#AND THEY'RE THE SAME THING. but sure. dudes rock. let's just kill every man
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the sentence "dudes rock" has done crazy damage to society i believe
#kidding but it's also like. come on now. that dudes rock got a pass as a funny internet sentence#by the same people who wouldn't be caught dead doing im just a girl / girl math/ girl whatever jokes because they see what they imply#AND THEY'RE THE SAME THING. but sure. dudes rock. let's just kill every man#thing
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AtSV; Peter B!Mermaid with a reader scared of water
》 A lot of people talk about the myth of people who grow a tail in the sea and can breathe underwater, varying from horror stories to barbie. But everyone thinks they're just that, stories.
People think everyone who's lived in an ocean town to love the ocean. None of them have met you. If you had it your way you would never go further than a foot deep. You could swim no problem and you worked on boat but that wasn't ideal.
Then a dude moved in who was simultaneously an open book and a complete mystery. He went to the pub often but never let anyone into his house. He went to the beach and sold things from the ocean floor but you had never seen his gear.
You didn't care about him. Then you found him in a cave face down in the water with blood surrounding him. With no thought you jumped out of your boat and dragged him to the rocks but it was a lot more difficult than you thought it should be. When he got to the rock he stayed under the water and said he was fine and you could leave. You saw two things; a big ass gash on his stomach and a big ass tail behind him. Long story short he scared the absolute shit out of you.
The next day he was completely fine. He caught you staring a few times but you didn't want to talk about it. He didn't feel the same. He caught you alone and interrogated you about it and what you were going to do and was very surprise when you said it wasn't your business or your interest. "You haven't hurt nobody, right? As far as I'm concerned you sing with crabs and eat kelp."
He notices you a lot more after that, how you're always kind of around but never brought to attention. Sure your mom and brother were around but other than that you lived a pretty solitary life, one you didn't care to change. But after living his life walking on eggshells to make sure no one finds out he knows that only lasts so long. So if he sees you he'll walk over. You don't really know how to turn him down or if you even should considering he could kill you while you were working on your boat and no one would find the body.
He thinks your fear of the ocean is super weird for the sole purpose you live and work near and on it. But you don't need to explain money to him, you really don't. It's so inconvenient though. And then the most insane thought came to him. He says you could swim with him in the water so you could see it's not the worst. “Come on, it’ll be fine. You’re safe with me. I can kill anything in the water if it gets too close to you.” He said it so blatantly crude you just agreed so he would stop talking.
The way he transformed was basically immediate and you didn't want to look anyway. He held out his arms and you scooted into them in the cold water. There you were in a cave away from town in the arms of a man you've known for years that felt like only a few hours doing exposure therapy, and that man was also something of fairy tales. All that was going through your head was, "I'm going to die."
He knew you were panicking. "You're good. Try swimming around." You refused. But after you also felt like it helped a bit so you asked if you could try again another day. So every other day you would go off to the cave and meet him there.
It was impossible to not become his friend. He's so dry in his humor and how he handled things, so casually confident. He's a bit assertive and presumptuous but he really does care about you and you can see that clear as day. Then suddenly you weren't drinking alone at the pub and you saw someone enter his house. It was a controlled mess as you thought it would be.
You met someone who came to see him, a kid who walked into his house and then immediately changed whatever subject they were talking about. You asked Peter if he was like him and he said yes but it was complicated. Miles had never been in real water other than a pool so when he did for the first time it freaked him out. The kid accidentally gave you shit for hating the ocean and apologized immediately after.
Little by little it does work but the issue becomes you can't focus because all you can think about is Peter telling you to hold your breath while his hands are holding you up. He's always listened to you and helped you out of the water. It got to the point you forgot to hold your breath and immediately needed to be pulled up.
He does see you increasingly getting starry eyed but automatically doesn't think it could be him so he doesn't think about it. It nags at him in the back of his head but he ignores it.
You are both outed by women in your lives. You were out with your mother and he was with Jess, begrudgingly. Your mom did her vetting process and fully said she was seeing if he was quality material, not necessarily saying you already said something to her. Jess told you what Peter says out of malice, how he likes helping you and doesn't want to stop, how he mentions you all the time. He didn't tell her the information she got but it's true all the same. The two of you wanted to drown in the ocean a pace away.
You two sat awkwardly in his house that night and both put your cards on the table and spilled your guts. "I'm in love with you."
#atsv#peter b. parker#mermaid#merman#gender neutral reader#i dont know if you can tell but i hate the ocean#marvel
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RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 4 "Haunted House" (Note: Offensive content, use at own discretion)
A girl died in this tub.
There's no record of any of these names except for one.
Oh, my god, there's two of them!
I own Halloween. It's my jam.
Halloween is the most important day of the year. It's the one day on the Gregorian calendar where you're allowed to go around terrifying children and not be branded a psychopath.
I am a future network news anchor who's super classy and has almost no fat on her body.
A lot of my fans are, like, friendless dumpy coeds at this or that nursing school in one of this country's various national armpits.
They put down their hot pockets and bask in the warm glow of what it feels like to love me.
I went shopping with my comatose grandmother's credit card and bought presents.
Oh, my god, it says my name!
I hope the severed leg brightens up your trailer park.
You're a bright light in my life, and I wanted you to know how much you impress me with your frumpy spirit.
You are so devastatingly mediocre and adorable!
I can't wait to see you in person, but before that, I'd like to see you post this all over social media, to exploit it for my own gain.
Aah! It's a rotting jack-o'-lantern!
Aah! This box is just filled with blood!
She got me a razor apple!
I stole this cadaver head from an ophthalmology student just for you.
You're the most important person in the world.
So you didn't see anyone in a red devil costume entering or leaving the house?
Are you coming to the precinct pig roast this year?
Come on, she's obviously the killer!
Do you mean to suggest I changed out of my nightgown, strapped myself into a skintight pleather red devil costume, climbed out a second-story dormer, and shimmied to the ground with a chain saw before entering a window I had left open, tried to kill you, then leapt out the window, climbed back up the wall, changed back into my nightgown,
and raced downstairs, all in the course of about 90 seconds?
Clearly that's got you a little freaked out.
I'm not gonna hold any of this against you, and I'm gonna let you be my date for the faculty Halloween party.
Attempted murder!
A guy was almost killed tonight, okay?
Now, no, I'm not a detective, hell, I ain't even a cop, but what I am is somebody who watched every one of those Cosby mysteries, okay?
See? Dismemberment!
I am so sorry that I pushed you out of my car and drove off real scared.
I just can't believe that How To Lose A Guy In 10 days is your favorite movie, too.
In precisely two and half minutes when we go in there, you let me do all the talking.
What are you dressed as?
Oh, you have a squirrel. Don't see that much anymore.
Breakfast is almost ready, we got meat today.
What can you tell us about that night?
Now, we will keep your name out of it, of course.
'm a vault,
And to get in this vault you need a key. Now, you may ask, a key to what? It's a key to meaning. Once you've found the meaning, you don't need the words. You know what I'm saying?
Please, continue with your story.
Have any of you ever heard of "negligent homicide"?
We need to dispose of this body on our own. Now, I've got everything we need in the kitchen to make sausages out of her.
I'm gonna go downstairs, shut this party down, and then we'll get the body out of here.
Somebody has to watch after the baby.
Can you at least turn on the radio?
Just leave the details to me.
We can't just act like this never happened.
She's the devil, that one.
I looked at that baby up close. I know my peas and carrots. That baby was a girl.
Your support doesn't matter.
My campaign needs a theme?
My pumpkin's drunk.
I'm hosting a haunted house to raise money for sickle cell anemia.
Why are you holding a fund-raiser, though?
I don't think you understand the magnitude of the miscalculation you just made.
I can assure you you will not be winning an election anytime soon. And when you lose, I am gonna make it my lifelong passion to destroy your reputation.
You're a stuck-up little sociopath, and everybody in this room knows it.
It might behoove you to recall that everyone here witnessed you actually murder someone
Just sharpening knives.
Put the knives down.
I don't know what came over me.
How very adolescent of you to think of this.
It vaguely smacks of something my six-year-old sister would be excited about.
It's the most disgusting disease in the history of mankind.
You get it when you don't even understand the most basic tenets of oral hygiene.
Just give the dang thing its pot of gold already!
I ain't got no candy!
Bet you're a sexy dirt-covered girl. That's what I bet you are.
Sometimes I come out here and I just rub my hands on the gravestones.
I get you more than anyone.
I also find the thought of dead bodies extremely arousing.
I just don't understand why I have all these dark feelings.
You know, I just think our generation's had it too easy, you know? We haven't seen enough horrible stuff. There's no awesome diseases randomly killing people. There's not really any awesome wars to go off to and witness horrific things you can't unsee. We, like, pulled out of all of 'em.
Sometimes I just don't even feel like I'm living, you know?
The only time I feel anything is when I'm thinking about chopping up a body.
And here you are, saddled up with an uptight girlfriend who freaked out for no other reason than the fact that you just wanted to fantasize about having sex with her lifeless corpse.
Oh, my god, I got a total chub right now.
Not scary enough.
She'll let you in the back door.
What could be scarier for an adult than a child coming to murder them?
Isn't that all of our greatest fear? That the pain, the regrets, the mistakes of our youth will destroy us in our adulthood? That we can't escape our inner child. One we would rather forget, but who, at the end of the day has all the power.
Why are you lying to me?
Something does not make sense.
You got to give me more here, okay?
I don't understand what you're getting at.
Are you on bath salts?
Why are we even here?
This house is haunted.
There's a legend in this neighborhood about a woman who wailed about her dead children. And this was the house she lived in.
These dumb ol' kids are smoking crack.
I think it's incredible what you can find out with just a quick trip down to your local library.
This can be one of the rooms for the haunted house.
What exactly do you plan on doing at this haunted house?
I was thinking we could blindfold folks and make 'em put their hands in a bowl full of grapes we peeled, so it'll feel like eyeballs.
I think the reason you want to have a haunted house party is 'cause a haunted party is like a buffet for murderers.
Yeah, yeah, you can just go around killing anybody you want and ain't nobody even gonna even notice.
Just like you chopped the arms off that dumb-ass golf guy.
Why do you have it out for me?
So now you look at me and see everything you could've been.
I hope you have a good time at you haunted party and get to murder lots of folks.
You have this way too thought out.
Isn't this kind of nice?
My sense of personal identity is completely external.
I really don't have much to offer.
I've found that my particular style of speaking and gesticulation is extremely off-putting to most boys. And girls. And anyone.
I need to eat. My blood sugar is crashing.
I'm tired of depriving myself of joy and sustenance.
I may die at the end of a serial killer's blade, but I refuse to die hungry.
Which one of you ladies would like to be my costume for Halloween? I'm going as "dude having awesome sex with you."
I mean, what in the hell's wrong with the world where a guy can't even whistle at a chick just to tell her she looks hot?
I recently took a women's studies class. Yes, because it was a requirement, but I learned a lot anyways. Like the culture that says it's okay for a man to objectify a woman for her appearance is the same culture that pressures girls as young as ten to have eating disorders.
So you're basically saying I'm the one responsible for making you look hot?
When you treat us like meat, you're no better than him!
I'm not really sure how you got my number, but I like how you took the initiative and texted me where you wanted us to meet.
Do you think you're man enough to take me inside that house and attack my crack?
I'll sure this house has an amazingly romantic basement.
Hey, so, uh, a little awkward since we're about to bone down and everything, but, um, what's your name?
Smells like roadkill.
I've never been so scared in my whole life.
All right, if we go to the police, they're gonna see I'm still rocking a mad sidepipe, and they're gonna think I had something to do with it.
We have to warn people.
All right, everybody listen up! All of your lives are in danger!
There are dead bodies! Dead bodies. Real-life dead bodies.
Did you say dead bodies?
Those are like the most lifelike dead bodies I've ever seen.
Is that a real dead body?
There are five dead bodies in that house. Laid out in horrible and deliberate macabre poses.
You are not leaving this house tonight.
You make it harder and harder to believe that you're not the killer.
I found out something really interesting, and now I have a theory.
Everything is weird about that story.
I mean, it's too big a coincidence.
We have to figure out who that woman was.
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Well, Supernatural is actually ending and I don't know what I'll do
[ Brevity is not a strong suit of mine since I've included personal details but there's stuff I feel everyone in the SPN family needs to read]
You might be expecting another post about how Supernatural saved someone's life and how devastated they will be when it ends because they've watched it for so long as well as how the actors have impacted their lives. This is probably one of those but please hear me out.
Supernatural premiered in 2005 and I was in preparatory class (aged 5 years and was before I began 1st grade). I heard of it because my aunt would watch it time to time so I'd also tried to get some peeks myself but I wasn't allowed to because it was "too scary".
Then our local cable began to show seasons 1-5 and that was when everyone in class started watching and quoting it. This was in 6th grade and I was frustrated because I knew about it before most of them yet they acted like it was a new show. I had a fair idea about the story but once I began watching it, I fell in love with it and loved it like a part of my soul.
Yes, Jensen Ackles was my first crush but I still thought (and do think) that both he and Jared are super hot. So I was sucked into this vortex, this Neverland which I never thought I would end.
I joined Tumblr for this show in 2013 because I saw the jokes about there being a Supernatural gif everywhere and wanted to be a part of the fandom/community. This was also the year I actually became interested what other fans felt though I never used this site properly until 2016 I would read the IMDb discussion boards because I hated scurrying through Destiel-infested posts.
(Fun fact:I wasn't using any social media of my own but on my mother's Facebook I liked a Supernatural fan page asking people's opinions on Destiel. This is was around the time season 8 was just finishing or had already finished so I read the comments--- people talked about Dean and Castiel being gay and didn't approve of it as there was this one girl who was conservative and didn't believe in homosexuality while others went on how Dean was always a ladies man which I agreed with. Not that I commented but I thought there was something I missed and I thought Castiel used Dean as a vessel, thus Destiel.)
But I digress. I was in deep by the time season 9 premiered and majority of the people I knew stopped watching the show except for this girl who bullied me throughout preschool who put up this update that Dean had become a demon. I doubt she watches the show now but it was hard seeing her put pictures of "I heart Dean Winchester" and pictures of Jensen when my mom asked me why I don't do the same.
Supernatural, I feel, has become that embarrassing thing you are into in middle school but suddenly drop when you're older, looking back and thinking, "Yeesh, I can't believe I used to watch this show."
I'll be a grown woman at 30 or 40 and probably eventually in my 70s and 80s but I will still look back fondly, the good, the bad and the ugly because I have like many teenagers have undergone many changes (friends, family, emotions, hobbies etc) but Supernatural has always been this constant in my life.
Because let me tell you, I'm seeing these posts saying stuff like how people are glad that it's finally over with its "bullshit" and that's it's dying. That is extremely disrespectful and insensitive to those people who literally live for it, who have invested time and money into it: gif makers, artists, meta writers (I may not agree with you guys but even you count). They don't know what to do once the show ends because it has helped them in ways others will never ever be able to fathom.
I saw the video put up by the guys. I saw and I could tell that Jared, Jensen and Misha had probably cried their guts out before the announcement because their eyes were red and puffy. Jared was controlling himself by talking less as Jensen was clearly on the verge as well but yes they said that they should save the angst for next year.
I love the guys; I love Jared being a goofball and Jensen being equally goofy as well and I'll say this too, I used to enjoy some of Misha's crass jokes (not the highlight ) as well which was why I looked forward to the gag reel every summer (because of J2) because it was cathartic after a traumatic season finale. I love the witty banter and the pranks the cast would do and I will miss it tremendously.
I have some issues with my aunt but everything would be okay when we would fawn over the guys and bingewatch the entire season the summer after it finished airing. We'd quote quotes back and forth and even spiritually killed ourselves watching short clips of "Sammy, close your eyes", "I'm proud of us" etc. Hell, she even promised me that when we go visit my uncle in the States we'd attend a con together.
If, and whenever we do go, it'll be different because the show won't be on air anymore and I know for a fact that I won't feel the anticipation of an episode.
So don't say disrespectful and callous things like "fucking finally". You can dislike the cast/plotline/show but don't ridicule and mock those who invested in the show,some of you are most probably speculating and have barely seen it.
I'm not some dumb, blind fan. I can see some stupid mistakes and don't always eat up what the writers show. For example, everyone must have figured that I dislike Destiel because it's based on groundless assumptions. I thought the Bloodlines was a crap idea that had nothing to do with the main plot and knew it was destined to fail.
As for Wayward Daughters/Sisters or whatever the fuck it was supposed to be called, I was not looking forward to it at all because it was one of those "forced diversity" shows, y'know gender bent stuff.
I felt that they were bastardising everything that Supernatural has and will (always) stand for because some people had a hair up their backsides. Yeah, I loathed Claire and that Kaia mourning thing was bullshit. Thank goodness I was sick that day and couldn't keep my eyes open for that episode.
If we were told that there would be a Men of Letters(with Henry Winchester) or even a Bobby-Rufus spinoff I would be okay with that but for now since the show will finish next year let's the wounds heal first, shall we?
I hope that Jared and Jensen get some offers once the show is done and I will pay good money to see movies, TV shows of them etc but for now I will keep quiet since I hope we get an ending we (and the boys) deserve.
Yes, the writer situation scares me and I think they should call Eric Kripke for a last hurrah. I mean, it is his baby and he should get to have a say in the series finale as well as J2.
Will one of the brothers die and the other will live (I'm worried we'll get a reverse Swan Song)? Will they both die leaving Cas behind and Jack as some sort legacy who trains future hunters? That would be a possibility since the sheriff in 14.16 asked the Winchesters why they don't tell people about monsters. What happens to Baby?
I seriously doubt the ending will be happy(maybe not 100%) but the best thing would be if they go driving with Baby into the sunset...
Dean at the steering wheel with Sam riding shotgun, where they should be ---- where they will always be, home. Dean plays his "mullet rock" as Sam would playfully mock his brother's musical choices. No chick flick moments. Just the Winchesters.
The boys need to lay their weary heads to rest, so they can cry no more. Because they are the legendary Winchesters, the hunters who saved the world countless times unbeknownst to many. I don't think their work will ever be done but there will be peace when they are done and how they will reach that point we'll never know till 2020.
Everyone will hear "Carry on wayward son" for the last time ever in Supernatural over a painful montage of "Dad's gone on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days" and "Saving people, hunting things, the family business". Now who in this fandom wouldn't be wracked with pain?
This is the show we all joked about that made a deal with the devil to never go off air but I did expect this a long time ago. Only thing was that I didn't know how I'd treat the news. I was that person who would go, "pfft, of course Supernatural would get renewed". Then again, this was the show that an ending was imminent and the whole season 4 debacle about Misha and the angel storyline saving the show blah blah blah.
So next year, everyone will flock to see the finale and epic conclusion to the Winchester saga whether they stopped at season 5,6,7 or 10,12. Diss it all you want for the shit show it may have become but wherever you left off, you may still want to know what happens to Sam and Dean Winchester in the end.
Once Supernatural ends, I'll turn 20 next summer and I would like to think of it being poetic that I end my adolescence with a show I have loved when I brave the cold, ruthless world of adulthood. I'm a picky person and can't say what's my favorite xyz is but you know what I'll say about my favorite TV show.
We will have completed 327 episodes which is the highest for a scifi TV show so I do hope the boys get some sort of recognition. It was us crazy bitches and jerks that gave the show the mileage and it was us that gave Jared and Jensen faith that they could carry on so for the remainder of season 14 and for 15,support these guys. Support these annoyingly sexy and ridiculously hilarious dudes for this show. I'm sure Jared and Jensen love the show like it's their kid practically but I wish everyone would just shut up, tinhatters, bronlies, stans, destihellers because we are all fans of the one show so let's ease the time we have left.
But seriously imagine Sam and Dean on a desert highway, the orange and yellow rays of the setting sun make Baby shine in all her splendor which makes Dean swell with pride. He starts the engine with a low rumble and they're off. They might to California to feel the sand beneath their feet or to Disneyland. They're living the "apple pie life" and this is their personal heaven : with each other.
I wouldn't mind this playing in the background if the ending is the inevitable and unspeakable you know what :
It's wishful thinking, since I wish they'd actually play some Zeppelin instead of song titles being used as episode titles but I wish they could use some Queen or Guns n Roses and stuff before 1979 because everything sucked ass afterwards according to Dean.
I want the classic rock resurgence in the show as well but I know they'll end up using the cash elsewhere. I wouldn't mind a body swap episode but if wishes were horses, right?
#supernatural#dean winchester#sam winchester#castiel#jared padalecki#jensen ackles#misha collins#jack kline#alexander calvert#j2#j2m#destiel#sastiel#padackles#sabriel#mishalecki#cockles#deancas#casdean#wincest#spn#spnfamily
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First of all, I'm LIVING for the BRB nickname for Dash! It's even funnier to me bc I absolutely see him as having Peregrine Falcon wings (they're the fastest birds and his name/nickname is Dash. I had to lol) and have a similar type of barred plumage to Barred Rock chickens. Dash absolutely hates it cuz his teammates call him that all over school and at games but he can't say anything about it cuz they're also the only ones that know the reference. Kwan was the first guy to call him that at practice and may or may not have been tackled into the ground a few times lol.
And yeah, I absolutely agree with Dash being a bully in reform. Being a shit head for all of freshman and most if not all of sophomore year. But I can see him starting to switch gears junior year. Maybe something happened over the summer to make him pull his head out of his ass or maybe he got help for whatever was going on in his life or maybe he finally started to grow up. Whatever reason you go with, I can see junior year being the turning point.
My personal hc is the end of sophomore year being when Dash figures out Danny is Phantom. Like a couple months before school lets out for summer vacation, he finds Phantom concious but injured enough that his wings were visible cuz Danny just didn't have the energy to hide them, realized that he'd seen those same patchy/balding wings that same morning only in reversed coloring and it just... CLICKS. Every excuse for Fenton not being around directly coincides with Phantom showing up, Fenton showing up after with injuries that he'd seen Phantom get, the exhaustion and weight loss that he'd vaguely noticed. It all suddenly makes perfect sense. And Dash gives it an "ARE YOU FUCKING FOR REAL RN?!?!?! YOU GODDAMN MORON!!!" and tries to help. He forces Danny to go with him to get bandaged up, cleaned and fed, all the while berating Danny for his lack of self care bc seriously dude? Wtf is wrong with you. Meanwhile Danny is just too fucking tired and hungry to fight him rn so he just goes with it. But after that night, Dash starts laying off on bullying Danny, but still bullies the others. He only tells Kwan about Danny being Phantom bc they're practically brothers and Kwan would be the first one to notice something's up, but that's it. And worse, he keeps showing up at the fights. Not close enough to get involved, he's not that stupid, thanks. But close enough to help Danny if he gets hurt and it keeps throwing Danny off and pissing him off cuz doesn't this idiot realize he could get hurt??? OR KILLED?!?!?!?! And now Danny's protection obsession keeps flaring up more than it needs to and he's getting more aggressive with the ghosts showing up and it's just becoming a mess.
So, after one fight that gets far more aggressive and violent than it needed to be, Danny just... goes off. Verbally drags Dash for all the bullying and bullshit and "why tf are you helping me NOW you never cared before wtf man???" and Dash finally realizes how bad he actually was cuz he never thought about it from the other people's perspective before. Like, if someone had treated any of his teammates like he did Danny or Mikey or any of the others, Dash would've beat their asses for it. And he feels like shit for it.
So he decides to change it. Meets up with Jazz for advice on how to change cuz she's the psychology major and gets to work following it. Personally apologizes to Danny, Sam and Tucker individually for all the shit he did to them and actually asks them for ways he can try to redeem himself to them. Of course, the Trio are wary and take it with a grain of salt, but Dash actually starts to prove himself. Enough so that they start letting him help in small ways. Going to him for a safe place to patch up wounds or eat and rest, ect. And when junior year starts, one of the first things Dash does is apologize to the people he's bullied. He also makes sure that any newbies on his team understand that bullying won't be tolerated. If they start bullying others, Dash will make sure they're benched until they stop. The others already took their que from him and stopped beforehand and apologized too.
This turn from bully to protector is what helps get Dash and Danny close and realizing that they have a lot of stuff in common. Starts with becoming friends and eventually leads to more.
That's my personal hc anyway but in theory it could work in others. I mean, we've seen several instances in the show where Dash was actually a nice guy and helped. But he usually got saddled with the 2d bully dynamic and I hate that. He could've been such a great character if they would've let him grow out of the bullying...
Also, yes to Danny being some breed of lapwing or plover with wing spurs and just being an absolute menace poking people with them (roll 2 d6 for stab damage lmao) I've seen Stove's wing au posts and I absolutely adore them!
You know what. I love the Danny Phantom WingAU. But let's be really honest with what we put TheBoi through, and how birds handle That Kind Of Shit (tm)
Danny gets a lot of shit, and yeah, he deserves it. And we like piling it on him. But even regular Canon Danny Fenton is often shown stressed, self conscious, depressed and a bunch more things. And birds don't handle any kind of stress well, especially not the kind Danny deals with. They turn into naked little chicken birds who don't handle the cold well, who constantly self harm to self soothe and frankly need a lot of TLC to feel happy again. A lot like our Danno here
So I give you a WingAU where Danny is so exhausted and dissec and sadboi that his feathers fall out and instead of those gorgeous wings everyones been giving him, he's got these patchy wings. Just some featherduster flappers, constantly shedding feathers, constantly stressed about shedding feathers, covered in pinfeathers because he can't possibly spend a minute taking care of himself.
Just stressed the fuck out bird boy
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Soooo...Jason Momoa told a little kid that Superman wasn't in Justice League because he was dead, DC is making a Superman Year One comic with Frank Miller as the author, they're making a two-part animated movie based on "the Death and Return of Superman," and rumors are flying around that Supergirl is going to be in Justice League. Oh, and the Justice League trailer dropped. Your thoughts?
That’s a lot to take it. Let’s start with the big one. New Justice League trailer!
Sorry guys, still don’t like it. Granted, it doesn’t look as bad as the previous trailer made it look, but it still looks massively underwhelming. Hell, the only character presented I even like is Wonder Woman, because she’s the only one who’s been established.
Well, established in a good movie, at least.
The rest consist of a Batman who belongs behind bars just as much as any of his villains and three other characters we’re meeting for the first time fighting a villain that nobody gives a shit about, which could be forgiven if the characters were interesting but again Batman’s an asshole and we don’t know anything about Aquaman, Flash, or Cyborg yet. And am I the only one who cringed at Cyborg’s line? Not the line itself, but the flat, robotic delivery. Good god, they took one of the most expressive and emotional live-wires in comic book history and turned him into Arnold from Terminator 2, but without the charm and charisma.
I’m also not looking forward the role the Amazons play, which appears to be them being in the movie for the sole purpose of Steppenwolf to kill/mop the floor with them. Yeah, take the place and characters everybody who watched Wonder Woman fell in love with and just wipe them off the face of the Earth in their second appearance. No way there’s going to be any backlash from that!
Honestly, I could write an essay’s worth of things in the trailer that irked me, but topping that list are these lines from Batman.
“Superman was a beacon for the world. He didn’t just save people, he made them see the best parts of themselves.”

Let’s forget for a moment that Superman has only been in two DCEU movies and you can count on one hand how many times he was shown in a heroic light. Let’s forget for a moment that Man of Steel and especially Batman v Superman spent more time hammering into audiences skulls that more people in this world are afraid of Superman than there are people who see him as a hero. And let’s forget for a moment that this Superman has spent more time feeling sorry for himself than he ever did being the symbol of hope the movies tried and failed miserably building him up to be.
Let’s instead take into account that these lines are coming from Batman. Oh yeah, Superman totally brought out the best in people. That’s why after the disaster in Metropolis, you took a deep breath, composed yourself, and reached out to him to see what he was really about before jumping to conclusions and-oh wait, no you didn’t, you obsessed over him for over a year and decided to straight-up murder his ass, you fucking hypocrite!
Seriously, what the fuck, WB? You spend two whole movies shitting on Superman, the people who love him, and his legacy, and now you’re trying to save face by saying that he brought out the best in people when you’ve only shown the BAD things that happened because he exists? Fuck off. No, seriously, fuck right off. You have to EARN that shit, which you fucking didn’t because you killed Superman before anybody could connect with him and threw the entirety of “The Death and Return of Superman” right under the bus in the last 20 minutes of a Batman movie! I honestly don’t know what’s worse. That Batman is being portrayed as a stupid and hypocritical murderous asshole, or that said stupid and hypocritical murderous asshole is leading the team that Superman is supposed to be the leader to!
Ugh, FUCK everything! But let’s move on, shall we? Frank Miller is writing Superman: Year One.
The very idea of Frank Miller writing any solo-Superman story makes my skin crawl. The fact that the same guy who turned Superman into Ronald Reagan’s personal attack dog who can’t read and raped Wonder Woman is retelling Superman’s origin story? Ugh. Just thinking about that makes me feel like I need to jump into a swimming pool filled with bleach and then get buried up to my neck in rock salt!
Let’s all just put aside that Frank Miller is a racist and misogynist scumbag who hasn’t written anything good since Robocop vs the Terminator. Let’s instead take into account that the man has been writing comic books for 40 years now and has written Superman several times, and every time he’s portrayed him as stupid, boorish, and incompetent while going out of his way to have Batman humiliate him in some way, shape, or form. Yes, I know, Miller has said that he actually likes Superman and only wrote him that way because the story was from Batman’s perspective and that he actually regrets writing him as a government tool, yeah, I don’t fucking believe him. He’s had dozens if not hundreds of opportunities to show Superman in a positive light and he’s never done it. He’s never done it before, so why would he now? The only time Superman has ever been portrayed with any semblance of who he actually is in a Frank Miller work was in Dark Knight III: the Master Race…you know, the one book in the series that Frank Miller didn’t write! Oh, but he wants to write part IV, so great, he’ll get to shit on Superman one more time before he either retires or his diseased liver and STD-ridden body do him in. “Oh, but Katie, he has cancer!” So? He’s still an asshole!
Well, that was grim. Let’s talk a little bit about Jason Mamoa telling a little kid that Superman was dead.
Okay, in the interest of fairness, I don’t think Mamoa had any malicious intent. I’m sure he was just caught up in the moment and wasn’t thinking straight, especially when he apologized to the same kid during an autograph signing that followed the panel. It was still a dick move on his part, but whether or not he gave it some thought, his fellow cast members told him “dude, that’s a little kid,” or his PR guy said “Look Mamoa, Warner has done a fine job of alienating Superman fans all on their own, they don’t need you helping. Now if you want to shrug off being typecast as an uncouth barbarian you’d better stop acting like one and say you’re sorry!” I’m glad he realized it was a dick move and took it back. I’m sure the fact that WB still wants to convince us that Superman is really dead wasn’t helping either. Speaking of which…

The Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen are getting animated adaptations.
I have very mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, this was one of the stories I said deserved a faithful animated adaptation. Yes, some aspects don’t hold up anymore, but they can be worked around. This is also not the first time the story was adapted, as “Superman: Doomsday” was what kicked off the string of animated DC movies. But it was also very watered down and may as well have been called “Superman: the Clone Saga.” So the fact that they’re making a two-part animated adaptation should be good news…
Having said that, let’s get real. If they genuinely wanted to make a faithful adaptation of ‘The Death of Superman,’ they would have already. I can’t shake the feeling that the only reason it’s even being made is because Warner and DC realize that shoe-horning Doomsday into the end of BvS only succeeded in alienating Superman fans and they need to save face, not helped by the fact that the last animated solo-Superman movie they made, Superman Unbound, came out in 2013. Everything else since then has been either a Justice League movie or a Batman movie. Oh sure, Superman was in some of them, but the only one where he had anything resembling a leading role was in Justice League: Gods and Monsters…the alternate universe story where Wonder Woman is from space, Batman is a vampire, and Superman is the son of General Zod and his capsule lands on the US/Mexico border right as some refugees are crossing because apparently the writers felt that Superman being an alien just wasn’t quite on the nose enough.
Now I know what you might be thinking. “Okay, so maybe they didn’t make it as soon as you would have liked, but they’re making it anyway so what’s the problem?” The problem is the possibility that they’re making this not because they want to or feel that it’s a story worth adapting, but again just so they can save face for those of us Superman fans who felt alienated at the conclusion of Batman v Superman where the entirety of the story was boiled down to “Lex Zuckerburg creates Nuclear Man 2.0 and Superman gets stabbed to death at the end.” And a movie that nobody wants to make tends to be a movie that nobody wants to see.
That’s to say nothing of the fact that DC animated movies…well, they just haven’t been very good lately. Ever since their Flashpoint film, the movies have ranged from okay to outright bad. Justice League: War sucked, Son of Batman was obnoxious, Assault on Arkham was good but not great, Throne of Atlantis was a snooze-fest, Batman vs Robin sucked, Gods and Monsters was okay, Batman: Bad Blood had a good movie in it that was bogged down by the writers putting Batwoman’s story on the back-burner and insisting Dick and Damian arguing had to be on the forefront, Justice League vs Teen Titans could have been good if they didn’t put the least-interesting character Damian Wayne center-stage for no goddamn reason, Justice League Dark was hot garbage, Judas Contract was lame, and the less said about The Killing Joke the better.
In short…I hope it’s good, but given previous movies and the circumstance, I’m not holding my breath.
EDIT: Forgot about Supergirl apparently appearing in Justice League. I hope she kicks Batman’s ass. It’s long overdue somebody took Batman down a peg and I can think of worse motivations than “You got my cousin and only other member of my race killed,” as well as providing catharsis for Superman fans given he landed a grand total of two fucking punches in the title fight of Batman v Superman. Other than that, I don’t really care. Her inclusion can’t make the movie anymore troubled than it already is.
#Justice League#Superman#Wonder Woman#DC#Batman#Supergirl#DC animated universe#DC extended universe#DCAU#DCEU#Frank Miller#Comicon#movie#rant#please don't suck
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