#Abaya For Umrah
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How Many Abayas to Pack for Umrah | Best Guide for 2024
Planning for Umrah? Learn how many abayas to pack for Umrah, what type suits the weather and essential tips for comfort during your pilgrimage. Stay prepared!
Introduction Umrah is one of the most sacred journeys for Muslims, and dressing modestly is a key part of the pilgrimage. For women, wearing an abaya is essential throughout Umrah. But how many abayas should you pack? This guide will help you decide how many abayas to pack for Umrah to take along, considering the duration, climate, and convenience of your trip. Let’s ensure your packing is…
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Difference between the Two Sacred Travels of Islam, Hajj and Umrah
Hajj and Umrah are both two key elements of Islam. Every Muslim is aware of these two sacred acts of Islam. But do you know the main differences between these two core elements? If yes, that’s well! But if you are unaware, this blog will significantly help you. Make sure to read this post until the end section, as we will discuss this in detail with authentic information.
What is Hajj and Umrah?
As a Muslim, you may heard these names: Hajj and Umrah. Let’s see the differences between them.
It’s a significant pilgrimage of Islam
Have specific dates to perform – Dhul Hijjah (last month of the Hijri calendar)
It has more than four rituals
Usually takes 5 to 6 days to conduct
More expensive
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam
It’s a minor pilgrimage of Islam
Don’t have any particular date – you can perform at any time of the year
Umrah has only four rituals
Full Umrah duration takes about 4 to 6 hours
Less expensive
While Umrah is a voluntary act
Hence, the table above points shows the key differences between Hajj and Umrah. Remember that for both acts, you must travel from your home country/destination to Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Muslims consider Hajj and Umrah sacred, requiring sacred travel to perform them. Hence, you can call these travels “Sacred travels or journeys.”
Every Muslim wants to perform Hajj and Umrah. Let’s consider you have successfully understood the differences between both. But do you know how to perform Hajj and Umrah? Are you aware of their significance? Let’s clear these questions so that you can get good rewards and blessings from Allah SWT.
How to perform Umrah?
Dear Muslims, performing Umrah is not a difficult task. You can efficiently perform it if you are aware of its core rituals.
Umrah has only four rituals:
Ihram is the first requirement, and you must wear it. Both males and females have to wear it. For males, it’s a white attire that consists of two parts: Izar and Rida. For females, it’s simply an Abaya (black or white); ensure it covers the whole body.
Tawaf is the second step of Umrah, which is about walking around the Holy Kaaba seven times. Ensure you are walking in the anticlockwise direction.
Sa’ee – the third ritual related to walking between the hills of Safa and Marwah seven times.
Qasr, hair cutting, and shaving. Cutting applies to women, and shaving applies to men.
Congratulations! Your Umrah performance has been done. Now, we will see how to conduct Hajj.
How to perform Hajj?
Remember that the first four rituals are the same for Hajj, as discussed in the above Umrah section. The remaining rituals are mentioned below!
Note: You can also perform Umrah with Hajj, known as “Hajj-e-Tamattu.” More than 95% of Muslims do this when going for Hajj from any part of the world except Makkah’s resident Muslims.
After resting and praying, you are now going to perform Hajj:
Go to Mina – the City of Tents. It’s approximately 8 km from the outside of Makkah. You will have to spend the whole day in Mina. Afterward, you will set out from there the next morning at dawn. Necessary acts include prayers, Dhikr, and supplications.
The Day of Arafat is the most significant day of Hajj. It’s also known as the Day of Standing. This is the place of Mount Arafat, which is around 15 km away from Mina. The act of standing at Mount Arafat is called “Wuquf.”
After sunset, you will now head to Muzdalifah. Here, you will spend the night under the stars and collect the pebbles (49) for the next day’s ritual, “Rami.”
Now, you will go to Mina again for the act of stoning (Rami).
Another ritual is Nahr – sacrificing an animal on the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah.
On the 11th and 12th day of Dhul Hijjah, you will again do a throwing act on Jamarat.
Now, pilgrims can go to Makkah again to say farewell to Tawaf. You have done your Hajj!
As we wrap off this exploration, I hope you’ve learned much and developed a more profound respect for the Hajj and Umrah. There is always more to learn, whether you’re an expert or starting.
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#22 money dialogue
Hi! It's been a while, since last writing #21 kosakata.
Supaya belajar finance di cerita ke#8 makin mantap, saya mau menulis—mengevaluasi diri belanja apa aja sewaktu perjalanan kemarin. Mau memetakan apakah saya belanjanya mindful, impulsif atau kompulsif. Gak ada yang nyuruh atau merasa disuruh, sih, tapi ingin melatih menulis kejujuran hehe. Hope you, guys, enjoy reading the whole series.
Pernah dengar mindful spending? Beberapa tahun terakhir (sengaja) baca-baca beberapa konten following Instagram pribadi. Adalah tentang menggunakan atau membelanjakan uang secara berkesadaran. Lawan dari mindful spending adalah impulsive buying, yaitu perilaku membeli tanpa berpikir panjang atau spontan karena, beliau bilang, excusenya dari luar, seperti adanya diskon. Saat belajar kemarin, beliau juga menyinggung compulsive buying. Adalah perilaku belanja yang direncanakan/tidak dan didorong oleh faktor emosional atau excusenya dari dalam diri. Seperti 'Aduh, stres banget hari ini. Pengin beli tas, deh.' Keduanya (impulsive & compulsive) merupakan gangguan perilaku berbelanja. *cmiiw
Disclaimer: tulisan ini tidak bermaksud menyudutkan pihak manapun, tidak menghakimi benar/salah, murni karena ingin cerita perjalanan perilaku keuangan personal. Oh, yang paling utama, saya bukan ahli di bidang finance. Mohon koreksi, ya!🙏🏻
tulisan panjang (dan banyak emoji sekaligus banyak reflektifnya). here we go.
Saya membagi money journey ini menjadi 4; sebelum keberangkatan, di Saudi, kepulangan, dan dana jaga-jaga. Setelah dipikir-pikir ternyata saya tidak bikin budgeting yang proper/detail. Sehingga bisa membuat penilaian saya bias (jadinya pake ilmu kira-kira). Saya hanya membuat rencana mau spending apa aja selama di Saudi.
Sebelum Keberangkatan
📒Paspor Ini bisa banget disiapkan mandiri dari jauh-jauh hari. Kalau agak mepet dengan jadwal keberangkatan, sepertinya bisa dibantu agen travel. Perlu diperhatikan juga biayanya akan lebih mahal kalau butuhnya mendesak. Sebaiknya cek dulu masa berlaku paspor kalau sudah punya. Punya saya sudah lewat kedaluwarsa, jadi perlu perpanjang paspor. Kisaran biaya IDR 350.000. Mindful🌟
💉Vaksin Meningitis Di tahun ini, syarat umrah/haji adalah vaksin meningitis. Rasanya tetep njarem kayak dulu, guys (apa ya bahasa baku njarem? wkwk). Biayanya tergantung kebijakan rumah sakit yang menyediakan vaksin tersebut. It might be slightly difference, but not much. Di rumah sakit Sidoarjo-Surabaya kisaran IDR 325.000-350.000. Mindful🌟
📶Internet Roaming Kali ini saya beli paket internet. Sembilan tahun lalu gak kepikiran beli paket internet/telpon di luar negeri, sekarang ada kepikirannya. Buat apa? Simply, untuk komunikasi dengan para jamaah-pihak travel, update info Nusuk, berkabar dengan ibuk di tanah air (yhaa meskipun gak intens), ngabarin orang-orang toko, cek saldo mbanking (barangkali tiba-tiba ada rejeki nomplok wkwk) (gak deng, soalnya perlu cek untuk tarik tunai di ATM Saudi). Sisanya, sosial media macem X, instagram, gak kepikiran mau unggah foto, sih (yhaa ada, tapi nanti-nanti. gak kudu yang posting realtime wkwk).
Sebelum purchase, ada banget mikir untuk milih paket internetnya antara 2-3 hari. Soalnya mau menyesuaikan dengan kebiasaan sehari-hari kira-kira berapa gigabyte/hari. Ternyata pas pulang, masih ada banget sisa kuotanya. Sepertinya saya jarang menggunakan internet. Kuotanya kepake 57% dari yang dibeli wkwk. ((bisa nih untuk umrah tahun depan (((aamiinn))) soalnya berlaku 12 bulan!)). Kisaran IDR 250.000. Mindful🌟
💁🏻♀️Sandang Siapa yang gak kepikiran mau pake baju apa pas di Saudi? wkwk. Saya kepikirannya, pantas gak ya pakai baju ini? Mencolok gak ya pakai kudung itu? Ternyata, yaa gak banyak beli baju, kudung, abaya, dll sebelum berangkat. Ada beli 1 tunik, 1 bawahan, 2 kudung, 2 ciput, jahit 1 gamis, sepasang sandal—yang ada sudah menipis solnya (katanya gak beli, tapi setelah dirinci, kok ada semuaaa🤣😭).
Selebihnya kayak mukena, selontongan tangan, jam tangan, tas, legging, kaos kaki, sepatu, sajadah, seingat saya gak beli. Ada yang memang sudah punya, ada yang pinjam ibuk, ada yang dapat dari travel. Kisaran total pembelian IDR 600.000. Mindful tapi agak over sedikit 🌟😩
💊Obat-obatan Ini bisa banget menyesuaikan dengan kebiasaan konsumsi obat apa saat merasa kurang enak badan atau punya riwayat sakit apa. Jadi bisa bikin persediaan mandiri. Kalau ada konsul dengan dokter tentang menunda menstruasi, bisa dihitung jumlah obatnya perlu berapa. Dulu Ayah sempat ditabrak kursi roda dari belakang dan berdarah, jadi inget untuk bawa semacam hansaplast, minyak kayu putih, gitu-gitu.
Selain itu, saya beli parasetamol, obat sariawan, obat diare, obat batuk (saya kebagian flu sebelum berangkat. tapi di Saudi berangsur hilang. huhu. alhamdulillaah), obat penunda menstruasi (untuk jaga-jaga saja karena yakin bukan di masa menstruasi) dan sanitary perempuan. Terus apa lagi, ya? Saya gak inget nominalnya habis berapa😂. Mindful🌟
Yang paling diingat adalah diberi vitamin booster oleh teman I (mohon doanya, guys, dia akan ujian CPNS. semoga lolos! aamiinn) saat keberangkatan di Juanda, huhu baik bener. Terima kasih sudah turut mengantar!
Di Saudi (for me & myself)
👃🏼Parfum As I wrote #20 nose exploring, memang kepengin banget beli parfum. Tapi, ada tapinya. Saya tidak memberikan range rate khusus😂. Makanya, setelah dihitung-hitung pas pulang, parfum ini jadi paling besar spendingnya buat saya haha. Anak ayah banget, nih, pulang dari Saudi beli parfum wkw. Arabian Oud dapat di harga SAR 194 & Rasheed Factory kisaran SAR 40an. Mindful agak impulsif duiikiit🌟😆
(hmm. apakah saya perlu bertanya ke jamaah yang parfumnya-enak-pake-banget kemarin?) (masih penasaran, ya, qi? ngaku, gak!? wkwk) (semoga rejeki, ya, ketemu lagi! aamiin)
🛍Kain Bahan Daripada membeli abaya, saya prefer kain😂 (lah, sama aja?) (hmm, tidak juga). Kalau abaya kadang ada yang ukurannya kebesaran, atau bajunya mirip sama punya orang wkwk. Bagi saya, proses membeli kain bahan sampai menjadi baju siap pakai ada banget nilainya. Dari proses mau dibikin apa—mikir desainnya supaya bisa dipakai longlast yet versatile (palingan ya gitu-gitu aja sih😂), cuci kain pertama (kalau perlu), pengukuran, pemotongan, jahit, obras, fitting, sampai disetrika! Anak Ibuk, nih, belinya kain wkwk.
Kain dari sembilan tahun lalu yang saya beli bareng ibuk di Mekkah Tower, dibikin model outer & kulot, sampai sekarang masih ada dan saya pakai. Itulah, makanya saya kemarin membeli kain bahan. Ada banget nawar ke pramuniaga di salah satu toko kain di Mekkah Tower. Harga yang dibanderol SAR 100an saya tawar di SAR 70. Akhirnya dapat di SAR 85 😂. Mindful tapi tidak terlalu urgent kebutuhannya🌟. (atau malah jadi kompulsif, ya?!!) (please note that: size kainnya lebar & besar, sudah berupa potongan)
🎢Entertainment Hiburan di sini maksudnya seperti experience naik wahana, ke toko buku, atau ke museum. Kemarin tidak jadi ke Museum Wahyu di Mekah (insyaallah lain kali aamiin🤲🏻), tapi naik dua wahana di Thaif dan city bus di Medina. Dan, iyaa kami berkunjung ke Museum Alamoudi di Jeddah—include travel. Pas di Mekkah Tower ada toko buku. Saya cuma lewat depannya saja sambil melirik judul-judul apa saja yang tertera. Rasanya ingin saya buka & baca satu-satu bukunya haha (inget, buku baru bersegel di rumah masih banyak🤪).
Sebelum berangkat, travel sempat menawarkan ke jamaah apakah ada yang ingin naik Haramain Express, kereta cepat Mekah-Medina. Saya gak ambil transportasi itu karena uangnya ingin dipakai main-main di Thaif haha. (sebenernya, ada ingin coba Haramain Express ((dan Careem Bike terinfluence mas G, ceunah. dipikir-pikir pengin naik ke jabal-jabal juga, deh)). lain kali insyaallah aamiinn🤲🏻)
Let's breakdown.
Telefric SAR 75. Mindful🌟(baca di sini cerita Thaif).
Toboggan SAR 45. Mindful🌟 (tapi ini ambil dana jaga-jaga. soalnya di awal gak tau nama wahana ini. tapi memang di Thaif ingin main-main wkwk).
Hop On Hop Off SAR 80. Jujur saja ini impulsif (apa kompulsif ya?! ambil dana jaga-jaga juga) dan gak ada di plan list (awal tau di reels dan tiketnya menurut saya cukup merogoh kocek wkkw. tapi pas mau naik, gak ingat opini awal ituu! isshh)🤣. Soalnya gak tega dengan jamaah yang ingin naik (alias gak ada yang menemani) (kenapa saya merasa kudu menemani, ya?! dahlah wkwk). Nah, kan, ada unsur emosional ya? HAHA entah. Tapi dengan naik bus ini, saya jadi ketemu sama mas-mas pelajar Indo di Medina, terus first smelling wanginya Musk Perfume—rose musk, bisa menikmati langit sore Medina, tahu letak pintu 22 dan es krim Ajwa (dan menjadi bahan obrolan dengan seorang jamaah keesokannya) hehe.
Transportasi dari dan ke Souq Kakiyyah SAR 20 (lupaa). Mindful🌟
Barusan saya sebut Souq Kakiyyah—semacam pasar grosir yang dekat dengan Masjidil Haram. Saya sendiri gak banyak beli oleh-oleh. Mikir banget kalau keluarga besar diberi semuanya, bisa jebol dananya wkwk. Akhirnya beli tempelan magnet kulkas untuk di rumah🤣. Itupun karena mbak I juga titip untuk beli oleh-oleh. Mbak I kebetulan stay di hotel. Jadi belinya patungan, dan nawar ke bapak-bapak pramuniaga haha. Dibanderol SAR 10—5 buah. Kemarin kalau gak salah ingat, beli 10 buah (atau mungkin lebih. lupa. patungan sama mbak I), dapat di kisaran SAR 17-18 (lupa). Mindful🌟
Oh, iya. Baru ingat. Di kebun kurma Medina, ibuk request delima. Sekilo dipatok harga SAR 60. Pulang-pulang, ditanyain ibuk berapa harganya. Terus direspon (dengan nada tinggi sedikit) , "Olaopoo tuku delimo larang-larang. Gak mbok nyang ta?" WKWKKW😅. Kenapa beli delima mahal-mahal. Gak kamu tawar? Sudah saya tawar. Tapi gak boleh sama penjualnya wkwk. Terus yaudah, ya tetep saya beli. Barang di Thaif, ternyata banyak penjaja buah-buahan di pinggir jalan, termasuk sorban.
Dana Jaga-jaga
Sebenernya, dana jaga-jaga versi saya ini perluasan dari dana kalau-kalau ingin beli sesuatu. Saya gak terlalu banyak beli jajan/cemilan. Tapi beli es krim 2 kali, sekali di Medina SAR 10 dan sekali di Mekkah SAR 11. Ada beli minuman di Bin Dawood Medina, lupa habis berapa wkwk. Mindful🌟
Di Mekah, saat ngobrol dengan seorang jamaah, saya gak kepikiran untuk beli air minum kemasan sebagai persediaan minum di kamar😂 (padahal sendirinya suka minum air putih wkwk)—sampai menemani beliau ke baqolah/toko. Akhirnya nimbrung lah saya beli air sedus, nanti mau saya ganti. Eh, lha kok, pas mau saya ganti, beliaunya bilang gak usah😭🌟 asdfghjkl!@#$&^%. (terima kasih, Mas, traktirannya! semoga berkah & sehat selaluu. lain kali, gantian aku, ya!)
Di otak saya, perjalanan umrah ini adalah ibadah dan jalan-jalan personal, alias ibadah vertikal, makanya tidak kepikiran untuk bikin pos sedekah (huhu egois sekali). Memang sendirinya ada pos untuk wakaf Quran—Mindful🌟 (selain sedekah bagi-bagi ifthar, ada program wakaf Quran di Mekah). Saat travel mengumumkan program bagi-bagi ifthar, saya sempat bingung dan excited bersamaan.
Bingung karena masih ada banyak mau, sedangkan dana terbatas, tapi excited karena ini pertama diajakin bagi-bagi sedekah paket ifthar ke orang-orang di Medina. Pos sedekah biasanya ada di tanah air. Jadi, sedekah kemarin, menurut saya pribadi, gak maksimal huhu. Gak maksimal maksudnya, karena gak disiapkan, gak kepikiran (qi, gak boleh egois! huhu). Rupanya otot-otot kebaikan diri sendiri belum terbiasa😭. (katanya mau taqarrub ilallah?!)
to sum up
Kalau diamati, almost my financial decision to purchase on things, ada dipengaruhi oleh kebiasaan orang tua. Bukan berarti orang tua gak ngajarin sedekah. Kadang saya turut diajak "pilah uang" dengan ayah. Malah sayanya yang kadang perlu diberi reminder beginian—I couldn't thank you enough for this program, Ya Allah—menyiapkan dana untuk sedekah.
Mungkin baiknya bikin budgeting yang proper atau spending plan sehingga jelas kemana uangnya. Ini karena diri sendiri yang menilai, pasti ada biasnya, sih (soalnya banyak mindfulnya wkw. tapi ya gak apa sesekali impulsif😅). Teringat juga beliau bilang, finance is very personal and money is emotional.
Yang paling penting versi saya adalah yakin bahwa uang yang kita keluarkan secara sadar adalah sesuatu yang bermakna—bernilai guna (& pahala) dan menyadarkan arti rasa cukup-tidak serakah-menerima dalam diri. Dan yang paling utama adalah memastikan kewajiban-kewajiban seperti zakat, pajak sudah dikeluarkan. Lalu infak, sedekah.
Ingat-ingat, qi. Harta yang dipunya, perlu disucikan. Caranya? Dengan membelanjakannya di jalan Allah. Kita ini, juga punya Allah.
Terima kasih sudah menyimak sampai sini. Semoga kita selalu menemukan & dipertemukan dengan kebaikan, ya! Mari berbuat baik.
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What do you need to pack for Umrah?
If you are excited to travel for Umrah, and don't understand what to pack for Umrah. This is not a big problem, you can get information from experienced Umrah travelers, as they have gone through this journey. Rather you can find information for your packing on the internet and this is an easy way.
It is an honor for you that Allah has called you to His house. Every Muslim has such a beautiful desire that they. When talking about Umrah, the first thing that comes to mind is packing. A trip seems incomplete without packing, because if you shop from another country, your trip may cost you more. So be far from it. Here you can get complete Umrah packing guide.
Travel document:
It is the first important thing in your journey, it plays an important role in your spiritual journey. Many places in Saudi Arabia require a travel document. If you do not take travel documents, you may face many problems. So if you want your journey to be hassle free then carry all the documents with you. The complete list of your travel documents is given below:
Important Documents:
Valid Passport
Umrah Visa
Proof of Vaccination against Meningitis (depending on the Saudi government policy)
Passport-sized Photographs (For emergency use)
Travel Insurance
Hotel Booking Confirmation
Return Flight Tickets
Additional Documents (Depending on Circumstances):
Shahadah Certificate (if you accept Islam recently)
Clothes and shoes:
An essential part of packing is clothes, whenever you travel to another country, you should bring your clothes according to the weather. If you are traveling to Saudi, you should know about their weather and pack your clothes according to Saudi weather. Make sure your clothing fits their culture, and should be loose fitting.
If you don't want to get tired, make sure your shoe selection is comfortable. Many people think that if you pack well, your trip can be enjoyable. Here you can find a complete guide on packing clothes and shoes, given below:
Specific Items of clothing (For Men):
Ihram (Two white seamless sheets for entering the state of Ihram)
Outerwear (Light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings)
For Women:
Outerwear (Light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings)
Specific Items of Footwear:
Comfortable sandals
Closed-toe shoes (For exploring the city and visiting other places)
Luggage is the most important thing because all your things that you carry, you can put in luggage (luggage). Always be careful while choosing it, as it is your travel companion. If you want your journey to be smooth and hassle-free, choose a good quality bag. Some types of luggage are given below.
Hard Shell Suitcase
A good quality suitcase with a hard case and built-in locking system is recommended.
Avoid soft, as they can be easily opened by thieves or malicious individuals.
Suitcase locks and keys
Luggage tags
Bag pack
Essential Prayer:
Pack all the things used in prayer, it is a very sensitive thing, so there is no mistake in it. These things are related to your purpose, so it is important that you pack everything related to your prayer. It is used in your prayer, some of the essential rules of prayer are as follows:
List of prayer essentials:
Pocket Quran
Dua Book
Dua List
Digital Dhikr Counter
Seven-Bead Tasbeeh (To keep count of your circuits during Tawaf and Sa’i.)
Prayer Mat
Compass for the Qibla
Umrah Guide Book
Bar of Soap
Liquid Soap
Toilet Rolls/Pocket Tissues
Wet Wipes (For ladies use)
Shaving Machine/Disposable Razors
Perfume/Attar (without alcohal)
Nail Cutter
Small Scissors
Current/Regular Medication
Cold & Flu Relief Medication
Pain Relief Tablets
Travel Sickness Tablets
Moisturizing Cream
Vitamin C Supplements (Take one daily)
Plasters/Blister Plasters/Bandages
Muscle Pain Ointments/Creams
Oral Rehydration Salts
Universal Travel Adapter
Mobile Phone
Saudi Sim Card
Mobile Phone Charger
Portable Charger/Power Bank
E-reader/Smart Tablet
Wrist Watch
Alarm Clock
Travel Iron
Travel Kettle
Portable Fan/Cooling Device
Conclusion: In order for your Umrah to go well and be spiritually enlightened, careful planning is essential before you leave. If you prepare ahead of time and bring only the essentials, you can fully immerse yourself in the Umrah experience and focus on its spiritual meaning. Moreover, knowing about various time-management strategies for Umrah is also essential for a hassle-free pilgrimage to Mecca. I hope your journey is a life-changing event full of blessings, absolution, and spiritual development.
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Khaleeji Abaya
KhaleejiAbaya.com is a family-run UK business established in 2011, specializing in affordable, modest abayas, jilbabs, and khimars. Serving women and girls of all sizes for various occasions, including Eid, Hajj, Umrah, and weddings, we also offer Islamic books. Orders placed before 12 PM are typically shipped the same day (Monday-Friday).
jilbab online shop uk
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when i went to do a umrah all of the abayas were so overpriced and oversized that i just bought a children's abaya. how cringe is that
bruh why they so expensive 😭😭 like i just want some nice abayas
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I started to look for abayas,khimar,handsocks,longsocks,niqab and many more for Umrah preparation. I don't know when, but I will. May Allah ease everything. I want Umrah to be our trip after marriage. After that we can go to another country.
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How to plan a trip to Makah and Madinah
A transforming experience and careful planning should be considered when preparing a journey to Makah and Madinah. This manual presents a path toward a rewarding experience. Determine the purpose for your journey and learn about the importance of these sacred cities. Set aside enough money and get the required travel documents. Make health precautions a priority and select appropriate housing. Consider cultural awareness when making travel plans, and organize your schedule well. Careful planning is required whether you're traveling on the revered Umrah pilgrimage or simply visiting these holy cities for observation. Learn about traditions and prepare what is needed for pilgrims making the Umrah. Set up an unforgettable trip to Makah and Madinah.
Choose the Type of Visit:
Are you traveling on the Umrah journey, a shorter trip that includes specific rites, or are you simply there to explore spirituality in general? Your purpose will influence your planning. Some particular rules and procedures apply to Umrah. Learn all rituals of Umrah from performing Tawaf (circumambulation of the Kaaba), SA’I (Walking between Safa & Marwa Hills), and Halq-Taqseer (Shaving or trimming of head). There are many Islamic, historical and ancient places to visit in both cities. Plan your trip as per your list of these places of visit so you can explore them in ease.
Budget is Essential:
Expenses differ based on what you want in the grade of comfort and way to travel. In Makah and Madinah, hotel choices vary from elegant hotels to inexpensive ones close to the holy sites. Include the cost of the flights, the visa (if necessary), the meals, the transportation within Saudi Arabia, and additional expenses like presents or apparel. If you want to save money on the trip, think about planning it other than Ramadan and the Hajj in the off-season.
Understanding the Significance:
In Islam, Makah and Madinah are highly significant. The Kaaba, a cube-shaped building considered to have been built by Prophet Abraham (AS) & his son Ishmael (AS), is housed in Makah, the most sacred place in Islam. Five times in a day, Muslims facing the Kaaba in prayer, or salat. The bustling mosques and rich Islamic history of Madinah, the city of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) travel and final resting place, are cause for devotion. Moreover, you should be aware of many things to do when planning a trip to Madinah. Becoming aware of these cities' holiness will direct your actions and enhance your visit.
Travel Documents:
Passport: Make sure you have plenty of blank pages for stamps and visas, and verify that your passport is valid for no less than six months after the date of travel. Visa: Almost all countries need a visa. For the most current details on visa requirements applicable to your nationality, see the website of the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Enquire for your eligibility for the E-Visa) Travel Insurance: Add travel insurance with a small investment to cover your loss in the event of unfortunate situations such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost luggage.
There are many places to stay, ranging from luxury lodges to accommodations that are more affordable in both cities. When making decision, take account of your level of comfort how near your desired locations are to you, and your access to utilize transit. Choosing to be close to the transit it may assist you to save energy and time during your trip.
Sensitivity of Culture:
Saudi Arabians belong to a traditional society with specific dress standards and graces of society. It is expected of men to dress in loose-fitting clothes that covers their shoulders and knees. The head covering and abaya garment are required for women. Respect native customs and avoid making a public show of affection.
Planning your Itinerary:
Flight Reservations: Look up and book flights well in advance, especially around the busiest periods of the year. Accommodations and Meals: Book your preferred hotel with meals included before traveling to Saudi Arabia, in that case you can save money and time too. Internal transit: Look into taking the Makah Metro, cabs, or buses for local transfers within Saudi Arabia. Planning Activities: Make more out of your days by planning time for prayer, rituals, and history tours. Give time for relaxation and fun.
Pack comfortable clothes that are in loose-fitting and breathable and suits the weather conditions of Saudi Arabia. Dehydration can occur from the dry, hot weather. Keep yourself hydrated on your journey by bringing a refillable bottle of water and any essential prescribed medications.
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Produsen Baju Gamis Terbaru 2024 Mojokerto
Produsen Baju Gamis Terbaru 2024 Mojokerto
TELP/WA 0815-5519-305, Kami merupakan Seragam Gamis Guru, Gamis Seragam Pengajian Grosir, Gamis Seragam Sekolah Guru, Grosir Gamis Seragam Murah, Gamis Seragam Pernikahan Grosir
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Finding The Perfect Abaya For Umrah And Hajj Comfort
Going to Hajj/Umrah? Find the perfect attire at The Nabia! We have launched a special collection for your pilgrimage journey to Mecca and Medina, featuring all-white abayas. It is curated with the utmost care and dedication to provide a seamless experience for our customers.
We have selected our featured products for you:
White Abaya with Sleeve Embroidery: This white abaya is designed for wearing during Umrah and Hajj, features delicate sleeve embroidery, and is crafted from soft Nida matte fabric. With free-flowing sleeves, side pockets, and a modest, plain design, it offers comfort and versatility for regular use, making it ideal for Islamic women seeking style and modesty in their attire.
Keffiyeh Embroidery White Abaya: This White Palestine Abaya epitomizes modest fashion for Umrah or Hajj, fusing comfort with cultural grace flawlessly. Crafted for Islamic women who value style and tradition, it shows cultural pride and refined elegance. This meticulously designed garment transcends mere clothing, embodying a blend of tradition and contemporary sophistication.
Embroidery Design White Solid Abaya: This white embroidery design solid abaya indulges in timeless sophistication and is perfect for wearing for Umrah or Hajj, meticulously tailored from Nida matte fabric for Islamic women seeking modesty and comfort. Its round neck and long, free sleeves offer everyday versatility, while intricate embroidery adds a touch of elegance, making it a wardrobe staple for any occasion.
Front Zip Closure Rayon White Abaya: Nabia's White Abaya for women is a graceful choice in Rayon fabric, The front zip closure for added elegance also includes two practical side pockets with intricate embroidery adorning the sleeves and collar, making it a perfect blend of style and functionality. This abaya is ideal for modern Muslim women seeking both modesty and convenience.
Front Open Rayon Bell Sleeve Solid White Abaya: This white abaya is crafted from graceful rayon fabric, epitomizes elegance and practicality. It has a mandarin collar, button closure, bell sleeves, and side pockets that add a touch of sophistication, curated for modern Muslim women, and offers a seamless blend of style and functionality. Designed specifically for Umrah and Hajj, it ensures modesty and convenience for the discerning wearer.
Embroidery White Solid Abaya: Elevate your modest fashion with our solid white embroidery design Abaya, designed specifically for Umrah or Hajj. It features cuffed sleeves, a round neck, and four front button closures. This comfortable piece promises durability and style for everyday wear, embodying grace and practicality for Muslim women.
Front Open Rayon Solid White Abaya: This white solid rayon front open abaya for Islamic women features a front button closure, a round neck, and convenient side pockets. for modesty and comfort, and offers a relaxed fit perfect for casual wear. Its elegant simplicity ensures both style and ease of everyday use.
Rayon Solid White Puff Sleeve Abaya: This white Abaya for women is a graceful choice in Rayon fabric. It has a slip-on closure, V-neck, and puff sleeves for added elegance, making it a perfect blend of style and functionality.
Rayon Solid White Abaya: Nabia's White Abaya for women is a graceful choice in Rayon fabric. It features three front button closures for added elegance, and it also includes two deep side pockets.
Front Open Rayon Solid White Abaya for Women: This modest yet elegant white rayon abaya is tailored for Umrah or Hajj. It comes with a front-open design, button closure, and a mandarin collar, which makes it convenient and stylish. With added side pockets for practicality, it seamlessly blends comfort and elegance, making it ideal for everyday wear. This versatile outfit ensures a refined and graceful look for any occasion.
Elevate your modest fashion game with our Hajj and Umrah Collection, and get a flat 15% off on all items. Buy your favorite from The Nabia before it runs out of stock!
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Produsen Seragam Gamis Guru Surabaya
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Produsen gamis Quinsya Haneen menyediakan:
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Produsen Gamis Seragam Hadroh Surabaya
Produsen Gamis Seragam Hadroh Surabaya
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Kami bisa melayani pengiriman ke Cimahi, Cirebon, Depok, Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya dan seluruh kota di Indonesia
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Produsen gamis Quinsya Haneen menyediakan:
Gamis Umroh
French Khimar
Seragam Gamis Majelis Taklim
Seragam Gamis Keluarga, Dll
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Quinsya Haneen TELP/WA 0815-5519-305 Link WA: https://wa.me/628155519305 Link Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quinsya_haneen/
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Introduction to Umrah
Welcome, fellow spiritual seekers! If you're considering embarking at the sacred journey of Umrah, you're about to step right into a transformative realm of religious immersion. But before you're taking that step, allow's dive into what this ritual includes.
What is Umrah?
Umrah, also known as the 'lesser pilgrimage', is a substantial Islamic ritual undertaken by means of Muslims across the globe. Unlike Hajj, which has a particular time frame, Umrah may be executed at any time of the year. Key factors of this adventure include:
A experience to the holy metropolis of Mecca in Saudi Arabia
Tawaf: the act of circling the Kaaba seven instances
Sa'i: swiftly taking walks between the hills of Safa and Marwah seven times
Importance of Umrah in Islam
In the Islamic faith, Umrah holds big significance. It is viewed as a quite worthwhile religious interest, and it's miles said that acting Umrah washes away one's sins. This enlightening adventure gives Muslims the danger to renew their faith, are seeking forgiveness, and grow closer to Allah. However, it isn't always compulsory as Hajj is, making it a personal and deeply individual spiritual preference.
Preparing for Umrah
Embarking at the holy adventure of Umrah, a spiritual pilgrimage within the Islamic faith, is a unique and enriching enjoy. However, guidance is prime to make the adventure as easy and pleasing as possible. Let's begin by using knowledge the rituals and identifying what to take along.
Understanding the rituals of Umrah
Umrah includes numerous huge rituals. Firstly, Muslims enter a kingdom of Ihram, a sacred kingdom of purity, at the same time as on the Miqat (pilgrimage boundary). Then they carry out the Tawaf, the act of circling the Kaaba seven instances anticlockwise. This is observed by Sa'ee, on foot or going for walks seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwah. Lastly, men shave or trim their hair, and ladies barely trim their hair
Packing essentials for the journey
• Comfortable clothing: Preferably unfastened, breathable garb, and for women, the hijab or abaya.
• Prayer essentials: Including a prayer rug, rosary beads, and copies of du'as (supplications).
• Footwear: Lightweight sandals or shoes – snug for lengthy walks and easy to remove.
• Hygiene gadgets: Unscented soaps, as scented merchandise aren't allowed at some stage in Ihram.
• Document holder: To hold passports, tickets, and different essential documents safe.
Always consider, Umrah is about non secular boom and connection, so percent mild and make the most of this blessed adventure.
Booking and Traveling to Mecca
Venturing on a spiritual journey like Umrah is a significant milestone in a Muslim's life. But embarking on this sacred pilgrimage requires thoughtful planning. The timing of your journey can considerably have an effect on your Umrah experience. Typically, the nice time to carry out Umrah is in the course of the months of Muharram, Safar, Rabiul Awal, and Rabiul Akhir because of fewer crowds. However, preserve in mind, the dates of those Islamic months can exchange every yr because of the lunar calendar
Finding the best Umrah packages
You'll need to make investments a while in finding the excellent Umrah packages that consist of:
Visa processing
Guided Tours
Remember, no longer all applications are created equal. Make certain to examine opinions, examine charges and package deal information earlier than you decide.
Booking flights and accommodations
When it involves booking flights and lodges, do your homework. Look for airlines providing the satisfactory offers for the duration of your travel duration. As for inns, bear in mind proximity to the Masjid al-Haram, as the closer the better to your convenience. But also be prepared, the closer the lodging, the higher the charge. Plan and e-book properly earlier to steady the quality options for this religious journey.
Arriving in Mecca
Arriving within the holy town of Mecca is a second filled with excitement and anticipation. As you step off the aircraft, a brand new spiritual adventure waits to spread.
Transport options from the airport to the city
Upon landing, there are several transportation options to get you from the airport to the heart of Mecca. You can hire a taxi, but make sure the price is agreed upon earlier than beginning the journey to avoid any surprising prices. Bus service is any other low-budget desire, supplying everyday service to and from the airport. Moreover, pre-organized transportation thru tour packages or lodge shuttles may also be an smooth and pressure-unfastened option.
Checking in at the hotel in Mecca
Once you reach the metropolis, the technique of checking into your resort commences. Ensure to have your legitimate ID, passport, and Umrah visa geared up. Remember that as a non secular city, Mecca's hospitality industry is properly-prepared to assist pilgrims. They may also even offer prayer mats and factor out the direction of Qibla. Upon test-in, make an effort to relaxation and clean up, earlier than you begin your Umrah rituals. Remember, this is not only a experience, but a spiritual adventure that calls for both bodily and mental readiness.
Performing the Umrah Rituals
Embracing the sacred enjoy of going on Umrah, a cornerstone of the Islamic religion, entails a series of complex rituals that form a critical part of the pilgrimage. Let's delve into the specifics.
Entering the state of Ihram
For guys, this includes dressing in two unstitched white cloths, at the same time as women can put on regular Islamic clothes. During Ihram, positive movements are prohibited which include the use of perfume and cutting one's hair or nails. It is also essential to preserve clean and natural in the course of this era, reflecting a non secular kingdom of sanctity and purity
Tawaf: Circumambulation of the Kaaba
The pilgrims walk seven times around the Kaaba in an anti-clockwise path, beginning and finishing each circuit at the Black Stone. This ritual of Tawaf symbolises the idea of team spirit the various fans of Islam, transferring harmoniously collectively in one course.
Sa'i: Walking between the hills of Safa and Marwa
For Sa'i, a key part of the Umrah, followers walk or run seven times between the two hills of Safa and Marwa, which can be a quick distance from the Kaaba. This ritual is accomplished in remembrance of Hagar's determined search for water for her son Ismael in the barren wasteland.
Shaving or Trimming the Hair
After Sa'i, men typically shave their heads (Halq) or reduce their hair (Taqsir), whilst girls slightly trim their hair. This is a symbolic act of humility, representing the believer's dedication to forsake arrogance and worldly delight for the sake of God.
The Significance of Maqam Ibrahim
The station of Ibrahim (or Maqam Ibrahim) is the vicinity where Prophet Ibrahim stood whilst building Kaaba. Pilgrims provide two rak’ahs (devices) of prayer close to it after Tawaf. This ritual will pay respects to Prophet Ibrahim's obedience and determination to God, strengthening the non secular connection among the pilgrim and God. Executing those rituals with a sincere and open heart will in reality create a profound and unforgettable spiritual enjoy in the course of your Umrah pilgrimage.
Other Important Rituals and Etiquettes
The Umrah pilgrimage is an possibility to no longer simplest perform the simple rituals but additionally to deepen one's know-how and appreciation of Islam's wealthy history and traditions. Be positive to make the maximum of a while in the Holy Land, going past the middle Umrah rites to truly imbibe the non secular significance of this specific adventure.
Visiting other important Islamic sites in Mecca
• Jabal an-Noor: Here, the Cave of Hira, where Prophet Muhammad obtained his first revelation is located.
• Masjid al-Jinn: According to Islamic lifestyle, it is the region wherein a collection of Jinns became Muslims.
• Muzdalifah: A sizeable website visited at some stage in the Hajj pilgrimage, additionally open to Umrah pilgrims.
• Jabal an-Nur: Diamond Cave, where Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation here.
• Masjid al-Jinn: According to Islamic tradition, this is the place where the Jinns converted to Islam.
• Muzdalifah: An important destination during Hajj, also open for Umrah pilgrims
Understanding the etiquettes and rules during Umrah
Understanding the regulations throughout Umrah isn't most effective approximately respect but also guarantees maximum non secular gain. It consists of the right attire, keeping purity, refraining from sure sports such as hunting or fighting, and most importantly, the purpose (Niyyah) of sincerity in performing Umrah for the sake of Allah.
Making the Most of Your Spiritual Experience
Umrah, as one of the pillars of Islam, isn't always simplest a bodily adventure to the sacred town of Mecca, however additionally a religious undertaking that deepens your faith and brings you toward Allah.
Reflecting on the Significance of Umrah
Before embarking in your journey, take time to recognize the spiritual importance of Umrah. This is more than only a non secular duty; it's miles a danger to wipe away past sins and start clean on a non secular level. Consider:
The ancient significance related to Prophet Muhammad and his fans.
The private impact, along with the opportunity for non secular cleaning and renewal.
The communal element, as you’ll be a part of tens of millions of other Muslims on a shared journey of faith.
Seeking Guidance from Knowledgeable Individuals
Understanding the complicated rituals and non secular customs, can be challenging. So, it's essential to seek guidance from knowledgeable individuals, who can offer you with the essential insights. Imams, Islamic pupils, or skilled Umrah travelers can be a useful aid in getting ready and conducting your Umrah efficaciously and smoothly.
Maintaining a Positive Mindset Throughout the Journey
Sure, the adventure may be physically stressful with lengthy tour hours, large crowds or the changing climatic situations in Saudi Arabia. However, with the proper mindset, these demanding situations convert into enriching stories. Keep your focus on the non secular aim and remind yourself of the beautiful reward that lies ahead - a reference to divine purity and a revitalized soul. Remember, every step of your journey is a stride towards spiritual boom.
Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Performing Umrah can be quite difficult, yet it's miles a deeply profitable religious enjoy. Understanding those not unusual demanding situations can equip you to technique them with a clear approach, permitting you to attention to your non secular adventure.
Physical Challenges and Tips for Staying Healthy
Umrah needs a extremely good quantity of bodily activity. Walking lengthy distances, status for prayers, and performing rituals can be pretty enduring. Take observe of these tips to help maintain your health:
Stay hydrated always, and eat nutritious food.
Regular workout before your adventure let you construct stamina and withstand physical pressure all through Umrah.
Get appropriate relaxation every time viable to recharge for day after today's sports.
Dealing with Crowds and Maintaining Patience
Mecca is frequently crowded, particularly all through peak instances. Maintain patience and remember the spiritual nature of this journey:
Plan earlier and try to attend prayers and rituals throughout much less crowded hours.
Politeness, mutual respect, and endurance are essential to having a advantageous revel in for the duration of your Umrah pilgrimage. Practice the artwork of calmness, even in the course of capability disturbing conditions. Remember, you are a part of a non secular revel in.
Final Words of Advice for a Successful Umrah Experience
Embarking on Umrah is an act of religion and devotion, the sort of profound journey demands recognize, staying power, and humbleness. Approach each a part of the adventure with an open coronary heart and thoughts. Finally, always consider that it's the goal, no longer simply the motion, that counts in this non secular adventure. Best needs for a significant and a hit Umrah.
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