#Actori Incumbit Onus Probatio
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adriano-ferreira · 6 months ago
Actori Incumbit Probatio: A Responsabilidade do Autor em Provar os Fatos Alegados
Actori Incumbit Probatio: A Responsabilidade do Autor em Provar os Fatos Alegados
Resumo: O brocardo latino “Actori incumbit probatio” estabelece que a responsabilidade de provar os fatos alegados em uma ação judicial recai sobre o autor. Este princípio é essencial para garantir a justiça e a imparcialidade no processo judicial. Introdução No direito processual, os brocardos latinos desempenham um papel crucial ao sintetizar princípios complexos em expressões concisas. “Actori…
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infinimains · 2 years ago
Actio libera
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#Actio libera pro#
#Actio libera free#
Ad hominem - To the man (Diplomatic and Legal term - Attack against the man instead of the facts.For example, a law was passed " ad hoc" to help the victims of a disaster) For example, a knife could be used " ad hoc" as a screwdriver. Ad hoc - For the immediate purpose ( Legal term - It is used to described something that was meant for one purpose, but it is used for another.Ad effectum vivendi et probandi - To the effect of being seen and proven ( Legal term).Ad cautelam - As a precaution ( Legal term - Refers to a docuement that is not necessary, but it is filed just in case).Ad bona - For the good ( Legal term - Used in the frase "curator ad bona" in reference to the guardian of estate of minor).This Latinate word is one of the many Scottish legal terms that is not heard in English Courts - Thank you: Alasdair Rankin ) The Court is said to ‘take the case ad avizandum’ or to ‘make avizandum of the case’”. Ad avizandum - To further consider ( The term employed when a Scottish Court takes further time for the consideration of a cause, instead of pronouncing an immediate decision upon it.Ad auxilium vocatus - The one called to help ( Legal term - ad-vocatus = lawyer) la expresión «actio libera in causa» significa «acción libre en su causa» y expresa que existe una acción -actio libera- que desencadena un hecho cometido en estado de falta de libertad - actio non libera pero libera in causa.Ad acta atra peracta sunt facta atta patrata - For dark acts are prepared dark jails ( Legal term in reference to serious crimes).Ad acta - To the archives ( Legal term - abbreviated as AA).Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea - The act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty ( Legal term).Actus me invito pactus, non es meus actus - What I did against my will is not my fault ( Legal term).Actori incumbis onus probandi - The plaintiff must prove the case ( Legal term).Actore non probante, reus absolvitur - When the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved ( Legal term).Actor incumbit probatio, reus excipiendo fit actor - The plaintiff must provide proof of the facts alleged, the defendant the exceptions presented ( Legal term).Actiones non natae non praescribunt - Actions that have not been born, are not prescribed ( Legal term).Actio semel extincta non reviviscit - Extinguished action does not revive ( Legal term).es una empresa que realiza su actividad desde la ciudad de Valencia en Calle colon, 18 - despacho 2 e, provincia de Valencia. Actio Redhibitoria - Action to rescind a sale ( Legal term) es una empresa cuya especialidad es: Servicios financieros y contables.Actio Libera Sociedad Limitada.
#Actio libera pro#
Actio pro socio - An action of partnership ( Legal term - An action brought by one partner against his associates to compel them to carry out the terms of the partnership agreement).
#Actio libera free#
Actio libera in causa - Action free in its cause ( Legal term - compare with Actio illicita in causa).
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rockrzone · 4 years ago
Buku “Teori & Hukum Pembuktian - Eddy O.S. Hiariej”
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Enam parameter pembuktian: 1) bewijstheorie (teori pembuktian); 2) bewijsmiddelen (ketentuan alat bukti); 3) bewijsvoering (cara memperoleh alat bukti); 4) bewijslast (pembagian beban pembuktian); 5) bewijskracht (kekuatan mengikat alat bukti) 6) bewijs minimmum (minimal alat bukti);
Karakteristik pembuktian: relevance, admissible, exclusionary rules, dan weight of the evidence/bewijskracht;
Bukti yang admissible (dapat diterima) pastilah relevance (relevan dengan perkara) namun belum tentu sebaliknya. Contoh: testimoni de auditu/hearsay, penyadapan tanpa izin;
Dengan menggunakan exclusionary rules hakim dapat menyatakan suatu bukti tidak memiliki weight of the evidence/bewijskracht;
Preponderance of the evidence –> Standar pembuktian dalam perkara perdata. Menentukan dalil mana yang lebih probable, min. 50% + 1%;  
Parameter pembuktian:
Positive wettelijk bewijstheorie/teori pembuktian hukum positif (perkara perdata);
Negative wettelijk bewijstheorie (2 alat bukti + keyakinan hakim);
Conviction intime (100% keyakinan hakim –> sistem di US);
Conviction in raisonee (keyakinan dalam batas yang logis akan tetapi tidak terikat UU).
Burden of proof –> actori in cumbit probatio (siapa yang mendalilkan, dia yang membuktikan)/actori incumbit onus probandi (siapa yang menuntut, dia yang membuktikan) X negativa non sunt probanda. Terbagi menjadi:
Beban pembuktian biasa (terbatas dan berimbang, saling mendalilkan);
Beban pembutian terbalik (reversal burden of proof) absolut.
Tidak selamanya suatu unsur delik perlu dibuktikan (notoir feiten) walaupun tercantum dalam rumusan pasal. Misal: malam adalah gelap dan keadaan bencana.
Ratio decidendi: pertimbangan hukum hakim X obiter dictum: berarti “ngomong-ngomong”, pernyataan hakim yang tidak memiliki otoritas persuasif. Semacam basa-basi;
Saksi keluarga boleh didengar keterangannya dalam perkara:
kedudukan keperdataan;
perkara mengenai nafkah yang harus dibayar (Buku Kesatu KUHPer), termasuk biaya pemeliharaan dan pendidikan anak;
pembebasan atau pemecatan kekuasaan orangtua/wali;
perjanjian perburuhan;
Alat bukti persangkaan dalam KUHPer: 1) menurut UU, contoh: pembayaran kuitansi 3 bulan terakhir; 2) berdasarkan fakta, contoh: laki-laki dan perempuan menginap di kamar hotel yang sama.
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