selenajones · 8 months
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Abaqus Assignments Made Easy: Unveiling the Top 5 Online Resources for Help
As a passionate mechanical engineering student, I have often found myself grappling with the complexities of Abaqus assignments. The world of finite element analysis can be both intriguing and overwhelming, demanding a deep understanding of the software and its applications. Thankfully, I've discovered a lifeline in the form of online Abaqus assignment help that have made my significantly more manageable. In this blog post, I'll share my top 5 online resources that have proven to be invaluable in navigating the challenges of Abaqus assignments.
Mechanical Engineering Assignment Help
The first resource on my list is a game-changer for anyone seeking Abaqus assistance. Mechanical Engineering Assignment Help provides specialized support for students tackling the intricacies of Abaqus assignments. The platform boasts a team of experienced professionals with a profound understanding of finite element analysis. What sets this resource apart is its commitment to delivering solutions tailored to individual assignment requirements. The experts at Mechanical Engineering Assignment Help have been instrumental in clarifying my doubts, providing step-by-step solutions, and enhancing my overall comprehension of Abaqus.
AssignmentPedia is another gem in the realm of online resources for mechanical engineering students. The platform offers comprehensive assistance with Abaqus assignments, covering a wide array of topics within finite element analysis. What I appreciate most about AssignmentPedia is the accessibility of its services. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to submit assignments, receive timely responses, and track progress. The expert guidance I've received from AssignmentPedia has been instrumental in elevating the quality of my Abaqus submissions.
Visit: https://www.assignmentpedia.com/mechanical-engineering-assignment-help.html
For those seeking personalized attention and tailored solutions, TheAssignmentHelper is a go-to resource. This platform takes a collaborative approach to Abaqus assignments, ensuring that students actively participate in the learning process. TheAssignmentHelper's team comprises experts who not only provide solutions but also explain the underlying principles, fostering a deeper understanding of Abaqus concepts. Through one-on-one interactions and a focus on conceptual clarity, TheAssignmentHelper has played a pivotal role in enhancing my proficiency in using Abaqus for mechanical engineering applications.
Visit: https://www.theassignmenthelper.com/mechanical-engineering-assignment-help/
EduAssignmentHelp is a versatile resource catering to the diverse needs of mechanical engineering students. When it comes to Abaqus assignments, this platform stands out for its commitment to delivering accurate and well-documented solutions. The experts at EduAssignmentHelp possess a knack for simplifying complex concepts, making Abaqus more approachable for students at various skill levels. Additionally, the platform offers a range of resources, including tutorials and reference materials, making it a comprehensive hub for all things related to Abaqus in mechanical engineering.
Visit: https://www.eduassignmenthelp.com/mechanical-engineering-assignment-help
For those juggling multiple responsibilities and finding it challenging to keep up with their mechanical engineering coursework, TakeMyClassCourse provides a unique solution. This platform allows students to delegate their Abaqus assignments to experts who handle the tasks on their behalf. While some may view this as a last resort, I've found it to be a practical option during particularly hectic periods. TakeMyClassCourse has a pool of experienced professionals who ensure that assignments are completed with precision and submitted on time, offering a much-needed reprieve for students with demanding schedules.
Visit: https://www.takemyclasscourse.com/take-my-mechanical-engineering-class/
In conclusion, navigating Abaqus assignments in mechanical engineering can be a daunting task, but with the right online resources, it becomes a manageable and even enjoyable journey. The platforms mentioned above have not only provided me with expert guidance but have also significantly contributed to my overall understanding of Abaqus and its applications in the field of mechanical engineering. Whether you prefer hands-on collaboration or a more streamlined assistance approach, these resources offer a spectrum of options to cater to your individual learning preferences. As you embark on your Abaqus assignments, remember that you're not alone—these online resources are here to make your journey smoother and more successful.
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Little P.Eng. for Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) Services
In a world driven by technological advancements, the ability to understand granular systems at a particle level has never been more essential. This precise understanding has been made possible through a computational technique known as Discrete Element Modeling (DEM). While many entities offer DEM services, Little P.Eng. has carved a niche for itself as a front-runner in this specialized domain.
Understanding Discrete Element Modeling (DEM)
Before diving into the specifics of Little P.Eng.'s offerings, it's essential to demystify DEM:
DEM is Calculation-based Modeling: At the heart of DEM is mathematics. This method uses precise calculations to predict the behavior of individual particles within a system. By doing so, it can accurately predict the interactions and outcomes when these particles are subjected to various conditions.
DEM Allows for Visualizing Results: One of the standout features of DEM is its ability to provide visual results. Users can observe:
Particle Velocity: Understand the speed and direction of individual particles.
Forces: This includes shear (parallel to the surface) and normal (perpendicular to the surface) forces that the particles experience.
Moments: This refers to the bending and torsional (twisting) moments affecting the particles.
Acceleration and Material Scatter: Track how quickly particles move and the variations in their dispersion patterns.
DEM: More than just Flow Simulation: While DEM is instrumental in predicting the flow of bulk materials, its capabilities extend beyond this. It plays a crucial role in understanding:
Wear Patterns: Predict how equipment will fare over time by simulating particle interaction and the resultant wear.
Mixing: Understand how different particles mix, which is vital in industries like pharmaceuticals and food production.
Center Loading: This refers to the loading pattern where materials concentrate towards the center, crucial in industries like construction.
DEM Programs: The Power Behind the Predictions
Any tool is only as good as the software powering it. When it comes to DEM, numerous programs can be used to perform this intricate modeling:
EDEM: A market leader, renowned for its comprehensive modeling capabilities.
PFC (Particle Flow Code): Known for its versatility, offering both 2D and 3D simulations.
LIGGGHTS: An open-source powerhouse that's both versatile and widely accepted.
Rocky DEM: Its strength lies in simulating realistic particle shapes, crucial for specific industries.
Yade: An open-source tool prized for its extensibility.
Abaqus: A multi-faceted software that, beyond its renowned finite element analysis, offers DEM capabilities.
Ansys Rocky: Building on the Ansys platform's strengths, it focuses on granular flow simulations.
Barracuda Virtual Reactor: Ideal for energy sector applications, especially particle reactions.
Also there are some open sources:
Kratos Multiphysics is developed by CIMNE (International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering) in Barcelona and covers all kinds of numerical simulations, including DEM/PEM and DEM/PEFM-FEM coupling.
YadeDEM is a DEM package that is specifically designed for geomechanics.
Woo is a fork of YadeDEM with a strong focus on parallel computing and portability.
LAMMPS is a general purpose DEM/PEM.
LIGGGHTS is a general purpose DEM software that includes heat transfer simulations and is based on LAMMPS.
ESyS Particle is developed at the University of Queensland, Australia, with a focus on geoscientic/geotechnical applications.
GranOO is a general purpose DEM.
MercuryDPM is a general purpose Discrete Particle Method (DPM) software.
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Little P.Eng.: Setting the Gold Standard in DEM Services
In the expansive realm of DEM, Little P.Eng. shines brightly, and here's why:
Mastery Over Multiple Platforms: Their team is proficient in a diverse array of DEM programs, ensuring they always have the right tool for the job.
A Client-centric Approach: They tailor their solutions, ensuring that each client's unique needs and challenges are addressed.
In-depth Analysis: Beyond merely running simulations, they delve deep, integrating real-world measurements to enhance simulation accuracy.
Applications and Implications of DEM in Industries
The true power of DEM, as harnessed by Little P.Eng., lies in its diverse applications:
Equipment Design: Through DEM, companies can design equipment that's optimized for longevity and efficiency.
Optimizing Production Lines: By understanding how granular materials behave, industries can fine-tune their production lines for maximum efficiency.
Safety Protocols: Predicting particle behavior, especially in industries dealing with hazardous materials, can lead to enhanced safety protocols.
Challenges in DEM and How Little P.Eng. Overcomes Them
DEM, while powerful, isn't without its challenges. The accuracy of simulations is heavily reliant on input parameters. Additionally, the computational demands for large-scale simulations are immense.
Little P.Eng. rises above these challenges through a blend of rigorous experimental data collection and a deep understanding of the DEM software landscape. Their iterative approach ensures that simulations are continually refined for better accuracy.
Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) is transforming our understanding of granular systems. With its capability to provide in-depth insights at a particle level, its applications span a wide array of industries.
In this domain, Little P.Eng. emerges not just as a service provider, but as a trusted partner, guiding businesses towards better efficiency, safety, and innovation. As we venture further into an era where the micro informs the macro, the services of entities like Little P.Eng., underpinned by the power of DEM, will undoubtedly be invaluable.
Read more:
Little P.Eng. for Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) Services: Unveiling the Power of Simulation
The Importance of Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) Studies and What Problems It Can Solve
Little P.Eng.
Discrete Element Modeling
Granular systems
Particle behavior
PFC (Particle Flow Code)
Rocky DEM
Ansys Rocky
Barracuda Virtual Reactor
Calculation-based modeling
Particle velocity
Shear forces
Normal forces
Bending moments
Torsional moments
Material scatter
Flow simulation
Wear patterns
Center loading
Equipment design
Production line optimization
Safety protocols
Computational simulations
Input parameters
Simulation accuracy
Bulk Material Handling & Processing
Engineering Services
Located in Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, BC; Toronto, Ontario; Edmonton, Alberta; Houston Texas; Torrance, California; El Segundo, CA; Manhattan Beach, CA; Concord, CA; We offer our engineering consultancy services across Canada and United States. Meena Rezkallah.
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education3244 · 4 months
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ABAQUS Software – Finite Element Analysis - PIGSO LEARNING
Abaqus is a complete Abaqus environment that provides an interface for creating, monitoring, and evaluating results from Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit simulations. Abaqus/CAE is further divided into modules, where each module defines the aspect of the modelling process like defining the geometry, defining material properties, and generating a mesh. 
ABAQUS - Simulation Analysis Software 
CAE is a common graphical user interface that is used for modelling, solving, and post-processing a finite element problem. 
The steps involved in the construction of a model are explained below-
ABAQUS Solver  
ABAQUS Standard is an implicit solver used to solve nonlinear problems.  
ABAQUS Explicit used for solving dynamics/wave propagation problems. 
Part Module 
Part Module Is the first step towards creating a model as parts are the building blocks of an Abaqus/CAE model. Part can be created in the following ways: Create the part using the tools available in the Part module.  Import the part from a file stored in a third-party format.  Import the part (mesh) from an output database.  Import a meshed part from an input file.
You use the Part module to create, edit, and manage the parts in the current model. The Part module allows you to do the following:
Property Module 
You can define the properties of a part or part region by creating a section and assigning it to the part. In most of the cases, sections refer to the materials that you have created. A material definition specifies all the property data relevant to a material. You can specify a material definition by including a set of material behaviours, and you supply the property data with each material behaviour you include. Each material that you create is assigned its name and it is independent of any particular section. Abaqus/CAE assigns the properties of a material to a region/section of a part when you assign a section referring to that material that you have created to the region. 
You can use the Assembly module to create and assemble the assembly. A model contains one main assembly, which is composed of instances of different parts from the model as well as instances of other models. An instance maintains its association with the original part/model. If the geometry of a part changes, Abaqus will automatically update all instances of the part and changes will be reflected in the model. You can’t edit the geometry of an instance directly. Your main model can contain many parts and model subassemblies, and a part or model can be instanced many times with the main model assembly; however, a model contains only one main assembly. Loads/boundary conditions are all applied to the complete assembly. 
Even if your model consists of only a single part, you have to create an assembly that consists of just a single instance of that part. A part instance can be a representation of the original part. You can create either independent or dependent part instances. An independent instance is effectively a clone of the part. A dependent instance is only a pointer to the part or virtual topology. You cannot mesh a dependent instance.
Within a model, you can define a sequence of one or more analysis steps. The step sequence provides a convenient way to capture changes in the loading and boundary conditions of the model, changes in the way parts of the model interact with each other and any other changes that may occur in the model during the analysis. 
Interactions are step-dependent objects, which means that when you define interactions, you must indicate in which steps of analysis they are active. The Set and Surface toolsets in the Interaction module allow you to define and name the model to which you would like interactions and constraints to be applied. Abaqus does not recognize the mechanical contact between different part instances of an assembly unless the contact is specified in the Interaction module.
Load is an independent module as Abaqus cannot apply load automatically; you have to select the load type and position on which load is to be applied. You can apply load to any node/Surface. You can use the Load module to define and manage the following prescribed conditions: 
Boundary conditions 
You can apply different types of loading 
Concentrated force 
General and shear surface traction 
General shell edge load 
Inertia relief 
Current density
Boundary Conditions
Boundary Conditions is also an important module to check the specific point interaction. As Abaqus cannot apply real-life constraints in the model. So you have to manually specify the predefined condition to be applied to a model to make analysis more effective and accurate
The Mesh module allows you to generate meshes on parts and assemblies created within Abaqus. Various levels of automation and control are available so that you can create a mesh that meets the requirements of the analysis model. As with creating the parts and assemblies, the process of assigning mesh attributes to the model such as seeds, mesh techniques, and element types is feature-based. 
The Mesh module provides the following features: 
Tools for prescribing mesh density and global levels. 
Model colouring indicates the meshing technique is successful and assigned to each region in the model. 
A variety of mesh controls, such as: 
Element shape
Meshing technique 
Meshing algorithm 
Adaptive remeshing rule
Optimization Is a process that generates results and analysis. You must combine the optimization results into an individual output file to view the results of the optimization in the Visualisation module (Dassault).
Job  In the job module we create a job  Check job from the job manager by “Data Check”  If no error is reported  Submit the job  Check results in the Visualization Module
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Abaqus Training
You find the best training platform to learn Abaqus Simulation Software Online by the PIGSO LEARNING company. You can get trained from the very basics to advanced levels of simulation analysis for different types of industrial categories like Structural, Mechanical, Geotech, Aerospace and Automobile engineering. Abaqus Training online course helps you to explore the software and get trained. Its help in your research work and career boost.
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kimecanet · 5 months
Laminated composite shells: buckling of a cylindrical panel with a circular hole with Abaqus
This example illustrates modeling a thin, laminated composite shell in the presence of buckling. Animation-1. Geometry and model The structure analyzed is shown in Figure 1 and was originally studied experimentally by Knight and Starnes (1984). The test specimen is a cylindrical panel with a 355.6 mm (14 in) square platform and a 381 mm (15 in) radius of curvature, so that the panel covers a…
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learnsharewithdp · 1 year
Advanced Finite Element Simulation of Pullout Test on Asphalt-Geotextile/geogrid-Asphalt Layer using Abaqus
What is Pullout Test? The pullout test is a common test used in civil engineering to determine the bond strength between two materials, typically between a soil or concrete substrate and a reinforcement material such as a geotextile or a reinforcing bar. In this test, a specimen is inserted into a hole in the substrate and a pulling force is applied to the reinforcement material until it fails…
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mftehran · 1 year
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((🚨🚨شروع قطعی دوره جامع دوره جامع اجرای ساختمانهای بتنی و فولادی از جمعه ⭕️مجتمع فنی تهران ✅👈با ارائه مدرک دو زبانه مجتمع فنی تهران ◾️ثبت نام: 02122369672 - 02122094842 ◾️https://t.me/EngDept #طراحی #دوره_جامع #محاسبات_ساختمان #دوره_محاسبات_ساختمان #طراحی_اتصالات #فولاد #فولادی #ساختمان_فولادی  #ETABS #SAFE #ETABS_SAFE #Revit #Revit_Structure #AutoCAD #ABAQUS #XSTEEL #SAP #SAP_2000 #مجتمع_فنی_تهران لینک ثبت نام کلاس حضوری/انلاین: https://mftplus.com/student/info?id=634407f5e0ccbca54aa01edc)) (at Mojtame Fannie Tehran(mft)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnrju3Isg3E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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songslomo · 2 years
Abaqus paraview
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#Abaqus paraview manual
#Abaqus paraview code
Especially, it handles mass data with difficulties, such as the extremely slow refreshing, limited functionalities and unexpected crash of software. Verification test suite can be seen below.Abaqus? is one of the most popular commercial finite element analysis(FEA) software, but the visualization function of post-processing module-Abaqus/CAE is relatively weak.
Usage by postProcess utility is not available.Ī set of plots showing cross-sections of mode fields from a two-dimensional.
Matrices are not supported due to the prohibitive computational costs.
Restart is currently not supported since intermediate writing of STDMD.
Would be cases whereat oddities might be encountered.
DMD is an active research area at the time of writing therefore, there.
This STDMD release is the beta release therefore, small-to-mediumĬhanges in input/output interfaces and internal structures should be.
Three mode sorting algorithms, and various filtering entries are.
Data compression by an orthonormal basis compression is possible.
Templated input for which Field can be input.
Tall-skinny QR decomposition (except the eigendecomposition solver)
Parallel including the classical Gram-Schmidt procedure, and direct.
Method capabilities alongside economised and feasible memory and CPU usage,īy allowing incremental updates and data compression on orthonormal (2017), and Hemati et al.Īmong other DMD variants, STDMD is presumed to provide the general DMD Streaming Total Dynamic Mode Decomposition (STDMD) based on anĪlgorithm developed by Kiewat (2019), Hemati et al. This release includes a new DMD variant as a function object called An elegant and useful introduction to DMD theory is Interpretable, tractable, or even reproducible without computing the complete set modeįrequency and decay rate, so that dynamic features of the given flow may become Underlying physics, dimensionality reduction method that can be used to revealĪnd quantify dominant spatiotemporal-coherent structures from a given flow (orĭataset) in the form of modes, and associated mode parameters, e.g. New dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) function objectĭynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) is a data-driven, i.e.
#Abaqus paraview code
Source code $FOAM_SRC/functionObjects/field/interfaceHeight Tutorial $FOAM_TUTORIALS/verificationAndValidation/interCondensatingEvaporatingFoam/stefanProblem Attribution The base of the interfaceHeight function object has been By default the heightĬalculation is set to be aligned with the gravity vector, but the optional directionĮntry can be used to set a different direction. The initial code has been extended to include an option to change the defaultĭirection from which the interface height is calculated. It uses an integralĪpproach, meaning that if multiple interfaces exist above or below a location an Point on the interface from which these heights are computed. For each location, the vertical distance of the interfaceĪbove both the location and the lowest boundary are written, complete with the The interfaceHeight object reports the height of the interface above a set of This function object has been ported from the repository. $FOAM_SRC/src/surfMesh/surfaceFormats/abaqus Surfaces in Abaqus format will be made available in future releases. Handling of surface extraction from solid elements and writing sampled SurfaceMeshConvert -read-format abaqus file.ext1 -write-format nastran file.ext2 ParaView, cellZones can be extracted from the Ensight format via the filter The figure below, where the various cell zones are highlighted in different colors. After running foamToEnsight, users can visualise the case as shown in The improved cellZones functionality can be tested on using tutorial case withĬellZones.
#Abaqus paraview manual
The full list of options can be found in the online manual and/or in the Suppress conversion of pointFields, disable -nodeValues Suppress removal of existing EnSight output directory Starting index for consecutive number of Ensight data/files. Specify single or multiple cellZones to writeĮxclude single or multiple patches (name or regex) from writing Individual parts for cellZones, unzoned cells ( internalMesh) and patches
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kremlin · 28 days
wow i would sure not be having any serious issues finding cracks for current versions of comsol, abaqus and ansys right now if all my eastern european male rat internet friends weren't all killing each other right now
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tinynemodekaren · 1 year
CP, peintures extérieures des fenêtres manquantes et d'autres babioles
ça y est, le CP de plafond est placé et à une vitesse impressionnante - merci Fred !
Je peins à tout va dés que j'ai le temps les plaques de CP - mais aussi les parties extérieures des fenêtres qui n'avaient pas été faites. Et certaines déjà peintes ont eu leur petite retouche car les pigeons du hangar ne les avaient pas loupées, malgré les bâches qui les entouraient (grrrr)
Une belle surprise : j'ai découvert que le chassis fixe aluminium que j'avais acheté à une ressourcerie est en fait un ouvrant oscillant - ô joie ! Nous le poserons bientôt, comme les autres fenêtres, d'ailleurs :) J'ai hâte !
Un premier liteau a été posé contre le mur Olympe au sol. D'autres vont suivre à différentes hauteurs - pour accueillir les autres plaques de CP.
J'ai repris les gaines qui étaient tombées malgré les embases et les ai allouées pour certaines à des objectifs différents d'alimentation.
D'ailleurs, à propos de gaine, celle du ventilateur a été placée dans le plafond. Pour avoir dés que c'est possible de quoi travailler avec de l'air (la châleur de la Drôme cuit bien, depuis quelques jours !)
J'ai vissé un petit extincteur à l'entrée de la tiny - petit geste de sécurité mais après tout, c'est une maison en bois !
Je fais aujourd'hui la commande de métrage électrique en différentes sections. C'est du fil souple de grosseur différente en fonction des appareils alimentés. Une abaque pour le 12V permet de faire l'évaluation de la section en fonction de la distance avec le tableau électrique.
Sur ce, je reviens à ma commande et à mes mesures - à bientôt !
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123project · 2 years
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education3244 · 4 months
Abaqus CDP | Best Course For Civil Engineers In 2024
Looking to grow your engineering career as a Btech or Mtech student studying civil engineering? Enroll in our Abaqus CDP Training course, and we'll support you as you advance your engineering profession. Register Now!!.
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claudehenrion · 1 month
''Une'' crise, ou ''LA'' crise ?
Quelque chose de très étrange est en train de secouer la planète... Dans le fond, c'était prévisible, attendu et même souhaité par ''pas mal'' d'entre nous... mais ce ''renversement des tables'', des tabous, des interdits et des ''réputés éternels'' qui paraissaient autant de bastions imprenables, en surprend certains : le ''système'' est si enfoncé dans la tête des hommes de ce XXI ème siècle qu'il a acquis, pour beaucoup, une sorte de ''sainteté indéboulonnable'', alors que tout l'édifice pourri qui s'est édifié sur les ruines de notre magnifique civilisation occidentale semble à la veille de s'effondrer. Est-ce un bien ? Un mal ? J'ai des idées là dessus, et vous aussi, je suppose !
Il arrive parfois que le hasard fasse bien les choses... et là, pour une fois, il semble s'être surpassé en créant une sorte ''d'opération-vérité'' : la moitié de la population du monde et 46 % des pays vont élire de nouveaux représentants... à un moment de l'Histoire où une énorme vague de ras-le-bol secoue tous les pays ou presque : les continents se rejoignent, au delà de toute origine, croyances, coutumes, héritage et traditions, dans un rejet massif de la vision qu'ont leurs soi-disant ''leaders'', qui se disent démocrates mais ne le sont plus, qui se proclament progressistes mais sont, en fait, totalement dépassés, comme le sont toutes les analyses qu'ils font de la situation et –pire encore-- comme toutes les solutions qu'ils proposent. C'est simple : une partie –qui devient majoritaire-- de nos contemporains refuse de vivre dans le monde tel qu'on lui propose de le modifier... et que ce soit pour des raisons parfois opposées ne simplifie pas la solution du problème.
En se donnant un peu de mal, cet enchaînement non-maîtrisé de la suite des événements peut se comprendre –mais ni dédouaner les responsables (qui sont les coupables, bien entendu, de notre détresse), ni leur valoir pardon ou indulgence : ils ne méritent ni l'un, ni l'autre. A la rigueur, un mini-début d'excuse et 3 grammes non pas d'hellébore comme la tortue de Monsieur de la Fontaine, mais de pitié devant leur nullité crasse... dont ils n'ont jamais accepté de prendre conscience –et ça, en revanche, ce n'est pas pardonnable : ils occupent, sans que jamais le doute les effleure, des postes pour lesquels ils sont manifestement incompétents. Imperturbables dans leur certitude de mériter tout ce qui leur arrive, les plus chanceux finissent Présidents de quelque chose... ou de davantage encore... (''J'ai les noms'', précisait Coluche !).
Nous parlions, la semaine dernière, de la transformation démographique du monde, qui est un vrai changement, ''en profondeur'', et je partageais avec vous mon impuissance à avoir deviné les conséquences d'avoir vu, dans ma longue vie pourtant bien courte, la population de la Terre passer de quelque 2,5 milliards, en 1934, à près de 9 milliards –c'est pour demain. Nous sommes passés d'un univers où tous les problèmes avaient encore une taille ''manageable'' à un autre univers où, pratiquement, toutes les solutions proposées sont issues de procédures et de systèmes de référence qui n'ont, en aucun cas, été conçus pour ''ça'' : on prétend répondre avec des abaques et des bouliers à des problèmes qui ressortissent des ''big data'', de l'Intelligence artificielle et d'une explosion démographique incontrôlable... Allez vous étonner que ça ne marche pas !...
Pour ne pas faire comme nos menteurs professionnels, je ne vais pas parler de 1945 --où la France et le monde (mais ''restons français'', c'est déjà beaucoup) sortaient de la guerre-- mais de 1950, où notre pays baignait dans une espèce d'euphorie : le début des ''30 Glorieuses''. Eh ! bien, en 1950, il n'y avait en France, par exemple, que 1 600 000 voitures, soit 1 foyer sur 8 ''équipé'', et la production annuelle des firmes françaises d'automobiles n'excédait pas 250 000 véhicules.... contre 39 millions et une production supérieure à 1,5 million/an (chiffres de 2023). Or la perception du fait ''Voiture'' par nos soi-disant élites soi-disant ''pensantes'' est restée la même : un truc gênant dont les villes voudraient bien se passer, mais leurs administrés, non, et elles-mêmes ne sauraient vivre sans cette pompe à fric à nulle autre pareille.
Nos cuistres n'ont pas encore pigé que l'automobiliste est, de fait, ''le nouvel archétype du piéton'' –que ça leur plaise ou non. Et ils ne sont capables que de lui multiplier les taxes, de lui poser des limites : on interdit, on punit, on contrôle, on impose, on emmerde à tour de bras, on ''con-fisc'' des sommes incalculables... au nom de raisonnements qui ne correspondent plus aux critères du jour : ils ont été concoctés pour une France (ou une Europe) qui sortait de cinq ans de guerre... et qui n'existe plus. Ils ne savent que invoquer ''le progrès'', dans leur marche arrière permanente !
Dans les livres de géographie de mon enfance (les bons vieux ''Demangeon''), le Maroc avait 4 millions d'habitants et l'Algérie, 5... explosés depuis à respectivement 40 et 45 millions. Et je me souviens d'un discours où Mao terrifiait le monde libre en le menaçant du poids énorme de ses... 300 millions de chinois. Le monde, qui commençait à avoir l'air de se compliquer pourtant, ''ressemblait encore à quelque chose'' : deux super-puissances qui connaissaient des règles établies par elles... deux ''gendarmes'' contrôlaient leurs univers respectifs, l'un pour le monde libre et l'autre pour l'enfer communiste. Chacun savait ''jusqu'où ne pas aller trop loin''... et il n'était pas question qu'un récalcitrant ''joue au con'' : il était très vite ramené dans ses ''22 mètres-''.
Et enfin —car il faut bien s'arrêter, sinon la liste des différences avec 2024 prendrait 300 pages-- de vraies crises étaient assez nombreuses pour que les gouvernants n'aient pas besoin d'en fabriquer des fausses, comme le nôtre s'est cru malin d'en inventer une, absurde, à propos du covid, ou de la prétendue violence d'une ''extrême droite'' qui n'existe plus depuis 2/4 de siècle, ou encore de celle, fantasmée, d'une puissance militaire russe inexistante qui rêverait d'envahir l'Europe. Faut-il être déconnecté ou intoxiqué, pour imaginer des trucs aussi impossibles !
Franchement, il n'est point besoin d'avoir fait l'ENA (NDLR - ''Non, j'rigole !'' : en fait il faut surtout ne pas en être issu, si on veut piger quoi que ce soit !) pour comprendre qu'il ne se peut juste pas que 8 à 9 milliards de clampins, exaspérés de ne plus trouver –par système et par décision-- aucun des avantages qui faisaient partie de leur civilisation et la rendaient ''user friendly'', comme disent les américains... soient encore régie par des règles qui datent de 1945... où elles étaient déjà périmées. Et ce n'est pas en inventant de soi-disant ''crises'' sans tenants ni aboutissants qu'on va leur donner envie de redevenir des moutons dociles...
Nos pseudo ''élites'' largement rejetées et nos journalistes aussi endoctrinés que démodés ne sont plus crus par grand monde, et ce, avec juste raison : entre les 120 attentats quotidiens au couteau et les assassinats de pauvres gardiens de prison armés de pétoires dont ils n'ont pratiquement pas le droit de se servir, les français n'en peuvent plus des soliloques d'un Dupont-et-Dupond Moretti qui passe tous ses temps de parole à insulter les millions de français qui votent à Droite... mais ne dit pas un seul mot sur l'état lamentable dans lequel il laissera la ''Justice'' (sic !), et dans lequel le soi-disant macronisme laissera la France... sauf si Poutine, en réponse aux insultes et aux provocations... n'a pas entre temps, décidé de la vitrifier, et nous avec...
Sauront-ils changer de logiciel et arrêter immédiatement tous ces enfantillages qui n'ont absolument plus cours dans le monde qui vient ? Je ne le crois pas : cela fait partie de leur ADN –ou, puisqu'ils aiment tant ça, de leur ARNmessager. Mais s'ils n'arrêtent pas, il se trouvera des gens qui prétendront savoir résoudre ''les défis de demain''... Au petit bonheur-la-chance, on les testera en espérant en trouver un bon, ou on les ''jettera'', si on peut . Seul ennui : la vraie démocratie, celle d'avant Macron, était tout de même un mode de sélection moins dangereux que ''la révolution'', qui même ''soft'', semble malheureusement être devenue un futur inévitable...
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Little P.Eng. for Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) Services from Little P.Eng. on Vimeo.
In a world driven by technological advancements, the ability to understand granular systems at a particle level has never been more essential. This precise understanding has been made possible through a computational technique known as Discrete Element Modeling (DEM). While many entities offer DEM services, Little P.Eng. has carved a niche for itself as a front-runner in this specialized domain.
Understanding Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) Before diving into the specifics of Little P.Eng.'s offerings, it's essential to demystify DEM:
DEM is Calculation-based Modeling: At the heart of DEM is mathematics. This method uses precise calculations to predict the behavior of individual particles within a system. By doing so, it can accurately predict the interactions and outcomes when these particles are subjected to various conditions.
DEM Allows for Visualizing Results: One of the standout features of DEM is its ability to provide visual results. Users can observe:
Particle Velocity: Understand the speed and direction of individual particles.
Forces: This includes shear (parallel to the surface) and normal (perpendicular to the surface) forces that the particles experience.
Moments: This refers to the bending and torsional (twisting) moments affecting the particles.
Acceleration and Material Scatter: Track how quickly particles move and the variations in their dispersion patterns.
DEM: More than just Flow Simulation: While DEM is instrumental in predicting the flow of bulk materials, its capabilities extend beyond this. It plays a crucial role in understanding:
Wear Patterns: Predict how equipment will fare over time by simulating particle interaction and the resultant wear.
Mixing: Understand how different particles mix, which is vital in industries like pharmaceuticals and food production.
Center Loading: This refers to the loading pattern where materials concentrate towards the center, crucial in industries like construction.
DEM Programs: The Power Behind the Predictions Any tool is only as good as the software powering it. When it comes to DEM, numerous programs can be used to perform this intricate modeling:
EDEM: A market leader, renowned for its comprehensive modeling capabilities.
PFC (Particle Flow Code): Known for its versatility, offering both 2D and 3D simulations.
LIGGGHTS: An open-source powerhouse that's both versatile and widely accepted.
Rocky DEM: Its strength lies in simulating realistic particle shapes, crucial for specific industries.
Yade: An open-source tool prized for its extensibility.
Abaqus: A multi-faceted software that, beyond its renowned finite element analysis, offers DEM capabilities.
Ansys Rocky: Building on the Ansys platform's strengths, it focuses on granular flow simulations.
Barracuda Virtual Reactor: Ideal for energy sector applications, especially particle reactions.
Also there are some open sources:
Kratos Multiphysics is developed by CIMNE (International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering) in Barcelona and covers all kinds of numerical simulations, including DEM/PEM and DEM/PEFM-FEM coupling.
YadeDEM is a DEM package that is specifically designed for geomechanics.
Woo is a fork of YadeDEM with a strong focus on parallel computing and portability.
LAMMPS is a general purpose DEM/PEM.
LIGGGHTS is a general purpose DEM software that includes heat transfer simulations and is based on LAMMPS.
ESyS Particle is developed at the University of Queensland, Australia, with a focus on geoscientic/geotechnical applications.
GranOO is a general purpose DEM.
MercuryDPM is a general purpose Discrete Particle Method (DPM) software.
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findlyjobs · 3 months
Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited, located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, has announced vacancies for various positions including Assistant Manager Accounts, Deputy Manager, Mechanical Engineer, Assistant Manager, and Deputy Manager Engineering Design. This advertisement was published in the Daily Express Tribune Newspaper on March 26, 2024.
Preferred educational qualifications for these positions include DAE, M.Com, CA, B.E, Bachelor's degree, MBA, and ACCA, among others.
Interested candidates can apply for these government engineering jobs and other positions until April 10, 2024, or as indicated in the closing date mentioned in the newspaper advertisement. For detailed application procedures, interested individuals are advised to read the complete advertisement online.
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Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works KSEW Jobs 2024
Candidates with skills in Ansys, AutoCAD, Abaqus, and Tax may have an advantage in securing these positions at Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works Limited.
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tamfitronics · 5 months
allGeo Integrates with Viewpoint Software to bring integrated Time & Jobs Cost Tracking to the Construction Industry
allGeo’s Time Tracking integrates with ERP, Payroll and Accounting systems for Accurate Time Tracking and Job Costing allGeo by Abaqus, a leader in mid and enterprise-level field service and workforce management solutions, is excited to announce its latest integration with Viewpoint’s Vista™ and Spectrum™ Construction Software. This strategic alliance introduces a comprehensive, cloud-based field…
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slyshyfoxy · 6 months
8 Jan 2024
Hello its me, recently I have been very lazy except for being good for going for driving license, but I feel I am not putting in the effort like reading and studying up my FTT and investment books and downloading the ABAQUS software. Which I should be doing. I will do today I don't have to worry.
Then tuesday i will go gym tomorrow~, will have to prep my clothes before hand which is on today. Shall go AF. Better do whatever u said hello, 12pm have to book SSDC slot too. Think u dont have to worry so much. Just rest , LOL and dont worry so much , i think i abit tired to help ppl dabao, they better be nice to me!! if not imma bite them - 8 Jan 2024
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