#Ackermann Verlag
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ninobartuccio · 4 years ago
Calendario New York City Trip Ackermann Verlag
Calendario New York City Trip Ackermann Verlag
Photo by © Nino Bartuccio 2015 – All rights reserved.
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 years ago
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Fashion & Migration
edited by Olga Blumhardt  and Antje Drinkuth
Distanz Verlag, Berlin 2017, 208 pages, approx. 120 color and 20 b/w images ISBN  978-3954761975
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Fashions have always also been reflections of issues in society. Migration is a more topical, volatile, and controversial issue right now than it has been in a long time. Cultural diversity is embraced when it comes to musical, linguistic, or culinary influences. Critics devote ample space to celebrating the success of renowned international fashion designers—Haider Ackermann, Azzedine Alaïa, Yohji Yamamoto, and others—who hail from far-flung places. Contemporary fashion design in Germany is a different matter. This book, the result of a research project at the AMD Academy of Fashion and Design in Berlin, portrays and visualizes the enormous positive influence migration has had on contemporary fashion in Germany and around the world. Olga Blumhardt and Prof. Antje Drinkuth, who specialize in fashion journalism and design, and the well-known graphic and communication designer Mario Lombardo seek to highlight what may seem obvious: fashion with a migrant background enriches our culture and opens novel perspectives. With contributions by Burcu Dogramaci, Jan Kedves, Jina Khayyer, and Mahret Kupka and photographs by Horst Diekgerdes, Benjamin Alexander Huseby, Katja Rahlwes, and others.
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fraugoethe · 4 years ago
Drama in drei Akten
Das Drama in drei Akten beschreibt @John Boyne in seinem aktuellen Roman "Die Geschichte eines Lügners". Lügen, Täuschung und Diebstahl beherrschen das Leben von #MauriceSwift (erschienen im @Piper Verlag).
Die Geschichte eines Lügners von John Boyne Erich Ackermann lernt Maurice Swift in einer Berliner Hotelbar kennen. Der attraktive junge Mann gefällt dem alternden Schriftsteller. Die beiden kommen ins Gespräch. Maurice nutzt die Chance, dem Preisträger seine Entwürfe für einen Roman zu zeigen. Ackermann schätzt sie zwar als nichtssagend ein, lobt sie aber dennoch. Unwissentlich macht er damit…
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misswilma · 6 years ago
internet questions. | 017
deviantart. | wattpad.                                                                             24.05.2019 | 0.3k words
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— what is your chance of escaping a serial killer?
What can victims do to increase their chances of escaping a serial killer? Which is better, resistance or submission? It's hard to say, Harbort points out, because the victim's strategy depends on the personality of the killer. Victims are best advised to follow their intuition. Often the subconscious picks up on … [Ann Marie Ackermann] 
     STEPHEN HARBORT: A STUDY Stephan Harbort, a German criminologist and a former police commissioner, conducted a study to find out what factors contributed to escaping a serial killer. He looked at multiple serial killers – all of them were German – and their individual crimes were the outcome did not result in the person's death. He analysed the police records and, where possible, interviewed both the murderers and their surviving victims. 
Based on the results, victims only have a minimal 15.9% chance of escaping once the serial killer begins an assault or abducts them.
In what factors that play a role in escaping a serial killer, he found that: 
43% of surviving victims managed to escape because the killer's attack did not result in fatal injuries.
36% because the victims fought back physically or verbally. 
15% because the killer thought the victim was dead. 
15% because a third person scared the killer away. 
8.4% because the victim had the chance to escape.
4.7% because he / she outwitted the killer.
If the victims engaged in self-defence, Harbort discovered, it only worked if it was massive. Mild resistance never worked. In 73.3% of the cases mild resistance had no effect on the killer, and in 26.7% it led to an increase in violence and a continuation of the crime from the perpetrator. 
But massive resistance is not always the key either, in most cases it made the killer more violent – only 17.6% of the cases, when massive resistance was used, they managed to escape. In some cases, serial killers admitted they let their victims go because they were submissive, and if they would have fought back, they would have killed them.
resistance or submission Harbort says that whether resistance or submission works best is hard to tell and that the strategy of the victim depends on the personality of the killer. What he can say, however, is that it is best to follow their intuition, rather than fight against. This is because one may, subconsciously, pick up on small quirks and clues that may give the victim an idea of what strategy to use. 
"what is your chance of escaping a serial killer - Google Search", Google Search. 
Harbort, Stephan. Begegnung mit dem Serienmörder: Jetzt Sprechen die Opfer. [Encounter with the Serial Killer: Now the Victims Speaks.] (Düsseldorf, Droste Verlag, 2008) 
"Escaping a Serial Killer: What Science Says About Victim Strategy", Ann Marie Ackermann. (retrieved: 11.03.2018)
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qvogels · 8 years ago
Bibliography A comprehensive bibliography on relevant logic was put together by Robert Wolff and can be found in Anderson, Belnap and Dunn 1992. The bibliography in Restall 2000 (see Other Internet Resources) is not as comprehensive as Wolff’s, but it does include material up to the present day. Books on Substructural Logic and Introductions to the Field Anderson, A.R., and Belnap, N.D., 1975, Entailment: The Logic of Relevance and Necessity, Princeton, Princeton University Press, Volume I. Anderson, A.R., Belnap, N.D. Jr., and Dunn, J.M., 1992, Entailment, Volume II, Princeton, Princeton University Press [This book and the previous one summarise the work in relevant logic in the Anderson–Belnap tradition. Some chapters in these books have other authors, such as Robert K. Meyer and Alasdair Urquhart.] Dunn, J. M. and Restall, G., 2000, “Relevance Logic” in F. Guenthner and D. Gabbay (eds.), Handbook of Philosophical Logic second edition; Volume 6, Kluwer, pp 1–136. [A summary of work in relevant logic in the Anderson–Belnap tradition.] Mares, Edwin D., 2004, Relevant Logic: a philosophical interpretation Cambridge University Press. [An introduction to relevant logic, proposing an information theoretic understanding of the ternary relational semantics.] Moortgat, Michael, 1988, Categorial Investigations: Logical Aspects of the Lambek Calculus Foris, Dordrecht. [Another introduction to the Lambek calculus.] Morrill, Glyn, 1994, Type Logical Grammar: Categorial Logic of Signs Kluwer, Dordrecht [An introduction to the Lambek calculus.] Paoli, Francesco, 2002, Substructural Logics: A Primer Kluwer, Dordrecht [A general introduction to substructural logics.] Read, S., 1988, Relevant Logic, Oxford: Blackwell. [An introduction to relevant logic motivated by considerations in the theory of meaning. Develops a Lemmon-style proof theory for the relevant logic R R .] Restall, Greg, 2000, An Introduction to Substructural Logics, Routledge. (online précis) [A general introduction to the field of substructural logics.] Routley, R., Meyer, R.K., Plumwood, V., and Brady, R., 1983, Relevant Logics and their Rivals, Volume I, Atascardero, CA: Ridgeview. [Another distinctive account of relevant logic, this time from an Australian philosophical perspective.] Schroeder-Heister, Peter, and Došen, Kosta, (eds), 1993, Substructural Logics, Oxford University Press. [An edited collection of essays on different topics in substructural logics, from different traditions in the field.] Troestra, Anne, 1992, Lectures on Linear Logic, CSLI Publications [A quick, easy-to-read introduction to Girard’s linear logic.] Other Works Cited Ackermann, Wilhelm, 1956, “Begründung Einer Strengen Implikation,” Journal of Symbolic Logic, 21: 113–128. Gianluigi Bellin, Martin Hyland, Edmund Robinson, and Christian Urban, 2006, “Categorical Proof Theory of Classical Propositional Calculus,” Theoretical Computer Science, 364: 146–165. Church, Alonzo, 1951, “The Weak Theory of Implication,” in Kontroliertes Denken: Untersuchungen zum Logikkalkül und zur Logik der Einzelwissenschaften, A. Menne, A. Wilhelmy and H. Angsil (eds.), Kommissions-Verlag Karl Alber, 22–37. Curry, Haskell B., 1977, Foundations of Mathematical Logic, New York: Dover (originally published in 1963). Dunn, J.M., 1991, “Gaggle Theory: An Abstraction of Galois Connections and Residuation with Applications to Negation and Various Logical Operations,” in Logics in AI, Proceedings European Workshop JELIA 1990 (Lecture notes in Computer Science, Volume 476), Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Dunn, J.M., 1993, “Star and Perp,” Philosophical Perspectives, 7: 331–357. Geach, P. T., 1955, “On Insolubilia,” Analysis, 15: 71–72. Gentzen, Gerhard, 1935, “Untersuchungen über das logische Schließen,” Mathematische Zeitschrift, 39: 176��210 and 405–431. [An English translation is found in Gentzen 1969.] Gentzen, Gerhard, 1969, The Collected Papers of Gerhard Gentzen, M. E. Szabo (ed.), Amsterdam: North Holland, 1969. Girard, Jean-Yves, 1987, “Linear Logic,” Theoretical Computer Science, 50: 1–101. Lambek, Joachim, 1958, “The Mathematics of Sentence Structure,” American Mathematical Monthly, 65: 154–170. Lambek, Joachim, 1961, “On the Calculus of Syntactic Types, ” in Structure of Language and its Mathematical Aspects (Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, XII), R. Jakobson (ed.), Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. Moh Shaw-Kwei, 1950, “The Deduction Theorems and Two New Logical Systems,” Methodos, 2: 56–75. Moortgat, Michael, 1995, “Multimodal Linguistic Inference,” Logic Journal of the IGPL, 3: 371–401.
Substructural Logics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
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