#Adele (baccano)
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Baccano Week Day 4: Memory and Identity
Ik Sickle isn’t aware about Monica but if she was I think it would be pretty cool you know.
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Hello there Adele fans.
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rulet03 · 4 months
19 for the Baccano ask meme!
19. Well, I don't think my tastes have changed too much considering the fact that I first got into fandom like more than 10 years ago, but sure. Though 1934 arc has always been my favorite, I liked 9th volume more (still in the second place for me, tho) and I didn't actually like such characters like Leeza or Adele back then and now they're my babies. Oh, and I liked Claire much more, but now I.... well.
(Also I didn't like Graham but only because nor English neither Japanese are my first languages and we didn't have any kind of translation in my native language and sometimes I just didn't understand what he's talking about)
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baccano-gauntlet · 2 years
Lana v. Frank
Fred v. Leeza Laforet
Sham v. Pamela
Rachel v. Isaac Dian
Dallas Genoard v. Charon Walken
Huey Laforet v. Chané Laforet
Czeslaw Meyer v. Nader Schasschule
Gretto Avaro v. Esperanza C. Boroñal
Donatello v. Sylvie Lumiere
The President of the Daily Days v. Roy Maddock
Berga Gandor v. Carlotta
Chaini v. Claire Stanfield
Christopher Shaldred v. Eve Genoard
Angelo v. Victor Talbot
Kate Gandor v. Miria Harvent
Feldt Nibiru v. Laz Smith
Melvi Dormentaire v. Ennis
Donny v. Charkie
Carnea Kaufman v. Ronny Schiatto
Niki v. Edith
Mark Wilmens v. Maria Barcelito
Molsa Martillo v. Rail
Graham Specter v. Firo Prochainezo
Lebreau Fermet Viralesque v. Nice Holystone
Misery v. Adele
Lucrezia de Dormentaire v. Nile
Jacuzzi Splot v. Luck Gandor
Aging v. Lua Klein v. Fil
Carol v. Nicola Casetti
Paula Wilmens v. Denkuro Togo
Begg Garrott v. Claudia Walken
Ricardo Russo v. Tick Jefferson
Maiza Avaro v. Monica Campanella
Elmer C. Albatross v. Juliano
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gunmeister · 10 months
honestly we as baccano fans need to discuss tim and adele more
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closedcoffins · 2 years
what’s up with baccano!? a helpful guide for mutuals who have no idea what the fuck i’m talking about, ever.
TL;DR? Everything is up with Baccano!. It would probably be easier to ask, “what’s NOT up with Baccano!?” but I’m not in the business of trying to compile that helpful guide. So, here’s my attempt to make my blog more comprehensible for those of you who just followed me out of goodwill. Introducing the bare-bones Baccano! cheat sheet!
Immmortality: The “perfect” state of being attained by the hard work of alchemists and the involvement of a homunculus. Immortals in Baccano! cannot age or die by any means, and experience something akin to regeneration when they are hurt. Essentially, given that people become immortal through drinking a liquor of immortality, their bodies are frozen at the point they were when they became immortal. Removed body parts will remain alive and attempt to reunite with the rest of the body. SEE: Huey Laforet, Melvi Dormentaire, Luck Gandor, Isaac Dian, Maiza Avaro, Molsa Martillo, Victor Talbot, Keith Gandor, Berga Gandor, Elmer C. Albatross, Sylvie Lumiere, Gretto Avaro, Begg Garrott, Nile, Renee Parmedes Branvillier, Denkuro Togo, Firo Prochainezo.
Incomplete immortality: The result of drinking a “failed” version of the liquor of immortality. While those who drink this cannot die by unnatural means such as murder or disease, their bodies can still age and die that way. SEE: Dallas Genoard.
Devouring: The only thing that can kill an immortal. One immortal places their right hand on top of the head of the other immortal and thinks “I want to eat”. Doing so absorbs the body and memories of the devoured into the devourer, along with any memories they might have obtained from other immortals before then. This action can be done without the consent of the immortal who is going to be devoured. Incomplete immortals can be devoured, but cannot devour others.
Homunculus: A creation of man resembling a human. Ideally, a homunculus should be created using an unknown formula to carry the complete sum of all knowledge.
“Perfect” Homunculus: Also referred to as Paracelsus’ Homunculus. Taking the form of a small human in a flask, this Homunculus is immortal and omnipotent, with control over time and space around it. In order to live among humans, it can break its flask and obtain the ability to take a human sized form, but it must give up either its ability to see into “space” or its ability to see into the future. The homunculus will retain significant control over the world around it, and has the capability to grant others immortality using the liquor. SEE: Ronny Schiatto.
“Imperfect” Homunculus: A being created using the Paracelsus method, but with parts missing from the formula. This being is created in an ordinary sized human body customizable to the creator’s needs. It has no knowledge of space or the future and is only as strong as an ordinary human. While it can still die from outside causes, its body will not age or decay. SEE: Christopher Shaldred, Rail, Hong Chi-Mei, Adele, Sickle.
Water Consciousness: A subtype of homunculus likened to a hivemind. Created first in the form of water, it seeks a “vessel” to drink its water. After a mental battle between the consciousness of host and parasite, the parasite will typically win, taking that body as host. It may control thousands of host bodies at one time in this way. Should the host win the battle, the parasite is ejected. Should both parties cede at the same time, the host and parasite share a body, each having access to the other’s memories. SEE: Sham, Leeza Laforet.
Immortal Homunculus: A homunculus created using a unique method that requires cells from one immortal and one other participant. The resulting Homunculus has no knowledge and stops aging when it reaches the age of the person the younger cells donated belong to. It maintains “perfect” immortality and can both devour and be devoured, but can also be killed by a mere thought of the immortal who created it. Immortal homunculi can transmit knowledge freely between them and their creators by use of the right hand placed on the head. SEE: Melvi Dormentaire, Ennis.
Curious about more Baccano! lore? We’re just getting started! Make sure to look under the cut for more things you might be confused about!
THE PLAYERS. Important groups to keep track of as we carry on! I’ll be listing characters I write and their affiliations within these groups!
The 1700s.
Lotto Valentino Alchemists: Largely, the group of people who sailed out of Lotto Valentino on the ship Advena Avis in 1711. Not all of these people were from Lotto Valentino originally, but nearly all of them were alchemists or related to alchemists. A majority of these people are dead. SEE: Huey Laforet, Maiza Avaro, Victor Talbot, Elmer C. Albatross, Sylvie Lumiere, Gretto Avaro, Begg Garrott, Nile, Denkuro Togo. To be noted that the Perfect Homunculus Ronny Schiatto made an appearance on the ship as well.
House Dormentaire: A large aristocratic family that lay siege to Lotto Valentino due to nasty rumors originating from a play. They sought to stop the Alchemists from leaving Lotto Valentino and employed a large number of spies. SEE: Huey Laforet, Victor Talbot, Elmer C. Albatross. Also noted that Melvi Dormentaire will be created with the aid of Lucrezia de Dormentaire at some point before 1930.
Mask Makers: The first iteration of this group was headed by three individuals living in Lotto Valentino. It dealt in the spread of counterfeit gold and the killing of corrupt aristocracy who stood in the way of that counterfeiting business, as well as those who trafficked people and drugs. SEE: Huey Laforet, Elmer C. Albatross, Monica Campanella.
The 1930s --- ALCHEMISTS.
The Lemures: A terrorist group founded by Huey Laforet at some point before 1930. Huey has ensnared most of the members with the promise of immortality. Following the Flying Pussyfoot Incident in December 1931, this organization is rendered non-functional. Formerly led by Goose Perkins. SEE: Huey Laforet, Chané Laforet, Jules Upham, Sham.
Larva: A group of humans working under Huey Laforet with slightly closer contact than the Lemures, who are privy to the nature of Huey’s immortality but not let in on all of his plans. Led by Tock “Tim” Jefferson. SEE: Huey Laforet, Tock "Tim" Jefferson.
Lamia: A collection of homunculi created by Huey Laforet who split off to form their own group underneath Larva. Officially led by Tim, but unofficially they tend to do as they like. SEE: Huey Laforet, Tock "Tim" Jefferson Christopher Shaldred, Rail, Hong Chi-Mei, Adele, Leeza Laforet, Sickle, Sham.
Rhythm: Huey Laforet’s experimental division, responsible for alchemical and scientific achievement and the creation of homunculi. Currently led by Salomé Carpenter. SEE: Huey Laforet.
Time: A group of people who serve an unknown function under Huey Laforet. It is speculated that they are the largest faction he supervises, but that they know very little about the grand scheme of things. Currently led by Melvi Dormentaire. SEE: Huey Laforet, Melvi Dormentaire, Claire Stanfield.
Nebula: A large corporation led by Cal Muybridge. While it handles everyday matters such as construction and city planning, it also takes care of matters related to the supernatural, up to and including the liquor of immortality. Headquartered in Chicago and with a skyscraper known as Mist Wall in New York City, Nebula’s alchemical research is headed by Renee Parmedes Branvillier. SEE: Renee Parmedes Branvillier, Sham.
The 1930s --- CRIME FAMILIES.
The Martillo Family: The foremost crime family in the story. They’re a Camorra family whose base is just on the outskirts of Little Italy. In their speakeasy Alveare, they sell specialty honey-flavored drinks and other products, and are known for their skill with knives rather than guns. After an incident in 1930, every higher level of the family becomes a perfect Immortal. Over the years, they slowly begin to rely more on their restaurant income, phasing out the crime aspect of it. Founded and led by Molsa Martillo. SEE: Molsa Martillo, Ronny Schiatto, Maiza Avaro, Firo Prochainezo, Sham.
The Gandor Family: A small outfit in New York City led by three brothers---Luck, Keith, and Berga Gandor---as one unit. They’re known for being especially fierce, but people close to the brothers tend to comment on how they’re a bit unsuited to be mafia dons. Following the incident in 1930, the three brothers are perfect Immortals. SEE: Keith Gandor, Berga Gandor, Luck Gandor, Nicola Casetti, Tick Jefferson, Maria Barcelito, Edith, Kate Gandor, Kalia Gandor, Claire Stanfield, Sham.
The Runorata Family: A medium sized mafia family in New Jersey. They’re a bit troublesome to the rest of the characters, serving as antagonists most of the time, but their leader Bartolo Runorata is praised for having survived Lucky Luciano’s cleansing of “old fashioned” mafia families. SEE: Gabriel & Juliano Barsotti, Carzelio Runorata, Begg Garrott, Melvi Dormentaire, Claire Stanfield, Sham.
The Russo Family: An outfit on the brink of collapse in Chicago. Run by don Placido Russo, the Russo family is noted to be somewhat in shambles due to its leader’s impulsive decision making. As such, its members are somewhat scattered, and many of its former members have made their departure following 1931. SEE: Ladd Russo, Graham Specter, Christopher Shaldred, Ricardo Russo, Sham.
The 1930s --- INDEPENDENTS.
Isaac & Miria: A duo of Bonnie & Clyde style thieves, whose capers are almost as ridiculous as their costumes. They should in theory be annoying due to their stark lack of intelligence, but they somehow manage to bring a smile to everyone’s faces anyway. After an incident in 1930, the two of them are immortal. SEE: Isaac Dian.
Jacuzzi’s Gang: A Gang of “young punks” who gather around crybaby bootlegger Jacuzzi Splot because of a strange instinct to protect him. They number over 20 in rank and are all sorts of bad news, cast out of the communities they were part of. Many of them are immigrants who caused just enough trouble to be ousted from the communities they came to America with. SEE: Jacuzzi Splot, Nice Holystone, Chané Laforet, Claire Stanfield, Rail, Sham.
The Vanishing Bunny: A trio of robbers who aspire to the likes of Myra Starr. Though few in number, put together the three are clever and have a lot of firepower in the form of guns. SEE: Pamela McCall, Lana Sutton, Sonja Bake.
Freelance Hitmen: Any number of freelancers roam the streets of Baccano!’s imagining of New York City, though the people confident enough to do so tend to be oddballs in their own respect. SEE: Maria Barcelito, Laz Smith, Mark Wilmens, Ladd Russo, Graham Specter.
Fred’s Poorhouse / Clinic: A place on Gandor territory that anyone can go to for food and treatment, regardless of affiliation. It’s known neutral territory where fighting is strictly prohibited. SEE: Jules Upham, Roy Maddock, Laz Smith, Mark Wilmens, Isaac Dian, Nader Schasschule.
The Daily Days: An unusual information brokerage in New York City’s Chinatown. Rather than doing business in alleyways, they have a front of a newspaper company with their information exchanges taking place in one location. SEE: Rachel Jones, Gustav St. Germain, Carol.
Bureau of Investigation: It’s just the FBI. SEE: Victor Talbot.
The 2000s.
SAMPLE: A cult based on an old European one. They attack the cruise ships Entrance and Exit in 2002, and follow a philosophy that Gods must be created by selecting a young child to use as a “scapegoat”. SEE: Elmer C. Albatross ( in the late 1690′s. )
Mask Makers: The second iteration of Lotto Valentino’s Mask Makers. A powerful underground society descended from Monica Campanella, the very first Mask Maker. Their sole purpose is to see the end of Huey Laforet to fruition, believing him responsible for Monica’s death. SEE: Luchino B. Campanella, Aging, Elmer C. Albatross.
Lotto Valentino Survivors: The remaining immortals from the Advena Avis who avoided being devoured. By the early 2000′s, they have all reestablished contact with eachother. SEE: Maiza Avaro, Huey Laforet, Elmer C. Albatross, Victor Talbot, Nile, Begg Garrott, Sylvie Lumiere, Denkuro Togo.
THE STORY. A breakdown of the novels and what years they take place in.
Volume 1 / The Rolling Bootlegs. 1930.
Volume 2 / The Grand Punk Railroad: Local. 1931.
Volume 3 / The Grand Punk Railroad: Express. 1931.
Volume 4 / Drug and the Dominoes. 1931 - 1932. Happens concurrently with The Grand Punk Railroad.
Volume 5 / Children of Bottle. 2001 - 2002.
Volume 6 / The Slash: Cloudy to Rainy. 1933.
Volume 7 / The Slash: Bloody to Fair. 1933.
Volume 8 / Alice in Jails: Prison. 1934.
Volume 9 / Alice in Jails: Streets. 1934.
Volume 10 / Peter Pan in Chains: Finale. 1934.
Volume 11 / The Ironic Light Orchestra. 1705.
Volume 12 / Bullet Garden. 2002.
Volume 13 / Blood Sabbath. 2002. Happens concurrently with Bullet Garden.
Volume 14 / Another Junk Railroad: Special Express. 1931 - 1932.
Volume 15 / Crack Flag. 1710.
Volume 16 / Man in the Killer. 1932. Happens the summer after Drug and the Dominoes.
Volume 17 / Whitesmile. 1711. Happens just before the 1711 episode of the anime.
Volume 18 / Deep Marble. 1935.
Volume 19 / Dr. Feelgreed. 1935.
Volume 20 / Time of the Oasis. 1931. Happens concurrently with The Grand Punk Railroad.
Volume 21 / The Grateful Bet. 1935.
Volume 22 / Luckstreet Boys. 1935.
Volume 23 / The Buzz Messengers. 1935. Postponed; planned to be the last book of the Baccano! series.
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brbarou · 2 years
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drawing (almost) every baccano character part one
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noisylovepatrol · 3 years
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Baccano Retro Color
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taraya-mk2 · 5 years
The Lamia
I found old doodle of the Lamia. almost 2 yrs ago...wow
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sawagiacademy · 6 years
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This can’t be true. I don’t believe it, won’t believe it. I know I can cut her- I know I can.
I finished this clip a lot faster than the last one- it only took three months…
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incorrectbaccano · 7 years
Adele: By what name are you known?
Tock: There are some who call me... Tim?
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helgetheparrot · 7 years
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day 1: people
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tym-17 · 7 years
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self indulgent Thai AU
0 reference on Thai traditional clothes just draw from what i can remember
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alice-von-alighieri · 7 years
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and so i decided to upload a lot of shit these days lol anyway, here’s some things from 2016 batch 2/?
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closedcoffins · 2 years
In your ideal world, what Baccano characters would you most want other people to write?
oh my goodness! what a question!
supposing we're talking about purely hypothetical characters unaffected by anyone's personal writing preferences... well, it's actually difficult to narrow my answer down. i'd love to see just about anyone.
under the cut, i've provided a list of all the baccano! characters that i'd most like to see, but it actually got very long and unwieldy so i decided to answer the question twice: once with muses i have a really burning desire for, and twice with every muse that would make me even a little bit happy to see.
here's my "burning desire" list:
claire stanfield.
czeslaw meyer.
hong chi-mei.
ladd russo.
mark wilmens.
miria harvent.
monica campanella.
renee parmedes branvillier.
ricardo russo.
that said... the real answer is "please write whoever you want". i won't be unhappy to have ANY muses in the rpc, since the person writing the majority of them currently is naturally me. whoever you want to bring---which, well, i HOPE you want to bring someone if you're asking me this---i'll be really happy to see. even if it's our third jacuzzi or chane. please just write whoever makes you the happiest to write!
... anyway, the full list of "biggest asks" is still under the cut.
begg garrott.
berga gandor.
carla alvarez santoña.
carzelio runorata.
chané laforet.
claudia walken.
denkuro togo.
elmer c. albatross.
esperanza c. boroñal.
eve genoard.
firo prochainezo.
gretto avaro.
huey laforet.
keith gandor.
nader schasschule.
sylvie lumiere.
zank rowan.
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brbarou · 2 years
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the scientist
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