freshnewsnow · 1 year
420 Prominent Cannapreneurs (6 Mentioned)
Cannabis is quite the strange fruit with unusual connotations. The strange fruit aspect surrounding cannabis involves the stipulations, the fact that it is most commonly referred to as “marijuana” and the pick-and-choose aspects that are involved.
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ogkzone · 1 year
In order to find solutions to today's problems we have to hold ourselves accountable to learn whom, where and are the cancerous igniters.
The evil of….
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safershirts · 2 years
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Go woke go broke. #saferbook close #saferencounters #safershirts #anslinger #hearst #dupont #hemp #racism https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUwuKEp5xk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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it drives me nuts how much suffering we force people to go through to meet some arbitrary idealized standard vs something that'd actually help. they're making my 60 yr old mom with fibro take pain management classes because they're too scared to put her on the prescription pain meds that she was already on before. i just read about someone with adhd talking about how the only med that works really well for them without making them depressed when it wears off or causing anxiety is desoxyn but doctors are too afraid to prescribe it to them because it's technically methamphetamine. the drug war is a complete burden on society
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sci-fi-disney-prince · 4 months
Round Four of the Garrett Hedlund Tournament
Let me know who you chose by reblogging and writing your choice in the tags, or comment with your choice. Or if anything, you can keep it a mystery as you wait a week to see the results.
For context click on "Keep Reading"
He played Ron Weddington in the first four episodes of the audio drama, Supreme: The Battle for Roe.
Before this, he played Harry J. Anslinger in the movie, The United States vs. Billy Holiday.
I recommend using JustWatch.com to find where to watch and/or purchase the movie in your region. Below is the direct link for the page.
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seanhowe · 2 years
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Original illustration for Harry Anslinger's infamous "Marijuana: Assassin of Youth" article, published in THE AMERICAN, July 1937
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enjoytheglow · 8 months
Harry J Anslinger wrote 200 Gore Files detailing extreme acts of violence due to reefer obtained from police reports, the most famous of which was the story of Victor Licata, who supposedly killed his entire family with an axe after smoking pot (this is mentioned in the 1936 Reefer Madness). This was later found out to be more linked to severe mental health issues, and it wasn't even clear whether he was a reefer smoker. Of the 200 Gore Files published, 198 of them were proven to be false, and the other two couldn't be proved either way because no police report had been made. In the world of Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical, I headcanon that the two Gore Files with no police report belonged to Jimmy and Mae.
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raffaeleitlodeo · 2 months
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La cannabis light è fuori legge, è passato l’emendamento del governo.
Contro ogni buonsenso e logica.
Di fatto, considerare la #cannabis light a quella illegale non è un segnale di lotta alla droga ma un segnale di assoluta incapacità di comprendere le cose (la scienza in primis), il colpo di grazia a un settore che produce milioni e che occupa 11mila persone e una cortesia alla malavita organizzata.
Da domani 11 mila disoccupati in più, solo per far contenti 4 analfabeti che non hanno nemmeno capito di cosa si parla.
Di contro gli operatori della cannabis light dovrebbero farsi spiegare dai balneari o dai tassisti come si possano recuperare 11 mila posti di lavoro perduti.
E soprattutto chiedere alle industrie del tabacco, dell'alcool e del vino come hanno fatto, con i loro veleni, a diventare legali e ad avere ministri alle loro manifestazioni.
I danni che fece al mondo Harry Jacob Anslinger*, sono nulla in confronto a quelli che sta facendo la nostra politica per ideologia.
Non c'è un motivo, uno che sia uno, uno solo che possa giustificare questa sciocchezza siderale. E se ve lo raccontano e ci credete, siete semplicemente complici.
Bruno Pagnanelli, Facebook
*Harry Jacob Anslinger è stato un funzionario e diplomatico statunitense, ispettore del Bureau of Prohibition durante il proibizionismo degli alcolici e direttore per trent'anni, dal 1930 al 1962, del Federal Bureau of Narcotics.
[Nota di Raffaele Itlodeo, fonte: Wikipedia]
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atomicwinnerdreamland · 11 months
I was sleepy as hell but was on my phone binging Ben's videos when I came across this in "Supreme Let Down":
Florida: It's probably just a bunch of dudes that still think weed is smoked by jazz musicians right before they steal ya girl.
Gov: Excuse me?!?
Florida: What? You never re-read quotes from Harry Anslinger?
Gov: I try not to.
Florida: He absolutely lost a girlfriend to a jazz musician.
Louisiana: Let me tell you something. It wasn't the weed that made her leave. *winks*
First off, Flo can read? He re-reads quotes from Harry Anslinger from time to time apparently, so I guess he can 😅
Second, I googled Harry Anslinger quotes and all I can say is he definitely lost a gf to a jazz musician. Good thing Gov's trying not to read his quotes lmao
Third, my boy Loui with THE WINK AUGHHH!! He has experience effortless swooning people (both taken and single) with his charisma for sure, which is why he knows that the weed isn't the reason she left 😏
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artfilmfan · 2 years
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my favorite moment in a film this year, the terrific Andra Day as Billie Holiday defying Harry J. Anslinger (Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics) Strange Fruit is about lynching/racism and the establishment did everything to stop her from performing it. The importance of the song and what Billie represented is immeasurable. 
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
States With Legal Medical Marijuana See 'Significant And Sizable' Reductions In Health Insurance Premiums, Study Finds - Marijuana Moment
Health insurance companies HATE this one weird trick
(you mean activating and saturating the body's own cannabinoid system helps maintain an equilibrium? Fuck you Reagan, Hoover, Liddy, Hearst, Anslinger, etc.)
(the drug companies lose billions of dollars for every state that legalizes weed holy shit no wonder they want to keep it federally illegal I feel betrayed oh wait)
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longliveblackness · 2 years
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"Strange Fruit" was originally a poem written by Jewish-American writer, teacher and songwriter Abel Meeropol, under his pseudonym Lewis Allan, as a protest against lynchings and later set it to music.
First performed by Meeropol's wife and their friends in social contexts, his protest song gained a certain success in and around New York.
The song soon came to Billie Holiday's attention, and after so many frequent requests of that song, she closed out every performance with it. The waiters would stop serving ahead of time for complete silence, the room would darken, a spotlight would shine on Holiday's face, and there would be no encore radio stations in the South wouldn't play it, record labels wouldn't record it, and yet the song rose in the charts selling over one million copies.
Despite the success, a government agency was determined to shut her down. One night in 1939, Holiday received a warning from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics to never sing the song again. This order was led by FBN commissioner Harry Anslinger, also known as an "extreme racist in the 1920's".
He had a mission to eradicate all drugs everywhere, and believed jazz music was the problem. His attack on this genre of music was racially led.
Holiday's known struggles with alcohol, drugs, and vocal voice against white supremacy made her a target. He sent undercover agents after her, including arranging for her abusive husband to set her up.
She was put on trial (The United States of America vs. Billie Holiday) just wanting to recover, but was sent to prison and her cabaret license was revoked. That didn't keep her down. She continue to perform "Strange Fruit" even at a sold out show at Carnegie Hall.
In 1959, Holiday collapsed and was sent to the hospital with liver disease and goes into heroin withdrawal. Her friend managed to have the hospital give her methadone to help her recover.
Arslinger's team arrested her on her hospital bed cutting off her methadone medication after claiming to have found heroin in her bedroom. 10 days later, Holiday died.
“Strange Fruit” (Fruto Extraño) originalmente fue un poema escrito por un escritor, profesor y compositor judío-estadounidense llamado Abel Meeropol, bajo su seudónimo Lewis Allan, como una protesta en contra de los linchamientos y luego se convirtió en musica.
Primero fue interpretada por la esposa y los amigos de Meeropol, más que nada en contextos sociales. Su canción de protesta ganó cierto éxito en los alrededores de Nueva York.
Pronto la canción le llamó la atención a Billie Holiday y después de recibir tantas solicitudes para esta canción, era con esta que cerraba cada una de sus presentaciones. Los meseros dejaban de atender las mesas antes de tiempo para que hubiera completo silencio, la habitación se oscurecía y una luz alumbraba la cara de Holiday. No había ni una sola estación de radio en el sur que no reprodujera la canción, las disqueras no querían grabarla pero aún así la canción subío de posición en las carteleras, vendiendo alrededor de un millón de copias.
A pesar del éxito, había una agencia gubernamental que estaba determinada a callarla . Una noche en 1939, Holiday recibió una advertencia por parte de la Oficina Federal de Narcóticos, le dijeron que jamás volviera a cantar esa canción. Esta orden estaba siendo dirigida por el Comisionado Harry Anslinger, también conocido como “un racista extremista de los 1920”.
Tenía la misión de erradicar todas las drogas en todos lados y creía que la música jazz era el problema. Su ataque a este género musical fue racialmente dirigido.
Las conocidas luchas que Holiday tenía con el alcohol y las drogas, y el uso de su voz contra la supremacía blanca la convirtieron en un objetivo. Envió agentes encubiertos tras ella, incluso haciendo arreglos para que su esposo abusivo le tendiera trampas.
Fue llevada a juicio (Los Estados Unidos de América vs. Billie Holiday) cuando lo único que que quería era recuperarse, pero fue enviada a prisión y le quitaron su licencia de cabaret, pero eso no la detuvo. Siguió cantando Strange Fruit (Fruto Extraño), agotando los boletos para su presentación en Carnegie Hall.
En 1959, Holiday colapsó y fue enviada al hospital con enfermedad hepática y entró en abstinencia por heroína. Una de sus amigas logró hacer que el hospital le diera metadona para ayudarle a recuperarse.
El equipo de Anslinger la arrestó en su cama de hospital, le cortaron su medicamento, metadona, afirmando que habían encontrado heroína en la habitación. 10 días después, Holiday falleció.
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jynxlovesluck · 1 year
Real character growth is thinking weed is the Worst Drug On the Planet as a kid and growing up going "Actually, while weed itself has both negative and positive effects for different people for different reasons, we should talk about how the substance itself is used to demonize and imprison poor people, and you KNOW it's aimed even moreso at people of color, of Black and Latino people ESPECIALLY, all for your local Senator to get the shit shipped to their house and accept the taxes it brings in by the-"
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, Mr. Fucking Anslinger.
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thatstonerfriend · 1 year
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Anslingers Demise 🪦
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sci-fi-disney-prince · 3 months
Round 1-7 Recap/Results
Hi everyone,
I managed to finished my project in time for the art showcase tomorrow thankfully.
In the meantime, thanks to all for checking out the Garrett Hedlund tournament whether as a lurker or someone who voted. Here are the results for the first 7 rounds. I'll post the rest of the polls later on in the month. I need to recharge a bit after the showcase.
The results are under the cut.
Round 1: TRUCK GUY GARRETT won majority of the votes
Round 2: Mitch Keller won 100% of the votes and our hearts
Round 3: Dean Moriarty/ Neal Cassady won majority of the votes
Round 4: Majority of people didn't vote to vote between Ron Weddington and Harry J. Anslinger (who is second place). I'll either have to drop both of them from the tournament or put them in a bonus round.
Round 5: Henry Denton and Ethan Campbell tied for first. I don't know what that says about y'all... I may have to do a bonus round with them.
Round 6: Garrett's cowboy-sona, Garrett Montgomery, won majority of the votes
Round 7: Patroclus won majority of the votes.
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retcondemned · 19 days
This is the first semester I dont have to hear about Frued. But to make it balanced, I must learn about Henry Anslinger im two different classes
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