#Acronix would laugh at it
iloveacronix · 4 months
noodle doodle
Just wait till the part where Rose says she would never let go of Jack and then that is EXACTLY what she does💀
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figs-oliomedley · 1 year
ok but like if the Coalescence is caused by something or someone on purpose, that’s probably the funniest and wildest shit ever
“fuck you, I’m dragging the apocalypse across thousands of years to happen NOW, good luck fuckers”
bonus points if it’s somehow those two dipshits with a snake army
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mx-julien · 6 months
ninjas' relationship with a home
Zane is used to moving on from places, as an amnesiac orphan he was used to getting up and carrying on, then his only temporary home, the Monastery, burns down (ref: s1 ep2 Home) and the others blame him for it. granted, he seems unaffected from these accusations and proceeds to find the Destiny's Bounty that day so all is forgiven
I wonder if some of this longing for a home was intensified after he regains his memories in Tik Tok (s1 ep7). because then he would be able to remember a time of prolonged safety and living with people you love
Kai and Nya lived at the blacksmith shop presumably since their parents got kidnapped by Krux and Acronix. Nya even had enough time to create a whole secret room of armor
the first years must've been especially hard given all the reminders of their parents being around. did they leave their bedroom untouched, save for the occasional cleaning?
did Kai have to pull up a stool to the stove to cook until he hit his growth spurt? are most of Nya's memories in that house of Kai making her lunches and tucking her in at night and sending her off to school?
who takes care of the shop while they're gone? and when they come back do they notice everything looks a little smaller- each corner thick with dust and the fingerprints of afternoons when they were 12 and only had each other?
Jay lived with Ed and Edna in the scrapyard since he was little and he can visit back there whenever he likes, but now he has another family to think about: the one he never had, the one that gave him away
however after Skybound he knows he has other parents as well. does he ever sit in the kitchen he grew up in and wonder if his biomom had any recipes she wanted to pass down? if she ever saw families or little kids and thought of him? if they have the same smile or same freckles or same laugh?
sure he can learn about Cliff all he wants and he loves his Mom and Dad dearly, but was there more? could he have learned to master lightning with his Mom? where was she when he was growing up? was she unable to see him or unwilling? is she even alive?
Cole's house is likely the same as when he was little, so he too can go visit, but I wonder if he went off to "boarding school" because after his Mom died he couldn't stand to be at home
what was a place to laugh and paint became gray when Lilly got ill. it turned into a place of hushed voices and packed bags for the hospital. after she died it was the home of yelling, of arguments, of tradition vs. passion. smiles became forced and doors only slammed shut.
with more time having passed, I wonder if Cole is glad that so many things of his are mostly untouched since his Mom died. he can find her neat handwriting on some notes in his desk, in books on the shelves, and point out decor she bought
Lloyd only had a complete home for a small part of his childhood before Misako left him at Darkley's. then, he must've lived somewhere close to the school. when he was doing Pythor's bidding, he seemed to be mostly homeless
after growing up deserted at a boarding school (that he clearly didn't like) and manipulated into long treks and homelessness to do the bidding of a snake, perhaps his misbehavior at the beginning of his stay on the Bounty was because he couldn't imagine it lasting. him? a place where he felt at home? better the devil you know than the devil you don't- just toss me back out on the streets I don't CARE!
when do you think he realized that the others weren't going to leave him like his Mom did or take advantage of him like Pythor? how many months in did it take him to realize that his uncle Wu wasn't the only one who wanted him there?
any particular ninja y'all want me to focus on drop in the tags or replies- I'm real interested about this now
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kyokittymeow · 3 months
You got any historyshipping head cannons..?? 👉👈 ❤
I absolutely have! I actually wrote some to post them some day. Guess you can have them earlier now xD
•Krux has an unhealthy obsession for Misako (help this man)
•He has a crush on her since youth
•They worked together in the museum (when he was in his Dr. Saunders persona) and he started falling for her even more
•They could talk about history stuff all day
•Krux loves her feisty, wild side and wouldn't complain if he gets beaten up by her lmao (honestly this man needs help)
•Misako can make this man from a grumpy, evil mf to a soft puppy in seconds
•Give him chin scratches and he melts away
•Krux has sweet, cheesy petnames for her: My dear, darling, love, sweetheart
•Misako wants Krux to try out a new hairstyle since his hair is always combed back. Buut Krux refuses.
Sometimes she would ruffle his hair on purpose to give him a cuter look.
•They slow dance together to old love songs 🥹
•On rainy days they cuddle up on the couch and read books or drink tea.
•When Krux is having a date with her he panics everytime what he should wear and just can't fucking decide. He wants to look ✨PERFECT✨
Acronix in the background laughing and rating him.
Acronix: i give this outfit a cringe/10
Krux: ...fuck you
(Then ends up wearing a fucking suit to a cafe 💀)
•Krux is so cute and shy around her, literally a different person
•Krux would play romantic songs on the piano for Misako ♡⁠‿⁠♡ (yes he can play the piano because i said so)
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So when an Elemental Master enters NRG Mode, their body is essentially made of their element (like Nya merging with the sea in Seabound). How exactly does that work/look like with more "incorporeal" elements like Speed, Mind, Form, Sound, Time, Gravity and Surprise?? Would, for example, Chamille be a purple ooze that's constantly changing shape, or Jacob be made of soundwaves? Would Neuro be straight up made entirely out of neuron cells??? (Please tell me Krux and Acronix would turn into clocks lmao)
Master Lloyd tells us a lot of stories about those who have tried to attain the highest honor an Elemental Master can achieve—becoming one with their Element. He speaks of all the sacrifices that comes with surrendering oneself to the other side of themselves, and the inner strength required to pull oneself out of it. I can see how such a feat would be admirable, and why he'd want to aspire us to at least one day try.
He speaks proudly of his friends—of how Zane came to learn he could incite an ice age at a moment's notice, of how Kai found he could render the world ablaze should he so wish, how Jay could simply laugh and crack up a lightning storm that would power all the cities forever, how Cole's heartbeat could be tuned to the unbreakable churn of the earth itself, and of how Nya once gave everything she had to become the entire ocean itself, saving us all in a time before I wasn't even around to remember...
And yet, not all of his stories are painted as success stories.
Master Lloyd never says who they are—were?—but he mentions the other Elemental Masters from time to time, and of how the Merge enticed them to try to master their NRG Modes too. Knowing that Elemental Powers were seemingly the only way to seal the rifts, I suppose I could understand why.
He never goes into specifics—never tells us where these supposed others are now—but with a fond, distant look in his eyes, he tells us to pay very close attention to the things in life that often go unseen; for not every Element is so obvious as a strike of lightning, a crack in the earth, the frigidness of ice, the burn of fire, and the once endlessness of the ocean...
He tells us to feel the pull of gravity keeping us anchored to the ground, acting as an invisible safety net. He tells us to be mindful of the shadows cast across the expanse of the ground, each of them reaching out to give us shelter and shade in spades, and a break from the otherwise warm and welcoming guiding light. He tells us to track each and every tick tock of the clocks providing the proof of time, to remind us that yes, we are marching forward in our lives...
He tells us to remember the rush that flows through us whenever we run as fast as we can, speeding through the fields as the whipping winds makes our hair dance in the wake. He tells us to watch for shifting things that try to trick our eyes and ears, for the form we all take on can change at a moment's notice, and we've never know. He tells us to keep an ear aimed upwards as well, to catch all the simple sounds that would be ephemerally missed were we more focused on just the sights.
He gestures to where his incense burns before the portrait of his uncle. He wafts a hand through the resulting smoke, telling us to observe as it floats and flits out of shape with the barest breeze in the near-epitome of freedom. He warns us not to lean too close; to not breathe it in, for while it isn't poison, it still has the potency to disorient us, even if just for a moment.
He then takes my hand and brushes it along his garden of amber-colored flowers, each bloom of nature popping open to greet me as my fingers glide along the leaves and petals. The plants stay protected though confined in a metal box—while cold and unwelcoming to the touch, it is sturdy, supportive, and unyielding. It is a small observation, but one I keep in mind—and he tells us that even thoughts have a shape and a presence, though that presence remains unknown to anyone else.
Master Lloyd then turns to me, an ache in his eyes, as if searching for something long gone and lost, before sighing. His hands tremble as they continue to support mine, and he speaks of perhaps the most invisible element of all—one that's often forgotten, or taken for granted...but is eternally the hardest to anticipate.
His voice quivers as he tells us to watch for the way one's eyes light up upon being presented with a gift, of the embarrassed chuckles that tumbles from one's lips upon being greeted unexpectedly; of the thrill of seeing a loved one enter a room, the delight of finding something rare in a grocery store, the charm of getting to look up at a starry night sky for the first time... He also tells us to be understanding when one cries at the deliverance of bad news, or the confrontation of a sudden, horrid realization...when things hit their worst and no one ever seems to be prepared for it.
He becomes determined now, telling us to pay attention to all the things we take for granted, for their existence in and of themselves is a miracle to behold, whether as ordinarily extraordinary as the sun rising once again or as unfathomable as the fact that we exist at all, for a surprise is still a surprise, even when it is no longer perceived as such.
My own eyes sparkle at the thought of that.
He lets me go and returns to addressing us all as one, telling us that it's in all the little things that life truly thrives. And though we cannot always see those other elements, as long as we can sense them, and know when they are there...we can maintain our connections with such things, no matter how far apart we actually are.
I know he must speak from experience. He tells us that it is a lesson imparted unto him from his uncle. And a bit of pride is sprinkled at the end of his words.
I then ask Lloyd if he's ever been in NRG Mode himself, because I wonder what it must be like, to sense everything all at once, to the point that it must feel like nothing at all... To be nothing more than the energy that runs through all things; to feel and know every connection with every other element, with every other life that roams the world...
To be limitless, to be unparalleled, to be infinite, to be life itself...
But Lloyd stares at me strangely, as if he's already given me that answer. It makes me feel like I've missed some kind of important point, and I scowl, asking again. He grows quiet, for once, and I'm lead to believe that he's not going to tell me.
Until he actually says,
"...If you've ever truly lived..."
Lloyd tilts his head back, staring aimlessly up at the skies above the monastery with shimmering green-gold eyes.
"...then you already know."
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criolla-star · 9 months
Overwhelmed (Vinny x Garmadon Part 6)
(I suggest you go read part 1-5 if you haven’t already)( also I ship Kai and Cole don’t come harass me!)( guys forgive me they’re eating in this chapter but I don’t know if it’s accurate so yea)(Vinny wears a glove on his right hand btw and also the purple oni smoke that comes out of Garmadons’ hands burn in my au my rules)(I’d appreciate if you check out my new book it’s Cyrus x Acronix)
“W-what was that for!?”Vinny exclaimed though it was muffled due to him shoving his face into the mattress. “What, am I not allowed to kiss you?” Garmadon replied in a snarky tone. Vinny didn’t respond and kept his face in the mattress he didn’t mind Garmadon kissing him but it was surprising to think of the fact that the dark lord has fallen for a cameraman.
Garmadon let out a sigh before sitting on the bed and picking up Vinny the putting him on his lap. The larger began nuzzling the smallers’ neck causing his to laugh out, “G-Garm stop t-that it tickles!” The smaller giggled out. Garmadon obviously ignored his pleas to stop because he loved seeing the smaller laugh he just seemed so pure.
There was a knock at the door and Vinny jumped out of Garmadons’ lap and went to the door, it was Kai and Cole, “Hey you two, Master wu told us to come here and tell you Zane made food so come out if you want and that after you can train Lloyd” Kai said before grabbing Coles’ hand and walking away. “Do you wanna go?” Vinny asked which to Garmadon nodded and stood up walking towards the door and Vinny following behind.
The two made their way to where the ninja was sitting they had to add some space for the two but that was quickly dealt with. Cole was already stuffing his face with noodles and dumplings while Jay and Lloyd were eat puffy potstickers. The smith siblings were drinking miso soup and Wu was eating some pie and tea. Garmadon and Vinny began eating whatever (no more describing food) “So Vinny I haven’t seen you since like after the end of the overlord, how’s everything going?” Nya asked trying to be friendly because it was awfully quiet at the table. Vinny looked up at Nya, “oh honestly everythings’ been amazing “he replied.
Jay hesitantly asked, “S-so umm…has G-Garmadon ever hurt you…?” After Jay asked that he received a bonk on the head from Nya and literally everyone stared at Jay. “Why would you ask a question like that?” Vinny asked he was looking down at the table and so was Garmadon they really didn’t like this at all. “I-I’m just curious…I mean maybe like when he first came to your apartment and he didn’t know how to act”Jay replied at this point everyone at the table was giving Jay a death stare while Lloyd on the other hand was curious just like the blue ninja.
“It’s fine you can tell them…”Garmadon whispered quietly to Vinny. The smaller looked up at him with a concerned looked before nodding. “There…there was one time..” Vinny said. At that point everyone focused their attention from Jay onto Vinny, they knew it was rude to talk about but they were so curious. “Just like you said it was when he first came to my apartment he was…adjusting..”Vinny said, Garmadon hated remembering it but, he knew Vinny forgave him he’s apologised a thousand times already.
“So one time he didn’t necessarily understand human culture at all and well that made him angry…..he well….grabbed my hand and you know the purple oni smoke….well it kinda burnt my hand….accidentally of course”,Vinny said looking at his right hand which had a black glove over it. Jay felt really bad asking that question now apologised for the sensitive topic. “Is that what the glove is for?” Zane asked to which Vinny nodded. Garmadon didn’t want to speak he felt guilt all the time about the event and now it felt worse.
“Honestly, don’t feel too bad about Kai burns us nearly all the time in training and he accidentally burns himself sometimes” Cole said trying to brighten the mood and wrapping his arm around Kai. Nya and Jay laughed, “Yea that is true, and Cole only trains with him because he wants to spend more time with Kai!”Lloyd laughed out, Kai and Cole turned a bright red as the others began teasing them. Master Wu let out a sigh of relief to see that the attention has been focused away from his brother and Vinny.
Garmadon felt a sense of relief as well but he was still stressed which to Vinny grabbed his hand and began using his finger to trace circles. Wu and Zane both noticed this causing Zane to become confused and Wu to feel happy for his brother. The group eventually finished eating and moved on from making fun of Kai and Cole turning this back into a normal dinner with the group.
“Shall we go and train Lloyd now?” Wu asked the Garmadon then looked at Lloyd. “Very well, but I shall go do something first” Garmadon said before getting up and going back to his room. Vinny began to worry and stood up he was going to take his plate but Zane told him he’ll take it in. Vinny thanked Zane then went after Garmadon to find him sitting on their bed in their room.
Vinny let out a sigh walked in and closed the door before sitting down next to him. “You feeling alright…?”Vinny asked before gently grabbing Garmadons’ hand, “Yea..”he responded. Vinny turned Garmadons’ head to be facing him, “You and me both know that it wasn’t your fault you had no idea what happened you were just angry and confused, I’ve told you already that I forgive you….”Vinny said before pulling Garmadon down and resting the largers’ head on his chest.
“It was ages ago”Vinny said gently kissing Garmadons’ head repeatedly and stroking his hand through his lovers silver hair. The larger sat up the stared at Vinny before kissing him, this caught Vinny off guard and made him blush. “You could’ve asked me for a kiss” the smaller said. “I know but…it’s better to do it when you don’t expect it” Garmadon replied.
The larger stood up the grabbed the smallers’ hand before kissing it the walking over to Christofern and using a spray to water him, “We shall go to have me probably fail at teaching my son at controlling his oni form” Garmadon said before going down to where the ninja were.
“You two shall make an attempt to listen to eachother” Wu said to his brother and nephew
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realityandrebirth · 1 year
Cyrus Borg & Acronix
Previous: Cyrus Borg & Pixal. Each fic in the series is standalone, but I'm calling it a series anyway.
Futureshipping (Acronix/Cyrus). No warnings.
Acronix spent a good chunk of her morning in a bad mood. She stayed in bed instead of going to her meeting, and muted her phone when it started ringing, but avoiding her responsibilities didn't make her feel any better. Deciding there was no getting out of the hole she was in, Acronix opted to keep digging, and stayed in bed through lunch, too.
Eventually, someone knocked on her door. "Acronix? Are you alright?"
Cyrus wouldn't take silence for an answer, and he knew her too well to fall for a lie. "You can come in," she mumbled.
The door opened. "What's wrong?" Cyrus asked as he entered. "Have you left the bed at all?"
"No," Acronix said, unable to make eye contact. "It's just a bad day for me."
Cyrus parked his wheelchair next to her bed. "Any reason why?"
"It's…" She considered her options: tell her boyfriend, or continue to be miserable alone. Eventually, her better sense won out. "It's my brother's birthday today."
"Ah," Cyrus said. "And you're thinking of him."
Acronix rolled onto her back. "Sometimes I regret cutting contact with him," she said. "Maybe it was the right decision. Maybe it wasn't. I don't know. He's respected my wishes by not trying to talk to me, so maybe…"
"It's a hard decision," Cyrus said. "Even if it was the best decision at the time, that doesn't mean there isn't something to grieve."
He put a hand on her shoulder. Acronix managed a smile.
Cyrus smiled back. "Isn't it your birthday, too?" he said. "You never told me the date."
"Yes, that's what happens when you have twins." Acronix sighed. "I don't want to do anything to celebrate, if that's what you're asking."
"Oh, I might get you a present. Nothing too big, just something to make you smile."
She laughed at that. Cyrus laughed, too.
"You know," he said, "I have some experience with going no-contact with family."
"You do?"
Cyrus paused for a moment. "Yes. There's a reason you haven't met my parents, yet. You probably never will."
"I'll admit, I assumed they were dead." Acronix sat up. "Were they that bad?"
"I'd like to think they did the best they could," Cyrus said. "When I was a child, they made sure I would have a future. I would never have made it this far without them." He looked away. "And then I grew up, and it became clear they would never stop seeing me as a child, and one who was 'too much work' for them to have lives outside of being parents."
"They resented you for that?" Acronix said in horror.
"Not quite resentment. They…" Cyrus shook his head. "I don't know. The accident wasn't their faults, either, and they certainly could have done worse to a disabled child." He sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if I should feel more strongly about them. I told myself cutting them off was a business move. Really, I just didn't want to deal with them anymore."
"Is it?"
Acronix paused for a moment. "Yes," she said. "They sound like they were… distant. It's not the child's responsibility to connect with their parents. It makes sense that there's not a lot of strong emotions to handle."
"Fair, fair." Cyrus cracked a smile. "Not quite like your situation, then."
She looked away. "Not quite," she said.
Silence passed between them. Acronix mentally debated whether to break it, her heart pounding. "If I…" she started, and didn't finish.
"If I wanted to–to reconnect with him…" Acronix gripped the blankets. "Would that be… okay?"
"I would support you," Cyrus said. "Your decision matters most. If that's what you want to do, of course I'll be there for you."
She swallowed. "Would it be okay with you?"
"Acronix, it's not my decision to make."
Cyrus put a hand on her shoulder. "Of course it's okay with me," he said softly. "I may not like him, but supporting you is more important than my dislike–and that's really all I feel towards him, now. I'll even tolerate an interaction with him if that's what I need to do."
Acronix rubbed her eye. "I'm not going to make you do that."
"You wouldn't have to make me. I'd gladly do it."
"You know what I mean." Acronix leaned over and hugged him. "But thank you. I'm not going to do anything yet, but…"
She trailed off as Cyrus kissed her cheek. "I'll support you," he said again. "Always. I love you, Acronix."
"I love you too," Acronix said, and met his lips with her own.
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Dry Bite
Acronix plays a cruel prank on his and his brother's prisoner. Fangpyre Acronix AU.
Suddenly, Acronix struck, fangs out as his head snapped towards Cyrus's remaining arm.
Cyrus flinched away with a yelp, heart freezing as he felt fangs graze flesh-
Through the blood pounding in his ears, he could hear Acronix laughing.
Treating a fangpyre bite was easy, but there was a strict time limit. And he doubted his captures would care to treat him.
"If we catch you sabotaging our engine" said Krux, a sneer audible in his voice "then next time, he won't miss"
Cyrus cracked an eye open, looking down at where he'd been 'bit'. His shirt wasn't even torn, and when he rolled up his sleeves, the skin below was unmarked.
As the twins left, the youngest still cackling, Cyrus sagged in his wheelchair.
For now, at least, he was safe.
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time 5-6
Zane: Pixal, give me a danger analysis. Pixal..? Can you hear me?
Im gonna be devastated if Pixals gone or trapped somewhere
Cole (kicking snake samurais off the roller coasters tracks): You dont have a ticket- aaand YOU dont have a ticket! And YOU dont have a ticket!!!
Kai saw his fathers blacksmith symbol… :(
Kai I promise your parents arent helping the time brothers😭
Like that one time with the purple ninja kid at the hospital and that one kid who was fascinated by his dragon
And right NOW, asking this kid his name to ground the kid in a stressful situation, then popping the kids bubble gum with two straws to make nun chucks and then giving the makeshift nunchucks to the kid 🥺
Lloyd: Ninja! Sound off! Is everyone okay?
Cole: if you mean okay as in ‘there sure are a lot of them’, then yeah! Im okay.
Lloyd: Hang on… has anyone seen Jay?
Kai: No… now that you mention it, he wasn’t with us when we arrived.
Cole: You know, for once, itd be great to go into battle with a full team.
Kai: Well dont tell us!?!? 😒 Tell jay! Its his fault he didnt tell us he was going WHEREVER
How do the ninja forget their own members so easily.
Day of the departed with Cole, now this 💀
Nya: Im sure Jay had a good reason for running off…
Aww thats actually so sweet.
Ed (bulldozing samurai snakes): I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO YOU!!!
Edna (sweeping the snakes with her broom): I don’t think they saw your sign out front dear! ☺️
Im not joking in the slightest when I say I would die for Jays parents.
Im being absolutely serious they are everything to me
Jay: Mom! Dad! Are you okay?!?!?
Edna: Oh, well. Now I’m very late for my quilting circle!
I literally adore them
Krux: I suspect you CAN make the apparatus, you just don’t WANT to.
Cyrus Borg: … Alright fine! But you cant make me!
My man, why didn’t you keep up with the lie 😭
They would have believed you if you just kept saying you couldn’t build it because you didn’t have the right materials
I forgot Acronix gets a crush on Machia
I forgot there were 4 time blades too.
This is just like season 1 and the fang-blades all over again
Snake samurai commander: Vermillion warriors, were leaving, take the builder now.
Jay: HA. Vermillion warriors? Really? THATS what theyre called????
Jay, theyre gonna kidnap your dad, and you’re LAUGHING.
I think Ednas scream was the most heartbreaking noise ive ever heard in this show.
How dare they.
The fact he still calls his parents mom and dad after everything 🥺
Jay: Gotta form my dragon- Come on Jay, you can do this… You can do this.
He sounds so scared :(
He must feel so guilty since he promised he’d protect them.
I love edna sm 😭
Nyas so smart
Putting a temporal scanner on Zane when he was rebooting :)
Jay: Ughhh I JUST promised you guys I would protect you. And now theyve taken mom!
Jays dad is so supportive 🥹
Ed: Just remember what we say in the scrap metal business, “keep your emotions under control and focus on the problem at hand.”
Jay: Do they actually say that.🤨
Ed: Its a surprisingly harsh business son.
Now theyre gonna have some father-son bonding time by rebuilding it :)
Does lego ninjago forget Ed and Edna.
Istg if they dont have Jays parents in newer seasons im sueing.
Vermillion Warriors: Its too fucking hot! I hate it.
Edna: SEE! This is why I wanted my purse!!! I keep a bottle of water in there!!!! HYDRATION IS IMPORTAAANT!!!!!
Cole: I dont see the time blade.. but they have JAYS MOM?!?!?
HFJDJDNFJ the way he said ‘mom’ got me 💀
Edna (getting kidnapped): Oh hi Nya! Its so nice to see you!
Gotta be on good terms with ur sons girlfriend
Ed: Now, Jay- theres a speed limit…
Ed: Aaand there are times where its okay to ignore it!
Cole yelling out Jays name in slow mo is so funny
Jays my favorite character ofc I remember anytime he does something cool
Everyone: (in slow motion)
Jay: Its like you said, never give up.
Ed: Well- that was until I saw everyone slow down to a snail’s pace
Jay: And thats why we modified the bike.
Kai and Cole: Way to go Jay!!! Talk about a come back!
Vermillion warrior: waddles to the time blade :D
Lloyd: (fucking air kicks him)
Zane: (stabilizing the port wing on the jet)
Zane: IM TRYING!!!
Cole leave him alone 😭
Lloyd: We got the time blade! We finally caught a break!!!
i remember them failing to retrieve every single fang blade
Oh how theyve grown 🥲
Nya (trying to show off her bf): Ha! did you guys see Jay take off on that bike? He was like- greased lightning!
Everyone: …
Nya: What? He had grease on his face… and hes the lightning ninja??? Aw come on, you would have laughed if Jay said it!!!!
Kai: No. no we wouldn’t.
Ed: I uh, I thought it was funny Nya. 🙂
Nya: … thank you Mr Walker.
Jay really is rubbing off on Nya :) hes making her more relaxed and carefree
Love that
Zane: Be careful Jay, the time blade is a powerful weapon.
Jay: I AM being careful 🙄 (does the exact opposite)
Mr. Cuddlywomp 😭
Thats the cutest fucking name ever
I bet Edna sewed and stitched it for him 🥺
This is actually great timing bc i was JUST writing a fanfic about Jay when he was rlly little and Mr. Cuddlywomp is a perfect addition
Jay: A stuffed toy I USED to love, hes totally lame now though-
Cole: We know you still sleep with him. :)
Jay: AND I DONT CARE WHO KNOWS. Mr. Cuddlywomp… (hugs the donkey/horse stuffie)
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Jays an animal jam gamer confirmed
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Huh. Good character consistency I guess.
The water and fire siblings being too consumed in work while Jay, Cole, and Zane goof off is a dynamic I need more of.
Jay: Ugh, I dont get those two, we FINALLY get a victory and they choose to celebrate by nerding out instead of doing something cool?
Jay: OH! Lets run at each other and see if the time blade will slow us down!!!!!!
Look at Lloyd 😭😭😭 hes so proud of his victory
I love those small moments when Lloyd acts like a kid. Look at him! Hes getting all excited and waving his hands around to explain everything!!!
Lloyd, honey, I love you but maybe apologize to your mom about knocking her tea to the floor accidentally 😭💀
Krux: You were not given permission to use the time blade. Because if you KNEW how to use the time blade. YOU WOULD NOT HAVE LOST THE TIME BLADE-
Vermillion warriors: ….
Vermillion warriors: On second thought, maybe we DIDNT lose the time blade….
Acronix: You use the time blade, LOSE the time blade AND LIE ABOUT USING AND LOSING THE TIME BLADE.
Love when the villains are absolutely hilarious
Jay and Cole are best friends, they do the stupidest shit together and if that isn’t true friendship then idk what is 💀
Cole: Sounds to me like someones earned their black belt in being a wet blanket.
Lloyd: Whats that supposed to mean!
Zane: I believe Coles intent is to describe you as a blanket that has become wet, but not for the purposes of putting out a fire, but rather to extinguish our enjoyment.
Thank you Zane ☺️
HNFJDBFBEJR its so funny that Wu said the EXACT SAME THING lloyd said.
Word for word.
And the ninja still called Lloyd a wet blanket and listened to Wu intently.
The snake samurai are here.
Zane: Ive run a fourth-level analysis, it appears the snake warriors have returned.
Jay: Oh really?!? i could have told you that with a third-level analysis. OR A NO-LEVEL ANALYSIS.
I love how the ninja refuse to call the snake samurai, vermillion warriors.
Jay: oh wow, they went from unarmed snakes to weaponized vermillion warriors really really fast!!!
Kai: Doesnt matter! We can take- Wait. (Holding back a laugh) THATS what they’re called???? Vermillion warriors????
Love Zane explaining WHY the writers chose ‘Vermillion warriors’ as the snakes samurais name.
Makes me think that some writers thought ‘vermillion warriors’ was a perfect name while others thought it was stupid 💀
Kai: Remember Mrs. Grumbiller? The babysitter we used to have?
Nya: The old mean one?
Kai: Yeah, remember what we did when she tried to put us to bed?
Nya: absolutely.
Nya and Kai: (trip the snake warrior off the floating island)
Jay: Oh man, whatever they paid Mrs. Grumbiller, wasnt nearly enough.
Misakos such a girlboss
I love when they use their elemental dragons
Wait that isn't nya????
Who's in the samurai x suit then?????
Lloyd: Well, samurai, whoever you are, thank you.
Jay really IS rubbing off on Nya 😭😭😭 I've never seen her this loudly and hilariously angry
Kai (holding a hurt and weak sensei): TELL ME WHAT THE SYMBOL MEANS.
Like dude give Wu a break 💀
Acronix: look at the little boy pretending to be a big hero...
Why do they have to keep reminding me how young Lloyd is. 🥲 it's sad
I actually get excited during Misakos fights she's so cool
You cannot be telling me that the time brothers are beating ALL the ninja even when they're NOT using the time blades powers...
Like are you kidding me?????
FINALLY they beat the time brothers
I actually hate Machia now.
This is just the fang blades all over again
AAAAND they take Wu.
This is when Kai gets in his real ‘im gonna kill my dad’ arc isn't it.
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inchling-prince · 1 year
A question I had that I’m not fully sure about is when the time twins rejoined after 40 years do you think krux had a period of getting used to seeing arcronix again or do you think they just got on immediately.
Cuz I like to believe that they didn’t have any period of readjustment if krux didn’t change, like I have friends that if I met them in the first time in ages we’d chat and laugh like we hung out yesterday even if I was low. So I like to think no matter how sad krux would be he’d still react to seeing arcronix like he just saw him a few days prior.
Oh this is such a good ask. Unfortunately this is one of those that there’s like 800 versions of in my head.
Judging completely by what we see in the show, I think you’re right, Krux immediately treats Acronix like he was never even gone. Krux bitches about him being late, they have their big hug, and they’re moving forward with shit.
Solid chance that Krux feels like Acronix has actually been with him the entire time due to weird magical twin sense, based on that shit Tommy Andreasen told us that one time, but that makes me need to take Tommy’s brain out and eat it. I don’t hate it because I could never hate anything about the time twins, but I hate it. It’s not canon. It’s not. Tweets aren’t canon.
But even aside from that, Krux doesn’t really behave like somebody would expect an old man who hasn’t seen his brother in 40 years to behave. When Acronix shows up it’s like he’s a fuckin teenager. Like sure he bitches about electronics, but also he straight up picks on his brother like they’re kids. The pretending he didn’t have the vermillion to smash up the Borg store that gets a rise out of Acronix was an obvious one, and picking on him about liking Machia are probably the best examples of this. But these guys are joking and cutting up and high fiving like they were never separated at all.
So at least when it comes to Acronix, no, I don’t think Krux experiences relationship decay.
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whale-kingdom · 2 years
Skales goes to buy groceries and meets a war criminal.
Warning for: Mental health issues, brain damage, amnesia.
Skales had only just left the store when the fangpyre approached, seeming to manifest from nowhere out of the ally.
He'd figured before the serpentine opened his mouth that he must've been turned, he didn't recognize them from the tomb, they didn't look to be from any clan he knew of, and they wore clothes typical of a human- that is, they bothered with clothes at all.
Looking them over, Skales got a sense there was something off. They where dirty, disheveled, with a line of greenish drool running down their chin.
Nevertheless, they projected a confident air as they approached, fumbling for something in their pocket.
"Excussse me, sir, ma'am?" 
And that settled it, between the concern around a stranger's gender, and the concerted effort to hide the serpentine lisp, there was no way this was one of them.
Skales raised a hand, signalling to his bodyguard, Mesmoroua, to stand down.
"Yessss?" He said, flashing what he hoped was a reassuring smile.
 The fangpyre pulled a scrap of paper from his pocket and handed it over, saying "I'm supposed to be meeting a friend, but I seem to have gotten turned around"
They snorted, "I swear, this city was built like a maze"
Skales scanned the street, looking for anyone the fangpyre might've been travelling with, but saw no one.
He looked down at the paper in his hand. It was an address, but alas, not one he recognized.
He furrowed his brow.
"I'm not sure where thissss issss...." He muttered, but, noticing the fangpyre's dismay, added, "but I think I can find it"
He heard Mesmoroua muttering something unsavory under his breath, but he didn't protest beyond that.
He turned to him, "Return to the tomb if you wish, we will be fine on our own"
"I cannot in good conssscience leave you alone up here" said Mesmoroua.
Skales gave him a nod of acknowledgement, then reached into his bag for his rarely used map.
He fumbled with it, muttering under his breath as the fangpyre waited nearby, pacing in tight, impatient circles.
"Excussse me, sir, ma'am?"
Skales looked up to see the fangpyre staring at him.
"What issss it?" He asked, lowering the map.
Again, they were fumbling in their pockets, but this time they looked flustered.
"I'm- I'm supposed to meet a friend but I've got a bit turned around" they said, looking increasingly desperate "I have the address here somewhere" he muttered.
Skales stared at him, dumbfounded as he tried to make sense of this, then- oh.
"You mean thisss addresss?" He offered, showing them the paper.
The fangpyre didn't answer, only looking away.
They wiped their mouth on their sleeve, and Skales noticed their fangs- normally folded safely away in a fangpyre- where visible poking out from under their upper lip.
"I think I've plotted a route" he said, with a smile, he added, "Chen'sss, I sssee"
Mesmoroua brightened up, "Oooh! We should ssstop there, too, I'm kinda in the mood for noodlesss"
Skales glanced over at the fangpyre.
"Ssskales Jr. would love a sssuprissse fast food dinner" he noted, "Letsss do thisss"
The three started off in high spirits, although the fangpyre was quiet, at first.
Skales decided to strike up a conversation.
"Ssso, what's your name?" He asked
"Acronix" they replied, and then, with a smirk, they added, "I'd be sssuprisssed if you hadn't heard of me"
Skales cocked his head, frowning, "no, can't sssay I have"
Acronix laughed, then deflated "maybe thatssss- that's a good thing" he muttered, smile fading.
Skales took a second look.
It was hard to gauge the age of a serpentine, harder still if they'd been turned, but his best guess for Acronix was... Probably somewhere in his sixties.
Hardly old for a serpentine, but certainly old enough to have fought in the war.
His face was misshapen, sunken in were his venom glands should've been visible, but judging by the greenish tinge to his drool, they must've grown back somewhat.
"I sssuppossse you fought for the Alliance" said Skales, trying to keep the hard edge out of his voice.
"I was part of it" said Acronix, "I wasss one of the 'handsss of time' as they called us, fiercest warrior to ever sssee the battlefield"
As they walked, he could see that Acronix was half watching their surroundings, and no doubt, they felt the hateful stares as much as Skales did.
He couldn't help what he said next.
"And, how did that turn out for you?"
Acronix stiffened, "basstardsss" he spat, "Cowardssss, the lot of them, I sssuffered lesss asss the ssserpentine'sss prisssoner then I did from their 'help'"
A reward as the monster deserves, thought Skales, but he knew better then to say it.
That was the end of the conversation, in fact, as Acronix again forgot where he was.
There was a reason Chen's Noodle House was a such a popular restaurant among serpentine.
It was the only chain restaurant that would serve them, for one, and as they walked into this particular location, he could see multiple serpentine eating there, a few he recognized, some he didn't, but all of them seemed to have come here in a group.
Ninjago wasn't a safe place for a lone serpentine.
The cashier looked up as they came in, recognition and relief flashing across her face.
The three took a seat by the conveyer belt, and Acronix and Mesmoroua helped themselves.
Skales held back, wanting to eat with his wife and son back home.
As he sat, he thought about the person across from him.
There was no doubt in his mind that Acronix was a monster... But if his suspicions were true, then he had already suffered for it.
When they'd met, Acronix had been wandering the streets of Ninjago, alone and struggling with some kind of amnesia, and Skales honestly couldn't think of anything scarier.
The cashier- Skylor, according to the nametag- came up to them, gaze fixed on Acronix.
"Do you guys need anything?" She said in an overly cheerful, 'customer service' voice.
All three shook their heads.
"Jussst waiting for a friend" said Acronix, cool as a cucumber.
Skylor glanced at his companions.
"If you say so!" She chirped, and Skales thought he heard genuine relief in her voice.
She walked off, and Skales relaxed, waiting for his bodyguard to finish eating.
Acronix was done, and had taken to playing with his napkin, dropping and catching it is some sort of... Slow motion field.
Skales took a deep breath.
"Acronix?" He said.
Acronix looked up at him, letting the napkin drop.
Skales sighed. "I'm not sure how you feel about ussss" he said, grabbing his pen and tearing out a blank page from his grocery list. "But the war is over, itsss been over for decadessss, and... I believe it'sss time to mend the rift"
Hastily he scribbled down his email.
"If you ever need help, or jussst want to talk" he said, handing Acronix the paper, "send me a message"
Acronix took it. He looked it over and scoffed, "as if I'd need help from a snake" he muttered, but didn't immediately throw it out.
Skales decided that was probably the best reaction he could've hoped for.
Mesmoroua nudged his shoulder.
"I'm done eating" he said.
"And I should probably get our supper" said Skales.
He started to get up, but paused, "Acronix" he said, "will you be okay here alone?"
Acronix gave him a bitter look, "of course I will" he said, then cast a smile towards the cashier, "it's not like I'm actually alone"
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thatonethimbo · 2 years
Lachesis (Time Twins x GN!Reader)
In the midst of the Serpentine war, a pair of twins appear battered and bruised at your doorstep. It's too dark out to tell if you're truly alone with them, the silence being the only thing in the dead of night. You never fully trusted your senses anyway.
The moment you pulled them into your home was the moment fate intertwined their disorderly threads with yours.
He hadn't even realised his legs were hurting from how much he ran. Yet, the adrenaline pumping through his veins powered him on despite his soon-to-be realised struggle. A familiar face, much like his, fled alongside him, kept close by fear of separation. On and on, the pair went, disregarding what lay behind them, one of which ignored the urge to look back. Soon though the cold air the older one inhaled was starting to feel like daggers slicing into the sides of his throat. 
Krux wheezed as he came to a stop, while his brother glanced behind the two of them, wary of the lurking danger that had brought them so much trouble. The older twin took deep, shuddering breaths, deeply aware of his brother's presence. While all over, where the armour had been slipped past by the enemy's blades, were wounds that flared up in pain as if to remind him of their existence.
They were sure to become scars later.
He didn't dare pry the armour off, though. Even with both of them at a standstill, it was too risky and time-consuming with the possibility- oh wait, he was a Master of Time... Krux bitterly laughed to himself while his brother looked on with clear confusion. The attack that had brought them into this mess had been on his mind. 
An ambush. The twins were taken by surprise, in their panic unable to use their powers properly, his brother Acronix took the initiative to flee, even with Krux reluctant to abandon the fight. They had a chance! Sure, they were ambushed, but the tide of battle would surely be turned in their favour!
Out of nowhere, waves of fatigue struck his mind in overwhelming numbers, his world collapsing underneath him, dragging him down with it.
Just for how long had he run?
Herbal remedies lined the shelves, steam rising from the small pot hanging over a flame that licked the sides with craving heat. Brushing aside the ivy vine curtains, you strode into the small room, the rough wood underfoot creaking as you went. 
A spoon was dipped into the concoction, the utensil's bowl rising to your lips. You took a sip, taking a moment to let the taste settle on your tongue and for its effects to kick in. And kick in they did, beginning with a flare of spice that sent you reeling, followed by a bittersweetness that made you want more, and last but not least a cool, numb feeling starting in your head, dispersing to the rest of your body.
A feeble knock sounded from the door, though you were too engrossed in your work to take note. Yes, you did notice. But your imagination was too vivid for you to take things too seriously at first glance. Again, it happened, this time your gaze snapped over to the ramshackle door. With a single stride, you were at the threshold. It (the door) always creaked too loudly for your liking, but since there was no one out there willing to make a replacement, you had to settle for this one.
The creaking filled your ears, and you carefully peeked out, surveying the area in front. It was oddly silent, seemingly no one ahead. A huff escaped you. This was not the best time for anyone to be playing tricks. Then, you looked down. 
Two men, almost fully identical, the first distinguishing feature you saw was their contrasting hair lengths laying at your doorstep, parts of their armour battle-worn. One had some of his ebony hair spilling onto his shoulders, a helmet covering both of their heads. The other, you almost assumed was bald. 
It was too risky to keep them out here. With no time to spare, you had to be careful bringing them in, with the added challenge of their armour weighing them down a considerable amount. Despite your metal adversary, the pair ended up inside. Eventually. Then came the issue of their armour. You had to do something about it so you could inspect for any wounds and prevent possible infection. But removing it whilst asleep was not only creepy but also an invasion of privacy. They were strangers. 
So you did what you could while the two were unconscious, preparing remedy after remedy in case they needed it. In doing so, your gaze drifted away from the two toward a specific part of the shelf reserved for more serious medical attention. Bottles of antivenin, each with their label and symbol appropriately labelled with the Serpentine venom they were supposed to be for. You checked over the two again, squinting when you thought you saw something relating to bite symptoms. 
The one with the longer hair began to stir. You backed away a bit to give him space while he woke up, hearing his pained groans. With what you currently knew, you did not need to give them antivenin. The one who had woken up looked around the room, his bleary-eyed gaze landing on you after all else had been seen. The man nudged his companion’s side, the other man quicker to stir. Both pairs of eyes were pinned on you now. 
Looking closer, both of the men’s eyes were a distinct copper colour, flecked with bits of gold here and there. The one who had woken up just now was pulling the other one close protectively with what strength he possessed. A deep sigh escaped you, turning to pull the remedy from its place and put it in front of the two. Eyeing it like the mixture was poison made for taking them down in ten seconds flat, you had to resist the urge to groan. So, you left the room. 
Acronix snatched it from its spot the moment you disappeared, Krux quick to glare at his younger brother. Unable to stop him from uncorking the bottle and downing it within seconds, leaving little for Krux to drink. His younger brother grimaced briefly, shuddering with a few hushed whispers. He then sighed as a small smile appeared on his face. 
‘’I feel much better.’’ Acronix happily informed. Krux did not share his sentiments, staring at the last few drops left in the bottle. He glanced around the room, the sight of so many things in one place dizzying his already overwhelmed mind. Acronix was too busy revelling in feeling better to notice his brother’s annoyed expression. 
When you returned the two were still where you left them, though the first to awaken seemed a bit more energetic than before. Though, the one you realised was his brother (identical twins, nice) had his eyes straightaway land on you the second you came back into the room. Your posture stiffened a bit when you were thinking of what to say. How would you tell them that for you to help them effectively, you first needed them to take off their armour?
‘’Okay, boys.’’ You started, the awkwardness clear in your voice. The twins both turned their gazes at you, the first to awake had a curious look in his eyes, the other a guarded expression that left little room for interpretation. ‘’Take off your armour.”
No sooner had the words left your mouth, the twins had their respective reactions. Formerly eyes filled with curiosity were now full of surprise. Not much had changed in the other one’s reaction but he frowned a bit, a slight growl coming from him. A lump formed in your throat as you awaited a further response. Minutes went by, and what seemed like hours passed.
Then a wince. The more protective twin looked over to his brother, who was clutching his side. Lifting his gaze, his eyes eventually met yours, narrowed and promising a threat should harm come to his younger brother. 
Nodding, you knelt as he began assisting you in taking the armour off, exposing skin laden with wounds that were an angry red. Some of them were steadily trickling blood, these were the ones you put your attention on first, the others dried and not all that concerning to look at. The younger sibling hissed as you applied some pressure to one of his wounds, you had to get up and grab a damp cloth to effectively treat his issue, once more applying pressure but with the damp cloth.  
The other sibling helped out while you worked on cleaning the wound, washing it each time the cloth was too dirtied, eventually you had to throw it out and replace it with a new one. Then, once that had finished, only one spot required a bandage which you were fortunate to still have. The younger sibling was then helped back into his armour, murmuring thanks which you heard (and smiled at). Then it was the older sibling’s turn. He wasn’t too keen on that.
Acronix, which you had learned to be the name of the younger twin, ran through the same process but this time helping you treat his brother’s battle wounds. Krux, the name of the older sibling, was tenser upon his skin being exposed whilst you treated his wounds. Your gaze did not linger more than what was needed. His brother seemed to be grateful for that. 
When all was done, you gave the two some food and drink (a bit of mint alongside some rabbit you caught earlier) the two things you eagerly provided. Krux was the one to eat it all, surprisingly enough, however, it wasn’t a competition as his brother had a moment to stare daggers at him before digging into his food. 
The rest of the night went swell, and the three of you began to enjoy each other’s presence, though when the twins’ exhaustion finally caught up to them you had to direct them to a spare bedroom- or rather, just a room with a rug on the floor. You opted to take it instead so they could get some rest. 
‘’If I’m not mistaken, I do believe you’re the one who helped us?” Krux started dryly, raising an eyebrow that did not go unnoticed. Beside him, his brother smirked slightly at you. ‘’And, help cannot go unrewarded. So, take the bed, you stubborn-’’ 
‘’Krux!’’ Acronix shouted at his brother, who rolled his eyes in response. ‘’You have a point though.’’ The younger brother looked back at you, his smirk replaced with a grin. ‘’We can sleep on the rug.’’
‘’I appreciate both of you being gentlemen but you were the ones who were laying at my doorstep hours ago.’’ You pointed it out. ‘’If it’s anyone who needs a good rest it’s you two.’’ The sight was still fresh in your mind, even with it occurring hours before now. Acronix huffed impatiently. 
There was a moment’s silence as the three of you stood there, probably internally deciding which party got the bed. You caved in with enough time. ‘’Fine, I’ll take the bed.’’ Walking out, you came back with a few spare blankets and pillows, one of which was decorated with blue stars across it. 
Acronix’s eyes lit up at the sight of it. He immediately snatched it from your grasp, leaving Krux with a purple-coloured pillow. He didn’t seem to mind, the twins then set their blankets and pillows on the rug where it was most comfortable for them to sleep. The younger brother came running at you, encasing you in a hug while Krux looked on, looking as if he were about to facepalm. 
When Acronix pulled away, Krux tentatively hugged you goodnight, and you hugged both of them back. The twins began chattering to each other once you left the room. A smile appeared on your face while you thought to yourself, settling down into the bed. You turned your head, blowing out the candle to extinguish it. The room darkened almost instantly, a light visible down the hall going out as well.
Rest easily came.
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fires-of-ninjago · 2 years
any (lighthearted) krux headcanons?
Okay, I'm sorry it's taken me this long to respond to this, but the past few days have been extremely chaotic for me.
Despite being so annoyed all the time, he actually kind of enjoyed his job at the museum as it's curator.
He only took the job in the first place because of all of the ancient and powerful artifacts that it gave him access to! Then he realized that he actually liked messing with the kids while doing the tours and getting them to laugh at his dad-jokes!
It might have been through gritted teeth at first, but he eventually had to admit to himself that he loved watching the school groups light up at all of the exhibits.
Even when his brother finally showed up and started discovering all the new technologies that had appeared in the time between, he still low-key loved watching Acronix discovering all of these new things!
When he wasn't seething with annoyance at the very fact that his brother was turning into just another tech-head, he would endlessly tease him about it (in that get under the skin way that only siblings know how to do)!
He actually made an enemy of the Explorer's Club© when he challenged them to prove that they actually discovered something, and didn't just steal from a local temple, or rob a grave.
Despite their 'donations' being rescinded, he always managed to bring in enough money through public attendance (and why his Dr. Saunders persona was always so goofy)!
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ninja-gay-go · 3 years
this might be weird but uhhh
acronix meeting cryptor for the first time? and being impressed by him? (romantic)
if you cant write that can i request a "midnight snack" glaciershipping thing? ^^
One Acronix/Cryptor ficlet coming right up!
Impressed (Acronix/Cryptor)
"Impressive, even I've not marveled at what an advanced piece of technology you are! ... And your features are quite-" Acronix traced his finger on Cryptor's shoulder. "Ruggish."
Cryptor cocked a brow at the intruder, the long hair on Acronix swept in the air as he circled the alert nindroid.
"Who are you?" Cryptor growled. And Acronix laughed.
"I am Acronix! Master of Time- or- a Hand in Time might I say." Acronix gave Cryptor another look around, drawing his eyes to the nindroid's chest. "Say, what are you made of? You're much more interesting than that blue loser with the Ninja."
Cryptor paused. "... I was made in Borg Tower. I am the ultimate machine designed to-"
Cryptor could feel a slight grin reach his cloaked mouth. If he even had a mouth under it... "I can do many things."
The two had an eye-to-eye. A mere 'huh' under their breaths.
"Would you be willing to show me? I'm such a fan of today's modern technology. But-" Acronix clicked his tongue. "I would love to see what tomorrow's nindroid can do."
He lowered his fists, despite his AI screaming for Cryptor to take the shot. The touch from this 'Hand' of Time brought with it a new sensation.
Something fast... Something slow...
Slow enough to catch the playful glint in the elemental's eyes.
Cryptor chuckled.
"I can do many things... Would you like to see?"
Acronix smiled, his fingers still admiring the texture of cold metal against the warm cloth.
"... I would. If you'd please."
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criolla-star · 9 months
Overwhelmed(Vinny x Garmadon Part 5!)
(I’m working on a new story as well though I’ll keep trying to post a new part everyday)(You should check out part 1-4 if you haven’t already)(Also the monastery has an elevator now they made one after Crystallisation cause why not)(small notes throughout the chapter are in red while at the end or beginning it’s is in green also in italics and bolded)( this is an edit my new story is out Cyrus x Acronix)
The group of four left the apartment as soon as Vinny packed his things, if he was gonna stay there for a while he’ll need some clothes. Vinny luckily managed to get out of work mainly because Garmadon yelled at the guy on the phone. The only thing Garmadon took was Christofern which pissed off Lloyd.
“So Vinny back to my question” Lloyd said as they started walking to the monastery. Vinny turned red, “What question?” Garmadon asked oblivious as he was asleep when the question was asked. Wu bonked Lloyd on the head with his staff, earning a pained groan. “What was that for?”Lloyd asked and he put his hands on his head. Wu let out a sigh, “Questions such as that are for later not now” Wu responded obviously noticing Vinnys’ face turning a bright red and using his staff to point towards him. It took Lloyd a moment to realise what he meant but when he it was quite obvious, because his eyes widened the he immediately stared towards Vinny and his father.
“I’m still curious what’s the question? Vinny do you know the question?” Garmadon asked turning to Vinny. Wu let out a sigh, “It is best that we continue walking otherwise we’ll be here all day” Wu said. “Y-yea we should get going”Vinny said out in an awkward laughing tone as he tried his best to shake off the question. Sure the two literally confessed their love for each other yesterday he still found it a pretty embarrassing this to talk about especially with 2 people that haven’t got a clue about their relationship.
Garmadon let out a sigh then continued walking along with the other 3. “Brother you and Vinny don’t mind sharing a room as there isn’t that many rooms for the two of you. “I don’t mind it isn’t that much different from the apartment” Garmadon replied. Lloyd stared at his father realising what he meant, “Wait wait wait, you two share a bed??”Lloyd asked he was flabbergasted at the thought of those two sharing a bed. Vinny nodded, “Vinny wouldn’t let me sleep on the couch and I wouldn’t let him sleep on the couch so we both agreed on sharing a bed” Garmadon said.
“Well that is quite a shock to hear that you would share a bed” Wu said as they all kept walking. “Honestly I had to sew 2 blankets together just so he could have his entire body covered” Vinny chuckled out. Garmadon stared at Vinny before saying, “I did not tell you to do that you did just did that out of kindness”.
“Here we are” Lloyd said out in a sigh of relief glad to be home. Vinny looked up at the stairs, “I’m not walking up all that..”Vinny said.“That’s why we installed an elevator” Lloyd said as he went towards the elevator. Vinny let out a sigh of relief and went in the elevator along with the others.
“Brother you should try your best to teach Lloyd properly and Lloyd will listen”Wu said he didn’t want a repeat of last time.”Very well I’ll try as long as Lloyd listens” Garmadon responded. It took a few minutes to reach the top of the monastery but finally they made it up. “Lloyd go tell the others that these two are staying with us I’ll take them to their room” Wu said as to which Lloyd obeyed.
Wu led the two towards their room and opened the door, the wall and a bit of a space theme there was small stars on the wall painted, there was two closets, a draw, a desk with a chair, a bedside table and there was a king sized bed(they deserve the best)which Vinny immediately jumped on, they took their shoes off outside. “I love this bed” Vinny giggled out loudly as he snuggled into the bed. Garmadon stared at Vinny and a small smile appeared on his face along with his cheeks having being covered with blush, Wu noticed this and smirked.
“Brother may I speak with you for a moment while Vinny unpacks?” Wu asked, Vinny nod nodded as he signalled his lover to place Christofern on the table next to him which the he obviously listened. Vinny gave Garmadon a thumbs up as he left the room closing the door. “What did you want to tell me?” Garmadon asked his brother. Wu walked a little bit far from the room, his brother following, as he didn’t want Vinny to hear him. “What do you think of Vinny?”Wu asked it was just like Lloyd said but with more meaning Lloyd wanted to know if Vinny thought Garmadon was a monster while Wu wanted to know if he actually liked Vinny.
Garmadons’ face lit up with bright purple blush but he attempted to hide it, “I don’t understand” Garmadon asked trying his best to act oblivious, “I’ve seen the way you look at him brother you were smiling before that is something I’ve barely seen you do”Wu replied. There was no answer what was he meant to say to his brother just fully on tell him the events of yesterday?Hell no he wasn’t going to do that, Wu would never stop bettering him about it.
“It’s alright if you do not feel like telling me, but you can always ask for help”Wu said as he left his brother be. Garmadon let out a sigh, “Is it really that obvious?”He thought to himself before going back to his room where Vinny was laying on the bed waiting for him. “Hey Garm! Isn’t this place great, I mean look at how big this bed is it’s bigger than me?” Vinny said out happily as he did a star pose showing how his limbs didn’t even reach the corners. Garmadon let out a chuckle before he kneeled down and gently kissed Vinnys’ head. This sudden affection made Vinny turn a bright red as he rolled over onto his stomach and shoved his face into the bed.
(Ayyyyy hope you enjoy this chapter. btw my next book is Cyrus x Acronix don’t you come and judge me for this I think it’s a cute ship)
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hollyyewblood · 3 years
Ninjago is something that always has been and always will be close to my heart. As someone whose been here since the beginning, in honor of just finishing rewatching the first two seasons with my brother (we’re gonna watch more tomorrow), I’d like to share some of my best memories with anyone that cares to listen (feel free to share yours in the comments!).
Prologues/Season 1: Watching it with my Dad and siblings, being completely surprised that Zane is a nindroid, ALL OF THE TRUE POTENTIAL EPISODES HAD ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT, being absolutely shocked when it was revealed Lloyd was the Green Ninja, calling our old T.V. a “rip off” when my Dad was having trouble starting it so we could watch an episode (I believe the exact episode was one towards the end of the season), the scene where the Great Devourer zooms in on the camera at the end of the second-to-last episode scaring the SHIT out of me, almost sobbing when Sensei Wu was eaten, almost sobbing when the Bounty was destroyed, being on the edge of my seat as the Ninja subdue the Great Devourer, screaming with joy when they did it, jumping with joy when Sensei Wu was revealed to be alive, being excited for the next season to see what happened next.
Season 2: Being glad that the Bounty was back, but also being upset it was now in Garmadon’s possession, laughing at Darreth’s antics, pajama men being the funniest shit, NinjaBallRun being FUCKING ICONIC (Season 2 had a lot of those episodes), seeing Lloyd turn older marked one of my first childhood crushes, biting my nails hoping that the Ninja would be able to correct the past, the Overlord creeping me the FUCK out, furrie Garmadon, my Dad/siblings and I cheering for Lloyd during the final battle, being happy af that Garmadon was turned good in the end.
Season 3: Dad stopped actively watching with us at this point. I’m actually only gonna describe my memories from one scene, that being Zane’s death scene since it’s the one I remember most. Dude, my sister (the oldest) was BAWLING her eyes out. Meanwhile, my brother and I had tears in our eyes, our mouths agape, and we just had to sit there and deal with it. It was SO SAD. I still get sad when watching it. Kudos to the creators, they made what I assume to be thousands of children cry. Kudos.
Season 4: OOOOOO BOI, SIMPING WASN’T A COMMON WORD BACK THEN, BUT THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT MY SISTER AND I WERE DOING FOR SLEEVELESS NINJA (MORE SPECIFICALLY ME THAN HER). We were all relieved that Zane was alive, the reveal of a bunch of different Elemental Masters was the most unexpected thing to us children, Skylor’s betrayal to the Ninja SHOCKING us, the Dragons being cool as fuck, Garmadon’s sacrifice being super sad, MY BROTHER AND I ONLY TALKING ABOUT “WHAT IS MORRO?” FOR LIKE THEEE MONTHS STRAIGHT LMAO.
Season 5: I immediately fell in love with Morro. That’s it. Send tweet. Lol, anyways- I thought Ronin was cool af, Airjitsu being The Shit, NYA BEING REVEALED TO BE THE WATER NINJA WAS LIKE WHATTTTTTTTT, I loved it. Absolutely dying of laughter at the Chima cameo, super sad that Morro died, I loved and still love him.
Also, fun fact: my sister stopped watching after Cole became a ghost because she was SO PISSED that they would do that, she still hasn’t got caught up even after we told her that he was turned back in Day of the Departed.
Season 6: This is where my memory blurs. I remember being shocked at Nya’s ‘death’, but apart from that, I can’t actively remember my feelings.
As for Season 7, I only remember that Acronix was funny. And that’s where we end. I’ve watched up the where Aspheera comes in, but I didn’t really pay attention due to being pissed that they changed the Ninja (I do remember despising Harumi). Now that I’m a bit older, I’m willing to give it a shot (the show ONLY, the movie forever stays unwatched), but I’ll be rewatching it all in order. Thanks for reading this stupid long post about the good times. As I said before, feel free to share yours! I’d love to hear how you all remember the show from when you first watched it :)
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