#ATV Collision
lewsguystuff · 1 month
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neo-shitty · 1 year
road runners — l.yb
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description. road running was just like any other high-paying job brought about by the new road management system. high risk, high reward. another position had been vacated in your station, you just hoped the newbie would last a little longer than the last one did. 
pairings. lee felix x gender-neutral reader
genre. dystopian!au, kind of workmates!au
warnings. graphic imagery, slight discussions on morality, animal death, multiple death by accidents, implied suicide (not of main characters), major character death
word count. 2.6k
notes. posting this after seeing this scene in the 5 star trailer haha kinda morbid thinking how i came up with this in driving school lmao hope everyone’s doing well! it’s been so long (。_。)
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On the job, you were but an observer—an additional pair of eyes with the extra skill of executing actions that the cameras could not. There would come a time when the development of technology would give birth to advancements that’ll eventually take over most human labors. But that day was not today, nor do you imagine it to be any time soon. For now, you’re stationed on one of the many towers that lined the Gyeongbu Expressway, roving the highway for something interesting. Just like usual, there’s nothing.
Becoming a road runner had been every child’s dream at some point. Every head turned towards car windows on expressways and busy highways, watching out for the moment the black-suited figures zipped from one tower to another. You were no exception, so when the teachers asked what you wanted to be when you grew older you answered the same thing every year: I want to be a road runner.
It wouldn’t be until high school when you learned the grim reality behind the coolest job you’ve ever known. Road runners never existed until about half a century ago when the government decided on the full enforcement of all traffic laws to eliminate the ever-growing traffic problem. A decade-long transition was put into motion in the year 2068; road and highways were reconstructed, and at the end of the ten years, most of the country’s major networks functioned in the same way train railways had, complete with a centralized system to track all of its users.
Automatic transmission vehicles ATVs took on a new definition, now functioning on auto-pilot and programmed to sync with the central system. While some people resorted to purchasing new cars with the built in systems, the government couldn’t force everyone to make the switch. They could, however, launch the strict implementation of all road and traffic laws through the system.
And so they did. 
The decision was marred with controversy when the accidents began to happen. While most citizens brushed it off their shoulders as a good riddance for nuisances, others saw through and began thinking there was a more sinister reason to it. The government never explicitly stated that MTVs were banned from the streets, though driving them grew more and more risky. They were rogues to the system, undetectable. Highways have turned into railroad tracks, cars into bullet trains. ATVs were hot-wired pods meant to get you to your destination via the quickest route possible and on the road, there was no stopping them. 
Both traffic and pollution significantly lessened with the transition, but one problem spiked—road-related accidents. Pedestrians were ploughed by high-speed ATVs, MTVs crushed by collisions, and the death toll reached hundreds within months of its implementation. But the government did not waver, nor did it carry the blame for everything that had happened. They wiped their hands clean.
“The system has been programmed with rules that have long been implemented, pre-existing ones we were already meant to follow beforehand,” they said. The ignorance of the law excuses no one, and so the government played court and passed judgment.
Right wings argued that roads were meant for vehicles alone. Why were pedestrians prioritized all the time when there were designated times and places for them like sidewalks, crosswalk lights, their very own safe zones. Pedestrians and other street-users abused their privilege, compromising vehicle drivers and contributing into traffic congestion. Humans were smart but they were slaves to their own egos, susceptible to being easily put back into place when reminded of a higher authority.
Sanctions towards traffic law violators were dropped. No more fines and months in probation and arrests. If you weren’t registered into the system, you were still free to use the roads as you liked. You could cross it whenever you liked, drove an MTV side by side with the ATVs but you could no longer sue other parties for what could happen to you on the road.
Little by little, as every road was remodeled and programmed with the centralized system, traffic law enforcers one by one disappeared—giving way to another job, one that acted as a countermeasure to the growing number of highway traffic accidents, road running.
The government thought response teams took too long to get to the accident area, hence the birth of the organization for road runners. Road running was a high paying profession, right for a job just as risky. Runners were stationed along major highways and roads, functioning as both lookouts and quick response teams for any accident, be it minor or major, that may occur. Minor accidents were meant to be dealt with by a single runner or in groups of three depending on the gravity. Major accidents were reported to the system which then rerouted upcoming road users for an hour until the highway was once again spotless. 
You never thought you’d land the job as an act of desperation but you did, filing in your application within days from quitting school and getting it. For a job that was sought for, it was vacated a lot. Runners either chickened out when accidents finally did happen or died in the process of cleaning up one. It wasn’t an easy job, it was gruesome. You felt the same way towards it when you were met with an accident a week into the job. But the fear and the ick passes and you began to look at things differently, observing street users with the detachment of someone who agreed with the government’s ideals.
For the past year, you’ve kept to yourself most of the time—staying on your tower through all the eight hours you’re supposed to be there unlike the others who roved around for anything. Compared to prior years, accidents now happened few and far between and most of the time on purpose. Your shifts were more eventless than not. Until a rally against corrupt ATV manufacturing companies took to the streets to make their point a couple of months ago. No rerouting was called that day, not until each and every one of the protestors lied mangled on the streets. The massacre was quick but the repercussions it left behind went far and wide, giving birth to a generation of new-minded individuals who were curious why the way of things had to be that way.
Felix was one of them and he joined the road runners in the midst of it.
“Chan quit. We’re getting a new guy today.” Changbin doesn’t even bother looking up to greet you, gaze fixated on his phone—making the most out of the few minutes before your shift began.
Beneath your finger, a green light flashes and the machine beeps. “Saw that coming,” you said, looking across the room to where Chan was stationed, a part of the tower office that you’ve seen more often vacated than occupied. “New guy on an expressway? That’s new.”
“Heard he’s one of the fast ones.”
Either that or they needed more people on the expressway. You joined the runners back when the positions were still fought for, the profession respected rather than shun. Starting out as a newbie, they assigned you to small streets and country roads until you were working on bigger roads then national highways. It wasn’t because you were getting any better in your job but because those positions were harder to keep than to earn.
The new guy was a bright-eyed boy with star-studded cheeks and a nervous smile. He blinked at the both of you as he walked in, unsure of what to say when you just stared at him back. The scanner beeps beneath his finger and he walks to the back of the office to where Chan used to sit.
“Lee Felix, right?” He turned to you, wide-eyed and alert. 
Road runner contracts only lasted a year and even then only a few stayed in the job long enough to renew it. It took one good look at Felix to know that he’d be one of those who wouldn’t make it past the year—either by quitting or some foolish mistake on the road.
An alarm blared as the clock struck 4 and runners from the last shift burst through the doors of the tower from both sides of the line. It wasn’t the splotches of wetness on their suits nor the expressions on their faces that gave it away, but the metallic stench that followed them as they came in. 
“What happened?” Changbin rose from his seat, giving way to the runner who shared his desk.
“Someone tried to cross the street on a green light.”
“How many?”
“Just one,” he answered, before finally looking around. “New guy?” He pointed at Felix who still stood frozen in the middle of the road. The quiet boy nodded. “Good luck then, kid.”
You never liked it when anyone glossed over the truth of the road-running profession. It paid high for the risk of cleaning roadkill carcass all the while preventing yourself from becoming one, but it never compensated for the images wedged into your subconscious of mangled bodies, scattered insides and pools of blood. So you’ve made it a habit to put a fair warning to anyone new to the job, turning to Felix as he followed you out the tower saying, “Do yourself a favor and quit.”
But of course he didn’t, they almost never did until witnessing their first deaths. The only thing that was different with Felix was his unpredictability because he stopped his first accident from happening. It wasn’t that you didn’t see it coming. He was curious and inquisitive, a dead giveaway of his political biases. He always asked why you never stopped the pedestrians or flagged down the MTVs and you always answered the same thing: these people knew the rules and the law and whatever consequences they suffered were beyond you.
Felix never seemed to get it, his humanity completely intact. Of the three of you, he always ended up black out tired by midnight, running up and down the road to warn people to use the overpass instead of the road or entertaining impatient folk and tricking them into waiting until the crosswalk lights turned green. 
But just like him, there were hard-headed people who never listened regardless of the measures he took. The first time he saw a person carelessly cross the road in a manic sprint, he jumped right after them. Grappling hooks burst out of his belt, piercing through the wind to hook onto metal bars across the highway and he swung across like a madman, saving the man at the last second before a truck rolled past where they once were. 
You met his triumphant smile with disbelief and horror. “Maybe they haven’t oriented you, Felix, but our job is to clean up, not pick up.”
“I know and I don’t get it. Of all people, road runners can save lives and lessen traffic accidents, so why not do it?”
You’ve heard of this subtle leftist movement spreading across the provinces, the new generation of road runners adding saving pedestrians into their list of obligations. It was counterintuitive to what the government wanted to be done, but it was morally aligned with what most people thought. Road runners were being hailed again, looked up to. But the inversely proportional scales tipped, lower accident rates meant higher risks for runners. 
It didn’t guarantee a 100% success rate. There was a dog one day, got loose from its leash and sprinted off the highway sidewalk. Felix had been the first one to see it, tunnel vision narrowed to the dog’s path as it leaped onto the highway. But you’ve seen it too, along with the bus barrelling down the highway that maybe he didn’t.
“Felix, stop!” You dashed from your station, reaching him before his grappling hooks shot out. The dog continued running across the street, the bus continued moving at speed limit. Wind blew past you as it passed, leaving you puzzled on the sidewalk with nothing but dust and a carcass in its wake.
“I could’ve saved it,” Felix said, already mourning the pup he’d only met seconds ago. But even he sounded hopeless, half-knowing that there was no way helping that dog out of this one because he couldn’t have made it across without the bus ramming into him in exchange.
You remembered a time when you thought the same way but the years have dulled your hope, whatever righteousness you’ve had in you dissipating with the disbelief that people still refused to listen. And the accidents came often, desensitizing you with every death happening before your eyes. These people didn’t care about themselves no matter how hard you tried to save them.
While you grew to accept it as the months passed, Felix did not, or he wasn’t on the field long enough to know that in the end he couldn’t do anything about it if the same people who were saved never wanted saving. 
Felix was never assigned to your part of the highway before, so he never knew about that regular passerby—one who only sat by to observe the timing of things. The man always came by on weekday afternoons rain or shine. The expressway was never made for pedestrians but he still came anyway. It wasn’t hard to predict what was in his mind but you never made a move to approach nor interfere. And he disappeared for quite a while, months, and you thought he finally kicked the bucket. But he comes back one day, with a brighter expression over his once gloomy face and you’ve seen too many suicides to know what another attempt looks like.
Felix, however, did not. You didn’t see the man coming because if you did, you would’ve stopped him the way you did before during close calls. But he sees the man before you do and in the spur of the moment, the man had jumped into the highway, Felix following immediately behind him. And you can still hear Changbin behind you, shouting about upcoming cars but it falls on deaf ears and you watched the accident happen—both the man and Felix run down by a parade of cars coming from a recently greenlit intersection. You saw them launched into the air, landing so far from the point of collision and further ploughed by upcoming vehicles. Pieces of the body landed scattered down the highway, cars coming too often for any of you to get any cleaning done. 
You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until you felt your lungs begin to burn. For a moment you stood there, both in shock yet expecting what had happened. It was only a matter of when it would happen. Eventually you snapped out of it when the cars stopped coming, green light finally turning red.
From your pocket you dug out the device meant to access the central system and set the timer. The system closes off the highway and reroutes all upcoming vehicles to other roads. You began the dreadful trek to where the bodies, or most of it, actually were. Changbin called for a highway sweep, the two-man team seeming not enough to clear all parts of the bodies off the street. 
“Shame, I thought he’d last longer.” Changbin muttered as he caught up beside you, his mask and gloves already on.
“He didn’t really have it in him, you know? He was too soft.” You answered. “This might’ve been the best way to go and better now than later.”
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© neo-shitty, 2023
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atlanticcanada · 11 months
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agrieyes · 24 days
Amber Strobe Lights: The Bright and Reliable Choice for Safety
Hello, friends who prioritize safety! Strobe lights are essential for guaranteeing visibility and safety while driving. Today, our attention will be on amber strobe lights, which are commonly used and highly effective. We will investigate the various colors of strobe lights, their usage, and the reasons behind the popularity of amber.
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Color Categories of Strobe Lights
Strobe lights come in various colors, each serving a specific purpose:
Red: Typically used for emergency vehicles like ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars.
Blue: Also used for emergency vehicles and law enforcement.
White: Often used for general work vehicles or to illuminate work areas.
Green: Used for military applications and sometimes in medical emergencies.
Amber: The most common color for non-emergency safety and warning purposes.
Why Amber Strobe Lights Are Popular
Amber strobe lights are widely used due to their high visibility and effectiveness in non-emergency scenarios. Here’s why amber is a popular choice:
High Visibility: Amber light is the best color for bad weather since it can see through dust and fog more well than other colors.
Non-Distracting: Amber issues a warning without inciting a panic, in contrast to red or blue, which may be connected to urgent crises.
Versatility: Amber strobe lights are employed in a variety of settings, including agricultural machines and construction sites.
Common Applications of Amber Strobe Lights
Amber strobe lights are used in various settings to enhance safety and visibility. Here are some common applications:
Construction Sites
Heavy Machinery: To notify workers and other vehicles of their presence and movements, excavators, bulldozers, and cranes utilize amber strobe lights.
Temporary Traffic Controls: Cones, signs, and barriers with amber strobe lights are used to guide traffic and alert people to potential risks.
Agricultural Equipment
Tractors: Farmers use amber strobe lights to increase visibility during early morning or evening operations.
Harvesters: Large harvesting machines use amber strobe lights to ensure safety when moving through fields or on roads.
Commercial and Industrial Vehicles
Delivery Vans: Couriers and logistics companies use amber strobe lights to improve visibility when loading and unloading goods in busy areas.
Utility Trucks: Electric company trucks and water department vehicles use these lights to alert others while working on the roads.
Recreational and Specialized Vehicles
Golf Carts: To improve visibility and safety, especially in congested locations, resorts and golf courses utilize golf carts equipped with amber strobe lights.
UTVs and ATVs:Off-road vehicles, such as UTVs and ATVs, employ amber strobe lights to improve visibility in poor light or at night.
Other Applications
Security Vehicles: Security personnel patrolling large properties or parking lots use amber strobe lights to ensure visibility and deter potential threats.
Special Events: Temporary setups at events such as concerts or festivals may use amber strobe lights for crowd control and emergency response.
Requirements for Amber Strobe Lights
To be effective, amber strobe lights must meet certain requirements:
High brightness: Must be seen from a large distance, usually at least 360 degrees.
Durability: Made from strong materials that can survive extreme weather, vibrations, and potential collisions.
Waterproof and dustproof: IP67 or above rating ensures that they perform properly in wet and dusty settings.
Long Lifespan: Designed to last thousands of hours and deliver consistent performance over time.
For a variety of applications, amber strobe lights offer a dependable and adaptable option for improving safety and visibility. These lights are an essential part of keeping safety requirements met by leisure vehicles, construction sites, and agricultural equipment. Amber strobe lights contribute to safer roads and workplaces by making sure that everyone is aware and attentive and by following strict standards for brightness, durability, and weather resistance.
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ATV Insurance in Bristol and Wytheville, VA: 5 Important Coverage To Consider 
Many individuals invest in a second vehicle that helps them to plan leisure activities. Buying an All-Terrain vehicle (ATV) a recreational vehicle or a utility terrain vehicle. Such vehicles come with specific risks that need to be minimized as well. Sure, buying ATV insurance in Bristol and Wytheville, VA can be beneficial but it is important to learn about the associated facts before deciding to spend money. ​ Unlike traditional auto insurance, an ATV insurance policy may not be mandatory. Again, driving an ATV on a regular road or in state-owned parks or roads may necessitate insurance coverage. There is no use worrying about whether one needs or does not either. Instead, one may discuss the pros and cons of buying the requisite ATV coverage or bump it up as necessary. An independent insurance agency or agent can help as they remain focused on the customer and not the big insurance companies.
It is essential to remain covered by insurance whether the state mandates ATV insurance or not. The driver is pleased to obtain complete freedom without worrying about financial problems in the event of an accident or damage to the vehicle. The most common coverage that the ATV owner may hope to get by buying insurance includes the following:-
1. Collision Coverage- Being involved in an accident when driving an ATV may be unusual but not impossible. The ATV may collide with another vehicle, whether an off-road one or a conventional automobile, that damages the ATV. The insurance coverage will kick in after the insured vehicle owner pays the deductible. The insurance company will compensate for all damages to the vehicle, including dents, scratches, and more extensive damages.
2. Property Damage Liability Coverage—An ATV banging into an adjoining shed, house, or fence can severely damage the property. The owner will be justified in suing the ATV owner for damages. Thankfully, the insurance company will compensate the property owner by paying for the damages as calculated or settled.
3. Bodily injury liability insurance- The ATV in an accident may injure the people in the other vehicle. The insurance coverage will pay for the medical treatment of the injured individuals but not for the ATV owner or its passengers.
4. Medical payments coverage—This coverage will pay the medical expenses required after an injury in an accident involving an ATV owned by the insured. The insurance carrier will pay for recovery, rehabilitation, and remedial treatment for the ATV owner and the injured passengers.
5. Comprehensive Coverage—The ATV may be damaged by external factors other than being involved in an accident with another vehicle. This particular coverage pays for damages caused by glass breakage, fire, theft, storms, hail, and riots.
It is important to remain prepared for medical treatments in the future. Buying health insurance in Wytheville and Bristol, VA, by contacting a top-notch insurer can enable one to stay healthy and fit regardless of age.
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cavenewstimes · 5 months
15-year-old boy dead after ATV collision near New Brunswick highway
Posted May 4, 2024 1:23 pm 1 min read Police said the incident is believed to have occurred when one of the drivers lost control of their ATV and crashed into another one. Global News A 15-year-old boy is dead following an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) crash that occurred in the area of Beresford, N.B., late Friday night. In a release on Saturday, New Brunswick RCMP said police responded at…
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Desert Safari, Quad Bike, Camel Ride & Al Khayma - Desert Safari Dubai Adventures
Discover the desert outside of Dubai on a guided dune bashing safari. Enjoy the opportunity to take part in a variety of optional activities including a quad Biking
Dubai Desert Safari With BBQ, Quad Bike And Camel Ride
Quad bike adventure through the Lahbab Desert · Activities include sandboarding, dune bashing, and camel riding · Barbecue dinner with nonalcoholic .
Desert Safari with Quad Biking in Dubai
Take our action-packed desert Safari Dubai with quad biking to explore the wondrous desert landscape untouched by time. Your adrenaline-charged desert safari
Is quad biking in the desert safe?
If you ride a quad, you must have good equipment, including wearing an approved helmet to ensure your head safety. Not just anyone is valid, it must be an approved helmet similar to the one used to ride a bike. A helmet covering all your face with a visor will protect you from aridisols in a desert, mud
What is quad biking in desert? Quad-biking in Morocco's Sahara Desert
Quad biking in the Sahara Desert offers a mix of fun and adventure. Riding across the dunes, feeling the wind in your hair, and taking in the breathtaking landscape gives you a real adrenaline rush.
Is quad biking safe in Dubai? Desert Safari Dubai Adventures
Quad biking in Dubai is a thrilling experience, but at the same, it is also challenging, especially when it comes to dressing appropriately. The scorching heat of the desert and rough terrain can pose serious risks to your safety and comfort if you're not wearing the right clothing
How much does quad biking cost in Dubai? Dubai Adventures
A standard ticket option, including Quad biking, will cost about AED 200, offering 10 to 15 minutes on the bike, whereas a premium ticket option offers you 30 minutes of quad biking fun for AED 600 and other adventure activities like dune bashing, sandboarding, or dune buggy ride.
Do you get dirty quad biking? Dubai Desert Safari Adventures
Quad bikes. Explore the bush or speed through a paddock on a 4-wheeler quad bike - you're guaranteed to get dirty when you go quad biking. Ride downhill, pushing the bike to the limits just to see how much of a mud splash you can make. Quad biking will be sure to give you the sense of adventure you're seeking.
What is the risk of quad bike? Dubai Safari Adventures
Safety events regarding quad bikes normally involve rollovers, collisions with obstacles and/or ejection from the vehicle. WHAT ARE THE RISKS? Serious injuries or death may result from a quad bike rollover or collision, even at low speeds.
How many people can ride on a quad bike? Desert Safari Dubai
Most adult sized quad bikes are designed to carry one person and are not suitable for carrying passengers.
What is the difference between a quad bike and an ATV?
A quad bike is a four-wheel drive vehicle, while an ATV is not just a four-wheeled drive, as it can also have three or six wheels. In simplest terms, an ATV can be a quad, but not all quad bikes are ATVs
Are quad bikes heavy? Desert Safari Dubai Adventures
Weight. A quad bike is heavier than a dirt bike, and you must be physically capable of controlling the vehicle. So, a less heavy one is more suited for younger riders.
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arnoldussenins · 5 months
Facts About ATV Insurance in Atascadero, CA
Investing in an automobile is a necessity today. The vehicle owner needs to carry basic insurance coverage as well. Life is not about doing the required things. Many individuals invest in off-road vehicles in addition to their primary auto. The owner is well advised to buy ATV insurance in Atascadero, CA, although the state does not consider it a necessity. The ATV owner must contact a reputed insurance company or agent to acquire information and then sign the documents to be covered by the requisite insurance plan.  ​ The first thing to note is the extent of coverage. While some may be necessary when driving the vehicle, others may be optional. The insurance company can serve as an excellent guide in this regard. It is indeed heartening to know that an ATV insurance policy will cover the risks associated with the following:- · Collision- The insurer pays for any physical damage to the ATV caused during an accident. This includes dents, scratches, and other physical damage resulting from a collision with another vehicle. However, the coverage will only kick in after the insured person pays the deductible
· Property damage liability- The insurance carrier will compensate for the damages caused to other people by the ATV. The sum will be paid for damage to fences, trees, and/or building structures owned by others
· Bodily injury liability- Being at fault for an accident when in the driving seat of an ATV may give rise to liability. The carrier will take care of the medical treatment for the injured people and other medical expenses for all passengers and individuals traveling in the other vehicle(s) involved in the accident
· Medical payments- This is the compensation paid to the ATV owner and the passengers in the vehicle during an accident. The sum includes medical treatment and expenses for rehabilitation, recovery, and therapy
· Underinsured or Uninsured Motorist- the insurance company pays for the repair of the ATV when the at-fault driver does not carry enough insurance coverage or has no insurance at all
· Comprehensive- This is a hugely beneficial coverage that requires the carrier to pay for all types of damages to the ATV. This usually includes coverage for damage caused by fire, hail, theft, glass breakage, thunderstorms, lightning, riots, and vandalism. The covered peril is compensated by payment of the actual cash value after subtracting the deductible
The ATV owner is free to choose coverage according to the requirements. Many vehicle owners prefer to customize their plans to obtain the maximum benefit. Inquiring about the state requirements before purchasing the insurance policy is advisable. It is essential to know that not all types of coverage are available in every state.
The dwelling structure or the home is the most valuable tangible asset one can possess. It is vital to safeguard it by buying the right home insurance in Paso Robles and Santa Maria, CA. 
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isubright · 5 months
Reasons To Buy ATV Insurance in Columbus and Madison, IN
Driving a car is commonplace. Multiple vehicles are expected to be found in residential buildings used by the family. An ordinary automobile suitable for city roads cannot do well when off the beaten track. Individuals who love to rough it out during their vacation often prefer to invest in a sturdy all-terrain vehicle such as an ATV. It is natural to think of being covered by insurance immediately. Not all states mandate this type of insurance. It still makes sense, however, to consider purchasing ATV insurance in Columbus and Madison, IN, as the state requires one to carry an additional ATV policy. ​ This makes the ATV owner wonder about the necessity. It should be good to go without insurance coverage when the state or the lender does not require it. Well, the answer is not quite so simple. Instead, it is essential to understand the reasons to buy such an insurance plan. Some of the benefits that are going to leave one satisfied with having purchased the said insurance are:-
When involved in an accident The accident may not have occurred due to the vehicle owner’s fault, but carrying the insurance becomes essential when the at-fault driver does not carry insurance or is covered inadequately. One is glad to have the Uninsured or Underinsured Insurance Coverage handy to compensate for the damage.
When at-fault An accident that the ATV owner is responsible for may result in heavy expenses unless the insurance coverage pays for the following: · Bodily Injury Liability · Passenger Liability · Medical Expenses for the insured person · Property Damage Liability · Collision Coverage
For stolen or vandalized ATV It is vital to consider comprehensive coverage to have the money needed for the repair or replacement of a damaged or lost ATV. Indeed this coverage will have the insurance company pay for all of the above including stolen and vandalized vehicles.
For Damage of ATV Trailer Sure, the ATV owner is likely to be at risk of damaging the vehicle or accidentally injuring a third person. The trailer attached to the vehicle may be damaged or stolen, too. It is prudent to consider buying additional coverage to pay for the trailer repair when it gets damaged. It is best to inquire about the inclusion of transportation trailer coverage with the ATV insurance policy.
For Damage to Accessories The basic coverage for an ATV will not cover the additional cost of upgrading or replacing the essential accessories. The total sum may be quite steep even when the insurance pays for the repair/replacement of the ATV. This makes it most important to consider buying accessory coverage that will compensate the expenses of accessories up to the specified limit.
It is advisable to shop around for ATV insurance in Columbus and Madison, IN, and compare at least three quotes before making the final decision about the insurance coverage. Raising the deductibles is a good way of reducing the premium, with bundling different insurance policies being another way to cut costs.
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batonrougepowersport · 7 months
What safety tips should I remember when riding an louisiana powersports ?
Louisiana is a state known for its love of outdoor activities, including powersports. Whether you're riding an ATV, a dirt bike, or a side-by-side, exploring the Louisiana wilderness on a powersports vehicle can be an exhilarating experience. However, it's crucial to prioritize safety to ensure a fun and incident-free ride. In this blog post, we'll discuss important safety tips and answer some frequently asked questions to help you stay safe while enjoying your Louisiana powersports adventures.
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Safety Tips:
Wear Appropriate Safety Gear:
Always wear a DOT-approved helmet to protect your head in case of a fall or collision.
Wear goggles or a face shield to shield your eyes from dust, debris, and insects.
Dress in durable, long-sleeved clothing, pants, gloves, and over-the-ankle boots to protect your body from scratches, abrasions, and impacts.
Know Your Vehicle:
Familiarize yourself with the controls and features of your powersports vehicle before riding.
Understand the vehicle's capabilities and limitations, including its size, weight, and handling characteristics.
Read the owner's manual for important maintenance and safety information specific to your vehicle.
Ride Responsibly:
Obey all local laws, regulations, and trail rules when riding your powersports vehicle.
Ride within your skill level and avoid taking unnecessary risks or attempting stunts beyond your abilities.
Respect the environment and other trail users by staying on designated trails and avoiding sensitive habitats.
Ride with a Buddy:
Whenever possible, ride with a companion or in a group, especially in remote or unfamiliar areas.
Keep each other in sight and establish a plan in case of an emergency, such as getting separated or encountering mechanical issues.
Stay Alert and Sober:
Remain vigilant while riding and keep an eye out for obstacles, wildlife, and other riders.
Never operate a powersports vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications that may impair your judgment or reflexes.
Perform Regular Maintenance:
Maintain your powersports vehicle according to the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure it operates safely and reliably.
Check the brakes, tires, lights, fluids, and other essential components before each ride, and address any issues promptly.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q: Do I need a license to ride a powersports vehicle in Louisiana? A: Yes, Louisiana law requires riders of certain powersports vehicles, such as ATVs and side-by-sides, to possess a valid driver's license or a Louisiana Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Safety Certificate.
Q: Are there age restrictions for riding powersports vehicles in Louisiana? A: Yes, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) imposes age restrictions for operating powersports vehicles. For example, children under the age of 10 are generally not allowed to operate ATVs, and there are specific age requirements for operating other types of powersports vehicles.
Q: Where can I legally ride my powersports vehicle in Louisiana? A: Louisiana offers numerous designated trails, parks, and recreational areas where you can legally ride powersports vehicles. Additionally, private landowners may permit powersports activities on their property with proper authorization.
Conclusion: Riding a powersports vehicle in Louisiana can be a thrilling experience, but it's essential to prioritize safety at all times. By following the tips outlined in this guide and adhering to local laws and regulations, you can enjoy your adventures while minimizing the risk of accidents or injuries. Remember to always wear appropriate safety gear, know your vehicle, ride responsibly, stay alert and sober, and perform regular maintenance to ensure a safe and enjoyable riding experience.
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atlanticcanada · 2 months
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blogynews · 11 months
"Unforeseen Tragedy: Mysterious Circumstances Surround 19-year-old N.B. Man's Fatal Accident - A Shocking Tale from New Brunswick"
A 19-year-old man from New Brunswick has tragically died in a hospital after a collision between a car and an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) in Dufferin Parish. The incident occurred on Saturday morning on Route 170 highway in Dufferin Parish, east of St. Stephen. According to police, the collision happened when the westbound car struck the ATV, which had stopped in the same direction. First…
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Need To Buy Watercraft Insurance in Abingdon and Bristol, VA
Buying auto insurance is necessary to comply with the state regulations almost everywhere across the USA. However, the same cannot be said for ATV or UTV owners. Only a handful of states mandate the purchase of such insurance. Virginia does not ask for insurance coverage for driving an ATV, UTV, or any kind of Power sport vehicle. It makes sense to buy adequate coverage, especially when intent on riding a vehicle that seats passengers alongside each other.
Not having adequate off-road or side by side insurance in Abingdon and Bristol, VA, can have devastating financial consequences when the vehicle is involved in an accident or is the cause of a mishap. Another fact to remember is that such vehicles cannot enjoy extended coverage of a standard homeowner’s insurance policy or the required auto insurance for a traditional car.
The ATV or UTV owner can shop for this type of insurance in particular by inquiring about the pros and cons, the extent of coverage included, and the exclusions. The insurance buyer of side-by-side insurance is pleased to know the following details that will surely convince the vehicle owner to purchase the policy:
1. Body Injury Liability- The coverage will have the carrier pay compensation to the injured individual who had not been inside the vehicle at the time of the accident. The compensation would be paid up to the limit of the coverage
2. Property Damage Liability- Again, the coverage will pay for the damaged property belonging to a third party that was damaged by the insured vehicle. However, the coverage will not compensate for damages to the insured person’s property
3. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist- This coverage is similar to that provided by the conventional auto insurance plan. The insurance company will pay for the medical costs in the aftermath of an accident even when the insured ATV owner is not at fault, but the at-fault driver carries no or less insurance coverage. What’s more? This coverage will also reimburse the lost wages up to a limit. This is especially helpful for individuals residing in states where this insurance is not essential
4. Comprehensive and Collision- The former type of coverage will protect the vehicle from financial risks caused by damages due to events beyond one’s control. The insurance company will pay for the repair and/or replacement of parts that are damaged due to inclement weather, fire, or vandalism. The collision coverage kicks in when the ATV/UTV is damaged in an accident involving any other motorized vehicle
5. Medical Payments- The vehicle owner who opts for this coverage will have the medical bills paid by the insurance carrier regardless of being at fault. The driver and other passengers in the vehicle at the time of the accident will be provided by the carrier
Individuals who use boats or any other personal watercraft for recreation or business operations may find buying watercraft insurance in Abingdon and Bristol, VA, beneficial in the event of a mishap.
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blogynewz · 11 months
"Unforeseen Tragedy: Mysterious Circumstances Surround 19-year-old N.B. Man's Fatal Accident - A Shocking Tale from New Brunswick"
A 19-year-old man from New Brunswick has tragically died in a hospital after a collision between a car and an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) in Dufferin Parish. The incident occurred on Saturday morning on Route 170 highway in Dufferin Parish, east of St. Stephen. According to police, the collision happened when the westbound car struck the ATV, which had stopped in the same direction. First…
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blogynewsz · 11 months
"Unforeseen Tragedy: Mysterious Circumstances Surround 19-year-old N.B. Man's Fatal Accident - A Shocking Tale from New Brunswick"
A 19-year-old man from New Brunswick has tragically died in a hospital after a collision between a car and an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) in Dufferin Parish. The incident occurred on Saturday morning on Route 170 highway in Dufferin Parish, east of St. Stephen. According to police, the collision happened when the westbound car struck the ATV, which had stopped in the same direction. First…
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wiackcom · 1 year
Midsize pickup trucks combine the versatility of a truck with a smaller more manageable size. They offer greater fuel efficiency and maneuverability than full-size trucks, while still providing ample hauling and towing capabilities. This guide will explore the benefits of midsize trucks and breakdown the features, options, and rankings of the Toyota Tacoma, Chevrolet Colorado, Honda Ridgeline, and other leading models. Why Consider a Midsize Truck? Midsize trucks, also called compact trucks, sit between full-size trucks and small car-based pickup models. They have many advantages over their larger siblings: More fuel efficient - Better gas mileage, especially when not towing or hauling heavy loads. Easier to drive and park - More maneuverable size makes navigating tight spaces and urban areas easier. Lower cost - Generally $5,000 to $10,000 cheaper than full-size trucks when comparing base models. Less truck than you need - Perfect for buyers who want truck capabilities but don't need to tow/haul maximum loads. Sporty trims available - Some models offer aggressive off-road or street performance packages. While full-size trucks are the kings of towing and payload capacity, midsize trucks offer hauling power and versatility in a smaller package that's handier for daily driving. The Toyota Tacoma - Legendary Midsize Truck Toyota Tacoma The Toyota Tacoma dominates midsize truck sales, outselling competitors by huge margins. Here's a look at what makes the Tacoma so popular. Strong Resale Value Toyota trucks are known for retaining value exceptionally well. The Tacoma has among the highest resale value of any vehicle category, earning up to 66% of original value after 5 years (source). High demand means strong trade-in and resale prices down the road. Rugged Durability and Off-Road Cred Tacomas are workhorses built for adventure with a reputation for durability. The available TRD Off-Road package adds suspension lift, skid plates, and specialty shocks for tackling tough terrain. Ground clearance up to 9.4 inches helps the Tacoma go anywhere off-road. Safety Tech and Towing Innovations New safety features for 2023 and 2024 include forward collision alerts, pedestrian detection, lane keeping assist, and traffic sign recognition. Towing is enhanced with Panoramic View Monitor trailer guidance and anti-sway control. Available Configurations The Tacoma offers two cab styles, a smaller 2-door Access Cab and more spacious 4-door Double Cab. Lengths range from 6-feet to 6.5-feet. There are six trim levels from basic SR to luxurious Limited. Powerful Engine Options A 2.7L 4-cylinder engine with 159 hp is standard, while a 3.5L V6 producing 278 hp is available. Both engines have a 6-speed automatic transmission, with a 6-speed manual option on select V6 models. 4-wheel drive is optional on most configurations. While improvements are minor for 2023 and 2024, the Tacoma doesn’t mess with the successful formula that has made it the best-selling midsize truck. Toyota enjoys fierce brand loyalty among truck owners who trust Tacoma's proven track record. Chevrolet Colorado - Capable Midsize Hauler Chevrolet Colorado The Colorado offers excellent towing and performance in a refined package earning high praise. Here’s a closer look. Strong Towing and Payload Ratings The Colorado impresses with max towing up to 7,700 lbs and max payload up to 1,557 lbs when properly equipped. This beats some full-size competitors and easily handles boats, ATVs, small campers, and heavy construction loads. Strong 3.6L V6 and Duramax diesel engines provide the power. Fresh Exterior Styling for 2023 and 2024 The Colorado turns heads with its rugged-yet-sophisticated exterior restyled for 2023 and 2024. New grille, lighting, and wheel designs give it a sharp modern look while maintaining its signature muscular profile. ZR2 and Z71 trims add flair with off-road fender
flares and red tow hooks. Plentiful Comfort and Tech Amenities Higher Colorado trim levels are appointed more like an SUV than basic work truck. Available upgrades include heated/ventilated leather seats, BOSE audio, heated steering wheel, 8” touchscreen with Apple CarPlay/Android Auto, and 4G WiFi hotspot. Safety advances include adaptive cruise control, lane change alert, and rear camera mirror. Powerful and Efficient Diesel Option The 2.8L Duramax turbo-diesel packs 181 hp and 369 lb-ft of torque, providing low RPM responsiveness and 7,700 lbs of towing muscle. It achieves 20/30 mpg city/highway for efficiency that surpasses the V6. Diesel fans love the smooth quiet power and hauling confidence. With the Colorado, Chevy has executed on the midsize truck mission with finesse, delivering power, comfort, innovation, and eye-catching style in one smartly-sized package. Honda Ridgeline - Midsize Truck with SUV Sensibilities Honda Ridgeline The uniquely-designed Ridgeline drives more like a modern crossover than a traditional truck. Here are the details on Honda’s outside-the-box midsize contender. Innovative Design Feels Like an SUV The Ridgeline lacks a traditional truck frame, instead using unibody construction more akin to a crossover. This gives it a smoother quieter ride and more car-like handling. The independent suspension provides better comfort. Overall, it feels much more nimble than typical trucks. Standard AWD and Cutting-Edge Safety Tech Unlike most competitors, AWD comes standard on every Ridgeline for enhanced traction. Available advanced safety features include lane keeping assist, road departure mitigation, adaptive cruise, traffic jam assist, and traffic sign recognition. Large Dual-Action Tailgate and In-Bed Trunk The Ridgeline's dual-action tailgate opens down or sideways for easier access. The lockable in-bed trunk provides secure dry storage under the bed floor. Upscale Cabin with Abundant Passenger Space The backseat offers limo-like legroom making the Ridgeline feel massive inside. Higher trims have a 5-star upscale cabin with leather seats, moonroof, navigation, premium audio, cooling seats, and tri-zone climate control. The Ridgeline lacks traditional truck looks and towering tow ratings, but makes up for it with innovative touches that enhance practicality. Honda packed plenty of comfort, refinement, and convenience into this unique modern truck. Other Notable Midsize Pickup Trucks Beyond the top-selling Tacoma, Colorado, and Ridgeline, other midsize trucks also provide compelling options: Nissan Frontier Nissan Frontier A new generation Frontier debuted for 2022 with a bold updated exterior and improved handling. The 3.8L V6 provides best-in-class horsepower at 310. Towing capacity hits 6,720 lbs, payload 1,620 lbs. It starts around $29,000. Jeep Gladiator Jeep Gladiator The Jeep Gladiator fuses classic Wrangler style and off-road grit into a fun midsize pickup. Standard 4WD and removable doors and roof panels enable the ultimate open-air driving experience. Tow ratings lag competitors but make up for it with undeniable desirability. Ford Ranger Ford Ranger After a long hiatus, the Ranger returned to the US market for 2019. Two cab sizes, two bed lengths, two engine choices, and several trims offer plenty of variety. Prices start under $25,000 but climb over $45,000 for the Raptor performance model, a worthy splurge for serious off-roading. Key Factors When Choosing a Midsize Truck With an overview of the top options, assess your needs to zero in on the best midsize truck: Intended Use and Capability Needs What level of towing/payload is required? Double check your trailer weight and hauling needs to pick an adequately powerful truck. Do you plan to go off-roading? Seek higher suspension travel and underbody protection. Will it pull double duty as a family/daily driver? Prioritize comfort, tech, and safety.
Cab Size and Bed Length Access vs crew cab (rear seat)? Choose based on passengers. Standard (6-foot) or long (6.5-foot) bed? Long helps fit more cargo. Any other special bed features needed - trunk, rail tie-downs, 115V outlet, etc? Engines and Drive Types Gas 4-cylinder, V6 or diesel? Power dictates towing capacity. Diesel has torque and economy. 4WD or 2WD? 2WD provides minor fuel savings but AWD improves traction and resale value. Manual or automatic transmission? Most buyers prefer two-pedal driving these days. Special off-road packages or upgrades? Add capability for trails. Pricing and Value Considerations MSRP price ranges span from around $25,000 to $45,000 for top trims. Incentives and special financing offers can produce big savings off sticker price. Fuel efficiency varies from low-mid 20s combined MPG for gas engines to 30 MPG for diesel. Resale values hold exceptionally well for certain models like the Tacoma. Once you assess your priorities, the rankings will help identify the ideal midsize truck to fit your lifestyle and budget. With manageable size and great versatility, these trucks offer happy middle ground for many pickup owners. FAQs What's the most reliable midsize truck? The most reliable midsize truck varies depending on the source. According to iSeeCars.com, the Honda Ridgeline is the most reliable midsize truck with a reliability score of 8.6 out of 10. However, Consumer Reports ranks the Toyota Tacoma as the most reliable midsize truck for 2023 and 2024. Which has the best gas mileage? According to TrueCar, the 2023 Hyundai Elantra is the sedan with the best gas mileage, with an estimated 53 MPG in the city and 56 MPG on the highway. Among midsize trucks, the 2023 Ford Maverick is the most fuel-efficient, with an estimated 23 MPG in the city and 30 MPG on the highway. How much can midsize trucks tow? The towing capacity of midsize trucks varies depending on the model and configuration. The 2023 Toyota Tacoma has a maximum towing capacity of 6,800 pounds, while the 2023 Honda Ridgeline can tow up to 5,000 pounds. What's the best midsize truck interior? The best midsize truck interior is subjective and depends on personal preferences. However, the 2023 Honda Ridgeline is often praised for its comfortable and spacious cabin, while the 2023 Ford Ranger offers a modern and user-friendly infotainment system. Which midsize truck has the lowest starting price? The 2023 Nissan Frontier has the lowest starting price among midsize trucks, with a base MSRP of $28,000. The 2023 Chevrolet Colorado and GMC Canyon have similar starting prices, with a base MSRP of $28,900 and $29,000, respectively. #Wiack
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