sinisterexaggerator · 2 years
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thanks to @allsystemsblue for the find!
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i-can-not-art · 9 months
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Some art of @mistysparks ‘s Locke
Bonus with my own AI guys:
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means1974 · 2 years
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Cantina Crowd by Ross Murray
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Is this Arcona flirting with this Rodian?
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What are they saying to each other? Wrong answers only!
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rmsfranconia · 5 months
On This Day : 79 years ago
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SS Cap Arcona, carrying 8,000 P.O.W’s and Concentration Camp inmates, was bombed and sunk by the R.A.F.
7,000 people were killed….
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carbone14 · 11 months
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Lancement du paquebot Cap Arcona – Chantier naval Blohm & Voss – Hambourg – 14 mai 1927
Le 3 mai 1945, le Paquebot Cap Arcona est coulé par l'aviation britannique avec deux autres navires (le Thielbek et le Deutschland) alors que sont parqués à bord des milliers de déportés. Le 14 avril 1945, Himmler ordonne de transférer les prisonniers du camp de concentration de Neuengamme vers la Suède pour les remettre aux alliés en échange de certains avantages. Le naufrage du Cap Arcona a causé la mort d'environ 5 250 personnes.
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dirjoh-blog · 11 months
Waldemar Hugh Nods-Forgotten hero
I have been doing posts about World War 2 and the Holocaust since 2016. When I first started I reckoned I’d have enough material to last for a year, two years tops. Seven years on, I am still finding new stories on a daily basis. Stories like that of Waldemar Hugh Nods. He was born on September 1, 1908 in Surinam, South America, which was a Dutch colony at the time. His parents were some of the…
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Today is the 4th of May, the Remembrance of the Dead in the Netherlands where we commemorate the dead of WW2 and wars and missions since then. I don't know why, but this year it is hitting me emotionally much harder than it has in other years.
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kreuzfahrttester · 7 months
Klassenfahrt AHOI: Cooles Schiffsfeeling und viel Spaß für Kids und Lehrer auf der Arcona, dem neuen Hostel on the water
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scaredsheetlessnh · 10 months
King of the World? - 0:08 Walt Disney Titanic - 2:16 No Pope - 2:34 Nazi Titanic - 3:05 Cap Arcona - 3:47
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mockupcloud · 13 days
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Arcona - Visual Identity
Mockups used in this project ⚡ mockupcloud.com
Design by behance.net/jonasbombardelli
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i-can-not-art · 9 months
Call me Basil, she/her
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Art trades/requests only open to mutuals
DNI proshippers, nsfw/kink blogs
Minor, teenager, don’t feel like giving out my exact age
I do artfight sometimes
#my art/#I can not art — Art tag
#repost/#reblog— All the stuff I reblog
#Arcona/#Spirit Chase — My two oc worlds
#my oc — All my oc art
#asks — asks and answers
#random/#rambles — usually me rambling about stupid stuff
#Oc: [oc name] — Tag for specific OCs (old tag for this was only the oc’s name)
Oc refs (mainly for artfight)
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year
Martyrs and Kings - Epilogue
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Rating: Mature/18+/Minors DNI
Pairing: Kix x archivist/historian OFC
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: sensuality
A/N: What's that sound? It's my heart breaking to finally say goodbye to Kix and Maree. Thank you to all my readers who've stuck with me this long! I love you all.
Start here | Previous chapter | Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list
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Six standard months later
“Safe travels, Dr. Finnall,” Brenko said. “While you’re away, I’ll finish cataloging the rest of the artifacts from Hisseen.”
“Have I told you lately that you’re my favorite research assistant?” she asked.
“I’m your only research assistant,” he pointed out. “See you in a couple weeks.”
Maree waved farewell and went to load a few last-minute items into the Meson Martinet’s shuttle. Reveth helped, lifting the heaviest bags with ease with her powerful mechanical arm.
“I still think it’s a mistake for you to go to headquarters of the New Republic Rangers,” Reveth grumbled. “What if the Spinward Patrol recognizes the shuttle and disintegrates you?”
“They wouldn’t dare,” Maree said. “The Rangers are even more scared of Baba than Kix is.”
“I never said I was scared,” Kix objected, entering the shuttle with his small satchel. 
“You didn’t have to,” Reveth said. “We could all tell.”
The Twi’lek exited the shuttle and sealed the hatch as Kix muttered under his breath. If he’d been worried that Reveth and Maree would resent each other based on their history with him, those fears paled in comparison to the reality that the two had become fast friends who told each other everything and held weekly holo-sabbac nights with Valsi. It was frankly unfair. Maree was already conducting a stealth campaign to convince Valsi and Tane to leave the Archive and join the crew.
Truth be told, the Martinet was starting to feel a little crowded, but Ithano had a plan. He was building a fleet from old Separatist ships that Kix helped him locate, and a few nights earlier, Quiggold had casually mentioned the possibility of making Kix the captain of a cruiser. If Ithano decided to go through with it, there would be more than enough room for Maree’s growing collection of Seppie junk—er, “artifacts of incalculable historic value and significance.” 
Of course, he wasn't sure how much Brenko might object to being pulled away from the Martinet. He had a tendency to flush to a deep emerald green whenever he spoke to Reeg Brosna, and the Arcona frequently had a dazed, starry-eyed expression that had nothing to do with his ocular biology. Maree’s tactics had been completely unsubtle as she seized any opportunity to throw the two together. If Ithano did make Kix a captain, he wouldn't be surprised if Maree tried to get Reeg installed as first mate.
He launched the shuttle, and Maree began to input the coordinates for Adelphi.
“I still can’t believe you stole Brenko to be your research assistant,” Kix said.
“I am a pirate, after all,” Maree said with a shrug as Kix flipped the lever, and the shuttle jumped into hyperspace.
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“You have two PhDs,” Eema said severely as she opened every window in the house to let out the billowing smoke. “How is it possible that something as simple as baking cookies eludes you?”
“It wasn’t covered in my coursework,” Maree said, gagging on the acrid scent of charred sugar.
She dumped the tray of scorched biscuits into the sink and turned on the water to put out any remaining embers.
“I’m impressed that this batch actually caught fire,” Baba said in a much milder tone. “How did you manage that?”
“I got distracted,” Maree said, heat rising in her cheeks.
She shot an accusatory glance at Kix, who was leaning against the wall and looking rather pleased with himself.
“Ugh, in my kitchen?” Eema demanded.
“Right in front of your salad,” Baba confirmed with a twinkle.
“Oh, stars, Moms, we weren’t doing that!” Maree exclaimed.
“Not this time, anyway,” Kix said.
“Traitor,” Maree grumbled. “Remind me why I brought you here, again?”
“Because you wanted me to charm your mothers enough that your Baba wouldn’t blow our ship out of the sky,” Kix said. “Do you think it’s working?”
“It was probably working better before I turned the kitchen into a smoldering ruin of despair and regret,” Maree said.
“As if his masculine wiles would work on us,” Eema snorted.
“Maree seems to like them,” Baba said. “No accounting for taste, I suppose.”
She winked at Kix, and he grinned back at her. Despite Maree’s reservations, Baba had taken a single look at Kix and practically adopted him on the spot. The two drank spotchka and swapped war stories, and Baba gleefully told Kix a few of the more embarrassing anecdotes from Maree’s childhood. One night, they sat on the front porch and spoke quietly for many, many hours, long after Maree and Eema had gone to sleep, and when Maree awoke the next morning, she found Kix curled up next to her, his face completely relaxed and looking more at peace than she had ever seen him.
When Maree had somewhat nervously broached the topic of piracy, Baba simply laughed and asked, “Did you think everything I did back in my Ranger days was strictly legal? Sweetie, this is the Outer Rim. If I went chasing every pirate and smuggler that crossed my path, I’d never get a night’s sleep again.”
Eema had been slower to warm up to Kix. She’d been polite and welcoming, of course, but she withheld judgment until she had a chance to see how luminously happy the clone made Maree. 
That night, Kix confessed to Maree that Eema terrified him. “I thought you said Baba was the one we had to worry about.”
“I said Baba might kill us,” she corrected him as she climbed into bed. “Eema will just make us wish we were dead.”
“Great,” Kix replied. 
He slid under the covers next to her, and she snuggled close to his body, resting her head on his bare shoulder and draping her leg over his thighs.
“She’ll come around,” Maree promised. “She’s just not used to the idea of me being in a relationship.”
“Have you never brought anyone home to meet them before?” he asked, kissing her forehead.
Maree shook her head. “This is uncharted territory for all of us.”
“I feel better already,” Kix said drily.
“I know how to make you feel better,” she said mischievously, stroking her hands down his abdomen.
He squirmed away. “Are you insane? What if they hear us?”
“What’s wrong? Is the big, strong, fearsome warrior afraid of a couple of retirees?”
“Yes!” Kix said frankly. “You know we clones have genetically enhanced survival instincts.”
“I guess you’ll just have to use your genetically enhanced stealth abilities and be very, very quiet,” she said, sliding down his body.
“Oh, kriff,” he gasped as she licked up the inside of his thigh.
“Shhh,” she soothed, snaking a hand up his chest to rest reassuringly over his heart. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”
“Now that I think about it, we clones were also taught not to fear death,” he said, tangling his hands in her hair and guiding her head toward his stiffening cock.
“Such a heroic sacrifice,” Maree whispered, drawing him into her mouth.
Kix bit back a groan as he sank into her soft warmth. “Anything for the Republic.”
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ksslr · 9 months
ideas for more swtor classes heheh
i know the chance of us getting new classes with new stories is nil but. let a bitch dream.
first class idea is an underworld pit fighter. heavy armor-wearing asshole that uses melee weapons like vibroswords and electrostaffs (depending on advanced class). probably a newcomer or a veteran of the zakuul fighting pits who leaves in search of bigger and badder fights. jagganath points and all! companions would include a rodian gambler who betted against you and lost everything (ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE ROMANCEABLE), a gormak who is your worstie, a trandoshan who got disgraced in the eyes of the scorekeeper and said "fuck it, we ball". a droid who abhors violence but has extremely homicidal outbursts (think ordis from warframe) and a nautolan smuggler who has negative charisma (kissable).
second class idea is an underworld performer. maybe a former hutt slave. light armor + blaster pistol. somehow has a tank spec. remember how star wars galaxies had an entertainer profession? yeah that. deal with hutt cartel politics and assassinate your rival starlets! companions would include theron shan but unemployed, a droid being remote-controlled by a hutt, a twi'lek cartel enforcer, an arcona delegate who obsessively cleans your ship because the fucking ship droid doesnt do it right, and a disgraced jedi apprentice who gave up on the academy and is constantly trying to be recruited by the sith but he just thinks the sith are sort of lame so he doesnt join the dark side.
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Robert Schmidt-Hamburg (Berlin 1885 - Laboe 1963)
The Cap Arcona leaving Hamburg
Gouache. Lo. ri. sign. and dat. R. Schmidt-Hamburg Laboe, framed under glass, uninspected out of frame. - Marine and landscape painter, one of the most important painters of passenger and merchant shipping of the 1920s and 1930s.
Stahl Auctions
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
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Portrait of Lieutenant Adolph Wilhelm Berger (1829-1898). By Carl Wigand 1850s.
The daguerreotype here shows Adolph Wilhelm Berger in the uniform of a Prussian naval officer with the rank of "Leutnant z. See II. Klasse". His promotion in 1855 was probably why he visited the studio of Carl Wigand to take a souvenir with him from Berlin. His training began in 1848 on the U.S. "St. Lawrence", which Adolph Berger and four other Prussian cadets boarded in Bremerhaven in 1848 so they could learn the ins and outs of the U.S. Navy.
The American Captain Paulding advised the German states on building naval forces, among other things, during this mission. In July 1849, the frigate returned to Bremerhaven via Southampton, Lisbon and Cadiz, and discharged the cadets, as Prussia was at war with Denmark at the time. Further training took place in 1863/64 with the Royal Navy aboard H.M.S. "Black Prince".
In the German-Danish War of 1864, Berger served on the "Arcona" and was severely wounded. In the following years between 1867-1877 he commanded the "Musquito", "Niobe", "Hansa", "Renown" and the armed frigate "Friedrich Carl". Berger's career culminated with the rank of vice admiral.
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