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pneusnews · 5 years ago
Appello delle imprese per sbloccare il riciclo dei rifiuti in Italia
Appello delle imprese per sbloccare il riciclo dei rifiuti in Italia
Il mondo imprenditoriale e associativo fa un appello a Governo e Parlamento per trovare una soluzione al blocco delle operazioni di riciclo dei rifiuti nel nostro Paese.
Confindustria, Circular Economy Network, Cna, Fiseunicircular, Fise Assoambiente, Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, Confartigianato Imprese, Confcooperative, Legacoop Produzione e Servizi, Cisambiente, Federchimica,…
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earaercircular · 3 years ago
Iren inaugurates ReCap in Parma: the largest hi-tech plant in Italy for recycling volumes of paper and plastic
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Ribbon cutting for ReCap, the largest hi-tech plant in Italy for volumes of paper and plastic built by Iren within the integrated environmental hub in Ugozzolo[9] di Parma.
The plant will process 35 thousand tons of plastic per year and 100 thousand tons of paper and cardboard to close the entire system of collection and valorisation of flows in the provinces of Parma, Piacenza and Reggio. Investment of 24.5 million euros in the waste-to-energy plant.
This hi-tech plant aims to manage 135 thousand tons of paper and plastic a year in a single flow, thus closing the waste collection and valorisation cycle in the provinces of Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia.
With an investment of 24.5 million euros, ReCap[1] was born, a centre for the selection of paper, cardboard and plastic created by Iren[2] within the integrated environmental hub of Parma (Pai[3]), in the Spip industrial area[4].
It is the largest structure in Italy for the treatment of volumes of paper and plastic with an advanced degree of automation for the high separation of materials, capable of treating the different dry fractions deriving from separate collection such as plastic, paper and cardboard in a single site.
The potential of the authorized plant is 135,000 tons / year of incoming materials, including 35,000 tons / year of plastic and 100,000 tons / year of paper and cardboard.
The final goal of ReCaP is to close the entire collection and enhancement system of paper, cardboard and plastic flows in the three provinces of Emilia (part of Emilia-Romagna region): Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia, from which the materials collected through the recycling circuit will flow.
From the plastic treatment and selection operations, in addition to the separation of aluminium and cans, a material suitable is obtained to be treated in the secondary centres of Corepla[5] with a low index of residual impurities.
As for the paper and cardboard, in the plant, which is a platform of the Comieco[6] circuit, the materials will undergo the final treatment before being sent for subsequent processing in the paper mill to produce new paper and cardboard. On the other hand, waste-to-energy is envisaged for process waste to produce energy and heat.
ReCaP - underlines the multiutility - is a concrete example of environmental and economic circularity and its implementation falls within the scope of the Iren 2030 industrial plan, dedicated to the environment sector through an important development of supply chains, including the ability to treat and recycle waste.
ReCaP is one of the elements of excellences of Iren Ambiente[7] that allows high percentages of separation and differentiation of materials in view of their subsequent reuse.
All the paper and plastic collected here are subjected to careful processing, which previously took place on third-party plants, while now they are managed directly at the site of the integrated environmental hub. The area covers an area of about 58 hectares, 50 of which have been planted with about 15 thousand trees and shrubs including resilient native species, transforming the space into a real citadel of environmental technology at the service of the territory.
The inauguration took place recently in the presence of the Environmental councillor of Parma Tiziana Benassi, the president of Assocarta[8] Lorenzo Poli and the deputy director of Comieco Roberto Di Molfetta, as well as the CEO of Iren Gianni Vittorio Armani and the director Iren Ambiente delegate Eugenio Bertolini.
How the system works
The plant is equipped with an advanced degree of automation for the thorough separation of materials, capable of treating the various "dry" fractions resulting from separate collection such as plastic, paper and cardboard in a single site. After being processed, the materials are sent for recovery. The potential of the authorized plant is equal to 135 thousand tons / year of incoming waste; the potential divided according to the types of materials is as follows: 35 thousand tons / year of plastic; 100 thousand tons / year of paper / cardboard.
The plant treats the dry fractions resulting from urban separate waste collection(plastic, light multi-material, paper and cardboard) with an advanced degree of automation for the thorough separation of materials through three processing sections:
(1) line for the automated sorting of plastic, mixed packaging and dry waste from separate collection and from private, commercial, industrial and service circuits;
(2) line for the automated sorting of paper and cardboard from separate waste collection and from private, commercial, industrial and service circuits;
(3) pressing and packaging systems for selected materials.
The plant applies the best available technologies in the sector for the recovery of materials from differentiated waste fractions, consisting of the combination of separation methods: magnetic and induced currents (for the recovery of ferrous and non-ferrous metals); densimetric or ballistic (for the grouping of materials based on specific weights and the separation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional materials); optical (for the direct recovery of higher value plastic polymers and various cellulosic materials); manual (increasingly conceived as control and correction of machine errors).
The plastic waste treatment line issuing from separate collection has been designed and defined according to the criterion of flexibility and high automation in order to be able to accommodate the changes that may occur over time, both in the Anci-Conai framework agreement[10] and in the recovery market. The plant is configured to select the waste streams that can best be exploited, namely PET, mixed plastics, plastic films, boxes and other non-packaging plastics with regard to the plastic component and ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste with regard to the flow of cans.
The remaining flows will be valued through market operators while the waste will be sent to the waste-to-energy plant in the plant centre or to external energy recovery plants or, if recovery is not possible, sent for disposal.
The material is placed in the hopper equipped with a bag opener dosing system and is then led by the conveyor belt to a (manual) preselection cabin to eliminate any materials incompatible with the system in terms of size and type.
The conveyor belt leads to the actual treatment line located in the adjacent building where there is a three-stage screen, capable of separating PET, mixed plastics, plastic film, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, boxes, non-ferrous plastics. large packaging, waste.
The flows of material leaving the selections are collected in special dedicated reception bunkers; each of the bunkers can be opened independently to unload the material onto the feed belts through which the different materials can be sent to the press according to requirements and then stored in the final warehouse.
The material reaches a separator-unwrapping machine that generates two output flows: the first consists of cardboard and paper packaging on which a manual selection can be carried out which allows to separate the material destined for disposal or another form of recovery from the material that can be used. .
The second is represented by mixed paper smaller than A4, substantially free of packaging: the material in question is sent to a second separation stage that generates two flows of final material: paper and waste.
Plastic waste is sent to secondary selection centres under the Corepla agreements. The purpose of the plant is to clean the incoming material directly from the separate collection of the Emilian urban areas and send them to subsequent selection centres that will carry out a more detailed separation, typically by polymer. The further recovered fractions such as iron and / or aluminium are sold for valorisation within the supply chain consortia or on the free market.
As for cellulosic matrix products, the plant produces direct secondary raw materials in the paper mill. The cardboard is sold to paper mills within the Comieco Consortium while the (graphic) paper can be sold directly, on the free market, to paper mills.
Redazione, Iren inaugura a Parma ReCap: l'impianto hi-tech più grande d'Italia per volumi di carta e plastica trattati, in: La Republicca, 5-4-2022, https://parma.repubblica.it/cronaca/2022/04/05/news/iren_inaugura_a_parma_recap_limpianto_hitech_piu_grande_ditalia_per_volumi_di_carta_e_plastica_trattati-344272370/
[1] ReCaP was inaugurated today, the new plant for the selection of paper, cardboard and plastic built by Iren within the Integrated Environmental Centre of Parma (PAI), on the southern border of the SPIP industrial area of Parma. https://www.ireninforma.it/parma-inaugurato-recap [2] Iren is one of the largest and most dynamic multiutility companies on the Italian scene and operates in the sectors of electricity, thermal energy for district heating and gas, and in the management of integrated water services, environmental services and technological services. The Group serves a multiregional catchment area, has 8,600 employees, a portfolio of around 2 million customers in the energy sector, about 2.8 million inhabitants served in the integrated water and 3.1 million in the waste cycles. Iren is an eco-friendly electricity producer for more than 73% of its production. The company’s registered office is in Reggio Emilia and it has operational offices in Genoa, Turin, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, La Spezia and Vercelli. The Iren Group is made up of the industrial holding company Iren S.p.A. and four fully controlled business companies operating in their specific sectors both directly and through companies that they control or in which they hold a share:- Iren Energia in the electricity and heat energy production sector and the technological services ones;- Iren Mercato as regards the sale of electricity, gas and district heating;- IRETI in the gas and electricity distribution business and in the integrated water service;- Iren Acqua in the integrated water cycle management;- Iren Ambiente in the waste collection, the design and management of waste treatment and disposal plants and the renewable energies sector.Iren has a high level of technological know-how, which, combined with its vocation for reliability, innovation and local roots, enable it to ensure high-quality services and to meet the needs of customers and the general public. https://www.gruppoiren.it/ [3] Polo Ambientale Integrato di Parma (PAI) (Integrated Environmental Center of Parma) [4] Zona Industriale S.P.I.P. is in Parma. Zona Industriale S.P.I.P. is situated nearby to Bonatti spa, and close to La Cittadella. [5] Corepla = Consorzio Nazionale per la raccolta, il riciclo e il recupero degli imballaggi in plastica. Corepla National Consortium for the collection, recycling and recovery of plastic packaging is a non-profit organization which brings together companies in the packaging supply chain. Although it is a private consortium, its purpose is of public interest: the achievement of the recycling and recovery objectives of plastic packaging provided for by European legislation, with a view to shared responsibility between companies, public administration and citizens. https://www.corepla.it/il-consorzio [6] Comieco = Consorzio Nazionale Recupero e Riciclo degli Imballaggi a base Cellulosica. Comieco is the National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Cellulose-based Packaging. Its purpose is the recycling and recovery of packaging of cellulosic origin. Comieco does not produce boxes and cartons, but its Consortium Members do, who, by statute, can affix the Consortium membership mark on their packaging, as evidence of the environmental responsibility assumed towards the goods and packaging produced and released for consumption. https://www.comieco.org/comieco/ [7] Iren Ambiente is the division of Iren active in the waste collection, the design and management of waste treatment and disposal plants and the renewable energies sector. [8] Assocarta is the trade association that aggregates, represents and protects companies that produce paper, cardboard and paper pulp in Italy. http://www.assocarta.it/it/ [9] Ugozzolo is a small fraction of the municipality of Parma, belonging to the Cortile San Martino district. [10] The ANCI-CONAI Framework Agreement is the tool set forth in the Ronchi Decree of 1997 and subsequently in Legislative Decree nr. 152/06 through which the Consortium system guarantees coverage of increased expenses for separate
collection of packaging waste for Italian Municipalities. The Agreement is constituted of a general section, which presents the general principles and application methods, and six Technical Annexes, one for each type of material, which govern the conventions that each Municipality, directly or through a third party, can undersign with each of the Consortium Chain members. https://www.conai.org/en/local-authorities/anci-conai-framework-agreement/
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kowalsky-def · 3 years ago
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prnews · 6 years ago
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Assocarta #PRNews #PressDelivery #FOUNDATION http://tinyurl.com/ycwzher3
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effemerideitalia · 8 years ago
L’economia circolare della carta e l’aumento delle foreste in Europa, cresciute di 44.000 kmq
L’economia circolare della carta e l’aumento delle foreste in Europa, cresciute di 44.000 kmq
«In Europa le foreste sono cresciute negli ultimi 10 anni di 44.000 kmq, un’estensione pari a due volte la regione Lombardia». È quanto evidenzia oggi Assocarta, in occasione della Giornata mondiale delle foreste, ricordando quali sono le fonti di approvvigionamento delle materie prime per le cartiere italiane.
Da una parte, il «75% della cellulosa vergine utilizzata per produrre carta proviene…
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L’ITIS Merloni ospita le due “consorelle” di Pescia ed Alatri insieme ad ASSOCARTA http://www.iismerlonimiliani.it/litis-merloni-ospita-le-due-consorelle-di-pescia-ed-alatri-insieme-ad-assocarta/
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appaltiverdi-blog · 8 years ago
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Assocarta: lavarsi e asciugarsi bene le mani fa bene alla salute #Focus #Associazioni http://tinyurl.com/y6wn2p34
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dailyfocusweb · 8 years ago
Terna Ferraris Interconnector pronto al via
Terna, guidata da Luigi Ferraris ha firmato l’accordo con il consorzio Interconnector Italia per la realizzazione e l’esercizio del progetto di interconnessione elettrica in corrente continua a 320 KW che unirà l’Italia alla Francia.
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Via libera alla costruzione della parte privata dell’Interconnector Italia-Francia, la linea elettrica in corrente continua a 320 kilovolt che collegherà i due paesi. Ieri Terna e il consorzio Interconnector Italia, che raggruppa le imprese energivore coinvolte nel progetto, hanno firmato gli accordi per la realizzazione e l’esercizio di questo ulteriore tassello. La chiusura dell’operazione rappresenta la prima attuazione della legge 99/2009 (disposizioni per lo sviluppo e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese, nonché in materia di energia) che, all’articolo 32, introduce, ai fini dello sviluppo provato della capacità di interconnessione con l’estero, l’obbligo per le imprese energivore di supportare e per Terna di realizzare linee elettriche finalizzate alla realizzazione del mercato unico dell’energia. «Si tratta di un accordo importantissimo – ha sottolineato Antonio Gozzi, presidente di Federacciai, tra i più convinti promotori dell’operazione -. È una manifestazione di forza e responsabilità delle industrie energivore italiane che mantengono gli impegni investendo 160 mln di equity in un’opera di cui beneficerà il paese intero. Ringrazio Terna e il governo per il costante supporto, nonché Bei, Cdp, UniCredit, Intesa Sanpaolo e Natixis (che hanno contribuito a finanziare l’opera, ndr) senza il cui intervento non si sarebbe realizzato il primo interconnector italiano».
Con gli accordi siglati ieri, poi, si è realizzata anche la cessione al consorzio Interconnector Italia dell’intero capitale della Piemonte Savoia (Pi.Sa.), già controllata da Terna, che rappresenta la società titolare per il progetto del diritto di esenzione all’accesso a terze parti per una capacità di 350 megawatt e per un periodo di 10 anni, di cui godranno gli energivori italiani coinvolti nel deal. Sono stati inoltre stipulati anche i contratti di mandato per la costruzione (Epc) e l’esercizio (O&M) dell’Interconnector per un valore complessivo di 415 milioni di euro.
Come si ricorderà, a dicembre 2013, era stato firmato, al ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, il memorandum of understanding tra Terna, Confindustria e alcune federazioni di categoria (Federacciai, Assocarta, Federchimica e Aitec), in rappresentanza dei settori energivori, con cui si gettavano le basi per la realizzazione di un nuovo collegamento in corrente continua tra Italia e Francia, al fianco di quello già esistente Piossasco-Grand’Ile (Piemonte-Savoia), con l’obiettivo di favorire l’integrazione dei mercati elettrici dei due paesi e sviluppare la concorrenza e l’economicità nelle condizioni di fornitura.
L’infrastruttura prevede complessivamente (parte pubblica e privata) una capacità di scambio sulla frontiera di 1200 megawatt disponibili a partire dal 2020 (con l’entrata in esercizio in programma entro la fine del 2019) ed è, precisa la nota diffusa ieri a valle della firma, «un progetto unico al mondo per le soluzioni ingegneristiche e tecnologiche utilizzate, identificato dalla commissione europea tra i progetti di interesse comune (Pci)». Con i suoi 190 chilometri, distribuiti equamente tra il territorio italiano e quello francese, sarà il più lungo elettrodotto in corrente continua al mondo in cavo, completamente integrato con il sistema infrastrutturale e risulterà di fatto “invisibile”. Per minimizzare l’impatto, la linea è stata infatti progettata in modo da adattarsi alle infrastrutture stradali e autostradali esistenti e varcherà la frontiera attraverso la galleria di sicurezza del Frejus.
Fonte: IlSole24Ore
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commercialistadiroma-blog · 8 years ago
Aziende industriali cartarie e cartotecniche: aumenti fissati per l’intero triennio
Aziende industriali cartarie e cartotecniche: aumenti fissati per l’intero triennio
Aziende industriali cartarie e cartotecniche: aumenti fissati per l’intero triennio
Assocarta, Assografici e le organizzazioni sindacali dei lavoratori hanno siglato un’intesa per il rinnovo del CCNL di settore per il triennio 2017-2019. L’ipotesi di accordo si segnala, nella parte economica, per il riconoscimento di aumenti retributivi riguardanti tutto l’arco di vigenza contrattuale, non…
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L’ITIS Merloni ospita le due “consorelle” di Pescia ed Alatri insieme ad ASSOCARTA http://www.iismerlonimiliani.it/litis-merloni-ospita-le-due-consorelle-di-pescia-ed-alatri-insieme-ad-assocarta/
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prnews · 6 years ago
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Assocarta #PRNews #PressDelivery #FOUNDATION http://tinyurl.com/ycwzher3
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prnews · 6 years ago
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Assocarta #PRNews #PressDelivery #FOUNDATION http://tinyurl.com/ycwzher3
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