killuaisaprincess · 1 year
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taegularities · 1 year
…about cmi10 :')
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marmarisgroovy · 4 months
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So I read Coattails by @pain-in-the-butler and HNNNG I LOVED IT. I read a chapter a night this past month and it easily became my favourite part of the day, I couldn’t wait to read more…alas, I have finished for now, but I so wanted to draw something for it because wow.
In the fic, Ciel and Sebastian have these “nightly meetings” and it was so cute, I had to draw it 🥺💕
Below are some alternate versions, this took me ages 🤧 but it was so worth it, I love these guys
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Definitely keep an eye out for more Black Butler sketches :3 back on my bs after being dormant haha
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angieloveshua · 1 year
“My five starts danmei novels.” Short, well, you do know, not short reasons why I like them.
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🎋 —C Language Cultivation.
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Programming? Cultivation? A pretty man with long hair? Fucking swipe my card— wait, I don't own a card... Anyways, you get my point!
This novel, C Language Cultivation, had all the possible elements to make it into the top of my favourite novels. Did it achieve it? Well, fellas, it is in the post for something!
Believe me, for a moment, I was crazy enough to think that studying Computer Science because of this book was a good idea of a degree (it is, but Angie is a literature girl), so Imagine how good it is.
If you're done with slow burn (I'm never done with slow burn, but there are times when I appreciate a couple who gets straight to the point), read C Language Cultivation! Dong Jun and Lin Xun had THEE tension going on from the moment they've met, and I was screaming with every single interaction.
I believe this novel had one of the best plot twists I've read in my entire life (and I've been reading since I was 10, guys, 10 years old!). I was literally staring into the wall, trying to process what I've just read. I still can't believe how it fucking played with me.
Alas, Dong Jun and I share birthdays! Do you need another reason to start reading it, like, mmm, NOW?
🎋 —Beyond The Outline.
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Grab yourself to something because this is the second, THE SECOND novel with almost no angst (there are sad moments, but it's mostly cute) that I ranked as a five starts book. The author? Obviously, Mu Gua Huang.
You see, guys, Mu Gua Huang makes me love happiness and to be quite addicted to it. Once I started this novel, I would keep reading it until 5 a.m., and it was worth it!
Beyond The Outline has a precious message behind the hilarious and mysterious situation where two high school students, completely opposite from each other, switch bodies after being hit by lightning. I was this emoji 🥺 all the time.
I love this couple. Shao Zhan 🤧, look, I don't mean to spoil you, but he does something that I was like, “No man will do this for me never. He's the last romantic.” He's the best boy and the best boyfriend. If someone hates him, they seriously need some help.
🎋 —Alpha Predator.
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No carrd, unfortunately.
Some of you may say, “Angie, didn't you review this novel before?” And I will do it again.
Alpha Predator is the last novel of the 188男团 (if you don't know, basically, the gongs are all 188 and scummy) and the best I've read from Suida. This book basically fell from the sky for me. I was on a reading block (is that the right term in English?) and needed something that made me retake my usual reading rhythm. May I aggregate that this has been the best novel I read in 2023 by so far? It is.
As the title suggests, Alpha Predator is an ABO world where rank plays an important role in society. The ML and scummy gong (mi bebé solo estaba jugando) is an S class Alpha, which means he is the one on top of the pyramid. I love Qu Moyu, and I am willing to defend him with my life. I accept that I tweeted that he was a stupid Alpha, but we all make mistakes, hahaha.
I love QuShen. 💜 They are my favourite 188 couple, and the best, in my not so humble opinion. They admire each other, and they come to love each other despite all the misunderstandings, and that makes me 🤧.
If you like scummy gongs and trust my taste, give it a try!
🎋 —Po Yun.
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What do we have here? My last reading, the best crime book, and the novel that made me couldn't look my chemistry teacher straight in the eye! The last point is kind of a long story that I'll tell you some other day.
Anyways, who are these sexy gentlemen? I'll introduce you to Yan Xie and Jiang Ting, the protagonists and couple of Po Yun!
I have great memories of reading this novel. I remember sending voice messages to one of my friends about this book: “Girl, you wouldn't believe what just happened...” Dalia and I agree that this is an amazing book.
I also found it quite realistic in the aspect of how much can drugs fuck up someone's life. I won't elaborate on this because it's spoiler, but you will piece a lot of things once you know about a certain character past.
🎋 —First-Class Lawyer.
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Look, maybe I wouldn't have dropped out of law school if it were as entertaining as this novel, but it wasn't in my case. Putting that new fun fact about me aside, welcome to First-Class Lawyer by Mu Su Li.
This novel is set in a futuristic environment, so Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan are not just lawyers but interstellar lawyers. Amazing, isn't it? The mystery involves the other planets, so you'll see them space-travelling to find out the truth. And if that didn't sell you, Yan Suizhi is “dead.” Yup, our main character was awakened from death and put in another body in the first chapter. As the critics (me) say, “You know the book is good when the author kills the protagonist in the first page.”
The couple, aw. Imagine having someone you could tell anything, it doesn't matter how insignificant it is, and that they listen to you and that they love you so much —that's Gu Yan and Yan Suizhi. They're also teacher × student, from those who like that kind of dynamic!
As I told you in the beginning, this is written by Mu Su Li, author of QQGK, which means it is freaking good!
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Some of you may be wondering, “Where the fuck is BAB?” I'M WAITING FOR OFFICIAL ART. 😭 HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO ART BAIT YOU IF THERE IS NO OFFICIAL ART???? /cries in it's my favourite book and it doesn't have art even though it was signed to a lot of publications
[coughs] I hope you like this pt. 4 of Angie recs! I don't know when I'll post the next, but this is my humble effort of making you read these amazing novels!
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sincosma · 2 years
hello! ive been a fan of your shink work for a long time and i was wondering if you were going to continue sanctuary? im really sorry to bother you like this but i will patiently wait forever
thank you for this lovely message, anon! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my shink work 🥺 you’re not bothering me AT ALL!!!
Sanctuary is a project I’ve really struggled to get back into. But I have a list of projects I want to finish and Sanctuary is at the top of it. I’ve written a little bit more since the last update, but not a full chapter’s worth.
Honestly, I think I’ve been feeling a bit uninspired because it seems the ship is mostly dead. In fact, when I’m in the “shink” or “link/sheik” tags these days on tumblr or ao3, I’ve been noticing it’s actually just zelink in disguise.
So I guess it’s been hard for me to get back into writing a male sheik/link AU piece because it feels like everyone has moved on. I get really inspired by seeing other creators making stuff for the ship so it’s been kinda hard to ignite that spark since.
This message does help a bit with that spark, so thank you! 🤧 And if the male!sheik community is still out there and has simply moved to a different place that I’m unaware of because I’m an old fart, please let me know! I miss seeing and reading the amazing shink content that seemed more prevalent in like 2014-2016ish. That rarepair life is tough 😮‍💨
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angelicyoongie · 11 months
Chapter 10 was really worth the wait!! You wrote those parts really well that depict her revulsion versus naturally seeking comfort in them (where she snuggled into Jin's neck)
I expected a lot of harshness from the boys but they were surprisingly tame or maybe tame as per my standards because all I read is really dark romance with no concept of boundaries 😭 the spanking scene, so they're all feeling the phantom sensation of being spanked? They felt her blacking out too?
Jimin being mean and scoffing as his natural response is never gonna get old! I love how you've maintained diversity in personality for all of them.
Great chapter ❣️ it was worth the wait!! Take care maggie❣️
Thank you so much!! 🥺💖
I don't want this story to be non-con, so that's why things are perhaps a little tamer than what you'd expect from someone who is as delulu as they are. I need the MC to somewhat like them before any smut happens so that's why I'm keeping them pretty vanilla in order to move the story forward 😬 They all felt the MC being spanked, but not her blacking out/disassociating!
Tyy 🤧 It's not always easy, not when you have seven equally important characters to keep track of, but I'm trying my best!
You too friend 💖💖
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taexual · 5 months
had to postpone my plans just so I could read the new chapter and DAMN was it worth it!!! I couldn't stop smiling the whole ch goddd i want what they have!!!!
this part here, for example, i seriously had to lock my phone and take a deep breath like???? the bees were inside me apparently lol
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they ARE meant for each fr frr I will personally fight anyone who gets in their way (((( u hear me Isidore???)))))
and then there's this????? he WAS smiling and so was i?????!!!!!!! i literally can't omg that's too much for my poor heart :(((((
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ugh you're just soooo good, I can't wait for the next parts! This one made me reeeeally happy, thank you so much for your hard work 🤧💘
ahhh babe 😭 thank you so much for trusting me enough to postpone your plans for this 🥺🥺 also, not the bees inside you as well that's so cute pleASE 😭😭 sid shall crumble!!!
thank you so much for reading and for feeling all this!! knowing that these parts made you smile literally made my whole day, i love you so much 🥺🤍🤍🤍🤍
i hope you catch up with your plans and have a good day, love!!!! 🤍🤍
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celestie0 · 6 months
how are you? holy shit, i just got done with reading chapter 9 and it was so worth the wait that i will start crying. i am genuinely so proud of you for writing it, i have reblogged and everything with my reactions and opinions and thoughts and whatever, but i still wanna send this to you to let you know that you’ve done a great, great job with this chapter. like nothing has ever felt mire justified and satisfying.
you’re a brilliant writer and i’m proud of you.
thank you so, so, so much for sharing this story with us!!!!
😭💕 thank u sm omg i read your reblog analysis and i was squealing my ass offfff HOW ARE U SO POETIC N EMOTIONALLY COGNIZANT N INTROSPECTIVE N FUNNY AT THE SAME TIME ugh i have soooo many thoughts ab what you’ve said but i’m just looking for some quality time to reblog ur comments w a response but i promise i’m going to very soon ugh u got me out here pondering n shit 🤧 i appreciate u sm
it’s my pleasure to share the story w everyone and i love u sm dear m00tie 🥺💕 im rooting for u sm n i’m so proud of u too
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. Since I did one for Mother’s Day this year, it’s only fair I also do one for Father’s Day this Sunday. (I’m submitting early so I don’t forget lol) Hope everyone enjoys!
"Laurence said that she put a card in the mail for you today that you cannot open until Sunday," Brigitte said over dinner one seemingly random Monday night.
"Okay?" He started, confused. "But it’s June. It’s not my birthday."
"Oh, she knows," Brigitte smiled knowingly in response.
"Wait! You know what this is!" He accused.
"She swore me to secrecy," she demurred in response, the delicious secret dancing in her eyes.
"But -"
"You’ll find out soon enough, chéri. Trust me, it’ll be worth it."
That Sunday morning, as soon as he woke up, he rolled over to grab the letter off the table next to him, so eager to open the envelope he didn’t even check to make sure Brigitte was awake before doing so.
He gasped when he pulled the card out and read the cover: Happy Father’s Day the Papi crossed out and replaced by a handwritten Daddy. Inside he opened the card to see in (clearly Laurence’s handwriting) a small note - Happy Father’s Day to the best Daddy ever! Love, Emma "signed" by what was clearly her little handprint.
A Father’s Day card. He got a Father’s Day card from his beautiful little granddaughter. He was so moved he could barely see past the tears the sentiment brought to his eyes, missing the way Brigitte was now wide awake and smiling at him, tears of her own in her eyes.
"Happy Father’s Day, Daddy," Brigitte wished him with her watery smile.
"They signed it with her little handprint, Brigitte," he showed her, the all-encompassing awe clear in his voice. "Look!" He marveled.
"She loves her grandpa. She couldn’t miss celebrating your first Father’s Day as a grandpa," she smiled, wrapping her arms around his torso as she moved closer to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Now, Laurence said she put three letters in the mail -"
"That I can’t open until Sunday," he completed with a smile, the drill down pat after 16 years. "I know."
She smiled at him across the dining table, grabbing and squeezing his hand in hers gently. "Don’t get too cocky, you don’t know everything. There’s a surprise this year for you."
"But -"
"You’ll find out soon enough, chéri. Trust me, it’ll be worth it," she winked, referencing that conversation so many years ago.
Helloo fanfic anon #2! ❤️
So adorable that he gets letters from the grandkids on Father’s Day! “Happy Father’s Day to the best Daddy” omg no but you just want to kill me 🥺🫠😍 And him being all emotional with Emma’s little handprint 🤧🥰
Wait! Come back! Hahaha what is the surprise??
Thank you so much, fanfic anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
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lavender-femme · 10 months
hey, I’m not sure what you’re going through right now but 1. I hope you get answers and 2. please take care of yourself, whatever that may look like for you. whether that is picking up a treat, making a warm drink for yourself, enjoying a soothing bath or shower, or something completely different, I hope you can do something to help yourself calm down. I’m so sorry and I hope things get better soon 🧡
Hi 🥺 thank you 🥺🥺🥺 I’m waiting on some serious medical test results and dealing with possibly being screwed out of a months worth of income (that’s the tl;dr version) and it’s just making me go crazy because I should have answers about both by now but I don’t have answers for either.
But this means so so so much to me 😭🤧 it’s just been such a long and exhausting day and my brain needs to stop going a million miles per hour 😔 I’m trying to watch a comfort show and just relax but it’s leaving a lot of open brain space which is hard for me… anyway ty I’m trying to take care of myself a little bit, as much as I can anyway.
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taegularities · 10 months
LOL I JS SEEN THE CMI UPDATE, this is like an early christmas present fr. 25K+?!?!?! god u don’t understand how much i luv u LMFAO. i can’t waittttt 😋😋
wait, YOU'RE RIGHT LOL. it could be an early christmas present fr!!! 🥺 and yes, 25k+ for sure, like we're missing the smut and pieces of a few scenes and are already at 18-19k-ish. manifesting that it's worth the wait and y'all like it!!!! 🤧 <3333
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btscontentenjoyer · 10 months
I’m pretty sure we skipped last week and it’s unacceptable so I’m here to bother you!
Firstly, it’s finally getting cold here so winter is coming 🤧 but I could finally take out my fave sweaters and jackets so it’s good (I love them)! I traveled a lot last week but I could meet some friends that I haven’t seen in long time so it was worth it 🥰 also I got new rug for my bedroom and it’s so beautiful I have to say it to everyone that will listen 🫣
Anyway! How are you? Studies are not too hard I hope!
Secondly, about your trademark! I totally associate you with pink 💕 especially cute pastel Jungkook (so basically entire boy with luv)! Other than that when I think of you I think of kindness and tons of support so 🫂 ily 💕
I think we did skip last week, which just shows how irregular I've been on here if I'm missing doing my favourite thing (talking to you at the end of the week)
I'm not a huge fan of winter but I have to agree with you that I love getting to wear my cozy sweaters, so it makes me feel better about the fact that it's so cold. And catching up with friends is definitely worth travelling a lot for, I'm happy you got to do that. And I'm happy about your rug too, I'm sure it's super pretty!
And as for me, I'm good, studies are going okay, but I think it's telling that the best part of my week was when I skipped classes lol. I went to an art gallery with my friends (and my crush) and had the best time walking around and taking everything in. I'm pretty sure it will be the highlight of my month, that's how much I enjoyed it. Also I might have told you this before but every time something really good happens in my week, I always think "I can't wait to tell Julia later" 🥺
Also the trademark??? Pastel pink (Jungkook) is soooo pretty, I'm flattered. I didn't use to like pink that much, but something about how soft and pretty it is has been speaking to my soul a lot recently. And I will be giving out kindness and support forever if I can 💕💕
I hope you have a lovely week Julia and I already can't wait to hear about it 💞💞💞
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personasintro · 2 years
mimi thank you so so much for mh53 🤍 i know u worked so hard on this chapter and i wanted you to know that you did amazing!! even though there were ups and downs that made you rethink your worth, you continued writing at ur tempo not giving a sh!t about any comments!! im proud of that and im pretty sure there’s people that think the same 💗💗 thank you for everything u do and i will wait patiently, even if it takes you months or years to upload, there’s people like me that appreciate your work and think of you as a person, and please take a rest cuz you deserve it!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
🥺🥺🥺 thank you! You’ve no idea how much this means to me 🤧🫶
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wintaerbaer · 1 year
I've just binged all the chapters for the things we don't say and I am A MESS
My heart is in SHAMBLES
And I'm dying over the slowburn angst (whilst loving every single moment of it) and just KAKSKSKJFKSKGDKGJDKGKSKGLSLGKKG
That. That's how I've felt every single chapter. Over every single subtle but meaningful AND DEFINITELY INTENTIONAL wording of how the relationship between MC and Tae is described (I'M SEEING THEM ALL👀👀🥺🥺) AND JUST MY HEART H U R T S
It hurts for MC
But it WEEPS BLOOD for Tae and for how he's feeling seeing the person he loves most in the world hurt so so MUCH, how the memory of her crying in the bathroom H A U N T S him and he never wants to see it again but its BRANDED into his mind at the same time
The P A I N is ✨️agony✨️ and the angst just makes me feel ALL OVER THE PLACE
I think I've never (AND FOR A VERY LONG TIME) read such a well developed and extremely well written slowburn angst (ESPECIALLY WITH THE SILENT YEARNING 🥺😭) and I genuinely can't remember the last time I'd felt so many feeels, all at once until even in those small FEW MINUTE breaks I took in between the chapters had me JAKDJSKSJ and far too panicked and eager and wanting to read read read and MY HEART FEELS SORE AND BRUISED AND BROKEN
But for every chapter to come, for each drabble (and whilst I yearn and wait for them... your other works too) I'll be supporting and cheering your work on!!
Thank you for writing and sharing
My broken bleeding heart is yours to hurt for the rest of this story 🤧
(Could I please be added to the taglist for the story🥺?)
i don't even know where to start with this 😭😭😭
i must've sat here reading this twenty times through, fluctuating between wanting to cry and twirling my hair, kicking my feet 🥺 writing is a pain. it can be incredibly frustrating and drives me absolutely crazy (and it has lately). but this here makes it so, so worth it! and like GAH i just keep rereading what you wrote because it makes me so happy! especially because i so often find myself doubting the pacing of the story and the characters' feelings (it can be tough to gauge when i spend so much time sitting in it and bouncing all over the place), so this is truly wonderful to read.
i am very sorry to make your heart bleed (but i think it also means i'm doing something right? lol)! but hopefully we will be able to put you back together by the end like tae does for oc <3 thank you so so so so so so so so much for this. i'm going to be reading it over and over for days <3333 (and i've added you to the taglist!)
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minniepetals · 2 years
Ahhhhhhh this is long long overdue but you know when you want to cherish and savour something so you hold onto it? That is ALWAYS me whenever I see a chapter update and CMAR is the ANGSTIEST angst that continues to rip me apart more and more with every chapter, every word, every painstaking moment when the guys STILL DON'T KNOW. And only now...NOW Namjoon's realised that for over a DECADE everything they thought they knew, everything they assumed, every thing he and the rest of them inadverently caused by sending her BACK to the monster who abused and broke her....they don't even KNOW yet and I can FEEL the tension, my heart's thrumming MAD with the anticipation because as broken and bruised as CMAR makes me... I willingly surrender my heart to all the damage all over again. I can't wait to see how it'll pan out (and I know your writing is on pause which makes the wait all the more achingly ANGSTY and I'll wait forever for your art so 😖😖🤧 no rush EVER I hope you always know that despite everything because people who cherish your art and your writing and just YOU are such an amazing person...then they'll wait!)
And reading this chapter...like EVERY chapter makes my heart crumble but like I said I've entrusted the broken shards of my heart to you to do with as you will.
Reading this particular chapter and the aching scene with Mister Butler and her 🥺🥺 gave the title of this story a whole new meaning for me. Because Mister Butler would've ALLOWED her to cry a river's worth of grief and tears, held her through it and told her he loved her on the other end of it. Every chapter builds such emotional raw DEPTH but it really and truly struck me so deeply that he could've said those words to her.
"Cry me a river young miss. I'll love you anyways" something like that and just KNOWING him... how much he ached to protect her, how much he loved her... It just really and truly hit HARD 😭😭😭
Thank you so so much for writing and sharing and for always gifting us with your talent. I hope your comission works go well🥺💜 and always known we'll wait...I will wait FOREVER for this story and your writing.
Hope you're having a warm winter 🥺💜
bub!!! 😭😭😭😭 i always love it when you go in depth and tell me all the things you're thinking of when reading cmar bruh it gives me serotonin.
our y/n is struggling so hard. her chanting those false words of being mister butler's killer not only made namjoon go crazy but it made her go mad as well because for the longest time, her father gaslighted her into believing she was the killer and her saying those words to namjoon was like giving herself the punishment of not being able to save him because she regrets so much of what happened and she does feel guilty for being that person that held him back and made a little brother lose a big brother (because y/n knows to some extent of namjoon's own pain since he shared that part of himself with her in the past). it's honestly just really heart wrenching and i just want her to get closure already but that won't happen anytime soon 😭
also like i need some recs on some good groveling because i need the boys to GROVEL after abandoning y/n like that i literally searched up how to write good groveling but google stinks i need actual examples in books lmao.
cmar's on hold but my plans for it...next chapter's already made me cry
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