#ANYWAY just to say. she continues to only be So reliable lol
thsx · 2 years
@andthe6 contd. from (x)
daisy figures she must be a real idiot–– or else a glutton for punishment. billy has never been able to talk to her about the hard things, not when it's about the two of them. she huffs out a remorseful laugh–– barely there, just a breath–– eyes locked on him, though he won't look at her. if anything, her sharing the song with him is an impersonal decision. he's her songwriting partner, and as much as the song is about him, her anger, even fury at him... she can't see the lyrics coming as any surprise.
vindictive? had he not expected her to be hurt, to be angry? does he not see that this is the only way she can tell him how she feels? daisy will never understand how billy can know her so deeply, in so many ways, yet be so obtuse in others. she will not spare him the knowledge that he hurt her–– no, in fact, she has turned it into a gift. because she knows this song is good, knows without a doubt that it belongs on the album. it satisfies the need for something hard, something driving–– something she knows that pete and eddie, at the least, have been craving. daisy thinks maybe billy has been, too. she'd argue that she's proof of that. the heel of her hand is clammy as she presses it into the space between her eyes.
" jesus, billy, " daisy almost laughs–– though it is tinged with such weariness, " it's not about revenge. it's about honesty. i'm trying to communicate with you. " a sigh. " if we can't do that, will you at least tell me what you think? "
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taintedheartx · 10 months
Unsaid words
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Pairing: Neteyam x fem!Omatikaya reader
Warnings: slight cussing, angst, childhood friends, unrequited love, miscommunication trope, friends to lovers, one sided pining, she fell first he fell harder, jealous neteyam🤭(uses of y/n)
Synopsis: neteyam doesn’t know how to feel when he finds out his close friend/eye candy is slowly moving on from him and leading to him confessing.
A/N: don’t know how to feel about this one I was kinda high when I finished it lol so we’ll see if that did us justice.. sex education s2 reference.. also not proofread
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For the past few weeks Neteyam has been noticing you haven’t been coming around as much as you used to which was rare since you are consantly around.
Whether it’s too join kiri with the daily tasks you both shared, hunting with neteyam, or just tagging along with loak to whatever mischief he can find. You were always right there.
Your almost convinced that the sully’s are tired of your constant presence so you always remind yourself to not be so nosy and give them their space.
After all, years after trying to get a certain someone’s attention was clearly going nowhere and you were tired of giving signals just for them to always go unnoticed.
Neteyam is a very oblivious Navi but he also has many good qualities to him that is what attracts him the most to you.
His nobility and determination to prove himself worthy amongst the clan, his natural desire to excel at things so he can be reliable clan leader.
His attractive personality was undeniably alluring which kept all young girls in the clan enticed in a trance.
You didn’t know exactly what would catch his attention.
You tried just about everything, to offering him cut up fruits during training, to crafting him armbands with emerald green beads woven in. You felt so foolishly in love with him.
You even tried to outdo all the other girls so that he would surely pick you but he never did.
You were so desperate.
You tried to involve yourself with what he enjoys doing. Hunting, fishing, ikran riding, you name it. Not to mention shamefully embarrassing yourself in the process.
No matter what you do though you feel as though he will always see you as a friend nothing more.
Whereas where neteyam stood was with you completely although he was to nervous to admit it his true feelings.
He was too afraid of you rejecting any idea of a future with him; so he decided to keep his mouth shut for now.
Unbeknownst to your internal frustration.
You eventually gave up trying to give anymore signals, fully convinced that your efforts of interest were depressing at this point. He had many women pining after him anyways you figured he wouldn’t notice.
~time skip~
It was a blissful day as every other and you were waiting for your mother to finish your hair so you can go harvest fruits with kiri and tuk.
When she said something that caught your attention.
“So I’ve been meaning to tell you something ma’ite”
Your look up at her as she continues with her rant.
“Rai’uk’s parents have been asking your father and I if you would want to go on a hunt with him, maybe get to know him a little better?”
It came out more as a question which made you want to immediately say no but you knew that you could only avoid this for so long given that the whole time you were showing interest in neteyam, she was waiting for an opportunity to bring up you finding a mate.
Since neteyam wasn’t taking an interest, you had no choice but to start looking for other suitable mates within the clan.
And in this case you had to oblige this offer.
After another day you suddenly found yourself in Rai’uk’s company.
He was nice to say the least certainly not neteyam but he was tolerable and could hold a conversation for the most part. He is a exceptional warrior in the clan and has great hunting skills.
You did it for you mother really, she wanted you to be more social in a sense to be more willing to find a mate at a early age just like she did with your father.
You don’t know how to feel but you obviously didn’t want to disappoint your family so you just go with the flow.
Mother says, “ you’ll learn to love him.”
During communal dinner you usually sat next to neteyam usually talking to him about his day and trying to scooch yourself close enough to where both of your knees were touching.
But, today he noticed after a few minutes that your usual spot stayed empty and instead kiri came and filled the gap.
His brows furrowed in curiosity as his ears perked up and his eyes wandered to all nearby surroundings trying to spot you.
Until he spotted you with him.
He didn’t know why but the minute he saw you with him his heart began to race.
Why weren’t you sitting with him? Was he why you haven’t been coming around as often? When did you start talking to him? More importantly why didn’t you tell him?
So many questions filled Neteyam’s head to the point he felt it might explode.
His ears twitched and his tail flicked annoyingly behind him to which kiri noticed and followed his gaze.
“Oh yea y/n parents made a new arrangement”
His eyes now darted over to his sister, why wasn’t he made aware of this? When did this happen? If y/n’s parents made this arrangement and she was unhappy with it, why didn’t she show it? Did she like him?
So many thoughts ran circles in his mind before his eyes caught a glimpse of you scooting a bit closer to Rai’uk to where your knees were touching, just like you did with him.
He felt an uneasy feeling at the pit of his stomach seeing you show the same simple acts with another that was your usual with neteyam.
He always had felt your presence next to him during meals so when he saw you so close to another made him jealous.
The tuft of his tail gently rising, he stared in your direction until loak came to sit down next to him making him snap back into reality.
“What are you looking at bro?”
He pinched his eyes together as if it would help him not see the situation and directs his head towards his little brother.
“Nothing” He exclaims letting out a sigh.
Loak was one to witness how you acted around his brother ever since you all were little. He also took notice of how neteyam was when you were around.
You always coming over for to play with him and his sister but always had lingering eyes for his older brother.
You were the only girl that really hung out with the sully children since childhood, so with that neteyam never ever minded your presence and found himself craving more of your attention the more you guys grew up.
It was obvious that you had such as huge crush on neteyam. So you didn’t know why he just ignored all of your signals unless he only saw you as a friend.
Even loak didn’t know why neteyam wouldn’t want to court you now that you two were older while it was still obvious that you still had feelings for him.
Until loak saw you with Rai’uk, he knew that it was likely that it was not your choice and more of your parents.
But he also couldn’t help himself from rubbing it in because his brother was too much of a skwang to admit his feelings.
“Looks like she’s found someone” he exclaims hands squeezing his shoulders and slowly jolting him forward.
Neteyam lets out a frustrated hiss and harshly swats his hands aways, getting up quickly and walking away leaving both of his siblings dumbfounded.
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Moons past of you spending more time with Rai’uk, and to say neteyam having been jealous would be an understatement.
The way that even when you briefly came to stop by for kiri or loak you didn’t even bother to greet him anymore.
The sudden change in the way you didn’t even bother with him anymore. Like he never even once mattered to you.
It was driving him crazy knowing your attention wasn’t on him anymore. But instead another man.
What did Rai’uk have that he didn’t? He was an exceptional warrior and the youngest to complete his iknimaya at that.
He didn’t know why you were suddenly drawn to him.
But all he knew was he was willing to at least talk about with you, maybe then you will understand that he reciprocated your feelings all along and to forget all about this skwang.
After all day of waiting for training to be done and for his father to give him a opportunity to bail he eventually did with intentions to immediately find you and talk to you.
You had finished all your tasks patiently waiting for your sister to do the same, so you can hand her over to your parents and take off with kiri and loak to go fly.
You hadn’t even noticed neteyam approaching if it weren’t for your sister.
“Watch out the mighty warrior looks like he’s walking with purpose.” She says humorously.
You had stepped aside so you can get out of his way. When you felt his hand pull you back a bit and kept it’s hold on your wrist. “Y/n I have to talk to you”.
He gave a brief description and didn’t really give you enough time to respond before you felt his tug your hand as a sign to follow him.
After a few minutes of just continuous walking you were growing curious and impatient as to why he was taking you so far and for what, he made it seem like it was the most serious thing in the world.
“Just tell me neteyam, is this about kiri?”
“No” he said shortly, if he was being honest he could’ve stopped anytime he wanted but he still trying to figure out how he was gonna spit this out.
He didn’t know how you would react to this now that you obviously now started something with Rai’uk but he just couldn’t keep this from you anymore.
He led you to a secluded spot in the forest, eyes gazing all around the treeline to make sure you were alone before speaking.
His eyes meet the ground as silence fills the air surrounding you and all can be heard is screeching ikrans in the far distance.
“I messed up with you” He looks up at you with his desperate amber eyes.
“What” you innocently say scrunching your eyebrows.
“There’s a time where I thought maybe you liked me….and I liked you back..and I got scared so I didn’t tell you how I felt…. and then you met Rai’uk.”
He felt a familiar tightness in his throat similar to when he gets reprimanded by his father and feels himself wanting to cry. He hated hearing himself say how hurt he was.
“It’s really hard seeing you with him everyday.”
Your don’t even know how to process his words, you find yourself breaking his gaze and looking at the forest floor as if it was suddenly so interesting.
“W-Why are you telling me this now. ”you manage to stutter out not wanting to bare anymore silence. Confusion plastered on your face.
He lets out a deep sigh knowing that his confession was probably soon going to be lead to rejection but he didn’t care. His hand finds a place on your arm gently pushing it back to make you face him.
He scanned your face noticing the sudden change of mood as expected but he was overcome with nervousness.
“Because it’s true.” his hand comes up to the edge of your shoulder.
Your eyes constantly dart all over the ground as your face turns a bit angry and your ears pin back. An evident frown on your face appearing.
You let a few moments of silence pass before he speaks again, “why do you look angry?” His hand leaving your shoulder and going back to wrist.
He frigidly says not aware of the effect of his words on you. You had worked so hard to look past him to forget all about the advances you once had the effort to make.
Why now would he say this? If he would have said this a month prior you would’ve been thrilled that he would have finally noticed you.
But now.
Now that you had taken an interest in someone else for a change and he now says all of this. had you not given him countless chances?
“Because neteyam that- that not fair, I liked you I really liked you I fucking turned myself inside out liking you.” You look everywhere else but at him out of irritation.
“You did like me.” He says softly, eyes widening at confession you made yourself.
You gaze up at him swiftly, “yes of course I did…and now your telling me you felt the same.”
He tripped over his words but managed to find them.
Uh- yea I..was confused.” His heart felt like it was going to break this was worse than what he imagined, in all aspects, he figured you would forget all about Rai’uk and his unimportant advances.
He expected you to fall at his feet like all the other women did in the clan.
But you were very different, very stubborn.
“I made myself get over you neteyam, this would be unfair to Rai’uk.” You shake your head and back up from him.
Neteyam feels utterly crushed that in the time you spend with Rai’uk, you were acting like you’ve known him as long as you did neteyam and it made him jealous beyond belief.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, were you expecting me to forget all about Rai’uk because you finally noticed what’s been obvious for years.”
He doesn’t know how he should answer, he doesn’t have an answer. He just shamefully looks at the ground blinking profusely as to not let the tears fall.
“I should head back” you say wanting to create as much distance as possible. You start to turn around and walk back in the direction you came. His grip on your wrist was still there and lightly tightened keeping you in place.
“Y/N I’m really sorry I made things like this, I just didn’t know how to tell you, and I waited too long.”
You nod your head already wanting to be done with this conversation, “I need to think” was all you managed to quietly say one of your hands coming up to your neck, and rubbing it out of nervousness.
You were conflicted this was the man you wanted all your life, but this was such a inconvenience now another was involved and you had to worry about his feelings as well now.
His grip on you loosened as you walked past him, and into the greenery of the forest. Your mind still freshly thinking of his burden of a confession.
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streaminn · 9 months
Sorry but all the Ortegaverse stuff has me thinking again lol. I’m supposed to be writing btw so this is inconvenient pffft
Anyway, I’m still obsessed with the tension between Wednesday, Enid, and May at the Addams mansion. Alright it is everything to me!!
Cause at the center, it’s three people who could fit together pretty well if the puzzle hadn’t been scrambled and torn apart.
Wednesday’s just trying to prove herself as someone who will not only love Enid with her entire heart, but will not abandon her. She doesn’t know what the werewolf has been through in all those years they were separated, but Wednesday can tell that Enid’s been torn down, over and over again. If there’s one thing that the raven can see in Enid’s heart, it’s the deep desire for consistency. Consistency and stability and reliability. Most of all, she just needs life to slow down. Wednesday knows she can offer that, she wants to be a rock for Enid. She will not abandon Enid, no matter how many times the blonde feels like she needs to run.
There’s only one obstacle in Wednesday’s path. May. Of course, Wednesday doesn’t actually see her as an obstacle, but May sure sees Wednesday that way. She really doesn’t see what the big deal about Wednesday Addams is anyway. May and her mother have gone this long on their own, though there was that one woman. May can’t even stand to say her name. And perhaps that’s why she doesn’t trust Wednesday. There is a disturbing similarity in their physical appearances, though the same could be said for her other mom. Whatever! It doesn’t change the fact that there is something seriously wrong with this new woman and her entire family at that. They’re all sorts of… kooky. And May does NOT appreciate it. Really, May just wants to protect Enid, she always has. So she keeps a close eye on Wednesday and maybe she tries to sabotage the seer every now and then. But it’s all for Enid, so it’s okay! Right?
And as for Enid… Well, she has no idea how she feels. She’s so happy to see Wednesday again and to be able to live in a stable home with a family that actually seems to care for and support her, she is so grateful. But, is she grateful enough? By gods, she feels so guilty for once again taking advantage of the Addams’ kindness. Though it’s far worse this time, as now she also feels the guilt for running away without a word last time. Surely her actions had hurt Wednesday. So why does her family not hate her? She herself would never forgive someone for doing that to May! So why does Gomez look at her so kindly still? Why does Morticia insist on being a mother to her? Why does Pugsley still ask to play with her? None of it makes sense to Enid.
Until, one day…
To be continued?
This is like, a completely whole new spinoff
Because Enid took up the winter mantle like a year after Mabel's death
Enid wants to feel safe in this house. It's a risk to even go out of the neighborhood because God does she know there's people just a second away from running loose the moment she's gone
But she'll try.
The addams family are kooky and they're crazy but they're kind. They're the type of people that seven something May should be around more than the crooks back home.
But... There's an itch under enid's skin whenever the Addams family look at her
Like they're looking at someone else
Their eyes are far too kind and Wednesday seems to look at her direction with this softness that prickles at her skin
Enid should feel flattered
But all she sees is the reason she left in the first place
She sees herself being a burden
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atopearth · 3 months
Amnesia: Later Part 4 - Kent Route
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I'm glad Kent addressed that it feels inappropriate to take the heroine randomly on an overnight drive haha, I would be very worried as her mother! I 100% trust Kent though. I love how well Ikki understands Kent that he can help the heroine decipher him haha. So cute how he told the heroine that Kent was really happy that she chose to sit next to him in the car. I know Kent only left for like 10 minutes but omg if I was left in a forest by myself in the dark, two minutes is already too much lol. I'm glad he understood how worried she was and apologised. They were cute though after he said he won't leave her again haha. Aww Kent was so excited to meet the heroine, he woke up earlier than usual and went to their meeting spot super early because he couldn't wait to see her, that's so adorable hahaha! I was about to say I can't imagine Kent wasting time though so I'm glad to know he was doing something productive like looking through his presentation he's going to be giving soon hahaha. It's always so nice to see the parents so accepting of the heroine. It's kinda funny to think that Kent is incompetent with household chores haha. It was quite endearing to see him work so hard changing a futon cover, he really tries his best in everything and that's nice.
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Honestly it should be expected, but I guess considering how Kent lacks common sense, it was sweet of him to go pick up the heroine and carry the ingredients back with her to learn how to make nikujaga. Their innocent relationship is honestly so adorable but seriously!? Can their second kiss not be interrupted?! I love how because they were both embarrassed so they agreed to both close their eyes at the same time and kiss hahaha. I swear their second kiss better be perfect if it keeps getting interrupted! It's so sweet how Kent told her he asked her to come over because he just wanted to see her and that he didn't have a particular reason haha, him blushing is key, how could you get mad at that even if he's busy?! Anyway, Kent working hard looks hot anyway, I could stare at him all day🤣 Omggg, Kent blushing and smiling at the thought of spending time with the heroine in the house and thinking this is what married life every day would be like is so adorableee! I'm glad Kent knows to apologise when he's too harsh, the fact that he recognises he's been harsh and understands her feelings is great improvement! I forgot that if Kent moves to London, he won't have Ikki around to do his puzzles with, that's so sad, I love watching their silly shenanigans! It was so funny to see Sawa and Mine try their best to hide from Kent so he won't find out about the heroine preparing for his birthday haha. It's so nice that the heroine has such reliable and fun girl friends. Seeing Kent so genuinely happy that the heroine put so much effort into it this whole week was sweet, definitely worth it! It was so him when he nonchalantly remembered that it was actually his birthday haha. Awww it's so sweet how Kent has actually been practising baking this whole time and baked a cake for the heroine! It really is the perfect occasion hahaha. Lmao at the heroine reading out Kent's ideas on how to propose hahaha. It was nice to see how cute they are in London.
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Overall, Kent's route was nice but kinda boring. I guess it's because it's all about them just spending time with each other, which was nice and cute but I wanted something more. It just felt kinda bland that they did everything that is "natural" after dating I guess haha. But considering it's Kent, it's a pretty big deal haha, especially with the learning how to cook, being more considerate of others and just overall trying his best to be romantic, Kent definitely tries the hardest to do the simplest couple things haha but that's cute in its own way. Basically, if you want to see the two of them prepare for living together in London in a shy and innocent way then yeah it's a great continuation of their story, but I honestly wanted moreee, still good though!
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heart-of-the-party · 2 years
Ok I can finally post my Thoughts about everything that happened ;w;
Under the cut cuz these posts are long af:
- The steps of faith made me incredibly emotional for obvious reasons. But the actual trial was kinda hilarious because I was dead for most of it lmao. I think both our healers were actual sprouts so they had a tough time with the heals (I saw a few others go down and stay down for a while lol)
- Anyway back to the end of the steps of faith. Estinien calling me aibou still makes me feel things (even if he’s desperately asking for death). I am started to grow incredibly fond of alphinaud now, something that struck me as we pulled out nidhogg’s eyes together.
- I was happy enough seeing her but then Haurchie appeared too and I was so close to crying again. I miss them so much., I wish there was a spot for ysayle too where I could visit and tell her what’s going on.
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I love you two so much, you don’t eve know ueueueue. Haurchie’s face always makes me feel so incredibly bittersweet, I love him so so so much.
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This was pretty cool. I hope nidhogg finds peace.
- Also hey your idea of “destroying” the eyes is to chuck them into the abyss??? WHAT?? Isn’t there a more reliable way??
- Aymeric and Estinien are pretty gay. Understandable. They’re both very hot.
- ngl when that cutscene started and alphinaud was crying I honestly though estinien was dead. I was ready to angrily type to my friend for not telling me HE also will die on me. But then he spoke...
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SIR WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE???? I love his slightly upward pointing ears...
- At this point I have to say that while I was already thirsty for him, seeing his pretty face has made me many times thirstier. I think it’s the contrast between his grumpy personality and his handsome face with the luscious locks (it looks so impractical but thank you for growing out your hair estinien. Though imo he’d still look hot even his hair was short)
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- wowowowow dinner date with aymeric???? GASP
- he looks so cute in his casual outfit (easier to draw too)
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- ofc it has to be interrupted.
- ALISAIE!!!!!
-SHE!!! IS SO CUTE!!!! thankfully not a tsundere  (i was very worried about this)
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- I was about to make the “i’ve known gu bu only for a day...” meme WHEN SOMETHING REALLY DID HAPPEN TO HIM!!!! I AM SO MAD AAAAAAAAAAAAA
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-This scene made me emotional (do not look at me hanging out alone in vc, I forgot to leave when the others left)
- URIANGER LOOKING UP AT THE STARS AS HE TALKS ABOUT MOENBRYDA ;;A;; her name means the moon’s bride, right? urianger..... i feel you ;;A;;
- The warriors of darkness feel so found family, I don’t really wanna fight them u_u
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he’s so dramatic lmao, also wtf when he smiled i started to feel things again. these elezen will be the death of me i swear
- Okay look I was not the biggest fan of minfilia, I thought she was kinda just there.. but this scene really made me emotional ;;;A;;;;
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I will miss her :< And that scene with F’lhaminn made me gasp out loud. ;;;A;;;;
Gonna continue in another post cuz this feels pretty long already xD
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gentil-minou · 3 years
Ephemeral AU: what if Adrien had thought Ladybug was acting out of character by asking for a reveal, and came to the conclusion that she was a sentimonster sent by Hawkmoth (like in Ladybug) to trick him into revealing his identity?
Lol so I thought this was great and was like omg I am gonna write a short fun drabble this is such a great idea.
Anyways 3.6K later here you go anon, I thank you <3
Oneshot, complete. 3.6K
Adrien was sure he knew his lady, through and through.
He knew the way she sometimes scrunched her nose when solving a confusing lucky charm.
He knew what it meant when she released an exasperated sigh at another repeat akuma.
He even knew now(or at least he was trying to convince himself based on her own words) that she loved his puns and silly nature, that they were one of her favorite qualities of his.
He was sure he'd know her anywhere, that no one knew his lady better than he did
And he was sure no one ever would.
So when she stood with her back turned, ladybug spots reflecting starlight under a bright night sky, and said, “I’ve come to realize that you were right, after all…”
Well, that wasn’t what he had come to know, at all. And, not at all what he had expected she would say.
He fully expected she would be upset with him, worried and fretted over the idea that this might have been the final straw. That she would demand he return his miraculous to give to someone more reliable.
She thought he was right? About what?
But when she turned around to face him, filled with determination and resolve, before continuing, “We should know our secret identities,” Chat wondered if he really knew her.
Because then, for that moment, the only thing he could remember was a time where a sentimonster in the shape of Ladybug made his heart leap in a similar way, its tendency to jump for joy at the thought of all his dreams and wishes coming true.
He knew that now, just like then, something had to be wrong.
His lady had always been clear, they could never reveal their identities, not yet at least. She had stressed it over and over, just how dangerous it could be.
That left only one explanation.
Oh, not this shit again.
And all he could do was narrow his eyes, quickly catching on to this absolutely foul plot, and say in as low of a voice his pubescent self could manage, “Nice try, Shadowmoth.”
Read more on AO3
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erosofthepen · 3 years
Letters From Amad pt.2
After about five months of not knowing how to continue it, i have finished part 2!! There will be a third part, not nearly as long, and i already have most of it written, so it should be out a lot sooner lol. BUT, i hope you enjoy it, and thanks for putting up with me lol.
-Part 1
-Words: 4,898
-Warnings: blizzard/storm, injury, hypothermia, some swearing
-Tags: @grunid, @elvish-sky, @sassyscribbler, @whore4fictionalhoes11, @smaugs-guardian, @bitter-sweet-farmgirl, @jotink78, @marvel-ous-hobbit, @anjhope1, (if i forgot you, im sorry, i have trouble keeping track sometimes)
It was moments like this that reflected Thorin’s terrible decision making. In actuality, his decision to not put anymore lives at risk was very wise. But still, it was Fili who was out there. And Kili. And since Thorin would not send a search party out, it was time to take matters into your own hands.
First things first, you went back to your chambers and put on your warmest, fluffiest, most wind-resistant coat. Rabbit fur covered the insides (the hides were hunted and tanned by Fili, a courting gift to you), and thick leather made up the outside, keeping the cold out and the warmth in. Next, you pulled on your winter boots (you had actually just had them made last week, and there were three little pockets perfect for concealing knives in), as well as a hat, gloves, and a scarf, all knitted by Ori, his way to show gratitude after your help in the libraries. You then proceeded to gather up some salted meat and cram, walk down to the entrance of the mountain, and enter the stables.
You choose a faithful companion to keep you company, namely, Daisy. The Mare had a thick wooly mane, and an extreme proclivity towards sweets. This was not to be your first venture with the pony, and now you knew better to bring him anywhere within five leagues of a bakery. You had not been amused when he had eaten an entire box of pastries meant for you and the scholars, though Kili and Fili had thought it to be the most hilarious of stories. However, despite his tendency to devour pastries, Daisy was reliable and resilient, and you hardly rode any other steed.
Several stableboys tried to dissuade you from leaving in the storm, but you brushed off their remarks as you tacked up Daisy. Thankfully, they didn’t try to block your path as you left, though they did warn you to be careful. You weren’t too concerned, for the storm had grown tamer in the day, and the frost was not biting your face. Yet, that is.
You reached Dale in about an hour. It took much longer than expected, with Daisy being nearly up to his belly in the fallen snow. Dale was practically devoid of men and women, most of them having the brains to stay inside during the storm. The only exceptions were some watchmen and one or two passersby.
“Oi, it’s a bit too cold for a morning ride lady, have you lost all sense?” A guard asked as you were leaving the gate on the other side of town.
“No my good fellow, I'm just looking for my friends. Have you seen two dwarrow come this way?”
“Can’t say that I have, but Maurice said he saw a pair last night, a few hours before the snow started.”
“Did Maurice mention where they were headed?”
“To the caravan, where else? It’s about fifteen miles from here, I would guess. You’re not considering going out there, are you?”
“I’m afraid that I must. Good day to you sir,”
“And a very cold day to you, lassie. Best of travels.”
“And to you as well.”
You quickly left and mentally cursed yourself for wishing him best of travels in return. He wasn’t traveling, you idiot!
The embarrassment faded as the wind began to pick up. The blizzard was steadily getting thicker, the puffy snowflakes turning more compact and icy. The city of Dale had long disappeared behind you in the snow, and you could only hope you were headed in the right direction.
However adventurous and bold it sounds, riding bare-back on a pony in the middle of a freezing cold snow storm was not at all an easy task. Your scarf had been moved to cover most of your face, and your hood was tied tightly ‘round your head, yet the flakes still stung your flesh. You were definitely starting to rethink your whole “making sure the brothers were alright in a storm idea.” Especially since it was pointless to look for them in between the caravan and Dale, as you couldn’t even see ten feet in front of you. Your goal now was to simply make it to the caravan without frostbite.
Around noon, you tried eating a bit of the bread you had packed, only to find it frozen. As well as the cheese. And the dried meat. It wouldn’t do good to gnaw on it either, as that would just make your innards cold as well, so you just went with your stomach protesting.
It was starting to get quite dark when you finally saw what seemed to be a glow in the distance. As you drew closer, it grew apparent that it was the caravan, and you sighed in great relief.
The dwarrow on watch were very suspicious. Of course, once you explained your purpose, they grew less so.
“I come from Erebor, in search of the Princes. Prince Fili and Kili left last night with the intention to travel here, have they arrived?”
The guards started to look a bit nervous.
“No my lady, no one’s seen anything of them.”
Your heart dropped to your feet.
“Are you sure?”
“Aye, the whole group would have known.”
You might’ve cried, but your eyes felt nearly frozen. You turned your pony, with full intent to head back out into the blizzard and look for your love, when one of the watchdwarrow stopped you.
“You’ll freeze out there my lady, as will your pony. Stay and get warm.”
“Aye lass” another said, “Besides, if the Prince’s are out there, her Lady Dís should be informed.”
Ah, that’s right. Dís.
One of the guards led Daisy off to get warm with other animals, while the other led you to Her Ladyship’s tent. He announced your presence, awaited approval, and then lifted the flap of the tent, beckoning you inside before letting it fall behind you.
Dís was a truly stunning Dwarrow, even for her age, with long black raven hair and a beard to match. Some strands were turning silver, much like Thorin’s, and her blue eyes were more piercing than an orc’s. She looked incredibly confused when you walked into her tent.
“Good Mahal lass, what the hell were you doing out in that storm? You must be senseless.” She said, looking up from a book she had been reading and furrowing her brows.
“I was looking for the Prince’s. I should introduce myself, my name is (Y/N).”
Dís’s eyes widened and she stood, showing off quite an impressive height.
“Why would you be looking for my sons out in this storm, (Y/N)?”
“They… Fili left a note this morning, he and Kili were coming to the caravan to see you. The watchdwarrow said they hadn’t arrived.”
The Dwarrowdams jaw went slack for a moment, and then she cursed, banging her hand on a small table that held a bottle of whiskey.
“Foolish boys! Have they no sense? I was to be seeing them in only a few more days, but they could not wait, could they? Och, the beasts!” Dís continued her rant for a while longer, before she turned her gaze back on you.
“And you journeyed out here in the storm?”
“Aye. I could not rest well knowing that they were out in this foul weather. I will be going to head back out to look for them as soon as I’ve warmed up a bit,” you replied, very conscious of the Mother’s piercing stare. She was quiet, until she breathed a worried sigh.
“It’s no use to search out in this weather, lass. Especially at night. Rest here with me, we’ll go searching first thing on the morrow. I must talk with the guards for now, make yourself comfortable, I will return soon.”
And, just like that, Dís left the tent. Her talk was brief, and left you standing dumb in the center of the tent. For some time, you debated on whether or not to go out searching anyways, but the fire was surely inviting, and something in you knew Dís wouldn’t take kindly to you leaving against her wishes.
Your travel bag, heavy and frozen from being exposed to the elements for so long, left your shoulders as you set it down by the entrance. Next came your gloves, and then the outer coat, snow and ice caked on it making your fingers fumble whilst trying to unbutton it. Eventually, it joined your bag, as well as your boots (if you had thought the coat was difficult to get off, the frozen buckles on your boots were torture). After you had stripped the burdensome clothing off, you simply stood in the center of the room, close to the fire. There were blankets nearby, piled near a bedroll, but you dared not touch them, seeing as they belonged to Dís. It was rather awkward, simply sitting in a stranger's (of sorts) quarters, and weren’t sure what to do.
Your eyes did some exploring for you, falling first on the book that Dís had been reading. ‘The Heart of Hrund’. Huh. You recognized the title, from the Great Library, but you knew very little about it. You’d have to read it now. Your eyes then fell to the whiskey bottle. ‘Breaker’s’. Ah. Memories you shared with Kili at the beginning of the journey returned, however hazed they were due to your drunken state. Strong stuff, Breaker’s was. Bofur managed to get his hands on a few bottles from a merchant, and you and Kili had stolen one from him, much to Thorin’s disappointment and Fili’s annoyance (he was upset to be left out of the fun). Your eyes then drifted to a leather-fitted box, beautiful khuzdul runes and designs etched into it, however, before you could get a closer look, footsteps crunched through the snow outside the tent.
Dís and a young dwarrow entered, carrying stew, bread, and a plethora of blankets and pillows.
“Mahal,” Dís started, placing the tray of food down on the little table and grabbing a quilt from the other dwarrow, “Have you just been sitting here freezing? You could have taken a blanket, you know.” She said, wrapping the quilt around your shoulders and moving you to sit down.
“I, er, I didn't want to be rude.” You replied, now sitting cross-legged on the floor. Dís screwed her face at you.
“Lass, it is never considered rude to take a blanket in the cold. Only exception is if someone is already using it.”
You didn’t reply, feeling very uncomfortable social-wise, despite finally starting to warm up physically. Dís grabbed the rest of the supplies from the other dwarrow and nodded at him to leave. As he left the tent, Dís set the other blankets down and started making a bedspace for you near the fire.
“I can help with that,” you said, starting to get up to help.
“Nonsense lass, you get yourself warm.” Dis stood and grabbed the food tray once more. “However, I do request that you eat.” she set the tray down in front of you, and you thanked her, feeling a bit guilty as you started on the stew.
“Uh, have you eaten yet, My Lady?”
Dís scoffed, resuming her work on your bed roll. “Don’t call me that child, call me Amad. I can hardly stand to be addressed in that way by servants, let alone my sons One. But yes, I’ve had my fill.”
Her words shocked you, having only ever heard Fili refer to you as his One. You hardly expected Dís to accept you as Fili’s lover, let alone his One.
“Alright.” You replied, once more feeling dumb and without anything to contribute. So you sat in silence, trying hard not to slurp and watching Dís make up your bed. Eventually, She moved up and away, surveying her work.
“Thank you, that was very kind.” you said. Dís sighed and nodded, sitting down on the other side of the fire. You were quiet once more, and were now re-considering going out to search for Fili and Kili, if only to avoid the discomfort of the situation.
“I hope you are only not talking because of the storm. I expected a much more chatty lass, if i’m being honest.” Dís remarked, eyeing you carefully.
Panic flashed through your eyes as you tried to think of something to say, but Dís let out a soft chuckle before you could make a fool of yourself.
“I’m only joking, child. You needn't be nervous here. Tell me, how was your journey from the mountain to here?”
“Cold,” You blurted out, shuddering as you imagined the wind biting your face. Dís smiled at your bluntness.
“Indeed, I imagine it would be, especially if you’ve been out all day. Tell me, was there any sign of them as you came over?”
You shook your head. “Unfortunately no, I could hardly see past my nose once the snow grew thicker.”
“I swear, those boys will be the death of me,” she muttered.
“Just be glad you weren’t Thorin trying to deal with all three of us,” you said without thinking. Dís locked eyes with you, and then started chuckling.
“I do not envy him, based on what I've read of you three. It seems that you made it your entire purpose to create trouble for my brother dear.”
“Well, we tried to. For the first half of the journey, at least. He was much more willing to withstand our meddling before we crossed the Misty Mountains. Then came the orcs, and goblins, and Mirkwood, Laketown, the dragon… and the battle too.” Your face had fallen whilst you spoke, and Dis reached out her hand to comfort you.
“You mustn't dwell on the hardships of the past, child. It does nothing but cause trouble for the mind. Believe me, I know.”
At that moment, Dís seemed to age very quickly, and the wisdom and experience that this dwarrowdam had became clearer. You knew her story well-enough, from nights Fili had needed to find comfort in you, telling you about his childhood and family. Dís had wed Víli Heptifilissøn, and twelve years after Kili had been born, he had fallen ill from the Black Lung*, and had spent months growing weaker and weaker until he perished. Fili was able to remember the wretched coughing, and his Adad’s ragged breaths, as clearly as the day it happened. It was the reason he refused to go deep into coal mines, or else made up excuses. If those memories still hung onto Fili, you could only imagine how horrible it must have been for Dís, who had to watch her husband suffer such a death. Looking at her now, you never felt more in awe of a single person.
“You speak truly, my Lady-”
She looked at you sharply, but with a twinkle in her eyes.
“-I mean, Amad.”
That satisfied her, and she relaxed her hand away. “I do indeed, child. Never has a lie crossed my lips. Except when I told Thorin that he had a mighty spider in his beard.” You chuckled at that, but it quickly turned to a yawn. Dís raised a brow.
“It’s time for sleep then,” she commented, “I’ll leave you in peace to finish eating, and then it’s straight to bed.” Dís stood and went back to her chair, and resumed her book, leaving you to scoop that last of the stew in your mouth. It was not long before you were warm and cozy in your makeshift bed, and Dís bid you goodnight before blowing out the lanterns.
You woke to shouting. In your groggy state, you couldn’t make out the words, and you blinked in the dim light of the fire.
“What new madness arises?” You heard Dís murmur, followed by the sounds of her fumbling about. The shouting grew nearer. “Are you awake, (Y/N)?”
“Only partly,” you replied, trying to untangle the covers from your legs. You shuddered as the extra warmth left, but hurried to your feet, only stumbling slightly. The noise was becoming considerably louder, and your ears could start to make out the words being yelled.
“Get a healer, lads!”
“He looks frozen stiff!”
“SHOVE OFF! WHERE IS AMAD?” Kili’s furious shout snapped you into alertness. At that moment, Dís was able to find a lantern, and finally the tent’s interior was more visible. The flap in front of the tent lifted, and Kili stumbled in, hair frozen with bits of ice and face bright red. With horror, you realized he was supporting another dwarf who was barely conscious. Fili.
You jumped to your feet and rushed towards your betrothed, supporting his other side and lifting his head. Fili’s lips were tinged blue, and his teeth were chattering bitterly, clacking together in a terrible rhythm. Dís was there not a second after you, and she helped guide you all to lay Fili down in the space you had slept just moments before.
“Strip him down,” Dís commanded, starting to work on his boots. You followed her orders without hesitation, helping Kili with Fee’s coat. It didn’t take too long for the three of you to undress him to his underclothes, and you winced when you saw his shoulder looked… definitely not normal. Dís pressed on it gently, and Fili made a weak groan that twisted at your heart.
“He fell off his pony,” Kili said.
“Of course he did. Kili, fetch a healer.” The younger prince sprang up, filled with energy even after being out in a blizzard for nearly an entire day. But he was hardly at the entrance when a grizzled old dwarrow entered, a satchel in hand and a hard look set in his features.
‘‘Hanarr,” Dís welcomed, nodding her head. The old dwarf grunted in acknowledgement before kneeling down by Fili’s shoulder, feeling along the bone. He grunted once more, before looking up at Kili.
“Hold down right here lad,” Hanarr instructed, moving Kili’s hands to rest on Fili’s other shoulder and chest. “Right, hold it firm.”
Hanarr outstretched Fili’s other arm, and began to move it towards his head. A click sounded, and Fili called out, however weakly. His shoulder looked back to normal again, and Hanarr quickly folded his arm against his chest, before searching through his medical pack and pulling out a sling.
“Sit him up, lad.” the healer instructed Kili. He propped Fili up against his side, and this time, Fili held his own head up, his gaze landing on you. Confusion flitted across his nearly-frostbitten features, and he mumbled your name despite of his state.
But Hanarr was upon him again, and soon the sling was fastened to his arm, and the Healer was moving his legs so that they were tucked against his chest. He addressed Kili once more, “Get rid of yer tunic, and stay close to yer brother” and then turned towards you, “do the same, but mind his shoulder lassie.” Without hesitation, you followed his command and soon Fili was sandwiched between yourself and Kili. Dís (with the permission of Hanarr), wrapped several blankets around the three of you, and soon set to work on making some tea. Hanarr presented her with a root of ginger, and, after seeing that all that could be done was done, decided to take his leave.
“He should be fine in a few hours, I'll come back to check on him soon. Keep him awake.” were his final words before departing.
The silence that followed his departure was intense, interrupted only by the sound of the fire, the kettle, and a knife. Dís was the first to speak.
“I would have your hides, if I was not so glad to see you again.” She said in a low voice as she shredded the ginger.
“I’m sorry Amad,” Kili said, eyeing the movement of his Amad’s knife, “Patience has never been my strong suit.”  Beside you, Fili shifted and rested his forehead against your temple.
“Indeed not,” Dís replied, her voice heating like the water she was boiling, “How did you convince your brother to join you in this endeavor?” Fili moved again, this time nuzzling his face into your neck and hair, his nose startlingly cold.
“Who said it was my idea?” Kili argued. However, Dís turned her glare on him, and He flushed and murmured, “he wanted to see you too, it didn’t take much to convince him.”
“(Y/N)” Fili said, drawing the attention away from arguing. “ ‘m tired.” He let his head rest heavy against your shoulder, and you (reluctantly) moved him away.
“You must wait to sleep, Kidhuzel,” You said, bringing your hand up to brush his hair away from his face. He opened his eyes wider, in sheer betrayal. You could have smiled, knowing Fili’s tendency to become unreasonably cross when denied sleep, but instead you kissed his cheek.
“Your Amad is making tea for you, and when you drink it, you’ll warm right up.” The blond prince’s eyes dropped once more and he tried moving back to the crook of your neck, only to be refused a second time.
“ I’d prefer Ale,” He muttered bitterly. At this, you did allow yourself to smile.
“Not a chance. Your heart might stop.” He grumbled and detached his uninjured arm from Kili, taking your hand and squeezing it with what feeble strength that had returned to his veins.
“It won’ stop as long as you’re ‘ere.”
Kili snorted, but was silenced as Dís sent him another glare, and you laughed softly, shaking your head and squeezing his hand back.
“If it worked that way, then I would gladly give you the finest Ale, however, I do believe tea would be a better option.”
When the tea was ready, you helped Fili to drink it. At first, the prince had winced at the heat, but soon he drank it gladly, becoming more alive with each sip. You sensed Dís watching you and Fili carefully, but brushed it off, telling yourself she was only concerned for Fili, not observing how you interacted. A small part of you that wouldn’t be silenced said it was both. Soon the mug was empty, and it had apparently helped Fili along much more than you anticipated, and soon he had detached himself completely from his brother and was pulling you closer.
“Careful of your shoulder,” you reminded him.
“ ‘s fine.” He replied, pressing flush against you. His skin had already warmed, thus proving the hardiness and hot blood of dwarrow. Kili scooted away, seeing that he was no longer needed, readjusted the furs covering yourself and his brother, and pulled his tunic back on. Dís immediately walked over and threw another fur across his shoulders, and pulled him into a tight hug, which he returned just as tightly. You averted your eyes when Kili started to sniff and tremble.
“I missed you,” he said.
“And I as well, inùdoy” Mother and son stayed in once another’s embrace, until she drew away and made him drink his fill of ginger tea as well.
A half hour later, you were struggling to keep Fili’s eyes open, and Kili had already crashed on Dís’s bedroll. The dwarrowdam herself grew impatient for Hanarr’s return, and had gone out searching for him. She reentered the tent with him not ten minutes later, and Hanarr (as grumpy and irritable as he was, he was an excellent healer), inspected Fili. Truly, your prince was proof that dwarves were nothing more than portable furnaces, and his temperature was more or less back to normal. He still was a bit out of it, but it was nothing a good night’s sleep wouldn’t fix. Soon Hanarr declared that it was safe for Fili to sleep, and almost immediately, the blond sank into your bedroll and began to snore.
Diís left after Hanarr, telling you to rest and call her if need be. You didn’t question where she was going, and she did not share it with you.
However tired and exhausted you were, sleep would not come. You sat in front of the fire for hours, feeding it and stoking it, keeping your mind entertained with the images dancing in the flames.
You had just finished adding another log to the fire, when a hand lightly gripped your wrist.
“Ghivashel” Fili said faintly. Your head turned towards him, and you smiled despite all things; for while Fili’s face was still red, his hair undone, and his eyes bleary, he was alive and conscious.
“Khuzd allakhul” you scolded, bending down to lean your forehead against his, “What sort of prince are you, to go out in the snow and frighten your lover?” You kissed his lips softly before drawing away just enough to wait for his answer.
“A very foolish prince indeed,” He murmured, his hand on your wrist pulling you back towards him. “But what sort of lover are you, to worry so greatly and come after me in the snow?”
“A very devoted lover, who has half a mind to leave now that you’ve insulted my care of you.” Fili’s eyes widened and he summoned his strength to pull you down, nestled in his side.
“Forgive me, I was not thinking of insulting you, amrâlimê. I just don’t want to see you suffer for my sake. Menu Tessu.” He said, turning his head to press a kiss to your temple. The beads on his mustache braids still felt frozen, but his lips were warm. You smiled and took his hand, entwining your fingers together.
“All is forgiven. So long as you won’t do anything as stupid as that ever again.” you replied. Fili sighed and kissed the side of your mouth.
“I shall try my very hardest not to.”
“That isn’t very reassuring.”
“Then you must forgive me once more, for I cannot make such bold promises whilst Kili remains my brother.”
You both chuckled at this, before settling into comfortable silence. Slowly, your eyes began to drop, the crackling of the fire and the steady rhythm of Fili’s breath making it harder and harder to evade sleep. The fact that the lion prince had begun to rub circles into your shoulder with his thumb wasn’t helping. After the third time you startled yourself awake, Fili’s voice was near your ear.
“You can sleep now, Amralime. I won’t be going anywhere.”
His words were nothing short of a spell, and in less than a minute, your eyes closed and sleep overtook you, a comforting, dreamless sleep, the best kind.
When next you woke, indeed, Fili was still right next to you, awake, but only just. He was blinking the sleep away, and you suspected that his movements had been what had woken yourself. Cold winter light was shining through the tent flaps, cutting like a blade through the warm glow that filled the inside, and a conversation was taking place.
“We left in the wee hours, m’lady, just before dawn. You can imagine the state Thorin was in when he heard that the entire future of Erebor was out in the snow.” The voice of Dwalin more than successfully brought you to awakeness, and you sat up, looking around for the source of his voice.
“Indeed, I imagine he would be weathering the floors with pacing. I expect we’ll be leaving soon, no?” Now Dís spoke, and by this point, you and Fili had turned behind you to see the pair talking over mugs of mulled wine. Kili was also there, however, he was still dreaming on Dís’s previous sleeping roll, limbs sprawled out wide and mouth hung open almost comically.
“Aye, as soon as these three are dressed and ready.” Dwalin said, turning his gaze onto you and Fili, brow raised and the slightest of smiles on his warrior face. “What a lot of worry you and your brother had us in,” he continued, addressing Fili specifically, “I swear to Mahal, you’ve no idea what sort of panic you caused. Course, when yeh come back with your shoulder like that, everyone’ll be doting on yeh. ‘The poor heir who got caught in a blizzard trying to see his Amad’, not ‘the fucking idiot who didn’t have any patience and went out in the night despite knowing there was a storm brewin’.” But all while saying this, there was humor and relief in the warrior's voice, betraying how glad he felt that the boys were not frozen under three feet of ice and snow.
“Both versions are correct,” Fili pointed out, his voice still croaky from sleep.
“Aye, but only the first version will get told.” Dwalin replied, to which you laughed. He turned his focus to you now. “Don’t think you’re innocent lass, Thorin nearly had a heart-attack when we couldn’t find you. Both the heirs missin’ was bad enough, but the lady who’ll be adding to the heirs disappearing made it all worse.”
“Och, Dwalin, she had a noble cause to come out in the snow, you needn’t blame her for anything.” Dís said, coming to your aid.
“Was our cause not noble and justified?” Kili’s voice piped up. The Prince's eyes were hardly opened, but he was more than ready to defend himself from accusations.
“Not when you were to be seeing me in less than a week. If I was able to refrain myself from going out into a blizzard in the late hours, you should have been able to as well.” Dís retorted. A sour expression crossed Kili’s face, but he dared not argue with his Amad.
“Right then,” Dwalin said, “Get yourselves up an’ ready, we’ve not much daylight left to get back to Erebor.”
*Black Lung: Coal miner’s pneumonia. 
Kidhuzel: Gold of Gold
Inùdoy: Son
Ghivashel: Treasure of Treasures
Khuzd allakhul: Stupid Dwarf
Menu Tessu: You mean everything to me
(part three will be out soon)
182 notes · View notes
KNY Pillars and Their Love Languages
Just thought this would be a cute thing to write so here you go! Hope you enjoy :)
My requests are open at the moment so go ahead and read my rules and request some stuff! ♡
Spoiler Free!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Giyuu: words of affirmation, gift giving, acts of service
He’d be very shy at first but I feel like the longer he spends time with you, the more comfortable he gets and starts showering you with lots of lovely words. He’d struggle saying “I love you” I think, but I feel with time, he’d being able to tell you how beautiful you are everyday. He’d also say you’re very important to him and how he never wants to lose you or leave your side. And that’s his way of saying “I love you” instead.
He’d definitely start out with lots of gifts and acts of service since they didn’t involve words and touch. Give him some time, he’ll open up and you won’t regret it :)
He’d definitely buy you things he sees on his missions that remind him of you and buy you a lot of pretty things as well. I can see him getting you quiet a bit of clothing and jewelry/accessories and stuff because he’d just imagine you in them and blush so much that he’d just have to get them to see you in it
Shinobu: acts of service, words of affirmation
She’d definitely act very caring and motherly so she’d do lots of acts of service for you. She’d make you food, tidy up a lot, do chores when you’re feeling a bit lazy that day, and she’d probably open up more and start showing lots of physical touch
I feel her words of affirmation would be a lot of encouragement. She’d always remind you how amazing you are, how great you did that day and how proud she is of you. She’d also probably tease you a lot but in a very endearing way lolol
Mitsuri: physical touch, words of affirmation, gift giving
My lady, the LOVE pillar!! She’d drown you in so much love! She’d hug you, kiss you, touch you and hold you in anyway she can whenever and wherever! You will not be able to escape her grasp. She’d definitely hype you up a lot and give you so many loving nicknames. She’d cook for you a lot and buy you so many things
“I saw this when I was on a mission and it reminded me so much of you I just had to get it!! I love you!!!”
“Look at this really cute kimono I found!! You’d lot so cute in it, my love! Get in it now! I have to seeeee!!!”
You will definitely feel very loved in a relationship with Mitsuri
Obanai: gift giving, words of affirmation
He’d be very shy and start off with buying you a lot of things lol. He’d be like Mitsuri and buy you things when he’s out and about and something catches his eye that reminds him of you. He’d also get you stuff he thinks you’d look nice in. Most of the gifts he gets you he probably went out seeking, already having something in mind of what it is. Once you guys get more comfortable around each other, he’d definitely start showering you more in words of affirmation. He’d probably never call you by your name and only by endearing nicknames once you reach that point with him
“Here... take this...” as he looks away blushing. “Oh, Obanai! It’s beautiful... thank you so much~!” You’d take his gift and give him a peck on the cheek. His face would be so red and he’d be so flustered he’d have to walk away to cool down lolol
Kyojuro: acts of service, words of affirmation
I feel that Kyo would definitely do lots of acts of service to show you that he’s very reliable and that you can always depend on him. He wants to make sure that you know that he will always be there for you. He’d most definitely have so many nicknames for you and constantly tell you that he loves you. He’d always comment on how stunning you look everyday and brag so much about how proud and in love he is with you. He’d also be pretty touchy but I feel that he likes giving out acts of service and words of affirmation better. He’d definitely be touchy if you tell him to and would love receiving it from you as well.
“Haha! My beautiful Y/N! They looked absolutely stunning today!! Absolutely ravenous! Spectacular!! HAHA!!”
You’d blush and hide your face from embarrassment in his chest as he continues to boast and beam about you to the other pillars. The others have heard enough of his constant bragging. They get it. He loves you!!
Sanemi: acts of service, gift giving
This man is going to be so shy and tsundere omg. He’d get you gifts that he thinks would make you look pretty like hair pins/ties, cute kimonos, nice shoes, jewelry, you name it. He’d also most definitely do so much acts of service.
“Hmm... I meant to do the dishes today but I’m too lazy to get up right now...”
“Stay there, I’ll do it.”
“Nemi! You don’t have to-“
“I’m doing the dishes!!”
Man would be blushing so much around you aaaahhhh! If you’re patient with him, he’ll definitely open up a lot more and start being real touchy and probably not let you go at one point
If he’s every away for a long time, hooooo boyy he’s gonna come back and lock onto you like a koala and not let go for a long time. He might fuck around and get a lil sappy and tell you he loves you so much and that he never wants to lose you and would do anything to keep you his forever and ever
Muichiro: gift giving, physical touch
Feel like little Mui would look really spaced out when he’s out on mission and stuff then a random item he sees that reminds him of you will snap him back to reality so fast and he’d buy it and be really excited to give it you when he’s finally back home. I can also see him being really happy holding your hand or any other kind of subtle holding/touch to remind him that your his special person.
He’d be so happy holding your hand around the other pillars and just think to himself “hell yeah, I’m holding Y/N’s hand! They’re mine and only mine”
He believes he was born to be happy and strives to find and keep this happiness. You are definitely his happiness and will hold on to you so damn much
Himejima: physical touch, words of affirmation
I can imagine him hugging the heck out of you. He’s a giant teddy bear! You’d be smothered by hugs, cuddles and kisses. I feel like because he’s blind, holding you makes me feel so much more calm and happy. Because then he knows that you’re right there and not leaving his side. He’d also definitely tell you he loves you everyday. There won’t be a day where he doesn’t get you all sappy and spill his heart out to you
He’d probably wanna be the small spoon sometimes and it’d probably be a bit awkard if you’re smaller than him but you’d both just melt into it and fall alseep like that.
Being with Himejima is a guarantee of endless hugs, cuddles, kisses, hand holding, koala hugs, etc etc
Also, I feel like if you wiped away his tears after he got emotional over something, it’d melt him into a puddle and he’d be absolute putty in your hands akfozkaokcie hold the maaannnn
Uzui: words of affirmation, physical touch
Uzui would definitely tell you how special you are to him and how much he loves you. He’d always call you and his other wives his top priorities and that nothing will come in the way of you five. He’d also hold, hug and kiss you a lot. He has a lot of partners so I feel like he’d have a lot of love to give out. I also can see him feeling guilty for not seeing you and his wives a lot since he’s away on mission and will definitely come back home with lots of gifts for the four of you. And he’d probably go all out and get all the flamboyant, expensive and shiny stuff too.
“I’m so sorry I’ve been away for so long my lovelies. As an apology I have flamboyantly bought you these extravagant gifts!”
After all the gift exchanges and sappiness he’s definitely gonna spend a lot of quality time with each of you and make sure you’ve gotten your love and affection meter filled to the max
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
The Viper (AU: Ethan x f!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Words: 1.5 K Warning: Cursing. Mentions of s e x Summary: Detective Ramsey is a step closer to capturing a notorious criminal. If only Miss Allende, a key witness, would cooperate.
Author’s Note: I am an idiot because the beautiful @beastlyinstrument sent me this AU prompt and I didn't know I was to write a fic. Anyway, once I caught on, I got right to work on this lol. Thank you so much for the prompt! Thank you immensely to @aestheticartsx for pre-reading!
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When Ethan awoke that morning, he couldn't possibly predict he'd be punching Declan Nash square in the jaw. It was a long standing fantasy of his and finally, in the crowded, smoke-filled bar, Ethan had found a good enough excuse to do it. One minute, the lecherous pig was forcing his company on the visibly distressed blonde, the next Ethan was shoving him away and punching him with such spectacular force that Nash flew back into a storm of glasses, bottles, and furniture.
Ethan also never imagined his hand, red and swollen from the satisfying impact against Nash's leering face, would be tended to in a desolate dressing room by the loveliest woman he had ever set eyes on. Then again, his mind would require an exceptional measure of talent to invent the perfect arch of her brows, the graceful slope of her nose, the lush swell of her lips. And those eyes— almond-shaped, bright, and the most captivating shade of green imaginable.
Alluring green eyes that were currently meeting his, sending his pulse into an elated flutter.
“All better,” she informed him in that caress of a voice.
Something about the spark in her eyes as she watched him put in a comfortable and flirtatious lull, so much unlike his usual self. The same warm ease had blossomed in his chest when his eyes met hers from across the bar only minutes ago.
“Are you certain you're not a doctor, Miss…”
“Allende,” she supplied, red lips curling into a coy smile. “And no doctors here, just years of experience cleaning up messes. Though if they all looked as handsome as you, I wouldn't mind patching them up.”
She punctuated the heady little pronouncement with a wink that almost made his breath hitch. Ethan's good hand twitched at his side just as she moved away to a vanity. All he could do was watch as she placed herself in front of the lighted mirror, reapplying her lipstick with skilled precision.
“So what brings you here, Detective Ramsey? Don't tell me you just stopped by to defend my honor from the likes of Declan Nash.”
“Though an honorable pursuit, that's not the reason for my visit,” he said, their eyes meeting through the mirror. “I'm here to investigate the Kenmore bank robbery from two nights ago.”
Miss Allende hummed in acknowledgement but added nothing more.
“A reliable source claimed I could come here to find all the information I needed about the Viper.”
She raised her perfectly shaped brows at him.
“You think the Viper is a regular here?”
“It's what I'm here to find out.”
There was a pause in which she realized his intent. To his surprise, she laughed.
“And you think I'm the one who's going to rat the Viper out?”
When Ethan said nothing, only held her gaze steadily, she laughed even more still. This time, Ethan could hear an edge to the sound, something akin to fear.
“I'm not that keen on making enemies, Detective.”
In the silence that followed, she carefully brushed the platinum blonde curls that cascaded down to her shoulders. Those green eyes remained fixed on her reflection, and something told him she was studiously avoiding his eye. His instinct told him she was afraid, despite how masterfully she tried to hide it under the flirtatious veil. To his astonishment, his stomach clenched unpleasantly, the urge to protect her tightening his jaw.
Before he could think of a tactful way to continue his questioning, she rose to her feet, smoothing the front of the black dress clinging to her skin. “Now, if that was everything, Detective Ramsey, I really must be getting back to the bar. I'm due on stage in less than ten minutes.”
Ethan intercepted her before he could stop himself as she moved to the door.
“Please, Miss Allende—”
“My name. You can call me Lilac.”
He had never heard anything like it.
“Lilac. Anything you might know about the criminal known as the Viper will be of great help.”
Lilac paused, studying his expression for any trustworthiness she could cling on to. Ethan gazed back, acutely aware of how close their faces were in the silence. Something slipped in her guarded expression, revealing a small hint of vulnerability.
At last, she sighed.
“I can't,” she said in a quiet voice. “I'm not—”
“I will protect you.”
Lilac startled at that, as though she had seldom heard the words before. She swallowed, her gaze holding his as she considered his offer, something heavy and tangible pressing into the small space that separated them.
“You offering to be my bodyguard, Detective?” she asked in a sultry voice, the words dripping from her lips like honey. She added a coquettish smile for good measure, leaving no doubt that the mask was securely back into place. “I accept, but you don't need the job title to press me against a wall with your body.”
Ethan had no hope of pushing his point as a crimson nail traced the outline of his jaw. The slow, lazy line made his breath hitch, his mind racing with thoughts of her tight little body flush against his.
Fuck the wall.
He could bend her over that vanity, forcing her to look at him through the mirror as she whimpered his name.
Lilac shifted closer to him still, lips parted as her finger descended down his neck. The intent in her gaze told him she wanted the same thing. Ethan leaned in to capture her lips but something in the mirror caught his attention and made him pause.
Lilac blinked at him, befuddled by his sudden stony expression.
Ethan said nothing, observing the stain on the skin of her back. It was insignificant, otherwise imperceptible if not by the slight shift in the fabric of her dress.
Yet, there it was, as present as any hard evidence he might find.
“You missed a spot.”
Lilac stepped away from him, puzzled.
“What are—”
“Tar is notoriously difficult to get off the skin, isn't it, Miss Allende?” His voice grew icier with every word. “But you knew that. Hell, you knew that two nights ago when you slipped on the Kenmore rooftop during the chase.”
“Fuck!” the masked figure had hissed as they hit the black substance coating part of the roof.
She continued to back away. “I don't know what—”
“Tell me, Miss Allende, did you research Kenmore before you decided to strike?”
“Did you know the rooftops were under construction before you led us up there in your hasty little escape attempt?”
Lilac finally halted her steps, keeping her eyes trained on Ethan.
Something shifted in her expression, like a mask falling to the floor.
Then, she smiled wickedly at Ethan.
“Very good, Detective Ramsey. Maybe you are as good as they say you are.”
There was a pronounced silence, steely blue eyes boring into effervescent green ones. In a blinding motion, they both moved—Ethan to restrain, Lilac to evade.
Their bodies were a flurry of limbs moving to strike or to defend. The furniture in the small dressing stood no chance against their skill, which Ethan was surprised to find Lilac possessed. She moved with admirable grace and precision for someone wearing stilettos and a confining, skin-tight dress. It didn't stop her from aiming a high kick at his head, which Ethan barely dodged.
“You're under arrest,” he grunted when he pushed her against a wall.
Lilac laughed in his face, her crimson lips only inches from his.
“You're cute when you're confident, Ramsey.”
In a swift movement, she freed her body from his hold, light and unassailable like the waters of a raging river.
More swirls of movement as they struck, blocked, and kicked, each paired with a breathless grunt or swear. At last, just as his technique descended into sloppiness, Ethan managed to press her against the wooden tiles of the floor. His hands pinned her wrists above her head, his knees digging securely against her hips.
“How did you know?” she asked between pants, still donning a devious smile despite her position. “That this is my favorite position to be in?”
Ethan stiffened as he held her, unable to look away from the rise and fall of her chest. It struck him then how fighting her was not unlike fucking her, just how they wanted only minutes ago. Before he could reign his thoughts in, she freed her legs, hitched them on his hips, and reversed their positions with trained strength and agility.
“Or maybe me on top is better?” she asked thoughtfully.
Ethan grunted, moving to free himself from her grasp, but she was surprisingly strong.
“It's a shame you're a damn good detective,” she continued. “We would've had so much fun together.”
As Ethan unsuccessfully tried to free himself, he saw Lilac's hands delve into her blonde curls until she removed what he now knew to be a wig. A downpour of glossy, dark hair fell past her shoulders, reminiscent of the dark braid he thought he saw in the darkness on the night of the chase. Even struggling and breathless as he was, his traitorous mind couldn't help but recognize how much lovelier she looked with dark hair.
“You'll never get away, Viper.”
Lilac laughed out loud at the use of the moniker, which felt so ill fitted.
“Even as talented as you are, I'm afraid you don't have all the facts yet.” She pressed a hot, languid kiss to his neck before using his own handcuffs to bind him to a nearby pipe. “But something tells me you'll get there soon enough.”
With one last charming smile, she rearranged her dark hair, hoisted herself onto the window, and vanished into the night.
Author's Note: Y'all I don't know what this was lol. Thank you so much for reading this! It was so much fun!
A few notes:
The next chapter of my OH3 AU is almost done. Yay!
I'm almost caught up with replies and reading all the fics I missed out on the week I was gone. Double yay!
And (not to jinx myself) but I might finally sit my butt down to complete the next chapter of the Picta series (ages later oops)
Thank you everyone for being here, despite it being almost a month the OPH ended :( Love you guys!
*tags in a reblog
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dreamii-yume · 4 years
I'm gonna burn in hell for lewding pure boi like this (UwU) Not a request by the way. I might’ve also posted an accidental spoiler about this lol The internet was acting like a clown and Yume almost went into cardiac arrest because of it (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
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Darling has been crossdressing as a guy this whole time in order to get into Night Raven College! Turns out, she was drinking a potion that changes her gender this whole time! However, the potion had run out and it takes great amount of effort to gain another batch!
How is Darling going to hide her true gender now? Only the staff and Grimm had known about this, after all. But if the students were to find out, Night Raven College’s reputation would suffer!
So, as a solution? Crowley decides that it would be best to reveal it the reliable Dorm Leaders! Instructing them to do whatever they could do to protect Darling’s gender!
Little does anyone know that because of this discovery, our dorm leaders now have a different plan for Darling~! Of course, they’ll keep your secret, but just know that they don’t offer their service without a reward, sweetheart!
♥︎ Kalim’s Side ♥︎
If attending a prestigious school of magic as a human without the ability to cast the said sorcery is tricky, imagine the same scenario but that school of magic is an all-boys institution and you just happened to be a full biological female. It all becomes a lot more than tricky, doesn't it?
But lucky for you, you didn't have to imagine at all. For that was your exact situation right there.
It's like someone up above just got bored with the current difficulty of your life and suddenly decided to maxed it out on extreme without your permission. You made yourself as androgynous as possible, the potions that the Headmaster graciously offered you had seriously been your miracle drug. But even something as that can't become a permanent solution. Your only way of escape is to find a way back home where you belong, but something tells you that it's not going to happen anytime soon. You have no choice but to cover your own ass for now, at least until either the Headmaster got you another batch of gender-changing potions or finds a way to transport you back to your own world.
PE was especially difficult; it was a good thing that your uniform was too big for your figure or else these men would've seen something very questionable. It would’ve been nice until you realized that running around and being active whilst wearing these clothes literally radiates the heat of hell. 
Today was no exception, while everyone else flies on their magical broom, you remained on the ground and a slave to the burning sun. Panting, you couldn't feel any air visiting your body, it was suffocating. What really irks you the most is that when Professor Vargas finally dismissed the class, you have to wait for everyone else to change in their locking room. Ace and Deuce would invite your over to change already but you'll just smile at them, saying how you'll remain basking under the sun for a little longer. You wished you can think of a better excuse, but as long as no one calls you out on your bullshit, even in the midst of your sweat pouring down your pores like waterfalls, it was the best you can do.
...Well, that's that. You couldn't help but to sigh in relief at the moment you took off your uniform. The cold air was like a blessing from God himself as you savored it for a little longer, you were alone in the locker room now anyways. You fanned yourself, thinking of how nice but brutal the weather was as you used a clean, cold towel to wipe away your own sweat. You opened your bag in search of a fresh batch of uniform to wear, as much as you want to, you can't stay here for a suspicious amount of time. Ace and Deuce had probably gone to their own individual clubs by now, while Grim is covering up for you, you sincerely hope but you doubt so as that monster friend of yours gets distracted very easily. You're just gonna-
Continue the Spice~?
That's right, my fellow Darling sinners, I'm not only in Hornii Jail but I'm also sentenced to HORNII HELL. though I think we already established this I LEWD MY BEST BOI FIGHT ME.
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Comte’s One More Wedding Event (full release)that should have just came out in Japanese Version. Could you translate it or summarize it, please? Thank you for your time.
I can't believe you want to give me this kind of power, but if you insist 😂💛
That being said, because my translation skills are rough at best, I'll be summarizing and selecting specific parts to discuss if I feel a need to quote directly.
If you don't want spoilers for Comte ES, run!
So this particular event begins with MC bringing Comte a letter as he thanks her. One glance at the return address tells him that it's a pureblood gathering invitation, and upon opening it he's right. He shrugs it off and says he'll reply to it later, setting it aside.
MC, perceptive as ever, asks if he's declining the invitation. Comte explains the nature of the party and how only purebloods are allowed to end. Furthermore, the gathering takes place on their first wedding anniversary--and he would much prefer to spend the day with her.
Comte: “MC, any gorgeous evening party–no matter how beautiful–means nothing to me without my wife at my side. The place I belong is with you.”
MC: “Er…”
His gold eyes are steady and unwavering as he looks at me, and my heart skips a beat.
Comte: “Anywho I have no intention of attending this party, as it also overlaps with the date of our anniversary. Our first wedding anniversary is an important day, and I want to spend it with my beloved wife.”
Comte smiles winningly, all while staring straight at me.
MC, however, finds herself conflicted. Given how little she knows about purebloods, she wishes she could attend the party to better understand him and the community he's a part of. She admits this, to Comte's great surprise, but feels bad about it because she doesn't mean to ask something impossible of him. (One of the requirements of the party is that you have to be a pureblood vampire to be invited. ON WEDNESDAYS WE WEAR PINK) Comte clarifies that--because she's his wife--she's welcome to attend alongside him. He offers to take her with him if that's what she wants.
MC: “Are you really sure it’s okay for me to go, though?”
Comte: “Certainly. But I would never force you if you were uncomfortable, of course.”
MC: “No, I don’t hate the idea!”
Comte: “But I’d understand if being surrounded by purebloods would be rather nerve-wracking for you…And so many of them have a superiority complex a mile wide; they’re a prideful bunch. While it may not be all of us, there are enough that it might be stifling for you to be around them.”
Comte: “In light of all that, are you certain you still wish to go?”
[I know he’s just doing his best to prepare me for what I might face at a party like this--he doesn’t want me going in with the wrong idea. It’s very likely he had intended to decline the invitation to spare me the discomfort, and the burden of making a choice that would affect/limit him too. The concern in his features makes me melt.]
The part I love most about this scene is that this is just the beginning of so many attempts on his part to prepare her realistically, but also support her decision. As much as he wants to go with her he's never going to put her in the position of deciding for the both of them. He knows there's a great deal of pressure to face among such a forbidding/traditional society, and if she needs more time to prepare for that--he wants to give her the space to get used to something so unfamiliar. In truth, I don't see him ever asking her to go if she didn't want to--even if it stung to have that part of him rejected...
MC considers for a moment, but she's resolved to understand him and his people better. She explains as much, and Comte brightens at the confession.
MC: “I’m sorry if it’s a bit much to ask of you, but thank you…!”
Comte: “I should be the one thanking you, now I look forward to the gathering.”
MC: “You’re…looking forward to it?”
When I tilt my head quizzically, le Comte draws me close with a faint smile on his lips.
Comte: “I’m excited to introduce you as my wife.” (SCREAMS AND CRIES)
This gets INSANELY cute because he gathers her close to him and she just gets very bashful about it. She apologizes--saying she knows she should be more used to it given they've already been married a year now, but his response is so sweet: “Why apologize? I’ve always thought my wife is the cutest.”
They both think back to their wedding ceremony at the mention of how long they've been together, and MC's eyes find the flower pins she gifted him on top of his hourglass (which fking one he has like 300).
Some background for anyone unaware: when Comte and MC got married, MC gifted him these flower pins--they were flowers that were preserved (in metal I think? idk exactly how it works they just look metallic in his outfit art). She explains that they're an attempt to symbolize her love for him, in that she intends to remain unchanging in her feelings forever. I find it's also an apt metaphor for MC herself; it's not unlike her agreement to become a vampire to stay with him.
MC: “You’ve been taking good care of the flowers I gave you.”
Right next to the hourglass lie the preserved flowers I gave him. They gleam in the light with ease, clearly polished and looked after–not a speck of dust on them.
Comte: “With those you swore your love to me. Isn’t it only natural that I’d take good care of them?” (LISTEN COMTE YOU AND I BOTH KNOW THE REALITY OF THE MALE SPECIES QUIT PLAYIN)
After that scene there's a timeskip to the night of the party--and after everyone celebrates their anniversary in the mansion all day--they hop in a carriage. MC is a little lost in thought, preparing herself for what's to come. When he asks if she's nervous she fully admits to it, but with a caveat. She's nervous because she doesn't know what to expect and she's concerned about committing a social faux pas, but she's not afraid or anxious.
Before I came to this time I had absolutely no concept of what an elaborate dinner party looked like–and besides which, this time it’s going to be a room full of purebloods. I’m nervous, sure, because I’ve never done this before--but it’s not quite anxiety or fear.
MC: “As long as you’re beside me, I’m invincible–anytime, anywhere.”
I can navigate anything: unfamiliar social circles, even an entirely new era of time. Because Comte is always so steady and reliable, always there for me, my anxiety ebbs and I can shine–be the very best I can be.
Comte: “MC…”
Comte looks absolutely moved by what I have to say, directing a gentle, tender look at me.
Comte reiterates his previous warning, that they might be weirdos and/or rude because they're stuck in their ways. He knows their discriminatory nature is wrong, but he believes in her ability to overcome those things--and fully intends to support her. He also lets her know what to expect in terms of the schedule: mostly mingling, and dancing is reserved for the very end of the party only.
Gatsby hour begins and MC marvels at the enormous venue sparsely populated by people dressed to the nines (I can only imagine how Comte dressed her up for this event in light of that LMFAO). Comte tells her he's going to get some drinks, and MC agrees to wait for him. In a classic lowkey queen move, she retreats against a nearby wall to take in her surroundings. She feels a certain intensity to be surrounded by people who look so young and beautiful, and yet carry the experience of lifetimes within them. She also notes the slightest permeating scent of blood in the air, assuming most of the people in attendance are drinking Rouge in their wine glasses.
When Comte returns to her, he offers her a glass of red wine, and she takes it with a smile.
So these two ladies approach le Comte yelling about how long it's been since they've seen him, and about the rumors that he got married. Without missing a beat he confirms it's true, and introduces MC to them as his wife. MC offers a greeting and a curtsy, but the women openly spurn her because she's not a vampire lmao. ("Who put you on the planet" energy, essentially). I still can't tell if they were acting like insane mother-in-laws on Comte's behalf, or out of jealousy--or weirdly both.
All casual dismissal, the women sashay away from us, dresses swishing.
[It seems like I really won’t be accepted as Comte’s life partner so long as I remain human…]
Comte: “…I’m sorry. I’m afraid that is the usual attitude of pureblood vampires. Not all of us are like that, but they still made you feel uncomfortable ;;;;”
MC: “That’s not something to apologize for. I’m happy to attend such a lovely party as your wife.”
I don’t want to ruin the occasion for him, so I beam at him.
Comte: “MC…” His lips descend close to my ear, pressing the lightest kiss against it.
Comte: “Thank you, MC…I’m happy, too.”
While Comte is full of uwus and love for his wife, she notes he stops there--likely because it's a public venue. (And I'd wager respectability politics, given a lot of old school people tend to say horrible things at the slightest sign of PDA lol. It would give them all the more reason to be nasty to MC.) MC notes that no matter how small the gesture or how often he extends his affection, it always sets her heart racing (what a damn mood) and they both gear up to greet everyone else. They're both like ganbatte!!! at each other and it's really cute, haha.
[No matter how many times he does things like this, I’m always caught off guard. I imagine we’ll be this way forever…]
Comte: “Here we go, the party’s only just begun. Let’s get to it and enjoy ourselves. No need to hesitate, it’s our wedding anniversary after all–this is a time for you to smile.”
MC: “Haha, thank you very much! Then I’ll definitely enjoy it to the fullest!”
We continue to greet and chat with other purebloods, the night goes on while I sample some of their food–
At some point MC separates from Comte to use the restroom. When she exits to rejoin the crowd, she hears the voices of those two women that openly rejected her earlier. They basically talk about how Comte and MC will never last or have a meaningful relationship, and that Comte is wasting his time not breeding more master race pureblood babies for the community's future. (Not remotely surprised Leonardo does not like them at this juncture lmao)
While MC was well aware she'd face some level of disdain, she admits that it still hurts to hear--and doesn't want Comte to see her upset. So she walks out to a nearby balcony to look at the stars and cool off before returning to his side.
Comte: “MC.”
MC: “Eh…? Comte, when did you get here?”
Comte: “You hadn’t returned for a while, so I went looking for you.”
MC: “Ah, I’m sorry to worry you. The stars were so lovely I couldn’t help but linger a bit to enjoy the sight of them.”
When I try to hide my gloomy feelings, he stares at me.
Comte: “You seem upset all of a sudden. Did something happen? Did someone…say something to you, by any chance?”
MC: “Ah, I can’t hide from you it seems. I guess I am a little upset.”
Comte: “…”
Comte: “MC, do you regret marrying me?”
MC: “!”
MC: “That’s not the case at all. No matter what finds us in the future, I’ll never regret having married you. I’m glad I met you, Abel–that will never change…”
When I tell him my heartfelt feelings, he gently wraps his arms around me.
Comte: “…Me too, MC.” The voice that murmurs at my ear is filled with such ardor that my heart melts.
Comte: “It might have been too much to ask of you to come here. But no matter how difficult the truth may be, it’s an undeniable fact that I’m a pureblood.”
Comte: “I was so happy that you wanted to know more about me–to know me better–that I was spoiled by your words. And yet, as a result of that indulgence, I hurt you…”
MC: “…No. That’s not it. Abel, I’m not familiar with vampires. But this last year, I was with a pureblood who’s kinder than anyone else I know.”
I have no innate fear or dislike of purebloods–because the person I love more than anyone else in the world is a pureblood vampire.
MC: “That’s why I’m not afraid, or dreading any of this.” It might seem outlandish, but his presence was like magic; it was enough to give me the strength to have courage and find kindness for the people around me.
MC: “No matter who stands in my way in the future, I will do my best to be recognized as your partner someday. Didn't I tell you before? I'm invincible anytime, anywhere, as long as you're there with me!”
Upon hearing her resolve to stay with him, he feels the need to renew his vow to her too--telling her that he'll always love her as well, and that his feelings have only grown since then. One important bit to note in his confession is that he fully admits he had a hard time coming to term with what he was, he's only a little more accepting of being a pureblood because her existence redefines what an eternity means to him. He explains that, while no end of time used to be an upsetting and hollow concept to him, the fact that his long life will be spent cultivating his love for her gives him the strength to face his reality.
They kiss and MC acknowledges that life--no matter how long--always has its ups and downs. Sometimes there will be rough times, like when those Mean Girls women were actively nasty and unfair to her. And sometimes there will be joyous times, like how Comte just repeated his vow to her so sweetly. But more than anything, it's important to live in the present moment as fully as possible, and she deepens her kiss with Comte accordingly.
After what I assume to be an excellent make out, they return to the venue and rejoin the group of vampires. Now then, because it's Comte and Comte refuses to take any shit he reveals his ace in the hand. Premeditated and all cunning expectation, the show begins:
After reaffirming our feelings for the other, we return to the hall. When we wandered around to greet people today, there were also vampires who were kind to me. For those that remain perturbed by my presence, they continue to sneer at me as though I were an eyesore.
[I don’t care. Comte’s by my side…]
Comte: “…That’s right, MC. There was one thing I forgot to mention.”
MC: “Huh?”
Comte: “A short while ago, you said something about doing your best to earn their approval. I wouldn’t even worry about it, you’re perfect just as you are. Everyone here just doesn’t have the slightest inkling as to your charms yet. For those with the ability to see, feel free to show them as many times as you like.”
MC: “Comte…”
At that very moment, a waltz begins to flow into the hall.
Comte: “Oh, is it time to dance already? MC, shall we?” (Oh Is It TiMe To DaNcE aLrEaDy, damn clown)
MC: “Yes.”
In time with the melody, we begin to waltz together. When I'd first arrived to this era, the steps and the dance itself were unfamiliar to me. Now when I dance with Comte it’s nearly effortless–natural as breathing.
[Comte has taken me to so many evening parties at this point. Thanks to his impeccable leading any uncertainty in my step is elegantly disguised.]
Comte: “MC.”
As we danced, he called my name--crooned it softly.
Comte: “…Have you noticed? Everyone is watching us.”
At the sound of this new information, I look around.
[Oh, it’s true–everyone really is looking at us…]
And it’s not like before, tinged with displeasure and contempt. It’s like they can’t look away from us now, dazzled and intrigued.
MC: “Makes sense–you’ve always been a very graceful dancer, Comte, it’s impossible not to find it captivating.”
Comte: “No. Without you as my partner, I can’t enjoy it nearly as much as I do now.”
He grins as he says so, the sentiment reflected in his buoyant step. Beautiful, noble…and above all, lively. Even though I’m always by his side, I remain endlessly captivated by that smile and movement.
Comte: “We are more in tune with each other than every other pair here, don’t you think?”
MC: “Haha, that’s right!”
I think le Comte is lovely no matter who he’s dancing with, but I’m sure I’m the one who gets along with him best–I think so, because his golden eyes reflect no one else but me.
[No matter what anyone says…I won’t give up this position to anyone else.]
When the song is over, and the dance is finished, the hall is filled with the raucous sound of applause and cheering. All these people are looking at us and their eyes are shining.
[I wonder…if maybe our feelings for each other were transmitted more clearly after that dance? The mere thought of it makes me feel ticklish and delighted.]
After their lovely display, the Mean Girls ladies approach MC to apologize as everybody is leaving for the night. MC accepts their apologies and says she wants to find a way to get along with them moving forward, though they're still pretty reluctant (probably only apologized to save face).
Differences in lifestyle and family tradition...I think there are many reasons why they can’t accept me. I don’t think it’s easy to understand the breadth of the gap between us; I’m sure I’ll need more time to be able to bridge those differences.
[I don’t know the way of life or struggle of the pureblood people yet. But…I want to understand.]
Even if we are endlessly different, I don’t want to give up on finding some sort of compromise. Next to me, le Comte smiles silently. For the foreseeable future--as long as it may take--I want to prove that I can make this person happy.
I deadass can't stop laughing at the fact of Comte standing next to MC all :)))))) (y'all he is emitting BOSS M U S I C)
After that, Comte and MC also head into their carriage and head home:
Comte: “MC, thank you.”
Le Comte remarks on the way home in the carriage.
MC: “…? I haven’t done anything worth thanks.”
Comte: “For today, for coming with me. And--up until now and from now on--for being by my side. I wanted to thank you again.”
He leans over from where he sits next to me and entwines our fingers together.
MC: “…Abel?”
Comte: “…Today is not just the day of the party, but our wedding anniversary too, right? From here on out, it’s time for only us two to be together.”
This is essentially where the premium story ends, and then it moves into the epilogue. I'll give some tidbits from the epilogue, just because it was so endlessly gratifying. Other than them having the smash of the century, it's mostly Comte going overstimulation feral service top. But there are so many really romantic moments during the shameless fking ;-;
The more he kisses me, the more my need for him spirals out of control. As if to entice him I twist my tongue with his deeper and deeper.
Comte: “MC…”
He exhales my name on a single heated syllable, and I can tell by the way he’s looking at me precisely what it is he wants.
Comte: “MC, what do you want to do…? I want to make you happy tonight. Do you want me to be kind? Or take you with reckless abandon?”
MC: “Abel…please do as you like. That’s what would make me happiest. :>”
Comte: “…I see. So you want to be made a mess of, is what you mean.”
MC: “Mn, aah–”
When his hands trace my sides seductively, my sensitive body reacts on it’s own.
Comte: “…You’re really cute, MC. Tonight, I’ll remind you the joy of being mine again.”
Comte: “Always so sensitive. Just the slightest touch, and you cry out with such a sweet voice…”
MC: “Well, it is your fault…”
[Because if Abel touches me like that…He spoils me and leaves me in an endless sea of pleasure, building up to that crest–fading–and building up again…because he loves me so dearly.]
Comte: “My fault, is it?…I like the sound of that.”
With a bewitching smile, he makes short work of his tie and button down. Even the most casual gestures like this are done with such grace that it becomes sensual. I’m drawn to the sight of him revealing more and more of his skin, thinking he’s far too much of a tease.
Comte: “…If you look at me with such desirous, greedy eyes, I’m going to lose control myself, MC.”
MC: “I…all I do is take from you…” I’m embarrassed because I’m so inexperienced that all I do is drown in the pleasure he gives me.
Comte: “…If you really think so, then you’re too unaware.”
MC: “Mn–ah, hah…”
Comte: “I’m the one who can’t stop wanting you…MC.”
When he leans over to murmur in my ear, his voice is suffused with desire–breathing shallow. From the gap between his lips, I can see the fangs which have never broken my skin…
MC: “Abel…do you want to bite me?”
If the answer is yes, then I’d be delighted. A vampire’s hunger for blood is often tied to romantic feeling. If he wants to suck my blood, then that’s all the more evidence that he loves me.
Comte: “That’s right. I want to sink my fangs into your soft skin…To taste your blood, to know your body and soul--I want to make every part of you mine.”
MC: “Mn…”
He drops a kiss to my throat, tickled by his tongue as he licks there–as if to taste me.
Comte: “But…”
Only I am reflected in his eyes.
Comte: “The only thing I want more than biting you is to take good care of you. I don’t want to impulsively take anything from you.”
MC: “Abel…”
Comte: “Someday…I will make you into a vampire. But, right now, I want you to stay exactly as you are.”
The heat of him coupled by that serious look...my heart is swept away.
Comte: “So…can you bear with my hesitation for just a little while longer?”
MC: “Yes…forever. I’ll always be yours.” I replied, wrapping my arms around his back. He squinted, as if he were staring at something dazzling.
Comte: “I’m always hesitating, but…MC. I will absolutely never let you go. I swear my love to you forever, my dear wife.”
The last part of the epilogue is confusing because I'm not sure if it's intended to be an actual dream or Comte just messing with her, but here goes:
[Morning already…?]
At the sensation of sunlight, I open my eyes.
MC: “Eh!?”
Comte: “Are you up, MC? The defenseless face you make when you’re asleep is adorable, but when you open your eyes and look at me that’s also lovely.”
He was lying in bed, unlike last night, wearing the same outfit he had on for our wedding.
[Ah, I’m most likely dreaming.] When I realize it, I get a ticklish feeling in my chest and can’t help the smile that finds my face.
MC: “Haha…”
Comte: “MC? What’s wrong?”
MC: “No, I was just thinking you really will always be by my side. I’m glad to see you in my dreams like this…I’m happy.”
Comte: “…Haha, that’s right. I’m happy too. But…it’s not always a dream right?”
MC: “Er…”
His voice easily makes my heart flutter, like sweet sake.
Comte: “Would you like to see if it’s a dream? …Once again, with your body.”
My heart thunders under his sultry gaze, covetous gold eyes beckoning me closer. (COME HITHER FUCK)
MC: “Yes, Abel. As many times as you like…take me.”
I know dream-like, impossibly happy days will continue as long as I stay by his side–
There is so much going on here that I don't even know how to encompass all my feelings other than to say MARRIED COUPLE G O A L S. AAAAAAAAA I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE'S SUCH A DOTING HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUT A RING ON ME S I R
I really love the endless reciprocity coming from MC, lmao. She very openly wants to respond to his efforts, wants to make him happy too, is just as desirous in their coupling. I also love how much personality and spunk she has??? I was fucking d y i n g when she was like:
MC: "Aren't the stars so nice." Comte: "Adorable that you'd try to out-fake the king faker. What really happened." MC: "Damn it."
It's been a long time since I've gotten this much serotonin from a story m a nnnnnn
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generallypo · 4 years
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in all sincerity, kim dokja makes me happy and he deserves to be so too :^(
incoherent yelling and sobbing under the cut. these fEELINGS will not be contained aaauuunnghhh. 
anyway i binge-read all 500+ chapters of ORV this week and i honest to god feel bad for this -- completely! fictional! aghhhh -- guy. in case you haven’t figured it out, the following is some spoilerly shit
i went in expecting a fun, brainless power trip fantasy for dudes with an isekai addiction. instead, it turns out ORV is actually a gigantic, self-deprecating prank on the entire genre itself. kdj plays more into the sad -- if high-functioning-- clown trope than the sexy, edgy, chuuni bastard type i was prepared to laugh at. there were -- gasp! -- female characters with personalities! parents (aka ADULTS who act like ADULTS) who actually survive and feature prominently! adorable children! a real sexy, edgy bastard! a power trio with amazing fashion! sexual tension and bickering! friendship! life and death bonding! 
*breathes in deeply* fouND FAMILYYYYYYY.
like, yeah, the plot around the first few arcs seems a little aimless, but the buildup is worth. the world-building is pretty decent. there’s discernible effort put into the fight scenes, and i can appreciate that. but -- but! what i stayed for were the characters -- namely, the fantastic OT3 of KDJ, HSY, and YJH -- who come together despite their initial rivalries and end up saving each other’s asses, like, every other day. granted, the other characters don’t get as much focus, and they do fall into certain character tropes.. 
but a trope done well is nothing i would gripe about. every significant character in ORV has a coherent, and more importantly, respectful take on their respective trope. maybe it’s because sing-shong is actually a married couple, but all the interactions between even minor characters are a convincing blend of awkward rambling, suggestive humor, sharp remarks, and casual banter. in other words, this cast of mostly working adults (plus a teen and two kids) talks like working adults. the relationships built throughout the story are, frankly, some of most realistic of its genre. sing-shong has managed to craft a dynamic that undoubtedly brims with fluffy fondness all around, but also drips with sarcastic tension, with unspoken urgency, with a wariness that softens into sincerity over the course of many, many chapters. it’s the kind of progression that makes even stock characters read like more than just the 2-bit villain or comrade or love interest. here, we have relationships both straightforward and not, strained or otherwise, romantically-oriented as well as decidedly the opposite -- and then numerous others scattered along the spectrum with the freedom to shift either way. 
it’s also an interesting point of note that our MC kdj actually does not end up with a stated romantic partner, much less a conventional heteroromantic harem. he gets teased about that fact from time to time, but it’s with less of the sleazy shonen locker room humor one would expect and more of the good-natured ribbing you’d find among friends or that one especially nosy auntie at the yearly family reunion. kdj is a grown ass man. in the background, i applaud his maturity, and he handles all the prodding like a champ. 
so instead of finding and fulfilling his horny, he builds himself a wealth of loving family. yeah, there are beautiful men and women around him. yeah, they unequivocally adore him. but they’re also adults, and they have priorities, too -- which are not so much finding a way to bang kdj’s brains out and more so simply keeping the damn guy alive. this is truly not ‘oblivious mc with his thirsty, sex kitten harem’. it just so happens that a guy proves himself to be unflinchingly gentle and capable in an apocalyptic setting despite his broken self-esteem, and lots of people find that attractive, romantically and platonically. 
it.. kinda makes sense? he’s a hard worker, thoughtful, and good with kids. kdj is the kind of guy you know would make a reliable partner, and anybody with eyes can plainly see and appreciate that. 
and it’s not that our MC’s a total brick wall. in fact, it’s likely the opposite, and he’s just too darned repressed to admit it. from what has been implied, kdj does indeed recognize and accept love, or at least a primitive concept of it. i like to imagine that the kind of love that he ends up seeking out simply manifests itself more easily as acceptance and safety, as warmth and a home of people to return to every day. even better, the people who surround him know this, and they give him exactly that. it’s refreshing, and honestly, really sweet.
(as a side note, i really, really do appreciate the cosmic bi energy radiating off of kdj, who canonically earns the title of being loved by all and is all but in name married to yjh and hsy. he also respects women and small children and honestly anyone who isn’t total scum to him or his family. i respect that.)
but the happy stuff aside, you know it it just ain’t ORV without the generous screaming dollop of angst. admittedly, there’s self-sacrifice, injury, lonesome wandering, more sacrifice, some epic fighting, reunion and confrontation. all of it is a lot to digest, sure, but never does it feel entirely hopeless, or truly, truly heart-clenching. ORV, up until the final act, is a mostly light read. you relax in your chair, thinking that nothing beyond this point can disturb you. 
yeah fucking right.
and then the beginning of the end arrives. when the squad finally break through to their ‘ending’, the scene that kind of breaks me is the reveal of the Most Ancient Dream. it ties so much thematically into the little tidbits that we get of kdj’s past, and it though it feels like almost a joke that the source of the goddamn apocalypse is a kid with bruises smeared across his skinny ass body -- it’s such a pathetic picture that it’s kinda poetic, actually. you’re left mystified but somewhat convinced, like a math problem explained halfway through. this.. child.. is a villain somehow, isn’t he?
and then 999th turn uriel speaks up, and she. just. hugs him. 
[[You are this universe’s most powerless existence, aren’t you.]] 
that. that gets me. kdj’s reaction immediately upon this revelation? absolute murder. seeing him essentially self-destruct upon realizing that all these people he’s surrounded himself with -- some who continuously proclaim their loyalty and affection for him throughout their journey, some who suffered eons of war and loss and trauma because of his existence -- not only forgive his younger self but smother him with unconditional acceptance and love is stifling, is too vulnerable and exposed and he simply can’t cope -- it’s so telling of his true mentality, of his crippling insecurity and crumpled sense of self-worth. kim dokja is a liar, through and through, so much that he fails, or perhaps refuses, to comprehend the veracity of others’ kindness and love towards himself. 
by some miracle, the events at the end of the world somehow resolve.. or so it seems. there is a departing train, a liberated team of ex-gods, and a child rousing from his slumber. in the aftermath, i am left shaking. somehow, despite the ending having been (happily?) reached, there’s still another chapter ahead. what is this witchcraft?
and then ah, yes -- the epilogue arc. i teetered on the edge of being critical for a little bit there -- is that display of deus ex machina, of sad, self-sacrificing nobility a bit too egregious to be acceptable? is this some wild last let-me-yank-this-outta-my-ass plot twist to drag out the chapter count? i sincerely thought that the arc before it would have been the finale. i was wrong. thank god.
anyways, as an answer to the above: no, and no. i stake my firm claim on the belief that the epilogue arc was meticulously planned out well in advance of its release, confusing and time-warpy as it is. i liked it. tremendously. even if it entirely invalidates all of kdj’s supposed development (”haha lol yeah sure i won’t sacrifice myself or anything anymore guys don’t worry about me” -- KDJ, at some point because he’s a lying rat bastard). actually, our beloved MC disappears for a large chunk of this arc, and i think it’s great. in his absence, the other characters not only go absolutely fucking nuts, but they have to figure out this new problem on their own, even if the lure of peaceful complacency in the newly saved Korea might convince them otherwise. 
and then the whole time paradox thing comes around. yjh goes to space, hsy saves the only life she can, and kdj grows up. the crew waits, holding onto their hope even if it bleeds them dry. sing-shong does a damn good job of illustrating their fraying calm, their lurking madness, the unseen but pervasive depression that seeps in from kdj’s absence. the kids lose their father, lhs and jhw lose their reliable leader figure, ysa loses a best friend and confidant, lsk -- as distant as she pretends to be from her son -- loses her only child. and then there’s hsy and yjh , who are essentially bereft of the other half of their existences. their pain is palpable, is grounded in the hopeless, gnawing frustration of an utterly meaningless victory. emotionally, ORV hits all the right -- if agonizing -- beats.
however, a story can’t sustain itself just through its pathos. i’m happy to say that ORV doesn’t drop the ball after the first milestone, and after all the hurt, the characters do leap straight back into action. even better, the plot holes actually do get patches, and the poetic cycle of writer, protagonist, and reader comes full circle by making use of all those supposedly throwaway characters from the myriad world lines. 
at the end of the road, there is a distinct sense of unity, of a delicate but undeniable cohesion to the world lines and their origins. sing-shong lets us guess a little here at the finish, but there’s just enough information to feel hopeful. maybe there never had been a definite start -- or finish -- to the story of kdj company, and... that’s okay. everybody ends up where they were meant to be, where they fought and struggled to reach. it’s.. almost like a happily ever after, if we’re allowed to dream of that.
now, i realize, this was all an orchestrated maneuver.
i’ll take it.
to me, all of this work sounds like someone put some serious thought into this behemoth of a plot. it cements the entire original premise of the story. it suggests -- but never explicitly confirms! -- the possibility that breaking free of the cycle is possible through the exact same system that sustains it. it’s terribly interesting -- and inspirational! with all the dramatic revelations and life-threatening scenarios  and the cast’s resigned acceptance of them that essentially make up ORV’s entire mood, there’s still that last hint of rebellious and righteous anger that lights up the whole damn nebula. it’s like the kdj company blasting away at the heavens just to yell into the nether: we’re not looking for the happy end, but the free one. stay alive.
it’s subtle, and yet it’s such an emotional gut punch. i came away with the most ruinous, frustrating, bittersweet sense of longing in ages. i pined. for these fictional darlings. god, i am weak.
so. yeah. ORV is pretty good. flawed, but ambitious and impressively thought out.  i’m stoked that the webtoon is making pretty good progress, even if it’ll take an eternity and a half to meet that monstrous chapter count. i’m still gonna follow it. hell yeah. 
(by the way the idea that secretive plotter and co are literally gonna take care of and raise baby kdj and spoil him and be the best friggin family a kid could ever want does things to me. protect him. he’s suffered too much. let at least one worldline’s version of him know happiness. and actually, aLL OF THEM DESERVE DOMESTIC BLISS TOGETHER IN A BIG OL MANSION WITH SUN AND FRESH AIR AND TENDER FAMILY MOMENTS UGH)
and there you have it, folks. you made it to the end. in the far, far distance, i’m cheering you on and crying my eyes out in gratitude. thanks for tuning in!
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angloie · 3 years
Rivals. Nothing more. (1/2)
> Percy is annoyed on how Annabeth always was. Her passion to win, to suceed, to be better than him. He hates that. It's totally not hot, or whatever.
> Warnings: swearing and kinda (?) suggestive undertones, my writing
> Genre: fluff, mutual pinning, Percy having a huge fat crush on Annabeth.
You can find the second part here!
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Percy wasn't very fond of smartasses who talked back.
I mean, who wouldn't? They were truly insufferable; acting like they knew everything and spat out facts here and there, all high and mighty.
Annabeth fit that description perfectly.
She's such a stuck up nerd; always beating his spot just opened place higher than him. When they spar, Percy can't help but feel a overwhelming urge pushing him to win. Annabeth struck back with the same passion, every strike, slash, push, thrust, holds her need for victory.
And when Percy does win after a long match? It feels amazing. The refreshing mood when you get exactly what you want- for once beating enemy number one. Annabeth shakes hands with him after and it infuriates him all over again. Why can't she feel more embarassed? Devestated? Shame? She walks away from the training arena calmly like she won over him.
Oh, Annabeth does feel embarassed. Devestated, too. But the look in Percy's eyes when she acts all stoic- seated stop her high horse- is simply electrifying. No better feeling than antagonizing your rivals, right?
They first meet at twelve. Both still young and insufferable, being the natural rivals they were. After all, their godly parents were two of the biggest rivals between one another: Athena and Posiedon.
Then they’re thirteen. Rivals, yes, but they can get along better now. Much better, in fact. Annabeth just feels the tiniest bit of attraction. It's just platonic. That's what she likes to tell herself, really.
Fourteen and Percy and her still bickering and arguing like usual. They can respect each other's boundaries still, all while they make crude jokes about the other. People say that they might be best friends, but the two of them shoot their ideas out of their heads. Who would wan't to be friends with that loser, anyways?
The ripe age of fifteen. Same old Percy, and same old Annabeth. They grow stronger together, and even more stronger as they progress. It's such a heartwarming thing to watch. Annabeth becomes more aware of how Percy looks. His apearance. Once a couple inches shorter than her becomes level-height. And then Percy has the audacity to grow taller than her. 
He likes to tease Annabeth about it. Holding books above her head, or anything he can grab that's hers. It's more blood-boiling when you remember the fact that people in ancient Greece associated height with power. Percy? Have more power than her? Unaceptable.
Percy on the flip side becomes more aware of how his endearing his rival becomes. Annabeth puts him in awe sometimes, incredibly witty and smart. But the snobbish attitude from her makes him want to gag. Maybe not as much as it did in the past other years. Annabeth, (as much as he hates to admit it) is someone he can trust. After years of being partners in both battle and else, that was expected. Percy still can't trust Annabeth with his blue cookies though.
Sixteen, finally. A confusing year for Percy. It becomes a growing problem for Percy when his heart beats erratically when Annabeth is near. Her shampoo smells so heavenly from where he's sitting, which is at the end of her bed. Annabeth sits crossed legged from him, flicking the pages of a book. Percy just saw the lights on from her cabin and crawled through the window. That would make her annoyed, right? No other reason; just to annoy her. Totally not because he wants to see her again.
Annabeth doesn't have the slightest clue in her mind about why she let him in. Or why he opted to sit on her bed directly, instead of sitting on one of the very comfortable seats in the large room. Annabeth doesn't complain. The cabin is empty; her other guests singing along at the campfire or elsewhere. 
Percy gets up wordlessly as Annabeth continues to stare at her book. Words are flowing through, forming, but she can't seem to focus to comprehend the book.
She notices his arrival when the bed dips with his weight. Percy has a blob of water in mid-air, floating just above the palm of his hand.
“You better not get that on my bed,” Annabeth chides, “Or I'll make sure to kill you.”
“Really now?” Percy makes the water floating towards her, threatening to soak her face. It stops inches before her- stopping from wetting her clothes along with it. She doesn't flinch.
Annabeth gives a sticky sweet smile, but her eyes say otherwise. Something along the lines of 'You better be digging up your grave now'. Percy flinches back in surprise, hands braced in a defensive position. The water shifts and floats back to him... to only float around the room aimlessly.
It's times like this when he feels truly at peace. The air is tense, sure, but he feels calmer than ever before. It's liberating.
The water leaks a bit from the moving. Annabeth is amazed how it moves so effortlessly. It's Percy moving it, but that didn't matter. Sometimes Annabeth wished she had powers... Her smarts and wits were amazing, but she felt that she could achieve even more if she had them. It's a painful thought.
Percy sits back on her bed, staring at the white celling. Different coloured sticky notes and red strings are hooked together by flimsy thumb tacks. Talk about being a nerd.
Both lost in their thoughts and a good book, the water comes back around the room to splash on-
Just fucking peachy.
On Annabeth.
“Percy!” She screeches, hair damp with liquid and some finding it's way on her white shirt. Due to the thin fabric and cool water, he shirt becomes a little more. How do you put it? transparent. Translucent.
“Oh shit-” Percy jerks upwards, moving his hands around frantically. If he stares any longer, he might become more aware of the now visible uhm- undergarments. He also might notice that they are blue, his favourite colour, and how it looks so fucking good on her. 
Okay, he's noticed all of that in a matter of seconds.
“Quit staring!” Annabeth protests more, as Percy gets up to face the wall and cover his eyes. 
“I didn't mean to!” He says, still facing away from her. “I-it was a accident!” I swear!”
“Quit you're blubbering and get out!”
“Sorry!” Percy says again, and again. “I’m really sorry!” Until he finds his way to the large mahogany door and steps out.
“I- uh-" He tries to reasonate, tries to make up with her. But it's quickly shut off when Annabeth slams the door in his face. Leaving a very stuttering and blushing Percy.
Seventeen. It's a dreadful year for the two of them.
It becomes painfully clear why Percy had been a blushing, embarrassing mess around Annabeth. Clear on why he feels like he's on cloud nine when she pins him down in the sparing arena. And incredibly clear why Percy thinks about her eyes, her smile, her everything. Even the random facts he always thought was annoying and stupid leave marks on his brain. 
The oblivious son of Poseidon denies his feelings. Just some rivalry feelings! Some of which include him wanting to kiss Annabeth so bad sometimes, or even wanting to hold hands while walking along the sand. Maybe he does have the occasional dream of some less than appropriate things. Percy's rather embarassed about that.
It's when Grover, his reliable and trustworthy best friend finally makes him realize his true feelings. Ones hidden layers of sarcasm and sharp jokes.
“You think about her twenty four seven,” Grover starts, leaning back on the thick trunk of the oak tree. Percy had just came to him mid-spar to tell him how Annabeth was absolutely destroying him.
“And you also blab about her nonstop. I dunno dude, that sounds like a crush to me.” Grover sighs heavily. Percy blinks once. Then twice. And then three times.
“Do you get jealous when you see her with someone else?”
“Yeah! It's sickening! I feel all weird and stuff, so I-”
“You have a crush~” Grover teases.
“No? I think it's just-"
“Its a crush, Percy. You're so oblivious that it'll never progress more than that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Percy scowls at him. A bead of sweat trails down his forehead, caused from the hours of training.
“It means you have to confess.” Grover simply states, getting up. His hooves clomp down on the hard-packed earth as he trails away. “You gotta do it sooner or later, before someone else does it!”
That thought makes bile rise in his stomach. Annabeth? Go out with someone's else? Other than him? No way. Negatory.
But what if she declines? Annabeth is completely free to do that; but Percy would probably die of heartbreak. And if she started to date someone? Percy would explode.
It's settled, then.
He's going to confess.
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- a/n:
(re-uploaded to fix some mistakes, lol)
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
How Was I Supposed To Know!
When Betty got her new look Armando had to place her feelings before his own. He had to make himself not only think about his own interest but also Betty's and learn to talk to her as a person instead of just his assistant that he confides in.
As both Betty and Armando said they had a cerebral relationship so their topics of conversation didn't go into the personal, at least Betty's didn't. Armando has always been open about his commitments to the family, Marcela, and Eco Moda and the struggles that come with that to Betty. He has tried to resonate and explain his side of things and as he says, he likes explaining himself to Betty.
So far their relationship has always been one sided. Betty is the one that is constantly giving in terms of emotional support and time while Armando doesn't really sacrifice much, in fact he doesn't sacrifice at all(And saying that he sacrifices himself by kissing Betty etc. isn't a sacrifice he's doing selflessly, but selfishly so it doesn't count as one). He was trying to to be careful of his temper way before he was aware that he could have feelings for her. He didn't always stick by that but there was an attempt at it but that's not enough.
The day Betty went to get her Make-Over Armando was already busy thinking of her. When Freddy asked him to not fire Aura Maria for being tardy again Armando said "Look Betty" looked confused, shook his head and then proceeded to talk about the subject at hand.
When Betty arrived to Eco Moda and he saw her he didn't react on the spot, in fact when he got mad that she had interrupted(honestly it's funny because when they end up sleeping together she ends up interrupting his entire seggs life.) his make out session with Marcela when he saw her reaction all of a sudden the anger vanished and a guilty and concerned expression sat on his face. When Marcela started to make fun of her Armando got angry at her and didn't even continue the flirtatious conversation he had been having with Marcela or make a move to return to kissing her. He gave her his back while in the past he went after her when she'd stop the make out when Betty would interrupt them. This time it's he who doesn't want her.
This starts as a snowball effect. The night before he witnesses people making fun of her and disrespecting her which caused him to get so upset and furious that someone would do that to Betty, again he starts slowly thinking about Betty's feelings before his own.
The next day that carry's on when Patsy Pats, Marcela, and Hugo make more fun of her and it contrast with a previous scene(You Betrayed Me! post and Betty's New Look post). He once more gets angry at them, shows his disapproval and visibly shows that he is on Betty's side on something so personal, even when he doesn't like it because he's thinking about how Betty must feel and he gets upset that people dismiss her or as he says; disrespect her.
What does all of this even have to do with this episode(The morning of Betty's B-Day)?
Armando shows up telling Mario that the previous night Betty was very passionate and that he had to stop her three times, that she said he loved him, that this and that. Y'know classic complaining.
Mario celebrated that Betty said she loved him, that it's what they had been working towards(I've always found it so gross how Mario does feel like he shares in that relationship and in turns Betty(this is a foreshadowing of the future). However, Armando has allowed this and he has welcomed Mario into that relationship and made him a third participant, even if it's by living through it vicariously). I will emphasize that Armando doesn't really go into detail in the scenes we get, he mostly only goes into it when he is being clueless about what to do next or when he's frustrated. Most of the times he withholds giving Mario too much detail, but he still does. It's like one moment he's doing good and I'm cheering him on and then the next he trips and falls backwards like ten steps back and I'm yelling at my screen!
Anyway lets get back to this.
Mario once again makes fun of him and tries to make him uncomfortable with telling him that he needs to put out or tell Betty that he'll do it through telepathy or artificial insemination. Armando tries to explain that he won't ever do that with Betty.
I know I keep explaining this little by little and because of it I keep bringing up stuff that I've already addressed in previous post but this is a slow burn so it's worth it.
Armando has always only ever felt physical attraction with women. What is physical attraction? Physical attraction satisfies the human body's desires and wants. As Armando said in the past; with the models he had been hooking up with he did want to sleep with them but as soon as it was over with he didn't feel anything. This correlates with his borderline s. addiction. We understand how and why he sleeps around with models. He is superficial(obsessed with perfection, especially when it comes to women's body), he has no "real" control over his life or future so he does it to feel like he does have control in choosing who he sleeps with and for escapism of his reality. We understand that so lets move on to the next topic of this subject.
He feels physically satisfied with the models and Marcela but emotionally he no longer does. So when it comes to Betty he deflects all attraction to her because he physically isn't attracted to her(I stress this out in mostly every post lol). However, Armando has a very strong emotional attraction to Betty, one that moves him and motivates him behind the curtains.
What is emotional attraction? Emotional attraction is to satisfy the human's emotional and spiritual body. In other words; one feels a satisfaction when all their emotional, spiritual, cerebral, and none physical needs are met and because of this their attraction continues to grow with that person.
While Physical Attraction is fleeting and not reliable; Emotional Attraction is stable and reliable.
Due to the fact that he has been a man who has only experienced physical attraction to women he ignores his emotional attraction to Betty and because of this spends most of his time confused about his feelings.
I don't want to always be repeating myself so I recommend you guys read(in case y'all haven't yet) my posts Betty, My Betty parts 1-3, Tonight A Dream of Mine Has Come True, You Betrayed Me!, Betty's New Look(I will edit this list in case I missed a post, I've been writing a lot of them lol).
In my post: Betty's New Look, I explained a lot more about Armando's seggsual behavior.
To a certain degree Armando does view Betty as a woman but not to the point where he is eager to jump her bones and it isn't until after they do(😏) that he does become eager for her and because it's all been based on an emotional attraction what he feels for her is something that makes him feel completely satisfied, both physically and emotionally.
Take notice of the previous episodes, when Armando and Betty were having emotionally charged conversations Armando was a bit more welcoming to kissing Betty. Before he fought Roman and Co. they were about to start a make out session(Roman make a joke that they were going to have a free 3x showing and the next day Mario said that if they were making those comments that it meant he and Betty must've been really busy) However days later when they're at the club Armando isn't all that eager to kiss her. He does kiss her but they're half honest kisses. It isn't until later that he's dropping her off, after they've somewhat had a conversation that involves their feelings that Armando welcomes and even initiates the kiss with Betty but when she starts getting eager he pulls away(I Don't Believe He Desires Me Part 2 post) and tells her that they can't get carried away and they have to be careful.
Since Betty tried a new look that same day Armando had to finally accept that he was her boyfriend and in a relationship with her but he also had to learn to take into account Betty's feelings and notice them as well. In that same episode he also had to begin to accept the idea of entertaining the idea of physical interactions with Betty.
This carry's on to the next few episodes. Armando is now somewhat aware of Betty's emotional needs and her desires and he is now personally affected when they are not met, especially when Betty is treated poorly, he takes it very personal.
In a sense one could say that Armando is coming around to the idea that he could possibly be feeling an emotional attraction to Betty.
As Mario and him continue to discuss how to go about cooling off Betty or whatever they hear a commotion outside of his office. The employee's are singing Las Mañanitas to Betty. They exit the office and Armando stops on his tracks as he realizes that they're singing that song to Betty. He visibly starts to breath rapidly and touches his forehead.
Now ironically both Armando and Mario share the exact same expression when they notice that Betty is the one being celebrated(although Mario had that same expression since he left the office lol).
Mario tells him "Ah, Betty's Birthday." Armando looks at him with his mouth opened.
"But I didn't know, she didn't tell me anything." (*1)He seems a bit angry and is still breathing rapidly.
"Well go on, congratulate your girlfriend."
Armando gives him a quick glance but his expression remains the same. He then stares at Betty who is across from the room. He swallows hard and clears his throat.
He no longer wears an expression on his face, even his voice is very professional.
"Betty we didn't know it was your birthday."
Bertha gasps and says "Sir you were the only that wasn't aware because everyone here knew or no?" Everyone agrees with her. Even Mario who is next to Armando says that they all knew. He's lying though because he too had the same surprised expression and now he's doing it to mortify Armando. Armando turns to look at him with wide eyes and his mouth open, he's surprised.
Could you imagine how he feels? His best friend who is a complete and total sleazbag "remembers" that it's Betty's birthday and that he knew all along but he, who is supposed to be the morally gray and better version of Mario, wasn't aware of his assistant's birthday, who so happens to be his girlfriend? He had two very important reasons to remember it. He must feel like crap.
"Listen Betty, allow me to cordiality extend a happy birthday greeting to you." He takes a few steps towards her and it looks like he wants to say and do more until he stops himself and notices everyone around. Betty too took a step or two forward but stopped as well. He slightly bows down and says "Happy Birthday." Betty smiles and nods once. Everyone starts chanting for him to give her a kiss. Armando turns to look at Mario and swallows hard and they awkwardly start to dance.
Betty leans her head up and moves from left to right while he licks his lips and he doesn't know where to kiss her but goes for the top of her head, well her bangs(it honestly looks like he was going to go for the lips for like a brief second lol).
Everyone starts to clap and Freddy, being the life of any party starts to go on a speech.
"Long live the party and the atmosphere of Eco Moda! Sir. Mario Calderón are you going to manifest yourself with another small kiss?"
Mario's expression is with wide eyes and a mouth hung open; shock. Armando looks at him with the same expression he always has in front of the employee's. Poker face however when Mario agrees Armando arches his brow at him. As Mario steps away to go give her a kiss and congratulates her, Armando is looking down and shifts.
After watching this exact same scene many times I find it interesting to say the least. Maybe I am reading too much into it but for the sake of this we'll say I'm not. Remember how Mario reacted when Armando said that Betty told him she loved him? He said that it was what they had been working for. To some degree, because Armando did somewhat share about his nights with Betty, Mario and Armando have been sharing Betty. Mario is incharge of the mechanical/details department and spelling things out for Armando so he can be successful in the relationship while Armando has been incharge of the mental, emotional, and physical department of the relationship. They are both Betty's boyfriend, except she is only aware of one. Mario is very aware of Betty's emotional and even physical needs because of Armando and he is incharge of hyping him up to commit to the plan, though on his part he does it for the sake of his money and his reputation, Armando does it for his ego, his confused feelings and lastly the company his parents funded and started(which involves Marcela and Daniel too and that's a whole other thing).
It also shows us that if Mario had taken Armando up on the plan that he should be the one to make Betty fall in love that he would have done so and even succeeded as he doesn't hesitate, walks towards her with his arms extended, touches her shoulders and gives her a kiss on the cheek all while smiling.
At first I thought, maybe he's amused that Mario now will have to do what he has had to do, or at least get a some taste of his medicine but as one does in body language, lets look at the context.
Before Mario agrees to give Betty a kiss when Freddy asks if he'll give one to her as well, Armando slowly turns to look at Mario with no expression on his face, except his eyes focused on him, when Mario agrees he arches his brow for just a second, as Mario walks with his arms extended towards Betty, he looks down, takes in a breath and closes his eyes.
I'd say there's a mixture of feelings going on here. For one, (*1)he's angry at himself for not remembering or knowing it was such an important day for Betty and two he doesn't like that Mario will kiss Betty, he feels frustrated over it all.
By the next camera frame of Armando we see him giving Hugo his angry face which is squinting eyes and lips on a line. His arms are folded in front of him.
Hugo as always insults Betty but the cuartel starts to chant for him to give her a kiss as well, who says that he won't because he has a cold sore, as he passes by we see Armando keeping his eyes on him, while still slightly squinting them, and his lips in a line but as Hugo gets closer to him his lips get tighter, he closes his eyes for a second or two and when he opens them briefly rolls his eyes and looks at the opposite direction for a second. We know Armando really dislikes Hugo but before at least to he tolerated him, however since the day Betty went and changed her look(for that day) Armando seems to have a special disdain for Hugo.
"Well then Armani, tell me did you give her her kiss already?" Hugo walks behind and stands between Mario and Armando.
Both Armando and Mario share different expressions. While Mario looks like he's throwing himself a self-pity party and wondering where his vanity and ego have gone Armando looks mad.
Marcela has now wrapped a hand around Armando's bicep and with the other she places it on it as well while she stares at him with a smile on her face.
"Yes." he respondes to Hugo, annoyed. His lips are drawn in for a brief moment(pursed lips). Previously he had been staring once again at the opposite direction of Hugo he stands to his left, now he stares to his right, but not at anyone or anything in particular. When he is done responding to Hugo his eyes move to glance at Betty, who looks at Marcela's reaction.
Marcela drops her hands and stares at him with disapproval. Armando once more, stares off to his right, with squinting eyes and lips tight in a line with his hands clasped in front of him.
Betty seems satisfied with Marcela's reaction.
However again, the difference in behavior between Armando and Mario is really interesting. While Mario scoffs but seems amused by Hugo's "jokes" Armando never changes his expression from anger except when he glances at Betty for a second, his eyes slightly widen when he hears Huge say "Ugliness is very contiguous." and then again glances away, squints his eyes, and then glances back at Betty.
Then Hugo proceeds to seggsually harass his bosses by groping their butts. Marcela looks at him amused, Armando widens his eyes but his mouth remains in a tight line and Mario turns surprised at Hugo.
I've got a hate-neutral thing with Hugo if I'm being honest. Whenever he's only interacting with Inesita I laugh at his "jokes", I say "preach" when he lectures Armando and Mario, and sometimes when he interacts with Armando I find him amusing but most of the time he could catch these hands. The actor is amazing. Hugo is a character that I personally don't like but even then I still find some of his scenes crudely funny and I hate that I do.
"Congratulations, Beatriz" Marcela says, Armando glances at Betty once more, his eyes constantly change expression when he looks at her, they go from squinting to softening, but his mouth still remains in a line. Marcela then walks away after Betty thanks her.
Armando then turns to look at Mario who is nodding and looks like he can breathe again,(but his expression that shows the slight smile for a second isn't because he actually does feel relieved, everyone is "laughing" at what Hugo did and he's trying to play it off cool. We know Armando feels uncomfortable with Hugo behaving this way towards him and we know that it affects him deeply(https://youwontlikethisblog.tumblr.com/post/655584505462161408/brutas-la-policia)) however he is still preoccupied with the second problem at hand, Betty's special day(I mean it really is y'all) and him trying to make up for it. However it's him, the not detail oriented at all Armando, who can't remember anything if it saved his life, who isn't very bright when it comes to feelings, he on the spot, in a way that doesn't alert anyone of his affair with Betty, needs to come up with something right there and then without the intervention of his very detail oriented side kick because it would alert Betty that Mario knows.
Armando suggest that they all buy Betty a cake and that they celebrate her birthday later on in the afternoon at the office(going in hand that he wants for Betty to cool off) and looks happy with the suggestion.
"No Sir we already took care of everything." Bertha replies.
"Well in any case, happy birthday, Betty." Armando smiles slightly when he looks at her but as he looks away from her and down his smile falls and he has a solemn expression on his face. He turns and starts to walk slowly.
The girls then start to question Betty about her boyfriend.
"What did he give you?" Sofia asks.
"Nothing yet." Betty replies timidly.
"But I imagine that he called you really early in the morning to sing Happy Birthday my love or no?" Mariana asks.
We get a camera frame of Armando and Mario standing at a distances eavesdropping the conversation. While Mario seems concerned(Remember they still think Nicolas is competition) Armando looks curious and mad as he observes Betty.
"No, minimum he presented himself in the morning and filled you with kisses."
"No, we haven't spoken yet." This implies to Armando that Betty is talking about him, not Nicolas.
"Ay no." Bertha inhales. "What a a downer to have a boyfriend that's not romantic, can you believe that?" While Armando attempts to keep a poker face, his eyes are still focused on Betty and he feels bad. Mario aka Mr. Dimples aka the Love Guru, aka Betty's third boyfriend(if we include Nicolas on the list) looks amused though because he knows he can have a field day with Armando over this.
"Would it be that he doesn't know? But that's crazy, no?"
"Sofia" they gasp.
"Enough Sofia, calm down y'all, don't y'all see that they barely started dating? Lets not ruin Betty's Birthday." Mariana aids Betty.
"Well I think it's really sad. Minimum he should manifest himself later on." Sandra says while Mario and Armando continue to overhear. Armando starts to bite his bottom lip(self soothing) and looks at Mario from the corner of his eyes who gives a slight nod.
They've got their solution!
Armando must manifest himself later on.
The last scenes I'll discuss on this post and will be "brief".
The following scene of Armando and Mario in his office(With the doors closed) show us a very pained Armando who is beating himself up while he gives Mario his back who makes Armando feel a lot worse.
"Did you see? Did you hear? What a disappointing guy." Armando looks pained. He blinks rapidly, grits his teeth and breaths rapidly as well. "See this poor girl finally has a boyfriend and how does he celebrate her birthday?" Armando has his brows furrowed. "with total abcentism and indifference." Armando now squints his eyes and draws in a quick breath while tightening his lips. He now sees that Mario is trying to make him feel worse instead of helping him.
"Enough!" Armando yells at him. "Damnit Calderón!" he walks to the other end of his desk and turns to look at Mario with a sad and defensive look. "I didn't know it was her birthday, I completely forgot(indicates that he actually knew the date) besides it's not like I was supposed to know!" He rebuts. "I was with her 'til midnight and she didn't say anything!" he whispers worried.
"Brother she's a woman. She probably expected that you'd remember. She probably thought that last nights outing was to celebrate her and midnight came around and what happened? Nothing. Nothing" he hisses at the end while squinting his eyes at Armando. "Could you imagine what she's feeling right now?" Armando parts his lips just a bit, he grits his teeth, his eyes squint slightly while his brows furrow and he has his arms folded in front of him. All of this helps us draw the conclusion that he's mad at himself and feels really guilty and worried about it all.
"What happened to your love, you obsession for her?" Mario's tone allows us to know that he isn't really criticizing Armando. He is enjoying his pain and enjoying the control over it.
"Stop criticizing me, Calderón." Armando looks at him annoyed and points at him. He straights up and walks behind his desk. "Stop criticizing me and help me find the solution, yeah? Please." he begs.
Then Mario starts to give him his stupid suggestion which is his version of the Marilyn Monroe singing Happy Birthday to Pres. Kennedy. Armando tells him that he prefers that he give him a card and a gift, that he'd conform to that.
"Yeah of course, a [insignificant] gift and card, a pat on the shoulder and done 'I saw you, good, what a pleasure' done no?"
"Well like Freddy says, forgive me but pardon me, I don't have anything else to offer Betty."
"Man what about an invitation to go out to dinner tonight?"
"An invitation for dinner? Sneak away from Marcela? For what? So she can kill me?" He hisses this = his main problem and unlike before by the lack of "worse/worst" we can conclude that that is biggest worry next to the one he names next "beside with the state Betty's in? No."
"Well yes you went out last night but what happened? Midnight came and you didn't celebrate anything. She continued being more Cinderella than ever before and you? Shun her out all night and you want her to forgive you? With an insignificant gift?"
"Do you not remember the fierce state Betty's was in? Do you not remember that...fire she's had lately?" he asks urgently. "Besides it's her birthday. I won't get out of that if I take her out tonight." He tries to defend.
He feels terrible for his emotional callousness towards Betty and how that has to affect and hurt Betty. Armando has gone through a transformation in the past few episodes where now what ever happens to Betty he feels personally, it's called empathy, but it is magnified by the intensity and growth of his emotional attraction to her and while he gets angry when people disrespect her, he now feels angry at himself that he's the one that's hurting her in that moment and guilty for the pain she might be feeling.
However, when Mario again starts to suggest that he needs to take her out despite her fervent state, Armando's lack of(ignorance of) physical attraction to Betty is highlighted as now he cares more about himself than he does about Betty's feelings.
What does Mario get out of this? Well he obviously doesn't want their hard work to be thrown out the window but that's not really it. Since the start he has always been suggesting or insinuating that Armando sleep with Betty. What does that have to do with the plan? Aside from the fact that he's a deprived man? I think he just wants to make fun of Armando for it and hold it over his head to say "See you're not so perfect, you're worse than I am because at least I don't sleep with "exotic" women I find repulsive and do it for money. I do it with women I don't manipulate like you have with her."
"Man I don't know." Mario throws his hands up in the air. "This is your decision. You're touching very sensitive points in the soul of a woman." He exclaims and points his finger up as emphasize. Armando now looks at him with furrowed brows and wide eyes while he rubs his lips with his fingers(context clues allows us to determined that he does this to self-sooth because he feels stressed). "You could be throwing everything, all of our work, over the ledge. You could be creating a resentment factory just three meters from where you are." He points to her office. " Like that!" He snaps his fingers and Betty enters the office. "Just like that." He continues to snap his fingers and turns to look at her.
"Yeah bring it immediately, don't forget about the thing I made you responsible of." Armando looks worried.
"Yeah. Count on that." Mario nods and looks determined. Betty looks at him nervously and then proceeds to walk towards her office.
Now Armando doesn't look at her, instead he worries his bottom lip, stares at his computer, fidgets with his fingers and thumb and has furrowed brows, indicating stress and guilt.
"Beatriz." He calls out to her, looking up but not towards her. He finally lets his guard down as he drops his hand and shakes his head and worried he asks her " Why, huh?" he finally turns to stare at her and then spins on his chair to her direction "Why didn't you tell me anything?" he stares at her and stands up. "Why didn't you tell me you were turning years? I'm feeling really awful, I didn't know anything." Armando continues with the worried expression and his tone of voice matches this. He does feel really awful about it all.
"Oh sir... I was just embarrassed to." Betty timidly says and looks down and fidgets. Her behavior is a lot like a kid here where she shifts on her feet and sways around gently and stares down with a shy smile on her face.
"How are you going to feel embarrassed over your birthday, Betty? It's a very important date for me." he tries to reason and explain to her. "I wanted to share it with you." he says sincerely.
"Oh Sir, I know you're a very busy person with too many problems like for me to expect that you remember something that is especially really dumb like this." Armando looks hurt over this and also frustrated.
"It's because this isn't dumb for me, not at all. This date isn't dumb for me, Beatriz." He states.
"But it doesn't have an importance, Sir."
"No, for me it does have importance, your birthday is important to me." He is now moving from frustrated to being mad.
"No it doesn't."
"Yes it is." He tries to "play" along.
"No, Sir." Betty timidly smiles and replies.
"I said yes!" He screams at her. "That for me your birthday is important and what? For me it is!" He yells and stares at her with wide eyes, flared nostrils and lips tight and then he realizes that he screamed and yelled at her. "Your birthday is important.." He widens his eyes and walks to sit behind his desk.
"Yes, Sir." Betty looks down and looks hurt over his reaction. She was simply playing around and in her own way flirting with Armando, who doesn't like it when Betty tries to invalidate his feelings, especially when they are related to how he feels about her.
"How embarrassing, Beatriz, I didn't want to yell at you much less the day of your birthday. It's just that it makes me nervous when you tell me-when you don't tell me things." Betty looks at him and studies him(lemme finish his sentence because it actually holds meaning "it makes me nervous when you tell me that I don't feel what I feel." this is all based on context clues so I'm guessing that is what he wanted to say at first).
"Sir" She takes steps towards his desk "If I tell you it isn't it's not so you don't feel guilty over it. It's because for me it really doesn't hold any transcendence so why would it hold that for you?" She smiles.
"How is it that it doesn't hold transcendence for you? Explain that to me because I don't get that."
Remember how I keep pointing out that Armando has always been curious about Betty's personal life slash her intimacy? Here he is asking her a personal question and for the first time Betty is going to give him a glimpse of it.
"Normally when people turn age they make a huge celebration, inviting their friends over to their house, they sing, dance, but I've never been enthusiastic over that, well the only time that I had a birthday party it was because of my parents because I was turning fifteen but it was so so bad, so concurrent, that I never did anything like that for my birthday again." She chuckles.
What has Armando's behavior been like?
At first he was obviously paying attention to her but as she started to talk about her experience he first seemed surprised in an a "oh my god it's happening, nobody panic, it's happening." kind of way and the more she expressed herself, the more he felt for her as his final expression is one of him being sad. The corners of his mouth are down, there's a slight pout on his lips, he stares at Betty with his eyes slightly squinting at her.
"Don't worry, Sir." She smiles and walks to her office.
Armando follows her with his sight but as she shuts the door he stares off somewhere else with his brows now furrowed and his pouting intensifying.
For one he feels like he finally gets something into her personal life and the fact it's something that potentially has such an negative impact for Betty, at least enough to make her not want to ever have another party again, makes him sad. Though Betty didn't say exactly what went wrong, Armando can imagine what it could have been as he too was fifteen at some point and he knows how cruel people can be, especially fifteen year old's so it makes him sad that she's gone through that.
A few scenes later, the girls go ask Betty out for lunch for her birthday. Armando walks to grab a glass of water and starts to eavesdrop their conversation(He do be liking el chisme too, especially when it involves his fav. person, Beatriz Pinzón Solano.) as he hears the girls basically talk ish on her boyfriend for having yet to ask her out or make plans with her for her b-day.
Mariana again tries to aid Betty against the girls critique of her boyfriend.
"Beatriz." Armando calls to Betty, who was on her way to her office to grab her things after the girls left. "I wanted to ask you a favor and that's that you won't make plans for tonight." He stops looking at the book he head been "reading" when the secs. where at the door, and takes a step towards her. "I would love it if we could celebrate your birthday together." He is honest in asking her out.
"Really Sir?" Betty smiles big. Armando seems content with her reaction.
"Well of course, Betty. This is real." He smiles at her.
"Oh Sir but I don't want you to have problems with Ms. Marcela, we already went out last night." She whispers the final part.
"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of Marcela." he smiles and tries to reassure her.
Betty again tries to invalidate his efforts by saying "Ay Sir I don't want you to get into trouble." and Armando reacts classically'; angry Italian chef hand gesture.
"But I'm telling you no, take it easy, so what do we do then? Huh? Lets go out, yeah? Us together. Or what? Do you have some other plan?" He started off frustrated in an angry way and moved on to distrust.
"Nonono how could you think that?"
"I just wanted to know" we hear him say in a low tone.
"We'll see each other later on."
"Betty." He stops her again from walking into her office and winks at her while sending her a kiss via express mail(same day delivery?). Betty then flutters her right eyes and smiles at him and goes into her office.
His reaction after she leaves his him doing an "Ow" expression but he seems at peace with it.
Now moving forward to a new scene but still in the same time frame, Mario walks into his office and asks for any updates and I'm just mentioning this because I find his reaction funny.
Armando clarifies that he's taking Betty out to dinner later on that day and Mario smiles at him and starts to "clap" silently since Betty is in her office.
Compared to earlier in the day, Armando now looks like he's back on his grove. He looks at peace with his relationship with Betty, that she finally shared some personal information with him, they've set up a date, he doesn't feel bad that he forgot her birthday because she told him she didn't want him know(but she did want him to remember, she said so the previous night when her mom asked) and Mario is getting the gift, all is well.
Marcela in classic style then goes to be a controlling and possessive girlfriend once Armando leaves to lunch with Mario and starts to go through his things and finds AA's picture on his desk.
Aura Maria then tries to hype Betty up about her b-day date with her[Betty] boyfriend and that she'll give her tips later on for it.
Dumb Nicolas calls Eco Moda when Betty's off at lunch so he can talk to Patsy Pats again and because he's dumb like that(I love that character but when it comes to Pats I can't stand him) he starts to pretend like he's rich so he can get her attention
Fast-forward some scenes, Betty is back in her office when her phone rings. When she picks up Nicolas is singing "Happy Verde To You" while Don Hermes looks at Nicolas with annoyance.
"Aw Nicolas." Betty says sweetly and we see Armando slowly pick his head up(he was looking at some papers down on his desk that he was signing) and squint his eyes and turn to Betty's office. "I didn't think you'd remember my birthday. Very nice gesture." She chuckles.
For this next conversation I will omit what Nicolas says so we can view it from Armando's point of view.
"Aw Nicolas." Betty smiles and sounds flattered. "Ah Terra Moda?" She teases. "Oh um, but go out to dinner tonight?" she looks towards the little frosted window in her office, that's indirectly towards Armando's desk. "No it's not because of that, Nicolas." She explains. "What happened is that..." We now get a frame of Armando being nosy, again, and eavesdropping on the conversation, carefully paying attention to what she's saying. "my friends here, the girls from the cuartel have invited me out to celebrate my birthday and I'm already engaged with them." she lies. "Yeah don't worry about it, Nicolas, in any case, thank you so much." she smiles(you can hear someone's genuine smile through their tone of voice) "They'll turn up, don't worry." She teases.
Armando can conclude that Nicolas asked Betty out but she rejected him and lied to him, could be that he believes Nicolas was probably asking Betty if she had plans with another guy or didn't like him anymore, so Betty explains[lies] why she can't go out with him. Then that Betty is trying to reassure him that he'll find someone.
I omitted Nicolas responses because we get Armando's reaction a lot here so it has to mean that we're supposed to draw to the conclusion that it is important for us to know that Armando still considers Nicolas a threat but that he feels like he's winning now.
Now Armando's last reaction is more satisfaction than anything. He feels like he finally scored against Nicolas and he feels good about it.
Betty is now lying to Nicolas and not making plans with him so that she can go out with Armando, making him her number one priority once more and that makes him happy but because he hears Betty's enthusiasm and how comfortable she is while talking with Nicolas it doesn't build his confidence that Betty doesn't have anything with Nicolas.
However problems arise when Nicolas tells Don Hermes that Betty is going out with her friends and makes Doña Julia call her work friends so they can invite them for a celebration party at her house.
When she calls her mom to talk to her about it and when she hangs up Betty now has to find a way to fix this.
Take into consideration that Betty does want to go out with Armando but that after he yelled at her twice for Invalidating his feelings or efforts of him wanting to celebrate her birthday, she now has to consider his feelings and doesn't want to make him feel like he isn't important to her.
She goes out into his office and stands there, waiting for him to acknowledge her.
"What's up?" He asks when he stops typing.
"Sir um, what time do you think we'll be leaving tonight?" Armando has his hands laced together in front of him as he answers Betty.
"Around seven. Why Betty? What's going on with that face of yours? Like something worries you?"
"My parents are organizing a party for me and they've invited all my friends, including you."
"What Betty? Do you pretend I go there with all those women, the most gossipy women of all of Eco Moda, to your house?" here Armando is no longer willing to sacrifice. "To celebrate a birthday? that bore me, they bore me profoundly. I don't even celebrate mine, not in my house or anywhere. I find it very fed up." Betty's entire demeanor is sad. "but if you have that engagement then go ahead on do it. We leave our thing for another time."
"No, no, no." Betty kicks into gear. "Sir forget it. You come first. I prefer to go out with you." She reassure him. To her after his two outburst earlier this translate to him doing it as a reverse therapy kind of way, saying it isn't a problem, that he doesn't like those kinds of party's anyway, and added with his somber tone, Betty does think he is trying to not make her feel bad for it but that he does want to go out with her.
"You already have an engagement go ahead and comply with it."
"Sir let me fix this."
"No-no wait." He says as she leaves his office.
Armando isn't upset or arguing with Betty or trying to convince her to go out with him because he knows Nicolas isn't the one she's going to go out with. Now Armando, though being callous and honest, tells Betty that he doesn't like birthdays that they bore him and are nuisance and that he doesn't even celebrate his,
Betty then comes up with the plan for that night everything is fixed. Armando however fails to read the bold letters, I'd say lines but by this point everything is spelt out in front of him. He is being callous.
"[...] You decide at what time you want us to go out?" She smiles.
"But um-but-nonono- Be-Betty I-It's not necessary for you to go through all of that. Really I feel embarrassed with you, the party, the cake at your house-"
"No really I-I don't know-"
"No Sir I talked with everyone; With my family, my friends. Everything is fixed." She smiles. Armando however doesn't seem too happy about it.
"Yeah?" He asks worried. "It's not a shame?" Betty picks up on this and looks away from him.
"Well Sir, I won't insist more." She takes in a deep breath and gives a small smile. "Pardon me." She starts to move towards her office.
"No-no, Betty come over here." He scratches his ear lobe in an effort to sooth his anxiety. "What time do you want me to pick you up?"
"No Sir, don't bother."
"What time do you want me to pick you up?" He speaks loudly and frustrated, however he is trying not yell at her.
"At ten?" She says softly and smiles at him. He nods and forces a smile. "Thank you, Sir."
He does the same expression once Betty enters her office, the "Ow" but at peace with it expression.
Armando is now making more of an effort to place Betty's needs before his own. He is now understanding, even if its a little bit, his feelings towards Betty, at least to the point that he is okay with some of them.
Betty is still timid but she's picking up his cues and when she questions them and she pulls away Armando tells her that it isn't like that at all. It's so important to understand this because many people have this misconception that Betty took advantage of Armando later on that night. I already talked more about this, however not that in depth related to that specific scene in the post I Don't Believe He Desires Me Part 2.
'Til next time!
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elriell · 4 years
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Well I might disagree but I never mind hearing other peoples thoughts, this is fascinating to me actually... So lets dive in to it, i have lots of Elain thoughts as I am sure you know ☺
I definitely think her POV will indeed clear a lot up and give us a better idea, because what we have to take in to account much like with Nesta, our only view for so long was through Feyre’s mind who is quite biased and as we know not always the most reliable perspective. 
It was unfortunate that the few Nes/El scenes we got were tainted by Nestas rightful anger, but I especially think the “Fuck you” scene between them is such a normal sibling dynamic we never saw through Feyre previously.
Listen, I don’t disagree that she could frustrate some people, I cannot think of a single ACOTAR character that hasn’t frustrated me at some point... I think the bigger issue is people use her kindness as a weapon against her, and do not give her any space to evolve.
This time last year when people were backing Nesta (me included) and we took to time to understand that despite her sharp tong and razor sharp looks she had so much to uncover as we saw in ACOSF. What bothers me is that people do not seem to extend this same leeway because she is not you “typical-sassy-bad-girl”... not every character has to be that way to be interesting or strong. 
There is nothing bland about being kind... I think a few people on this site could learn a thing or two about that to be frank.
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Anyways I am veering sorry, so to answer your questions, I think that is a very simplified view of the situation, and though I agree you might be right about if she spoke to him they could just resolve it, that simply isn’t realistic when emotions are so high and trauma is being dealt with. I will also link a phenomenal post about her trauma and its correlation over all. 
If it were that simple Nessian would not have been 24/7 angst for years. If they had just communicated in general they would have had a much simpler journey, but that is not always life... When you have your plate full.
She also might be feeling a certain sense of duty to not disrupting the ties between them all and that can only be further seen in that POV when Rhys prioritises just that.
As a reader we know Lucien, we understand him and the situations with Ianthe like you said, and just generally he is a good male, but she doesn’t. 
She does not know him all that well to make those kind of big judgement calls, especially being surrounded by quite possessive mates as it were, though for them it is reciprocated that is her experience thus far, so for her to be potentially weary is normal in my opinion... 
And to be honest I think they will simply have a talk and work shit out, but it was not going to happen in previous books, that simply wouldn’t make any sense, us watching her make a crucial choice through Nesta/Feyre’s eyes rather than on her own journey and book. Of course it hasn’t happened yet...
Also the way Feysand was pushing Nessian together despite Nesta’s protest I can’t quite blame her for not feeling super comfortable. She is being clear enough with how she feels in all her scenes with him and yet they continue to invite him to family holidays and force their proximity.
I think of course for a period Elain was her own obstacle but ACOSF started laying the groundwork for her rising...
She definitely put her foot down in ACOSF wouldn’t you say? Do you not think she asserted her own autonomy?
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I think she has certainly been overcoming her past and dealing with it in a constructive way, she is helping other, finding friends and being happy. She has made major leaps from say ACOWAR.
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Elain has never been weak, she has always been rather quiet and wise, but she has never shied away from things when eventually push came to shove. 
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I still think she has a ways to go breaking the mould her family put her in but I have no doubt she will because it has already begun. And I for one look forward to it, and giving her the patience to grow as I have for past ACOTAR characters.
I feel like I got a lil sidetracked at time lol but I hope that made sense!
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percyjacksonfan3 · 3 years
The Last Olympian Thoughts
So because I have absolutely 0 self-control or restraint when it comes to this series and its characters, and for The Last Olympian in particular, I could not put TLO down. Because of this I figured I couldn’t do the usual photo reaction posts I have been so far, because the spam would just be ridiculous, so I am stealing the idea from @yourstrulytaaay​ to do a masterpost instead. (Adding a Read More cause this got ridiculously long)
Fun fact, TLO came out right after i finished reading the series for the first time so it's the first PJO book i bought  and my only hard cover one for the og series. I checked the year and turns out it was published 2009, which means i was actually 9 when i read the series for the first time. I realize this is not really a fun fact but i thought i was older when I first read the series so it's blowing my mind a little ‘cause now I’m 21 and everything hits different and i still have so much love for this series and the characters Okay onto book thoughts: - i was right that this book is gonna destroy me, the first line alone made me so excited and nostalgic it's ridiculous - I love Rachel and Percy sm tbh. Her being a bit of peace and normalcy in his life without always reminding Percy of who and what he is is so good for him. Just a little escape
- of course by the end of the book that's not the case any more but by the end he's lived his prophecy so he doesn't need it as badly, plus he and Annabeth are solid again - Percy saying Annabeth has been hard to be around lately... Ouch my heart. Luke really is the last thing that keeps them from being together and Percy is so jealous and Annabeth so torn and in pain, i feel so bad for them both
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- Beckendorf 🥺🥺 - the telkhine with the Lil Demon lunchbox!! I forgot about him. Percy: 'i left him alive, partly because his lunchbox was cool' is one of my absolute favourite lines tbh - Paul taking Percy crabbing and being imperative in helping Percy kill the giant crab 💖 Paul Blofis is important and deserves the world, okay? - aw Percy, you can't save every demigod bb
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- 'i had to fight him eventually. Why not now?... What difference would a week make?' Oh Percy you have no idea - real talk tho, the fact Kronos possessed Luke's body would also mess me tf up. Percy keeps forgetting it's not Luke anymore and yeah, that would be so so hard and confusing af, like what another smart little mind game for Kronos to pull on top of everything else - the fact Percy fights Kronos before getting the Achilles Curse and actually doesn't die within seconds is... Astounding. He kicks him in the chest! And yeah Kronos is weaker and still adjusting to Luke's body, but Percy is having trouble fighting Luke cause they used to be friends - Percy breaks Kronos' time magic!! Like?! Boy is POWERFUL.
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- OUCH - honestly Luke, Thalia and Annabeth's family breaking the way it did... Don't talk to me. Poor Annabeth, Luke betrayed them, Thalia joined the Hunters because of Luke's betrayal so she's pretty much AWOL all the time and then Luke dies. Like Rick wtf, my heart can't take it? -Percy and Tyson having each others backs when talking to Poseidon in the underwater palace is the brother-brother relationship we love to see - Percy trying to stick a sand dollar in the vending machines at school 🤦🏻‍♀🤦🏻‍♀ - the whole underwater interaction at Poseidon's palace? Perfection. Awkward family drama and all - Connor falling out of the tree when he sees Percy because he's so excited 😂😂
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- 😭💖
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- k, ik Clarisse isn't perfect but tbh if i was a child of Ares whose father was disrespected and hated by my fellow campers (ares deserves it but still) and that disrespect trickled down to how the other campers treated ME (which if Percy is reliable here, it obviously does) then i would also be irritated at being used for muscle and nothing else? And just expected to fight with the people who act as if they'd rather not have Ares kids around the rest of the time. Like Clarisse isn't totally wrong - Percy reading the prophecy, seeing he's meant to die and just being like 'i do not see it' and refusing to outright think about it makes me so sad for him - (but it taints every action after and he's super reckless afterwards bc of it- including finally breaking and accepting the Achilles Curse) - (also him taking this as the last straw and finally beginning to show Annabeth how he really feels, cause fuck it, he's dying anyway) - Give me more info about Rachel's backstory and family Rick!! -  how did i forget Percy willingly eats chocolates that taste like cardboard because 'i didnt have anything against cardboard' like sir? Ik Silena didn't want them but still? - 'she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful' STOP, MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT - Percy staring at Annabeth and forgetting what they're talking about cause hes so distracted 👌🏻
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- hmm yeah... For some strange reason.... - i forgot how Percy totally bombs this convo bw them and now want to cry 😭 Annabeth is trying to talk about what's important and Percy, you sweet oblivious man, you're shooting her down without even realizing - love that they're both on the same wavelength tho. Percy two lines before, hmm it's cool to date ppl from other cabins, wonder why im thinking that around Annabeth, my best friend in the world, and then Annabeth a beat later, hmm, let me bring up Silena and Beckendorf and how it's important to be with the people you love when you have the chance, no way Percy will miss this huge hint right? - they're the best - k i honestly forgot Percy full on physically intimidates Leneus like that - luke telling his mom if he ran away the monsters wouldnt get her..i can just imagine luke crying when he says good bye before running away because he thinks it's his fault his mom is like that and he cant take care of and protect her anymore because it's too hard - uh oh now i have angsty pre-lightning thief luke fic inspo... Him, Thalia and Annabeth on the run... The ANGST -  Rick holds absolutely nothing back in this book and i am in pain - HESTIA!! 💖💖🥰 - actual loml - i love that Rick titled this book after her and that he wrote such a great series about the importance of family (biological, found or otherwise) and home, and that he said actually Hestia is the most important bc shes the most humble and keeps the peace and knows when to fight and when to yield and you protect what you love, which is your home - i just... Adore Hestia - Grover! Missed you babes - Hades is so so horrible to Nico, always comparing him to Bianca :/ - but i do love Hades, Persephone and Demeter together they make me laugh - oh god the River Styx - Achilles 🥺 - Annabeth being Percy's lifeline is, and continues to be, A Lot™ - 'my name was Percy Jackson. I reached up and took Annabeth's hand.' LOL Why am i crying? - Like the fact there is no Percy without Annabeth, and that remembering her literally reminded him of who he is in his very soul... It's fine im fine - i won't even get into the parallels of her being his lifeline now and then later when Hera takes his memories but leaves the memory of Annabeth for Percy to fight to get back to (anyone who wants to yell about it with me... Feel free to message) - badass Percy is my fav Percy tbh - him defeating Hades?? Like? Hades is arguably the most powerful god, okay - i feel bad for Nico but if i was Percy I'd do the exact same, Nico, sorry man but this is a high stakes time crunch deal and Nico is literally the only hope of persuading Hades and distracted by his own internal stuff - flashbacks to Luke, Thalia and Annabeth hurt, ow - George and Martha are the best - damn i forgot Hermes full on nearly kills Percy here, yikes - Luke stop cockblocking Percabeth challenge
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- i love!! Percy's love for New York!! So much!! - Percy leaving to live in New Rome in HoO is a lie and this is all the proof i need for why - the fact the entire last half of the book is the battle and aftermath... Such great buildup and pacing. All the tricks and twists and battles in this War of Manhattan? I would not take out a thing, Rick, you legend - of course then the final battle in hoo with the gods is what? Two pages? Ugh, don’t talk to me about my hatred for BoO and HoO - 'no detours you two' is still the cutest thing!!! - THE HUNTERS!! Thalia i missed you - good job Percy, you finally spent your sand dollar - Minotaur!! - 'dont i get a kiss for luck? Its kind of a tradition right?' Percy finds out he's gonna die and is out of fucks to give and honestly I support him - also Michael just standing beside these two while they're flirting like umm 👀 👀 while a monster army marches towards them, nbd - Annabeth taking Ethan's knife meant for Percy!!! Cause she just knows his weak spot without him even telling her! They literally invented love - Feral Percy is so scary omg, i love how well Rick incorporates the Achilles Curse in this novel, with the whole heightened weaknesses and stuff ans the parallels to Achilles arrogance being what killed him and Percy's loyalty, fierceness and protective instinct being his own heightened weakness - the fact that Percy is the one who inadvertantly kills Michael Yew tho, I'll never recover from that - the fact Hades offers Maria di Angelo a golden palace by the Styx like how Poseidon offers Sally a palace under the sea tho. Let's talk about that parallel - the entire talk with Prometheus is so so good - not me picturing young Luke hiding in the closet to get away from his mom when she has an 'episode' -i love callbacks in stories and all of the callbacks to the rest of the series in this book make me very happy (medusa, minotaur, the underworld, Rainbow!! My baby!!, Daedalus and more) - Percy summoning a wholeass hurricane against Hyperion - the Party Ponies! They're so chaotic, i love it - Dionysus! 😁 I can't help it, i love him - Percy absolutely losing it when he sees Sally and Paul asleep in the car 🥺 - Rachel telling Percy he's not the hero screws with him so much :( poor bb - although i really really love how Rick wrote this, it's so refreshing to not have one chosen one save the world, but a combination of people - the drakon, Silena and Clarisse make me cry - the Patrochilles references, im not okay - Annabeth giving up on Luke after hearing what he did to Silena and Percy telling her that doesn't make him happy 😭 that whole interaction makes my heart ache - Percy giving Hestia Pandora's pithos 🥺 - and Hades, Nico and the others coming for a final attack is so badass, i love it - listen im glad the og trio were the ones to confront Luke on Olympus but the fact Thalia got so close and then pinned by a statue of HERA makes me so sad. Ik her and Luke were finished and she coped by cutting him off completely and giving up all hope but i would pay money to know what they would have said to each other to say goodbye - Ethan 🥺 - Poseidon joining the fight against Typhon is so cool, such a great scene - 'PEANUT BUTTER!' - Annabeth you brilliant badass you - RIP Luke, you werent great but you werent the worst either - the gods just rolling up seconds too late, wondering wtf happened in Olympus and who the dead body is - the chapter where the Olympians meet and give out rewards is one of my absolute favourites (again i am incensed we didn't get anything like this in HoO) - will Percy turning down immortality ever not make me scream in glee? No? Alright then - Annabeth being relieved like Percy was relieved at the end of Titan's Curse tho - oh Hermes :/ - its so hard reading all this and knowing what comes in HoO... Like it's such a cathartic, earned and mostly happy and peaceful ending and then HoO comes along and undermines it all - aww Rick let Paul see Olympus somehow pls, he deserves it, he killed a dracanae - (i would also love to see it) - Percy being more upset Rachel took his pegasus than her going to Camp and possibly dying, lol, priorities dude - i honestly think that Rick had other ideas for the second Great Prophecy and how things would go down in BoO, cause the prophecy like... Barely applies to BoO, Doors of Death are in book four, and explabations of it is all so unclear when Rick is usually pretty good with that stuff - PERCABETH - lol Percy complaining about privacy when he and Annabeth are caught kissing literally in the middle of the very open and public dining pavilion, okay - BEST UNDERWATER KISS OF ALL TIME - that's it and im a glass case of emotion - very happy to say that this series remains my favourite of all time 💖
 If anyone ever wants to come gush about anything Riordanverse related feel free, because as you can see I have a lot of thoughts about it all
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