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Deutschlandnetz: Eon setzt Spatenstich für leistungsstarken Ladepark an der B16
Nachhaltiges Laden und barrierefreie Parkplätze Der Energieversorger Eon hat den Bau des ersten Ladeparks im Rahmen des Deutschlandnetzes begonnen. Dieser erste Standort befindet sich in Krumbach, einer Stadt im schwäbischen Bayern, und liegt direkt an der B16. Der Ladepark umfasst vier Ladesäulen mit je zwei Ladepunkten, die es ermöglichen, acht Elektrofahrzeuge gleichzeitig zu laden. Jede…
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Mining Gold with Mail Subsidies
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, 1954
The maritime sector was equally held aloft by industrial policy in the shape of contracts for sea captains to make a routine of servicing ports regardless of whether their boats were laden with goods. These crafts would be christened ‘packet ships’ for hauling mail to their destinations in acquiescence to a strict schedule. This quasi-public procurement authorized by the 1845 Act of Congress saw firms enter contractual agreements with government to sail with regularity between cities as the heralds of news and the bringers of goods to populations that would have otherwise been left oblivious to the goings-on of the world. This early form of correspondence was a manifestation of Congress consolidating nationhood through the bilateral trade of distant cities. Prior to this seminal piece of legislation meant to subsidize the steamship industry packet lines had long been tasked with plying the waters between New York, Liverpool, London and Le Havre on transcontinental routes. Departures hewed to high standards of punctuality unlike previous norms when the weather and clime dictated the days for setting sail. Packet lines put America on the path towards industrialization early in its formative years since the clockwork flow of trade that ensued left no scintilla of idleness from an ad hoc calendar to hamper commerce.
The first industrial policy in a series of them to seed the steamship sector bestowed authority upon the Postmaster General to unilaterally recruit ship outfits for mail service. Before long this mandate by itself proved toothless to bootstrap growth when the full spectrum of government patronage was required in what was to be a zero-sum game of curating winners. It behooved Congress to mount the financial backing for a few handpicked companies if the venture had any likelihood of success despite the appearance of crony capitalism when some firms were to be forsaken of such strategic investment. This plank was perforce a function of two imperatives: (1) increasing the fleet size of steamships that would be repurposed in the event of war for the Navy hence the appellation of quasi-public procurement; (2) the unification of California and Oregon with the rest of the country. Likened to a centripetal force the 1847 Act of Congress culminated in the creation of postal routes snaking along the Eastern Seaboard off the continental shelf to link major cities from New York all the way to Astoria in Oregon. The advent of steamships emblematized the sine quo non of America’s Manifest Destiny whose Weltanschauung called for the colonization of geography in short order to make way for a national identity. Westernmost states would no more be left unmoored from the workings of the young nation.
Vast distances fragmented the American body politic in the mid-19th century whereby bringing the West Coast into the fold of the Union took precedence. What better method to actualize this lofty ambition than by a transcontinental link on water as a precursor to railways. California’s charm for statehood lay in its auriferous topography that beguiled a cottage-industry of miners amidst the Gold Rush. Oregon’s wilderness on the other hand was extolled as Eden for its fertile lands when homesteaders Americanized the West. The 2,170-mile Oregon Trail fraught with perils would cement the country’s sovereignty over the frontier. Upon the judicious use of industrial policy what came to manifest were broad implications where in one respect shipping boomed and in the other gold operations saw gains from speedier supply chains. The federal government’s repudiation of laissez-faire economics in this instance from its proper patronage of the maritime industry became integral to America’s development. In 1847 the Pacific Mail Steamship Company was conferred a ten-year mail subsidy of $190k per annum to ferry goods from the western shore of Panama’s Isthmus onto California and Oregon. The eastern leg of the journey would be manned by the United States Mail Steamship Company which was granted $290k each year (Bacon 2023; Kemble 1949).
Since this expedition preceded the Panama Canal’s arrival by fifty years the umbilical cord that bound the East and West Coasts was sundered in two giving a wide berth to the lengthier journey around Cape Horn. The sixty miles of the Panama’s Isthmus would instead be overlanded by argonauts and mules alike as a land nexus for the two discrete routes. Wet seasons saw canoes being commissioned along the Chagres River to make the journey less arduous. Upon embarking a second boat destined for the terminus the trip could then be completed in its entirety. Subsidies earmarked for this endeavour were lifelines for steamships bereft of which the budding industry would have floundered in the absence of such fiscal injections. When economic viability is marginal as it belies the law of supply and demand it is at this juncture where industrial policy’s merits reveal themselves. If risk exceeds reward no investor of sound mind would partake in the adventurism where liabilities are too great. If a company is projected to operate at a loss or at a break-even point without having some purchase on profitability within a reasonable time horizon then no amount of capital investment could be justified. In the vignette of steamships their profit margins would have been mediocre if not non-existent were subsidies forfeited.
Behold the ledger where an average trip to Panama for the Pacific Mail Steamship Company from the West Coast approximated $38k of which $35k was recouped from passenger revenue. Within spitting distance of solvency it was only with the addition of mail subsidies that a salubrious buffer of profit was purveyed as a source of income. Later in 1876 the value proposition of passenger and freight service cleared well above the threshold of yearly expenses by $60k where government succour made the whole venture that much more lucrative (Chandler and Potash 2007: 34). It was Congress which thereby midwifed the steamship industry, kindled the Gold Rush upon streamlining supply chains and united the country in one fell swoop. By discarding entry barriers to markets the government made conditions more amiable where opportunity costs would have been too high not to jockey for the chance of being a first mover in the industry. No longer were steamships mere curiosities but rather they were held in greater esteem after having wed New York to San Francisco in a thirty-five-day and later a twenty-one-day trip (Kemble 1938). No sooner did the duopoly of steamship companies sail its maiden voyages along the two routes that the Gold Rush caused a frenzy of demand for transport between the Pacific and Atlantic seaboards.
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Why Instant Quotation is a Game-Changer for SME Forwarders in 2023?
In today’s cut-throat business arena, where agility and responsiveness define success, SME forwarders must adapt to the rapid pace of change. The imperative for SME forwarders in 2023 is clear – prioritize instant quotations. Current economic conditions and the demand for immediate results underscore the pivotal role of quick, accurate quotes.
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Join us on this journey as we navigate the intricacies of the logistics landscape with precision, efficiency, and a commitment to your success. Read the Blog here
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Would LOVE sarahbucky with touching 47 elbow touch if you feel so led :)
technically part of this verse. also, veeery technically could pass for the "secret relationship" prompt for sarahbucky month
Bucky is toting an over-laden armful of fold out chairs towards the back door of the Delacroix community center’s kitchen when he overhears Sarah and John Bartlet in the heat of friendly-exasperated conversation.
“What about that fella Big Nate knew at the post office?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Oh well now come on, Sarah. He’s a handsome guy, he’s got all sorts of looks. Marly said he’s got all sorts of women after him too.”
“He looks like a spooked gazelle every time Anette brings baby Nina ‘round. You forgot about my kids, John?”
Bucky's never officially met John Bartlet before, but he's one of those people in this town that seem to have known the Wilsons since grade school -- homegrown history, respected community institution, that sort of thing. John's a doctor, of medicine, which most everyone knows and more respect, as he is the good sort to boot. His wife Marlene teaches piano lessons to anyone interested and runs the foodbank.
Delacroix's a funny sort of place like that. There's a sense of knowing that goes back for families and families, like the town is more the handful of people keeping it going than anything else -- but, also, it has been through so much in the last two decades that it's a an ad hoc patchwork, its folks entirely new. Between Katrina and the Blip, half the population here has appeared, disappeared, and reappeared, and still, through all of that, people think they know all of each other's business.
Well. Usually, they do. But Sarah declared last month that if Sam and Ms. Gloria and the neighborhood kids had to know they were sleepin' together, fine, only that was where she drew the line. Everyone else would have to figure it all out on their lonesome.
Bucky pauses against the brick of the kitchen parking lot entrance and bites his lip, shoulder primed against the doorjamb, unsure of where the conversation is going.
“Alright," John is saying, "alright, well, we can think of someone else –”
“I told you," says Sarah. "I am not interested in dating right now.”
Bucky supposes this is accurate; she’s interested in the easy normalcy of the Wilsons’ new morning breakfast routine, and figuring out how to give him brain-melting massages, and developing all sorts of habits that involve perching herself in Bucky’s lap when there’s a shortage of chairs in the backyard porch.
Which is pretty much always.
Still – Sarah is brilliant and competent and beautiful. He’s been vaguely aware of the fact that she’s definitely one of the community’s more eligible single women since maybe the second day he knew her.
“It’s been years, honey. You gotta get out there again.”
“I do not,” Sarah says, with such a prim tone and inflection that, in spite of himself, Bucky bites back a snort. “I am fine where I am.”
“Well now, don’t have to be so defensive,” John says, warm-toned. “No shame in wanting a man, and Sarah, we’ve known each other years. I know you do.”
“It’s – I’m – you know, things are different,” Sarah says.
Bucky shifts the chairs in his arms and presses the toe of his boot into the ground. She and her brother are the same in this -- utterly shit at pretending to be anything they’re not.
Still ...
“I know – I know, I got one for you. You know Lakeith is back in Delacroix?”
“Lakeith?” comes Sarah’s voice. “Lakeith Johnson? From middle school?”
“He’s in business now! Pretty well off, last I heard.”
“John, you are embarrassing me again."
"I'm not -- I am trying my best here! Miss Cathy, thank goodness." A second set of footsteps sounds against the center's waxed laminate. They are distinctly slippered and nearly as old as Bucky is. "You'd know better than anyone. Don't you think our Sarah here could do with a new man?"
"John --" Sarah groans.
"Man?" comes Miss Cathy Jay's reedy, high-pitched voice. "Whadd'ya mean, man?"
"I mean, for Sarah. You know any handsome widowers comin' through town?"
"She don't need a man," Miss Cathy says.
"Thank you --"
"She got one."
"What-what," says Miss Cathy. "She livin' in sin with that young man in her house. Sam's boy."
Bucky’s forehead drops down against the cool metal of the fold-out chairs. He thinks he’s groaning. Is he groaning? Or maybe that’s a laugh. He can practically hear John’s stunned silence.
"Oh, Lord," Sarah says.
Bucky supposes that this is as good a time to enter the building as any, so he does.
"Well don't look so flustered," Miss Cathy is saying. "I said it as a fact, not a judgement. Pull it together, Sarah Bernadette, you’re grown.” Which is surely because Sarah has seen Bucky materialize, chair-laden – choked on her laugh – correctly assumed he heard the whole thing – and buried her face in both hands. In contrast, Miss Cathy’s wrinkled face lights up when she spots him. “Now here he is, too -- you got my chairs, honey? I hope your ears ain’t burnin’."
Bucky clears his throat. He sidesteps around John, who is by the mini-fridge in his slacks and shirt, shaking his mystified head, and Miss Cathy, who has taken it upon herself to start searching the donation boxes on the table for paper plates -- presumably he will be asked to carry these as well -- and makes his way around the kitchenette. Sarah is standing closest to the kitchen exit, by her trusty crock pot. He squeezes himself in beside her. Their elbows bump. Bucky pokes his head around his stack of chairs and says, warm-faced,
"I got your chairs Miss C. You want 'em here or out front?"
"You're plenty strong, you can take 'em out front," Miss Cathy tells him. She turns back to John. "I don't remember you bein' this strong when you were young, John."
Sarah cracks.
She lets out the world’s most endearing yelp before she dissolves into hooting laughter, half sinking down against the old cabinets with her arms wrapped around herself. Meanwhile, John opens and closes his mouth a few times, spluttering. Bucky thinks he looks a little like a computer's buffering screen. That’s an expression people use ... right?
“Oh, I’m sorry, John,” Sarah is saying, “I should’ve told you.”
But she looks more contrite than truly embarrassed.
Something small and unnoticed in Bucky’s chest, that is still not entirely convinced he hasn’t stumbled headlong into an elaborate dream, loosens.
He stands there with his chairs and stares, grinning down at her, like an idiot. Sarah looks back at him, gasping.
"Hi, Sar," Bucky says. “Uh, hey, Dr. Bartlet.”
"Hey, sweetness," says Sarah. Her eyes are sparkling.
Miss Cathy crows, loudly, into the hubbub:
“This ain’t news! We got a picnic to run! Now hurry on along wi’ my chairs!”
Bucky does, cheeks aching with his grin.
#my writing#PHEW this got longer than i meant it to#hopefully you like it!#thank you SO MUCH for the prompt!#friends ... romans etc pls feel free to send me more#sarah wilson#bucky barnes#sarah x bucky#fleurdelouve#the falcon and the winder soldier#i found a dream#fleur de louve month
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Made Big
I have teetered to be champion-tree, most edematous in the state, blood-flooded and laden to elasticity’s extremity, any dimension to be more visible from space; oh, split-barked,
one limb dispelled of its density and let to be light and voluminous. What other tricks? I make myself big to scare the bear,
undo my ankle over a thrumming altercation with blood sugar, alter densities repeatedly undone unto ritual. The ill of me recedes, repeats, shore erodes ad hoc until it hits the root.
- B B Pine
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President Donald Trump seems manic, swatting at scandals like he's wearing a suit of jelly in a late-summer swarm of horseflies.
His Twitter feed has reached new levels of fury and paranoia, his words even more discombobulated than usual.
Maybe it’s the slow churn of Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. Or the rapid-fire release of damning audio collected by former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, a loathsome character who learned from the worst.
Whatever the reason — maybe the horseflies are eating at him — I sense the walls closing in on our yeller-in-chief. And that’s dangerous, as we saw this week with his vindictive decision to pull former CIAdirector John Brennan’s security clearance.
Brennan has been an outspoken critic of Trump, as is his right. At least that used to be his right before we had a president who is totalitarian-curious.
Trump’s fragile ego and fear of the Russia investigation has him lashing out at people like Brennan, doing whatever he can to shut them up. Pulling the former director’s security clearance won’t quiet him, but it might intimidate others who rely on a security clearance for their post-government jobs or as a means of accurately advising current government officials.
David Kris, head of a security and technology firm and a former assistant attorney general for national security, wrote in The Washington Post that “the president's action harms national security. Intelligence agencies rely on outside advisers, often former government officials, to provide advice and assistance on an ad hoc or continuing basis. Those former officials need security clearances to perform this service.”
William McRaven, a retired Navy admiral and the man who planned and oversaw the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011, denounced Trump’s decision in a note — directed straight at the president — published in the Post: “I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency.”
He continued: “Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation. If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken.”
Then 13 former top intelligence officials who served under both Republican and Democratic presidents released a statement condemning Trump’s “ill-considered and unprecedented remarks and action” against Brennan.
The seven former CIA directors, five former deputy directors and one former director of national intelligence wrote that “we all agree that the president’s action regarding John Brennan and the threats of similar action against other former officials has nothing to do with who should and should not hold security clearances — and everything to do with an attempt to stifle free speech. You don’t have to agree with what John Brennan says (and, again, not all of us do) to agree with his right to say it, subject to his obligation to protect classified information. We have never before seen the approval or removal of security clearances used as a political tool, as was done in this case.”
These are grown-ups talking. They’re individuals of differing ideologies and political beliefs, but each has a much stronger claim to the title “patriot” that our bumbling, insult-hurling president.
Americans pledging allegiance only to Trump might want to start considering who, presently, is speaking up for the man and who is speaking against him.
In just a few recent tweets, the president has cited the vociferous support of a covered wagon full of snake-oil salesmen, from right-wing radio squawker Mark Levin to Fox News conspiracy twirlers Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson.
Criticizing Trump’s creeping Nixon-ism are career intelligence officials who devoted their lives to protecting America and an admiral who helped bring down one of the country’s greatest foes.
That should be enough for any sensible person to see through the fog of Make-America-Great-Again delusion. But it most certainly won’t be.
Which is why we need more.
There are five living former presidents who have, for the most part, laid low during Trump’s presidency. It’s time for Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama to speak up, as one.
They won’t chasten Trump — that’s impossible. But their collective voice would provide some needed moral clarity, and it would boom: “This is wrong.”
It would demand attention and draw a line in America’s sand, a line we need.
Some grown-ups are starting to speak out. That’s good.
But there are five important grown-ups whose voices we could still use to hear.
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How to Stay away from the Common Problems of Actual Residence Investing
Do your homework. Problem-laden qualities may be cheap, but they're hardly ever excellent investment strategies. Understand what you're buying -- and what you'll have to do once and on an continuous foundation -- to create that building livable for your tenants. Short-term benefits too often mean higher long-term costs.

Getting the functions right
In real estate, you can't really individual the financial part from the individual side; they're inextricably entwined. And it's the individual part that makes real estate a particularly Real Estate Brokerage complicated type of financial commitment. Being an excellent real estate trader indicates being a excellent property owner, which needs getting several things right
Marketing: Even if you own and lease just a single property, you're a small company. Which indicates you need to get the word out about your home to as lots of individuals as possible. The bigger your viewers, the more likely you are to discover the type of excellent tenants who help create your life better. These days, online lease sites create it simpler to reach big viewers. The task is filtration what you get.
Screening potential tenants: This is one of most difficult and most important tasks a property owner has. Finding excellent tenants can help you prevent all kinds of problems down the road. But, remember: Renters are also testing you. If your home isn't well-maintained or you're difficult to talk with, it will be difficult to discover and keep excellent tenants. Which indicates more benefit you in the future.
Reasons Why Actual Residence Is a Excellent Investment
Managing servicing requests: This is the type of thing you may be able to handle on an ad hoc foundation when you have one property but that quickly becomes disorderly as you increase. Do yourself a benefit and use a scalable program from the start. In addition to developing connections with those who can do any perform you can't, have a program for monitoring, handling and ending demands.
Having a back-up income plan: Sometimes, tenants don't pay lease on time. Believe in me, your loan provider will not care. Making sure you have a way to pay your home loan even if you skip a few months' lease is a significant part of succeeding in tangible estate. It's also the best way to prevent needless stress.
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Marder unentbehrlich? Experte hält wenig von Lambrechts Argumenten 10.04.2022, 03:03 Uhr Die Ukraine bittet Deutschland um schweres Kriegsgerät - doch das Verteidigungsministerium zögert und verweist auf NATO-Verpflichtungen und die Einsatzfähigkeit der Bundeswehr. Ausreden, findet der Sicherheitsforscher Frank Sauer. Die Bundesregierung drücke sich vor langfristigen Strategien. Der Sicherheitsexperte Frank Sauer von der Universität der Bundeswehr München hat deutliche Zweifel an einer Aussage von Bundesverteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht zu Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine angemeldet. Diese hatte erklärt, die Bundesregierung könne Kiew kaum mehr Kriegsgerät zur Verfügung stellen, weil sonst die Verteidigungsfähigkeit Deutschlands gefährdet wäre. Außerdem könnten NATO-Bündnisverteidigungen sonst nicht erfüllt werden. "Wenn die deutsche Landesverteidigung wirklich an ein paar Mardern zu scheitern droht", so Sauer im Gespräch mit dem "Spiegel", "dann können wir den Laden gleich ganz dicht machen. Und diverse NATO-Vorgaben haben wir jahrelang nicht erfüllt. Das war da auch kein Problem." "Ich bin weit davon entfernt, blinden Aktionismus zu fordern", so Sauer weiter. Ein Schützenpanzer, der nach einem Tag liegen bleibe und für den es dann keine Ersatzteile gebe, nutze der Ukraine nichts. Fachleute führten auch die zeitaufwendige Ausbildung für das Waffensystem ins Feld. "Aber die offizielle Begründung bemüht diese Argumente gar nicht." Technische und logistische Probleme seien ernst zu nehmen und müssten im Einzelfall geprüft werden, so Sauer. "Aber technische und logistische Herausforderungen kann man meistern. Andere Länder tun es. Wir versuchen es nicht einmal." Eine Chiffre für die Unentschiedenheit Die Diskussion um den Marder stehe für ihn "als eine Chiffre dafür, dass wir politisch nicht entscheiden und uns langfristig auf die neue Sicherheitslage in Europa einstellen wollen", beklagte Sauer. "Der Krieg wird aber höchstwahrscheinlich noch dauern und sogar intensiver werden. Wir müssen dafür planen und vorausschauend proaktiv agieren, nicht mehr nur ad hoc reagieren", so der Politikwissenschaftler. Jetzt sei der Zeitpunkt, der Ukraine dabei zu helfen, "den russischen Streitkräften so viel Schaden zuzufügen wie möglich", forderte Sauer. Das sei hart. "Aber die europäische Sicherheit der nächsten Jahrzehnte wird maßgeblich vom Ausgang dieses Krieges beeinflusst werden", so Sauer. Die Ukraine hatte Deutschland darum gebeten, bis zu 100 gebrauchte Marder-Panzer zu liefern. Diese müssten allerdings aus dem aktuellen Bestand der Bundeswehr entnommen werden. Auffüllen ließe sich die Lücke durch ausgemusterte Panzer, die derzeit beim Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall stehen. Die Generalüberholung würde allerdings bis ins nächste Jahr dauern. Rheinmetall hatte den Ringtausch der Bundesregierung laut einem Bericht der "Welt" bereits am 28. Februar angeboten. Bisher hat die Ukraine von Deutschland demnach nur Waffen aus Bundeswehrbeständen erhalten.
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Lilos Laden Limburg ist eine Institution. Punkt. Ende.
Eigentlich müsste ich jetzt nichts mehr dazu schreiben, denn Lilo “kennt man” – nicht nur, wenn man wie ich, öfter in Limburg ist, sondern auch aus dem Fernsehen und tatsächlich auch weit ausser den hessischen Grenzen hinaus.
Lilos Laden gehört einfach zu Limburg, wie der Dom zu Limburg gehört.
Ich kenne Lilo nun fast 2,5 Jahre, ich habe sie damals in Tobis Städtetrip XXL im HR gesehen und wollte unbedingt einmal in ihren Laden. Sie hat im damaligen Beitrag einen Kunden ausgependelt und ich wollte das ausprobieren. Erstmal nicht für mich, sondern für meinen damals besten Freund, um ihm Kraft für seine bevorstehende Prüfungen mitzugeben. Wir fuhren folglich eines Samstags “zur Lilo” und damals hätte ich niemals gedacht, was aus einem Fernsehbeitrag heraus entstehen könnte.
Seit diesem Tag war ich sicherlich schon 12 Mal bei Lilo, wenn ich noch mehr. Von ihr habe ich meinen wunderschönen Bernsteinanhänger, der von allen bewundert wird, meine Armbänder, von denen ich eins ad hoc verschenkte, weil ich einfach das Gefühl hatte, damit einer Freundin eine Freude zu machen und ich finde immer etwas, was mir oder einer Freundin, eine Freue macht.
Lilos Laden ist nicht nur ein kleiner feiner “Kruschel”- laden, indem man immer etwas findet, sondern er ist mehr. Wenn man durch die Ladentür tritt, dann tritt man in eine andere Welt und vergisst die Hektik des Alltags. Bei Lilo ist man immer herzlich willkommen, meistens, so ergeht es mir immer, sitzt sie in der hinteren Ecke recht auf ihrem Stuhl und heisst ihre Kunden willkommen. Wer möchte, kann sich auspendeln lassen, oder sich “einfach nur” beraten lassen, welcher Stein zu einem persönlich passt.
Ich habe Menschen erlebt, die grummelig und unglücklich in den Laden kamen und mit einem Strahlen wieder rauskam. Damals hatte ich mich mit dieser Dame vor dem Auspendeln unterhalten und als sie dann mit einem neu gekauften Stein wieder aus dem Laden gehen wollte, kam mir ein fröhliches Auf Wiedersehen entgegen. Ich fragte damals, ob sie denn mit dem Auspendeln zufrieden sei und eine strahlende Frau sagte nur: “Aber das sehen sie doch” und lacht, §ich lache und ich habe schon lange Zeit nicht mehr gelacht”
Wer mich näher kennt, weiß, dass ich mich mit jedem Menschen unterhalte, mit jedem ins Gespräch komme, ein Schwätzchen halte und daher kann von vielen Gespräche berichten, ich habe bisher noch niemanden getroffen, der nicht zufrieden oder gar glücklich aus diesem kleinen Laden in der Fleischgasse 10 gekommen ist.
Lilos Laden ist nicht nur ein Geschäft, in dem man Steine, Ketten, oder Räucherstäbchen kaufen kann, es ist mehr. Es ist die Atmosphäre, das gewachsene, eine Gemütlichkeit, die man nicht in den neuen strukturierten und fein ordentlichen Geschäften findet. Ich bin gerne bei Lilo, weil Lilo selbst eine ganz positive Persönlichkeit besitzt, sie hat eine ganz besondere Persönlichkeit, die man einfach gern habe muss.
Eigentlich kann man nicht erklären, warum dieses kleine Laden und die dazugehörige Lilo einen so fasziniert. Es gibt Dinge, die sind einfach nicht in Worte auszudrücken, daher habe ich versucht, die Atmosphäre in Bildern einzufangen.
Es sind viele Bilder, aber es gibt soviel zu sehen, es geht nicht anders
Lass Euch inspirieren – so lange es Lilos Laden noch gibt, denn aufgrund eines Wasserschadens ist die Zukunft momentan noch ungewiss.

Lilos Laden Limburg *werbung* Lilos Laden Limburg ist eine Institution. Punkt. Ende. Eigentlich müsste ich jetzt nichts mehr dazu schreiben, denn Lilo "kennt man" - nicht nur, wenn man wie ich, öfter in Limburg ist, sondern auch aus dem Fernsehen und tatsächlich auch weit ausser den hessischen Grenzen hinaus.
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026 // Tileset Revue: Nigran Cavern
I recently joined and posted a segment of the Nigran Corridor (see the relevant post here and more about Nigran here) to PixelJoint, and I had some interest in the tileset I produced it from. In service of that request, I have posted this artifact-laden, super-ugly version here!
I have posted this ultra-low-fidelity version partially because I am still a bit cagey about the tilesets themselves, but in truth, this is a little bit too ugly for even my liking. I would have preferred to post a "discretely impractical" version that looks good on the surface but would require an overwhelming amount of work to restore to a useful state, but because of the way ASEprite compresses things, my options have been limited to "blobby, bleeding sadsack" or "the real McCoy," and because I am shallow, the result is what you see.
Other than that, I freely admit that this tileset is in dire need of quantization (removing unused and duplicate tiles) and reorganization and that I do feel an appropriate amount of shame for releasing this into the wild in such an unkempt state. "Why, then, did you?" Well, the reason why this image has so many gaps and strange spaces in it is because I wanted initially to leave room for future additions should I end up in a position where I absolutely, positively had to have some special new tile that could not be derived from an ad-hoc layering of existing tiles or 'crumbs'. I could simply add a new tile in one of the vacant spaces, refresh the map editor, and be on my way again with practically no trouble.
And this has worked! Beautifully! But the result is that the tileset is not exactly as presentable as I might like it to be midstream, and I would say that I am midstream with it right now; towards the end.
Anyway, that said, it is incomplete and please be kind to it in that way when you consider its quality. There are only a couple of Nigran maps left, and I can thin down the empty spare and arrange things nicely once they have been set up properly. Then! O, THEN! shall you truly see a More Elegant Tileset. And not before. :1 In the meantime, here are some numbers!
### ### ### ### ### STATS FOR NERDS! ### ### ### ### ### --NIGRAN CAVERN TILESET (v.2d, c.0170505) Tile size: 16x16px Palette size: 19+2 (19 colours + 1 hideous magenta value + transparency) Tile count: 600 (466 graphic + 131 unused + 3 note) --NIGRAN CAVERN, CORRIDOR, TILE DIST'n (v.7, c.0170505) Chart size: 32x15 tiles x (3+1) layers Tile elements*: 918 used / 1920 max. Tile variety**: 260 / 466 unique tiles.
`* This is how many grid spaces have a tile graphic assigned to them. This map is 32 tiles wide and 15 tiles tall, and each tile position has four layers stacked on top of eachother. Therefore, there are 1,920 different positions where a tile (reference number) may be placed. There are 466 unique tiles in this tileset. The Nigran Corridor you have seen posted is (more or less) exactly one of the very, very many possible arrangements of tiles on a map with these dimensions!
`** Nigran Corridor only uses 260 of the 466 unique tiles in the current tileset.
~ Tiles are pretty neat! ~ Anyhoo, hope you found that informative!
Talk to you later! :y
#nigran cavern#nigran corridor#inform#tileset#assets#mappos#tileset revue#ASEprite#sexy sexy analytics
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House Movers Accidentally Steal $10,000 in Bitcoin, Arrested by Police
Movers turned thieves helped themselves to an iMac in order to compensate for what they considered an unfair work rate, clueless to the fact that the computer held $10,000 in Bitcoin.
Moron Movers Steal $10,000 in Bitcoin Without Knowing it.
As reported by CBS, A family in Santa Clara California, just outside of San Francisco, hire a couple to help them move house but when the family refused to renegotiate the set price the movers helped themselves to a TV and an iMac computer by force. The TV and computer were valued at around $4,000 but when interviewed by local sheriffs deputies the owners revealed that the computer also held a personal investment of $10,000 in Bitcoin.
The suspects, an 18-year-old woman and 24-year-old man who apparently had no idea of the computers hidden worth drove off in a silver Lexus SC400 belaying the question of why a luxury car driver would be taking ad-hoc moving jobs?
Sheriffs were able to track the suspect to their homes since both of their identities were known to the victims but a search of both residents came up short with neither TV or Bitcoin laden mac on the premises both were arrested for suspicion of robbery and conspiracy as well parole violation for the male.
Sheriffs are still trying to locate a third party involved and released a public statement warning the public of the rising rate of crypto-related crimes which read:
“Electronic personal devices have become wallets, capable of holding infinite amounts of currency,” Sheriff Laurie Smith said in a statement. “The public should take the necessary steps to safeguard their virtual property because it is vulnerable like physical property.”
Crypto Related Crimes on the Rise
In a year that’s seeing crypto related crimes up by an estimated 4000% percent, including the astonishing Coincheck hack that netted blackhats $530 million dollars worth of NEM tokens, but also the nearly omnipotent crypto mining attacks that are infecting every IOT from household refrigerators to smartphones, $10,000 in Bitcoin can be considered a very petty crime.
It does though rank among one of the dumbest crimes related to cryptocurrency we have seen so far in 2018 as the victims knew both of the perpetrators personally which relates to the second worst planned crypto thefts of the year.
NewsBTC branded the crime ” Cryptoloot Too Tempting For Idiot Criminal” when a New York man kidnapped his business associate and stole his horde of Ethereum which he then transferred to his own wallet. Apparently believing that the anonymity inherent to cryptocurrency also pertained to the physical possession of a Ledger Nano S.
Featured Image From Shutterstock
The post House Movers Accidentally Steal $10,000 in Bitcoin, Arrested by Police appeared first on NewsBTC.
House Movers Accidentally Steal $10,000 in Bitcoin, Arrested by Police published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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House Movers Accidentally Steal $10,000 in Bitcoin, Arrested by Police
Movers turned thieves helped themselves to an iMac in order to compensate for what they considered an unfair work rate, clueless to the fact that the computer held $10,000 in Bitcoin.
Moron Movers Steal $10,000 in Bitcoin Without Knowing it.
As reported by CBS, A family in Santa Clara California, just outside of San Francisco, hire a couple to help them move house but when the family refused to renegotiate the set price the movers helped themselves to a TV and an iMac computer by force. The TV and computer were valued at around $4,000 but when interviewed by local sheriffs deputies the owners revealed that the computer also held a personal investment of $10,000 in Bitcoin.
The suspects, an 18-year-old woman and 24-year-old man who apparently had no idea of the computers hidden worth drove off in a silver Lexus SC400 belaying the question of why a luxury car driver would be taking ad-hoc moving jobs?
Sheriffs were able to track the suspect to their homes since both of their identities were known to the victims but a search of both residents came up short with neither TV or Bitcoin laden mac on the premises both were arrested for suspicion of robbery and conspiracy as well parole violation for the male.
Sheriffs are still trying to locate a third party involved and released a public statement warning the public of the rising rate of crypto-related crimes which read:
“Electronic personal devices have become wallets, capable of holding infinite amounts of currency,” Sheriff Laurie Smith said in a statement. “The public should take the necessary steps to safeguard their virtual property because it is vulnerable like physical property.”
Crypto Related Crimes on the Rise
In a year that’s seeing crypto related crimes up by an estimated 4000% percent, including the astonishing Coincheck hack that netted blackhats $530 million dollars worth of NEM tokens, but also the nearly omnipotent crypto mining attacks that are infecting every IOT from household refrigerators to smartphones, $10,000 in Bitcoin can be considered a very petty crime.
It does though rank among one of the dumbest crimes related to cryptocurrency we have seen so far in 2018 as the victims knew both of the perpetrators personally which relates to the second worst planned crypto thefts of the year.
NewsBTC branded the crime ” Cryptoloot Too Tempting For Idiot Criminal” when a New York man kidnapped his business associate and stole his horde of Ethereum which he then transferred to his own wallet. Apparently believing that the anonymity inherent to cryptocurrency also pertained to the physical possession of a Ledger Nano S.
Featured Image From Shutterstock
The post House Movers Accidentally Steal $10,000 in Bitcoin, Arrested by Police appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken WP https://ift.tt/2KQ8beC via IFTTT
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House Movers Accidentally Steal $10,000 in Bitcoin, Arrested by Police
Movers turned thieves helped themselves to an iMac in order to compensate for what they considered an unfair work rate, clueless to the fact that the computer held $10,000 in Bitcoin.
Moron Movers Steal $10,000 in Bitcoin Without Knowing it.
As reported by CBS, A family in Santa Clara California, just outside of San Francisco, hire a couple to help them move house but when the family refused to renegotiate the set price the movers helped themselves to a TV and an iMac computer by force. The TV and computer were valued at around $4,000 but when interviewed by local sheriffs deputies the owners revealed that the computer also held a personal investment of $10,000 in Bitcoin.
The suspects, an 18-year-old woman and 24-year-old man who apparently had no idea of the computers hidden worth drove off in a silver Lexus SC400 belaying the question of why a luxury car driver would be taking ad-hoc moving jobs?
Sheriffs were able to track the suspect to their homes since both of their identities were known to the victims but a search of both residents came up short with neither TV or Bitcoin laden mac on the premises both were arrested for suspicion of robbery and conspiracy as well parole violation for the male.
Sheriffs are still trying to locate a third party involved and released a public statement warning the public of the rising rate of crypto-related crimes which read:
“Electronic personal devices have become wallets, capable of holding infinite amounts of currency,” Sheriff Laurie Smith said in a statement. “The public should take the necessary steps to safeguard their virtual property because it is vulnerable like physical property.”
Crypto Related Crimes on the Rise
In a year that’s seeing crypto related crimes up by an estimated 4000% percent, including the astonishing Coincheck hack that netted blackhats $530 million dollars worth of NEM tokens, but also the nearly omnipotent crypto mining attacks that are infecting every IOT from household refrigerators to smartphones, $10,000 in Bitcoin can be considered a very petty crime.
It does though rank among one of the dumbest crimes related to cryptocurrency we have seen so far in 2018 as the victims knew both of the perpetrators personally which relates to the second worst planned crypto thefts of the year.
NewsBTC branded the crime ” Cryptoloot Too Tempting For Idiot Criminal” when a New York man kidnapped his business associate and stole his horde of Ethereum which he then transferred to his own wallet. Apparently believing that the anonymity inherent to cryptocurrency also pertained to the physical possession of a Ledger Nano S.
Featured Image From Shutterstock
The post House Movers Accidentally Steal $10,000 in Bitcoin, Arrested by Police appeared first on NewsBTC.
from CryptoCracken SMFeed https://ift.tt/2KQ8beC via IFTTT
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ETAPPE 11 - WIESBADEN („Keiner nimmt dir diesen Schlüssel ab!“
Ich bin sehr, sehr müde.
Anders kann ich mir nicht erklären, dass ich bis kurz vor 12 Uhr schlafe, während meine Gastgeberin bereits 5 Stunden lernt.
Kaffee, Orange, Bahnhof. Man gewöhnt sich an das Rucksackleben.
Die Fahrt nach Wiesbaden ist super entspannt. Ich mache in Mainz einen Zwischenstopp und beehre die Bandprobe der Kapelle meines Cousins. „Atmospheric melodic axtimwald blackmetal“ oder sowas trällern die. Klingt schon ziemlich düster oft aber ich feier seine Screams.

Natürlich haben die auch einen unleserlichen Gestryppnamen.
Später geht’s dann weiter nach Wiesbaden und der Tag vor dem Konzert ist echt schlafenderweise verbracht und ereignislos.
In Wiedbaden am Bahnhof schließe ich am mein Gepäck in ein zu kleines Schließfach ein und treffe mich mit Stefan. Mit Stefan war ich hier vor fast 4 Jahren (!!) bei Heisskalt in der Räucherkammer. Das war auch eine Gaudi von vorn bis hinten. Und mein erstes Heisskalt Clubkonzert. Aber die Räucherkammer gibt’s nicht mehr.

Foto: M-Momente.de
Dabei war das so ein geiler Laden. Ich hab mal ein altes Bild rausgesucht. Da hingen noch die Stangen, an denen ehemals geräuchert wurde. Nun hingen dort jedesmal alles andere als ausgetrocknete Menschen. Alles weg, alles neu.
FJØRT spielen im Kesselhaus. Das stellt sich auch als ganz cool heraus.
Ausverkauft ist es, früh voll. Bereits bei Lirr juckeln wir vor der Bühne auf und ab und als ich mich umdrehe sind da echt voll viele Menschen. Hammer! Das freut mich für die Jungs, die da echt Kunst auf die Bühne schaufeln. 3 Gitarren, 6 Saiter Bass, diverse Percussion und manuelle gespielte Soundelemente geben einfach ein mächtiges Klangbild ab! Ich feier das richtig!
Morgen auf der Zugfahrt wird es das Album auf die Lauscher geben!

Das Konzert heute ist ein denkbar wichtiges, nach der Tragödie von gestern. Anderer Ort, es geht weiter, aufatmen, Bauch und Kopf freischießen. Und wenn mir das schon auf den Magen schlägt, wie dann der Band und Crew erst?
Ich werde mich bemühen, dass alle heute ein ganz besonders wohlfühlendes Konzert haben.
Stefan hat auch schon richtig Bock.
Der ist so alt, der hat sogar die Westernhagen Platte von damals und das Pfefferminzintro heute erst gehört.
Denn man to!

Foto: Stefan Vogt
Man spürt, dass den dreien beim Betreten der Bühne noch nicht alles von den Schultern genommen ist, aber auch, dass einiges abfällt. Die nächsten 90 Minuten sind nur unwesentlich verhaltener als die Konzerte zuvor, wofür ich echt Respekt zolle.
Ich hab mich mit meinem bandagierten Finger aus dem Pit verzogen. In die erste Reihe. Seltsam so ganz vorne irgendwie. Auch nicht meins. Aber nicht so schlimm wie ganz hinten.
David tritt mir auch alsbald auf die Hand. In Stuttgart hat er mir schon zur Begrüßung die Faust aufs Nasenbein geklöppelt. Der wilde Racker.
Tut dem Ganzen aber keinen Abbruch und es scheppert und klirrt wie eh und je aus allen Rohren, David zieht alle Effektboardregister und ja, diese Fabrik zu seinen Füßen ist wohl das beliebteste FJØRT Fotomotiv.

Foto: Stefan Vogt
Ich erfahre nach der Show, dass der Verunglückte noch lebt. Das erleichtert mich ad hoc immens. Toitoitoi weiterhin. Auch nochmal Respekt an die 400 Menschen in Saarbrücken, die das als selbstverständlich angenommen haben, dass die Band den Abend nicht auftritt.
Ihr habt einfach eine wahnsinns Fangemeinde.
Um kurz vor zwei klettern wir in die Bahn gen Bett. Um halb vier sind wir da.
Ich bin sehr, sehr müde.
Aber morgen in Köln wird demontiert, detapeziert, eskaliert, für das Gute im Universum.
Bis dahin, stay alive and well!
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Two husbands of the same flesh
Between retrieval & defilement
the one envelope ripped alert to escape,
blended microphone, glorious veil parted by exografia.
i’m clueing in, Xmas navy jaw hung terrific,
snail’s cape scarpered & hunched in soft hood overload.
you can try to pretend
but the embarrassment laden ad hoc
in sour frost repeals its hungry due:
paused scale, adamant of DONE, brain glue spillage
fronts while the manicure taps out its own foregone cliché.
we window, ask ? point weather, unmap filibustered spaghetti
combat in a language we still don’t understand.
wretched – because lamplight casts the wrong kind of shadow
gets a skin all wrinkled & bartered in its hue.
we could play,
we could define
we could not dance, unless
we agree not to call it that.
cancel it faith, time scrapes moulting corners off a bus ticket
the liveliest scrounger you ever did see
there’s a certain irony speculating on disaster from lips blown
& planed over the ledge. how much sweetness lives
in lyrics unsung, passion graves
unfilled, how much sorrow,
sparks overhead,
your hands greenly supplicant
pushing off raked light
waiting, undone.
#poetry#francesca lisette#fuck romantic love#happy self-love day#freedom#martyrdom#conviction#devotion#skeletons#souls#saints#st.valentine#release
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Es ist schon erstaunlich, was auf Reisen ad hoc passiert. Von Minute 1 im Urlaubsmodus - oder vielmehr auf dem Weg zum Abflugsort - sind die Menschen um mich nett und entspannt. Und das lag wahrlich nicht an mir, weil die letzten Tage vor der Abreise es wieder einmal in sich hatten. Es scheint sich in Schicksalshausen eingespielt zu haben, dass ich erstmal in Sachen Belastung ins Haben gehen muss - und das sehr deutlich - bevor ich mich erholen darf. Drei Tage waren eine Welt, ich habe viel Zeit mit Stirnrunzeln und grippalem Infektnachwehen verbracht und dabei so einiges an Erkenntnissen gewonnen und Stimme verloren. Aber zum ersten Mal hatte ich an meinem letzten Arbeitstag den Rucksack schon zu 95 Prozent gepackt. So groß war der Ärger, den der Alltag noch bereit hielt. Positive Nebeneffekte einer echten Genervtheit. Jetzt sitze ich im Flieger nach Atlanta, den ich nur bekommen habe, weil ein Kiosktyp, der seinen Laden vor dem Gate schloss, mir mitteilte, dass mein Flug einen Kasten weiter abfliegt. Der Kasten war zum Greifen nahe, ich jedoch von einer Glaswand getrennt von ihm. Die nette Dame am Check-In war von der Tatsache, dass ich als alleine reisendes Kind eingecheckt war, so begeistert und gluckste sich darüber immer wieder kaputt, dass sie mir schlicht das falsche Gate genannt hatte. Soweit alles kein Problem, war doch noch eine Stunde Zeit zum Abflug, aber ohne den Kioskmann hätte ich diesen Fehler sicher erst sehr spät wenn überhaupt bemerkt.Denn Durchsagen hörte man dort kaum und seltsamerweise waren auch die Flieger nicht ausgewiesen. Schon auf der Hinfahrt im Zug - echt eine Weltreise nach Frankfurt - saß ich irgendwann alleine im Bordbistro, der Kellner wischte die Tische und wir kamen ins Gespräch. Er war als einer der ersten Flüchtlinge der letzten Welle ins Land gekommen. Wir unterhielten uns über Trump, Wahlmänner und Fake News. Er regte sich sehr darüber auf, dass die Trump Wahl, die ihn so entsetzt hatte, in seinem Umfeld kaum für Widerhall sorgte. Da flüchte er vor einem Krieg, nur um wieder einen zu erwarten. Denn bisher habe jeder Republikaner einen sinnlosen begonnen. Zum Abschied schenkte er mir zwei kleine Kinderschokoladen mit guten Wünschen, weil er sich Sorgen machte, dass ich alleine in die Welt verreise. Herzig! Solche Begegnungen erfüllen mein Herz. Mir wird öfter gesagt, dass das daran liegt, dass ich im Urlaubsmodus für diese auch offener bin. Aber wie schon gesagt: meine Müdigkeit war überbordend, meine Ausstrahlung ging dementsprechend gen Null. In Frankfurt gönnte ich mir ein superteures Taxi. Ich hatte keine Stimme und auch keinen Bock mehr, entschied mich, auf das Frühstück zu verzichten und stattdessen länger zu schlafen. Stand dann auch wie geplant auf, aber seit der Rückkehr aus der anderen Welt ist meine Alltagsgeschwindigkeit irgendwie gesenkt. Es wurde also wie gewohnt knapp. Immerhin: eine Punktlandung, der Fahrer vom Shuttle stand bereit und wir fuhren los. Bei der Sicherheitskontrolle war auch beste Stimmung, die Angestellten stritten sich, wer meine Schuhe durchleuchten dürfe. Ein Mittfünfziger (das ist Jackie Chan, nur witziger) unterhielt sich mit mir über die Balustrade hinweg, als ich auf meine Schuhe wartete. Es wurde viel gelacht, so kann also gutes Arbeitsklima gehen. Dann hieß es aber Abschied nehmen "vom größten Checker", der mich zu überreden versuchte, erst am nächsten Tag zu fliegen. Es war seltsam. Für Frankfurt echt wenig Betrieb, ob wohl tatsächlich schon weniger Menschen in das Land of the free reisen? Ich selbst hab auch schon wieder keine Lust, mich gleich den komischen Fragen in Atlanta zu stellen. Immerhin muss ich diesmal das Gepäck nicht umladen. Also weniger Stress. Und auch der Flieger ist nur halb besetzt. Ich habe eine Sitzreihe für mich. Schon drei Bilder gemalt und Bridget Jones gesehen. Überall diese Liebe! :-) Ich freu mich auf mich, denn die habe ich schon lange nicht mehr getroffen. Wer weiß, vielleicht hänge ich ja in Antigua ab.
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