vyntilador · 2 years
Your eyes tell
What kind of flowers do the boys represent?
Genre: idrk can be fluff or angst
Headcanons btw
A/N: I saw a tiktok that showed a bunch of flowers n their meanings so I went with it lol
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Artem Wing —Lavender Rose
Now first of all, Lavender Roses mean love at first sight which is pretty self explanatory tbh. The moment he laid his eyes on you when you walked into the lawfirm for the first time, something in him...bloomed (heh)
Suddenly, he notices how your hair shone from underneath the hues of the sun. He notices how you often smiled brightly whilst looking at animal videos during your break, he notices how your forehead creased as you desperately concentrated on a certain case.
Whenever you were within sight, everything around you just slowly fades into white, highlighting how you looked even more.
During a very difficult case, it bothers him how often you sighed as the echoes of your keyboard filled his ears so the very next day, you walk to your desk only to find a variety of Roses with Chocolates attached to them. As you lift the Roses, you see a note fall out with "Don't overwork yourself. Take breaks every now and then. I'll be rooting for you." written within it.
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Vyn Richter —Snapdragons
Snapdragons are known to mean both deception and graciousness. And honestly, I think it fits him very well like, hes a red flag but a hot one at that EHEM but his deceptions usually have a reason behind them.
More importantly if he's in love with you, he'll probably try to protect you with deception like, we all know how the royal family customs(?) in Svart are like (talking about CN server card of VynRosa visiting Svart and having to sleep in different rooms) He'll try to keep you away from his family in fear of hurting you in some way, or just overall preventing your relationship turn into one like his parents'.
Yellow Jasmines are also an option me thinksss
At this point I'm just focusing on his graceful and formal etiquette as a member of the royal family but honestly, it's his grace that makes me fall for himmmm
But if he could describe you or his feelings for you as a flower, he'd pick Cosmos. It's meaning is Order, Harmony, Beauty, Self-reliance, Resilience, Kindness and infinity.
Order and Harmony describes how you always put his mind at ease or make him drop his shoulders and relax whenever you're within the vicinity. Beauty, Self-reliance and Resilience because he likes how independent you are and how you always push to do the right thing even if it might bring misfortune to you. Kindness is pretty self explanatory whilst Infinity represents how his love for you will remain everlasting.
(go give him a peach and/or light pink rose and watch him short-circuit right in front of you lol)
Seeing how much of a flower boy he is, he's probably the type to confess to you, or ask for your hand in marriage using flowers and we👏love👏him👏for👏that👏
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Luke Pearce —Forget-me-not
Honestly, does anyone even think that there'd be pure Luke fluff here LMAOO SORRY
Forget-me-nots aren't like full on sad tho,,it also symbolizes true love and respect which fits him perfectly
He's loved you since you were children and always looked up to you. He loved how you always stood up to him against the kids who'd tease him for uhhh his family reasons and he loves u sm for that ! !
Omg I'm so sorry but I thought of this rlly angsty thing while writing this but Imagine Luke... Expiring close to death and while he laid unmoving on his hospital bed, you gave him a soft peck on the lips with those fairytale books in mind. About how a true loves kiss would always wake up your beautiful prince(ooh rhymes n shi).
Or for a more softer approach, Imagine getting awakened by Luke giving you a kiss on the lips and the moment you open your eyes, you see your beloved Luke's smile as he greets you good morning</3
Go give him blue and/or purple hyacinths too. Don't ask questions, it's better to not know<3
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Marius von Hagen —Daisy
For starters, it means Innocence, Loyal love, and 'I'll never tell'. The last part can be interpreted in two ways; that he'll never tell his feelings towards you or that he'll always keep your secrets.
For the first one, we saw how he hesitated momentarily if he was going to confess to us in the 1st anniversary cards. He keeps in mind his uncle's warnings of how brutal the media can be. Marius always wanted to protect you so if his presence in your life brings you harm, he'd rather stray far away from you than bring a threat to your life.
For the second one, despite his annoying attitude, he's always someone that you can lean on. Someone that you can trust or tell your deepest secrets to. He appreciates how much trust you put in him which in turn would make him even more determined to be someone you trust so much that you'll give yourself over to him and vice versa.
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A/N: Ik that the other 3 look so short and I SWEAR THAT ITS NOT VYN FAVORITISM, but i was rlly sleepy ok😭😭😭
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actualbird · 3 years
// spoilers for story of skadi event
pls im dying, the coincidental reasons for all the boys to be here independently kJBJSD
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luke, what in god's fucking name is a detective conference???? everybody else has excuses that i can somehow accept but......WHAT IS A DETECTIVE CONFERENCE SPOSED TO LOOK LIKE?? AND WHY IS IT HAPPENING IN, OF ALL PLACES, SKADI (FICTIONAL ICELAND)?????
and then scream. of course. of course they all waited for her at the manor. how long did they wait? WHAT RIDICULOUS CONVERSATIONS DID THEY HAVE WHILE WAITING??? if mhy wont tell me, i'll have to fucking write it myself
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AND OF COURSE!!! OF COURSE THEYRE ALL LIKE PICK ME, PICK MEEEEEEE!!!! bros my lungs r dying, im having a blast with this. boys, boys, youre all VERY pretty, calm down, okay?
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poor marius tho, skidding in last place with "IM USEFUL TOO, MISS!!! PWEASE!!!"
and this dialog trope never fucking gets old yo. gET HIS ASS!!!
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ilike of course i knew the color coding would go for each boy but the roses i thought would go to, well, ROSA. artem taking it (thus getting linked to the imagery and symbolism) has me very INTERESTED
vyn and swords, of course, he sword fights. hot. theres symbolism here but im too distracted by vyn and swords and hot
marius and the MASK. THE MASK THAT IS CRACKING OPEN. ive written so many marius character analyses on him and the concept of facades and fronts and acts so i am clapping like a happy seal right now like yes YESSSSS
and of course, luke pearce, the most fire coded motherfucker ive ever seen in my gosh dang life <3
whew, just the intro and the plot is so interesting!!! gameplay and tasks also seem so rich and enjoyable :DDD
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ohthemis · 3 years
marrying the tot boys
characters: all
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wedding preparations are intense. artem wants it to be your day. unforgettable for the both of you. he picks over the curtain colors to the symbolic meaning of the tablecloth you two are using. but when he finishes making a choice, he looks at you, beaming and unapologetically happy. “why do you look so happy?” “i’m one choice closer to being with you forever”
at first, you’re worrying that maybe he’s stressing himself, but you’re completely wrong. artem has planned this day since the day he’s fallen for you, and now, he’s simply making his wish come true. and that’s exactly what he does. he makes his choices with nothing but love for you. from proposing to you up to the night before the wedding, you’re the first thing on his mind. and when he sees you in your wedding gown/suit for the first time, he cries.
it’s all he’s ever wanted. honestly such a fairy tale, the lights, the flowers, the venue, everything is perfectly planned down to the details. and when you walk down the aisle, he chokes on a sob. he definitely cries a lot during the entire thing. it’s a heartwarming sight to see artem absolutely broken down from happiness. 
celestine even starts tearing up at the sight of artem finally settling down with somebody. kiki is 2 seconds from wailing. all your friends and family are present, but artem can only focus on you. he takes a second before finally kissing, not of hesitance, but one of realization. because when it hits him, his world has fallen in place.
the moment where everything stops is the first dance as a married couple. you two have practiced it multiple times leading to the big day, but this one was special. as he twirls you and pulls you into his chest, he realizes that hey, he’s getting married to you. and that’s when everything is utterly magical. you’re gleaming, and he’s falling in love over and over again. and once it’s over, he gives you another kiss. “this time, i’m your husband. not in front of everyone else, just between the both of us, i’m all yours.”
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luke is nervous and lost at first. marrying him is new to him and he’s definitely stumbling around, but the second you take his hand in yours and tell him to take his time, he’s absolutely flawless. he’s confused for a good part but he definitely doesn’t hesitate to take the initiative once he has your support. and just like that, all he’s ever needed was you standing beside him.
marrying him is laying under the stars and picking up tiny pieces of your childhood together. it’s listening to him ramble on and on about the beautiful plans he has in store for you. it’s watching him browse for venues and decor on the nights when he doesn’t think you’re looking. marrying him is him asking you why you want to marry him and tearing up at your answer. it’s you poking fun at him whenever he’s bored and making him laugh as you taste cake flavors.
your vows ruin him. they absolutely ransack luke of any self-composure he has left. the second you tell him of how long you’ve loved and missed him and get to reminiscing your childhood together, he’s sobbing into his hand. and when he gets to his vows, he expected to stutter and stumble around, but he gets right into it. because once he hears your vows, he remembers that it isn’t a speech. it’s him telling you that he’ll love you and be with you through thick and thin. and if you notice him pocket his original speech and go with whatever he has in his heart, no you didn’t.
he tells you how much he’s been thinking of you during the 8 years when he was gone. he tells you how he remembers how he boldly declared his love for you in the local playground when you two were just 6 years old. he tells you how devastated he was when you got your first childhood crush and it wasn’t him. he tells you how guilty he was when he felt relieved that you’d broken up with your first boyfriend. and he tells you how every single day, he’s grateful to be able to call you his lover.
and by the end of the wedding, he’s sobbing, you’re sobbing, everyone is sobbing. marrying luke is heartfelt and sincere. marrying him is listening to him profess his love for you once again at the after-party. it’s him telling you about all of the places he’d like to bring you. marrying luke is a fulfilled childhood promise and his long-awaited dream coming true.
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marrying marius is subtle then all at once. marrying marius is soft whispers turning into him lifting you and twirling you in the air. it’s him meticulously picking out venues and decorations turning into ecstatic laughs when he realizes just how beautiful marriage is. it’s a light kiss turning into a tight hug, and him never wanting to let you go. it’s being his crush and then becoming his fiance.
the planning is never a single person’s choice. it’s a silent agreement that every tiny detail, no matter how miniscule, is a shared decision between the both of you. aside from your wedding outfit, that is. marius isn’t one for superstition, and that isn’t what it is. instead, he leaves room for astonishment, because that’s what marriage means to him. he wants to be surprised, because to him, marriage is going to bring him to new heights. it’ll show him every single aspect of you he hasn’t gotten to know yet. that’s what marriage is to him.
and when it happens, he is absolutely glowing. there is no trace of doubt or hesitation on his face. he is certain and assured. and when you see him, his already wide smile grows even wider. and then he chokes on a sob, and two, and then he’s grinning the happiest smile he’s ever had. and once you stand next to him, he takes your hand in his and you can feel the love from the way he squeezes your hand like there isn’t any better thing to do in the world.
and then he kisses you. it’s firm and decided, and in a way, marius is just reaping the fruits of that which he’s wait for, for so long. and then he looks at you. your lips, your cheeks, your nose, then straight into your eyes. and marius has never spoken truer words than right at that moment when he tells you that he’ll love you for the rest of his life. and then he kisses you again, this time, desperate and so full of love. and you may never even notice, but his hand has never left yours.
and that night, when he lays beside you, he laughs. he laughs like the world has finally let go of him, like the chains that drag him down have finally chosen to stop pulling, like the sun has stopped shining and the moon has stopped gleaming. he laughs as if the world was ending and no one cared. and in front of you, he laughs the happiest he’s ever been. “i can’t believe i’m married to you.” and it may just be how contagious his laugh is, but this time you laugh too. and it’s certainly been the best day of marius’ life.
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marrying vyn is slow and gradual. the preparation, process, and the aftermath are all done with care and a shared intimacy. marrying vyn is careful but unhurried. he gives you time to choose and gives himself the time to fall deeper in love with you.
planning is romantic. it’s an unforgettable process, where even choosing how the napkins will be folded is memorable. he offers you choices and gives his input where he sees fit. and when you see the final venue decorated for the first time, you notice the way his eyes glisten with tears of accomplishment and adoration.
the place is romantic and elegant. there are touches of deep colors, and flecks of gold, giving a sense of purity and volume to the whites and reds. the venue vaguely resembles a palace, and in some way, vyn has built one for you.
the wedding itself astonishes him. he’s prepared himself for immense happiness, prepared himself if he were to cry, but marrying you, seeing you walk to him, and realizing that this is forever, vyn crumbles. and he cries, harder than he ever has. he sobs, and marius, his student, fellow nxx colleague, and chosen best man, laughs from beside him and gives him a hard pat on the back. “this is your day, vyn. stop rubbing your eyes. you’re probably going to want to see your bride.”
and marius was right to every last bit of what he said. because the second you two are alone, he kisses you with every emotion he’s suppressed, and he cries. he sobs into you, and he tells you how in love with you he is. he looks at you, and despite how much of a mess his crying has made him, you know he’s happy. 
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welshoot · 3 years
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I’ve seen several posts on the picture above and decided I wanted to make one myself simply because I’m a nerd and really love this game.
First of all the lady shown in the gacha image and the image above isn’t really Themis, it’s actually Lady Justice. Lady Justice is a combination of Themis and Justitia (Roman goddess of justice, fair judgement and rights established by custom and law). Because of this, her symbols are different from Themis and have slightly different meanings.
Now, there are two things of note in this image, what symbol the love interests have and the flower shown with them. I may get the flower wrong because I’ve had great difficulty identifying them. Flowers aren’t my strong suit.
So, Vyn has the blindfold which stands for impartiality. It shows that justice is not prejudiced or swayed by things such as money or power. Interestingly, Themis didn’t have a blindfold as she was also a prophetess. A blindfold would have hindered her ability to foretell the future. The blindfold comes from Justitia. This makes me wonder if Vyn is going to be helping her maintain her impartiality in the future or if an issue involving prejudice will come up that he’ll be involved in. It could also be that he is trying to make her more of a Themis than a Lady Justice. The flower pinned to his shirt appears to be dark red rose buds. A red rose of course means love and passion but when they are dark such as those shown with Vyn they represent unconscious beauty. They are more captivating and enigmatic than a normal red rose which is quite fitting for Vyn’s mysterious character. 
Next we have Artem who is helping her hold, or maybe balance, the scales. The scales are obviously for weighing evidence. Since these scales have no foundation this means the evidence should stand on its own. It’s interesting that he’s holding them the way he is since he could be seen as hindering their ability to properly weigh the evidence. A single twitch of his wrist would easily change the balance of the scales. This could be symbolic of how he’s shielding her and possibly even holding her back with his protectiveness. It could also imply that his guidance has the power to tip the scales in her various cases since he is a more experienced lawyer. I have to be entirely honest, I’m not entirely positive about what his flower is but I’m pretty sure it’s lavender. Lavender symbolizes purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness. The purple color implies elegance, refinement and even luxury. It seems to be a pretty good fit for our senior lawyer who does possess a very quiet, devoted love for our MC.
Moving on, we have Luke. He is holding the sword which we can see is slicing into his hand. The sword can represent a lot. In history it symbolized power, authority, and the respect that goes with those two. When shown with Lady Justice it is often symbolic  of power, signifying that justice can be swift and fatal. The fact that the sword is sheathed shows us that justice is transparent and is not meant to cause fear as justice comes before punishment. The sword is merely a tool. The meaning behind Luke injuring himself with the sword is debatable. His position reminds me of a knight pledging his allegiance. Possibly to MC or justice itself. It could be implying that he is  going to get hurt trying to uphold MC’s justice or that justice is going to somehow cause him injury. It might also mean that Luke is going to injure himself in keeping MC from having to dispense justice. We’ve already seen how much these cases can hurt our feelings. As for Luke’s flower it appears to be a white lily. White lilies typically symbolize purity and virtue. Sometimes they can mean commitment which is especially fitting for Luke seeing as he is so committed to our MC.
Finally we have Marius. He’s the tricky one in a lot of ways because we see a snake and immediately think bad. When a snake is shown on a statue of Lady Justice it’s position is everything. In the case of this image the snake is shown on top of some books. This is something that doesn’t happen with Themis, only Lady Justice has the snake. Possibly because Themis would be able to foresee the danger. The snake on the books  symbolizes the idea of “With knowledge we can defeat evil.” This is interesting to me since Marius is the only one still in school and thus the only one that is actively gaining new knowledge. Another thing of note is Marius’s position, he isn’t looking at MC. he seems to be looking just ahead of her. Possibly because she might not be able to see the danger ahead if she’s filling the role of Lady Justice instead of Themis. An added bit of symbolism is his necklace which is an Ouroboros. An Ouroboros is an ancient symbol first found in Egypt. It made it’s way over to Greece and is typically interpreted as a symbol of eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death and renewal. This fits in nicely with Marius’s position as the Ouroboros is in fact a snake eating its tail, creating a loop. So Marius is in kind of an odd position. One could interpret it as him being a threat as he is the snake which does technically symbolize evil. However, we could also say that he is going to be the one that assists MC in using her knowledge to defeat evil and that he is looking ahead for her so he  can protect her from future danger. After all, he’s the only one not hindering or removing her symbols. Then we have Marius’s flowers. They appear to be yellow roses in full bloom. We often think of yellow roses being for Mother’s day or something like that as their love is typically platonic. Friendship is the foremost meaning of a yellow rose. However, this is an Otome so I think that might not be the message Marius is sending here. Yellow roses can also mean unbridled joy and a determination to start anew, leaving any bad blood or something of that sort in the past. Yellow roses are also very honest flowers, The affection they portray comes straight from the heart. They can also mean steadfast affection. 
Finally we have MC herself. She also possesses some of the attributes of Lady Justice and Themis. The laurel that symbolizes victory and the toga which symbolizes the philosophical attitude that embodies justice. Now, is Mc filling the role of Themis or Lady Justice? It could be that she is holding herself to the impossible standards of Lady Justice/Themis and that the love interests are trying to protect her from her own ambitions with the exception of Marius who is merely waiting for the future outcome or to harm her. Another possibility is that she is indeed the Themis or Lady Justice of our story and the love interests fear for her safety as justice is not always welcomed and can lead to tricky situations. Another theory is also that each love interest has a different vision for her. Some want her to be Themis, some want her to be Lady Justice, and some want her to just be herself. Either way I think we’re in for some very interesting developments.
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micheldechevin · 3 years
@cinnatwisted asked: There is absolutely no Vyn content to be had anywhere. Please write something cute and fluffy (with some spice if you please) thank you! Pairing: Vyn x MC Series: Tears of Themis Rating: T Word Count: 1,145 Requests are are open
Rosa was leaning over the Asters, Marveling at their saturated and vibrant coloring. The pink varieties were her favorites. It had been a little over a month since they had their conversation about Asters being Rosa’s favorite flowers besides the obvious choice of roses. “They’re really lovely, Dr. Richter. I read somewhere,” That somewhere being in the book of flower language that she had bought not too long ago, “That Asters can symbolize Wisdom.” So I suppose they’re fitting here. “They might symbolize love in some cases too.” She leaned closer to look at the details on each petal; it was obvious that Vyn, like with everything else, put a lot of care into blooming the best flowers he could.
“That is true, they can mean that.” His voice was very soft—almost gentle, in her ear as she felt him lean up behind her to also examine the blooms. He was so painfully close that she could feel the warmth, both physically and metaphorically, radiating off of him and she could almost hear the tender smile in his voice. “I see you were reading that book that you had bought, I also really enjoyed that one.” There was a touch of embarrassment that he remembered she even bought that book, but it was quickly pushed directly out of her mind as he leaned every closer, his hand reaching past her shoulder to lightly examine the bloom.
She Hummed her agreement, it was a little difficult to form words when he was this close to her. Rosa could smell the gentle aroma of his everyday life on his shirt he was so close. It was relaxing, she always felt relaxed with Vyn. Maybe that wasn’t necessarily professional, and Artem has warned her against that, but it was easy to get close to him—to find herself spending more weekend than not in his company.
“According to Greek Mythology, Asters sprung up when the Goddess Astraea left the Earth due to wickedness of Man and became the constellation known as Virgo. It is also also said, that she wept for humanity and where ever her tears fell, Asters bloomed.” Vyn leaned just a touch closer—something to easily pass off as a mistake if asked, but he just wanted to be closer. “There are many interpretations of Astraea’s story, but some say at the end that she will return to Earth and bring Utopia, ending Human Suffering.” Vyn was whispering in Rosa’s ear at this point—almost as if he didn’t want the rest of the world to hear the story; it was meant for her ears only.
“That’s a sad story….but it’s beautiful.” She was thinking it over; it was sad—to leave Earth because of humanity. “I want to do that, I also want to end suffering in anyway I can.” Joey and Hugh crossed her mind as she spoke; it had always been her goal to help people but that had reinforced her ideals. “Maybe I can’t bring about Utopia, but I can help end the suffering for the people around me.” Rosa turned her head slightly to look at Dr. Richter, only to be met with his Gilded eyes already gazing at her with a mellow warmth that reminded her of a clear summer’s day. It wasn’t uncommon that she lost herself in the pools of gold; they had always invited her in—binding her in a spell.
“It is my opinion that you already do much to help those that touch your life.” Carefully, he lifted his hand to brush loose strands of hair behind her ear—it was just an excuse to touch her in a seemingly innocent way. “I know many of your clients would agree.” Whether or not the Clients agreed, he agreed—but he needn’t say so to her. “Much like Astraea, you care for humanity and I think that is commendable.” And much like Astraea, to him she was a star far above him. “I can see why you are drawn to Aster flowers now.”
Rosa was carefully thinking over everything he was saying to her—still unwilling to break eye contact with him; though it was difficult to strongly agree or disagree with her assertion, she knew that at the very least she was doing the best she could at all times Even Artem had told her as much. “Thank you Dr. Richter. Your words give me confidence that I’m on the right path.” She smiled up at him, a smile so bright it matched the intensity of the sun.
“Right, yes.” His chest always grew just a little tighter when she smiled at him like this.”We should have some tea in the garden, I can brew some black tea and I have some Madeleines I would like to share with you.” Vyn pulled himself back from her—her smile was scorching, and he wanted just a little reprieve before he flew too close to the sun. “They are lovely, I bought them at the dessert shoppe we had been too before that you enjoyed.” Vyn Turned to lead Rosa back inside so they could continue their conversation in the kitchen as he got their snack ready.
“Oh, I haven’t tried the Madeleines yet I always wanted too, but I never got around to it, so I look forward to it, Dr. Richter. You’re very thoughtful.” An absent compliment—but it was true, she always thought him so thoughtful; always willing to come help her when needed, bringing her lunch and the flowers in the Garden—he was simply too kind to her.
“Yes, I remembered you had mentioned them before and I knew you were coming over today so I went ahead and purchased them for us. I have not tried them yet, Either—so I suppose it is a shared activity.” There was joy in his tone, but only slightly—he was glad she was pleased with his selection of sweets. He had carefully planned it to happen this way, purely because he wanted to be the one experience something new with her even if it were so minor.
“You really don’t forget anything do you?” It was a light tease, but her mind kept wandering back to the story of Astraea while she kept Vyn company in the Kitchen—it really was a beautiful story and she wanted to read more about it when she went home this evening. Maybe they could even talk about it the next time they had tea.
Dr. Richter smiled at her in response before turning his attention back to the kettle; both of them lost in thoughts of Asters, Madeleines and warm summer days. It may not be Utopia, but it was enough for now. A private Utopia between the two of them that didn’t expand past the boundaries of his home. It was perfect enough.
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bae-leth · 5 years
Okay with all the talk about Natalia and Artemis pulling an Awakening of sorts and going back in time to their dads’ academy days, I gotta write up a little something about this. I’ll stick with scenario A: the kids ending up in an Azure Moon past and scenario B: them ending up in a Verdant Wind past. I’ll stay away from the kids ending up in a Crimson Flower past because it’ll be kinda complicated and also I think that would be a little too traumatizing for these poor babies (as if me launching them into AM and VW won’t traumatize them lol). *okay hopefully Tumblr didn’t eat this and it actually went through this time*
For how the kids end up in the past let’s just say Natalia and Artemis went on recon mission together and happened to accidentally come across a long abandoned secret Agarthan facility. While exploring it they accidentally end up triggering a magic trap. Artemis attempts to use his own magic to dispel it but it reacts strangely. Next thing they know, the kids are waking up on the ground in a field within eyesight of Garreg Mach Monastery. Yeah it’s contrived but how they got there isn’t the big thing here.
Other general stuff to note! For this adventure let’s have Natalia be 18 years old and Artemis is 15 years old. Their dads still wield the Hero Relics so the kids don’t have them and their mounts (Natalia’s horse Ares and Artemis’ wyvern Altena) didn’t come back with them. Less stuff for the kids to have to explain away but still makes things annoying for them, especially since they still have to deal with their Crests.
Also, to make things just a bit less horrible for them, while Natalia and Artemis are stuck in the past for the five years of the game’s story, five years aren’t passing in their original timeline. It’s more like an adjustment of one year in the past equals like a month in their proper timeline. And while they are in the past, they’re not aging. It’s like they’ve been “removed from the flow of time”, more or less. Still experiencing things as they come but they themselves aren’t aging or changing during this time (another annoying thing to try and explain away while they’re stuck in the past). This is because I didn’t want them to lose out on five whole years of their lives. Also because I didn’t want to put poor Dimitri and Felix through having their kids vanish for five damn years. They just get to go through the horror of wondering where their kids disappeared to for five months instead.
Natalia and Artemis claim to be “a pair of siblings who are simply travelling the continent” and that’s usually enough for most people to leave them alone. Plus it helps that Garreg Mach and the academy often get visitors, so having strangers show up isn’t too weird. But the pair of them still stick out since they have that air of being far more noble than they come across and you darn well better believe they were closely watched for a long time before people realized they meant no harm.
Stuff gets especially difficult when the pair occasionally help out in battles and their Crests activate (let’s say the glowy symbol effect is something that you physically see and not just a game mechanic). That is far more difficult to explain away since while enough time has passed since the age of the Ten Elites that Crests can appear practically anywhere, the Blaiddyd and Fraldarius Crests have never before been seen outside of their respective family lines. However a good enough argument is made that it very much is possible that the pair simply have distant (lol) Blaiddyd and Fraldarius blood in them and so they just so happened to inherit the Crests. Sylvain gets a lot of mileage out of teasing Dimitri and Felix over this whole thing while Natalia and Artemis try not to laugh like awkward dummies.
Natalia and Artemis being so excited to see young versions of their dads and their uncles and aunts from the Blue Lions. And a younger, far less expressive version of Byleth!
“Oh goddess, Artemis, I just realized I’m technically older than Father and Papa, they’re both only 17 right now!” “Papa ages really gracefully, he barely looks different than he does in our time. But seeing Father with short hair and two eyes is so odd.”
“Uncle Ashe and Aunt Annette have such round cheeks!” “I can’t get used to Aunt Mercedes or Aunt Ingrid with such long hair!” “Was Uncle Sylvain always this much of a flirt? I thought the stories were exaggerating.” “Uncle Dedue keeps looking so sternly at us. We didn’t even do anything this time!”
“Professor never smiles or anything. I heard he used to be really expressionless, but I didn’t realize it was to this extent.” “I’m just glad that the ‘Professor’ nickname has stuck in our time, at least we can call one person what we usually call them.”
Ingrid legit thinks Sylvain is dying or something because Natalia is a pretty young lady yet Sylvain has yet to make a move on her.
“Ingrid you don’t get it, every time I try it feels like I’m gonna throw up! It’s like hitting on a family member!” “Oh so this is going too far but when you hit on my poor granny-” “Would you let that go already?!”
Dimitri and Felix are going through a lot because they don’t understand why they feel so attached to Natalia and Artemis. Dimitri tries to reason that when he was younger he always wanted siblings and the pair are rather attached to him and Felix so it’s something like that. Doesn’t account for just how protective and doting he is on them though. Meanwhile there’s always whispers about how easily Felix lets the siblings stick by him and he’s so annoyed because “why the hell are they constantly trying to get me and the boar prince to spend time together????”
Byleth also has a soft spot for them and the kids have the easiest time with him since interactions with Byleth aren’t that different from their interactions in their own time.
You know that one monk who says Dedue probably had something to do with Flayn’s kidnapping? Natalia totally decks him in the face when she hears him say that. When the guy tries to complain, Artemis turns up the charm and has everyone believing him when he says that of course his dear big sister would never do something so terrible, and so Natalia gets off scot free.
When it comes to Edelgard Artemis has mixed feelings because he knows about how she starts the war and all she does but at the same time he remembers the bittersweet expression on his father’s face the few times he spoke of her. Meanwhile Natalia is distant and wants nothing to do with Edelgard, knowing all the pain she caused the people Natalia loves.
It’s interesting for the pair to see Claude, since the Claude they know is a lot more open about his true feelings. Still talks circles around them all and savvy as ever, but more honest with himself and those he considers close. Claude is also the one who is most curious about the siblings’ mysterious origins (well other than Hanneman who wants to know all he can for his Crest research)
Artemis causes quite a stir when he goes around slinging magic from the back of a wyvern he borrowed from the stables, forgetting that magic wielding wyvern riders are not gonna be a thing for another few decades. He’s just lucky he managed to borrow the most chill wyvern in the stables because any other wyvern would’ve thrown him off if he tried that with them.
So hey wanna imagine how fucking scared the kids are when the Holy Tomb incident occurs and they see Dimitri crush two guys’ skulls?
Their father doesn’t like to talk about the full details of the darkest time in his life, when his mental state was at its lowest. But he was also rather honest with the kids, telling them that he had done many things that were horrifying, that can’t be easily forgiven, if at all. Natalia and Artemis thought they understood but seeing their father breaking down before their eyes is completely different from the stories they were told.
Natalia doesn’t know how to talk to Dimitri about this so she lets Artemis handle him. Artemis is good at just being a comforting presence, knowing when to stay back and when to sit close. Knowing when to say something and when to listen. Natalia chooses to stick by Felix, arguing with him about how harsh he’s being towards Dimitri. Her own fierce and stubborn nature means she can hold her own against Felix. When she sees a rare flash of vulnerability on Felix’s face she understands that, more than anyone, he didn’t want things to turn out like this for Dimitri.
In the years that pass Natalia and Artemis argue a lot over how much they should interfere. This is the Blue Lions’ past so they know what’s going to happen but they can’t agree on whether or not to say anything. Do they try to stop Edelgard’s war? Do they try to warn someone? But how and when? They know where Dimitri disappeared to after his “execution” should they tell someone? But what if things change too much? What if they make things worse? What if what they’re doing has some effect on their own time? Is it selfish to not want to risk their future, their loved ones?
Okay that’s as much as I have to say about the AM version, so let’s talk more about the kids being sent to a VW past.
The kids are so confused when they see Byleth teaching the Golden Deer. What does this mean? Is this an alternate past? But then how will they know what’s going to happen? Will things really change that much if Byleth is teaching another house?
Their confusion only doubles when, a few months later, Felix transfers to the Golden Deer. Natalia confronts him about this but Felix states that Byleth is good with a sword and he wants to learn from him, there’s nothing more to it.
“You’re not running from Dimitri, are you?” “…Why’re you so invested? You and that brother of yours are just a pair of strangers who keep making everyone else’s business your own.”
Artemis keeps a close eye on Dimitri throughout the year, wondering if perhaps Byleth being with another house will make a positive change for Dimitri. Of course Artemis doesn’t want to lose the important bond between Byleth and the Blue Lions, between Byleth and him and Natalia. But…if this can provide a benefit to his father…
But no, Dimitri still falls apart, slowly but steadily. The war still comes. But now Natalia and Artemis are faced with he horror of their father going down separate paths. Felix going to the Leicester Alliance after Faerghus falls and Dimitri still missing. So the kids make a painful decision, a scary one they’re only making because they don’t know what else to do.
Natalia follows Felix to Leicester. Artemis sets out to find Dimitri. Natalia tries to convince Felix to search for Dimitri, to return to Faerghus. Dimitri flips between ignoring Artemis and barely tolerating his presence. Natalia is at her wit’s end, not knowing how Dimitri or Artemis are doing in this strange timeline. Artemis is so desperately lonely, even with Dimitri with him, not knowing how Natalia and Felix are doing.
Everything falls apart on Gronder Field. In the chaos of the three-way battle, Natalia and Artemis lose track of their dads. But they find each other, seeing each other again for the first time in years. Their reunion is emotional, a small bright spot in this horrifying war. But then they have to find their dads.
By the time they locate Dimitri and Felix, the pair are in combat and it’s vicious. Natalia, frustrated and scared that she’s gonna watch her beloved dads murder each other, rushes in, using her own lance to break them apart. As she keeps a furious Felix held back, Dimitri uses the distraction to go look for Edelgard while Artemis rushes after him.
“Where are you going?!” “I must kill that woman. She’ll die by my hands alone!” “You’re too hurt! You’ll die! Please stop this!” “You’ve been nothing but a thorn in my side all these years. If you don’t like this, then leave me!”
“Why did you stop us?” “Because you’re both idiots! Absolute idiots! How can you fight each other, try to kill each other?!” “He’s nothing but a beast now. It’s how he is.” “It’s not! It’s not…Neither of you, none of this, is supposed to be like this!”
Artemis loses track of Dimitri for a short time in the crowds but it’s long enough. By the time he finds Dimitri again, the prince is on the ground, impaled by so many spears. Dying.
Artemis screams and sobs and throws himself on Dimitri, begging him not to die. He can’t keep up the façade in this moment, seeing his father dying, even if it’s not the same father he knows.
“Father!!! Don’t die, don’t die, don’t die! Don’t leave me, Father! You can’t do this to me! To us!! Please please please!!!!”
In Dimitri’s last moments, the fog in his mind clears and the voices quiet down just enough that Dimitri realizes what Artemis is screaming. And although he doesn’t have all the information, knows it’s bizarre, in his heart he realizes it’s true, that it explains certain things. Artemis is…And the girl, Natalia…Meaning Felix…is…He must be, there could be no other who Dimitri would ever…
“…I’m…so sorry…”
Natalia hears her brother’s distant scream and runs, Felix following close behind because even though the girl is strange and annoying he couldn’t bear it if she died (but why does he feel that way?). They arrive just in time for Felix’s world to crash around him. Just in time to hear Dimitri’s soft and weak apology, to see Artemis clutching Dimitri’s dead body and sobbing hysterically against his chest. Just in time for Natalia to fall to her knees, tears streaming down her face, as she whispers “Father”.
Welp, I that’s enough there too. So let’s get into the last bit. How the heck poor Dimitri and Felix are doing with their kids missing.
Soldiers return to Fhirdiad with Ares and Altena but without their riders. The soldiers explain to Dimitri and Felix that they found the pair of mounts exhausted but doing their best to race to Fhirdiad. There’s no sign of the crown princess or the prince.
The search for Natalia and Artemis is done covertly at first because the panic that would spread across Fodlan if it was revealed that both of the royal children have disappeared would be too great. But as weeks go on with no sign of the kids, word ends up getting out.
Dimitri is beside himself, wondering if someone from his past hoping for revenge has done something to the children. If they’ve been hurt or worse because of his own actions, he’d never forgive himself for as long as he lives. Felix has to divide himself between preventing Dimitri from spiraling downwards and worrying over what happened to Natalia and Artemis.
All of the Blue Lions are hard at work looking for the kids, Byleth himself getting involved too (and the times when he can’t he sends plenty of Knights of Seiros to go looking in his place). Dimitri asks for help from Claude as time goes by, who offers all the help he can. But there’s no sign of the children. No sign of any battles, of any kidnappings, nothing…
After a couple months pass some of the royal advisors get together to talk about the search. They decide it may be better to speak with Felix first. So they bring Felix to a private area and tell him the truth. About how it’s been two months, with no ransoms, no sightings of the children, nothing to suggest they were taken. And Natalia and Artemis are both strong and capable enough that if they could escape from whatever situation they were in they would have by now. The advisors say it’s probably time to start thinking that perhaps they children may be dead.
Dimitri rushes into the room at the sound of yelling and sees the advisors crowding on the ground around another advisor whose nose was clearly broken and gushing blood. Felix stood above him with his fists clenched, angrier than Dimitri had ever seen him in all their years.
“If you have time to talk to me about your bullshit theories, you have time to get out there and search!”
More months pass and it’s common sentiment among many citizens that Natalia and Artemis are most likely dead, there’s been so sightings of them, no word from them. But everyone knows better than to say anything within earshot of any Blue Lions, the Archbishop, or the royal couple.
But Dimitri is breaking down as more months pass. And Felix, for all his fierce nature and stubbornness, is falling apart too. Dimitri spends so much time in Natalia and Artemis’ rooms when he’s not working himself to near death while Felix only ever stays in the castle long enough to make sure Dimitri is well and the kingdom’s affairs are running well before leaving to follow a new lead.
No one will say it out loud but the worry is spreading. That if Natalia and Artemis aren’t found, or…if their bodies aren’t found, that neither Dimitri nor Felix will last much longer. That after all the work and pain that went into bringing peace back to Fodlan and helping it progress, it was all going to fall apart.
Okay that’s a lot of depressing stuff so let’s end this on a high note.
After five months pass, Natalia and Artemis come home. Or Dimitri and Felix finally find them. The royal pair find the mysterious Agarthan facility just as a strange light comes from within. When they go in, they find Natalia and Artemis standing up, together, alive, looking no different than the day they vanished five months ago.
Dimitri and Felix are both frozen in shock but the second Natalia and Artemis lock eyes with their dads they both let out shouts and sobs and basically tackled their dads to the ground in a massive group hug, sobbing the whole time.
Neither Natalia nor Artemis have ever seen Dimitri or Felix cry, especially as much as they were doing so in that moment. But they could laugh about that later. The family was all together again. That’s all that truly mattered.
“Welcome home.” “We’re back.”
notes from bae:
immediately upon reading the first bits i could tell that my heart was going to be broken because a) azure moon hurts enough on its OWN, and b) i don’t think i will ever get over dimitri’s ending in vw. and all of felix’s endings without him just spell Misery anyway, so seeing Artemis break down over him?? EXPECTED but also??? Artemis??? my sweet sunshine son oh my GOD i am so UPSET!! that entire scene with dimitri’s last words to his son got me. crying in a pool of tears
and i don’t even want to touch CF without at least ten mins worth of prep time, jfc. knowing what happens to unrecruited Felix & co in Arianrhod, and then what happens over at Tailtean, would absolutely break the two of them :( not to mention the even worse scenario of watching CF!Felix unfold…. gosh. ouch.
The mental image of watching Natalia and Artemis trying to explain away their crests is so funny to me…. just: “Our Crests? Uh - we’re… distant descendants of the Elites! Very… filtered down.” “Not at all related to your bloodlines :) (Natalia you’re giving us away stop snickering-!)
SYLVAIN BEING UNABLE TO FLIRT WITH NATALIA YES i remember reading this in an earlier submission and it still makes me laugh :’) and awww… their reactions to their younger aunts/uncles make my heart warm. especially Dedue LMAOO ‘THIS TIME’ WHAT DO THEY PUT THE POOR MAN THROUGH IN THEIR OG TIMELINE….. you kids….!
DIMA AND FELIX WITH THOSE PROTECTIVE INSTINCTS…! you calling Dimitri 'doting’ is doing a number on my heart. Does he make sure they eat and sleep properly? Put them out of harm’s way in battle? Go to bed and wonder why on earth he feels this urge to keep them safe all the time?? Does Felix do the same, but in his own Felix-y way? Do the others stop in awe as they watch him conversing in a normal fashion with the two? I need detais, this is all good food.
Artemis nearly starting a new trend decades early? Natalia decking that racist piece of garbage. good. GOOD. look at them, they’re already creating positive change in the world, and it’s not even their world! i’m so proud of them
you’re right, the holy tomb scene would be absolutely terrifying for them :( but i’m glad they both manage to track down and stay with DImitri and Felix in their own way. VW on the other hand….. OUCH….. OH NO….. them watching Byleth go off and leave the Lions, knowing that he normally has a soft spot for them and their fathers, so what happened? THat must be heartbreaking :(
and then THAT REUNION ON GRONDER FIELD.  “You’ve been nothing but a thorn in my side all these years. If you don’t like this, then leave me!” - NOOOOO THE DRAMATIC IRONY… DELICIOUS YET PAINFUL…. and then Artemix’ breakdown??? IVE ALREADY SAID THIS BUT YOU RIPPED MY HEART TO SHREDS. DIMITRI REALISING TOO LATE? S H R E D S I TELL YOU
and ofc, in the normal world, you’ve got two parents sick with worry about their missing kids…. Dimitri and Felix really went through it, didn’t they :( They must’ve been in a horrible state. imagining a Dimitri that’s barely hanging on & absolutely blaming himself (even though he’s done nothing wrong!) and a Felix that’s trying to keep it together but fraying at the edges…. i am so so glad they get the happy ending they dESERVE. let this family be happy! let the kids get the scolding of their lives before they all collapse into one big group hug. 
thank you so much for this submission, it made my NIGHT. fraldarddyd family au never fails to make me smile!!
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