a-shade-of-green · 2 months
your ‘dropped halfway down to hell’ fic is super good from what I’ve read :)
AHHH thank you so much 😭 i actually just uploaded chapter 3! thank you so much for reading and messaging me, this totally made my day!
ashadeofgreen <3
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the-really-goods · 2 months
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I wish i could cheer you up,
But i just,
Dont know
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a-shade-of-green · 1 month
me: [sits down to finish writing the fic i'm currently publishing]
vecna: a-shade-of-green...
vecna: no...........
me: [wakes up two days later with a chapter by chapter outline of an AU rewrite of the entire show, a half-finished draft of a platonic byclair & madwheeler & whatever dustin and el are called fic, the first few chapters of a lonnie comes back and will gets possessed s5 fic, part of a cleradin fantasy AU fic, part of a crack chatfic, and more???]
me: ah shit
all that to say im sorry im taking a sec to get the last two chapters of dropped halfway down to hell out! im almost there and i swear i AM working on it, i just keep getting distracted! thank you guys for all the reads and comments and kudos, it means the world! i'll have it finished up for you guys asap :)
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a-shade-of-green · 2 months
hello all! i'm pretty sure nobody is going to see this, but i know i need to start my blog somewhere, so an introduction seemed like the right place to start
basically, hello, i am ashadeofgreen and i like to write for the fandoms i'm involved in because i hyperfixate easily and the content a fandom gives me is somehow never enough? hahahaahaa... anyway
right now, i am finally getting around to, for the first time, publishing my work in the stranger things fandom! i started writing for it a couple years ago but ended up never releasing it because the fandom can be a bit... well, if you're in it, you know. anyways, i am so happy to be sharing my work and becoming an active member of a community i grew up in :)
if you'd like to find me and my works, i'm on ao3 as ashadeofgreen and i would love to see you there! while i am working on multiple multi-chapter fics, i would love to take requests for one-shots as well!
hope to see you around <3
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I Know So Little About Her, Just Her Name And Her Appearance, But She Is Amazing. I Wish I Could Be Introduced To Her, But I Fear It Will Not Be
Hey, Kan, If she winds you up this much so that you actually use punctuation, I'm sure she'll be out there somewhere x3
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I Have Such A Terrible Feeling Of Inadequacy
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I Know What She Is Going Through
I Just Am Not Quite Sure How To Handle It
I Do What I Can But I Feel This Is A Losing Battle
I Wish For This Time To Pass Quickly
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Over The Last Few Days My Host Has Completely Abandoned All Sense Of Ability To Function As Herself
I Noticed Her Change Of Pace On Monday Morning Just Gone I Dont Really Pay Close Attention To Her Daily Life As I Feel As If I Am Trespassing On Her Privacy 
And All Of A Sudden After Receiving A Piece Of News She Refused To Consider Fronting Leaving Myself To Take Charge 
At First I was Quite Furious With Her Considering The Situation She Placed Me In Having Us Stay At Her Friends For A Few Days 
This Involved Going To A Hive Celebration And A Lot Of Socialization
This Would Not Have Bothered Me If It Was Not For The Fact I Have Never Fronted For More Than An Hour Before And Neither Have I Had Contact With Anyone That Has Not Been Through Artificial Means
I Do Not Think I have Been Handling Things Well For Her
It Has Only Been Recently Since I have Managed To Catch Her In Headspace And Find Out The Real Reason She Been Recessive But She Still Refuses To Front I Dont Know How To Talk Her Around To Talking To Her Moirail As That Who I Feel She Really Needs At The Moment As I Worry What She Might Do If She Fronts Unattended
What More Can I Do To Try Help Her
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If There Is Anything I Miss About Where I Am From It Is The Need To Feel Needed I Resent Leaving The Young Ones But Now They Will Need To Find Their Own And Perhaps One Day We Shall Meet Once More
My Memoires Are Vague But Are Returning Perhaps Not Best To My Emotions
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I Think I Am Ready To Reach Out To Others
My Name Is Kanaya Maryam And It Is A Pleasure To Meet You.
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We Went For A Walk Today
She Took Me Around A Well Wooded Area In The Middle Of Nowhere Where She Let Me take Charge We Saw Waterbeasts In The River And Hears The Wingedbeasts Sing
I Enjoyed it
Maybe Ive Been Wrong
I Feel Like Im Ready To Talk To Someone But The Thought Is Still Intimidating To Me Perhaps A Little More Time
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Ive Been Thinking A Lot Recently How This Came To Be
Im Not Convinced This Is A Form Of Resurrection As I Have No Recollection Of When I Died But Then Again Does Every One
Im Not Comfortable Here And Doubt Ill Ever Be Until I Remember Everything My Memory Is Who I Am After All Without That In This Body I Feel Inadequate Or Insuperior Of A Being
My Memory Has Large Blanks Within Its Self Fragile Stems Of Memory Lead To Abrupt And Conclusion Less Ends The Memory Being Short Itself And Not Always Explanatory And The Things I Do See Well They Are Not Something I Wish To Trouble Others About As I Fear I Might Become Misleading To Others As Well As My Own Beliefs
I Have Found A Little Comfort In Talking To Others Only Recently Have I Started To Allow A Flowing Conversation With The Other Being here Although There Is Another I Am Willing To Talk To Over Her But I Am Stricken Of The Privilege Due To How The Other Feels About It I Feel The Need To Heed Her Advice But Cannot Help But Question Her Reasonings Behind It
As A Duo We are Getting Better But I still Fail To Understand Why She Is Willing To Help Me A Being That Taken Her Space And Has Been Less Than Willing To Cooperate At Times
I Wish I Could Meet Them Again
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