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sp0o0kylights · 3 months ago
Part One / A03
Turns out being a mall rat was a lot more fun than it looked.
Or at least it was when Eddie wasn’t dragging them all into his new favorite hobby: salivating over Sailor Steve.
“This feels a little
” Gareth started, sitting at a table behind a massive, planted bush.
“Adventurous? James Bond-like?”
“Creepy.” He finished, as they all watched Steve do some kind of sarcastic looking dance at Robin.
“It’s the binoculars, man.” Jeff added, watching Eddie lean over the bush. “It’s too much.”
“He’s trying so hard to win her over.” Eddie raged on. “He’s like one of those birds looking for a mate, doing all these fancy moves and--and spins!”
He sniffed loudly, offended both at Steve and on his behalf. “We’re getting her fired.”
Jeff gave a long suffering look to the ceiling. “We’re not getting her fired.”
“If we get her fired,” Grant said, in that ‘thinking aloud’ tone he had, “Would Steve be the new manager?”
“We could get so much free ice cream.” Eddie wheedled at Jeff, who frowned back at him.
“Once again I find myself asking how I became your conscience.”
“If the shoe fits, Jiminy Cricket.”
Gareth and Grant cackled, as he returned to staring at his beloved ex-jock’s attempt to befriend (or flirt with, if one asked Eddie) what had to be the first woman who wanted nothing to do with him.
Sans Tiff, of course.
“As much fun as watching Steve work is, can we please go back to what we were actually supposed to be doing?” Jeff tapped on the spiral bound notebook he’d brought with him.
It held the words “potential song lyrics” and absolutely nothing else.
“Aww Jeffrey,” Gareth cooed, leaning forward on his elbows. “Did you really think that Eddie wanted to work on band stuff at the mall?”
“We’ve got to work on your gullibility.” Grant piled on, as Jeff made disgusted noises in response.
“No, I saw this coming. But we do need at least two more original songs to make an EP.” It was a goal they’d chased all year and spectacularly failed to achieve.
Frustrated, Jeff added; “I don’t care if Eddie’s not on board—you two are helping me write lyrics or I will derail every D&D campaign hereafter with petty arguments."
The unspoken truth was that Eddie, much like with D&D, was a control freak when it came to Corroded Coffin. It was his band, no matter who else was a founding member (Jeff), and the moment actual work began on anything, he’d be drawn in like a moth to a flame.
As expected, Eddie took the bait.
“You’re not choosing anything without me!” He barked, finally abandoning his Steve-stalking. He spun to face Jeff, eyes alight with challenge. “And for the record, I do have an idea.”
“Is it a real one?” Jeff asked, not bothering to look up from the notebook. “Or another round of dick-and-balls limericks?”
“How very dare you make fun of my genius, that was a legitimate song!”
“You rhymed balls with walls, and dicks with bricks--”
Eddie didn’t wait for him to finish. He snatched the notebook out of Jeff’s hands, earning a glare sharp enough to kill a lesser man. “No, this one’s serious! It’s a proper track, I swear, I-- I need a pen. Jeff.” He turned to his bandmate, desperation in his eyes. “Give me your pen.”
“Je-eeeff--” Eddie began in a whine before Grant, rolling his eyes, decided to end the nonsense by tossing one his way.
“See? Grant loves me.” He muttered indignantly as he snatched the pen and hunched over the notebook, scribbling furiously.
Words—actual, coherent words—began appearing on the page, and Jeff wisely kept any retaliatory retorts to himself. There was always the slim chance that Eddie was actually taking this seriously.
The others followed suit, falling into a hopeful silence.
Corroded Coffin prided itself on being a collaborative effort, but there was no denying Eddie was the strongest songwriter in the group. When he got inspired—or decided to stop screwing around—he could churn out stuff that felt electric. Like it had a real future and the band with it.
That was what they lived for.
“There!” Eddie declared, triumphantly shoving the notebook back at Jeff, grin practically screaming creative genius at work. “It’s rough—just a few lines and a chorus—but it’s solid. A starting point.”
Jeff snatched it eagerly, scanning the page as Gareth and Grant leaned in, eyes locked on his face.
Would this be something raw and heavy, in the vein of the few solid tracks they’d hammered out before? Something loud, fast, and undeniably metal? Or had Eddie finally given into all his threats and written them a love song?
(Gareth honestly didn’t care if it was a love song. He’d been expecting one for a while, given Eddie’s increasingly ridiculous heart-eyes at Steve.)
Except Jeff’s expression was rapidly imploding. His brow furrowed, lips flattening, until he finally slapped the notebook down on the table and leveled Eddie with an incredulous stare.
“So?” Eddie asked, practically vibrating with excitement. “Thoughts?”
“We’re not writing a song about the You-Suck Board.” Jeff deadpanned.
Oh, for the love of—
“Absolutely not!” Gareth cut in, throwing up his hands. “We already hear enough about that stupid thing. I’m not singing about it!”
The infamous You-Suck Board had been a sore spot since its inception, mostly because it involved Robin gleefully encouraging Steve to flirt with every single eligible woman who walked into Scoops Ahoy.
That he was, for what had to be the first time in his life, bombing out, appeared to only be suspicious to everyone but Robin--and, somehow, Eddie.
(“Why did it have to be flirting!” He’d snarled on the day of its creation, as Gareth had struggled to keep himself from jumping ship and hurling himself away from Van Halen. “Why couldn’t they have taken bets on anything else!?”
“I think it’s more that Steve flirts a lot given how many chicks come in to get ice cream--” Jeff had not so helpfully added.
The turn Eddie took in retaliation nearly cracked his head against the window.
“She doesn’t need to be encouraging him!”
“You realize if you just talked to him like we told you too, he probably wouldn’t be flirting with every single women that--”
Eddie took another wild turn, tires squealing in protest. Gareth abandoned any pretense of being cool and latched onto the handlebar, cursing loudly.
“And ruin our fucking friendship?” Eddie spat, knuckles white on the wheel. “Yeah I don’t think so.”
If Gareth hadn’t been busy actively praying for his life, he might’ve exchanged a long-suffering look with Jeff.
Who, unfortunately for everyone involved, was far braver—or stupider—than anyone gave him credit for.
“You know,” Jeff began, his voice surprisingly even despite the chaos, “you can’t be mad at him for flirting if you’re not willing to make a move.”
The van screeched through another corner, tilting so sharply that Gareth was convinced two wheels had left the ground. He yelped, adding another string of curses to the air.
“You can’t be mad at me either!” Jeff’s voice climbed an octave as Eddie took his frustrations out on the accelerator.
I’m not mad. Do I look mad!?” Eddie said, rather madly.
“Yes!” Jeff and Gareth both chanted, before Jeff finally smacked hard at their eldest friend's shoulder.
“That is it, you have lost driving privileges, pull the fuck over--!”)
“I’m just saying--” Jeff was trying to argue in the present, only for Eddie promptly flung himself away from the table, before dramatically stepping atop it.
He cleared his throat as they all groaned at him, Gareth scrambling to get his shit out of the way before it got stepped on.
“I declare a mutiny!” Eddie declared, voice ringing out and startling several nearby shoppers. “Mutiny from my own beloved crew! My brothers in flesh and blood!”
“Oh God, here we go.” Gareth muttered as Grant swatted ineffectively at Eddie’s pant leg.
“Have I not led you into battle? Given you victory after victory in the realms of--” He stopped abruptly, a deer in headlights, before the dorkiest smile Gareth had ever seen overtook his face.
Now the groans were for different reasons--because clearly, Eddie had been spotted by Steve.
Sure enough, when Gareth peeked over the hedge, Steve was staring straight at them.
His face lit up as he gave a small wave, and Eddie, ever the hopeless fool, couldn’t help but wave back.
Witnessing this, Grant turned and leveled Gareth with a flat look. “This is pathetic. I am officially requesting that you do something.”
“What?" Gareth sputtered in response. "Me?”
“Yes, you.”
“Why not Jeff!?”
“Because I’m his assigned conscience. Grant,” Jeff jerked a thumb in his direction. “got the right’s to his creative side and you," The finger flicked back to Gareth,  "get to tackle romance.”
“When did we all agree to this shit?!”
“Suck it up Emerson, the fates have decided.  Now sort this out before one of them pushes the other over the edge and we end up caught in the crossfire.” Jeff gestured upwards at Eddie, who had tuned this entire conversation out in favor of trading faces with Steve.
Presently his tongue was out, hands up in his classic “horned” pose.
“This is just sad.” Jeff finished, knowing damn well Eddie wasn’t listening.
“How am I supposed to fix it!?” Gareth protested but it was weak. He had a feeling it was going to come down to this--Eddie, for all his supposed edges, sure as shit wouldn’t make a move and Steve

Honestly, Gareth couldn’t quite get a read on Steve—or whether Steve even realized he occasionally flirted back with Eddie. The guy had a crush, there was no doubt in Gareth’s mind, but having one and acknowledging you had one were two very different ball games.
And Gareth sucked ass at sports.
“Figure it out.” Grant said helpfully, and got the finger in response.
He could handle this.
He just...
Needed a plan.
Things were easier with plans--right?
“There’s something seriously wrong with this mall’s security.” Eddie announced as he barged into Scoop’s the next day, Gareth on his heels.
Steve, who’d just finished slinging ice cream to a troop of Girl Scouts, didn’t even look up.
“What makes you say that?” He asked.
“Because there’s an insane number of them, but they only seem to guard the loading dock?” Gareth answered truthfully.
it was weird that there was tons of dudes with shifty eyes and bad hairdo’s running around outside the mall--and never inside of it. Like yes sure, product shipment and shit, he got that but

Wasn’t loss prevention focused on preventing loss in the stores? Where people like say, himself and Eddie, could pocket it?
“It’s like they’re not even trying!” Eddie scoffed, as he proceeded to empty his pockets, lining up the day’s treasure on the counter. "The one guy we saw spent the whole time talking in Russian to a delivery driver." 
That had been notable because Eddie had stolen something right in front of the guy, who had just turned away to avoid the obnoxious teenagers.
(And, of course,  gone on to speak in a terrible Russian accent for several minutes afterward.) 
They’d both stuck to small items--stickers, jewelry, and in Eddie’s case, an entire case of bouncy balls, but judging by the complete lack of reaction, Gareth had a feeling they could clear out the store and no one would even bat an eye.
It was odd, to say the least.
So was the fact that the construction company kept showing up to “fix” things. Massive semi trucks towing in materials with ‘Anodyne’ printed out in big ass letters along the side. Gareth and Eddie had spent a lunch watching one of the trucks load in, a literal swarm of people pulling out crates and sheets of metal down the largest service elevator Gareth had ever seen.
It didn’t make a lick of sense, but then, when did anything in Hawkins?
With a flourish, Eddie revealed his final treasure of the day. A button, with the words ‘Not a Prince, but I am Charming’ blazed across it in bright yellow lettering.
For you, Sailor." With an exaggerated bow and open palms, he presented it to Steve, his tone dripping with theatrical flair.
“Maybe securities just no match for you two.” Steve teased back, picking up the button and proudly pinning it to his shirt.
This caused Robin to snort loudly behind him.
She was given two different middle fingers in response.
Unfortunately, her normally sneering expression began to look dangerously contemplative the third or so time Eddie “adjusted” the button on Steve’s shirt, the two of them half slapping at each other over it and Gareth shot into damage control mode before the idiots outed themselves to her.
“Anyone else here yet?” Gareth asked, shoving at Eddie as he pretended to fight for countertop elbow space.
He was shoved back, but at least everyone seemed to get a clue, Eddie abandoning Steve’s button to slump on the counter in a way he knew Robin hated.
Steve made an obvious show of checking his watch. “Nope, but none of you freeloaders tend to show up for another hour anyway. You two are early.”
Eddie gasped, hand leaping to clutch at his chest, above his heart. ‘Steven! I know you didn’t just call me, one of your closest, bestest, friends, a freeloader!”
“You’re one of the worst offenders." Steve deadpanned. "Frankly you’d be number one if the dipshits weren’t constantly in here harassing me to let them sneak into the movies.”
Another loud gasp. “You’ve been letting the children sneak into movies and not us?”
He got a smirked at for his efforts. “You’d get caught.”
Playfully offended, Eddie’s mouth dropped open.
“And the loud shrieky one won’t!?”
“The loud shrieky one is controlled by Lucas and Max.”
“Such disrespect! After I bring you a present and everything!” Eddie sniffed. Robin was still watching them, Gareth noted, though this time it looked less confused and more like the expression on his parents face when they watched something weird happen on a nature documentary.
It was still too close for comfort.
Thankfully a proper distraction arrived, in the form of the rest of Hellfire. 
“Guess who's working that new cookie kiosk?” Stewart announced as the group breezed in, saving Gareth from having to stomp on Eddie’s foot (or start a sprinkle war or any of the other ridiculous shit he’d had to pull the last few days.)
“James Heartfiend.“ Steve said flatly. 
"It's Hetfield, which I know you know, just like I know you're mispronouncing D&D names on purpose."  Eddie told him. “Which is a sin, I’ll have you know.”
“Would this be the same kind of sin as washing dishes or--”
“No--shut up Eds--Steve!” Stewart yelled over Eddie. “Guess again! Steve!”
"I know you didn't just tell me to shut up, Stewart--" 
“Whatever you’re doing, Gary,” Jeff whispered as two different arguments broke out on top of each other, “do it faster.”
He didn’t have to specify what he meant, given how Eddie was blatantly competing for Steve’s attention.
“I’m trying.” Gareth hissed back, annoyed. “I don’t see you helping any!”
“He,"  Jeff pointed his head in Eddie’s direction, making it clear who he meant, "called me at 10pm last night because Steve finally got a You Rule point. He ranted me to sleep.”
“Well that’s not helping, is it?”
“It’s torture. I am being tortured.”
“That isn’t torture, Jeff. Torture is waking up to go on a jog with Steve only to have him derail every attempt at discussing relationships because you’re running wrong--”
“It’s Alex Copeland.” Tiff announced loudly, cutting off the increasingly loud conversation happening around them.
Silence abounded as everyone took the name in.
“I don’t know who that is.” Robin said cautiously, peering at Hellfire as if waiting for some grand reveal.
(She startled about three different people in doing so, Gareth included. They had got to get better at remembering when she was there.) 
“Neither do we.” Jeff said as he abandoned Gareth to shoulder his way to the counter, throwing a handful of bills down on it as Grant groaned in the background. 
Steve apparently, had been making ice cream while everyone was arguing, because Jeff’s usual order was handed right over in return.
The fucking overachiever.
“Honestly we don’t either.” Jeff admitted, as he began shoveling ice cream in his mouth. “Grant won’t let us see her.” 
“He’s so embarrassed about it, it’s hilarious.” Gareth added, snatching up one of the free sample spoons and stealing a bite as payment for all the comments. 
He was doing the best he could here, and given he had somehow been assigned the Herculean task of trying to get two of their closest friends to realize they liked each other, he figured Hellfire as a whole owed him.
Turns out it was pretty fucking hard to sit your good friend down for a “I know we kinda talked about it, but you do know you’re not straight, right?” conversation, and spinning it further into “also I think you have a crush on Eddie” downright impossible.
He made another go at Jeff’s ice cream.
Jeff turned, sticking up an elbow to block as he made a face. “Get your own!”
“Why bother when I can have yours?” Gareth countered, ducking around the offending elbow and moving to get back at the bowl.
The older teen turned again, resulting in a sort of dog-chasing-its-tail effect as Gareth continued to turn with him, the both of them spinning faster.
“We’re convinced it’s a fake name.” Tiffany added, completely ignoring her friend's shenanigans.
“It isn’t!” Grant protested far too loudly, blushing fire engine red. 
“So who do we think it actually is?” Steve asked, catching onto the gag immediately.
“All we know is that it’s an older woman, who “is super sweet”,” Tiff made quotation marks with her fingers, “calls him hun, and has the photobooth gig as a part time job.”
“Joyce Byers.” Jeff said loudly, before snapping his teeth at Gareth's hands in a threat to bite.
Steve broke into laughter immediately.
“What.” He wheezed, nearly dropping the scooper he was playing with.
Grant moaned like a dying thing. 
“See, our dear friend here had a small crush when he was a wee child
” Eddie started, with his usual flair.
“Which he denies to this day but he still gets all anxious if she’s around--” Gareth continued, undeterred by Jeff’s threats.
“Jonathan’s mom!?” Steve continued to wheeze, as if there was a different Joyce Byers running around.
"Lies!" Grant himself snapped. "Lies and--and slander!" 
“Grant is a sucker for cougars.” Jeff said over his protests, still spinning.
“Oh, screw you  Jeff!”
“Sorry but I can’t, Grant.” Jeff turned the other way, trying to trick Gareth out. “What would Miss Byers think?
“Gary,” Steve called out as Grant bit out more protests. “Stop pestering Jeff and come get your own.” He pulled out a bowl and shook it, just like you would to call a pet.
“I don’t have ice cream money!”
“I’m giving it to you, idiot.”
"Oh. Thanks!" 
“You guys are so weird,” Robin interrupted, standing off to the side with her arms crossed, giving the same look teenagers on TV give when asked to do something gross. 
Eddie beamed at her, to her clear disgust. “Damn right we are.”
She rolled her eyes. “Could you please go be weird elsewhere?” 
Which was not the first time Robin had made that particular plea. It wouldn't be the last, either. 
“Sorry Buckles,” Eddie said, leaning on the counter once again. “But Hellfire sticks together. You have one of us, you get all of us.”
Robin pondered that longer than Gareth thought was necessary, tilting her head in thought.
“So, if I fire Steve, does that mean I get rid of all of you?” she asked, challenging them.
Eddie tapped his finger to his chin. “Well
“No, no.” Steve directed the first to Eddie before spinning and stressing the second at Robin. “I need this job. No firing!”
“Pretty sure that's the manager's decision, Steve.” Grant teased, happy to throw him under the bus if it meant people stopped talking about Joyce Byers.
“She’s the assistant manager!”
“To a guy we have never met! And,” Eddie turned to Robin, as though expecting her to back him up, “as Lady Buckley just pointed out, we are here all the time. Therefore,”
He smacked the back of one hand into his palm, “I declare that there isn’t actually a manager and Robin can hire and fire as she likes!”
Steve was starting to look desperate, as though Robin might actually buy any of this nonsense. 
“No firing.” Gareth cut in, as if he had any authority on the matter, digging happily into his ice cream. 
"Fi-iine." Eddie grumbled, collapsing onto the counter with all the grace of a fallen deer. "Say, Stevie, could I possibly get some of that sweet, sweet free ice cream in mint flavor?"
Under his breath, Jeff told Gareth; "You don't deserve yours." 
Gareth didn’t respond right away, his attention caught by Eddie poking at the ridiculous button he’d given Steve—and how Steve just... let him.
It made him think about how Steve used to be—and how, in many ways, he still was when it came to anyone in his space. How different he was now.
Steve wasn’t the kind of person to seek out touch, but the Steve they saw now was much closer to the one they had grown up with—without all the “King Steve” nonsense.
He was loud. Playfully rude. Just the other day, he slapped Grant on the shoulder in excitement about some basketball game and didn’t even seem to notice he'd done it.
Eddie had done that. Hellfire had helped, absolutely, but Steve wasn’t haunting Jeff’s house or Gareth’s garage, or Grant's basement bedroom. Off-shift, the guy could usually be found with Eddie, and if not, Eddie would always know where he was.
It was why Gareth had taken the approach of talking to Steve first, instead of pushing Eddie to confess.
If they messed this up...
It could blow up not just their friendship, but all of Hellfire’s with Steve.
And that wasn’t fair.
"No, I do." Gareth muttered, trying to push away the weight of all the ways this could go wrong. "I definitely do."
When it was all said and done, he deserved far more than free ice cream, and he fully intended to collect on that.
...If he could just get Steve and Eddie to make some progress first.
On a random Sunday (or if you were Gareth, on Attempt 15 of The Dating Talk) Dustin Henderson returned from camp, greatly annoyed about his friends but looking forward to seeing Steve.
Gareth would stare, with a look on his face that could only be described as “delighted” as the two of them proceeded to perform the dorkiest handshake on Earth, complete with lightsaber noises and Steve tragically dying at the end.
“Do not tell Eddie about that.” Steve would hiss, finger pointing threateningly in Gareth’s direction.
“Swear it on my life.” Gareth would reply--only after making eye contact with Robin.
She might be Eddie’s enemy at the moment, but he figured this was a solid way to win her over—especially with Steve so hell-bent on becoming her friend.
After all, he was here for yet another round of their never-ending “feelings” talk—not that he planned on having it in front of Robin, but rather to steal Steve away during his break (and maybe score a free lunch in the process).  Getting on Robin's good side would mean fewer complaints from her about Gareth haunting Scoops—and about Gareth constantly pulling Steve away.
Too bad he’d failed once more, his frustration mounting as he made no absolutely zero progress. 
(Steve, as it turned out, had an almost supernatural ability to detonate entire conversations, and he was presently using it for evil.
A carefully placed question here, a scoffing remark about elves there, and before Gareth knew it, the bastard had sidestepped every trap and sent them careening into uncharted territory. By the time Gareth noticed, Steve was long gone.
Pinning him down at work was becoming his only option, given the older teen couldn’t just up and vanish, but even that hadn’t exactly worked out today.
Thus, Dustin’s interruption had been appreciated.
Stewart's, on the other hand, wasn’t.) 
Robin glanced up, before making a face. “Oh look, here comes one of your little fanclub.”
“It’s not a fanclub, Robin."
“Yeah? Then why is he screaming your name?”
“She’s got you there.” Dustin told Steve, the traitor.
Stewart was breathing hard, eyes shining as he slid to a stop in front of Scoop’s counter. With the excited air of someone who’d just scored the winning goal, he slammed a cylinder down on the counter.
One that glowed a familiar, sickening green color.
“Who sucks now!?” He bellowed, as if that part of the board had ever in any way shape or form applied to him.
“Motherfucker.” Steve cursed instead, staring at the thing in horror.
“Why Steven,” Dustin clucked his tongue with a grin. “Such uncouth language!”
“And in front of children too.” Robin added dryly.
Steve dropped his head to the counter while simultaneously raising his middle finger.
“I hate my life.” He moaned.
“No you don’t.” Eddie declared, announcing his presence by flinging Scoop’s window open with a bang! “Not when you’re a grand adventurer, setting sail on the ocean of flavor!”
Without picking up his head, Steve blindly grabbed a spoon and hurled it at him, striking the center of Eddie's forehead with perfect aim.
Gareth and Dustin both applauded. 
“Munson we talked about this, you cannot be behind the counter let alone in the backroom!” Robin shrieked, hands going to support the You Suck board as it wobbled dangerously.
(It had been modified at some point the day prior, and was now split into thirds, reading “You Rule” “You Suck” and ‘Fountain”
Underneath ‘Fountain’ was three Xs and a poorly drawn skull.
“We really need to put a leash on him.” Tiff said when she first saw it, with the air of someone whose puppy had chewed through another shoe.
“We need to burn it.” Eddie had responded darkly, and then the topic of conversation was quickly changed before he could get another rant going.)
“Hate life later. Where did you find this?” Dustin asked, reaching out as if to grab the goo, and immediately getting his hand slapped down by Steve.
“Tell me it wasn’t in the water fountain.” He added, as Eddie walked himself to the front, Robin glaring daggers at him the entire time.
“What--no!” Offended, Stewart shrieked, as Steve batted Dustin’s away a second time and promptly ended up in a slap fight.
“How did you even know about the fountain you little shit, you haven’t even been here!” He continued, clutching at his home made plaid vest like a string of pearls.
“Legendary tales travel, Stuck Stewart.” Dustin told him, eyes narrowed in concentration as he ducked and dodged. 
“Your betrayal is noted, Harrington.” Stewart snarled, correctly guessing exactly how that tale had traveled.
“Oh my God.” Dustin said suddenly, reaching out to snatch at Steve’s arm, halting him mid slap. He shook it wildly, a grin overtaking his face. “Oh my God!”
“What?” Gareth asked, because he wasn’t yet aware of what Dustin’s “I figured something out” song and dance meant yet.
“The weird code I was talking about! Steve, Steve-- I bet this is related!”
“No.” Steve said, hand ripping away from Dustin’s to slash wildly in the air. “Absolutely not.”
“Yes!” Dustin countered gleefully.
“You guys realize it’s not code, right?” Robin cut in. “The shitty noise you’ve been playing, super loudly by the way, in our breakroom for like two hours? Yeah, that's Russian.”
At their blank stares she deadpanned; “It’s a language.”
Like she thought the lot of them were stupid.
(Because she did.)
“And how do you know that?” Steve asked, and the same time Dustin spun to look at her and demanded;
“Do you speak Russian!?”
“No, but,” Robin gave them a slow, calculating smile, “I could.”
“She could.” Dustin repeated to Steve, practically beaming.
‘She could.’ Eddie mouthed sarcastically at Gareth, turning so only he and Stewart could see him do it.
Following Steve’s footsteps, Gareth threw a spoon at him.
(He missed but it was the thought that counts.) 
“What we should do is give that,” Steve pointed a single, accusatory finger at the goo vial, “to Hopper and let him know we found it at the mall. Which is a super weird place for it to be.”
Which was true. Gareth honestly hoped this was another case of some kid or teenager finding and abandoning it, and not an indication that Starcourt was involved in the supposed clean up Hopper had swore was coming.
“If this is at the mall,” Stewart said hesitantly, “Then do you think that uh, other things, might have followed it?”
“Unlikely, the mall’s too busy.” Dustin dismissed easily.
Too easily, for Gareth—he’d watched that damn Manticore disappear into the wall. If it could move like that, it could just as easily hide itself, crowded mall or not.
“What other things?” Robin asked, before making a move like she was about to grab the goo. “What even is this, anyway?”
“Drugs.” Steve said, at the exact same time Dustin answered; “Nothing!”
They turned and glared at each other while Stewart carefully pulled the vial out of Robin’s reach.
(And then Eddie’s, when he looked like he might try and grab it too.)
“We’re not really sure what it is,” Gareth told Robin. Thinking quickly, he tacked on; “but we found some earlier and the cops were interested in it. They said they’re being careful after the whole thing last year.”
“Thing? Like the Hawkins lab thing? Where people died?” Robin was looking more alarmed by the minute. “This is an ice cream shop, we can't have that in here! ”
“Well no ones going to eat it.” Steve scoffed.
“Is that a challenge?” Eddie said with a grin, making grabby hands at the vial.
“One of those Girl Scouts was licking the table the other day, someone absolutely will!" Robin's voice grew in pitch and volume, eyes wide as she stared a the goo. "What if it melts things or blows up, or--”
“Hey--hey, calm down.” Steve soothed, turning on the Harrington charm full force. He reached out, putting a hand on Robin's shoulder. “If it was going to melt don’t you think it’d have gone through the container?”
Gareth watched it happen with a raised eyebrow--he more than anyone knew Steve didn’t often casually reach out to people like that. Logic said he was doing it because Buckley looked actually panicked and Steve was a fucking softie at heart but--
Logic also said that Eddie wouldn’t read it that way.
Sure enough, Gareth cut a glance towards his best friend and found him watching Steve soothe Robin’s fears with a stiff back, hands clenched at his sides.
“Not if that's a special container, Dingus!”
“Maybe she’s right.” Eddie said, voice a touch off and oh, fuck, the jealous bastard was going to make things worse.
Gareth turned to him to give him a warning look, only for Eddie to lean around him entirely.
“Maybe this container is made from a rare metal and if we open it, it’ll chew right through the floor--or a hand, even.” He grinned, a nasty looking thing, before reaching towards the vial. “Only one way to find out
“Eds.” Steve admonished, sending him his own warning look as Robin shrieked out a curse and Stewart danced backwards, away from the group, goo vial in hand. 
“We never did play with it.” Dustin said thoughtfully. “We should experiment, see if we can figure out what it is.”
Which was a far more terrifying sentence than anything Eddie could whip up, because unlike the older teen, Henderson meant it.
“Absolutely not!” Steve and Robin yelled at the same time, before casting surprised looks at each other.
Steve’s face broke into a smile, and for two entire seconds Robin’s looked like it might as well before she caught herself.
Eddie’s own smile sharpened in return, and Gareth groaned inwardly.
If Robin got into a relationship with Steve before he could properly intervene about all things Eddie, Hellfire was going to be in for a rough ride.
(He could already picture it.
Steve, lovestruck and oversharing in front of Eddie, leading to inevitable chaos for everyone else. The man could rival a PTA mom whose cookies were branded “fattening” when he got tangled up in a snit, and Steve dating anyone right now would cause problems--but Robin?
Who spent most of her time insulting him and Hellfire both?
Gareth would gladly suffer another character death in D&D than go through that.)
“Stewart, give it to Hopper.” Steve all but ordered, while Gareth and Eddie both catastrophized in different directions. “Dustin, let Robin listen to the stupid code. See if her oversized brain can figure it out.”
“Oversized?” Robin asked, though they could all tell she was still distracted by the way her eyes were glued to the glue. 
“Oh I’m sorry,” Steve's hand went to his hips, cocking them sideways the way a gangster cocked his gun. “I thought you said you could translate Russian, but if you can’t
Robin went from fearful to offended in an instant.
“Shut up Dingus, of course I can!”
Which was the second time she’d used that nickname in as many minutes. Eddie’s expression darkened, a storm cloud of repressed rage encircling his head, and Gareth resisted the urge to duck for cover. 
“I’ll take it to Hopper but only if someone comes.” Stewart said, seemingly oblivious to the cliff they were all hurtling towards. “That man is terrifying.”
Robin ignored him, sticking a hand out, palm facing upwards. “Give me the code." 
Steve ignored him too, in favor of egging on his coworker. “Show her the recording, Dustin, let’s see the great Robin Buckley in action.” He taunted as Dustin dutifully handed over the tape recorder. 
“Anyone...?” Stewart asked hesitantly, and Gareth made sure not to meet his gaze.
(He already had his hands full with the whole Steve-and-Eddie situation—he was not taking on Hopper too!)
“Guess I’ll go with Stewart then.” Eddie sniped, shoving himself off the counter. “Since you guys would rather play spy with the radio.”
His tone was cutting enough that Steve took notice, a frown flicking into life. 
“What's got into him?” He asked Gareth, puzzled, as Eddie stormed off, loudly commanding Stewart to follow.
“No idea.” He lied. “Now about that code
If he kept them all focused on it, he figured, Dustin would hang around. That would in turn, successfully derail the majority of Steve’s stupid charms--to at least delay things enough that Gareth could pin him down to finally have a talk. 
You know, if Steve finally let him do it.
(Steve did not let him do it.)
Gareth hadn’t believed it was humanly possible to learn a language that fast.
Robin Buckley, apparently, wasn’t anyone. After witnessing her rattle off full sentences with unnerving confidence, he decided he’d never question her abilities again—not for the rest of his natural life.
“I can’t speak it.” Robin corrected when she finally decoded the word they’d all been struggling over. “This is just a basic translation.”
“Yeah, but you actually understand it.” Steve said, clearly impressed. “You had most of the code translated in like, one shift.”
“It still doesn’t sound right though.” Dustin complained, staring at the white board they'd confiscated. “The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly?” 
“You’re forgetting the music.” Steve pointed out and was met by a chorus of groans.
“Yes, the one you’re convinced belongs to the toy horsie ride near the movie theater.” Dustin rolled his eyes, and Gareth rolled his own right along with him.
'Horsie.' Gareth mouthed at Steve, who mouthed it back with a grin. 
Steve was this close to pulling them all towards the damn toy horse, Scoop’s be damned, but that would mean the stupid recording had been done at the mall--and what were the chances of that?
(“Honestly they’re pretty decent, Cerebro can pick up far away signals.” Henderson had started, when Steve first mentioned it, kicking off an entirely separate argument with Robin regarding radio wavelengths and other terms that flew over Gareth’s head.)
“It sounds exactly the same!” Steve protested, with all the conviction of a teenage boy who’d been wronged.
"The point I'm making," Dustin sassed back, "is that your translation sounds like nonsense." He turned to Robin accusingly.  "Ergo, you probably translated it wrong." 
Which almost sent them right back around to the start of the argument they’d been having all morning, but fortunately for Gareth's incoming headache, fate had other ideas. 
“Does anyone else think Billy Hargrove has a screw loose?” The elder teen interrupted with his usual flair, popping up in Scoop’s like a Jack in the Box after sneaking through the door.
No one jumped this time, which appeared to disappoint him greatly.
“The entire high school I suspect. Maybe some teachers. Why?” Robin asked, because she’d grown comfortable with their fast changing screwball conversations.
Gareth thought she might even secretly enjoy some of them, not that he was going to call anyone's attention to that.
Regardless, he watched Eddie warily—this was the first time Eddie had come back to Scoop’s since storming off to take Stewart and the goo to Hopper.
Which he knew they had done, because Eddie had called him afterwards, frantic for a second opinion on whether Hopper had been threatening him, apologizing, or some odd mix of the two.
(“It sounded like he was reading from a script he couldn’t remember,” Eddie had whined. “And he kept insisting he wasn’t trying to growl at me, for some reason?”
“That’s fucking weird man.” Gareth said. “You think someone put him up to it?”
Eddie hesitated, then blurted out, "You don’t think Steve said something, do you?"
"I don’t think he and Steve are that close."
"God, I hope not." Gareth could almost hear the shiver in Eddie’s voice. "Can you imagine?"
He could, actually, but he wasn’t about to share that with Eddie.
Though, the thought of Steve in Scooby Doo pajamas was kind of hilarious

“He's lifeguarding at the pool and he seems a bit more
” Eddie trailed off, clearly fishing for the right word. “Unhinged, than usual.”
“What does that even look like?” Dustin said with a snort. “Is he spitting fire? Did he finally grow horns?”
“Maybe he ate a child.” Gareth added, with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
Eddie was frowning though, instead of piling on. “He’s weird for sure.” He said, which was about as vague as he always got when it came to Billy Hargrove.
Gareth knew why. Hellfire’s fearless leader saw something of himself, or something he could have been, in Hargrove. It was that dumb little empathetic part of him that led him to being who he was--defender of nerds, king of the freaks.
A core part of him, that Gareth, and frankly all of Hellfire loved but

Gareth had locked eyes with Hargrove once. Just passing by, in the hallways.
It felt like locking eyes with a crocodile. Power and violence wrapped up together in a way that felt instinctive--reactionary.
Not exactly something you could reason with.
Eddie saw him differently (saw everyone differently, by his very nature) but this felt an awful lot like playing with a wild animal. The only thing that determined whether you or someone else became dinner was who said animal noticed first.
“You can always ask Max, though Hargrove’s a sore spot for her.” Steve said. He too, Gareth realized, was eyeing Eddie. He had assumed their jock had brushed off the strange behavior from the other day, but maybe he was more perceptive than Gareth had given him credit for—at least when it came to Eddie.
Dustin looked distinctly uncomfortable.
“I wouldn’t ask Max about Billy.” He said, hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck. Very much a first for him, given his usual “charge in anyway” attitude, and thus very noticeable.
“He’s a dick, and he’s working.” Steve dismissed with a shrug.  “Dude’s unhinged, yeah, but he has calmed down a bit.”
Gareth couldn’t have disagreed more. He’d finally gotten the real story behind the Hargrove-Harrington fight—none of the wild rumors like “Harrington tried to date Hargrove’s little sister” or “Hargrove and Harrington started a fight club." 
Now he understood why Billy kept his distance from Steve, but even that uneasy not-quite-truce felt like it could snap at any moment.
(Eddie’s uncanny ability to sense when someone was dealing with something wasn’t exactly helpful in situations like this either.
His strange little internal radar for People In Distress was sharp enough that Gareth was sure Hargrove was grappling with some sort of issue—meaning Eddie, true to form, wouldn’t just leave it alone.
Eddie had always managed to wriggle free from whatever trouble he stumbled into, but this time? This time Gareth was uneasy—probably because Steve had once shown them the too-shiny scar along his hairline, a souvenir from his own run-in with Billy.
Steve was a fighter. A tank. A goddamn paladin. He could weather hits like that and somehow keep going, battered but alive.

Eddie wasn’t built the same. And Gareth had no desire to see just how far luck would stretch.)
“He still buys from me.” The man himself was saying, stubborn conviction coming to life. “I’ll talk to him.”
Steve was alarmed immediately.
“Could you at least take someone with you?” He asked, and Gareth gave it to him--the guy had learned fast that was better than attempting to ask Eddie to not go at all.
“To what? Help protect me against the scary mean jock? I’ll be fine.” Eddie stuck his tongue out to blow a raspberry. “Besides, bringing someone else means I couldn’t just cut and run if he gets uppity.”
Despite all clear and present stressors, the teasing had Steve visibly relaxing.
Apparently Eddie's snits were more obvious than even Gareth had realized.
“I’d love to see you, who I am pretty sure skipped all of PE class but definitely anything involving running, manage that.”
Eddie winked at him. “Trust me big boy, when it comes to my life, I can run.”
“I trust you.” Steve said, painfully earnest. “Just
be careful, yeah? Hargrove’s not
He trailed off and Gareth mentally filled in the rest.
(Not sane was a strong contender, though “Not all there” was equally likely.)
“Just be careful.” Steve finished.
Eddie grinned, before reaching out and booping him on the nose.
“Always am!”
“He’s not.” Gareth said truthfully, as Eddie wiggled his way out of the store. “But I’ll keep an eye on him.”
Steve touched the tip of his nose where Eddie booped it, looking both annoyed and slightly red about it.
“Thanks.” He muttered.
“For you?” Gareth teased, trying to lighten the mood. “Anytime.”
He sent his own, exaggerated wink Steve’s way and basked in the loud boos Robin and Dustin both gave him for it.
In the wee morning hours of 9 AM, Gareth sat on the counter of Scoop’s and tiredly watched as a group of grim men walked by with some sort of construction material covered by a tarp.
The tarp had the words ANODYNE blazed across it--or would have, had someone not taken paint and changed it to “ANAL ONLY.”
(That person might have been Gareth, not that he’d ever tell.)
“So you know how you’ve taken to calling Eddie nicknames?” Gareth started, wondering if the key to all this was just being fast enough to say it before Steve could spin them off topic.
“Yeah?” Steve said.
“You know how you don’t call anyone else by a nickname?”
“I literally called you Gary five minutes ago.” Steve refuted. “Also I’m pretty sure Tiff’s full name isn’t, you know. Tiff.”
“I don’t mean those kinds of nicknames.”
He meant the fact that Steve had decided, after months of tolerating ‘Sunshine’ ‘Sunlight’ and various other variations Eddie came up around the word “sun” he’d finally given Eddie a special nickname of his own.
A cute one even, that had made Eddie blush when he’d first heard it.
“I’m not following.” Steve told him as he flung up the gate that stood guard over Scoop’s Ahoys' entrance, with a motion so smooth Gareth was briefly mad at him for accomplishing it.
Stupid athletes and their jock powers.
“You know damn well what I mean.” He said, exasperated with all the dodging.
Something Steve must have picked up on, because he sighed.
“If you haven’t noticed, Eddie's been kind of clingy lately. Octopus level clingy.” Steve told him as he finished setting up (and Gareth in turn, did absolutely nothing to help. Hey, he wasn't the one getting paid!) 
He didn’t have much time—Robin was apparently opening, and Steve had only gotten there first because of his odd habit of going for morning runs. Since the two of them were determined to crack the stupid code today, Henderson would probably show up soon, too.
Gareth was only up this early out of a love for two friends that he better be thanked for at their wedding. He could be asleep right now but noooo--
“He’s been acting kinda weird, too." Steve continued. "He won’t say why, so I thought giving him a nickname back might make him happy.”
Before Gareth could dig into that, Steve picked up a towel and whipped it towards the younger teen. 
“Now get off my counter, I don’t want to give Robin any reason to bitch at me today.”
Gareth leapt out of the way, mindful of the towel after the first time he learned how much the damn things hurt. “Do you really care what she thinks?”
It was an honest question--Gareth had a hard time getting a read on what, exactly, Steve was trying to accomplish with her.
He got where the You Rule/You Suck board had come from.
Understood how that ballooned into a game where Steve flirted--and greatly annoyed--every chick who waltzed past.
What he couldn’t understand was why Steve was working so hard to be nice to her. From every angle, it seemed like he was trying to win her over. If that’s what Steve wanted, then Gareth wasn’t about to get in the way, but

He needed to stop flirting with Eddie, if that was the case. Needed to be told he was flirting, and that Eddie didn’t deserve it if Steve had no intention of following through.
Steve made a face, like he was trying to decipher his own emotions. “Kind of?”
And finally, Gareth had his opening.
He pounced. 
“Do you like her?” 
“As a person I do.” 
Annoyed with the non-answer, Gareth was quick to lighten the noose. “And as a date?”
Steve wiped down the counter with the towel, once. Twice. 
“Nah.” He admitted. He averted his gaze down into the endless rows of ice cream. “It’s not like that.”
“What’s it like then?” Gareth pressed. 
Steve frowned, chewing on his bottom lip as he thought about the answer. Gareth let him, knowing he got like thi when he was actually thinking something through, and wanted to phrase it the right way.
Pity their time had run up.
“Harrington, what did I say about letting customers in here before we’re officially open!?” Robin snapped as she strode through the back doors, sending a glare Gareth’s way.
“Gary said he wanted to apply to work for us.” Steve returned, sending a downright evil smirk Gareth’s way. “So technically he’s not a customer.”
Robin stopped dead in her tracks to stare at them, eyes narrowed as she attempted to suss out if Steve was lying. “Really?” 
“Absolutely not.” Gareth spat. 
Then, as petty revenge for the denial of the answer he’d been chasing, tattled; “Also Steve forgot to check the walk in.”
Gareth!” Steve called, twisting the towel in his hands like a weapon.
“Sorry, not sorry!” Gareth chanted, bolting for the exit before the towel could strike.
It wasn’t the conversation he’d hoped for, but for the moment, Steve’s little confession felt like a small victory.
A place to start.
And that filled him with absolute glee—until he ran past the construction workers, hollering apologies when he nearly knocked one over (and almost sent the entire group toppling with him).
“My bad! He called over his shoulder, hearing shouts of “Idiot!” “Stupid boy!” and something that sounded suspiciously like Russian—
Which Gareth, of course, understood. He’d spent nearly as much time on the stupid code as Steve and Robin had, after all.
He skidded to a halt, his eyes widening as he looked back at the angry crew, noticing one of the Russian-speaking security guards Eddie had mocked was with them.
There was no way Steve’s wild theory about the code being recorded in the mall was true, except...
When you combined it with the goo vial Stewart had found and the music, it started to look like it might be.
‘Well,’ Gareth thought. ‘Shit.’
111 notes · View notes
clefadrylcorner · 2 years ago
The real loss of Capcom putting Kristoph in the basement is that we can no longer get any more scenes or context about the weird gay shit he and Phoenix had going on. I think they painted eachothers nails and shotgunned cigarettes together during the late hours and explored eachothers bodies once or twice, you know what I mean. I just feel like we could have had a scene where Phoenix talks about him in passing and says some shit like how when they drank together they only used one glass between the two of them; both because they were close and because it guaranteed to Phoenix that he wouldn't be poisoned by Kristoph if they were using the same glass, and then apollo looks at him like he just said he kissed his old boss with tongue. I just think it would be funny, you know
757 notes · View notes
emma-dennehy-presents · 3 days ago
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, finally watched Monkey Man. The Hijra are fucking shit up with Bobby while Dana-Dan is playing in the background. Im losing my shit. I love Bloodywood, Aaj is my trans anthem. I love this fucking movie.
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thefreaklovesmusic · 1 year ago
Bloodywood - Aaj
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lokh · 2 years ago
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niyomalik · 2 years ago
Love certain ones but never get attached to em.
2 notes · View notes
the-prophecy · 2 years ago
Every morning i wake up and let my Spotify decide how I feel the whole day
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that-dinopunk-guy · 8 months ago
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thelonewildgirl · 1 year ago
God! I would love to see these guys live😭😭😭😭😭
0 notes
sp0o0kylights · 11 months ago
Part Eight
We left off: Eddie has an injured leg, Gareth is concussed, there’s a now injured manticore in Hawkins and possibly a moving gate in the walls of the lab, which is storing mysterious, glowing green goo. Prior to all that, Steve was having a breakdown about leaving Hawkins brought on by his parents returning home.
Gareth has noticed Steve’s “crush” on Eddie, *all* of Hellfire is painfully aware of Eddie’s crush on Steve, and Hopper just showed up to the Byers in Scooby Doo pajamas.
Cue the music.
One minute Hopper was shaking a finger at the pile of children on the couch, spittle flying from his mouth as he demanded everyone both talk and shut up--
(“They can’t do both, Jim.”
“I don’t care Joyce, I--”
“Well I care, and you’re in my house, so I suggest you shut up.”
“Fine, but--”
“I was shutting up!”)
--and the next Steve had wrapped Gareth’s own hands around a warm mug, quietly leaning into his ear to ask if he was okay.
Gareth nodded jerkily, blinking back to the present, fighting off the panic attack that had dogged him all night.
“Yup. I’m great--good! I’m totally good.”
Steve snorted (a gross but common Steve sound) but otherwise left Gareth with a squeeze of his shoulder, before taking the other mug he had over to Eddie.
Who, Gareth realized, was staring at Hopper with the resigned air of a man glaring down his own executioner.
“What I don’t understand,” Lucas was saying as Steve tried to get Eddie to take a mug, “is what the manticore’s guarding.”
“You didn’t hear the green goo story?” Dustin said conversationally, like this was a Tuesday and not the middle of the night after a monster attack, head craning around to look at his friend.
Gareth had to give it to the kid, he had balls of fucking iron to ignore the look Hopper was shooting his way.
“Green goo?” Hopper butted in, needing an answer but clearly not eager to hear it
(Behind Gareth, Steve had resorted to physically taking Eddie’s hands, and wrapping them around the mug. He kept them there, fingers over Eddie’s as he leaned in, whispering something into the older teen’s ear, clearly trying to get his attention off Hopper.
It didn’t seem to be working until Steve said--or did--something, and then suddenly Eddie was taking in a shuddering, wobbly breath, eyes darting to look up into Steve’s. He took the mug much the same way Gareth had, though he blanked his face out a hell of a lot faster.)
“Glowing green goo. It’s--wait, where’d that guy go, he explained it really well.” Dustin leaned his entire body out from the couch, looking towards the wall of Hellfire members. “Hey, you! Stuck Stewart!”
Grant and Jeff slid away from Stewart immediately.
Who pointedly dumbly towards himself, squawking out a startled, “Me?”
“Yes, you.” Dustin said, like this was a fucking gameshow. “Tell Hop what you told me.”
As Hopper turned to face them with a startled expression, it became evident that he was just now realizing the teenagers in the kitchen weren't the ones he had expected to encounter.
His gaze swept over them in a clinical assessment, as if memorizing their faces so he could write them up later. Each of them let out a sigh of relief when he moved onto the next person, before his eyes landed on Eddie--and stayed.
“Munson?” He hissed, causing half of Hellfire to flinch.
To Eddie’s credit, he didn't react. Just reclined in the chair like he owned it, and raised the mug of chocolate Steve had just let go of.
“Nice jammies, Hop.” He said in lue of a greeting.
“Ignore him.” Dustin demanded, in a tone that had Jeff and Grant both side eyeing him. “The glowing goo is the important thing here.”
He gestured with his hand in a 'get on with it' motion, shooting an impatient look at Stewart.
Who audibly swallowed.
“So there uh, there was a rumor
” Stewart started, the story coming out in jerky, hesitant waves.
He kept looking at Hopper as if the man would interrupt him at any minute, and Gareth couldn’t tell if he was hoping to be cut off or happy to be allowed to talk.
He got it all out though--the rumors about the goo, the weird trucks and people loitering around town.
How a friend (omitting, Gareth noted with muted amusement, that Mikey was both an adult and the Hideout’s bartender) put it all together, spun it up into some crazy conspiracy theory and fed it to half the town’s best gossips.
The entire time Stewart spoke, Hopper was staring Eddie down.
Hellfire didn’t miss it.
Joyce didn’t either, and even Jonathan looked a bit fidgety.
(The kids looked perfectly fine, but then, they didn’t seem to realize Hopper wasn’t exactly focused on the whole goo thing.)
Stewart’s story ended, tailing off awkwardly when it became clear he had nothing else to add, and that everyone was waiting for Hopper to say something.
” Joyce started, tone low in warning, which seemed to kickstart the chief back to life.
“Right. So we have one group of dumbass teenagers who went into the lab on a dare,” Hopper drawled, in that “don’t you bullshit me” tone cops just loved to use, “a second group of dumbass children who went in because they apparently, haven’t learned their lesson about meddling in government affairs, and Munson here—-”
Hopper flicked a hand at Eddie.
“—-was involved because his friends called him for help and not because the lab is the perfect spot to get high with a large number of people. Do I have that right?”
They all exchanged a nervous look with one another, but no one said a word.
Hellfire as a whole was used to getting their shit rocked by teachers, shop owners, and occasionally, the cops (usually an idiot who wanted to throw their weight around by busting up band practice or searching a car for drugs).
Pissing off the Chief of police though? That was an activity Eddie typically did solo.
And boy was Hopper pissed off, fury building waves as he leaned in like a predator opening its mouth right before it ate its prey.
“This shit? The Upside Down, monster shit? Isn’t something I screw around with. Especially not when my daughter’s involved. So we’re going to try this again, and this time, I want to hear the truth.”
He held up a hand to halt the explosion of protests from the kids section without bothering to even look in their direction.
“From Munson.” He finished, crossing his arms over his chest.
Eddie answered by taking a noisy slurp from his mug.
Gareth winced, but this sort of back and forth was par the course for a Munson-Hopper encounter, and he knew better than to get in the middle of it.
Steve, apparently, did not.
“Stewart just told you the truth.” He said flatly, giving Hopper a look that was just as stubborn as the chief’s own.
Who very much did not appreciate it.
“You said it yourself.” Steve interrupted, holding firm against the chief’s scowl. “The Upside Down isn’t something we screw around with.”
“Tell him, Steve!” Dustin crowed from the couch.
“Shut it.” Steve and Hopper responded in unison, and then did a remarkable job of pretending they hadn’t said a word.
(Gareth had the worst vision of Steve in an alternate life as a police officer. A deputy maybe, with shaved hair, constantly chewing on tobacco and fucking up poor people’s lives. He’d probably have an obnoxious nickname. Like Gator or some shit.
Thank God Hellfire had gotten there first.)
“I was there when they called Eddie.” Steve continued, before Hopper could growl something out. “If we were all doing drugs, we’d still be high, and Eddie wouldn’t have teeth marks in his thigh.”
There was yet another pause, in which Gareth was fairly sure the tension was going to give him a heart attack.
Within it, Hopper did a double take, noting Eddie’s injury for the first time--and how he only had one pant leg, the other replaced by a stark white bandage and pale skin.
“Fine.” He grit out, teeth clenched so tight Gareth thought they might shatter against each other. “Is there anything else I should know about the ‘goo story’ then?”
“You missed the part where El wouldn’t let us call you, because she felt you wouldn’t listen to her.” Mike snarked from El’s right.
“Wonder why.” Max added darkly, from her own spot on El’s left. “Don’t you have a walkie? Why didn’t you answer the code red?”
Apparently, they had decided Steve had won this entire exchange, and it was safe to dogpile on their own displeasure. Gareth was absolutely astounded that the glare Hopper turned their direction didn’t melt them all on the spot.
(Likely, given how this all seemed to be a normal encounter for everyone involved, they were used to it.
Gareth was very much not.)
Hopper whipped his head around to Mike, anger still simmering, “And I’m sure you, Michael Wheeler, didn’t have any qualms about not calling me.”
“He did not want me to go either.” El said bluntly. “I told him you would not listen, and if either of you stopped me, people would die.”
She nodded then, towards Stewart, as if to indicate he was one such person.
For the second time that night, Stewart pointed at his own chest, eyes saucer wide.
“No one else,” El finished grimly, “will die.”
The chief dragged his hands through his hair and then down his face.
“Alright.” He forced out. “I get your point-- but! We’re talking about how you went about this later. Not now!” He added, before the kids could erupt. “Later!”
“So what are we going to do about the Manticore?” Mike spat the question more so than he said it, but Gareth was happy someone was bringing that part up.
Because monster problem or not--what the fuck were they going to do about it?
Since the Chief of Police was here, did that mean the entire police force knew there were monsters in Hawkins? Was there some kind of--monster hunting squad that went around at night?
The more he thought about it the more questions he had, and in turn, the more Gareth’s anxiety threatened to mutiny once again, which was not helped by the concussion he was positive he’d acquired.
Hopper scoffed, “We are not doing anything. We are going back to bed after I call your parents and tell them you’ve been out all night!”
Groans filled the room, the sound of children facing a future grounding, en mass.
“Then,” he continued loudly, “I’ll call Owens.”
“And if Owens doesn’t do anything?” Dustin challenged. “‘Cause he clearly didn’t clean up well last time. Are we just going to let a manticore run around? What if more come through? What if--”
“Just because none of you trust me doesn’t mean I don’t do my job,” Hopper interrupted, “which includes knowing what to do if this shit came back. We adults did discuss that after last time, believe it or not.”
Gareth was old enough to school the doubt off his face, but the kids had no such qualms.
“What Hop means is that we need to have a little more faith in him.” Joyce soothed, and Gareth noticed that unlike a lot of adult men he’d been around, Hopper let her. “He’ll make sure it’s taken care of.”
“This just means we’re waiting until he falls in a hole again.” Mike stage whispered to Will, who coughed hard to hide his laugh.
“There aren’t any holes this time!” Hopper screeched, voice rising in pitch.
“Okay, okay, enough.” Joyce pacified, moving to stand in the middle of the room (notably,between the harpy children and Hopper). “What’s important is that everyone lived, we know there’s a thing in the lab, and that no one is going back for it until it’s dead. Agreed?”
She paused, and when no such agreements came, hardened her voice in a way that had every person under eighteen snapping to attention. “Agreed!?”
“Yes.” Chorused the children (and at least three members of Hellfire.)
“Good.” Joyce nodded so hard her hair bounced. Putting her hands on her hips, she added; “Now we start the process of getting all of you home.”
“Someone get me the phone, we’re starting with you Wheeler.” Hopper tacked on.
Mike just flung himself back into the couch with a dramatic eye roll and a not so subtle raise of his middle finger.
“As for the rest of you, get out.” Hopper said, weaving past Steve to get to the phone in the kitchen.
A second later, when it was clear no one had moved, he poked his head around the corner.
“Do I need to call all your parents too?” He demanded, as Hellfire dumbly stood there. “Get!”
Hellfire got.
Hopper grabbed Steve right before he’d left, muttering something about needing to talk to him and Jonathan.
Eddie chose to hang back, propping himself on the van's hood, and Gareth, not wanting to go home, opted to keep him company
“Hopper’s not going to eat him.” He whispered, when two minutes dragged into seven and the fidgeting got to be too much for him.
“True, but he's catching hell because Hopper's not buying his story." Eddie retorted, voice equally hushed.
As if raising their voices might summon Hopper and his fiery temper right to them.
"It's nothing we haven't heard before," Gareth remarked, resisting the urge to suggest once more that Eddie get off his leg and go sit in the car.
“There weren't monsters before.” Eddie countered, mouth around a hangnail.
“Doesn’t matter.”
“It might.” Eddie muttered darkly. “If Hopper makes it matter, it fucking might.”
“How the hell is Hopper going to make it matter?" Gareth mused aloud, though deep down, he already knew.
Eddie was Hellfire's guardian, both within and beyond the school walls. Being with him meant having a shield to hide behind, protection against the casual cruelty the people of Hawkins were so fond of.
Sure, there were mean kids, nasty teachers, and even the occasional unpleasant gas station attendant, but they weren't the real issue—not by a long shot.
It was the ones who looked at Eddie and truly believed some of the bullshit.
Hopper didn’t act like the church folk. The ones who sent their pastors and youth leaders out on the warpath, knocking on doors and setting up outside of businesses.
Those individuals had attempted to drive away Eddie's friends before, thinking they could "rescue them" in the process—Gareth himself had once endured a week of being stalked by some idiot he had stood up to in Eddie's defense.
The man had made it his mission, and Gareth, too young at the time to know better, had felt helpless as every adult he turned to dismissed the blatant stalking.
All because that "nice" youth leader claimed he just wanted to help.
The asshole had practically hunted Gareth down-- always making himself known, always accompanied by a friend or two. A couple of little comments in his pocket, ready and waiting, and a grin that didn’t match his eyes.
The words he said weren’t threats, but the tone he said them in was.
Eddie got it worst of all of them though, when the church crowd started.
Their attention wasn’t always on him, and truthfully they hadn’t really put any real energy into their own bullshit for a few years now--but they always came back to him.
Like he was an old and favored chew toy, and if they just tried hard enough, they’d crack him in two.
Which meant this wasn’t about what Hopper said.
It’s what he could do.
Thankfully Steve appeared before Eddie could spiral further, looking surprised to see them still waiting.
“Oh.” He ran a hand through his hair as he came down the stairs. “You guys didn’t have to stay.”
Eddie shot him a flat look.
"And leave you alone with Hopper?"
"I wasn't exactly alone, but thanks."
Steve's smile was slight, tinged with relief, and Eddie fell right into him, leaning into Steve's space (and making a show of his limp as he did).
“We were going to ask if you’re coming back with us anyway. Figure you might not want to go back to your place after tonight.” He said, as if he and Gareth had discussed any such thing.
You waited outside just to tell me that?" Steve asked, a hint of amusement in his voice as he gently pushed Eddie back. "Ed, you should be sitting in your car, off that leg."
(Not that Steve wanted Eddie to go far, Gareth noted with his own amusement, as Steve stepped to follow.)
"I tried telling him that, but he wouldn't listen!" He tattled to Steve, simply because he could.
He got a middle finger behind Eddie’s back in retaliation.
“I figured it’d piss Hopper right off if I offered you a place to crash right after he warned you away from me.” Eddie said, ignoring the both of them.
“He didn’t warn me away.” Steve said, beginning the process of herding the older teen into his van.
Eddie let out a snort. "Seriously? That wasn't a full-blown 'rethink your life choices, hanging out with trash like him' speech?”
“You’re not trash.”
Eddie snorted again, hasher this time before glancing away.
He was entirely unprepared for Steve to reach out, catching him by the arm much the same way Hopper had caught him.
“Eddie.” Steve said, abruptly serious. “You’re not trash.”
He said it like he meant it, voice low, eyes drilling into Eddie’s.
Gareth couldn't tear his own eyes away, even though that stare wasn't even intended for him.
“No one here is trash,” Steve declared firmly. “Hopper was just asking if Jonathan and I could babysit El for a couple of nights while he’s working. But even if he had tried to tell me I couldn't hang out with you, I would have told him to shove it. Like you said earlier today—we don’t abandon our friends, and we don’t leave them to deal with stuff alone.”
Gareth knew his best friend like the back of his hand and that level of honesty?
It was too much for Eddie, and normally, he’d run.
Was in fact, a little more than infamous for bolting when confronted about his own insecurities.
Maybe it was because Eddie's leg was in no shape for him to run, or maybe it was the reassuring grip of Steve's hand on his arm. It could even have been the intensity in Steve's gaze, as if he could convince Eddie of anything just by staring at him--but Eddie didn’t move.
He didn't even avert his gaze, although Gareth half expected him to.
“If you say so.” He tried to sing-song the words but they fell flat. “Let’s go, the Munson couch awaits us.”
Steve didn’t say anything about how Eddie pulled himself away, backing out of range.
He watched him though.
Even after Eddie had turned around, waving a hand at Gareth to get into the drivers seat.
Steve kept watching until Gareth nudged him out of it, murmuring a quiet “Come on, dude” to get him going too.
Saw the little frown line burrow its way into Steve’s forehead, like he’d figured out part of a puzzle that had long evaded him, and didn’t like the answer he’d come too.
(Gareth himself didn’t have time for any such revelations, given he faced the monstrous task of driving Eddie’s van.
His learners permit quaked in his wallet at the mere thought, but somehow, they made it back in one piece anyway.)
Steve had reassured them that feeling restless was normal after
(There wasn’t a word strong enough to capture the intensity of the last few hours.
Gareth eventually stopped trying, accepting it as a blur of horror, anxiety, and impending dread. It felt like a nightmare that others remembered vividly but faded for him, like a movie becoming less real once you left the theater.)
Their conversation centered around going through the last few years, Steve filling in holes that made life make a hell of a lot more sense compared to all the bullshit the government had come up with.
None of it sounded real, and several pieces had Eddie and Gareth both gawking, but after the lab?
Not a part of it could be easily discounted.
Gareth couldn’t pinpoint when he finally succumbed to sleep.
Hadn’t intended too, and knew immediately upon clawing back to reality that his back was in a world of hurt from the way he’d curled into Wayne’s ancient armchair.
It was still dark outside, the lights warm on the inside of the trailer, and he figured he couldn’t have been out for long.
The blurry red 5:05 from his watch confirmed his suspicions, and Gareth got two seconds to wonder if this is his life now--catching whatever sleep he can in weird little bursts-- before harsh whispering picked up to his left.
The Munson’s living room was small. Small enough for Eddie to know better about how the sound carries, even if he was whisper-fighting.
Or at least, whisper-arguing, anyway.
“I just wish you’d see yourself the way everyone else sees you.” Steve was saying, sounding both bitchy and confused. Like he couldn’t quite believe he was having such a stupid conversation, but was going to point out the obvious anyway.
Eddie wasn’t doing much better, his words as sharp as the knife he’d used to stab the manticore.
“What, as the town freak? The local satanist? The ugly queer who's out to steal the children?”
Gareth managed to sneak a peak in time to see Eddie’s face twisted in disgust.
“Not those assholes--the ones that know you. Everyone that matters.” Steve countered, easily and immediately. “The Hellfire Club, Wayne, Dustin.”
There was a pause, but he could have sworn he heard Steve follow up with a quiet but hopeful, “Me.”
Gareth twisted ever so slightly, giving himself an eyeful of the room.
Both his friends sat on the couch facing each other. They were close, like they’d been sharing snacks or body heat before things had gone south, Eddie’s hands nearly missing smacking into Steve’s face as he gestured.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” Steve continued doggedly.
Eddie’s hands froze in air, before he could make whatever gesture he’d intended.
“I said I’m sorry.” Steve repeated, that painful sincerity Gareth would have never guessed him capable of on full display. “For the part I played in calling you all that shit. You’re none of those things, Eddie. You’re the opposite of all of it.”
The hands dropped into Eddie’s lap, like twin birds shot out of the sky.
“I am, though.” He muttered.
Steve’s frown deepened, his reassurance quick. “No, you’re not.”
“Yeah, Steve. I am.”
“Okay, fine.” Angry, Steve leaned forward into Eddie’s space.
Backed into the side of the couch and wall as he was, it trapped Eddie quite nicely.
“I know the parents down at the church don’t know the difference between D&D and actual demons, but I do. So unless you suddenly learned how to be quiet about fucking ritual sacrifice of all things, then I refuse to buy that you’re a literal Satanist and not just engaging in the drama.”
Gareth saw the moment Eddie realized he was pinned, that he wasn’t getting out of his conversation without shoving Steve back.
Knew this was building into a blow up before Eddie’s mouth even opened.
“Iïżœïżœïżœm not a Satanist, but I definitely am queer.” He shot back, eyes hard. “So you can shove whatever grand ideas you’re having about my character back up your ass.”
Gareth hadn’t moved much, years of living with his siblings making it possible to watch what’s happening without alerting anyone in the room that he was awake, but he almost ruined it with how quickly he sucked in his own breath.
Steve was a good guy.
Had been a good guy to them, but there have been plenty of other “good guys” Gareth knew who suddenly weren’t so great the second Eddie’s sexuality came up.
It’s why Gareth himself hadn’t often admitted to his own muddled sexuality, too afraid of getting the same bullshit aimed his way.
Why would anyone want to pursue men, after watching more than a few realize they liked Eddie and promptly lose their shit so hard they became a danger to any man who so much as looked at them the wrong way?
It was terrifying--and so was the realization that Gareth can’t kick Steve’s ass. 
He doesn’t want to even try, but gets himself ready for emotional upheaval anyway--and whatever may come after.
Even if they’re all dead on their feet from fighting a literal monster.
‘Excellent fucking timing Eds.’ He thought sourly, despite the guilt of thinking it. It’s not Eddie’s fault--and Steve’s reaction, whatever it may be, isn’t either.
'God does it suck to be gay in a rural ass, small town.'
Thankfully, Steve doesn’t pull away.
Doesn’t act like Eddie’s got a contagious disease like some of the basketball team does, or like it’s his God given duty to either rid the earth of him now that Eddie’s finally admitted to what half the town has accused him of being, or have some violent crisis over his own clearly repressed gay crush. 
Is still very much in Eddie’s space, even if he’s being awfully quiet--for long enough that Gareth can see Eddie start to shut down.
“Okay.” Steve said finally, clearly knowing he needs to say something but seemingly struggling to figure out what, “But you’re not evil, and you’re definitely not stealing children, so you’re beating out the US government.”
“Oh boy, I beat out the government that’s kidnapping and torturing people! Such a high bar.”
Steve winced. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Yeah? What did you mean then?” Eddie challenged. “We both know you’re not the kind to want to associate with the queers.”
“I didn't, I--” Steve took a breath, fumbling and knowing it. “I know I've been an asshole in the past, and I also know I was wrong."
He stared hard at Eddie. "I don’t care if you’re gay. That doesn’t, that shouldn’t--matter.”
Eddie met his gaze. 
“I don’t believe you.” 
Between them sat all the times Steve, or a former friend of his, decided a random victim was queer. The knowing smirks and taunts that followed after they spewed out various slurs.
How some of the rumors they started stuck around. 
Steve had never really engaged with a lot of the bullying people often attributed to him as King of the Jockstraps, but he wasn't an innocent bystander either, and Gareth couldn't fault Eddie for challenging that change of heart. 
Even now, after Steve had long vacated his throne. 
“Well that sucks for you then, doesn’t it?” Steve snapped. “Because I’m not going anywhere, Munson. You can mack on some dude all you like, and I’m still going to be there to remind you you’re not evil for doing it. Or for being into nerdy shit and terrible music!”
“My music isn’t terrible!” Eddie screeched automatically.
Gareth anticipated Eddie calling out Steve on his obvious bait—seriously, that wouldn’t have worked in a game even with a nat 20—but found himself underestimating Steve's bantering skills as their ex-jock just plowed right ahead.
“It is! It’s just--screaming. Screaming with loud ass guitars!”
“Oh my God, I am going to sit you down and make you listen to so many albums. The screaming is a core part of the range of emotions in the songs--”
“Range? Eddie there isn’t any range, it’s just dudes who are angry--”
“Fuck you, it is not!” Eddie was howling, both of them too into their argument to remember they were trying to be quiet to begin with.
“I bet you five dollars! Five entire dollars, that you could not find me a singular song I like out of your entire metal collection.”
“Ten dollars! And the largest Pizza this shithole town has to offer!”
“Deal!” Steve shouted, chest heaving.
They breathed together for a moment, before the tension between them fizzled out, fading into something more uncertain.
Delicate, even though Gareth was fairly certain Steve had expertly maneuvered Eddie right where he wanted him.
Eddie seemed to realize it too, folding back into himself as he tugged a finger around his hair, pulling it in front of his face.
“You really wouldn't care if I kissed a guy in front of you?” Eddie's question isn't overtly vulnerable, but Gareth knows better.
He understands the significance of this.
Of Steve’s acceptance, more than anyone else's.
The jock had become so deeply bonded to them—all of them—that the rejection would wound Eddie in a way few could truly understand. Crack his otherwise impenetrable shield, the ricochet tearing through a substantial portion of his resilience.
“And I'd probably tell you to find a room, but hey, I said that to Tommy and Carol too,” Steve retorts, nudging Eddie's thigh.
Eddie rewards him with a small smile
Steve seems to know more is needed, and offers it up right alongside his heart. “I’m serious. I know I kinda butchered it but--the queer thing shouldn’t be a problem to begin with. It’s stupid that it is.”
"Steven Harrington, did I just witness personal growth?" Eddie teased, his smile widening. "What's next, admitting that college sports are ridiculous?"
“Don’t be a dick,” Steve scoffed, but his own smile mirrored Eddie’s as he looked away. 
Despite his head still partly tucked into his arm, Gareth found himself grinning.
It was a welcome relief after an otherwise horrific night.
Sensing it was now or never, Gareth made a show of untangling himself, stretching upward with a moan that startled both Eddie and Steve.
“Be careful saying that shit, Steve,” He said, jerking a thumb towards his best friend. “He’ll take it as an invitation to make out with people in front of you.”
Eddie gasped, hand flying over his heart in mock offense.
“I would never!”
“He’s a real horndog, once he even tried to make out with a guy on stage on top of my drumset.” Gareth continued, sticking out his tongue.
He deserved the pillow thrown his way but Gareth took the hit with grace, laughing as Eddie huffed at him.
“For the last time I wasn’t making out with that guy, he was trying to punch me!”
“With his mouth?”
“With his head, which you damn well know."  Eddie accused, clawing blindly for another pillow. "Gareth you are shameless, how long have you been listening in!?”
“As much as I enjoy the calming effects of mindless screaming, I'd wager it was when you guys conveniently forgot I was in the room."
“I take it you uh, know?” Steve injected hesitantly, eyes moving between Eddie and Gareth and oh--oh, he was being protective.
'That’s cute.' Gareth thinks.
Even if he’s rolling his eyes at the very idea that he posses any kind of threat.
“Dude, I clocked Eddie before he clocked me.” He said, just to take some heat from Eddie--and because it was one of the few opportunities where he could say it. “We’ve spent many a math period discussing if Sting was hotter than Axl Rose.”
If Eddie can be brave, Gareth could too.
“You did not.” Eddie spits back, the offense mounting. “You absolutely did not clock me first you lying liar--”
“Oh.” Steve blinked, finger flicking out between them as if he’s connected two dots and feels awfully stupid about not seeing it before. “I uh, I didn’t, are you guys--”
And oh, the horror that crashes into Gareth when he figured out what Steve was asking.
“No! God no.” Gareth shuddered, delighting in the way Eddie’s jaw crashed down at the sight. “And if I ever consider it, I need you to take me out back and shoot me, Steve. Right between the eyes, for the greater good.”
“Wow Gary, just stick a knife in my back why don’t you--”
“I’m gonna be real,” Steve cut in, before they could fake-argue their way into a real fight, “I never actually thought about liking both. Guys and girls, I mean.”
He blushed, as both Gareth and Eddie turned to look at him.
“Oh Stevie,” Eddie cooed, “there are so many more options than just "liking both.”
He made air quotes with his fingers, attention immediately diverted away from murdering Gareth with whatever objects he could grab. 
Steve gave him a side eye that was more than well deserved.
“I feel like I don’t want to know.” He said flatly.
“Too late.” Gareth told him, resigned. “You get to hear the speech now.”
“There’s a speech?”
“Steve, it's me. Of course there’s a speech.” Eddie tutted, resettling himself on the couch so that he’s sitting cross legged. “It’s an hour long so strap yourself in big guy, we have a lot of ground to cover!”
Crisis firmly averted, Gareth curls back up in the chair, tired smile on his face as Steve and Eddie go right back to bantering, the tension having vanished from the room.
This is a rare outcome, given their life and the world they live in, but one Gareth’s incredibly thankful for.
Can’t quite believe it, but then, King Steve had surprised a lot of them ever since he’d hung up his crown.
Perhaps Hellfire was a good influence on people after all.
Back at the Byers, outside on the front porch, Hopper and Joyce were arguing over a cigarette.
(They both believe they’re being very quiet about it, but the pillow Jonathan had jammed over his ears said otherwise.)
“Remind me to make you work on your approach with disciplining children.” Joyce was saying, as she snatched the cigarette out of Hopper’s hands.
“What?! I thought that went pretty well considering they broke back into the lab and almost killed themselves.” He responded, waiting until she’d taken a deep inhale before trying to get it back.
“And I’m sure taking potshots at the poorest kid in the room was a necessary part of that process. It’s probably written down in the police handbook, even.”
“I wasn’t taking potshots Joyce--”
“No, of course not, you were just throwing random criticism and assumptions around, willy nilly and--oh, wait, that’s the exact definition of a potshot--”
“He deals drugs! Look me in the eyes and tell me Munson doling out weed doesn’t make more sense then the lot of them chasing down some--some goo story!?”
There’s a weighty pause, in which one can only imagine Joyce Byers face says more words than her mouth ever could.
It was very impactful.
“I mean--okay, maybe not our kids, but the teenagers?” Hopper’s voice dives into a disbelieving kind of whine, reserved for those who are aware the point they’re arguing may in fact, be wrong, but are desperately defending it anyway. “Come on. Drugs is the clear answer!" 
“Even if that was what was happening, then you shouldn’t be discussing it in a room full of children who have survived what those kids have, Jim. It could have been a separate conversation, given in a much calmer and less threatening tone of voice.”
“Oh my God, Joyce--”
“Don’t you ‘oh my God!’ me, you asked for lessons on being a better parent and I am holding you to them!”
There’s a brief scuffle over the cigarette, as both seem to realize Joyce is letting it smoke out in her hand.
She does not stop talking however, even as their hands slap at each other. 
“That includes parenting the teenagers in this town, because in case you haven’t noticed, you’re the Chief of police! So you signed up to see them all at their worst, and you get to deal with the fallout of that!”
“Fine! Fine. I’ll apologize to the goddamn high school drug dealer. Is that what you want!?”
Another pause, this one filled with that awkward sort of tension when an argument has fizzled out, and neither party knows quite where they stand with each other yet.
“What voice am I supposed to use?” Hopper mused, finally winning the bid for the cigarette and jamming it into his mouth.
“Anyone except the grumbly bear voice.”
“The grumbly bear voice?”
“You know,” Joyce drops her own voice in a comical rendition of Hopper’s, “How dare you kids run off! You’ll be the death of me and this town!”
She laughs, and Hopper, shockingly, laughs along with her.
“I don’t sound like that.” He defends, bumping Joyce gently with his shoulder, and she in return, bumps him right back.
Both of them grinning, both of them blushing a little.
They keep talking, the cigarette eventually put aside and forgotten as they do.
Truth be told, they hadn’t needed it--but the excuse was nice.
(Inside, Jonathan rolled the pillow on top of his face in a suffocation attempt, unsure of what he’d done in life to deserve all this but desperately wishing he didn’t have to listen to his mother flirt.
Or worse--Hop flirting back.)
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clefadrylcorner · 2 years ago
Finished apollo justice!
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emma-dennehy-presents · 3 days ago
All the Monkey Man talk and I didnt hear Bloodywood mentioned once. I demand you all listen to them right now. (not their song on the soundtrack, but my fave and personal trans anthem)
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getmeupsocial · 1 year ago
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thebharatexpress · 2 years ago
Aaj Ka Rashifal May 18 2023: à€Šà„‹à€žà„à€€ à€žà„‡ à€†à€°à„à€„à€żà€• à€źà€Šà€Š à€źà€żà€Čà„‡à€—à„€, à€‘à€«à€żà€ž à€źà„‡à€‚ à€•à€Ÿà€ź à€•à„€ à€€à€Ÿà€°à„€à€« à€čà„‹à€—à„€
Aaj Ka Rashifal May 18 2023 : Rashifal Today May 18 2023: à€Șà€Ÿà€°à€żà€”à€Ÿà€°à€żà€• à€Șà„à€°à€€à€żà€·à„à€ à€Ÿ à€Źà€ąà€Œà„‡à€—à„€à„€ à€§à€Ÿà€°à„à€źà€żà€• à€•à€Ÿà€°à„à€Ż à€źà„‡à€‚ à€°à„à€šà€ż à€Čà„‡à€‚à€—à„‡à„€ à€‰à€Șà€čà€Ÿà€° à€Żà€Ÿ à€žà€źà„à€źà€Ÿà€š à€źà„‡à€‚ à€”à„ƒà€Šà„à€§à€ż à€čà„‹à€—à„€à„€ à€œà„€à€”à€šà€žà€Ÿà€„à„€ à€•à€Ÿ à€žà€čà€Żà„‹à€— à€źà€żà€Čà„‡à€—à€Ÿà„€ Rashifal Today: à€†à€œ à€•à€Ÿ à€źà„‡à€· à€°à€Ÿà€¶à€żà€«à€Č: à€†à€°à„à€„à€żà€• à€źà€Ÿà€źà€Čà„‹à€‚ à€źà„‡à€‚ à€Șà„à€°à€—à€€à€ż à€čà„‹à€—à„€à„€ à€§à€Ÿà€°à„à€źà€żà€• à€Żà€Ÿ à€źà€Ÿà€‚à€—à€Čà€żà€• à€•à€Ÿà€°à„à€Ż à€źà„‡à€‚ à€čà€żà€žà„à€žà„‡à€Šà€Ÿà€°à„€ à€°à€čà„‡à€—à„€à„€ à€°à€šà€šà€Ÿà€€à„à€źà€• à€•à€Ÿà€°à„à€Żà„‹à€‚ à€źà„‡à€‚ à€žà€«à€Čà€€à€Ÿ à€°à€čà„‡à€—à„€à„€ à€†à€œ à€•à€Ÿ à€”à„ƒà€·à€­ à€°à€Ÿà€¶à€żà€«à€Č Taurus Horoscope Today Aaj Ka Rashifal May 18 2023 à€Șà€Ÿà€°à€żà€”à€Ÿà€°à€żà€•â€Š
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the-prophecy · 2 years ago
Tomorrow my dept has their event and like it's organised by us third year's only and there are like 200 people coming over and we also have a stall set and have to be there shift by shift and interact with other and chef guest ko gift Dena he and it's gonna be chaos
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