#Accounting firms in Nepal
onon-100 · 3 months
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corporate-advisors · 16 days
Reliance Corporate Advisors (RCA) is a leading professional service firm in Nepal, offering legal services and financial advisory from top lawyers and Chartered Accountants.
1.1. A significant purpose of trademark registration is protection of your brand in a competitive marketplace whereby your registered trademark provides a unique and distinguished identity to your products or services.
1.2. Section 2(c) of the Patent, Design and Trademark Act, 2022 (1965) (the “PDT Act”) defines a trademark as a word, symbol, or picture or a combination thereof to be used by any firm, company or individual in its products or services to distinguish them with the product or service of others.
1.3. All trademarks registered as per the PDT Act are entitled to protection from passing off and infringement. Section 16(2) of the PDT Act explicitly prohibits the copying or unauthorized use of a registered trademark without ownership transformation or written permission pursuant to Section 21 D of the PDT Act.
1.4. Section 19 of the PDT Act imposes penalties for illegal passing off and infringement, including fines and confiscation of goods, based on the gravity of the offense.
1.5. The Trademark Directives, 2072 (2015) (the “Trademark Directives”) ensure further protection to registered trademarks which are as follows:
1.5.1. To freely use the trademarks registered in their name.
1.5.2. To prevent other firms or companies from using the same trademark without permission in a manner that may cause confusion through display, viewing, speaking, hearing or other presentation.
1.5.3. To grant permission for trademark use to other firms or companies under certain conditions for a specific duration.
2.1. The Department of Industries (the “DOI”), a quasi-judicial industrial property authority under the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Supplies in Nepal, is responsible for the regulation and protection of all registered trademarks.
2.2. Any allegations of trademark infringement or passing off can be brought before the legal division of DOI. DOI has the authority to conduct hearings and issue rulings akin to those of a District Court in the country. Moreover, if parties are dissatisfied with the DOI’s decision, they have the option to appeal such decision to the High Court and eventually to the Supreme Court of Nepal, if such appeal meets the criteria of law.
2.3. Despite statutory provisions and legal precedents upholding trademark rights, Nepal faces significant challenges with trademark infringements and passing off cases.
2.4. Passing off occurrences, especially with well-known trademarks, are increasing, posing a threat to consumer rights and intellectual property protections.
2.5. “Well-Known Mark” has been defined under Section 2(f) of the Trademark Directives as a mark specified by the Government of Nepal (“GoN”) to be well-known. Nevertheless, as of the present date, GoN has neither released nor clarified the criteria for recognizing a well-known mark. This leaves the definition open to interpretation by the courts and DOI; some instances of courts interpretation have been discussed in paragraph 5 below.
2.6. While case precedents protect well-known trademarks, the lack of clear legal provisions raises doubts and potentially deter multinational corporations from trusting brand protection in Nepal.
3.1. A trademark passing off is said to have occurred when a party, typically a business or individual, misrepresents their goods or services in a way that creates confusion or deception amongst the consumers, leading them to believe that the goods or services are associated with another party’s established trademark.
3.2. Goodwill, built through consistent branding, production, and advertisement, is a crucial element in passing off cases. When another competitor passes off on this goodwill of another trademark, the consumers are the ones who must face the direct hit as they might end up with subpar products or services under the mistaken belief that they are associated with the legitimate brand.
3.3. Lord Langdale MR, in the case of Perry v Truefitt, said that “a man is not to sell his own goods under the pretence that they are the goods of another trader”.
3.4. From interpretation and as a matter of practice to establish passing off, certain key elements need to be present such as:
3.4.1. The existence of goodwill: Claimant has to showcase the goodwill or reputation that they have built around its brand through its consistent branding, production, supply, and advertisement in a particular market or amongst a niche of consumers.
3.4.2. Misrepresentation: A clear misrepresentation from the alleged infringing party has to be demonstrated, that could deceive or confuse consumers into believing that.
3.4.3. The likelihood of confusion.
3.4.4. Actual or potential damage.
3.5. For instance, producing and selling a cold drink with its packaging, symbols, words, and colour combinations like that of Sprite, (a well-known trademarked soft drink product), with just a few tweaks and changes of letters or adding prefixes or suffixes on the mark construes as passing off.
4.1. As a first rule of the thumb, to ensure the protection of a trademark, the crucial step is its registration with DOI. As outlined in Section 21B of the PDT Act, “The title to any patent, design or trademark registered in a foreign country shall not be valid in Nepal unless it is registered in Nepal by the concerned person.” This implies that trademarks registered in foreign jurisdictions, even those within the state parties of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, 1883 (the “Paris Convention”), will not enjoy protection in Nepal unless they are registered locally.
Note: Internationally, recognized well-known marks, as evidenced in case laws (discussed in paragraph 5, below), receive certain protection due to their widespread popularity. However, such protections cannot be guaranteed for well-known marks, if unregistered.
4.2. As per law, the DOI must facilitate the registration of trademarks from foreign countries without conducting elaborate inquiries if an application is filed along with relevant certificates of registration in the foreign country. This is in alignment with the provisions of the Paris Convention, as per Section 21C of the PDT Act.
4.3. However, as a matter of practice DOI conducts its regular investigation (as applicable for local trademarks) even if prior filing right is claimed as per the provision above.
4.4. After the registration of a trademark, if an entity attempts passing off an already registered trademark, an opposition claim can be filed at the Law Division of the DOI within 90 days of the publication of the mark in the Industrial Property Bulletin (“IP Bulletin”). This is in accordance with Section 21A(2) of the PDT Act.
4.5. Pursuant to Section 24(2) of the Trademark Directives, the opposition can also be filed in another language, provided that a notarized Nepali translation of the opposition claim is attached.
4.6. Upon the filing of the opposition, the DOI will refrain from issuing a trademark registration certificate for the opposed mark. The opposition will go through a similar process of litigation whereby the Parties will be called for hearings and the DOI will provide its decision on the opposed mark.
4.7. If either party is dissatisfied with the DOI’s decision, they have the option to appeal at the High Court within 35 days from the date of the decision.
4.8. On a different note, Section 25 of the Trademark Directives also provides administrative and judicial bodies for the enforcement of trademark rights. These are:
4.8.1. District Administration Office
4.8.2. Nepal Police
4.8.3. Customs Offices
4.9. These offices have been vested with the responsibility to work individually or collaboratively within their jurisdictions.
4.10. The collaborative efforts of the DOI and the mentioned administrative agencies can significantly enhance the protection of industrial property rights held by businesses, ensuring a healthy market environment for both consumers and competitors.
5.1. Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited v. Rukmani Chemical Industries Pvt. Ltd., NKP: 2077, Decision №10561.
5.1.1. Earlier, Rukmani Chemical Industries had registered the Kansai Nerolac Paint Nepal Pvt. Ltd. at the DOI, leading to the DOI prohibiting Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited, a Japanese multinational corporation, from using the Kansai Nerolac brand. Following an extensive legal battle in the DOI, High Court, and Supreme Court, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited, establishing key principles: “Deceptive similarity” is said to be constituted if a trademark or the words used are identical, or the trademark is displayed with modifications, such as the addition of prefix or suffix, creating a phonetic similarity with minimal dissimilarity and if presented in a similar manner at first glance. Time limitation is not applicable for revoking the registration of a trademark if it is registered with bad faith or the registration process seems malafide. Ownership and right over a trademark of a foreign company does not end only by virtue of the registration of such trademarks by a local company. Even after the registration of a mark copied from a well-known foreign mark by a local company, if the foreign company applies for registration of the mark at a later date, the registration in the name of the local company automatically ends.
5.2. Virgin Enterprises Limited v. Virgin Mobile Pvt. Ltd., 12 June 2023, Department of Industries
5.2.1. An opposition was filed by Virgin Enterprises Limited (“Virgin Enterprises”), a member company of the Virgin Group against Virgin Mobile Pvt. Ltd., a local company for the ownership on the mark “VIRGIN (and logo)”. Virgin Enterprises had registered their mark in Class 9 and 38 whereas the local company Virgin Mobile Pvt. Ltd. (“Virgin Mobile”) was seeking to register the mark in Class 35.
5.2.2. The DOI rejected the application of Virgin Mobile based on the following: The “VIRGIN” mark has been registered and used by Virgin Enterprises in Nepal and other countries and thus is a well-known mark belonging to Virgin Enterprises The mark in question, “VIRGIN (and logo)” did not appear to be the original creation of Virgin Mobile. Virgin Mobile filed the application in bad faith. Allowing registration of the mark in the name of Virgin Mobile will adversely affect the goodwill of Virgin Enterprises and cause confusion among consumers.
5.2.3. The DOI also reiterated its position that a well-known mark shall receive protection not only in the class in which it has been registered but also in other classes as well as in non-competing goods and services where the well-known mark does not have registration.
5.3. Six Continents Hotel Inc. V Holiday Express Travels and Tours Pvt. Ltd., 10 July 2023, Department of Industries.
5.3.1. An opposition was filed at the DOI by Six Continents Hotel Inc. (“Six Continents”) for their trademark “HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS” registered in Class 43 in Nepal against a local company Holiday Express Travels and Tours Pvt. Ltd. (“Holiday Express”) which had filed to register its mark “HOLIDAY EXPRESS TRAVELS AND TOURS (and logo)” in Class 35.
5.3.2. Six Continents opposed this application claiming that “HOLIDAY INN” marks are globally well-known marks and the application was filed in bad faith and can confuse the public.
5.3.3. The DOI made the following determination in the given case: HOLIDAY INN marks have been registered and are used by Six Continents in Nepal and other countries and thus are well-known marks belonging to Six Continents. Holiday Express’s proposed mark does not seem to be its original creation and the application has been made in bad faith. Allowing registration of the “HOLIDAY EXPRESS TRAVELS AND TOURS (and logo)” mark to Holiday Express Nepal can adversely affect the goodwill of Six Continents and therefore shall cause confusion among consumers.
For more details go to: https://reliancecs.co/
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rijallaw · 2 days
Nepali Immigration Lawyer Who Has Been Through the Process Before
Are you considering immigrating from Nepal to the United States? Whether you’re seeking Temporary Protected Status (TPS), an employment visa, or pursuing some other form of immigration, the process can be complex, filled with legal hurdles, and often confusing. At Rijal Law Firm, we can help. We are here to help make this journey smoother and more manageable for you. If you’ve been typing “Nepali Immigration Lawyer near me” into a browser over and over again, only to find no one you would want to work with, we’re ready to support you. With extensive experience in immigration law and a deep commitment to supporting our clients, we work closely with individuals and families to ensure their path to the United States is as clear and straightforward as possible. When you’re looking for an immigration attorney, it’s important to find a firm that understands your unique circumstances and has a track record of success. At Rijal Law Firm, we’ve helped countless immigrants navigate the intricacies of the immigration system, ultimately changing their lives.
Guiding You Through Every Step The immigration process can be complex and involves multiple steps, including interviews, document submissions, and, in some cases, consular processing. Each step presents its own set of challenges, and even the tiniest mistakes can result in delays or denials. That’s why working with an experienced immigration attorney is crucial for ensuring that your application is as strong as possible from the start. Our approach begins with understanding your specific case. We start by listening to your situation, asking the right questions to gain a full understanding of your goals and any potential obstacles you may face. From there, we devise a personalized case tailored to your needs. For many immigrants, the process will require sponsorship or the filing of a petition on their behalf. We assist with these petitions, coordinating with all necessary parties to ensure everything is handled efficiently and without error. If you’re applying from outside the U.S., you may need to go through a consular interview as part of your visa application process. Preparing for an interview is critical, as unexpected questions or issues often arise that can derail an unprepared applicant. We provide thorough preparation for these interviews, helping you anticipate and effectively respond to any concerns raised by immigration officers. We also offer guidance on a wide range of topics that are important to your case, such as passport requirements, medical evaluations, and even the review of your social media accounts, which may be scrutinized. Whether you have questions or concerns that you are aware of or ones you haven’t yet considered, we are here to provide clear, informed answers.
Comprehensive Immigration Services We know that there are many different ways to immigrate to the United States. Each person’s situation is unique. When you consult with us, we take the time to explore all available options and help you determine the best course of action based on your specific circumstances. Our legal services extend beyond individual immigration cases. We also assist families, businesses, and corporations with their immigration needs. For employers looking to hire foreign talent, we can help navigate the visa process or explore other employment-based visa options. We are experienced in working with businesses of all sizes and industries, helping them meet their staffing needs through the legal immigration system. Additionally, for individuals with extraordinary abilities—such as artists, performers, executives, and researchers—our firm has successfully assisted in securing visas and other special permits. These visas are available to individuals who can demonstrate exceptional talent or accomplishments in their field, and we work diligently to ensure that all the necessary documentation is properly submitted to make a strong case. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to immigration, and we will carefully evaluate the best path for you.
A “Nepali Immigration Lawyer Near Me” Ready to Assist Navigating the U.S. immigration system can be difficult and time-consuming, but you don’t have to go through it alone. At Rijal Law Firm, we are dedicated to providing compassionate, effective legal representation to help you achieve your immigration goals. Our team is here to support you through every step of the immigration process. We will work with you on completing and filing necessary documentation, preparing for interviews, and ensuring that all deadlines are met. If there is any way to make the process smoother or increase your chances of success, we are committed to finding it. We understand how significant and personal this process is, and we are dedicated to making it as straightforward and stress-free as possible for you and your family. If you’re ready to start your journey toward living and working in the United States or are facing immigration challenges that require immediate attention, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have. Schedule a free case evaluation with us through our site or by calling.
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jobskolkata · 2 months
Textiles Industry || Manufacturing Company || Senior Accounts Manger || Senior Labour Officer || Senior Merchandiser || Purchase Manager || Legal Executive || Graphic Designer ||Kolkata || West Bengal
 Welcome to our latest video unveiling the fascinating world of Jute Industries Ltd, a leading #jute manufacturer making waves in the textile industry! Join us as we delve into the unparalleled craftsmanship and sustainability practices that sets Jute Industries Ltd apart. Discover the intricate process behind their high-quality jute products and witness firsthand the innovative techniques that drive their success. Whether you're a connoisseur of eco-friendly materials or simply intrigued by the world of manufacturing, this video is a must-watch. Stay tuned to learn more about Jute Industries Ltd and why they continue to dominate the jute market. #jutemanufacturer.
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threercaccounting · 3 months
Accounting Consultancy Services Nepal for all Type of Entities
Essential accounting services for startups and small companies ​ Accounting encompasses a wide range of activities, including bookkeeping, payroll processing, and financial statement preparation. Each of the subsidiary services is essential to maintaining the stability of your company's finances.
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sunaleisocial · 4 months
All in the family
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/all-in-the-family/
All in the family
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It’s no news that companies use money to influence politics. But it may come as a surprise to learn that many family-owned firms — the most common form of business in the world — do not play by the same rules. New research by political science PhD candidate Sukrit Puri reveals that “family businesses depart from the political strategy of treating campaign donations as short-term investments intended to maximize profitmaking.”
Studying thousands of such firms in India, Puri finds that when it comes to politics, an important influence on political behavior is ethnic identity. This in turn can make a big impact on economic development.
“If family businesses actually think about politics differently, and if they are the most common economic actors in an economy, then you break channels of accountability between a business and the government,” says Puri. “Elected officials may be less likely to deliver effective policies for achieving economic growth.”
Puri believes his insights suggest new approaches for struggling economies in some developing countries. “I’d like to get governments to think carefully about the importance of family firms, and how to incentivize them through the right kinds of industrial policies.”
Pushing past caricatures
At the heart of Puri’s doctoral studies is a question he says has long interested him: “Why are some countries rich and other countries poor?” The son of an Indian diplomat who brought his family from Belgium and Nepal to the Middle East and New York City, Puri focused on the vast inequalities he witnessed as he grew up.
As he studied economics, political science, and policy as an undergraduate at Princeton University, Puri came to believe “that firms play a very important role” in the economic development of societies. But it was not always clear from these disciplines how businesses interacted with governments, and how that affected economic growth.
“There are two canonical ways of thinking about business in politics, and they have become almost like caricatures,” says Puri. One claims government is in the pocket of corporations, or that at the least they wield undue influence. The other asserts that businesses simply do governments’ bidding and are constrained by the needs of the state. “I found these two perspectives to be wanting, because neither side gets entirely what it desires,” he says. “I set out to learn more about how business actually seeks to influence, and when it is successful or not.”
So much political science literature on business and politics is “America-centric,” with publicly listed, often very large corporations acting on behalf of shareholders, notes Puri. But this is not the paradigm for many other countries. The major players in countries like South Korea and India are family firms, big and small. “There has been so little investigation of how these family businesses participate in politics,” Puri says. “I wanted to know if we could come up with a political theory of the family firm, and look into the nature of business and politics in developing economies and democracies where these firms are so central.”
Campaign donation differences
To learn whether family businesses think about politics differently, Puri decided to zero in on one of the most pervasive forms of influence all over the world: campaign donations. “In the U.S., firms treat these donations as short-term investments, backing the incumbent and opportunistically switching parties when political actors change,” he says. “These companies have no ideology.” But family firms in India, Puri’s empirical setting, prove to operate very differently.
Puri compiled a vast dataset of all donations to Indian political parties from 2003 to 2021, identifying 7,000 unique corporate entities donating a cumulative $1 billion to 36 parties participating in national and state-level elections. He identified which of these donations came from family firms by identifying family members sitting on boards of these companies. Puri found evidence that firms with greater family involvement on these boards overwhelmingly donate loyally to a single party of their choice, and “do not participate in politics out of opportunistic, short-term profit maximizing impulse.”
Puri believes there are sociological explanations for this unexpected behavior. Family firms are more than just economic actors, but social actors as well — embedded in community networks that then shape their values, preferences, and strategic choices. In India, communities often form around caste and religious networks. So for instance, some economic policies of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have hurt its core supporters of small and medium-sized businesses, says Puri. Yet, these businesses have not abandoned their financial support of the BJP. Similarly, Muslim-majority communities and family firms stick with their candidates, even when it is not in their short-term economic best interest. Their behavior is more like that of an individual political donor — more ideological and expressive than strategic.
Engaged by debate
As a college first-year, Puri was uncertain of his academic direction. Then he learned of a debate playing out between two schools of economic thought on how to reduce poverty in India and other developing nations: On one side, Amartya Sen advocated for starting with welfare, and on the other, Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya argued that economic growth came first.
“I wanted to engage with this debate, because it suggested policy actions — what is feasible, what you can actually do in a country,” recalls Puri. “Economics was the tool for understanding these trade-offs.”
After graduation, Puri worked for a few years in investment management, specializing in emerging markets. “In my office, the conversation each day among economists was just basically political,” he says. “We were evaluating a country’s economic prospects through a kind of unsophisticated political analysis, and I decided I wanted to pursue more rigorous training in political economy.”
At MIT, Puri has finally found a way of merging his lifelong interests in economic development with policy-minded research. He believes that the behavior of family firms should be of keen concern to many governments.
“Family firms can be very insular, sticking with old practices and rewarding loyalty to co-ethnic partners,” he says. There are barriers to outside hires who might bring innovations. “These businesses are often just not interested in taking up growth opportunities,” says Puri. “There are millions of family firms but they do not provide the kind of dynamism they should.” 
In the next phase of his dissertation research Puri will survey not just the political behaviors, but the investment and management practices of family firms as well. He believes larger firms more open to outside ideas are expanding at the expense of smaller and mid-size family firms. In India and other nations, governments currently make wasteful subsidies to family firms that cannot rise to the challenge of, say, starting a new microchip fabricating plant. Instead, says Puri, governments must figure out the right kind of incentives to encourage openness and entrepreneurship in businesses that make up its economy, which are instrumental to unlocking broader economic growth.
After MIT, Puri envisions an academic life for himself studying business and politics around the world, but with a focus on India. He would like to write about family firms for a more general audience — following in the footsteps of authors who got him interested in political economy in the first place. “I’ve always believed in making knowledge more accessible; it’s one of the reasons I enjoy teaching,” he says. “It is really rewarding to lecture or write and be able to introduce people to new ideas.” 
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jcmarchi · 4 months
All in the family
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/all-in-the-family/
All in the family
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It’s no news that companies use money to influence politics. But it may come as a surprise to learn that many family-owned firms — the most common form of business in the world — do not play by the same rules. New research by political science PhD candidate Sukrit Puri reveals that “family businesses depart from the political strategy of treating campaign donations as short-term investments intended to maximize profitmaking.”
Studying thousands of such firms in India, Puri finds that when it comes to politics, an important influence on political behavior is ethnic identity. This in turn can make a big impact on economic development.
“If family businesses actually think about politics differently, and if they are the most common economic actors in an economy, then you break channels of accountability between a business and the government,” says Puri. “Elected officials may be less likely to deliver effective policies for achieving economic growth.”
Puri believes his insights suggest new approaches for struggling economies in some developing countries. “I’d like to get governments to think carefully about the importance of family firms, and how to incentivize them through the right kinds of industrial policies.”
Pushing past caricatures
At the heart of Puri’s doctoral studies is a question he says has long interested him: “Why are some countries rich and other countries poor?” The son of an Indian diplomat who brought his family from Belgium and Nepal to the Middle East and New York City, Puri focused on the vast inequalities he witnessed as he grew up.
As he studied economics, political science, and policy as an undergraduate at Princeton University, Puri came to believe “that firms play a very important role” in the economic development of societies. But it was not always clear from these disciplines how businesses interacted with governments, and how that affected economic growth.
“There are two canonical ways of thinking about business in politics, and they have become almost like caricatures,” says Puri. One claims government is in the pocket of corporations, or that at the least they wield undue influence. The other asserts that businesses simply do governments’ bidding and are constrained by the needs of the state. “I found these two perspectives to be wanting, because neither side gets entirely what it desires,” he says. “I set out to learn more about how business actually seeks to influence, and when it is successful or not.”
So much political science literature on business and politics is “America-centric,” with publicly listed, often very large corporations acting on behalf of shareholders, notes Puri. But this is not the paradigm for many other countries. The major players in countries like South Korea and India are family firms, big and small. “There has been so little investigation of how these family businesses participate in politics,” Puri says. “I wanted to know if we could come up with a political theory of the family firm, and look into the nature of business and politics in developing economies and democracies where these firms are so central.”
Campaign donation differences
To learn whether family businesses think about politics differently, Puri decided to zero in on one of the most pervasive forms of influence all over the world: campaign donations. “In the U.S., firms treat these donations as short-term investments, backing the incumbent and opportunistically switching parties when political actors change,” he says. “These companies have no ideology.” But family firms in India, Puri’s empirical setting, prove to operate very differently.
Puri compiled a vast dataset of all donations to Indian political parties from 2003 to 2021, identifying 7,000 unique corporate entities donating a cumulative $1 billion to 36 parties participating in national and state-level elections. He identified which of these donations came from family firms by identifying family members sitting on boards of these companies. Puri found evidence that firms with greater family involvement on these boards overwhelmingly donate loyally to a single party of their choice, and “do not participate in politics out of opportunistic, short-term profit maximizing impulse.”
Puri believes there are sociological explanations for this unexpected behavior. Family firms are more than just economic actors, but social actors as well — embedded in community networks that then shape their values, preferences, and strategic choices. In India, communities often form around caste and religious networks. So for instance, some economic policies of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have hurt its core supporters of small and medium-sized businesses, says Puri. Yet, these businesses have not abandoned their financial support of the BJP. Similarly, Muslim-majority communities and family firms stick with their candidates, even when it is not in their short-term economic best interest. Their behavior is more like that of an individual political donor — more ideological and expressive than strategic.
Engaged by debate
As a college first-year, Puri was uncertain of his academic direction. Then he learned of a debate playing out between two schools of economic thought on how to reduce poverty in India and other developing nations: On one side, Amartya Sen advocated for starting with welfare, and on the other, Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya argued that economic growth came first.
“I wanted to engage with this debate, because it suggested policy actions — what is feasible, what you can actually do in a country,” recalls Puri. “Economics was the tool for understanding these trade-offs.”
After graduation, Puri worked for a few years in investment management, specializing in emerging markets. “In my office, the conversation each day among economists was just basically political,” he says. “We were evaluating a country’s economic prospects through a kind of unsophisticated political analysis, and I decided I wanted to pursue more rigorous training in political economy.”
At MIT, Puri has finally found a way of merging his lifelong interests in economic development with policy-minded research. He believes that the behavior of family firms should be of keen concern to many governments.
“Family firms can be very insular, sticking with old practices and rewarding loyalty to co-ethnic partners,” he says. There are barriers to outside hires who might bring innovations. “These businesses are often just not interested in taking up growth opportunities,” says Puri. “There are millions of family firms but they do not provide the kind of dynamism they should.” 
In the next phase of his dissertation research Puri will survey not just the political behaviors, but the investment and management practices of family firms as well. He believes larger firms more open to outside ideas are expanding at the expense of smaller and mid-size family firms. In India and other nations, governments currently make wasteful subsidies to family firms that cannot rise to the challenge of, say, starting a new microchip fabricating plant. Instead, says Puri, governments must figure out the right kind of incentives to encourage openness and entrepreneurship in businesses that make up its economy, which are instrumental to unlocking broader economic growth.
After MIT, Puri envisions an academic life for himself studying business and politics around the world, but with a focus on India. He would like to write about family firms for a more general audience — following in the footsteps of authors who got him interested in political economy in the first place. “I’ve always believed in making knowledge more accessible; it’s one of the reasons I enjoy teaching,” he says. “It is really rewarding to lecture or write and be able to introduce people to new ideas.” 
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Implementation Of ISO Certification In Nepal
     ISO Certification in Nepal is an important acknowledgment for organisations who want to maintain worldwide quality standards. It indicates that an organisation has built strong management systems to ensure quality, efficiency, and safety in its operations and products.ISO certification in Nepal provides benefits such as increased reputation, client confidence, and a competitive edge in both domestic and international markets. Nepalese enterprises in a variety of industries seek ISO certification to demonstrate their commitment to excellence while also adhering to legal requirements.ISO certification in Nepal certifies that a management system, manufacturing process, service, or documentation technique meets all of the requirements for standardisation and quality assurance. ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) is a non-governmental, global organisation that creates standards to assure the quality, safety, and efficiency of goods, services, and systems. In Nepal, ISO certification is available in a variety of industries, ranging from power management and social responsibility to medical equipment and energy management. ISO standards are in place to ensure uniformity. In Nepal, each ISO certification has its own set of standards and criteria, which are numerically classified. While there are several sorts of ISO certifications in Nepal, they are all meant to ensure that the goods, services, and processes used by the company adhere to the highest international standards.
Why is ISO certification important for companies in Nepal?
  The International Organisation for Standardisation creates specifications for goods, services, systems, and procedures to help them assess their degree of excellence. The ISO Consultancy in Nepal is an independent organisation, but its participation in over 160 national standards bodies provides such a high degree of competence that their publications affect government legislation in the United States and throughout the world.Standardisation aims to simplify manufacturing in many industries, maintain product uniformity and safety, and promote worldwide collaboration and compatibility. Custom metal fabrication is one such business that has reaped significant technological, economic, and societal gains as a result of standardisation.
Benefits of ISO Certification in Nepal
    The acquisition of appropriate parts from worldwide suppliers allows businesses to reduce costs and offer competitive prices. Regulated import and export rules make international transactions much easier.Opting for indicates that a firm is eager and capable of becoming an industry leader. ISO in Nepal. Some organisations are also eligible to take part in the standards development process. Certification provides credibility and is perceived as a commitment to quality by many clients.In various businesses, and depending on state requirements, the ISO Certification Process in Nepal may be required by law or contract. Contractors use structural steel from ISO-certified manufacturing factories in Nepal to build standardised beams and other elements off-site, transport them conveniently, and promptly assemble them on-site.Educational Companies, Trading Companies, Oil&Gas Companies, Aerospace Companies, Trust/NGO Companies, Testing & Calibration Companies, Fintech Companies, Construction Companies, Pharmaceuticals Companies, IT Design and Development Companies, IT Services Companies, Services Industry Companies, Automobile Companies, Food Manufacturing Companies, Medical Manufacturing Companies, Medical Laboratory Companies, Banking Companies, Logistics Companies, Accounting/Finance
How Can I Get ISO Consultation in Nepal?
    If you're seeking to acquire ISO certification in Nepal, I'd recommend Certvalue without hesitation. You may simply obtain Certvalue by visiting www.certvalue.com and chatting with a specialist, or by sending an inquiry to [email protected] , and one of our experts will contact you as soon as possible to provide the finest solution available on the market.
Cost Of ISO Certification in Nepal
   The cost of gaining ISO certification in Nepal might vary greatly depending on a variety of criteria. The simplest approach to get the cost is to use our Free Cost Calculator, which will provide you the cost of your ISO Certification promptly via email.
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sanjana-s · 6 months
PhonePe Users Can Pay Via UPI In Singapore
The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and PhonePe's International Payments Business signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This collaboration enhances the existing UPI linkage between India and Singapore, allowing customers to make cross-border transactions between the two countries from their Indian bank accounts instantly. PhonePe and STB will invest in combined marketing campaigns in Singapore and India as part of their partnership. PhonePe, owned by Walmart, has over 520 million registered users and a network of over 38 million merchants for digital payments. It manages more than 230 million transactions every day, with an annual total payment value (TPV) of more than $1.5 trillion. Since its launch in 2016, PhonePe has expanded into financial services (Insurance, Lending, Wealth) and new consumer tech businesses (Pin code – hyperlocal e-commerce and Indus App Store – India’s first localized App Store). In February 2023, PhonePe introduced support for cross-border UPI payments, known as UPI International, enabling users to make payments in foreign currencies directly from their bank accounts, similar to international debit cards. NPCI International Payments Limited launched UPI International to enable UPI transactions for the Indian diaspora living overseas. To expand UPI's reach beyond Singapore, NPCI has also inked agreements with a number of nations, including France, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the United Arab Emirates. In India, UPI transactions increased by 11% month-on-month to 13.44 billion in March 2024 from 12.10 billion. Year-on-year, transactions surged by 55% from 8.7 billion. According to NPCI’s data, the transaction volume in March stood at INR 19.78 lakh crore, up 8% from February’s INR 18.28 lakh crore, and 40% from INR 14.1 lakh crore in the same month last year. NPCI and the government have taken several steps to promote UPI, including adding new features and launching services like UPI Lite, credit lines on UPI, UPI LITE X and Tap & Pay, Hello! UPI, and BillPay Connect over the years. A new service, NPCI Bharat Billpay (NBBL), will soon be available to enable an interoperable net banking payment system. This system will enable quicker settlement of funds for merchants, and with banks and fintech firms planning to participate, NBBL is likely to enable such transactions in April.
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palmoilnews · 8 months
Malaysia to review migrant labour deals to stamp out exploitation KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 17 (Reuters) - Malaysia will review bilateral agreements with 15 nations from which it sources labourers in a bid to address exploitative practices and manpower imbalances that have left thousands of migrant workers stranded without jobs, officials said. Since last year, thousands of migrants, mostly from Bangladesh and Nepal, have been left in limbo after arriving in Malaysia, where they were told that jobs promised to them in exchange for steep recruitment fees were no longer available. The plight of the migrants coincided with concerns over workplace abuses in Malaysia, with several companies facing U.S. bans over the use of forced labour in recent years. Many labourers said they had not been paid any wages. Speaking to reporters late on Tuesday, the labour and home affairs ministers said the distribution of labourers was uneven across the economy, prompting a need to review the bilateral agreements. They said Malaysia still had a shortage of workers in the agriculture and plantations sector, while quotas have been exceeded in other industries. "We will revisit the agreements looking at various elements including fees, costs, contract conditions, health and so on," Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said, adding that the government would allow the transfer of worker quotas across sectors. Workers from Indonesia, Bangladesh and Nepal account for over 70% of Malaysia's migrant labour, with the remainder coming from countries including India, Vietnam, Pakistan, and Thailand. Human Resources Minister Steven Sim said authorities had completed investigations into five firms involved in hiring hundreds of workers who later found themselves without jobs. He said employers who hired such workers must pay them wages even though they do not have jobs, adding that companies and individuals who violate the law will be barred from hiring migrant labourers. Sim said 751 Bangladesh migrant workers had filed cases with the labour department to claim unpaid wages, involving a total of 2.2 million ringgit ($467,687). ($1 = 4.7040 ringgit)
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englishendeavors · 1 year
My reflections on the book "Shoe dog" by Phil Knight
The book called "Shoe dog" written by Phil Knight is a memoir of the creator of shorts apparel "Nike" with the notorious slogan "Just do it!"
Here I will reflect on it in several parts as I read through the book. I will indicate the dates and chapters I read to capture ideas and interesting facts.
Reflection 1. pages 1-41
The book starts from the author sharing his experience of running in the dawn one day in Oregon, USA in small town called Portland. It was in 1962 and he was back to his parents house after seven years since he left them. He studied at the University of Oregon, then did his master's from a top business school - Stanford, served a year in the US Army.
The author describes himself as shy, pale and rail-thin 24 years old kid. Even though he is 24, he felt himself as a young kid coming back to parents' house and live in his own room. He also mentioned that he questioned what he wants and would become. He had no idea at that point. However, his project paper on exporting shoes that he worked during the MBA Entrepreneurship class excited him and he dreamed about it because he was an athlete himself and knew a lot about running. So, he called this idea as a crazy idea throughout first few chapters.
Then pitched his crazy idea to his father one evening. His father was very respectful man in Oregon and was a publisher of Oregon Journal and apparently he was above average class worker at that time. Surprisingly to the author his father was supportive and he started to prepare to his trip, the world trip.
He convinced his college friend to join the journey and started it from Hawaii. Once they landed in the airport of Hanolulu, the beautiful islands they wanted to hang on there for a while. They find a job as salesmen of encyclopedias and later Phil started selling securities though conducting many cold phone calls and closing deals. He succeeds but his crazy idea motivates him to leave his friend behind (his friend found a girlfriend and wanted to be with her) and flies to Japan. In Japan he manages to convince 4 executives of one shoe company (Onitsuka & Co, in Kobe) to become their representative in the US. Phil describes that morning meeting with Onitsuka representatives in details how he felt and tons of controversial ideas flew through his mind and how surprisingly well his peach was and how odd Japanese culture was. Then he continued his journey to Malaysia, Thailand, Hong-Kong, Vietnam, India, Nepal, Cairo, Jerusalem, Turkey, Rome, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, UK, Greece. The trip took him almost six months (he left on 7 September 1962 and returned 24 February 1963).
Interesting facts:
Phil Knight was called Buck by his family members and friends;
He learned and quite good mastered surfing while living in Hanolulu;
He was in Hawaii while the cold war between US and Soviet contry reached it's peak and everyone was expecting start of WW3;
His father's friends from United Press Internationals helped him to get around in Tokyo and collected to former colleages who were importing goods from Japan.
He tension between US and Japan after the WW2 felt so recent when he arrived to Tokyo as many buildings remain damaged after the bombing;
how weird the Jananize culture, they don't say yes or no and always talk in circles that you can't expect clear answer from them;
He made up the company which he represented to Onitsuka. He called it "Blue Ribbon Sports of Portland, Oregon" :-). These blue ribbons were from his past tracks (marathons) that he was proud of.
Isn't it interesting that at the age of 24 and be able to visit 16 countries in six months.
Reflection 2. pages 42-76 (1963-1964 years)
Throughout the year of 1963, Phil completed the accounting courses (yes, even more school) and got his CPA (Certified Public Account) certification then started working in an accounting firm Ross Bros.&Montgomery. The accounting company branch in Portland was very small and from November to April the workload was enormous. They worked twelve hours a day, six days a week. So, this year passed away while he was still waiting for his sports shoes from Japan.
After the new year, Phil got his first box with sports shoes (twelve pairs) and was impressed with the quality and appearance. He describes them as they were more than beautiful and he hasn't seen any other shoes like them in Italy or France. He immediately sends two pairs to his track coach at Oregon, Bill Bowerman. Bowerman was a brilliant coach and natural leader of young people with enormous obsession of gear for running. He had spend days on modifying the footwear of his athletes, improving them so they run like deer. Phil hoped that Bowerman would place order for the shoes for his athletes which he did. Eventually, they agreed to be a partners with 51/49 percent share of the deal and Phil be in control.
Second time, Phil placed 300 pairs of shoes worth of 3,000$ and became official distributor in the West US after receiving a confirmation letter from Mr Miyazaki, one of representatives of the Onitsuka company. Few months later he received a letter from another person from New York who claimed that he is only official distributor of Onitsuka. To clarify and get this straighten he went to Japan and met with the head of Onitsuka, Mr. Onitsuka himself. Apparently, all his executives were scared of Mr. Onitsuka but Phil's meeting went very well and he had gotten the confirmation that he would be the one offical distributor of his shoes in the West US. (The other person, in New York apparently was selling wrestling shoes and not the track shoes. Thus, Phil will be selling the track shoes in West US while the other representative will be selling wrestling shoes nationwide and track shoes only in the East Cost). After this high-level meeting he goes to climb the Mount Fuji, where he met his love, a girl named Sarah. He had fallen in love with her. She visits him after several weeks and they celebrate Christmas (1964) together. On the other occasion she visited him for couple of weeks. However, her parents prohibited her from dating with Phil. Eventually, she drops him. He goes through enormous heartbreak and with support of one of his twin sisters, Jeanne, he resumes his work with the Blue Ribbon (selling the shoes).
In 1965 the year starts from the request of his former classmate, Jeff Johnson to become his sales representative because the pair of shoes that Phil send him were great and everyone was interested to buy. Eventually, he starts selling the shoes and overwhelms Phil with mail communication by sending daily mails. Jeff being a social worker loved socializing and decided to quit his social work and unite with runners and became full time sales person of Blue Ribbon. Jeff's persistence wins and he becomes the first full time sales with the salary of 400$ (even as a social worker he got 460$).
A friend of his father gave advice on Phil's career path saying that anyone changes jobs at least three times and each time they have to start all over again. So, he advised Phil to get his CPA while he is young. The CPA (Certified Public Account) along with MBA will put solid floor under the earnings. This way he can change jobs but will always maintain his salary level. Nice advice, isn't it?
Phil bought shoes (tiger model) for 3.33$ per pair and sold it for 6.95$ in the US.
During the flight to Japan, Phil was so nervous that he was trying to memorize a content of the book "How to do business with the Japanese".
in 1965 running wan't a sport. Apparently, people mocked the runners. Drivers would throw a beer or soda at them.
Reflection 3. pages 77-??? (1965-1980 years)
There were a lot happening starting from breaking up with Onitsuka in extremely unpleasant way, going through the trial and winning it, launch of new Blue Ribbon's brand "Nike", recruitment of promising athletes, constant shortage of cash and many other challenges that will be described below.
Blue Ribbon (BR) started to grow in sales with 100% growth each year. In 1967, it had Johnson on the East Coast and Bork in California. In addition, Bowerman recommended several people, including Bob Woodell who played a crucial role in the development of BR. He was a promising athlete (a track star) if not an accident where he injured his vertebra and had no hope of walking. Even though Bob was in the wheelchair, he had a strong stamina and will and never complained and furiously tackled all challenges at BR. At one moment, when Phil desperately needed cash to close his debt Bob's parents had given him all their savings. In 1974 there was a trial with Onisutka and Pre died. In 1975 BR bought their first factory in the US and started repairing it for 250,000
Cash. 150,000 in sales in 1968, 300,000 in sales in 1969, 1.3 million USD in 1971,
Phil's personal life. He was working as an accountant at Price Waterhouse for almost two years (1966-1967), then he became an assistant professor at Portland State University in Fall 1967. His aim was to free up time to dedicate to BR. At the university he had met his wife and married her within a year. She started working at BR and after four months they started dating and exchanged their vows on 13 September 1968. Phil quits teaching next year and accidentally learned that one of students were looking for a job and he offered to be design print ads, logoes, visuals for presentations (it was Caroly Davidson, who created a today's Nike swoosh). Phil describes himself as absentminded (he would drive to the grocery store and come home empty-handed, without the one item Penny asked. It was because of many business problems he had). Also, he apparently misplaced everything at home, especially wallets and keys. Besides, he wasn't housebroken. He left his clothes everywhere, left food on the counter, etc. Moreover, he was into himself. He was lost in his own thoughts, trying to solve some problems and developing plans. He didn't hear her or remember what she said. Finally, he hated loosing anything. He always blamed someone, remembered how his father didn;t let him win ping-pong when he was a child. On top of this, Penny had to manage tiny (25 USD per week) budget for groceries. In September 1969, they had a first baby (boy whom they named Matthew). In search of a new shoe supplier he agrees to do a business in a factory called, Canada in Guadalajara, Mexico. They produced first batch of the shoes but the quality was poor and shoes broke down quickly. Then BR had problems with the First National bank and Ito, from Nissho basically saved them and payed all the load fully after carefull examination of BR's accounting books. I stopped at page 255. he almost always was tongue-tied. loss of words,
Bowerman, Olympics trainer of track runners, very ambitious, meticulous, callous, persistent.
Hiraku Iwano, personal assistant of Kitami, one of Onitsuka's main representatives. Iwano in his twenties, innocent, just a kid.
Nissho Iwai, Japanese trading company, who helped BR a lot by loaning the cash. he believed that BR was very promising and could be 20 mln worth company. Ito is another person from this company, he was the most smartest man Phil ever met, meticulous, super confident, so self-assured. Phil called him the Ice Man.
Kitami, Onitsutka's main representative. He once played a guitar and sang an Italian song in the voice of an Irish tenor. The room was surreal. He proposes to sell the BR and later he refuses saying it. Onitsuka's plan was to replace BR with other distributors.
Pre, promising young athlete who changed after 1972 olympics and was never the same. He died at age of 24 in a car accident.
Bob Strasser, young lawyer, who helped BR win the case over Onitsutka and later because the partner of BR. His was best at negotiations. However, when Nike went public he stopped listening Phil and left the company. He joined adidas and Phil took it as betrail.
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jobskolkata · 3 months
June 2024 Month Achievement.
Back Office Job , Accountant Executive Job , Juniornior Accountant Jobs , Group of Company , Rashbihari , South Kolkata.
Ideal Career Zone: Where Your Skills Meet Your Passions. The ideal career zone is the sweet spot where your skills and passions intersect. It's the place where you can use your talents to make a difference in the world, while also feeling fulfilled and satisfied. Finding your ideal career zone can be a challenge, but it's worth it. When you're in the right zone, you'll be more productive, more motivated, and more likely to succeed.
Hi we are from IDEAL CAREER ZONE. We are a job placement firm and we are recruiting staffs for different posts for different company.
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prasanththampi · 2 years
Managerial Economics MM.100 Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks) Part one: Multiple choice: I.Demand is determined by (1) a) Price of the product b) Relative prices of other goods c) Tastes and habits d) All of the above II. When a firm’s average revenue is equal to its average cost, it gets (1) a) Super profit b) Normal profit c) Sub normal profit d) None of the above III. Managerial economics generally refers to the integration of economic theory with business (1) a) Ethics b) Management c) Practice d) All of the above IV. Which of the following was not immediate cause of 1991 economic crisis (1) a) Rapid growth of population b) Severe inflation c) Expanding Fiscal deficit d) Rising current account deficit V.Money functions refers to : (1)
a) Store of value b) Medium of Exchange c) Standard of deferred payments d) All of the above VI. Given the price, if the cost of production increases because of higher price of raw materials, the supply (1) a) Decreases b) Increases c) Remains same d) Any of the above  This section consists of multiple choices and Short Notes type questions.  Answer all the questions.  Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each. Examination Paper of Managerial Economics IIBM Institute of Business Management VII. Total Utility is maximum when (1) a. Marginal Utility is maximum b. Marginal Utility is Zero c. Both of the above d. None Of The Above VIII. Cardinal approach is related to (1)
a. Equimarginal Curve b. Law of diminishing returns c. Indifference Curve d. All of the above IX. Marginal Utility curve of a consumer is also his (1)
a) Supply Curve b) Demand Curve c) Both of above d) None of above X. Government of India has replaced FERA by (1)
a) The competition Act b) FRBMA c) MRTP Act d) FEMA Part Two: 1. What is Managerial Economics? What is its relevance to Engineers/Managers? (5) 2. “Managerial Economics is economics that is applied in decision making” Explain? (5) 3. Differentiate b/w, Micro economics vs. macroeconomics? (5) 4. Factors Affecting Price Elasticity of Demand? (5) Section B: Caselets (40 marks) END OF SECTION A  This section consists of Caselets.  Answer all the questions.  Each Caselet carries 20marks.  Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words). IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper of Managerial Economics Caselet1 Dabur is among the top five FMCG companies in India and is positioned successfully on the specialist herbal platform. Dabur has proven its expertise in the fields of health care, personal care, home care and foods. The company was founded by Dr. S. K. Burman in 1884 as small pharmacy in Calcutta (now Kolkata), India. And is now led by his great grandson Vivek C. Burman, who is the Chairman of Dabur India Limited and the senior most representative of the Burman family in the company. The company headquarter is in Ghaziabad, India, near the Indian capital New Delhi, where it is registered. The company has over 12 manufacturing units in India and abroad. The international facilities are located in Nepal, Dubai, Bangladesh, Egypt and Nigeria. S.K. Burman, the founder of Dabur, was trained as a physician. His mission was to provide effective and affordable cure for ordinary people in far-flung villages. Soon, he started preparing natural remedies based on Ayurveda for diseases such as Cholera, Plague and Malaria. Due to his cheap and effective remedies, he became to be known as ‘Daktar’ (Indian izedversion of ‘doctor’). And that is how his venture Dabur got its name—derived from Daktar Burman. The company faces stiff competition from many multinational and domestic companies. In the Branded and Packaged Food and Beverages segment major companies that are active include Hindustan Lever, Nestle, Cadbury and Dabur. In case of Ayurvedic medicines and products, the major competitors are Baidyanath, Vicco, Jhandu, Himani and other pharmaceutical companies. Vision statement of Dabur says that the company is “dedicated to the health and wellbeing of every household”. The objective is to “significantly accelerate profitable growth by providing comfort to others”. For achieving this objective Dabur aims to:  Focus on growing core brands across categories, reaching out to new geographies, within and outside India, and improve operational efficiencies by leveraging technology.  Be the preferred company to meet the health and personal grooming needs of target consumers with safe, efficacious, natural solutions by synthesizing deep knowledge of Ayurveda and herbs with modern science.  Be a professionally managed employer of choice, attracting, developing and retaining quality personnel.  Be responsible citizen with a commitment to environmental protection.  Provide superior returns, relative to our peer group, to our shareholders. Chairman of the company Vivek C. Burman joined Dabur in 1954 after completing his graduation in Business Administration from the USA. In 1986 he was appointed as the Managing Director of Dabur and in 1998 he took over as Chairman of the Company. IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper of Managerial Economics Under Vivek Burman’s leadership, Dabur has grown and evolved as a multi-crore business house with a diverse product portfolio and a marketing network that traverses the whole of India and more than 50 countries across the world. As a strong and positive leader, Vivek C. Burman had motivated employees of Dabur to “do better than their best”—a credo that gives Dabur its status as India’s most trusted nature-based products company. Leading brands More than 300 diverse products in the FMCG, Healthcare and Ayurveda segments are in the product line of Dabur. List of products of the company include very successful brands like Vatika, Anmol, Hajmola, Dabur Amla Chyawanprash, Dabur Honey and Lal Dant Manjan with turnover of Rs.100 crores each. Strategic positioning of Dabur Honey as food product, lead to market leadership with over 40% market share in branded honey market; Dabur Chyawanprash is the largest selling Ayurvedic medicine with over 65% market share. Dabur is a leader in herbal digestives with 90% market share. Hajmola tablets are in command with 75% market share of digestive tablets category. Dabur Lal Tail tops baby massage oil market with 35% of total share. CHD (Consumer Health Division), dealing with classical Ayurvedic medicines, has more than 250 products sold through prescription as well as over the counter. Proprietary Ayurvedic medicines developed by Dabur include Nature Care Isabgol, Madhuvaani and Trifgol. However, some of the subsidiary units of Dabur have proved to be low margin business; like Dabur Finance Limited. The international units are also operating on low profit margin. The company also produces several “me – too” products. At the same time the company is very popular in the rural segment. Questions 1. What is the objective of Dabur? Is it profit maximisation of growth maximisation? (10) 2. Do you think the growth of Dabur from a small pharmacy to a large multinational company is an indicator of the advantages of joint stock company against the proprietorship form? Elaborate. (10)
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ajosoph · 2 years
AJEETS helps you boost your production on your Dairy Farm.
When was the last time you ate something made from milk? Was it milk with your cereal for breakfast? What's the deal with the cheese on your cheeseburger? Is your dinner roll slathered in butter? For dessert, how about mint chocolate chip ice cream? Dairy is a tremendously profitable industry and one of the primary food divisions. The dairy farm industry is reaching its heights nowadays. The food items like milk, curd, butter, and cheese are now in great demand. 
The dairy industry is now in need of manpower that can help the industry in a large production and supply of dairy products. This industry is not even as typical as the other industries like civil or construction. But yes, the dairy farm industry needs proper skills and management. Dairy farming involves a lot of management and properly caring for the animals. 
The most vital attribute you need is a love of animals, particularly dairy cows; if you don't, you won't be successful in this type of agricultural labor. As a dairy farmer, you will be responsible for the health of your whole herd, though you will need to consult a veterinarian for routine health checks and any major health issues that arise. Your dairy cows will be your primary focus. Cows are necessary for profit, thus they must be adequately cared for and should take up a large portion of your daily work schedule. 
Dairy is a multibillion-dollar business. Yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products require billions of gallons of milk. Take a look at the gallons of milk and mountains of cheese in your local supermarket. This is a massive industry! The amount of milk produced is how dairy farmers generate money. This means that having healthy cows is crucial. The milk production of each cow is recorded to assist decide which animals are cash cows and which are not. 
As the leading dairy farm recruitment agency AJEETS understands the need for manpower in the dairy farm industry and recruits manpower across the globe and helps the candidates to have a bright future in the dairy farm industry. We have a very thorough hiring procedure in place. We extensively vet all applicants from all relevant prospects to ensure their credibility in the industry. Our database of open opportunities in this field is compiled from data collected from firms all over the world. Our experts select candidates who are well skilled and trained and can help you in your business. 
AJEETS experts help the candidates in many ways, we give proper training to the candidates. We make them understand their job role before sending them to different places. Because when you choose to work on a dairy farm, you are committing to a particular way of life. This is more than a job; it's a vocation and an important aspect of your life. It is not a career where you work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with every weekend off. You'll be working shifts, starting early in the morning and ending late at night. This employment takes dedication and a desire to work in a farm environment, and a working day can start as early as 3 a.m., so you should carefully examine whether these working hours are good for you and whether you are committed enough to keep them.
AJEETS connects employees and employers.  As the top dairy farm recruitment agency we have developed relationships with the finest firms in the globe and provide them with the best applicants from all around the world. Our experts recruit for the different job roles like Veterinarian, Plumber, Dairy Farm Manager, Feeder, Milkman, Nutritionist, Accountants, Dairy Technologists, Dairy Engineers, Dairy Scientists, Marketing Personnel, Chief Veterinarian, Agronomist, Asst. farm manager, Fodder Feeder, as per the needs and demands of the company. We hire skilled and unskilled manpower from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda. We practically completely handle almost all of the concerns that arise during the application selection process. Our pros handle everything from lodging to visa clearance to basic training to deployment. As the leading dairy farm recruitment agency, we provide our services across the globe. This is how AJEETS helps you boost your production in your dairy farm industry.
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nrsnepal · 5 years
Accounting in Business
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You must understand what accounting is, for your business to run smoothly.
* Dividing accounts into assets and liabilities; * Understanding some key terms such as debits and credits; * Distinguishing key aspect of accounting; * Examining the income statement and balance sheet.
That’s just the few basic knowledge/skills needed to understand accounting. But It gets tricky if not handled well. Without Accounting, there will be no record of the financial health of your business; which will affect every aspect of your operations and decisions.
Cash flow and regulatory burden are one of the biggest challenges all business face. NRS will commit to take the burden off your hands by putting a system in place, create a financial report and analysis, minimise costly mistakes and maximise profitability and success.
The purpose of accounting is to present financial information to the stakeholders of the business: management, investors and creditors. Accounting measures and compiles the activities of the company and communicates the results to management and other interested parties.
Managers need accurate and up-to-date financial data to make intelligent decisions, and accountants are the ones who produce this information. While the accounting process collects the data and presents it in various types of reports, the accountants help describe the meanings of the reports and suggest ways to use these details to solve business problems.
Accounting can be classified in two forms: management and financial. Management accounting helps to run the business, while financial accounting reports on how fine it's running.
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startupbusiness10 · 3 years
Environmental Marketing Consultant Cambodia
The ambition of the organisation was to reach beyond options provided by present service suppliers by adding sophisticated analysis and ongoing retail advertising providers to its existing strengths as mall administration and operators. 
By creating a truly comprehensive service offering, The Mall Company offers the one complete retail real estate and mall administration resolution in Cambodia.
Almond Hospitality Group offers complete or partial resort & restaurant administration services; building from a strong base of years of experience in creating successful brands for hotels to prime-notch F&B outlets in Cambodia. Singapore, 12 June 2015 — Deloitte Southeast Asia expands its regional footprint by officially opening its Cambodia follow today. 
Joining 10 other native practices – Brunei, Guam, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam – Deloitte Cambodia aims to draw on the regional and international experience inside the Deloitte community to deliver high quality services to firms working in or out of the country. 
Here, we believe that a sense of camaraderie and open communication inside the team are critical in constructing a high performance staff. Azuri Engineers is licensed to provide professional engineering services by the Professional Engineers Board .
Chief APO Resource Person for this in-county Development of National Productivity Organisation implementation program that skilled a total of 18 Consultants of the Malaysia Productivity Corporation in January 2012. Together with two other Resources Persons from Japan and Taiwan, the school brought members through 2 weeks of intensive coaching on superior productiveness matters of enterprise innovation and process reengineering. 
Through our expansive trade experience within PwC, we assist create integrated, finish-to-end digital solutions from strategy and innovation via to execution to solve our purchasers’ most complex enterprise challenges. Our regional presence brings access to one of the best of native data and a longtime network of sector expertise across South East Asia. 
Asia CEO Awards presented by Aseana City represents the grandest alliance of native and worldwide enterprise individuals ever created to advertise Philippines on the world stage.
 As one of many largest occasions of its type within the Asia Pacific region, it is thought of a must-attend event for business leaders active in Southeast Asia. We can improve your in-house Project Management skills through a combination of formal and informal training in both Project Management Methodologies and Soft Skills Training in managing project groups in addition to the connection with external customers.
Our earlier clients embrace both national and worldwide and United Nations corresponding to International Center on Research on Women , World Bank, FAO, UNDP, UNIDO, ILO, VSO, FACT, Survey Distribute Ltd, and so on. EDI is devoted to the success of our shoppers by offering probably the most trusted and respected professional research and consulting providers for the nation's business group. 
Oliver Ho & Associates is nicely-trained consultancy firm in every area of business management. Each of our consultants are capable of create an tough environment to audit your small business. Soon after we will provide in-depth suggestions to additional increase the standard management of your organization. 
You will establish efficiency gaps and training alternatives and ensure the easy operations of all L&D programs and initiatives. You will serve as consultant for performance management activities including talent mapping, objective setting and particular person development planning.
Deloitte Cambodia can faucet into this full spectrum of world and regional insights, and at the similar time, present in-depth local market data which is crucial when navigating the local enterprise, tax and regulatory setting. Our mission is to be recognised by our repeat and new shoppers as a reliable skilled consultancy agency, that understands and adds worth to their businesses.
 Alphasearch is an Asia-Pacific centered Executive Search firm that gives business and functional experience delivered by a group of extremely skilled recruitment professionals. The capability of Alphasearch extends throughout Commerce, Industry and Professional Services with each distinct sector driven by highly-reputed industry and useful specialists. 
Alphasearch is particularly noted for its success supporting the regional 'Emerging Markets' and it presents a superb track-record of success constructing complete teams in addition to delivering ad hoc appointments. Interested candidates will supply no less than 10 years’ senior-stage F&B management expertise complemented by P&L accountability and multi-territory/website accountability ideally gained within a multinational, branded F&B enterprise. 
In addition, the profitable candidate could have proven capability to lead and inspire multi-functional teams to ship high efficiency whilst also providing experience in building relationships with Franchise Partners.
The course lined sharing of the experiences masking more than 18 productiveness methods utilized in Singapore and Philippines. Chief Resource Person to plan, supervise and conduct the 2-week in-Country Advanced Development of Productivity Practitioners Course training forty consultants for Thailand Productivity Institute in Thailand in 2009. The course coated sharing of the experiences overlaying greater than 30 productivity techniques utilized in Singapore, India and Malaysia. 
Technical Expert on Productivity and Consultancy for the Development of Productivity Specialist course organized by the Development Academy of the Philippines and the Asian Productivity Organization since 2002. The work involved preparing and coaching of government officers from National Productivity Organisations, in the in-company productivity diagnosis of firms within the Philippines. 
Conducted 9 runs of the course training 250 members from Asian countries including Bangladesh, Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Lao DPR, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Brunei. Technical Expert for the Asian Productivity Organization for the project on Structured On-the-Job training in Malaysia for the Malaysian Productivity Corporation in the course of the period 2007 and 2009.
The growth, scheduled for completion in 2020, may also characteristic a 3rd fifty five-storey tower containing places of work and a 300-room Shangri-La Hotel, atop a five-storey retail podium. Residential unit sales for Tower 2 will go international next month with a Singapore launch, deliberate be adopted by further launches in China and Hong Kong later this yr.   startup management meaning
CK&A Consultancy International Pte Ltd has a comprhensive position on the project, offering design providers for Town Planning, Architecture, C&S + M&E Engineering and Traffic Engineering, as well as Project Management.
Meinhardt Group has just lately expanded its world operations with the opening of its new workplace in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Member firms are independently constituted and controlled in accordance with relevant native legal requirements. Services offered by a member agency are governed by the phrases of engagement between the member agency and the consumer. 
Acted for the Stock Exchange of Thailand in relation to authorized comparative examine on capital market associated laws focusing on shareholder protections. Acted for Hitachi Ltd., a Japanese multinational conglomerate company, in relation to its Cambodian three way partnership firm’s labour registration and other regulatory filings.
My success in building lasting consumer relationships is evident via the belief placed in me by my purchasers and the numerous referrals that I have obtained from them in consequence. During 2017 I accomplished numerous massive and small workplace leasing transactions, in addition to finishing numerous, complicated valuation and consultancy reviews.
He can be confident that Deloitte Cambodia will play a key position in uplifting and transforming accountancy sector to another level of superior stage. Deloitte is presently the most important professional companies organisation on the earth with mixture revenue of US$34.2 billion and a headcount of over 210,000 professionals.
 Azuri Engineers Pte Ltd is a younger and dynamic firm with offices in Singapore and Cambodia. "Conjunct Consulting is a meaningful project that helps VWOs align their strategy with their mission. This platform offers the scholars an actual experience of the corporate world and appreciation of the Social Service Sector." Our strategy initiatives could also be adopted by an implementation project for profitable execution. 
Tight research and reliable information are needed for grant proposals, evaluations, fiscal monitoring, useful resource allocation and project planning. We also can help you analyse and draw insights from the programme data you could have collected.
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