#Abandoned Andy
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tttyg era where vampire pete finds ybcpatrick and takes him home. sees a fucked up kid and goes. hm you're mine now:) sing in my emo band boy
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gkp2022 · 2 years ago
GPK Fusion #61
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Maui In Disney Pixar Moana + Abandoned Andy In Garbage Pail Kids Into Fusion With Full Body & Full Colorful & Full Shaded Colored lineart...Can You Draw Fusion For Me Please
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bpdbeehive · 7 months ago
Disclaimer: I do not ship the siblings nor support the creator, I like horror games and psychology and unfortunately I cannot choose what my autism decides to obsess over
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the-nation-of-today · 2 years ago
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Appreciation post for Andy's torn/cut/mesh/net slutty shirts because I miss them so much
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walkingstackofbooks · 10 days ago
Perfectionist brain is now trying to tell me that the comment I've written, in which I've quoted back a dozen or so of my favourite parts, still hasn't properly conveyed how deeply and utterly this fic has cut me and that I need to write something more insightful about the themes of the story rather than just squeeing throughout and gah, BRAIN, stop it!! You keep doing this, and you know that's the type of thinking that ends up leaving no comment at all! I'm pretty certain the several hundred words you've left is a fairly clear sign that you loved the story, even if it doesn't live up to your ever-reachingly high standards of being able to tell them *everything* you loved and felt about it which - may I remind you, Andi - is impossible!
Man, I've kind of laughed at myself for feeling kind of guilty in the past for leaving "only" a paragraph on comment when my energy has been greatly less than my love for the fic, but that's at least understandable. Now it's getting ridiculous! "You're quoting so much so you don't have to put in the effort of writing something that engages more deeply with the story's themes and is actually meaningful--" Oh, come on, brain, can you be a bit kinder to me, please? You don't think that when you *get* a comment, do you?! You'd be delighted! So can you please just leave me alone and stop telling me I'm doing things wrong!!
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martyreddie · 6 days ago
okay deadass if shannon survived she and buck would not be friends. to shannon buck's the strange and annoying (yet sort of funny) little guy that eddie has fallen in love with (she heckles eddie for this mercilessly) and to buck shannon is the woman that left chris and eddie behind and no matter how good her reasons were, he'll always be weird about that
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thekingofpain · 7 months ago
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klutzytomb · 4 months ago
I frequently fear that if I ever try to do something different than what’s expected of me I’ll be ostracized and thrown out from whatever social group I am at that point considered a part of.
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andellaheartz · 4 months ago
i love drawception as a drawception user. thank u for him hes lovely. i appreciate him even if he is very sick and unwell
YAY i love drawception and miss the days when i used to be really active in it, now im not cuz it takes like 5 years to load anyrhing 😿
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have him with his duck, the idot doesnt know its suffocating him
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old canon parks and rec website that i thought was fascinating.
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bpdbeehive · 7 months ago
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I recently watched the game because I had to see if it was as bad as everyone says and it actually isn't? Yes, these two are fucking weird and uncomfortable to watch be touchy feely and I don't support that and if you ship incest block me.
But I really want to dive into their psyche, Ashley is so fucking BPD coded (I have BPD) and Andrew is UNFORTUNATELY her FP, she's so jealous of anyone who tries to get close because he's always been all she's had, she says she should kill herself when upset with him, she is terrifed of him not liking her and accuses him of it irrationally multiple times and her mood swings are drastic to the point anger goes to tears to happy in minutes.
And Andrew could have possible DID (I have DID) that Ashley finally noticed at the end of one route where she's hoping for the one that's more anxious yet loving, the other is unfeeling and cold and doesn't put up with her shit. On the other hand, it could just be symbolic of how his innocence died the second he was partly responsible for taking a life and he has to completely shut off to deal with the trauma that happens later on. He's definitely depressed too with his uncaring nature with some PTSD as shown with his repressed memories.
The reason for their codependency and unhealthy relationship blurring the lines between family love and romantic love is their parent's fault, Ashley was excluded by everyone but Andy, and Andy was expected to raise her himself as a child, they shared a room their entire lives, and they were abandoned, they've always been all each other have and Ashley belittles him into thinking she's the only one who really loves him as a coping mechanism for her fear of abandonment. These parents saw a child with physiological issues that make empathy hard and gave her up to a kid to fix, they feel like no one cares but each other.
Incest is disgusting though, I'm just saying they're fascinating to me and every single time I mention them I'm going to clarify there's more to this game and I don't associate with that side of the fandom
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walkingstackofbooks · 7 months ago
After the war, Section 31 want Julian to work for them, but no matter how many overtures they make, they just can't seem to persuade him.
So they turn to the old tried-and-tested method of using an alternate holosuite reality.
They start in the real world, sending an operative to ask him for something small - they just want access to all the medical files concerning DS9's inhabitants, they believe there's some sort of security threat. He refuses: it's medically unethical. The back-and-forth continues over some days - he says that if they let him know what they're looking for, he'll check for it himself. They say they can't let him know unless he agrees to join Section 31. He says fine, don't get your information then.
The pressure ramps up: they're now asking him to destroy any samples of X chemical he has, to stop a Bajoran vaccination programme, along with some other equally non-sensical things that he of course rejects just as vehemently because they still refuse to tell him why these things are important.
At some point, this business stops being conducted on DS9 and moves to the confines of a holosuite - not that Julian knows this. Other details are added in: a surprise visit from the O'Briens; Kasidy subsequently making the trip to say hello; a family meal, of sorts in Kira's quarters with her guests, and Quark, and Nog, and Jake, and Julian.
That night, Julian is woken up by explosions rocking the station. He reaches for his combadge, just as he is surrounded by a transporter beam, materialising onto an unfamiliar ship. He is stood by a window, looking down onto Deep Space Nine, helplessly watching as everything he loves is destroyed below him.
"We got you out just in time," someone says. He does not respond. He can't.
They take him to unfamiliar quarters on this unfamiliar ship. The room is empty, bare, unlived in. He sits on the bed, numb, his mind refusing to comprehend the enormity of what he has just lost. In his haze, he turns to reach for Kukulaka.
Kukulaka is not there. Kukulaka will never be there again.
The damn bursts, and he weeps for his bear. In the coming days, he will also cry for the loss of his home, his friends, his family, but for now, thinking about them is just too painful. First, he will spend this night mourning Kukulaka, focussing all his grief on the memory of his oldest companion.
The next morning, he will be debriefed. Section 31 is too professional to blame him directly, but as the other officers discuss the explosion, putting together piece by piece a picture of how it happened, Julian will easily be able to read through the lines. An unstable patient. Theft of medical chemicals. Piece by piece he is shown how if he had just co-operated from the outset, his home would not be a bruning wreck among the stars of Bajor.
He cannot let this happen again. No-one else will lose their homes, their family, because of his failure to act.
When Section 31 offer to take him back to Earth, he refuses them once more.
"I think it's about time I stepped up, don't you think?"
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purposefully-lost · 6 months ago
OR... HEAR ME OUT.. Andy keeping him chained/locked up with the promise that he'll find a way to fix it,, feeding him what he can while trying to hunt down the man who turned him,,
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robotrightsactivist · 7 months ago
Alien Romulus was cool but I have to say the dynamic between the white girl main character and her Black synthetic brother was like. Idk. That was definitely a choice the writers made
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soullessjack · 2 years ago
Cal, which of Azazel's Special Children do you think would get along with Jack best?
hmmmmmm either Andy because he’s silly and everyone loves Andy or Lily bc they’d have some relatability to dangerous powers I think :3
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onthwayhome · 2 years ago
it’s probably too early to already wish for some things for season 7, but i really hope they’ll mend and take care of the station 19 family. like i want them to be a real family again, not like how they were this season
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