#ANJI BUTT GRAB??? Daisuke what happened here
solradguy · 2 years
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I didn’t pay enough attention to this while I was drawing it, but as time passed and I looked at it again, I thought, “Wait, don’t be so hasty!” or “Ah, this man’s going to get cut after that.” If you look at it without knowing Guilty [Gear], it is overwhelmingly dubious. All things considered, Anji’s hair is at least tame here.
Promotional telephone card art for the PlayStation 2 version of Guilty Gear XX Plus sold at Messe Sanoh stores. Scan and caption from Guilty Gear X 2000-2007 by Daisuke Ishiwatari.
Telephone cards were prepaid cards that could be used at phone booths to make calls. Messe Sanoh was a PC and imported video games store that also sold doujinshi and boys love products. It closed in 2012.
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