#AU: Slug Eyebrows in the Gene Pool
rhellsuckssticks · 7 years
how does she feel about the force? is she sensative? does she want to grow up to be more like her mom or her dad? what does she want to be when she grows up? what was her first time seeing a lightsaber like? what's her favorite treat? her favorite type way to be held?
how does she feel about the force?
Loves it. Leigh thinks the Force is astounding and always thought her mother and uncle Geht were like, the most magical people in the universe. Always loved it, always was amazed by it.
is she sensitive?
Leigh is, and she’s incredibly attuned to the Force but she is really shy about it. Alone she will practice or she’ll train with her mother, but she doesn’t like doing it around other people, especially strangers. Like honestly, most people assumed she was more on Stix’s level of the sensitive spectrum, if at all when she was a kid. Nope. She’s more Rhell’s end, but she’s got really bad stage fright about it.
does she want to grow up to be more like her mom or her dad?
Hmmmm tough question. I wanna say she’d want to be more like Rhell with tactfulness and diplomacy and speaking skills, but more like Stix with how versatile he is in combat and with fast logic thinking. Leigh really would like to be a leader type, but she’s very shy and can back out of the chance to be a leader almost as soon as it’s offered because of how shy she is.
what does she want to be when she grows up?
Fleet captain. Or a galactic delegate.
what was her first time seeing a lightsaber like?
Bahaha it was the worst. Leigh’s first experience with a lightsaber within her reach was when she was six months old and Geht was goaded into babysitting her on the fly. He left his bag on the couch instead of hanging it up on a hook like usual, went to the kitchen to grab Leigh’s bottle, and came back to her holding his lightsaber and investigating it. It wasn’t turned on, thank fuck, but Geht had to convince her to give him the lightsaber, which didn’t go well considering seeing Geht in emotional agony was greatly entertaining Leigh. Poor Geht.
what’s her favorite treat? 
To Rhell’s dismay, Leigh loves chewy candies like toffees and gummies. Usually for chewy stuff she gets beef jerky or raisins, but Kos and Caez are notorious for bringing gummy candies when they come visit. Chocolate covered raisins are definitely a favourite, also dehydrated fruit.
her favorite type way to be held?
Leigh loves being held close to peoples’ chests, with their arms coming around her protectively. That makes her feel safest.
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rhellsuckssticks · 7 years
is she a kid that yells for her parents when she's scared or does she crawl into bed with them? how does she interact with the other kids? with the D1-Q squad? who's her favorite playmate? what's her favorite game? favorite nursery rhyme?
More Leigh omg
is she a kid that yells for her parents when she’s scared or does she crawl into bed with them?
Both??? Leigh will cry and wail and then run into their room and climb under the covers. If they can get to her before she escapes her room they can usually goad her back to bed, but once she’s in their room it’s all over and she’s sleeping there for the night.
how does she interact with the other kids?
Leigh is incredibly shy with other kids. At least, when she first meets them. If she really likes someone she’ll hold their hand and follow them around and play with them. Other little kids thinks it’s rather momentous when she’s comfortable enough around them to talk, because she is genuinely THAT SHY with unfamiliar people.
with the D1-Q squad?
Meet the better Auntie and Uncles lol. Leigh loves D1-Q and has always treated them like her blood family. She likes being carried around by them and having them sit and play with her and in general giving her attention. D1-Q are also the responsible aunt and uncles, unlike the Hel side of the family. She especially likes K, who is one of her more regular babysitters and who Leigh can goad into doing things like reading her stories for hours on end.
who’s her favorite playmate?
Well the closest in age is probably Rhodes, but I think she probably likes to follow around Lanny the most. Rhodes is silly and fun but Lanny takes charge and Leigh likes to be around people who can make decisions when she doesn’t want to. Adult-wise? Stix. Leigh adores playing with Stix because he’ll do things like take her on long runs and will push her on the swing for hours and when he has the time he’ll give her his undivided attention until he pretty much falls asleep on the floor while playing with her. He’ll also take time on missions to make calls back home so Leigh can see him.
what’s her favorite game?
Leigh loves swing sets, playing with blocks and making towers, and puzzles. She also likes colouring books a fair bit, but some games she’ll only play with certain people (she’ll defend that Caez colours in the lines better than Stix does) and she also loves to unravel balls of yarn for Rhell when she’s knitting.
favorite nursery rhyme?
You know that song about the bears in the woods? That one. “The Teddy Bear’s Picnic”
Here’s a link
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rhellsuckssticks · 7 years
what is Leigh's first sentence? who does she take after more in mannerisms? what does she mimic in each of her "family" members? does she have a favorite toy? favorite animal? what makes her upset? what calms her down 9 times out of ten? what would make her cry no matter what? what do her favorite pajamas look like?
Dude like. I’m about to punch out like five of these asks.
what is Leigh’s first sentence?
Regretfully, “What the fuck?!” courtesy of Geht. Stix was driving, Leigh wouldn’t stop crying, and Geht thought up the genius idea of saying “what the fuck?!” in as many silly voices as he could to get her to stop. It started with her just mimicking the inflection he used, but “bababahhh?!” soon turned to “Wha da faaaaaak?!” There was no forgiveness for that one.
who does she take after more in mannerisms? 
Vocally? Rhell, easily. Rhell is a smooth and generally rather tidy speaker. She’s good at that talking shit. And while Leigh gets a lot quieter as she gets older, she has Rhell’s very proper and “regal” vocal patterns. Leigh says “y’all” like she’s about to beat you to death with her ten gallon hat, though. In general physical mannerisms? Still Rhell. Moves elegantly, dramatic hand gestures at the perfect time, Leigh moves like Rhell and has her mother’s vocal patterns.
what does she mimic in each of her “family” members?
Rhell: makes a lot of wide flourishes with her hands, a lot of her snarky attitude, controlling the conversation with logic and being stubborn.
Stix: his stoic nature, “work daddy and home daddy” dispositions, his horrible terrible sense of humour.
Caez: insubordination, how defiant they can be about not wanting things but secretly still wanting that thing badly.
Geht: all of Leigh’s bad language is from Geht, and he also doesn’t help Stix from having a heart attack because Leigh is incredibly reckless because of both him and Caez. The worst influence because he’s around more than Caez.
Kal: touching fabrics on everything, the look of judgement, saying “sweetie/honey” before breaking bad news.
Cam: teasing people, being possessive of people over silly things, obnoxious affection.
Kos: love of books and stories, being incredibly inquisitive, asking too many questions.
Vinn: patience, liking to figure out how things work, being open about wanting attention.
Ty: getting excited about people and sharing things.
K: over affection, defending firmly “I will protect this”, head kisses.
does she have a favorite toy?
The toy stormtrooper that K gifted Rhell and Stix when Leigh was born. Stix tries to hard to get her interested in literally any other toy, and she won’t budge. She’s seen too many holos of Stix in his FO uniform, and likes her “Daddy” toy. Cam is mildly peeved that she takes no interest in the stuffed Jedi that they made for her. Zero interest. How dare this child break their heart like that.
favorite animal?
Leigh honestly loves dogs the best. Rhell and Stix have three of them, and she was immediately enthralled even though both Rhell and Stix were nervous about letting the baby near the big dogs right off the bat. And the dogs adore her as well. Maybe a bit too much, because they’ll follow her around to no end.
what makes her upset?
People being rude to her dad, people talking too loud, anyone she isn’t familiar with trying to interact with her at all, not knowing where people are (penchant for crying when Rhell leaves the room and she doesn’t see where she went), loud thunderstorms, not being held when she wants to be held. Leigh doesn’t get incredibly tantrum-y though. She’s very “unhappy wails” but no actual tears until she’s really really upset.
what calms her down 9 times out of ten?
Being held. The one time out of ten that doesn’t calm her down is when the person trying to hold her is the person who upset her somehow. Then you need to hand her off to someone who didn’t upset her.
what would make her cry no matter what?
People she isn’t familiar with trying to interact with her. Leigh never really gets over the “making strange” phase, and she doesn’t like being around or dealing with unfamiliar people at all. Especially if someone she knows isn’t present. 10/10 you got a crying kid now.
what do her favorite pajamas look like?
Leigh has a lot of very plain clothes (basic colours, not a lot of patterns, mostly in neutrals aside from a few brighter things) and her favourite pyjamas are from Kal, unsurprisingly. Who made her a matching lavender long-sleeve shirt and long pants that have little stars all over them. She quite likes showing guests in her house her favourite jammies.
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rhellsuckssticks · 7 years
Stix kissing Rhell's pout away and then when they pulled apart they're both grinning, bonus: pregnant rhell
(You’re shattering me, Kay.)
Stix didn’t like telling Rhell what she could and couldn’t do, but after ten minutes of watching her struggle he couldn’t just sit idly by in his chair anymore, the ex-stormtrooper getting up walking over to his wife, looming over her slightly as she tried uselessly to pull her boots on and zip them up.
Now, Rhell could usually do such a basic task on her own, but at five months pregnant things weren’t easy, especially when the task involved bending or reaching something that had her belly in the way of her progress, the ex-inquisitor trying uselessly to pull her leg up enough for her to reach the zipper on it as she huffed impatiently, Stix about to open his mouth and offer assistance just as Rhell let out an exasperated yell and flopped backwards onto their bed, her arms outstretched tiredly and feet dangling off the mattress as her boot slipped off her foot and went clunk on the floor, him pausing for a moment before going to kneel down in front of his now pouting wife.
Getting down and picking up the boot that slid off Rhell’s small foot, the ex-guard proceeded to assist his wife as he eased the footwear onto her and zipped it up, him picking up the other boot that had been long discarded in an aggravated kick and launched a few underwhelming feet away before starting to get it on her other foot. Trying to think up what to even say to Rhell about this mini tantrum, the resistance commander beat her partner to the chance to fill the silence as she huffed out defeatedly, “… Thanks. Sorry for being so… Useless.” She grumbled, Rhell pouting as Stix sighed, zipping her other boot up before moving to stand again.
Walking over to his partner’s side as she still laid on the bed and looked up at him huffily, Stix blew a puff of air out through his nose before toning plainly, “You aren’t useless, you’re pregnant. And you’re trying your best, it isn’t your fault that another person is occupying your body and physically hinders you right now.” He commented, Rhell’s pout not leaving her face as Stix sighed and consoled, “So you can’t tie your own shoes or lift heavy things or get out of bed on your own. It’s not like you’re doing this alone, Rhell. I’m here when you need help.” He assured, his wife glancing up at him and raising an eyebrow as Stix leaned over and brought his mouth to the pout of the ex-inquisitor’s lips, him kissing her gently and bringing a hand up to brush Rhell’s hair from her face as she melted into his touches, the resistance commander reaching her hands up and moving them alone Stix’s jaw and cheek as their kiss deepened.
Warm breath catching and mingling with Rhell’s as she hummed and huffed against his mouth, Stix brought his hands down his wife’s body as he had her distracted, him scooping Rhell up bridal-style and grinning against her lips as he heard her yelp, Rhell’s arms wrapping around Stix’s neck as she finally broke her huffy mood and began to laugh against him.
Giggling and kissing Stix on the mouth one last time lightly before he set her down on her feet, Rhell’s hand instinctively moved to pat over her front and make sure everything was alright as she glanced up at her husband with a warm flush to her cheeks, her beaming in relief while responding tiredly, “… Thank you, Trooperman. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” She commented, snorting a bit and tuning dully, “I’d probably still be stuck on getting my shoes on, in all fairness.” Then laughing again as Stix rolled his eyes and walked over to their travel bags, picking up the two large duffels and slinging them over his shoulders as Rhell used the Force to pick up her jacket off of the floor, Stix scowling at her for a moment.
“… You could’ve used the Force this entire time. To put on your boots.” He stated blandly, Rhell looking at him like she had already known that and was surprised he didn’t as he realized what she was doing and gave Rhell a frown, him stating again, “What, was this just a way to get me to make you feel impor-” Only to be cut off as Rhell strode over and leaned up, kissing Stix’s mouth tenderly and cupping his face in her soft hands before pulling away again, her beaming up at her husband and taking his free hand in her own as she continued to smile sweetly.
Stix rolling his eyes and letting Rhell tug him along, the resistance commander corrected lightly, “Now, that’s a rude assumption. Maybe I don’t like using the Force for mundane tasks because I’d rather my handsome and doting husband be my assistance.” She chirped, smirking crookedly as the compliment made Stix’s ears go red, her snorting and humming, “I like having you be the person to help me when I need it, Trooperman. I like it when you show me how much you love me in such a way.” Rhell beamed, her fingers squeezing against Stix’s assuringly as they finally headed off, Rhell looking down at her pregnant front and exhaling before patting the top of her belly and letting her voice go quiet as she hushed, “… I love you. Especially for putting up with m-” Only to have revenge enacted as Stix stooped and kissed Rhell’s forehead, the action making the ex-inquisitor flush before Stix responded.
“I love you too, boots and all. I love you enough that it isn’t ‘putting up’ with anything, it’s something that makes me feel useful. Useful to my stunning pregnant wife.”
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rhellsuckssticks · 7 years
Leigh Helena Lior
Okay, I have vagued about Leigh enough that I should make a short short post about her.
Leigh is the hypothetical child I sorta created between Rhell and Stix, and while I don’t really talk about her must in detail, she’s very... Well, she looks like Stix. She takes after him when it comes to physical appearance and general likeness. And people were surprised by this. Here’s Rhell, someone everyone assumes their amalgam kid is gonna look the most like, but then comes along a dark haired kid with eyes the colour of coffee and a resting sullen face. Needless to say, Stix was teased by Caez a fair bit for it.
Leigh as a kid is a fucking excitable terror, though. She’s grabby and loud and clingy and ultimately wants 100% of your attention 100% of the time. She has a certain love of grabbing onto articles of clothing and following you around like that (see, Rhell’s numerous belts and capes, Stix’ jacket hem, the pockets of their pants, etc) and will happily do that all afternoon. She likes to be carried, but really only by familiar people, and will fuss if someone she doesn’t know tries to interact with her. She’s very attached to her parents and any of her parents’ friends. She’s also extremely attached to the Stormtrooper dolly that she was gifted when she was born, much to Stix’s dismay.
Leigh was very much an accident, and Rhell and Stix don’t deny it. They had zero intention of making a kid and then Leigh came to be. Both of them fucking adore Leigh to the moon and back, but yeah she was a surprise. And an even bigger surprise for everyone else, given Rhell and Stix really not being the “settle down and have a kid” type of couple. They were pretty pleased being in their early to mid thirties and just travelling and enjoying each others’ company. Leigh gets the nickname “Point-Three Percent” because of this. There was a .3% chance of the contraceptives they were using at the time failing and actually making a kid.
I dunno I feel like Rhell is a rather doting/patient parent and is very relaxed while Stix is oddly high-strung. Stix is worried about their kid being safe and goes a bit overboard with “baby-proofing” their home while Rhell is very unused to needing to consider her safety more for the sake of another being. While pregnant Rhell was definitely the type to try and do her usual shit while Stix was just chasing after her trying to get her to sit down and relax and quit running headfirst into fucking danger.
I have a few writing pieces about this and whatnot on this blog, and I might talk about it more later and post a few more things about Leigh and Rhell and Stix adjusting to her later. I dunno, she’s a hypothetical but this is my ship blog so there’s an AU where she exists. The adorable RhellStix kid that both of these fuckers probably deserve. A kid that’s stable, and despite being an absolute accident, is still immeasurably loved because she was made of it. Leigh was definitely a lovechild.
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rhellsuckssticks · 7 years
Long Nights
Something super self-indulgent that would’ve died in my notebook if I didn’t have trash friends who encouraged this. (Thanks Kay) But yes, enjoy a super self-indulgent AU that isn’t canon but I still like. Also introduction to Leigh.
Three nights of no sleep, and Stix could feel an exhausted pain start to emanate from his chest. Three days, it was only three days but it felt like eons as he rested his head against his crossed arms, stooped over the edge of the bassinet like if he watched for long enough something would get better. Everyone kept saying it was only a fever, but the comforting words of others weren't usually enough to sway the ex-Stormtrooper; especially when such words were coming from people like Caez, or even Vinn. It wasn't that he didn't trust them - well, he didn't trust Caez, and wasn't planning on it anytime soon - but Vinn was a hybrid and that changed his experiences. And Caez... Well, needless to say Stix wouldn't trust them with an ice-cream cone, let alone with knowing what was best for his kid.
Tired gaze still lingering on the small bundle secured safely in her bassinet, Stix exhaled deeply and brought a hand down into the nest, calloused fingers tenderly nudging the baby's delicate little hand until she instinctively gripped his pointer finger, her eyes fluttering for a moment before she drifted back to sleep. Even when sleeping, even when sick and running a fever his kid never failed to disappoint him with the small, sweet things she did. Maybe she could sense her parent's anxiousness, maybe she was just a sweet little child - he never knew, and Rhell wasn't sure if Leigh was force sensitive yet - but either way Stix was acutely aware that children, babies especially, weren't as busy as Leigh seemed to be all the time.
When not sick and sleeping she was constantly touching, constantly patting things with her little hands and marvelling at everything with big, dark chocolate eyes. They were his eyes that always gazed up at him, and while he sort of wished that she had taken after Rhell - her eyes always seeming more expressive, more like a shock of sweet honey brown as opposed to his dark, almost pitch gaze - he couldn't help but feel the corner of his mouth twitch when he overheard the Inquisitor crooning at the infant, praising how beautiful and perfect their kid was, her even going so far as to hum sweet praises about how 'Leigh, sugar, you have such lovely dark eyes like Papa.' when Rhell thought Stix was too busy to listen in on her.
Rhell was... He knew she was too prideful to admit anything out loud just casually, but the fact that all barriers - all the armour she wore around her heart like a shield, like she needed to protect herself from being hurt all over again, like she was afraid that her hiding behind her walls would be the safer bet in the long run - seemed to melt away to nothing while she hummed and fawned over their kid had Stix at least relieved. Relieved that she wanted to be more open than her parents ever were, even if it was a challenge to get there. But he wasn't about to let her slip into the feeling that she needed to be her parents. Not when-
"... Do you want to move the bassinet into our room for the night?" A familiar and calm voice asked, Stix blinking and jolting as he realized he was starting to doze off, turning around on his stool and looking over at his partner as Rhell leaned in the doorway, her looking just as tired as Stix while repeating herself, "Well? We can move it and not wake her up if both of us take an end and be careful. If it makes you feel better we can even put it on your side of the-" Only to go silent as Stix bolted from his seat, his stool clattering loudly and making him spin and fumble for it so it didn't fall to the ground and make even more noise as Rhell covered her mouth to stifle laughter.
Snorting and rolling her eyes, the Inquisitor tiptoed into the nursery as Stix's face went bright red, her leaning up and kissing his nose gently before stepping back and making her way to the other end of the bassinet, her gripping the edges and waiting for Stix as he padded towards the other end, him picking up the head of the small crib and them both nodding at each other before very carefully lifting the nest. Rhell backing up out of the nursery with ease, they both kept silent as they made their way down the hall, Rhell proving the mundane usefulness of her own Froce Sensitivity as she made a shadow of herself put in the code for their own room.
Door opening with a familiar metallic pshhhhh, The Inquisitor continued to back up into the room until they got to Stix's side of the bed, both of them setting down the bassinet and peeking down at its contents - Leigh still being asleep, her little hands flexing and grasping at nothing while she dreamed - before quietly climbing into their bed, Stix huffing and taking off his shirt before laying down on his back, him glancing over at the crib before resting his wrist against the edge, hand dipped into the infant nest to ease his own worried mind as Rhell crawled up on his other side and laid down against his chest, Stix looking down at his partner as she whispered, "... Things will be fine, Trooperman. Kids get sick, you can't control everything that happens." Before leaning up slightly and pressing her mouth against his.
Despite everything, Rhell was still Rhell. She tasted like Rhell, she felt like Rhell. Her hair was shorter and she at times looked more tired than she ever used to, but she still... She still looked like Rhell. And the way she laid back against him, the way her body fit the shape of his side - how her leg always hooked over his thigh and hand rested against his chest so she could feel his heart beating beneath her fingertips - was just as familiar as anything else. It felt assuring, almost comforting by this point how Rhell just fit with Stix like it was habit, both acting codependent at times without realizing it and the both of them only getting worse as Leigh came along.
Exhaling deeply and closing his eyes as he relaxed, Stix felt too-tight muscles unwind throughout his body as he let his brain drift away while he remembered how unsure and - dare he admit - fearful he felt when being informed he was going to be a parent. Things being static - the same every time, a routine he could follow and expect the same from day to day - was what felt most natural, and now that was out the window as a .3% accident occurred. They both didn't skirt around it, Leigh was an absolute accident, but once it was said and done and Stix was asked if he wanted to hold his baby for the first time, he just nodded dumbly and opened his arms to the small bundle. Right then and there, while looking down at the squalling newborn who had barely been in the world for ten minutes, it dawned that things changing could be okay. Not everything was a life or death struggle, and not everything changed. Rhell? Unchanging. At least, in all the aspects that Stix liked best, she was unchanging.
Dozing off while thinking to himself, the gentle tug of something against his fingers had Stix grunting and wrinkling his nose unhappily as he was woken up a few hours later, the ex-Stormtrooper exhaling tiredly and blinking away sleep for a moment before realizing what was tugging at his fingers, Stix sitting up and Rhell whining as her source of heat moved away, him kicking his legs over the edge of the bed and looking down into the bassinet as eyes dark like coffee - his eyes - gazed up at him while small hands pulled on his digits in a demand for attention.
Leaning over and lifting the small baby out of her nest, Stix let relief wash over him as Leigh's fever seemed gone, her eyes bright and interested as she made grabby hands towards his face before looking over at Rhell and making grabby hands towards her instead. Huffing and rolling his eyes while Rhell sat up tiredly, the ex-Trooper muttered sardonically, "Yeah, you're definitely mine. Always choosing to go to where the food is before anything else." Before handing the infant off to Rhell as she unbuttoned the top of her nightdress and laughed at her husband.
Adjusting the infant in her arms and letting Leigh latch comfortably, Rhell snorted and gave Stix her usual shit-eating grin as she teased, "Yeah, sure, I bet you're real jealous of me. Sooooo jealous that I have to drop everything because someone created a perpetually hungry kid. Fuck, I'd like to see how happy you would be if you were the favourite just because you were the food source." She remarked with a laugh, Stix rolling his eyes and flopping back on the mattress as he pushed his hair from his face, Rhell still laughing until he turned over to face her and gave her a crooked look.
"... So you're admitting that you wouldn't be the favourite if you weren't the food maker? I'm shocked, considering you defended otherwise yesterday." He taunted back, Rhell sticking her tongue out at him in a juvenile way before turning her nose up and scooting away from her partner, Stix scowling at her before sitting up again and flopping his head against her open lap, demanding attention wordlessly while drawling out, "Oh don't be like that. You looooooooooooove me, remember? And now you're double-stuck with me for all eternity." He commented, snorting and lifting his hand to point at the thin silver band on his finger as Rhell chuffed and rolled her eyes derisively, fighting back a smile while muttering.
"Figures. I choose someone who thinks he's funny now that he's a dad."
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rhellsuckssticks · 7 years
look you know how much i love this ship, and now that i've remembered i can ask you about it, your inbox will never know peace. I want to know more about this treehouse family. How/when did they decide to make a home together? You've mentioned Leigh was an accident baby- Did they find their home before or after Rhell got pregnant? How did they both react to the news of their surprise baby? What are Rhell's favorite things about her little family?
Ahhhh you’re indulging me bad with this one.
How/when did they decide to make a home together? 
I feel like through the Order Stix and Rhell just got used to living with each other, so once the reunited after Stix joined up in the Resistance and Rhell enacted her revolution, after all the catching up and pleading with each other that they needed each other in their lives, it just became an automatic thing for them both to want to share a living space together again. And I feel like Geht probably hated that arrangement originally because wow, suddenly his brother has a Sith Inquisitor on his ship and they’re sharing a room and being way too touchy feely with each other like they’re trying to make up for lost time. Geht probably sat Stix down and politely told suggested that he think about maybe finding a planet to more regularly live on with Rhell so he doesn’t need to deal with someone just as anal as him rearranging all his shit. And it probably took a while for them to choose a planet and choose a location on the planet, but once that happened the both of them just immediately took to building their place. Well, Rhell mostly built it using some help from the Force, Stix tried to help but after making a main platform that fell apart mere minutes after being placed in the tree Rhell took over for the most part. The treehouse idea was actually more because I figured that rhell would feel most comfortable living in wooded forests, but Stix would still be paranoid about attackers and requested their house be raised higher so they had a better vantage point to view the area around them.
You’ve mentioned Leigh was an accident baby- Did they find their home before or after Rhell got pregnant?
Yep, Leigh was an accident, but she came way after Stix and Rhell sorta established what their lives together were like. Their house was already built and their goals and jobs were already sorta set when Leigh became a thing probably when they were in their mid-thirties, which is another reason why she was such a surprise. Like, legit by that point Kos and Vinn’s daughter Lanny was already seven and K and Rux’s son was five. Leigh was a very late and very unexpected surprise for almost everyone. Stix just considered it lucky that they bothered to have two guest rooms in their house originally, so they didn’t need to renovate or relocate once Rhell was pregnant.
How did they both react to the news of their surprise baby?
Rhell? Genuine shock followed by uncertainty. For Rhell, she never really considered having kids or wanting kids at all because she’s always been afraid of fucking them up or becoming like her parents, or as the absolute worst case scenario, flat out not being able to carry to term and failing her partner. Rhell was genuinely afraid of getting Stix’s hopes up right off the bat, and she probably shortly after they both learned the news told Stix that if things didn’t work out and she couldn’t give him a kid this time around, she would not try again. She just, wouldn’t be able to handle that chance of breaking Stix’s heart and dashing his hopes repeatedly like that. Rhell is also pretty small, so having Stix’s regular to pretty big sized kid had her worried in the beginning that they might’ve been having twins instead of just one big baby.
Stix? I always felt like Stix is a very family oriented person, so he was probably shocked into silence, then once he was sure that everything wasn’t a dream or a prank excited as hell. for him he probably assumed that while kids were a great thought and something he’d love to someday have, that they were just a pipe dream. Kids were for people with a stable family life that had safe homes and safe jobs, in his mind, and he just assumed that those were things he was never going to really have until he and Rhell finally settled into their place. And even after that and having the safe home and stable lives parts sorted out, he and Rhell still had unsafe jobs and for him that was kinda the reason why he never brought up the idea of having kids before. For Stix there’s probably a lot of panic with trying to make things “safe enough” to his standard that he feels like his kid would be safe once they entered the world. Because by fuck if he isn’t gonna try and make sure that any kid he has gets the chances he never got with opportunities to be safe and secure and loved by parents who aren’t going to leave them or let anything bad happen to them.
What are Rhell’s favorite things about her little family?
In all honesty, it’s probably the stability that a family gives. Rhell appreciates and adores how devoted Stix is to trying to make them and their child as happy as possible, and she likes the fact that for once the biggest fears in her life aren’t someone trying to kill her or her loved ones, and is wether or not their kid isn’t putting things in their mouth that they shouldn’t, or that Stix is going to be a few days longer than expected on his work missions with his brother. The fears in her life are lessened, and she feels more relaxed than she has been in a very long time. She can go to sleep at night feeling secure in the fact that Stix will still be beside her when she wakes up, that their kid will get all the freedoms and opportunities that Rhell and Stix could possibly give her. It’s nice for Rhell.
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rhellsuckssticks · 7 years
Take a Break
This is something I had stockpiled from a universe where Stix and Rhell have a kid together. Not saying they will or even should, but I still had this so. Here.
Stix grunting underneath her, Rhell didn’t look up from her holo-paper as she read the galactic headlines disinterestedly, her more skimming over the words until small news articles caught her eye as her partner did his thing underneath her, the Stormtrooper slumping beneath the Inquisitor after a few more minutes and exhaling raggedly, huffing out, “You know, you’re starting to get too big for this to be effortless.” He commented blandly, turning his head to look up at Rhell as she lifted her gaze, their eyes locking before she sighed and closed her holo-reader.
Unfolding her legs from underneath her and trying to brace herself so she didn’t topple, the Sith Inquisitor snorted while trying to climb off of her partner’s back, quipping, “Yeah, well, I’d feel more sorry if I was the one this kid took after for being unreasonably large, Trooperman. But I’m super tiny and you’re the one who isn’t, so this is your f- Shit!” She started to rant just as she began losing her balance as she attempted to get up. Falling backwards and hitting the training mat with a heavy thump and a gasp as her hands instinctively came up to protect her pregnant front, Stix turned onto his side while shooting Rhell a concerned look as she exhaled with relief, waving him off and grunting, “I’m- I’m fine. No need to shit yourself. I just can’t fucking keep balance when I’m-”
“-Have you considered maybe sitting in a chair instead of as extra weight on my back when I’m working out? I mean, Rhell, I get you hate feeling like you aren’t doing anything since you’ve been banned from going on missions, but fuck on a fence you have the fucking balance of a turtle on marbles right now.” Stix cut off briskly, looking at his partner as she attempted to sit up and proceeded to fail miserably - pinned quite uncomfortably under her belly - before defeatedly rolling herself gracelessly onto her side and then onto all fours, the Stormtrooper getting up from under Rhell’s legs and offering assistance to get her on her feet as she started to struggle again, him toning, “You know I’m not trying to be like that, but it would just be easier on you physically and way better for myself mentally if y-” He started, getting cut off as Rhell leaned up on her tiptoes and pulled Stix down into a slow kiss, him immediately becoming malleable against her touches and leaning down, trying to bring himself close to Rhell and grunting as his torso bumped her pregnant front, before sighing and pulling away from her mouth.
Huffing as Stix moved away, Rhell brought her hands down his arms and twined her fingers with his, squeezing his hands assuringly while stating, “I’ll be fine, okay? Everyone is fine, and it’s only two more months of this. If I need to slow it down a bit for two months... I could probably do it.” She commented dejectedly, looking away as Stix raised his gaze to hers, him walking behind the Inquisitor and bringing his hands around her waist while placing a kiss on the top of her head, Rhell flushing darkly and moving her hands to rest atop his while chuffing, “Just, just expect to be following me around a lot while I visit with people so I’m not bored as all hell. If I get bored I’m just gonna start being a pest, and nobody here wants that.”
“Hm, I think I could handle you being a pest. You’re already annoying and enough of a troublemaker that you’re risking giving me grey hairs.” Stix teased, Rhell offendedly huffing at his comment and reaching a hand up to pinch his nose as he laughed, Stix correcting, “I still love you though! Fuck, let go, woman! You’re going to take my damned nose off with that death-grip you have!”
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