#ATOM Economic Zone
kudzucataclysm · 4 months
SE Timeline Rough Draft
Early 1800s - Martians arrive on Earth after a century of observation. They either land in central Siberia or the Alps. Over the course of a couple years, the Martians split up to infiltrate human society. They are extremely successful.
1868 - Computers are invented.
1889 - Lupe Altena is born.
1897 - Personal computers invented. Sold to the general public.
1904 - Hammond is created.
1909 - There are over 500 webpages on the world wide web. This is the start of the internet.
1914 - WW1.
1917 - Carmine Keller is born.
1922 - WW1 ends in a “stalemate” with the establishment of multiple European DMZs. 
1925 - The first man in space. A political party, “The Machine”, takes the majority of power in congress.
1930s - Britain goes to war with Japan. Superscience race begins, leading to the invention of the atomic bomb. Lupe splits from The Machine (The New Machine) and funds the creation of the Martian hunting team known as ATLAS. First mutant powers begin to emerge.
1940s - Economic stagnation as conflicts at the European DMZs begin to escalate. America looks to profit as it appears another outbreak of total war may occur in Europe. Hammond and Azelfafage meet; Lupe catches ADP. Friday joins ATLAS.
1951 - Yellowstone Incident. Global atomic war begins 7 hours later. The winter of that year lasts for almost a decade.
1951-1969 - Famine. Plague. Civil war. Nuclear, broken weather. Superpowered chaos. Tall tales emerging from the wastes of red creatures with a hundred eyes… 
1955? - Lupe Altena establishes the Promethean Society and headquarters The New Machine in the outskirts of the former city of Chicago.
1958 - The construction of what will eventually be known as “The NEC” begins.
1960s - Countries not as devastated by the atomic war (such as Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Switzerland, Argentina, etc) attempt peacekeeping operations in the United States with little to no success. The Disincorporated United States of America is established, and a corporate committee of “superheroes” acts as its sword.
1970? - Martians reveal themselves to the world, promising aid and support in exchange for Earth’s resources. They soon begin terraforming Earth’s atmosphere in order to ensure a major ice age.
1971 - Intersolar Protocol is signed. A new species, known as “Chimera”, explodes across the world.
1973 - Maya Fontaine is born.
1974 - Carson Keller is born.
1980s - Necropolis turns into a tower of Babel, a megacity of stacked/layered cities, out in the middle of Lake Michigan due to the Martian King Azelfafage. The city’s population grows to the size of a country, and is unofficially regarded as such (to the ire of DUSA). It becomes a free economic zone, influenced largely by foreign capital.
1990 - Lupe Altena disappears. The authority of the NEC falls into feudalism between cities and layers. Francis Mueller is born.
1991 - Outbreak of firestorms across the southern states. Desmond Arkady is born.
1995 - Hammond disappears.
1999 - Francis experiences a “medical incident”. She develops a form of amnesia.
2000 - Francis and Vincent meet.
2003 - Sloane Arkady abandons the family. Francis is handed over to alleged crime lord Carmine Keller.
2004 - The remnants of the Arkady family move to the NEC.
2005 - Desmond is inducted into the Promethean School of Science.
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toubledrouble · 1 year
In the honor of my uranium post, here are more things my chemistry teacher has said and done:
Explained that actually electro cars are stupidly unecological because they use lithium batteries - creating them ruins the environment and we have no clue how to get rid of them
Microplastics in our blood are his favourite topic
Artificially supplied hormones and how they get from our bodies through the sewer systems to water (we can't filter them) where they mess up fish and make them gay (then the fish die) and then apparently make people gay. Somehow. He didn't elaborate because he was too busy with calculating how many gay people should statistically be in our class (it was like 3.5 btw)
Keeps bringing up how he supports gay people because there isn't enough love in the world ("but you at the last desk please do whatever you're doing at home, this is a chemistry class")
Explained how his hearing and sight work - apparently, now he can't enjoy much music because his hearing makes them sound out of tune
Talked about their fave kdramas with my friend
So many 'fun' stories from his past jobs (like when one of his university students committed suicide by poisoning himself with something they were working with in the middle of his class. Out of unrequited love. It was a very dangerous solution or something and he died before they could help him)
Frequently reminds us that we shouldn't swing on our chairs because he has already seen a human brain on the floor and doesn't really want to repeat that experience (another work accident)
The last class before Christmas break, he came in in full Christmas themed clothing (an ugly sweater, a winter had with a white front that he turned into a snowman, reindeer shoes, you name it)
Calculated how many wind turbines would it take to replace Temelín
Proceeded to calculate that they would make a straight line from said Temelín to Belgium
When our medic group was at a competition, he came to walk with us and our teacher with a tote bag where he had bananas that he then handed out and made us eat them
Also gave us good marks for participating in the competition because safety is important in a lab
Complained that we as a country care too much about other ecological/economical problems when we have our own ("mně je tygřík usurijský srdečně u prdele")
Talked about how our economy went to shit with the nazis and them the communists. Again, in chemistry, for some reason
He follows our school meme page (I'm one of the creators so this made me happy) and he laughs at the memes, even the ones about him
Told me that moravians (for context: I'm moravian but now live in central bohemia) are the best people
Made fun ways to explain chemistry to us when someone didn't understand the original versions (instead of repeating how one atom replaces another and creates a different solution, he made an explanation using relationships so people could relate and understand better)
Genuenly seemed like he was going to cry when I gave him homemade fancy decorated gingerbread (because mom is amazing and decorating it)
Always checks what book am I reading and talks to me about it for a bit
Doesn't mind when I zone out in class and miss a question which is so nice
When he saw our 'time till we leave' countdown, he said we may be happy but he will be sad and will miss us
Said that men are a dead end branch of evolution (loosely translated from "slepá vývojová větev") and had facts to back that claim up
Told us how someone poisoned his coworker by switching ethanol, which he poured into his morning tea, for methanol
Gave us a literal sheet with numbers of classes and exams that we will have. Like "lesson 24: carbohydrates I" so that we could prepare ahead
Cancelled final exam because he didn't feel like teaching (and because it wouldn't fix anyone's grade anyway) but then decided to make it voluntary in case someone would actually want to take it
Played 'calming Japanese music' during a test
Kept the nickname "Gargamel" that students gave him because he seriously looks a lot like him
He keeps all the gifts from his past students in his chemistry classrom/lab (it's 2 in 1)
Always tells us not to sit on the floor because we will get sick and won't be able to have children (aka the most slavic thing ever said)
Always has a speech about trash and the existence of trashcans when he sees some trash on the floor
When someone is being too stupid even for his patience, he says "I get that you have one brain cell that is jumping around trying to find its friends so hard it gave itself a concussion, but-"
Assigned us numbers based on the alphabetical order of our last names and made us sign tests with it to keep it anonymous so he can just throw them out without having to worry about our names being leaked (yeah it's a whole thing) because getting rid of the papers otherwise takes too long
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hannianssg · 19 hours
Cold War (1947-1991)
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1. Overview It was a period of intense geopolitical tension between the United States and its Western allies (NATO) and the Soviet Union and its Eastern Bloc allies (Warsaw Pact). It was characterized by political, ideological, military, and economic rivalry between the capitalist West, led by the U.S., and the communist East, led by the Soviet Union. 2. Causes ✦Post-WWII Tensions. ✦Soviet Expansion in Eastern Europe: After the war, the Soviet Union established communist governments in Eastern Europe, creating a buffer zone against the West. This was seen by the U.S. and its allies as aggressive expansionism. ✦Nuclear Arms Race: The U.S. development of the atomic bomb in 1945 and the Soviet Union’s successful test of its own bomb in 1949 fueled a global nuclear arms race. 3. Key Characteristics -Ideological Conflict: Capitalism and Communism. -Space Race: A competition for dominance in space exploration, starting with the Soviet launch of Sputnik in 1957 and culminating in the U.S. landing Apollo 11 on the Moon in 1969. 4. Major Events ✧Truman Doctrine (1947): The U.S. declared its policy of containment, pledging to support countries resisting communism, marking the beginning of active U.S. involvement in Cold War conflicts. ✧Marshall Plan (1948): A U.S. initiative to provide economic aid to Western Europe to rebuild after WWII and prevent the spread of communism. ✧Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1948–1949): The Soviet Union blockaded West Berlin in an attempt to force the Allies out of the city. In response, the Allies organized the Berlin Airlift to supply the city. ✧Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989): The fall of the wall symbolized the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe and was a key event leading to the end of the Cold War. 5. Key Players United States: Harry S. Truman (1945–1953): Initiated the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953–1961): Continued containment policies and saw the early Cold War crises. John F. Kennedy (1961–1963): Managed the Cuban Missile Crisis. Lyndon B. Johnson (1963–1969): Deepened U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Ronald Reagan (1981–1989): Aggressively opposed communism, leading to Cold War escalation and ultimately, a push toward the end of the conflict. 6. End of the Cold War Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe (1989): Popular uprisings and reforms led to the collapse of communist regimes across Eastern Europe, most famously marked by the fall of the Berlin Wall. Dissolution of the Soviet Union (1991): In December 1991, the Soviet Union officially dissolved, marking the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Eastern Bloc.
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babyawacs · 11 days
#independent #notmywar #on #ukraine #war #path‎ ‎ .@peace .@nato .@ukraine .@otan .@msc .@us_stra tcom @us_stratcom .@bbcr4 .@bbcradio4 .@pacificsubs @pacificsubs .@ussocom @ussocom .@gchq .@nsa gov .@odnigov .@atom .@iaeaorg .@energy .@potus @potus .@vp @vp .@trt .@nato @otan .@snowden .@msc @msc @profklausschwab .@profklausschwab .@n ato @otan @nato @peace .@eu_commission @eu_commission .@eucouncil @eucouncil .@euparl_en @euparl_dk .@poland .@gchq .@nsagov .@rosatom .@joebiden .@gop .@dnc‎ @aeh_rancor_randcorp ukraine s goal to cause uprising within russia against putin with increasing war burdens is farfetched and helpless at best itis real that putin fears his own population but the consequence of that is not a weak conflict timespan after which sacrifices these must be justified tothe population andor economic burden tha t w h o what does what then but the critical aspect is success of dictator on russia s interest gaming for a superior geostratetic position in security dealing: isit putin s war or russia s war for greater sacrifice onthe existence of russia  where cutting down putin wouldbe itis putins war not russias war and allofthat for no gain but these things occur usually a f t e r the war or what makes afghanistan stop or coldwars stop is the generational shift on inab ility to sustain these wars which leads to c h i n a  i suspect putin desperately aims for a peace as geostrategic deal zones of succumb mustnot show this and west games for conquerred agricultural colonies and hitler hes back in putin form mustbe s topped and useful fool to unite west against china with meager war support western low cost low intensity goodenough to deflect th at and gain enough from all while bullshit about warcost as strategy changing and uprising hopes ispeak formyself ispeculate ihaveno stake or interest inthis war this is a criminal war and itis a mistake on many layers
#independent #notmywar #on #ukraine #war #path ‎ .@peace .@nato .@ukraine .@otan .@msc .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@bbcr4 .@bbcradio4 .@pacificsubs @pacificsubs .@ussocom @ussocom .@gchq .@nsagov .@odnigov .@atom .@iaeaorg .@energy .@potus @potus .@vp @vp .@trt .@nato @otan .@snowden .@msc @msc @profklausschwab .@profklausschwab .@nato @otan @nato @peace .@eu_commission @eu_commission…
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archangeltwins · 23 days
Metropolis Gangs:
High-Hats / Velvet Empirical - clive thornhill's gangs, the big sharks of the districts the family claim in an iron grip. since clive's aged, the torch's been passed on to his son, victor. originally londoner expats, they came to the new states on cusp of the '98 Pan-Asian Stock Crash, witnessing the domino effect of total societal and economic collapse. they've nurtured cutthroat, ruthless attitudes ever since, leaving little wiggle room for territory gains.
Numbers - underlings of notorious flesh-cartels, snatchers of people to sell. aside from scarring and burns, members have stick-n-poke numerals on their skin to indicate how many Money Girls and Pretty Faces they've pawned off. they're rampant in 'no-go zones', quadrants heavily avoided. often referred to as "scum", "guttermongers", "the poor", "beasts in human skin", "biters"
Sugar Hunters - staggie steyne's own gang. he operates and spreads influence by comandeering various abandoned buildings ( killing or 'forcefully evicting' former tenants ), remodelling them into his "funhouses". outfits flashy like the iridescent feathers of old-world birds, a warning to those to not deal with poison. "taste bad, stay away or you die". their symbol, as you guessed, can be hummingbirds.
Pink Wolves - all-women protections group operating out of the inner metro ring ( think hackers, techies, atomic / nuclear power fanatics, cyberpunk, etc ) but they occasionally get jobs on the outer edges.
Crows 'n Sparrows - scouts and messengers for the various gangs that inhabit the shadowy depths of the metropolis. able to appear or sound like anyone.
Petrol-Heads - the de facto runners / motor-bilia obsessed riggers for various wheelers that travel the roadways. talking sixteen and eighteen-sets converted into fully-functional livable spaces ( insp. by Twisted Metal ). connected to clive by way of food and drug supply. their symbol is a cog. oft nicknamed "roughies" & "roughnecks", "chromers", "(anti)freeze-pissers", "savages", "metalbiters"
Rat Men - tba
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head-post · 1 month
Critical media analysis of Ukraine’s actions in Kursk region
As the Kursk invasion drags on, global media are reporting that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s decision to enter Russian territory seems to be a risky gamble that not only drains vital resources but also weakens defences in the Donbas.
The loud incursion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) into Russia’s Kursk Region began on 6 August. Since then, numerous media outlets have focused on a critical assessment of the situation. While at first the rapid offensive by Ukrainian troops looked like a breath of fresh air in a protracted war, today the AFU’s actions are systematically turning into yet another page of a history that has fatigued all participants in the armed conflict.
Incursion goals
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed on Sunday that the military incursion into the Kursk region was allegedly aimed at creating a buffer zone to prevent further attacks by Moscow across the border, according to ABC News.
However, Zelensky earlier said the operation was meant to protect settlements in the border Sumy region from shelling.
It is now our primary task in defensive operations overall: to destroy as much Russian war potential as possible and conduct maximum counteroffensive actions. This includes creating a buffer zone on the aggressor’s territory – our operation in the Kursk region.
Nuclear threat
On Friday, 23 August, Russia accused Ukraine of attempting to attack the Kursk nuclear power plant (KNPP) at night, calling it an act of “nuclear terrorism,” Reuters reported. This came days before the head of the IAEA, the UN atomic watchdog, Rafael Mariano Grossi, is due to visit the site.
The NPP is located in the Kursk region. Russia’s defence ministry reported in a statement that its air defence shot down three Ukrainian drones overnight in the Kursk region. According to Russian media, one drone was hit near a storage facility for spent nuclear fuel.
Grossi urged the warring parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid a nuclear accident. Heavy fighting has been taking place 30 kilometres (18 miles) from the nuclear plant since the incursion started on 6 August, as Russian troops battle to dislodge Ukrainian soldiers.
Third party response
Meanwhile, the United States announced that it would send about $125 million in new military aid to Ukraine amid the incursion into the Kursk region. The aid package from President Joe Biden’s administration will include air defence missiles, Himars artillery, ammunition and Javelin, as well as counter-drone equipment, according to The Telegraph.
The aid, which will be drawn from Pentagon stockpiles for faster delivery, is also expected to include anti-tank missiles, electronic warfare systems, vehicles, and 155mm and 105mm artillery ammunition.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with Zelensky on Friday. Officials from the two countries claim the visit is aimed at strengthening economic ties and cooperation in defence, science, and technology.
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However, analysts suggest that with such a move, India is keen to show it is taking a more neutral stance after New Delhi has been accused of supporting Moscow. Earlier, Zelensky criticised Modi for hugging Putin during a visit to Moscow.
Gains and losses
On Thursday, Russia and Ukraine reported new successes on the battlefield, Reuters informed. Kyiv welcomed the capture of another minor village, but at the same time hundreds of Ukrainians fled the eastern city of Pokrovsk.
Visiting the border area on 6 August, Zelensky announced the seizure of a new village, which he did not name, and said the incursion had helped reduce Russian shelling of the northeastern Sumy region. On his return to Kyiv, the Ukrainian president also stated that the latest actions by the Ukrainian military were part of an effort to end the war on Kyiv’s terms, not Moscow’s.
This is all our systematic defence path, the path to end this war on the terms of an independent Ukraine.
Meanwhile, over the past few months, Russian forces have continued a gradual offensive against fatigued Ukrainian troops in the Donbas (Luhansk and Donetsk regions), eastern Ukraine. The Russian Defence Ministry announced taking the village of Mezhove and repelled an attempt by Ukrainian troops to infiltrate across the border in another region.
Ukrainian authorities claim that Russian troops are now only 10 kilometres from Pokrovsk, an essential transport hub in eastern Ukraine. Control over Pokrovsk will allow Russia to advance in new directions and cut off supply routes used by the Ukrainian military in the Donetsk region.
Children with their parents or other legal guardians will be forcibly evacuated from some areas, including Pokrovsk, according to a statement by the Ukrainian ministry responsible for reintegrating regions formerly under Russian control.
Overall, the intensity of hostilities has slowed in the Kursk region and intensified in the Donbas. The much-promised incursion by the AFU has utilised scarce manpower and equipment, with a sudden breakthrough turning into a risky gamble.
Media outlets report that Zelensky has staked on the incursion. That means that unless Ukraine demonstrates considerable success, it risks not only retreating from a weakened Donbas, but also losing key military equipment essential for both defence and offensive operations.
Read more HERE
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hhvltd · 1 month
The Role of Electron Beam Sources in Advanced Manufacturing
In the rapidly evolving landscape of advanced manufacturing, Electron Beam Sources have emerged as a pivotal technology. Leveraging high-energy electrons to manipulate materials at the atomic level, Electron-Beam Technology is revolutionizing industries ranging from aerospace to electronics. This transformative capability is not only enhancing the precision and efficiency of manufacturing processes but also enabling innovations previously deemed impossible.
Electron Beam Sources function by generating a stream of high-energy electrons, which are then focused onto a target material. This interaction results in localized heating, melting, or vaporization, allowing for precise material modification. The versatility and precision of this technology make it indispensable in applications such as additive manufacturing, welding, and surface treatment.
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One of the primary advantages of Electron-Beam Technology is its ability to produce high-quality welds with minimal thermal distortion. Traditional welding methods often lead to significant heat-affected zones, compromising the integrity of the materials. In contrast, electron beam welding offers a highly concentrated heat source, resulting in narrow, deep welds with superior strength and minimal residual stress. This characteristic is particularly beneficial in the aerospace industry, where material performance and structural integrity are paramount.
Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is another area where Electron Beam Sources are making significant strides. This technology enables the fabrication of complex geometries with high precision and repeatability. By selectively melting powdered materials layer by layer, electron beam additive manufacturing can create intricate structures that are both lightweight and robust. This capability is invaluable in industries such as medical implants and automotive components, where customized and high-performance parts are in demand.
Surface treatment is yet another critical application of Electron-Beam Technology. Through techniques such as electron beam melting and evaporation, surfaces can be engineered to exhibit desirable properties like increased hardness, corrosion resistance, and enhanced wear performance. These treatments extend the lifespan of components and reduce maintenance costs, providing significant economic benefits to manufacturers.
HHV Ltd, a leader in the field of vacuum technologies, is at the forefront of developing and implementing Electron-Beam Technology for advanced manufacturing. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, HHV Ltd offers a range of electron beam systems tailored to meet the diverse needs of the manufacturing sector. Their expertise ensures that manufacturers can leverage the full potential of electron beam sources, achieving unparalleled precision and efficiency in their processes.
In conclusion, Electron Beam Sources are playing a transformative role in advanced manufacturing. From welding and additive manufacturing to surface treatment, the precision and versatility of Electron-Beam Technology are driving innovations across various industries. As leaders like HHV Ltd continue to push the boundaries of this technology, the future of manufacturing looks brighter than ever, promising unprecedented advancements in material science and engineering. The integration of electron beam sources into manufacturing workflows is not just a technological evolution; it is a revolution that is reshaping the future of production and material manipulation.
For more details, visit the website: https://hhvltd.com/
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sencilla-mentelibros · 8 months
Atomic Habits
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As I was reading some lines from this book, I remembered this image: a drop of water that falls repeatedly over a rock until it erodes. The drop of water might not be strong enough by itself ―not stronger than the rock―, but continuous drops for a long period of time will end up eroding a rock, no matter how hard it is…, and I believe there is power to that image, as there is power to this book.
As human beings, attached to our constant responsibilities and somewhat repeating our days the same way, I think we need to be reminded that change is part of our lives, and that we can get stuck in the monotony and the repetition. We need change. We need positive change. We need to want positive change. And for those who are reminded about it, the message is to take constant action. To improve ourselves every day by at least just 1%. This book does this. It brings a known, not so new, but powerful perspective on change.
I now feel motivated, to be honest. I needed to hear (read), what James Clear has to say, because even as I knew that everyday hard work would help me along the way, sometimes this mindset goes into the background, and you get discouraged at times. So, I now want to discuss/share a little bit of what the author writes in this book.
He uses four main resources for his work: examples or anecdotes about people who have achieved greatness ―in their own definition of the word and sometimes in what is regarded commonly as success―, theoretical thinking that explains and provide a framework within which he can move, practical advice that can be useful to any reader, and finally, his own conclusions which provide his own touch.
At the beginning, and throughout the book, he explains and defines the basic pillar on which change sustains itself: identity. If we want change to occur, we need to understand ourselves by understanding our identity. How do we see ourselves now and in the future? What have we learned about our genes and our talents? How is our environment affecting our habits?
First, decide who you want to be. This holds at any level ―as an individual, as a team, as a community, as a nation. What do you want to stand for? What are your principles and values? Who do you wish to become? ― James Clear
Everything starts with self-awareness. Then comes the knowledge or conviction that hard constant work will help us change, not because of a goal or result, not because of a grade or a promotion, but because we are becoming a different/better type of person by changing our system of behavior. James states that we fail to change not because of the goals we set, but due to the system/processes that we have built.
You see, it is important to be reminded that what allows us to change is not the number on the scale or the better salary I receive for a promotion, what allows us to become better is the process, the everyday learning, the everyday workout, the everyday writing. This is why, most importantly, we must allow ourselves to enjoy the process, the work, even the dullness that comes with everyday practice. To change, ―if we are looking to change― towards our better self we are encouraged to improve 1% every day, with small, constant, better habits.
He uses a little bit of math, to explain everything on the book, given his background studies in sciences and behavioral economics, it is understandable that he uses mathematical models to bring a little bit of visual aid and theoretical explanations to his argument. From the «Four Laws» to the «valley of disappointment» and the «Goldilocks zone», he helps himself with graphics and equations to try and prove or generalize these concepts. Also, he mentions at the beginning, his work has been built upon the shoulders of other scientists and psychologists so, the intention to bring authority and scientific rationalization is very palpable.
This, however, does not make the book heavy or difficult to understand. His wording is easygoing, quick and comprehensible. Maybe you don’t want to finish this book in one sitting. Maybe you want to advance slowly, absorbing every piece of advice you’re given. Maybe you want to try for a week a new method or think what applies to your life. How ever you chose to read this work, you’re in for a treat.
I am not about to write here the Four Laws that will help you create better habits, nor the mathematical explanations provided. The fact is, this is all very well explained in the book, and you can also go look for the website of the author. My intention with this review is to recommend a great reading if you are in a slump or believe that you are not being the best version of yourself. I didn’t even know I needed this. Go ahead and give it a try. Five stars.
Fecha original de publicación: agosto 26, 2023
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chamberlainwinston · 10 months
Digifinex Labs: Cosmos Community Approves Proposal to Cap Atom Inflation Rate at 10%
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Cosmos Hub serves as the central blockchain in the Cosmos network, which is an ecosystem of interconnected blockchains. Atom, the native token of Cosmos Hub, is utilized for staking, governance, and transaction fees.
The proposal narrowly passed with 41.1% of votes in favor and 38.5% against, marking the highest-ever turnout vote in the Cosmos ecosystem. Despite being projected to fail shortly before the deadline, a last-minute surge of votes and some reversals from validators led to a narrow victory.
The proposal argued that Atom’s relatively high inflation rate, compared to its peers, resulted in overpayment for security by the Hub. It further reasoned that validators could still break even or achieve profitability with a 10% inflation rate. Validators and supporters of the proposal emphasized that double-digit inflation is not necessary for security, and it could have a positive impact on Atom’s long-term price and encourage its use in DeFi and other areas within the Atom Economic Zone.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Istanbul, Turkey, October 3rd, 2023, ChainwireComposable is presenting at Cosmoverse’23 as a Keynote Speaker and Diamond Sponsor, in collaboration with Polkadot and the Web3 Foundation. The Composable team is building the infrastructure and necessary primitives to abstract away the cross-ecosystem user and developer experience. Their efforts align with their ethos of eliminating blockchain borders and siloes, as they are strong advocates of ecosystem convergence and are the leading force behind the successful extension of the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol beyond Cosmos. As a Keynote Speaker at Cosmoverse’23, Composable is looking to further invest in the growth of the Cosmos ecosystem, and will present their Keynote on their efforts to make their vision a reality. Additionally, the team will discuss several proposals and reveal some significant progress in their efforts to achieve ecosystem convergence via the expansion of IBC to Ethereum.Composable is spearheading the collaborative effort and growing ecosystem to bring IBC everywhereComposable was the first team to deploy IBC outside of Cosmos and put it live in production between Polkadot and Kusama. Soon thereafter, they were able to connect the Polkadot and Cosmos ecosystems via IBC. Furthermore, Composable continues to extend IBC and will very soon be connecting to the dynamic Ethereum ecosystem. Interested can view Composable's announcements here: Polkadot Cosmos |Polkadot Kusama As pioneers of IBC's expansion, Composable's focus is set on their next big milestone, their Ethereum IBC connection. Ultimately, this will drive Composable even closer to achieving their goal of providing a superior user experience through secure, efficient, and private execution of the user intentions, on chain, for the benefit of users and developers alike. Through these efforts of connecting ecosystems, the Composable team has been able to build valuable and meaningful relationships to foster the first instances of cross-ecosystem collaborations via IBC. Thus, Composable’s ecosystem has grown to become abundantly diverse and encompasses collaborators, communities, and supporters from around the world, leading many ecosystems including Polkadot, Kusama, and Cosmos chains, among others. Composable is already collaborating on cross-domain use cases with more than 10 Cosmos chains including Osmosis, Neutron, Stride, Cosmos Hub, and Secret Network, and more than 7 Parachain teams, including Bifrost, Phala, Moonbeam, Invarch, and Astar, to name a few. Furthermore, Composable has aligned its mission with that of the Cosmos Hub, by pioneering cross-ecosystem adoption of IBC, Composable is now looking to enter the Atom Economic Zone (AEZ) to become a Consumer Chain and adopt interchain security (ICS) for its Composable Cosmos Chain (formerly Centauri). This allows Composable to adopt the highest level of security in the Cosmos ecosystem, and further expand the vision of IBC more securely to all ecosystems. Those who are interested can check the full proposal for discussion here. Composable's Vision: Bridging Ecosystems and Innovating with Polkadot SupportComposable is building the future of private, secure, and free execution of user intentions, directly on-chain. Composable innovates at various layers of the interoperability tech stack, from infrastructure to application, to deliver a seamless and liquid cross-ecosystem experience. Composable seeks to enable users to easily access multiple ecosystems with security and without friction. Thus, opening up new opportunities for collaboration, and efficient distribution of resources, assets, and services.The Diamond Sponsorship for Cosmoverse'23 is in partnership with Polkadot & the Web3 Foundation. This represents strong support from the Polkadot ecosystem and their intention to further collaborate with Cosmos to showcase Polkadot ecosystem's latest progress in ecosystem development and new innovative applications built on Polkadot.
“We are grateful for Parity’s (Polkadot) support in our efforts to communicate and spread the value proposition of ecosystem convergence. We are not just connecting dots; we are connecting universes. It’s phenomenal to see so many people rallying behind the vision of a more secure, private, and connected DeFi future.” - stated Omar Zaki, Founder and Core Contributor, Composable.What to Expect from Composable at Cosmoverse’23The Composable team will provide exciting glimpses into the future of Composable and its various products and efforts.Exclusive Insights:  Attendees will get a first look at Composable’s rebrand, the evolution of their long-term vision, updates on the Composable VM (CVM), and the introduction of MANTIS.Ethereum IBC Progress: Attendees will discover how Composable is pioneering the connection between Polkadot, Cosmos, and Ethereum ecosystems through IBC. The team plans to unveil the significant progress they have achieved in their Ethereum IBC efforts. Networking Opportunities: Attendees will engage with Composable’s core team members as they continue to build the infrastructure to drive value to developers, stakeholders, users, and other protocols seeking to expand into the cross-domain world.Those who are interested in learning more about Composable and their efforts to connect blockchain ecosystems for a future of private, secure, and free execution of user intentions, directly on-chain can visit Composable's booth at Cosmoverse’23 and join their community via X (Twitter), Discord, or Telegram.About Composable Composable is the base layer connecting L1s and L2s. We are scaling IBC to other ecosystems, pushing the boundaries of trust-minimized interoperability. We abstract the cross-chain experience for users, delivering seamless chain-agnostic execution of user intentions Leila Stein [email protected] Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.
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currenthunt · 1 year
Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2023
Recently, the Parliament passed the Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2023.The proposed amendment will bring major reform by introducing auction as the method of allocation of operating rights in the offshore areas.The objective behind the move is to use the national wealth in the sea for the overall development of the country.The OAMDR Act of 2002 came into force in 2010. However, no mining activity has been undertaken in the offshore areas to date. Hence, the Centre has proposed the amendments to bring several reforms in the offshore mining sector.The previous efforts to allocate offshore blocks faced challenges due to a lack of a proper legal framework and pending litigations over block allocations. Key Features of the Amendment Bill Introduction of Auction Regime - Two types of operating rights, production lease, and composite licence, to be granted through auction by competitive bidding exclusively to the private sector. - Operating rights to be granted to PSUs in the mineral bearing areas reserved by the Central Government. PSUs will be exclusively granted operating rights for atomic minerals. - Atomic minerals include mainly minerals containing uranium, thorium, rare metals, viz. niobium, tantalum, lithium, beryllium, titanium, zirconium, and Rare Earth Elements (REEs) as well as beach sand minerals. Fixed Period for Production Lease - The provision for renewal of production leases has been removed. - The production lease period is set at 50 years, aligning with the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR Act) . Area Acquisition Limit - A limit has been imposed on the total area one entity can acquire offshore. - The maximum acquisition area is restricted to 45 minutes latitude by 45 minutes longitude for any mineral or prescribed group of associated minerals under one or more operating rights. Non-lapsable Offshore Areas Mineral Trust - To ensure funds for exploration, disaster relief, research, and benefits to affected parties, a non-lapsable Offshore Areas Mineral Trust will be established. - The trust will be funded by an additional levy on mineral production, not exceeding one third of the royalty, with the exact rate prescribed by the Central Government. Ease of Business and Timelines - Provisions for easy transfer of composite licence or production lease. - Timelines for commencement of production and dispatch after execution of production lease to ensure timely start of production. Revenues - Royalty, auction premium, and other revenues from mineral production in offshore areas will accrue to the Government of India. Need for Such an Amendment Bill Lack of Activity in Offshore Areas - Despite the enactment of the Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 2002, there has been no mining activity in offshore areas. - This indicates a lack of interest or effective utilization of the vast maritime resources available to India. - The Amendment Bill seeks to address the underlying issues and incentivize exploration and mining in these offshore areas. Discretion and Lack of Transparency - The current Act suffers from the problem of discretion and lacks transparency in the allocation of operating rights for mining in offshore areas. - The Amendment Bill aims to introduce a transparent auction mechanism to allocate operating rights, inspired by the successful amendments to the MMDR Act for onshore areas. Harnessing Maritime Resources - India holds a unique Maritime Position, with an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) covering over two million square kilometers, rich in recoverable resources. Geological Survey of India (GSI) estimates significant reserves of lime mud, construction-grade sand, heavy mineral placers, phosphorite, and polymetallic ferromanganese nodules and crusts in various offshore areas. - However, the potential of these resources remains largely untapped. The Amendment Bill seeks to harness the full potential of these maritime resources to support India's high-growth economy by promoting exploration and mining through the participation of both the public and private sectors. Read the full article
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sfujioka1 · 1 year
コスモスエコシステムで注目すべき暗号通貨ベスト7(7 of the Best Cryptocurrencies to Watch in the Cosmos Ecosystem)
----Blo-katsu AD----
----Blo-katsu AD----
7 of the Best Cryptocurrencies to Watch in the Cosmos Ecosystem コスモスエコシステムで注目すべき暗号通貨ベスト7
目次 Cosmos Ecosystem: What is it?
コスモスエコシステム:それは何か? How Does the Cosmos Ecosystem Work?
コスモスエコシステムはどのように機能するか? Cosmos Ecosystem Token Economics
コスモスエコシステムトークン経済学 Key Features of the Cosmos Ecosystem
コスモスエコシステムの重要な特徴 The 7 Best Tokens of the Ecosystem
エコシステムの7つの最良のトークン Atom
アトム Evmos
イーブイモス Secret Network
シークレットネットワーク Osmosis zone
オズモシスゾーン すべて表示 Cosmos Tips and Tricks コスモス助言と秘訣 Cosmos: The 7 Best Tokens of the Ecosystem コスモス:エコシステムのトークンベスト7 Smartnodes スマートノーズ SmartNodes Validator ⚛ スマートノーズ検証者 Oct 19、2022 2022年10月19日 Cryptocurrencies are a digital form of money that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units. As cryptocurrencies have gained in popularity, so has the number of ways to trade them. This has created an ecosystem of different crypto assets, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. In this blog post, we will explore seven of the best cryptocurrencies to watch in the Cosmos Ecosystem. From DFINITY to Cosmos, read on to find out what makes each one special. 暗号通貨は暗号をそれらのトランザクションを保証して、新しいユニットの作成をコントロールするために使うデジタル形態のお金です。 暗号通貨が人気をえるにつれて、それらを取引するたくさんの方法があります。 これはそれ自身の恩恵と欠点がそれぞれあり、異なった暗号資産のエコシステムを創造しています。 このブログの投稿で、我々はコスモスエコシステムで注目すべき最良の暗号通貨7つを探究するでしょう。 デイーフィニテイからコスモスまで、何がそれぞれを特別にするか見つけだすために読み続けてください。 Cosmos Ecosystem: What is it? コスモスエコシステム:それは何か? Cosmos is a new blockchain ecosystem that aims to provide a decentralized platform for online content and social interactions. The Cosmos Ecosystem includes the Cosmos cryptocurrency, which powers the networked marketplace and allows users to pay for goods and services with tokens. コスモスはオンラインの内容と社会的対話のために分散型プラットホームを提供することを目指す新しいブロックチェーンエコシステムです。 コスモスエコシステムはコスモス暗号通貨を含み、そしてそれはネットワーク化された市場に原動力を供給して、そしてユーザーがトークンで商品およびサービスに対して支払うことを可能にします。 The Cosmos network uses a Byzantine Fault Tolerant algorithm, which makes it resilient to attacks and offers improved security compared to other blockchains. In addition, the network is able to process more transactions than traditional cryptocurrencies due to its use of sharding technology. Finally, the Cosmos Foundation plans to develop additional layered blockchain applications on top of the core platform in order to make it easier for businesses and individuals to adopt blockchain technology. コスモスネットワークはビザンチン様式のフォールトトレラントアルゴリズムを使い、それは攻撃にそれを回復力があるようにして、その他の ブロックチェーンと比較して改善されたセキュリティーを提供します。 加えて、ネットワークは シャーデイング技術の利用により伝統的な暗号通貨より多くの取引を処理することが可能です。 最終的に、コスモス財団はビジネスと個人がブロックチェーン技術を採用することをより容易にするために基幹プラットホームの上に追加の層状のブロックチェーンアプリケーションを開発することを計画します。 How Does the Cosmos Ecosystem Work? コスモスエコシステムはどのように機能するか? The Cosmos technology: コスモス技術: l Tendermint — A consensus protocol that allows developers to create a proof-of-stake blockchain that is fast, scalable, and secure. テンダーミイント-開発者が高速で、拡張可能で、安全な「利害の証明」ブロックチェーンを作ることができる合意プロトコル。 l The Cosmos SDK — Allows developers to build applications on top of Tendermint-based blockchains. コスモスSDK -開発者が テンダーミントベースのブロックチェーン の上にアプリこうでぃくを可能する。 l The Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol (IBC) — A system that allows different blockchains to connect and communicate. ブロックチェーン間の通信プロトコル(IBC) - 異なったブロックチェーンが連結して、お互いに通信することを可能にするシステム。 In Cosmos, members stake tokens to create a decentralized network that can verify contracts and payments. The network also allows for the creation of smart contracts and dApps. コスモスで、メンバーは、契約と支払いを検証可能な分散型ネットワークを作るためにトークンを賭けます。 ネットワークは同じくスマート契約と dApps の作成もできます。 Cosmos is based on the Tendermint Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) Engine, meaning that it has all the same features and benefits. The network supports ERC20 tokens, which means that any token that is based on Ethereum’s CODE standard can be used in Cosmos. This includes popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. コスモスは、それがまったく同じ機能と恩恵を持っていることを意味して、 テンダーミントビザンチンフォールトトレランス(BFT)エンジンに基づきます。 ネットワークは ERC20 トークンをサポートし、それは イーサリアムのコード標準に基づいているどんなトークンでもコスモスに使われ得ることを意味します。 これはビットコインと イーサリアムのような人気が高い暗号通貨を含みます。 The Cosmos ecosystem offers a number of benefits for participants. For example, stakers can earn rewards for verifying contracts and payments on the network. They can also use their tokens to buy DApps or services from other participants on the network. All basic operations like staking, minting, and distribution of the ATOM tokens are looked after by the tools provided in the Cosmos SDK コスモスエコシステムは参加者に多くの恩恵を提供します。 例えば、賭ける人が契約書とネットワーク上の支払いを検証することで報酬を稼ぐことができます。彼らは同じく彼らのトークンを DApps あるいはネットワーク上の他の参加者からのサービスを買うために使うことができます。賭けたり、鋳造したり、ATOMトークンの流通のようなすべての基本操作がコスモスSDKで提供されたツールによって世話をされます Overall, Cosmos is a powerful platform that offers a number of advantages over traditional networks like Ethereum. It’s easily accessible thanks to its widespread adoption of IBC tokens, and it has a growing community of supporters who are looking to make use of its features. 全体的に、コスモスは イーサリアムのような伝統的なネットワークに勝る多くの強みを提供する強力なプラットホームです。コスモスは IBCトークンのその広範囲にわたる採用のおかげで容易にアクセス可能で、その特徴を利用することを期待している支援者の成長するコミュニティーがあります。 Cosmos Ecosystem Token Economics コスモスエコシステムトークン経済学 The Cosmos Ecosystem is a powerful platform that can help projects and developers to create groundbreaking new applications. The Cosmos token (ATOM) is the native currency of the Cosmoshub and is used to pay for services, gas fees and transmit data. コスモスエコシステムはプロジェクトと開発者が草分けの新しいアプリケーションを創造する助けとなり得る強力なプラットホームです。 コスモストークン(ATOM)は コウモスハブの生来の通貨であって、サービス、ガス料と送信データの支払いのために使われます。 The Cosmos Ecosystem has a number of advantages over other platforms. First, it is built using cosmos SDK blockchain technology, which makes it secure and tamper-proof. Secondly, it uses a system of smart contracts to enable interactions between parties without needing to trust third parties. コスモスエコシステムは他のプラットホームに勝る多くの強みを持っています。 最初に、それはコスモス SDK ブロックチェーン技術を使って構築され、そのことがそれを安全で、不正に変更されなくします。 第二に、それはスマート契約のシステムを第三者を信頼する必要がなく関係者間の対話を可能にするために使います。
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=============================== インターネット・コンピュータランキング =============================== ネットサービスランキング ===============================
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garudabluffs · 2 years
“Unwinnable War”? Calls Grow for Negotiated End to Ukraine War
V.Z. "My idea was to map out how would it look after Russia has to accept its defeat, and how to make it a more palatable solution for some parts of the Russian elites that want to switch from this attitude of aggression, aggression and imperialism, to a different, more pragmatic approach to the West.
So, I went through several obvious aspects of possible maps. First of all, continue to help Ukraine, of course, to achieve military gains, but also indicate on a political level to Russian elites and Russian populace that this war is unwinnable for them, and they — the longer the war continues, there will be a greater danger of another collapse, just as what happened to the Soviet Union 30 years ago.
The second part of this map is to offer some possible carrots, up to negotiations, up to tradeoffs, to return Russia, after it accepts its defeat and withdraws its forces from Ukraine, into the international economic, financial and political space. In political sense, I wrote that we need to offer the return of legitimacy to certain individuals and certain groups of Russian elites as a trade-off for them accepting a defeat. In the economic field, there should be some talk about the conditions for removing sanctions, because we know from the Cold War that — and, actually, from the history of World War I, after Germany accepted an armistice, it was still subject to very humiliating and painful blockade by the Allies. So, there should be some discussion: What will the Russians gain economically if they accept status quo ante and agree to talk with Ukraine on the damage control. And financially, there’s an issue, of course, of frozen assets and compensation to Ukraine."
All we hear from some supporters of Ukraine and Ukrainians themselves is about sticks and punishment. We don’t hear anything about carrots, which is understandable. We are in the midst of brutal war, while Russians committed so many atrocities. But without certain carrots, at least addressed for the postwar period, we risk repeating the dangerous path after World War I."
S.W. :"However, I think it is a mistake to believe that these Minsk agreements, just because they did not lead to full implementation, were actually a complete failure, because they were not. And this is where we can learn potentially some things for the situation today. The Minsk agreements did not solve the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. They did not. But they did bring about certain humanitarian positive steps. They brought about temporary ceasefires. They brought about disengagement zones around the humanitarian facilities. They brought about the reconstruction of critical infrastructure. So, they brought about humanitarian steps. They did a second thing. And this is, they kept a minimum of trust between the sides, between the Russians and the Ukraine — between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, because they were simply meeting every two weeks, and they had a real possibility to voice their concerns, to talk to each other, to talk to each other officially, but also to talk to each other outside of the official settings, which is something that brings a minimum minimum of trust.
So, and therefore, my proposal was to somehow try to get to proper negotiations, to real political negotiations, of a ceasefire in the current conflict via first really small steps. That means: Why can Russia and Ukraine not find a forum, an internationally mediated forum, where they will talk about exactly humanitarian protection zones, about a disengagement around the atomic power plant in Zaporizhzhia, about small potential ceasefires for the beginning of school, for the harvest, for the sowing of the fields? This would bring about these exact same advantages, namely humanitarian advantages. And every life saved is a big step in the right direction. Secondly, the ground could be prepared to establish some kind of little, small trust, which has been completely lost by now by both — by the sides. And thirdly, such a forum, where the sides would meet and be in a position to interact on a permanent basis, with neutral mediation, but with other countries, such as the West, as observers, would probably also have a deescalatory effect. This would probably and likely have the effect of preventing escalation that may otherwise take place. So, this is what we can maybe take from the failed Minsk negotiations forward into some kind of segue into negotiations, how they could start now."
"Now, the question is: Why should the sides to the conflict, at this point in time, be ready to engage in something like this? Let me just underline, participating in such negotiations does not cost the sides anything. It does not mean a change in the position in the field. It does not mean giving up any type of political or military position that you have held so far. So this would be negotiations that could be entered into at zero cost for the sides, but with potentially great benefit, but, therefore, they should also be entered into with no preconditions. And I think it would be the duty of the West, on the one side, and of China and India, on the other side, to convince both Russia and Ukraine to inform them, constructively, that participation in such negotiations would be deemed as highly welcome.
LISTEN 42:12 READ MORE https://www.democracynow.org/2023/3/2/ukraine_war_g20_meeting
The post-Soviet roots of the war in Ukraine 26 February 2022 by Vladislav Zubok
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infinitesofnought · 3 years
“When I was 26, I went to Indonesia and the Philippines to do research for my first book, No Logo. I had a simple goal: to meet the workers making the clothes and electronics that my friends and I purchased. And I did. I spent evenings on concrete floors in squalid dorm rooms where teenage girls—sweet and giggly—spent their scarce nonworking hours. Eight or even 10 to a room. They told me stories about not being able to leave their machines to pee. About bosses who hit. About not having enough money to buy dried fish to go with their rice.
They knew they were being badly exploited—that the garments they were making were being sold for more than they would make in a month. One 17-year-old said to me: ‘We make computers, but we don’t know how to use them.’
So one thing I found slightly jarring was that some of these same workers wore clothing festooned with knockoff trademarks of the very multinationals that were responsible for these conditions: Disney characters or Nike check marks. At one point, I asked a local labor organizer about this. Wasn’t it strange—a contradiction?
It took a very long time for him to understand the question. When he finally did, he looked at me like I was nuts. You see, for him and his colleagues, individual consumption wasn’t considered to be in the realm of politics at all. Power rested not in what you did as one person, but what you did as many people, as one part of a large, organized, and focused movement. For him, this meant organizing workers to go on strike for better conditions, and eventually it meant winning the right to unionize. What you ate for lunch or happened to be wearing was of absolutely no concern whatsoever.
This was striking to me, because it was the mirror opposite of my culture back home in Canada. Where I came from, you expressed your political beliefs—firstly and very often lastly—through personal lifestyle choices. By loudly proclaiming your vegetarianism. By shopping fair trade and local and boycotting big, evil brands.
These very different understandings of social change came up again and again a couple of years later, once my book came out. I would give talks about the need for international protections for the right to unionize. About the need to change our global trading system so it didn’t encourage a race to the bottom. And yet at the end of those talks, the first question from the audience was: ‘What kind of sneakers are OK to buy?’ ‘What brands are ethical?’ ‘Where do you buy your clothes?’ ‘What can I do, as an individual, to change the world?’
Fifteen years after I published No Logo, I still find myself facing very similar questions. These days, I give talks about how the same economic model that superpowered multinationals to seek out cheap labor in Indonesia and China also supercharged global greenhouse-gas emissions. And, invariably, the hand goes up: ‘Tell me what I can do as an individual.’ Or maybe ‘as a business owner.’
The hard truth is that the answer to the question ‘What can I, as an individual, do to stop climate change?’ is: nothing. You can’t do anything. In fact, the very idea that we—as atomized individuals, even lots of atomized individuals—could play a significant part in stabilizing the planet’s climate system, or changing the global economy, is objectively nuts. We can only meet this tremendous challenge together. As part of a massive and organized global movement.
The irony is that people with relatively little power tend to understand this far better than those with a great deal more power. The workers I met in Indonesia and the Philippines knew all too well that governments and corporations did not value their voice or even their lives as individuals. And because of this, they were driven to act not only together, but to act on a rather large political canvas. To try to change the policies in factories that employ thousands of workers, or in export zones that employ tens of thousands. Or the labor laws in an entire country of millions. Their sense of individual powerlessness pushed them to be politically ambitious, to demand structural changes.
In contrast, here in wealthy countries, we are told how powerful we are as individuals all the time. As consumers. Even individual activists. And the result is that, despite our power and privilege, we often end up acting on canvases that are unnecessarily small—the canvas of our own lifestyle, or maybe our neighborhood or town. Meanwhile, we abandon the structural changes—the policy and legal work— to others.”
– Naomi Klein (x)
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Continuing from my last post about science fictional “hyperspaces” (wow, I think that might be the most viral original post I ever wrote; it’s amazing what being reblogged by @argumate can do for a post!):
As a science fiction writer, these are the features I find attractive about “hyperspace” that incline me to favor it over other explanations for “fast” interstellar communication and travel:
Hyperspace lets space still feel big. Wormholes/portals and instantaneous “jump drives” tend to make space feel small (though wormholes lend themselves nicely to space outside the wormhole network feeling big and to a feeling of sharp discontinuity between “known” or “civilized” space within the network and “unknown” or “wild” space where the network doesn’t reach). Start-anywhere go-anywhere jump drives without serious limitations have the additional issue that they’re more-or-less equivalent to teleporters, so they create the ultimate MAD setting where defending multiple fixed locations from a peer adversary is very difficult, and they minimize the strategic advantages of sustainable stationary banditry over unsustainable hyper-exploitive mobile banditry, and since the likely implications of that are very depressing I prefer to avoid it (except maybe if I was deliberately setting out to write a dystopia or explore the idea).
I want space to feel big in my writing, to give the reader some feeling of the vastness, grandeur, and inhuman scale of the universe. For my main science fiction setting, I think I’ll give hyperspace travel an effective “speed” of something like 5-10 c in Sol’s local neighborhood. That way interstellar journeys are more manageable than they’d be with journeys through our space, but journeys to other inhabited solar systems usually take at least a year or two (Sol to Alpha Centauri may be less than a year in hyperspace, but add in travel time to and from the Sol and Alpha Centauri hyper-limits, which is probably going to be at least a couple of months for each leg, and it’s probably about a year).
Hyperspace feels more like the sort of thing that might plausibly be useable to almost hairless apes with near-future-ish technology. With warp drives and wormholes and jump drives and so on I get the niggling feeling that’s the sort of thing you should probably have to be on approximately the level of an Orion’s Arm Archialect to do. Real theoretical warp drive and wormhole proposals tend to involve stuff like exotic forms of matter and energy and very large amounts of energy. Hyperspace would be a natural phenomenon, so it’s easier to explain it in terms of people exploiting natural phenomena we just don’t know about now, no weirder than being able to travel faster than rowing would allow by building a sail to catch the wind.
You can say that there are some rare atoms that naturally have a structure that extends into hyperspace. With human senses and 2020s technology they just look like ordinary atoms of silicon, iron, etc., but with the right kind of machinery you can detect them, sift them out of the surrounding 3D atoms, and concentrate them. Once you’ve got enough of them, you can make them the core of a pair of transmitters that you can use to send and receive radio messages through hyperspace. With more energy, you can “push” on these structures and “push” those atoms into hyperspace, and then if those atoms are part of a larger solid object the rest of the object and anything touching it gets dragged along with them (with a certain size limit, perhaps related to mass being “pushed” and energy used, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally sending the whole Earth into hyperspace the first time you try this - that’d be one heck of an oops; maybe a later disproven small theoretical possibility of that happening would go down into the history books along with “before they exploded Trinity they were worried it might ignite the atmosphere”); thus you can send a whole ship into hyperspace instead of just information. When you want to leave hyperspace you can reverse the operation and “push” the ship back into our space.
That gives you a nice highly valuable “handwavium” that can be a hook for various plot and worldbuilding points, e.g. there’s not much obvious economic reason to colonize Mars IRL except maybe tourism (anything you could mine there you get more easily from near-Earth asteroids, and it’s too inhospitable to make much sense as a settler colony), but maybe there’s a huge mother lode of these hyperspace-touching atoms somewhere on Mars. These hyperspace-touching atoms would be especially valuable if the process of using them for communication or in hyperdrives “strained” these structures and at some predictable rate caused some of them to “snap,” causing the atoms to become ordinary 3D atoms of silicon or iron or uranium or whatever. Then there’d be a continuous need for (relatively) large amounts of new ones even in a steady-state economy; you couldn’t just keep recycling them and recycling them and just do a little mining to make up for recycling inefficiencies. This would also be an interesting limit on use of hyperspace; using hyperspace radio or doing a hyperjump involves destroying a small amount of a precious resource, so people wouldn’t want to do it frivolously. This might augment that sphere analogy limitation on hyperspace communication I talked about in my other post; even if a hyperspace radio message from Saturn to Earth got there a little ahead of a radio message through our space, you’d probably send a radio message through our space for anything that isn’t time-critical, because the message arriving ten minutes sooner usually just isn’t worth the predictable cost in “snapped” hyperspace-touching atoms.
Hyperspace would be an environment, so you can do interesting things with it.
Since hyperspace offers a short-cut because it’s more compact than our space, I like to pull on the idea that it’s like our space but in a more compact state, so it’s similar to what our space looked like when the universe was younger and smaller. Going to hyperspace might be a little like time travelling back to a few tens or hundreds of millions of years after the Big Bang, before the first stars formed. The environment of hyperspace might be a little like the inside of a giant molecular cloud, but “warmer” and extremely impoverished in heavy elements. The gas density might be a few thousand to a few billion atoms per cubic centimeter (by comparison, sea level air is about 10^19 molecules per cubic centimeter while the interstellar medium averages around 1 atom per cubic centimeter). The gasses and plasmas in hyperspace would be almost pure hydrogen and helium. The cosmic microwave background temperature in hyperspace might be around 50 K; that’s warm in comparison to what it is in our space (around 3 K), and warm enough to probably be a big part of the reason hyperspace has no stars (present day star-forming giant molecular cloud regions have gas temperatures around 10-20 K), but by human standards it’s deeply cold; it’s upper atmosphere of Uranus temperature. With no stars, I’d guess hyperspace would be a place of more-or-less total darkness outside the range of any lights humans passing through might bring with them.
Alternately, if I want hyperspace to have a murky and mysterious quality and be a place where visibility isn’t good and sensors don’t work well (so a vibe a bit like B5 hyperspace), I could say the Big Bang nucleosynthesis era lasted longer in hyperspace and there produced a substantial amount of heavy elements, some of which then condensed into dust (probably more like smoke if it’s similar to interstellar dust in our space - nanometer to micrometer particles). This dust would probably be pretty insubstantial on human scale distances (again, if it’s like the interstellar medium matter in hyperspace would be about 99% mostly hydrogen and helium gas and plasma and 1% dust, and even a relatively “dense” hyperspace with billions of atoms per cm^3 would have less than a billionth the gas density of sea level air), but over AUs it would scatter light and that effect might add up. This would make hyperspace similar to a dark nebula.
If I want to take the “hyperspace is a scary place” further, I could add sources of energy that might further confuse sensors and add dangerous radiation and other dangers to the mix. Maybe hyperspace has a few large black holes or something, with energetic accretion disks and polar jets fed by all that relatively dense gas and adding turbulence to it. Or maybe spacetime in hyperspace is “lumpier” than spacetime in our space and hyperspace has weird “rivers” formed by something related to whatever force drives cosmic expansion and some of the gas/plasma gets caught in that and accelerated to large fractions of the speed of light and then slams into the low-velocity material in the “still” parts in places, creating lots of turbulence and various other interesting and scary things (powerful magnetic fields, radiation, locally intense heat, maybe some of these collision zones are even giant naturally occurring inertial confinement fusion reactors; maybe that’s where the heavy elements in the dust come from). Maybe hyperspace has a lot of cosmic strings; it makes a certain intuitive sense that, hyperspace being more compact than our space, its cosmic eggshell might be densely veined with cracks.
This gets into another interesting aspect; hyperspace might have something equivalent to terrain; hyperspace travel may be easier in some directions than others. And there’s lots of worldbuilding and plot hooks you could hang from that idea.
For example, let’s look at that idea of hyperspace having “rivers” formed of exotic spacetime structures and filled with gas/plasma streams moving at high fractions of the speed of light. If the edge of these “rivers” has a gradual enough velocity gradient and the plasma in the “rivers” is ionized, with enough skill a spacecraft pilot might be able to catch that “current” with a magsail and ride it, then when they’d gotten about as far as they needed to go they could leave the “river” and do magsail braking against low-velocity plasma in the “still” areas. Just gotta be careful to stay well away from the dangerous collision zones! This might be a huge part of the short-cut offered by hyperspace travel! It could be that distances across hyperspace are only modestly shorter than distances across our space (say, Alpha Centauri is 1 light year away in hyperspace), but the really big savings is you can catch one of these hyperspace “currents” and use it to get up to large fractions of c without expending any fuel. A set-up like that does raise some awkward questions about conservation of energy, but I could say something like “the hyperspace ‘rivers’ are areas where dark energy is being converted into kinetic energy, slightly slowing down the expansion of the universe in the process.” It’s not like we know much about how dark energy works, or even what it is, so for all we know that’s a thing that might happen under certain conditions.
Those collision zones would generate substantial radiation, including light, so unlike a calm hyperspace a turbulent hyperspace with energetic “currents” would probably have light. Don’t know how bright it would be; all that dust (made of heavy elements built up over the eons by inertial confinement fusion in collision zones, I like that idea!) would absorb a lot of light over cosmic distances, and stars are pretty bright but most of our space is pretty dark.
That set-up would make hyperspace travel kind of like sailing; there would be “currents” or “winds” you want to catch, and travel might be a lot faster along directions where the currents are favorable. Travel times in hyperspace might only loosely correlate with distance; Alpha Centauri might take longer to reach than Zeta Reticuli. There would also be hazards you’d need to avoid, e.g. the collision zones.
Maybe part of the explanation for the Fermi Paradox might be that Earth is in the middle of a big “still” part of hyperspace; few ships went here because we’re in the middle of a cosmic doldrums that takes years to crawl across.
With a set-up like this, hyperspace may have “weather” that influences interstellar commerce, and “climate change” on historical timescales that influences the trajectories of interstellar societies. Ages when hyperspace is particularly turbulent might cause Dark Ages as hyperspace travel becomes very dangerous. Ages when hyperspace becomes unusually calm might also cause Dark Ages as there are no fast hyperspace “currents” to ride and hyperspace travel becomes relatively slow. In one age hyperspace “currents” may be arranged such that a world is isolated; a few thousand years later the hyperspace “currents” might have shifted and that previously isolated world might be much more accessible and back in the mainstream of interstellar civilization.
One wrinkle: a turbulent, energetic, opaque hyperspace such as this probably wouldn’t be good for sending radio signals across. Maybe the universe actually has multiple “basement” levels, hyperspace is just the one that’s “closest” to our “living room” level and the only one that’s “close” enough that ships can travel to and from it, but there’s a clearer layer that’s “farther away” but still “close” enough that you can send radio signals through it, and that “deeper” clear layer is the one used for interstellar communication. Bonus idea I like: the deep clear layer is even more compact than hyperspace (by orders of magnitude) so it’s overall a much better short-cut in every way except being “too far away” to send ships through it, so finding a way to send ships through it is a huge potential breakthrough that tantalizes generations of scientists and engineers who so far have not managed to figure out a way to do it.
Really, on that note, I like the idea that the universe is analogous to an onion with many “layers,” and hyperspace and the deep clear layer are just the layers that are most easily accessible from our space. There are a lot of “basements” below the deep clear layer, and generally as you get farther “down” the “basements” get smaller, denser, and hotter; going “down” is a little like time travelling to eras closer and closer to the Big Bang (though this isn’t a completely reliable rule - the deep clear layer is smaller than hyperspace and perhaps warmer, but seems to be a lot emptier; maybe most of its matter has been sucked into black holes?). Maybe the whole thing is a bit timey wimey wibbly wobbly and if you go “down” far enough you eventually hit what 2020s science knows as the moment of the Big Bang. As well as “basements” there are also “attics,” but they’re less accessible because going “up” is harder than going “down.” If going “down” into the basements is a little like time travelling to the early universe, going “up” into the attics is a little like time travelling to the deep future, to places that look kind of like what our space may look like in the deep future black hole era (assuming the Big Rip doesn’t destroy our universe before that deep future proton decay story has time to play out). The “attics” are vast, empty, and deeply cold; cosmic microwave background temperatures a tiny fraction of a degree above absolute zero and precious little else to generate energy, maybe one atom in every cubic kilometer of space. They probably expanded too quickly for stars to ever form there. The total number of layers might be large; maybe hundreds or thousands, maybe billions, maybe a number so big it would need to be expressed in scientific notation. I like this idea because it makes hyperspace feel less implausibly convenient for humans; we’re just taking advantage of a particularly convenient part of a big macrostructure that’s mostly inaccessible to us.
Hyperspace is a natural phenomenon, so it probably isn’t going to be neatly quarantined to just being a thing humans can use for communication and travel. Hyperspace-related phenomena are going to show up in nature, and this offers a neat explanation for any exotic soft SF-ish natural phenomena you may be interested in incorporating into your setting.
Hyperspace (and other “basements” of our universe) also gives you a built-in parsimonious explanation for any other bits of soft SF technology your setting might feature. Want your setting to have e.g. Star Trek style forcefields? You can say they work through interaction with one of the “basement” layers of the universe.
On that note, I have an idea for a more hard SF version of the Babylon 5 “going beyond the Rim” thing or Stargate ascension, based on the “onion universe” concept I described above, which might serve as a partial explanation for the Fermi Paradox. Maybe some “layers” of the “onion” are “superhabitable” to advanced machine intelligences (though not to primitive flesh and blood beings like us). You know the aestivation hypothesis? If advanced machine intelligences could move to an “attic” they wouldn’t have to wait billions of years for our space to cool down; the cosmic microwave background temperatures in many of the “attics” would already be some tiny fraction of a degree above absolute zero. Maybe they could move to a nice big cold “attic” and live there and “mine” a nice compact “basement” that is rich in matter and energy, getting the best of both worlds. Most of these “attics” and “basements” would be completely inaccessible to humans, but beings with better technology and more resources might be able to access many more of them (or maybe even get beyond the “onion” and search the entire multiverse for universes with conditions more to their liking). So the universe’s most powerful and most enduring civilizations might usually leave our space and move to another “layer” or universe that has conditions more ideal for them, and thus be mostly undetectable to us.
See: the concept of hyperspace is loaded with potential plot and worldbuilding hooks if you use a little imagination, and I like that!
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newcatwords · 3 years
where is hawai'i? can you point to it on a map?
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if someone asks you to point to hawai'i on a map, where would you point?
before colonization, there was (and continues to be) an island called "hawai'i". the entire chain of islands is called "hawaii" and there is a state called "hawaii" made up of a large number of those islands.
now, because there are too many things named "hawaii," the island of hawai'i is often called "the big island", because o'ahu, the island where the city of honolulu is located, is what many people think of when they think of "hawaii". it's a mess.
on top of that, we have the "main hawaiian islands" (aka "southeastern islands" aka "windward islands") vs the "outer islands" (aka "northwestern islands" aka "leeward islands").
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most maps of "hawaii" show only the "main" islands. the map above (created by USGS) shows more of the hawaiian islands, but omits the names of two of the islands in the "main" chain: lana'i & kaho'olawe. these are not insignificant omissions. lana'i is 98% owned by larry ellison, founder & chairman of oracle corporation. kaho'olawe has been relentlessly used & abused by the west. it has been used for ranchland, military training, and most notably, as a munitions testing site, resulting in the continued contamination of the island. after many years of protests & lawsuits by native hawaiians, the island is now only accessible by native hawaiians for cultural, spiritual, & subsistence reasons.
meanwhile, this tourist mug with a creepy colonial-style map of hawaii includes both kaho'olawe & lana'i. good job, tourist mug!
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there are actually over a hundred islands in the hawaiian archipelago. the state of hawaii includes 137 of them (source). midway atoll (made up of 3 islands) is part of the archipelago, but not part of the state. it is one of america's territories: an unorganized unincorporated territory.
additionally, some of the islands "are too small to appear on maps, and others, such as Maro Reef, only appear above the water's surface during times of low tide. Others, such as Shark and Skate islands, have completely eroded away." [source: wikipedia page "list of islands of hawaii"].
in the course of writing this post, i failed to find a map that shows & names all the hawaiian islands and failed to even find a list of all of them (plus if an island only appears sometimes or has disappeared entirely, what do you even do with that?). if you find either or both of those, let me know in comments.
so where and what "hawaii" is remains a mystery.
but this has not prevented commercial & official interests from using maps of "hawaii" in all kinds of places! here on the islands, hawaii map imagery is all around.
maps are very common on tourist items:
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the hawaiian telcom logo uses dots roughly arranged in the pattern of the islands on a map:
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but i guess only five islands are worth including (i understand. branding needs come above all else!).
this souvenir cloth item is interesting because it includes all the main islands (including ni'ihau, lana'i, and kaho'olawe - which are often excluded), but smooshes them into the available space without much consideration for where they are in relation to each other:
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the postcard above has the main islands in their rough places, but squishes them all together so that they fit in the space. also the islands are made more similar in size to each other so that you can better see the little illustrations.
here's a more "official" map to show where the islands "should be" in relation to each other, and their sizes relative to each other (although both of those can change depending on what projection the map uses):
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in my mind, though, the ultimate hawaii map fantasy lives on the ubiquitous reusable walmart cloth bag (available for 50 cents at checkout to all who have forgotten to bring the right number of bags. there's a plastic shopping bag ban in hawaii.):
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in the walmart commercial universe (wcu), the only islands that exist are islands that have a walmart. the general outlines of the islands & their general orientation is preserved (along with a rough topology too!), attempting to convey a sense of adhering to a recognizable reality, but islands without a walmart have been not only omitted, but the space where they would be has been eliminated as well - as if they were never there to begin with. in the walmart version of reality, what makes something "hawaii" is whether or not it has a walmart on it.
i've had a lot of time to think about this remarkable image because i have a whole bunch of these bags. this is the bag of the people - everyone uses it for everything. the one in the above photo is in a typical state - pretty rough - because it probably came from the side of the road. you can almost always find one on the side of the road. so wherever you are, you are probably within sight of the walmart version of the islands.
so why does it matter whether or not you can point to "hawaii" on a map? well, maps are political documents, meaning that they reflect the vision of whoever has the power to put the map in front of your eyes. so if you're the one with the power to make some of the most commonly-seen maps of hawaii and you decide to remove a few islands, well that can really shape what people think "hawaii" is! we're a sea of islands - many people here have only ever been to one or two of the islands. if it wasn't on the map, you might not know that it existed at all.
hawaii is incredibly important to the united states, not just for tourism, but in terms of global strategy. it's the largest outpost of american power in the middle of the pacific. it puts america & its troops half an ocean closer to some of america's biggest competitors, most notably, china. it's a springboard to all the other island territories of the pacific (which you maybe haven't heard of because they almost never appear on maps):
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once you see a map of all of america's territories in the pacific, along with the exclusive economic zones (eez) that extend out for 200 miles around each island, you start to get a better feel for the extent of america's power in the pacific.
when a place is left off the map, it can be easy to make it (including its people!) invisible. so if you're america, with bases across the islands of the pacific, with a nightmarish history of atomic weapons testing in the pacific (rendering islands uninhabitable and leaving both land and waters too contaminated for people to use), perhaps you might not want some of these places to appear on the map.
in Foreign Policy in Focus, Khury Petersen-Smith writes:
"Many of us living in North America who are concerned about climate change, for example, have a sense that Pacific Islands are facing particularly severe impacts from rising sea levels. But that knowledge tends to be vague and limited, as actual residents of these islands are rarely invited to the table to speak for themselves.
This is not accidental. Commenting during the Nixon administration on U.S. nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands, which share the same region of the Pacific as Guam, Henry Kissinger said “there are only 90,000 people out there. Who gives a damn?”
The U.S. has long had an interest in Marshallese and other Pacific Islanders remaining “out there” in the American mind. This marginalization helps allow the U.S. to carry out military operations in the region, along with policies that further climate change and other harms, while keeping most Americans unaware of these practices’ impacts in the Pacific." [FPIF]
often hawai'i (and alaska - which is in many ways similar to hawai'i in its relation to the contiguous US) doesn't even appear on national maps of the USA.
here's a screenshot from the new york times homepage on march 21, 2020, just as the coronavirus pandemic was beginning to spread:
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there is no alaska and no hawai'i on those maps. so if you were looking for information on the most important issue that was happening at the time, and you live in or are concerned about hawai'i and/or alaska, there would just be nothing. and what does it say about the people who run the top newspaper in america that they decided it was fine to omit these two states? are they not states? do they not matter? do the readers in those states not matter? and this is not an unusual thing at all. it happens all the time.
i'd like to finish by sharing with you a poem by CHamoru poet Craig Santos Perez. CHamoru are the indigenous people of the mariana islands (which include guam, saipan, tinian, rota, and others).
in this poem, Craig Santos Perez writes about not appearing on the map...
“Off-Island CHamorus”
My family migrated to California when I was 15 years old. During the first day at my new high school, the homeroom teacher asked: “Where are you from?” “The Mariana Islands,” I answered. He replied: “I’ve never heard of that place. Prove it exists.” And when I stepped in front of the world map on the wall, it transformed into a mirror: the Pacific Ocean, like my body, was split in two and flayed to the margins. I found Australia, then the Philippines, then Japan. I pointed to an empty space between them and said: “I’m from this invisible archipelago.” Everyone laughed. And even though I descend from oceanic navigators, I felt so lost, shipwrecked
on the coast of a strange continent. “Are you a citizen?” he probed. “Yes. My island, Guam, is a U.S. territory.” We attend American schools, eat American food, listen to American music, watch American movies and television, play American sports, learn American history, dream American dreams, and die in American wars. “You speak English well,” he proclaimed, “with almost no accent.” And isn’t that what it means to be a diasporic CHamoru: to feel foreign in a domestic sense.
Over the last 50 years, CHamorus have migrated to escape the violent memories of war; to seek jobs, schools hospitals, adventure, and love; but most of all, we’ve migrated for military service, deployed and stationed to bases around the world. According to the 2010 census, 44,000 CHamorus live in California, 15,000 in Washington, 10,000 in Texas, 7,000 in Hawaii, and 70,000 more in every other state and even in Puerto Rico. We are the most “geographically dispersed” Pacific Islander population within the United States, and off-island CHamorus now outnumber our on-island kin, with generations having been born away from our ancestral homelands, including my daughters.
Some of us will be able to return home for holidays, weddings, and funerals; others won’t be able to afford the expensive plane ticket to the Western Pacific. Years and even decades might pass between trips, and each visit will feel too short. We’ll lose contact with family and friends, and the island will continue to change until it becomes unfamiliar to us. And isn’t that, too, what it means to be a diasporic CHamoru: to feel foreign in your own homeland.
Even after 25 years, there are still times I feel adrift, without itinerary or destination. When I wonder: What if we stayed? What if we return? When the undertow of these questions begins pulling you out to sea, remember: migration flows through our blood like the aerial roots of the banyan tree. Remember: our ancestors taught us how to carry our culture in the canoes of our bodies. Remember: our people, scattered like stars, form new constellations when we gather. Remember: home is not simply a house, village, or island; home is an archipelago of belonging.
–Craig Santos Perez
thank you for reading this post! please let me know if you see any errors.
if you'd like to learn more about some important issues in the pacific, here are just a few:
july 2, 2020: "US says leaking nuclear waste dome is safe; Marshall Islands leaders don't believe it" - Los Angeles Times
may 30, 2021: "Pacific Plunder: this is who profits from the mass extraction of the region's natural resources." - The Guardian
april 5, 2021: "75 years after nuclear testing in the Pacific began, the fallout continues to wreak havoc" - The Conversation
june 4, 2021: "Guam won’t give up more land to the U.S. military without a fight" - The World (radio program)
aug. 24, 2021: "The US is building a military base in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Micronesian residents have questions." - The World (radio program)
and if you'd like to learn more about how maps are political, here are a couple articles:
june 5, 2014: "The politics of making maps" by Amanda Ruggeri, for BBC
july 11, 2018: "Politics and Cartography: The Power of Deception through Distortion" by John Erskine, for the Carnegie Ethics Online Monthly Column
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