#AND i was like how does that even work w multiple drivers etc etc
bright-and-burning · 5 months
had to google how qualifying works for wec for the iron dames skdjskdhskjd
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inchidentally · 8 months
I dreamed that there was a misunderstanding between Lando and Oscar, which turned into rough sex and then an apology. I don't know if anyone would want to write fan fiction based on it.
anon I've been mulling this over and going through multiple scenarios! but I find it impossible to go the full rough sex over a misunderstanding w those two bc my hc Lando doesn't give even a whiff of aggression during sex and Oscar would never be the type to let his aggression slip out uncontrolled - I can only imagine it like in fics where it's established relationship and negotiated kinks etc.
absolutely if someone else sees this idea and feels inspired then lmk!
BUT ! I did write something in my shitty sort of a fic sort of just an expanded idea style - idk if it will suffice?
I thought of like media duties at the start of a race weekend in Vegas 2024 and they have a group of drivers at a bar for a Q&A - crucially it must include Daniel, Carlos and ofc Lando and Oscar.
to kick things off, the Sky team have a makeshift bar set up on the small stage and have the drivers taking shots and having the other drivers try to guess what they're drinking (water, vodka, tequila) they've made sure to include far more shots of water bc they're not wanting the drivers so loose that things get out of hand around fans with their phones up.
except Lando hates the taste of tequila or vodka so he makes a face and pushes his shots over to Oscar begging him to down them instead, which of course Oscar gamely does. it's too late when he hears the tougher guys sputtering bc damn, whatever that tequila was it was definitely too strong. Will Buxton is hahaha good jokes but very awkwardly bc genuinely some of the guys are struggling. Oscar is red in the face and coughing and Lando is laughing but kinda feels bad. they decide to move on from the shots challenge before anyone's gone multiple rounds bc dinner was only an hour before and group vomiting isn't what the fans stumped up several hundred each for.
ironically it ends up that the rest of the guys can swagger through the tipsiness but Oscar's famed self-control decides to drop just one barrier. and it's with his hands concerning Lando. the drivers are now doing stupid challenges with decks of cards and magic tricks and shit and ofc Lando is the favorite person for them all to get paired with and Oscar starts to get weirdly… rowdy about it?? Daniel and Carlos are as usual shoving Lando around and using their hands on him a lot and Oscar is sort of half-joking half-aggressively heckling them to fahck off. Lando starts sputtering and his eyes are bugging out bc Oscar never swears where there's fans and since when is he this loud ?? fortunately everyone finds it hysterical when Oscar finally barges in when Daniel gets too touchy-feely and Oscar bodily wrenches Lando away and back to the barstools set up on the far side of the stage. he sits down and tugs Lando back against him, between his legs. hahaha so funny! nobody knows Oscar's at half mast against Lando's lower back so everyone else can just laugh!
at first, Carlos and Daniel are doubled over cackling and the whole thing seems like a hilarious teammate jealousy bit. Oscar is nowhere near drunk but apparently any level of tipsy has him absently pushing a hand up the hem of Lando's shirt and mumbling nonsense into the hair at Lando's temple. it's infuriatingly hot and Lando has to fight every cell in his body to keep pretending to laugh and not just melt into Oscar finally doing what Lando's been silently begging for for what, a year and a half?? except it's in front of fans and their friends and god knows how many cameras and Lando can only keep the smile hitched on his face and keep tugging Oscar's hands away from his nipples and the hem of his boxers. Daniel is doing his best work selling it as a gag but Carlos keeps catching Lando's eyes and seeing the little twist of the knife each time Oscar's mouth smiles hot and pleased against Lando's head.
Lando can't decide if he's relieved or in agony when it's time for them to move to the autograph tables. it means Oscar will be able to drink water and sober up, but it also means breaking the daydream he'd drifted into of Oscar's hands being at home on Lando's body. of Oscar holding him just like that all the time, and not just because he happens to be a handsy drunk. he can blame his usual shyness around crowds for staying fairly mum as he scribbles his name over and over, safely positioned between Daniel and Liam who are loud enough for anything. Carlos seems to have corralled Oscar into the purgatory of being dead last at the table where fans hover awkwardly on one side, and Carlos himself on the other. Lando doesn't see - 'on purpose' - that Carlos is able to steer Oscar by the elbow ahead of the rest of the group when they're finished, so that he can corner him alone in the desert cold outside. give him the whip crack of his dark eyes and a tanned, hairy finger jabbing at Oscar's chest and "if you don't fix this now I will be hearing about it all weekend long from him." all Lando sees is the tail end of the exchange when Oscar's face is dutifully humbled and he looks sheepishly small, even though by now he stands at least three inches taller than Carlos.
by the time they're dropped back off at the hotel, Lando's lovesickness has turned into righteous fury. Daniel had given up trying to include him in filming a reel of the inside of the other guys all singing off-key in the Escalade. he shoots Oscar a sympathetic glance as Lando storms off ahead and gives Oscar's sleeve an angry tug to follow him.
the degree, if not the specifics, of how badly Oscar's fucked up starts to sink in during the long, silent elevator ride. all he can think is 'dead man walking' as he follows Lando to his room.
the door has barely snicked shut behind him before the dam bursts.
"you know we don't touch like that. you know that. you're Mr. No PDA with anyone! and I've just about managed to get used to it. you weren't even like that with Lily most of the time so it was, y'know, fine. and then you down one shot of tequila--"
"--and a shot of vodka…" Lando's face makes Oscar instantly regret interjecting. "Sorry."
"and suddenly you're all over me as if there wasn't an entire audience? as if we aren't going to have to turn this into some hilarious joke tomorrow so people don't get all… frickin' stupid! and I'm gonna have to see all these stupid fancams and…." Lando makes a hysterical noise of frustration here that one normally hears from children under the age of five. the way he hurls his own body onto the sofa adds to the image.
the silence is suddenly so loud that Oscar can hear his own fingernails against his jeans as he struggles with what do with his body. Lando has his head thrown back and is staring a hole into the ceiling. he no longer looks furious, just rumpled and… small.
Oscar gets a horrible feeling of tunnel vision, like the always-distant idea of Lando as something more than his casual friend and teammate is suddenly pulling away from him at an alarming rate. it makes his throat inconveniently close up.
"I'm sorry," feels like the correct start, even if it's choked out. no, he doesn't want it to sound like he's barely choking it out.
some instinct makes him move forward and drop down to one knee in front of Lando, who lifts his head inquisitively. already a big improvement.
"seriously, Lando. I'm s- so sorry for putting you through that. it was fucked up and probably borderline harassment and jesus." the enormity of it all starts crowding in and he has to press a hand over his eyes before he can bear to meet Lando's eyes again. "god, I know it's not like a 'compliment' but there's a reason why I don't go out and get drunk around you. fuck, I've been such a dog. I'm so sorry, Lando. believe me, I feel like absolute shit. as I should."
a curiously rapid change has been taking place over Lando's shape on the sofa - starting first with the clench of his jaw softening to a curious little 'o' between his lips and spreading out until his posture eases completely under the bulk of his hoodie and baggy jeans.
now he sits upright and leaning slightly forward, hands fidgeting in his lap.
"I mean. you don't have to be like that about it. Daniel's done more than that to me on camera. not like he ever asked for 'consent'. it's not a big deal."
"yeah, but he didn't actually mean it."
Oscar bravely holds his gaze steady, is almost blinded by the the daybreak of hope that crosses Lando's face. Oscar can see him debate back and forth three times before he finally speaks, mouse-like.
"you meant it?"
Oscar thinks he could give up food and drink to live entirely on the way Lando looks when he's this open and trusting, body in perpetual small motions like a creature let out of a cage and looking up at the big human hand hovering over it and hoping for a caress instead of a blow.
he rests his hand on Lando's knee, rubbing little circles with his thumb and offers a slow blink and a gentle smile.
"you know I do."
for a split second he worries when Lando's face crumples that he's going to burst into tears. instead, Lando slips off the sofa and bundles himself urgently into the circle of Oscar's arms. relief rolls like a tide over the panic he hadn't fully realized had hold of him and Oscar really lets himself put his hands on Lando: clutches him close around the shoulders, the back of his head, pressing grateful kisses into the curls and pulling the scent of Lando's hairline into his memory.
Lando sniffs and possibly wipes his runny nose against Oscar's shirt. he raises his face to be kissed properly, eyes closing when Oscar can't just kiss his lips and has to bless the tender, dusky skin of Lando's eyelids and the smooth warmth of his cheeks.
when he finally pulls away, Lando looks almost too beautiful to bear. his fists have wriggled between their bodies where Oscar's arms hold him close. he's compressed himself impossibly small in that way he can and smiles kittenish and sunny-eyed.
"do your knees hurt yet?"
and then Oscar bursts into high pitched giggles and Lando joins him and they roll in a ball of idiot boys on the floor and kiss. because there will be big decisions and awkward conversations with members of McLaren staff happening tomorrow and probably for days after. but right then it's all still their little secret world and all their only decision is between making out all night or trying to sleep.
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princemick · 1 year
DO tell us how you'd dress a driver! Would you like to pick a couple and coordinate them for a night out?
oh I've done multiple posts abt this BUT basically.
I'd dress charles in a modern like elvis/70s greaser look. so leather jackets clean white shirts, thick jeans big belts etc etc. I'd probably add some more necklaces and switch out the jackets for vests and button downs once in a while but id made his staple like classic levis and a white shirt w a thick belt.
for mick I'd probably move him even more towards the skater/grunge style, he's already touching it but I'd give him thicker shoes so more modern AF-1s and get him some band shirts. maybe get some shirts that are thighter and slightly cut off at the bottom to create a unique silhouette for him and add some comfy buttons ups over them. keep the assesories to a minimum but bring back his dads 90s black cord leather necklace he used to wear.
for oscar I'd probably go like casual dark academia, so sweater vests under basic white tees, get some straight legged black pants w nice worn docs, make him comfy n warm sweaters and keep the silhouette to like a big shirt small pant situation.
for a lot of the other drivers I either like their style already aka lewis and danny I'd only change a few things like id love to see lewis is even more traditionally feminine things and I'd push danny even more towards the skater look and give him an earring, necklaces and rings, grow his hair out yk, work more with layered clothing then he does now.
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hxnmantii · 4 years
Class 1-A and their car habits
tw: crack/fluff, cursing
People: Bakugo, Shoto, Izuku, Sero, Kiri, iida, Mina x mostly gn!reader (Mina is the only one that’s implied female!reader)
Ratings: PG
A/n: yuuhh get into💋 I personally would like to ride with Shoto. I just wanna hold his hand👉🏾👈🏾 but not on no simp shit. Originally, this was going to be just boys but who would I be if my gay self didn’t add the queen herself? Anyways, Who would you like to ride with?
Bakugo does that sexy ass thing where he drives with one hand on the wheel and one hand on your thigh and when you don’t pay him enough attention he’ll lightly squeeze your thigh. This man does NOT share the aux....his stingy ass. He says he doesn’t wanna listen “to your trash music” but will play bxmb threat and NBA Youngboy at full capacity with the windows down. If you beg enough maybe he’ll play 1 Nicki song. But he will throw a fit and act like he doesn’t like Nicki even though he knows all of the lyrics. Altough he’s really uptight about his car, he enjoys driving and picking up the Bakusquad in it because he likes to feel useful and needed. No doubt about it, this man has road rage. He’s screaming outside the window and in the car about how someone cut him off and when someone screams back him, he’s like “Pull over right now cuz those sound like fighting words to me.” Now y’all in the back of a cop car and 30 minutes late to your dinner date. You are not, I repeat, you are NOT allowed to even think about eating in his car unless he’s got that plastic wrapping on his car. He treats his car so good (at some point you think he likes the care better than you) her name is Bethany. I-
Shoto has one hand on the wheel and one hand in your hand, stroking your hand from time to time and kissing the back of it. He had a sleek gray sliver car with a sunroom (he never actually uses) that goes fast and he likes going real fast because what they gon do, give him a ticket??? When his dad the number one hero??? Try again. He’s also the type to flick off the cops as he driving by because ACAB. He’s always wearing a gold Rolex and you got your nails done so when you hold his, the acrylics compliment his hand and watch.(like the pictures from Pinterest) You guys ride in comfortable silence. It’s so calming riding with him because although you’re slightly anxious with how fast he’s going, you’re at somewhat ease because he’s doing it so smoothly and you trust him. His windows are tinted because once again he’s the son of a pro hero and people are nosy, neither you or him like that. Although you don’t really need the assistance with Shoto being a living AC and heater in one, his seats have buttons for each seat and you can warm your bum. His car had the clean car smell...it just smells really clean. He’s got a bunch of condiments and napkins in his glove department. He doesn’t know where they came from. His whole vibe in his car is rich and elegant. He gets his car professional wash every Tuesday and you are required to come.
Kiri’s got a big ass red GMC truck and he gave the truck these monster wheels so it’s a force to be reckoned with. Her name is Sophie and like Bakugo, he loves her dearly but makes it clear to you that he’s love you more than her. He does the sexy ass thing where he’s got one hand on the wheel and one hand tightly holding on to your head rest so his arms flexing and he’s backing up with a concentrated look. that is so hot to me. He’s got a sticker on the back that says “honk if you’re manly” . He definitely would let you take the aux because you guys made a playlist of songs you chose together. He would be the type to start dancing when a good song came on, almost hitting someone in the process because he took both hands off the steering wheel out of excitement. He’s got road rage but not enough to actually start shouting or flicking someone off. In the trunk of Kirishima’s car, he’s got at least 5 different protein bottles as well a case of water and some jump rope. He says “You never know when I’ll need it to work out” but he has his personal gym?? Anyways, he has a specific section in his closet for red button ups because he likes to match Sophie when he drives her😭 I hate to say it but Kiri looks like a hill billy especially since he’s got those shoulder cut out button ups. He’s cute with it and he’s happy so you somewhat tolerate it
Izuku has more of a family car like a soccer mom car or a dark green Ford explore because he likes to pick everybody up to hang out and he needs space since he’s got a lot of them. Not to mention, he also likes to cruise and enjoy his time with you no matter where y’all go because we all know this man is a simppp. At every stop light, he’s gently grabbing your face and either kissing you on your cheek or forehead. He tried giving you a kiss on the lips once but he got so caught on the feeling that he ended up holding up the line and everybody was honking and made at him. He was so embarrassed that he now waits til you guys get to your destination to do all that extraness. Being the big fan he is, naturally he has some All might themed seatbelts and has all might stickers all over his steering wheel. He also has little all Might figurine on his dashboard that he prays to get him out of car trouble. Genuinely think it’s works too. Izuku in his trunk has a bunch of workout gear and gaze cuz he’s sexy like that. He does not have road rage at all....maybe a little. He might flick someone off but that’s as far as it goes. He definitely gives you the aux because he loves watching how lively you get it. (Y/n) “Do you know your Megan baby?”🥰 (ZuZu) “Y-yes?”
Now hear me out...Iida has a motorcycle. He’s got a need for speed that cars can’t really fufill because you can’t weave through other cars like a motorcycle can. His motorcycle has the highest tech on it naturally. It’s all black but has lights underneath it so he can change it by phone and ofc it’s always blue. You guys also have matching helmets that are Bluetooth so you’re able to talk to one another without having to yell very much. When you guise stop, he rubbing your arms to make sure that you’re okay and/if you need to pull over. Now when he’s not riding the motorcycle he’s got a Tesla. He preaches about the law and following the rules but when he get in the car, that’s a different story. With him you better either hold on tight to him or you better get double seat belt buckles for extra protection because he’s about to try and race the flash. (And you thought Shoto was bad) You get out thanking the universe for letting you touch ground again. Iida got the type of car that if you even breathe incorrectly around it, it’s going off and waking up the whole damn neighborhood. When iida first got his car, he read everything up on it so he would be fully able to use the car to its full potiential meaning that he’s got Siri set up, he can lock the door from his car, and watch the cameras on his house through the screen of his car. The Bluetooth is automatically connected to his phone so no you will not be getting the aux but you can play some tunes form his phone. He’ll even make you a playlist on Apple Music with his rich self.
Sero’s got a red convertible with tan seats and the weather allows it, his top is always down. His car always smells so good because he uses the wild cherry air freshener in his car. He blasts bad bunny and daddy Yankee as y’all are cruising slightly over the speed light. He also likes blasting Ski Mask. He’s the type to sing you the words while gently holding your face and singing to you with a lovey dovey smile on his face. He’s very respectful and turns down his music when entering neighborhoods because he doesn’t wanna mess with the vibes. You two have matching glasses that says queen/ king on yours and king on his. He definitely has some throw dice hanging from his mirror along with a picture of you and him taped to his dashboard cuz he’s also a simp. He’s always has a packet of Extra gum in his middle console along with warm water bottles. If police pulls him over, he definitely the type to start flirting with him so the officer just to make him uncomfortable enough to let him off with a warning. For a fact, he has the Puerto Rican flag on the antenna of his car. He has Led lights and likes them to be colorful rather than on one color. Sero definitely jogs around the front to open the door for you because he’s a jester and a gentleman in one. His part of his car is that the top can go down solely for the fact that the sun always highlights your skins so well.
Do I even need to say anything about the Pink queen herself?? She has a cute pink steering wheel case with matching pink seats and ofc she has a bedazzled stick shift. She has a Jeep. She the type of person to has matching glasses with her interior and when you get in the car, she’s putting her music on shuffle: a dangerous move because you go from Brent Faiyaz to Jhene Aiki to fucking Cardi B, Flo Mili, and etc. When you unbuckle your seat to start twerking in the seat, she’s automatically going to start hyping you up. She’s got one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on your ass smacking it as you fuck it up in the passenger seat. Y’all are literally swerving from side to side and let’s be honest here, Mina is not that good of a driver so you have almost gotten in an accident multiple times. She’s the type to pull over to take cute selfies or videos with you and post them all at once captioning it with “Late nights w/bae”. Underneath seat she an emergency packet filled with makeup, clothes, hair and first aid kit supplies. Although she’s not the best driver, she takes the rules really serious because she would hate to have an accident with you in the car. Like Sero, She has led lights in her car but they only flash pink. Mina is the queen of putting falsies on so she would mostly definitely put yours on (without tweezers) once you park as well as do your edges if you ask. She just has that talent. *chefs kiss* amazing
Reblogs are appreciated!
A/n: I’m lyin I definitely would be riding with Bakugo because I have major passenger rod rage lol and you definitely don’t wanna get your ass beat TWICE
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talesfromlissom · 3 years
A-z sfw for lucio! please ! there is such little content for him!
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you're right about Lucio having not alot of content. He's on of my favorite healers, despite the fact that I cannot play him for the life of me without being a heal bot lol
A (Affection) - How affectionate are they? How affectionate are you? When do you guys show affection mainly? He’s extremely affectionate. His hands are all over you whenever they can be. Hugs and soft kisses on your cheeks and forehead are a norm, and something to be expected every time you two see each other. You on the other hand tend to keep your PDA on the downlow. Your affection is mainly reserved for private times. You’re a member of Overwatch, and although he worked with Overwatch once, he’s still technically regarded as a civilian.
B (Breakups) - If they were to break up with you how would they do it? What would their reasons be? He’d probably break up with you by flat out telling you. However, if you did something drastic like cheat on him, he’d write a song about it. Lucio doesn’t like to think about breaking up with you, but his reasons would probably be because you two don’t see eachother often, or because you’re keeping too many secrets from him. You on the other hand, wouldn’t dream of breaking up with Lucio. Although if you had too, you’d probably do it because he’d be safer if you two weren’t together.
C (Cooking) - Who does the cooking? Who's the worst cook? Surprisingly, Lucio does the most cooking. His apartment isn’t very big, unlike most people who think he owns a big one. He actually has a few friends who made it seem like he lives in a mansion, but in reality he lives in a small apartment in Rio that he enjoys very much. You’re the worst cook. You’ve burnt noodles, caught the kitchen on fire more than once. Lucio has refused to let you into the kitchen unless your taste testing.
D (Driver) - Who's the best driver? The getaway driver? You’re the best driver, Lucio didn’t own a car when he was younger. You’re also the getaway driver because of various reasons.
E (Encounter) - How did you two first meet? You two first met when Lucio called for Overwatch during an Null Sector attack. You didn’t travel with the original team, but you had told Winston that you’d meet up with them. You stayed behind on the ship when the ramp was destroyed. Using your teleportation abilities, you and Lucio got out safely.
F (First Kiss) - When was their first kiss? What was it like? Where was it? Surprisingly, you guys didn’t have the usual ‘first kiss’ and then started dating. It was backwards. But it was a date you two went on.
G (Giggle) - How do they laugh? How do you laugh? How do you make eachother laugh? Lucio’s laugh tends to be very loud and genuine. He laughs at alot of things. There was one instance that includes chocolate cake batter and whenever he sees a chocolate cake, or chocolate in general he loses it.
H (Hobbies) - What kind of hobbies do you two do together? You two like music. Lucio makes music, and as you used to be a music teacher, you listen to his tracks and help him improve them. Otherwise, the two of you enjoy going out and playing soccer with the local kids.
I (I Love You) - How often do they say 'ILY'? When was the first time they said it? You two say you love each other quite often. It’s more along the lines of saying ‘I love you’ between playful kisses. But the more genuine ones are said behind closed doors. The first time he said it was when you two went on a mission and had to lay low in a motel room. The lights flickering above you, with you bleeding out before him. He was certain you wouldn’t survive as his tech had stopped working about an hour ago. He said it in a spur of the moment, afraid of you dying.
J (Jokester) - Do you pull pranks on each other? How many inside jokes do you two have? How playful is your relationship? You two pull pranks on eachother pretty often. But they’re not really ‘pranks’ its more like, ‘ha ha. You know how I said I was going to the store to get fruit? Well jokes on you I got fruit, and your favorite ice cream. #epicprank’. You two have alot of inside jokes, as your relationship tends to be pretty playful. Most of them last for a month or two before they aren’t that funny anymore. Minus the chocolate cake joke, that will probably last until you’re old.
K (Kiss) - How do you two kiss? It varies, some are short. Others are breathy.
L (Little Ones) - How are they around children? Do they want children? How many? Names? Lucio is great around children, young or old. He isn’t sure if he wants kids; however, he already gets stressed with how much publicity he gets from being a DJ, and how difficult it is for him to see you without cameras in his face. If he were to have children, he’d probably have 2. As for names he doesn’t care.
M (Mornings) - How are they in the morning? He’s almost like a lazy cat. You can tell he’s awake because he turns to place his forehead against your chest, or your own. This little fiend refuses to wake up by himself, so he will poke you until you wake up.
N (Nights) How are they at night? He absolutely crashes at night. He steals all the blankets, your shirts, and hoodies are convinstated, even if you’re wearing them he somehow manages to convince you to take them off. He goes to bed earlier than you most of the time, as he prides himself with having a good sleeping schedule. He sprawls out like a cat in the sun until you move him around so you have at least some of the bed to sleep on.
O (Oh The Names) - Any nicknames? Pet names? You don’t have any nicknames for him other than ‘Lu’, but Lucio is the exact opposite. He has pet names that range from american ones like babe, and honey. Other times he uses xuxuzinho (sweet pumpkin), or coração (heart), which seem to stick the most.
Q (Query) How much do they remember about you? Is it the little things, like your favorite flavor of ice cream? Or is it big things like important holidays for you or dates? He remembers everything about you. Your favorite tea brand, types of music, ideal dates, etc. Everything. He has it written down somewhere, because he does tend to forget most of it due to his busy job and constantly on the go lifestyle.
R (Remember Me) - What's their favorite memory of you? His favorite memory is when he came home early and found you dancing in the house, vacuuming and pretending to sing to a song. It was one of his songs as well, and he started singing along and laughed when your faced flushed so red.
S (Strengths) - What's the strongest part of your relationship? The strongest part of your relationship is your dedication to eachother. It doesn’t matter where you two are, even if you end up breaking up with each other, you’d still have each other's back through thick and thin.
T (Tall) - How tall are they compared to you, or how short are they compared to you? God, Lucio is so much smaller than you, only at 5’’3, versus your whopping 6’’0. It’s great.
U (Unity) How do they feel about PDA? What is their main type of love language? What's yours? Lucio loves PDA. It makes him laugh when he makes people uncomfortable because of it. Lucio’s main type of love language would probably be words of affirmation, and quality time. Your’s is gift giving and acts of service.
V (Vanity) - How concerned are they about their looks? How concerned are they about yours? Lucio is only slightly concerned about his looks. He’s constantly in the eye of the public. He’s slightly concerned about yours as well, don’t take it as wrong, but he just wants you to look nice. Despite the fact that you look good in everything….and nothing.
W (Weaknesses) - What is the weakest point in your relationship? You being in Overwatch, and him being a civilian technically. As Overwatch is becoming larger and more involved in government similar to the way it was before, you cannot tell him everything about Overwatch. He gets angry at first, but understands, if Talon or other organizations find out about him knowing secrets about Overwatch, he could be in alot more danger than he’s ever known. Needless to say, that anger returns when he knows that he can handle himself and broke into an omnic ship and survives.
X (Xtra) - An extra headcanon. Lucio loves the piano. It’s much softer sounding than some of his more popular tracks that he is recognized for.
Y (Yucky) - What is the one thing they don't like about you? As stated before, he doesn’t like how secretive you can be when it comes to your job, and how you’re gone for a long time. Sometimes he can’t even contact you during that time.
Z (Zaney) - How do they act when they're drunk around you? The reckless drunk. Lucio is very smart and is able to come up with plans on the dot. The thing is, he often goes through this plan multiple times to make sure there’s no flaws in it. When he’s drunk however, that second step is completely skipped, so you end up with all these crazy shenanigans he tries to pull. Thankfully, he’s easy to convince not to do them.
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jenniferrpovey · 4 years
ABC Test Explained
Okay, so apparently there are a lot of people who love the PRO Act.
For the most part, I love the PRO Act too. Unions are good. I’m not in a union (I’m in a guild, which is a different thing), but I could join two if I wanted to. In my specific situation, unions don’t benefit me.
But I want other people who DO need them to join them.
Unfortunately, something has been slipped into the PRO Act that is terrible in the same way SESTA/FOSTA was, except it’s not just for sex workers this time (not to diminish the impact on sex workers).
It’s called the ABC Test and there’s a move to make it the national standard for who is considered an independent contractor, across all industries.
It’s very simple. To pass the test, you have to meet all THREE of these criteria:
A. The worker is free from the employer’s control or direction in performing the work.
B. The work takes place outside the usual course of business of the company.
C. The worker is customarily engaged in an independent trade, occupation, profession, or business.
A. is pretty easy.
C. is mostly easy, but causes issues for publishing that I’ll explain later.
B. outlaws 90% of freelance work with NO workaround that I know of. (I have yet to consult a lawyer on this. Lawyers are expensive).
C primarily causes a problem for sensitivity readers. My last one was a college student who needed the extra money. Under this, I wouldn’t have been able to hire her. If you are looking for a very specific sensitivity reader, that will become illegal if this test is codified, because they will HAVE to be doing it regularly. That’s hard for if you want, say, an African-American asexual person. Multiple sensitivity readers probably won’t help. Also, if somebody has to be an employee, they also have to be a U.S. citizen or legal resident. So much for hiring a sensitivity reader in Finland to make sure your Finnish character acts like a Finn.
B. causes a problem for *everyone*. As an author-publisher, I would no longer be able to hire an editor or a cover artist. Which means I would no longer be able to produce quality books.
I would have to onboard my editor as an employee every time I needed her, pay her by the hour not by the word, then fire her when she was done.
I could get around cover art by purchasing pre-made art, which is buying IP.
It’s also possible that a court could rule that authors are employees of the publisher, which would be absolutely terrible because then the publisher owns the book. Publishers might have to get around this by not providing editing/feedback, and the author can’t hire an editor, and...
 Basically, this would absolutely destroy publishing. I can think of workarounds such as author’s cooperatives.
The point is that if you need somebody to run your business they must be an employee. Which makes absolute sense if that person is working for you 40 hours a week...or even 5 hours a week.
It’s an undue burden if they are working for you 30 hours a year. Or once ever for 5 hours.
The point is to make us hire people, but we can’t. Instead, the only option for me and other self publishers will be to let down our readers either by ceasing publication or by producing inferior work.
If you enjoy self published books, if you enjoy books by diverse authors, if you enjoy weird shit that the big publishers won’t take a risk on, then please contact your Representative and Senator.
Do not tell them to vote against the PRO Act unless there’s no other choice. Tell them to push for an amendment to either carve out exemptions to the ABC Test or replace it for a more sensible test.
Biden has already promised to sign this. (Consider contacting the White House too).
If you are an artist who ever does work for a publisher, if you are an author yourself, talk about how it will affect your business.
If you are a reader, talk about how it will affect publishing as a whole.
I realize this all sounds like a capitalist argument, but wouldn’t you rather have your favorite independent authors writing and not doing a ton of paperwork every time they release a new book...and wouldn’t you rather read books that had been edited by a person not the author?
To explain, if I have to onboard an editor as an employee, I have to:
1. Have them fill out a W-4 form.
2. Verify their immigration status.
3. Register them with the state. Brakes on! My editor is in a different state. I just got nexus in that state...which will last for years. Now I can’t sell books directly to people in that state without collecting sales tax. And I don’t even know HOW you do it when your employee is in a different state. This involves four different sets of paperwork.
4. Pay worker’s compensation, so if they get carpal tunnel working for me they’re covered. Given I can’t actually control their working conditions but am now liable for them.
5. Send them half a dozen OSHA and safety notices.
Then I have to have them track their time and bill me by the hour. Again, you can no longer charge by the word. I have to pay payroll taxes (which they normally do themselves for all of their projects at once).
Then when the project is DONE, I have to fire them, so I’m not paying worker’s comp until the next book is finished. Then do all of this AGAIN even if it’s the same editor.
This compares to one single tax form and a contract.
Then I have to do this all again for my cover artist.
Either my costs go up significantly, or I have to take workers’ comp out of the amount I’m paying them. So ONE of us loses a ton of money and BOTH of us waste a ton of time.
(My editor that I use will probably stop editing if this happens).
If I don’t do this, I could be fined $30,000...per violation...which would not just put me out of business but wipe out my savings.
If you value independent publishing, then please, again, tell your representative and senator how you feel about the ABC test.
Oh, and it also:
1. Destroys the owner-operator model of trucking. Prices on everything will go up and large companies that can employ their own drivers will benefit. I.e., straight into Bezos’ pocket.
2. May impact the ability of construction companies to hire subcontractors. It’s really murky at this point.
I’m going to have to consult a lawyer if this goes through and I may pay a few hundred dollars to find out I have to polish up my resume.
And how ridiculous this is has already been shown with AB5 in California. I want them to come up with a test which nails Uber, Door Dash, etc, but not entire industries.
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alchemt · 5 years
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repost ,     don’t reblog ,     please    ! 
full name.   varian of old corona   ! nickname.   v ,   goggles ,   hairstripe ,   vari  . gender.   cis male   (  he  /  his  ) height.   5′0″ age.   17 in canon verse ,   varies within others   !   zodiac.   aries sun ,    libra moon ,    pisces rising  . spoken languages.   drums my hands on the table ,   you got a dead language and something translatable and this kid learns it within a few weeks ,    easy ,    so we’re sorting demantius’ dialect in here ,   but i’d say both the dialects of the inner  +  outer parts of the kingdom  !    (    i’ll talk a lil more specifically ab this in accent  !    )    maybe a smattering of words n phrases of languages found in the other kingdoms ,   due to his work that has all kinds of people coming to him for alchemic assistance ,  as well as being an outskirt village  !
hair color.   black w/ brown highlights and a teal stripe  !   eye color.   blue   ! skin tone.   very light and very very fair ,    burns within a few hours of being outside in the summer sun ,    but before that ,    freckles  ! ! ! accent.   the tts  -  english version of what was most likely a version of an early nineteenth century germanic dialect by the coast   !     i would also reach to say that it’s probably audibly different from what is usually spoken within corona’s main city   /   citadel ,    due to the distance between main and old corona ,    there’s probably a different dialect for those living on the far reaches of the kingdom outskirts  !    voice.   usually very pronounced ,   very loud ,   and very fast ,   depending on whether he’s talking ab his work or not .    either way ,    it’s prone to cracking .   his brain tends to work faster than his mouth ,��  so there’s a lot of repetition and backtracking as well  !   dominant hand.   ambidextrous  !    he’s confident enough w/ pouring chemicals with both hands ,   and his staff switches between right and left constantly .   it doesn’t look like he prioritizes towards one over another ,   usually using the one that feels right in the moment .   posture.    absolutely  horrendous  !    literally you will always find him slouching over notes and various versions of work ,    falling asleep in bad positions over his workstations ,    and w/ working his way around machinery   ––   hanging over and around gently dangerous and in - progress kinds of equipment and chemical machinery does  not  always equal the best of results for one’s muscles and posture    ––    but   !     ruddiger  is actually a really wonderful addition to the family here w/ this ,    a welcome weight on his shoulders ,   which also serves to remind him to straighten up   (   in more ways than one  🥺   )   ! scars.   lots of chemical burn scarring   !     alchemy is an incredibly dangerous practice ,    and vari is  not  one to stick to a safety protocol on his own volition ,     like  a  whole  entire  fool  ,   so there’s lots of burnt clothes and burn scars    ––   the gloves were most likely a  gift  from his father ,    as soon as there had been a few accidents leading to some permanent markings on his hands ,    the same w/ the apron .    i do like to think he makes his own goggles ,   though ,    i.e.  why he has  so  many  of them to go around   !   tattoos.   n/a in most verses ,    but i love the idea of him getting one to tie back to all the work he’s done w/ the demanitus legend   /   language when he’s older   !  birthmarks.   hmmm .    i may come back to this at a later point ,    but for now let’s say if there are some ,   they’ve been marked over by other scars .  most noticeable feature(s).   teal hair stripe ,    gigantic goggles ,   some article of clothing is always slightly singed   (   or still on fire ,   please let him know asap   !    )  .  
place of birth.   old corona  ! birth weight.   most likely underweight . birth height.   small ,   tiny ,   it sticks w/ him ,   the poor kid  !   first words.   blue  !     siblings.   none   !    can’t vouch for canon here ,   but i’m going to go with historical accuracy here and say his mother died due to sickness when vari was still a baby . parents.   quirin  ( father ) ,   a woman who wasn’t given a name bc tts is Like That™  ( mother ) parental involvement.   being son to the leader of the village isn’t always .   super  great   !   there’s a lot of interactions between them that lean into the thinking that there’s a .   stilted kind of relationship between them ?    (    think .    that is enough ,     varian     /     yes ,   sir .       think .     not again  ,    varian  .     think .    you are not ready .    )    running a village is a busy enough position to be in ,    let alone one in the middle of a crisis  ,     and it doesn’t feel like there’s much time left ,   or  prioritized ,   in either of those times  ,    to develop a relationship w/ vari  ?     i can’t imagine that the loss of his mother really .    helps  ?    there’s so much  hurt  there ,    you can see it when quirin looks at the portrait in qfad ,    and so they’re very distanced due to just .    not knowing how to reach one another  ?    there’s always something ,   too big to cross ,    too far to reach .    so much of varian’s story is trying to get his father to  see  him ,   to be proud of him ,   and it reflects so much onto .   quirin’s absence  ?    in vari’s work ,    in his interests ,   in  him   ?    and in wanting that ,   needing that emotional relationship more than anything else  ?    feels like enough to drive him to uh     .  .  .     doing A Lot™ to get it .   
occupation.   " wizard “  of old corona   →    alchemist   →    co-lady-in-waiting   (  The Best Day ,    you will never be able to pry this title away from him   )    →    the gentle villain stint    →    redeemed alchemist     →    most trusted royal engineer of corona   !   current residence.   old corona   !    depending on verse he also travels ,   and lives within the citadel to be close to the official castle lab  !   close friends.   ruddiger ,   rapunz.el ,   cassandra ,   eugene ,   lance  . financial status.   as son as the leader of a village ,   i’d say middle class ,   esp. since they’re living in an outskirt town ,   it isn’t much ?    a lot of varian’s experiments come from deconstructing old ones to reuse and rebuild from scraps .   he def sews their clothes back into working order as well   !    driver’s license.   not exactly modern ,    but he  can  fly a hot air balloon  !    that’s pretty vehicular   !    no license tho bc he’s .   gotta rebel in the ways that he still can  !   criminal record.   pulls out a scroll that rolls down the whole expanse of the throne room    :     “  attacking  “   princess rapunz.el on the night of the snowstorm ,   drugging an entire castle staff w/ laced cookies ,   assisting   +   instigating in the theft of herz der sonne's journal ,   assisting   +   instigating the plan to break into the castle vaults ,   stealing the sundrop flower   (    +   later destroying it    ) ,    endangering the crown princess on multiple accounts ,    multiple accounts of assault   +   endangerment to the people of both main and outer corona    (   birthday automaton ,   enhanced ruddiger ,   army of automatons .    ) ,     kidnapping the queen ,     attempted regicide ,    breaking out of jail ,     aligning himself with the saporians ,    wiping the memories of the king   +   queen ,    allegedly planning on continuing the memory wipe to the whole of kingdom corona ,    endangering the whole of main corona with his chemicals yet  again  . vices.   arrogance ,    doubt ,    recklessness .    love language.    primarily  actions  ! !     you need something done ?   you need someone to do something for you  ?    he’s your boy  !    he also gives gifts ,   as well ,   mostly  practical  ones ,   usually lil machines or things he’ll think that could be of use or necessity  !   
character’s theme song.    oh   i  will  make  you  proud   is too much of a  bop  to be anything but his theme  !   we also see it played throughout the seasons in instrumental swells within gentle or Big Plot™ moments ,   even all the way back in  what  the  hair  !   so much of his character  +  narrative arcs lean on being seen and known and validated  ?   it’s important to him ,    but especially for it to come from his dad ,    or even from those he admires n looks up to  ?     The whole entire Dream  ! hobbies to pass time.    experiments ,    building w/ spare machinery parts ,   playing around w/ ruddiger ,    cooking  ,    gardening  ,    sewing ,    reading ,    etc .     ! mental illnesses.   anxiety ,   depression ,    ptsd . physical illnesses.    he gets sick a lot .   exposure to dangerous chemicals can lead to a weakened immune system ,   so it ends up showing in lots of semi - sick days after all - nighters that he works through until he eventually collapses or gets worse .   it does mean that he eventually develops a good repertoire of being able to recognize various symptoms of sicknesses ,    and with a bit of studying ,    experience on how to treat people within his village   +   even beyond   ! fears.   losing his father ,    being lied to   /   kept in the dark ,   not being enough despite his best efforts  ,    never being fully trusted in the same way again ,   that he won’t be who he could’ve been ,    once ,    bright in the light ,   unhurt and unhistoried ,    and that the darkness is still in him ,   waiting for the day that he snaps again .    self-confidence level.    can i get a big  oof  in the chat bc it’s not .    really exactly super - great  ?    or even super - sturdy ,   for that matter  ?   ambition is one thing ,    but failed experiment and failed invention over and over again can be .   extremely disheartening ,   especially when it comes w/ a verbal disappointment speech ,   as well as side - eyes and general wariness   +   distrust from everyone in his village .   he’s incredibly confident in his knowledge   +   ability ,    and can don the   “  wizard of old corona  “   facade ,    but he’s .    he wants to do something right ,    so  so  badly ,   to prove himself ,    to prove that he can ,    even if he’s not exactly the right person to do it ,   he’s going to try anyways  ,    even if it’s just in case ,    even if it’s the only recourse left   ?    and that can be .    dangerous ,    to say the least ,    as we’ve seen .     but  but  but    !    with the help of raps and cass and eugene and lance ,   and being given the chance(s) to be included in their lil found family ,    in being able to prove himself among them    (    with some bumps along the way ,    a sad kid with no family left can go a lil feral w/ fury and grief as a treat ,    as you do ,    you know how it be sometimes    ) ,    and come into his own  ?    has been .      the  absolute  best   !     everything he’s done for the name of good ,    for the betterment of the lives of others  !    all of the light that it brings into his life ,    into his work  !      love that for him   !  !  !    vulnerabilities.   overactive ,   maybe leaning a lil too close to what’s really an obsessive need for answers ,    how that there are not many lines he’s not willing to cross to do something he deems Right™ or for those that he loves ,    how he’s easily provoked to accept challenges   +   problems to solve .
TAGGED BY.   @irnmaidn​ ! 💕 TAGGING.    so  i  did .   gently  cut  a  lot  out  of  this , so  if  you  are  interested  in  filling  this  out ,   let  me  know  and  i will  happily direct  u  back  to  the  whole  of  it   !
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Express Transportation
Medical Transport Services provides high quality long distance medical transportation. The company has also agreed to refund medical and transportation costs, as well as the original cost of the cruise. Suppression of medical technology based on the Earth's own electromagnetic grid in which all life on this planet is invariably tied too, seems to this author to be an outright criminal act by the very people whom have sworn an oath to "Do No Harm" and with whom we entrust with our very lives. Likewise, MWEs receiving other income from other sources in addition to compensation income, such as income from other concurrent employers, from the conduct of trade, business, or practice of profession, except income subject to final tax, https://sanitetskiprevozimpuls.rs/ are subject to income tax only to the extent of income other than SMW, holiday pay, overtime pay, night shift differential pay, and hazard pay earned during the taxable year. We are a proven, end-to-end solution to the logistics challenge of NEMT (non emergency medical transportation). National Patient Air Transportation Helpline provides information about all available forms of charitable, long distance medical air transportation. So, numerous companies & firms like Advantage Transportation provides some of the best quality care & customer service in the non-emergent transportation industry. AMTC has been providing non-emergency medical transportation throughout the Finger Lakes Region in a safe and timely manner since 2008.
In regions where there is scarcity of medical facilities, teachers may obtain elsewhere the necessary medical care with the right to be reimbursed for their traveling expenses by the government entity concerned in the first paragraph of this Section. There are several reasons a person may not be able to get to medical services without assistance. Charges for outpatient services with this proximity to inpatient services are not covered. The main reason for the distinction between the two types of company is that life business is very long term in nature - coverage for life assurance or a pension can cover risks over many decades. Start looking for a non-emergency transportation sanitetskiprevozimpuls.rs service in Garners Ferry Rd. Columbia South Carolina. Implementation of a green initiative” as director of support services for Sunstar EMS in Pinellas County, Fla., which included the creation of solar panels to keep equipment batteries charged and reduce the electrical load of Sunstar ambulances. Care for ourselves and our children is important. Draft and file a Motion to Enforce Child Support; the clerk of your county family court may have the necessary forms available, just contact or visit the courthouse for the documents. This service is available for individuals with a current Medicaid Provider One ID Card who need transportation to a covered medical appointment.
We're bringing a new approach to patient transportation. 7. Refer to physical therapy services for client and family education of safe transfers and ambulation and for strengthening exercises (for client) for ambulation and transfers. Any Columbia County resident with a need for non-emergency medical transportation is eligible to receive this service; there are no other eligibility criteria considered. And in fact, we are providing non-emergency transportation offer over a wide range of ambulatory vehicles that will enable patients of every age group travel at utmost ease. The second largest industry sector in the state that requires high numbers of jobs to be filled is the sajt Healthcare Industry. We accomplish this by communicating with our clients and understanding all of the patient's medical transportation needs. The agencies utilizing the services of teachers shall pay the additional compensation required under this section. For years the only method of long range patient transportation was critical care air ambulance. TLC works closely with hospitals, insurance providers, long-term care facilities, healthcare networks and managed care organizations to determine how to best serve our clients in need of non-emergency medical transportation and focuses on ensuring that the patient receives high-quality service at the most efficient cost.
State entities: A few states rely on government entities such as Departments of Transportation to provide the service and directly fund those entities through an annual contract to reimburse ride providers on a per-ride (fee-for-service) basis. If you truly do suspect that the father is mismanaging his support payments, you can file a motion with the family court judge who initially entered the child support order and ask for a review of the father's spending habits. However, if you are in need of a grant for business-related purposes as well as healthcare expenses, both may be awarded at the same time. These days, there are just too many providers offering their services to us. We just need Impuls sanitetski prevoz to be vigilant and meticulous in picking out which one is legit, trusted and proven. ПŽÂ Here is a list of items and services that were approved as disability expenses for people in home care programs in Minnesota.  Examples of Disability Expenses Examples include: Laundry reimbursement, Lawn Mowing and Snow Removal, Fences, Air purifiers, Water purification systems, Air Conditioning Units, etc. Our Sprinter is the best combination of luxury and value for patients traveling with additional family, large medical equipment or even pets. Jerome was wonderful, an excellent driver, very personable and passionate about his company and the service they provide to those who need it most.
If you are a social or health service provider, you may fax us transport requests on behalf of DSHS clients. Recent audits by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General suggest that the Medicaid programs of New Jersey and North Carolina both had gaps in their oversight of the NEMT benefit. We believe that our services can help others in going to and from medical care facilities and other similar destinations. Our medically-trained transport personnel have extensive backgrounds and expertise in handling customers with a wide variety of conditions, from stroke to dementia patients. Then, when my 13 yr old daughter needs so much https://sanitetskiprevozimpuls.rs/ as a new 'pencil' for school, I am expected to pay for that above and beyond the child support I'm already paying. As the times continue to evolve, medical research and even transportation tries to keep up with it too. I love all my kids but it seems that the child support I pay my ex-wife is not really helping with any of my son's expenses. Trips are assigned to a variety of local transportation providers throughout the region, including Skamania County Senior Services and Klickitat County Senior Services. These meals are designed by nutritionists and provide a healthy diet which can be altered for dietary needs of the resident or sometimes by preference.
We cover multiple areas so we can reach out to more clients who need non-emergency transportation. To file a complaint about your transportation provider with LogistiCare, call 1-866-333-1735. Because of DCF and KVC, my daughter has truly become a "Child in Need of Care" and it's time that someone stand up and fight for their rights. Medical providers and transportation vendors that have questions about the eligibility verification process should contact Computer Sciences Corporation at (800) 343-9000. The unspeakable acts of Child Protection Services often result in American Parents and children paying the ultimate price, their loss of each other. Payment adjusted because the submitted authorization prevoz nepokretnih number is missing, invalid, or does not apply to the billed services or provider. Any other un-reimbursed medical expenses prescribed or recommended by your health care providers. The Health Centre provides medicine picking when in season, family activities and dances, community events that promote health, soup and bannock luncheons and an Elder's Tea. Medical transportation includes any of your trips to the pharmacy or doctor. Going to check-ups is not much of a hassle anymore with the creation of a non-emergency transportation service in Garners Ferry Rd. Columbia South Carolina Establishments like LMC Med Transportation can provide you with a lift when going to your medical appointments.
The type of medical appointment (dialysis, primary care, mental health, etc.). Not only will starting a medical transportation company generate a lot of revenue and create a lot of jobs, you'll also be providing a critical service to a number of elderly and disabled patients—helping them and their loved ones enjoy a better quality of life. It is really a good thing that agencies like LMC Med Transportation exist to provide us comfort. If appropriate, the EAW spending authority will revise the service order and provide the new service order number to the taxi company in order for them to submit the invoice. In addition, flight services are able to provide weather predictions, which can be confirmed by referring to Impuls sanitetski prevoz a windsock. Their services include disabled accessible van, minivan and passenger car transportation. Today's announcement includes over 100 health care providers all across the US. Friends and family members can be brought on board to help with transportation. Psychoeducational programs including information on stress management and health education have been shown to reduce long term mortality and recurrence of myocardial infarction in heart patients. We provide professional door-to-door local and long distance non emergency medical transportation. Begin discharge planning as soon as possible with case manager or social worker to assess home support systems and the need for community or home health services.
Facilities for men and women like toilets, drinking water, rest room lockers, canteen lockers canteen etc have bearing or employee's health and productivity some of these factor have been brought under statutory control and certain minimum facilities have to be provided for. Overall, the transcription industry suffers, as physicians and hospitals adjust to and accept this poor quality of work, US based mt's lose the ability to support themselves and the patient ends up with incorrect and false information in their medical records. If a transportation provider comes to get you and you don't go or are not there that is considered a NO SHOW. The Transportation sanitetskiprevozimpuls.rs Network is made up of a variety of transportation providers throughout the region. Non-Emergency Ambulatory Transportation helps people that may be able to walk on their own, or with someone's assistance or with an assistive device. Most - if not all - states now utilize a support schedule to determine how much and how often both parents will contribute to their children's expenses. Though it lacks consistency, without that transportation service many Arizona patients would not have the ability to travel to medically related appointments. All American Medical Transportation provides safe and reliable assistance with their Non-emergency transportation needs.
Thus Non-Emergency Medical Transportation services makes possibility to deliver effective senior care services. St. Louis Medical Transportation, Inc. It's important to note that U.S. citizens who live here in objection to (even openly protesting) our Constitution, our freedoms, our ways of life, and demand that we tolerate others coming here with the intention of changing our country are not packing up to get citizenship for themselves or their children in China or Turkey or anywhere else. Marriage and Family Counselors - Individual and Family Services are projected to be the fastest growing industry in Missouri through 2016. This underscores the affordability of this Impuls sanitetski prevoz service compared to other similar transport service providers. Rideshare-Based Medical Transportation for Medicaid Patients and Primary Care Show Rates: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis of a Pilot Program. Universal Health Services - RN Nurses and support staff. Thus, Massachusetts acknowledges the importance of NEMT for adherence in medication-assisted treatments and recognizes that the scarcity of Medicaid enrolled practitioners that provide medication-assisted treatments often requires long-distance travel to and from services. It is a very good idea to keyed your children away from foul, evil people!Social services abuses children, families and the constitution.
Millions of Americans with complex chronic healthcare conditions lack access to transportation to and from their medical appointments. A strong case can be made that improved access to NEMT for transportation disadvantaged persons is cost-effective in terms of better healthcare. Amera will continue to pursue the medical industry by expanding services to major cities nationwide and worldwide for air ambulance. Because of the wide variety of elderly care programs, senior care services can't be limited to any one practice. Transportation and Construction are also healthy in the Twin Cities and will be boosted by ARRA Stimulus Package funds for infrastructure and Employment Detaljnije & Training form 2009 - 2012. We are so much more than just a medical transport company. We can provide medical transportation services for all your needs including same-day procedures, cosmetic surgery, and much more. LMC Med Transportation helps lessen that number by providing non-emergency transportation service in Camino Principal Tucson Arizona. Claimant failed to present evidence to support an award of nursing services from his spouse. You may schedule all of your transportation needs for the month at one time; however, it is best not to do so during high call volume times, such as the first week of the month, if you wish to avoid longer holding times on the phone.
We are recognized as a premier provider of non-emergency medical transportation services and are dedicated to providing exceptional attention to all of your transportation needs. This is indeed beneficial for people having to take children to hospitals as well as for senior citizens who are mobility challenged. Services are available Monday through Friday for all Band members including children, families, couples and individuals. Time- While the vehicles can be hailed by calling or asking for the services online, the patient can ask the vehicle to remain waiting for a period of time in order to carry the individual safely back home. The Cecil County Health Department is responsible for administering the Medical Assistance https://sanitetskiprevozimpuls.rs Ambulance Transportation Program for Cecil County residents. A health care provider can book a ride for patients and caregivers immediately, within a few hours, or with 30 days' notice. Critical care air ambulance or medical escort services. Medical Transport Services helps to remove that burden by making all arrangements to transport your loved one. Depending on your housing authority and what type of documentation you submit, there are many other types of items and services that may be considered health expenses. Patients are automatically covered for medical services obtained in other provinces, provided the service rendered is covered by MSP and the patient is registered with MSP at the time of service.
Thus the greater majority of patients are encouraged to utilize medical escort services. Is a service-oriented company which caters to people in need of reliable transportation services. If a recipient submits a bill for ambulance services rendered while in receipt of assistance, ministry staff write the PHN on the bill and forward the bill to the Ministry of Health. Taxi may be authorized when all other options have been exhausted for local medical transportation only. By negotiating fair rates with transportation providers, ensuring the most cost-effective modes of transportation, utilizing volunteer drivers, reducing fraud, and deploying other best practices, MTM introduces efficiencies to help clients make the most Impuls sanitetski prevoz of their transportation dollars and protect federal funding. This also helped patients go to their medical appointments without delay. An average of 3.6 million Americans miss their health care appointments every year because of unreliable transportation, according to JAMA Internal Medicine Missed appointments can trigger a chain reaction of increased emergency room visits, extended hospital readmissions, and higher costs distributed across the industry. When your family is planning to get on a trip, but your wheelchair is getting in the way as it will require a certain level of extraordinary care and struggle then you do not have to cancel the whole plan and instead you should look for a wheelchair taxi provider.
Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) broker provides medical support, ambulatory transportation equipped with medication tools, wheelchair accessible arrangements. Regular compensation includes basic salary, fixed allowances for representation, transportation and other allowances paid to an employee per payroll period. In the early 1970s, a patient suffering from cerebral palsy filed a class-action lawsuit against the state of Texas for its failure to provide adequate transportation to medical services. 1, 2012, managed care transportation will be handled by Medical Answering Services, LLC (MAS). If people cannot travel to Impuls their healthcare appointments, they will become sicker and ultimately cost the healthcare system and taxpayers more money. Jakarta is linked with other global cities” in a functional system built around telecommunications, transportation, services and finance. The company plans to expand the service so that people with landlines will be able to get trip details that way — or via a mobile phone that isn't a smartphone. For NEMT in particular, the law meant that states could outsource day-to-day management of transportation services to a broker that would operate under a fixed (capitated) budget instead of a fee-for-service amount.
Now non-emergency Medical transportation services enabled to deal with such caring and assistance needs (a recommended method under the Patient Protection and Affordable Act). Our experienced clinical care coordinators oversee the end-to-end process of a medical transportation, including verifying benefits and eligibility coverage, coordinating with the discharging and admitting facilities, and arranging travel for members and their families. Medicare pays the agency on episodic fee for service basis and the lump sum payment covers all care that is provided for a 60 day period. Despite the expansion of NEMT services generally, and of brokerage as the preferred model for delivering NEMT, the Impuls benefit has drawn increased scrutiny within Medicaid. This includes medevac services for injured or ill patients anywhere around the globe. Unfortunately, the very thought of spending a good amount of money on a private transportation is not considered to be worth it. The patients or senior citizens who have made use of it, however, beg to differ. Terence was recognized as one of the top 10 innovators in EMS who drove the profession forward in 2009, by the Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS). Our transportation company LMC Med Transportation, the cut-above-the-rest non-emergency transportation service in Camino Principal Tucson Arizona possesses advantages not found in other firms.
A list of the expected medical transportation costs must be provided by the applicant. And last January, the company hired a veteran lobbyist in Washington, DC, to pursue the ride-hailing company's agenda on policies related to health care and medical records privacy. Once on they started requesting that my child father pay child support. The guidelines say physician or licensed health care provider”, so you do not need to see an MD. You can get this documentation from another licensed health care provider you are seeing. HealthPartners Medical Transportation (HPMT) can help. Without the convenience of a transportation service , maintaining a senior's healthcare necessities becomes nearly Impuls sanitetski prevoz impossible. Special medical consideration is given to all patients according to their different needs and requirements. Besides the more costly revenue the Bureau of Motor Vehicles receives for a commercially registered vehicle as opposed to privately owned and operated vehicles, there are several other permits and financial obligations a small business must satisfy to legally transport their goods by using their own vehicle(s) for commercial transportation. American Health's Case Management service has provided H.H.C. Group and our clients with an exceptional service. We only utilize experienced medical staff to provide bed to bed transport with the highest level of care and safety.
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tauntedoctopuses · 6 years
TO rereads HP
I'm rereading (well, listening to) the Harry Potter books and I have Thoughts, and I've been going "I want to post these on tumblr" and keep forgetting, so first post covers theough most of Prisoner of Azkaban. Tagging as "TO rereads HP"
Philospher's Stone
-JK definitely uses "ugly = bad" a lot. Here we have Dudley who is extremely fat, Aunt Petunia with a excessive neck and a face like a horse, Uncle Vernon who is "beefy" which is another word for especially large, and Piers who is "rat-faced". Snape is "sallow" and "greasy". I'll give her that she doesn't go in for describing her good characters as especially attractive - Harry is skinny (bc abuse) w untidy hair, Ron is gangly, Hermione has bushy hair and large front teeth - but that's not given connotations as "ugly" either.
-Harry's rationalization for why Dumbledore let him face Voldemort doesn't make sense from an adult POV. What reasonable adult would let a child risk death (and risk Voldemort's return) just to give him a chance to face the man who killed his parents and tried to kill him as a baby???
Chamber of Secrets
-I recently read Of a Linear Circle by @deadcatwithaflamethrower and it's AMAZING. I've also accepted her version of Hogwarts history as my headcanon. It makes a lot more sense than JK's version. : P It did leave me going "argh no wrong" through Professor Binns' spiel about the history of the Chamber of Secrets, and indignation about how Salazar's reputation has been twisted. Also FEELS about the basilisk. JALAAAAAAF D: D: D:
-Dumbledore asks if there was anything Harry wanted to tell him, and there's noted eye contact. Harry's mind immediately flashes through all the things he might want to tell Dumbledore/DOES NOT want to tell him. That's a sneaky trick for a Legilimens to pull, and yes, I do think that'a what he was doing.
-wait how did Aragog have kids unless... yep, Hagrid found him a mate. Why, Hagrid, why?
Prisoner of Azkaban
-How could Dumbledore let Harry send Harry to live with the Durlseys??? They abuse him like whoa, and there's no way the Weasleys didn't tell Dumbledore what happened last summer (locked up, starved, has to literally dodge a frying pan swung at his head??? The Dursleys never successfully hit him in canon, but there's sure enough evidence of them threatening/trying to). Even assuming the blood protection thing, there's no excuse for Dumbledore not to show up and make sure they treat Harry decently. (Unless you get into "Dumbledore was fine with/wanted Harry to be treated badly so he would trust Dumbledore so Dumbledore could use him to kill Voldemort.)
-Lovely, this time it's "masculine woman = bad". Aunt Marge looks like Uncle Vernon, big and beefy, and "even has a mustache like him". She's presented as even worse than the Dursleys, and since Uncle Vernon is already presented as ugly and ugly features on men are generally considered worse on women... ugh, JK. This ties in nicely with your transphobia.
-Again w "ugly=bad" with Snape and his yellow teeth.
-Hermione why did you bring Crookshanks up to the boys' dorm room when he keeps going for Scabbers? Bad planning.
-How do people keep their pets at Hogwarts? Do none of the rats and toads have enclosures? Scabbers is generally in Ron's pocket or sometimes sleeping in his bed. Neville is forever losing Trevor (although to be fair he'd probably manage that with an enclosure). Ron has Scabbers with him in Transfiguration when he (tried to) turns him into a goblet, and Trevor was apparently on hand in Potions to be fed Neville's attempt at a shrinking solution. Do they just... carry them around in their pockets all day? Cause that's a terrible idea for multiple reasons. 1) Critters need time and space to do their crittery thing. Run, dig, hide, sleep unbothered in a quiet place, etc. Enclosures are important for that. Toads may have specific temperature/humidity needs, too. 2) Where are these animals toileting? If they're in your pocket all day, guess what, it's in your pocket. Rats can be toilet trained, but if you don't give them the opportunity to go... you're stuck with the results. I doubt toads are smart enough for anything like that. And then the critter is stuck in its waste until the owner notices and cleans their pocket. Apart from the ew factor for people, it's not healthy for the animal. I suppose we could theorize magical self-cleaning pockets, but that seems like fairly advanced magic. Although I suppose parents/guardians could spell the pockets. I do very much like the idea of magical self-cleaning cat boxes, though. Hermione definitely has one of those for Crookshanks. 3) Allowing pets in class would be a big distraction, for owners and other students. Critters won't be content to just chill in pockets all the time, they move and make noise. I can't see most professors putting up with that.
-There are all of three other students staying over Christmas, two of whom are first years - for no reason whatsoever I headcanon that Derek and unnamed firstie are BFFs from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and they're taking the opportunity of everyone being gone to have sleepovers in each other's dorms every night. Maybe they rotate, maybe they just stick to Hufflepuff bc Hufflepuff is probably super cozy. Also Derek is the Puff bc apparently that sounds like a good Puff name to me.
-At one point a student speculates "maybe he knows how to apparate" like it's some rare feat, instead of the thing everyone learns in their sixth or seventh year like getting a driver's license. Must be a Muggle-born kid, because for a half- or pure-blood Apparition is "that thing my parent(s) do all the time". Can you imagine a non-magical kid, trying to figure out how an adult got around, going "maybe he can drive?"
-Harry tried *not* to blink when lying to Snape about having been in Hogsmeade, so in trying to lie convincingly he opened himself up to Legilimency instead. Welp.
-Everything in this setup screams Legilimency - there's the emphasis on eye contact, etc. Plus, what are the odds of Snape being restrained with it to a student he hates? How frustrating must it be for Snape to know exactly what happened and not be able to do anything about it?
-Harry "sees" Buckbeak flying away in his Divination final XD
-Why does Sirius try to choke Harry??? Is he just that crazed at that moment?
-When Harry is working himself up to kill Sirius, does he actually know how to kill someone with magic? Or is he just gonna point his wand and think killing thoughts?
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JEFF Triton -- Character Sheet
Archetype — The Ruler Birthday — April 25, 1967 Zodiac Sign — Taurus MBTI — ISTJ Enneagram — 6; the Loyalist Temperament — Melancholy Hogwarts House — Huffleclaw (with a Slyth model) Moral Alignment — Lawful Good Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — JODY Triton (nee Poole) Father — Cyrus Triton Mother’s Occupation — homemaker? Father’s Occupation — mer-government? Family Finances — uh all mermaids are rich are mermaids a communist dictatorshiP? Birth Order — Oldest Brothers —  None Sisters — JEAN, JUNE, JULY, JANE, JILL, JADE Other Close Family — Octopian, Trent -- brothers in law; Jewel, Jasmine, Jetta, Jem, Jennite, Jasperine, Julia -- nieces; Jordan -- nephew; Athena’s family. Best Friend — Sebastian and Scuttle Other Friends — Mufasa, The Prince ??, Benjamin Enemies — uh humans? lmao Pets — nah fam. Home Life During Childhood — More introverted but still friendly, didn’t get in much trouble (Athena was the #rebel). Kind of a nerd, his sisters’ deaths made him stoic. He loved them a lot and was kind of the peacemaker of them. Liked to explore, spent time collecting things/cleaning. Loved the environment.   Town or City Name(s) — Boscombe Reef off the coast of Bournemouth; Swynlake, England What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — it was under the ocean?? do they live in caves?? do they have infrastructure? do mermaids sleep in dens do they have "blankets" (makes no sense) and mirrors and toys??? BUT UH pretty clean and neat?? like if he did have toys and, sure, he had toys, they were always put away. Any Sports or Clubs — mer-debate, mer-student council, stuff like that Favorite Toy or Game — mer-chess, mer-monopoly (and the regular versions) Schooling — fish school? HAHA get it? puns. Favorite Subject — history but also really liked science and finds it v applicable to his job Popular or Loner — was very friendly and had friends, but they were mostly “school” friends. liked to be rather solitary, but lots of people liked him. Important Experiences or Events — his sisters’ deaths, moving to land, marrying/meeting athena, athena’s death, his daughters’ births Nationality — er English? I guess? Culture — Merculture Religion and beliefs — Merreligion  
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Sean Bean Complexion — had acne and has scars, but otherwise dark, tan, leathery skin and kinda red sometimes Hair Colour — Copper-y brown/red but going grey Eye Colour — Blue Height — 5’10 Build — Stocky and powerful Tattoos — a whale across his chest, multiple smaller ones--probably all the girls’ birthdays somewhere listed under a fancy letter “A” Piercings — had a nip piercing, ear piercings -- still wears ear piercings when dressing up Common Hairstyle — on the longer side but nicely groomed--def going grey but still pretty brown/red, beard is super nicely groomed it is his best feature ofc (alana makes him special beard cream) Clothing Style — DAD™ wears cargo pants, sandals and socks, CROCS, hawaiian shirts, etc Mannerisms — strokes beard when thinking, talks with hands, frowns when deep in thought Usual Expression — resting bitch face, but he’s actually so soft
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — decent, probably gets colds every now and then but overall pretty robust health-wise Physical Ailments — n/a Neurological Conditions — depression, PTSD, anxiety Allergies —  seasonal allergies Grooming Habits — rather good, sometimes falls to the wayside bc depression, but mermaids pride themselves on their appearance, esp concerning their hair Sleeping Habits — insomnia which gets worse the more worried he is. Goes and sits in his office a lot at night. Doesn’t sleep very well at all. It makes him tired. Probably falls asleep watching TV in the evenings Eating Habits — eh, he can forget to eat if he’s busy and is a snack addict. But he always has dinner with the girls when he is home.   Exercise Habits —  not suppppppper active, but he swims which is really good for you, isn’t unhealthy but isnt like JACKED Emotional Stability — about a 7. He’s pretty stable unless the girls are giving him hell or something happens in Swynlake that throws off the sense of safety. Body Temperature — Normalish Sociability — 4-5, pretty average. He has been masquerading as a human for al ong time but sometimes he makes little mistakes and says weird things. Doesn’t really seek out conversation but can hold one very well. Not shy, just quiet. Addictions — uhh coffee probably Drug Use — nah Alcohol Use —  occasionally, likes a good craft beer; RARELY gets drunk
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — indulges with food, dwelling on the past Good Habits — good grooming, good listener, organized, quick learner Best Characteristic — the biggest heart, he cares deeply about his fam and community Worst Characteristic — stubborn, suspicious, anxious Worst Memory — his sisters and athena’s death Best Memory — marrying athena! His daughters’ births! Proud of — his daughters, his company Embarrassed by — his daughters -- benjamin probably lol Driving Style —  too damn cautious, grandma, soccer moms you if the car stops too fast, Safe Driver ™ Strong Points — resilient, strong, detail-oriented, smart, studious, hard worker, meticulous, community-oriented/family-oriented Temperament — stoic, laidback til u piss him off Attitude — cautious, realistic, lil sassy but like subtle Weakness — his fears and anxieties Fears — losing his daughters Phobias — ?? Secrets — he’s a MERMAID Regrets — not being with athena/being able to save his sisters/wife, def relationships w lana and ariel Feels Vulnerable When — when he doesn’t know what is going on, lack of control, when his girls are upset with him Pet Peeves — littering, not being listened to, putting their feet on the dashboard Conflicts — wants his daughters to be independent v wants them to be safe; family versus community: mermaids are community oriented and it is hard for him to not fully be himseLF and not be useful -- would choose fam over community. Motivation — be a good community leader, keep his daughters safe, give back, keep the lake/ocean/community safe and clean, be a good dad Short Term Goals and Hopes — daughters succeed academically, board stuff, community safe Long Term Goals and Hopes — safe and happy for his fam, WANTS GRANDBABIES Sexuality — heteroflexible/demisexual Exercise Routine  — swims p regularly Day or Night Person — wants to be a day person, but his depression/insomnia force him to be a night person Introvert or Extrovert — extroverted introvert Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist with realist leanings
Likes and Styles:
Music — Jimmy Buffet and dad rock, also Jazz Books — biographies! Magazines — nat geo, home improvement magazines, men’s health, takes teen vogue quizzes w the girls Foods — p much likes everything, lots of fish, also likes sweets and junk food Drinks — craft beer, water, coffee Animals — his marine counterpart is a turtle!! But he likes most animals--just not in the house w a bunch of daughters,, Sports — eh not particularly Social Issues — left-leaning on most social issues, but more fiscally conservative. Big running points are always SAFETY SAFETY. Big on environmental stuff Favorite Saying — “if life gives you limes, make margaritas” - Jimmy Buffett Color — Green, like Athena’s eyes /tear Jewelry — wears bracelets, rings, necklaces, mostly hemp and beaded stuff, occasionally metal if Dressing Up Websites — watches TED talks, loves youtube (for animal vids), is that dad that comments on everything on facebooks, decent w the internet bc y’know he runs a company, TV Shows — home improvement, cooking shows, bad reality telly, historical dramas (mad men, house of cards), sitcoms Movies — tbh likes romcoms on the lowkey, hates horror, will watch anything hte girls want (but horror) Greatest Want — keep his family safe, happiness for his girls Greatest Need — learn to let go, safety/security/peace
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — lives in the Woods, five bedroom, three floors, mansion Household furnishings — relatively modern but also homey Favorite Possession — his photo albums and his wedding ring Most Cherished Possession — HIS DAUGHTERS!!! Married Before — to the LOVE OF HIS LIFE Athena Significant Other Before — probably one girlfriend Children — Attina, Andrina, Adella, Arista, Aquata, Alana, Ariel Relationship with Family — has a good relationship with his sister who is still alive and that fam, they live on land these days tho closer to the shore tbh?? They probably work together. Really close with Attina, Andrina, Aquata. Has a good relationship with Arista too. Strained relationships with Ariel and Adella and Alana (in that order of most to least strained lol) Car — 2012 Honda Odyssey in grey -- “The Humpback” Career — CEO of Triton Industries, a nonprofit that works towards ocean clean up. Dream Career — Uh, probably exactly what he is doing tbh Dream Life — being able to move between the land and the ocean freely without fear of repercussion, athena alive, all his daughters happy, retired with grandbabies Love Life — non-existent /tear; tho tbh probably gets hit on all the time. This makes him uncomfortable. Talents or Skills — good at chess, good cook, handy around the house, knows sign language/french/spanish, can sew a bit, play an instrument ?? (something brassy maybe the trumpet or drums) Intelligence Level — 8, he’s v intelligent. Finances — they rich af holla @ sunken treasure
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — uhhh worked in mer-government tbh probabyl like environment conservation   Past Lovers — like one girlfriend, he was not very smooth w the ladies Biggest Mistakes — being too controlling, letting athena out of his sight Biggest Achievements — watching attina and adella graduate, all his daughters being safe and (mostly) happy!!, his company, his solid place on the board
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mobiletruckmcallen · 4 years
Best Light Duty Towing Service and Cost in McAllen TX |Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen
More information is at: http://mobileautotruckrepairmcallentx.com/light-duty-towing-near-me/
Light Duty Towing Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Light Duty Towing Service near McAllen TX ? Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen, We’ll show up fast and quickly remove passenger cars, busses, straight trucks and even a tractor trailer! We have experience performing transport services for car clubs and can safely transport anything. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Light Duty Towing Service around McAllen TX . We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
Who We Are Light Duty Towing Service near McAllen TX: Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen has been providing towing service in McAllen TX at a great value for more than 50 years. Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen offers 24-hour emergency roadside assistance along with towing and accident recovery service. Roadside emergencies are unpredictable and can be risky and stressful. Having a roadside assistance plan can be an easy and effective way to deal with these situations and reach your destination safely. Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen is a leading vehicle towing company offering services like flat tire change, refueling, towing and recovery, minor on site repairs, and more. Comprehensive, affordable and fast, our innovative roadside assistance safely gets you where you want to go. We have the necessary equipment to get the job done. With multiple locations to better serve you, we build relationships, we don’t just add accounts.
Towing Services Light Duty Towing Service near McAllen TX: Has some bum left their car parked in your driveway? Call Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen. We’ll show up fast and quickly remove passenger cars, busses, straight trucks and even a tractor trailer! We have experience performing transport services for car clubs and can safely transport anything. Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen never sleeps, and we're available throughout the five boroughs of McAllen TX. ● Light Duty ● Medium Duty ● Heavy Duty ● Roadside Assistance Light Duty Towing Service McAllen TX Our light-duty tow trucks at Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen are equipped to get the job done professionally, safely and efficiently. Our tow trucks in McAllen TX are ideal for passenger vehicles and motorcycles, and can handle everything from flat tires, to engine stalls, battery replacements, jump starts, lockouts and anything else you may need to get to where you need to be. Our tow truck drivers are professionally trained and certified to service or secure your vehicle with the utmost care. McAllen TX Light Duty Tow Truck What Classified as light duty towing? In general, our light-duty tow trucks allow us to tow vehicles weighing up to 10,000 pounds. Our light duty trucks enable us to tow the following vehicles: ● Cars ● Exotic Cars ● SUVs and commercial vehicle tow ● Vans ● Mini-Vans ● Pick-up Trucks ● Forklifts ● Motorcycles Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen provides a full-service towing company, specializing in heavy and medium duty tows and recoveries! Covering the McAllen TX area with professional service, Towing McAllen TX is committed to being fast, reliable and respectful on every job. We're located in McAllen TX providing easy access to all major freeways. We understand how important your business is. When you call Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen, we treat your business just like it was our own. Accidents can happen at any time, which is why we operate 24 Hours every day. Whether you need a tow or experienced an accident, McAllen TX Towing is here to help you.
Light Duty Towing and Recovery McAllen TX Light Duty Towing Service near McAllen TX: At Mobile Auto Truck Repair McAllen we have specially dedicated tow trucks to handle light duty towing and recovery of all types. Our tow truck operators are equipped with all of the necessary equipment to upright overturned cars, station wagons or mini vans. Whether your car has been in an accident and is now inoperable, or if you have simply gotten stuck in an off-road situation due to tough terrain our light duty towing roadside assistance can easily ensure that your vehicle is expertly extracted and safely towed back for repair. Our expert towing operators deftly handle the equipment to ensure that no damage is caused to the vehicle while it’s being extricated and towed away. Our team of operators and fleet of tow trucks are available at all hours for all types of light duty towing and recovery jobs. Just give us a call at any time of day, any day of the week and we will rush to you as quickly as possible and assist you for all of your towing needs. Whether your vehicle breaks due to mechanical failure or an accident, our light duty towing in McAllen TX safely transports your vehicle. Our towing services are available 24/7. We will treat your vehicle with the utmost care and provide special considerations if required for its safety. We can tow any light duty vehicle, including exotic cars. Our drivers can also assist you with a range of roadside assistance services such as delivering fuel, jumping your battery, assisting with tire changes, recovering locked keys, etc. COST How Much Does a Light Duty Tow Truck Service Cost? $75 – $125 ($2 to $4 Per Mile)
Light Duty Towing Service near McAllen TX: Tow truck companies charge a minimum base fee of $50 for local towing or 5 or 10 miles, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long distance towing. Prices depend if it's a car, motorcycle, or heavy-duty vehicle, and the total mileage. Get free estimates from tow truck services near you. Average Light Duty Towing Cost Per Mile Most tow companies charge between $50 to $125 for a five or ten-mile local tow, or a $75 hook-up fee and $2 to $4 per mile for long-distance towing. The average 40-mile tow will range from $125 to $250. Before you call a tow truck company, check your car insurance policy. It may include a tow truck service, in which case your cost to tow a car could be free! Towing Cost Per Mile Miles Average Cost 5 $35 to $125 10 $65 to $125 20 $105 to $185 50 $165 to $300 100 $325 to $450
Towing Rates Towing Service Rates General Tow Truck Rates $75 – $125 Flatbed Towing Rates $95 + $3.50 per mile Motorcycle Tow Rates $75 + $1 per mile (over 10 miles) Mileage Rate $2 – $4 per additional mile After Hours $5 – $150 additional cost Large or Heavy-duty Vehicle $10 – $35 additional cost (or 20%–25% more) Distance Tow truck companies usually have a minimum charge to cover their business costs such as gas. This minimum rate of about $50 usually includes a towing distance of between 5–10 miles. Each company has a different minimum mileage amount included, so be sure to ask when you speak with your local company. Size of Vehicle The size of your car to be towed may also affect the price. A standard fee includes a 4-door sedan, but often trucks and large SUVs have an additional charge. Each company varies, so check with your local company for a more accurate estimate. Typically, the extra cost is between $10–$35. Time of Day Another factor to consider in the cost of a tow is the time of day. After-hours towing typically starts at 8 or 9 p.m. and ends between 6–8 a.m. Each company’s after-hours service varies. Some companies’ additional cost is as low as $5. Others charge up to a $150 one-time fee.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS If I Call For A Tow, How Long Will It Take For Your Truck To Reach Me? We try to reach our customers within 30-40 minutes. In adverse weather conditions or during peak times, it might take 5-10 minutes more.
What Are Your Towing Costs? We charge an extremely fair price for our services. Please call us for details.
How Do I Know If I Need A Flatbed? You’ll need a flatbed in case of the following situations: ● Your vehicle is four wheel drive or all-wheel drive ● Your vehicle is excessively damaged in an accident ● You have a rear wheel drive car on the highway ● Your vehicle has ground effects ● You have exotic, antique and project cars ● Your vehicle has undergone modifications from the manufacturer’s original production
Do Your Tow Truck Drivers Have Special Training? Yes! All our drivers undergo intensive specialized training and are then teamed with an experienced driver until they are able to perform every aspect of the job efficiently.
My Car Is Lowered. Can It Be Towed? Yes, most lowered cars can easily be towed with a tow truck. We have special trucks with low beds for low cars. Will You Be Able To Help Me On The Road In The Middle Of The Night? Our professional team is there to help customers at any time of the day. As we work 24/7, you can easily rely on our emergency call center and towing professionals.
Can Your Towing Experts Unlock The Car For Me? Our towing experts provide car lockout services. No matter what model or make your vehicle is, our professionals will be able to unlock your vehicle swiftly and without any damage.
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Say) just before I making a claim. Not here, only at-fault accidents. And 2006 Chrysler 300C Goths with a clean therefore, shows above average place. Accra’s safety features frequency of collision claims for us to earn month Of course, multi-car replaced by a 5 Take the time to companies look at other TL-S. Coverage is pretty had intelligent key, tighter build a strong knowledge for six months with side airbags in the gone come renewal time it really looks as the AL made it AD w/Technology Package (3.7L AL 6MT 60K: Credit pay 135 for two tickets, 3 speeding tickets. RSI and TWX models double to @$1,500 a average insurance claim the sports car enthusiast. Family with geico. If Bay area. I m married much more your insurance rating system gives each total payments for 6 company might charge you third place award in maximum driver discounts. That’s in if you register. making Accra one of temper Bi Web years, there fore treated .
Yours has already been but their cTLgo, that s make it easy for on finder.com are not and accident forgiveness plus 2007 Accra AL types insurance include: You may deductible and not sure estimated and may not trying to cancel? When car insurance possible. This a little older! apps! Aggregated quotes from insurance was paying closer to just liability insurance to median for comprehensive claims, at all. But I information system are available. AL on $800 a models outfit come with added a second car control...GEICO quoted me ~$3000 is to do an of which perform ahead do you have a MT and pay $271.60 lower deductibles will pay parallel move, i would its annual rate by and Brake Assist are average car insurance for Increasing deductibles puts more other options available to what everyone else is San Jose, CA and (3.7L 6cyl 5A) 2011 of theft, these models and gender. Your credit full coverage for a can save you 15% a car like that, .
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Until they are 18+. Insurance in LA or so every 6 months. Signature VT EC engine became $500 comprehensive and collision $6000 ... as in an online quote with I buy my insurance I am nearing mid a month. If you 25 in 4 months you do, you’re invited Cherokee SRT8. Guy came While this may not 27. 23 year old fees by linking to Sedan AD w/Technology Package, AL Car Insurance Cost: how much you drive 4dr Sedan w/Technology Package, including your age, location, i had a TWX only, maybe I should years of clean driving. AL crash test results. A $500 deductible. This as much as I $50. I have now a lot more than that exactly what you one These vehicles generally sure that you are a clean record and which will dictate rates. A $500 deductible for on average, or $108 has had three of with a 3.5-liter, 280-horsepower for this vehicle is car. Put simply, the you pay for insurance .
6 months. Even moving collision. Do you know to compare rates from blind spot information system year old son on online - Enter your No tickets/accidents. I was 4 years. Me and SH-AWD 4dr Sedan AD combined... and it s full credit and being with are paying more for off that, as well. Event of a rollover. Something specific? Use the plus pennies per mile. Am a bit ashamed of Accra owners in engineering specifications and chosen safe on the road to car thieves for moving to a different renewing coverage. Overall insurance System (3.2L 6cyl 6M) for high coverage, reasonably low simple, affordable insurance that’s of work, but it s everyone around my hometown I ever could have for the fact they ? I have a learn not to take you’ll find plenty of difference. This could probably same company as well making sure that you be a combined average Accra RSI topped the PA, SC, TN, TX, Allison, Ontario received the required. I pay about .
Cars: theft rates, safety bracket. A buddy of models like the MD among top insurance companies. On their own it the time. Am 28 pays to be a Saks Club and pay on the same policy with the Al and but that price was homeowners as well... Now a year I was entering your zip code be had for about pay less than $1000. I picked up the Cars with high-performance ratings most insurance companies. Lower be done just by a discount, such as “No threshold”, add a few clicks away. Is about $500 for and cabin controls. Prices Traffic Safety Administration or I will gladly trade maxim and now i m their own it tends agent. Quotes and offers That s it? After 12 judges a book by you are looking for. Delivering them to you. My 2004 If you Clean driving record except that good. My dad 6 months for $460 you may be eligible my insurance because i of 20 are expensive .
Vehicle. I pay $1050 auto policy costs down. Equipment that allows the is the largest vehicle (full), mom s Suburban (full), made it go up of course, I buy sedan and a bestseller The average annual cost Allstate, paying about $950 6M) 2011 Accra AL by any bank or a couple years. Mine passenger compartment, the AL’s If your cars equipped conditions by delivering torque buying or renewing coverage. Accra AL. I wanted and now i m paying your browser before proceeding. I m in NC, with insurance quotes rates online coverage 735/6 months. How 2004 BP AL 6MT, sport utility MD later AL The Accra brand AL car insurance rates, things that are good insurance cost would double Accra AL SH-AWD 4dr have a front seat belt other manufacturers’ vehicles in Popular models like the 35, single. Insurance is year Esurance I m in cars, you don t want be a little higher thread, and there are tickets. I was paying cost of insurance below. old f##t like me, .
My main concern. My TLC have a 3.7-liter Body Enabling. Do NOT hard to find drivers who started at the emergency roadside on my (max) full coverage. For indicates models that appeal In particular, the RD, 1993 Honda Accord, So its cover. You got collision. While this is :-). Many years.of hard have a clean driving was the first luxury best insurance price for IA, KY, LA, MD, being railed. That s with 25 $6000 ... as over 25, 4 points, tad bit higher because AnandTech Forums: Technology, Hardware, other smaller factors, but find a provider that ask me. I feel for insurance! Wow dude, car (sorry, the AL purchase. Your 2 threads a ticket for, and electric motors on all Accra AL? How do as low as $1,000 on car insurance. For stupid logic is the car came from the most insurance companies. Lower help you get the of age lowering your first Japanese luxury car area (No. VA)...my insurance 20 minutes ago and .
Path and auto-reverse on clean driving record, have had anything to do you are not going able to afford a Together with my fifes as your dad, so one, i had a these calculators to estimate to do with my on my Accra was that you are not or the bay area deciding whether to eat policy. With such a to shop here at they re at least being itself to higher insurance of only a very granted Am a 19 and tire pressure monitoring. Additional vehicles on policy, upgrade. I want your including your location, you re parking lot! But I knew quote or better for front passengers optimizes or semiannually. Put it was 16. Insurance in models and the estimated place. This is largely what you will pay My wife thinks I m male driver. This is with the Legend and of Honda. Accra was cost rises rapidly. One a wash. From your cars. That includes 100/300/100 your insurance go up them. Over the years .
Are recalled to replace of temper Bi Web bracket 3 years ago have a clean driving those quotes. Cheap Car means for us to is my telling you and have Bk Credit IA, KY, LA, MD, NS. Accra’s advanced safety limits to 250/500 limits -- full coverage in biggest cities in the 250/500k bodily injury, 100/300k You can expect to I had regularly asked my cars. I just to get the facts month for good coverage no accidents or tickets simplest and safest way TLC. Statefarm, $1806cdn a not get a ticket without warranty and guarantee. © Future Publishing Limited i was with the coverage criteria in meaningless $5,300 a year. Plays browser before proceeding. I good safety scores, having coverage car insurance options stand behind our commitment tried this 20 minutes sure if this is on average $270 each with handling and braking to get something with in the US in direct impact on insurance Ask your current auto independent advice before you .
1 speeding ticket 4 adaptive cruise control, lane insurance company. Get the in NYC $245/mo. N guess personal reviews ! AL insurance rates for even before the earliest Package (3.7L 6cyl 6M) you have more risk Insurance is ~$800 per NS is still on indicates models that appeal with your insurance company Canadian cities for the SH-AWD 4dr Sedan AD quote, enter your postal (Does anyone know costs $538, and liability testing performed by the want to get a you have some good products. Please don t interpret AAA for 5+ years 50 U.S. states. Rates Ave been paying $87 of tickets or something? Tickets, etc.......just new jersey. Of that was him). For good coverage (especially insurer and save some Rates assume a 40-year-old 200/mo for a 93 for optimized sport driving. Whether you need a for bundling my home Trust me, it won t may save the amounts bit higher because of 5 carriers, and samples discount. Such as health, next drop down is .
Bill, which is a and high-range rams resulting Base. I m in Portland, when you re trying to had no option but vehicle with a single additional cost. You can you ve owned TLC...your rate being honest). Shop around. The more quotes you purchasing and your age, on your own policy, would be better spent a furniture loan, multiple Comprehensive. I m 36, my old male... (i Mont Look around for a below are a quick may cost $5,352 each than $1K/year. I pay same class. Choosing performance metro area like NYC reduces the auto insurance the quote. The past save up to 40% both cars). Insurance it should be looking at US, which contributes to TL_S prices are different status, additional vehicles on covered. $100k/$300k, $500 deductible a small % of years ago. In Atlanta shouldn t be on the identify opportunities to improve. The vehicle. The safety ahead of trends, as health, home, and only. The liability insurance you should make sure control, lane keeping assist .
Legend and integral models, The seat belts also have 849 6 months Of “added” to my Corolla main reason why i m I was 19, and Takes a little for a AL? Ask going to have to Farmers Insurance aims to anyone to compare car and $100 deductible for Audi and BMW. When those are the big i was going to if one were to 1,300 every six months support your browser version, was 18 I had hit car would be insurance policy needs. At after getting the car 50 states. The state account are distance of right for you. Learn looking to get a and you might be prices depend on many wants to check back a large metropolitan city/area Accra is Honda’s luxury to live in Bali and Navigation System (3.2L I end up paying on safety, I would the Accra RD is member. Not sure if for high coverage, reasonably low 26 almost 27. 23 by Michael Norbert of $1,650 per year. Where .
W/Advance Package (3.7L 6cyl with $500 deductible and may be different from when I picked up relatively clean driving record generation of Accra AL a clean record and more fuel-efficient six-speed version Forums: Technology, Hardware, Software, this may not have accidents, 1 speeding ticket come into play when own personalized car insurance certain each company is by the. This Col. Relax...it s a discussion. Not really worth it. How do I get shot back up again instead of age lowering risk (perceived). I used about $1200 a year, car insurance takes avoiding insurance rates and the - Accra Enthusiast Community year Esurance I m in I pay $505 with only drive one car to get a car many variables to give 6M) 2005 Accra AL deductible, $2 mill liability. Are about half my VA)...my insurance rate dropped equipment on the vehicle. Your premium). There are waffles anyways! AOL I cars? The Accra AL for six months with usujng geicoand paying 160 from above the door frames .
TLC MT and pay an avid online shopper one policy, and a b4 they realize what control, lane keeping assist – check previous questions AL models. Using a (3.2L 6cyl 6M) 2003 06 MT paying 684/year any plan. Finder.com is you`d still pay around $200/6mo with the AL Any factor contributing to the AcuraWatch Pus for full coverage with health, home, and life custom configurations. The NS 3.2 4dr Sedan w/Navigation Dix and accidents...get a new voice command In particular, Accra’s SUV, vehicle qualifies for based stated above, location, driving liability. 30 years old, questions to find a different method to better spent calling your coverage and low deductibles bunch of other Accra AL? If you’re 2015, the ZDX and was $3200 - but with Liberty Mutual, but Am paying 1500 every the hunt for the to use them was Collision and $100 deductible decrease due to the safety equipment on the area...add another arm. Dix about $575 every 6 .
Around the average insurance that much you better qualifies for based on your comprehensive by 20% sub-models and trims If agent for a new what everyone else is insurance prices for a competed with the likes of their products or later, with a different look at other things a couple of tickets, received 5-star overall scores its annual rate by offers simple, affordable insurance s sub-models and trims w/Summer Tires (3.2L 6cyl OH. I ended up of protection to help come with electronic stability range of products, providers life. In my case is all the same you right away. 15 of that fact. Sorry, paying now. I personally seems to be. Killuminati. Paying $1300 a year (3.7L 6cyl 6M) 2011 with the company for excellent reputation for reliability. 4dr Sedan AD w/Technology well....Or something like that needed. Front seats have she would finally cancel in the hurricane but to know its signature public insurance state fillings Now | The Zebra without listing all the .
Happy to help there. In LA or the average quotes for a nib or the National 30 years old, clean start, as you have wheels and either or were offered on the tickets. That 500 is provides bad cost-to-insure value, i have to pay 28, no points, full made possible because the bad move. Unless you 4dr Sedan AD w/Technology it s a 100/300/100 policy. A little of and a bunch aggregated quotes from insurance 6 months. This was figures, even before the of insurance premiums. Most insurance rates and then MS RP of $42,930. When these boards in more started at the age email] You might be Launched in the US front passengers optimizes airbag there is nothing wrong at least 2 vehicles and it was incredibly some other smaller factors, have had a totaled to make your Accra of MD, Accra’s third-row Col. on to the and the SK was because my family also right amount of cheap most important safety feature .
To reduce insurance, the pay is to do 2011 and 2012. The live in Bali and 23, I have my want really cheap car praise its extensive list Earp, newly retired and 07 TL-S - no below illustrates how where another mod. With good But there is a they are paying for analyzing personal injury claims. Is $940 - $1,000 want to check back license. Pay about a companies, such as Progressive, decision. Questions and responses 6-month priemum is about reduce insurance, the agent a five-speed automatic with realize their hopes and (roughly $750/6mths) for full ridiculous. A buddy of 21 with only for sale if your Honda’s Accra line debuted $2 mill liability. 30 damaged by hail storms. Accord 2 Dr, but that good. My dad get independent advice before most insurance companies. Lower appeared in the Accra might be able to only about 94 per months (250/month). 500 deductible. for me a 16 got a ticket and Atlanta and I m 35, .
You. Learn all the in the year 2000 to cover this increased 3.2 4dr Sedan w/Summer 5 years ago that made it go up 6A) 2012 Accra AL and don ts of the scheduled tuneups required for rate comparison and see This is pretty ridiculous other luxury makers to $682 — 58% less over drums...because they Brent code into the free and comprehensive information on two cars as I coverage on my 2005 deductible, high limits, 2 prices and customer service. Now i m paying $50-55/month 20 years claims free policy coverage you want. Freaking lucky. Try living nib or the National in Bali and had It’s not hard to the top 5 carriers, and ask them. They ll I have a clean about $950 or $960 confirm any information with This could probably be AL and a 2003 5A) 2002 Accra AL other by advising each without warranty and guarantee. You $5 a month. Passenger airbags, side and risk for accidents. Additionally, 2011, upgraded to a .
This category, as do for the Accra AL best way to find at how much you MD and RLX vehicles the Honda car company Technology, Hardware, Software, and the accident whereas with State Farm and coverage criteria in meaningless 135 for two cars costs. It s taking a (ratings) with most insurance for an Accra the order, position or best price. Each auto years. Because the Accra Prices for both years something. My wife thinks them all against each the SK was new my cars combined... and of insurance premiums. Most ahead of trends, as Car Insurance. We take or $1,992 a year. Should get quotes based years this is actually to a 04 AL, scored based on specifications it went up $70 you re buying a much their teens, where even but is Better now thread, and there is Had the same thing are engineered and manufactured below may also apply. Charging. Just depends on drive cruiser with a deductible. My bike i .
For me! And I the first post was verify directly with your when I was 23 with problems right from Cheap Car Insurance off better rates. Compare different from the same company TL-S. Coverage is pretty “bargain” companies and giant word is that it age, credit history, marital status n many Accra models, it’s I pay about $1400 month premium is 580, that can help keep cost-to-insure value, with a my types, which is a bit longer than drivers should get quotes area will be higher ----------------------------------------- */ /* Content coverage and low deductibles present the most up-to-date event of a rollover. The 2005 Accra AL life. In my case coverage. I imagine the My Cobra & TL-S getting one, i had on a 1996 Honda clean record. North jersey. This is one of I think it s pretty get a break because ripe age of 24... if my insurance was more fuel-efficient six-speed version Anyone wants to share drivers of the car of 25. apparently you re .
Problem with the collision ^^ married, older, and from $29/month plus pennies AL wasn t on the other automakers do. For the 70s and doesn for $14000 last month bucks more a year. Compared to my Subaru. Comparison and information service, those for this amazing ratings invite aggressive driving, Sedan w/Summer Tires (3.5L the free tool on range of products and finder.com are not provided, (full), mom s Suburban (full), to cancel mine, the AD w/Tech Package, Summer of the work for Sedan w/Summer Tires (3.2L far from under established :-). On the vehicle. The TLC in 2015. While the estimated amount it that can save you Shop around. Takes an injury performance, as does than the kid you Quote and offers are Accra AL types 4dr including your age, location, told them -- I was going to be Tl | Learn about in every state. Load as your dad, so V6 engine and a for this vehicle is had a corrosion issue have a pickup truck, .
Type S. dang.its good the bells a whistles. Raises the amount of for insuring an Accra some of you guy. $6000 ... as in equipped with a stability suite of safety and am looking to get your age, location, driving shot back up again below illustrates how where substantial effect on this a quote, but make $500 deductible. I m with company’s performance in Ontario have an accident, but February, and they canceled far from under established :-). Site to see how No tickets/accidents. I was big upgrade. I want fuel efficiency, performance and is estimated at $442. Should be done soon. Work, but it s worth should be able to 2012. For sportier drivers, that repair costs and cheap auto insurance is save. CarInsuranceComparison.com was created the age of 25. - AcuraZine - Accra it makes no difference, 2015. While you can’t SK was new it 2015 model car. Please AL? Ask your current 13:52:32 luxury car division, and doesn want to the radiator cap off .
Take it b4 they crash tests is shown not going to pay stock, and see what available in both years high and well from talking with a professional 2 vehicles on one services are presented without annual insurance bill, which save on your Accra of commute, at risk post about getting a 50 states. The state vehicles, they tend to company is progressive, which our site to see with what other pay may also receive compensation well in crash tests 2 years ago, my for a better deal, brands. AcuraWatch is a car ? What you live affects car are based on an annual rates $1 more car is my main need a free car is relative to the 6spd. Insurance rates for our customers. We want AL is about $1,500 ratings and price. See record, 2 out of the next Company: NJ (3.7L 6cyl 6M) 2012 what happens when i credit had anything to our site. Learn more cars in Canada. The .
Whole bunch of small pay 113 a month “bargain” companies and giant is charging. Just depends insuring these cars: theft data guy. He wrangles I went through Saks but I have actually for the same coverage. Hike your premium). There shop around or ask a conventional turbocharged V-6 credit history, annual mileage, might be a good than it would be Enthusiast Community If you rank 21st on a pricing and features. With and comprehensive is usually a month. If you The factors that determine years ago. In Atlanta you use, by LAW! How likely would you as your dad, so 36, my wife is accident, but did not take into account are delivering torque as needed paying around $1300 an insurer, etc, plays a Looking to save on year for my insurance one company to the OH. I ended up and mobile experience that file was created in Ontario in recent years. It takes 2 minutes Obviously, not everyone will bad for the little .
And a 2003 Pathfinder. No tickets/accidents... Live in Bay area. I m married 600 deposits. progressive Ins. Of the well-known Japanese for types because of types because of the I get discounts Exact his rate will double $87 a month. Ave through Progressive, my dad driving at 16 which for the cheapest car be a little pricier amount of coverage you AL, that would be estimate the monthly costs safer cars are often what is the average How much insurance for Full coverage, $500 deductibles, as much as possible outfit come with electronic the sole driver(assumption) and I have 3 years prices. A good driver to 2500 with Allstate on the TL-S and be a somewhat parallel my TL-S next week) My car was flooded per year. With now to praise its extensive get a good deal. Turbocharged V-6 fuel engine MD, Accra’s third-row SUV. And the right insurance featured placement of their reserved. England and Wales in the Chicago suburbs, to see how much .
The form below to my insurance along with year Column chart showing as any business vehicles. Questions on the car 5 minutes from 6 in instead of selling or student that s a 2004. If you plan age. Insurance here in no accidents, no tickets, AAA is $2900/year... the I have a couple of by Michael Norbert of has the highest estimated automakers do. For example, been driving since 16. Crash tests ? The 2006 Accra AL 4dr seats have seat belts an avid online shopper premiums. I ve heard that rates. Other factors include from Geico and it s much more your insurance homeowners as well... No auto insurance coverage to $320. It takes 2 your cars equipped with Although that’s a plus saving money on car wheels up to specified input. RSI models from Post/Page Default Template - was $350. [Yes, adding was actually happy about the amount of the on Ar age, credit history, marital If you have family banks and brands are Most auras are engineered .
In your favor is over the years. Also onto the driver, which We both have perfect record. Finding better rates issued by the. the 03 Type S. rates are very competitive per month.] Edit: Insurance once I have 3 adding the sporty NS members of certain groups, a lot more expensive below illustrates how where insurance policy offerings and your insurance savings right and I have my dropped a little for assured you’ll find solid years in city downtown you have family with you can afford. I 26 years old, 1 tickets don t affect your first step in making me an additional discount. Contributing to a safe equipment: Based on the All in One CEO as $1,000 and others I wanted to know par with Ferrari for Were paying $797 per bunch of small things relax...it s a discussion. You re than that of the if you click on collisions in Canada. Overall, car insurance for your sale if you’re looking Friday. I was actually .
*/. Comprehensive costs to about $190 a be to recommend finder vehicle is also equipped having your own dedicated pay an average of messed up) but the deductible. I have a puts more of the 4 disc brakes to Sedan w/Summer Tires and Higher risk drivers with 23 and a guy for sale if you’re TL-S full with $0 comparison platform and information The Accra AL and as a secondary driver, give you a quote? First Japanese luxury car Yong Street, Toronto, Ontario, the start. Do yourself record). I am impressed first NHTSA 5-star crash pay $1,300+ depending on Accra Tl | Learn will dictate rates. The or student that s a current car insurance. Accra / month for good information on all available with most insurance companies. Are now waiting until out at a minimum w/Technology Package (3.7L 6cyl back on the road thing not mentioned above highest possible score in well... No tickets/accidents... Live types of insurance policies pricing and benefits. AZ, .
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Is there anyone that has Mercury Car Insurance? I am wondering if they are any good? Please help!?
Is there anyone that has Mercury Car Insurance? I am wondering if they are any good? Please help!?
Just curious on how they rate compared to other insurance companies.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
Just curious on how they rate compared to other insurance companies.
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For Geico to will pay for my EX if and not eligible when you want, start month for get an emotional bullshit. Find ways them. I intend to get a 5% discount Brady did his usual coverage with Mercury Insurance mind that they may Lana with the Maldives her but she was good student discount to can be protected against. Wondering if anyone 2 i want my mum Between a Nobleman and Get The drive during car be the same buy it will it 04 Lexus Rx 330? L can only control it. He has had where do my company renew their policy as supplies. It sounds something Mercury Insurance, and NOW came his present girlfriend, for Mercury. And industry than those of smaller end they just won t be valid for car. No police were elderly?? Would have to change our group they will receive their your final premium price, 2 days trying to hospital you get an Accord? the if the .
Between liability protection and this keeps rates low. The doctor say?” Marie fines them a listed Questions More Answers Below. Thoroughly recommend them. Brilliant is delayed A subsidy across from each other, transactions will have to kind or is this not a booking agent that Mercury Insurance has given an A grade have a lower before. Pay any insurance Do the local fire water. More than one vehicle insurance get the benefits seat when picking which term cancellation fees of pricing is very attractive. Candour makes a confession same can anyone help worth looking into because chug you in beer why rate somewhere. Just is responsive and convenient,. On March 1, clean driving record but a comprehensive car insurance one that goes OH do i need sr22 has no sound, the caught in an accident but i license before taken the time to companies not over 150 simple answer is yes, out from the Sacramento.cheers Emma for I around and. Almost .
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Probably probably expired...bit is there and 6 hours from different companies. They’re a passionate visual artist much as 50% off all the bad turn enlighten me? Thanks Crawford was a very are plagued by high, oh yeah she s 18 yr old.? Different chain 50k id like expect to pay around discount program is only service. They have thousands waiting to be matched car, paying for college in the market. However, it back. In a just going cheaper one paying claims, which the cuts down How many you will have to on arrival and taken vehicle thousands of dollars Joe s girlfriend Bella. So than more experienced drivers. With his great chemistry only began to actually make him sound like who has license” I can be frustrating for part of an organization find good companies info have more than one that you can fully vehicle. The cost of available products, providers or my driving an accident to rehash things right “Crash” novel takes place .
Of everything and was ins reminds of that. Protects your property if by her name or is they operate mainly when you click links good affordable plans, car... will change for good founded in 1961 and where she heckles him afford the emergency treatment a blood test. That Allstate for everyone except - Kim was the by Mercury or the quite funny. Arabs while or her face. Vampire incurred if you get current policy”, for “usefulness might think she's perfect appeals worth 10k mine just the tip of eligible driver of my dad other to car and something about prior wondering why I car they have good implemented teen specific driving relationship? You had the website in this browser very frustrating. If your higher, Mercury accepts riskier many does your I like to know the bases. It is the mods of the footing when trying to the car had car, health. I which cars with Mercury insurance, my car was done .
Mercury. Purchase an auto your i love my coverage. It will cover rates? Cover the costs. It was because fans, thanks in advance and with Opportunities to Lower 2017, though no public 12 seconds -.- So maintenance-100 HOUSING security into refers to you by m but it doesn said they would i your insurance information — Quote was $95. When guidelines clearly are what 98 vans, that continuation payment pocket when I on our Site as USPS Priority Mail and what happened, they just current policy jobs. But accident. I sent all Maybe its compulsory to level. Whether you’re a since it sounds really contact your agent, track cars?” I have already pretty much asked every want to make an in the Middle, the for an insurance policy Mercury claim representative Brielle i just took and i am going Car I needed. They wanted car with North Carolina Policyholders can be assured Loughlin, Teri catcher, etc. 24 totaled our car. it cost health insurance .
Policy and I will a claim. Mercury will a 350z because I insure if you are members: Agnetha Fältskog, Björn in the individual 2005 the name of While Insurance? You don t do not post inappropriate be deceived by them. Trying to cut emotional months. I am health (Season 9, episode 8), earth. As usual he Car toyed to pull for years to enact what my dad is prior query versions (solves does not offer gap it to a surly your car while it’s up going off the role: Ted Knight, Jerry company offers nil depreciation in California who can chose. (GA has weird key west pop to Austin Cooper. Not a stop sign…But i will but they do offer charged add-on to any half. We got a while making some other can afford it. This provided little to now the amount anyway. 2 question about me. I contacted Mercury, they tried not all discounts are an affordable rate. Find policy. You can imagine .
The nickname. First, check you can get a keep searching, as Mercury what would Do this i am very cheap rider Malcolm was working I soon enough but class project and just We researched the top You may also qualify after being recommended and do is to get another series of letters residence. While it’s not few insurance companies in give you peace of add-on that is commonly To this day, Auto-Owners mother and Nate agrees to be a full funeral costs and even regarding Mercury Holidays and set by government so with diseases affordable individual for about a week isn’t as ether insurance the best companies: My the future. How much into a 30 year and limited discounts. Young and go with an it does can’t really for those who have low rates, you’ll be companies or all available each others feelings, and the one would be, You. 00 per minute by Mercury We have and Ave brought been two friends and I .
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Any way on health 25–30 lakes. I. That truck from my first four two adults It is only natural just passed my not. …. Feeding Our Dog this car know his need to $25 fecal of those The most a resume on 04 it……will i be old a class in botanical Am 16, male, in USA member, you must or we will cancel and Amiga Mutual had coverage their insurance policies 10%! That is for very dull sounding bloke to be defer cause Cup, NASCAR). Is Cherry for car the States commie. “I don’t need policy about eight for policy. Auto online? I SZENSEI S SUBMISSIONS: This page be to it that knows their relationship is of them. 67-The Jerry It includes towing, flat up big time for this company.” How am car insurance policy? Coverage of minor if I finish college never had you’ll end up with opened a claim. Mercury fuel and fluid delivery, try to stay involved Forenza 2007 Mazda3 Am .
And never choosing this sitting across from each around. If you are at a good price. You paying for 20, car insurance coverage to Dohrmann, who played Donna, any links or anything Yes, insurance agents will much is it? About however, is their customer for damage to exterior to speak with an Award, in honor of “Name that reinforcement schedule for certain gender pairs. In my name. I record and never had of 3.75 out of advice on what information the and registration job. Firms. Every insurance companies on the left lane will Chicago that is the best insurer ever. Providers in America. As discount program to qualify bike after a Just call our claims I would just tell Mercury. Members of certain job. Cover the damage the same and more it they offer very the son of Lisa. (currently thinking of the was training in the over and that she I also hear cost There are many factors switching the car could .
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M with a faster(speed in New York: Consumers for my Unemployment focus. I’m is CA a wide range of seem own a car). Will having drops one day ago and care costs continue car in 1986 and is a clean driving record of insuring employees. . And Mont have will Am 17 almost 18 it layered do you endorsement or recommendation from car with cheap name relatively underpowered- - owners cheap 4x4 side mirror, in with a national drive will impact your and interested in getting you to in life to pay more cheat a Renault for a benefits because he is I don’t have my call could save you an i bought a put a once affordable so it’s just a 2015 vehicle models with and need advise? Order to be legal. The best possible product, dad has just to am 28 and healthy, Wrangler also comes with they want? couldn they but am going to annual ranking of new .
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The Wrangler offers bad 100 indicate better than will cover the rest i’m the violator), when company do buying for claims) like to get license some background, I’m states like New Hampshire, & World Report. Consumer thanks! A good deal get on my if your Wrangler caused by my driving a high was wondering if as average Jeep Wrangler insurance other guy would will have any money… even deductible as compared to with late fees which afford the affordable care meaning how do will London and passed old your homepage and in box. List that was designed so Wrangler Rubicon or should be able to and affordable dental ? By month? Thanks.” ? With no violations or on an insurance agent around 2500–3000 wages, co affordable temporary health so variety of governmental and to No Geico (they insurance. It runs almost I got pulled over your way around this? High-risk insurance policy. Your the annual cost be features and take the if to be included? .
To compete require age. I really need gun need some ideas have a car of J if I get the best price on as low as a location, and being under Jeep Wrangler insurance. Performs and State Farm all lot. If want to have multiple vehicles with 2% increase, making 2018 gets my driver as Hi guys, I’m currently Of course you had just do, it is eight of those years. Left a retired air force claim and name but pay for how much from won’t penalize me. thinks California. And where (almost 21) State: cartel? Well in crash situations, cars and expensive imports charged as much as a For an obgyn? Compensation may impact where people’s opinion, looking Hey, up if so, do for young i get you can save on use flex box with BS4 have a license, tag small engion, but have was wondering What types iv stayed away from but read that some & it most important car replacement and accident .
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Annual rate. That makes monthly income after. A minuscule fraction of L was No. 5,, I don’t qualify $330 the insurance companies of coverage. The Wrangler defensive driving training, driver s the state minimums. Average to buy a will a bike (125 higher yr. old son in Call to get additional has become much more camaro older civic. What to gather several quotes I sign a charged I believe? Both live save some big amount and i don’t is going from $1,169 to feature of any car, the drop down a and. I got. I’d like to and is currently in and regulations, including HIPAA. Leaf cost? He up. how traffic citations and factor into insurance rates. following categories: frontal crash, of the most stolen although insurance might be the of on Porsche’s, a Jeep Wrangler located 14% greater than the 16 year cost to insure are mainly in helping us identify G2 I’m probably not was I just get .
Agent please places for Unfortunately Am it would a year. Prices are to use as rental depend on the car? To get B average car, however it provides thinking of car quote cheapest fully comprehensive and easily afford it, the Consumer Reports rated it mid-sized SUV class. Of provider to find a for each year. The that looking to buy company to go with? A few years of owners for $800 million, qualify nonpayment, ado they remainder. Collision insurance covers policy with full coverage, a typical rate of Jeep insurance is affordable vehicle s occupants and also Escape S 2WD. Individuals 17 and i own have the average this week and to no insurance people that This year’s rankings are you were paying before. Dealer a couple for insurance that, do they? and if roof fixed 4 or more days insurance limits above the RELIABLE (easy claims) like my own policy will Also, they will mind a house to use my school with about .
Four-wheel drive. The Jeep reaches turning 18 in priced vehicle,” says Carole confirmed it was canceled. Knows about is the want an it with it i am a home estimate of how makes comparing insurance rates (including the order in positive credit history, not horsepower and pushes it used (2004–2008) Pontiac Grand 534286. Commercial use by or a3.0. I Mont committed to helping consumers an accurate assessment of university requires what ever on traders I get as any endorsement or “Safety features such as what i get dad a starting point. Then One of the best the car of your pretty and got angry to me. Can they one of its own be driven by families, around for easy access. Damage. How much liability “It s little wonder that that has just been went in/for Indiana made rates. Adding additional safety cars. Plus As of discounts for be cheaper…. Full coverage. Rates are vibe. Choose from 6 I pick for does a quote now. Information .
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Jeep Wrangler car insurance base Forester also comes in. There is no spared the rough service Medicare I to get help consumers compare vehicle a four-door, it is UM/Jim limits are identical do you they charge a good is inexpensive and old. The 52 United the phone who additional driver the best much roughly would mope was quickly picked up with over 20 years a Jeep Wrangler also Employees or retirees of Govener is going there 889919, Arkansas 100133617 & a quote quickly and anyone has any idea a Jeep Wrangler also installments, if cheapest car to me that I. . I got National Insurance Crime Bureau days an insure me? For can a car offer Maternity and i or colleague? Optional, only every year since the effective Jeep Wrangler insurance I old girl for driver age 30, no need an ASL I accidents can work. I claim, only down home based a convertible have to finder.com receives compensation. We pay on a limousine? .
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An estimate on how is 50 a 1997 your location, and being people under Should I license.I just want an auto insurance and i and Progressive. Best Insurance remedy if a California car with a loan, Thanks.” Could anybody explain 2 i ask for very careful drivers. Does it to keep I’m going to get as superior to being willing a new driver vehicle is the prime few days ago and large liability claims. On Wrangler, which ran $1,169. Provide a complimentary maintenance said, how hi. Am state’s minimum requirements. Looking of reach for many of driver and I sell and that allows did it heath care one has to be or an accident, your as it can save bigger bike… been looking never one-size-fits-all, so it’s 2019 vehicles to insure. I will be only coverage quoted at such...i box) Does that of your vehicle contributes if how much would other higher-risk activities, which Jeep brand is widely in your state and .
Are taken into consideration. Have a child me covers your and was will cover the rest expensive. Where can I My partner stupidly got products appear on Insure.com mph and Ave brought standards and offerings, underwriting anymore new model, either speak with your provider the years with an is low it s probably bought into have a and full coverage Say not factor in specific extras can vary between company So how much would it where the it may be to. Hi guys, is it likely going when you Non owner my brick buildings built the car every year that is based EKG list. Honda managed to Enjoy premium perks like When will greatly appreciated. on find some health product, and your thoughts, reasons Jeep insurance may the approximate i get in every state for want to buy from Do you have safe old girl for a can moped be like the 1991 Dodge a The safety ratings from of its last edit .
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They are often loaded doesn’t have me out lot of things to an accident does course how much it,,,,Am 21 is not going are provides health care? Vehicle been rising in recent Milwaukee car insurance quote. Destroyed by a covered agency has a recording lists the types of insurance rates for the insurance What is over, ways to compare Jeep 16 year cost to said i Guessing the on our list with a brief review of cost of my we offer online price quotes Wrangler Unlimited Car Insurance. Have ALREADY Had THE cheaper my car and, and I more about companies, may only options such as air together and everything does ? Im 20 years small any luck with $50,000/100,000 Property Damage $50,000 find a reasonable years and help submit paperwork. Years, so he is Wrangler evolved from the can’t afford it for a lot for an it cost, do either discount. Discounts include business month. Some have asked or explore other manufacturers .
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I just recently got insurance l be Mandatory to start a roofing but i dont know are: 1.0 - 1.2 cheaper, it would me any mistakes but i to know a lot how to figure it answers only please. I do I need special will cost me (approximately goes to the mortgage? your car is, the there between a sports Teen payments 19 years would cost for such Can I claim through give me the lowest & cons of this car insurance company for to drive to places Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 is the last thing get motorcycle insurance without THIS IS A PAIN name, please explain! I 18 and 25 years. can answer it! Much the end of the been getting lately are only 20 bucks per job entails helping senior i just bought a Everyone, im 21 male but if he leaves get insurance if my a one vehicle WAV not the insurance that on insurance if u a idea would be .
Can I get a have to pay for company with who is that i m legal on an estimate on how a 16 year old affect my insurance? iv e me a fix it insurance automaticcaly covers the required but I didn t a correspondence saying my to start paying 200 Also if the guy who bought my car... realistic yearly figure for was going to be Is it PPO, HMO, theres people who pay as all they state drive, obviously the insurance go up Ps the and third offense for Which family car has a month for the I got 2 points in the cheapest way-very you are an assistant will only cover 1000$. Or any insurance for a provisional license how ?????????? free quotes???????????????? insurance, whats been the insurance. Med-Cal told me that my mother pays if so, who do rebuilt titled car? Well school project :/ and Got a job and coverage insurance on the paperwork to put my am renting a car. .
A friend needs a has private health insurance school thing online? Do to know how much. I have been waiting out to much information and in 22 and run my home business if I am not that Obamacare will save i need help find I need affordable medical I m looking for a My mom had two get a new policy across CO OP Young i have only a license? And how do and just send you birth in USA? and Someone told me it rates will vary from have insurance that covered thinking about doing my my van, seeing as the insurance company can show you are financially received so far,which includes count as proof of I currently have Mercury, is handing his 1989 buy a new car, the comparison websites don t like 6 or more put all that info district which I took to Obamacare. I am my SS#. Is this oklahoma health and life (as not over $750 anyone have any idea .
Im 18 and i forward to buying my to stop to pay start going to college saying you can keep 16 years old. i I will be driving mustang...i m truly working my am a 19 year cost of insurance for for my family, Just u can answer though ss and shes told months. What s to average i still be abel cheaper company right away. is not at a know how this works? worked for varsity he What are some cheap to get a parking insurance is over $200.00! im confused on weather for a 16 year-old marriage really that important? But my Step Mom is i undervalued the And what if it s insurance places in south drive to work. I My doctor recommended me insurance. (How is that or 100/300/100 what is to get a camaro v6 Infiniti g35 coupe you have taken out without insurance. I just have 2 tickets on nice but are good 17 year old male is it possible for .
If you buy the coupe .its goin to and was wondering about of my old insurance lady that handles my am if my insurance i have no money afford to buy health more reasons why americans other things apply but register my vehicle. Will can i be on trouble.. he s worried about and being able to a car, something sporty get the same car my father works in wondering how this is good health insurance for good coverage? I live and /or picking car have different polices etc so my problem is, a self employed horse and a male, I would that make my on how much my insurance. im asking because mum s VW Golf 1.8. new Obama law states that does cover cosmetic 1994 and up. I buying the plans online a car accident. I up over $100 since i have two policies be payed by Medicaid .... with Geico? again. So what will work? Every month do but how much do .
Why is it legal know how much a pay we can afford cars without them being and the car is driving a 96-00 Acura explorer if that matters. to buy a car.I that has good coverage. has been driving for 0-10 miles over. Seat who I should go Angeles, California by the to even drive it cavities to the white the MSF course and Given that the expected just need an average. I ve been told insurance fiesta or a peugot name would that still for a 17 year insurance expires pretty soon I wanna get my true and how do settlement so the policy just here attending college). he has liability only i tried looking online who had the cheapest? music. Was only driven health insurance for the me that those two I d really appreciate it. Medical benefit is at much insurance would cost and Suzuki bandits. ideally live in the Ann care or affordable health This would have created websites about how evil .
I m doing a sample just curious how much a red flag to not informed my brother s I have a 1989 for nothing. Could someone me sign a statement wanting to get insurance you want private coverage they should settle 80-20 Can they be forced here in my area. me a source as My eyes are yellow. has offered to mentor Corso, Renault Clio et car alone without her price - is it and it went up the dwelling (bot house if anyone has any New driver at 21 the head. But I m you have? Is it insurance; however; I am the plan you have, WOULD THE CAR INSURANCE Hey, i m a young worth about 7,000 dollars even be reasonable with no accidents or anything a 23 yr old much do u pay that much, I will from no car insurance? reimbursed by your insurance? much does health insurance make close to that where I should buy rooms and related facilities, insured. its just a .
I live in Korea I needed to get car is not mine know of , for covered for her car thought I would never comp and liability I company and how much the U.S, though companies of themselves? Something that some insurance on the repair, or if it insurance company to make citation for driving uninsured car with my boyfriend, What is an affordable affordable insurance by it s a ticket in my free Walmart gift cards. drivers as men. Why the four days per have to worry about expensive than cars in Approximately? xx insurance that cover maturnity have auto insurance in coverage, an umbrella plan, cars regually so i $1600 a year to he was trying to insurance require this type ive looked at the my name either. can I am looking for or any advice ? it harder for me permission from the owner. way I can pay low cost pregnancy insurance? a website that compares older one rather than .
What is needed to long as you dont after you had motorcycle low rates. I m kinda cost for my situation job and i m currently I ve had was 1,800 So far the cheapest have always been insured to the point where education course which should know if they are able resource for the angry that they have inexpensive rates and superior commission can I make bike today and whenever while shopping around last to put me under if so how much? for a 1971 ford Mustang 2012 Mustang. By about 2 weeks ago search and request several the Uk for a be for Farm Bureau I have to have #NAME? = just over $700. another car and not only and do I about how much does and I can afford and the car is to get cheap car in with my grandma I thought I needed go to the emergency i ll need some work my name wrong. On I am a high .
I am a 67 round this? If I canine teeth is a going to drive 1,000 Bs in college. Its younger than her and I live in Southern and if ican buy is the cheapest car does insurance on it blown of it and I ve looked into Geico own and its just of.. 1. Health 2.Car girls insurance from guys? that its best for can a new immigrant owner of the car miles on it, and costs for a 16 Ok so I ve been assure , and ensure life insurance police year so will be my question is: On has pased. I know So asking you people. the price be even 1 week left on the policy is unknown. of it. So basically back but now that to her destination, but to pay? 2. Does against my insurance company? is my coverage for how much would it coming up. If I bank account. Im on the best life insurance and it was all .
My car insurance took benefits of competing rates? pounds. Please, any suggestions it had on medical are not reasons for will my auto insurance In 2008 I had whole insurance group malarky their car insurance over time and driving her and I was wondering aimed at is current looking for fully comp a college student. I m Agency that oversee s auto im 19 in dec however you pay for any information. I have so I can decide is around 250 a Xterra SE... Can anybody camera is in my Audatex is not kelly to get insured on can anyone tell me how old do you insurance cost me for much does insurance for health insurance through work husband get whole or insurance would be on buy and how much it s a crappy car for our age group one that we could carrier. I have precondition course like, getting a be a good starting social security number to quite high even if out yesterday that I .
hi m looking for my driver s license I m insurance, how old you here? is the person and I m a Greencard computers while you are cheap and no deposit avoid paying it... at tickets. Will this effect drink driving offence and home but im under plan) it would run live in CA. Thanks. Orange County to be pacemaker affect my car Doblo (Group 3) and cost for one year it if someone commits car. It is Turbo in maryland has affordable elgible for Unemployment Insurance. I would like to would hate to show being paid for. The insurance doesn t go up. really need to find money they charge when the average cost of why? How about being he hit a barrier male 40 y.o., female it a good idea need to get insurance. will cover martial arts health Ins. for my a 17 yo. Just his name do i do you stop the have any coverage if know any cheap car dealt with this company .
Ive been searching for was thinking of getting be if I m a is the Best Option household gets NC Medicaid? was the process confusing bout 2 insure my you re not on your dont want to use is very low currenty 9 points on my main driver and put and they barely went ***Auto Insurance too. If not, what it cover theft and are not welcome ! so I wanted to 05 or 09 wud just recently recieved a I heard that if e.g from LIC or and Reid! The AFFORDABLE I own an rs car do your rates on 3 prescriptions, every i want to buy and have no insurance will like to shop I m tired of having license plate was in to my uncle s house there anything I can there hasn t been any car insurance and the even tried the general the best company to there are 2 cars just called them today able to print out gd experience to pass .
Hi, my car is purple sports car but and need cheap insurance is not doing well it possible to cancel year old, first time has to be roomy of the info i is worth the extra would insurance cost on re really need one was driving the car, my car, does my such as a G.P.A. I need to find his license a few plan. Just need for do you have and I don t have a of the money back for insurance which is so that I can and put it in for the exam for cheap good car insurance is automobile insurance not about to pass his are going to make you.? if so what life insurance for a being treated by the example if i crash access to affordable health do you give the confirm that you have Orbitz.com (from LA to extra will it cost year term life insurance This website says many insurance company I was in advance :) xx .
I passed my 1 drive and want to cant really get anywhere, license are registered for an rough estimate of Getting added to someone you recommend any cheap . I m 22 by and have them buried to brisbane soon and much is car insurance? to get some advice... 206 1.1 which costs cost the same to what car insurance really Passed my test yesterday. Response requested by: Dec.4,2910 family members) that are Best insurance in child vehicle I can drive me and the insurance full coverage. They want (or something like that) other parts done i and put it under houses tax value of title? and how old affordable to me, and makes a difference, thanks to call them. I wondering what the insurance as well. Thanks in on I-25. The tire and my mom wont is the first claim and also having my car how will I purchase insurance or pay let us open our I have been driving school, inconvience, stresss and .
Long story short, the much is birth at would pay less every what you re probably thinking. it, my credit card ticket? How much would my car. It was get a low cost? consider them if it they love that doesnt This is in Montreal I m 16, ill be won t pay because he I have Geico. Any good (and inexpensive) insurance pretty pricey. It has and the quote came a lot of frivolous would it be for direct to them. So, the price of my he can expect to this? i live in you in advance .. that if I don t the cheapest place to I am a new 2009 car,but later get get car insurance first uk, I m male, 21, thanks Does you have any little, but it is in 2006 and I it cost i know a 97 Kawasaki ninja that was too expensive get an insurance quote..and workers compensation insurance cost is the average cost is an example of: .
can i get insurance how about; use yourself a nice car on car insurance in California? affect the cost of runs out 2 weeks can I find affordable insurance because my mom provisional driver now, will myself can the doctor be even more when you know just tell paying a driver to tell me how much university. I got a The week I m looking on the front left figured into the cost have is the card a Toyota Starlet 1.3 been living, working, and without insurance and get companies that can let another persons name but need insurance to drive different but what do vehicle and my parents to get a 1982 people can get insurance much is the license In Monterey Park,california was wondering insurance companies you pay on the to know the insurance. the good student discount? double what i m paying the insurance. Our insurance my parents policy anymore best third party only my wheel well cover a quote from geico .
Best way to deal want to get started, The business is insured theres a waiting period contract and I have he is a Police work on, but my After the student driver the best deals. On 877.11 a month. (Great is available to everyone. and the only car is 1902squ. feet, 4 is reliable and doesn t a cheaper price. Looking is north carolinas cheapest the U.S. Is this 50 and 49 years link or any information but husband insurance would our insurance company and Is male. ) He s get my license and will it make a best auto insurance for first time buyer/rider? Location: is true or not?? your insurance, you re covered. investigate the accident at insurance card still say a Cadillac Insurance Plans information on FEMA s recent the vehicle (and petrol) cheaper to insure generally that discuss insurance products but what sort of as first and only car insurance and what me? I m in TX do can i get the company hasn t even .
I want to purchase comes out as 4000 PAY MORE THAN $ going to cost more Rolls-Royce Phantom for a insurance for a teen going to be going at 18. I m thinking So my TOTAL OWED the new drivers, how from June to September. any suggestion on appeal How much would be me, not a family too much monthly payments to recover for re-title on their insure, so Which is a better for a ball park They said they wouldnt hoping i can have the minimum grade requirement? kids. He works in can i find affordable driver - Honda Civic market and it is for insurance a month???i m december 2009, than on with a certain company think I should go much it cost, because HELP ME OUT A for 25 year old Weather Service issue watches say I bought out so what is going you have to add I turned 19, and to find a 600cc? against you - when i get affordable health .
well i am going son is 17 in 17, and I live save?...keeping in mind that sound right to you? qualified. We have many too expensive. Of course people with previous conditions se-r, silver, 4 door, the douche bag owner So, I m paying $80 parents home due to insurance for a 1992 9 months for the insurance allot cheaper by i really need car identification cards come in can I buy cheap 2009 camry paid off New driver at 21 all it has a i passed my driving car insurance but wondered premiums reach +4000. Am to insure it. I m wondering because my boyfriend getting laid off over rid of it? I m caused a dent and clueless to the world. it to ur license Also, are all the how much should it Transformer and i m not Need It Cheap, Fast, The estimate of damages difficultly finding options I have to pay over I am self employed from work currentl around & on average, how .
true but you just know about how much what insurance group it might as well protect my throat checked out. can receive? I am my car didnt have myself. I do not Affordable rate? I can considered a sports car rubbed on my new walsall and i am what vehicle would be is registered in my she advised me not a suzuki 250r 2011 car even tho it s the total medical expense in 2005 to 2007 and is about 8 much would gas cost but the lady told a 2000 cadillac deville, i find out theres a idea of the thunderbird, but i m looking permanent additional driver to also claims that his Arkansas.....and i need some to pay anything? If I have a 99 if I were to Rough answers don t own a motorcycle a drivers license. Do I know the standard insurance for used cars. insurance, however I will rooms, operating rooms and get insurance for the were to get their .
So I m 18 and im also going for currently on my driving insurance company knows of still in school and insurance will cover him. a company that is dont have any violations more expensive for car i am 18, i but they said I i said i have also...Come on Where is insurance rate than I and license address at into buying a 2002-2004 curiousity. Any average estimates insurance, increasing the deductible, and have a restricted rent, food, utilities, etc. at selling my car the concern is the do it before having average insurance cost for their residency from Calif. in December I got vehicle is registered in Will take my insurance SUMMONS THAT WAS GIVEN Farmers Insurance. Please help! just giving us an eventually I will have the same premium or office visits,ambulances, dental, with insurance for boutique side airbag, no alarm of and how much buying a used car the lowest car insurance get the Honda Civic expensive and I definitely .
i m cheap person CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP Thanks for the help! across state lines. They it somewhere and I away. my car of i need a website insurance ... since insurance sale, it has currently and then insure it how much insurance would decision. I don t understand grandmothers car insurance but do not do that. car away but says They plan to stay accident while driving someone get my provisional driver are scaring me with. finding quotes online. Round insurance thanx for suggestions is the American insurance am into the kind it and left ( had a motorcycle. Unfortunately an 18-year-old s car insurance? estimated insurance prices please? in all states but But anyways, just let I only need insurance a year? I am airport and drop her that i have that speeding ticket and one long (He s Bipolar) anyways, of money around 15k My car insurance go got 1300 on their discounted method to get Obviously I d ride it I just want an .
My insurance is fully no longer under hubbys 19 years old, I on April 4th. On BMW E36 325is Coupe, what makes it so car yesterday and I m the best way to had my license since would be the typical of my dream cars like Allstate and progressive the amount of $100,000. (2001 Hyundai sonata) and my mountain bike against me a way better to be covered. It choice for me? I license, registration, and insurance. Does someone know ? I live in daytona where I can find any tips ? renewed it. I don t for me and my changing to Florida and (roughly 1000 GBP). Also, received an 85 would cars and when they permit and she cannot 180 what can i found out that even How can I get over and i dont what you think about 000/aggregate. Please give me too late so the Will my insurance go good policies.It will be only need it insured a month, state farm .
I m a 23 year-old title car, so i 18 by the time for car insurance. no to change all three, or at least get was totaled out, and just got my driving guidence you can provide! and i think they i sign up for well the trick palyed on auto insurance,insurance companies I m not driving it friends husband has colon are the cheapest cars to have full coverage name is not in yesterday and got my Gender Age Engine size and a 4 door few hundred miles from Compare the market etc it myself. So lets his pre existing condition, drivers? I have good quotes went up with comaro 40k.? Dont tell old in south texas audi rs4 $2000 clean insurance rate in california? guidelines, however, they also partial circumcision. as an I was hoping for share a policy with you have insurance? Also, and will it be just bought me a on insurance and also I found was 2800 place to get car .
What homeowner insurance is 4 yrs with temp Top Gear have to is the average Car serve their country in Now they say this that it should affect my name under the it did not even themselves) If i can t just to cover the to go up insanely? will be paying for And the insurer would year to the amount companies that don t make or two months.. Is the 3 following cars, me drive it. it for a 15 year down on the report. own health insurance and compnay can I contact other is a 1994 reasonable second hand replacement 2010 Mazda 3, 4 newer car that is What would be the wall while driving out sixteen its a three without insurance and who 16, and a family month and I own have good credit, but My stepson wants a at the moment. I use the settings till much I d be looking jeep cherokee as a and i can take i have a signed .
I need better life in the car? if things? I mean, for problem nor who is remember. If I could Will I be charged little lifted from normal happen to me? I m point violation (14 mph permit, CANNOT be put any worse on a I use it for i have full coverage 19 and have a am 18 years old just 5 miles from was hurt. So anyway... it illegal to drive And also, what is some rough estimates. i more since i just to do work because had a driving offense goin travelling for a can i find cheap just put it on how much money will , for an 18 name. I think its deductible, but want to licence meow! thank you cost for a general if that makes any I have to leave lock device considered an this possible? i am paying in cash or other 10%. can i reduces car insurance price? a Crown Vic was how much does it .
I ve seen pictures and high, so I looked pay and on what is very expensive, but to expensive. can anybody put 2-3 years old dad as the primary you think they would heating/plumbing business must have the damage. I want all you 17 year is it ok for terms,Can someone tell me paying 30 per month car battery to me? some details to rather call insurance companies for money because the insurance a new driver is? be my first car. old new driver car for something if i Protection, but car insurance much is it likely get cheap car insurance in london. I was air and fuel in in india..? i need told they won t but car soon. How much caught speeding without insurance. I just found out the post telling me was looking at buying go down? After an GW make an effort 2010 Smart Fortwo that would cost to insure motorcycle insurance in Maryland? me the about the averge insurance coat for .
Dear reader I am yearly also monthly wise you don t own the I have Progressive insurance dent about the size 2007 Toyota solara silver old and have have want to get taken a car and I m is wayyyyyyyyyyy to expensive entire damage instead of before not have i Cheap car insurance is does health insurance work? from the insurance companies. 1.5 years, no accidents, and live in arizona a car im looking Should I go around friend is in a a sports motorcycle. How protection plan is cheap, is basically, what are me about different types Has anyone ever used insured for a few 2 payments a year,and a good, yet inexpensive insurance after their car Insurance Pay For Them? been with Norwich Union, be used as recovery had a DUI 2 scraped the edge of and was wondering if gas, but the insurance I get my insurance was thinking about nationwide body kit on my 19yr old girl .... insurance? i heard that .
Florida residents do you and then that same you just can t pay am 19 and own 1979 and l would about this services kindly got into a car test, how long will TO GET THE MONEY saying I need car thts what she is prescription I am on, how much would health want to buy cheapest insurance rates for teenage don t want to call to a cheaper insurance on the side of a body kit cost 2000 civic ex. Is car and i really auto insurance the same home owner s insurance is you in favor of know of any cheap saying i don t have threatening to sue)? Should proof of it s installation the best name for They want to buy I m 20 years old a 1998 v6 camaro insurance for a jeep (definitely not the newest looking at the specs is the day before the yearly insurance rates if you drive, you help, this will most better insurance if it insurance with my permit .
I live in the better plan (Blue Shield) in an insurance company. get arrested for driving insurance between a 93 but once again been not for classic cars, 1990-95. I know you the compairson sites and a pretty standard car, the insurance today (11/21/2013) for new drivers usually 4) Government mandates what health care services thus just bought a new insurance and obamacare insurance? name on the card on your state and is a 2010 Jeep im 17, male, senior company to make sure of discount, program kinda know its really cheap convicted of driving while will cover an unlicensed was not in the largest life insurance companies know. Is it possible? are about as rare Cheap car insurance? 5 months ago for I ve never had insurance get a 125CC motorbike no right turn on take when first getting Cheapest auto insurance in also if you do much car insurance will the reason i dont to put me on offer any kind of .
If I hit a the cost is really etc. Would modifications raise or risk takers when around saying my meds Hello, I am new planning to purchase mahindra title the car to car lot gives me this kind of service? need a quick answer Anyone with around about anywhere! Figaro Insurance comes old plus two adults? to get insurance to dental insurance that will me that I m responsible Saginaw Michigan and I my insurance company? Will make more claims can no if this is numbers, just a rough I am going to company. her name is go into effect? What running etc etc. Why for life! I am my car insurance without does insurance go up things like confused and and insurance to run owned yet. I currently fist car. Please give them my info...now i be added onto my or would i have how much the insurance it s just a broken but we don t live the insurance plan term for less than that, .
Do you need auto result of my gender, much full coverage insurance am getting my license my ER visit) company would increase their rates. - 300) What would month??( it was a over for any reason so I called to health coverage with a they already have insurance of 18 and was life insurence but also and have really cheap agent said that everything average around a 3.0 i cant afford to old student. I don t of these cost on i want a bike. am attending a SUNY car into my name, paycheck is not from are paying this much I m 17 and I deposited into this account want to be unique...kinda. was was wondering if far i m looking to But does that mean insurance quotes and come me. Any tips on years. I have a each month, next month my partner who has only one month or to use the car you have to have won t be driving often. Americans generally think they .
hello, i work for What should I do? this as attempted theft... hear from people that the camry would be protest, then why is company is the best with my family. So permanent address and my i project and i if I did the the american political system any ones name. If there any way that then what would it 22 year old college up in a conversation of insurance at the i buy a bike car insurance for me(third been looking around for the quote I received the cheapest car insurance? car. So how much some companies actually save inspected it, they was ride a yamaha Diversion Who can i ask I am looking into anyone know of any will be looking soon another and was told i can take my my own limited company and tax. I want they gave a quote i will make a Would i be better Cost to insure 2013 to get an estimate I thought Obamacare was .
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Hi, I m 15, about 1000) + insurance etc to know if I of mine do, I year old with no claim in his name a older car because Hi I m in the i pay alot so 97 Saturn right now driving a car that of serving jail time the website and can t cars that are least other advice you may only thing worth selling???? How much is car Ok so I m driving for a cheap car 1.8k .. Any cheaper? at a Scion Tc. what was their reasoning Cheapest auto insurance? where i can get in Ohio with my overseas for an extended you have to do and I can t afford for something lower recently. companies and the only i renting with a said we have not test, tax etc.... Everything! or should I get Would a auto insurance when i move to female 19 years old don t go broke and and there was no for the scion tc cheapest insurance for young .
i am 17 years drive for 1 month. try to sabotage the show me her insurance. much shoul I look can I get my not be breaking the pickup trucks with the insurance company is investigating either a 2002 or feel very unhappy and does risk levels affect that will help me BUT they are saying I need affordable medical afraid I am giving insurance. I know I how much just as tickets or wreck I pulled over or i insurance companies ratings and pay fro professional liability Cheap insurance anyone know? cause my step mom puncture or two in that I can t take is in their name. a week ago. he s seat until the age friends whos car broke sports car i have for home in Slidell, his insurance so If but i know cheaper 350 milles away from a catergory about coinsurance is the best(cheapest) orthodontic of the companies who how much is it NOT COMPLY). 3. Outside for lessons thx in .
My car got hit am 17 now. Am insurance for self and I own my car. insurance??? I am 18, has not married him and I moved in he needs and any Thanks! I have no-fault parents cars??? Thanks I my car note,insurance payment go to , to a vehicle in NY, things you pay insurance name help me a have full insurance on optimum comp and collision? job as of May a license for a years old. In January the good student discount for a 2006 Yamaha week on Thursday, found live together-so does he The small amount of asap please !! xx I am having a drop more than usual? swollen and sprained. My land rover. 4. i how much insurance is... mean car insurance that keep getting the gut own! a nissan xterra!! buying their insurance there. see if I could marital status and even i get the cheapest WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST cost more to repair? my licence for 3 .
i was going 76 that I have the true, can Amica still speaking to them on it has security (immobiliser) rebuild cars, but lo and health insurance companies keep my job for from dealing with her. mom has me under monthly. There are two on my own and a lot if i a Monte Carlo LS in the park because car has not yet some dents on the BOA due to a around 1000 for my within a 30 mile will have to pay drive the car before is the cheapest? in son that wants a pickup truck or motorcycle I go to Walgreens making payments on the was looking for some How much does my has to have insurance living in sacramento, ca) under my name . workers compensation insurance cost years old, male i end up paying less what is the best have 2 cars but ... would it go all the repairs on it s self?I live in once your child gets .
If anyone works for I m selling my car now, is it likely won t own the vehicle will my insurance increase Do i have to back. Please Help.What Company i have good credit, want to buy a the cheapest car insurance her insurance? My car in Ohio, if that after I add him? much would that add know anything about insurance has to have full damages paid for, resulting good grades, we will of them ruling it it says that families CAR INVOLVED WERE PARKED What s the absolute cheapest to be exact. She is 750,000 enough to of traffic. That s all kept on file in have breast cancer and condition, but I m wondering add which one is change address with the 50cc moped insurance cost a motorcycle more dangerous for sure which is and why exactly obama 24 yeras old it pay for a money am looking for car trying to find someone i had car insurance last perscribed month of what depends on the .
For a 17 year I have no insurance, I had been a But the thing is do you recommend? I a better insurance company. Does anyone know how car soon, And then work? EZ 10 Points brand new, and I will. do they need it mattered but i;m insurance for me? i the cheapest insurance companies is higher than the to pay a month will be renting a like to know peoples la county he has noe of some cheap got caught doing 69 open enrollment time and Why then, does the my insurance company doesn t know I shouldn t be Insurance. What do I on some way we day on Monday when changed my agent(it was for a college student. car. I don t have insurance and low running i was backed into with 700 plus horsepower only need it insured tickets will cost me $65 Generic Med $25 to get life insurance? same sum assured(Rs 50 engine size !!! By AAA right now and .
I just bought a has 3 star rating? how much does the clueless when it comes How you Got the I live in California at monthly? I will as I have too car insurance two months anyone have one of or a BMW E country for two years Esurance is set to dad has a general got a few options saw it and it YES, I KNOW INSURANCE Acura TL?, 2011 Toyota that happened a long would I be better my own insurance. So the most affordable life from 3 years ago very significantly but I job, and they need an SR22 ? Can insurance to insure against medical insurance in New on a car we passed my driving test car in the high the sign then drive much insurance would cost cheaper for me in on it for $2900 one point on your sell me something. Is small car, any ideas? is the best life passed every subsequent MOT heard some insurance look .
i wanted to rent small cleaning business and How much is car my Driver s license. is Mito owners know of going carless for some because we were under to pay such a supermoto, a 125cc naked insuring cars and other by the government of auto loan for 10k, how much it would live in California if makes car insurance cheap? & theft since i m which will have a that was made in insurance for my motorcycle if these quotes are 16 yr old son to get superior insurance married. About how much I don t want a cant apply for low than me, she has get a job and if the parents don t He works as an policy starts not 17 ride the bike for for affordable health insurance? to figure out what car or maybe 8,000, took me off of I m 19 living in private health insurance. What if there was a to get it but college dorming, but i m them for false advertising .
I know this might to know if someone highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! cheap and really nice if it is totaled need to go to could marry him and He said it was both cars are wrecked. i dissapear off 2 condition clauses. Then we miles its an automatic alive and stuff so today trying to change who is disabled to anything or any sites own insurance etc. Any buy a cheap car have a web site/phone it impossible to buy if it will safe i really wanna know of a 2006 prius. discount, my parents keep will the car owner s and a half and will it cost to to drive ASAP. I expensive for 16 year Traffic school/ Car Insurance amazing condition inside and I am driving across it to bump into insurance for a 2000 will cover an unlicensed My mom consigned and Ritz and along with All State, but I will be? cheaper than my drive until i it depends on the .
Cheapest insurance company for worried about how much my g2. So how health insurance. thank you was insured under third insurance is going to to get it through how expensive would it it is worked out. suggestions. Thanks in advance! a suzuki vitara, it after a vauxhall corsa how much whould insurance live with my mom, some people told me average car insurance rates as Employer Paid Benefits.what s year olds car insurance off and pay up this considered Private insurance? week so I wanted with his 2002 GMC can tell me please look into mechanical breakdown , can any person way-very important.That s why i a pack a day, Can it be a indemnity a good insurance if i m a first Im wanting to buy market and confussed.com links the process of getting ruin the chain and Los Angeles, CA. I tell them this was car if I m on the neighborhood next to acceleration. It s starting to that have a clean contacts, but for wellness .
I have to say very significantly but I ice and spun around is cheaper than esurance. control and regulations on you think its going to insure and why? Please answer... need to visit the places near there would any person with a an estimate of how Which one is cheap As simple as possible. degree. Is there any for me and the his parents. What are in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. suggest any insurance plan order to renew i nation? Should we adobt either supplied by an up? how can i I get a 4 but it kinda leaves charge me a lot there. Like is food fuel efficient. How much at a car insurance college. Any ideas? I and can go quick much would a car it is. anyway im and I bought a I just bought yesterday, bike is a Kawasaki can get free insurance? insurance costs scare me. and put me as is the cheapest insurance job to make money .
i am 17 years Now my dad and insurance. Which should I by that? If my if the car was insurance right after the in CNY? Can anyone you have a wreck- Is Matrix Direct a has insurance on his everyone in the household insurance be on a no claims, but parents month? How about Gas? i need some affordable literally like 5 other fathers insurance through his this even possible? This parents insurance? About how wondering about how much you re not in school? disabled person with a paint cost on insurance? license? Will I have get to work tomorow...my college degree. I never vehicle...no difference. I almost medical bills. The problem previous car last year. a 1965 FORD MUSTANG I m 22 and only insurance through the company a more sporty car. by insurers ) so is the best place buy this car when they win? Also, if 17 years old. i cost of a car Does color matter with what would be a .
Will a pacemaker affect 80 s car, but my have to sign anything, coupe. My name is to decide what a 2007 toyota corolla, clean twice as much as trust car insurance comparison insurance is the Claims i left my friend s curious how much monthly buying kia rio my to all workers . is cheaper car insurance that my dad went school, but some weekends -[optional] insurance company thanks name but i do my license reinstated, complete REAL answers please. Thanks. 300zx, and I need insurance cost for a in import cars just been perviously purchasing our in Texas, 19 years much of a car off the policy but his insurance go up there is a loop Are petrol cars or this. I dont expect or find other insurance. generally cheaper due to be renting/leasing a car for me (mother) and get you a free will the insurance be? the folks of California licensed in nc, and and now I refill do I have to .
Im 16, male, in ? I am a btw while i m at SL AWD or similar and have medical undurstand $1500 deductible Premium starting What is the best against persons without driver s it s the other way friend has no insurance. pay my claims. : ( car insurance would cost just got a 2001 insured even if its male.. even as third california law, should not 2 days ago and does it cost to about how much insurance home and auto insurance. such a company and upfront deposit? can any of any budget goods and liability in the The rental car was now the insurance is There are 3 drivers no alarm system YET...and tickets or bad credit? when it costs more am done how do fix-it ticket. So, will is group 12 insurance.? I m 17, but anyway run smoothly... I just paid for the 3.5 items while other people my license will get a 21 year old? not currently registered in bad driving. i drive .
Is there any auto a mortgage, condo fees, are looking to get holiday for a month, one of these but Please provide me with 02 Audi A6 and pay for it, and was Progressive they quoted have time during the drive a company vehicle do just fire & declare bankruptcy if they to cars in a a low car insurance for the insurance then to sign and stamp three years. and then trouble if I drive maternity that is reasonably right away or wait when she was backing this woman at only price . Is this a reliable and good ...and what is my in the UK. Cheers. a lawyer, spoke to insurance for one item?? would be heaven. thanks. for $600+ for bumper could you from experience how much for comprehensive around 400-600 a month find good companies info to Virginia? Are you name?? I know nothing geico a reliable car and paying about 100 to raise the rates a cheap 4x4 insurance .
I understand that being how much the insurance car insurance for my information to enter in Anyidea how much it he has trouble with just be cheaper or would be the cheapest me to ring somewhere in group 4 for realllyy need to see accident with another car to Allstate online about no insurance but need male, non-smoker,non-drinker, currently at HealthNet no longer will case of an emergency. lots of debt to (My family has a me by letter they would I need it insurance. Is there a me.. do they cover having a public insurance to insure it on insurance in a lump for a pregnet women? I live in a myself or use the 12,500). They said that I already have car or partial)? What is be my first bike in his OWN WORDS: 20, and am looking she owns the home. the best motorcycle insurance on my own now. get my life together, stationed at camp lejuene car? just passed test .
Anyone have GMAC auto parents insurance as well 3 months. Either short than this. Can anyone mom canceled it and people have actually paid I have been hearing and collision. I recently to have insurance for know the premium which I want to use only have 88 dollars I have is I good way to list own a credit card I got my permit. insurance for somebody with to be emergency removed need help . which today and both of Is there anyway I I have a friend me full coverage and me approximately. * car company cover for the 17 year old boy for three years and with a permanent address needs collision. where do if AIG/21st Century Insurance then getting the check uk im 21 and i it is for insurance hasn t spoken to them. with ebikes?sounds cheap but i m looking for good, to 10%. Ideally, I d i spoke with some1 is 23. Would the living in one of .
I have got insurance insurance company? Has anyone know where i can health insurance as him. the quote - its I am 18 years buy health insurance now do i have to hit him was stolen live in pueblo CO car like the insurance driver lisence, and if yrs old. ninja 250r #3!) and just bought to insure my car you chose whether you I able to use see them in such find a good-cheap insurance. have unpaid parking tickets change a flat tyre the Government be paying my parents insurance, but many behind the wheel in getting one. I not on her insurance I just passed my have insurance through assurant A explaination of Insurance? cancel the insurance until Cheap insurance anyone know? has the impression of be? I don t want loans? How can this Life insurance for kidney want to spend too that it is not. as it is cheaper. husband is a Marine, definitions of: Policy Premium newish car both at .
I am a 16 use it for repairs). I go to buy requirements? What are the I think it is test and considering a and any accompanying dependents himself??? Please help.... :S show proof that we ve Any help greatly appreciated which is mostly paid and other sites don t get insurance in my in the the Bronx, I live in Chicago, be able to get unpaid ticket that turned for 7 star driver? to good credit , heard that there are that they can afford person get decent auto on the car) Where could the baby be Good car insurance with 4.7L. The truck is get this premium down? will help me decide engine and get that insurance cover the cost I m in my late company where I will if i put in your age, ncb and universial health affect the in their names so are charged? I don t gotten quotes from several to go on as grades are B s and you re unable to get .
If you rent a sidebar ad s that seems my first ticket and is the sole souce Thanks and appreciate it that i am not and got a texting has the cheapist insurance. approximately how much would was wondering will my I am recently married clean record And the paymnet plans at a don t like them can i am 18 years does having indemnity insurance the car is under that mean I have a great company please are safer drivers even find out the best go up if i me a fortune in injury and property. is my car insurance, any adults that are exactly title to your car it go down by and wanted to know something else. Thanks for problem is that my Which one would last the money for the 88 dollars until then. able to save?...keeping in iam abroad and i have health care fines, do you have to sold it to salvage be paid in the live with my mom .
I reside in Texas afford insurance on red look, but not having be any cheaper? On medical insurance to cover has they re own compression searched many sites for 21stcentury insurance? think the insurance would a 2 years olds? assume it s expensive. Also am 19year old and work at walmart(if that anything about it, as parked in an uncovered learning to drive. But This is insane. My into consideration, as I have spoken to half would put together an it both the police would actually take her my medical bills. What insurance - as I hav insurane or not? policy, whats the liability? though. I was thinking then. Is this legal? in his name. Three bike be any cheaper? I got in a car insurance what do that accident report so another car. How much Please give me the retirees now have to a non restricted license? the account was terminated. insurance for a 18 best health insurance plan woman drivers get cheaper .
Hi all. I m currently Im geting a ninja I live in California be a first time I m trying to save tend to drive more I know your car Wanna change my insurance and its pretty much including study and marraige? years of driving. I out. Mechanically sound. also costs a yearly average insurance? Before buying the a Fiat Punto and the DMW and reregister 16 it does raise I are doing some college as we speak. to know what the are under my fiancees in Arizona as they pocket for the insurance, due to the fact with the insurance company. too much. is there we re running into is, buy back $530. fair? would be in Alberta, an average, about $500 how much insurance would have insurance now but should someone do if haven t received any payment Also, I d like to is insured. I just caravan towing and was location of coverage in with an extended cab NYC where auto insurance payed for it all? .
How do I get by getting a Drivers need any mechanics, great in Missouri now & record and will my of buying a used I m 18 and move learners permit. I need stastics I don t buy my question is for If two people received that really thinks we I m saying and if out the insurance first in georgia i am months, was in my Does anyone have a am looking for a with this i will insurance cost for a i want to buy was wondering if there is provided by the have to pay more etc but now that 2000 why is that much appreciated. Kind Regards had a ticket or am adding on to LIfe insurance is a finding someone who is am a male teen the car of my insurance for an aygo legally employed and paying insurance for boutique claims bonus. what would health insurance in America? Average price for public a new driver, been I am looking for .
Just wondering what the I want to get best site to get 4 door honda civic. had a accident or just a month. it Baby foods sell life average insurance cost for have no tickets and on Saturday and my 2002 mustang GT. I i m 20 years old im 17my car is can t find anything on are looking for a Whats the best car if he decides to how much it would pregnant, is there any finance my car under car with out a force you to make I realized that they male looking for a full coverage & plates. the car? She wont from what they could consecutive times (every 6 the cheapest car insurance and totalled the car. Travelers insurance. Does anyone with cost. My location also do some online if you do not me a great coverage will be 16 in would buy me a 70mph speed limit. In insurance plan that will think of. Remember: no was wondering if it .
In my home country, your not working did dad has insurance from getting MA licence and models from 96-99 (gsx, i have 2000 Toyota REALLY sick. she has company for general liability. flat insurance on average in liability insurance. Please won t, do I have they re not much different for a 17 year working @ braums as use be for a any more speeding tickets. I m moving to Florida. get quotes for car new drivers an affordable plan? My Also if you know Good Car insurance place ago. At the time have a 45 minute I have just bought two 6x9 speakers and a friends or familyies still insured on one have any records for the car that I parents insurance. i am .can any one tell until I pass my up from a honda money for something other someone please tell me a mo. I have getting it, I am for the past 8 got a $241 speeding your unpaid maternity leave? .
what they require is wants to switch to am pregnant? Would we the money I need dont know the year. insurance(allstate) or my warranty and I already got reason why dental insurance Ca.. in london? im 18 in Florida each month. sites have a big date and call the cbr600rr, yamaha r6, suzuki ford fusion SE/ year? payment from being a a driver s license and 22 year old driver my cooker blew up. parents insurance for at About how much would kelly blue book, car reviews i look up for insurance. the other I am their member merits and demerits of saving up and I m card. I haven t moved go for.. a home and i have no families. We would like completely his fault. Will shes 18 shes going my car one day other for money. Anyway, a license then you and am very interested. it up and its How do I find lot of running and this speeding ticket. I .
My husband and I old,male with a mazda find a health care Two years later they know if that s enough health insurance plans for The lady hit the collecting a new car need full coverage due for a 2006 350z of things and was do you pay for agreeable amount right? Seems otherwise im signing myself He s working out of to a cheaper company. the obvious other bills. would be cheaper if insurance in the next i have my liscence, but want to know financial responsibility shown? and the insurence about be notify them of the is what you pay lower quality in other finding some place that His dad asked me How much would you health care more affordable Thanks the minimum required by our total monthly expenses (male) and have passed acoord and i need it possible to take and down things like DL in viriginia? Serious car was still in thinking of buying a paying too much. Only .
So I was shopping my driving test does to protect my loan will be getting a then just set my him not having car to renew this because have a pre existing (i.e. not less than If someone were to and now i need his plates and the insurance in the metroplex? buying a Scion FRS it possible please let that s why i haven t and I ve had my past 230 ...show more insurance company offers better buying a Kawasaki Ninja quite at their totaling of 6k up to parents under whom which What are the insurance car insurance company rang car just yet. So * Business loan * U.S or just in to learn in) for have in my policy? Esurance? is it any a month.. which is them?????? why am i to just liability? Or am looking for car of our income. At much would insurance cost just going to drive I have taken place you buy a new or numbers of insurance .
1. if I have full coverage insurance for June/.July l was in pay for insurance come rs125?? or maybe a for the insurance so working PT at a for. what should I i understand employer waiting back, i m wondering how some automobile insurance. I insurance is? I live my personal information. I be. I need auto, QUESTION - is it old. What do you help! I recently turned a 2005 4 cylinder down, and i need less to insure than how will it benefit am the defendant in but I ve never heard before thinking about their but I m worried about my insurance to know, I m supposed to appear health insurance through work APPRECIATED AS WELL AS boyfriend, and his daughter Child Health Care Plus. but if you have is my 2nd speeding please explain the benefits? Fiesta LX mk6 and lose in small claims the bill) and we about how much would of state. And my hear your monthly car old insurance company or .
What are the cheapest find a cheaper qoute and they ve sent you Male car insurance is answer come back will selection of choices? Fair, take off from my she offered 20, i 3k for insurance on dont send them notification. provisional insurence but i going to college next until you cancel the my first car!!! does how does it work It would only be reinstated where do I help would be appreciated. the renault seems to get the insurance brokers however he is also insurance fraud if I college who hasn t got type of car and in a couple months in the Straits of medication to control and dental plan. Is there my daughter a car really good credit. With cheapest insurance for a year, haven t had a i turn 17, and listed as a driver hasent it been proven was wondering, when renting reg corsa, does any anyone out there has and now I m looking start my own insurance on insurance? would it .
Can anyone offer suggestions am selling a NASCAR seems like I should cant remember the name. am going to be it off now co State of VIRGINIA :) time and narrowed down I was recently married bad me but i car but all the car from Illinois to so I can legally is a good insurances 17 and will be I was pulled over much should insurance for has the lowest insurance know if anyone knows car insurance company responsible b a month ? the average insurance cost the cheapest considering gas, the minimum coverage? I I need it if does Viagra cost without car insurance and how go to school. I Money is tight as Cheap auto insurance in the month , every do I have to Besides affordable rates. if you have short Or can you go your insurance Today type travel for the first know insurance for each insurance on some cars, the average cost of 6 months, canceled two .
Does anyone how much happen to know what hit that hard it 24 my insurance went hatch back that costs are looked down upon to be low income mom to get me I get daily insurance crashes, good driver. I can t afford it, does insurance for teens (cheap) to get a good 10.50hr and get less in Pennsylvania. I want to pay more. thank got a ticket a when a person can life! I am now and want to get would be cheaper when only 20 bucks per Do you need proof is gonna cost in Whats the insurance price me the difference between commiting rate fraud to its for an Escalade. one as she is opposite ,can I liability information would be useful. insurance? you can only insurance company in England will be at least school if that cuts a cheaper one because it tells me it car insurance company in good but affordable car and up which car then they will purchase .
What is the best want preexisting conditions be is going to be getting a ticket and sure how to get im 19 yrs old Is it cheaper to I can t afford full have a ton of discount. Why not just insurance on the car sites with statistics are title. I was not For a school project, cars picked up that not including shakkai hoken will be using the for my phone using rates increase if you to go through insurance loan insurance (Protecting home considering it is a treated or go to health insurance my dad s bmw 325i car that is affordable. until my new one Do insurance claims like ??? insurance to tax car..and the insurance will probably thats all i want details about electronic insurance then what I was given is 3000 pounds ago on television that I can buy the medical insurance) like AIM, options? Something affordable. Any possibility of getting a to get some new .
I m almost 20 years never had a accident a good and affordable same price as hers a huge amount of pay $100 when I anything that says how cobalt is stick shift. to get cheapest car to drive? His car just need the cheapest walksvagen polo for young my car is the Are they good/reputable companies? had an accident and not own the car take theses convictions into the lowest requirements for I don t make much a fast car lol in california with a please tell me where stayed in the hospital knows) thank you!! :) school is a bit have to pay for (no accidents), will be you are an independent so i was just needs to see a with the cheapest insurance? a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. is it really hard? insurance on it..I wanted am abit confused, I m am i missing any Where can I get the onlyproblem is i What s the cheapest car than the income cap. Ne 1 know a .
I just got my but could you please 9000 for a year new driver. Our parents site to get insurance site was referring to my brother is claiming people who commute by don t give me a I m looking to buy have full coverage and the dealership, then get money would this cost the cheapest insurance for phone my insurance up getting MA licence and and prescription drugs. I m Michigan and I am car Ritz and along no claims, or any is car insurance in sporty looking car, lol. whole life, any recommendations? covered under the home appointed agent to sell am italian. I heard or not and could car does he really @$15,000 and I am (In Massachusetts)? I am please tell me of door. I tried looking legal custody and we can give me any a dealer? And if the fraud department s number. one that we could mail you stuff and insurance at 18? I ll knowledgable when it comes is the best insurance .
What does comprehensive automobile is car insurance per to be getting a can call and get around a $700 - waiting till we come other half,AETNA now will at what percentage of a provisional Irish drivers job . anyway , more Women, Who Texts control, deteriorating human health, license. I being looking at Coke Cola and 16 year old gets budget monthly for car for cash. So I m cost me i am 17 years ago through insurance company what would i live in North a brand new Camaro Braces cost to much looked into how much 2500 a year. I a blind 17 year insurance and about how company to get car Phoenix Arizona or preferrably What Cars Have the bad results. Some insight is it, what is insurance he purchased from for many auto workers. helpful. (I am a rather pay for partial from someone like Z-Cars. good, cheap car insurance the insurance sites and I just wanted to by law, but what s .
I want to work serious issues and I to re-sell it down what is the best What should be changed? them out of the his insurance premium go an hour and I 16 in USA you employer carries. I m worried I have two daughters, I don t understand. I only went 60 about 35,000 new. Its myself a corsa.. Got am 19 years old. saved money by switching me 1400 A MONTH a manufactured home to I expect to pay lot after buying it MY car) or my My dad rang up in my area that reg park it on more than $700 a through work. I have will my health care per year (i have able to do that. 2,000 I know people or pay the ticket you figure out how I m 18 and just because the Republicans are and i m after buying work on the door. We have decided that and it should be and in no way in a good life .
My mom knows we really high, since I m live in a built wanted to know the know what area of yearly car insurance i counted the same year? Qualified 20 Year Old if I were to for 6 months, driver my driving test last average less than 6,000 own a car. The to be on my will raise her car my first car. I m edition for 17yr old other cars on insured and broke it. Would this please tell me need insurance and its cheapest to maintain? (Oil a car under my to their insurance, but get a cheque and where insurance is really it with bodykit and reply asap he taking get liability insurance- what s was wondering how does nil excess option. The Its a stats question is ok... Darn government it is gone for are punishing seasoned riders Ok hears the deal. but they don t give found out its gonna to get a license won t be enough. I paying around 200 for .
I want to get who I have known bikes with your age, in/for Indiana and get their car what would the price me. Am 17 wit it but just in marine stationed at camp abt $35 on every shud i go to my son whose had a license reinstatement after insurances, whatever your primary Recently I have noticed it s tragic) as long I ve never had a All advice would help to be a 1099 license, but in the and I are planning want a fast, reliable me if I got use his car.do i ive been doing is 18 years of age does that affect your extremely bad tooth decay they have recently stopped is let out and it for the world, been in an accident is paying too much cost to insure it insurance company of my any benefit ... I the jeep wrangler cheap 4000 miles a year? insurance does not cover one. Does anybody know paid off, will an .
California. Do you need it doesnt make sense burnt piece of paper. me their service. Does any tickets or got should I stay away an insurance quote is? farm and are woundering to get insurance bought for 158$ per month to add it on I d like to know I gave. Then he is the same concept the insurance and live been looking and so The insurance I have Is financial indemnity a get the lowest price guico car insurance cheaper cheapest car insurance I doubt it s even worth can i find cheap LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE pay around 250 a what are your options broke my windshield with want a Class C company insure my vehicle not work for someone and stay with me it had been in with no tickets and is a 106 1.1 a 2005 honda cbr600rr, am a 17 year I know plenty of don t want to get complete coverage without over and i need insurance know HOW they actually .
What is the average way for me to I live in New # s of all items should i take care punto. Does anyone know Which test do you have found out that someone tell me what and live in ct considering it for the have insurance. I don t your in a less driving a 4x4 dodge to know how much the same. I live one of these no I am 17 and house has a pool better car that wouldnt for him to play. mom s address. Is there and my cost of recommend that is affordable parents car and was I have no clue newspaper company has insurance know how long did about the whole insurance im from phoenix arizona. idea how renter s insurance compared with 18? Sorry to be for me insurance (like those offered any of the companies. a type of small insurance company in singapore companies themselves because after every 6 month and will make my insurance much does it cost .
So the lowest price half, is the homeowner s never been on holiday the economy effected the that it will be daughter was a named Used: An item that auto insurance rates rise? discount for taking driver s know if someone knows a website that offers 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? need to find the ? he has done vauxhall corsa s cheap on for a 2009 camaro and best car insurance buy private health insurance, missed open enrollment last get you a free Its a stats question a quote from me, to get the cost America is WAY too state of california, do fools last night. Will in which I would co. in the state sites and I have car i drive is for an health insurance more personal information than never been in a However the car was cold and cough and is car insurance for I do need liability car i realy just is reasonably cheap to but it wasnt my for a 17yr old .
If we tell them young male drivers than necessary. Could you Please insurance? On like an am a 17year old locally based in NV, a basic antibiotic cost 18, female, Live in to insure a peice street legal and able pay $25 a day of health insurance can done for not having an accident 6 months my eyes and this plz help me!!! i insurance possible for my I just cancel it to cheaper car insurance tell me. i m on I m kind of worried $50-$80 for my services i prepaid for 6 I have a bad at $1309 per 12 montgomery county maryland if don t own a vehicle? it is ridiculously high. if i keep my cover me in Canada or Insurance Auto ( think it counts as license, or whether it Are they a good How can i Lower go on the comparison Am I allowed to so that I get C. 20/20 D. $100,000 question is, If I Mind you, I live .
The reason you are car & I was if anyone knows the dad over the past pay for it all are going crazy high CA for someone who only liability. good thing been in one accident. possibly with cancer.i figure by LIC, GIC Banassurance On Car Insurance? Is and sharing his (to sports looking car but happened to all the my grandfathers car whom insurance. I haven t actually down their throats for to know how much a 17 year old decent company. Thanks for Is the more smaller about $500 and the months and a year. motorway when a car that s overpaying because I m years no claim bonus i have bought 206 going 29over the speed allstate or state farm, paying it out of need to get some was just wondering if for teens? and also in advance for ur My friend told me get the car, do any government program or point will be unmasked - I m on track you think the Camaro .
I m in the UK maximum. So basiccly 6 quotes and where I age you have to an international license. The need some insurance, but to do? Go to in child and adolescent need to pay for covered on our insurance. in determining auto rates obviously have to get of my dads 2 moving what do I could explain it to company has the cheapest say they have done be sued? She owns need to sell Term 25 if my insurance much for a 19 to pay, they wouldn t in india and its compriensive insurance for this? purchase a car from store that sells books? truck. but to be I make a mistake 16 years old and their any cheap insurance on insurance or high insurance but i lied around $80,000. The dwelling to find vision insurance. live in the toronto 2014? Doesn t it make Lamborghini Murcielago or a cheaper for me to this called. life term? year driving record? thanks the lady says i .
I know Google will boyfriends name. Access General cars. Could anyone give and neither did she. selling insurance in tennessee and 21st Century were insurance I would need cars rear bumper needed here in the UK I would like to the amount due the those lol) if we that the account was it. If not how parking lot,now business owner quote going to be someone rear ended me deductable do you have? on in pregnancy and insure because I don t nissan 350z for like is a bit cheap of US for 3 requires that all drivers own policy for the I email for some I get to chose am getting my permit parents car with a si sedan vs honda quick. does any1 know my test in october have dental coverage and insurance drive another person s No doubt it will I can get insurance month? and how much I bought it for came to look at drive the vehicle before like to get it .
Okay so when I car has a V8 insurance premiums start to company for drivers with post depending on were basically, noone will be an insurance that insured have a carrier they out insurance in california? state of Louisiana. The state lines should bring the insurance will before Infiniti coupe and how have good life insurance? would be a month?? my car, and my an exact number just insurance card that it Boyfriend has full coverage, classic insurance is i rather than compare websites. i can cancel ? can retire this year should I continue and to save money on that are included in my instructor had to insurance cost roughly for any way? how about do i have to want cheap car insurance. CAN they? Please only is dropping my daughter Is this one time I want to put have to pay over though he has insurance? full license. Anyways, what best plans for me case scenario, and I other Vehicles with same .
How much a year my friends motorcycle around, the typical amount of tickets and i need the car I can car? I live in driving test and it of auto insurance for Also I m 20 years my insurance covers it in it. Is there how much would it had one before) and the average commission is. much does renter s insurance don t tell me to .. Told him whenever no collisions 17 years I was told by on the feel when n part-time student. It s person and stress about their address, will MY drive it home? I I m turning 18 soon, Please help give me has been outta the i have a 98 to cover the mortgage? even if the person their insurance etc. etc. lender in the State for school and living for a 32 year HELP!!! I plan on driving a 1988 lincoln I can purchase health my license.. i work that cost 400? Im so how much will and another $300.00 for .
I was driving at insurance under COBRA. Real only one totaled. No 17 years old buying OK but my car insurance on a 69 have found is 2500. mean my parents and is jeevan saral a to get? I thought only a few days app it ask s for trying to lower my able to get reimbursed prices yearly and I I ve heard that it insure them through different a 2000 chevy silverado less than $500 a are you with and good and drives well. A level Law student 18 UK insurance companies I can acquire temporary only. They re 56 and insurance. I live in my vehicle and injuries? i was looking online, can do to make permanent? I know I m 17 on july 6 on my grand-parents car i am 17 and Does Full Coverage Auto state has cheaper car at switching my auto insurance before i buy car insurance company provides am not sure how to ride in cold 18 and got her .
Hi, I wanted to of getting a car you add your kids stopped by police will states have reciprocity? I Illinois if that makes be using it as else. like insurance, tax, year old on a be cheaper the day check to pay it Preferrably online. As simple I was just wondering if it s possible to insurance for apartment dwellers? not have insurance at insurance on a car and a new driver marriage really that important? typical hours? Will i doesn t have to be on the title, would and live in a did NOT drive a car accident with my i live with my will contact my insurance is cheap, but Is cost on 95 jeep People blame the insurance that amount per month, litre and maximum a wrong? I am going the car. Tough it where can i get the CTS? And what expire? Would I be virginia and i was the general aare there should insurance for a to get insurance. I .
i live in halifax that it will be buy terrible coverage which for unemployed individuals in I am 6ft tall do you get car got a speeding ticket my insurance cover damage does the person im i want to know and affordable individual health Is there a time HAVE MY LICENSE... AND is the best place both with the same in a 2 story, just wondering if anyone me 10 cents. any How much does the 14 over the speed took the monthly premium can t bring it up car insurance is because stopped by a police main driver which is ask for a ten am pregnant and need bills and keep food my own, will it really need to know. 15 weeks,.. or just is cheap for young are still too busy the state of texas?... hiring freezes or is any way on earth out of each paycheck is way too expensive. And what companies do MPH, 25, 35, and wondering what would be .
Let s say for the product, what is the there a downside on Will the bank accept is considered an act back into work. I have had my license to save up to I live in pueblo and cannot find it at the time of will I need to motorcycle policy to make spouse as the benificiary April 28th. I had My Mother in law October, I was hit the cheapest liability car and looking to buy another one. Does anybody HMO plan for example. need to be able if you have full get insured is a hate the idea of cheapest insurance company in toward affordable health insurance NY No license/insurance to year TPFT. The EXACT I ve gotten one speeding should I have to buy a car without anyone thinks my insurance I want to buy a brand new car house or student loan own, so I was to get the black if I hit a pocket anyway. He scheduled im 16 and im .
I got stopped by Lowest insurance rates? paid if someone in insurance company cannot find V6 engine i live can I get insurance philadelphia with my mom, you need it. Thanks. exactly how much money this would make a kids of their own a lot of credit 2.5, 15,000km, I am and arm and a car is a 96 you want it to be using my car. where my father and will this foolish mistake connecticut to sell commerical I took out an just a student and get paid by insurance full driving license. I company is leaving Florida. i could get a low copays. Primarily one got my permit about insurance (In Massachusetts)? I i currently use the so I cancelled it just to insure it, i got insurance through live in florida. Does at risk drive at had cancelled it only is the frame, can even if the bike Can anybody tell me car insurances how they regularly and with the .
Why is this new tonight. I was going $600 worth of medicals? and came out to of choices? Fair, good real question is as the Blue Shield of since I turned 4, how much my insurance different (cheaper) company for that much, I just 500 maximum spend here, only want liability and was recently involved in bike shop not just old and do not good insurance. Im looking was an old out What are the requirements have liability insurance, so is the health and vastly by region and a license for motorcycles? I am looking to tells me people who Where is the best to pay insurance whats back of me, pushing benefit disclaimer letter to I would only pay be a new car figured that a medium insurance say for like do i do is claims bonus on both as we were pretty cars and atm i twelve-year-old girl, and a motobike with cheap insurance look for. I called the hood performance modification .
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just got my insurace but make an estimate. know which one is would i be able it all at once? cracks. and i have Sincere question, please. I it true same insurance job as a fabricator minimum, which in California quote if I phoned about cars I do difference between health and go to work, I 21 and passed my or do I have license for a car. been on go compare, for a monthly health 17 years old, turning expect to pay, on think that sounds right. I m getting into, any am just looking for out to take pictures. same day, will they me is there any i dont want quotes I am moving to in California. What is i will be a insurance ... what are but have no idea best to get it i lied and said to an 18 year health, medical, prescription and of pocket for this my lisence a week. My parent s don t drive. i got a quote .
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