#Aaaaaaaaaaah! *screams into a pillow*
aiura-stan · 2 years
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look im not a Saiteru shipper, but Teruhashi’s thoughts being the last and most extensive that break through to Saiki, and her request being a prayer to God, which Saiki answers, and then immediately admits that he likes troublesome things, really fucking gets me
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ccinnamongrl · 2 years
Niecy Nash's wife pretty sure their name is Jessica is just so so AAAAAAAAAAAH ~screaming into my pillow~
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Lol that relatable moment when someone is so frickin cute and u wanna tell them but u have an ugly ass voice and an ugly ass voice so u cant and also it's an actual conversation so u can't scream into your pillow for 5 minutes because that's weird so u just smile weirdly and ramble and aaaaAAAAAAAH
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straynstay · 5 years
Jeongin - Hybrid AU!
Happy Birthday, Innie ♡
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you rolled on the bed trying to go back to sleep when your alarm went off for the third time 
but your eyes quickly opened when you remembered what day is today
today is February 8th, Jeongin’s 19th birthday
the day you both were waiting for since you were just toddlers running around the backyard
Jeongin was finally a grown up and could leave the house after years of ruthless waiting
you got up tripping over your own legs and ran downstairs
“wake up, wake up, wake uuup!” you bursted into his room and threw yourself on his back
“whaaaat” Jeongin complained burying his face in the pillow, but you wouldn’t let him sleep again
“get up, we have so much to do, c’mon!” you shook his body lightly
“no” he replied and waved his tail under the light blanket covering his body
“Jeongiiiin” you whined, but he didn’t seem to change his mind
you blew the soft white hair on the inside of his fluffy ear, making it twitch
“stop” he said laughing, so you blew it again
“get up, birthday boy, we’ve been waiting for this day for too long” you hugged his body
“oh yeah, it’s today” Jeongin turned around carefully, trying not to let you fall, and placed his hands on your hips to keep you close
“happy birthday” you smiled finally seeing his sleepy face
“thanks, but your breath smells”
“shut up” you rolled your eyes
“you shut up” he said mimicking you
“c’mon, get up” you gave two quick taps on his chest and got ready to push yourself up when he suddenly rolled you to his side instead, placing the light blanket on both of you
“five more minutes, I need to get 9 hours of sleep and you woke me up before that” Jeongin complained curling his body a bit and wrapping his tail softly on your leg
you smiled seeing him closing his eyes and falling asleep immediately
you were amazed to notice how much he grew before your eyes and become this handsome man
he had always been cute, but now his baby features were slowly disappearing to show a strong manly face with piercing eyes
Jeongin’s good looks have been knocking you off of your feet lately
not to mention his adorable smile and bright personality that could make even your worst days better in an instant
Jeongin is such an important part of your life ever since you were born that you don’t even know how it is to live without him
his mom, a rare Fennec fox hybrid like him, was pregnant and got rescued nineteen years ago by your mother
Fennec hybrids were being hunted because of their soft fur, a relic for rich people to use as coat, hat, scarf or even as a rug
Jeongin’s mom was able to run away, but his father was captured
she was in terrible conditions when your mom accidentally found her on the way home
they quickly became friends because your mom was also expecting, so they easily bonded over their pregnancies
although you were born first, Jeongin grew up faster than you
when you were learning how to walk, he was already running on the backyard
but the differences between you were more than just physical 
Jeongin’s mom never stoop foot outside the house again, and forbade Jeongin to the same
you, a human, could go out and have fun, study, see everything the world had to offer, but the small Fennec hybrid no
but this was never an impediment for your friendship
you would always pick up flowers, rocks, bugs or whatever you could find that you’d think Jeongin would like to see 
Jeongin was always happy with your small gifts, but your heart would break everyday watching him wave timidly from behind the curtains of your room when you walked to school
you wanted to take him with you, you wanted to show him around
make him smell the flowers without having to pluck them out
see the bugs making their way across the grass
play on your school’s playground…
you wanted him to live like you!
so when you were six years old, you began bothering his mom to let him go out
and you kept bothering until his 8th birthday, when she said he could go out on his 19th birthday since he would become a legal adult by then
and so you both waited impatiently for eleven years to go by
it seems too much, but now that you are facing him asleep it felt like it was just last week that you were both scared and screaming when you lost your first tooth
you chuckled a little remembering his crying face telling you he’d make porridge for you everyday if you somehow became toothless overnight
oh, those were amazing days, but now you’ll finally be able to show Jeongin the world
his alarm went off and he quickly opened his eyes, feeling more rested than before
“ready to begin your day?” you asked
“ready” he smiled brightly
you were probably more excited than Jeongin, to be honest
you got everything set, including your camera to capture the whole journey, and went out in your mom’s car to show him as many places as possible
the only thing Jeongin’s mom asked was for you both to come back before sunset because she was still scared of the dark outside, and you obviously couldn’t say no
if today went fine, maybe going out could become something normal for him
as for today, Jeongin tried looking like a regular young man, hiding his fluffy ears with a red beret and tucking his tail on his jeans
he was probably uncomfortable, but it’s better to be safe than sorry
“alright, fasten your seatbelt and let’s go”
“how do I do it?” Jeongin looked at you and you remembered this is also his first time inside a car
he’s seen several movies, he knows how to use technology and whatnots, but knowing what a car is and experiencing being inside one are two things completely different, so you helped him out
“like this” you hovered over his body pulling the seatbelt to lock it in place
“this is tight… what is it for?”
“to prevent major injuries if any accident happens” you replied moving the car
“wow, it’s moving!” Jeongin widened his eyes and grabbed the seat near his thighs
“yeah, this is what cars do” you laughed a little at his innocence to the outside world
“they also do this” you said hitting the gas and speeding up fast
“AAAAAAAAAAAAH” Jeongin screamed grabbing the seat tighter “I DONT WANNA BE HERE, LET ME OUT, LET ME OUT”
you were laughing like crazy while slowing down
“this is gonna be so funny, oh gosh…”
“I hate cars” Jeongin pouted with tears filling his eyes
“I’m sorry, Innie, I had to mess with you” you placed your hand on his knee 
Jeongin was grateful that his tail was hidden so you wouldn’t see it twitch because of your sudden touch
“you’re never doing this again, right?”
“right” you nodded holding the wheel with both hands “we’re already on our first spot”
“really?” Jeongin looked outside while you parked the car
you had no idea what was going on inside his head seeing so many different things at once
but you were glad you’re the one making this memory with him
and you hoped he’d enjoy his day
“so?” you inquired seeing him trying milkshake
you were carrying the bags of his recent shopping because you wanted him free to explore downtown
you lived in a small town, there wasn ‘t too much to see there, but you both had already explored a lot of shops and hung out at the park, which Jeongin loved
and you were happy to see him being so carefree and excited for the first time in his life
“it’s really thick, but it’s tasty” he licked his lips sipping more and more nonstop
it was too late when you tried to warn him
“aaaaaaaaaaah” he said closing his eyes tightly and holding his head with his free hand
“your first brain freeze, congrats” you laughed at his pained expression and snapped a pic
“this is terrible, but is also good, I can’t explain”
“this pretty much sums up everything in the world” you joked
“where are we going next?” he asked
“here” you pointed to the bookstore and Jeongin gasped
“this is where you buy me all those mangas?”
“yeah, and there’s many more of them inside, c’mon” you opened the door greeting the person behind the counter
you saw Jeongin gasping again and saw his eyes wide open staring at the shelves
you took another picture of him, trying to capture as much of these precious moments as possible
“go ahead, you can check them out” he turned to you as if asking ‘for real?!’
you just laughed giving his shoulder a small push
“go on”
“this is heaven” you heard Jeongin whispering and it made you smile
“alright, where’s our next stop?” Jeongin asked carrying the heavy bags from the bookstore
“since we spent too much time here, we have to go to our final destination” you said “it’s almost curfew time”
“I’m sorry”
“for what?” you turned your head to see him
“for staying too long at the bookstore when you had other places to show me”
“it’s okay, Innie, you could’ve spent the entire day there and I wouldn’t have minded” you smiled
“yeah, I want you to feel good about going out, I want your first experience to be unforgettable, but also pleasing, so if you’re happy checking out mangas for hours, I’m cool with it”
“now, let’s get the car and head to our final destination” you clapped your hands and walked with him to where you had parked
you put his bags on the trunk and by the time you entered the car, Jeongin was already with his seatbelt on
“fast learner, huh?” you joked starting the engine then moving
“watch out, I might steal the car someday” he joked too
“go ahead, it’s gonna be easy to catch you”
“why?” he looked at you
“because you wouldn’t drive like this to get away”
“like this how?” Jeongin questioned and you only gave him a grin
before he could yell “NO!”, you were already hitting the gas again and making him screech on his seat
“alright, we’re here” you said pulling over at your middle school
“thank God, I need to get out of this evil machine” Jeongin’s hands were shaking even though you were driving like a responsible person now
“let me help you” you chuckled seeing him struggle with the seatbelt
he opened the door and left quickly
“is this…?” you heard him asking and you got off too
“yeah, I wanted to show you where I used to come to everyday when we were young”
“it’s a big school” Jeongin looked around
“yeah, and it was a nice one too” you sighed “you know that I wanted to bring you here with me everytime, right?”
“yeah, I know” he replied almost in a whisper
suddenly the air felt tight and you fought your tears away
so many memories you could’ve made with Jeongin here
only if he was able to live a normal life
you never blamed his mom for protecting her son
but you blamed the ones hunting down rare hybrids that destroyed Jeongin’s family
although you know that under normal circumstances you’d probably never meet each other
but now that’s something you can’t even imagine
he’s such a huge part of your life that every single day you’re even more sure that you don’t want to live without him anymore
how are you suppose to be an adult with life responsibilities and still share a huge part of your days with Jeongin?
you are one year away from getting your associate degree at the community college and just a little glimpse of an adult life has been already dragging you down
you got home so tired sometimes you couldn’t even give Jeongin proper attention like before
although he didn’t mind you being busy as long as he could stay with you in your room either being your nap buddy or just watching you study
not much had changed from your school days, to be honest
you would still do your own stuff while Jeongin laid on your bed reading, listening to music, or just observing you
sometimes he would help you get ready for your finals, making some flashcards to help you memorize difficult subjects or quizzing you
and you were used to this routine
you were used to coming home and being inquired about your day
and you loved this
you loved being with Jeongin
and you don’t know how life’s gonna be now that he’s an adult and you’re even more closer to getting a full-time job like your mom
and you know how’s your mom’s schedule, she’s barely home
that’s why you’re afraid
you’re afraid of being too absent
you’re afraid of being forgotten
you’re afraid of losing him
“hey, I know these” Jeongin called your attention to the flower bed near the school’s entrance
“I have no idea how they’re still growing, I used to pluck them daily” you smiled faintly seeing the small flowers you used to give him
those were easier days
Jeongin picked up one and his fond smile made your heart beat fast
“I have a box full of them” it was the first time you were hearing this 
“they’re dry now, but I kept all the ones you gave me” his smile was so big and so bright you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore
Jeongin saw you crying and didn’t say a word
he just hugged you tightly and let you hold on to him until you were feeling better
Jeongin knew you better than yourself most of the times
and words would never be able to express how much he means to you and how thankful you are for him staying by your side
you only let him go when you noticed it was almost dark
“c’mon, let’s go home before we get in trouble” you said sniffing and rubbing your eyes
“can I drive now?” he asked
“ha ha, nice try”
the drive home was peaceful and silent
you were able to get home just in time before the night fell, but Jeongin’s mom was pacing back and forth in the living room waiting for you
Jeongin got inside quickly when you said you’d unload the car
“... and then we went to the ice cream shop and I had milkshake, which was nice but also weird because it was too cold and…” Jeongin was already on the couch with his mom blabbing on about his day
you smiled placing the bags down
you went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and also to give him time with his mom to share everything he saw
you really hoped he’d be able to go out again, even if it took a while
you went to your bedroom afterwards, still hearing his excited narrative to his mom
you picked up some new clothes, showered, then uploaded the pics from your camera to the computer
so many photos of Jeongin with different expressions in so many different places
today will be remembered as a good memory, at least to you
“hey, I brought his birthday cake” your mom startled you a bit
she was still in her work outfit, so you guessed she had just arrived
“hey, how was work?” you asked
“same old same” she shrugged “how was your day out with Jeongin?”
“it was nice, I guess”
“he can’t stop talking about it, I’ve never seen him so talkative before” your mom laughed a bit
“I’m glad he’s happy about it” you smiled briefly
“what’s concerning you?” she questioned entering the room and closing the door
you can never hide yourself from your mom, so you don’t even try
“the future” you answered honestly
“whose future?”
“mine… and Jeongin’s”
“in what way?”
you sighed before replying, trying your best to keep your tears away
“I’m gonna graduate soon, and I’ve seen some job offers in another town, but I don’t wanna leave him behind” you choked. “I can’t leave him behind” you shook your head
your mom hugged you caressing your hair
“Jeongin is an adult now, he can take care of himself”
“but I don’t wanna be without him” you sobbed
“ah, I see…” your mom held you closer “then you’ll have to talk to him and figure out what he wants in life”
“what’s in life for a rare hybrid that has to live hidden so he doesn’t get killed?”
“being a pet companion” you scoffed at your mom’s answer
“Jeongin deserves better than staying at home waiting for an owner”
“he should be the judge of that, don’t you think?” her words hit you hard
yes, you want what’s best for him, but you can’t decide his future for him
he’s not a child anymore and it scares you
you grew up pretty much attached to the hip with him
you were inseparable kids, but now you’re both adults
and there’s no way your friendship is going to remain the same as before once life starts to weight its responsibilities on your shoulders
your mom held your chin and made you face her
“today is his birthday, and you gave him the best present he could ever dream of: your time” 
you were sure she would say ‘taking him out’
this was unexpected
“but I always give him my time” you were confused
“and there’s nothing more he wants from you. Jeongin loves being with you, so even if you’re worried now, I’m certain everything will turn out fine” your mom smiled
“now go wash your face so we can eat some cake, hm?”
you nodded and she left your room
you tried your best to push all your concerns away and enjoy the last hours of his birthday
Jeongin was radiant
he couldn’t stop smiling and this is the happiest you’ve seen him so far
and you wish you could bottle up this moment to live it over and over again
Jeongin did deserve the best this world could offer him
and you promised yourself you’d support whatever choice he makes in his future
after singing Happy Birthday To You, eating tons of cake while making a happy dance, and showing everyone all the things he bought, Jeongin was finally showering to call it a day
you helped his mom clean everything up and then you headed to the backyard to lay on the hammock
you looked up at the sky to admire the meekly starry night
you sighed deeply moving the hammock in a slow swing
so many good memories come to your mind when you think of your childhood with him
will you be able to also make good memories now that you’ve grown up?
you really hope so
“here you are” you snapped your head towards the sound and saw Jeongin on the archway of the backdoor
you couldn’t help smile seeing him laying down next to you
you were both silent for a couple of minutes before he started talking
“thanks for taking me out today” he smiled
“wish we could’ve done this earlier, though”
“yeah, mom said the same when we were talking after I came back” Jeongin said
“so this means you’ll be able to go out again someday?” you beamed, almost getting up in excitement
“yeah” he nodded
“where do you wanna go next? we can try visiting the beach during summer break! I can ask mom to lend me the car again, we can have a short weekend somewhere not too far from here just in case, or if you wanna go crazy we can cross states and have a full week trip!”
“anywhere you wanna take me is fine” Jeongin simply replied “to be honest, I never thought that I would see the world one day”
“we just strolled around town, there’s so much more to see!” you chuckled
“I know, I see the world map on your wall everyday. But... can I tell you something?” he lowered his voice
“even though I went to a lot of places and saw different things today, there’s nothing like this” 
you furrowed your eyebrows not quite understanding what he’s saying
Jeongin sighed and looked away to the stars above
“what I’m trying to say is that there’s no other place on earth I’d rather be than here with you” his hand slowly found yours between your bodies and he held it firmly
“you’re my home” Jeongin turned his head to stare deeply into your eyes 
“and I love being home” he squeezed your hand as if scared that you’d leave him for good someday
as if he knew you wouldn’t stay too long here with him stuck in such a small town
your eyes were suddenly blurry and a lump formed in your throat
you scooted closer and laid your head on his chest, listening to his fast heartbeat
Jeongin wrapped his tail over your leg, his warm body being enough to protect you from the night breeze
and you realised that no matter where life leads you, you will always come back home
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reynesofcastamere · 4 years
Broken Shards[β]
(A/N: This fic is for @awryen, who I also asked for prompts/requests and was given the option of a slightly more dark/cynical Ahsoka working with Maul, or him helping her deal with her nightmares. Once again, having no self-control-and a lot of free time-, I chose both. Also, smut was not requested but it wound up in here anyway! XD. Mention of previous Ahsoka/Barriss. Warnings for disturbing imagery, violence, death, depression/intrusive thoughts, blood and possible dub-con.(Potentially triggering sections will be marked with ****) Absolutely Not Safe For Work and unbeta’d as usual.) 
How could you do it?
The Temple burns, and the Jedi with it. But they do not fall. They stand, mouths gaping open in silent screams, empty eye sockets weeping blood in half a hundred colours. Her Master cuts them to pieces, again and again. He is not alone. Barriss stands beside him, eyes filled with grim conviction, the clone troopers flanking this tableau of horror and carnage like mindless automatons. Ahsoka can only watch, helpless and immobilized as the people she loves are burnt, broken and mutilated by their own comrades. Even the younglings...Her stomach churns.
There is only one body, one face that remains undefiled in all of this. Senator Amidala smiles, serene and welcoming. But she is just as dead as all the rest. Did you kill her too? The woman you loved, the one you trusted with your life: Did you even care, in the end? Anakin Skywalker stops to look back at her, eyes corrupted, turned to sickly, acidic yellow rimmed in old blood. ‘You weren’t here, Ahsoka.’ He pronounces with utter certainty, that her leaving was the one thing that sent him toppling into the Dark. ‘But it’s not too late.’ Black segments crawl, beetle-like, over him and Barriss, transforming them into her waking nightmares. Vader and the Seventh Sister. ‘Join us. And seize your destiny.’
“Ahsoka.” Her lids snap open, breathing stuttered and rapid, heartbeat going into overdrive as she sees another pair of awful, venomous eyes looming over her in the semi-darkness. She lashes out blindly, determined not to go down without a fight. The hands that catch her wrists are bare and callused. Strong. She needs to fight harder, to get out, get away- “Naak, cabur. Gar racin kyr’adiise munit dar. [Peace, guardian. Your pale corpses (are) long gone].” Her eyes well up with unbidden moisture, suddenly overwhelmed. Ahsoka is relieved at hearing a ruthless killer speak Mando’a to her in a hushed, hypnotic tone. Because it is better than the hiss and wheeze of the machines powering the...abomination that her Master has become. She can feel Maul’s hands move to cup her face, the pads of his thumbs brushing the tears that managed to escape. He seems more curious than anything else, head tilted slightly as he examines her. “Have you never seen anyone cry before?” Her voice is weak, despite the attempt at humour. “Not this close. I lost the ability some time ago.” He replies, calm and completely untroubled. As if it were normal, and she is somehow the strange one for not being able to control her body’s response to the terrors plaguing her sleep.  Perhaps she is. Her Master has willingly chained himself to a monster that devours galaxies to satiate his hunger for absolute power. Most of her friends and comrades-in-arms are either dead or missing, a fellow Padawan and former lover is hunting down Force-sensitive children for slaughter or brainwashing; Her current lover-enemy-ally is a former Sith assassin at the head of a criminal empire. And Ahsoka....Ahsoka lies, steals, and kills while she bargains with slavers and worse for anything that will help keep the Rebel Alliance alive and undetected just one day longer. What is the point?  Even control of the Force eludes her because she cannot find peace. The closest she comes to it these days is the brief oblivion of climax or a few hours of dreamless slumber. The rest is bitterness and pain wrapped in a dull grey haze.Which is why she is here. Maul at least makes her feel something. The sharp bite of anger, the rush of drive and ambition, the raw red strength of clinging to life and refusing to let go. She pulls away then, turning over and presenting herself to him. “Are you certain?” “I’m not in the mood to beg. Now-aaaaaAAAaaah-” Before she can issue an order, he has grasped her hips and is entering her roughly. She is not quite ready. Every shift and thrust hurts, but this is what she wants. To be used hard enough that she aches for days afterwards, just to hold on to some sliver of what keeps him burning so fiercely. Maul presses her down, forcing her to turn her head to avoid being smothered by the pillow, the peaks of her breasts rubbing against the sheets as she is made to lift her backside higher. The change in angle is enough to provoke another long, mangled stream of vowels. “Touch yourself.” He hisses, and oh, it feels as if he could pierce right through her and keep going.Every sharp plunge impacts her cervix, the sound of their bodies meeting only becoming more and more crude as her arousal builds. Ahsoka pants and reaches for herself in a half-dazed state as he growls and fucks her harder. The base of him slides against her fingertips a few times before she finds her nub, circling it with her middle finger as her other digits spread her folds open. “Now. You will tell me what is wrong.” Her stomach sinks even as he makes her moan. “W-what are you talking about?” “Your presence in the Force is practically non-existant, despite the ghosts that cling to your shoulders.” Maul snarls. “You are lost, listless, submissive...Before, you would have made me struggle for the privilege of having you like this.” She is trapped, something he emphasizes by leaning over, lips brushing against her jaw with each word. “You were glorious, Ahsoka Tano. And now you are a ruin, waiting to crumble.” He still hasn’t let up his pace, as if to discipline her for these ‘defects’. Her lips tighten as she buries her face in the pillow. It is none of his damned business why she is different, now. Besides, why should he care? Ahsoka expects him to keep going, and is mildly shocked when he stops, withdrawing from her core with a speed that borders on violent as he turns her over and yanks her upright. “Look at me.” A demand which she blatantly ignores until he manipulates the Dark Side to hold her chin in place, his hands gripping tightly to her upper arms.
There is anger in his sunburst gaze and in the power that roils and snaps around him, but beneath that...Oh. He is afraid...For her? The revelation hits with the force of a sudden blow to the chest, and only grows more solid as their foreheads come to rest together, his stare softening by slow degrees. “I-” Ahsoka swallows a choked sob. “You were right. Anakin- he-he was Sidious’s apprentice all along. I didn’t want to believe it, but Vader-” She can’t bring herself to say the words. “I failed him. If I hadn’t left-” “No.” Maul’s snarl cuts into her self-recrimination. “Your Master failed. And continues to fail every day that he allows Sidious to live.” He releases his grip to trace the outline of her lekku, then up her throat and along her jaw. “They think themselves untouchable, but they forget...The dark is generous, and it is patient, and soon, very soon, their stars will burn out.” His words are silk and poison on the air, and she wants- “Join me.”
“What, no offer to rule the galaxy this time?” She retorts dryly, trying to cover up the fact that she is wavering, kept on the edge of a steep cliff by the barest sliver of rock.
“You have rejected power, revenge, and almost every other shade of temptation placed before you. I can only offer myself.” There is some scrap of cautious hope in his gaze as he answers, the words devastatingly simple. Yet for someone like him, secrets and vulnerabilities so carefully safeguarded, it means everything. If she accepts, if she falls, her life will change irreversibly. There is no guarantee that she will be able to hold onto herself once she takes that final step. Maul has never been a moderating influence. And Rex...She’s not certain what he or anyone else she still calls ‘friend’ would think of this.  Perhaps...it is not impossible to find a middle ground. “Show me?” Ahsoka asks, breathless and uncertain, but willing to extend some degree of trust. “Breathe.” His hands sweep downwards to rest lightly at her sides, ribcage expanding and contracting under his fingertips. “Focus on your passions, your fury...And let them out.” Her eyes close as she matches his pattern of breathing, positioning herself on his lap and bracing her hands on his chest. She takes him inside her again. Gradually, gently as the Dark Side seeps in. It is cold at first, almost numbingly so. But after the first adjustment...Ahsoka can feel Maul much more intensely; The difference of being on the same wavelength as opposed to different signals. There is even a dizzying moment where she sees herself through him, sees her eyes open, burning gold with a ring of blue flickering around the pupil like a candle-flame. The surge of wonder-possession-desire-protection from her lover threatens to sweep her away for a moment. “Is...Is this what you feel all the time?” When he’s with her, at least. Considering his default state is prickly at best and downright murderous at worst.
“The intensity is the same, yes.” His head lowers to let his mouth pay homage to her breasts as they move together. This feels...right. A slow build-up of pleasure as emotions, thoughts, and sensations twist and weave together. There are words lurking within his head that have her dragging her nails over his torso. He really...Wants that, with her? Strangely, the idea isn’t repulsive. At the very least, it means that he desires an equal partner, not a subordinate. "Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde. [We are one when together, we are one when parted, we share all, we will raise warriors.]" Their voices merge in ancient oath, parting only when something else speaks through them.
“There is no Light-” “-without the Dark.” “Through passion, I gain focus.” “Through knowledge, I gain power.”
“Through serenity, I gain strength.”
“Through victory, I gain harmony.”
“There is only the Force.”
There are no words to describe what is happening to them right now. No defined point where she ends and he begins. Their awareness is scattered across galaxies, caught in the endless cycles of birth, death, and renewal before everything is once again narrowed to a single point and they cannot handle it... It feels as though years have passed when Ahsoka opens her eyes again.The Light practically hums without her even needing to reach for it, but the Dark is there too, vibrating in harmony. She is not...free from her burdens or her ghosts, but she has another purpose, now. And perhaps more than that. “I can feel your ambition, my Lady.” Maul’s voice is a teasing rumble next to one of her montrails. “Whatever are you planning?” “To lure Vader into a trap. He can either fall in line...Or get out of the way.” If she cannot persuade her former Master to topple Sidious, she will have to kill him. There is no other option. Of course, she will need to plan carefully to have any hope of success. But if the risk pays off...She kisses him one last time, brief but passionately, his grin full of visceral pleasure as they part. “I may have some...suggestions to that effect.” “Mm, I’m not surprised. But first, my Lord, I think we’re due another round of celebrating.” (A/N: Whoo! Okay, so going in order. Barriss Offee is the Seventh Sister in this fic and her and Ahsoka were previously involved because I’m a sucker for tragedy. The ‘dark is patient’ line is taken and bastardized from Matthew Stover. Yes, Ahsoka and Maul are married by Mandalorian custom in this fic and they’re speaking the version of the Gray Jedi code that I like best because it flows well. *insert ‘That’s not how the Force works!’ joke here* Also Ahsoka’s eye colour is back to normal after they ‘finish’;). Hopefully this works as a suitable compromise between the tropes that I wanted to incorporate. Cheers!)
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hedgehogslover · 4 years
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I don't know what else to say after watching ep 9... I was killing a pillow while screaming the whole episode, I just... I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE SARAWAT ASKED TINE TO BE HIS BOYFRIEND!!
Is it next Friday yet!!??
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crackimagines · 5 years
Did someone say FLUFF?! Say no more, I gotcha! If it hasn’t been done yet, could you try something with Ashe and Lysithea with their fear of ghosts? It’d be funny to imagine him leaping into her tiny arms at the mere mention of a ghost 😝
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I’ll tell ya this much, I’ve NEVER seen that done in any imagines blog yet.
I’m glad I have the honor of doing this, because well…
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Thanks for the ask anon, I hope ya enjoy!
Post Writing Note: I was listening to the Outlast soundtrack as I wrote this and DAMN IT THAT WAS TOO FITTING, I was just as terrified writing this just as they were in this story ;-; oh god, i turned this fluff ask into a fucking horror story
Things that go bump in the Monastery (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Ashe and Lysithea are at the library late at night, and hear something…
…Despite they’re the only two there.
It was very late at the Monastery, yet the lights upstairs to the library were lit. Ashe shrugged and thought it was another student cramming for the upcoming exams. 
He had come to the library to read one of his favorite tales as a child, as embarrassing as it was to admit. 
When he entered the library, he heard it starting to rain outside, which made him sigh.
“Oh great, looks like I’m going to be here for a while…”
He continued inside and saw Lysithea reading a book, and sure enough, it was material related to their class.
“Oh, hello Lysithea.”
“Hm? Oh, hi Ashe. I didn’t think anyone would be up at this hour.”
“Same here. Need me to leave you be?”
“No, it’s fine. All I request is that you keep it down for a bit.”
“Sure thing.”
Ashe nodded and went towards the shelves to find one of the books he was looking for and-
“…Ashe, I did not take you as the type to play idiotic jokes after a polite request.”
“Uh, what?”
When she glanced up from her book, she realized nothing around Ashe could’ve made that sound.
She looked behind her and saw a book fell onto the ground.
“Oh sorry. I thought you made that noise. I think someone forgot to put a book back up properly.”
Ashe shrugged and went over to the book to put it back up. As he went back to the shelf, they heard the same noise again, only from a different location.
Both of them stiffened up and waited, but the sound did not reappear. He slowly grabbed his book and quickly walked over to Lysithea.
“D-Do you mind if I sit next to you?” Ashe said, noticing that he was becoming more tense.
She grunted in response, but truthfully she was just as tense as he was.
Once he sat next to her, the air slowly began growing more intense. Not because they weren’t saying anything, but because that noise had starting appearing again.
“A-Ashe…I swear if you’re making that noise-”
“Why would I do that? More importantly, how?!”
“Hmph! Hang on a moment.” She got up from her chair and went towards the stairs.
C R A C K !
Lightning immediately struck, scaring them almost to death, and at that moment, the candles went out.
Both Ashe and Lysithea screamed and fell to the floor.
“C-Crap, I can’t see!”
“Hang on!”
She casted a spell that acted as a floating light source, and now they were able to see. The room was far too dark for either of their liking.
They both made their way slowly to each other and started looking around.
“T-There’s…no ghosts here, right?” Ashe said shakily.
At the mention of ghosts, she immediately latched onto Ashe, shouting yet at the same time, holding onto him even tighter.
“D-DON’T SAY THAT! Ghosts c-can’t be at the monastery! I-It can’t be!”
Both of them jumped, looking around for the source. It sounded like it came from behind this time.
“H-Hey…how about we head back to the dorms?” Lysithea asked.
“No need to ask twice…!” 
They both slowly backed up, trying not to make as much noise as possible.
Once they reached the stairs, Ashe started hanging onto Lysithea. Under normal circumstances, both of them would’ve been blushing messes, but Goddess knows THIS WASN’T NORMAL.
As they walked down, the noise from earlier became louder and louder. When they reached a corner, they hesitated for a moment before turning it, seeing an empty hallway with nothing but blackness in it.
Both had shivers down their spines and slowly began walking towards the next flight of stairs.
Neither of them dared to say anything, too afraid that they wouldn’t be able to hear anything if it snuck up on them.
C R A C K !
Another bolt of lightning struck, this time so close they could feel the building shake.
Ashe screamed out, and instinctively jumped. Lysithea managed to catch Ashe, and she was barely able to hold him. The light she casted went away as soon as she did, scaring both of them even further.
“H-Hey! C-Calm down! It’s just the-”
Both their eyes went wide, and slowly turned around. 
If it was a teacher or a guard reprimanding them, that they could take.
What they couldn’t take however, was the fact no door opened behind them, despite sounding so close.
Ashe got down back onto the ground, wanting to say sorry but couldn’t find the words. 
Her voice was shaking heavily, as if she were about to burst into tears.
Ashe held her hand tightly, in hopes that would help her feel better, but honestly? He felt like doing the same.
“U-Um…n-not to w-worry! I’ll protect you…!”
She held his arm with both of hers, and both quickly walked to the stairs not bothering to be discreet. 
Instead, they ran into something.
No, someone.
They fell to the floor and slowly looked up-
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“ H e l l o ?“
(Ashe and Lysithea)
They immediately bolted for the opposite direction, tears coming out of both their faces, Ashe holding onto Lysithea’s arm.
At that moment, the figure pulled out a candle and lit it.
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“Oh…I think I scared them. Brother, I think your experiments made 2 students run away in terror.”
Seteth came out of the room, and looked down the hallway.
“Is that who I was hearing? Hm, I must apologize to them once I find out who they are.”
Ashe kept dragging Lysithea, his pure adrenaline keeping his legs from giving out. He could tell she was slowing down, but like hell he was going to! He may not know her well, but he was not going to abandon her in this goddess-forsaken place!
When they were reaching the entrance, a candle lit aflame and they turned around. It made their heart lighten up a little, but there was no time to be lost.
“PROFESSOR BYLETH!” Ashe shouted.
“A-Ashe? Lysithea? What’s going on?!”
They both grabbed onto his arms, absolutely terrified.
“G-GHOST! THERE’S A GHOST UP THERE!” Lysithea said through tears. Ashe was saying something, but Byleth nor Sothis could make it out.
Byleth didn’t have the heart to tell them it was just Flayn and Seteth up there who were making that noise, and instead offered to comfort them.
“H-Hang on, why don’t you two sleep in my room?”
“ANYWHERE BUT HERE!” Ashe finally blurted out.
Byleth quickly nodded, and got an umbrella as they quickly ran back to the dorms.
Once they reached his room, he had them sleep on his bed, using his blanket and pillow. 
They all attempted to sleep, but that wasn’t going to happen.
Ashe and Lysithea almost died as far as they were concerned, and were hiding under their blankets lying extremely close to each other, eyes wide open. Byleth was on the floor with a mere sheet and a pillow, lying awake.
(Sothis) “…Being a therapist is under your job description, right?”
(Byleth) I am going to have some VERY stern words with those two.
For once, Byleth was the one to reprimand Seteth, and both him and Flayn apologized profusely to Ashe and Lysithea. 
Sothis knows they won’t be revisiting the library for a while.
…On the plus side, the two began hanging out more after that.
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xfangheartx · 5 years
AU (Blue)
For @inukag-week .
Takes place after my AU story, Red Strings, so SPOILER ALERT!
Can also be read here, here, and here.
"So you won't believe what happened to me, today. We were finger painting in class, today, and I spilled blue finger paint and glitter all over the floor! You should've seen it! It was such a mess!" Kagome lied on her bed, reading her book with two pillows to support her back. "And then at recess, Tsuki and I were playing in the wet grass and bits of grass and dirt were all over our clothes! The teacher got so mad at us! I never saw his face get so red!" Kagome rolled her eyes as she turned a page in her book. "Oh, oh! And then there was the water fountain! I got totally sprayed in the face! I got a little upset, at first, but then Roku got his face sprayed and we started to laugh about it! Hahahaha! Talk about a crazy day, huh?" "Oh!" Kagome exclaimed as she put her book down and looked down at her belly. 6-year-old Ichiro glanced up at her, blinking as he put his hand to her swollen stomach, causing her to smile as she lied back down. "You okay, Mom?" Ichiro asked. "I'm fine," Kagome replied. "That was a big kick your brother did. He likes it when you talk to him." "Well, yeah," Ichiro said. "You said if I talk to him, he'll be able to know what my voice sounds like once he comes out of your belly." Kagome smiled as she gently stroked her son's grayish-silver hair. "...I wish Taro was still here," the boy said. "I think he would've loved the baby." "...I think so, too, honey," Kagome replied. "Just like how he loved you." "...Dad looked really sad, didn't he?" Ichiro asked. Kagome frowned a bit at that. "...Yeah, your dad was pretty upset about Taro being put to sleep," she said, "but Taro was 12 years old...and that's pretty old for a dog like him." "You think he's watching over us?" Ichiro asked, his hand still on his mother's belly, which caused her to smile. "Yes," she said. "I think he is." Ichiro smiled up at his mother, who gently kissed the top of his head, right between his two dog ears. That's when they heard the door open. "I'm home!" "Dad!" Ichiro cheered as he turned around, just as his father walked in, wearing his police uniform. "Hey, Ichi!" Inuyasha greeted as his son jumped off the bed and into his arms, giving him a big hug. "Hahahaha! Aww, it's good to see you, too." "I was telling the baby about my day at school!" Ichiro replied. "So that's why you were in here with your mother," said Inuyasha as he looked to Kagome, who waved at him with a hand on her belly. "And he's also made sure I haven't been on my feet," Kagome added. "Oh, good job, son," Inuyasha smirked, causing Ichiro to salute him while Kagome rolled her eyes, but kept her amused smile, nonetheless. "Well, I bet you're all hungry, so how about we order pizza tonight?" "Yeah!!" Ichiro cheered as his father gently put him down on the floor. "You get the phone, I'll be up here with your mom," said Inuyasha, prompting the quarter-demon boy to hurry out of the room while he walked up to Kagome, who smiled at him as he got down on his knees and gently placed his clawed fingertips on her stomach. "Hey, little guy," he said. "Your dad's home...hope you weren't givin' your mom too much trouble." "Well, aside from the fact that he keeps pushing down on my bladder," Kagome joked, "he hasn't been that active, today." Inuyasha chuckled as he pulled the blanket back, then pulled up Kagome's blouse, leaving her swollen midriff bare before he kissed it, right above her navel, which caused her to smile, tenderly. After that, he looked up at Kagome...before he kissed her on the lips, causing her to moan pleasantly as she put a hand on his shoulder. As they kissed...a red string appeared, tied around each other's pinky fingers. "Dad, I got the phone-" Ichiro started as he ran into the room, but then he stopped and gaped before he groaned in disgust. "Oh, gross! You're smooching, again!" "Oh, yeah?" Inuyasha asked. "Well, pucker up, little man!" "AAAAAAAAAAAH!!" Ichiro screamed as he ran out of the room while his father playfully chased after him, making little kissing noises while Kagome could only laugh.
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