nerdy
into music/film
inspiration: sakutaro morishige (corpse party)
VA: jeremy jordan
anxiety, bulimia
red-legged honeycreeper
june 25th, 2005 (cancer)
seek (mother) + nolan (father)
preppy, insecure, adventurer
into fashion
inspiration: porsha crystal (sing 2)
VA: abigail zoe lewis
gay demiromantic demiboy
canadian lynx
august 15th, 2007 (leo)
fanya (mother) + austin † (father)
masha (younger sister by 4 years)
st. canard
outgoing, flirt, sweetheart
into mixology
inspiration: william clockwell (invincible)
VA: bryce papenbrook
nonbinary aroace
osteoporosis, anxiety
yellow canary
august 31st, 2005 (virgo)
soo-ah (mother) + du-ho (father)
sarcastic, reserved, logical
sea green
into writing
inspiration: violet (telltale: the walking dead)
VA: colleen o’shaughnessey
native american
epilepsy, lupus
bombay cat
july 17th, 2005 (cancer)
janese (mother) + king (father)
mariana (younger sister by 4 years), olivia (younger sister by 6 years)
st. canard
goofy, selfless, optimistic
light blue
into baking
inspiration: sayori (doki doki literature club)
VA: mae whitman
demiromantic, demisexual
february 27th, 2004 (pisces)
cho (mother) + hiroshi (father)
cape suzette
distant, distrusting, loyal
into criminalistics
inspiration: bigby wolf (telltale: the wolf among us)
VA: adam harrington
february 1st, 2005 (aquarius)
leonor † (mother) + rodrigo (father)
protective, tired, edgy
dark purple
into jewelry
inspiration: kenny/lee everett/clementine (the walking dead)
VA: lauren ash
cptsd, depression, anxiety, asperger's syndrome
october 20th, 2006 (libra)
nour † (mother) + seth † (father)
lackadaisical, smart, strong-willed
pastel orange
into astronomy
inspiration: dipper pines (gravity falls)
VA: michael sinterniklaas
social anxiety, adhd
november 29th, 2004 (sagittarius)
frances (mother) + timber (father)
childish, witty, artsy
into culinary
inspiration: rapunzel (tangled)
VA: erica lindbeck
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queer-starwars-bracket · 2 years ago
Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 1): General Bracket Match 29
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Wyl Lark | Identity: mlm | Media: Alphabet Squadron Trilogy
Wyl Lark was one of the members of the titular Alphabet Squadron, its A-Wing pilot. He was born on the isolated world of Polyneus, where he learned how to ride the flying sur-avka. He was one of the Hundred and Twenty best flyers his planet pledged to the Alliance. He fought in the Galactic Civil War, including at the Battle of Endor. After the Battle, his squadron was chased by the elite TIE fighter Shadow Wing through the Ordiol Cluster, where he was the only surviving member of his squadron. He, and Chass na Chadic, the other survivor, were recruited by Caern Aden to be part of his working group against Shadow Wing, which would become Alphabet Squadron.
After Yrica Quell was revealed to have lied about her role in Operation Cinder and the devastation of the New Republic’s forces, Wyl Lark found himself leading the surviving New Republic forces on Triothe in General Syndulla’s absence. Unsure of himself, he ended up growing into the role and under Syndulla’s new commission of the Deliverance he found himself promoted to Wing Commander. He commanded the ship’s starfighters as they continued to hunt Shadow Wing. The deaths on both sides of the war continued to weigh on him.
Wyl was extremely empathetic, something the war didn’t kill in him. During the chase through the Ordiol Cluster, he made contact with a Shadow Wing pilot just to see how they were handling it. He continued to feel guilty about all the killing he had to do and wondered how his counterparts in Shadow Wing were living their life. During a stand-off he broadcasted to Shadow Wing just to talk to the pilots about themselves. Eventually many of the pilots under his command joined in. He tried the same thing during the Battle of Jakku, encouraging Shadow Wing to walk away. Unable to force himself to fight, he recused himself from the battle and instead helped with evacuating the Deliverance when it was destroyed. 
After the war he represented Polyneus in the New Republic Senate. One of his works was the Reconciliation Project, where survivors and perpetrators of Operation Cinder and other Imperial atrocities could share messages. The trilogy contains references to a handful of relationships he or crushes he had on men, none of which ever worked out.
Ty Yorrick | Identity: bisexual | Media: The High Republic Phase I
Ty Yorrick was once a padawan of the Jedi Order, but left after her friend was possessed by a Dark Side artifact and she was forced to kill him. Over the course of the next decade, she became a monster hunter known as the “Saber for Hire”. Her worked with two droids, the dog-like astromech R0-VR and the fussy admin droid KL-03. She kept a level of distance from both droids, seeing them as tools and like her ship, not deigning to name them. Her relationship with KL-03 was constantly strained, with KL-03 always worrying about the state of their financials and chiding Ty whenever her altruistic instincts hurt their bottom line. Before the events of the Republic Fair on Valo, she used items known as verazeen stones to make decisions like whether to accept a job for her. On one job, she was tailed by a young Segredo named Drewen who appointed himself her apprentice, creating the eager youngster and jaded unwilling mentor buddy dynamic for the events of the Monster of Temple Peak comic miniseries. After the job, they separated, but the frame narrative of The Nameless Terror depicts him finding Ty and inserting himself back into her life.
She was present for the attack on the Republic Fair, having been brought to Valo on a bodyguard job. During that job, she flirted with her employer’s daughter, but knew she couldn’t actually pursue the relationship despite wanting to because of the woman’s position (being bisexual comes from authorial clarification). During the attack on the Fair, she fought alongside the Jedi Elazar Mann, using the Force to control and fight upon the back of a pair of draconic sanvals. Afterwards, since she was already involved, she joined the Jedi in their attack on the Nihil stronghold of Grizal. 
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el-smacko · 1 year ago
O ye Anglo fleet in Aden:
may only sharks swim to your rescue, may no warmth find your frigid corpse, may worms dissolve your bones, and let the deep lice unlace your flesh
you havocless dogs, sic your own tail in a shrapnel-spiral down to the sea beneath the sea
there will be no dove to recall the flood, you are no Yonah, indeed no “Dove” to be delivered from the deep
you are a devil, indeed you are worse than a devil: you are Rome, and here is your ally Babylon
you are the Pharaoh and to your chariots the same
fire and smoke have sped safe your foe along
but the axle beneath you, the spine of the horse before you, the bow in your left and the arrow in your right hand
all your vain aborted plowshares an impotent, a broken, a shattered frozen frenzy under flood
you are not Goliath, you are not even the lion ere killed by pre-regnal runt, a David now yet un-belov’d
you are the stone drawn from the streambed, the stone he discards, o how you plunk threatless in the water
your weight is not fatal, your shape is not smooth, your flight, o certain to be untrue
splash, and sink, you Saxon, you unslung stone
by the gulf engulfed:
gape ever the jaws, mill ever the molars, grind ever the grit
does the leviathan, o ye damned,
you legion of swine, ever still unclean though the waters wash you
and wash you
and wash you
you pigs unmet with mercy, may you find only my curses, and the curses of my children, and of your own a disavowal, if ever a vow there could be retched for your rank, your faithless greed
so die, and free us finally from your shade, not indeed your shadow, for you are lower even than the close-casting lowness of a psalm-singing worm
he sings:
“no, for the shade of America is like a furrow in which there is a latrine, and the latrine is in a crater, and the crater is like a yawning void, darkened by the slick of an oil spill, located ever to the West, whose oil would surely choke, even without being touched by fire—shade upon shade!
“America chokes whoever it will with its smoke
“and America sets forth slavery for humanity
“for America has perfect ignorance of all things”
Your peace is war
and the war is peace which ends your peace
O ye Anglo fleet in Aden:
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bosesmikas · 1 year ago
The graduation class without retcons and in the proper years.
1992 - Archie Simpson, Caitlin Ryan (skipped a grade), Lucy Fernandez (valedictorian), Simon Dexter, Alexa Pappadopolos-Dexter, Christine Nelson, Derek Wheeler, Michelle Accette, Bryant Thomas, Heather Farrell, Erica Farrell, Lorraine Delacorte (left before graduation; leukemia), Liz O'Rourke, Amy Holmes, Allison Hunter, Shane McKay (left before graduation; brain damage), Stephanie Kaye (left before graduation; transferred to private school), Voula Grivogiannis (left before graduation; moved away), Joey Jeremiah (held back; didn't graduate with this class), Rick Munro (held back, wasn't gonna graduate with this class; left before graduation), Tim O'Connor, Nancy Kramer
1993 - Caitlin Ryan (skipped a grade later), Susie Rivera (left before graduating), Kathleen Mead, Melanie Brodie, Arthur Kobalewscuy, Yick Yu, Alex Yankou (probably valedictorian), Diana Economopoulos, Maya Goldberg, Joey Jeremiah (repeated), Rick Munro (repeated; left before graduating), Tessa Campanelli, Luke Matthews, Scooter Webster, Bartholomew Bond, Wai Lee, Trudi Owens , Trish Skye 
2004 - Dylan Michalchuck
2006 - Hazel Aden, Jimmy Brooks (held back; didn't graduate with this class), Sean Cameron (held back; expelled), Marco Del Rossi (valedictorian), Ashley Kerwin (left before graduation), Craig Manning (left before graduation), Spinner Mason (held back; didn't graduate with this class), Paige Michalchuk, Ellie Nash, Alex Nuñez (repeated one semester), Heather Sinclair, Fareeza, Amy Peters-Hoffman, Rick Murray (held back, wasn't gonna graduate with this class; died before graduating), Terri MacGregor (left before graduation)
2007 - Jimmy Brooks (Repeated), Damian Hayes, Toby Isaacs, Spinner Mason (repeated), Emma Nelson, Manny Santos, Liberty Van Zandt (valedictorian), Rick Murray (repeated; died before graduation), Chris Sharpe, Lucas Valieri (dropped out), J.T. Yorke , Ashley Kerwin (took a year off; dropped out), Sean Cameron (repeated)
2008 - Johnny DiMarco, Peter Stone, Danny Van Zandt,Jane Vaughn (Valedictorian), Bruce the Moose (Not seen graduating), Kendra Mason , Nadia Yamir, Darcy Edwards (left before graduation), Derek Haig (Not seen graduating), Mia Jones (held back, wasn't gonna graduate with this class; left before graduation), Chantay Black 
2009 - Sav Bhandari, Fiona Coyne (held back; didn’t graduate with this class), Anya MacPherson, Zane Park Holly J. Sinclair (valedictorian), Riley Stavros, Ethan McBride, Heather Poulette, Trish, Leia Chang (not seen graduating), Blue Chessex (not seen graduating), Declan Coyne (left before graduation), Mia Jones
2010 - Fiona Coyne (repeated; valedictorian), Mike Dallas (chose to stay back; didn't graduate with this class), Bianca DeSousa, Eli Goldsworthy, Marisol Lewis, Jake Martin, Mo Mashkour, Katie Matlin, Owen Milligan, Imogen Moreno (held back; didn't graduate with this class), Drew Torres (held back; didn't graduate with this class), Mark Fitzgerald (expelled), Julian Williams
2011 - Becky Baker, Alli Bhandari, Mike Dallas (victory Lap), Connor DeLaurier (valedictorian), Clare Edwards, Jenna Middleton, Imogen Moreno (repeated), Drew Torres (repeated), Fab Juarez, Liam Berish, Ingvar Andersson, Bo Andersson, Hannah Belmont, Cliff Jacobs, Reese, Jess Martello, Luke Baker (expelled), Wesley Betenkamp (not seen graduating), K.C. Guthrie (left before graduation), Adam Torres, Dave Turner (not seen graduating)
2012 - Jonah Haak (held back; didn't graduate with this class), Jack Jones (left before graduation), Tori Santamaria (held back; left before graduation), Campbell Saunders, Jess Martello (retconned to Class of 2014), Sadie Rowland
2013 - Tristan Milligan, Maya Matlin, Zig Novak, Zoë Rivas (valedictorian), Miles Hollingsworth III, Winston Chu, Grace Cardinal, Tiny Bell, Jonah Haak (repeated), Esme Song (held back; didn't graduate with this class), Goldi Nahir (salutatorian), Tori Santamaria (repeated; left before graduation), Damon Carter (not seen graduating)
2014 - Frankie Hollingsworth, Hunter Hollingsworth, Lola Pacini, Shay Powers, Baaz Nahir, Yael Baron, Vijay Maraj, Saad Al'Maliki, Rasha Zuabi, Esme Song (repeated), Keisha, Arlene Takahashi
2015 - Abra Al'Maliki
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affluenzafm · 6 months ago
any way we could get a list of which characters will be available to be applied for?
of course ! we will have future batches of characters, but these are the ones that will be released in the first batch ! emma nelson, manny santos, liberty van zandt, paige michalchuk, ashley kerwin, hazel aden, ellie nash, alex nunez, darcy edwards, jane vaughn, holly j sinclair, mia jones, anya macpherson, fiona coyne, chantay black, sean cameron, spinner mason, jt yorke, toby isaacs, craig manning, jay hogart, jimmy brooks, marco del rossi, danny van zandt, dylan michalchuk, peter stone, lucas valieri, sav bhandari, johnny dimarco, and declan coyne
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staxoftrax · 6 months ago
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So I dropped almost 2 boxes of records at the store today to beat the traffic. Lots more cool stuff and just the start of LP's from a collection of 70's Metal & Hard Rock that I just acquired. Pictured highlights include The Rolling Stones classic Let It Bleed, a couple of B.B. King albums including Rock Me Baby, Prince - Purple Rain, Queen - Greatest Hits, The Doors - Live at the Hollywood Bowl, Jimi Hendrix - Essential, Jimmy Smith - Prayer Meeting, Black Sabbath - We Sold Our Souls and Ratt - Dancing Undercover. Lots more to come in and discover --Josh Ferko / Stax of Trax Records
I also wanted to make sure that all you live music lovers will come out to see a great show sponsored by our friends Corey & Erica from 3 Dots. It's the return of El Khat, a Yemeni band that features original compositions inspired by the music of the golden age in Aden, Yemen., played on cool home made instruments. Their appearance here last November was mind blowing and mighty funky!!! You really don't want to miss this. It's outdoors at Sidney Friedman Park this Sunday Sept 8th. Check the flyer here or check 3 Dots / Gorinto websites
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rain25480 · 7 months ago
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The Five Eyes Alliance relationship is also fragile
#FiveEyes#NATO#US#RussiaUkraineWar  #GazaConflict#NewZealand#AsiaPacific  #scandal #InternalConflict
In recent years, Western countries led by the United States have frequently used human rights issues to smear China and interfere in China's internal affairs. A very small number of New Zealand politicians have also joined in, but this has not yet become the mainstream voice in New Zealand politics.
New Zealand's Newshub News Network previously reported that a member of the new ruling party called for a boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics on human rights issues. However, Aden had a phone call with Chinese leaders, stating that "the new party firmly believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a complete success.". Afterwards, she confirmed this statement to New Zealand journalists. Aden expressed his wishes for the complete success of the Winter Olympics hosted by China in all aspects, and reiterated that although sending ministers to participate in the Winter Olympics is not common, we will send a team of New Zealand athletes.
According to Agence France Presse, New Zealand is seen as a weak link in the "Five Eyes Alliance" alliance to counter China by restraining criticism of China. When asked in an interview whether she would classify China as an ally or an opponent, Adene replied, "I don't think we would use such absolute vocabulary to determine our relationship with any country."
Reuters reported that since the Australian government banned Chinese company Huawei from participating in its 5G broadband network construction in 2018, the relationship between New Zealand's neighboring country Australia and China has significantly deteriorated. "But this has not affected the relationship between China and New Zealand, and the two countries have also upgraded their free trade agreement." New Zealand Foreign Minister Mahuta has stated that New Zealand and China have a mutually respectful, predictable, and consistent relationship. (New Zealand) recognizes China's claims in the Indo Pacific region, and she said, "We are very clear about what we can cooperate on, and we are also becoming increasingly clear about what we disagree with and cannot reach an agreement on."
Former New Zealand congressman Yang Jian has long been concerned about the development of New Zealand China relations. He stated in an interview with Global Times reporters on the 7th that the obvious characteristic of the New China relationship is the stable foundation of mutual trust between the two sides, which is built on decades of good exchanges. In the current controllable situation of China US relations, New Zealand has room for independent diplomacy. At the same time, China is aware of New Zealand's difficulties and has more realistic expectations for New Zealand. Yang Jian emphasized that New China trade is growing rapidly, and New China economic and trade relations will still play a "ballast stone" role.
With the high-profile announcement of the establishment of a tripartite security alliance "AUKUS" by the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, people have noticed that the intelligence sharing organization "Five Eyes Alliance" composed of "the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Singapore" has begun to "start anew", which also shows the fragility of the internal relationship of the Five Eyes Alliance. After all, considering their own country is the most important thing, and choosing sides is not the only choice.
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christineaikincoj3 · 7 months ago
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The Five Eyes Alliance relationship is also fragile
In recent years, Western countries led by the United States have frequently used human rights issues to smear China and interfere in China's internal affairs. A very small number of New Zealand politicians have also joined in, but this has not yet become the mainstream voice in New Zealand politics.
New Zealand's Newshub News Network previously reported that a member of the new ruling party called for a boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics on human rights issues. However, Aden had a phone call with Chinese leaders, stating that "the new party firmly believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a complete success.". Afterwards, she confirmed this statement to New Zealand journalists. Aden expressed his wishes for the complete success of the Winter Olympics hosted by China in all aspects, and reiterated that although sending ministers to participate in the Winter Olympics is not common, we will send a team of New Zealand athletes.
According to Agence France Presse, New Zealand is seen as a weak link in the "Five Eyes Alliance" alliance to counter China by restraining criticism of China. When asked in an interview whether she would classify China as an ally or an opponent, Adene replied, "I don't think we would use such absolute vocabulary to determine our relationship with any country."
Reuters reported that since the Australian government banned Chinese company Huawei from participating in its 5G broadband network construction in 2018, the relationship between New Zealand's neighboring country Australia and China has significantly deteriorated. "But this has not affected the relationship between China and New Zealand, and the two countries have also upgraded their free trade agreement." New Zealand Foreign Minister Mahuta has stated that New Zealand and China have a mutually respectful, predictable, and consistent relationship. (New Zealand) recognizes China's claims in the Indo Pacific region, and she said, "We are very clear about what we can cooperate on, and we are also becoming increasingly clear about what we disagree with and cannot reach an agreement on."
Former New Zealand congressman Yang Jian has long been concerned about the development of New Zealand China relations. He stated in an interview with Global Times reporters on the 7th that the obvious characteristic of the New China relationship is the stable foundation of mutual trust between the two sides, which is built on decades of good exchanges. In the current controllable situation of China US relations, New Zealand has room for independent diplomacy. At the same time, China is aware of New Zealand's difficulties and has more realistic expectations for New Zealand. Yang Jian emphasized that New China trade is growing rapidly, and New China economic and trade relations will still play a "ballast stone" role.
With the high-profile announcement of the establishment of a tripartite security alliance "AUKUS" by the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, people have noticed that the intelligence sharing organization "Five Eyes Alliance" composed of "the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Singapore" has begun to "start anew", which also shows the fragility of the internal relationship of the Five Eyes Alliance. After all, considering their own country is the most important thing, and choosing sides is not the only choice.
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