#Adding on: In true TWEWY fashion
ayahachitwister · 19 days
Now I'm totally considering a Symphonia-style TWEWY AU. I'm not actually going to write that since I already have my huge witch AU still going, but XD'' Thinking about how the TWEWY characters would be used in the Symphonia world is kinda fun~
...though I wasn't thinking when I first placed everyone into roles, so I accidentally made Sho into Neku's dad, whoops.
Anyway, who gets what role under the cut, for those curious~ Just know that with all that said, there will be Tales of Symphonia spoilers, and I highly recommend playing it without spoiling yourself if you can!
So, the roles--and keep in mind, this is just based on where they'd be starting in the world/some of the major plot points around them, 'cause uh... there's not a good 1-to-1 for like any of these.
Neku = Lloyd Shiki = Colette Beat and Rhyme = Raine and Genis Sho (*edit: or Mr. H) = Kratos Shoka = Sheena Rindo = Zelos Nagi = Presea Fret = ...Regal?? (with his dead best friend as Alicia >.>'~) Josh = Mithos
Noishe gets to be the Progfox, and you'll understand why I chose that if you've read my witch AU.
And... I have no idea for past that. >.>'' Like I'm sure Megumi, Konishi, Higashizawa, and Shiba at least could be four of the five Grand Cardinals, but who the heck would be Martel?? And Yuan and Botta?? I almost want to say Kariya and Uzuki for that, but then that would mean... DX'
Also, thinking about it again, maybe Mr. H should be Kratos instead of Sho XD'' But it was still funny to think of Sho in that role :D'' I mostly thought of him first due to NEO.
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goldensunset · 6 months
Yeah I think you and I disagreeing about the alt twewy redesigns is absolutely a point in favor of your argument--ultimately I like the canon designs best because their broader appeal (outside of my dumb niche interest in DIY goth & punk clothes) is what allows us both to enjoy the game for what it is. There are designs that appeal to me already like Beat, Minamimoto, and 777. I don't need every character to appeal to me specifically! Similarly, if someone redesigned the entire twewy cast to be MORE mainstream I'd probably puke, but someone else might end up disappointed that canon wasn't like that. Such is the pitfall of art and mass appeal...
true…. i think twewy designs in general are the perfect blend of weird (good), weird (bad), and broadly tasteful. they’re normal enough to be easily respectable but unique enough to be interesting. really there are very few outfits across both games i would actively choose to change. neo shiki needs help if you just changed one or two things it would be fine she doesn’t need to be super fashionable but like they did her dirty. neo beat is fine i just think they could’ve added a tiny bit more but i get that they were trying to disguise him. everyone else is either perfectly stylish or strange and that’s golden to me
but yeah if i attempted to redesign anyone i’d probably end up making people either mad at me or mad at the creators lol. it’s an implied challenge to someone it can’t be interpreted as nonthreatening like it forces the viewer to pick a side. so i just prefer to make peace with canon and enjoy when others do that. like tiny minor tweaks to designs in fanart at most
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