toadboat · 5 years
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
rewatched the wemma proposal to remind myself that love is real 🥰🥰
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no-cheetoman · 3 years
It’s realy mind blowing reading your blog. I used to be a hardcore Klaine shipper but the later seasons were painful to watch. I think I stil shipped them until season 5 rolled around and Blaine was inherently insufferable so I mostly watched to see how it ends. Reading back his toxic behaviors probably started back in ss3 even late ss2, but honestly in ss2 I would forgive him solely because he was a kid. When I was still shipping them there were some scenes I was uncomfortable with (Darren’s acting didn’t help). I started off as a Kurt stan and I guess I just wanted him to have a boyfriend so I forgave Blaine for the things he did in ss3. But when Kurt started seeing other guys in NY I immediately shipped that. Looking back, that was probably a sign.
On an unrelated note, my Klaine comfort fic is the Untitled series by rainjoy which started an AU after ss2 where Kurt was in an all-male theater troupe and Blaine realized he was nobody after coming to NY so he became a doctor and supported Kurt’s career all the way. I really wished they went that way for Blaine instead. Kurt was the icon for gay kids when Glee started and they didn’t need to add another gay main character who hogged all the spotlight. Being gay didn’t add anything to Blaine’s character, he could have been straight and his storyline wouldn’t be any different. He should’ve stayed a side character / supportive boyfriend to Kurt, he already had the Warblers as his stans anyway.
Thanks for sharing this! I was a big klainer on my first watch too, until TFT
But even then I found myself making excuses for what Blaine did simply to have them get back together, because I wanted Kurt to have a relationship.
Much like you I didn't even know about or consider other ships until we got to New York and Blaine cheated on Kurt.
I think a lot of us Kurt fans kind of ignored all the bad about Blaine because who else did Kurt have?
sidenote: I find it very unrealistic that no more than three (four if you count Mercedes, and like 6 if you count the NYADA guys in Tested) people ever showed interest in him. Like have you seen the guy? He's a regular model over here, a literal angel with elven beauty, he should've been drowning in date requests
The show somehow convinced us that Kurt needed a romantic partner, and had the characters hammer that in. Slowly but surely no one cared about Kurt anymore in that sense, like how they all assumed he was cheating in Rumours or IWDWSB, or how everyone was on Blaine's side when he actually physically cheated on Kurt.
Kurt used to be so much more than an accessory and personal cheerleader to Blaine. Like you said he was an icon, a voice for many at the time. Making him dependant on a second party just doesn't sit right with me. It's just not who he is. He's always valued his independence and individuality, and on the show we've seen he doesn't do well when it's taken away from him like at Dalton.
I think the show might've pushed Blaine so far to take Kurt's place. It's no secret that rib had favorites, and one of those was darren.
I'm still offended by how they thought they could convince me Blaine was a better dancer, singer, actor and all around performer than Kurt when darren has an average if not limited vocal range (no shame in that, just stick to your genre or take lessons)
Don't make your characters more or less talented than your actors!
I agree with your last two points too. The story with Blaine was that there was no story. He was planned and written as a minor side character who then took on a life of his own due to the popularity of the actor. They didn't think his character through, like anything else on this show.
His impact on the gay community? Straight passing gays will always be more successful than those who do not pass. And oh look at that! The actor is straight, what a coincidence!
I'll stop here simply because it's pride month and I don't want to spend another second thinking about straight bullshit
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nat-20s · 4 years
with apologies to anyone on mobile who’s readmore function APPARENTLY doesn’t work
(I haven’t watched supernatural for at least five years and, given any sort of luck, I will never do so again, do not @ me)
hello babes. I am talking to you know bc I keep seeing supernatural, unironically, on my dash, and I think we can all do better. I see what’s happening and I think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU3i_o5Xd4g
Supernatural is fudge stripes. You are Megan. We can fix this.
So a list of alternate things that I think are overall better written/characterized/just generally more enjoyable that might scratch some of those itches:
Good Omens
okay look if u were on tumblr last year u probably already watched this show but like. If u haven’t, it’s only six episodes babe and there’s a large enough fandom that u can go down a fanart hole for days on end
Basic summary: the antichrist has reached that lovely young age where he’s supposed to bring about the apocalypse. An angel and a demon who have decided that actually they like the world as is, thank you very much, try to stop the end times. They’re not very good at it though, which makes for a comedy of errors.
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: theologic (mostly christian) exploration/parody/imagery without inherently being a religious show. Fighting off the apocalypse narrative, which I think pretty much always goes hard as hell, but that’s just me. There’s a gay angel who’s socially awkward. There’s a fun very British demon. Touches on the hierarchies of heaven and hell, with framing Heaven as a bureaucracy and blurs the differences between angels and demons.  Pining. Tenderness. A deep nostalgia for 80s music, though in this case it’s specifically queen, and who doesn’t love queen. Main character has a weirdly strong bond with his black vintage car.  Satan is (sort of) fought.
Gravity Falls
sometimes...things that are kids shows...with a set story and a predetermined ending...are better
(also this isn’t relevant to any of what I’m talking about but I really appreciate that Gravity Falls specifically went against the thing that most begged me about ATLA aka that a 15 year old girl would be like yeah I’m into a 12 year old boy because the 12 year old boy has a crush on me and I apparently don’t get to really have a say in this. How does that make sense.)
Basic Summary: Twelve year old twins Dipper and Mabel go to stay with their Grunkle Stan for the summer in a small Oregon town called Gravity Falls. Turns out this town is filled with all sorts of strange phenomena that they often have to confront, work around, learn about, or befriend!
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: The core focus of the show is a close sibling duo, but like It’s obvious that the siblings actually like and love each other and while they have their spats it’s still incredibly clear that they deeply care about each other even with their differences LIKE SORRY SUPERNATURAL YOU CAN’T JUST TELL ME THAT SIBLINGS CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER AND THEN THEY SPEND ALL THEIR TIME FIGHTING AND LYING TO EACH OTHER AND GENERALLY ACTING LIKE THEY CAN’T STAND EACH OTHER’S COMPANY BUT THEN OOOHHH YOU CRY ON TOP OF THE HOOD OF A CAR EVERY THREE EPISODE AND SUDDENLY THEY’RE SOULMATES OR WHATEVER
Anyway. Yeah. GF has a solid sibling dynamic. Monster of the week that builds up to greater over-arching plot. A little bit of body horror, you know, for humor. Fair amount of meta humor playing with the tropes of the genre. A Good Ol Big Bad that tries to pit the siblings against each other. Have to fight the apocalypse (you’ll see this point on like a good half of these recs, I really like ‘what are we gonna do about Armageddon’ media). Interesting creature design. Planned, satisfying ending (which supernatural absolutely does not have, but I still think if it had ended with the season 5 finale like it uhh  pretty obviously was supposed to, that would sort of counted. Don’t revive shows that have clearly already told their stories kids.) Tie in media that gives you some fun extra stories when you miss the characters. (yes I read some of the supernatural novels when I was a c h i l d, yes I’m pretty sure there’s one or two of them still buried somewhere on my laptop, no I don’t wanna talk about it.) Older father figure (?) who owns a tbh kind of shitty shop. Both already in place and found family.
It’s a good show, and it’s two seasons. John Mulaney Voice: I dunno it’s 40 episodes
MINI REC ALERT! (mini recs are basically things that I’m not gonna go into detail about for whatever reason [probably either due to i’m not familiar enough with it OR I just don’t like. Have a bunch to say about it in regards to how it will scratch the itches presented to u by spn] but still seem like a Good Watch)
Mini Rec: Over The Garden Wall. Spooky Kids Media! Episodic! Miniseries so you can watch it in like 2 hours! Cool ass Animation! About two brothers encountering said spooky stuff! Big Bad tries to pit brothers against each other! Might haunt you for the rest of your life! Check it out!
The Haunting of Bly Manor
I think about this show every goddamn day of my life. (Also not relevant but Greg Sestero makes a brief cameo in it and I was like hi greg my friend greg!)
Basic Summary: An girl named Dani, while staying in London, decides to take on an Au Pair job for two young children, an older brother named Miles (age 10) and the younger sister Flora (age 8) at the spoooooky and mysteeerious Bly Manor, and she gets far more than she bargained for.
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: Okay so supernatural doesn’t actually do this but I know I KNOW why we let ourselves be queerbaited in 2012. Four words for you: CENTRAL! GAY! TRAGIC! ROMANCE! You want some pining? Some tenderness? Some LOVE? Some dealing with internalized homophobia but no, like, actual violent onscreen homophobia? HAVE I GOT THE SHOW FOR YOU. If ur favorite episodes where the ones that make you sob (for me it was kevin’s death on god), I recommend this show. If you wished that supernatural literally ever had consequences or perma deaths or didn’t retcon major plot events like every five goddamn episodes so that there could be some exploration of like grief and trauma through the lens of/ higher stakes of horror, I recommend this show. If you really do stay up at night picturing a supernatural that wasn’t made by dumbass cishettie white men hack writers but was actually allowed to have Dean and Cas be in love over the course of the show so they could have like actual development and not the most homophobic gay reveal of all time, I recommend this show. Hell, if you just want a banger ghost story in general, I recommend this show.
As for what they actually have in common: horror setting/aesthetic without actually being all that scary most of the time. A strong sibling duo, though they’re not nearly as much of the focus of Bly Manor. Found family. Strong themes of grief. Questions of what turns someone into a monster (and done much better) An actual, much better noble sacrifice done out of love. Escalation of stakes until there’s a big final confrontation. Semi-big bad trying to tear this family apart. Found and pre-installed family. Sad orphans.
Watch this show. Vibe with me. Cry with me. Yell at me about Owen Sharma
Haunting of Hill House- spiritual predecessor to Haunting of Bly Manor, though they’re not actually the same universe/story. However, it’s made by the same dude and has a shared aesthetic/sensibilities/some of the cast. This is only a mini rec bc I haven’t actually seen it, but I’ve heard good things and that it, while much more heavily leaning into family dynamics, has similar themes of exploring Grief and Trauma through ghooossstttsss.
Okay I know that this may seem like a Wild rec considering community is a school sitcom with basically Zero paranormal elements but just like. Hear me out. And no this isn’t just because I think it’s a realy good show and I want more people to watch it, though that is a factor. If I was just recommending comedies that I think are good and more people should watch regardless of them serving as a replacement for supernatural I would demand you all go watch Galavant and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I’m gonna demand it anyway. Everyone go watch Galavant and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Now back to your original program:
Basic Summary: A group of students at Greendale Community College form a Spanish study group, and things quickly go Off The Fucking Rails in the best way possible.
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: All right I’m gonna be real honest this rec is for all of my (correct) bitches who’s favorite episodes of Supernatural were French Mistake, Changing Channels, and/or Mystery Spot. You think if Supernatural would’ve been fucking fantastic if it had been a committed comedy instead of a CW melodrama that occasionally landed some admittedly really fucking funny episodes/concepts, Community (and the movies on this list) will gently take you into its loving arms and give you everything you desire. It’s about the Meta comedy. It’s about the discussion, exploration, and subversion of common tropes within the format. It’s about the grand use of group/ found family dynamics in order to max both the goofs and the heart. It’s about fantastic callbacks. It’s about having one of the few “asshole with a heart of gold” leads I can actually stand because. You know. Growth. It’s about the INCREDIBLE genre and  pop culture parody. Which genre do they parody, you ask. All of them. They parody all the genres. The glee parody episode is a fucking masterpiece of television. If you don’t want to watch a show that features a Halloween party where everyone turns into zombies and the ABBA discography blasts in the background, you can stop reading right now, because I can guarantee you won’t be interested in a damn thing I have to say.
MINI REC ALERT: The X-Files. I’ve also never seen this but a: everything I’ve seen out of context has been fantastically weird and delightful b: it appears that there’s a general consensus that Scully and Mulder are one of the only valid straight couples so it’s probably pretty fun and c: let’s all be honest. Supernatural was already basically an x-files rip off, it had like half of their original writers swiped from the x-files crew, I’m pretty sure if you liked especially the first couple of seasons of supernatural, you’re gonna like the X-files.
BBC Merlin
Yes, I know the show ended in 2010. Yes, it still provides that 2012 Tumblr nostalgia. 2012 Tumblr is a feeling, not an actual time period.
I love this stupid show. I plan on rewatching it all over the month of January. I harbor a deep amount of fondness for it. It’s why every time I see literally any depiction of Merlin I get just so fucking excited, and why I’ve consumed as many ridiculous Arthurian adaptations as I have (side note: my two favorite other ridiculous Arthurian legend adaptation are Avalon High, a DEEPLY silly DCOM that is required viewing to level up friendship with me, and The Kid Who Would Be King, which is the only movie that I think truly understands the comedic potential of playing a King Arthur Adaptation mostly straight but everyone in it is 12. I’m not sure it intended to be as fucking funny as it was, but again, they’re all middle schoolers. I have never been more jealous of an actor than I was of the 22 year old that got to play a 16 year old dumbass Merlin who was sometimes also Patrick Stewart and did all of his magic with ridiculous hand gestures That should’ve been me that should’ve been me that should’ve been me. Also Sword in the Stone by TH White is pretty good, because Merlin knows germ theory in the fantasy 400’s and he just uses it to be petty mostly. Also listen to High Noon Over Camelot by The Mechanisms. Also Also I tend to prefer family friendly adaptations because they don’t have the uhhh. You know. Incest and sexual violence of the original legend. Love to Not have that shit!) Whether you watched it initially and are due for a rewatch, or you’re intrigued enough by the concept of the show to watch it for the first time, you should join me on this wild wild ride.
Basic Summary but like a bit more helpful: A BABY version of Merlin (and by baby I mean like 20 year old.) is sent from his small town to the big city the Kingdom of Camelot to find his destiny. Staying with the town physician and friend of his mom’s, Gaius, he ends up as both his assistant and personal manservant to Prince Arthur. But in a kingdom where magic is punished with death and the prince seems hell bent on getting himself into situations that are going to kill him, the young sorcerer has his more than his share of work cut out for him.
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: Primo supremo queerbaiting. Like, yeah, okay, it’s queerbaiting, you know it’s queerbaiting, but you watch some of the scenes and ur like okay. I know why I let this bait me. Obviously with a modern show, I would expect more, I would expect better, I would raise my standards, but I gotta admit. Some of these scenes are fuckin compelling as hell, and the subtext is like barely sub. Monster of the week shenanigans. Some awful CGI creatures but like a charming awful. Like the kind of awful that tells you their very limited budget was more focused on cool swords than realistic creatures. Episodic stories build into a more overarching plot, with things getting darker in season 4/5. Shitty father that end up eating shit and while the son of said father is rightfully conflicted and upset over the death it’s cathartic and victorious as all hell for the audience. Multiple hot evil women, and I love hot evil women. There’s also nice hot women, which is a bonus. These women don’t all immediately stupidly die, so that’s a nice change. Also like a LOT of sarcastic humor and shenanigans if u like Sass Merlin is there for u personally name a more iconic line than “Oh I’m sorry, how long have you been training to be a prat, my lord?” AND THAT’S IN THE FIRST FUCKIN EPISODE brilliant amazing fantastic show stopping. Also you know those like dumb hijink episodes where like Dean was possessed by the spirit of a dog or some shit? You bet your bottom fuckin dollar BBC Merlin has those kinds of storylines. Also I know some people go to spn bc it had that HUGE fanbase and like BBC Merlin’s fanbase is still SURPRISINGLY poppin even though it’s been a decade since there was new content so like. Have fun!
Doctor Who but Specifically the RTD Era
Look I’m not here to say that the first four seasons of reboot doctor who are the only good doctor who or inherently better than all the rest (though the RTD era is my favorite personally) BUT when ur seekin that sweet sweet superwholock frenzy nostalgia, this is the ‘who’ that is being referred to. Also like. Stan 9. We should all collectively stan the ninth doctor. Chris Eccleston, the Objectively Best Famous Chris, deserved better.
Basic Summary: An immortal alien that goes by “The Doctor” travels across time and space with a variety of different companions, often to try and save the day or fix a (sometimes self created) mess. It’s distilled campy sci-fi with a family friendly tone that has made me cry on several occasions.
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: Monster of the week that, you guessed it, builds into bigger overarching plot style narrative. Fighting off the apocalypse, but like every couple of weeks because worlds are in danger a LOT. A semi-tragic romance that made people go absolutely buck fuckin wild bc pining n shit. Wamen, but they aren’t fridged. (actually for real though none of the main women die and I just think that’s really fun and flirty even though I could go on a COMPLETELY SEPARATE rant about the injustice of one of the character’s ending YES season 4 is my favorite season and one of my favorite pieces of media ever and I am currently actively recommending it to you  YES im still fucking pissed over how it ended YES we exist) Specifically, a Wonderful and Very Excellent woman named Donna who goes on a spa trip that doesn’t end up going very well. That seems like a highly specific example, and it is, but it did happen in both shows. (Also, to anyone that continued watching SPN after like idk season 9 what happened to Donna? I always liked her and I know she became a recurring character so like DM whatever probably injustice was the end of her story line pls and thank you) I’m also extra specifically recommending for Supernatural Fans and also The World At Large:  Season Four of Reboot Who. I rewatched it last year and it still goes so fucking hard. Donna Noble is the best character in existence. In regards to the appeal for SPN, personally I think the best part of SPN was when people who are soulmates went on adventures and tried to save the day and it was a good mix of banter and sincerity AND GUESS WHAT’S BASICALLY THE ENTIRETY OF SEASON 4 OF DOCTOR WHO. It’s so good y’all I wish Everything was about soulmates going on adventures and trying to save the day.
OKAY TV SHOWS DONE TIME FOR M O V I E S which I don’t have nearly as many recs for but uhh here goes
What We Do In The Shadows/ Shaun of the Dead
I’m lumping these two together bc my reasons for recommending them are largely the same, and I would call them tonally similar enough that if you like one you’ll probably like the other
Basic Summary (Shaun of The Dead): Uh-oh! London’s had a break out of some of that good ol’ zombieism. Shaun and friends decide to hunker down in a local bar, but they have to get there first. Will they survive? Will they fuck up some zom zoms? Who’s to say?
Basic Summary (What We Do In The Shadows): Some vampire roommates dick around. I think there’s technically, like, a plot, but it’s really just about some vampires Doin Their Thing. Vibin.
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: This is kind of similar to the Community recommendation, in that supernatural had the opportunity to be one of those things that was both a parody of a genre but also just a really good example of the genre. WWDITS and SotD are both those things for vampire and zombly movies, respectively. Have the aesthetic and some of the themes of a horror but is not actually all that scary. Horror Comedy is a god tier genre and I don’t know why it’s not more widespread. Fun monsters/cast of characters in general, so at least one person in it is probably going to make you go “oh gender” ya know? With SotD you have the fantasy power trip that comes with like any piece of media that involves hunting monsters. With WWDITS I go “yep that’s how bisexuals dress” and I Will Not Clarify which character I’m talking about.
MINI REC ALERT: All of Taika Watiti’s filmography. Thor:Ragnarok is one of like 3 marvel movies that I consider genuinely fucking fantastic completely independent of the MCU and my own tendency to be like “hurr bdurr I love. Superheros”. For the one that is most tonally like Supernatural But Significantly Better and Written By Someone Competent I think I would say try out Hunt For The Wilderpeople. It’s got a reluctant curmudgeonly father figure and I KNOW some of you motherfuckers were so invested in spn when you were like 16 bc you had daddy issues. This is a callout post for my friend [REDACTED], who I should text to watch Hunt for the Wilderpeople, actually.  
MINI REC ALERT X2!!!: Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I’ve never seen it but it has both Winona Ryder AND Keanu Reaves so like. Goth bi rights.
Happy Death Day (and Happy Death Day 2 U)
happy death day was one of those movies that I saw the trailer, went “eh”, heard other people say it was great, watched, and went holy fuck this slaps. Not nearly as much of a slasher film as the trailers implied if im remembering the trailer correctly
Basic Summary: Our main character Tree keeps waking up on the day she was murdered. The day resets every time that she dies. That’s right, it’s a time loop storey babey!!!!!!!!!!!
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: If you were anything like me you were foolishly lulled into supernatural for way longer than you should’ve been on the promise that the characters would idk like grow and change and become better and learn lessons and some of that would be through the power of receiving love and kindness. You know. Like how good writers would do it especially if their main characters are kind of dicks that really should make some changes. Well, Happy Death Day fucking delivers on that promise in SPADES. It’s about growth! It’s about change! It’s about making the active decision to become a better person and putting effort into doing so! There’s heavy themes of like grief and trauma and acknowledging them and facing them head on in order to move on and the negative consequences of refusing to do so and just trying avoid it until it goes away. There’s a romance that makes my dumb little self do the pleading face emoji. Tree is also one of the only good asshole with a heart of gold characters. I also think media is improved by having at least one character that is a Good Good Boy (note: Good Good Boy character does not have to be a man.) and Happy Death Day has Carter. Oh on that note: Tree Voice: I’ve only had character for (the same repeating over and over) a day but if anything happens to him I’ll kill everyone here and then myself. Also the movie is funny so like hell yeah.
that’s all I got for relevant movies right now
jk i’m illiterate. Everyone should feel free to go ahead and add their own suggestions for this section The best I can do is uhhhh I think y’all would probably like Mira Grant’s novels, particularly the Newsflesh stories, bc sibling dynamics. Also the book The Haunting of Hill House is really good. Ballad of Black Tom slaps? There’s of course the Good Omens novel that the show was based on. I’m about to recommend some podcasts after this section which will include to Welcome to Nightvale because of course it will and the tie in novels for that slap, especially It Devours!, and I’m pretty sure they work as stories even if you know nothing about the podcast. Also also I think you should read “The Long Way to A Small, Angry Planet” by Becky Chambers It’s not thematically similar to supernatural at all but it’s one of my all time favorite sci fi novels and only like four people have read it which is a goddamn TRAVESTY.
Anyway yeah that’s it that’s all there is. Onto the medium that is like books but I can fold laundry or cook while consuming their narratives.
Okay so this is getting uhhh wicked long so I’m gonna limit myself to only three full blown recs and a
mini rec
Alice Isn’t Dead
Fuck me running this show is so good. Literally hands down my all time favorite (and scariest!) horror podcast. Mamma mia, that’s a good fuckin story. The Book version is also good and has fewer Weird events but some further character development so I recommend them both.
Basic Summary: After her wife Alice disappears mysteriously, Keisha takes up a job as a long haul trucker, traveling all across America in order to find her, but ends up finding so much. Pursued by a deadly creature she calls The Thistle Man, the stakes of her journey are raised.
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: okay so I have a lost of bullet points of things that appealed to me specifically about supernatural and how no other shows covers all of them which sucks bc it means I basically Yearn for a show that’s supernatural but good. Alice isn’t Dead, however, hits the most of these bullet points AND is so fucking good. It has monster hunting. It has stopping a cataclysmic event BUT also discussion of the cyclical nature of events such as these and how the fight never truly ends but you can make some fucking progress nonetheless. It has a central gay romance that’s actually a central gay romance. It’s the ONLY show on this list that really hits that the weird and dark underside of americana vibe but specifically the americana of not like suburbs and shit but that eerie haunted feeling you get when you’re hours into a late night drive on open roads with no civilization around and an expansive sky and it just Seems like something should be watching you. Have you ever been out for a walk at midnight and encountered a deer and you looked into each other’s eyes and it felt like it was telling you a message that you couldn’t possibly hope to parse? Have you ever felt an incredible sense of deja vu eating in a restaurant you couldn’t have possibly been in before, because you’ve been to a thousand diners a thousand times just like one, and there’s an incredibly sense of homogeneity even though you’re 2000 miles away from anyone and anything that could possibly know you? Have you ever traveled to an area that seems to be stuck in a bubble of time, the only thing that shows any evidence of having aged past 2006 being yourself, and you wonder how your cell phone even works around here? THAT’S the spooky americana I’m fuckin talking about! Messed up road trips! Too much goddamn space! America is scary because it’s big and Filled With Things but also Not Enough Things! Fuck yeah!!!!! That time bubble fuckin EXISTS in Wyoming the most recent song on the radio I heard was fuckin Hey Soul Sister!
Also has a thing where like are there even good guys and bad guys in a conflict or is it all just one umbrella nightmare that you’re trying to stand against in anyway possible (u kno..like how the overarching structures of both heaven and hell were kinda fucked in spn? No spoilers but similar shit be happenin in Alice Isn’t Dead). Exploration of what makes someone into a monster, like how do you go down that path? Also this is the only show on this whole damn list that southern gothic music really suits it so points for that.
The Magnus Archives
You know I had to do it to ‘em.
Basic Summary: Jonathan Sims has just become the Head Archivist at the Magnus Institute, a “research” “facility” that looks into paranormal/esoteric/unexplained phenomena.
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John Mulaney Voice, Again: Nobody knows what the archivist is going to do next, least of all the archivist. He’s never been in an archives before, he’s just as confused as you are.
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: Oh fuck this document is over 5k long I said I wasn’t gonna do this hhhhh so lipton lightning round: Slowburn Gay Romance but Actually Canon, Monster Hunting but Hey What Even Is A Monster Anyway, Acts Somewhat like a Loosely Connected Horror Anthology until it DOESNT, Little Things Build to Bigger Narrative, Characters Be Goin Through It (On God These People Need Therapy), Trying to Prevent/Fix The Apocalypse (X2!!!), Smug Asshole Big Bad,  Horror as a Metaphor For Various Shit, Basically if you thought that the Men of Letter concept slapped and you think it should’ve been the whole damn show including being Deeply British you would probably really fuckin like TMA. Also if ur like the ideal piece of media is a horror tragedy but also like it’s a wacky sitcom but also also fuck cops. U will like tma.
Welcome to Nightvale
Basic Summary: Welcome to the sleepy desert town of Ņ̶̏ight V̶͚̰̮͗̔̊̊ale! Community radio how host Cé̵̟͚͕̗̞̙͂͑̽̄́c̵̤̼̞͈̪͓̍̽̋̚̕͜il Pǎ̵̧̨̢͚̻̈̂̄̇͐̇̊̀̆ͅl̶͚͎͕͉͖̬͓͑́̐̒̍̿̈́͢͜͝ͅm̸̧͙̟̖̠̳̬͋́͋́͌̚̚ͅȩ̙̖͎̖͂́̒͐͜͞r̢̢̛̰̻̮̺̩͙̼̈́͋̀͘ is here to k̠̠̰̦͙̯̥̎̄̆͌̎̀̿̔̌̚ê̷̢̬̥̞̩̯̘͒̽̈̓͐̂̔̍e̶̡̝̗̺̫̪̜͆̓̿̈͌͌̆͒͞ͅp̵̹̗̬̼̠̬͙̏͐͐̉̅͊͊́͟͞ͅͅ ỷ̛͙̞̦̦͖̑̉̌̎͞͡͡͝ͅo̧̧̥͎̻̥̲͇͋́́̔̈͌͞ǔ̸̬̯̫͇̦̮͕̤̲̯̽̔̀̔͆͋̈́͘̚ up to date all the local happenings, including w̸̢̢̢̧̡̡͍͖̻̳̹̼̼̰̬̭̱͔̲͙͍̰̠̥̺̝͖̺̖̼̮̼̞̳̞̜͉̤̯͇̖̳͖̠̙̺̲̤͇͈͚͓̮̭̱̭̩͚̟̥̬̟̻̝̼̖͚̘͐̆̅̂̃̈́͆͊̉̏͒́̈́̋͗͑̄̉́̐̌́̿̌͛̾̎̊̾̃̈́̉̔̍̐͛̕͘̚͜͜͠͠é̵̢̡̧̨̨̡̧̨̡̛̹̥̥̞̮̯͙͈̻̝͓͖͙̦̰͍̖̜̲̰̞͎͈̭̯̳͕̗͓͈̭̫̼̯̪̞̯̰̲̘̭͎̪̱̗̝̝̞̤̱͉͙̯͎̬͎̙̜̗͉̩̦͕̪̳͇͙̺̙̰̠͚͎̜̠͔̬͎̺̣͕̜̊̓̃̐̂́͂̎̐̾̔̽̀̉́̍̊̂̿̎͂͐̎̐̄̍̔̋̐̃͗̈́͂̀̒̊̎͘͘̕̚̕͜͝͝͝͠ͅͅa̸̡̧̡̡̨̡̨̛̛͙̣̘̳͎͖̥̝̟̱̩̥͙͉̝̲̙̮̩̩̹̱͔͎̥̹̻̜͚̭̬̳͚̤̙̖̯͎̱̫̞̪̻͖̱̞͔̭̻̺͚͚̯̬͓͓̳͇̳̦͓̞͈̮̤̭̣͉̲̞͚̘͗̆̃͌̅̍͊̓̈̇̌̒͊͑̊̏̊͌̈̓̿͗̒̏̒͊͒̏̃̎̒̀̅̾̍̀͘͘͜͝͠ͅt̵̢̡̨̧̧̛̛̛̯̤͓̘̻̤͓̪̰͔̪̝̫͎̻͔͈͎͔͙͕͈̰͓͍̀̏͒̆͋̈́̈́͂̔͋͆͂̅͗̍̆̍̆̔̑͊̏̈͒́̽͊́̿͂́̓͛̽͐͌̌̐̈̇̃̓̆̍̅̃̔̚̕͜͝͝͝ͅͅh̸̨̨̡̢̢̡̢̧̡̧̢̡̨̡̭̜̬̬̙͕̗̙̻̯̠̘͙̻̥͉͚̼̗͚͇͉̰͍̥͉̗͎̬̫͖͉͔̼̮̯̞̫̬̟̻͉̖̙̥̫͖̬͚̟̜̭͇͎̭̘̝̲̤͕͎̰̭̗̯̮̤̙̙̯͍̞̭͚͔͎̞̹̲̟͉̩̭̖̱̠͍̺͈̟̩̋̆̈́͆̍̆̄̏͜ͅͅȇ̸̢̢̨̨̧̛̜͍̺͎̬̪͙̻̝̣͓͈̺̩̳̟̲̠̣͈͎͎͈͉̙̪͖̳̺͇̹̊̍͊͑̿͊̌͛̿̓͊̾̀͂͛̉͆̾̽͆̈̏͛̊͛̍̈́̇͋̔͂̑͐̂̿͊̽͑͘̚͘͝͝͠͝ͅͅŕ̵̨̡̨̨̢̧̡̧̨̘̟͙̦̲̲̪̦̙̼̠̳͚̞̦̞͖͚͇̳͖̲̭͕̜̫̳̖̙͖͉͎̘̘̤̠͈̬͕̝̻͚̥͍͕̠̥͙̙̪̖̯͍̘̘̲̣̹̜̪̲̭̟̮̫̖̤̰͔̩̩͉̲͚̟̝̦̬̪̘̬̮̱͔̻̦̼̃̐̂͋̐̅̋͒̉͛́̅̈́̒̒͆̑̆͊̒͒̀̍̈́̍͌̍̏̔͋͌̒̍̌͛̓̈̂̐̕͘͘͜͜͝͝͝ͅͅͅ ̶̛̈́̊͋��̢̡̨͇̹̯͕͍̻̟̼̼̗̩̱̗̙̱̥̜̬̫̜͎͉̺̣͓̟̯̱͖̣̞̠̝̥͍̲̳̙̠͔̹̘̲̲̻̖͜͜ą̵̡̧̟͕̬̳̜͈͈̳̝̜̣̬͔͈͈͎͉͍̯̟̞̺͎̝͇̰̥͖̬̯͙̤̬̼̲̦̯̭͓̠̺̳̱̰̮̎͋͆̈́͌͆̎̉̓̇̐͋͋́̃̉̈̄̏̓̉̿̅̒̉̒̉͂͛̄̀̇̒͊͛́͊̎́͆̌̆́̌͂̈́̽̋͛͗̑̊̀́̍͊̌͆͊͐͆̅̒̊̉̾̄͛̑̕͘͘͘͘͝͝͝͝͠͠͝n̸̡̛̛̛̛̛̙͎̬̦̠̼͓͈̝̾̍͑͛̅̒̾́̌̍͛̇̋̇̓̏͛̔͛̈́͆̿̌͐̿͊̿́͒̍̃̀̈͐̐̆͐̉̒̂̉̀̅̇̾͋̍͒̋̈̌̿͒͐̍́͗̀̌̌̚̕̕̕͘̚͘͘̚͜͠͝͝͝d̴̡̢̢̛̛̛̺̠̳̬͎̞̲̣̲̱̳̪̹͉̝̠̱̗̙̫̠̹̼̙̝͉̲̟̮̙̙̮̻̹͈̦̙̞͚̜̙̖̞͓̙̭͉̃̽̌̅̔̾̈́̒̽͑́̒͋̓̈́͆͋̽̒̃̽̋̐͌͂̍͑́̽̋̍͗̋͗͂̅̽̈̈̾͐̄̃̕̕͜͠͠͝͠͝ͅͅ ̵̡̡̢̛̛̗͚͍̺͇̲̳̯͓̰͍̙̮̙̜̟̞̣̼͕̝͔͙̺̫͈͈̠̻̘̱͍̦̭͔͈̤̺̗̮͕̦̞̘͍̯̻̝͓̤̳̫͔̩͉̬̈́͋̈́̐͒́̔́́̿̓̆͐̎͆̇͒̄̈̿̓̑̾̏̔̿͊̌͆͒̒͊̓̅̓́̔̅̀̀̀̃̿̂̑͂͆̅̎̾̏̓̂̈́͛͌̇̾͌͐̈̂̆͐̅̓̍̓̃̆͗̃͛̏̒̌̀̅͊́̽̐̆̿́̌͘͘̚̕͘̕̕͜͜͜͠͝͠͝͠t̷̢̥͓̄͗̾̄̅̚͜r̵̨̡̨̧̧̢̛̛̛̛̛͍͙͚̥̱̞̜̦̜̼̺͉̠̬͎̰̻̜̼̫̤͓͖͖̤͇̞̥̖̈́͊̆̓͊̑̑̋̒̈́̔̆͆́̐͛͑͊͋̇̈́̓̑̍̏͐͛̽̋̎͑̃̈́͒̇̂̇̌͂̀̍̊̇̓̋̈́̌̏̕͘̚̕̚͝͝͠ǎ̴̡͓͓̯̘̥̱̱͖̦̺͓̘͉͖̞̟̦͈̜̥̰̘̞͈̦̠̼̯̙̭̼͚̟̖̲̠̝̜̐̅͆̏̈́̍́͂̃̾͑̓͋̽̄̾́̾̆̾͒͋̎͂̈́͘̕̕̚͜ͅͅf̷̢̡̡̧̢̨̡̧̢̢̧̡̧̫͖̖͇̲̫̮͕͉͓̩̪̳̹̩͎̖̟̤̤̲̟̪̫̻̻̖̟̦͉̼͎͖̭͍͖͎̖̳̳͙̜͉̝̘̺̖͚̙͉͕͙̯͖̞͚̮̲̻͉͙̺̭͓͎̤͙̦̦̺̯͕̜̰͍̳̙̦͉̪̥́͋̓̅̀͋͐̀̄̊̆̉̒̐͒̀̏̈̇̊̉̆̐̏̾̀̀̓͛͆̍̾͗͌̀̄̔͒̀̍̈́͆̔̒̑̏̍̏͆́̾̐̂͋̂̔̂́̓̓̌͌̉͛́̒̐̽̏́̑͊́̌̆̂̑͋̇̈́͌̑̿̅͗̚̕͘̕̚͜͠͝͝͠͠f̴̨̨̛̹͌̂̓͌͛̀͑̾̓̍͗̽͆̉̊͗̇́̍͌̊͐̔̈́̊̇͆̄̃̑̕̕͘͘͘͠͝͝͝͠i̴̧̡̢̢̧̢̨̨̧̧̧̛̛͎̗̳̦̘̙͓̦̙͔̜̼̘͇͇̺̭͉̠̩̟̤̥̘͙̤̩͔̪̱̻͈̪̼̼̞̠͎̟̹͕̻̭̤̪̲͕̟̺̻̻͖͕͚̣͇̖̰̝̩͈̤͕͇͕̝͙̙̪͔̗̫͇͎̙̲̲͖̗̘͉̲̣̤͎̔̐̆͒̄̈́̀̎̃̃̅͆̌̈́̽̈́̅̈́̑̄̇͒͐̀̐̀̒̍̀̓͌͗̓̽́͗̓̎͂͛̅̑̔̀͛̈́̽̾̃̊͊͆̄̍͑̍̆̌̾͗̄̊̽̉̅̆̀̎̀͑̿̎̋̄̆̃͐̾̏͛͒̍̋̅͘̕̚̕̕͜͜͝͝͝͝͠ͅͅc̷̛̛͚̝̻̣̞̓́̃́̀̃̓͗͌̂͛́̒̊͑̓͆̇̈́͑̏̆̀͌̑͂͂̄͌̉̔̋́̎͒̿͗͒͛̇͛̿̎̍̕̕̕͝͝͝͝͝ ̴̢̧̢̡̨̢̡̨̡̢̢̛̺̘̹̯̤̩̘̯͔̞̟̬̠̣̟̻̥̜̤͔̥͕̠̥̞͎̗̩̱̮͉͔͎̲̯̱̙̜̥̳̮͔̦̣͖͔̜͉̗̪̳̹̦̤͇̣̙͕̯̫̖̝̼̹͍̠͎͓̗͎̦͓̲̯̱̠̰͇̮̹͔̝͉͙̹̜̹͈̹̥͖̣̳̲͖̓́͌̈́̈́̀͌̄͂̌̾́̍̔̊̓̿͋͂͋̈́̋́́̒̓̀̒̃͂̀͑̐͛̆̆͒̈́̅̿͊͌̍͗̌̌͆̂͌́̉̏̒̓͊̾̒̓̋̽͐̏̾͘̕͜͝͠͝ͅͅr̸̨̢̛̪̞̬͓͔̥̤̣͔̭̥̙͉̦̗̠̳̩͙̂̈́͑͑̿̋̓̀͋͆̋̕͝͝ë̴̢̡̨̬͈͉̖̞͔͎͓͖̼̘̬͕̰͈̥͈̝̩͎͉͉̫̜͚͕̤͔̟̯͓͎̟͙̜̭̩̗̮͎̗̤͇̝̩͎̜̺̯͕͇̝͎̯͙̖͙̮̗̮̘́̑͑͛̂̅̄̌̽̓̒̾̿͆̏̏͐͛̾̂̃͑͆̅̄̿͋̅͂̈́̽͋͒̎͐̒̓͆̌̉͑͊́̀̈̾͛̋͑̋̎̈̀̽̀͊̏͘͝͝͝͝͠͝ͅp̴̧̧̡̢̢̢̛̛̛͚̟͓̖̭̪̻̪̲̬̥̙̥̰̼̹͎͕̪̞̮̺̰̬̘̫̤͉̦͙̮̖̙̹̻͔̖̮̲̞̣̻̜̠͇̬͚̱̦̼̲̮̀̂͌̍̈̒̍̋̌̏͐̓͛̉̂̈̀͑̈́͊͗͋͗́̂̎̎̃͆͒̅̑̇́̈͐̾̀̔̒̉͑͒̅̓̈́̋͋̀̍̄̿̌̀̉͆̇̔̈́͗̋̄̓̇͗̎̉̆͊̒͗̚̕͘͘̕̕̚͜͜͝͝͠͠͠͠͠ͅͅͅơ̶̢̡̧̨̡̛̛͔̦̼̰̠̯̰̟̲̣̜͙̲͙̪̱̱͕̺̪͈͉̺̻̙̥̲̩̲̩͔̠͚̩͓̞̠̯̟̫̣̗̦̰͉͚͙̺͎̼͖̥̙͈̯̲̝̞͎̻͕̮͔̰̖͔̭͙̩̼͔̫̹̘͓͔̜̘͍̍̅̄͋͑̋̍̊̉̄̈̽̈͐̀͌͐̆͊͂̐̋̃̎͆͛̐̀̂̿̈́͂́̈̌͐̇̀̒͋͑͐́͌̐̇̊͆̀͂͋̏́͋͆̏͗͂͑̂̓̽͘͘̚̕̕̕̕̚͘͜͜͠͝͝ͅͅͅr̴̨̨̨̧̨̛̘͕͈͔͙̠̬̯̩̗̰̗̬̦͈̗̝̣͓͓̟͕͙͈̠̘̻͓̭̝̘̦̦͓̭̘͙̻̙̼̩̰̝͈̱̝̱̬͉͙̣̖̮̲͈̙̱̩̣͕̦̰̮͔͈͓̙̮͍̳̟̠̞͎̱̣̰͕̩̝̲̝͐́́̍̈͐͋̐̑̌͋̓̈́̈͗̿̈̈́͗̑̚͜͜͜͜͜͝ͅͅţ̴̢̨̧͇͉͎̣̬̣̝̗̬̹͇̮̞̈́̐̌̇̈́̌͊̐̅̂̌̂͒͌́̈͌̂̊͗̍̿͑͋̎̓͂̀̎̎͒̾̏̒͌̃̄͋̌̾̍̈́̐̏͑̊̍͑͆̉̓́̆̌̾̓͊̊̈̑͘̚̕͘͘̕͝͝͝͝͝s̴̢̢̡̛̬̹͚̻͉̦̦̣̦̠̜͕̤̳͓͙̟̬͕̘̦̿͗̉̏̒͆̓̄͊͌͛͂͑̒̃͛͘͜͝͝!
Shared elements with supernatural that you might Vibe with: Honestly, probably bc Nightvale and Alice are by the Same Dudes, a lot of these points are the same as Alice Isn’t Dead, but it’s less scawy and more funney. Also hits the “horror, but make it kind of a sitcom” vibes. Doesn’t have the same road trip vibes, but DOES capture the exact weirdness of South Western USA, so I’m still giving it “fucked up americana” credit. If you’ve never been to New Mexico ur like this is an exaggeration clearly no desert town is subject to like ACTUAL cosmic horror and unexplainable sights but I’m telling you New Mexico is just Like That. (I highly recommend visiting the land of enchantment if you ever get the oppurtunity it is a deeply odd and wonderfully unsettling experience.) Look man it’s gay it’s a horror comedy cecil has a wonderfully soothing voice and it hates capitalism so fucking much like oh my god so much what more could you want.
MINI REC ALERT: Wolf 359! I have nothing deep to say about this I just like it and my gut tells me that y’all would enjoy it too I know there isnt much for physical descriptions in the show but I know in my heart that the main character is so so pretty and so so stupid. I KNOW yall like some himbos that experience character growth.
Okay since It’s my party and I’ll speak if I want to rapid fire list of podcasts I just like and want more people to listen to even though I’m behind on like all of them shhhhh: The Penumbra Podcast, BomBARDed, Dungeons and Daddies, Stellar Firma, Wonderful!
okay these aren’t like replacement recs or anything they’re just really good and I almost certainly would have put them on some sort of supernatural playlist in 2013 but I don’t, like, have a good playlist for them now so I’m subjecting y’all to them also they all have the youtube link for ease of access
Woah There Kimmy-  Felix Hagan & the Family
Devil’s Backbone- The Civil Wars
Blood On My Name- The Brothers Bright
Awake O Sleeper- The Brothers Bright
The Bottom of the River- Delta Rae
Old Number 7- The Devil Makes Three
The Bullet- The Devil Makes Three
In Hell I’ll Be In Good Company- The Dead South
Bartholomew- The Silent Comedy
Pomegranate Seeds- Julian Moon
Curses- The Crane Wives
Tongues & Teeth -The Crane Wives
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blue-shaded · 4 years
let me get this sttraight ok, there IS an 18+ chat but that's usually for people who want to discuss more mature topics ( there are hardly even nsfw nude pictures, maybe the occasional gore/horror) there used to be an nsfw room but it was mutually agreed that it would be best for that to be deleted, just incase a minor claimed to be an adult. No robin's never been nasty or mean or rude to anyway he has always been dealing with it in a mature way. 1/2
how ever if people are being rude/mean to him he does tend to repley is a sarcastic or sassy way. but it's hard to tell the difference between sarcastic and mean via text. I hope this clears some stuff up. talk about " having screenshots to prove robin is mean" aren't realy ! 2/2 thanks and have a lovely day -- What happened, happened. The fact that it doesn’t happen anymore doesn’t mean it didn’t in the past. There’s multiple testimonies and witnesses to clarify that he was indeed an ass, and let horrible things slide. I agree it’s a good decision to have that room deleted, it could very easily lead to nasty things that could end Robin’s career altogether. Luckily for him.. Sean is a MUCH bigger asshole so it kinda overshadows.. as Robin knows far too well I believe. I believe that he has been nasty and rude. Just because YOU didn’t see it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. That’s invalidating to everyone else involved. Robin is indeed full of sarcasm. But he’s also tired of having to deal with rabid JSE stans who think they own him so I can understand that.. However snapping at people who didn’t deserve it is out of line.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
The idea of caring who is a fan of who is realy funny considering the fact that nobody is a fucking angel
Idk hbu, but I laugh whenever I see people getting pressed over who some random on the Internet stan and comments like “embarrassing of you” , “ew” , “🤢🤢” or my favorite “anyway. Stan *inserts name*”.
I don’t know where tf those stupid people bought their brain, but it’s clearly not working at all.
You wanna tell someone who they should or should not stan, because you find their fav “problematic”, “embarrassing” or just something else and think you have the right to either make fun of that person for stanning this celebrity and drag their fav celebrity, but what you don’t reAlise is the sad fact that your fav done something problematic too and ain’t fucking perfect human being. Wake up!
I am just so done with those accounts who think they are being “funny” , “cool” or whatever, when they make fun of someone for stanning someone who they consider as problematic. LOOK at YOUR OWN FAVS HONEY. Because everyone had done something “problematic” in their life, even you. Me and anybody else. ( don’t worry I am not talking to you as you, just you like these people who act like this)
Even snc had done some bad “problematic” stuff in the past. But does this mean that they are immediately bad people , should be cancelled, made fun of, along with their fans? Jesus no! Everyone makes mistakes and forever will make em. We are all humans. This is a normal thing. Something that happened/happens for all of us. It’s so SO hypocritical to be mad at someone for making a mistake, when all of us make em. Is so hypocritical to make fun of someone for stanning someone, when you yourself do the same thing and till today I did not meet a single celebrity/influencer that has literally a white card and never did anything that can be considered as “problematic”. Yes, even Harry Styles has done multiple problematic things in the past when he was younger.
If someone who makes such comments and make fun of people regardless of who do they stan is reading this :
1. First of all: FUCK YOU
2. Get a life
3. Stop, just stop ! You stan people as well and being big ass hypocrite for acting this way
Ofc criminals are not included in this discussion ( as people who r*ped , abu*ed , SA someone… )
i think the issue is, there is always a competition going on between every creator or celeb, no matter what. and it's usually made from the fans. like one artist against another, one creator compared to another creator, ect. and i think that competition causes fans to try and see who can one up the other constantly. so, when one fav faulters, or makes a mistake, everyone's able to run and say "omg you stan them? gross. could never be me" and shit like that.
and what's funny is their favs are just… existing. they aren't even comparing themselves to these other ppl as much as their fans (and other fans) are. so this is all caused by fans creating a problem that just realisticially isn't there.
i also think when it comes to "problematic" things someone can do (and i'm not talking about actual serious problems ppl have done, just the more light-hearted ones that still get ppl in trouble), the reason why fans come for their throats is bc they're upset. they want to see someone pay for the harm, so they'll take down whoever they can. when in reality, one person being "called out" for something they did 10 years ago really isn't helping the current situation at hand. and i also think ppl don't want to see others get better and grow. they want to keep them in a box and have them stay the same, that way they judge them eternally for the shit they do wrong, regardless of the fact they aren't like that anymore.
when someone does something wrong, they should apologize for it. but to hold it against them, especially when it isn't a pattern, is ridiculous to me.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
So Stan doesn't want to negotiate at all at all since it's not worth anything for me to drive around with you not get paid just drive around in my expense and I could be trying other things and you driving around doing stuff is going to work anyways for me so I don't see the point and there is no point to it other people want to do stuff with me and while I'm there and I need to make money as I have to absolutely have to do that and that's really gross what are you thinking if it's true myopic and idiotic... So our son says that above and we're going to leave him in the dust in the dirt behind is another scumbag who doesn't care about anything just wants him to go around doing free work in the forum like this is his mom and dad haven't paid rent to that's horrible horrible treatment it's an assholes? Still had to pay rent it was about $400 a month no he's paying about $600 a month said it wasn't bad still Steve cuz he has his car thing she would not relent it was horrible such a b**** and an idiot so now it's kind of like she got rid of herself because of like teeny money you guys are wealthy but you act like poor people and you do business like poor people it must now started it even though he's got me in an apartment he's still chinksing out on everything now he's getting beat up by aliens because will and they'll see it and idiots because mangolacy is it you know like you're like those piece of dumbass it's just stupid and you don't understand no senseiation no placation so I have to fight for it right now which is great you always try to avoid it now you don't care cuz you're dumb I have to tell you that predator episode happened before a week and a half ago or whatever it was two weeks ago it it was before that and it was when I said it was I think and I didn't know what happened and it caused some serious things to happen that are out of sync with what's going on and Tommy asked me of encouraged it and he lost his stuff anyways I mean he's the ringing hero ring ding lost those really fast they went up and smoking seconds and he was counting on him and then he did other stuff and he lost it so you don't have a state of United State of control he doesn't play with your frontal lobe missing so just thinking of going to look for it no sense as I know exactly where it is and you'd have a war and you need informants and into Intel and you need local informants you need predator experts like Justin who is an opposition but this is astrology we're talking about anything with ass in it is you guys. So the old games laughing and the new games are sitting there cuz it's Dan I was watching TV and stuff I can hear a little that much didn't hear me laughing but it's pretty muffled unless turns everything off the AC the TV so now we can hear me... He's a quiet guy it's not very loud he's just talking and talking and talking can only hear when I go outside briefly sometimes not at all it's like half the time so that's a lot because most people aren't talking much see what he's talking about it's important for people to know Dan says
So we found lawsuits I'm going to hand it off to the lawyer our lawyer
Thor Freya
Is that trouble talking lately cuz he's getting tired it's getting very upset and annoyed it's people aren't doing anything for him but all in the way so now I do I have to like burn the whole city down or something cuz you're a bunch of assholes and they don't get it so we're launching lawsuits on these people and others big ones real ones and we found Mexican conspiracy yeah been watching lawsuits against him maybe we were watching a lawsuit about the risperdal and it is against mackiness and they did crush the other companies the other company is think they have a chance with some mac plans and it's a limited lawsuit and Max doesn't want to part with anything so he's fighting it and he's realizing something everybody was a grudge is going to be fighting again because it's not paying 20 bucks to this kid no he doesn't realize it's true it's going to keep going that lawsuit is not way late it's just beginning and we're introducing it in California where glaxo is I'm assuming them tons of people are suing them it's a huge lawsuit out there and convince d it was safe because he was on it that's another thing people can sue for it's kind of like false advertising and it's illegal to do it's manipulating someone to do that something
Have another huge lawsuit out and it's not against Mac against the other people know it's against hospitals that held him to go after it pretty hard. We have about 220 million in personal liability across the different hospitals that were suing for and he says it's low but we know what we're doing and he does too finally told people no I want 700 trillion thousand trillion so we're going to sue them and the process that they go through rather than paying up front is more painful than anything that could ever come up with cuz they don't ever pay up front if they did it might not cost so much at all usually cost them their entire business all the factories and we have to shut them down in order to get a penny they're so damn cheap so we're announcing the lawsuit today and we're sending it out today and it's in the state of California again and they're going to their ass kids tonight by the way we need them to it's going to weaken them after lawyers will be gone and and then we're going to start the process of dragging them to court out there then we actually making them do that every time too we have a court case they're there in court and they're getting exposure in courts and things like that they say don't care and they get raped for all sorts of stuff and money so I'm just going to keep doing it cuz they say I don't care huge lawsuit by the way yeah I can get lawsuit is about 80 billion dollars and the street value of that is gigantic meaning the actual value when it hits the street is huge it means that there's a lot of people suing for it probably but 160 bigwigs and 30,000 small timers actual Max and yeah that's another one of his companies next company
There's another huge company we're suing and for him it's one of the hospitals it was something that stands alone it's not one of Max and it's not overseas and it's in the Marlboro Massachusetts Marlborough hospital it happens to be Tommy favinos and he started it all off and they'll hate him for it actually Matt doesn't like it and he's right he didn't ruin it and Tommy will turn around and try and just do something and it'll probably get his ass kicked cuz it's not really needs to he's a fool yeah stupid so we assume Marvel hospital for about 220 million dollars and it's as much as all the other lawsuits it's a little bit more and some pain suffering loss of wages and what he says is it should be a lot more but we're going to see how it goes because his reputation meant a lot in an ascertaining and obtaining money for inventions people will call him crazy and they think they get away with it and that was his angle and we'll also include some criminal charges because of that effect we're going after him too cuz he does things like this all day long he says I'm military and you're not any ruin the shatteredome of this big mouth it's a unique case and that he can't stand McCracken and McCracken might even be Tommy f and he'll lose bad because his father was a detective and he also was a slanderous little boob. And we're going to town now on people like stand to and others who are harassing him taking them to court where they are for every phone call we're going to sue them for a huge amounts of money in their personal accounts and other accounts to me and I'm going to weigh him down with it so they stop doing it with little kids
This lawsuit against Marlboro hospital is huge to our son huge they put a dent in his confidence and he's really angry about it in the dentist and not going to do anything cuz he started to build it up again and use the system it is stuck in and use the stigma it's a difficult life and it's really the low road and you kind of had no choice about it because of these assholes in the hospital and what he can say is almost anything and he is affected huge change with it and that's exactly what he plan to do because he's pretty Sharp Tommy savino should be brought up on charges by his own but probably not until the trial and it's going to trial and they're going to want to call our son and are capable of doing so they can try and call him and we can say he can't afford to come up here at all because of this man then we're going to show inventions that were taken from him and he took an inventions that others will fess up to the office went to Mac Daddy the flowy only because Tommy savino probably is the one who uses it and took it and I can be like the only one really that we want to mention here in court I agree with that maxes it's a personal problem he has with this guy used to try and fight him all the time too I'm assuming for that it's not a doll he's like this idiot child well there's a lot of people like that Stan is turned into one it's like this moron just keeps bothering you it's like well you're not going to stand My ground and you're going to get a lot more heat and stank than you want it's a horrible horrible horrible thing that happens to people do that horrible Tommy savino went from almost number one and it's ranking number 30 and there's a huge Paramount curve shift there huge gigantic slide down it's almost vertical so go ahead and do that he just wants to think about it probably witnesses you might show up if they pay his way that would be the Earth shaking experience for everybody in New England my God he's coming up here but they won't be his way and we'll sue him and have sent you tell me favino probably doesn't want people to see his bright and we can present evidence to that already we don't need him to say stuff even though we will still think nobody's listening cuz he's an ass it's almost like Sebastian Sebastian has no one has a huge amount of arrogance it's gross
Bitol and Goddess Wife
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wetnwildzspace · 3 years
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You see if you look on the map and find the Bering Island that island and the one behind it belongs to alaska and now back on our side on the second image you see and even history says Youkon, Canada is Yukon, Alaska where them krakkers are tearing up the earth and land to steal more gold like their doing in the oceans in Alaska hence why im kicking them out to greenland. Technically all of canada is Alaska until proven otherwise and i will get all my territory back it also says Alaska is the shape of turkey which is the shape of Turkmenistan and all the stans out together! The north west territories in Alaska is South America or Texas and norway and finland are in canada as well and other countries. Spain is inbetween Canada and the US and france is hawaii but canada is realy england because England is really Falkland and America is really where england is and we are england and britain aka australia anyways one day ill really have it refined i was gonna find out but couldnt access my shit my wife remembered who i needed to contact for things like where i bank name used etc her death killed me in many ways i got millions stored in her name because we couldnt do another joint account after hitting the casino in Louisiana Texas border line and gave most of it away making many texans that night rich to stay outta the news i didnt teust my adopted family ive one a scratch off and lotery as well and let if fall back to the state for the same reason i think the law should be ur money waits for you until death and can be inherited but right now its a go fuck yourself system so if u wonder why i cant do shit n loosing my shit thats why ok i dont lie i just dont have room for secriterial or assitant wife etc type of memory im trying to rule its alot to remember and do while staying the leader in tech entertainment travel hospitality etc plus after causing the 2008 financial crash i thought it best to lay low you learn very fast after sumn like that u go i cant do that again and hence why there are now rules on da rich in wat dey gotta do wat it has 2 cost 4 purchase etc i can spend at least a trillion dollars in a day very easily but i know wat i want 2 buy @bhadbhabie (at Santa Monica, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbOHTdvBlfS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mufflcd-blog · 7 years
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Hey guys you want a super long meta head canon about Kenny’s deaths that are like, super fucking important to this blog? well look no further. I’mma be honest guys. His whole dying thing is kinda a big part of his characterization. And while it won’t come up with every thread, This is just a fair warning to everyone.
Kenny’s deaths are important to how I play Kenny, and will be referenced heavily.
Anyways the meta-ness is under the cut. It’s practically an essay so be warned.
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Okay so first of all, is the deaths really don’t weigh lightly on his mind. He doesn’t tend to think about them, but when he does it’s hard to get him out of that rut without a “new day” so to speak.  As far as I can tell, there have been situations where the rest of Kenny’s Gangs have mentioned his deaths, or the fact that he always dies, but most of the time doesn’t remember or know. This leads to 2 things (that Kenny is able to understand. Any other possibilities though they exist aren’t plausible by his reasoning.) The first, which is what he chooses to believe and what most take as canon, is that no one remembers. Every morning, he wakes up to the same old same old with no recollection of his death.
Now, deeper into this there are no traces of his deaths. Seeing as he comes back the next day there is no time to officially and legally call him dead. There has only been 2 situations that this has happened. The first being the Bigger, Longer, and Uncut movie where he was gone for quite a while it seemed. The second being when Kenny died and was gone for a season (and I believe that spanned a month in the shows time.) Because of this, he has legally been declared dead twice, but both times since he was back the next day (or rather eventually) and no memory of how he died they assumed it to be a mistake and have since removed it from his record.
However, there are still gravestones at the cemetery from those 2 occasions (and actually a few more from when they were actually able to hold a funeral before the day was over.) Because those are there, in his older, teen years that is where he goes when he needs to get out of the house/ doesn’t want to be around his family.
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With all this in mind, this affects his relationships with people in a lot of ways (I’ll get to the other way that he sees it later on in the headcanon, because it is a good but sad ending note.) Kenny, while he is close to Stan, Kyle, and Eric does still have a wall up with his emotions with them. He cares much more about them then himself because, well he can just come back the next day. They can’t. They can die, and he can’t. He’s very much worried about their safety and their livelyhood. But he also tends to get somewhat emotionally distant when talk of death, loss, and anything that would be a burden on Kenny’s emotional state gets brought up. He tends to focus more on the other and will defuse the situation with his terrible and perverted jokes. He also is like this with quite literally everyone, including Craig, Tweek, Butters, Jimmy, Timmy, Token, Wendy, Clyde, and anyone else in their class pretty much.
However, while he says he doesn’t hold resentment towards them for this, it is impossible to do that. There is always some resentment, especially when someone seems to be complaining about how bad of a situation they are in. Kenny is fully aware that the situation is bad, but the fact he hasn’t had to die or has died protecting someone means there’s still an ounce of hope. In times when he’s overly stressed he tends to mentions “something that everyone has done” but will never go more in depth about what wrong doing the class has committed to him.
That being said, he is still very light hearted about it, even going so far as to play pranks with it. There have been many occasions that he will freak out one of his friends, talking vividly about a death he has had, and using 100% accurate descriptions of what happened. When his friend gets freaked out enough, and then he laughs telling them it was all a joke. In a way, that’s him testing the waters to see if they do actually remember, but he also likes being able to freak them out like that. He wants to believe that it will make them appreciate him more if they understand he might not be around all the time. However, that joke has backfired and has caused many people to be concerned, especially when he joked about shooting himself to prove a point after the events of the Mysterion episodes. He also will make promises that he will “Keep until the day he dies”. And while he does fulfill the promise, to anyone outside of himself it doesn’t look like he did. 
His willingness to go along with practically anything and getting into reckless situations can also be contributed to this whole “not dying” trait that he has. He’s thrown himself on a live NASCAR track to try and kick Eric’s ass. Because he puts his friends first, and wants to make sure they are okay, there are many things that he does without thinking about how they affect him or the repercussion of his actions. This is why he is easily “peer pressured” into going along with many of Eric’s ploys and the other boys adventures. He quite honestly, like how Karen calls him, sees himself as a Guardian Angel of sorts, and he will protect those he cares about even if they don’t remember.
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As for where he got the powers, I’m taking that straight from the Mysterion episodes. His parents were a part of the Cult of Cthulhu, and he is supposed to be an immortal due to rituals and rights of passages his parents did while they were inebriated. After the events of the Mysterion episodes, he completely stopped looking into it. Why? Because he decided he didn’t need to know.  If the world wanted him to know, it would fucking let him know. But until then he was going to keep living (and dying) like how he always had been.
Before I get to the next little but, I want to say this.
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Kenny has died in more ways than what has appeared on the show (though not by many). Some of the most noteable ones have all been a suicide in one way or another. Once he was dirty, and it was the end of the day. Rather than going and taking a shower, doing homework, and all of the other rituals needed in order to fall asleep he just threw himself in the washer and dryer. That killed him, and he woke up nice and clean. Another time he fell from a ladder while he was getting something from his garage. At some point he began getting curious what certain deaths felt like, despite the overwhelming pain that he always had as dying. Because of this, he realy doesn’t have a fear of pain or of dying, unlike how a 4th grader or practically anyone should. And yes. He’s set himself on fire for setting his farts on fire more than once. He wanted to see if he could do it without dying. He can’t.
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To wrap all of this incredibly long headcannon up, at the beginning I said that there were 2 scenarios that Kenny understands as what could be truth. All of what’s above is based on the one where people truly don’t remember. And now here is the other one. As I’ve said, there have been notably a few times where people have talked about his death when they should no longer remember it. I believe all of the other 3 in the main cast have, as well as a few others. If you follow this and keep it canon, that would mean that they are fully aware of Kenny dying, and truthfully don’t give 2 shits because he will always come back the next day. And while this conflicts with evidence presented in the show, it could work. Because of the fact that no one gives a shit when Kenny would die, it would cause him to go mad. So instead all of them have agreed to “fake” forgetting and allow him to think they are just ignorant to it. Kenny doesn’t want to think that lowly of anyone, and so he chooses to completely ignore this option, but it is a good flaw of his.
Thats it. Thats everythng. I fucking told you it would be an essay.
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moonrock · 4 years
fskdj i started as a bts stan too! i think loads of kpop stans did, and i still feel affection for the boys, i just don't like their newer music, but they were rlly important to me for some time after all! i just feel v alienated from parts of the army fandom because the ones that aren't multis often act kinda superiour and i just :/ i don't hate armys or anything, i was one once, but the armys i know irl are the kind that claim bts is a genre of its own and it's tiring :') - virtual hug anon
i'm sorry fsjdj i always send such long asks, gotta stretch that character limit... anyway, i realy came to say you really don't have to answer tonight, idk about you but i get rlly tired when inebriated ;) anyway rest well and drink lots of water too so the headaches stay away tomorrow!! 💞
i stopped stanning them bc of the fandom and jin treatment in previous years but then i also stopped enjoying their music so.. they’re still v important to me and i would still eat a brick for seokjin but it’s just not the same. i really liked their last album though so maybe... it’s the time to give them a second chance lol idk
sorry it took me so long to answer but i am hungover and braindead atm (yes i didn’t listen and didn’t drink lots of water. lots of booze, yes.)
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rxdonmyledger · 7 years
Author’s Note: I promise guys I’m finishing Hiraeth but I wanted so bad to do this. It’s a way to calm myself as I’m having shitty days and I’m feeling realy useless. If you could help me to feel better and I’d be really thankful. Anyway, I hope you all like it.
Warnings: Sebastian being a tease, implied smut, sexual language.
Pairings: Sebastian Stan x Reader.
Words: 483
Gif not mine!
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“What are you doing?” you smiled as you heard your boyfriend’s voice, shifting in your bed, rolling on your stomach. 
“Now? Just reading. I was tired of binge watching the TV so...” you could almost see his smile as you spoke and that made your heart to flutter. 
You missed Sebastian. Him being an actor, travelling quite often made it difficult, but you both knew the relationship was worthy. The “I missed you” kisses, the cuddles the day after he would come back.
You had met him in a friend’s wedding. You were there, bored, sitting and drinking when you noticed his eyes staring at you. You had smiled and wink at him, watching as he smirked and strutted towards you. You dance during the whole night, laughing as you’ve never done.
And there you were, two years later.
“Do you miss me?”
“Nah, not at all. I’m wearing your shirt and reading my favourite book. I don’t need you here”
“Really?” you bit your lips to stop the laugh as you heard his fake offended tone. He was such a drama queen sometimes. “I suppose I should do the same. I’ll find someone else”
“Go. I won’t stop you. As you keep buying me flowers and food I’m fine”
You loved teasing him. It was part of your relationship, saying you’ll leave the other for another person. You loved watching his face changing as you said you’d leave him for Chris, making the blonde to smirk at you.
Sometimes, that would end in Sebastian teaching you a lesson in the sheets. Or in the sofa. Or on top of the kitchen counter.
“Actually, I talked to Chris and...”
“Doll” he interrupted you with a warn on his steady and velvety voice. You chuckled and continue talking about his abs and muscles, hearing Sebastian’s growls on the other line. “It’s a shame. I was going to eat you out as soon as I got home”
“Seriously? I thought you prefer using your own hand, sweetie”
“Y/N, you’re digging your own grave”
“What? What are you going to do? You’re far away”
“Are you sure about that?, Doll?” you heard a chuckle and you turned, your eyes opening wide at the sight of Sebastian leaning against the door frame with the phone pressed against his ear. He hung up and smiled, dropping the bag and opening his arms.
You jumped from the bed and ran towards him, circling his waist with your legs. You peppered kisses over his face, watching as he laughed when you moved your hands along his bearded jaw. 
“I’ve missed you so much”
“Really? I thought you were fine with Chris” you rolled your eyes and he smirked, smacking your ass and making you to jolt, placing you on the mattress, his hot breath touching for face and his lips moving as he whispered. “Now, honey...you’re in so much trouble”
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taetaesbffaaf · 8 years
I finds Hoseokie around the time I lost my mom, and that was the lowest point of my life, I was so alone since I also lost my dad in 2014. I was on youtube looking for distraction, and I find Hobi on Weekly Idol dancing to Ice Cream Cake with that excited look on his face and I was so intrude because I have never seen anyone so happy. He shines you know, he is glowing, and it just pull me in. From then all I get to know BTS and the more I know about Hoseokie the more I love him (1/2)
,I am thankful for Hobi to give me a little joy when I was such a grieving mess. And he isn’t always sunshine and rainbow you know, there are time when he is down, but he always managed to get back up and be optimistic, be energetic and it inspires me a lot. I am trying to be like that, not 100% OK and maybe never will be but trying anyway. And yeah he is my ultimate bias, and I just want him to be happy, healthy and content :3. (2/2)
Y Ikes. this is one of those really beautiful stories that really hits me hard because i feel like there are so many ARMYs who found their bias through a lot of tough times. Their bias is the one who really helped them through those times ya know? I think that’s realy beautiful even if it is really sad.thank you very much for sharing because, tbh i think you’re really strong and beautiful. Can’t speak for Hoseok but I’m proud of you for pulling through and i’m sure he’d be very happy to help you through times like that. I’m so glad that his beautiful heart could get through to you. I’m really, truly so glad. And i understand how you feel abut wanting him to be just, happy, healthy, content forever. I …feel the same.and for what it’s worth, i really hope the same thing for you too. Listen, i stan you wtf. ♥ you inspire me.
talk to me about the moment you fell for your bias! ♥
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wasabi-duck · 8 years
i've been a fan since no more dream era, and my first bias was taehyung bc he had white hair and i was whipped by white haired anime boys. then i became jungkook biased, then jimin biased, then yoongi biased, then jungkook again, then namjoon, and ever since run i've been a loyal jungkook stan :3 stanning bts truly is a rollercoaster
omg... did you like akise from future diary because my hero. anyway though that is a rollercoaster jeez im glad you found someone that you realy love though ahha. what is your fave song?? and or era?? war of hormone is forever my fave everything honestly
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jamlessjisoo · 8 years
AHHHH SWEET SHIBA UR LOVELY;;;;;;;; hehe ok dk it is!! ^^ and omg i only know of onew thru like very little tv appearances but he seems so!!! cute and warm!!! :’’) AND AKJFHKLDJHF N O OMG AQSOO IS SO FUNN Y LMAO my two friends teased me with aqshua BUT I NEVER THOUGHT OF AQSAA LMAO AWWE JSDHJKF I DONT DESERVE TO BE PAIRED WITH HIM OK ;A; 
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