#AZ's floette
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doubleddenden · 5 days ago
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Oh, the website has slightly more info. Here's official art for the new characters shown
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jadeazora · 1 month ago
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PLZA Wishlist/Hopes, gonna divvy it up between both, past, and present/future:
Obtainable AZ's Floette
At least one new Zygarde forme. Imagine if it could go beyond Complete.
An underground area based on the catacombs (doesn't have to be mass grave tho)
Hostile rogue Megas being our rampaging Noble equivalent
Bring over (at least most of) the ORAS Megas
More Kalosian Megas, or potentially re-introducing Battle Bond as a "pure variant" of it (especially since Mega Evolution was mentioned to have terrible effects on the Pokemon.)
Yveltal being a threat to the city at large at some point, with a team-up with Xerneas to corral it.
AZ getting more story importance.
Letter "A" Legendary Pokemon, perhaps based on one of the Kalos League statues?
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Malva, Sycamore, Lysandre, and Diantha ancestors (I feel like Sycamore or Malva's ancestor has the highest probability of being our main villain)
I feel like it's more likely to get his Floette here? It's gonna be a hundred and something years till it returns to him, we can look after it in the meantime!
Old starters getting new regional forms a la PLA
Going more into depth about the discovery and origins of Mega Evolution.
More lore on the war from 3000 years ago.
Set maybe a couple decades after XY at most rather than the far future. (Descendants would be cool, but I'm more interested in the characters we actually know tbh.)
Sina and Dexio sharing a joint professor role since they give you the Zygarde Cube in the Alola games. They could potentially carry on that research.
Vastly expands outside of the Lumiose we had in XY, further into Kalos. (I always wanted to explore the ruins of the Ultimate Weapon.)
Villain Sycamore or Malva. Or both. Like I said when I brought this up before, I don't think Sycamore would be evil, just misguided and let his guilt get the better of him. Malva is still more of a villain, and we need more lady main villains in this series. It's only really been Lusamine and Sada (if you played Scarlet), but this girl had hella potential in XY, and it's always been super frustrating to me that she got so little screentime.
The Flare scientist girls too! The only one of them that really got any slight fleshing out was Xerosic.
Diantha gets more story importance. She's another character who got majorly shafted in XY and deserves another chance!
Kalos starters with new Megas, secondary Kanto or Hoenn starters.
Potentially canonize Lysandre's survival from Masters here. It would be neat to see him get stuck with the same immortality curse AZ has, condemning him to live in and adapt to the world he lost faith in.
What are some of the things you all want to see? 😄
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nocturne-abyss · 1 year ago
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AZ's Shiny Eternal Flower Floette ♡
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agentc0rn · 1 year ago
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La vie est une fleur dont l'amour est le miel - Victor Hugo
"Az/The sun shines down" orchestra remix (youtube.com)
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angel-roses-delight · 4 days ago
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welcome back home, floette
[ part of my mythicals au ]
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darn-skipyy-art · 2 days ago
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eternal (but she looks so young for her age!!!)
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swirlpix · 2 days ago
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what i think she does in her free time
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captain-planet-fan219 · 1 year ago
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please reblog or credit if used
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csolarstorm · 8 months ago
The Eternal Flower Files - Divine Right
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I've been bouncing around theories about the origin of Eternal Flower Floette for a while. It turns out, the answer was right there all along. It all comes back to Zygarde, the Order Pokemon.
You see, I didn't watch the XYZ anime, so I didn't realize that Zygarde can create and control plants.  It can grow whole forests out of nothing. 
So I think a single red flower would be simple.
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We know from an interview with Masuda that King AZ inherited Floette from his late mother, likely the former queen of Kalos. This begs the question: how far back does "Eternal Flower" Floette go in the royal family?
The way I see it, the very beginning. In an earlier post, I talked about the mythical story of King Clovis, the first king of France. It's said that during his baptism, either an angel or the Virgin Mary herself came to him, and gave him a lily. This lily became the basis for the fleur de lys, the symbol of France today.
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Many fans know that the Eternal Flower is based on the Red Trillium, but culturally speaking, the trillium through a European lens was interpreted as a kind of lily, often called the "Western" or "Wood" lily, and used for the same symbols. So the story of King Clovis is likely a part of the Eternal Flower's inspiration.
You might see where I'm going here. We have a divine figure, a divine flower, and the first king of France. I believe Kalos itself was founded because Zygarde appeared before its chosen human, and crowned them the first king of Kalos by presenting them with Eternal Flower Floette.
Maybe it was the first Eternal Flower Floette in a line of them - or maybe it's the same Pokemon. Do we know for sure that Floette wasn't immortal even before King AZ resurrected her?
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This theory would make Eternal Flower Floette the fleur de lys that gives the king the divine right to rule Kalos. Divine right is the European Christian concept that a king or other royal figure is divinely chosen to represent God on earth.
Why would Zygarde want to crown a human king? Zygarde is the Order Pokemon. It's goal is to maintain the order of the land. And I think that we would all agree - humans are a messy, chaotic species. So I think it stands to reason that Zygarde had a vested interest in creating order among humans, to keep them from disrupting the environment with their destructive squabbles.
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Or at least, that was the idea. It turned out that the concept of divine right itself just led to more war, with the delicate fleur de lys caught in the crossfire.
Ever since the announcement of Pokemon Legends: Z-A, I've been serving up lots of Gen VI theories, so check out them out below:
The Eternal Flower Files: The Sun King
The Eternal Flower Files: Flowers of the Fleur de Lys
Eternal Flower Files Short: Thismia
The Eternal Flower Files: Sacred Geometry
Xerneas and Yveltal are Fungi: Let Me Explain
Poll: What Does the Λ in Legends Z-A Symbolize?
Pokemon Legends Z-A: What Is the Λ?
Aaah, it's an A! Is the A in Z-A the Tree of Life?
How much longer am I going to have to wait for a freakin' Unova remake?!
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makedvioletplayable · 1 year ago
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This idea come from next to nowhere 🤷 it's az's floette
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grovylelover · 5 days ago
Walked into the local marriott and guess who was behind the front desk. yuuuuuuup. the immortal king of legend who vaporized so many people it permanently fucked up the timeline.
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dotted-clouds · 4 months ago
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I fucking love AZ so much I drew my Sona as the Pokemon XY Protag with AZ 🤧💖
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jadeazora · 7 days ago
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One of the things I'm low-key looking forward to in PLZA is being able to use these formes and moves in the region where they should have been able to be used in the first place.
We got XY&Z showing off Zygarde's new transformations, but were only properly available in Alola/Gen7, had these three moves since XY in the games that weren't usable without hacking (you could only use Zygarde's starting in Gen7), and we've never gotten AZ's Floette, like depending the time period when PLZA takes place, at least our character can potentially serve as a caretaker for it before it goes back to AZ. (Unless it takes place during the present/future era and something happens to AZ, potentially a temporary use?)
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cconsultingdetective · 5 days ago
You either die a ruthless king bringer of chaos, destruction and war all across the planet or live long enough to become a inn keeper I guess
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I'm fucking crying man
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agentc0rn · 11 months ago
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angel-roses-delight · 5 days ago
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don't ask me about how I feel about this
[ internal screaming ]
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