bigglesworld · 9 months
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Deanie Parish. WASP pilot. In front of her Republic P-47 Thunderbolt. 1940′s
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newyorkthegoldenage · 10 days
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Aviator Laura Ingalls (not the author!), walks away from her plane at Floyd Bennett Field after beating the west-east transcontinental flight mark for woman fliers on September 12, 1935. Ingalls flew from Los Angeles in the official time of 13 hours, 34 minutes and 5 seconds, compared to Amelia Earhart's previous record of 17 Hours, seven minutes and 30 seconds.
Photo: Anthony Camerano for the AP
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Adventuresses We Love – Amy Johnson Adventuress Amy Johnson started taking flying lessons at the London Aeroplane Club in 1928. Typical chauvinistic attitudes of the day meant she had to spend twice as much time in training as her male colleagues, but she did finally earn her pilot’s license in 1929. Later that year, she became the first British woman to qualify as an aircraft ground engineer. She then set her eyes on another goal – Australia. On May 5, 1930, with only 75 hours flying time under her belt, Johnson took off from Croydon in her deHavilland Gipsy Moth she’d named Jason. The flight would not be an easy one. Along the way, she’d battle sandstorms, monsoons, and blistering heat. As she sheltered from a sandstorm, packs of wild dogs got a little too close for comfort. Low on fuel, she made an emergency landing on a military parade ground in Pakistan, scattering the soldiers assembled there in the process. Finally, on May 24, she landed in Darwin, Northern Territory, becoming the first woman to fly solo from England to Australia. For this feat, she was awarded the Harmon Trophy, and a CBE by King George V. This was the first of several long-distance record flights for Johnson. In 1932 she flew from London to Cape Town, South Africa, beating the previous record (set by her husband,) by 11 hours. During World War II Johnson flew for the Air Transport Auxiliary, ferrying aircraft around England. On January 5, 1941, Adventuress Amy Johnson disappeared when the plane she was ferrying crashed into the Thames estuary. She was 37 years old; her body was never recovered. Jason is on permanent display at the Science Museum of London. Photo of Jason courtesy of the Science Museum of London, shared under the creative commons license.
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Dorothy Sebastian, 1929
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emil162 · 2 years
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Hikō Yakan is an owl-like bird from the floating kingdom in the sky, Sky Land. Hikō has a great agility and speed, she can easily dodge several obstacles at the same time and is known for her acrobatic sky dances showing her exceptional flying skills.
Even the king and queen had recognized her abilities and made her the youngest captain of the night scouting brigade patrolling the skies around the kingdom.
Right after the kidnapping Hikō felt it was her duty to search for Princess Elle, and with the permission of the rulers, she set out to search the skies of the earth.
While looking for the Princess, Hikō repeatedly saw great steel birds flickering with lights in the sky, leaving only a contrail behind. When Princess Elle and her guardians Sora and Mashiro were found, she learns that these birds are machines called airplanes. She becomes fascinated by the earth aviation and the way humans learned the ability to fly.
Later on with the help of none other than the hyper-amazing legendary honorary scholar Yoyo-sama, she was taught the technique of transforming herself into a human. So that she could stay on the earth and easily study all about the principles of aviation as well as explore the secrets of aeronautical engineering.
Now Hikō is a 16-year-old aviation fanatic girl whose personality is clearly characterized by her surreal determination and her hardworking but still calm and happy nature. Elle-chan immediately sees that Hikō is a natural flyer determined to reach the peak of her abilities thus in a situation of a great danger she granted her the power of becoming a Pretty Cure!
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Hikō Yakan becomes one of the main Cures in Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure, and she transforms into the Pretty Cure of the Night, Cure Aviatrix.
Her catchphrase is „A silent claw gliding in the night sky! Cure Aviatrix!”
Yakan hikō – night flight (jap.). Changed the order 😉
Now I’d like to take a moment to say thanks to the incredibly supportive artist @aceaeite . Even though we’ve only known each other for a while, she always had a moment to advise what and how to improve to achieve the effect I’m sharing with you today! It was thanks to her that I pushed forward not to give up and draw, draw and draw again. I miss such people in my life with whom I can share my passions, which is why I am extremely grateful to her for sharing her experience and just wanting to spend a moment getting to know the other person ❤️ thank you!
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There’s more to life than being a passenger.
- Amelia Earhart
Words to live by.
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retropopcult · 10 months
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Helen Richey, December 1929. Four years later she would break the world flight endurance record with Frances Marsalis.
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*clears throat* so we hear y’all like cats and cool women in history?
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Meet Jean Batten: record setting New Zealand aviatrix, international pilot extraordinaire... 
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... And Buddy, her kitten and newfound mascot. 
Buddy was a gift received in 1934 courtesy of the Diggers (aka Australian soldiers) at the Prince of Wales military hospital in Sydney. 
Described as being “as much a centre of attraction as the wonder girl herself”, Buddy the cat flew with Jean many times throughout the years, though he reportedly didn’t enjoy the experience very much. 
Jean broke the record for fastest solo flight from England to Australia in 1934, unseating the previous women’s record held by esteemed pilot Amy Johnson by a little over four days. The success of her long-distance journey catapulted her to celebrity status, and she enjoyed a four week tour of Australia where she was greeted by large crowds of well-wishers.    
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She continued to fly for many years after setting her record, continuing on to become the first person to hold both records for fastest solo flights between England and Australia simultaneously. 
Image 1: LINK
Image 2: LINK
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bigglesworld · 9 months
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Dorothy Sebastian. Reading 'How to Fly an Aeroplane'. 1929
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 months
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Amelia Earhart receiving the Medal of the City of New York on July 2, 1937 from Mayor Walker. She was also welcomed at City Hall on her triumphal return from her sold flight across the Atlantic in 1932.
Photo: Associated Press via the San Jose Mercury News
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angel-0f-verdun · 2 months
9 Uncharted Vector
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Previous Chapter
“That reminds me, how the hell did you steal these from me?” He asked, as I made sure to put some distance between us starting up the stairs to the door. I smirked in response, walking backward to the door watching him smile and drop his head, quickly looking back to me.
“You were distracted,” I told him, leaving it at that. I wanted to get inside before Crystal and Goose got back, they wouldn’t be far behind us. I didn’t want to deal with the lecture we would receive from both parties. I pushed my key into the lock and waited for the deadbolt to move, when it did I pushed through the door.
I felt Maverick’s fingertips on my back lightly maneuvering me in the direction he wanted. As my foot stepped over the threshold, Maverick moved in front of me. His green eyes meeting my brown. I tracked him for a second before he dipped his head down to me as if he were going to kiss me. When he was just centimeters away, he stopped. He instead moved to lock the deadbolt behind my shoulder. I reached up, tangling my hands in his hair, trying to move him towards me, but he wouldn’t budge. I let out a strained groan letting him know my disapproval. 
“Maeve,” He breathed out, the lust clear in his voice. His voice had dropped a couple of octaves conveying his need for me. His hands traveled to my hips and backed me slowly into the door. Just as he was about to close the gap between us I heard keys in the door. I sighed, he smirked, stepping away from me. I walked over to the kitchen looking for some bottled water as Goose and Crystal walked through the door. Maverick had taken a seat on the couch. It was too late to run upstairs and hide from the rage I knew was coming for us. 
“What the fuck were you thinking?” I heard Crystal hiss at us, her heavy boots stomping over the laminate floor. I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge moving toward the counter ignoring her presence every step of the way. 
“Maeve, don’t ignore me! You know I’m right!! What if it wasn’t Goose and me that rolled up on you?! What if it was someone else? What if it was Viper or Jester?” She yelled. 
“But it wasn’t, it was you,” I told her, turning around to face her. She rolled her eyes at me, annoyed with the brush-off I was giving her rather than an intelligent conversation. 
“This isn’t the Maeve I know. The Maeve I know is strategic and thoughtful. Not this.” She lashed out at me, pointing a finger in my direction.
“Maybe that was the problem, maybe that’s why our flight wasn’t as perfect as it could have been. On the other hand, maybe it was you. Jester may have said that you are a great navigator. But I didn’t for one-second see that today. You were so worried about how Maverick and Goose did. You weren’t focused enough for our own flight.” I told her, matching her anger tenfold. She stopped, blushing and looking down at the floor embarrassment written on her face. I smiled, hitting a nerve. I brushed past her bumping her shoulder, she scoffed at me realizing her entire argument was now rendered invalid to me.
“Oh come on Maeve, Crystal please don’t fight.” Goose tried to jump into the situation as I walked to the couch to sit with Maverick. “Fucking hell Maverick. Right before our long weekend. You just couldn’t keep it under control?” Goose stressfully let out rubbing his face as Crystal glared at me from the kitchen. “I told you to leave her be and what did you do? The typical Maverick thing. Pete you-” he stopped, not really wanting to open a fight with Maverick, but I could tell he was frustrated too.
“Just say what you want Bradshaw,” Maverick spoke up. Tensions were high as we all tried to hide our true rage with each other. Goose took a steadying breath before answering him. 
“I gotta be straight with you Mav, I got a family to think about I can’t afford to blow this.” He told him. 
“Yeah I guess that flyby wasn't such a big hit, huh?” Maverick chuckled before dropping his smile and looking down at the floor. 
“Look man, I know it’s tough for you. They wouldn’t let you into the academy because you're Duke Mitchell’s kid and you have to live with that reputation. But it’s like everytime we go up there it’s like you're flying against a ghost. It makes me nervous.” Goose replied to him, sincerity in his tone rather than anger. 
“You're the only family I got, I’m not gonna let you down. I promise you.” The two shared a smile. They easily resolved their fight. 
“Alright, now you two.” Goose turned around looking to Crystal and I. I wasn’t going to have anything to do with her attitude towards me, although I knew that it could potentially hurt our chances of becoming a part of the Top Gun legacy plaque. 
“I just don’t want to see you ruin our chances to be at the top of our class… We could be the two to change this entire program, I know you see the potential for us blazing a path for other women.” Crystal told me, letting out a sigh. 
“You’ve never seen me fly like this before, let’s give it a shot and if it doesn’t work then we can go back the other way. It’s just like Jester said, we need more personality in our flying.” I told her, and she nodded, accepting this statement.
“Okay, we’ll give it a shot.” She said and immediately the tension in the room dissipated. I let out a sigh feeling depleted from the day. 
“Well after last night I’m ready for a long sleep. I’ll see you all in the morning,” I told them as I started to make my way up the stairs, not caring about dinner. 
“Night.” I heard them all echo each other as I made my way to the top of the stairs. I shut my door behind me and started to undress throwing on a large T-shirt and peeling back the covers of the bed. I crawled in, getting into a comfortable position, sleep quickly taking over. 
I had sweat dripping down my back as I tore myself out of the plane and down the ladder. I was seething from the events of the last few days with Jax. He was fucking intolerable I was insanely close to start complaining to get him replaced. I shut down my emotions as I stepped foot on the tarmac. Jax veered off almost immediately to talk to one of his friends, I’m sure he could sense the anger rolling off my body in waves. I walked away from the area quickly knowing exactly where I was going. I needed to get a shower and some sleep. I briskly stepped into the locker room, stripped out of my flight suit, and jumped into the shower. As soon as I got started on my hair I heard the main door slam open. 
“Hello?” I asked the air annoyed at the interruption, and the aggressiveness.
“It’s me,” I heard the voice of the person who had been ignoring me for a week. He couldn’t just leave well enough alone, he always had to bother me more. I let out an annoyed groan knowing he wasn’t just going to leave. 
“You are aware that this is the ladies' room?” I asked Jax, unconcerned he would do anything even though I was in a quite vulnerable position. 
“Ah shit, did I do it again?” He asked me jokingly. I let out a dry laugh, the anger returning instantly. As much as I hated to admit he was quite a ladies’ man and I doubted this was his first time barging into the ladies’ room. 
“Well it’s too late for me to kick you out now, so what do you want?” I asked him as I washed the suds from my hair, feeling the hot water pour over me. 
“You should come out of there and kick me out.” I could hear the smirk on his face through his words. I scowled annoyed with his childish remarks reliving the words he had said a few days previously. He hadn’t said them to my face but he meant them at the time and it concerned me. The silence laid between us and I could hear his feet shuffle on the floor. He was nervous. 
“Maeve…” He started. I wanted to hear what he had to say rather than bulldozing over him like I normally did when I was pissed at him. He paused yet again making me question if he was going to say anything at all. 
“I know you heard me the other night. That’s why you’re pissed at me.” He started getting straight to the point. 
“Why should I be pissed? I’m not anything to you and you’re not anything to me.” I stated as I finished turning off the water. 
“I fucked up.” He started yet again trying to apologize. He rustled around looking for something as I stood there wringing out my hair, not willing to come out yet.
“I shouldn’t have said that even if I was drunk and messing around with the guys.” He started to make excuses as his hand appeared through the curtain handing me a towel. My heart fluttered a little as I tried to disregard the action. I grabbed it out of his hand, more annoyed he was trying to be nice to me now. I wrapped the towel around my body after I felt sufficiently dry, stepping out of the curtain and into Jax’s view. His jaw dropped a little but he quickly recovered, stepping away from the shower bay and following me as I rounded the corner to the sink. I pulled my brush from my bag ready to work on my hair. 
“Alright, I’m sorry that I complained that I was flying with you. You are an incredible pilot and I had no right to criticize you when I’d never been  flying with you.” I noticed his eyes start to wander in the mirror as I watched his built form tense up. Jax was one of those stereotypical military men, who wanted to make sure he was built. I assumed this was to intimidate others who criticized him for not being a pilot. Men were so funny that way, who cared as long as you enjoyed your job? While his blue eyes wandered I sighed wanting to forgive him. But wanting to see where he would go if I continued not talking to him, he clearly wasn’t used to women ignoring him. 
“Maeve…” He tried again inching closer to me, I could feel his breath on my neck. Hearing him inhale, my lips parted I felt an electricity between us as his fingers grazed my wrist. 
“Jax… I have to get dressed.” I told him suddenly very aware that I was naked underneath the towel. As I went to move away from him he blocked my way causing my back to hit the metal counter. I looked into his eyes which were clouded with unspoken emotions. His hands landed on my hips lifting me effortlessly onto the counter. 
“What’re you-” I started to ask looking for an answer in his eyes. My thoughts abruptly stopped when his lips crashed into mine. My brain couldn’t comprehend what was happening but my body reacted to the actions instinctively. A moan escaped my lips as his tongue tickled my upper lip asking for entrance. A shiver ran through my body as his hands tangled in my hair. I pushed him off of me, unsure of what to make of the situation, my mind reeling. 
“Don’t say we don’t mean anything to each other.” He said as he took the opportunity of his unexpected words to place himself between my legs his fingers trailing up my arm, goosebumps forming where he touched me. As his hand reached the back of my neck he pulled me forward catching my lips in his again. I didn’t expect that kind of reaction from him as we had not been on good terms since we had met each other a few weeks ago in a briefing. He pulled away just millimeters from my face, his lips lightly touching mine. 
“Please don’t replace me as your RIO, I know it’s been a thought roaming around that pretty head of yours.” He said as his head dropped to my neck biting the sensitive skin. 
“Why shouldn’t I replace you?” I asked abruptly as he took my head in his hands.
“Because this is just the start of our story.” He said and I couldn’t help but melt at the words that he was saying. He may have been a dick but I did want to see what his actual capabilities were. 
“And you’ve been an asshole up til now,” I replied as he placed a kiss on my forehead. 
“The truth is I’ve been struggling to find common ground with you because I like you. I’ve always admired you from afar. I can’t help myself anymore. The second we make port I want to take you out on a proper date.” He breathed out his breath mixing with my own. The emotions this man was putting me through were so unfair.
“Fine. One date. That’s all you get.” I told him as his lips attached to mine again 
“That’s all I need.” He told me as he turned around to leave, taking one last glance at me sitting there dumbfounded on the counter. 
“Mav…” The words slipped out of my mouth as Jax walked out of the locker room, not hearing the misplaced name. 
Surprisingly, I wasn’t woken by an alarm clock blaring in my ear, it was instead replaced with Maverick’s voice. 
“Maeve?” I could hear the question in his alluring voice. I grumbled starting to wake up from the dream I was having.
“You’re dreaming…” He said, pausing, “About me?” My eyes snapped open as I realized he heard what I had said in my dream. I knew I slept talk, Jax had told me that when we were together. I decided to flip the conversation to him to make sure he wouldn’t say anything further.
“What’re you doing in here?” I asked him softly, not wanting to move from the comfy warm covers. 
“It’s about 5:30, we have to be ready soon for class.” I rolled my eyes annoyed with the information.
“You think maybe they’ll let us go early? What are we even doing today?” I asked him, not positive about the answers.
“Physics from what I understand, there’s no flying today.” He spoke, and I could feel his eyes on my face. I brushed the hair out of my face feeling a sting go through my knuckle as I moved it from beneath the sheets. 
“I’ve always hated physics.” I groaned out as Maverick moved from his position near the door frame and back out into the hallway. I groaned again as I moved the covers off my form to get ready for the day ahead. The air conditioning felt cold against my skin as I took off my t-shirt leaving me in the bra and underwear I had fallen asleep in. I stretched readying myself for the day as I found my mind wandering back to those first moments when Jax was courting me. He really wasn’t one to take no for an answer. I heard someone clear their throat near the door, my head whipped toward the intrusion to find Maverick dressed in his tans propped near the door. I observed him for a second as he did the same. I could feel his eyes raking down my body I felt a blush brush over my face as I ignored him. I turned toward the closet grabbing the starchy fabric that hung there, letting out a sigh as I pulled it over my body. I started to brush past him into the hall but he didn’t let me go. His hands gripped my hips, pushing me into the wall behind me. I wasn’t about to be teased again. I pulled him to me by his collar our lips meeting, I used his surprise to change positions with him. I ground my hips against his hearing a groan fall from his lips, a smile forcing its way to my lips. I pulled away leaving him flabbergasted at my display of control. I spun away from him going down to the kitchen to find some food to eat. A sudden nervousness flew through me as I stared at the back of Crystal’s head sitting at the kitchen table. I hoped we had resolved the issues from last night but time would tell.
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ashfae · 2 months
Hey! I saw you tagged me on that book post, but it’s not letting me see what you said. Would you mind telling me again?
Oh how irritating, apologies!
What I said was that if you're reading about early female aviators, you should look into Elizabeth Wein, who writes both fiction and nonfiction about them and is fantastic. :)
Also everyone should read Code Name Verity. My god, what a book.
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theglitterdome · 5 months
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Amy Johnson - British aviatrix who flew from the UK to Australia in 19 days in 1930
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moonwatchuniverse · 1 year
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95 years ago... Aviatrix Amelia Earhart In 1928, aviatrix Amelia Mary Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. As a passenger she kept the flight log onboard a Fokker Trimotor from Newfoundland USA to South Wales GB, a flight lasting 20 hours and 40 minutes. In 1932, Earhart became the first woman to fly solo over the Atlantic Ocean, piloting a single engine Lockheed Vega 5B. She flew from Newfoundland to Culmore in Northern Ireland, a solo flight lasting 14 hours, 56 minutes! On both flights, Earhart relied on a white dial two-register Longines single pusher pilot chronograph. In 2010, this (still running) historic Longines chronograph was flown in space onboard the International Space Station by female NASA astronaut Shannon walker spending 163 days 7 hours in space! An amazing initiative by the " Ninety-Nines " international organization of women pilots. (Scan: MoonwatchUniverse) (Photo: collectspace.com)
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emil162 · 2 years
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Hikō Yakan becomes one of the main Cures in Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure, and she transforms into the Pretty Cure of the Night, Cure Aviatrix.
Her catchphrase is „A silent claw gliding in the night sky! Cure Aviatrix!”
Yakan hikō – night flight (jap.). Changed the order 😉
Cure Aviatrix bases her attacks on the ability to generate a powerful gusts of wind from the palms of her hands that she uses to propel herself through mid-air. It allows her to fly toward the opponent at a high speed without giving them time to react or simply dodge the incoming attacks.
Hirogaru! Aviatrix Maneuver! - Cure Aviatrix creates strong gust of wind to propel herself off the ground toward the opponent. That grants her a speed boost she requires for spinning up around the target that becomes trapped within a vortex of wind. Than Aviatrix dives down towards the opponent throwing her energy-charged palms forward and releasing the almost black coloured ray of bullets of condensed energy. The enemy is then purified with multiple dark green hearts surrounding them.
Aviatrix Night Vision – Cure Aviatrix covers the area surrounding her opponent in darkness, blocking their vision. This attack can easily leave opponents completely confused and unable to figh at all.
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pulpinspiration · 1 year
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Rocketeer Disney Movie Reboot starring Keke Palmer by Paul Roman Martinez
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