#Acting me kaise jaye
bestinbareilly · 1 year
Acting Me kaise jaye
Acting me kaise jaaye : अगर आप ये जानना चाहते हैं कि एक्टिंग में कैसे जाएं? तो आज के इस आर्टिकल में हम आपको Actor kaise bane इसका पूरा स्टेप बाई स्टेप प्रोसेस बताएंगे। बहुत से लोग सोंचते हैं कि Actor बनना बहुत कठिन या मुश्किल होता है, लेकिन अगर आपको Actor banne ka सही प्रोसेस मालूम है, तो आपको एक्टर बनने में ज्यादा कठिनाई नहीं होगी, क्योंकि अब आपको रास्ता तो पता ही है, कि Actor kaise bante hain बस आपको अपने लक्ष्य के लिए दिल से जुटने की जरूरत होती है।
फिल्मे समाज का आइना होती है और अक्सर लोग मनोरंजन करने के लिए फिल्मे देखना या गाने सुनना पसंद करते हैं, जिस वजह से Film Makers के लिए यह एक बहुत बड़ा बिजनेस बन चुका है। फिल्मों और वेबसीरीज कि बढ़ती लोकप्रियता के कारण ही भारत मे आये दिन Film Mkaing में तेजी आ रही है। जिस वजह से Acting के फील्ड में बहुत सारे कैरियर के अवसर मौजूद हैं। Acting me kaise jaaye चलिये इसके बारे में डिटेल में जानते हैं।
Acting me kaise jaaye
1: सबसे पहले आप अपने आप से ये पूँछे कि आप फिल्मो में क्यों जाना चाहते हैं, कंही आप ग्लैमर को देखकर फिल्मो में तो नही जा रहे हैं। अगर ग्लैमर की वजह से फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री में जा रहे हैं तो ये Acting Career आपके लिए नही है, क्योंकि गलैमर की वजह से फिल्मो में आना ये आपका शौक कुछ ही दिन तक टिकेगा। बाकी कुछ दिन तक स्त्रगल और कठिनाइयों को झेलने के बाद आपका मन कहेगा, चलो यार छोड़ते हैं, एक्टिंग इंडस्ट्री मेरे लिए नही है।
2: अगर आपने ने निश्चित ही कर लिया है कि आपको एक्टर बनना है तो अब आपको अपनी एक्टिंग स्किल्स पर ध्यान देने की जरूरत है।
3: याद रखें हमेशा अच्छे एक्टिंग इंस्टीट्यूट से ही एक्टिंग कोर्स करें। वैसे तो आपको बहुत सारे एक्टिंग स्कूल आपके आसपास मिल जाएंगे, लेकिन आप किसी नामी और प्रतिष्ठित Acting School से ही Acting Course karen।
4: ज्यादा से ज्यादा एक्टिंग स्किल्स को निखारने के लिए काम करें और रिहर्सल करें। जिससे आपकी।एक्टिंग स्किल मजबूत होगी।
5: फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में आने से पहले ये भी जान लें, इस इंडस्ट्री में आप तभी आएं, जब आपका सपना सिर्फ एक्टर बनने का हो, उसके लिए आप चाहे कितनी भी कठिनाई, मुश्किल और दिक्कत झेल सकते हैं, और वो भी लम्बे समय तक, तो ऐसे लोग फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में सफल हो सकते हैं। (Acting me kaise jaaye).
6: अगर आपको एक्टिंग में कैरियर बनाना है तो आप इसके लिए कोई टाइम की लिमिट न सेट करें कि 3 साल या 4 साल तक फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में स्त्रगल करेंगे। अगर काम मिल गया तो ठीक, नही तो किसी और फील्ड में चले जायेंगे। अगर आपकी भी ऐसी मानसिकता है, तो ये निश्चित है कि आप Actor नही बन सकते। फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में आपको कम और कैसे काम मिल जाये कोई नही जानता। यंहा पर आपको बहुत ही कम समय मे भी काम मिल सकता है और सालों तक स्त्रगल करने के बाद भी हो सकता आपको निराशा ही हांथ लगे। लेकिन आपको फिर से डटना होगा।
7: अगर बार- बार आपको असफलता मिल रही है, फिर भी आप धैर्य न खोए और दुगनी मेहनत के साथ फिर से जुटे। आप ये जान लें कि आप तभी असफल हो रहे हैं, क्योंकि आपके अंदर अभी कुछ कमी रह गई है।
8: अपनी गलतियों को जानने की कोशिश करें। आपको तभी नही मिल पा रहा है, क्योंकि आपके अंदर अभी कुछ कमी है, जिसको आपको दूर करना है। जिस दिन आपके अंदर कोई एक्टिंग में कमी नही रहेगी, उस दिन आपको काम मिल के ही रहेगा।
9: फिल्मो में का ऑडिशन पास करके मिलता है, इसलिए ऑडिशन कंहा होते हैं, इसकी जानकारी आपको होनीं चाहिए। ये जानकारी आप फ़िल्म और टीवी सीरियल के प्रोडक्शन हाउस में जाकर ले सकते हैं, इसके अलावा आप कास्टिंग डायरेक्टर से संपर्क बनाए रखें, उनसे भी आपको ऑडिशन की जानकारी मिलती रहेगी। इसके अलावा कास्टिंग एजेंसियों से संपर्क रखें, वंहा से आपको ऑडिशन की जानकारी मिल जाएगी।
10: आप जब भी ऑडिशन देने जाए तो वंहा पर आपके जैसे बहुत से लोग ऑडिशन देने आए होंगे उनसे दोस्ती करें और एक दूसरे के मोबाइल नंबर लें और बोलें की अगर आपको किसी ऑडिशन की जानकारी होती है तो मुझे बताएं और अगर मुझे होगी तो मैं आपको बताऊंगा। इस तरह से आपको ऑडिशन के बारे में जानकारी मिलती रहेगी। इसके अलावा आप किसी अच्छे व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप को जॉइन करें, जंहा से आपको ऑडिशन की जानकारी मिल सकती हैं। (Acting me kaise jaaye).
11: फेक ऑडिशन और फेक कास्टिंग एजेंसियों से दूर ही रहें, ये लोग रजिस्ट्रेशन के नाम पर या किसी अन्य के नाम पर आप से पैसे जमा करवाते हैं और गायब हो जाते हैं।
12: फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री के लोगों से जान- पहचान बढ़ाये, इससे भी आपको काम मिलने में आसानी हो सकती।है। अक्सर फिल्म मेकर जानने वालों को मौका देते हैं। फिलहाल हर मामले में ऐसा नही होता है
13: फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री में काम पैसे देकर नही मिलता है। इसलिए काम पाने के लिए किसी को भी पैसा न दें।
14: आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा ऑडिशन दें, इससे किसी न किसी ऑडिशन में आपको सफलता मिल ही जाएगी।
15: आप अपना एक यूट्यूब चैनल बनाए और उस पर शार्ट मूवी बनाकर डाल सकते हैं। इससे आप कैमरा फ्रेंड्स भी होंगे और आपका हेजिटेशन भी दूर होगा। जिससे एक्टिंग स्किल में सुधार होगा।
16: आप फिनिकली और मेंटली फिट रहें।
17: अपने लुक पर ध्यान दें। अपना लुक आकर्षक बनाएं।
18: अपने आपको किसी से कम न आके, क्योंकि जो आप कर सकते है , वो सिर्फ आप ही कर सकते हैं, कोई दूसरा नही।
19: नेगेटिव तरह के ख्याल और नेगेटिव लोगो से दूर ही रहें।
20: हमेशा अपनी गलतियों को जानने की कोशिश करते रहें और उनको दूर करने के लिए काम करते रहे। इस तरह से आप एक दिन जरूर सफल होंगे।
21: एक्टरों की कहानियां पढ़ें, कि वे किस तरह से एक्टर बने हैं आपको उनके स्त्रगल के बारे में पता चलेगा।
22: अगर आप गरीब है और प्राइवेट एक्टिंग इंस्टीट्यूट की फीस अफोर्ड नही कर सकते हैं तो कोशिश करें कि आप गवर्नमेंट एक्टिंग स्कूल जैसेकि नेशनल स्कूल ऑफ ड्रामा, भारतेंदु नाट्य एकेडमी, व अन्य अच्छे गवर्नमेंट एक्टिंग इंस्टीट्यूट से बहुत ही कम फीस में एक्टिंग कोर्स कर सकते है। इसके अलावा आप थिएटर ग्रुप भी जॉइन कर सकते हैं।
23: अगर आप एक्टिंग कोर्स नही करना चाहते हैं तो आप थिएटर ग्रुप को जॉइन कर लें और एक से 2 साल तक थिएटर में काम करें। इस तरह से आप।अच्छी एक्टिंग सीख जाएंगे।
24: ये कोई जरूरी नही है कि एक्टर बनने के लिए आप ज्यादा गोरे हों।
25: फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में हर उम्र के लोग एक्टर बन सकते हैं। सिर्फ हीरो के लिए एक्टर का यंग होना।जरूरी है। (Acting me kaise jaaye).
Best acting institute in India
फील्म एंड टेलीविजन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ इंडिया पुणे नेशनल स्कूल ऑफ ड्रामा भारतेन्दु नाट्य एकेडमी लखनऊ LV प्रसाद फ़िल्म एंड टेलीविजन इंस्टीट्यूट व्हिशलिंग वुड्स इंटरनेशनल मुंबई अनुपम खेर एक्टिंग इंस्टीट्यूट मुंबई किशोरों नामित कपूर एक्टिंग इंस्टीट्यूट बैरी जान एक्टिंग इंस्टीट्यूट इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ क्रिएटिव एक्सीलेंस
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0 notes
tereishqnachaya · 3 years
arylie ki pasoori - 02/03/22
Mais, kahan rehti ho aaj kal yaar?
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AND WE AIN'T EVEN 2 MINUTES IN THE EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also thank GOD they cut that atrocious stretcher falling apart bit? emotional epi ka comedy kardete so YES THANK YOU EDITORS. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I AM THANKING YOU.
idk guys this episode is just too personal to me.
personal in the sense that for too LONG we have seen Imlie having zero to no attachment to Aryan. the way writers did her so dirty by her constant flips..even the recent development she has had wrt to Aryan always felt scary to me ke yaar..kab yeh palat jaye kya pata chale? but today every single emotion that Imlie felt was just exclusively for Aryan. fear, stress, helplessness, anger...whatever she felt it was for Aryan.
And she wasn't alone in that. Narmada's breakdown was so well done? not just in terms of acting but what Narmada says. that without Aryan her and Arpita couldn't even fathom living. Four years her son had been giving Narmada and Arpita the strength to move on. and they did! while the women in Aryan's life found it within themselves to carry on living, Narmada knew that Aryan himself hadn't moved on. so her fear for Aryan wasn't just of a person being scared how they'll cope with their biggest support system go. no, it was a mother grieving the loss of everything her son could have gotten in his long long life that her mother has prayed for every single day. the realization that Aryan, who has already lost his youth to pain, could potentially lose his entire life without having had the chance to live it?
and Imlie witnessed all that.
yeah. the pain is real.
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DO YOU THINK IT WOULD'VE BEEN EASY FOR ARYAN? to willingly shut his door to any form of companionship..to close any paths that could lead anyone to the isolation he had chosen for himself? Aryan had shut himself up in a secluded tower..only offering just his mother and sister the barest glimpse of what goes on there. he CHOSE that life for himself. koi ayega nahin toh koi jaega kaise?
and then enters Imlie.
ek toh BC Jaaniya female baja diya main toh waheen apne baal nochne lag gayi excitement mein. MATLAB KAISE KAISE ISS EPISODE NE EMOTIONS KE SAATH NAHIN KHELA AAJ??!!
Aryan..who couldn't believe someone dared enter. Imlie who unabashedly replied that she was already there, how could be even try to stop her when she's already there?
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and she's there to say some things. three things. his favorite number, right?
1 - he's not alone. his partner is there. her.
2 - she'll save him. from himself. her.
3 - here's her hand. hold it and come. come with her.
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phir baja FEMALE JAANIYA and i had to pause to cry.
and now, she does the same for him.
of COURSE his subconscious mind would conjure up this simple gesture of her reaching out to him by offering her hand. because that's what started this whole thing isn't it?
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oh, but no. because when you talk about the start..there's someone else there.
THE ONE ARYAN KNOWS WILL ALWAYS BE THERE. WHOSE EXISTENCE IS THE BIGGEST THORN IN ARYAN'S SIDE. not just for what he did to Arvind but to what he continues to do to Imlie! Imlie..Aryan's light. Aryan's happiness. the one with whom he wants to walk on lighter roads..roads that lead to her success, her happiness...Nalla is always there as a threat to pull Imlie back. back to darkness, back to misery, back to the cage where he wants her to stay like his own pet.
and Aryan is too helpless to do anything.
of course that nightmare had his already fragile body struggling to live.
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badha hua haath...khaali reh gaya.
but that's the dream.
the reality is different.
for in reality, Imlie is there.
to hold him, to calm him down.
she's there.
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"Ab tum theek ho na?"
please excuse me if from this point onwards you don't get any coherency.
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nooooooooooooooooooooooo but seriously. the way she was talking to him? TALKING! asking if she could say something? there was something so....innocent about the way she said that. the way she was complaining to him. look...look what they are saying about you! they say you won't be able to wake up if you don't wake up now. can you believe these people? they don't know you. they think you...YOU could ever be in a state where you'd be unable to function properly without the assistance of a machine. YOU who could bring the mighty down on their knees with just look.
so can you please open your eyes and look?
"Dekh lo na...ek baar? Please?"
she was begging him for just once. ek baar. just once. once can he do that? can he do that for her? not forever, not for long..just once. once once once once...
did you notice how every word she said was about...her? Imlie..the devi Imlie...the selfless Imlie...the one who'll do everything for her "apne"...when at Aryan's side all she talks about is herself.
how he messed up HER balance sheet.
how SHE is the one indebted to him.
how he said people who cry over their circumstances were weak but now SHE'S crying here cuz of him so wouldn't he wake up to wipe HER tears?
she she she. her her her.
Just Imlie around Aryan.
Just the person she becomes when she's with him.
friend, employee, partner; name it whatever you want - the Imlie with Aryan is the Imlie you won't find anywhere else.
the Imlie who can whine to Aryan like a child because people were being mean to him behind his back.
the Imlie who can demand to him that he better wake up and wipe her tears.
the Imlie who can be mad at him for not listening to her.
itna haq? itna haq.
(i can't post more images cuz tumblr limit 🥲)
50-50! a partnership! if they partners in pain, if they partners in struggle...how could he leave when it was time to bear the fruits of their labor?! how DARE he take on all the hurt on himself while she remains scatheless?
the way Imlie started her little talk with him so calmly to her losing all her rationality because SHE JUST WANTS ARYAN BACK. SHE JUST WANTS HER PARTNER BACK. KAISE BHI KARKE DE DO BUSS WAPAS DE DO! SHE DEMANDS HE WAKE UP. WAKE UP AND GIVE HER HER SHARE OF HURT!! it's an illogical thing to ask for but she is beyond reasoning and logic now. she just wants him back!!
wapas wapas wapas!
ranjish hi sahi dil hi dukhane ke liye aa aa mujhe phir se chorh ke jaane ke liye aa
per aa toh sahi...
he who claimed that he never gave anything for free has shared with Imlie SO much that she cannot bear the weight of it all alone. he shared his strength...he shared his pain...he shared the his rarely ever seen smile with her just her only her...he shared his family the family he is so protective about with her...he has shared SO much and now he's not there anymore? unfair. ridiculous. she's there with the things he's given her and she has to handle them all alone? PREPOSTEROUS!! they are supposed to be in this together and suddenly they are not?
"Tum wapas aao na! Tum please wapas aajao.."
her requests failed. her demands failed. her pleading failed. he isn't listening. he isn't getting up. HE ALWAYS LISTENS. HE IS ALWAYS THERE. WHY ISN'T HE DOING IT NOW?! so she uses her haq. her haq to be mad.
ruseya ranjha ve mera main vi kam na aithi..
so she'll leave. she'll walk out of the room and she won't return. why would she? why would she waste her time over someone who isn't listening to her! she'll just go! if he cared he'd stop her right? he'd stop her! but he isn't getting up. so he doesn't care. in her mind...her mind that is being controlled by her heart...the heart which has a storm of emotions wrecking havoc there...it all makes sense.
she'll go okay? she'll just GO! look she's going.
he doesn't watch her leave.
he senses it.
and breathing becomes just a little more difficult.
and she's back on ulte qadam.
goodness gracious how will these two people ever survive without each other?!
MAZAAAK mein bhi chorhna bicharna durr jaana bardasht nahin karsakte hain. YEH DONO ALAG RAHENGE?!?!?
now he’s in critical condition and Imlie who has always brought back everyone who has lost their way is at her wit’s end because this time it just affects her the most. she’s not gonna fight just for him because what he means to his mother and his sister. NO. she’s gonna fight for him because of what he means to HER. only her. 
she’s tired of being selfless.
she’s tired of being resigned to fate.
this time it’s personal.
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kunalkarankapoor · 3 years
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Count Down begins. Lines dedicated to Kunal Karan Kapoor.
The entire world & soul will praise infront of my precious love KUNAL❤!.. Still I could feel mine only king's touches from bottom of my heart❤!... How can I convince my heart that you're the one step ahead of it's origin value❤!... My wishes arounds to see YOU!...But, you surrounding me strongly with your's moments & thoughts❤!... I try to make sense on getting feel on YOU!...But, you simply burrying me with your silent smile❤!... Even though!... My words are getting love on YOU❤ while I examined you so far!... Since, they aren't even shown that to me🤷🏻‍♀️😉!... The await of each & every second being so deep in mind!... at peak of longing!... dump of words!... slave of love!... struggle of expectations!... like living your girl's only needy is your's only happiness!... Enough atmost Lifetime Forever❤!...In fact when I starts writing... not only ME, & also your's memories too carrying within ME!... Thinking of you makes some every shy to core of happieness!... Those happy tears near my eyes are emerging for the longiness that when do gonna I met YOU❤!... Being so like your's memories and traveling within me as your shadow❤!... Such goodness of my man'skind of that Day!... that wristdrops!... that minute!... that second!... that momental arise of unconditional excitement!... Don't know how could I praise to make him come again into this world by the provisions entire diversity of both galaxy & earth discovered a brilliance of treasure for me❤!... Gows Hoiiiii Jaaannnn💕!... Happiest Birthday to U💛!... I wish to be by Urside but still my heartyyyy wishes to you Jaan💝!... Alwayz Lotz of love from Ur Gows💞 Dearest Kunalkarankapoor Jhi💗...
Ye dil dhadakta hai Sirf tumhara he naam pukarta hai Tum ane wale ho sunkar Bechain humesha rehta hai Kho baithi hu hosh mere Tere dil ke aahat sunne keliye..... Kya hoga mera mera dil ka Jab tum mere same honge... Boddu Sowmya
I dedicate this shayari to Kunal and only kunal as he is very close to my heart. Call a fan or a person who is impressed to this extent.... It brings smile on my face all the time. He stays with me.. and does always get along.. Helped me deal with life at difficult times. I can proudly say he's there for me, say it in imagination but yeah he is there. I see him as a - * Best Friend when I need a shoulder * Soul Mate who matches my temperament * Stranger who don't judge * Father Figure who can give me guidance * And all above I see him as a inspiration filled with love and passion I have no idea how I will react when I see him, so this is to Kunal explaining my HAAl E DIL
Yaaden Bahut door tak jaate hai , yaando ke keenare, phir kyon puraanee yaando me subah se shaam kare . maana ik kamee see hai , jindagee thamee see hain , par kyon dil kee dhadakanon ko aur tez karen !! mil hee jaega jeene ka koi naya bahaana , aao zara itmeenaan se kunal ji ka intazaar kare🙏 Written by Laxmi.
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Kahaani hai ekk prodigy ki, jiska naam hai Kunal Jisne hazaaron fans ka dil jeeta, karke acting bemisaal 22 August 1982 ko, dharti pe utar aaya, 2004 mein "Remix" mein apna jaadu phailaya Left Right Left mein Yudi ka kirdaar khoob nibhaya Monty, Sukhi, Angad aur Amrik banke naam kamaya Mohan banke usne sabka dil churaaya Chawanni ka Spidreman banke kabhi hasaya, kabhi rulaya Mirchi Madam se ladkar kabhi masti ka dose dilaya Toh kabhi Megha ke baal kholkar hawa mein ishq millaya "Chawanni ki ghanti" wale scenes mein sabko aise dost ke liye tarsaaya "Yaadon mein kitni dafa" kehkar sabka dil dhadkaya Mohan banke jahan usne pyaar ka ehsaas karaya Wahin Vaasu bankar usne sabko thoda daraaya 😉 NBT se usey apni mehnat ka phal mil paaya Mohan Bhatnagar ne usey Indian Telly Award dilaaya Shaurya, Krishna, Mohit - Har kirdaar ko usne apnaaya Aur apni extraordinary acting se khud ko humare dil mein basaya Aapke hazaaro fans ki taraf se, aapko dher saara pyaar❤️ Aapko mile har kadam pe Aapko mile har kadam pe kamyaabi, "Talent ka Bhandaar"! 
Tumhe or kya de hum dua ke sivay tumko hamari umar lag jaye.
Madhu Sharma
Duniya mein hote hain bahut actor par tum sa nahi,chhote se mere is dil mein only  hai too, jeeta rahe jo sadiyon sadiyon tak vah ped hai too ,yahi khuda se dua hai meree only for you, Sadiyon sadiyon tak too khush rahe ,tandurust rahe aabaad rahe, happy birthday Kunal ji one's again to 👉you 🎂🎈. your best fan Laxm
Aab kya hi batau main tumahare baare mein Kaise bayan karun kya lagte ho tum mere Waise toh rehtein ho milo dur mujhse Par phir bhi har baar aapni haasi se mere musafir dil ko ghar ka sukoon de jaate ho. Aab kya hi batau main tumhare baare mein Tumhari khoobsurti ko sabdon mein bayan karu itna hoonar toh hain nahi mujhme Bas itna bata sakta hun ki tumhare ankhon ke samundar mein koh jaana mujhe pasand hain Apne masroof zindagi se do pal nikal ke mujhe tumhara tasfir niharna behad pasand hain. Tum sukoon ho mere dil ki Bas aur kya batau main tumahare baare mein. @happy_escapism
You have come like sunshine into my darkest nights and scariest dreams. You have brought reason and happiness into my otherwise meaningless existence. You have come like a compass into my directionless and aimless expedition through the obstacles of life. You have brought laughter and conversation into my dull and silent evenings. There's nothing more to be said, just that your arms' comfort is the heaven I crave. Just a glimpse of you makes me feel happy, Kunal. Happy birthday 🎂🥳🎉🎊💐 Keep spreading joy, just the way you have and may you always shine so bright and brighter😊❤❤❤ priyark31
Janmadin ka ye lamha mubaarak ho aapako , khushiyon ka ye lamha mubaarak ho aapako,aane waala kal laaye, aapake liye khushiyaan hazaar aur ,Woh khushiyaan mubaarak ho aapako ,ho pooree dil kee har khvaahish aapakee ,aur mile khushiyon ka jahaan aapako , agar aap maange aasamaan ka ek taara, toh eshwar de ,de saara aasamaan aapako ! kaise karoon shukriya eshwar ko ish din ke liye, jisane tumhen dharatee par bheja hamaare liye , ish janmadin par kuch aur to nahin de sakatee , bas meree har dua hai teree lambee umr ke liye !Wish you happy birthday My sweetest @kunalkarankapoor🌹                       Your best fan laxmi.                            
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Kunal ji ki Maasumiyat se bharee ye muskaan,Fens ki khushee ki hai jaan.Hothon  mein chhupee rahatee hai ye mithi si muskaan,Jeevan ki har uljhan ko  sulajhaatee hai ye muskaan,ruth jaye jab hamse  koi apana ,toh usako manaane  mein shaamil hotee hai ye muskaan.Nirash bharee jeevan mein aasha ki kiran hai ye muskaan,Meri antim shabdon me mai  Laxmi ye kahungi,Mere king of hearts 💗muskuraate raho, Har pal, subah aur shaam, Aap kee muskaan hee hai ,ham fans ki jaan,Wish you happy birthday 🎉🎂🎉 kunal ji.Your best fan Laxmi 🙏🌹.
My life had never known sunshine n warmth until you walked into it. Ur the most important person in my life...and will always be. I love you so much. May your birthday be blessed with all the good things in the world. Happy birthday dearest ķunal. Dusky
My favourite earthling! When I look in your eyes, I see a beautiful soul I never believed in soul mates, until I saw you Wondering if you're here, who is running the heaven ? Ruling my heart like a King, you sweet human I would never play hide and seek with you anytime Impossible to find a man like you, my favourite Everytime I look at you, everyone else disappears No wonder the sky is dark, all colours are in your eyes You and me are a kind of thing, my everything Besides chocolates, you're the sweetest earthling ! Pritthy Chandramohan
நீயும் நானும் ஒரே மொழியைத்தான் பேசுகிறோம்
ஆனால் நீ பேசுகிற விசயங்கள்
எனக்கு புரியமாட்டேன் என்கிறது
நீயும் நானும் ஒரே நிலத்தில்தான்
ஆனால் உனக்கும் எனக்கும்
எப்படி வேறு வேறு திசைகளாகிறது
நீ முழுநேரமும் செய்கிற வேலையை
எனக்கும் பரிந்துரைக்கிறாய்
என்னால் அதை பொழுது போக்குக்காக
கூட செய்யமுடியவில்லை
நீ வியந்துசொல்கிற விசயங்கள் ஒவ்வொன்றுமே
என் கண்களால் இயல்பான
ஒன்றாக கூட பார்க்கமுடியவில்லை
இருக்கட்டும் அன்பே
உன் மொழிகள் புரியாததாக
உன் திசைகள் வேறாக
ஆயிரம் முரண்கள் உனக்கும் எனக்கும்
இருந்து கொண்டேயிருந்தாலும்
உன்னையும் என்னையும் முடிந்துவைக்க
இந்த காதல் இருக்கிறதது போதும்
Pc: கிஷ்கிந்தா பாலாஜி
You and I speak the same language (Translation)
But the thing is I don't understand what you are saying You and I are living in the same land But How it goes in different directions The work you do full time Recommend to me too I Couldn't even do that like a fun Every single one of the things you wonder about I Couldn't even see with my normal eyes Let it be dear Your languages ​​are incomprehensible Your directions are different A thousand contradictions for you and me Although our love is enough to complete us Pc: Kishkinda Balaji (Translation)
Dedicated by Devil_Corpse
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कुनाल, जब मैने तुम्हे, पहली बार देखा, सोचा ना था, कि एक दिन तुम मेरे आँखों में बस जाओगे, सोचा ना था, कि एक दिन तुम मेरे धडकनों में समा जाओगे, सोचा ना था कि एक दिन तुम मेरे ज़िंदगी बन जाओगे......... लेकिन, तुम्हें हर दिन देखते-देखते, अब तुम, हमेशा के लिए मेरे आँखों में बस गए हो, हमेशा के लिए मेरे धडकनों में समा गए हो, हमेशा के लिए मेरे ज़िंदगी बन गए हो।.......... कैसे, किसी से मैं अपने दिल की बातों को बता दूँ...... कैसे, किसी से मैं अपने दिल की अरमानों को बता दूँ......... तुम्हारी वो हसीन मुस्कान, तुम्हारी वो पलकों का उठना-झुकना, तुम्हारी वो पीछे मुडकर देखना, तुम्हारी हर वो अदा, इस तरह दिल में बस गए है कि, मेरी आखरी साँस तक दिल में रहेगी, इस तरह तुम मेरी ज़िंदगी बन गए हो, कि तुम्हें देखे बिना सुबह ना होगी, शाम न ढलेगी............ बस उस खुदा से मेरी दुआ है कि, तुम्हारी ज़िंदगी हर खुशी से भरा हो, जीवन की सारी मुश्किले ओसुओं की तरह मिट जाए, जीवन की हर मंज़िल को छूलों तुम, जीवन की हर बिगडी बात बन जाए, जीवन की हर पडाव में भगवान का साथ हो॥
(Translatio) Kunal, When I saw you for the first time, didn't think that one day You will live in my eyes didn't think that one day You will be absorbed in my heartbeat, never thought that one day You will be my life......... But, seeing you every day, now you, Forever settled in my eyes, Forever caught in my heartbeat, You have become my life forever. How can I tell the things of my heart to someone...... How can I tell the desires of my heart to someone......... that lovely smile of yours, The lifting and bending of your eyelids, Looking back at you, Your every gesture, It is settled in the heart in such a way that Will remain in my heart till my last breath, That's how you have become my life, That without seeing you there will be no morning, no evening will fall............ My only prayer to that God is that, May your life be full of happiness, May all the troubles of life vanish like tears, You touch every destination of life, Let every bad thing in life become. May God be with you in every walk of life. Pallavi
To Dearest Kunalji....❤️🌈🥀 If I had words to describe my feelings for you, I would be the happiest woman in the Universe.. But words seems to fail me time and time again, So, I have to settle for the words in this verse... Your Personality, your Smile, your unseen Presence around me and your pure Soul, Mesmerize and entangle me completely... If I had but one ambition, one utter goal, It would be nothing but to stay by your side for eternity ❤️ 💫...........................................Sharvari
When I see you, Your eyes sparkle While you say hi with the sweetest voice in the world. When I see you, My heart skips a beat, and I don't know what to say. When I see you, Love and happiness fulfils my thoughts, and all of my troubles go away. When I see you, I wonder how much you think about your fans as much as they think about you. When I see you, I daydream about the day we could meet & I may be hear your voice "Hello" When I see you, All I want to say is, "I love you." Shreyashi
You smile and here we melt Behind the roll, camera, action and cut You are more calmer than others You are oh so sweet than others You guard your stories, but we get You know the people around, you take time But in stills you smile and here we melt. Your windful journey is breezy and stormy both But you stayed in the flow never a sloth The camera in your hand, Capturing the peopley things You found joy even in smallest of things You loved everything but never questioned your return And there you smile and we melt You created your magic through characters Stories ended but those characters stayed Thats where people knew your worth And yet you stayed the same Calm, sweet and breezy. You too had sorrows nobody knew You too had hard days nobody bothered of You too were lost in the aura of empty thoughts nobody aware of There still you smile and here we melt You know you inspire us But you don't know how much we love you. Darling, no matter what, our spiderman knows how to happy us. chillinsilencee
Some lines dedicated to KKK, muradey ho puri saje har tamanna , mohabbat ki duniya ke tum chand banna, kuda dil jalo ki nazar se bachaye, tumko hamari umar lag jaye.  Madhu Sharma
என் கற்பனை காதலனே ❤ என் அன்பு குணாலே ❤ உன் பிறந்தநாளுக்காக உன் நினைவை நித்தம் நித்தம் குழந்தை போலவே மனதில் சுமக்கும் 🥰உன் மிகப்பெரிய ரசிகை ஜனனியின் காதல் வரிகள் 😍 நீ கற்பனையா? என் காதலின் பிழையா? பிழையானது என் காதல் இல்லை, என் மனமே 💝 உன் விழிகள் தான் என் மனதை பிழையாக்கியதடா அன்பே ❤ உன் முகவரி தெரியாமலே என் முதல் வரி நீயடா 😘 முழுவதுமாய் என் இதயத்தை அபகரித்தாயடா❤️இசையாக இன்பம் போங்க என்னுள் வாசம் செய்தாயாட அழகா 🥰 நீ கானல் நீரென தெரிந்தும் உன்னை கையில் எந்த உள்ளம் ஏங்குதே ❤🥰😍 உன்னை பற்றி எழுதினால் என் காதல் வரிகள் 💝கடல் போல இன்னும் நீழுதே 🥰 உன்னை காணும் காலம் விரைவில் வரும் என உன் மீது நான் வைத்திருக்கும் அன்போடு காத்திருக்கிறேன் 💙கண்ணணுக்காக காத்திருந்த அந்த மிராவை போல 🤩இனிய பிறந்தநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள் 💙💝💙🤗🤗🤗என்றும் மாறாத உன் நினைவுகளோடு இந்த காதல் பேதையின் வரிகள்... A. Janani
Translation:  My imaginary lover My love kunal For your birthday Your biggest fan Janani's love lines that will carry your memory in your mind like a child forever Are you imaginary? Is it my love's fault? The fault is not my love, it is my mind Did your eyes mislead my mind, dear? My first line without knowing your address Is it completely beautiful to snatch my heart? Knowing that you are canal water, you have no heart in your hand If writing about you My love lines still stretch like the sea Time to see you I look forward to the love I have for you coming soon Like the Mira who was waiting for the eye Happy Birthday 💙💝💙🤗🤗🤗 The lines of this love ghost with your unchanging memories ... A. Janani jananiarumugam17
Kunal Karan Kapoor ... You entered my life like a sunshine and brought my life back from darkness to light... You made me feel better and enjoy my life at least a little ..... I m enjoying my life bcoz of you.. your smile makes me happy and smile... Your magical eyes speaks to me a lot and gives me some kind of strength to deal my life... I never thought in my life that I will be crazy for someone like this... But yeah m crazy and I love this craziness.. I m happy that I found you And admire you a lot... I just wish you to reach the highest high which you deserve too.. be happy and make us happy as always... - @sbpriya
Dear Kunal, Excellent, Marvellous, brilliant , outstanding, magnificent,…….words are not enough to describe your acting skill….I am speechless after watching you in NBT(1 & 2). Thanks for finally giving me my favourite actor, you have occupied a very special space in my heart that was not even taken by any Hollywood or Bollywood actor……Let me describe my journey to meet you.. In last November, my teenage daughters asked me to suggest any good show that we can watch in lockdown. While searching for good TV serial, my eyes stuck when name “Na bole tum….” flushes on screen. I memorised that the advertisement of NBT had attracted me for wonderful plot during 2012, but due to my personal commitment I was not able to watch the show that time. We had decided to give a chance to the show as we had rejected few shows after watching 10-20 episodes.. Previously we have seen you as Yudi and sometime as carefree Mohan you were looked like Yudi, we that such role are naturally suits on you. As the show progresses along with the story, acting, direction you were impression us with your acting skills (confession scene, Megha’s accident etc.). 
Soon the first season ended and I had decided that we will not watch season 2 to remain NBT good memories . Main reason behind this decision was: 1) previous experiences of seasons and 2) summary of season 2 was not impressing. After some days my daughter insisted that can we give chance to NBT 2 by watching some initial episodes. I still remembered that after watching 2-3 episodes I become so restless and declared “aab to pura season hi dekhna padega”. Mohan, in season2, mesmerized us by sheered transformation from careless person to responsible father. Day by day, aapki acting ka jadu hamre sir par chadata jar aha tha. I felt so much pain in my heart whenever you expressed pain. I spend so many sleepless nights and days in thinking about you as Mohan. Whenever you were in pain, I watched back to back episodes until you smiled. I never felt such before that. The story of NBT 2 was so crispy and gripping that not a single episodes was having dull moments. 
After revamp, what to say about Vasu lovely character. You have set another milestone by such smooth transformation from Mohan to Vasu. It is really hard to believe that Mohan ( season 1 & 2) and Vasu’s character is played by a single actor. We were surprised to see so many facial expression and voice modulation according to character demand. Even my daughter said ,” lagata hi nahi hain ki koi acting kar raha hain, lagta hain jaise koi real life person ko dekh rahe hain. “ . Such a natural actor you are. Hats off to you from us. After the end of the show, I become curious to know about you more. From you interviews and off screen videos I found you as honest and person with beautiful heart. 
I like you chemistry with Aaknsha onscreen as well as offscreen and I love ur friendship. Thank you so much for coming in my life as Mohan. What a coincident that your new show is staring from my birthday. Your latest Fan Sunita I want to thanks Sudhir sir, Seema ma’am and Sunshine production for giving such a wonderful show with great acting, direction, story. Some shows starts beautifully, but soon they lost their charm as story changes according to audience. You really deserve a salute for making a show where story is a king and you go through as you want. Thanks for giving the best show of my whole life of 40 years. 
Dear Team Kunal, While searching for Kunal on Internet, I finally landed in this magical land of Kunal. Thank you so much for giving a place where we can get every tit bit of our favourite. You are doing a wonderful job. . Your latest Fan Sunita
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Dear Kunal, "What name will I give this relationship?" Maybe we haven't met u But you are not a stranger to us Maybe you don't know our name But your name is our daily happiness Maybe our relationship has no name But you are not less than our family Even if it's been asked "Who we are to u?" Maybe we are the drops of your rain But these each and every drop, Is an ocean in the name of "KUNAL K KAPOOR" Which can't be separated by anyone. "In your each and every step we will give our love and support. It's our promise" -Hema. C
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dweemeister · 7 years
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Pyaasa (1957, India)
When a print of Guru Dutt’s Pyaasa arrived at the Mumbai offices of Ultra Media & Entertainment (a film distribution and production company), the incomplete negative had almost completely melted. One of the most popular and acclaimed landmarks of Hindi cinema (“Bollywood” to many of you) needed immediate restoration. Several months of clean-up ensued, and the restorationists submitted the newly-cleaned print to the 2015 Venice International Film Festival. Pyaasa now has a second life for cinephiles who want to explore more of Bollywood – although, for the very fact that Pyaasa feels like a socially and thematically subversive work for its time, it is not recommended for beginners. As Guru Dutt’s first film after starring in and directing Mr. & Mrs. ‘55 (1955), Pyaasa is a magnificent feat of artistry and certainly Dutt’s most cinematic movie that he had made by that juncture in his career.
Vijay (Dutt) is a struggling poet uninterested in composing the treacly love poems that publishers and the public are demanding. “You call this gibberish ‘poetry?’” asks one prospective publisher, “You must write poems about love.” Against the wishes of his mother (Leela Mishra), he avoids living at home, lest he subject to the demeaning insults from his brothers. One evening, Vijay is wandering the streets when he hears a prostitute named Gulabo (Waheeda Rehman) singing his poetry. He follows, but she pushes him away when she realizes he has no money. Gulabo will, after reading a paper dropped from Vijay’s pocket, deduce that the person she just banished is the poet whose works she is enamored with. Further bitterness and disappointment follow Vijay when he learns his ex-girlfriend Meena (Mala Sinha) has married a hotshot publisher, Mr. Ghosh (Rehman; no relation to Waheeda Rehman). Vijay will begin work for Ghosh as a servant, leading to a finale flushed with bitter lyricism. The film also stars Johnny Walker as Abdul Sattar, a massage oil salesman who serves as comic relief.
Having gone through two previous Guru Dutt films in chronological order, my initial experiences with the Bollywood superstar included the swashbuckling spectacle of Baaz (1953) and the social satire of Mr. & Mrs. ‘55 (1955). Those two films allowed me to see the trajectory of Dutt’s directorial and developing aesthetic senses. Thematically, there is little in those previous films that could have prepared me – or frequent moviegoers in India in 1957, really – for what Pyaasa brings. The film is primarily capturing the travails of a struggling poet who composes poetry unmarketable to the masses. His words tell not of sweeping romances or witticisms, but commentaries on how cruel and destitute the world can be – heartbreak, injustice. Some of his poetry is social protest; these words seeping into the film’s soundtrack as lyrics (more on this later). For Vijay, his poetry serves to cleanse his soul of cynicism; anyone who purports to enjoy his poetry is celebrated, but he is not focused on numbers and mass popularity (although a decent paycheck might help). Yet there are still moments of the romantic in Vijay, at least from the past. In a flashback from his college days just over twenty minutes in – this scene is poorly edited, and it was not until several minutes afterwards did I realize it was a flashback – he recites this:
When I walk, even my shadow lags behind. When you walk, the universe keeps pace. When I stop, clouds of misery gather. When you stop, spring’s radiance is outshone.
That is the extent we ever hear of Vijay’s romantic poetry. 1950s Bollywood films certainly approached topics of materialism, but none to the extent and serrated cutting edge of Pyaasa. Pyaasa never reaches Satyajit Ray-levels of despondent, soul-crushing resolutions; however, this movie is more willing than most working in Hindi-language cinema at the time to avoid a glossy or compromised ending. Credit to Dutt for overruling screenwriter Abrar Alvi – who lobbied for a compromised ending – for the film’s fearless final twenty minutes. Perhaps Vijay’s decisions in the closing stages are not the most enlightened or practical, but make sense given the character’s tenacity and Dutt’s desire for an unconventional finish.
Most remarkable about Alvi’s screenplay to Pyaasa is how Gulabo is treated. No matter where movies were produced in the 1950s – the United States, Europe, across Asia, and elsewhere – the depiction of prostitutes and sex workers was a lot to be desired. As great as the following two movies both released in 1957 are, Pyaasa treats Gulabo with more dignity than Nights of Cabiria (a film that, upon seeing it six years ago, helped me recognize some personally regressive attitudes towards sex workers and learn more about the topic) does with its titular character. The tendency, even now, is to morally punish a sex worker character in a film, to demean them for their sexual expression, or to portray them as tragic figures suffering through unimaginable conditions of abuse or poverty. None of these apply to Gulabo – always in control of her situation, comprehending almost fully what she wants most in life, and subordinate to no one. Her actions throughout Pyaasa are out of love for Vijay and Vijay’s work, but there is no sense of “belonging” to a man or a romantic ideal of fixing a broken soul. A broken Vijay does not deserve the familial, financial, and mental turmoil that he is struggling through, so Gulabo selflessly helps Vijay from the desperate depths of his own mind.
In a twist, Dutt and Alvi – in a certain way of looking at it without spoiling the film – take the main character out of the film about a half-hour before the conclusion. We see Vijay’s brothers attempting to soothe their pain over their mother’s recent death (unbeknownst to Vijay) with illicit payments from Ghosh. Ghosh – a publishing executive seeking to expunge any inconveniences of his pocketbook or his twisted conscience, has a dastardly plot to help only himself. Vijay, though separated from the narrative for several resolving scenes of Pyaasa, is disgusted with what he has seen and heard from his family, his employer, and probably countless others in the past. In the film’s final musical number, Vijay recites/sings:
This world of palaces, of kingdoms, this world of power, The enemies of humanity, this world of rituals, These men who crave wealth as their way of life, For what will it profit a man if he gains the world?
The returns diminish; a desire to acquire more feeds upon itself, destroying the moral groundings of all. Though Guru Dutt and Abrar Alvi probably did not have Buddhism on their minds, Vijay’s answer – articulated with the light illuminating his figure while facing the camera – to all he has seen is a weary enlightenment. In these final scenes, Vijay appears as if he has ascended to a higher plane of existence, knowledge, and perhaps spirituality.
Cinematographer V.K. Murthy (a Dutt regular, having shot Mr. & Mrs. ‘55 and 1959′s Kaagaz Ke Phool) improves upon his previous collaborations with Dutt here. Murthy is the most important person that makes Pyaasa – by some distance – the most aesthetically enthralling movie that Dutt had directed by this point. Whether dealing with flashbacks, fantasies, or reality (or even surrealistic touches to reality, which is something that is unexpected, but contributes to the feeling Vijay is not entirely present in the corporeal world), Murthy provides gorgeous deeply-staged shots with dollied close-ups that, in less-assured hands, might come off as corny but instead heighten the dramatic stakes. But Murthy is not helped by editor Y.G. Chawhan, who handles scene transitions poorly and bungles the first hour’s flashback by not properly announcing that it is a flashback.
As an actor, this is Dutt’s most trying performance. After playing romantic leads Mr. & Mrs. ‘55 and Baaz, this performance in Pyaasa is worlds apart from his past. By the midpoint, Vijay sees nothing but the corruption of the world and is doing little to improve his situation. Vijay is Dutt’s least dynamic protagonist I have encountered thus far, but that does not devalue his character’s suffering and that inimitable way Dutt broods and listens or observes to other characters. Dutt’s character suffers silently; his performance is never labored, but enriched by his naturalistic acting. Waheeda Rehman, appearing in one of her first films as a leading actress (the role of Gulabo was originally intended for Madhubala), is stunning – her charm prevents Pyaasa’s existential and anti-materialistic themes from landing with a thud that might have excited some European auteurs at the time. Her appearance is undermined by the lengthy flashback that takes her out of the film’s first hour after one hell of an introduction.
Pyaasa includes a spellbinding musical score from composer S.D. Burman and lyricist Sahir Ludhiyanvi. But considering that the songs are built around Vijay’s poetry and the plot concerns his struggles, Burman’s music is secondary to Ludihyanvi’s lyrics – Ludihyanvi himself was primarily a poet who wrote in Hindi and Urdu. There are fewer musically spellbinding back-and-forths like “Udhar Tum Haseen Ho” in Mr. & Mrs. ‘55. For Pyaasa, poetry recital serves as musical performance for the film’s most interesting songs. Waheeda Rehman’s one hell of an introduction in “Jane Kya Tune Kahi” – where Gulabo (Waheeda Rehman was dubbed by Geeta Dutt) recites Vijay’s poetry back to him without knowing the fellow in front of her was the author – sets everything forward. This alluring misunderstanding of a song introduces the romantic tensions early, eliminating any annoying teases that might distract from the film’s larger themes. The climactic “Yeh Duniya Agar Mil Bhi Jaye To” defines the film, with its stunning, poetic lyrics, and is as context-dependent as original songs can be in cinema. Layers of meaning also sung earlier in “Jane Woh Kaise Log The” (behind the aforementioned song, it serves as the second-best poetry recital as performance) are expanded upon.
Less acclaimed from Bollywood fans but appealing to yours truly (I am grounded in Western musicals) is a fantasy sequence within a flashback: “Hum Aapki Aankhon Mein”. Sung by Vijay (Mohammad Rafi dubbing Guru Dutt) and Meena (Geeta Dutt dubbing from Mala Sinha), it is a song of budding love in a setting only possible in dreams. Or a soundstage, I guess. With maybe too many smoke machines concealing their feet, Vijay and Meena dance together with a gracefulness not out of place in any place that values the transporting nature of musicals. Johnny Walker (dubbed by Rafi), who is weirdly adorable in his comic relief roles, is endearing in “Sar Jo Tera Chakraye” while trying to sell his oil massages to passers-by. With the exception of these two, almost the entire Burman-Ludhiyanvi score draws its operatic-like drama from the plot – so make sure to concentrate a bit more on the lyrics than usual for Hindi-language movies.
For some cinephiles who have not yet ventured into Bollywood but have seen Bengali films (probably Satyajit Ray’s movies), Pyaasa might be an ideal point of entry for its combination of Bollywood escapism and Bengali-inspired parallel cinema. For everyone else, Pyaasa will be an anomalous, but memorable entry into the Hindi cinema canon.
Pyaasa translates to “thirsty” in English. That might not be the most appealing title, but it reflects Vijay’s craving for a righteous, altruistic world that just does not exist. How much of Vijay was a reflection of Guru Dutt is a point of speculation – Dutt, an advocate of social justice, seems to have enjoyed more creative freedom in Pyaasa that was not apparent in his previous films. His political voice is more pronounced here than ever before, showcasing an artist displaying a mature understanding of the medium he wields. At thirty-two years of age the year of the film’s release, Guru Dutt shows a confidence that belies his youth. It results perhaps not in a call to action, but to show us a response by a man so completely dedicated to his craft.
My rating: 9.5/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. Half-points are always rounded down. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found here.
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tellytantra · 4 years
Confession - Mere Dil Ki Tere Dil Ki Zaroorat Hai Zoya was mad...oh she was so angry! Not wanting to defy her father, Zoya finally agreed to meet with Arshad a few weeks ago. She wasn't ready for marriage, but she didn't completely reject Arshad either. It was true, she will never love Arshad, but Zoya went her against her father the first time when she eloped with Yash. How can she defy him a second time? And that is why Zoya agreed to meet Arshad. But he was not the reason she was so angry at this moment. Zoya entered Hooda mansion and looked for the man in question...Janaab Aditya Hooda. Ever since news of her possible marriage to Arshad spread, Aditya has been extremely distant with her. And not only distant, every time Zoya reached out to Aditya, he was rude and abrupt. He didn't even speak to her properly anymore. She didn't know what happened that night after the club scene, when Aditya mercilessly beat that man for touching her, but Zoya noticed something different in Aditya's eyes since that night. He looked...confused...and in so much pain. When she asked Arjun what happened and why Aditya acted the way he did, Arjun avoided telling her the truth. Zoya reached out to Aditya several times after that, but he always cut her off. And when Aditya heard about Arshad, it's like he is constantly mad at Zoya. One such moment was this afternoon when Zoya called Aditya to check up on him. But Aditya simply said that she needs to leave him alone and hung up.    That was the last straw. Her temper in full swing, Zoya barged into Aditya's bedroom without knocking, ready for a fight. "Aditya! Zoya shouted as she entered his bedroom. Aditya turned from his closet, wearing only his jeans as a furious looking Zoya barged into his bedroom. Bepannah Si Mohabbat Ki Hai Dil Ne Bhi Yehi Chahaat Ki Hai Zoya only temporally faltered. She wasn't expecting him to be half naked. It's not like this is the first time Zoya has seen Aditya shirtless, but even she didn't deny the fact that Aditya Hooda was a handsome man. And his body was made to make women drool. Her eyes fell on his chiseled chest momentarily, before she looked back up and focused on the matter at hand. "Zoya? Tum yahaan? Aditya asked, looking confused. Zoya entered the bedroom and slammed the door shut behind her. "Acha...toh aapko humara naam yaad hai? Yaad hai ke aapka ek dost bhi hai yahaan hai? Zoya spit out.    Tere Bina Mera Lage Na Jiya Tere Liye Hi Dhadke Jiya Aditya turned away to avoid eye contact and focused on choosing a shirt to wear. This angered Zoya more. She walked up to him and grabbed Aditya's arm, spinning him around to her face her. "Why are you avoiding me? What did I do!? Zoya shouted. His own temper rising, Aditya pulled away and walked passed Zoya, avoiding eye contact.  "No! Aditya aapko jawaab dena hoga. Zoya said stubbornly and cut in front of Aditya, stopping him.  "Zoya mujhe akela chor doh. Adi said, his voice dangerously low, his eyes intense.  "Not until you tell me what's wrong...why are you avoiding me? Zoya asked again stubbornly, oblivious to the storm brewing inside Aditya. Aditya turned away, trying to control his brewing temper. Seeing her here only made his feelings for her more real. "You need to leave. Aditya replied, trying to sound cold towards Zoya. Zoya felt a pinch in her heart when Aditya said that, but she refused to give up on him. Mere Dil Ko Tere Dil Ki Zarurat Hai Mere Dil Ko Tere Dil Ki Zarurat Hai Zoya cut Aditya's path again, and this time, she pushed him in the chest, causing him to take a step back.  "Aapko jawaab dena hoga. I can't believe you are treating me like this! I've done so much for you She pushed him again, "I almost went to jail for you Another push, "I am planning your parents' anniversary party even when I know your mom hates me, "Another push, "I disobey my father by being friends with you. and another push, "Jawaab doh Aditya! Aap humme kyon avoid kar rahe hai!? Zoya yelled and pushed him again. Aditya felt his control snap. He grabbed Zoya's hand and roughly pulled her to him, "Kyon ki main tumse pyaar karta hoon! he yelled.   Mere Dil Ko Tere Dil Ki Zarurat Hai Mere Dil Ko Tere Dil Ki Zarurat Hai The air around them stilled as those words were said. Zoya's jaw dropped, and for the first time...she was able to read the pain in Aditya's eyes. "Haan... Aditya continued, his voice softening, "Mein tumse pyaar karta hoon...mujhe nahin patha keh yeh kaise hua...kab hua...lekin mein tumse bepannaah pyaar karta hoon... Main Tha Reh Guzar, Tu nain Thama Iss Qadar, Ab rahi na koe fikrr. Aditya's moved his hands to Zoya's arms, pulling her closer to him. His eyes held so much pain...so much longing. Zoya was mesmerized, she couldn't look away. "Tumse baath naa karoon...toh mera din poora nahin hota. Aakhen har waqt tumhe doond tha hai...aur jab nazre tum par parti hai...toh saanse rook jaati hai. Pooja ke jaane ke badh...mein bikul akela par gaya tha. Lekin tumne mujhe thama...   Main tujh main bannt lon, yun khud ko humsafar, Reh Na Jaye koi Qasar Zoya didn't realize it, but she had both her hands resting on Aditya's bare chest as he held on her arms. They were standing so close. From far, it would look as if they were moments away from kissing. Aditya lifted one hand and placed it on Zoya's cheek. He brushed the tear that escaped the corner of her eye.   "Tumhare bina ab kuch acha nahin lagta. Tumne mujhe pagal hone se bachaya...mera awarapan tehra ya... He murmured, his voice soft...his words smooth. They washed over Zoya like silk...consuming her.     Tere Bina Mera Lage Na Jiya Tera Bina Mera Dharke Jiya Zoya titled her head, moving her face into his hand a little as he wiped another tear from her face. She closed her eyes and sighed. Why did this feel so right? They were only friends right?...Then why did this feel so right...? When she opened her eyes, Aditya looked at her intently, and his eyes fell on her lips. He was contemplating kissing her...and Zoya wasn't sure if she would stop him if he did. Mere Dil Ko Tere Tere Dil Ki Zarurat Hai Mere Dil Ko Tere Tere Dil Ki Zarurat Hai The intense moment was interrupted when Zoya's cellphone start ringing. Aditya and Zoya jumped apart from each other, like they were burned. Zoya grabbed her cellphone and picked up without seeing whose name was on the screen. "Hello?...Umm...Hi Arshad... Zoya said hesitantly, her eyes instantly falling on Aditya. Aditya looked away, his heart clenching and his face reflecting disappointment. He had to accept the fact that Zoya may never be his and that she may one day marry Arshad.   Seeing Aditya like this, Zoya felt something in her chest. Her heart was telling her something that she was unable to understand in that moment. But she was sure about one thing she wanted to do. "Arshad...I've made my decision...hum aapse shaadi nahin kar sakte...I'm sorry. Zoya hung up the phone, not even waiting for Arshad's response. Aditya look at Zoya, eyes wide at what he heard. He gazed into her green orbs, looking for answers. Zoya stared back, confused by what she was feeling. She didn't know if she was in love with Aditya...she always saw him as a close friend of hers. But there was no denying that their relationship will never be the same again. Her heart skipped a beat, again, trying to tell her something that she didn't quite understand yet. Mere Dil Ko Tere Tere Dil Ki Zarurat Hai... JCLuvsSrk
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tech2dna · 4 years
How to Update Address in Aadhar Card Online 2020 - Update Father Name in Aadhar card | Hindi GuideHow to Update Address in Aadhar Card Online 2020 - Update Father Name in Aadhar card | Hindi Guide #UpdateAadhar #UpdateAddress #TechDNA UIDAI: https://uidai.gov.in/ is Tech DNA ke video me aap janege ki aadhar card me address kaise update kare aur aadhar card me father name kaise change ya correct kare. agar kisi ladki ki shadi ho jaye to woh isi process se apne aadhar card me apna new address aur husband ka name bhi add kara sakti hai. ab aadhar card me address update karana bahut easy hai aur fast hai. sirf 48 hours me aadhar card me address update ho jata hai aur sath me aap father name bhi correction kara sakte hai aur father name ko change bhi kara sakte hai aadhar card me. update aadhar card online. change address in aadhar card online. update father name in aadhar card online. Website: https://msntarget.com/ Facebook https://ift.tt/35IKBvi Twitter https://twitter.com/Tech2DNA Instagram https://ift.tt/2YKwvIA Linkedin https://ift.tt/3bnWloB Disclaimer- Some contents are used for educational purpose under fair use. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All credit for copyright materiel used in video goes to respected owner. tags for reference: aadhar card online correction 2020,aadhar card father name change online,name change in aadhar card online,aadhar card me pita ka naam thik kaise kare,how to change name in aadhar card online,how to change address in aadhar card,aadhar update online,aadhar card me address kaise change kare,aadhar card me father name kaise change kare,aadhar card me father name kaise sudhare,aadhar card me husband ka naam kaise jode,aadhar new update 2020,techdna,aadhar card,Tech DNA
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kunalkarankapoor · 4 years
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16 Years Of Kunal Karan Kapoor. (Fan -messages)
Thank you kunal karan kapoor,You'd entered my life as an actor but now you are not an actor for me but a family member, friend, well-wisher, true love, inspiration and my idol 🤩 I know these words are less to describe you... You might be suprise how you became these all... I can explain! A family member, How? Aren't you excited for every success of your family member.. Don't you always want to support and be there for him with or without anyone.. Don't you feel happy for the relationship desicions, birthdays etc of your family member.. Yes right then you are a part of my family too... Friend.. How? Like I talk to my friend, like I tag my friend, like I celebrate my friend's birthday, like I have all the concern on him and his future I have on you too... Then what about well wisher..? You don't know me right.. Then how can you became well wisher of mine? Basically you wish good for all your fans... Hence you are my well wisher... But speaking in depth a well wisher always motives us in every part of life.. And you do that by your character mohan.. When I feel too low and feel why me always I'm good but I don't get good... I see mohan saying to megha just because you are good not all others are good too... After he rescued her from their boss... That motivates me that time... Nextly whenever I have suicidal thoughts.. Yeah I have some... I see mohan motivating megha of the sunrise after the dark night... I feel you are saying to me not to quit... And at times when I cry I see the scene where you suddenly pop from the door and ask megha not to cry and you console her by your actions.. Yeah I immediately stop crying when I see that... See you have your magic in all of my life... So now you are my well wisher right? Then true love... It doesn't only mean life partner... But it is the people whom we love without any need and intention... It is pure... I have no exact reason to love you hence you are my true love... And would also wish a person with more similarities. Next you are my inspiration by the life you live which all other fail.. Following your heart and doing your passion.. This may look simple but that is practically not simple as that... And needs so much of guts to take a desicions of this sort... We can be happy if we follow our heart everyone knows... But we need someone to do that set an example and lead in that way.. So you always inspire me in that sort... Every time I see your travel pictures I think see how independent he is... Must live a life like this fulfilling our dreams... So you directly or indirectly shape my whole life... ❤ And finally idol... Do I need to explain this further... The whole message is the reason why I look up you as an idol... And I wish that you must be born either as my father, brother, best friend, my life partner or maybe my son 😂 why as an actor that too that far... So that I can't see you are make you my own... You are an public figure...But I want you as my private person 😂 maybe in next birth ( you decide the relationship between us.. I'm ok with anything) so finally thank you KKK... Be proud of you always... Getting rich fame or anything else is easy... But getting someone who considers you as a family is something spl you have that... ❤ Be always proud of yourself because you have done something wonderful by spreading positivity and changing someone's life in a positive way... Good luck, good health and happiness to you always..With love your fan. - Janani Praseena
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Firstly I started to watch nenjam pesudhey for Ashnoor because her cuteness in Jhansi rani….slowly I become fan of your bond with Ashnoor your slang your hair, nose everything…sometime I really wish to pull your nose once in my lifetime …and the highlight of your acting is, you just not acted ,you lived the character…the day is incomplete without talking about you every day. We use to talk about you serial episodes in our lunchtime, not even care about our board exams 😁….whenever you wink your eyes it makes me blush 🙈💘…still some of my friends have saved my contact number as dhevayanimohan that’s how much I love you and make everyone ears filled with blood 😁… my relation said she would definitely marry a Hindi boy…you made a powerful impact.. I started to cry when the serial is over. Then my mom bought a phone. In that I download lot and lots of pictures videos of your…once she opens her phone it only filled with your photos..i wish my partner would be same like you, sharp nose, joined eyebrows, curly hair expressive eyes. If I was born as a boy, I would also put a tattoo like your tattoo. Recently I seen some of your left right left episodes, in that I loved your lady getup 😂😂😂 You perfectly do your responsibility what the director wants…cuteness overloaded in some of your previous work like Varun's character …Every time everywhere proposing scene came you nailed it very well. It makes an impact in my heart… like you just proposed me😍😍…You are my first love you taught me to blush ….Thank you for everything and entertaining us and also you gave some new feelings 😍 - Dhevayani 
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A HUGE congratulations to you KUNAL sir for completing wonderful 16 YEARS…A journey of ups and downs, criticisms and appreciations, ignoring the talks of haters, you have proven yourself with your great works… God blessed  us with you, a powerful actor, an incredible person so so so down to earth and extremely humble and other adjectives that can’t fit in a message. You portrayed all your characters so well. I appreciate your all characters for your honest performance specially Varun, Yudi, Mohan, Krishna and Mohit. I know a team makes a show but after seeing your performance you left us speechless. I love how you live your character and connect your viewers so well through your acting. Your transformation from MOHAN to VASU is just wow. I really appreciate your performance as Vasu. I love his style and his tapori language. But MOHAN to Mohan hai uske jaisa koi nahi. He is my FOREVER favourite.❤️ YOU portrayed that character so well and beyond words completely nailed it…You made a space in our heart and no one can ever replace you. I love you amazing performance as Mohit Naik Raikar❤️.. Eagerly waiting to see you again as Mohit Naik Raikar.. THANK YOU for entertaining us and Keep entertaining us with your amazing performance.😊 Thank you for making us proud to be your fan. It’s not just words, It’s a feeling that. YOU ARE THE BEST….! -  Aarti Yadav
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Beloved Kunal Karan Kapoor, Sab se pehle congratulations from bottom of my for completing 16th successful years in industry ❤️👏 Happy 16th Anniversary 🎉🎉 Mujhe nahi pata ke main aapka THANK YOU kaise karo main aap ki fan jab se hoon jab mujhe fan ka Matlab bhi pata nahi tha but his din se aapko ko dekha hai onscreen ye pyaar or care wali feeling jab se hai aapke liye ❤️ Aapke har character ko appreciate karna chahti ho aapne Apna har role behtreen nibhaya hai har kirdaar ko jiya hai aapne or humne bhi. 🥰 Kunal sir jab aapke interview dekhti hoon tu buhat Khushi milti hai Aap buhat achche hai or kitni baar aapka positive nature mujhe positive vibes deta hai har waqt Ek pyaari si smile karna Maine aapse sikha hai 😘 Interviews dekh Kar humne Kunal ko Jana or Woh sakhs tu apne kirdaar se bhi ziyada khubsurat hai buhat sachcha hai Meri Dua hai ke Aap humesha khush raho ❤️ Aap ka positive attitude buhat inspire karta hai jab kabhi main udaas hoti ho tu aapki shows or k aapki pics dekh Kar buhat sukoon milta hai. Kunal aapki Magical voice buhat pyaari , I love your Expressive Eye's, I love your messy hairs ,I love your face , infact I like you , I love you ❤️ love you a lot Kunal 😚💞💞💝💖 Dil chahta hai aapko hug karo or apni sari baatein aapse share karo aapko har Khushi mile , aapke show main agar aap sad hote ho tu Dil khud udaas hojata hai or jab khush hote hu tu buhat sukoon milta hai💖 Jab koi new post ya update karte ho tu Dil Khushi se pagal hojata hai 💖 Thank you so much kunal for being a important part of my life Thank you for entertaining us since a long time Thank you for being my idol & my inspiration Thank you for spreading smile and love in my life Thank you so much Kunal Karan Kapoor Thanks a ton love you alot. - Jannat
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Dear Kunal ji, THANK YOU SO MUCH for stay with 16 years of cini industry ...you are the versatile person ..each and every time when i see u you made me happy😀😀 , made me motivated😎, made me enjoy and everything🤗🤗 ..tqs for this kind of enjoyments 😘😘..and u r my inspiration..tq kunal ji stay blessed forever😍😍 ...love ubso much 😍😍😘😘😘_ - Abarna
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Kunal ji16th year anniversary aapko bahut bahut badhai ho,aasha karte hain ki ishi traha jindagee ki saari padav paar karte huwe aap aage badhate jao,aur Eshwar aap ki saari iccha ko puri kare,kunal ji thank you so much 🌹 ki aapne hamari jindagee ko itana hashin banaya , aap ke itane aache aur superb serial ne,har ek serial me aapka naya roop ,nai josh,aur aapka muskurana,baat karna aur kaam karne ki style se hum etana empress ho jate hain ♥️ ki aap ka fan hi nahi aapse pyaar hone lagi hai🌹 thank you aapko ,ki aap hamare life me kabhi yudi,kabhi varun,kabhi monty,kabhi sukhi singh,kabhi angad,kabhi amrik,aur kabhi Mohan Bhatnagar/vasu ,kabhi shourya,aur kabhi krishna shekhawat toh kabhi Mohit raikar bankar aapke saare fan's ko khushi aur itana saara pyaar diya ,,🙂 kunal ji aapke liye ek song likhana chaungi 👉 hasteh hasteh kat jaye raste, jindagee yu hi chalte rahe, Khushi mile ya gam badlenge na ham dunniya chahe badaltee rahe... .....🙏 thank you so much 💖 my all in one kunal ji. Love 💖 you 💞 so much-  Laxmi
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I was merely a kid when I watched you for the first time on my screen as Mohan and on that day I realized that it's possible to feel attached to fictional characters if the actors potraying them is as brilliant as you are. After that, I watched your other works as well and each time I was enthralled by your performance. You just nailed all the characters you played. You are one of the most exceptionally talented actors. Thanks a lot for entertaining us for 16 years and giving us so many memorable characters to cherish. Also, I must say you kind of ingrained the love for travelling in me through your breathtaking travel clicks. You are the reason I started experimenting with my camera to capture moments around me. Thanks for always being so inspiring. Thank you for being YOU. - Kunalistan
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Dear hearttheif, Thank You for being a part of my life..I'm telling u directly that no one can never and ever enter into my life like u ..everyone facing and having lot of prblm I too have lot of prblm and felt lonely ...I dont know y whatever situation I'm going through whenever I see you everything will be alright... my happiness increases whenever u posting ....im thought about something and smiles while you posting....even now my eyes are filled with tears...simply u r my stress buster and painkiller ....and one more think I have learnt one gud things from u is that I'm starting to reading books about inspirational persons in library ...why I highlight this bcoz my parents encourage and they applauded me ...all credits goes to y bcoz I started this from you ...I heard you love to read books but now everyone appreciating me ..now .I came to conclusion .. Note:: If you visit tamil Nadu then definitely come to my home I prepare lot of dishes for u mainly ur fav dish idly with powder...love you more and miss you alottt.... - Renuka (TN Fan)
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This message is to Thank our man (SPIDER MAN) for making us smile, laugh, motivated and also cry (happy tears) while seeing him on onscreen, through his acting skills and also still if we see his face on screen without knowing a smile starts appearing on our face so THANK YOU so much KUNAL...❤️ Sir for still motivating us in many situation through your acting skills and also making us to laugh, cry and smile. Once again...THANK YOU...our 😍SPIDER MAN😍 - Elakkiya Dayanidhi
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I wish I could find a better way to thank you.. for I thank you for inspiring me a lot I thank you for painting my life with colors and happiness I thank you for always showering love alone I thank you for making my good times the best I thank you for I feel you are a true gift for me I thank you for whatever you do is always incredible, passionate and perfection I thank and admire you in each and every way you are I thank you for making me smile even when I think I dont want to I frankly say that you are a dictionary in my life with full of meanings in it I wish I would like to walk with you and enjoy But I'm sure I'll be the luckiest to enjoy your growth and happiness in the industry. I feel you deserve more than a thank you as you r always having a special place in my heart a king of expressions...😍😍😘 - Anitha
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Hi Kunal( My Heart), How are you? I'm a big fan of you. Especially Na bole tum(Nenjam Pesuthe). Thanks for being a part of my life. The first serial i saw from then until the end of life is your fan. Ur the world acting king, master etc., when I sleep, u r in a dream. I want to see you at least once in my life. I like you so much. Speechless.. You ll out in a lot of web series, serials and movies. Love you kunal, stay safe and stay healthy. Waiting for TRC s3 and NBT s3. Your acting in 16years super super. You have a bright future. You ll buy a lots of awards. My heart only for you. We can learn a lot from you. I learned from the serial .. especially from Nbtnmkk that I learned to complete any situation not more than half. You will say this dialogue many times .. I learned this from you. They are very useful in my personal life .. I learned all this from you how to get through life .. I am still following .. You are an inspiration .. salute kunal ..Your eyes oh my god! .. may be looking at you for so many years but .. love you love you love you .. the bigger the sky the more love is on you ... u r great kunal ... Love should be like this in our lives. Thank you so much for coming into my life. - Renu thakshan
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Thank you so much Kunal....❤for being with me as a inevitable one in my dream world😘...I can't see you everytime as a character when I see ur shows in my mobile or television....you are a something special to me...Happy wishes to your 16 th anniversary in ur journey. Those who are around with me...they are all know well how much i madly like you...Be happy kunal ji...Specially I am the fan from tamilnadu❤ - Rajkohila
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Kunal... Awee! The smile that appears on my face when I hear the name..This life is not enough for me to praise, glorify and thank you for you..It was the schl time for me when I saw you in the series at 2012..The love I had for you been then never gave such love to anyone else.. I started watching the NBT Series just to see you..Overtime I became addicted to your acting as well..most like your eyes speaks everything... I was amazed at the love I put on you.. You were my shadow nd the mirror I share everything with..The mind yearns to see you again whn the series is over.. He seemed comforting to me again after a long year.. Tears of joy that came to my eyes when I suddenly saw the photo that appeared with your smiling face when I was trapped by the situation again felt the love I had for you in an instant.. Bcoz of your photos gave me joy nd excitement that no one else could..Then I thought it was a blessing I got back.. I enjoyed letting him performance again in The Raikar Case series.. Each of his scenes ll look subtle nd multi- talented..I was even more proud to be a fan of KUNALKARANKAPOOR🔥 when I saw it.. Honestly, I proudly say that 'YOU ARE THE SPARKLE IN MY LIFE'💕.. My heartfelt thanks to you for being a part of my life..The thanks nd gratitude I ask of you are greater than I think I can thank god.. Bcoz you comfort me in every joy nd sorrow of mine.. Two prayers to think of praying to God in my life..one is,That moment of seeing you one day in my life is the way to express my love then..And that it should happen soon. Another one is, I pray to the Lord that you will always get everything and succeed in your every endeavor, that your father and you may live a long life and that you may always be a comfort to fans like me..Once again many thanks to you for being a part of my life.. Always looking forward to your Smile❤.. - By Urs Gows
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Hi Kunal ji, We love u always . I think i am very blessed because I saw NENJAM PESUTHEY till the end. I love your expression in each and every scene .You are such a wonderful actor. THANK U for your works .Stay Blessed and KEEP ROCKING. If it is possible pls do TAMIL movies .I am eagerly waiting for that moment. You are my favourite actor forever. I want to see u bro. That will definitely happen one day. Once again THANK U for all. CONGRATS for ur 16 years of work.💞💞
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Every new day, you bring reasons to see better perspective for life. Your interviews inspire me that how important it is to be grounded, to appreciate people around us who put immense hardwork for our success as well. The best thing I learned from you is not to take success in our heads. The way you stay calm when Strom passes in and stay calm when the dawn of happiness shine. Your mysterious nature too encourages me to work hard in life…your liveliness motivates to be a dreamer in true sense, your words have the power to make us realize the importance of smallest tiny things to larger one and its impact. Your 'being grateful’ nature inspired me in becoming a more thankful person to what I’ve received. Your selfless approach gives a mark for me to be like that. The main thing commendable about you is that 'not every negativity deserves our reaction’ this very thing is enough for dealing with lots in our lives. Through the characters (professionally) and personally you have been an ideal sight for people like me. No actor has ever changed me like the way you did. My words won’t stop and the reason is you. Thank you, our sweetheart, the miraculous our K. God bless you ❤️ - Nidhi Chillinsilencee
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I'm not writing this just to wish you for completing 16 years in ITV .. I took this day as a convenient one to say you Thank you.. 😍🌈💕💜 Thank you Kunalji 💕💜.. for being kind.. for being a pure soul sharing ur smile to ever body you met.. for being supportive to ur loved ones ,even us indirectly.. for being a hardworking person to give your best to us.. for making us proud of everything you do.. for spreading positivity everywhere..I want to thank you for being a teacher for me personally.. for teaching me how to deal with things.. for teaching me how to be positive in the worst situations ever.. for teaching me the importance of a good content.. for teaching me how to be a good human being for my society.. for teaching me the importance of making difference in my life...Thank you once again for being such a good influence for your fans.. Kunalji 💕 you don’t know us but I am sure that you’re an ideal figure for every one in this entire world and you're the most beautiful thing that is ever happened to us.. I repeat ‘’ thank you ‘’ and will happily go on repeating many times for entertaining us fantastically for 16 years through your different but unique shades and also will happily repeat "N" no of times that we love you soooooo much not only as an Actor but most most most Beautiful Person in this World 💕💕Thank you for being LEGEND..Wish you Happy 16 years of your Acting Career .... enjoy ur day and I will always pray that you may shine like a golden star 🌟 throughout your life❤️🌈 Stay Happy, Stay Safe,Stay Healthy and don’t forget to take good care of yourself during this pandemic..bcoz you are infinitely Precious for us... love you 😍😘 - Sharvarih Sathe
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Kunal .. Thank you...though I know this is a very small word for your presence in the industry for 16 years and your presence in my life for more than 8 years now...I could nt think anyother word.. You have always made me smile instantly when I look at you ..you were and your still my, that stress buster...thank you Thank you for teaching me the value of humbleness..thank you for teaching me how to be generous..I have seriously learnt it from you... Thank you re-kindling my passion towards reading again which I lost in between.. Thank you for letting me know that u also have that same urge and itch for travel.. Thank you making me not just to admire beauty but also to capture that moment.. Thank you for introducing me to english tracks...which I eventually started liking... Thank you..its because of you I learnt hindi to speak and understand.. Thank you for inspiring me in every possible way that I missed to mention... Thank you is just a small word.. Loving you from the bottom of my heart for everything u have done to me with it your physical presence...Thank you Kunal -  Yours loving - Maya Singh
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Everyone in tamilnadu started to love Kunal sir by his acting in nenjam pesuthe. If nbtnmkk was not dubbed in Tamil, we would not know a fantastic actor like him. His acting and expressions in each scene are amazing. Then, now and forever we love Kunal Karan Kapoor sir. I wanted him to do a Tamil or south Indian film. love You Kunal….❤❤❤ - Nenjam Peasuthe Fan Page
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Congratulations Kunal Karan Kapoor❤️👏👏for 16succuss ful years…happy 16th anniversary💞Meri yeh dua hei bagvaan se, ki aapke life khushiyo se bhar de…🤩and Kunal, thank u sooo much for entertaining us..your presence makes us smile💞,thank u so much ki Aapne hamei ithna kushiyaa aur hamare Zindagi ithna haseen banaya…💞Aapka har role behthareen nibhaya hei,aapne har character mei jiya hei aur Woh dekh kar hamnei bhi..🔥thank u soo much for being with us..miss u Kunal…pls come back soon with a new show..😍TRC2 or nbt3 We are always waiting to see u in big screen. God bless u in your all success ..love u Kunal❤️💞🔥 -  shameem.m76
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Hii Kunal sir! This side is your big fan Harshita Rijhwani I have seen many of your serials. By watching your acting in nbtnmkk,I want to tell you that you are an amazing actor and a genuine person too. Your voice modulation was also so nice in that nazm You just feel the pain of the character in emotional scenes. And one more thing you are the only one actor who made me cry with his acting skills. I am in love with your acting as Mohit Naik Raikar also. Please come back with many more webseries and tv shows.
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Kunal, I am not writing this just because I am a biggggggg admirer of you😍😍😍, in fact you truly deserve this appreciation👏👏👏. Since I have started watching serials, you are the one whom I found to be the besttttt versatile actor👌. You have performed every role and every scene so perfectly😎, that no other actor can even think of improving that😁. Watching you onscreen is a treat to our eyes n soul❤💕. Thank you Kunal for doing all your brilliant work, soo proud of youu😍😊. Love you always😘❤. Keep smiling n please come back onscreen soon. Eagerly waiting...🤗🤗🤗 Congratulations for completing 16 years of Remix and best wishes for the future.❤❤❤ -  Priya K
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I don't know from where to start but I give a big tight hug to you and thank you for inspiring me like no one can and wanna congratulate and wish you the best and best alone in this 16yearsof your journey always wanna see you only happy I don't believe in love at first sight my friends tell he is my crush he is my love but I didn't feel anyone like that but at that time a man came and changed all those words and yes I jump cry in happiness enjoyed a lot seeing him onscreen you wanna know who he is yes he is Kunal Karan Kapoor my energy my happiness my dream love my jaan😍 I can say more than these I didnt even believe I'll b typing a msg for you and share it with you see wt I would tell my parents and my frnds like I'm chatting with you but those things came real now and I'm enjoying seeing many fan pages for you and happy to be a part of the fan family... Thank you for being my everything my jaan.. As a big fan of yours wanna c u grow more and I know u would have overcome many obstacles in the film industry and many ignorance but still I believe 0 haters will be there for you and I thank you for every single thing you do actions expressions smile the curly hair of yours cute sharp nose... always have a happy healthy life ji -. kkkfan_till_eternity
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Hiii Kunal Sir I am Mithuna from Tamilnadu... I am your craziest fan sir... In the age of 9 first time I saw you on television serial Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha, which is dubbed in Tamil... I became you fan. From my young age to now, I am your craziest fan sir. I see you as my family member sir.. Your acting is awesome sir.. if in any scenes you are crying, I automatically start to cry sir.. Your expression is very realistic sir.. I am really proud to be your fan sir.. THANK YOU ❤❤ -  Mithuna Venugopal
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Dear kunal, you are a God sent asset to the TV industry and for your ever increasing fandom. You have completed 16 years in the tv industry from 'Remix' to 'The Raikar Case'. A big round of applause. You have reinvented yourself in every role which you have played. Not once ur character, mannerisms, body language has been repeated. It's a sheer delight to watch you on screen. You are an ambitious actor and we are certain that ur costar love to work with u.❤ Congratulations on an accomplished 16 years of hard work you have infused in your diverse roles.
Dear kunal, aap itne hardworking ho. AND a dedicated artist. You deserve all the success in this world. Keep up ur good work and cheers to ur hard work❤❤❤. Aap ek farishta ho mere liye. You came in my life as 'mohan bhatnagar' at the right time. My personal n professional life was in dumps. I was clueless and didn't know what to do. You showed me the right path..And for that I will be eternally grateful. I love you dear mohan bhatnagar , cadet yudi and shaurya..I have learned a lot from these three characters. Kunal, aap aapke fans k liye ek inspiration ho. Ur dedication to ur work is exemplary. Thank you for making a difference in our lives. Wish you all the best for ur future ventures. We love u - Dusky
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First of all, congatulations kunalkarankapoor❤️👏👏for 16succuss ful years...happy 16th anniversary💞Meri yeh dua hei ki bagvaan se Aapka saari icchaa poora kar de,,,aapke life khushiyo se bhar de...🤩and kunal, thank u sooo much for entertaining us..your presence makes us smile💞,thank u so much ki Aapne hamei ithna kushiyaa aur hamare Zindagi ithna haseen banaya...💞Aapka har role behthareen nibhaya hei,aapne har charecter mei jiya hei aur hamnei bhi..🔥 We are always waiting to see u in big screen..god bless u in your all success ..love u kunàl❤️💞🔥 - Shemi Shameem
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Hi Kunal ji... Heartfelt 💕congratulations to you for completing 16 successful years in the industry 🎉🎉 Your presence is a gift❣️for us. You are unique and special ❤️ As a little one I never thought I would be crazy on you as I'm now.. Whenever I see you (live or tv shows or interviews) my happiness is not less than a kid..I jus jump wid joy Whenever I see you...NBT my favourite serial through which I came to know about a very talented , versatile , passionate actor...💞... I've seen NBT nearly 8 times..If watching the same serial would be a crime then I would be serving a life sentence for watching 😂😂..But even would luv to watch NBT after decades✨✨..But still I'm not able to find out why I'm addicted to it..😍 After watching all ur shows , I truly felt ... In ths world "Every Megha needs a person like Mohan. Every chavvani needs a spiderman like Mohan. Every jaan needs a papu like Mohan...Every Ishaani needs a brother like Shaurya..
And it's kunal ji who made us feel the character Mohan , Shaurya , Krishna ,Mohit ,Yudi etc Everybody needs a loving person like you... And of course the industry needs a versatile and phenomenal actor like you"❤️❤️ Such a humble , kind , down to earth nature and never fails to put a smile on kunalians face... You really inspired me and motivated me to change the things I could and to aspire to be the best I can💢 You were the one who Taught me to ignore negativity Taught me to bounce back from failures. Taught me to stay calm at any situations.. Taught me to never give upon my dreams... Taught me to overcome hurdles... Taught me to spread happiness💞.. Thank you....Thank you so much ..I would keep on repeating thank you .. Thank you for inspiring me to keep working hard Thank you for being a guiding light ✨✨ Thank you for ur motivation 🔥to chase my goals and doesn't matter how much slower we go , as long as we are not going to stop... Thank you for being a "doctor to my wounds friend to my sorrows. Mentor to my dilemmas.Teacher to my actions"...You may not know how you were all this....but every kunalians will know!!!!!
Only way to celebrate life is doing what we love following our heart and I learnt these from you Kunal ji💕💕 So...I've never seen a superhero in my life but quite certain that you are a superhero... I really don't know how to express my love and respect for you..but could say onething...I have the same love and respect for you that I have on my mom and dad....Thanks for taking the word "WORRY" out of my vocabulary and replacing it wid "HAPPINESS" Forever grateful 🙏🙏 Please take good care of ur health...and mainly during this pandemic situation...a little more attention to ur health...bcoz u are the KING of our KINGDOM👑🌈✨ Loads of love.... One of ur die hard fan💕💕 - Kunalkkap.ooprfan
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Dear kunal (choci boy) sir congratulations for Completing 16 year in the Indian Television industry... Iam proud of kunal fans in tamilnadu... Iam So happy sir Bczz God gift for u to all tamilnadu people...You are come to in my life amazing artist in November 2012...Iam your biggest fan for nbtk in tamil dubbed Nenjam pesuthe series... Iam watch nbtk dubbed Nenjam pesuthe 1st episode... My crush for u... Ur Excellent Traveller... I see Ur photography really Ur photography was amazing... Thank u sir... - @nenjam_peasuthe
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Hii Kunal Sir... My Huge Congratulations for Your 16th Anniversary in Your Journey.. I Love Your all The Performances...(Varun to Mohit) I Really Addicted To Your Mohan Character Because 1st Time i saw you in Nenjam Pesuthey... "Adda" Song is My Favourite Song Ever.. I Really Obsessed With You... Your Hardwork, Acting, Travelling, Photography, Books Reading and Everything Inspires Me Lots...Your Hard Work Motivate Me...Your Smile Can change My Sadness....You Are My Happiness and You are My Stress Buster...My Every day Starts With Your Face and Every Night Ends With Your Face...THANKYOU SO MUCH KUNAL SIR...❤ Thank You For Motivate Me.. Thank You For Making Me Happy... Thank You for Entertaining Us and Keep Entertaining With Your Amazing Performance... I am Very Lucky To Be Your Fan...❤ YOU ARE THE BEST!!! No One Can Replace Your Place... Keep Rocking With Your Magical Smile...❤ We are Looking forward to Your Next Projects... We are Eagerly Waiting for Your Performance in Onscreen And Big Screen Also.. Thank You For Entering With Us...My Best Wishes To You And Your Growth... Love You Spiderman❤...We Love You Always...Stay Safe...Keep Smiling And Keep Shining Always... ALL THE BEST....❤ By Guna....
Dear Kunal sir Congratulations for completing 16 years in the Indian television industry. You came into my life as a normal person in November 2012. And the meantime I become your fan then came to know that you are a TV actor. So I want to say thank you for entertaining us till now and you will continue this. Though you came into my life in the time of NBT but honestly after watching your previous shows I really feel happy and grateful to be one of your fan. From Remix to The Raikar Case you played different character. From Varun to Mohit you give us unforgettable and evergreen characters. Wanna say thank you for connect with the audience by your simplicity. Thanks a lot for inspiring us. Thanks a lot for giving us a world tour by your travel pictures. Really love your photography. Thanks a lot for becoming the smile of my face in every ups and downs in my life.Your fan - Shreyashi 
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Congratulations My superhero for celebrating 16 years anniversary in the industry ... 16years is huge ... But we need more time to explore you ..to adore you ...to adorn you ... so many congratulations for the upcoming years ... THANK YOU KUNAL KARAN KAPOOR ji for being there for me 😉 I know you couldn't be there for me as a person but i could feel your presence whenever needed...♥️ You made me smile... You made me cry .. You made me laugh so hillariously ... You made me Blush ... You made me a lovable girl altogether -Thankyou ...
You showed me to have courage and be kind as Varun.. You showed me to stay strong and prove myself as Yudi ... You made me believe in unconditional Love and showed me pure unconditional Love to my Loved ones unconditionally as Mohan ... You showed me to be truthful as Reporter .. You showed me to stay brave and find myself as Vasu .. You showed me to be a hero as Krishna  You showed me to stay as a pillar of support to our loved ones as Shaurya ... You showed me to keep fighting to get the place I deserve even if I am neglected as Mohit .. You showed me to be a divine and soulful friend in need as Amrik You showed me different other aspects to learn as Angad...sukhi ...subash..monty...in every character you played... On the whole I have learnt something very huge from you to be praised. It's being True to ourselves.
Thank you kunal for being a masterpiece in acting so we could explore you to the fullest ...
You made me see a complete different dimension in acting i haven't explored before - thank you for that...You made me dwell with you in every characters you have portrayed ..- thank you ..You are an art ..You yourself is a masterpiece ..You are an ocean of talent man ..lets us explore you more and have a complete study of your acting ...Thank you for entertaining us and do it even more ....Congratulations and Thank you for everything you have given us ...Proud to be your fan ...Wish you reach the zenith of glory and stay blessed ..stay smiling ... Always in our prayers .. Follow your heart. We (fans) will be here .. to support you constantly continuously...and unconditionally love you ...Kunal Karan Kapoor ❤️ With love Swetha (Kunalkkapoor_forever)
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Hi...kunal ji...You are mine since 2012...From nenjam pesudhe (Nbtkk tamil version) 😍I and my friends always fight for you...always I won...You did all the roles splendid...Everyday is incomplete without looking your face or your scene💕 I don't know the secret that you have...bcoz I was fall on you 2012 that love is continued till now😘😘You are a multitalented...I wish you would return to make us more loved on you🤩Love you loads kunal ji...Happy wishes for ur 16th year of journey💙 Kohila Raji
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tellytantra · 5 years
"Samajhta kya hai woh khadus Kumar apne  aap ko... ek toh pehle meri itni bezti ki aur phir... bhad mein jaye wo aur bhad mein-" Shaurya : bhad mein jane ka time nahi hai Mere paas Ms Sharma. Mehek : aap... mere... aap mere kamre mein kya kar rahe hai, bahar nikal ye. (She walked over to him in order to push him out. But he didn't budge, instead held her hand and pulled her close) Shaurya : Mehek Sharma, ye kamra tumhara nahi balke india's super cook ke contestants ka hai. Jo ke tum ho FILHAAL. (He emphasised on the last word) Mehek : hath choriye mera... i said leave. (She pushed him and he backed out three steps while she fell back) Shaurya : oho Mehek Sharma... kya hua? Phir se gir badi  apne gire hue iraadon ki tarah. Mehek : Shaurya SIR, Mujhe aapko explanations dene ki koi zaroorat nahi hai and you know what I think ke you think that you're- Shaurya : i give no damn to what you think but you better stop the act and get on the sets. Yahan kamre mein band hoke, show par naa ake, tumhe kya lagta hai ke you will get me to say sorry. Well your so wrong kyun ke Shaurya Khanna ko koi farak nahi padhta tumse especially tab jab tum mujhse darr gayi ho aur haar man ke wapas ulte pair jana chahti ho. Mehek : apki ye galat feimi hai SIR ke mein aap se darr gayi hoon aur rahi baat mujhse maafi mangne ki toh wo justified hai kyunke aap ne meri family ke sath jo kia wo aapko karna nahi chahiye tha. Aur Iski maafi toh mein aap se mangwa  ke hi rahu gi KYUNKE mujhe aap se bilkul bhi darr nahi lagta hai, SIR. (angrily) Shaurya : toh phir theek hai, raho yahan... mere sath, puri raath... (removing his coat)... afterall team toh iss shoot ke baad dusri location pe move ho jaegi. Unhe koi farak nahi padega ke Mehek Sharma gayab hai. Mehek : par unhe iss baat se zaroor farak padega ke Mehek Sharma aur the great Shaurya Khanna ek sath gayab hai. Right Sir? Shaurya : yaar mujhe ek baat samjh mein nahi ata, (taking our his phone) ke tum chahti kya ho... ek taraf aise jatati ho ke you hate being with me aur dusre taraf... (smirking) ... mujhe ideas de rahi ho. Mehek : kya matlab hai... aap ye phone mein kya kar rahe hai. Shaurya : kuch nahi bas baki dono judges ko bata raha tha ke I am going home... ek (smiling) emergency hai. Are tension mein kyun lag rahi ho don't worry ab humein koi disturb nahi karega. (Shaurya walked towards her loosening his tie while Mehek walked backed and lost balance hence, Shaurya had to hold her to prevent her from falling... again) Shaurya : kya hua Mehek Sharma, tumhare pair kyun ladkarane lage. Is something wrong... ARE YOU AFRAID? Mehek : n.n.no.. i.. am .. am... not ... afraid of you. (Trying to get free) Shaurya : Tumhe darr lag raha hai Mehek Sharma. Mehek : no Mr Shaurya Khanna. Shaurya pulled her up and close, snuggling his head in her hair while she closed her eyes. Shaurya : you are afraid Mehek Sharma, kyunke tumhe lagta hai ke mein nihati besharam, khira hua aur cheap kasam ka insaan hoon but you know what Ms Sharma. (He left her and pushed her away) Shaurya : you are wrong, absolutely wrong. Mein chahe kitna bhi bura hoon par tumhe sabak sikhane ke liye itna niche nahi ghar sakta afterall I am not cheap but very expensive. (He said while wearing his coat back dusting it and tightening his tie) Mehek : sahi kaha apne aap hai expensive infact aap toh ek Kheemti pattar hai, just like diamond. Bahot expensive and without a soft side. Shaurya : agar tumhe pata hai toh kyun ake takrati ho iss pattar se... pata nahi hai ke, takrane se tut jaogi. Mehek : tut ne ka darr nahi hai bas bhikarne ka hai jo ki hoga nahi kyunki meri family mere sath hai. Bahle bhi.. after what you did with them on Diwali night phir bhi my family is with me and for them mein ye competition jitungi Samjhe aap. Shaurya : confidence hai ya overconfidence... i am sure ke ye jo tumhara drama hai naa sirf mujhe sunane ka hai kyunke aaj agar tum shoot mein nahi jaogi then you are automatically disqualified. Mehek : meri fikar aapko kab se hone lagi. Shaurya : fikar Jaisi koi baat nahi bas agar tum nahi raho gi toh maza kaise ayega iss show mein. Mehek : pehle aap maafi mangye Warna... Shaurya : oh so ab baat warna par agayi. Oh look mehek Sharma... i am afraid like so freaking scared. Mehek : aur hona bhi chahiye kyunke aapko bhi pata hai ke mere iss show mein filhaal rehna apke trps ke liye kitna important hai. Shaurya : how dare you eavesdrop on me. Mehek : haan toh mobile par baat karne se pehle darwaaza band kar lena chahiye aapko. Bataya tha na aapko meine pehle bhi about shutting the door before doing stuff. Shaurya : haan toh abhi darwaaza band hai toh ab toh koi kaam karna chahiye mujhe haina. Actually you said naa ke you don't find me Hot and dashing. Let's see what could be done about that. He loosened his tie aur removed his coat and was now unbuttoning. (Bechara sirf yahi kar raha hai kabse...lol)   Shaurya : Mehek Sharma, ARE YOU AFRAID ke tum apna control lose na kardo. Haan, darr lag raha hai tumhe. (Smirking) Just thJust then the door opened and a girl walked in. Girl : sorry sir wo sab madam ko bula rahe hai. Shot ready hai. Mehek walked up to him and said. " lagta hai kuch logo ko Mehek Sharma ki fikar hai par ab aap kya karega. Haan keh dijiye ka ke emergency khatam hogaya isiliye laut aye warna apka toh... (smiling) ... aur haan agli baar darwaaza band karna mat bhulye ga, roz yaad dilana accha nahi hai naa-" Shaurya : listen you - Mehek walking away and Shaurya starring at her. While the girl just stared dumbfoundedly. Mehek stops by the door way and turns to face an angry Shaurya. Mehek : aur haan Mr Shaurya Khanna...i am NOT afraid. Mehek walked out while Shaurya stood at his place recalling what just happened. "Not again Mehek Sharma. How dare you walk away from me. Iska sabak toh tumhe milega aur yahi Agra mein milega. Tab mein firse puchoonga ARE YOU AFRAID... tab dekhta hoon tumhara jawaab kya hota bloody Drame wali." Writer : Arjun Fan Najaan
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