#AU;; Nocturnal Reborn || {vampire}
ahogedetective · 15 days
"...Your birthday is tomorrow, correct?"
The siren brings up a few bottles and a shell that contains a little trinket inside for the vampire. Very..... wet gifts but how else was Izuru supposed to keep them dry? Despite that, he did think hard about what to give the vampire. Using what the island provided and his magic... He concocted a few exlirs that would last him a few months. And made a piece of jewellery out of the the trinkets that fell into the water.
"...I made sun repellent specifically catered to the sensitivity of your skin. So you can enjoy the sun for a good few hours while you visit her. Don't worry-- It works sort of like sunscreen. So you don't have to drink it." And then he opens the shell, it was a makeshift jewellery box! Inside was a bracelet made of obsidian-- A gem known to protect from negative energy-- All strung together with a strong fishing-line he found caught between rocks.
"I also wanted to give you something more... permanent. The amount of crystals on the island is treasured by locals, granting protection and even prosperity from each different one. I chose... obsidian to help with any negative forces you were dealing with."
And with that, those were the vampire's gifts!! The siren put a lot of thought into picking what he should get Shuichi....
{ Shuichi Birthday!! 🎉}
@91cmspoilers !!!!
"..! Y..Yes, that's right!" Birthdays... for as long as he's been living, Shuichi never really thought much about his birthday whenever it arrived. At most, maybe he would treat himself to a fine wine and a dessert, as he relaxes in the comfort of his own home; but other than that, the vampire did not really make a big deal out of it... But this year was different; this time, he'll be spending it tomorrow with Izuru. That alone was making him really look forward to it for the first time in years...
Already, his eyes were widening in surprise and curiosity, as Izuru presents the bottles and seashell. Them being wet didn't bother him at all. "Ohhh...!!!" As Izuru explains the elixirs, he gasps when hearing one of them is a sun repellant. "I see.... so even with my skin, it will help me be immune to the sun's rays...!" Never could he imagine actually being able to endure being in the sun, without the use of several layers and a covering for his head. As used to it as he was, it made doing anything in the daytime extremely tedious. So having an elixir like this... it was practically a blessing. "I will finally be able to spend more time with you in the sun without worry... ahh, I'm so happy. It will be so nice, not having to worry about my skin burning..."
When Izuru then opens the seashell, revealing that jewelry box, and that beautiful obsidian bracelet.. ".....!" He was mesmerized.... and as he's told the power the obsidian gem wields, it makes his heart warm... "O-Ohh, Izuru...." Before he knew it, he's hiking up his sleeve, so that he can put the bracelet on. "It's so beautiful...." He whispers as he gazes at it more, with it now on his wrist... "...To protect me from negative forces.... something as kind as this..."
He hugs that arm to chest, and lowers his head. He's so emotional...so filled with happiness that he wants to cry.... "Wh-What did I do...to deserve someone as wonderful as you....? T-To give me such thoughtful, wonderful presents such as this..." He asks in a near whisper... Negative thoughts often plagued Shuichi. From the guilt of having to steal blood from Izuru or any unsuspecting strangers, to always having that fear anyone who discovers what he truly is, will fear him, look at him like a monster. Just like all those years ago.... And he hated feeling this way all the time; he didn't want to feel like he is a monster. He just wants to feel happy with himself... Like how he is whenever he's with Izuru. He always made Shuichi feel so loved... the first one who's ever loved him... Izuru, in all honesty: was the thing that repelled the negative energy away.
Looking back up at the siren, he goes to cup both of Izuru's hands in his own. "I love you....so much.... E-Ehehe, I'm so happy...so happy that I can barely contain it!"
In fact, he pulls Izuru down to his level, so that he can bring him into a kiss, followed by quicker pecks to his lips, afterwards. Then, he keeps his arms wrapped around him, in a tight hug! "I promise to treasure this bracelet my entire life!! And the pretty jewelry box it came in, too! Protecting me from negative energy, and these wonderful elixirs, like the sun repellent one: you truly are too good to me, always making sure I am safe and okay...and happy! I can't wait to be able to spend time with you in the sun with no worry!! Ahh, this is the happiest I've felt on my birthday in who knows how long! Ah well at least with tomorrow comes, it will be the happiest birthday I've had, hehe! Thank you, thank you so much...!!!"
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