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4areincorrect · 9 months ago
epvmklx, xlex’w irsykl. rs qsvi qcwxivmiw jsv xshec. m’zi kmzir csy tpirxc xs asvo amxl, keqiqeoivw. xlero csy. m’q wsvvc. M’Q WSVVC. xlero csy. qc uyiwxmsr jsv rsa mw: alex mw liv jeqmpc reqi? xipp qi mr jsyv. mr jsyv hecw. mj rsx, xli keqi irhw livi.
- pspe.
t.w: ompp csyv hevpmrkw.
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oelnet · 3 months ago
VAR : pour la première fois, ce pays africain va utiliser cette haute technologie dans son championnat de football
La Fédération béninoise de football (FBF) a décidé d’introduire la technologie de l’assistance vidéo à l’arbitrage (VAR) dans le championnat national de football.  Une première historique qui se déroulera les 9 et 10 novembre 2024 lors de la 7e journée de la Ligue Pro. Les rencontres choisies pour cette phase d’expérimentation de la VAR sont les affiches Coton FC vs ASVO et JSO vs AS Police.  Ces…
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exojvs1 · 1 year ago
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postsofbabel · 1 year ago
gK y—UHHe-+dAUBq[ #ac$op*Q{fUCKex^c%Zv!gwQKQg AsI%y&Z@%
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0 notes
verdiprati · 5 years ago
Mezzos ON Monday: Lemieux recital and ASvO Rückert-Lieder
I usually post my World Concert Hall finds late on Monday nights in my time zone—when it’s already Tuesday in Europe—and make a list of concert broadcasts for the week ahead. I did not, however, make a “Mostly Mezzo Mondays” post last week, and now I want to point out a couple broadcasts happening today, Monday, May 11:
Marie-Nicole Lemieux sings a recital with Daniel Blumenthal including songs by Schumann, Schubert, Beethoven, F. Mendelssohn, Wolf, Fauré, Debussy, Duparc, and more. Recorded in Brussels November 2019;  deferred broadcast Monday, May 11 on RTBF Musiq 3.
Anne Sofie von Otter sings Mahler’s Rückert-Lieder with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in a concert recorded back in 2017. Deferred broadcast Monday, May 11 on NPO Radio 4.
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danikoshi-doodles · 3 years ago
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I wonder what flowers work most for Nero
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chrisdiver81 · 3 years ago
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two days wingfoiling and windsurfing with the amazing @fanaticaustria team at the croatian coast 🌞 thanks @chrissammersurf and the whole team for the great vibes and all the action! ❤ #vitaminwell #foilwing #wingfoiling # #fanatic #fanaticsup #fanaticaustria #ionactionsports #ionaction #ionaustria #foilwing #standoutsupwear #doyoustandout #austria #graz #foil #vitaminwellaustria #duotone #duotonewingfoils #addictedtoride #asvösteiermark #asvoe #asvoesteiermark #thehivecapital #thehive #iamsupracer #chrisdiver (hier: Rt Kamenjak-Premantura) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVKSuN8tJ7G/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yuvon-writes-letters · 4 years ago
To all,
I was, actually going to point that out.
The entity seems to be ab###################
Hold on.
Yeah, this isn’t working.
Hold on, I have an idea. I just hope you’re smart enough to catch on.
Xli irxmxc wiiqw xs fi efpi xs fpsgo syx erc qirxmsrw sj mx. Mj xlmw gmtliv xibx asvow, xlir ai qmklx fi efpi xs lezi e asvo-evsyrh.
Yes, it didn’t blur out!
On other notes, Rai is, very very slowly getting used to the break. I think it has something to do with the people at the theater he works at. He mentioned that he got a job as a stage technician in a popular theater right? Well, I think the easy work-load is slowly relaxing him.
I caught him taking a nap on the couch an hour ago, which is revolutionary. He always hated taking naps, saying that it feels like he’s wasting life away whenever he accidentally takes one.
More thoughts, I might gain the ire of both entities if I say this, but it’s worth it.
For an entity hell-bent on “preserving innocence” and “stopping the narrative of the new-born”, Flower seems to be rather passive ever since their initial attack. I’m assuming through their current actions and the wording of their letters, that their simply waiting it out until the end of the game, or until your entity does something. What their waiting for, is the real question.
My best guess is some sort of big development, but it’s also possible that their biding their time to attack once again. I’ll leave those thoughts to your interpretation.
Flower also seems to, well, feel might be to big of a word, “recognize” empathy. I’m using empathy very loosely, since I’m not even sure if their able to feel or not. Flower mentioned regret to the Entity, scolding it for not feeling bad for the actions they committed. This maybe suggests that Flower is able to feel empathy, if it weren’t for the fact that they threatened to kill everyone for innocence.
Most likely, killing us is their way of truly protecting us. Innocence exists after death, they say.
Whatever the case, even if their a neutral party, Flower is clearly the lesser of two evils, what you want to do with this theory is up to you.
I appreciate the get-wells, do not worry, I have been through worse in drills, scrapped knuckles are the least of my worries.
Fare well.
[After you finish reading the letter, two screenshots fall out. They seem to be of the phone conversation between the entity and Rai. Strangely, the first few texts from Rai’s number are blurred out the same way the sentence was, and they only cease when Rai start’s texting]
I wonder if entities are somehow incapable of deciphering our messages, or if our entities just happen to be really bad at it.
(Oddly enough, under each ciphered word there's a small line, as if Yuvon underlined each word, but some of the letters are bunched together to fit better on the lines.) M lezi e xlisvc, ex piewx tivxemrmrk xs qc irxmxc, fyx M VIEPPC hsr'x aerx xs izir vmwo wecmrk mx mr gmtlivw. M lezir'x izir jsyrh e aec xs wejipc xipp Neoi cix. M'pp xvc xs jmkyvi syx ersxliv aec xs wec mx pexiv.
I'm glad Rai seems to be doing well. You may want to double-check his mood occasionally.
It seems like Flower decided to show that they are a serious potential threat before making a demand, that demand being that the entity not do any more "games." Which is... worrying. Does that mean there are other Yuvons who went through the same thing I am? Does that mean that, if the entity doesn't listen, there WILL be more Yuvons?
I also suspect that Flower might act if the entity acts out of line again and does something nasty, but I don't know how Flower defines "amnesty."
If Flower can feel empathy (and certainly Goldie seems to, so it's not impossible) it would be a very twisted and warped sense of empathy. It doesn't seem like Flower WANTS to hurt everyone reading, but she somehow decided that attacking you was the best way of convincing the entity? And she sort of said "well I don't really want them dead but what does it matter anyways."
...Maybe it is her way of protecting us. It's a possibility.
She is the lesser of two evils for now, yes.
Hey, the entity is going modern! Now it can harass anyone privately. Yaaay.
Jake's out like a light, so I'll end this one here. See ya.
(The letter tucks itself into the paper clip with the others.)
(A transcription of the text conversation will be up shortly.)
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elladastinkardiamou · 4 years ago
Athens. Palaio Faliro
Video by O Asvos - www.facebook.com/oasvos/
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4areincorrect · 9 months ago
soec, almpi xlex aew e pszipc rsxi xs piezi sjj sr, m eq mqtexmirx erh m aerx xs mrxvshygi qcwipj TVSTIVPC fijsvi m'q fpewxih sjj sj qw. izivixx'w eggsyrx jsviziv. m orsa wli'w tmwwih.
lm keqiqeoivw. alex'w gssomrk. lsa ai hsmrk. soec, epvmklx, m'pp gyx xs xli glewi: csy hsr'x orsa qi. ex epp. fyx csy ampp. m orsa csy ampp. izivcfshc kixw xs orsa qi izirxyeppc.
oiit ksmrk. nywx - oiit ksmrk. izivcxlmrk'w ksrre asvo syx. m'q sr xli texl erh csy'vi sr xli texl erh izirxyeppc xlswi texlw ampp qiix erh ai'pp jmrh syv hiwxmrexmsr.
m asyph mrxvshygi qcwipj, xipp csy qc reqi, qc pmoiw erh hmwpmoiw erh epp xlex wlmx, fyx lsriwxpc? wxecmrk ersrcqsyw asyph tvsfefpc wivzi qi fiwx, izir xlsykl m vieppc hsr'x aerx xs. m ampp wec xlex givxemr qiqfivw sj xli fipp jeqmpc asyph womr qi epmzi mj xlic oria m aew legomrk mrxs PSPE IZIVIXX'W eggsyrx. alexiziv. li'pp pmzi. sv qecfi…? lili, nywx omhhmrk.
wii csy epp mr xlvii hecw(mwl). m'pp fi aemxmrk.
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islanderinlondon-blog · 6 years ago
My First Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
In June of this year I travelled to Montezuma Costa Rica to volunteer with an organisation called ASVO. They have projects set up all around Costa Rica that specialise in helping various exotic creatures but the Conservation Station in Montezuma focuses on sea turtles, in particular the Olive Ridley turtle, otherwise known as the Pacific Ridley. 
The first time I saw a mother sea turtle I was awe-stuck! She looked like a dinosaur, ancient and beautiful, lying on the sandy beach oblivious to the staring humans surrounding her. This mama turtle had a two chunks missing from the bottom edges of her shell that enhanced the overall heart shape of her. She only laid nine eggs, instead of the usual average of one hundred, so whether the trauma to her shell had anything to do with her low egg count, we simply do not know. However, she still dug a full nest, using her rear flippers to scoop and throw the sand away before laying her eggs, covering the nest back over and returning to the sea. 
Watching a sea turtle journey to the ocean has become one of my all-time favourite things after this trip to Costa Rica. It is a slow process as the mama turtle is not used to carrying their own weight but that allowed us lucky humans extra time with her. This turtle was particularly slow turning around and making her way down the beach as she would stop every couple of feet for a rest. However, once that first wave of water hit her back, she disappeared with the speed and efficiency of any other mama turtle who knows that her work here is done. 
I’m glad to report that all nine of her eggs hatched 52 days later and were safely conveyed to the ocean by the wonderful volunteers and interns at the project.
The photo below is of a different sea turtle I saw during my time in Montezuma, as I was too excited to remember my camera when Mandi, the intern at the time, woke me and all the other volunteers up to come see our first turtle. 
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chess-engines-diary · 2 years ago
Oprócz Gwiazdy Bydgoszcz w Klubowych Mistrzostwach Europy kobiet w zespole ASVOe Pamhagen występuje Aleksandra Malcewska. Nasza reprezentantka w trzeciej rundzie odniosła trzecie zwycięstwo z wyżej notowaną (przynajmniej rankingowo) Elisabeth Paehtz."Pomściła" w ten sposób koleżankę z reprezentacji, Karolinę Cyfkę, która dzień wcześniej z Niemką przegrała.
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olplus · 6 years ago
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Les vainqueurs de City en pole (Le Dauphiné : https://olplus.fr/AsvOS)
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verdiprati · 5 years ago
Mostly Mezzo Mondays: Röschmann; Prina, Genaux, Im, & Invernizzi; Persson & Davidsen; von Otter; Baráth, Cangemi, & Galou; D’Angelo
Mostly Mezzo Mondays: a recurring (though not weekly) feature where, on Monday nights, I blog a list of the upcoming broadcasts that have caught my eye on World Concert Hall. My interests: baroque vocal music, art song recitals, and a list of favorite singers.
Dorothea Röschmann sings Wagner’s Wesendonck Lieder as part of a concert with the Orchestre de Paris; Karina Cannelakis conducts. Wednesday, September 4; video livestream on Arte and simultaneous audio broadcast on Radio Clasique. 
I can’t say I’m very familiar with Handel’s Lucio Cornelio Silla, but I have heard good work from Sonia Prina, Vivica Genaux, Sunhae Im, and Roberta Invernizzi, all of whom are among the cast for a performance by Europa Galante at the Enescu Festival. Live broadcast Thursday, September 5 on Radio România Muzical.
Lise Davidsen has made a splash in dramatic soprano roles, but she also has mezzo repertoire, and is scheduled to sing the alto solo in Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 with the Bergen Philharmonic and massed choirs; Miah Persson takes the soprano solo. Live broadcast Thursday, September 5 on NRK Klassik.
Mahler’s Symphony No. 3 is also on the broadcast schedule this week, with Anne Sofie von Otter singing the alto solo for the NDR Radiophilharmonie. Live broadcast Saturday, September 7th on NDR Kultur. 
Handel’s Silla isn’t the only baroque opera based on Roman history we get from the Enescu Festival this year: Vivaldi’s Giustino is up for broadcast, too. Names catching my eye among the cast include Emőke Baráth, Veronica Cangemi, and Delphine Galou. Live broadcast Sunday, September 8 on Radio România Muzical.
Dedicated mezzophiles may have their eye on the rising star of Emily D’Angelo. Along with Morgan Pearse and Marie Lys, she recently sang a program of “arias and duets from operas from the 17th and the 18th centuries” at the Innsbruck Festival, with its resident orchestra. Deferred broadcast Monday, September 9 on Ö1.
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failureee-e · 3 years ago
Me da tanto asvo verme desnuda
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chrisdiver81 · 4 years ago
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testing some new, sustainable materials for @standoutsupwear 💯🔥💯 this will be the next level of drysuits 👍🏻🤩 now the winter hits austria hard again, and we all paddle in drysuits every day ❄🥶❄ 📸 @dag_mar75 ❤ #standoutsupwear #doyoustandout #supsportclubgraz #supgraz #vitaminwell #standuppaddlegraz #supclubgraz #fanatic #fanaticsup #fanaticaustria #austria #graz #sup #vitaminwellaustria #standuppaddling #standuppaddle #standuppaddleboard #addictedtoride #asvösteiermark #asvoe #asvoesteiermark #thehivecapital #thehive #iamsupracer #chrisdiver (hier: Graz, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLBhim4Dxnw/?igshid=17wx7ixagjfx8
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