#AND he just revealed his unrequited crush on the angel in the worst way
shallowseeker · 1 year
terrible headcanon where everyone dean has ever been with knows, because dean inevitably accidentally says “cas!”
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verobatto · 4 years
Unrequited Destiel...
The Legend of The Sun and The Moon
I just wanted to explain in a few words to those that are asking why Dean didn't reply to Cas or why is Jensen talking about angelical way to feel things.
I know they're a lot of post saying WE TOLD YOU THIS AND THAT, and is true. Because if you read my Destiel Chronicles from the beginning, you will see I ALWAYS CALLED THE UNREQUITED LOVE FROM CAS AND DEAN'S POV.
Some of you disbelieves this idea, but is the only way to intepretate why Destiel is the slowest slow burn ever.
No more intro, let's suffer together...
Once Dean was pulled out from Hell, Castiel wanted to talk with him. He didn't wait a second. Things blew and it was messy, and even Bobby was scared that that thing would hurt his idjit. But it was just Cas, trying to speak with Dean, desperately trying to reach him in his true form. Why? Because he wanted to talk with him. He had to explain Dean's mission but also, he felt fascinated. And even more after their first meeting face to face when he was finally able to find a vessel.
And Dean just it took him just a little of his time to feel the same fascination. The almighty angel, that could see right through his soul.
But also the angel that said things like...
And we have the handprint too, such an intimate sign between these two.
Castiel showing him, honestly showing him with words and actions, his special interest on him:
"My superiors begun to question my sympathies. I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You."
How would Dean take this here? The poor guy just decided to check out the angel, and speechless as he was at that moment, couldn't reply to it. "Is he flirting with me? Does he know how gay this sounds?"
Then Cas rebel against Heaven for Dean. Dean pushed him, the whole he pushed Cas to help him. If you rewatch season 4 Dean is constantly asking Cas to help him. Because he already know Cas was different. Because he felt Cas was his friend, his ally, and something else it was growing up in his chest.
While Cas pushed him against the wall, cut his forearm and drew the sigil, Dean's face is full of awe. He can't believe this soldier powerful angel is doing this for him.
And then... "We're making it up as we go."
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The beginning of season 5 is a very busy Cas searching for God, but also, the flirtation begins. Dean is like a cute boy flirting with his crush. The second meaning jokes, trying to figure out if Cas catch it is hilarious. But he will understand 'Cas doesn't understand that reference.'
From Dean's POV in these two season, we coul under he thinks angels are junk less.
Season 6: The profound Bond and the Longing
The romantic feeling from both sides began to flow even more when Castiel goes into the black side, and the first Destiel break up appears infron of our eyes in the middle of a very romantic scenes.
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The last gif is out of discussion, bot men looking at each other with sad eyes, longing and as if their conversation isn't over. Dean being disappointed at Cas and Cas trying to make him see his point. Everything he does, he does it for Dean.
And now we know why it is.
Season 7: Mourning Dean and the Jealousy
Even with Showrunner Sera Gamble trying to focus Dean's morning into a Wincest subtext, we had put king Ben Edlund came to the rescue in episode 7x09.
Putting things in order, we were faced with Dean's source of depression: Castiel's death.
So, after that, when Cas really comes back, the reunion is another romantic movie. The MEMORY LOST trope.
And then... Castiel's pseudo wife...
The trope is getting better with the spicy Jealousy in Dean's eyes.
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So he can't completely enjoy Cas is back because:
1) He doesn't remember him: so, how can be mad or anything else if Cas doesn't remember any details of their break up?
2)The guy has a wife! Okay, so, he has a wife, he easily got a wife from... Nowhere?
And then Meg comes and he is Jealous all over again!
Dean is a really mess of feelings, but in the end, when Cas recalls everything, and when I say everything, i mean Dean, because the majority of his memories was him, Dean just pulls out from his car Castiel's bloody trenchcoat and gives it him back!
So, if there was any doubts about why was Dean mourning and depressed for, we have the confirmation!
Then, let's turn the page, because now is Cas the mess... Depressed and suffering, because he almost destroy heaven, but, do you know what cares the most to Cas and when he cheers up? Yes...
When Dean says... "I RATHER JAVE YOU, CURSED OR NOT" Castiel immediately changed his face, he smiles, and kept staring at Dean with heart eyes. He was happy because Dean was forgiving him. Because since he recovered his memories, the biggest cause of it was Dean's rejection. Dean not being able to forgive him. That was the main cause of his sadness. That's why he avoided reality, he didn't have a cause, because his cause was Dean and Dean was mad at him. But now? Cas is happy again. That's why he decides to come back to battle. "I'll go with you."
Season 8 Purgatory of love and Pining!Dean
Okay, is in this season, Carver era, when Dean's POV has a turning point about Castiel and his true feelings for him and is in this season, when Dean starts pining strongly for the angel, and feeling his love is unrequited.
The cause of it, is Purgatory. The Purity about Purgatory resided in the capacity of that place to resides in abolish every human necessity to let the mind to focused in what really matters. In this case for Dean was SURVIVE AND CAS.
So we can say that what remained pure in Dean's heart was TO FIND CASTIEL.
That's why he prayed to him every night, and that's why in the moment Cas CONFESS he ran away to protect him, something in Dean changes forever.
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If you pay attention to Dean's face reaction here, is the expression of the man that realizes in that precisely moment his feelings for Castiel. Even Cas stares to a side, because there was Benny watching them, and the thing he was about to say it was too intimate. I did it to protect you.
Dean, the Big Protector, is being protected by Castiel. So, in Purgatory, Dean Winchester find out his not platonic love for his best friend.
Then we had the entire season with pining!Dean and deception.
Dean's mind invented one excuse for Castiel running away from him because thinking his best friend abbandoned him, was just too painful. He does this again when Cas pushed him inside the gate and he stays in Purgatory. Dean just rewrote in his mind the whole sequence. Imagining that Cas was defeated. But the reality was, Castiel wanted to stay. And when Cas reveals this truth to the hunter, Dean's face is a mix of deep sadness and deception. He felt really rejected by his friend. He felt his unrequited romantic love for him. But he will feel it more stronger in the crypt scene, with the brainwashing and how Castiel's love for Dean broke th connection. But he left. That was a real rejection the hunter barely could handled.
Season 9: Pinning!Castiel and Human!Cas
When Cas became Human, he has to face all the intensity of human's feelings. In this season, is time for our angel to realize his romantic love for the hunter.
Castiel will mirroring Dean's pining in season 8, and he will also feel rejected by him.
Just like Dean in season 8, Castiel will feel his romantic love is unrequited, after Dean kicked him out from the bunker, being this the parallel to the crypt scene.
But then Cain's mark comes, and everything gets worst.
Season 10: Castiel is Dean's Colette
The whole Cain's mark was the visual sign of the Destiel handprint (profound bond) attempt of break.
With Cain and Dean going through a perfect parallelism in which Crowley was placed in the friend's spot, Sam in the brother's spot and Castiel in Colette's spot. Blatant and canon exposure of what Cas means for Dean.
But now, is time for Dean, after came back for being a demon, to feel unrequited again. And this is a detail that could be not seen, but it caught my attention.
CASTIEL: At least temporarily. It’s a long story. Crowley, stolen grace. There’s a female outside in the car.
This is what Castiel says when he goes into Dean's room and after Dean praises him...
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Dean had been with Crowley when he was a demon this whole time, so Cas was heartbroken. Even this season opens with a very depressed Castiel in the bed just let himself die because Dean was gone. So, that's why Cas says this.
So you went with Crowley, i have a female in my car. See? I don't need you.
He was Jealous, and now Dean gets Jealous, but he also gets the sensation again of his love for Castiel is unrequited.
The episode that followed this one, Dean goes into a blind date with random chick he took from a date app (very ooc, but he did it because he had his heart broken and because he thought CAS had cheated on him while he was gone as a demon.)
Season 11: Dean resist a forced bond with Amara because he's bonded with Castiel
Season 11 is a blatant exposure of Dean's feelings for Castiel. There a lot of hints throughout the season telling us Dean is in love, just like in season 9 there was hints of this with Castiel. (Again, mirroring each other).
Dean resisted Amara because of his love for Castiel. But Cas is oblivious about this.
When Castiel is possesed by Lucifer, Dean switch's into desperate mode. If he was worried about his attraction for Amara, now the only thing he cares was Castiel, exposing again WHO DEAN IS IN LOVE WITH.
But when Dean wanted to rescue Castiel, and Cas didn't want to come back to him, it hurt him worst. Again, just like in season 8, Dean can't handle Cas doesn't want to come back with him (first from Purgatory and now from being possesed). Again Dean feels rejected and unrequited. That's why when Cas is back and the end of the world is close... Dean says these words...
"You're our brother, Cas. I want you to know that."
And Cas' face...
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That's a man with the heart broken, mostly because we know now he was in love with Dean CANON FACT! (sobbing louder).
Season 12 and the confusing I LOVE YOU
This season was full of married couple situations, but mostly, we had Castiel's I Love You in the barn, before "dying".
At first Dean thinks the angel was saying this as goodbye, expressing into words his feelings for the Winchesters. Because as and angel, maybe Cas was feeling he has to protect them all. But then he says this singular I Love You to Dean, and the guy doesn't know how to take it. It was a platonic ILY? A non platonic ILY? Does angels feel the same like us? Does he sees me as a brother? Dean was truly a mess, so he decides to respond to that with a Mixtape.
But, when Castiel disappears for days, he sinks again into that sensation of unrequited romantic love.
Then Cas comes back, and then he goes away again, and then he dies.
Season 13: The reunion and the meaning of Castiel coming back
Dean's mourning for Cas can't be interpreted otherwise than LOSING THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE.
And the longing for his angel plus some Nougat powers, brought him back.
The thing is, Dean didn't expr as his feeling for Castiel and when the angel asked him that he needed to believed that he came back for a reason, Dean goes...
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This sound like if he was recruiting Cas for war. And Cas' took it as that. So he came back to soldier angel mode. Because, okay, if Dean and Sam needed him to fight, he will fight.
Unrequited Love again.
Season 14 Healing Dean and the prelude of the break up
Post-possesed Dean is a follow up of self knowledge and self growing. He was healing the whole season.
But in episode 14x04 we heard Dean being Jealous or hurt because Castiel didn't go to rescue him and then because he goes into hunts with Jack. Unrequited love again.
Did Cas miss me as I missed him?
Is the first time Dean will actually name the word LOVE talking with the kid.
And then Mary dies and everything is a mess.
Dean yells YOU ARE DEAD TO ME, and how sad that sounds now that the angel had died again. Saving his life.
Dark clouda over our ship...
Season 15: And Maybe is not too late...
In season 15 we lived the angst of the Destiel break up, but then their reunion in Purgatory was beautiful.
Again, facing the fact that he could lost Cas one more time, Dean went down on his knees and prayed to him, and because he was in Purgatory, his heart and mind were released from any distraction, and he was plenty focused in the love he feels for his angel.
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He cried, and begged for him to come back.
And he found him, following his heart, the profound bond he has with Castiel.
But, when he was about to say something that he hadn't said in the prayer, Castiel cut him off. So... Again the hunter had to swallow his words and the unrequited love punch him again.
Then... Castiel's romantic love confession took Dean by surprise, because, now that you read all the clues i gave you and i convinced you that Dean and Cas thought their love were unrequited, you will understand Dean's reaction.
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Dean didn't can't believe Cas had loved him the way he does this whole time and now, he will lose him again. Is too much pain he can't handle.
For a lot of reasons we had analyzed so many times (Dean's arc has to have a closure expressing his ILY to the angel, the Empty plot is not ended, Etc) Is logical to think Cas will come back in the last episode, and this slow burn story will end with them being together, finally.
To Conclude:
The legend of the Sun and the Moon talks about two lovers that can't be reunited but they love each other deeply.
Is accurate with Destiel, because these two men had always being pining for each other but never be able to be together as they wish.
Castiel always thinking Dean doesn't reciprocate his romantic feeling for him and Dean thinking because Cas is an angel, he doesn't love him back romantically.
The Sacred Oath always playing in Castiel's POV as an impediment too and Dean's love clocked in shame too.
The deal with the Empty had been settled as we suspected in season 14, as a romantic plot. So, it has to have a closure.
These thoughts are based on the volumes from my assay "The Destiel Chronicles", currently in it's 87th volume.
See you soon! Have faith!
Destiel Is Forever!
Tagging @gneisscastiel @emblue-sparks @magnificent-winged-beast @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @maleansu @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @mybonsai1976 @anarchiana @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @feathered-cas @bre95611 @zoerayne2426 @justmeand-myinsight @that-one-fandom-chick @proccastinate @studio-hatter @pepevons @poorreputation @mrsaquaman187 @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @dwstiel @ladygon @shippsblog @la-random-fangirl @lets-try-this-again-please @mychemicalobsession514 @destiel-shipper-11
@asphodelesauvage @2musiclover2
Buenos Aires November 17th 2020 8:33 PM
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happy-meo · 7 years
Masquerade IV: The Dark Side (Jin x Reader x Tae) Part 3
While love may bring out the best in us, it could also bring out the worst.
** If you haven’t read them already, please read the following BEFORE starting this story: Silver Spoon, Masquerade I, Masquerade II, Masquerade III, Masquerade 3.1 & 3.2 drabbles **
Summary: You were never lucky in love. Through disastrous dates, consistent unrequited crushes, and broken relationships, you’ve constantly been searching for someone to give you genuine love and romance. And through it all, one person had remained your constant shoulder to lean on. Although you had never seen his face, he had given you a sense of confidence and a place of comfort in Club Masquerade. The more times you’ve failed in love though, the more you realized that may be no one would ever choose you. However, one fateful encounter, thanks to your dog, made you want to hope one more time. Did fate bring you to the one who would finally end your streak of being broken-hearted? Or had the right guy been with you all along?
Jin x Reader x Tae (ft. previous Masquerade characters, Silver Spoon characters, & Got7 Jackson) Fluff, Smut, Angst, Romance Host Au, Cook!Jin, Vet!Tae, Bartender!Tae
**If you need a refresher on connections, here’s the diagram: Connections **
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (Finale)
A/N: Happy New Year everyone <3 Hope your first week of 2018 has been going well :)
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          Strangely enough, the kindness from the masked waiter who saved you gave you the spurge of courage you needed to take a step forward. So you found yourself throwing on your best dress, curling your hair, and painting your face with make-up the next day to finally head to the Burlesque Club.
           Would Tae even remember you? Would he remember he owed you a free drink? How should you greet him?
           You take a deep breath to stifle down your panic. If some stranger was able to put his job on the line for you, then you could put yourself on the line for well, yourself.
           With renewed determination, you pushed the entrance to Burlesque and soon enough, your ears were immediately flooded with jazzy music and light chatter. It felt warm and welcome, and not at all the raunchy club scene you were expecting. And fortunately, your eyes immediately locked with a very stunned looking Jungkook in front of you.
           "Hi!" You squeaked out, relieved at the familiar face.
           He gawked at you for a few more seconds before coming to his senses.
           "Tae!" He called out and gestured his head towards the bar, clearly aware of what...or more so, who you came for.
           You blushed and smiled gratefully as you made your way there. Soon enough, Tae appeared with a wide grin, laughing at something someone said or did behind the kitchen doors. A simple piece of cloth wrapped around his forehead as a bandana knocked the wind out of you. Who knew something so small could hold so much power?
           Your awe must've been quite apparent because his smile widened even further and he pointed to his headband.
           "I wear this during surgery too, I swear." He teased.
           You turned warm and nodded shyly.
           "Oh, let me take your coat. We have this rack over here." He pointed as he came around the counter.
           You fumbled. "Oh, it's okay - I can-"
           "Don't worry. It's normal customer service." he chuckled. "You're not that special."
           You instinctively glared at him then hurriedly changed your expression before he caught you.
           Tae smiled warmly after he hung up your coat. "You look like you need a drink. Come on."
           Biting your lip, you knew he could tell you were nervous, but you were glad he was taking care of you regardless.
           "Bourbon on the rocks, good?" he questioned.
           "Sure." You nodded as you took a seat in front of him.
           "Have you ever heard of a burlesque club before?" He asked as he fixed your drink up.
           "Not really. I just heard the music one day and saw that it was packed in here."
           "Then you ran away." He chuckled.
           "I...uh..." You couldn't think of an excuse fast enough.
           He simply slid your drink to you and you hurried to throw back the liquid courage.
           "Have you ever been to a strip club?" he asked.
           You choked and started coughing. "What?"
           "No?" Tae laughed. "Well think of this is a classier strip club without too much stripping."
           You blinked. "What?"
           "You might need this second drink then." Tae looked highly amused as he refilled your already finished glass. "The next performance is why most people are here. You came at a good time."
           "Oh?" You glanced at the stage, intrigued.
           The sensual music began playing as the curtains slowly raised to the reveal the next act. The audience roared obnoxiously, surprising you, because the person hadn't done anything to constitute cheers yet.
           "It's that time of night again." Jungkook snorted as he put his tray down and leaned against the counter. "Heard she got a new outfit sponsored by one of the rich people here."
           "An executive from Gucci." Tae beamed.
           "Didn't know they were into kinky shit." Jungkook smirked.
           "They got inspired, I guess." Tae shrugged.
           Once the two fell silent, a powerful and beautiful voice began to command all corners of the room. Your eyes immediately flickered to center stage and gasped.
           "She-she's...she's...." You stammered as you pointed at the Receptionist touching herself on stage and earning hoots and hollers. "Mr. Park's...coffee..."
           "You didn't tell her?" Jungkook shook his head. "How cruel."
           "I figured it'd be more fun to surprise her." Tae giggled as he leaned against the counter to admire your stunned expression. "I mean look at that face."
           Jungkook exhaled, "Gotta tend to the thirsty people."
           Meanwhile, you were mesmerized by the Receptionist's stage presence. The music seemed to be drowned out by your intense focus on her movements and facial expressions, how she had all of the people in the crowd wrapped around her finger. You had always looked up to her- the way she carried herself with such confidence, her candid nature, her boldness, and her unmatched sexual appeal and beauty. But she also always made you feel incredibly inferior. She was everything you weren't. She was everything you wanted to be. She had the looks, the talent, the man.
           On the other hand, Tae was watching you curiously. Every little emotion flitted across your face unapologetically so he could tell you were in amazed yet in deep thought, slightly sad. Silently, he refilled your glass, letting you sort out your thoughts. He had seen it enough times to recognize the effect Receptionist had on people. He spotted you looking down at your outfit and frowning, fiddling to pull your skirt lower conscientiously. Sighing, he knocked on the counter, gaining your attention in hopes to break your apparent train of negative thoughts.  
           You flinched, remembering who it was right in front of you. You had come here with confidence, but now, you were feeling so small, so...unattractive. Part of you wanted to run out and make some lame excuse that you needed to get home. All you wanted was to just throw on pajamas to hide your body and sleep off this memory. If Taehyung watched the Receptionist every day like this, why in the world would he look twice at you?
           "She doesn't have everything you know." Tae stated, surprising you.
           He shrugged, not bothering to repeat himself. "Drink up so I can replace the ice. It doesn't kick you as much watered down."
           You nodded and chugged down the drink.
           "So it took you long enough to come visit me." He grinned, stealing your attention before you can turn back to the performance.
           You blinked. "Were you waiting?"
           He chuckled, "Well usually when someone invites someone else, they expect them to come. Especially when there's free stuff involved."
           You took another sip to hide your pleased smile.
           "So Jungkook told me you had some fancy shmancy office party this weekend." Tae segued.
           You chuckled, "I'm sure you knew already since you were hiding the dress for Dark Angel."
           He smiled. "You remembered."
           Blushing, you swallowed down the rest of your drink. Tae replaced it with another.
           "How did the reveal go? Was it epic? Jungkook's not very good with telling story in details, and obviously my cousin only saw Jungkook. Did people scream?" Tae beamed excitedly.
           Your face brightened, recalling the movie-like way the scene panned out, as you recounted it for him with as much description and detail as you could throw in. His eyes were on you, taking in everything you were saying, and you felt yourself relaxing. You had come here for him, regardless of what was happening around you, and you had his undivided attention despite all that. It filled you with incredible happiness.
           "I helped pick that dress you know." Tae bragged.
           "Really? Wow. You need to help me revamp my wardrobe then." You chuckled.
           "Will you be able to handle it? I quite like patterns and silk." he teased. "It'll make you stand out at work. I know they like those grays and blacks over there."
           "So you dress like someone in their 90's when you're not at work?" You laughed.
           "It's fashion!"
           You giggled.  
           But soon enough, the warm, comfortable atmosphere immediately dissolved when the very source of your negative thoughts took a seat beside you.
           "You know how I like it, Tae." Receptionist grinned.
           Jungkook coughed behind her, "Slut."
           She spun around and shook him. "Say that to my face child. I raised you!"
           "Why does everyone say that?" Jungkook complained. "I was already grown up when I met ya'll!"
           You tensed up at being in close proximity to her. Now that you were side by side, Taehyung would surely see the vast difference between the two of you.
           "You're scaring off Miss Puppy, woman!" Jungkook stated, trying to find a way out.
           "Miss Puppy?" She glanced over and you looked down awkwardly. "Oh wow! Hi! Fancy seeing you here!"
           "Your performance was very nice." You complimented.
           She was still wearing minimal clothing so you weren't sure where to look.
           "Why don't you try wearing clothes for a change?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
           "This is sponsored so I have to flaunt it. Plus I'll probably take it home with me." she winked.
           Jungkook groaned. "Gross."
           "Oh please. Wouldn't you like to see Dark Angel in something like this?" she smirked.
           "Don't you dare answer that." Tae hissed.
           Jungkook gulped and spun around hurriedly.
           Receptionist blushed. "Sorry...forgot she was your cousin."
           Tae hummed as he slid the drink over.
           You glanced between the two of them; something awkward yet comfortable was there still, much like their encounter at the cafe.
           "So," Receptionist turned to you. "how about you Miss Puppy? Want to join the group?"
           Your eyes widened. "M-me?"
           "Why not? You liked my dance. You could probably do the same too with the right training."
           "Oh no...I couldn't..." You frowned.
           Receptionist shrugged and spun to face the crowd, crossing her legs to fully show off her stiletto heels. "It's not for everybody."
           It irked you so you spun around and crossed your legs too. It might've been the alcohol in your system or the fact that she gave up on trying to convince you to be like her and dance on the stage so easily, but for some reason, you were overcome with the thought of showing her you could be her. And there was a slimmer of intoxicated hope that spoke to you, encouraging you that you could beat her. So you mirrored her every movement subtly, and it soon became an unspoken competition between the two of you as you sipped your drinks faster and faster.
           Tae bit his lip in amusement. No one had ever challenged Receptionist before, not like this anyway. There had been many cat fights with jealous girlfriends, but never a silent challenge of wits and perseverance. So he complied to refilling their drinks, trying his best not to make it obvious whose side he favored. But he knew you had had a head start of a few beverages already so he began filling yours with juice and water halfway through.
           You looked up as you sipped your drink, knowing what it was. Tae caught your eye and winked. Shyly, you smiled to yourself. He was rooting for you after all.
           In no time, a crowd had gathered around you two as more and more people began noticing your drinking battle.
           "Whoa there girls." Tae half-heartedly warned. "You sure you want to continue?"
           "Yes." The two of you firmly resolved.
           "Miss Puppy. You already had a few more drinks before this. You sure you'll be okay?" he acted.
           "I can handle it." You nodded confidently.
           There were cheers from the crowd for you, and you grinned as you threw back the juice Tae had given you with confidence. But you knew you had to act a bit more than the tipsy you were feeling to make it convincing, so you put your head down a little to "collect yourself" before raising your empty glass. Receptionist frowned and chugged her glass too, spilling a little down the side of her lips. You spotted Tae giving a nod to Jungkook, who disappeared soon after.
           "Y-you..." Receptionist slurred. "You're so pretty!"
           You were surprised as she slapped your shoulders.
           "But I don't lose!" she pouted cutely. "Okay?"
           "Do we give up?" Tae questioned.
           "NO!" Receptionist yelled. "I'M GOING TO WIN!"
           Tae sighed and poured you both an actual drink this time. You winced unexpectedly, but let it burn your throat regardless. It made you dizzy with how strong it was, and when you glanced at the Receptionist, it seemed to be the last straw, because her eyes rolled back and her body swayed.
           "Gotchu." Jungkook appeared and chuckled, scooping her up in his arms.
           Everyone bellowed for your victory and you grinned, feeling excited and empowered. You glanced at Tae who was clapping for you too and gave you a knowing wink. Giggling, you basked in your temporary triumph. You had worked as a team, and that meant more to you than beating Receptionist. As soon as he chose your side you didn't care whether you lost or not anymore.
           "Alright. Time to close up. Get outta here." Tae laughed as he shooed everyone to make their way out.
           Tae's phone began ringing, and he grinned as he picked up, "What do I owe the pleasure?"
           "Help! Your girlfriend is making moves on me while she's drunk. You should get over here quick before ---" he playfully hangs up.
           He cackled.
           You suddenly felt awkward, realizing that maybe you were out of place by staying.
           "I should go..." You started sliding off your chair, but he grabbed your wrist.
           "Don't go anywhere. I'll walk you out." He smiled.
           In a few minutes, Jimin arrived, disheveled and in a huff. "Get your hands off her Kim Taehyung!"
           Tae was grinning widely, sitting on his counter, and swinging his legs innocently. Jungkook on the other hand was sleeping on the arm of the couch he had thrown the Receptionist on.
           "What happened?" Jimin raised an eyebrow as he smacked Jungkook's face to wake him up.
           Jungkook smirked. "She lost in a drinking battle and blacked out."
           Jimin rolled his eyes. "You little shits. You better not have taken advantage of her."
           "Please." Jungkook snorted.
           Jimin sat down beside her gently. "Baby, let's go home."
           She whined and pouted.
           "Damn she looks hott in this." he hissed. "Get me her coat."
           "$5 they'll do it in the car." Jungkook whispered to Tae.
           "$20 they'll do it in the parking lot here then later before getting to the house then a 3rd in their house." Tae bargained.
           Jungkook hummed. "$30, adding that they won't get to their bed once they're in the house."
           "$35 she'll end up barfing in 5 seconds." Tae grinned.
           "Deal." Jungkook shook his hand.
           "3...2..." Tae smirked as he kicked the trashcan over to the couch.
           On cue, Receptionist sat up and hurled into it.
           "What the fuck?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
           "The last drink doesn't sit well with her." Tae giggled. "Works everytime."
           "That's not fair."Jungkook frowned.
           "You shook. Now pay up." Tae wiggled his fingers.
           You smiled at their interaction, but were slightly disturbed by their close knowledge of the two's bedroom activities. But maybe you shouldn't be as surprised, considering Jimin and Receptionist both were walking bodies of sexual appeal.
           "Alright. I'm going home." Jungkook yawned.
           "Home...or?" Tae squinted.
           "Do you really want me to answer that?" Jungkook smirked.
           Tae rolled his eyes. "I can't believe my precious little cousin got suckered into your charms."
           Jungkook blushed happily as he threw his coat on.
           "Thanks, Tae." Jimin carried Receptionist on his back.
           "I remember when it was the other way around back in the day." Tae waved. "How the tables have turned."
           Jimin snorted and shook his head.
           "Have a good night." Tae called out.
           And needless to say, it was finally just the two of you.
           "You feel okay?" He looked down at you.
           "Yeah. I'm just a subway stop away anyway." You smiled.
           "You don't drink too often, huh?" He chuckled.
           "Was it obvious?"
           "I like girls who don't drink too much." He shrugged as he hopped off the counter.
           Your heart fluttered at his comment, even though it wasn't really directed at you.
           "Can I ask you about something?" You mumbled. "Sorry if it's overstepping or something...maybe I shouldn't ask...ah..."
           "Just ask." Tae urged. "Better out than in and better to know the truth than make assumptions."
           You relaxed. He was right.
           "Um...about the Receptionist...you all seem so...close...how --"
           Tae chuckled. "We used to date."
           Your entire body froze. "...what?"
           "We dated first. Jimin and Hoseok were her best friends. Then when we were dating, Jimin realized his feelings for her and it got all complicated. But in the end, I don't think me and her really matched so we decided to end things." He shrugged.
           "How so?"
           "Mmm..." He hummed. "I guess we were both immature at the time? Maybe ignorant? I thought that letting someone else do what they wanted all the time was the way to express love. But I think it was more stifling than loving. Because maybe she felt selfish, restricted by constantly getting her way. I had put aside my preferences to put hers above my own, and she hid away part of herself to match the image she thought I wanted. Neither of us were really being our true selves."
           You stared at him, your heart racing at his depth.
           "But at that time I didn't really know who that was, you know? The real me." He chuckled. "I thought I was being open-minded, but it was really being naive and confusing."
           "I know what you mean." You smiled warmly.
           He grinned as he handed you your coat.
           "I thought I was expressing my love by showering guys with things and surprising them, but I might've been smothering them with things I wanted them to do for me rather than what they wanted me to do for them." You explained. "So it's like I expected them to reciprocate with the same intensity. I'd get disappointed if they didn't and it was an ugly cycle."
           "Relationship's are tricky things, huh?" Tae chuckled. "It's natural to project your desires in your actions, but it's also a lot of observation, understanding, and consideration."
           You nodded as you two stepped outside.
           "How long has it been since your last relationship?" You asked him after he finished locking up.
           "Receptionist was my last one and that was almost 3 years ago?" Tae pondered. "You?"
           "Maybe a year and half ago. Then I swore off dating for a while."
           "Cause of fear?" Tae replied understandably.
           "Something like that."  
           He stepped closer to you, "And where do you stand with that now?"
           "You've been distracted lately, Jin."
           Jin flinched as Crumbs appeared beside him at the register. "Huh?"
           "Exactly." She shook her head. "What's going on with you?"
           Jin exhaled. "I'm not sure. I feel like I'm kind of swimming through life right now."
           He didn't know what to make of what Hoseok had told him or whether or not to even take his advice. It all seemed so...risky. Everything seemed so out of his grasp, like he was trying to juggle so much but never successfully doing it. Even though his bakery was doing well, would this be where he would settle? Was he settling right now? Or simply waiting for an opportune moment to take the next step to his dream? Now an added factor of his unexpected feelings made him dizzy. He felt he was reaching for elusive strings recently.
           She chuckled, "But that's everybody."
           "What do you mean?" He blinked.
           "Nobody knows what they're doing. We're all winging it, buddy. Welcome to reality." she nudged him.
           Jin smiled. "I guess I just never had to worry about that because I thought my path was set for me for the longest time. But now...it's a little hazy."
           "Are you talking about reaching your dream or getting the girl?" Crumbs questioned.
           Jin snorted. "Both honestly."
           Crumbs nodded in understanding. "If you're uncomfortable then that just means you're living life."
           "Is that a thing?" Jin raised an eyebrow.
           "Discomfort means taking risks and stepping out of your bubble, which leads to experience, change, and progression. You're growing, Jin." Crumbs patted his hip. "You'll figure it out."
           He sighed. "I hope so. I'm already so far behind everyone else."
           "Everyone has their own timeline." She frowned. "Don't get caught up comparing yours to others."
           Jin nodded yet still unconvinced.
           "Hey." She pinched his cheek. "You always told me to take it a day at a time. Focus on what you can do today. Listen to your own advice."
            His lips curled up gratefully. "Thanks."
           Suddenly, the door to the shop opened, to their surprise.
           "Oh we're not op--" Jin stopped short when he realized who had stepped into his shop. "H-hi!"
           "Kim Seokjin." Farm Girl had her arms crossed, annoyed.
           "Cat's out of the bag, sorry." Dark Angel shrugged. "Told you she'd find out eventually."
           Yoongi squinted his eyes at Crumbs, who raised an eyebrow at him in return.
           "Family reunion ~ woo!" Jungkook cheered playfully.
           "I tried calling you if I could tell her cause we were in town..." Yoongi frowned. "Sorry, Jin."
           "I can't believe you two kept this from me! I thought you were out travelling or whatever for some fun and soul searching." Farm Girl scolded. "Why would you keep this from me?"
           "I uh..." Jin panicked.
           Crumbs exhaled, knowing the true reason why he had wanted to keep it hidden from his famously successful younger sister that he was still at rock bottom of the business world.
           "We have the first batch of pastries ready if you'd all like to sample them." She stated, diverting their attention.
           Jin glanced at her surprised, knowing she hated giving the first batch away since she needed time to "warm up" and it wasn't "her best", even though it was perfect every time.
           "I'm in!" Dark Angel and Jungkook hurried to the counter excitedly.
           "I swear you'll probably fly over here every morning from Daegu after eating this." Jungkook complimented.
           "Don't put ideas in Yoongi's head." Farm Girl snorted.
           "Come, Jin." Crumbs tugged at his hand. "I can't carry the batch out by myself."
           Jin nodded and quietly followed her.
           "Take some time to sort yourself before coming out." Crumbs stated quietly. "They're family so you don't need to be down on yourself. They're here to support you. Deal with your insecurities on your own time. Okay?"
           "You know, this is exactly why he kept it from you, Sis." Dark Angel rolled her eyes.
           "What do you mean?" she frowned.
           "He's your older brother. But you treat him like he's younger than you." Yoongi added. "He's doing things his own way. Why can't you just be proud of him instead of scolding him?"
           "I am proud! I was just hurt he kept this from me..."
           "Well you weren't this mad when we kept the fact that I was working under Jimin and Hoseok from you." Dark Angel shrugged.
           Farm Girl exhaled. "I guess Jin was always the one encouraging me...him not telling me makes me feel like he didn't think I'd do the same."
           "I don't think he sees it like that." Crumbs appeared and chucked a piece of bread by the door, where Leo soon appeared. "He just wanted to show up confident and cool in front of you guys in the end. He didn't want sympathy or worries or offers of help from you."
           "I would not --" Farm Girl stopped short as everyone looked at her disbelievingly. "Okay, alright. I would've...but who are you?"
           "I'm his assistant is all." Crumbs offered them a tray.
           "She's the backbone of this store." Jin appeared with a big smile and another tray. "While I am its gorgeous face."
           Crumbs snorted. "Only cause they haven't seen mine yet."
           "Oh yeah?" Jin smirked.
           "I agree!" Jackson burst through the doors excitedly.
           "Oh for the love of..." Crumbs hissed.
           "My love!" Jackson pulled her into a tight hug.
           "I'm going to put a restraining order on you, I swear." She pushed him back and huffed. "And I told you to stop coming here!"
           "Yoongs. Farm Girl. Jungkook. Jin's other cousin." Jackson greeted. "What's up?"
           "Jackson." Yoongi nodded as the others waved at him.
           He tried to swipe a pastry from the tray, but Crumbs slapped his hand and disappeared into the kitchen.
           "That's her way of flirting." Jackson grinned. "She loves me."
           "It is not." Crumbs came out with a brown bag. "Here. This is a family affair so get out."
           "Aww I knew you cared for me." He ruffled her hair as he accepted the bag.
           "Stop saying things like that!" She argued.  
           They began bickering.
           "Wow this is really good!" Yoongi's eyes brightened as everyone took a bite. "I can totally eat this every morning with my coffee!"
           "You want me to make you some? We have hand drip coffee." Jin offered.
           "If you wouldn't mind?" Yoongi blushed.
           "Not at all."
           "Hey! You took my piece!" Jungkook whined as Dark Angel cackled and stuffed it into her mouth.
           "You're too slow."
           Jin smiled as he watched the pairs interacting while making the coffee. They were all adorable in their own way. Each of them so in love and comfortable with their other half, that he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.
           And in that moment, something seemed to click inside him. A realization came to fruition.
           He wanted this with you. He wanted the mundane things with you. He wanted to bicker playfully and tease each other. He wanted to show you off to the others; introduce you to his family.
           The vortex of confusion in his chest dissipated with his revelation. Hoseok was right. He needed to take the risk. Nothing would change unless he took the leap.
           He knew what he was going to do.
           He was going to ask you out tonight.
           Jin put on his best suit and tie, and threw gel on his hair to reveal his forehead. You had told him once that it was a turn on for you, and he would do whatever he could to increase the chances of you saying yes to his proposition.
           It was crazy. To suggest seeing each other outside of Club Masquerade. To step out of the comfort zone that the room provided you two. He knew you were contemplating on dating again, but would you want to risk it with him? This was putting the relationship you two built on the line, but he knew he needed to take it, because he needed to be more with you. He was sure of that now.
           "Jin! Jin! Jin!" You fluttered into his room and flew into his arms excitedly.
           "Well hello to you too." He spun you around; his heart doing a thousand somersaults as he realized how perfectly you fit in his arms.
           "Wow, you dressed up. So handsome." You studied him intently.
           "I have something I want to tell you before we start anything." He smiled warmly.
           "Me too." You grinned.
           "You go first then." Jin chuckled as he put you back down on the ground.
           "Okay." You took a deep breath.
           He stepped closer to you, "And where do you stand with that now?"
           You felt magnetized by his gaze so you felt yourself shift closer to him too as you whispered. "I'm a bit more open to the risk if the person is right."
           Tae's lips curled up, "Then would you be open to going on a risky date with me, Miss Puppy?"
           You grabbed Jin's hands enthusiastically. "Jin, my crush asked me out...and I said yes!"  
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