#ANS Platonic Week 2024 prompts
ans-arcade · 15 days
ANS Platonic Week 2024
ANS Platonic Week 2024 is October 1st through October 7th! As usual, any platonic relationships can be shown or created for this event, and like last year, our last two days are focused particularly on family relationships, which can be interpreted as found family or however loosely you would like to interpret it. If no ideas come for family relationships for those days, friendship or other platonic relationships can definitely be used as well.
We are also trying something new this year, and we decided to give you some audience prompts, if you are too busy to create anything for the event or if you are not one who creates stuff, just enjoys seeing other people's hard work. The Audience prompt bonus question is either for the day after the event or whenever you would like to answer it. Audience prompts are down below underneath the creative prompts for the event!
We hope that you have a lot of fun this year with Platonic Week! The prompts are down below!
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Day One: Camaraderie
Day Two: Pranks
Day Three: Reunion
Day Four: Overprotective
Day Five: Soft Spot
Day Six: Brotherhood
Day Seven: Absence
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Platonic Pairing Appreciation Prompts:
Day One: What is your most favorite platonic pairing and why?
Day Two: What platonic relationships did you think, respectively, got the tall and short straws in the manga or anime? Why?
Day Three: What is your favorite moment/scene with that (platonic) pairing?
Day Four: Tell us about your favorite fanworks with platonic pairings in them.
Day Five: Tell us who's family you would like to learn more about, and why?
Day Six: If your platonic pairing either doesn't exist or has an unknown first meeting, what do you think would bring it about?
Day Seven: What characters would you like to see become eventual friends or family?
Bonus: Create or bring attention to a platonic pairing of two or more people that you'd like to share with the rest of us!
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We are excited for this event! We can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
— ANS Arcade Mod Team
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mitsukiki-festival · 6 months
MitsuKiki Weekend 2024
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Day 1: Nap | Massage
Day 2: Break | Drink
Day 3: Story | Game Night
Hello, everyone! Welcome to this year's event! Instead of MitsuKiki Week, which I was originally going to do, in light of the declining interest in MitsuKiki, and the upcoming ANS events that are happening this year, I have decided to change this to a Weekend event instead. So hopefully, this'll be easier for any of the participants who wish to join this event.
The theme for this event is "Relaxation". Perfect for a weekend event! 😁
Feel free to write MitsuKiki romantically, platonically, professionally, etc. I'll leave it up to you.
The event will begin on May 3 — May 5. Less than 2 months to work on your entries. Which should give you plenty of time. As usual, there is no need for you to do all of the prompts unless you want to. Also, if you can't take part in this event due to your schedule, you're free to post late submissions whenever you wish.
Remember to tag us and add #mitsukiki-festival and #mitsukiki weekend 2024 tags to your posts.
Thank you very much for reading, and I hope you'll take part in the event. I'm very excited. 😁
— MitsuKiki Festival Mod Team
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ans-arcade · 10 months
ANS Food Week 2024
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We are happy to announce something new! We are hosting ANS Food Week 2024, from January 7th through January 13th, 2024.
It is a very open event in the fact that you can create something one-character-focused for the prompts or multiple-character-focused; it could be pairing-related (any pairing is fine) or it could be platonic. It is a fun, lighthearted, and much-themed ANS week-long event. So, have fun!
The Optional Prompt is a prompt you can fill instead of one of the day's prompts if it inspires you and the day's prompt doesn't or can be used as a Bonus Day. Do whichever you would like with it!
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Day 1: Eggs
Day 2: Garden
Day 3: Herbs
Day 4: Drink
Day 5: Vegetables
Day 6: Breaking Bread
Day 7: Dessert
Optional: On The House
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