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birdblues · 1 year ago
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Eusceptis effusa
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rattyexplores · 4 years ago
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✤ Maliattha signifera - Erebidae
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calosoma-amitch · 8 years ago
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Exposed bird-dropping moth (Tarache aprica), Newark DE. July 2017. 
As an adult, the moth bears a striking resemblance to a bird dropping, remaining still on the upper surfaces of leaves during the day. It does, however, come to lights at night. As caterpillars, this species feeds on hollyhock (Alcea rosea), an ornamental imported from Eurasia that appears in gardens and occasionally on roadsides. This species may have come from a nearby botanical garden.  
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hisj · 7 years ago
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_Acontia bicolora_ #Noctuidae #Acontiinae #Eustrotiinae #moth #フタイロコヤガ キマダラコヤガと同じ大きさ、黄色もほぼ同じ色合い。同じ場所で同時に見られるので同一種の変異であるかのような印象を受ける。 (総社緑地)
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snakecatchers · 3 years ago
New genera and species!
Hoser, R. T. 2022. A revision of the genus level taxonomy of the Acontinae and Scincinae, with the creation of new genera, subgenera, tribes and subtribes. Raymond T. Hoser (Issue 28:1-64 and Issue 29:65-128). 1 JULY 2015
ABSTRACT The genus-level taxonomy the genera Acontias Cuvier, 1817 and Typhlosaurus Wiegmann, 1834 sensu lato (placed herein tentatively within the Acontinae) finds the currently used classification inconsistent in relation to other groups of lizard species. Based on recent molecular and morphological studies and an objective assessment of these, a new taxonomic framework is presented that better reflects relationships between the relevant groups in line with the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et al. 1999), or “The Code”. A new genus within that group is also erected as well as two subgenera. In terms of the Scincinae and following a similar audit, new genera and subgenera are erected. At a higher level, tribes and subtribes are erected to accommodate the various genera in a logical configuration that reflects both phylogeny, morphology and consistent treatment among most other lizard genera. Some obvious unnamed species and subspecies are also formally named for the first time, although other well-known species-level taxa remain scientifically unnamed. In total this paper formally names for the first time, 8 new tribes, 14 newsubtribes (including nominate ones defined), 18 new genera, 24 additional subgenera (not including nominate subgenera); 8 new species and one new subspecies. Keywords: Taxonomy; nomenclature; lizards; Scincidae; Acontiinae; Scincinae; reptile; Acontiinae; Acontiini; Ophiomorus; Brachymeles; Davewakeum; Typhlosaurus; Acontias; Mesoscincus; Hemipodion; Zygnopsis; Sphenocephalus; Eumeces; Eurylepis; Scincus; Scincopus; Plestiodon; Pariocela; Neoseps; Janetaescincus; Pamelaescincus; Gongylomorphus; Chalcides; Sphenops; Allodactylus; Elfakhariscincus; Sepsina; Typhlacontias; Feylinia; Melanoseps; Hakaria; Proscelotes; Scelotes; Herpetosaura; Paracontias; Madascincus; Pseudoacontias; Amphiglossus; Pygomeles; Androngo; Voeltzkowia; Nessia; Sirenoscincus; new tribes; Starkeyscinciini; Parabrachymeliini; Adelynhoserscinciini; Eumeciini; Janetaescinciini; Gongylomorphiini; Sloppyscinciini; Nessiini; new subtribes; Typhlosauriina; Culexlineatascinciina; Starkeyscinciina; Adelynhoserscinciina; Asiascinciina; Funkiskinkiina; Gongylomorphiina; Chalcidiina; Sloppyscinciina; Paracontiina; Sirenosciniina; Hakariina; Scelotiina; Feyliniina; new genera; genus; Kalahariacontias; Culexlineatascincus; Starkeyscincus; Pelleyus; Parabrachymeles; Californiascincus; Bermudascincus; Funkiskinkus; Asiascincus; Adelynhoserscincea; Jackyhoserscincea; Notascelotes; Sloppyscincus; Clarascincus; Crottyscincus; Oxyscincus; Rubercaudatus; Cummingscincea; new subgenera; subgenus; Namibtyphlosaurus; Marleneswilea; Moroccoscincus; Mexicoscincus; Mississippiscincus; Floridascincus; Forestaescincea; Veracruzscincus; Marmolejoscincus; Japanscincus; Ryukyuscincus; Sichuanscincus; Sinoskinkus; Ebolaseps; Parascelotes; Efossokalahari; Brygooscincus; Commendatscincus; Degenerescincus; Comoroscincus; Rubercollumus; Roseacaudatus; Gracilescincus; Leucolabialus; new species; macconchiei; pelleyi; funki; dixoni; nosymangabeensis; edwardsi; cummingae; demiperkinsae; new subspecies; punjabensis.
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sinobug · 8 years ago
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MOTHS from Yunnan, China Click on and scroll through images for individual IDs..... by Sinobug (itchydogimages) on Flickr. Pu'er, Yunnan, China See more Chinese moths on my Flickr site HERE.....
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snakemanaustralia · 5 years ago
A revision of the genus level taxonomy of the Acontinae and Scincinae, with the creation of new genera, subgenera, tribes and subtribes.
In response to requests: Hoser, R. T. 2015. A revision of the genus level taxonomy of the Acontinae and Scincinae, with the creation of new genera, subgenera, tribes and subtribes. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 28:1-64 and 29:65-128. Published 1 July 2015. ABSTRACT The genus-level taxonomy the genera Acontias Cuvier, 1817 and Typhlosaurus Wiegmann, 1834 sensu lato (placed herein tentatively within the Acontinae) finds the currently used classification inconsistent in relation to other groups of lizard species. Based on recent molecular and morphological studies and an objective assessment of these, a new taxonomic framework is presented that better reflects relationships between the relevant groups in line with the rules of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride et al. 1999), or “The Code”. A new genus within that group is also erected as well as two subgenera. In terms of the Scincinae and following a similar audit, new genera and subgenera are erected. At a higher level, tribes and subtribes are erected to accommodate the various genera in a logical configuration that reflects both phylogeny, morphology and consistent treatment among most other lizard genera. Some obvious unnamed species and subspecies are also formally named for the first time, although other well-known species-level taxa remain scientifically unnamed. In total this paper formally names for the first time, 8 new tribes, 14 newsubtribes (including nominate ones defined), 18 new genera, 24 additional subgenera (not including nominate subgenera); 8 new species and one new subspecies. Keywords: Taxonomy; nomenclature; lizards; Scincidae; Acontiinae; Scincinae; reptile; Acontiinae; Acontiini; Ophiomorus; Brachymeles; Davewakeum; Typhlosaurus; Acontias; Mesoscincus; Hemipodion; Zygnopsis; Sphenocephalus; Eumeces; Eurylepis; Scincus; Scincopus; Plestiodon; Pariocela; Neoseps; Janetaescincus; Pamelaescincus; Gongylomorphus; Chalcides; Sphenops; Allodactylus; Elfakhariscincus; Sepsina; Typhlacontias; Feylinia; Melanoseps; Hakaria; Proscelotes; Scelotes; Herpetosaura; Paracontias; Madascincus; Pseudoacontias; Amphiglossus; Pygomeles; Androngo; Voeltzkowia; Nessia; Sirenoscincus; new tribes; Starkeyscinciini; Parabrachymeliini; Adelynhoserscinciini; Eumeciini; Janetaescinciini; Gongylomorphiini; Sloppyscinciini; Nessiini; new subtribes; Typhlosauriina; Culexlineatascinciina; Starkeyscinciina; Adelynhoserscinciina; Asiascinciina; Funkiskinkiina; Gongylomorphiina; Chalcidiina; Sloppyscinciina; Paracontiina; Sirenosciniina; Hakariina; Scelotiina; Feyliniina; new genera; genus; Kalahariacontias; Culexlineatascincus; Starkeyscincus; Pelleyus; Parabrachymeles; Californiascincus; Bermudascincus; Funkiskinkus; Asiascincus; Adelynhoserscincea; Jackyhoserscincea; Notascelotes; Sloppyscincus; Clarascincus; Crottyscincus; Oxyscincus; Rubercaudatus; Cummingscincea; new subgenera; subgenus; Namibtyphlosaurus; Marleneswilea; Moroccoscincus; Mexicoscincus; Mississippiscincus; Floridascincus; Forestaescincea; Veracruzscincus; Marmolejoscincus; Japanscincus; Ryukyuscincus; Sichuanscincus; Sinoskinkus; Ebolaseps; Parascelotes; Efossokalahari; Brygooscincus; Commendatscincus; Degenerescincus; Comoroscincus; Rubercollumus; Roseacaudatus; Gracilescincus; Leucolabialus; new species; macconchiei; pelleyi; funki; dixoni; nosymangabeensis; edwardsi; cummingae; demiperkinsae; new subspecies; punjabensis. Full text available at http://www.herp.net
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rattyexplores · 4 years ago
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✤ Enispa prolectus - Erebidae
What seperates this species from the Lichen-Mimicking Eucyclodes caterpillar, is its shape and size. Enispa P. is roughly twice the size of the Eucyclodes caterpillar, and also does not have any spines along its side.
This caterpillar, like the Eucyclodes, covers itself in its food plant, lichen. It moves incredibly slowly, and wiggles to resemble lichen being blown around in the wind (presumably).
Known food plant/s: Lichen, as mentioned above.
The adult moth
06/02/21 - Kuranda
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rattyexplores · 4 years ago
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✤ Eublemma anachoresis - Erebidae
(Reported foodplants: Waltheria americana “Sleepy Morning”) - s
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