love-toxin · 11 days
ellie it's my bday !!! can you ask ebbi if he'll kiss me w tongue mayhaps ehehe 🥳
!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️ hehe i asked him he said EXCLUSIVELY with tongue. good luck! 💕
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bo0zey · 2 years
I hope you're doing ok, I only read about what happened at riot fest through someone who saw some of the people who fainted and had to be taken out, but to be in the situation that you were is so terrifying. I really wish I could whisk you to another concert of theirs, it breaks my heart that arseholes who have no regard to others' wellbeing ruined your experience. (And reading your post about how gerard was trying to control the crowd, I couldn't stop thinking about how disturbing it must have been to watch people fainting left and right and having to be surfed out of the crowd, and people still continuing to push.)
i'm okay!<3 i went home and hit the Hay afterwards lol. my abdominal cavity was still rlly sore tho lol like i couldn't eat my burrito once i got home :( which i shouldve expected cuz i couldnt even drink water without sharp stabbing pangs from my diaphragm n intestines still on bad terms with each other skjskjng . but i was better the next day :) . and i was so sad for the band you're 100% correct i can't imagine what they must've been thinking up there having to perform while so many people were getting hurt :/ . like gerard handled everything so well, better than the event organizers ffs, and i was so mad because then the tabloids were released ranking the 13 most "dangerous bands/crowds" at riot fest & MCR was right up there and it's like!!!!!! the band was doing everything they could to keep the crowd safe, pausing between every damn song, literally ZERO bantering from gee in between because he was too busy counting the steps he wanted the crowd to take back.
that's why i'm still kinda annoyed abt me almost fainting bc i know it's not my fault but i still feel so stupid n weak bc i feel like everyone thinks it's my fault too and i 'couldn't hang' but i was literally being crushed from all four sides of my body and my nose was in this stinky bitch's armpit like:((( it's not fair. and like i tried not to let the fact that i was almost barrier, ~1hr away from seeing the band whose music was literally the only thing i listened to from 12-16yrs old when my mom was sick and dying and i deadass had nothing left that resonated with me aside from mcr & the boys' side projects for 4 years straight. it sounds corny as fuck but it honestly felt like a dream come true to be able to see them live and so up close like??
but i'm not gonna lie i couldn't stay positive lol. i was in a fog and dissociated for their entire set. n like the fact that i was 1000000s of feet away from my original spot so i couldn't even see them on stage, just the big screen, it just made the dissociation worse because everything had already looked and felt unreal and now mcr felt unreal too but like in the worst way possible, like they actually WERE NOT real and i was watching a youtube video at home lol. and i've literally never tried so hard in my LIFE to re-ground myself because i wanted to be at least somewhat present for this once in a lifetime chance u know?? so i tried singing along but i couldn't because it made the shooting pains so much worse. then i tried just mouthing the words but the pain kept getting worse and i literally had to leave during the middle of TKFY because i was getting nauseous and lightheaded again. aside from the pain i truly couldn't feel anything while watching them perform i was just so numb from everything and i couldn't stop crying because i deadass felt zero happiness, and that realization made me cry more because they weren't even happy tears, they weren't the ones i'd expected to cry. it was honestly one of the worst feelings i've ever experienced, feeling nothing, just numb as fuck inside despite being live and present at the concert of the band that had at one point made me feel everything, every emotion, tenfold all at once. and there i was 10 years later, feeling nothing. tis a veerrrryyyyyy hard pill for me to swallow lol n im still tryna choke it down. i haven't been able to listen to any mcr songs since bc i'm afraid i'm going to experience the same empty feelings again orrrrr worse break down and cry like a little bitch n feel sorry for myself bc i was so.close. to having this 1 thing i always wanted but never thought i'd be able to have and then *poof* IT'S GONE. like i can't have shit in this world lol i jsut wanted to give my inner child some peace and remember happier days before mom was gone and what happpens instead??? god yanks mcr away from her too lmaoooo. it's like funny and ironic tbh idk. and then ofc for their last song gerard played cancer and i was 10000000000000 of feet away in pain while my stepmom tried 2 find me water n im just sobbing next to some trashcans bc suddenly im 12 years old realizing i just lost the last piece of my childhood n mcr can't soothe me anymore and mom isn't there either and now i truly have nothing left inside or outside myself that makes me happy:-). like i don't think i've EVER even cried to cancer bc i didnt think it was /that/ sad and my mom literally died of cancer and i still never cried??? But idk that was another weird sad thing that jabbed the knife in deeper lol.
but also ik why gee played it, they were supposed to close with TKFY but played cancer bc it's their slowest 'saddest' song which would hopefully make everyone chill the fuck out & leave without trampling each other. which, AGAIN, gerard is literally an amazing fucking frontman for once AGAIN going out of his way to try and mellow ppl out n keep everyone safe aND FOR TABLOIDS TO ATTACK THEM calling them the most dangerous band like!!!!!!!! it literally wasn't their fault ppl are just fucking idiots and don't understand BASIC PHYSICS/HUMAN ANTOMY DKDFNSKD. ngl the only reason i'm not wrathful abt the article is bc it's validating 2 me n my experience that Yes that crowd was actualyl fucking awful and what happened to me was OUT of my control n therefore it wasnt>:(my>:(fault>:(((
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theloveinc · 13 hours
totally random but I have premade cheesecake in my fridge idk who brought it tho lol
does that mean you can't eat it? and have to find out who it belongs to first???
(just drop it off at my house so i can pretend i made it)
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s0urw00lf · 4 months
Hii I love your writing so much❤❤ and wanted to ask you for something with finnick. Like remember how Gale got whipped by the peacekeepers in the second book and Katniss saved him? Something like that with finnick and d4 reader.
I want to say I looove your writing again and to and to never give up, hope ur ok💕
Anything for you
Pairing: Finnick Odair x reader
Summary: you’d never had expected to have to put your life on the line for the love of your life
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: blood, whipping, guns, violence, death threats… i think that’s it
An: First off, thank you so much anon, it means the world to me that you actually like what i write especially because I’ve never been all that good at writing. Secondly i hope this is all you hoped for, i think this was the easiest for me to have ever written the words just poured out onto the screen.
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Coriolanus snow was not a force to be reckoned with, that’s why you weren’t surprised to see new peacekeepers were assigned to every district. After all of the protesting and riots, you’d almost expected it. When you’d seen them arrive you hadn’t put much thought into it until four peacekeepers barged into your home, ransacking anything they could. “What the hell!” You shouted in confusion, you’d tried to stop them but before you could even touch one another grabbed you and punched you in your stomach, and continued. You doubled over in pain, trying to keep the fish that you’d eaten earlier that day down. You limped out of your home and watched as Photos, paintings, clothing, almost anything you could think of was taken outside to the streets and burned.
Tears began to fill your eyes, you weren’t quite sure if it was from the smoke that filled the streets of District Four, or the anger and sadness you felt as you watched memories you cherished be reduced to ashes. You looked around and watched your neighbors be met with the same fate.
The peacekeepers were dragging families from their homes and putting them in groups, some even going as far as hitting them into obedience. Your worry boiled over as you thought about Sadie, she was a little girl who had taken a liking to you and Finnick after she lost her only living parent to a peacekeeper four years ago. You’d begun hurrying through the streets in search of the little curly-headed girl. “Sadie!” You shouted over all of the commotion. You tried looking over the crowd of people, down every alley you could in search of her. “Sadie! Sadie, can you hear me?!” You shouted the worry you felt now showing in your voice. Just then you saw her head of curls running towards you and sighed in relief.
The feeling was short-lived when you’d seen the look of complete and utter horror on her face. “What!? What’s wrong what happened?” You asked bending down on your knees to be face to face with her. Tears ran down her face like raindrops on a train window as her breathing was all over the place. “Baby tell me what's wrong, are you hurt?” You pleaded, anxiety creeping into your throat. She shook her head and swallowed, “Finnick” she said through her breaths. You nodded “Okay, what's wrong with Finnick” you asked quickly. Her chin began to tremble as she spoke, “They’re- they’re beating him with a whip, he's bleeding”.
You’re sure your heart dropped out of your body when she said that, “Where?” You asked, squeezing her shoulder. “In the square, hurry!” She shouted, pushing you in the direction of the town square. You bolted in the direction of the square, sure that that was the fastest you’d ever run. Dodging people and burning piles of who knows what on your way. From where you were you could hear his screams echoing off the buildings and through alleyways
When you reached the square there was a crowd but they were completely silent, or you think because you couldn’t hear anything over the sounds of his screams and the whip hitting his skin. You forcefully pushed through the tight crowd and made your way to the front. Horror overtook you when you’d seen just how bad it was. Blood trained all down his back from the marks the whip made, hues of blues, purples, and red covered his skin.
“No, no, no, STOP!” You shouted as you ran forward to cover him from the next blow. The whip tricked your face sending you straight down to the sandy pavement, but you barely felt it too overtaken by adrenaline. You were right back on your feet in no time.
“Move,” said the peacekeeper. You shook your head muttering a “no” holding out your arms to completely block Finnick from his view. He held the whip up “You want another one?” He asked. you shrugged “Go right ahead-“ “Y/n please, just go” you heard Finnick's voice croak out. “No, I won't. Hit me as much as you want, but that whip is not gonna touch him not one more time” you stated. The peacekeeper walked towards you “Oh yeah? And what makes you so sure?” He asked as he pulled out a gun. your hard expression didn’t falter, “you don’t wanna shoot me” you gritted out. “I'll shoot both of you right here.” He challenged, “But you won't know why? Snow will have your head,” you said, his expression faltered but was quickly covered by the same hard look you wore.
Before you could utter another word Annie was in front of you with her hands raised to show that she meant no harm. “These are two of the best victors there are, very loved around Panem. Especially by snow, you kill them you’re next.” She stated, looking at the man with a pleading look. The man lowered his gun, “she interfered with a peacekeeper” he spoke voice just about as rough as he looked. Annie shook her head, “I never said she was smart. Look you already got a couple of lashes in, let's just call it a day” she pleaded. “That’s not good enough, she’s an agitator!” The commander shouted raising his gun again
You couldn’t handle the man's attitude any longer “Look we’ve got events coming up, how disappointing would it be for our pretty faces to not be alive to attend, bad enough you’ve bruised us up on the eve of such an important wedding.” You said over Annie’s shoulder. You heard finnick quiet cries from behind you and tried your best not to let the tears you’d been holding backdrop. “Just drop it, forget about it and we will too,” you said. Silence took over the square as the commander weighed out his options. He lowered his gun “Okay, okay” he said, taking a few steps toward you and Annie. “But next time, it's the firing squad,” he said. Your glare hardened, but you’d seen Annie nodding her head, letting out a relieved sigh.
The man then shouted for the square to be cleared and set a curfew before turning back to the three victors. “Get him outta here,” he said in a low tone. You quickly unbound his hands that had been trapped by some sort of cuffs built into the pole. Annie went around to the other side of Finnick as you both tried your hardest to lift him without causing even more pain, which you both knew was inevitable but it would help you sleep at night.
When you got Finnick to your place you and Annie cleared off the counter, not caring for anything that broke, as you struggled to lift him onto the counter. When you were sure he wasn’t gonna fall off you rushed to your healing cabinet with herbs and whatnot to find something that would ease his pain, you’d found an ointment that you were sure would do the job, “Can you grab that huge thing of ice from my freezer” you asked the redhead without sparing her a glance as you opened the jar of ointment, you saw out of the peripheral of your eye that she nodded and rushed to get it.
You focused on the oozing wounds on his back as you tried to spread the ointment as softly as possible. Finnick fell asleep, you weren’t sure if it was because of the pain or exhaustion, probably both. But you were happy that he wasn’t feeling it as bad anymore. You’d never been so glad to have pounds and pounds of ice at your service. Annie came back with the ice and you both got to work pouring the ice onto a pile on his back not caring of the water mess it’d make when it all melted.
When you were done you both sat in silence for a while before you spoke “Thank you” you said in a croaky voice. She didn’t say anything, but she nodded. After a while, it began to get dark. “You should be home before sundown,” you said. she looked at you from the book she'd been glancing over “You sure? I can stay if you need”. You nodded “It's okay, I'll watch over him” you assured. She hesitated but then decided you were right and made her way to the exit of the home with a tired goodnight.
As the night progressed you tried anything to stay awake, from tea to running laps around your kitchen, but in the end, the exhaust took over and your eyes closed. You weren’t sure how long you slept but you woke up at the sound of finnick groaning. “Finn?” You muttered sleep still fresh in your throat. Half the ic on his back had melted, but there was still enough to where it didn’t need to be replaced just yet. “Why aren’t you in bed?” He asked in a quiet voice. You let out a small laugh “You were beaten almost half to death today and you're worried about me?” You teased with a sad smile.
Finnick mustered up the best smile he could. “How are you feeling?” You asked softly. He pondered for a second “Numb” he said. You nodded happily; he wasn’t in any more pain and the ice was serving its purpose. “good.” You stated. Tomorrow I'll wrap up your back with some more ointment before we leave for the wedding. In two days you should be as good as new, but I'm not sure the scars will go away.” She said, frowning at the last part. He nodded, and the two of you sat in silence. “Thank you,” he said, “for risking your life for me and taking care of me.” He said, with eyes so full of love and adoration it could make your heart explode. You shook your head “You don’t have to thank me for that Finnick, I would die for you without question.” You stated. He smiled even bigger “And I, you”.
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blushblushbear · 3 months
ok so i just got 3 new tattoos and like 4 more piercings YKNOW WHAT THAT MEANS more punk s/o headcanons (if ur up for it ofc <3) maybe with Volks, Anon, Logan and Haru? (i need haru so bad mans is so F'ING FINE)
hell yeah
really likes how much you like to stand out
low key jealous of your tattoos
okay medium key
high key
he's high key jealous
he wants a tattoo so bad but he's so indecisive about what to get and where to put it
you might need to peer pressure him into finally biting the bullet
peer pressure with his permission of course-- you have his okay to bully him a little
every now and then catches a glimpse of you and keeps thinking 'my s/o is so cool...' along with an internal swoon
he doesn't know the music scene that well but he's really down for you to show him
he's also down for the anti-establishment message
fight the power
you look hot
another member of the really digs that you're a rebel squad
he's a little more quiet about his riots
also a lot more digital
but still
also he's the king of helping you make sure shit heals properly
never will your colors run nor shall you be infected with him around
has loads of gloves for you too use when handling anything fresh
thinks the ink and piercings look sick as fuck
knows he could never
his germaphobic ass agreeing to bleed somewhere outside his spotless apartment???
or at all ever????
yeah no
he's gonna leave that to you
can't tell if he'd be cool to talk bands with or super annoying--- he def knows some underground shit
might turn into a battle of the more obscure bands
take from that what you will
honestly his world is not one that normally has piercings like that
having too much metal touching flesh isn't the best idea for someone in his line of work
but damn if he doesn't think it looks cool on you
it's actually a little like--- a contradicting appeal to him
you look so wild
but he knows you're so sweet
seeing those bright eyes and warm smile surrounded by metal that gleams like starlight???
yeah, it does it for him
you're so cool
and cute
and you probably think he's a square
mostly cause he calls himself things like 'a square' unironically
but he's glad you like him anyway
also def would enlist your help in figuring out a future tattoo
another member of the not sure what to get squad
also another member of the making sure your shit heals properly squad
out of all the dudes here who think you're crazy hot for how you present yourself
he's at the top of the list
he loves a unique beauty
and a wild spirit
dead ass your whole vibe really does it for him
he doesn't know much about the punk movement but he can really get behind it
especially the anti-war/tear down of ruling powers part
but yeah, he's bad giving you side eye all the time
as in he's staring at you
and smiling
like that smirky smile where you are not even pretending to not check someone out
tells you your hot at random basically all the time
asks you to pick out his next tattoo but low key he's just looking for an excuse to have you feel his bicep and he's not even shy about that
god you're hot
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inluvwcaitvi · 10 days
"first of all, powder was close to being 11-12, not 8." - they're supposed to have an age gap of 5 -7 years( which was.....a choice on the writers' part. Pick an exact number instead of a range). Going off the flashback of their parents' deaths, Powder looks and sounds like a toddler. Assuming Vi was either 7 or 9 at that point, that would make Powder around 2(if you prefer the 5 year gap) to 4 years old.
Also, Jinx's own voice actress said Powder was 9 in Act 1. So the anon's not completely wrong. She could have been 8 going on 9. Who fucking knows.
At the end of the day, they're both traumatized kids. And I'm tired of witnessing one sister be pulled down to prop up the other. Both of them did their fucking dirt. Everyone in Arcane did. The only true innocent here are Ekko and the Firelights.
the arcane team has literally been saying different things abt powder/jinx’s age for idk how long now lmao.
powder’s va said that powder was 9, sure, wonderful, wtv. but i heard somewhere else that the arcane team said she was 10, and then 11-12, and even 13.
if u wanna pull up the official arcane bdays and ages that riot/fortiche has posted themselves somewhere on this world wide internet, then perfect. send it my way, and let me know if i’m wrong.
as far as i’m aware, the only character who has a canon age is/was jayce, as he stated he was 24 yrs old before the roughly 6-8 year timeskip.
otherwise, 🤷
also, ur allowed to have ur own opinion or wtv, but if u rly don’t like seeing one sister propped over the other, then deadass block me lmao. cuz i do it often, and i’m going to keep doing it.
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Alright I have one last request until I'm done for the day😭 alright so for some reason I'm not attracted to Gojo, he's pretty sure, but he's more best friend material for me. So.. I was thinking (Platonic!🤍)Yandere! Gojo vs. (Romantic!💗)yandere! naoya with reader whose like kind of an asshole and like very feminist riot grrrl-y! Thank you for your time!! 💗💗
I'm done for the day I swear😭(i love ur work sm I'm sorry it it feels like I'm overbearing-)
-💗💗 anon
Hmm. Okay, this is interesting, let’s see how it goes. I am overbeared, it’s fine. I’m surprised you like Naoya, he’s a misogynistic asshole
Platonic! Yandere! Gojo Satoru vs Romantic! Yandere! Zen'in Naoya
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This all happened because Zen'in had his eyes on you for a little while, and Gojo was trying to be a good best friend and defend you from picking the wrong husband. Zen'in is not safe in the slightest with his anti-feminist mindset, therefore, Gojo must dispose of him so he is dearest best friend can be safe once again
The intense obsession the two share, based around you, begun when their rivalry started to catch fire. You didn’t want to notice it but with how blaring those two are in fights, it’s like trying to watch a puppy run at oncoming traffic
Gojo firmly believes Zen'in pursuing you is dangerous and could harm you, so he tries to keep you away from him and there is no way to fight back from the ‘honoured one’. Gojo can drag you around all he wants, your protests are barley heard as he thinks of the best way to chase Zen'in away
It’s a fight constantly and you’re getting tired of it as it happens everyday. Gojo intervening when Zen'in tries to hit on you and gets into a massive argument over you. It goes the same way as they both are equally possessive and protective over you and your safety in this cursed spirit-invested world
They are very toxic, for sure, throwing stuff at each other and throwing insults after insults. Gojo doesn’t care about anything he has to but keep you safe from the wrong man of choice. Zen'in would fight Gojo for you and your hand in marriage but he knows he can’t win, so he needs to use more dirty means to win
You’re a tough woman who wants to be independent so you come off as rude and you’re a hardcore feminist. Both the guy trying to pursue you and your best friend idolise these traits about you like you’re some goddess from above and neither could see you as different
Gojo and Zen'in simply adore you, rather it be in different lights or not. Both want you to be apart of their lives and both don’t want to lose you, hence why they fight with each other so vigorously to ensure they can be in your presence undivided and unshackled. They need you at this point, it’s getting worse
Gojo is trapped in the delusion where you’re in danger when he sees how Naoya wants your heart. He may not love you romantically but his possessive nature with you stems around keeping you as his dear friend forever, and he, for sure, won’t let some misogynistic asscrack take you away from him
Zen'in is smart enough to not try properly fight Gojo. Gojo will completely annihilate him so he simply decides to use his manipulative skills to the test and try trick you into avoiding Gojo
Though, Gojo does not like that and will try emotionally manipulate you back into liking him and try talk you out of spending time with Zen'in. It’s a whole lot of back and forward of manipulation on both parties’ ends
It’s a big bloody mess of disaster. One’s who fighting for your love, and one’s who fighting to make sure your heart isn’t broken
You have to pick one of them eventually. Whoever you pick will be the one who has what he wanted from the beginning, though, not siding with Gojo is a huge risk with how powerful he is. His Yandere-shifted mind can make him easily destroy the whole world out of anger and betrayal over you
“Yeah! Yeah! I know, you can do whatever you want but he is not safe, that Zen'in. He hates women! Why would you want him as a husband when he’ll treat you bad! I know I’m not saint of a friend but I won’t treat you so bad! Stay with me! I’ll do the best I can to be a amazing friend for you!”
“Don’t believe, Gojo. My love, I don’t think of you like I think of normal women. You’re special, magnificent, beautiful. You’re a man’s dream and I’d be damned to let you go. I can promise you that a marriage with me is a lot more appealing than a mere friendship with that white haired porcupine”
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spacecolonie · 2 years
Hello! Do you have any advice with painting? Every time I start I end up just doing lineart with colours underneath, and when I do kindles art it looks kind of like plastic. Am I supposed to merge the two layers and then start shading? What would you recommend?
Hey anon!! I actually do have some advice for that!! I'll shove it under a cut because it got way longer than I thought it would, sorry for the infodump everyone _(:3 」∠)_
quick tl;dr: painting process should consider both personal taste & the desired aesthetic of a painting, & to avoid plastic-y colours, make sure your hues vary within your values (and layer modes are ur friend) ♥
there's a million ways to start paintings & its all down to personal preference -- the end goal for the illustration can often influence the approach you take; a crisp digital painting might call for meticulous layering & sharp edged flats, but if you want something to look like an oil painting, you should try and mimic that process as close as you can! here's some examples:
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this is the sketch for my FYR zine piece from last year; i intentionally approached it in a way that looks like traditional underpaintings so that when I worked directly on top, those orange tones would peek through like this:
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after doing that undersketch, i manually painted everything -- no fancy layer modes, just me, one layer, and screaming ಥ_ಥ it was hard but it worked for the vibe i wanted!!
now v.s something like this:
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simple shapes, roughly blocked in shading that just gets merged and painted over, as well as lots of layer modes on top for those colour changes! this is by far the easier one & the one i'd probably recommend, solely because it lets you keep more control. i go more in depth here on that -- but to quickly answer, i personally block everything (including shading) in before I merge & render!
for the other thing you mentioned, a lot of the times that 'plastic' feeling can come from either a lack of transitional shades or only using white/black for your value tones. this tweet thread (direct image links 1, 2 & 3) by frozensoba demonstrates it incredibly well -- by adding certain colour shifts in your values, it can create extra depth which is what makes stuff look more alive!! don't be afraid to really push it and get wacky
an easy way to add it while you're learning is using gradient maps to add richness in your midtones. It's not perfect since different surfaces & materials diffuse light differently, but adding one at the end of a drawing can help tie everything together. If you can do both at once though it always looks best; here's some very quick 2 minute orbs as an example:
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ok I'm almost done (and im so sorry for how long this got... special interest moment TM) -- one last thing is to try varying your brush strokes & adding textures if you want. using only an airbrush or heavily relying on blurring brushes can make things look plastic too; sometimes you want that, but for the times you don't, adding some texture & leaving brush marks in can do a lot!!
lastly, since this is just me rambling, here are some artists that are incredibly talented & i highly recommend looking at for their advice & processes because it will be much more coherent than this:
Marco Bucci -- amazing educational content. if you check out any of these artists, he's the one to look at first imo. his 10 minutes to better painting series is a great place to start
Sinix Design has some amazing tutorials on anatomy & the mechanics of painting! This video & the intermediate part 2 are super
Dao Trong Le -- a veritable goldmine of speedpaints
Bo Chen & any of the riot splash artists. If that's the vibe you're after, you can't go wrong with the LoL splashes as reference
i hope that helps!!!
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mcl38 · 6 months
more than half the zak brown hate club consists of Daniel fans because they did their poor pookie so wrong :((
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@oscarpiastriwdc and anon ur both so entirely right but ro literally ur so smart for pointing out that they poisoned the discourse. like i do just feel that yes anon its mostly daniel fans but bc the daniel fans rioted so bad (and smth abt indycar or whatever the fuck happening at the same time) that now the Fandom Culture around zak sees him as a selfish slimy businessman guy
i do just think aside from The Event its bc hes kind of silly and heavily american but like he genuinely wholeheartedly LOVES mclaren and loves his team and his drivers (to the extent of bruising ribs lmao) and not only that but he also has his head on straight about most paddock issues - very much a stand-up guy in terms of always speaking out on stuff he feels is unfair or unsportsmanlike or plain immoral. AND in terms of his team leadership (which would b in collaboration w andrea also) u can tell his pr-heavy promotion of mind and mental health is NOT just all talk, bc i stalk the mclaren linkedin and ik for a fact theyre in the process of modifying the entire structure of the trackside team to allow for more rotation and hence better worklife balance. AND they recently hired a team psychologist that travels trackside. just leave my guy alone pls....
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 6 months
Hellooo , so i saw ur post on what the marauders would do if voldemort didn't exist and i was just wondering, what about Barty, Evan, Pandora, Mary, Dorcas, and the rest of them?
Hello Anon!
I don't remember well my post, it was a long time ago, but I will try:
Barty: I see him being into the supernatural (even for wizards). Meaning he would do researchs about ghosts. How they come to be? Why some people stay as ghosts and others don't? How can they go to the afterlife. He would have entire books written about ghosts and death. He would be an expert in the subject.
Evan: For me this character is a stranger because I haven't read any fics with him in them. So I feel like I don't know him at all. But for the little I've seen about him in the Fandom, I think maybe a wizard stylist? A tattoo artist? I don't know.
Pandora: I think she would create her own brand of potions and beverages that she invented in her life. (something like Snape creating his own mean spells). And she would have her own brand called Pandora's box. Many people would be exceptical to try her things because for wizards it would be what we know as alternative medicine in this case alternative magic. But she has clients. And she would be very popular amongst them.
Mary: I see her as a stylist. She would have her own brand of clothes famous and known for mixing wizard robes and Muggle clothes, creating a unique style. She would have a shop in each wizard town.
Dorcas: I see her fighting for magical creatures' rights. She would defend anyone who is a minority. She has an establishment. She would give shelter to those squibs who are tossed to the street. Or those muggleborns who are discriminated. Or those creatures who have nowhere else to go. That includes werewolves. And all sorts of LGBTQ+ magical folks. In every riot or protest, she would be.
And I am sorry, but I don't remember who I have written about and who I am missing but I hope this works for you :)
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love-toxin · 8 months
YOU GET IT!!!!! WE CANT HAVE BISEXUAL YOSUKE WE CANT HAVE GIRL PROTAG.....im killing atlus with my bare hands
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bywons · 3 months
of course youre not answering you support someones prejudiced opinions about india while being an indian😂 how are you going to defend yourself if not by ignoring
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well i didn't answer the last ask because i didn't particularly like the language of it. you really pushed me to answer this but you really can't be biased in a country like India, where there are any and every kind of people regarding religion, cast, background, and all of these bring in different mindsets as well. if ur the previous anon, then u should know indian muslims v indian hindus is a long history, i don't wanna get into it but u should also know that both the communities were done wrong. we both did harm to each other, discriminated and what not. but is everybody at fault? NO. there are thousands of innocents in both these religions who are tortured, killed and even discriminated for no reason. there have been muslim killings as well as hindu killings. cause obviously one party won't shut down after seeing it's own getting killed. but we remember them, we remember all of the wronged in india, regardless of religion, cast, skin colour, background. almost every religion has been wronged, hindu, muslims, sikhs and so on but i don't have the adequate info to explain those in detail. the ones really at fault are the ministers, the corrupt politicians and rich, blood hungry ppl on top of us, making innocents go thru everything.
also saint's rb was something totally different, she was speaking up against user wonryllis who said some troublesome things abt muslims. i agreed with it, so i expressed my views on it.
idk why i yapped on the first para but i think u got it wrong, there are some or other abt religion going on in India, riots and all. but using it to justify to shade or hate on any religion, it doesn't benefit you.
don't ever interact with my blog if you wanna say these shit, i will block you.
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whereismyfoot · 2 months
ooc wise u seem really cool :(/vpos i need more sys friends frfr. love ur acc!!
also lawrence ur so fine
【 HEH....thanks anon.........you should add our sp.....bonemarrowcollective...psspssoosososospspspssps....】
“ Thank you, anonymous. I'm feeling very fine right now, even after that whole riot with the other anons. ”
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footemoji · 10 months
Lobotomy anon, you hanging into here?
Also ur discord is a bit 😨😨 (me too) (if @ferocioustrout get tdn recancelled again im rioting /j maybe)
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melobin · 2 months
hope ur okay baby or else i will start a riot and end the people who have wronged you !!!!! just say the word and i will get the guns out (all i have are the nerf guns my brother had BUT we’ll make it work) 😠😠😠😠
— 🎐
i only have water guns sadly 😔😔😔 but i’m okay !! i plan to not acknowledge these anons from now on don’t worry about meeee
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milksuu · 3 months
deeply disappointed in myself i'm sorry in advance 🩵🩵 trying to form questions in my head as i type this like ?? wgat was that key doing in us but that'll probably be revealed in the next part ?? unless im an idiot and phel just got 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 like that 😶‍🌫️ sorry but i need him to get mc pregnant RIIIGHHHTTT NEOWWWWW 🙏🙏🙏 i beg of you please js put it in i'm so sorry i'm down bad rn but uh anyway !!?##]^ i anticipate what u have in store for pt 3 too bc anon had the right idea omg .. pregnancy ,,, repopulating the clan uchiha style u have my heart . AND MC MY SWEET ☹️☹️ so kind despite literally . being a captive ⁉️⁉️😭 free my girl (lying through my teeth btw, need to b stuck there forever). ALSO HELLO WHO WASHED US 😨😨 was it phel or some other lunari but oh my god , during that scene!!!!!!! the way u describe everything (vag😍) is mmmphhkjgf all i can do is gush over ur writing w no shame bc i need phel so bad, uhh chp dedicated towards eating mc out ?? ur insane actually. i love u sm ☹️☹️ the language n atmosphere lord save me bc what do yoy mean these rn't canon descriptors of lunari grounds, if riot isn't putting in the work then we hve writers like you god bless ☹️
also . LMFAOOO LOSER 😭😭 idiot stuck in the bath (need to b in there w him), oh and was it the noctum rhat paralysed him (he can paralyse me from my waist down 🩵) ? silly question but im a lil deranged rn after reading that my bad . mc was honestly such a sweetheart though, for treating him so well but we'll ignore the prior murder attempt. can't lose a baddie tonight ykyk ‼️‼️ what would happen though if . mc committed to it though err would phel just be a goner considering his state in the bathtub n all 😭
thats it from me rn bc it's late !! 🦦🩵
LMFAO! i loved reading this omg.
OK SO--yeah phel was just being a weirdo and decided to 'hide' the key inside of mc, cause why not.
ALL YALL WANTING BABIES WITH THIS MAN HAHA. hes literally insane. and you know what? VALID. but i'll be upfront and say it won't be happening in part 3, soowwwyyy. </3
also phel 100% washed mc. like, he literally made sure that mc had a warm bath, to the point he let the water get cold for himself. and well, yeah, he's a DUMMY who ran out of time before the side effects of the noctum completely started fckin up his insides and got trapped suffering in a cold bath HAHA. i also hc that there's no way this man ISNT dying every time he consumes it. and this mf knows it and will do it till he legit dies and alune knows this too. [*insert tragic bad ending here*]
and we actually aren't at a lunari camp just yet!!!! mc really is just in a tavern in like a neutral territory/town rn. and dont you worry, you'll know when we do get there, because in my mind, the place is GORGEOUS. like a freaking jeweled city inside the mountain and its BREATHTAKING. MAGICAL. STREAMS LOOK LIKE STARTLIGHT. FLOWERS ARE BIOLUMINESCENT. THERE ARE POCKETS OF MOONSHINE IN DARK CAVERNOUS ROOMS WHERE THE LUNARI BATHE COMPLETELY NAKED AND BOND AS FRIENDS/FAMILY/LOVERS. i rlly dont fckin know i wish riot would give us so much more lore to their territory. for both solari and lunari honestly. but yeah, we'll know soon enough!
and uh yeah if mc committed we wouldn't have a part 3 LMFAO.
once again, ty for the lovely msg anon!! <3<3<3
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