nihil-ism · 6 months
Find me gnawing at the table muttering violent affirmations about how I will write tomorrow. Everyday. Endless cycle style.
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darwinquark · 2 years
not you reigniting my jeronica shipper soul with a few graphics bc i legit opened ao3 and checked if you updated tkof in the middle of a shift break
but seriously after a third read of chap 11 (christ you weren’t kidding when you said you’d place an exorbitant amount of emOTIONS and fcking angst in that chapter) i just need to know:
will the sequel be heavy angst with a happy ending or angst for like the first few chapters then we actually get to see them happy? like am i gonna see established relationship scenes in new york??? bc gOOOD god the emotional turmoil tkof is i need some happy jeronica
also, is the sequel planned to be release soon after the last chap or? no pressure bc obviously you have a life outside this fic (unfortunately, not the same can be said about me) but i lowkey might combust if they don’t get a happy ending
anyways, tkof is a work of art just incase you didn’t know
lolololol girl I'm so sorry I'm honestly not even sure what happened with chapter eleven, I just like blacked out and threw in every angsty trope I could think of (but also, the fact that you've read it three times??? my heart???)
re: the sequel, definitely a different vibe! my reasoning for even doing a sequel instead of just tying up tkof as a standalone was that I felt like I couldn't organically give them the kind of ending I wanted for them amidst all that drama/turmoil, you know? like I could pull some Bonnie and Clyde run away to NYC-type ending, which is fun in that toxic/ride or die kind of way, but I feel like they deserve the chance to develop something healthier/less co-dependent than that. Veronica's in a really bad place in tkof, like she has pretty much no one and is weathering all this stress and trauma, and as much as Jughead wants to spare her from all of that I think she needs to rebuild/heal/find herself again on her own terms before she can genuinely be in something real. I like to think of tkof as a right person, wrong time kind of deal, and wbbs as their unlikely second chance at it.
re: the mood, definitely not the same angst-fest as tkof! the first few chapters are going to be heavy on the tension because things are left wildly unresolved, particularly to Jughead, and there's a lot of festering emotion/resentment that's been sublimated over five years that's now roiling right back up to the surface. that said, the setting/stakes/plot of wbbs is really different, like this is set in the NYC publishing world and there's no gang wars or serial killers or general riverdale bs heightening everything around them, so you get to see way more normal/everyday interactions for them, which is what I really wanted. this is their Dair era of bickering over manuscript edits and schmoozy cocktail hours and bookstore meet-and-greets and apartment life, and you also get to see just how unapologetically ambitious they both are (something that sets them apart from Betty and Archie and their white-picket-fence-small-town aspirations, I think), which is really fun. They have different ideas of success but they're both starving to prove themselves, and that initially presents as friction but eventually bonds them.
TLDR, the sequel is my way of giving them a chance to reconnect in a setting where they can finally breathe, and even though it starts off dicey, it definitely progresses into what I think you're looking for. I'm looking forward to playing into the idea that they'll both have convinced themselves what they had in tkof was this fluke of teenage hormones and life/death adrenaline, but then here they are, five years later, drawn to each other all over again. Just makes it feel a lot realer, you know?
ANYWAY, sorry for the wikipedia article I just wrote you oh my LORD. I'm not taking any kind of break between the last chapter and the sequel so should be along the same updating speed (which is admittedly abysmal I'm sorry 🙃). thanks so much for the message!
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midnight633 · 3 years
Hiiiii midnight it’s been a while! I’ve been pretty the air at school is pretty chill rn and I haven’t been as stressed as normal! Anyways I just finished reading the haikyuu manga and none of my irl friends are going to read it so I’m DYING to talk to someone about it while it’s still fresh on my mind (also I remember you saying you read the manga but if you didn’t don’t continue reading for spoilers!) well ANYWAYS the nekoma match took YEARS of my life let me tell you and the cage metaphors and tsukki and kuroo’s battle of the blockers it was probably one of my favorite matches. And KENMA at the end actually having fun ahahah I loved loved loved this match.
And then fukorodani’s match with akaashi was hard to read but the “we are the protagonists/stars of the world” made my bokuaka heart go places but akaashi just breaking was so surprising to see and the fact that they don’t even win nationals makes me sooo sad I wanted at least one team I knew to win nations also
AND THEN THE NEXT MATCH HINATAA the day that scene gets animated is the day I combust someone give HINATA a hug he just couldn’t play for w h a t and then they losttt and he was crying alone and coach ukai and takeda were absolute kings in this scene. Buuuuttt we did get to meet the tiny giant and I thkught he’d look real intimidating and scary but he actually seems pretty cool! AND THEN KAGAYAMA unpopular opinion I actually can’t STAND him sometimes he really went I win while hinata is really cryingg and I know it’s for plot but hsjajsjs
The time skip omggg okay yachi saying that date tech went to finals and the Miya twins beat karasuno actually made my heart really happy. I do wish when they were third years they could if won but getting third is also really incredible and YAMAGUCHI WAS CAPTAIN I really need the crew as their years fics. The beach part was so fun to read I loved meeting them new people and OIKAWA I never though hinata and oikawa would get to the point of being good friends but I loved seeing it
AND THEN RHE MATCH BETWEEN HINATA AND KAGEYAMA okay kags backstory was sad but the “one day you’ll okay with someone who is even better then you” and that someone being hinata he finally beat kagayama it makes me sooo happy. Also bokuto making everyone clap for him I love it AND THE NEXT PART WITH OIKAWA ahahshd I don’t even want to know the outcome of the match but I was sooo sad it ended (and is it weird that I want a spinoff with natsu hinata playing volleyball that would be so cool)
I’m so sorry for the long ask it’s just I have NO ONE to talk to about this and you don’t ever have to answer I just like ranting so if you made it this far thank you and have an amazing rest of your day!
@ren-likes-muffins ?!! HOLY SHIT??!! You did it?!
I don't know what's with Tumblr not giving me notifications (also I haven't checked it much) so I'm late at seeing this but I AM SOO HAPPY U READ THE MANGA BECAUSE WE CAN NOW SCREAM AT EACH OTHER! I actually read the manga then went back and rewatched the series and started rereading the manga till the end of nekoma match then a week of exams happened and I became antisocial.
Deep breath
Like I was so pumped up for the nekoma match when I realized that was not yet animated and reading the first few pages of the manga was hard cuz my dumbass brain didn't wanna read right to left and interpret instead went rushing through the panels ( hence the re read to savour the storyline and characters) . But once I got into it the match was soo good? Like Kenma really went I don't care you're my friend I'm gonna tear u from limb to limb and did so calmly? I agree with the cage metaphor when he broke through it I was so giddy and I remember Suguru ( Nohebi's captain) commenting how he didn't like Tsukki's vibes and realising that it was same as Kuroo's and hating them both :)
The Fukorodani's match fed my bokuaka heart and was a precursor to Bokuto's 'im a normal ace' part. The tiny giant was kind of a disappointment but that's life for you.. and the kamomedai match man the battle of the little giants - I was so rooting for Hinata but when he collapsed I didn't get it at first but then it hit me and takeda's talk about taking care of body being a part of volleyball and all made me cry. Also Kenma coming to check up on Hinata? Soft. Heart breaking. Cue waterworks.
Somewhere deep inside I always expected Karasuno to win the nationals but they lost and I wasn't even bothered by it at the end
So.. unpopular opinion I kind of don't like Kageyama? He is always being insensitive and a dick to Hinata and when says I'm going forwards or some shit when Hinata collapses really made me dislike him very much. I don't really think their dynamic is healthy so kagehina became a big no-no for me.
But post time skip I loved that they could settle it and work together as equals. But Brazil?! My god, little Hinata become so accomplished-Ninja Shoyou- and the bit abt Kenma sponsoring him, Oikawa meeting him and becoming friends, seeing all these great high school players in the same team- let me tell you Atsumo and Sakusa on the same team with their competitive vibes with Bokuto - man I laughed like crazy at the Bokuto Beam, its so dorky and utterly him- and Hinata was perfect. Is it weird I want spinoff of the MSBY jackals and their shenanigans? I loved how they showed every ones career and Tsukki still playing 🏐 after saying it's just a game - he must have been more hooked than he let on-
I agree a spin off with natsu playing 🏐 would be soo Cool - going all like but Onichan you can't come to my game then everyone will want your autograph and you'll embarrass me-
I wanted more but with the open ending I can now imagine anything and subsequently my haikyuu brainrot is spreading
I too don't have any irl friends who watch it and I resigned myself to being alone in this but man ranting is so satisfying isn't it?
My haikyuu phase doesn't seem to end soon but it's just that I can't get into the head space for ATLA and I feel so guilty for it, I have so many updates from fics I've subscribed and I can't muster any interest in checking them out.
On another note it's so funny in a show where the only confirmed couples seem to be Tanaka and Kiyoko yet I ship so many of them!? In my mind they are all gay and I ship them. My fav ships are probably- iwaoi, daisuga, BOKUAKA, kuroken, and weirdly enough I was kinda obsessed with sakuhina, atsuhina, oh and sakuatsu. I. Just. Think. They're. Neat.
Oh well this is way too long and if you've read all this you have the patience of a saint and I'm proud of you. If you want let me know your fave ships and other manga bits that caught your attention ( random- but I love that Kita is a rice farmer and supplies for onigiri Miya)
Here is a fanart that I love that reminded me of the ' we are the protoganists of the world'
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Byee!! Take care and Have a lovely day! Ily<3
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jadeile-writes · 5 years
Let’s talk about my newest fic spree because I wanna
First Imma talk Zelda. Hazbin will be discussed after. I’ll bold the first line of it so it’s easy to skip there if you’re so inclined.
But Zelda now.
Nobody has actually expressed any concerns about it, but I’m going to imagine that someone is losing sleep over this because it makes me feel important and stuff. And by "it”, I mean the “Shiiiit, she’s jumping fandoms, she is definitely going to abandon all things Zelda now and Adventure Gone Mini will never be finished and also the fandom will probably somehow combust without her, halp!”
That’s a valid concern. That happens a lot with writers, fanartists, and other content creators (and non-creators, but that’s less panic-worthy for most people). So, let me reassure you: I admit I’m a lot less enthusiastic about Mini nowadays, but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to abandon it this easily. It started as and still is a passion project, and I’ve actually managed to write it consistently for over a year now, which is unheard of with me.
I’ve admittedly occasionally considered taking a break from it, but I’m well aware that if I stop writing it for any amount of time, chances are I’ll procrastinate getting back to it until eventually it’s officially forever unfinished. I’m not willing to risk that, which was actually the reason why I stopped publishing a new chapter every two weeks and switched to three weeks a few months ago. That way my flagging enthusiasm got balanced by having more time to get it done without it being a chore. That works really well, too. I can certainly keep this up since it’s already a routine and I do actually know where the story is going and everything. All I need to do is write it. Sometimes it’s boring and uninspired, sometimes I’m hella happy doing it, but the bottom line is that I’m able to do it regardless of my mood for it.
I’m not sure if I’ll do the Mini sequel I’ve occasionally talked about in my comment replies. It may just be that I’ll sigh out of relief when I’m finally done with Mini and decide to simply let it go. I can’t say yet. I mean, the sequel wouldn’t be anything much anyway, just revisiting the characters and places, having Zelda drop by, a peek at Sidon’s magical training, stuff like that, probably in the form of drabble chapters. So it wouldn’t really be that hard to write, but I can’t estimate my inspiration for it at this point. We shall see. It’s still months away, since Mini is far from done.
I’m not sure if I’ll really get back to that Revalink fic I’ve advertised in my blogs here and at Ko-fi, even if I don’t yet actually feel like dropping it. I mean, it’d be a breath of fresh air anyway, since it’s a different ship and timeline (as in, before Calamity). So who knows.
I’m reasonably sure I won’t be starting any new Sidlink fics, though that’s partly because I’ve already explored the ship so thoroughly with the fics I have that it’d feel repetitive. So that’s one thing you shouldn’t hold your breath for. I’m sorry.
As for the fandom as a whole... There’s the sequel to BotW coming up, so it just might toss me right back into the fandom right when I feel like I’m done being super active here (for the record, I typically don’t really leave fandoms forever, I just stop being obsessed). So, there’s still solid hope for more BotW fics in the future. But for now I’m definitely only doing Mini, and then my other fandoms on the side.
Oh, speaking of that. Yes, I’m writing hella lot of fics for Hazbin Hotel, and it might feel like I’m neglecting Mini by using my time for these other fics instead, but that’s not the case. I still have my weekly regular writing hour dedicated to Mini alone; no other fic is being written at that particular slot of time, and Mini keeps being steadily written. The other fics are written at random times, and that time would not be spent on writing Mini even if I stopped writing the other fics. I’d probably just use that time playing Pokémon Sword instead or reading other people’s fanfics or watching youtube or something. So, no need for jealousy or worry there.
Now, let’s talk Hazbin Hotel.
If you’re following me on ffnet or AO3, or simply keep an eye on the new Hazbin fics in general, you may have noticed that I published the first chapter of Aceducation yesterday. The next chapter will be published tomorrow. Yay! And the last chapter will be up this Thursday. Excite!
I’m actually very proud of the fact that I got a grip and wrote the last chapter that quickly after promising I’d get it done soon.
...Yes, of course there is an ulterior motive for being so prompt about it.
And that motive is that I want to start publishing “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”, or Afterlife for short, soon. I mean, since I plan on publishing one chapter a week, I already have a buffer of seven weeks at hand (yes, I finished chapter six today, so there is no longer an awkward gap between chapters there). That’s a long time to be used to write more, and also a long time for me to wait for my readers to catch up to the new stuff cause I’m excited about everything and I want you guys to see it : | So, I don’t want to wait any longer.
I don’t want to be wasteful about my general fic output by publishing all the fics at once, tho, so I needed to get the shorter fic, Aceducation, out of the way. That is, unless I wanted to hold onto it until after Afterlife was done, which would be months away with the once-a-week-and-over-ten-chapters schedule. Hence, suddenly a lot of motivation to get it done and published asap XD
Now, the question on your mind should be “Okay, so when do we get the first chapter of Afterlife?” And I have already decided on the answer: 6th of December.
Why that date? Multiple reasons. Starting with the fact that Aceducation will take until Thursday to be fully published, and I’m not publishing both fics at once. Secondly, since I update this blog on Saturdays, I want to hold on publishing the first chapter of Afterlife until after the next Saturday, purely so that I can officially put the posting date on the Update blog and post a spoiler snippet of the first chapter here before the actual publishing. Thirdly, and this is a long game reason, because of my Zelda epic, Adventure Gone Mini. I update Mini every three weeks on Wednesdays. Now, Sunday and Monday would be viable options for a weekly updating of another chapter fic, but I just don’t wanna. Tuesday is not an option, because then I’d be flooded with Hazbin feedback on Wednesday and that’d distract me from Mini (although that’s what I’m doing with Aceducation right now, ironically enough). Thursday I’ll be receiving feedback from Mini, so that’d be distracting me from Afterlife. But Friday works well long term, so Friday it is : D
If you feel like you can’t wait that long for the first chapter of Afterlife... well, I have it worse, trust me. I’m dying to post right this damn second XD That damn itch started the moment I finished writing chapter six today and was like “Huh, now I have seven consecutive chapters done. That’s seven weeks of content, and took me maybe two weeks to write. I now have seven weeks to write the rest of this fic, and obviously every finished chapter will bump that by one more week. ... ... why aren’t I already publishing the first chapter so that my future readers can start reading already agdakhdgkagdkga!!”
So yeah, I suppose that’s all I have to say. And this essay is about 1400 words long, which I would happily publish as a oneshot or a chapter if this was a fanfic. Can’t I stop being a writer for one damn second? Heh, see you around, my lovely readers!
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msawesomeworld · 7 years
Madness Chapter 3
A/N: first of my update madness. I have not written on this story for a long time, but when i have time i will write some more, and i think it will be good. Anyways enjoy.
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Read the previous chapters here.
Tatiana’s P.O.V.
I knew he would eventually end up hating me like everyone else so I tried not to get too invested. Hell I did not even think he would hang out with me for this long. I was a freak, a nerd. And he was really nice, had this amazing accent, and he was biologically well built. Purely biological speaking. I kinda wished he would keep hanging out with me. It would make this experience again a whole lot easier. You know when you went to high school at 15 it is shit, try doing it when you are 10. It is a nightmare. The worst thing is the way they look at you. Like it is bad enough being judged as a teenager, try doing it when you are 10 and graduating at 13. The worst thing was at my senior year this guy from freshman year asked me out. He was so nice to me and he played football I could not believe how lucky I was to get asked out by him. My mom was so happy, we for a little while at least, forgot how sick she was. She took me shopping and got me everything I needed. A boy who was only one year older than me, liked me, he was so handsome and nice, that I thought (although I knew it was technically impossible) I would combust with happiness. Then at prom night I got all dressed up and went to the dance just to find my “date” making out with Bella. I ran to the bathroom crying and overheard some girls talking about how that was the best prank they had pulled, and how someone who is as smart as me, should have known, that no guy could possibly be into her. That was probably one of the worst experiences of my life. I wiped my eyes and fixed my make up. I went home telling my mom what an amazing night I had had. Seeing how happy she was, was not something I was ready to let go off.
Niall cleared his throat and I shook my head smiling slightly at him.
“Sorry I zoned out didn’t I?” I said and he chuckled.
“Yeah, but I can imagine with a brain like yours, it’s easy to get lost in there.” He said smiling.
I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed. He seemed so nice but now he was scared to talk to me because of this stupid brain of mine. He made a joke sure but I knew the context it was only a step away from jealousy.
“Sorry, I won’t mention it again.” He said looking at me concerned.
I smiled and nodded. I figured I would go with it, if we didn't talk about it maybe he would forget about it and we could stay friends for a little longer.
“So what made you transfer here?” I asked, I had panicked a little wanting to change the subject and also I do not deal well with awkward silences. He smiled and shrugged.
“Not much, my parents job is starting up a branch here so we moved. I have moved around like this most of my life. 4 years is the record of places we have stayed the longest.” He said looking down a little.
I looked at him curiously, at first I remembered a paper I had read that describes how it can be a little psychologically damaging for a child to be moved around a lot. While it does have its benefits, that the kid is easily sociable and easily adaptable to new environments. It can also have negative effects in the form of not being able to make longer committing relationships due to the constant uprooting. I cut off my own brain and smiled pitying at him, I did feel bad for him.
“I mean at least you have been out seeing the world. I have only been out of here once.” I said smiling slightly.
“Oh I am not done, after I graduate, I am gonna take a sabbatical year, travel all around, starting by going home to Ireland, then probably go all around Europe. I am getting a job here to save up for it.” He said smiling at me. What a wonderful outlook he had on things, just going away from here.
“You are welcome to join me, if you have nothing better to do.” He said winking at me, I could feel my smile widen.
“Sure. There is no way I am can afford it. But I have a full ride to both MIT, Harward and Stanford if I want to go back to school.” I said and he furrowed his eyes looking at me confused.
“What? How, admission is like half a year away?” He said shocked and I shrugged and smiled a little cocky.
“They asked me. All colleges are interested in child prodegies. I actually dropped out of MIT last year, after finishing my bachelor in biochemistry.” I said and his eyes widened. There comes the surprise, then comes the jealousy and after that, the despair.
“That is incredible. Seriously, you're what? 17 and have a degree. I knew you were smart, but damn.” He said with the biggest smile on his face, it confused me a little, usually it was a little less positive reaction to that statement. Maybe he was different, I tried not to get my hopes up too high though. His smile faded and he looked at me confused. There it is, he was like everyone else, and would soon join in on the bullying or at least giving me weird hatefull looks.
“But if you have a degree, how are you still in high school?” He asked, I lifted my eyebrows. None of the other kids had questioned it, they just thought I was arrogant and wanted to be the smartest guy in the room. I looked down and sighed, well he might as well know now. He seemed nice, and maybe if he knew why I was back he would not judge me as hard when he started hating me.
“My mom has had cancer since I was 9, she was declared free when I was 13, and I went away to college. Then this summer it came back, in three places this time. She was declared terminal, I came back to take care of her. And the admission let me come back to high school.” I said looking down, he smiled sympathetically at me and put his hand on my shoulder.
“I’m sorry, that must be really hard.” He said and I smiled back at him.
“Thanks.” I said smiling at him, he was weirdly sweet, maybe because he knew why I was in school he would not judge me as hard as the others. Plus he seemed nicer than the others.
“Hey, I do not want to seem like I am using your smarts, but I am really behind in some classes, from transferring schools, wanna study together after school? Or just hang out, I feel like you know the coolest places in this town. Show me the ropes?” He said smirking and bumping my arm.
I nodded and smiled at him. I had not hung out with anyone my age for a long time, and while I would have to call my mom to tell I would be late, she would probably be happy I had a friend too. She knew I was only back because of her, and even though I tried my best to hide she knew I did not have friends and was a little miserable. I would do anything for her, but she would be happy I had a friend. You would think that high school would be easier the second time, now that I am more their age. But those with older siblings had told them about me and so the news spread.
“Sure, I would love to. Now what is your next class since I am obligated to show you around you know?” I said smiling. I tried not to get my hopes up, but I needed to try, and at least enjoy it while it lasts.
A/N: that is all if you cant wait for more, there are more fics on my blog, read away here.
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