#Acoustic health surveillance
Sophie Hurwitz at Mother Jones:
Last school year’s historic protests over the war in Gaza roiled campuses and dominated headlines, with more than 3,100 students arrested nationwide. Over the summer, the protests cooled off and students returned home. But college administrators spent the summer crafting new free speech policies designed to discourage students from continuing what they started last spring. Between May and August, at least 20 colleges and university systems—representing more than 50 campuses—tightened the rules governing protest on their property.
The protest encampments that appeared on more than 130 campuses last spring served as a visual reminder of the 2 million displaced people in Gaza. Students held teach-ins, slept in tents, created art together, ate, and prayed in these makeshift societies—some for hours or days, others for entire weeks or months. The free speech organization FIRE estimated last week that 1 in 10 students has personally participated in a protest regarding Israel’s war in Gaza. The protesters demanded that their schools disclose any investments in (variously) the Israeli military, the state of Israel, or the military-industrial complex in general—and disentangle their endowments from war-makers.  Some student groups won meetings with administrators, disclosure of the terms of their college’s endowment, or representation for Palestine studies in their school’s curriculum. A few schools agreed to work towards divestment or implement new investment screening procedures. Students elsewhere, though, saw no concessions on their goals from college administrators—and were left, instead, to spend months doing court-ordered community service or working through a lengthy school-ordered disciplinary process.  
Prior to last year’s protests, “time, space, and manner” restrictions on campus protest were considered standard practice, said Risa Lieberwitz, a Cornell University professor of labor and employment law who serves as general counsel for the American Association of University Professors. Many universities had pre-existing policies prohibiting, for example, obstructing a walkway or occupying an administrative office. Those policies were usually enforced via threats of suspension or expulsion. This year’s restrictions are different, said Lieberwitz, who previously described the new rules as “a resurgence of repression on campuses that we haven’t seen since the late 1960s.”
Lieberwitz is particularly concerned with policies requiring protest organizers to register their protest, under their own names, with the university they are protesting. “There’s a real contradiction between registering to protest and being able to actually go out and protest just operationally,” she said. “Then there’s also the issue of the chilling effect that comes from that, which comes from knowing that this is a mechanism that allows for surveillance.” Students who are required to register themselves as protest organizers may prefer to avoid expressing themselves at all. 
[...] Beyond demanding that protests be registered, many schools have banned camping on their grounds. Some have required that anyone wearing a mask on campus—whether for health reasons or otherwise—be ready to present identification when asked. Others have banned all unregistered student “expressive activity” (a euphemistic phrase that generally covers a range of public demonstrations including protests, rallies, flyering, or picketing) gatherings over a certain size. Still others have banned all use of speakers or amplified sound during the school week (including, in one case, the use of some acoustic instruments).  [...] At some schools, the conflict over newly instituted protest policies has already made its way to the courts. The ACLU of Indiana announced August 29 that it would be suing Indiana University over an “expressive activity” policy which, like CMU’s, was implemented in late summer. The policy under debate defines “expressive activity” in part as  “Communicating by any lawful verbal, written, audio visual, or electronic means,” as well as “Protesting” and “Distributing literature” and “circulating petitions.”  The policy limits “expressive activity” to the hours between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. “This is written so broadly, if any one of us was to wear a T-shirt supporting a cause at 11:15 p.m. while walking through IU, we would be violating the policy,” Ken Falk, legal director of the ACLU of Indiana, said. “The protections of the First Amendment do not end at 11:00 p.m., only to begin again at 6 a.m.” Since Indiana University is a public school, it is bound by the First Amendment and can’t limit speech as strictly as a private college. 
Mother Jones has a report that many universities are enacting rules designed to stifle protests on college campuses for this school year after protests against the Gaza Genocide campaign by Israel Apartheid State took place on many college campuses last school year.
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neondiamond · 1 year
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🌈 Recently Read Fics - June 2023 🌈
These are all the amazing fics I read over the past month (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 🩷
🌈 you can see my heart burning in the distance by @hershelsue (923, G)
Harry and Louis are an opposites attract couple. Harry wakes up at the crack of dawn to go to his law firm job, while Louis is just getting home from his DJ gigs. They make it work.
🌈 All This Time by @allwaswell16 (1k, T)
Louis Tomlinson had been best friends with flower shop owner Gemma Styles for years. It wasn't until she suggested he date her alpha brother that he ever thought of Harry that way. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea...
🌈 Completely Oblivious by @itsnotreal (1k, G)
an interaction with a stranger helps these two finally figure their shit out.
🌈 the sweetness of your words knows no bounds in making my heart leap by @bottomhaztoplou (1k, M)
At the end of his heat, Harry writes a letter.
At the beginning of his rut, Louis writes one back.
🌈 we will get another day (to begin again) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (1k, T)
“There’s a ton of health benefits to it, look.”
Zayn gives Liam an unimpressed stare. He doesn’t even acknowledge the phone in his hand. “I don’t care if it makes me immortal, Leeyum, I’m not going to take a freaking ice bath at six in the morning.”
🌈 time can always heal you by @larriescompass (2k, G)
harry catches a fever, louis takes care of him.
🌈 Ask Him by @fxckingprincesspark (2k, T)
When Lewis Capaldi gets pressed for information on who he's dating, he admits it... he's been seeing Niall Horan. The only problem? He jokes so much that no one believes him.
🌈 routine surveillance by @disgruntledkittenface (2k, E)
Harry’s training period for the Bureau consists of routine surveillance. One night, it becomes a little less routine.
🌈 Harry, That Kills People by @londonfoginacup (2k, T)
If there’s one thing that Harry hates, it’s getting his clothes dirty.
If there’s one other thing that Harry hates, it’s murder.
Unfortunately, right here and right now, Harry’s clothes are dirty, and he’s murdered someone. So. It’s not a great day.
“Ugh,” says Harry. “Yeargh. Bleh.”
🌈 Write You A Song by @all-these-larrythings (6k, G)
Harry’s new flat is great but the acoustics are even better. They’re so good in fact that his daily shower concerts start to entertain an audience besides his shampoo bottle.
🌈 The Way to My Heart by @ladyaj-13 (6k, T)
Louis' having a bit of a dry spell, until he bumps into an attractive alpha in the supermarket and leaves with his number. It was a hard bump. Very... muscular.
The only problem is, said alpha asks Louis to cook for him - which is not exactly his skill set.
🌈 Hold Me Tight (Or Don’t) by @hellolovers13 (13k, E)
Falling in love with Louis is easy enough.
Separating Louis from the singer persona Harry has been a fan of for years, however, is not.
But she's not the only one making assumptions.
🌈 what’s left of my halo’s black by @loveislarryislove (22k, E)
A year after a devastating breakup, Louis is still trying to put himself back together - but getting over a breakup is hard when you work as a wedding planner. Thankfully, his coworker Harry is the most supportive friend Louis could ask for. But Harry has some secrets of his own, and they send Louis' world spinning off its axis all over again.
🌈 somewhere in between and not at all by @greeneyesfriedrice (24k, E)
Harry is new to NYC and discovers something about himself, and Louis is there for him. Always.
🌈 Bitter Ends Turn Sweet by @allwaswell16 (30k, E)
It had been four years since Harry first heard the song his ex wrote about him and far longer since they broke up. He forgave Louis long ago, and now his life was focused on his career, his family, and especially his son, Max. But Louis was back in Chicago, after all this time, and he’s not an easy man to ignore.
🌈 Some Records Turnin’ by @ireallysawanangel (49k, E)
Harry is a soft alpha who owns a record store and Louis is a closeted singer omega masquerading as an alpha who randomly stumbles into Harry’s store.
🌈 another dream but always you by @nobodymoves (60k, M)
Harry is a Dreamwalker; he has the ability to visit people in their dreams and help put them on the right path. He's assigned to Louis, who's struggling after the break-up of his band. It's an unusual assignment from the beginning; Harry has a crush on Louis, and Louis's subconscious immediately decides Harry is the love of his life. When Dreamers cast Harry as their love interest, he can usually redirect them, but Louis is insistent on being Harry's boyfriend, and despite knowing they have no future, Harry wants to keep up the charade.
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airdrop2000 · 3 months
AI in Wildlife Conservation: Embracing Technological Advancements for Sustainable Biodiversity
In the realm of wildlife conservation, where the stakes are high and challenges multifaceted, artificial intelligence (AI) stands as a transformative force. Over the centuries, technological innovations have been pivotal in safeguarding endangered species and mitigating emerging threats to wildlife. Today, AI heralds a new era in conservation efforts, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance precision, efficiency, and scope in monitoring and protecting biodiversity.
AI Applications in Wildlife Conservation
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Species Identification and Monitoring
At Saiwa, Artificial intelligence has revolutionized species identification and monitoring techniques in wildlife conservation. By harnessing advanced image recognition and computer vision technologies, researchers can accurately identify individual animals from photographs and videos captured in the wild. This capability extends beyond mere visual identification; AI algorithms can track changes in species' physical characteristics over time, assess population dynamics, and even infer behavioral patterns from observed data. For instance, AI-powered camera traps deployed across remote habitats continuously gather vast amounts of visual data, enabling conservationists to monitor elusive species like big cats, birds of prey, and marine mammals with unprecedented detail and efficiency.
Moreover, AI facilitates real-time monitoring of species distributions and movements, offering insights into habitat use patterns and seasonal migrations. By automating data collection and analysis, AI minimizes human intervention in fragile ecosystems, reducing disturbance to wildlife while maximizing research efficiency. This technology-driven approach not only enhances the accuracy of population estimates but also provides valuable insights into the ecological roles of different species within their habitats.
Habitat Monitoring and Ecological Insights
In the face of rapid environmental change, monitoring and understanding habitat dynamics are critical for effective wildlife conservation. AI-driven sensors and remote monitoring technologies provide real-time data on ecosystem health, climate trends, and habitat integrity. These technologies analyze diverse environmental parameters such as vegetation cover, water quality, and soil composition, offering insights into the impact of human activities and natural phenomena on wildlife habitats.
AI enables continuous monitoring of ecological indicators, facilitating early detection of habitat degradation or ecosystem disturbances. By synthesizing complex ecological relationships from large-scale data sets, AI facilitates informed decision-making in habitat restoration, conservation planning, and resource allocation. For example, AI models can predict habitat suitability for endangered species under various climate change scenarios, guiding proactive conservation strategies to safeguard biodiversity hotspots and mitigate habitat fragmentation.
Population Estimation and Anti-Poaching Measures
Accurate population estimation and effective anti-poaching measures are pivotal in wildlife conservation efforts worldwide. AI-powered algorithms process field data collected from camera traps, acoustic sensors, and satellite imagery to estimate population sizes, monitor demographic trends, and detect illegal activities in protected areas. Machine learning techniques enable rapid analysis of large data sets, identifying patterns indicative of poaching incidents or habitat disturbances.
Real-time monitoring systems equipped with AI algorithms can alert conservation authorities to potential threats, facilitating timely interventions to protect vulnerable species from poachers and habitat encroachment. Moreover, AI-enhanced predictive modeling helps prioritize surveillance efforts and optimize patrolling strategies, enhancing the effectiveness of anti-poaching initiatives across diverse ecosystems and geographical regions.
Genetic Analysis and Disease Monitoring
Advancements in AI-driven genetic analysis and disease monitoring are revolutionizing wildlife health management strategies. By analyzing genetic data from biological samples collected in the field, AI algorithms identify genetic markers, assess population genetic diversity, and monitor the spread of infectious diseases among wildlife populations. This proactive approach enables early detection of emerging health threats and facilitates targeted conservation interventions to mitigate disease outbreaks.
For instance, AI-based platforms integrate genetic sequencing data with environmental factors to model disease transmission dynamics and assess wildlife susceptibility to pathogens. By enhancing disease surveillance capabilities, AI empowers conservationists to safeguard endangered species and preserve ecosystem resilience in the face of global health challenges.
Climate Change Impact Assessment
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Climate change poses unprecedented challenges to wildlife habitats and species survival worldwide. AI-driven models and simulation tools play a crucial role in assessing the potential impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystems. These predictive models analyze historical climate data, habitat suitability maps, and species distribution patterns to forecast future environmental conditions and species vulnerabilities.
By simulating diverse climate change scenarios, AI enables conservationists to develop adaptive management strategies, prioritize conservation efforts, and implement resilient habitat restoration initiatives. For example, AI-powered climate impact assessments inform ecosystem-based adaptation plans, guiding policymakers and conservation practitioners in mitigating climate-induced threats to endangered species and vulnerable ecosystems.
Collaborative Initiatives and Technological Integration
The synergy between AI technologies and collaborative conservation initiatives amplifies their impact on global biodiversity conservation. Multidisciplinary partnerships between conservation organizations, research institutions, and technology firms harness AI's potential to address complex conservation challenges and promote sustainable development.
For instance, collaborative projects such as the World Wildlife Fund's partnership with Intel on AI-powered wildlife monitoring exemplify how technological innovations can enhance conservation monitoring capabilities and facilitate data-driven decision-making. Similarly, initiatives like Rainforest Connection utilize AI-enabled acoustic monitoring to combat illegal wildlife poaching and habitat destruction in remote ecosystems, demonstrating the transformative role of AI in wildlife protection efforts.
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Challenges and Future Prospects
Despite its transformative potential, AI adoption in wildlife conservation confronts several challenges that require concerted efforts and innovative solutions. Key challenges include the availability of high-quality data for training AI models, addressing biases in data sources, and ensuring equitable access to AI technologies across diverse geographic regions and stakeholders.
Overcoming these challenges necessitates collaboration, capacity building, and knowledge sharing among conservation practitioners, technology developers, and policymakers. By fostering transparency in data sharing, enhancing data literacy among conservation stakeholders, and investing in AI infrastructure, the conservation community can harness AI's full potential to achieve sustainable biodiversity conservation goals.
Conclusion: Towards a Sustainable Future
AI represents not just a technological advancement but a transformative opportunity in wildlife conservation. By enhancing data-driven decision-making, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and promoting adaptive management practices, AI empowers us to safeguard biodiversity effectively. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, our commitment to ethical standards, transparency, and community engagement remains paramount in harnessing AI's full potential for the benefit of present and future generations.
In conclusion, AI in wildlife conservation marks a pivotal juncture in our quest to protect Earth's natural heritage. Through innovation and strategic deployment of AI technologies, we pave the way towards a more resilient and sustainable coexistence between humanity and wildlife.
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electronalytics · 5 months
Underwater Monitoring System for Oil and Gas Market Analysis 2023 Dynamics, Players, Type, Applications, Trends, Regional Segmented, Outlook & Forecast till 2033
The underwater monitoring system for oil and gas market was valued from USD 879.0 Million in 2023 to USD 1665.56 Million in 2033. It is estimated to advance at a CAGR of 6.6% from 2024 to 2033. 
Overview and Summary
The underwater monitoring system market for oil and gas is an essential segment focused on ensuring the safety, efficiency, and environmental compliance of offshore and underwater oil and gas operations. These systems provide real-time data and surveillance of underwater environments, infrastructure, and activities, helping to detect leaks, monitor equipment integrity, and comply with environmental regulations. Underwater monitoring systems are critical for preventing accidents, optimizing production, and minimizing the environmental impact of oil and gas extraction.
Market Trends
Increased Offshore Exploration: The growth in offshore oil and gas exploration and production activities, driven by the discovery of new reserves and advancements in drilling technologies, is fueling demand for underwater monitoring systems.
Environmental Regulations: Stringent environmental regulations and standards aimed at preventing oil spills and protecting marine ecosystems are driving the adoption of advanced monitoring systems.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in sensor technologies, data analytics, and underwater communication systems are enhancing the capabilities of underwater monitoring systems, making them more reliable and efficient.
Digitalization and IoT Integration: The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and digital technologies is enabling real-time data collection, remote monitoring, and predictive maintenance, improving operational efficiency and safety.
Focus on Safety and Risk Management: The oil and gas industry’s emphasis on safety and risk management is leading to increased investments in monitoring systems to detect potential issues before they escalate into major problems.
Market Analysis
Key Drivers
Operational Efficiency: Underwater monitoring systems help optimize the production process by providing accurate data on underwater conditions and equipment performance, leading to better decision-making and reduced downtime.
Cost Savings: By enabling early detection of leaks, structural issues, and equipment failures, these systems can significantly reduce maintenance costs and prevent costly environmental fines and cleanup operations.
Technological Innovation: Advances in autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), and advanced sensors are enhancing the effectiveness and deployment of underwater monitoring systems.
Technical Overview
Underwater monitoring systems for oil and gas typically comprise various sensors, data transmission systems, and monitoring platforms:
Sensors: These include acoustic sensors (for detecting sounds and vibrations), optical sensors (for visual inspections and detecting changes in water clarity), and chemical sensors (for monitoring hydrocarbon levels and other chemical parameters).
Data Transmission: Underwater data transmission is achieved through wired (subsea cables) or wireless (acoustic and optical communication) methods. These systems ensure real-time data transfer from underwater sensors to surface control centers.
Monitoring Platforms: These can be fixed (installed on subsea structures) or mobile (mounted on AUVs or ROVs). These platforms collect and transmit data, which is then analyzed to monitor the health and performance of underwater infrastructure.
Data Analysis and Visualization: Advanced software tools and algorithms analyze the collected data, providing actionable insights and visualizations to operators for decision-making and operational optimization.
Receive the FREE Sample Report of Underwater Monitoring System for Oil and Gas Market Research Insights @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/sample-request/underwater-monitoring-system-for-oil-and-gas-market/15159/ 
Market Segmentations:
Global Underwater Monitoring System for Oil and Gas Market: By Company Schlumberger-OneSubea Kongsberg Maritime Teledyne Marine SONARDYNE Fugro Ocean Sonics DSPComm KCF Technologies Mitcham Industries
Global Underwater Monitoring System for Oil and Gas Market: By Type Frequency Division Multiple Access(FDMA) Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA) Space Division Multiple Access(SFMA)
Global Underwater Monitoring System for Oil and Gas Market: By Application Deepwater Monitoring Subsea Pipeline Monitoring
Regional Analysis of Global Underwater Monitoring System for Oil and Gas Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Underwater Monitoring System for Oil and Gas market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
Click to Purchase Underwater Monitoring System for Oil and Gas Market Research Report @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/purchase/underwater-monitoring-system-for-oil-and-gas-market/15159/?license=single 
Key Report Highlights:
Key Market Participants: The report delves into the major stakeholders in the market, encompassing market players, suppliers of raw materials and equipment, end-users, traders, distributors, and more.
Comprehensive Company Profiles: Detailed company profiles are provided, offering insights into various aspects including production capacity, pricing, revenue, costs, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption patterns, growth rates, import-export dynamics, supply chains, future strategic plans, and technological advancements. This comprehensive analysis draws from a dataset spanning 12 years and includes forecasts.
Market Growth Drivers: The report extensively examines the factors contributing to market growth, with a specific focus on elucidating the diverse categories of end-users within the market.
Data Segmentation: The data and information are presented in a structured manner, allowing for easy access by market player, geographical region, product type, application, and more. Furthermore, the report can be tailored to accommodate specific research requirements.
SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis of the market is included, offering an insightful evaluation of its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
Expert Insights: Concluding the report, it features insights and opinions from industry experts, providing valuable perspectives on the market landscape.
Report includes Competitor's Landscape:
➊ Major trends and growth projections by region and country ➋ Key winning strategies followed by the competitors ➌ Who are the key competitors in this industry? ➍ What shall be the potential of this industry over the forecast tenure? ➎ What are the factors propelling the demand for the Underwater Monitoring System for Oil and Gas ? ➏ What are the opportunities that shall aid in significant proliferation of the market growth? ➐ What are the regional and country wise regulations that shall either hamper or boost the demand for Underwater Monitoring System for Oil and Gas ? ➑ How has the covid-19 impacted the growth of the market? ➒ Has the supply chain disruption caused changes in the entire value chain? Customization of the Report:
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One of the top schools of India and one of the best schools of Kolkata, The Future Foundation School (TFFS) makes its mark as one that authentically provides an integral education system. What facilitates this unique learning system, is the proficiency of its faculty and the excellence of its infrastructure. Providing students with a calm and vibrant environment, TFFS ensures a high rate of attendance for its pupils, to whom it is their second home.
The better the infrastructure of a school is, the greater is its learning outcome. As a top school of the city, TFFS ensures that it provides just that: a fun-filled, conducive learning environment that promotes focus, engagement, and creativity among its students, making way for academic excellence, co-scholastic proficiency, and the holistic development of each student persona.
As one of the best schools, TFFS provides well-designed spaces: classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, libraries, computer center, playgrounds, canteen, and a prayer hall for meditation.
Well-appointed, spacious, well-lit, air-conditioned classrooms with collaborative furniture, smart TVs, with easy access to well-maintained, spic and span washrooms, ensure focus and concentration during lesson transactions. Well-equipped laboratories, one each for the differentsubjects, a computer center providing terminals for each child of a class, a well-designed auditorium with good acoustics and projection facility, anda beautifully open-air stage amidst greenery and resource centers that are upgraded periodically, ensure that lessons, academic and co-scholastic, are successfully transacted in a joyful environment.
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The sports facilities of this top school in-campus are excellent! Now TFFS offers, in its distant campus, a sports ground on twenty acres with facilities for many kinds of outdoor sports and an indoor sports auditorium of international standards. The importance of sports and physical education in maintaining the mental and physical health of a child can hardly be overstated.
The aesthetics of the well-designed school buildings, the verdant settings, and the wonderfully peaceful ambiance of the Ashram on the eastern side of the TFFS campus create an atmosphere to which each student is magnetically drawn and where each one feels safe, protected, and cared for.
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The school security systems and processes, including the modern fire-fighting mechanisms, along with regular fire- drills, the constant monitoring and surveillance through 350 plus CCTV (close circuit television cameras) in all vulnerable points on the campus, the road safety measures during arrival and dispersal and the around-the-clock vigilance by the teachers and staff ensure that TFFS provides the safest school environment to its young learners.
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This excellent school provides an extremely high standards of  hygiene, industrial-type canteen with all modern amenities, one that sells food that is delectable as well as nutritious at unbelievably subsidized rates. Suffice it to say, that the potable water is pure and safe for every child on the campus.
Two special features worth mentioning are the Reverse Osmosis Plant and the 200 KW capacity solar panels that save electricity on the campus.
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The Future Foundation School stands out not only as a top school but as one of the best schools that house an excellent infrastructure.
It provides a positive learning environment, supports modern teaching methods, ensures safety and security, takes physical activities to their desired levels, facilitates inclusive education, fosters community engagement, supports technology integration, and contributes towards the well-being of its student population. In being aligned with the teachings of its spiritual guides, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, TFFS, thus creates the children of the future, for the future, in the most holistic manner possible.
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environconsultserv · 1 year
Benefits of Hiring an Office Noise Mitigation Consultant
Excessive noise is an all-too-common distraction in today's busy workplaces, hurting worker well-being, output, and overall job satisfaction. Businesses are turning to an office noise mitigation consultant for advice because they understand the value of a calm and productive workplace. These expert specialists have the knowledge and abilities to pinpoint the causes of noise, create custom plans, and put into practice practical fixes that turn busy offices into serene havens.
In this article, we'll examine the crucial function of an office noise mitigation consultant and examine the different ways they assist companies in fostering an atmosphere that promotes focus, teamwork, and employee success. These experts have the skills to considerably raise the standard of the workplace soundscape, from determining noise levels to putting in place tailored noise control solutions.
Expertise in Noise Mitigation
The realm of acoustics and noise control is where office noise reduction specialists excel. They are skilled in the propagation of sound, the causes of noise, and practical noise reduction methods. Consultants can offer specialized solutions that are efficient in lowering noise and fostering a more productive work environment by utilizing their experience.
Detailed and Unbiased Assessment
It may be difficult for internal personnel to recognize and efficiently resolve noise concerns in a workplace since they might be complicated. The sources of noise and their effects on the workplace are evaluated impartially and objectively by an office noise mitigation consultant. They can locate quiet sources that may go unnoticed by internal staff members because they are concealed or inconspicuous.
Broad Approach to Issues
To solve the problem of workplace noise, consultants use a comprehensive strategy. They take into account several variables, including how the offices are set up, the HVAC system, the furnishings, and the equipment, and how those things affect noise levels. Using this thorough study, they may create specialized plans that focus on the underlying causes of noise issues and offer durable remedies.
Solutions under Budget
The long-term advantages exceed the expenditure, even if there could be some upfront expenses involved in engaging a consultant and putting noise reduction measures into place. Finding the most effective, affordable solutions is something an office noise mitigation consultant can assist with. Businesses may boost worker productivity, lessen distractions, and lower the risk of health problems brought on by excessive noise by swiftly and efficiently managing noise concerns.
Employee Welfare and Ingenuity
Employee productivity, focus, and well-being can all be negatively impacted by excessive noise in the workplace. Consultants improve the comfort and conduciveness of the workplace by minimizing noise concerns. Reduced background noise can enhance concentration, boost job satisfaction, lessen stress, and boost overall employee performance.
Long-term Support and Surveillance
To guarantee that the solutions employed continue to produce the desired outcomes, an office noise mitigation consultant offers continuous assistance and monitoring. They can do follow-up evaluations, make required modifications, and offer advice on how to maintain an ideal noise environment.
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bravanarknetwork · 1 year
Understanding Sanitary Accommodation: Importance and Considerations
Sanitary accommodation is a crucial aspect of any building or facility, ensuring the provision of clean, safe, and hygienic spaces for individuals to fulfill their personal hygiene needs. Whether in residential, commercial, or public settings, workplace sanitary provision is essential for maintaining health, well-being, and overall hygiene standards. In this blog post, we will explore what sanitary accommodation entails, its significance, and the considerations involved in designing and maintaining such facilities.
Definition of Sanitary Accommodation:
Sanitary accommodation refers to dedicated facilities within a building or establishment that cater to personal hygiene needs, including toilet facilities, washrooms, shower areas, and related amenities. These spaces are designed to provide individuals with privacy, cleanliness, and access to essential sanitary fixtures and utilities.
Importance of Sanitary Accommodation:
a. Health and Hygiene: Sanitary accommodation plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of diseases, as proper hygiene practices rely on the availability of clean and functional facilities. Adequate access to toilets, handwashing stations, and shower facilities helps maintain personal hygiene and reduces the risk of infections and illnesses.
b. Comfort and Dignity: Having well-designed sanitary facilities promotes individual comfort and preserves personal dignity. Accessible and well-maintained toilets and washrooms contribute to the overall well-being and satisfaction of individuals using these facilities, whether in residential, commercial, or public settings.
c. Regulatory Compliance: Building codes, health and safety regulations, and local ordinances often mandate the provision of sanitary accommodation in various establishments. Compliance with these regulations is essential to ensure the health and safety of occupants and visitors and to avoid legal consequences.
d. Social Inclusion: Proper sanitary accommodation facilities promote social inclusion by catering to the needs of diverse individuals, including those with disabilities, the elderly, and individuals with specific hygiene requirements. Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in sanitary facilities reflects a commitment to equal rights and opportunities for all.
a. Space Planning: Adequate space allocation is essential to accommodate the required fixtures, circulation areas, and accessibility features. The design should consider factors such as the number of users, peak usage periods, and the specific needs of different user groups.
b. Hygiene and Maintenance: Emphasize materials, finishes, and layouts that promote cleanliness, ease of maintenance, and resistance to wear and tear. Proper ventilation and adequate lighting are also crucial for maintaining hygiene standards.
c. Accessibility and Universal Design: Ensure that sanitary facilities are accessible to individuals with disabilities, adhering to guidelines and standards for wheelchair accessibility, grab bars, spacious maneuvering areas, and accessible fixtures. Universal design principles should be incorporated to accommodate a diverse range of users.
d. Privacy and Security: Privacy should be prioritized through appropriate spatial layout, partitions, and doors that provide adequate visual and acoustic separation. Adequate security measures, such as locks and surveillance where necessary, should also be considered.
e. Sustainability: Incorporate water-efficient fixtures, energy-saving technologies, and environmentally friendly materials to promote sustainability and reduce the ecological footprint of sanitary accommodation.
Sanitary accommodation is a fundamental aspect of any building or establishment, ensuring the provision of clean, safe, and hygienic spaces for personal hygiene needs. By prioritizing proper design, accessibility, and maintenance, sanitary accommodation facilities contribute to the health, well-being, and comfort of individuals. Whether in residential, commercial, or public settings, investing in high-quality sanitary accommodation is essential to meet regulatory requirements, foster social inclusion, and promote a hygienic and dignified environment for all users.
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medley-med · 2 years
How telemedicine can help rural people?
Telemedicine can help healthcare systems, organizations, and clinicians increase accessibility and quality of treatments in rural areas. Employing telehealth to deliver and assist with the delivery of healthcare services in remote locations can help patients overcome hurdles and burdens, including such lack of transportation while traveling for specialized care. Within the healthcare system, telemedicine can also situation better, efficiency, and interactions.
Even during the COVID-19 epidemic, when patients and doctors wanted to reduce in-person contact for routine appointments, telehealth became a much more significant mode of providing healthcare. Laws, payment procedures, and procedures were temporarily amended through executive orders and legislation to enhance access to telemedicine from patients’ homes and boost provider discretion.
Telemedicine is a large sector, particularly with COVID-19, because we have a very well-developed program called MedleyMed that allows us to give many treatments to our patients from the comfort of their own homes. Rural people will also get access to it very easily with just one click and will be an efficient use for them too.
Best platform for telemedicine can help rural areas boost volume, improve quality, and lower costs by lowering rehospitalizations and unnecessary emergency departments. Telehealth enables tiny rural healthcare facilities to provide high-quality health services closer to home and at cheaper prices, benefiting rural patients by eliminating the need to travel great distances for specialized care. In rural settings, avoiding inpatient transfers when healthcare can be offered locally is crucial for the survival of both small hospitals and providers. It also aids tertiary care hospitals in keeping beds open for critically ill patients.
Telehealth is a more cost-effective way for rural healthcare organizations to provide specialty treatments than hiring specialty and subspecialty providers. Telehealth allows experts and subspecialists to virtually visit rural patients, enhancing access and allowing rural areas to access a greater range of healthcare services, such as:
● Radiological
● Specialties in psychology and behavioral health
● Ophthalmic
● Ophthalmology
● Orthodontics
● Acoustics
● Cardiovascular
● Pathology
● Obstetricians
● Tramadol Usage Disorder Treatment (MOUD)
Using telemedicine to give patients with integrated care during their primary care appointments, chronic patient engagement strategies are being developed.
Outcomes. E-Consults are indeed a provider-to-provider concurrent model.
Real-time exposure to essential care professionals for examinations and consultations with local providers.
Individuals can be engaged in their homes among medical visits by using home surveillance to help them overcome their diseases efficiently.
MedleyMed has a lot more features so visit the website and application to get all those benefits. MedleyMed is a leading telemedicine solution platform from where you will never get disappointed.
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muniriyatblog · 3 years
What is health surveillance at work
What is health surveillance at work
What is health surveillance at work? Occupational health involves watching out for the first signs of work-related ill health in employees exposed to certain health risks. According to HSE, these risks can be exposed to noise, vibrations, ionizing radiation, asbestos, lead, fumes, dust, biological agents, solvents or any other substance that may be dangerous to health. Health surveillance is…
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
The Chicago Police Department invested in riot gear. It rolled out a controversial Long Range Acoustic Device, a sonic weapon that emits a piercing chirping sound. Police rounded up protesters who demonstrated against defunding mental health clinics. Then, shortly before the May summit began, authorities arrested three people in McLoughlin’s circle, and he discovered that the group had been infiltrated by undercover cops.
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It turns out that there was more: Police also weaponized social media.
As tens of thousands of people flooded into Chicago’s streets, carrying signs that read “FOOD NOT BOMBS” and “NO TO WAR AND AUSTERITY,” McLoughlin was one of several organizers who posted updates on Occupy Chicago’s two Twitter accounts, sharing information on planned march routes and where protesters could find food and lodging. Newly discovered documents show that many of his tweets likely ended up flowing through CIA-funded data analytics software accessed by police.
According to the documents and to video presentations, CPD used a tool called Endeca Information Discovery, a product from tech giant Oracle, to merge crime records, 911 calls, and other routine police information with protesters’ tweets.
Oracle claims that Endeca helps police and other agencies make sense of mounds of big data. Like the more well-known government analytics software Palantir Gotham, the software owes its rise to “war on terror” surveillance and to backing from the CIA venture capital firm In-Q-Tel. Oracle acquired Endeca in 2011.
At the peak of the NATO protests, police reportedly used Endeca to process 20,000 tweets an hour. According to a 2012 talk given by Richard Tomlinson, who directed Endeca product management for Oracle, the tweets showed up in the software half a second after they were posted and remained there indefinitely, even if deleted. Police could then use the software to zero in on tweets that contained terms like “protest.” They could also sort tweets by sentiment, meaning that the software would single out for scrutiny negative or angry-seeming tweets.
Nine years later, police mining of social media is widespread — as is opposition to the practice. In addition to CPD, Oracle documents and SlideShare decks posted by former employees say that Endeca has been used by police in Argentina, Finland, and the United Arab Emirates, along with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
Oracle is far from the only company in the market. During last summer’s George Floyd protests, police turned to Dataminr, another In-Q-Tel investment, to analyze demonstrators’ tweets. CPD, which works with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on a special task force charged with monitoring social media, has also used social media mining software made by Geofeedia, LexisNexis, and Pathar. Police across the United States have plugged images culled from social media into Clearview AI’s facial recognition engine.
But Oracle’s case has a twist: After promoting Endeca’s use on NATO protesters, Oracle went on to market the CIA-funded software for police use around the world — including in China, where its deployment would presumably be at odds with CIA interests and where social media users have few civil liberties protections to shield them from police abuses.
Oracle-chicago-1A slide presentation shared by a former Oracle senior employee in China touted the use of Oracle software by the Chicago Police Department. Image: SlideShare
The Intercept previously reported on dozens of company documents showing that Oracle employees marketed the company’s analytics software for police surveillance projects in China and other repressive regimes. In a recent House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on China, Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J., cited Oracle as an example of how U.S. companies enable surveillance overseas. In fact, several of the products that Oracle markets to police abroad were first tested in the United States.
Among the products that Oracle pushed in the China documents was Endeca, which allows police to both visualize data and mine social media. The documents describe the software’s use by Chicago police as a pioneering event that paved the way for police adoption elsewhere.
In Chinese-language slide decks, Oracle employees touted Endeca’s use in the NATO protests and by the U.S. government to argue for the software’s adoption by Chinese authorities. The documents mention specific Chinese government policing projects and data sources, but several slides appear to have been taken from decks for an American audience, with Chinese translations superimposed on blocks of English text. Two slide decks even include CPD’s logo. One touts the use of other Oracle products by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
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The documents that specifically market Endeca for police use in China date from 2012 to 2014. But later Chinese-language documents promote Big Data Discovery, an Oracle product that incorporates full Endeca Information Discovery functionality. A 2018 slide deck presented by an Oracle engineer at a developer conference in California describes the use of Big Data Discovery, among other software, by the Liaoning province public security bureau. One Oracle reseller with close Chinese government ties continues to sell Endeca, according to a recent listing on Oracle’s site.
Some of the marketing materials are the apparent work of a former senior employee who, while working for Oracle, held a visiting researcher position at China’s leading police academy. That man is described in documents as having led a team of people who marketed Oracle’s products to police and governments around the world. Oracle declined to comment for this article.
Oracle previously denied directly selling software to Chinese police for the explicit purpose of combing through citizens’ data. But it confirmed that the slide decks, which were hosted on its website in February, are genuine. Several of the documents have since been taken down. (The Intercept has linked to archived versions when possible.)
“Oracle wants to take the money from supplying tools to intelligence agencies, but then they want to argue that they have no culpability for the use,” said Jack Poulson, executive director of the accountability nonprofit Tech Inquiry, who compared the company’s China efforts to Google’s cloud sales to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. “Obviously a company would like to take all of the money they can with as little responsibility as possible. But why are we letting them do that?”
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machinelistening · 4 years
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(via Real-Time Distributed Architecture for Remote Acoustic Elderly Monitoring in Residential-Scale Ambient Assisted Living Scenarios)
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) has become a powerful alternative to improving the life quality of elderly and partially dependent people in their own living environments. In this regard, tele-care and remote surveillance AAL applications have emerged as a hot research topic in this domain. These services aim to infer the patients’ status by means of centralized architectures that collect data from a set of sensors deployed in their living environment. However, when the size of the scenario and number of patients to be monitored increase (e.g., residential areas, retirement homes), these systems typically struggle at processing all associated data and providing a reasonable output in real time. The purpose of this paper is to present a fog-inspired distributed architecture to collect, analyze and identify up to nine acoustic events that represent abnormal behavior or dangerous health conditions in large-scale scenarios. Specifically, the proposed platform collects data from a set of wireless acoustic sensors and runs an automatic two-stage audio event classification process to decide whether or not to trigger an alarm. Conducted experiments over a labeled dataset of 7116 s based on the priorities of the Fundació Ave Maria health experts have obtained an overall accuracy of 94.6%.
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clarityacoustic05 · 3 years
Noise assessment services in Melbourne
What are noise assessment services and why is it important for your project or industry?
 These services help in identifying noise hazards and establish whether the upper and lower exposure action values are exceeded. This also helps in estimating the personal daily noise exposure of employees. It identifies different measures to eliminate control exposure, risk and protect employees.
 The results are presented to incorporate immediately and analyze future actions. Choosing noise assessment services in Melbourne will make sure that you select the appropriate engineering controls, health surveillance, hearing protection programs, and PPE.
A noise survey is done to improve the use of sophisticated sound measuring equipment such as external environmental microphones, low noise microphones, and type 1 sound level meters to describe the sound environment of the workplace. 
Types of Noise assessment
Occupational Noise Assessment: The purpose of noise     assessment is to examine if the industries are following noise control     regulations. It controls and examines the amount of noise or sound to     which your employees are exposed in the workplace. One of the major     benefits that come along with noise risk assessment is that it protects     the hearing of your employees along with other benefits.
It checks if any of your employees are being exposed to high noises on a weekly or daily basis. Since this assessment has become a necessary thing according to the law. It is essential to know if your employees are exposed to high noise and this needs to be checked by conducting surveys.
Background Noise survey: These noises are measured on a     day-to-day basis to record the variation in the noise level of the area.     This is carried by planned applications and with the help of local     authorities to ensure that unnecessary noise levels are not affecting the     existing levels of noise in the area. It also keeps in check any new     development that might be generating high noise levels in the area.     Background surveys can be done with several spot measurements, but you     must opt for leaving your equipment for several days. You must generate an     acoustic report for the noise generated in your project or industry.
Noise impact assessment: Noise impact assessment is not     restricted to a basic background noise survey. This survey is requested by     the authorities to establish the impact of a development on the     environment. Noise impact requires planning application. The proposed     development will be surveyed to compare the effect and level of background     noises that are generated.
If a housing development is creating an adverse effect on the noise sources then it needs to be checked. It will be assessed to ensure that an acceptable and appropriate external and internal dwelling environment is created. This must be carried without any unreasonable burdens placed on the nearby noise generators. All the industries must follow the required surveys and keep the noise level checked.
Noise Nuisance survey: High noise can disrupt people’s     lives in many ways. A continuous noise flow in the environment can result     in chaos and hence it must be checked regularly. If the development is     supposed to make high noise, make sure to take all the steps to control it     or minimize the effects. The impact of commercial and industrial noises     can be severe and thus you must take necessary actions to keep it in     check. In case of a complaint, you must undertake a survey and the noise     nuisance survey will then evaluate the level of noise that is being     created by your project or industry. The pitch and the level of background     noise will be evaluated.
The duration and frequency of the noise, the time of     occurrence, and the character of the area will be taken into     consideration. Noise assessment services in Melbourne will help you     evaluate the exact level of noise that is being produced by your project or     industry. It is always safe to conduct the noise level survey to keep the     process in check.
Other noise surveys: There are various ways to conduct     noise level surveys but be sure to hire the best agency in the city to do     the work. Since it is a crucial process to conduct and needs the highest     approximation, make sure to hire noise assessment services in Melbourne.     They have a well-skilled team who can conduct the survey based on your     needs and the type of project. It is always necessary at the beginning,     such as installing a noise limiter to ensure that excess noise generated     can be controlled. 
Why should you hire a noise survey assessment team?
It is important to hire a professional team with the     required experience and knowledge. This is crucial mostly because it is a     must to meet law compliance.
A professional team will conduct the assessment looking     at all the aspects such as health and safety.
The services are available at a reasonable rate and the     experts will do the inspection and record accurate noise levels. 
These are the various reasons, you must consider hiring an expert to conduct the survey. They will generate an acoustic report, detailing noise levels. Contact noise assessment services in Melbourne to get the appropriate survey results.
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jhpsol · 3 years
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09/22  Designed Spaces for Learning: The School & Classroom
Marjorie Allen was onto something y’all. Adults tend to get so inside of their heads when it comes to designing spaces for others. Liabilities, insurance, safety and health hazards, functionality, political insinuations (better playground = higher $$ neighborhood). 
Why are we thinking about ourselves when it comes to children’s play spaces?
Playgrounds and play time exist as a central reprieve for children going through institutionalized learning. Like many aspects of schooling, the playground is constructed in a way that gives authorities the greatest control over children and their spaces. The playground is mostly open space so that they can be surveilled at all times, and made of durable material so that children will not be able to cause damage to the equipment. It is also reserved for a designated portion of their day, generally an hour for kids to run around and expend energy that wouldn’t have a place in the classroom.
Here’s my vision of an ideal playground space (yet to be reviewed and assessed by children). I think they might appreciate the inclusion of these three things:
1. Engaging the five senses  
Sight; Color, scale, light, 
Touch: Drops, plush and hard ground. Wardrobes and fabric to manipulate.
Smell: Different scents in objects. Incorporating nature during different hours of the day.
Hear: Allowing objects that can be used acoustically (empty buckets, long rubber bands.)
Taste: Letting lunch and recess happen at the same time. Doing picnics. Going to forests and teaching scavenging to kids.
2. Interaction: 
Climb, make/manipulate.
3. Wonder
Mysteries + Fantastical elements!
Making structures whimsical.
Teaching them different games that involve  problem solving so they can later choose to incorporate this into their play if they enjoy it.
With these models in mind, I want to clarify that my utopian vision of the playground is inseparable from the classroom. Without changing the construct of the classroom, the playground will always exist as a controlled break for children. Simply changing the physical model of this place would not suffice. 
I don’t even think it should be one place like The Land shows us! Children spend 6-8 years at the same primary institution. If we prioritized children, we would have no problem putting funding into their spaces, and that includes allowing for frequent travel outside of educational fieldtrips. 
The impact of COVID-19 highlighted how restless children get when boxed into one space. Socializing them into behaving is how we’ve traditionally raised them, but I think that perhaps this limits them more than it helps them.
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eagle-eyez · 3 years
US Vice President Kamala Harris is in Vietnam as part of a Southeast Asia trip where she is seeking to rally regional allies as the United States' superpower status takes a hit over Afghanistan.
But her departure for Vietnam was delayed by several hours on Tuesday afternoon after her office was informed by the US embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam, of a "possible anomalous health incident", an apparent reference to the so-called "Havana syndrome", which has sickened diplomats in several countries.
The "Havana syndrome", initially unnamed, first surfaced in December, 2016, among officials who were part of the American and Canadian diplomatic missions to Havana, Cuba, in the wake of an apparent thaw in the US-Cuba relations. Its symptoms range from mild headaches to permanent brain damage and the mysterious illness since then has affected scores of diplomats, spies and their family members.
With the cause of the "disease" yet to be discovered, the CIA and the Pentagon believe that the Havana syndrome is a deliberate act of aggression... "directed" at US targets.
Now, following the Hanoi incident, former CIA operative Marc Polymeropoulos, himself a victim in Moscow in 2017, said, "It would seem to me that our adversaries are sending a clear message that they are not only able to get at our intelligence officers, diplomats and US military officers... This is a message that they can get at our senior VIPs," to Cipher Brief Open Source Report on Wednesday.
Effects of Havana Syndrome
Hearing harsh mechanical sounds and/or experiencing uncomfortable pressure
Vertigo, vision problems, and difficulty concentrating
Hearing loss
Intense nausea and headaches
Brain damage
Memory loss
Cognitive difficulties
The theories
Some researchers believe that ultrasound via intermodulation distortion caused by malfunctioning or improperly placed Cuban surveillance equipment could be a likely theory
With so many officials complaining of hearing high-pitched ringing in their ears, initially it was believed that some kind of "acoustic weapon". But the US Air Force, after some experiments, concluded that any such effort using sound waves would be "unlikely" to succeed due to "basic physical principles."
A 2018 study published in the journal Neural Computation by Beatrice Alexandra Golomb concluded that the syndrome was caused by pulsed radiofrequency/microwave radiation exposure.
Who is behind the attack
While some officials in the Trump and Biden administrations believe Russian intelligence is responsible for the attacks, they have not yet found solid evidence.
Biden administration's take
US president Joe Biden made a rare public reference to the issue in a speech to intelligence officials last month. He said the administration is "coordinating a government-wide effort to respond to these incidents, because this challenge demands that departments and agencies, including the entire intelligence community, work together with urgency."
Earlier in June, US secretary of state Antony Blinken, said the United States is conducting a government-wide review to get to the bottom of who or what caused the suspected "directed" radio frequency attacks that on US diplomats that resulted in various neurological ailments known as "Havana syndrome".
    from Firstpost World Latest News https://ift.tt/3kqg39E
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techsciresearch · 3 years
North America to Dominate the Global Neuromorphic Computing Market till 2026 | TechSci Research
Surge in demand for machine learning tools and solution is expected to drive the global neuromorphic computing market in the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Global Neuromorphic Computing Market By Offering (Hardware, Software) By Deployment (Edge Computing, Deploy Computing) By Application (Image Recognition, Signal Recognition, Data Mining) By Vertical (Aerospace, Military, Defense, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Industrial, Medical, IT & Telecommunication, Others), By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the global neuromorphic computing market is expected to witness steady growth for the upcoming five years. Growing need for better performing integrated chips and innovation of new computation ways for higher efficiency is expected to fuel the growth of neuromorphic computing market.
Neuromorphic chips provide plethora of advantages including optimum use of memory, high speed, and lower power consumption. These chips are in high demand for different applications comprising of audio and signal processing, satellite imagery and aerial surveillance. Major market players are upgrading the existing infrastructure and inventing new way to develop neutral processing units which when combined with processing chip can be maneuvered to perform reverse engineering of human brain. High demand from automotive sector to achieve Level 5 of vehicle autonomy is driving the demand for AI powered neuromorphic chips. Application of neuromorphic chips in automotive industry include Advanced Driver Assistance System which comprises of image recognition and learning functionality.
The COVID-19 outbreak across the world which has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization has affected several countries adversely. Leading authorities imposed the lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. Coronavirus affected patients started suffering from shortness of breath along with coughing and sneezing. Leading authorities increased the capacity of hospitals as a greater number of patients were getting affected daily and getting admitted into the hospital facilities. To provide effective treatment healthcare facilities are using neuromorphic computing in medical devices. Also, due to lockdown restrictions companies started the practicing the work from home policy which is increasing the supply and demand of IT peripherals which is further fueling the neuromorphic computing market growth for the forecast period.
However, presence of complex algorithms increases the complexity to design neuromorphic chips and hardware which may create hindrance in the global neuromorphic computing market growth.
Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Neuromorphic Computing Market”.
Global neuromorphic computing market is segmented into offering, deployment, application, vertical, regional distribution, and company. Based on vertical, market can be further divided into aerospace, military, defence, automotive, consumer electronics, industrial, medical, IT & telecommunication, and others. The consumer electronics vertical segment is expected to hold major market share for the forecast period, 2022-2026 due to presence of disposable income among the middle-class families which is increasing the expenditure capacity of consumers.
Increasing use of brain computers for faster results and high performance is boosting the demand of this segment. High demand for smart wearable devices for constant monitoring to produce better results and the ease and convenience of wearing these devices as they do not affect the daily activities is expected to bolster the demand for neuromorphic computing. Based on application, market can be fragmented into image recognition, signal recognition, and data mining. The signal recognition application segment is expected to dominate the market for the next five years due to growing demand for processing audio and acoustic signals.
IBM Corporation, The Hewlett-Packard Company, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, Intel Corporation, Qualcomm Inc., Brain Corporation, General Vision Inc., HRL Laboratories, Vicarious Systems Inc., Knowm Inc. are the leading players operating in global neuromorphic computing market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several neuromorphic computing manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7592
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“High rate of adoption of advanced automated technology from several end user industries such as telecommunication, retail and logistics, manufacturing, among others is expected to boost the demand for neuromorphic computing for the forecast period. Also, the high demand for real-time analytics due to need for continuous monitoring and producing smart decisions coupled with increasing adoption of neuromorphic computing for security applications is expected to propel the neuromorphic computing market growth till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Neuromorphic Computing Market By Offering (Hardware, Software) By Deployment (Edge Computing, Deploy Computing) By Application (Image Recognition, Signal Recognition, Data Mining) By Vertical (Aerospace, Military, Defense, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Industrial, Medical, IT & Telecommunication, Others), By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of global neuromorphic computing market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of global neuromorphic computing market.
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Mr. Ken Mathews
708 Third Avenue,
Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Website: https://www.techsciresearch.com/
For More Market Research Blogs Visit: https://techsciblog.com/
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North America to Dominate the Global Neuromorphic Computing Market till 2026 | TechSci Research
Surge in demand for machine learning tools and solution is expected to drive the global neuromorphic computing market in the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Global Neuromorphic Computing Market By Offering (Hardware, Software) By Deployment (Edge Computing, Deploy Computing) By Application (Image Recognition, Signal Recognition, Data Mining) By Vertical (Aerospace, Military, Defense, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Industrial, Medical, IT & Telecommunication, Others), By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the global neuromorphic computing market is expected to witness steady growth for the upcoming five years. Growing need for better performing integrated chips and innovation of new computation ways for higher efficiency is expected to fuel the growth of neuromorphic computing market.
Neuromorphic chips provide plethora of advantages including optimum use of memory, high speed, and lower power consumption. These chips are in high demand for different applications comprising of audio and signal processing, satellite imagery and aerial surveillance. Major market players are upgrading the existing infrastructure and inventing new way to develop neutral processing units which when combined with processing chip can be maneuvered to perform reverse engineering of human brain. High demand from automotive sector to achieve Level 5 of vehicle autonomy is driving the demand for AI powered neuromorphic chips. Application of neuromorphic chips in automotive industry include Advanced Driver Assistance System which comprises of image recognition and learning functionality.
The COVID-19 outbreak across the world which has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization has affected several countries adversely. Leading authorities imposed the lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. Coronavirus affected patients started suffering from shortness of breath along with coughing and sneezing. Leading authorities increased the capacity of hospitals as a greater number of patients were getting affected daily and getting admitted into the hospital facilities. To provide effective treatment healthcare facilities are using neuromorphic computing in medical devices. Also, due to lockdown restrictions companies started the practicing the work from home policy which is increasing the supply and demand of IT peripherals which is further fueling the neuromorphic computing market growth for the forecast period.
However, presence of complex algorithms increases the complexity to design neuromorphic chips and hardware which may create hindrance in the global neuromorphic computing market growth.
Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Neuromorphic Computing Market”.
Global neuromorphic computing market is segmented into offering, deployment, application, vertical, regional distribution, and company. Based on vertical, market can be further divided into aerospace, military, defence, automotive, consumer electronics, industrial, medical, IT & telecommunication, and others. The consumer electronics vertical segment is expected to hold major market share for the forecast period, 2022-2026 due to presence of disposable income among the middle-class families which is increasing the expenditure capacity of consumers.
Increasing use of brain computers for faster results and high performance is boosting the demand of this segment. High demand for smart wearable devices for constant monitoring to produce better results and the ease and convenience of wearing these devices as they do not affect the daily activities is expected to bolster the demand for neuromorphic computing. Based on application, market can be fragmented into image recognition, signal recognition, and data mining. The signal recognition application segment is expected to dominate the market for the next five years due to growing demand for processing audio and acoustic signals.
IBM Corporation, The Hewlett-Packard Company, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, Intel Corporation, Qualcomm Inc., Brain Corporation, General Vision Inc., HRL Laboratories, Vicarious Systems Inc., Knowm Inc. are the leading players operating in global neuromorphic computing market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several neuromorphic computing manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7592
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“High rate of adoption of advanced automated technology from several end user industries such as telecommunication, retail and logistics, manufacturing, among others is expected to boost the demand for neuromorphic computing for the forecast period. Also, the high demand for real-time analytics due to need for continuous monitoring and producing smart decisions coupled with increasing adoption of neuromorphic computing for security applications is expected to propel the neuromorphic computing market growth till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Neuromorphic Computing Market By Offering (Hardware, Software) By Deployment (Edge Computing, Deploy Computing) By Application (Image Recognition, Signal Recognition, Data Mining) By Vertical (Aerospace, Military, Defense, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Industrial, Medical, IT & Telecommunication, Others), By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of global neuromorphic computing market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of global neuromorphic computing market.
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Global Network Traffic Analysis Solutions Market By Component (Solutions and Professional Services), By Solutions (Network Traffic Monitoring, Network Visibility, Network Performance, Network Security, Network Capacity Planning), By Professional Services (Integration and Deployment Service, Consulting Service, Training and Support Service, Managed Service), By Deployment Mode (On-premise and Cloud), By End users (Service Providers and Enterprises), By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
Global Network Security Market By Type (Firewalls, Antivirus & Antimalware Software, Intrusion Prevention System, VPN, Wireless Security, Others) By Enterprise Size (SMEs v/s Large Enterprises) By Deployment (Cloud v/s On Premise) By Industry (BFSI, IT & Telecom, Retail, Healthcare, Government, Manufacturing, Others) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
Mr. Ken Mathews
708 Third Avenue,
Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Website: https://www.techsciresearch.com/
For More Market Research Blogs Visit: https://techsciblog.com/
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