#Aci Silva
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purpled-royalty · 5 months ago
what about for aci 👀💢😱?
Hi Tam! Thank you for asking <3
👀 - How do they look like? Give an overall description of them
Aci has medium-long silver hair which she wears in a "half - up, half - down" pony tail style. She has ombré green and pink eyes, and her outfit consists of the classic silva style dress with a brown corset and boots. I know the question was describe but i do have a photo reference so why not
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💢 - How do they handle being annoyed?
Aci is rather sweet but short tempered, she would probably first take the "sweet/ calm" approach at first; but if her temper is triggered there will be a sudden switch from her sweet persona to a much more intimidating presence. Her smile will usually vanish, and her eyes might narrow, giving off a dangerous/ demonic aura.
😱 - Their biggest fear
Aci's biggest fear is probably loosing control of herself and her demonic powers, which would probably result in hurting those around her. This fear stems a bit from her past as she injured her sibling quite badly when she lost control.
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allaboutyoupostnthings · 6 months ago
St. Teresa of Ávila’s Body Remains Incorrupt After Almost 5 Centuries
The Diocese of Ávila also revealed that 10 keys were used to open the tomb. Walter Sánchez Silva/CNA/ACI Prensa The Diocese of Ávila in Spain …St. Teresa of Ávila’s Body Remains Incorrupt After Almost 5 Centuries
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martinwilliammichael · 6 months ago
A men’s global rosary, to bring back faith to public life (2)
Men from more than 40 countries joined together May 6, 2023, for the worldwide Men’s Rosary, praying on their knees before the Virgin Mary so that men would once again be valued in society and for the conversion of the entire world.
The general coordinator of the Knights of the Rosary apostolate commented: “We want to soldier on in the army of Jesus Christ to be able to inspire other men to remember that the life of the Church is not only a place for meetings with positive thoughts, but that it’s a spiritual battle which represents to us the adventure for which it’s worth giving your life. We want to prepare ourselves for self-denial and sacrifice.”
One of the organizers of the Men’s Rosary in Buenos Aires, Segundo Carafi, explained that “the importance of this rosary lies in the fact that it is precisely men who want to bring back faith to public life, praying for the recovery of his own essence in a world that criticizes and attacks him.”
This demonstrates, he continued, that “faith is not only a woman’s thing and that the man, as the man of the family, the priest as such, is ready to fight in defense of his most absolute essence as a man, that today is something that is up for debate.”
“In a world where men are not only criticized from all sides, from the father of the family to the priest, but also where he is attacked in his maximum essence as a man, seeking the feminization of men and the masculinization of women, in the Men’s Rosary we are praying for once again men to be valued in society,” he concluded.
Carlos Waite, one of the coordinators of the Men’s Rosary in Peru, highlighted the participation of members of the faithful with different charisms and even people who were far from the faith.
“The Men’s Rosary is a powerful response of saying no to secularism these days, and it was a resounding no in the public square, a courageous confrontation with the enemy,” Waite told ACI Prensa.
Páez shared a final thought with ACI Prensa: “Remember that a Christian without a rosary is like a soldier without weapons.”
Why A Men’s Rosary?
On its website, the originators of the Men’s Rosary state that the objective is to fulfill the will of the Virgin Mary, which is the will of her Son, Jesus Christ.
They note that “the role of men in God’s plan is to protect for eternal life all those whom God has given us here on earth.”
“Just as St. Joseph was the earthly protector of the Holy Family, we also have the task of defending the sanctity of our families and loved ones. We want to do it together, in a community of men. In this unity, we strengthen our male identity and masculine virtues,” the promoters of the prayer movement explain.
Walter Sánchez Silva
ACI Prensa Staff, May 10, 2023 (CNA)
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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pro-birth · 4 years ago
Spanish language media reported last Sunday that radical pro-abortion supporter Maria de Valle Gonzalez Lopez died during what she labeled her “dream” abortion operation. She was 23 years old and was the leader of the Radical Youth in the La Paz municipality in the province of Mendoza. Her death has sparked a fierce debate about abortion in Argentina and led for calls for women to know that the procedure can sometimes carry serious risks...
...Walter Sanchez Silva, the author of the ACI Prensa article, wrote that the silence of feminists surrounding Maria del Valle Gonzalez Lopez’s death is striking.
Some are pointing to what they believe is a double-standard in the case. Pro-life leader Guadalupe Batallan posted the following entry on her Twitter account on Monday, writing, “If Maria had died as a result of an abortion carried out in the abortion underground, the feminists would’ve razed the town. But since Maria died as a result of a legal abortion, her death has been erased.”
⚠️If I see anyone in the comments disrespecting the deaths of either Maria or her child, you get blocked on sight. This is your only warning. ⚠️
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secretummeummihi · 3 years ago
Víctima de obispo Zanchetta a la Iglesia: “No nos den la espalda, no merecíamos un trato así” Este es un artículo de Aciprensa, Ago-13-2022; este artículo se basa en una entrevista que la agencia realizó a una de las víctimas de Gustavo Zanchetta. Víctima de obispo Zanchetta a la Iglesia: “No nos den la espalda, no merecíamos un trato así” POR WALTER SÁNCHEZ SILVA | ACI Prensa Un http://dlvr.it/SWctRc
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ijuinoticias · 4 years ago
Presidente da ACI procura Sindicato dos Servidores Públicos Municipais para esclarecer polêmica sobre reposição salarial dos municipários
Presidente da ACI procura Sindicato dos Servidores Públicos Municipais para esclarecer polêmica sobre reposição salarial dos municipários
A Diretoria da Associação Comercial e Industrial de Ijuí, através de seu presidente Nilo Leal da Silva, procurou o Sindicato dos Servidores Públicos Municipais de Ijuí, na manhã de ontem, para um diálogo esclarecedor sobre a polêmica envolvendo o pedido de Reposição Salarial e a correspondência conjunta da ACI, Sindilojas e ADIR.   A conversa teve como objetivo trazer esclarecimentos sobre este…
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sakrumverum · 4 years ago
Brasiliens Ex-Präsident Lula dankt Papst Franziskus für Solidarität:
<img src="https://de.catholicnewsagency.com/image/lula_bancada_pt_senado_camara-2015_06_29_cropped_1615441510.jpg/640" style="margin: 10px 0"><p>Der ehemalige Präsident Brasiliens, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, hat am Mittwoch Papst Franziskus für seine Solidarität gedankt, nachdem seine Haftstrafen aufgehoben wurden.</p> <p>Lula saß eine 12-jährige Haftstrafe wegen Korruption und Geldwäsche ab. Nach Angaben der BBC wurde der Ex-Präsident auch wegen einer anderen Anklage zu 17 Jahren verurteilt, und ein dritter Fall ist noch nicht abgeschlossen.</p> <p>"Ich möchte Papst Franziskus (@Pontifex_pt) danken, dass er mir, als ich im Gefängnis war, einen Brief geschickt hat. Und dafür, dass er mich im Vatikan empfangen hat, sobald ich das Gefängnis verlassen hatte, für ein Gespräch über die Bekämpfung von Hunger und Ungleichheit", schrieb der ehemalige brasilianische Präsident am 10. März auf Twitter.</p> <p>Die BBC berichtete am 8. März, dass der Bundesrichter Edson Fachin alle Urteile des Bundesgerichts im Bundesstaat Paraná gegen Lula annulliert hat, die Teil der Anti-Korruptionsuntersuchung Operation Car Wash waren.</p> <p>Die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft sagte, sie werde gegen Fachins Urteil Berufung einlegen, was die individuelle Entscheidung des Richters zum Plenum des 11-köpfigen Obersten Gerichtshofs oder zur Zweiten Kammer des (Obersten) Gerichts bringen würde, die das Urteil von diesem Montag aufrechterhalten oder aufheben müsste", so die BBC.</p> <p>Das Urteil des Obersten Gerichtshofs von Fachin besagt, dass das untere Bundesgericht in Paraná keine rechtliche Zuständigkeit hat, diese Fälle zu verhandeln.</p> <p>Laut Infobae saß Lula 580 Tage im Gefängnis.</p> <p>Papst Franziskus schrieb im Mai 2019 einen Brief an Lula, als Antwort auf einen Brief des ehemaligen Präsidenten. In dem Brief erklärte der Heilige Vater, wie wichtig es ist, Politik als eine Form der Nächstenliebe zu verstehen und ermutigte den ehemaligen Präsidenten angesichts der "schwierigen Prüfungen", die er erlebt hatte, wie den Tod seiner Frau Marisa Leticia, seines Bruders Genival Inácio und seines siebenjährigen Enkels Arthur.</p> <p>Der Papst ermutigte Lula auch, das menschliche Leben und die Freiheit zu respektieren, und ermahnte den Politiker, auf Christus zu vertrauen.</p> <p>Lula war 19 Monate lang in Curitiba, der Hauptstadt des Bundesstaates Paraná, inhaftiert. Er wurde am 9. November 2019 freigelassen, nachdem der Oberste Gerichtshof eine 2017 aufgestellte Norm außer Kraft gesetzt hatte, die vorsah, dass Angeklagte ins Gefängnis kommen sollten, sobald sie von einem unteren Berufungsgericht verurteilt wurden. Um ins Gefängnis zu kommen, muss das Urteil nun rechtskräftig sein, ohne weitere Berufung bei einem höheren Gericht.</p> <p>Im Februar 2020 empfing Papst Franziskus Lula in einer Privataudienz im Vatikan, die etwa eine Stunde dauerte.</p> <p>Bei dieser Gelegenheit sagten diplomatische Quellen gegenüber ACI Digital, dem portugiesischsprachigen Nachrichtenpartner von CNA, dass der Grund, warum das Treffen nicht auf dem Terminkalender des Papstes aufgeführt war, darin lag, dass der ehemalige Präsident Lula den Papst als Privatmann und nicht als ehemaliger Präsident besuchte.</p> <p>Lula ist eine einflussreiche Figur in Brasilien, trotz seiner Inhaftierung. Als Gründer der ersten großen sozialistischen Partei Brasiliens war er von 2003 bis 2010 Präsident des Landes.</p> <p>Er führte Brasilien während einer Periode bedeutenden Wirtschaftswachstums und baute die sozialen Wohlfahrtsprogramme für die Armen erheblich aus. Seine Regierung war jedoch unter Katholiken umstritten, vor allem wegen seiner Unterstützung für legal geschützte Abtreibung und für eine zunehmend säkularisierte Herangehensweise an Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Ehe und Familie.</p><img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/cnadeutsche/nachrichten/~4/_9aEzIXFu3k" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>
--Quelle: https://de.catholicnewsagency.com/story/brasiliens-ex-praesident-lula-dankt-papst-franziskus-fuer-solidaritaet-8021
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bat-aldo-azevedo · 6 years ago
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Encontro da Imprensa Catarinense reúne em Chapecó profissionais de todas as áreas da comunicação 28 Julho 2019 10:28:43 12O ENCONTRO DA IMPRENSA CATARINENSE, Diretoria da CDL Chapecó para o triênio 2017-2019 O 12O ENCONTRO DA IMPRENSA CATARINENSE, considerado o maior evento da comunicação barriga-verde, será realizado no dia 03 de agosto de 2019, sábado, na sede Social da CDL, em Chapecó, organizado e promovido pela Associação Catarinense de Imprensa (ACI) e pela MB Comunicação. O presidente da Associação Catarinense de Imprensa (ACI) Ademir Arnon e o coordenador do evento e diretor regional Marcos A. Bedin assinalam que os objetivos do Encontro são: a celebração da liberdade de imprensa como pedra de toque de todas as demais liberdades civis e democráticas, a valorização de todas as profissões abrigadas sob o manto da comunicação social, o reconhecimento da comunicação como instrumento de justiça social e desenvolvimento econômico, cultural e político. O Encontro consistirá de solenidade com homenagens aos profissionais com 50 anos de atividade, palestra e almoço de confraternização. No período da tarde haverá sorteio de brindes e shows musicais. É aguardada a participação de 500 profissionais de comunicação de todo Estado. Participarão do encontro jornalistas, radialistas, publicitários, relações públicas, mídias, docentes, empresários e proprietários de meios de comunicação – representando o caráter multiprofissional da ACI.          Quatro profissionais e duas organizações serão distinguidas pelos serviços prestados à comunidade. Receberão homenagem os profissionais com 50 anos de atividade na área de comunicação: jornalista ARY SILVEIRA DE SOUZA (Joinville), radialista GERALDO LUIZ SALVADOR (Tubarão), jornalista JOÃO FRANCISCO DA SILVA (Joinville) e radialista SÍLVIO LODDI (Florianópolis).          Homenagens institucionais pelos 50 anos de contribuição ao desenvolvimento regional serão prestadas à CDL CHAPECÓ (presidente Clóvis Afonso Spohr) e COOPERATIVA CENTRAL AURORA ALIMENTOS (presidente Mário Lanznaster). Obs: Para ler mais http://www.adjorisc.com.br/jornais/otempo/geral/encontro-da-imprensa-catarinense-re%C3%BAne-em-chapec%C3%B3-profissionai https://www.instagram.com/p/B0dqHE2DV7c/?igshid=za9jv0m7dwyu
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judiqiuqiu121 · 6 years ago
Situs Judi Bola Resmi Dunia
gadaian situs judi bola resmi (paling sedikit, jaminan berpengalaman) merupakan tentang mengungguli peluang. meskipun kebijakan hangat meningkat dalam tabungan sepak bola kalian wajib memegang penghampiran lapang dalam tanggungan sepak bola yang jauh lebih penting. chelsea cukup kelenyapan lima angka dari sepuluh perbandingan peresmian dan juga datang tidak berkehendak untuk memberi kuarter cermatnya sesudah meronta-ronta 4-1 medio minggu dibagikan terhadap spartak moscow di asosiasi champions di stamford bridge. peluang bisa jadi berfluktuasi kian dekat ke permainan kalian melihat cagaran kalian. 2. 2. 15. 1. hukuman penting bermain pada vonis yang tentu diserahkan dan berlangsung selama perbandingan.buat tiap sepuluh tanggungan yang dikasihkan teknik kompiler kepada anda, anda dapat memohon 8 buat juara. jika kalian menyenangi sepak bola, lalu kans menjumpai dana leluasa fiskal seluruh kali kamu mengambil anggota dalam periode anggal kesukaan anda melihat olah raga kesukaan kamu, adalah mimpi yang sebagai realitas. separuh dari mereka malahan berupaya buat sebagai lebih diinginkan oleh menawarkan kesempatan di atas paradigmatis, pada gilirannya menambah kelihatannya untuk pemikat arb. cagaran pulang yang lebih senang bermain pada undian dapat memiliki saat cepat untuk mendeteksi kesempatan baik di pasaran.bertarung eur 100 pada satu perbandingan situs judi bola resmi dan eur 1000 pada satu sayembara lagi adalah teknik yang percaya diri buat menjumpai diri anda terpisah dari uang kamu dalam jangka panjang, seperti halnya bertarung 30 persen dari uang kamu dalam 1 persaingan pada akhirnya tentu membawa tragedi. 3. 9. empat kalau persabungan ditunda maupun diberhentikan, kemudian seluruh pertentangan tengah dianggap sah. 3. 26. 2. 1. 2. dividen tentu dipastikan bersama perincian sauk-sauk kolam seperti bersama jumlah nomor pada kuda yang menang. two. 2. 25. tiga. perusahaan tentu mengakhirkan dapatan perlawanan berdasarkan perolehan aci yang dikeluarkan oleh instansi aci yang bertanggung jawab sehubungan keselarasan pertarungan itu.jawara akhir david silva menetapkan jika city membela pertempuran persatuan premier ke-13 berurutan, kemarin, rekor juga dipegang oleh arsenal serta chelsea. sebelum bertaruh situs judi bola resmi pada peraduan sepak bola langsung, anda perlu menapis agregasi dengan peluang dan kepejalan kemenangan tambahan dan kamu patut berhati-hati oleh pendapat maupun dugaan tagan sepak bola lazim seterusnya. jikalau satu atau kedua aktor tidak mengambil anggota dalam perjuangan kemudian segala taruhan-taruhan tentu dibatalkan. ada tiga hasil yang pantas: 1 (kelompok tuan rumah menang), x (kru menarik), dua (regu jelajah menang).
Situs Judi Bola Indonesia
• mampu diakses oleh mudahsalah satu situasi yang selaku dasar kenapa kamu butuh bakal berserikat dengan lokasi yang satu ini karena lebih mudah buat diakses tanpa loading atau bufffering. oleh seperti itu maka mampu mengakses streaming bola dengan gampang. anda sanggup mengakses permainan bagus oleh memakai komputer dekstop atau ponsel pintar.situs judi bola sedang jadi olahraga yang amat digemari kali ini. hal ini pasti dari kian populernya olahraga ini. lebih-lebih sekarang semakin berlimpah lokasi tempat streaming bola terbaik yang mampu diakses atas sederhana. situasi ini memberikan manfaat bagi para pecinta bola dan buat penggila bet bola online masa sekarang. nah kalian bisa mengenakan tempat itu selaku salah satu penghubung untuk anda bisa mengkombinasikan antara menonton bola dan juga mengerjakan penerapan tabungan.silahkan kamu cari dulu yang lain serta setelah itu bandingkan atas bervariasi keistimewaan yang memiliki di tempat yang satu ini alhasil anda bisa memperkirakan apa saja manfaat yang bisa didapatkan. tempat streaming bola terunggul agen388 sungguh direkomendasikan untuk kalian yang ingin memperoleh live sayembara situs judi bola bola buat suport tabungan bola online.mesti aja ini alasanya yang menghasilkan kamu patut bersekutu bersama situs itu!• update persabungan sempurnaketerangan lainnya jelas saja mengadakan update perlagaan yang sangat komplet sekali maka sanggup meringankan bakal para bettor yang mau bertarung di aliansi terpilih bakal menyimak perbandingan yang diinginkan. selain itu, kalian pun sanggup memantau informasi bola yang sungguh komplit sekali mulai dari kabar bola dan lainnya.
perseorangan tersenyum karena mereka terlibat dalam gadaian bandar judi bola terbesar di dunia sepak bola dan juga dekat tiap-tiap kali regu mereka juara, itu memperlihatkan mereka mendapati uang tunai. efisien semua tanggungan umum lebih-lebih ialah celengan perolehan. tampak dua dapatan yang dapat dilakoni: gg (sendiri-sendiri team membukukan paling sedikit satu berhasil tiap-tiap serta setiap sewaktu babak kedua sayembara), ng (1 maupun per regu tidak memublikasikan tujuan apa pun selagi babak kedua waktu sayembara). serta ialah kelihatannya untuk mengakulasi seluruh informasi ini oleh separuh tempat web yang menyediakan pengguna atas mengusulkan bermacam permainan sepakbola.anda ada opsi yang memenuhi keperluan kamu jika kalian mencari game bandar judi bola terbesar di dunia online yang disediakan oleh berbagai situs web. membludak pengagum sepak bola menyeleksi untuk bertaruh sepak bola, bakal mendukung kelompok mereka serta di arah lain, janganlah lupa, Sagitarius tim nfl yang bersimpuh di gelanggang buat menerima perolehan perjuangan daripada mengamati permainan mereka buat juara di penyelesaian dia hendak merasa suka dengan festival sepakbola. di bundesliga kebanyakan adalah kelompok yang berapit yang pernah menang mendapatkan performa luar biasa di acara-acara eropa serupa grup champions atau aliansi eropa.3. 6. 4. bila festival ditundakan atau dibatalkan lalu segala tagan sedang dpertimbangkan legal jika turnamen pernah bubar. two. 2. 23. 3. apabila satu persaingan dimulai sebelum era yang ditetapkan maka taruhan yang dipasang sebelum saat dimulai yang akan diduga absah. tagan, sementara mereka hendak malas mengakuinya, sungguh bergantung pada skema konsorsium dan nama baik kelas, dan juga rata-rata sungguh pelan bakal memilah helai yang juara. two. 1. 1. 2. area langsung beratri taruhan pada pesaing yang berposisi di posisi berdasarkan pada peraduan, pacuan, maupun kontes. jumlah kawasan yang disetujui bila menang bisa dipandang di tajuk pasaran.jikalau kamu yakin dan memperhitungkan buat mereproduksi dolar atau justru penanaman modal jangka berjarak dengan pemulangan profit yang lebih tinggi, kalian berlokasi pada teknik ideal kalian untuk mampir ke situs internet ini, gara-gara saya sanggup meringankan anda mendekati angka keuntungan inginan kalian dalam pemodalan tanggungan sepak bola anda. selaras tentu di mana kedua tim senang sama satu angka, seumpama, hasil membalas cukup untuk sendiri-sendiri bakal menyingkirkan demosi maupun menggenapi alat untuk piala konkuren. arah bawah tanah st mirren menerima tim aberdeen didukung oleh kemenangan akhir pekan berlanjut berdasarkan hibernian, kemenangan pertama don dalam tujuh pertarungan.teban bandar judi bola terbesar di dunia tak ilmu peluru yang separuh tipsters mengikhlaskan kamu untuk yakin tapi juga tak sulit seperti yang kita segala inginkan. kajian yang jeli dan mengetahui pasar kalian merupakan fundamen buat setiap metode pemodalan yang menguntungkan. sepak bola yaitu olahraga tenar di segala dunia, akan tetapi menaruh agunan sepak bola di internet bisa selaku metode yang meresahkan jikalau anda tak paham detailnya. kita seluruh di mayapada ini kenal, bisa jadi menurut, atau memiliki pengalaman dalam kasino atau tagan gerak badan, sekiranya dalam olahraga kegemaran kita serupa bola bola keranjang, baseball, sepak bola, atau sampai-sampai pacuan jaran. ada tiga kemungkinan dapatan: 1x (cuma mengingat tujuan yang dicetak di seluruh ht ke-2 konglomerat kawasan bermukim berhasil maupun remis), x2 (sama mengenapkan cukup gairah yang dicetak sewaktu ht ke-2 perkumpulan jelajah berhasil atau sama kuat), 12 (cukup menimang-nimang tujuan yang dicetak semasa ht ke-2 team tuan rumah menang atau kelompok lawat berhasil).
Bandar Judi Bola Terbesar Di Dunia
dan sun olahraga sudah dipertaruhkan di klub potret tinggi lebih lanjut di mana pemain mengantongi pemasukan dari peristiwa dalam persabungan mereka sendiri, katanya-seperti yang dijelaskan oleh mantan asterik tokoh southampton claus lundekvam. di ‘ anda mampu memperoleh tren taruhan terkini dan konsep meyakinkan bakal simpanan yang juara. 2. two. 11. 3. 1. 1. handicap bermakna bermain pada tim mana yang akan menerima kartu setidaknya meluap selagi persaingan. lazimnya tidak gampang buat mengungkapkan bahwa sebuah perkumpulan terpilih tentu mengganyang agregasi yang menyerah, tapi di bon sepakbola yang bersaing, tiap-tiap team sanggup melampaui satu lagi.gimana metode mengidentifikasi situs judi bola penipu bandar judi ponten dalam iming-iming kamu? permasalahan pertama yang sepenuhnya dipahami mengenai sepak bola adalah kalau itu adalah permainan himpunan. kemudian, kelompok mau mendapatkan total yang cukup melintas di lima-7 turnamen terakhirnya. kalian harus membaca kuantitas kemauan yang tentu dicetak oleh konglomerat daerah bermukim selama seluruh musabaqah memastikan di antara pilihan yang diadakan. saya bakal menjelaskan saya menjalankan pekerjaan kita jauh lebih cakap daripada apa yang sudah digeluti para intelektual acturian buat asian handicap odds, ataupun kami tidak bakal memihak lebih dari 38 prakiraan gabungan premier inggris sebagai beruntun.two. two. 25. injury time yang diserahkan pada akhir dari set kedua. apabila tidak tampak perolehan ”merupakan keputusan legal lalu segenap tagan situs judi bola penipu pada pasaran ini dilaporkan tawar. jika anda merasa dapat mendatangkan uang sama gampang dalam nasib-nasiban, sayangku, anda patut mengacuhkan, para pembuat taruhan betul-betul percaya bahwa kamu tak menang, jadi kamu wajib bertugas lebih keras lagi buat membuahkan uang oleh taruhan sepak bola. ini menasyrihkan sampel perihal seberapa besar anda bisa juara semasa satu musim yang seperti itu panjang kala kalian mantap pada apa yang dan sebutkan terhadap kamu, sehubungan oleh iming-iming apa yang mesti dipunya dan juga seberapa jauh untuk dipertaruhkan.
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purpled-royalty · 2 months ago
Black Clover OC Master List
Main OC
Tiara Kiyoto
Legacies: Next Generation Characters
Ace Silva
Acier Silva ("Aci")
Asahi Sukehiro (Yami)
Eri Faust
Freya Silva
Grace Adlai
Ivan Roulacase
Kai Roulacase
Kol Silva
Marcel Adlai
Mira Sukehiro (Yami)
Morgan Faust
Xanti Faust
Zeldra Ideale
Legacies: Families
Asta and Noelle Children: Acier ("Aci") Silva, Ace Silva
Gauche and Grey Children: Marcel Adlai, Grace Adlai
Yami and Charlotte Children: Mira Yami, Asahi Yami
Nozel and Dorothy Children: Freya Silva, Kol Silva
Nacht and Tiara Children: Eri Faust, Morgan Faust
Zora and Nebra Children: Zeldra Ideale
Magna and Luck Children: Sonia Swing
Finral and Vanessa
Finral and Finesse
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caseylanderkin · 5 years ago
Papa Francisco Autoriza Beatificação De Mártir Brasileira
Papa Francisco Autoriza Beatificação De Mártir Brasileira
Benigna Cardoso da Silva / Crédito: Facebook Paróquia Senhora Sant’Ana – Santana do Cariri
Vaticano, 03 Out. 19 / 12:19 pm (ACI).- O Papa Francisco autorizou a beatificação da menina brasileira Benigna Cardoso da Silva, que morreu mártir aos 13 anos de idade e é chamada “heroína da castidade”.
Benigna Cardoso da Silva nasceu em 15 de outubro de 1928, em Santana do Cariri (CE). Em 24 de outubro…
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martinwilliammichael · 6 months ago
A men’s global rosary, to bring back faith to public life (1)
Men from more than 40 countries joined together May 6, 2023, for the worldwide Men’s Rosary, praying on their knees before the Virgin Mary so that men would once again be valued in society and for the conversion of the entire world.
The general coordinator of the Knights of the Rosary apostolate in Mexico, Paco Páez, explained to ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner, that by praying the rosary, the participants “want to bear witness, not because of our virtues, but by getting on our knees asking for the intercession of our Most Holy Virgin Mary, so that she would grant us the conversion of sinners, our own conversion, that of our families, and that of the whole world.”
Through this public rosary, he added, they are praying for “the reign of Christ’s peace in our hearts and in our homelands.”
The Men’s Rosary was also held in various cities in Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Ecuador, and Paraguay.
Other countries that also participated were Spain, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Brazil, Honduras, Ukraine, Italy, Croatia, Australia, Indonesia — a majority Muslim country — and the Philippines, the country with the most Catholics in Asia, as well as others.
Páez also noted that the prayer is held in the streets “in the hispanic nations of the Americas, which are culturally Christian, to reclaim the public square for Our Lord Jesus Christ, because a lamp is not lit to be put under the bushel basket, but is placed up high so that it shines throughout the house.”
“We want to take up our call as men in the life of this Church, of this pilgrim Church that is also known as the Church militant,” he continued.
Walter Sánchez Silva
ACI Prensa Staff, May 10, 2023 (CNA)
Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
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iprayunceasingly-blog · 6 years ago
Chilean bishops' president names delegate to replace him at papal meeting
New Post has been published on https://pray-unceasingly.com/catholic-living/catholic-news/chilean-bishops-president-names-delegate-to-replace-him-at-papal-meeting/
Chilean bishops' president names delegate to replace him at papal meeting
Santiago, Chile, Jan 2, 2019 / 04:03 pm (ACI Prensa).- At the Vatican summit to discuss sex abuse next month, the secretary general of the Chilean Bishops Conference will take the place of the conference president, who is embroiled in the nation’s current sex abuse crisis.
Bishop Fernando Ramos, apostolic administrator of Rancagua and secretary general of the conference, will represent the Chilean bishops at the meeting requested by Pope Francis, which will include the heads of bishops’ conferences from around the world.
The anti-abuse summit will be held at the Vatican Feb. 21-24. While the presidents of the national bishops’ conferences have been invited, Bishop Santiago Silva will not attend.
Silva, who serves as president of the Chilean Bishops’ Conference, has been subpoenaed on charges of covering up abuse within the Military Diocese, which he has headed since July 2015.
“Given that this is an important meeting called by the Holy Father,” Ramos told the La Tercera newspaper, Silva asked him to attend “in order to avoid shifting the focus to… the person of the president himself.”
Ramos told La Tercera that at the most recent Plenary Assembly of the bishops' conference in November 2018, Silva said that he was willing to continue as the conference president or to step down.
“At that time, he was asked to continue in his position as president,” Ramos said. “Regarding the invitation that the Holy Father has made to the presidents of the bishops' conferences of the world, for the February meeting, the president of the Chilean Bishops' Conference asked me to attend.”
The Church in Chile is still reeling from revelations of a sex abuse scandal following an in-depth investigation by Maltese Archbishop Charles Scicluna and Msgr. Jordi Bertomeu of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which resulted in a 2,300-page report on the scandal.
Pope Francis initially dismissed some of the abuse cover up allegations as “calumny,” but later apologized and said he had been misinformed in judging the case, due to “a lack of truthful and balanced information.”
The pope then summoned all the Chilean bishops to Rome in May 2018 for a meeting in which he harshly criticized them for a systematic cover-up of abuse involving not only the destruction of documents, but superficial investigations that led to moving accused abusers to other schools or parishes where they had access to children.
Following that meeting, every bishop in the country submitted their resignation. The pope has accepted several of the resignations and is expected to accept several more in the coming months.
In his interview with La Tercera, published Dec. 29, Bishop Ramos acknowledged that the abuse crisis has contributed to an ongoing decrease in the size of the Chilean Church.
He pointed to a survey finding that Catholics made up 73 percent of the population 20 years ago, but now make up 55 percent. This trend is partly due to “a process of profound transformation of Chilean society where cultural forms of expression of greater individualism and materialism are emerging,” he said.
The bishop added that “the cases of abuse and mishandling that we have had as a Church have accelerated this process of disaffiliation. We must acknowledge our responsibility that we have not responded well to this kind of situation and that has affected Church affiliation.”
Regarding the response to the sex abuse crisis in the country, Ramos argued that the Church in Chile is not “the same Church that it was a year ago.”
“[S]everal bishops have been changed, [and] a very profound process of reflection by our communities has begun, with the aim of our having in 2020 an Ecclesiastical Assembly where a series of pastoral guidelines for the life of the Church can take their final form,” he said.
  This article was originally published by our sister agency, ACI Prensa. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.
CNA Daily News – Americas
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donboscosalesianportal · 7 years ago
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Brasil: Fieles rezaron al Sagrado Corazón y ayudaron a sacerdote a abrazar nuevamente su ministerio En el primer domingo del mes del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, el P. Guilherme Silva dos Santos regresó al ministerio sacerdotal gracias a las oraciones de los fieles, luego de estar casi un año y medio alejado en un proceso de discernimiento. Source: Brasil: Fieles rezaron al Sagrado Corazón y ayudaron a sacerdote a abrazar nuevamente su ministerio - ACI Prensa
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secretummeummihi · 5 years ago
Cardenales Brandmüller y Burke escriben a demás cardenales alertando sobre documento de trabajo del Sínodo para la Amazonía © Australian Broadcasting Network Esta es una información de Aciprensa, Sep-04-2019.Dos cardenales critican documento de trabajo del Sínodo de la Amazonía POR WALTER SÁNCHEZ SILVA | ACI Prensa Los cardenales Walter Brandmüller y Raymond Burke escribieron cada uno una carta http://dlvr.it/RCXKvr
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blackchristiannation · 7 years ago
Roman Catholic Priest Says Christian Population in Gaza Strip Has Fallen to Its Last 1,000
A Roman Catholic priest in the Gaza Strip has said that the Christian population there has dwindled to its last 1,000 inhabitants, and he's asking the global Church to pray for them as believers face threats from Islamic radicals and harsh living conditions. Gazans "live like it's an open air prison since we can't leave. We can't visit relatives, look for work, medicine or good hospitals on the outside," Fr. Mario da Silva told ACI Prensa, according to a translation by the Catholic News Agency on Tuesday. The Christian population in the troubled region has been rapidly declining, down from 4,500 six years ago, the priest said. With Gaza being ruled by the Islamist movement Hamas, Egypt and Israel have imposed an economic blockade, leaving many of the 1.8 million inhabitants without basic necessities and the means to support themselves. Silva explained that many Gazans are unemployed; have only three hours of electricity a day; and face a shortage of drinking water. "It's really a prison. People don't have any money and the situation is terrible. There is widespread poverty," the priest said. Although they face travel restrictions, many Christians have left never to return when given annual permits to visit holy places on Easter and Christmas. He noted that while Christians do not typically experience persecution from the local Muslims, fear is growing due to the rise of the Islamic State terror group and its attacks in Egypt in Sinai. "There have already been threats. There is also fear of the Salafist groups who are coming in from the south," Silva said. "In fact, when we have problems with Muslims who want to do something against the church, we've asked the government to protect us and they have done so," he added. Click here to read more. Source: Christian Post
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