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miss-conner3 · 17 hours ago
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En Español: Aquí
“Dance With Me”
Context: While trying to understand the true intentions of a certain cat, Bert-Bert ends up meddling in what he doesn't understand.
This comic was inspired by the idea that while there might be Narilamb in this AU, you have to remember that my lamb is not exactly “The Lamb” in this universe.
So I wanted to explore a little more about it (owo)
Let's see what comes out, but until then, this is all for now <(UuU)>
¡I hope you like it!
(By the way, ¿did you like the encrypted message in the first image? (>w<) Hehehe)
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antoniaandros · 15 days ago
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Happy 75th to my favorite classic Disney princess!
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leregirenga · 6 months ago
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La tarde, la noche, la mañana, la mente, el cuerpo, el alma, el corazón, un lugar, una canción, el pensamiento, el amor, el deseo, el desamor, un sitio, la melancolía, la música, la nostalgia,bla alegría, la tristeza, la luna, una nube, el viento, la lluvia, el mar, las hojas secas... Imposible describir todo lo que me lleva a ti, no hay forma porque al final, todo me conduce a ti, a tu recuerdo... Y tú fantasma se empeña en seguirme a dónde quiero que voy, en donde quiera que ando. Leregi Renga
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So you want to listen to AND -eccentric agent-?
…and you don’t know where to start? Well I got you. I like talking about my favorite bands and I love recommending music. And this my favorite band so buckle up xD.
Like my previous posts on this series, I won't get into basic details about the band, that's easy to look up. All you need to know, imo is that it’s unfortunately disbanded. Why you need to know that? Cause some people don’t like listening to bands that are no longer active. Another thing you might wonder is if the members are still active...hehehe...ah...Well it's complicated but I will try to explain:
So the vocalist, Ikuma, retired in 2020 and now runs his own café, but he gives heavy signs he wants back and there is a paid broadcast he's having on twitcast where he has shared music before so...I don't know if he really wants back or if this is just sth he enjoys doing in his free time. The lead guitarist, Kili, has retired and while I saw him at a label party, I don't know if he's still working in the scene as a manager or staff or he's completely out, now, but he's not performing, that's for sure. The rhythm guitarist, Peco, had attempted to come back about 3-4 times, but failed to find members he connected to and then he had a daughter so, on his final try, because Corona had just started, he decided to not pursue his dream for now, as he wants to make sure he doesn't get something and puts his daughter in danger. He has left it open whether he will try again when she's older or not. The bassist, Ken, retired after the band's disband in 2013 but last year or the year before, he returnt to the scene as a support bassist to idol groups. He's also set up a studio at his house so I think he too might be planning something. Finally, the first drummer of the band, Suzune had to stand down from the band he joined after AND, due to a health problem that affected his hands and made it impossible to perform, but he did stay active on twitter for a while and disappeared shortly after the one day revival live of AND last year (or two years ago, I have lost track of time). As for the 2nd drummer of the band, Kaji, after his departure from the band after AND he was with Ikuma, I heard he started another band which also disbanded and never found out anything more after that. *breathes* I know. It's a lot and I too got questions BUT ON TO THE MUSIC!
[side note: Some fans might disagree with my choices or think I should add 1-2 more songs, but this is just an opinion. If you wish to make a list of your own go ahead, every person has different criteria on what feels easier to listen to first, or showcases a band’s colors best.]
(*cries* where does one start, I listen to everything they've released. xD I'll try to retrace how I started to give you the best results)
If there is a word to describe AND's music I think "sexy" would fit xD. This was my first song. I used to see them recommended a lot on Youtube after looking up vkei around 2012, so out of all their songs I listened to, coming from a background of mainly pop music and being unable to listen heavy rock and metal, this managed to entice me want to know more. The guitars give such a raw feeling I just can't! Very cinematic, very video-gamey.
This song was such a rollercoaster for me to figure out whether I liked it or not, because it had the melodious side, but also the rock part I wasn't used to. But once my ears understood the assignment, honeys, this was an addiction. It's also the song that made me fall in love with Ikuma's voice. Goodness I'm gonna cry xD.
Another easy one, and one I found out, later, was rather popular at their lives. AND's songs had a lot to do with facing yourself and self-reflection. Ikuma's an exceptional lyricist (and Peco, cause he was writing some of the songs too) and all ANDo musicians gave me the most vkei sound I could ever ask for to start my journey in the scene.
I wouldn't have put this as a starter unless I knew how big of a deal the fans (agents) had made this release. I liked this song way after their disband. Now it's a strong favorite of mine but as a starter...maybe not for everyone.
Let's take you away from mvs now though. Cause AND's charm hid well in songs that had no pvs as well. Damn compression again but ho-neys! The cinema is real! xD Drums and vocals go brrrrr! xD The guitars are howling like wolves and the bass shakes the ground. If it wasn't early morning, your girl would be blasting it on my trusted grandpa woofer now. xD
Another amazing song to start to! And you get to hear lil'Ken-chan sing too! ^^
Again compression issues, but it's a beautiful song nonetheless. It always gave me a snowy feeling for some reason...when the sound is clean that is.
*Vibing and dancing around* Oh, you're still here! Yeah that's a good starter too *gets back to shaking it and headbanging*
If this song doesn't make you feel like you're on a damn mission I dunno what will. Listen. No listen!
I'm not even mentally here anymore xD. It's my cryptonite guys, I'm sorry. My IQ falls below 0 when it comes to this band. This is a very catchy song regardless and rather easy to listen to.
Another one I will suggest cause I ran out of videos: Lycoris
To this day I don't understand why this band disbanded, there were lots of stuff said back then, nothing confirmed, but I sure know a big name in the industry reached out to them at the last live and that is enough for me to know I was right in screaming how underrated they were. Btw fun fact; Kili, the guitarist, was a roadie to the Gazette. ^^ And both Peco and Kili have performed as support to a performance of Gackt's! Ok proud momma mode off. xD
I hope you find sth you like, if not, it's ok, we all like different things, but yeah, this was my attempt to entice more people listen to my top favorite visual kei band, AND eccentric agent.
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sours-grab-bag · 1 month ago
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worldsofzzt · 2 months ago
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Source “Remnants” by Ando (2005) [FOO.zzt] - “nau wha?” Play This World Online
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skelleste · 1 year ago
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April Fool's commission of @awesomeando in a microwave.
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hommedessept · 1 year ago
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sicsbss · 7 months ago
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barefeetwiki · 2 years ago
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Sakura Ando
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annari-ando · 1 year ago
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Очередные два эскиза. И сделаны они примерно в одно и то же время. Два второстепенных персонажа. Первого вы могли уже видеть, это Винс, спустя некоторое время в комиксе, когда начнутся основные события.
(Если вы до этого не видели Винса, то его можно увидеть в моем первом посте, который был недавно)
А девушку зовут Антарлина. Она младшая сестра главного героя, Бернарда. Но у нее не самая важная роль.
Чуть позже я больше про них расскажу.
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miss-conner3 · 5 months ago
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En Español: Aquí
“The Only One”
Being the leader's first spouse was an experience that Andy could never forget.
If only that could have lasted… a little longer.
Based on an answer to a question I received (ouo)/
The lyrics were taken from the song “I Can Read Your Mind” by The Orion Experience, which fit perfectly with what I wanted to express here <(owo)>
Although I feel like I missed the opportunity to make an animatic about it... What a pity, it will be for the next time.
¡I hope you like it!
Extra: Textless version, because you know, they look pretty like this too (owo)
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temazos · 1 year ago
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leregirenga · 6 months ago
Reina amazónica, voy tras de ti, detrás de tu paso ando y con sigilo aguardo a qué te descuides y pueda sorprenderte con un abrazo, un beso en el cuello, una caricia a hurtadillas.
Mi doncella dorada me tienes enamorado, idolatrando tus ojos, tu mirada felina, tu boca roja y salvaje que me invita a devorar tus besos y perderme en ellos. Mis manos buscan acariciarte, mis dedos sentir tu piel, mi tacto volverse loco con tu cuerpo que tanto idolatro.
Princesa mia eres sinónimo del amor y como tal, todo lo que necesito lleva tu nombre.
Leregi Renga
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mizumi-kahago-art · 2 years ago
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Chibi Mermay - Ruruka
Since making Artworks for all the side characters would take me another 2-3 years I decided to take a shortcut and release their designs as Chibis instead. This way I can finish up the Mermaid series this year and start a new series afterwards!
I hope that’s still fine with everyone.
Ruruka’s fins are based of a Yellow-Flanked-Fairy-Wrasse
I’m thinking about making these Stickers or Acrylic Charms in the future. I’d love to get some feedback from you guys, if anyone would be interested in that.
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detournementsmineurs · 10 months ago
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Sakura Andō, Mayu Matsuoka, Lily Franky et les jeunes Miyu Sasaki et Kairi Jō dans "Une Affaire de Famille" d'Hirokazu Kore-eda (2018), mai 2024.
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