#Accurate predictions Tara Greene
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Keith Richards at 80, How does he survive and thrive? Astrology explains.
Raph_PH, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Keith Richards July 3, 2022 Happy Birthday Keith Richards 80 years old. Isn’t that unbelievable? How has Keith lasted with drugs, alcohol,smoking and that lifestyle? ASTROLOGY EXPLAINS: Keith is an optimistic, easygoing SAGITTARIUS. Born. December 18, 1943,at 6:00 am Dartford UK with 3 planets…

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#80 years old#Accurate predictions Tara Greene#Canada&039;s best psychic tarot reader#Gift certificates for astrology lovers#JUPITER IN LEO#Keith Richards#Lifestyles#Longevity#Mercury in Capricorn#Pluto conjunct the North Node#pop stars#Star power#The Rolling Stones#Toronto&039;s best Tarot astrology Psychic
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Gale has a terrible, no good, very bad day. Thea decides to help in an unconventional way. NSFW.
If he was being honest, Gale found that most of the days on their adventure had been good. Today, however, was not one of those days. Fat. Middle aged. Can’t keep up. Not hitting the target enough. Putting her in danger. Gods, if anything happens to her because of me, I…
Is that a cat? That surely cannot be Tara because she would’ve announced herself with an energetic, “Mr. Dekarios!” He pulled the flap of his tent and, as he predicted, the cat was not Tara the tressym. It was an orange tabby with bright green eyes. Funny, that’s the exact color of Thea’s eyes. “Hello there! Are you lost, little one? Come in, come in.”
The cat meowed happily and walked in, waiting for Gale in an excited way. A cat excited about a person is very strange, though perhaps that is simply how this lovely cat is.
He went back to sitting on his bedroll, and the cat followed. Seems to be waiting for me to say something? Very curious. “I don’t know why you’re here, my friend, but I’m happy for the company.” The cat began to purr and climbed onto his lap. He laughed nervously. “Want a cuddle, do you? I suppose that’s alright. You’re awfully cuddly, aren’t you, sweetness?” He starched behind the cat’s ears, the purring growing louder. “You know, this is just what I needed. I had, quite frankly, an awful day. Every day on this journey I’m feeling my age more and more. And look at me!”
His parasite tingled.
I do see you, Gale, and I, quite frankly, love what I see.
Yeah! Hi! Sorry, I didn’t mean to like…be weird or anything. When we got back, you just seemed so fucking sad, and I had no idea why. I felt so bad, love. So I thought, “Well, Gale likes cats, and I can wildshape into one in seconds, maybe that would make him feel better.” So…I did that! Yup. The cat stared up at Gale with what he thought were adorably pleading eyes.
My love, you are the most thoughtful and sweetest woman in the realm. And it’s not weird! I’m still very interested in learning more about the magic behind wildshape.
I just…do it. I know that’s not the most helpful, but I’d say it’s the most accurate. At least for me! Maybe Halsin could explain it better. Anyways, if you want me to change back, I can.
Absolutely not. Unless you want to, of course! I don’t know how comfortable you are…
Thea practically began to vibrate with purrs in his lap. Are you fucking kidding me? I’m a cat in a nice, warm, soft lap. This is heaven, Gale love.
He chuckled softly, scratching behind her ears. Darling, you may stay in heaven for as long as you’d like. Then a thought slowly dawned on him. Oh shit. The glamour—
Gale, please—
One moment!
You look better with it off!
He stopped just short of his earring. I…do?
Yes. Well, I think so. You’re very handsome either way, but I prefer you like this. You’re just so snuggly, and I love that.
Gale blinked. Snuggly? I don’t think I’ve ever had that word associated with me at any point in my life. I will…take that as the compliment I hope it is.
Gale, of course it’s a compliment! Listen, I know that I’m literally the last person who should be saying any of this, but you’re very, very, very handsome. I love how soft you feel…it makes me want to hug you more than I already do. The gray in your hair is gorgeous, makes you look so distinguished. You’re hot. That’s all there is to it, love!
He laughed. Thea darling, I’m not quite sure how to respond to all of that. However, I will say that I’m pleased that I make you feel that way.
I’ll show you “pleased” Mr. Of Waterdeep! Thea leapt off his lap and then reverted to her quite beautiful wood elf form. “Sorry, I just need to do this!” She scooched over to him and then threw soft arms around him. “I love you no matter what you look like, okay? But as you are, right now, in this exact moment, you are perfect. To me, you are perfect. Perfect as you are.”
He motioned for them to lay down, which they did face-to-face, their fingers entwined. “I’ll take your word for it and hope that you know that it applies to you as well. You are stunning. You take my breath away. You arouse such feeling in me, my love. What I feel for you is more than anything I’ve ever felt towards anyone, mortal or immortal.” A wry smile tugged at his lips. “I love you no matter what you look like. As you are right now, in this exact moment, you are perfect. To me, you are perfect. Perfect as you are, dearest.”
They moved closer together, enough that their noses touched. Her bright green eyes (I know those anywhere, my love) met his brown ones. She felt one of his hands caress the softness of her wide hips, as one of hers rubbed one of his lovehandles. “I love you, Gale.”
“Love you too, sweetness.”
They shared a quick kiss and stayed lying like that for some time before Thea spoke. “I don’t think you’re that old either, if I’m being honest.”
Gale rolled his eyes. “Darling, you’re a wood elf and a druid on top of that. Of course, forty isn’t going to be that old to someone like you! But to me, it simply means my youth has passed.” Fat. Middle aged. Physically unfit. Thea loves it. Thea loves me. She loves me as I am. To her I’m perfect. “Ah, but with age comes wisdom, I suppose, so it can’t be that bad.”
She stuck her tongue out at Gale and made a valiant attempt to look angry but alas, she only looks more adorable. “A wood elf and druid I may be, but I am only thirty! And you’re not that bloody old even for a human. I mean, Elminster Aumar’s like twelve hundred right?” She grinned at him. “Surely Gale of Waterdeep could figure out how to live a few hundred years?”
His expression was playful with more than little seriousness. “Challenge accepted, my dear. While I get to work on that, there’s something more immediate, more pressing, one might say, that I need to see to.” The hand on her hip slowly drifted up to an unbelievably perfect breast, gently kneading it. “I find this to be a quite serious distraction.”
“Do you now?” She teased, bringing a long leg over his hip. “Is this also distracting?”
His lips met hers in a somewhat sloppy kiss, the hand on her breast continuing to knead. “Quite. Might I suggest—” He was silenced with a kiss and a squeeze of his side. “What? Is something wrong?” Gods, have I overstepped? I don’t think I have. She would have it written all over her face if I did.
Any hint of teasing left her face, though she was smiling. “If you ask something of me, then I’d like to ask something of you too, love.”
I’m not sure what she’s getting at, but I’ll play along. “Of course, but I only wondered if you’d take your shirt off.”
She moved to sit up and remove her shirt, revealing what Gale had longed to see---porcelain skin covered in freckles and a large, soft belly and equally large breasts. Gods be good, she’s even more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. Thea, you are a goddess. “Now you.” She whispered as she lay back down.
“As the lady requests, so it shall be done.” he said as nonchalantly as possible, ignoring his heart threatening to beat through his chest. She thinks I’m perfect. She thinks I’m handsome. I trust her judgment on so many things, so why not this? “Here goes…” Sitting up, he took a deep breath before taking his shirt off.
He was not prepared for the gasp that escaped Thea.
“Oh my gods, you’re so hot!” She squeaked, her hands over her also perfect mouth and green eyes wide. “I bet she never told you you’re hot! Well, you are!” Suddenly, she grinned and reached for him. “Come here, love!” As the lady commands! He resumed his former position, their bodies pressed against each other. A look of wonder graced Thea’s face as she ran her hands over his hairy chest that made Gale’s heart skip a beat. “You feel amazing…”
“So do you.” He captured her with a passionate kiss, a hand running up and down her pillowy upper arm. “How would you like it if I kissed every freckle on your gorgeous body, o goddess of mine?” As her cheeks turned red, he chuckled. “One must be able to take compliments when one is so willing to give them, my sweet.”
Shaking her head, she said shyly, “I’m not a goddess. I’m just me.”
Gale shook his head vehemently. “You are. I happen to be an expert on such matters—”
“And I can say with one hundred percent certainty that you are, in fact, a goddess.”
“I-I’m not.” Her entire upper half is blushing. Goodness gracious, she’s so beautiful. “I’m a normal—”
“Not normal, extraordinary. Extraordinary in every way.” He kissed her, slowly at first and then more heated. “Please allow me to show you why you are deserving of worship, darling. Please.” He tugged on her lower lip, noting how she moaned. Perfect. Moan more for me. “Please, my beauty.”
She nodded wordlessly.
He tutted at her affectionately. “No, sweetness. Use your words.”
Gale did not know how it was possible for his beloved to turn redder, but she did. “I-I…I want…” She trailed off as her gaze returned to his plump, hairy chest. In every part of her life, she seems so confident and sure of herself. But in this arena, she’s so shy. Maybe I should take the lead.
Tipping her chin up, his brown eyes met hers. “Would you like me to touch you?”
That’s a start! His other hand untied her trousers and slipped inside her underwear. He imagined a mass of ginger curls at the apex of her thighs based on what he felt. “May I touch you here?”
“Gods, yes.”
Smirking, his long fingers circled her clit, causing her to moan. “That’s it, darling. There’s a good girl.” While this is greatly enjoyable, I think a change of position might make things easier. He withdrew his fingers. Oh, she is not happy. Don’t worry, my love! “Lie on your back, sweetness.” Still blushing, she did as she was told. “Good girl. You are so worthy of devotion…let me show you…”
She wrinkled her nose and giggled, reaching for her trousers. “And maybe I should show you the rest of me. That’s if you want—"
Within moments, he was tugging her pants and underwear off, panting heavily. Once they were discarded, he stopped. “There’s something you need to know. I won’t be making love to you tonight.”
Upon hearing that, she whined. “Gale…”
“Shhh, I won’t leave you wanting. Especially after how good you’ve been to me this evening. My beauty, I have something very special planned for us, but it’s…not quite ready yet.” A few more days of preparing, and then I will make the sky come alive for you. There was a time I could do it in an instant…no. Don’t go down that road tonight. Focus on her. “I want it to be the most magical night of passion you could ever dream of.”
“I’m happy to wait, love, and I’m very interested in hearing about how you won’t leave me wanting.” She attempted to squeeze her thighs together for more friction, but with him now in between her legs, she got no relief from that. But relief is coming, my sweet.
With a sly look on his face, he smirked. “This tongue isn’t simply for speaking, my darling pussy.” Pause. “Cat.”
She laughed and groaned, covering her hands over her face. “Gale, I love you so much, but that was awful!”
He looks far too pleased with himself. “Well, I happened to think it was clever. But if that’s not to your taste, my dear, then my tongue has other talents.” His head dipped as his hands gripped her thighs. They are so incredibly large. Soft. Full of freckles like the rest of her. “So wet for me already, my dear, and I’ve barely done anything…” His very practiced tongue circled and sucked her clit. She tastes so sweet. My beauty, I could feast upon you every moment for the rest of our lives, and it wouldn’t be enough to sate me. Must taste more of her. All of her. His hands kneaded her thighs, her soft flesh spilling through his fingers. She is perfect. Perfect in every way. I can’t wait to show her the Astral Plane, making her feel sensations she’s never felt, hear her cries of utter pleasure as I— The tadpole stirred once again.
As you what, love? I’m so close…
That must wait, sweetness. There’s so much I want to show you. But for right now, let go. Let go, my love.
Several small gasps escaped Thea’s perfectly plump lips as she came apart on his fingers and tongue. “That’s it. There’s a good girl. What a good girl, my darling.” He purred, finally taking his mouth off her and glancing at her heaving chest and belly. “What a sight you are! Still trembling as I wring you out…so wet…good girl, Thea…good girl…” Her breathing evened out as he praised her, her body eventually stilling. “Such a good girl for me. I’ll clean you up and then—”
“What about you?” She inquired softly. “You’re quite…excited…” That’s one word for it.
He sat up and conjured a bowl of water and moistened a clean cloth with it. “No, no, no. Don’t worry about me. There will be many other nights for that.” They fell into a comfortable silence as he cleaned her (and licked her juices off my fingers and wiped my beard) and then settled on the bedroll with Thea spooning him. I’m in heaven. This must be heaven. It must…
She planted light kisses along his shoulder and kept one hand on his hairy belly. Truly, this is heaven. I’ve never had any lover as interested in my body as she is. No. She loves me. All of me. No one has ever loved me as she does. “Hey, you alright love?” She gave his middle a squeeze. “You’re very quiet, which is not exactly normal for you.”
He chuckled. “Simply thinking, my love. Would you like to stay? Obviously, you’re free to return to your tent and sleep, if you wish.” Good gods, man. You’re forty years old, not a Blackstaff apprentice.
Gale felt her smirk into his shoulder. “Elf or cat?” she asked, punctuating each word with a kiss.
She won’t see this coming.
“Darling, I can never have enough pussy.”
“You naughty man!” She managed to get out as they both exploded with laughter. “Gale, you are the very definition of a chivalrous pervert.” He turned his head to give her a kiss.
“You wouldn’t have me any other way, would you?” He teased lightly. However, he felt as if his heart was beating through his chest. I know what you’ll say. But I so need to hear it.
Her bright green eyes were full of emotion and sleep. “Never. You are just what I’ve always wanted and hoped for. Never, ever change, love.”
Gale thought of his previous lovers, including Mystra, and how he had been asked by every single one to alter part of himself to suit their needs and desires. And then there’s her. She who wants me as I am. She who wants me alive and safe and happy and…She who wants…me. “Thank you, my darling girl. You are a wonder. Truly.” He kissed her nose and then turned his head back around, sleep starting to claim him as well. The protest on her lips died as Thea’s meditation started, her hold on him slackening slightly. “Have the sweetest reliving of memories, Thea my dear.” He whispered, as his eyes fluttered closed.
And you have the loveliest dreams, my handsome man. Her voice murmured in his mind via their tadpoles. My beautiful wizard. My Gale.
I will certainly try, my beauty. Good night.
#thea wildheart#gale dekarios#gale bg3#gale of waterdeep#plus size tav#wood elf tav#druid tav#bg3 fanfic#bg3 fan fiction#thea's thought process is *chef's kiss*#gale likes pussy...cats
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Exploring the Mystical Realm: Insights, Guidance, and Divination for Spiritual Awakening
Tarot Card Reading: How Accurate Are the Predictions?
Tarot cards have been used for divination and guidance for centuries. Many people seek tarot readings to gain insights into various aspects of their lives, including love, career, and personal growth. However, the accuracy of tarot card predictions is a subject of debate and varies from person to person. Here's a closer look at the accuracy of tarot readings.
Interpretation and Intuition: Tarot readings rely on the interpretation of the cards and the intuition of the reader. The accuracy of a reading largely depends on the reader's skill, experience, and connection to the cards. Experienced readers who have a deep understanding of the symbolism and meanings behind each card are more likely to provide accurate readings.
Self-Reflection and Guidance: Tarot cards are not meant to predict the future with absolute certainty. Instead, they offer guidance and insights based on the current energies and circumstances surrounding the person receiving the reading. Tarot readings can help individuals gain a new perspective, identify patterns, and make informed decisions. The accuracy of the reading depends on how well the individual can apply the insights to their own life.
Free Will and Personal Choices: It's important to note that tarot card readings are not set in stone. The future is not fixed, and individuals have the power to shape their own destinies through their actions and choices. Tarot readings can highlight potential outcomes and paths, but they cannot override personal agency. The accuracy of a tarot reading depends on how individuals use the information and apply it to their own lives.
Can Tarot Cards Predict Love?
Love and relationships are common topics that people seek guidance on through tarot readings. Tarot cards can provide insights into love and romantic connections, but it's important to approach these readings with an open mind and understand their limitations.
Tarot readings can offer clarity on the current state of a relationship, highlight potential challenges or opportunities, and provide guidance on how to navigate them. The cards can help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their emotions, desires, and the dynamics within their relationships. However, predicting the exact outcome or timing of a specific romantic event is challenging, as it depends on the actions and choices of both individuals involved.
How Accurate is a Tarot Reading?
The accuracy of a tarot reading can vary based on several factors:
Reader's Skill and Experience: As mentioned earlier, the accuracy of a tarot reading depends on the reader's skill, experience, and intuitive abilities. Experienced readers who have honed their craft over time are more likely to provide accurate and insightful readings.
Openness and Intuition of the Seeker: The accuracy of a tarot reading also depends on the seeker's openness to the process and their willingness to reflect on the insights provided. A receptive and intuitive seeker can make better connections between the cards and their own life circumstances.
Subjectivity and Interpretation: Tarot readings are subjective and open to interpretation. Different readers may interpret the cards and their meanings slightly differently. The accuracy of the reading depends on how well the reader can interpret the cards in relation to the seeker's question or situation.
It's important to approach tarot readings as a tool for self-reflection, guidance, and personal growth rather than expecting precise and concrete predictions. The accuracy of a tarot reading ultimately lies in the seeker's ability to resonate with the insights provided and use them as a catalyst for positive change in their life.
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XL Ship For Anon
Their Request -
Hi! Can I request a ship for all of your fandoms. Males only please!
Oh and for the scenario - First Fight. For TVD?
I am a tall, curvy straight female with blonde hair and blue-green eyes.
I am introverted, intellectual, I have a bunch of interests and hobbies, which I tend to hyper fixate on. I am also a bit of a jack of all trades as I like to learn/teach myself how to do a wide variety of things.
I have a very idiosyncratic point of view, I'm bookish and very interested in history. I have a knack for accurately predicting the likelihood of the future. I tend to test people to see if I can trust them a lot but then I become a friend for life. Literally, a ride or die. I have hidden dimensions and intensity and they're hidden because I'm pretty withdrawn. Wanting to watch people from afar to see if I can even poke my head out of my shell around them.
I tend to act arrogant, cryptic, or cynical when afraid. I can be diplomatic and say things without saying them. I am defiant/rebellious towards authority and habitually find counterexamples to whatever others assert. Despite this attitude, I'm incredibly loyal, hardworking, ambitious, and very idealistic.
I struggle with ADHD, social anxiety, and paranoia. I can brood over injustices or entertain conspiracy theories. I am a bigger fan of sneaky vengeance over outright confrontation. I can be passive-aggressive and self-attacking. I love all animals though I never want to personally own a dog, due to how needy and loud they are. I'm more of a cat or reptile person.
I like to record my thoughts out loud and later organize them.
I'm also currently fighting the urge to delete this because I think I sound very full of myself in this lol
Pretty please and thank you! Also sorry this was so long.
My Response
No worries, babe! You don’t sound full of yourself at all. I love the fact that you didn’t beat around the bush about describing yourself!
Avatar: The Last Airbender
OTP - Zuko. He would love your idiosyncratic point of view and how insightful you are. And would often come to your for advice.
BrOTP - Aang
NOTP - Sokka
OTP - Nick Jakoby
BrOTP - Tikka
NOTP - Daryl Ward
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
OTP - Rupert Giles. You have quite a bit in common, and you may even end up arguing the uses of technology while admiring books as much as he does.
BrOTP - Daniel “Oz” Osbourne
NOTP - Buffy Summers
Doctor Who
OTP - The 10th Doctor. He’d gently coax you out of your shell. And he’d take you anywhere in time or space that you want to go. If you don’t outright say where/when you would like to go then he’ll pick up on it by listening to your latest interests.
BrOTP - Is it cheating to say the 12th Doctor? Oh well. I think you would be partners in crime all the way.
NOTP - Rose Tyler
Dragon Age
OTP - Solas. There’s so much in common and I think you’d probably be the best option to convince him to change his plans.
BrOTP - Merrill.
NOTP - Cassandra.
Fast and Furious franchise
OTP - Tej Parker
BrOTP - Deckard Shaw
NOTP - Luke Hobbs
Game of Thrones
OTP - Tyrion Lannister. Tyrion would tease you to draw you out of your introverted shell. He'd be very interested in your hobbies, interests and your knack for predicting the future. He'd admire your wide skill set, loyalty, defiant attitude and how hardworking you are. He’d often suggest books to you and vice versa.
BrOTP - Jon Snow
NOTP - Daenerys Targaryen
Golden Girls
OTP - Dorothy.
BrOTP - Rose
NOTP - Sophia
OTP - Will Graham.
BrOTP - Alana Bloom.
NOTP - Jack Crawford
Harry Potter
OTP - Severus Snape. Your mind, skill set and attitude would all appeal to him very much.
BrOTP - Luna Lovegood
NOTP - Ron Weasley
Inglourious Basterds
OTP - Hugo Stiglitz
BrOTP - Donny Donowitz
NOTP - Aldo Raine
John Wick
OTP - John Wick
BrOTP - Marcus
NOTP - Winston
Jurassic Park franchise
OTP - Dr. Ian Malcolm
BrOTP - Dr. Ellie Sattler
NOTP - Dr. Sarah Harding
OTP - Merlin
BrOTP - Harry Hart / Galahad
NOTP - Jack Daniels / Whiskey
Legend of Korra
OTP - Mako
BrOTP - Asami Sato
NOTP - Tahno
OTP - Bucky Barnes
BrOTP - Loki
NOTP - Natasha Romanoff
Mayans MC
OTP - Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes.
BrOTP - Johnny “Coco” Cruz
NOTP - Emily Thomas-Galindo
OTP - Timothy McGee
BrOTP - Abby Sciuto
NOTP - Tony DiNozzo
New Girl
OTP - Nick Miller
BrOTP - Winston Saint-Marie Schmidt
NOTP - Julia Cleary
Once Upon A Time
OTP - Killian Jones / Captain Hook
BrOTP - Regina Mills
NOTP - Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White
Parks and Recreation
OTP - Ben Wyatt
BrOTP - April Ludgate
NOTP - Jean Ralphio Saperstein
Peaky Blinders
OTP - Tommy Shelby
BrOTP - Alfie Solomons
NOTP - Ada Thorne
OTP - Brock
BrOTP - Bulbasaur Ash Ketchum
NOTP - Jessie
Rick and Morty
OTP - Rick Sanchez
BrOTP - Beth Smith
NOTP - Jerry Smith.
Schitt’s Creek
OTP - David Rose
BrOTP - Ronnie Lee
NOTP - Moira Rose
Sherlock (BBC)
OTP - Sherlock Holmes. He'd adore your mind and find your skill set useful. Sherlock would love your defiance of authority and ambition. Though you'd butt heads every now and then ultimately your differences would make you an even better match. You'd both bring out each other's emotions more and understand each other better than anyone else ever could.
BrOTP - Mycroft Holmes. I know, very surprising. But like with Sherlock there’s a lot in common and a lot different. So you’d frequently argue But in the end you’d have the common goal of looking out for Sherlock to make you both closer.
NOTP - Jim Moriarty.
Sons of Anarchy
OTP - Jackson “Jax” Teller.
BrOTP - Bobby Munson
NOTP - Tara Knowles
Star Wars Prequels
OTP - Obi-Wan Kenobi
BrOTP - Qui-Gon Jinn
NOTP - Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Original Trilogy
OTP - Luke Skywalker
BrOTP - R2D2
NOTP - Han Solo
Stranger Things
OTP - Jim Hopper. I think Hopper would admire you for testing people so thoroughly to see if you can trust them. And he’d really love how loyal you are to the people you do trust.
BrOTP - Alexei. Here me out, the two of you seem to have a bit in common. First and foremost your intelligence. And I think you’d make Hopper quit being such an ass to Alexei.
NOTP - Nancy Wheeler
OTP - Sam Winchester. Okay I can just see you researching together. Staying up all night in the Bunker’s library poring over every single book.
BrOTP - Charlie Bradbury. Do I need to say anything more than nerd power?
NOTP - Mary Winchester.
Teen Wolf
OTP - Chris Argent
BrOTP - Stiles Stilinski
NOTP - Lydia Martin
That 70’s Show
OTP - Eric Forman.
BrOTP - Donna Pinciotti
NOTP - Jackie Burkhardt
The Expendables
OTP - Lee Christmas
BrOTP - Barney Ross
NOTP - Mr. Church
The Hobbit
OTP - Thorin Oakenshield. Thorin would admire your wide skill set and your ambition to learn how to do so many things. He'd adore your loyalty and knack for diplomacy.
BrOTP - Fili Durin.
NOTP - Thranduil
The Lord of the Rings
OTP - Faramir.
BrOTP - Samwise Gamgee
NOTP - Denethor
The Vampire Diaries & The Originals
OTP - Elijah Mikaelson. I think that Elijah would adore your intelligence and would encourage your interests and hobbies. If you want to know anything about history? He'd be more than happy to discuss his own experiences with you. He'd often get your opinion on a course of action before doing it, due to your with and ability of predicting the possible outcomes. He'd love your original, no pun intended, point of view. And though he loves your tenacity, your ambition, your idealistic nature and your loyalty, sometimes it can frustrate him when he thinks certain people who have your loyalty don't deserve it. Or at least not at the intensity that you give it.
First Fight - Your first fight would probably have to do with your friendship and loyalty towards Klaus. While sometimes he admires it, he often wishes that you weren’t so loyal to his brother. Thinking he isn’t always deserving of it. Afterwards you’d both go in different rooms to brood until ready to make up.
BrOTP - Niklaus Mikaelson. Klaus would admire your intelligence, ambition, hard working and even defiant attitude. Your skills and ability to think differently from everyone else. He would also come to you for advice though he wouldn’t always adhere it. Though what Klaus would love most of all is your loyalty. Especially after he made it through all your tests and found himself on the receiving end of your loyalty. And he would feel guilty when your loyalty and friendship with him would cause a rift in your relationship with his brother.
NOTP - Damon Salvatore. Damon is impulsive and has his own way of testing the loyalty of those around him. Though his form of testing is more of him doing things that makes them less loyal and trusting of him. He’d probably end up trying to test and strain your loyalty towards Elijah and Klaus. Which would infuriate you. And he would fail which would infuriate him.
The Walking Dead
OTP - Negan.
BrOTP - Carl Grimes. In an AU where Rick’s Group became saviors instead of finding Alexandria. I think Carl would have become Negna’s protege and may have even softened him up.
NOTP - Rick Grimes.
The Witcher (show)
OTP - Geralt of Rivia
BrOTP - Yennefer of Vengerberg
NOTP - Queen Calanthe
True Blood
OTP - Eric Northman
BrOTP - Bill Compton
NOTP - Sam Merlotte
OTP - Ragnar Lothbrok
BrOTP - Ivar the Boneless
NOTP - Björn Ironside
WWE (kayfabe personas)
OTP - Roman Reigns
BrOTP - Finn Balor
NOTP - Chris Jericho
#ships#ship request#ships open#xl ship#this took forever but it was really fun#avatar the last airbender ship#legend of korra ship#bright ship#buffy the vampire slayer ship#doctor who ship#dragon age ship#fast and furious ship#game of thrones ships#golden girls ship#hannibal ships#harry potter ship#inglourious basterds ship#john wick ship#jurassic park ships#kingsman ship#marvel ship#mayans mc ship#ncis ship#new girl ship#once upon a time ship#parks and rec ship#peaky blinders ship#pokemon ship#rick and morty ships#ship for anon
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OceanGate Titan Astrology
I wish everyone would consult professional astrologers before launching anything OceanGate Lost astrology June 18-June 22 2013 OceanGate Titan Launched June 18 at 8:00 am EDT from St. John’s, Newfoundland Canada as a 3rd launch to view the wreck of the Titanic. With 5 wealthy clients on board, the CEO and a French oceanographer. 1. Moon was Out of Bounds, Moon was at 29th most critical degree.…

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#AStrology is Real OceanGate and Titanic#Astrology of Oceangate#Astrology psychic Tarot card reader Tara Greene#karma#Lost at Sea#OceanGate#rescue#Tara Greene Canada&039;s Best Astrologer tarot reader Psychic#Titanic#Toronto Astrologer Tara Greene accurate predictions#world news
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My Super Bowl prediction
I’ve made accurate Super Bowl and other sports predictions in the news for The Raptors, Hockey, Baseball, and here’s my take use my astrology and tarot cards vm.tiktok.com/ZMksLomMS/
#accurate psychic#astrologer’s and Tarot Readers predict Super Bowl winner#Astrology and tarot with Tara Greene#Astrology psychic Tarot card reader Tara Greene#Canada&039;s 1 Psychic Voted and Certified Psychic#corporate astrology Tarot consultant Tara Greene#Mars Retrograde#TAylor SWIFT#Toronto tarot reading parties#winner#world news
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WIP Wednesday
I'm having way too much fun writing this one. :D It features Thea (plus size wood elf druid) and Gale after a long day. Excerpt is SFW.
If he was being honest, Gale found that most of the days on their adventure had been good. Today, however, was not one of those days. Fat. Middle aged. Can’t keep up. Not hitting the target enough. Putting her in danger. Gods, if anything happens to her because of me, I…
Is that a cat? That surely cannot be Tara because she would’ve announced herself with an energetic, “Mr. Dekarios!” He pulled the flap of his tent and, as he predicted, the cat was not Tara the tressym. It was an orange tabby with bright green eyes. Funny, that’s the exact color of Thea’s eyes. “Hello there! Are you lost, little one? Come in, come in.”
The cat meowed happily and walked in, waiting for Gale in an excited way. A cat excited about a person is very strange, though perhaps that is simply how this lovely cat is.
He went back to sitting on his bedroll, and the cat followed. Seems to be waiting for me to say something? Very curious. “I don’t know why you’re here, my friend, but I’m happy for the company.” The cat began to purr and climbed onto his lap. He laughed nervously. “Want a cuddle, do you? I suppose that’s alright. You’re awfully cuddly, aren’t you, sweetness?” He starched behind the cat’s ears, the purring growing louder. “You know, this is just what I needed. I had, quite frankly, an awful day. Every day on this journey I’m feeling my age more and more. And look at me!”
His parasite tingled.
I do see you, Gale, and I, quite frankly, love what I see.
Yeah! Hi! Sorry, I didn’t mean to like…be weird or anything. When we got back, you just seemed so fucking sad, and I had no idea why. I felt so bad. So I thought, “Well, Gale likes cats, and I can wildshape into one in seconds, maybe that would make him feel better.” So…I did that! Yup. The cat stared up at Gale with what he thought were adorably pleading eyes.
My love, you are the most thoughtful and sweetest woman in the realm. And it’s not weird! I’m still very interested in learning more about the magic behind wildshape.
I just…do it. I know that’s not the most helpful, but I’d say it’s the most accurate. At least for me! Maybe Halsin could explain it better. Anyways, if you want me to change back, I can.
Absolutely not. Unless you want to, of course! I don’t know how comfortable you are…
Thea practically began to vibrate with purrs in his lap. Are you fucking kidding me? I’m a cat in a nice, warm, soft lap. This is heaven, Gale love.
He chuckled softly, scratching behind her ears. Darling, you may stay in heaven for as long as you’d like.
#thea wildheart#gale dekarios#thea x gale#gale x named tav#gale x plus size tav#plus size tav#chubby gale#when your new gf can wildshape into a cat#gale likes pussy...cats#i'm not sorry lol#wip wednesday
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