withmytailtotheworld · 7 months
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howardpotts · 6 years
Just in time (Peter Parker x reader)
Summary: You are finally leaving an abusive relationship, but that boyfriend doesn’t agree. It’s Spidey to the rescue!
Warning: Angst, emotional abuse, mentions of sex
Wordcount: 1.826
A/N: Peter joins pretty late, but I felt like this backstory really was necessary for you to FEEL this story. I’m pretty happy with how this turned out, let me know okay! Oh and also let me know if you want a part 2. Second ‘oh!’ for letting you know my submitbox is open.
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You finally did it. After months of trying and falling, you finally left.
Your (now ex-)boyfriend Gary had been giving some red flags for a while. He never really became physical, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he ever would.
The first red flag wasn’t even considered as a red flag. You just thought it was a one time thing, an accident that would never happen again. It happened at a party of one of his friends, Finley. As you were playing Truth or Dare, one friend asked him about the best sex he ever had. Of course you wanted him to say you were, but he had other bedpartners. 
He didn’t say your name, he said his exes name. But he didn’t just say her name, he added that her body is way hotter than yours. And it didn’t just stop there. He said that she knew all the right places and her blowjobs were mind’blowing’. And then, there was this sentence you would never forget. “Y/N couldn’t top that.”
You just smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to respond. Some of his friends were laughing, but one of his best friends, Jake, said he thought you were hotter than said ex-girlfriend. The comment didn’t really make you feel better, but the intention did enough to cheer you up a little. You continued the game, but still felt this sadness for the rest of the night.
You both got a little tipsy and left the party in the early hours. When you finally hit the bed, he wanted to have sex. You declined, saying you were tired but he didn’t buy it. When you told him you were offended, he apologized and said it wouldn’t happen again. You believed him. Oh, how you shouldn’t.
Those awkward situations happened more often that you would’ve liked. Sometimes you were there, sometimes one of your own friends were there and told you afterwards what happened. He just talked so negatively about you. Not just about sex, but about everything. “She eats too loud, she’s so messy, she’s not ambitious enough, she’s lazy, she’s too busy, she’s boring, she looks like a homeless person, she wears too much make-up” and the list goes on. You were just never right for him. Every little thing he could find, he would complain.
You lived with him for three months and cleaned everything. Hell, you even cleaned up after his ass. After cleaning, doing groceries, cooking and making sure everything is perfect, you finally rewarded yourself with a movie on Netflix. He’d come home from work and would complain about your lazy ass watching Netflix all day. You’d get in an argument and it’d end up in YOU apologizing to HIM.
He wasn’t always like this. When you met him, he was this perfect boyfriend. He complimented you, brought you gifts and made you feel like that one special girl in the world. After six months of being in this perfect relationship, you moved in with him. Yes, it was pretty fast, but both of you didn’t mind. Your parents thought he was perfect, so they agreed.
After those three months of living with him, you couldn’t take it anymore. You were sick of it and decided to leave. You were already packing your bags when he came home. He called your name and you replied while you were sobbing. When he came in, he just became so frustrated and begged you to stay. He said he just had a stressful situation at his job and how things would get better in the future. So you stayed.
This happened another few times, but now you were leaving. For good. You left a note on the pillow. Your bags were packed and you were about to leave the house and catch the next train to your parents. They didn’t know about this. You didn’t dare to tell, they would only worry and you didn’t want to be a burden to their other problems. One more time you looked in the livingroom. Even though you didn’t want to feel sad, you did anyway. Six months ago you moved here, thinking you would have a future with Gary. Now you were leaving him.
When you turned around again, you saw Gary standing on the porch. He looks at you in shock, knowing what was happening. His hands went through his hair as he walked up to you. “Y/N? What’s wrong?” He puts up his sad voice again, but this time he’s not going to trick you into staying. You won’t fall for his lies again.
“I’m leaving.” You steady yourself, preparing for his lies or maybe even an angry outburst. You have to stay strong. It’s the lies again. “Y/N, please. Don’t. My boss is being a dick to me and I have-“ “I’m leaving.” You say it again, trying to hide the tremble caused by your fear. All this time, he was looking at you, but he didn’t see the determination in your eyes. When your eyes finally met his, he saw it. He saw how done you were.
He changed. His desperation was gone. His eyebrows sunk and his attitude became aggressive. This is why you wanted to leave before you saw him. This is what you were afraid of. He’d become violent, trying to get you to stay. You were so afraid of him. Of his approval.
Your survivor-instinct kicked in and you ran in the house, closing the door. Of course he had the keys, so he opened them. You were hiding in the kitchen, but you knew it wouldn’t be long for him to find you. When you heard him going up the steps, you were surprised. Pleasantly surprised. You ran out of the kitchen with all your bags, accidentally knocking over a chair.
Of course he heard that, so he followed you storming out of the house. You desperately wanted to scream, but your throat won’t let you. Tears were running down your face and when you looked back, you saw how close he was to you. Of course he was faster, he didn’t have to carry three bags along with him. He literally jumped on you, dropping yourself and him to the floor. You thanked the gods that he rolled of you, so you could stand up and run for it again. Oh, how you regretted you didn’t call your mom.
When you ran past him, he managed to grab your ankle, causing you to fall again. Somehow your voice found its way out. You were now screaming and sobbing, telling him to let you go. He seemed like a mad person who belonged in an asylum.
He crawls on top of you, while you were trying to punch him of. Another thing you regret in your life is not getting those self-defence lessons your mother desperately wanted you to go on. As much as you hated to admit, you weren’t really powerful in this kind of situations. But then again, who would’ve assumed you got in one.
A bag is laying on top of your hand, making it unable to move. The other one is already trapped by Gary. He is trying to cover your mouth, but your head is moving like crazy, trying to warn people who might be in the neighbourhood.
And they were. They were. “Get off her.” Some boyish voice sounded hole through the streets. Relief washed all over my body, which caused you to stop panicking. You looked to Gary, who seemed to be distracted by the voice. This might be you chance.
With all of your power, you threw the bag that was laying on your left hand to Gary’s hand, causing him to lose balance and fall next to you. You crawled away, somehow not even thinking about standing up. You turned around, seeing how Gary was fixated on you again and it was terrifying.
When he wanted to stand up, some kind of white stuff prevented it. He looked at it and tried to get away, but it wasn’t working. “You could try all you want, bud, but that’s not breaking.” You looked towards the boy who just saved you. But it wasn’t a boy. You knew him from TV, but you always thought he just did this kind of commercial thing where he saved whenever people payed him. But here he was. In flesh. Spider-Man.
He ran towards you. “Are you okay?” You just nodded, not really knowing what to do. He reached out a hand and you gladly took it. “Are those your bags?” He pointed to the bags near Gary and you nodded again. He ran towards the bag on an almost clumsy way.
“Those things do not belong to you”, he said towards Gary, who now has calmed down and was still looking at you. Furiously, but slightly confused. “Do you know him, Y/N?” You didn’t have time to answer the question. “Of course you know him, don’t you? Oh, oh, Y/N. That’s why you’re leaving. Leaving me for.. This?”
This guy belongs in a mental hospital. You shake your head in confusion as Spiderman comes back with your bags. He is just shaking his head. “Here you go, lady. The police is on its way to pick up this guy. Is there anyone you can call?” You nodded, but were too shocked to speak. It was all too much for your brain to handle. In a weird way you even felt sorry for Gary.
“What’s your name?” He wants to put a hand on your shoulder, but you move back quickly, making him apologize. “Oh god. I’m sorry, that was so stupid. Sorry. God. Sorry.” Damn, this dude is pretty clumsy at his job. Whenever you saw him on the news, you only saw how he was so badass, going from one to the other building.
“My name is Y/N”, you say shyly. Spider-Man’s head jerks up to your response, as if he weren’t expecting it anymore. “I’m Peter”, he says. “Sorry for… touching.” “It’s okay”, you say as you were sure he didn’t have any bad intentions. To make it even more clear he didn't need to feel bad, you put your hand on his shoulder.
The police came around the corner and stopped. They asked you some questions while you saw Gary being escorted out by the police. Again you thought about the time with him. It wasn’t even all that bad, you guys had good times. But man, did he show his real self today. And man, were you glad you discovered this now.
Spider-Man joined you and the cop while you were answering the last thing the cop wanted to know. The cop thanks Spider-Man for his deed and then walks off to another policeman to talk about my answers.
“So, question”, Spider-Man says,”Do you want the boring policeride home or the supercool awesome Spider-Man tour home?” You giggled at his question. “The supercool Spider-Man tour, please.”
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Secret-Diary Recommends Some Music
I’m not exactly a ‘music person’, in that I don’t know a lot about the mechanics that underpin it: I couldn’t look at sheet music and tell you what the tune is or describe the change in chords in a classical piece. I’m not even 100% sure what the difference between a Ukulele and a Banjo is, aside from the fact that one is played by coquettish islanders while I get shit-faced on Pina Colladas in the background and the other is played by Louisiana bootleggers from the 1920s with comedy accents. All that being said, I know enough to know that the overwhelming preponderance of music produced today is total crap. Every time I’m foolish enough to tune a radio to a musical station, there’s a new barely-pubescent twatwipe peeping about their feelings in a tupperware voice that strongly suggests they don’t actually have any. Either that or its some nominally grown-ass man or woman singing something that they imagine is sassy and empowering but actually just makes them sound like Gary from World’s End- only less charming, because immature, quasi-literate manbabies are infinitely more annoying when they’re real. The point is, it’s a fucking wasteland out there. Trying to find a band (from now or the past) who you’d actually want to listen to can be a chore. That’s why, as your gracious patron and benefactor, I’ve decided to share the fruits of my musical explorations with you and hit you with some recommendations. I’ve tried to be as eclectic as possible, since I want everyone who reads this to find something they’ll like, no matter how radically divergent their individual tastes are. Some of the entries on this list are famous, some are obscure and some were famous but have been made obscure by the passage of time. I’ve tried to limit myself to people whose music you might not be fully aware of, even if you’ve heard of them to some extent, but I’m not plugged into what is and isn’t popular with peeps nowadays, so don’t read too much into my choices if they seem either too obvious or too bizarre. Here goes.
1. The Orion Experience An ultra-camp synthesis of New Romantic music, bubble-gum pop and modern vocal stylings, The Orion Experience are unlike anything else you’ll have heard recently. They seem to borrow as much from the original Decadent tradition in art and literature as from later musical iterations, meaning that their lyrics are complex and sophisticated without being especially deep. They’re primarily concerned with building aesthetically-interesting and richly-evocative language-constructs rather than performing an emotion that no-one in the band is actually feeling. The deliberate artifice is deeply refreshing in a musical landscape of faked sincerity and forced emoting. I recommend starting with the songs The Cult of Dionysus and Sugar. If you like those, the rest of their stuff may also interest you.
2. Trace Adkins During an attempt to write a wild west/sci-fi fusion novel, I went on a musical odyssey, looking for apposite songs that would gel well with the world I was building (knowing a world’s soundtrack can help cement that world in your imagination- try it, if you’re a writer yourself). Anyway, I stumbled across Trace Adkins- a country singer with a palpable sense of humour about being a country singer and a knack for delivering a silly-but-well-turned phrase. Also, without getting technical, his tunes just flat-out rock. I have no idea how well known he in the Country and Western World, but since his existence came as news to me, I’m sticking him on this list. Start with the surprisingly sexy Honky Tonk Badonkadonk and graduate to Hot Momma and Whoop a Man’s Ass. You’ll know if it’s your sort of thing from the first minute of any of those songs.
3. Caravan Palace Have ye heard of a thing called Electric Swing? If you’re reading a blog post about music, you probably have, but just in case you haven’t, let me tell you it’s a fantastic genre. Imagine if The Great Gatsby owned a synth and took a fuckload of mind-squanching hallucinogens. Well, that’s Electric Swing. Few do it better than Caravan Palace, who also seem to borrow heavily from club music and other genres, adding these to their unique blend. For some pure Electric Swing, start with Susie. For something a little more modern, start with Lone Digger.
4. 11 Acorn Lane Speaking of Electric Swing, I can also recommend 11 Acorn Lane, whose lyrics can be a little more playful than those of Caravan Palace. They also have a somewhat more classic sound. Start with Let’s Face it I’m Cute for a great sample of their work.
5. The Fratellis Now, my UK readers have almost certainly heard of The Fratellis, since they actually got some traction on mainstream radio over here. I’m less sure about those of you reading along in America, so allow me to make an introduction. Their music is joyously and unapologetically grimy and proletarian, paring an unrivaled sense of fun and energy with a sly, low-key feeling of cynicism and detachment. The tunes and melodies evoke Rock, punk and New-Wave (think The Ramones by way of The Proclaimers) without wholly relying on any of them. Check out Chelsea Dagger or Henrietta to hear them at their most gleefully up-tempo-yet-jaded, or try Vince the Lovable Stoner for a more chill, tongue-in-cheek song.
5. Dionne Warwick You’ve probably heard of her in connection with There’s Always Something There to Remind Me, especially since it featured heavily in that one fantastic episode of Black Mirror. However, you might not have realised just how much she’s contributed to musical history: her soft-yet-powerful voice and classic Rock rhythms and tunes combine to create something archetypal yet unique. Leap right in with Do You Know the Way to San Jose and discover a fucking legend.
6. Rufus Rex Ever wanted to hear a freakishly talented man singing songs based on horror films and books (particularly the works of H.P. Lovecraft) in a style that evokes Goth music but defies genre on closer inspection? Then get your arse over to Rufus Rex and start plumbing the nightmarish depths of horror-music with the song World’s In Between.
7. Studio Killers Contemporary electronic music with surprisingly inventive and weird lyrics. That about sums up Studio Killers, really. Look, not everything on this list can be genre-transcendent or epoch-defining: some things are just very good examples of the type of music they belong to. If you haven’t heard of them, start with the song Eros and Apollo then check out Ode to the Bouncer, then compare and contrast: those two songs represent the two opposite edges of the musical spectrum they cover, so if you like either one, at least some of their songs will be for you. Also, treat yourself to the music videos on Youtube: they’re surreal and awsesome.
8. Fishbone A punky ska band from back in the day, Fishbone are on this list for one reason and one reason only: Party at Ground Zero. Party at Ground Zero is an upbeat, gloriously energetic song about nuclear war. It’s a total jam and you absolutely have to experience it for yourself.
9. Tomska Tomska... isn’t technically a professional musician. He’s a Youtube comedian, short-film maker and collaborative animator who became internet-famous for his ‘ASDF movies’. On the off-chance that you haven’t seen them, they’re short collections of animated skits and jokes rendered in a simple but immediately-compelling and recognisable style. Anyway, Tomska decided to create fast-paced, catchy songs about some of the recurring characters in his ASDF movies, and those songs turned out to be fucking amazing- being both laugh-out-loud funny and actually really musically ambitious and well put together. Check them out on his channel. I’m particularly fond of Mine Turtles, but you do you.
10. Paul Anka Big band and jazz musician Paul Anka once set out on a quest to create 1920s-sounding versions of famous rock ‘n’ roll songs and the results can only be described as ‘eargasmically epic’. His versions of Jump and Eye of the Tiger are, frankly, better than the originals.
Right, that’s everything I can thing of for now. I’m going to go make myself a big sandwich. By the time your read this, I’ll be settling down with two-slices of bread, some cheese and an unreasonably large amount of cranberry sauce. All the songs and bands in today’s entry are on Youtube, so go have a nosy. Until next time, peace out and fuck off!
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zombiegirl3878-blog · 8 years
Welcome To The Family
The girls looked at their man like asking, ‘who the fuck is that?’
“Yeah...um….alright.” Shit, I just fucked a chick and here is Angelica. He walked her to the side of the house to have some privacy, “what’s up?”
“I’ve been thinking about what you said. At first, I was scared shitless because I’ve seen on the news about murders all the time and they seem to say it was mafia related. I am quite scared for my life because my boyfriend is in the mafia which means you must have enemies right?” Dominic wasn’t even listening to her because he was still buzzed and high off his mind and he could of swear he smelt like sex.
“Dom, baby….” “Huh, sorry.” He ran his fingers through his hair. She looked at him oddly then repeated the question, “you must have enemies right? Like the girl in the video?”
“Yes, of course I do. I have a lot.  They just don’t have to the balls to come at me because all has failed in the past.” His shoulders rise as if it was no big deal to him.
“See, usually…..this is going to sound silly.” Angelica moved a piece of black hair away from eyes as she was looking down, “in the mafia movies, the enemies tend to attack the person by getting at their loved ones.” Dominic couldn’t help but to laugh. Angelica looked at him with a serious face so he stopped laughing and cleared his throat, “well the movies are accurate. Some of them.” Angelica stood straight, looking as if she was wanting to look tough, “I want in.”
Dominic gave her a funny look, lips parted, “come again?” “I want to be part of this lifestyle of yours. I can do things. I sure as hell can talk good business.” Dominic scratched his head this time, unsure what to say about that. “I can take care of myself Dominic, just teach me what you do, what your men do.” She continued on. “Yeah,,,,,,you really need to think about that Angelica. This is not something you want to get involved with because once you are in, you cannot get out. Only way out is a bullet through your head and that is that.” Dominic explained the danger of the mafia.
“Jesus Dom, I had two weeks to think about it. I can do this.” Dominic didn’t want to stay at the party anymore after hearing what Angelica wanted. Instead, he took her home and they talked all the rest of the night till morning and Angelica had convinced him that she can do whatever he asks of. Dominic had told her that he would think about it and left her with that. Dominic felt like shit right now. Not because Angelica wanted in, wanted things to work out between the two after he just randomly fucked some girl, he was tired as fuck and feeling like sick to his stomach because of the intake of booze. Instead of going home, Dominic dropped by this Cafe that he’s always passing. Parking by the curb, he got down and entered the place with the front door bell ringing. “Hello sir, just sit where ever you like.” The waitress behind the counter told him. A plump redhead with a blue waitress dress on and of course the usual white apron. There wasn’t many people in so he just took a seat at the counter. His elbows met the surface as he settled his head into his hands, groaning because of the headache he has.
“Can I suggest coffee?” Another waitress approached him that he rose his head and nodded softly, “yes please.”
She chuckled softly as she grabbed a coffee cup and the coffee. Placing the cup down, she started to pour him some, “you must of had a good time.”
Oh yes, she has no idea how good it was, “actually I had. Been a long ass time since I had that much fun.”
The waitress gave him a small smile. Now this one was a blonde who had her hair all up into a bun. Her make-up was good. Not looking like a clown and her breasts just pops out, like the buttons would literally pop off if they get any bigger, “you seem young…..keep on having that fun.” Next she grabbed a menu from down below and placed it in front of him, “be back, gotta tend to another customer.” A wink was given and she walked off, in which he couldn’t help but to lean into the counter and watch.
Jesus, what the hell is going on with me? Dominic shook his head, hearing the door chime.
Dominic looked over and saw it was Sara that entered, looking like hell too. He couldn’t help but to laugh as he started to pour his sugar and cream into his coffee and gave it a twirl with the spoon.
“You know, I’ve been coming here since I was a kid and never, have I ever seen you in here.” Sara approached him, sitting on the stool next to him.
“This is the first. I just needed to get some coffee and food in my system.” Dominic admitted. Right now, he couldn’t care less if Sara was there or not. His head was hurting, his stomach was growling and he was hungry as fuck.
“Well you came to the right spot for that.” She said with a smile and quickly made it disappear since she was smiling at him. The waitress came back seeing Sara there in which she didn’t need to ask Sara for anything. Sara always has her usual. Coffee, eggs medium done, bacon, ham and hash browns with wheat toast so she started to write it down as she turned her back on them.
With the two sitting close, it was very quiet, till Dominic finally broke the three minute silent. “You look like shit.”
Sara began to laugh, “you look worse? What, big party, got drunk….took a skank to her home, fucked her and came here?”
“Wow, you really think low of me.”
“Can’t help it big boy. You’re a fucking ass. A dick, bastard….” “You can stop there.” Dominic had to laugh some more, “but you’re wrong. Just party, smoked weed….till the dawn.” Liar. He’s not going to mention about Angelica. “Mhm.” Sara squinted his eyes at him.
“So what will be?” The waitress turned to get Dominic’s order. “Steak and eggs, over easy and a glass of orange juice….oh and make the steak medium rare.” He handed the menu back to the waitress with a smile, “so how’s business?”
Sara looked down, swallowing a large lump in her throat, “good as usual…..you?”
“Same ol’ shit. Same cash flowing, same smile on my fathers mug.” All true.
“That is good.” There was something she wanted to tell him but that will only cause them to fight and right now, she just wanted to eat, drink and go home to sleep so their conversation was light. Dominic even paid for her meal and say he’ll see her later. Which caused her heart to jump. What if knows already and he was just keeping his cool because he didn’t want to kill her in front of everyone.
Dominic got home, being greeted by his dog, Chopper. A huge, healthy Rottweiler. It was more his best friend then a dog to Dom, “hey boy.” He knelt down and started to scratch behind the dogs ears, a place where Chopper loves to be scratched. Getting up, Dominic dropped his keys inside a bowl that sat on a small table by the door. His home wasn’t a big one. Just a one bedroom and bath for him. As for his friends, they all had large houses and lot’s of cars, luxury shit. His was simple. Of course he didn’t have taste in decor so his sisters helped him out in that one. Dominic led himself into his bedroom where clothes were being dropped on the floor. He enters his bathroom to take a hot shower. Dom placed his hand on the tile as he leans in and let the hot water hit his shoulders. His mind went wandering off in how in the hell is he going to put Angelica to work for him but at the same time, he didn’t care if she worked for him or not. Like her life doesn’t matter to him anymore.
Then it jumped to having breakfast in the morning. It was nice even though they didn’t speak much. It was unlike them it seems but it was nice to be around her. “Here we go again Dom, you can’t fucking like her.” He smacked his forehead hard and started to wash up the body and hair.
When done, Dom wrapped his towel around his waist, exposing that v-line. All he did was fell on his bed, stomach down and closed his eyes. It was only 10 am so having a nice nap wouldn’t hurt. He had a day off from the shop so today can just be a lazy day for him. In a deep sleep, Dominic didn’t even move for about five hours but he did jump and was wide awake as he heard loud banging at the door. Chopper was pissed and ran to it, barking his scary get the fuck outta here bark. Dominic groaned as he got up, slipping out of his towel. Jumping into some sweats, going commando he walked out of the room and down the hallway, “QUIT KNOCKING SO FUCKING HARD….DAMN!” Dom yelled, pissed like his dog.
“OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR TARD!” Dom can hear his cousin Zack’s voice. Hell the whole neighbor could.
Dom unlocked the door and barely got it open only to have Zack push his way in, walking into the living room, “that bitch is dead Dom. I swear to fucking god I am going to rip her throat out.”
Okay, what the hell is this all about. Dom closed his door and locked it back up. Entering his living room, he looked to his cousin confused. “That fucking whore Sara…..you know what she did?” Zack started to pace back and forth in an angry kind of way.
“What?” Dom asked curiously. “That bitch managed to steal away three of our very important clients. Bob, Gary and Henry, you know….the wallstreet guys?” “You’re kidding? How did she pulled that off?”
“I have no idea. I went there to their place of work as they always wanted to speak of some merch they want to purchase. I got there and they said, ‘sorry buddy but we’re moving to Vegas shit. Hers seem to be much better.’ MOTHER FUCKERS!” Zack shouted out.
Dominic just stood there, thinking in how is her shit better then his. “I am going to her shop and fuck her up.” Zack said, walking towards the door but Dom pushed him back, “you are not going to do shit man. This is my problem, not yours.” “Damn it Dom, if we kill the bitch we get our clients back not to mention, probably all of hers because her father is a pussy mother fucker that is not going to do shit about it.” Zack was practically in Dom’s face, poking his finger into his chest.
“Sebastian is not a pussy man. He’s been crossing boundaries to many fucking times that my grandfather is wanting him dead and until my grandfather gives the okay to do it, then I will but we can’t do anything to Sara, I’ll fucking take care of it.” Dom went into his room and started to get dressed in his usual street attire. Jeans, sleeveless shirt, a cap turned backwards. Zack wanted to come back Dom ordered him to stay the fuck away and handle the other business. Dom had to make a couple of stops for his own business he needed to handle. You know, pay of some people that are helping the Costello’s get away with shit or give them some time to do some trading before sending the heat in.
By the time he was done, he was parked across the street from Sara’s tattoo parlor, watching closely. When he saw Sara locking up the front and turning the sign to close, he got out and walked across the street. Walking into the back, no car was there but Sara’s so Dom had to quickly go in the back door before she comes out. When he got in, he can hear Sara asking her employer if she forgot something and as she came out from her office. Seeing it wasn’t her employee, she gave a dirty look to Dominic, ‘sorry big boy, we’re closed.”
“You know why I am here Sara.” Dominic said as he approached her, towering over her, “what made you think that you can get away from taking away three of our clients huh?”
Sara rolled her eyes and started to walk up to the front with Dominic following close behind, “they’’re mine now, you can’t get them back. That’s business.” She said, bringing that cold hearted bitch out.
Dominic grabbed her arm hard and threw her up against the wall and wrapped his hand around her neck, gripping it, “you know the consequences of fucking with me Sara. I thought we were good with the clients in this fucking city but no, here you are…..being a selfish bitch and taking money out of my fucking pockets. You don’t learn.” Dominic can see she was turning blue that he finally released her and pulled out his gun, aiming it at her. Choking, gasping for air, Sara looked at him with that dirty look again, “you can’t kill me….you do and my father will have your head.”
Dominic started to laugh, “you think so?”
“I know so.” She smirked, “so pull the fucking trigger.” She kind of sang that last part out as she walked up to the barrel of the gun.
Dom tucked his gun away and gave her another shove but Sara shoved back. Still, he could not bring himself to hit her, beat her ass. She acts like a fucking dude so why not treat her like one.
Dominic wanted to so much bust her face but she gave him a good right hook. “Bastard.” She spatted as she shook her hand, feeling her knuckles hurt. Dom’s jaw did hurt a little but it did nothing to him. Before he knew it, she came attacking him, giving him blows to the face, making a cut to his lip. Finally Dominic, grabbed her, not intentionally, on the ass  to lift her up and slam her down on a table. Her head bounced from the force that she closed her eyes and held the back of her head, “are you  fucking done?” Dominic asked, breathing heavily. Sara opened her eyes and saw how he was looking at her, feeling him in between her legs that it caused aches to her core. Sara started to laugh and wrapped her legs around him to lock him in place and slapped him hard. Damn, that had his dick twitching in his jeans, “do it again.”
She did, and even harder. They both had a still moment, looking into each other's eyes before Dominic dove down and kissed her hard. Sara kissed back but after she bit his bottom lip hard, causing more blood to spill out.
Dominic was pitching a huge tent in his jeans and Sara, was wet. The two went at it hard, kissing each other while Sara sat up. Her legs dropped down as she started to fumble with Dominic’s belt. She knocked his cap off to remove his shirt just to see his chiseled chest. Damn. Back to his jeans. He practically ripped her top off, getting it off her body as well as her laced red bra.
Oh fuck, she was blessed with nice titties. Titties that Dominic likes. Handful, mouthful, with nipples that are the right size.
Sara couldn’t help but to see his expressions, “what, are they deformed?”
Dominic shook his head, “they’re fucking perfect.” So perfect his mouth had to get on them. He sucked in a mouthful hard, releasing it with a popping sound and then began on the nipples. Flicking his tongue on them, sucking them, biting them. All that he was doing to her breast alone caused more wetness that she knew her panties were wet. It’s weird because in previous hot moments, she never got turned on so fast. Sara managed to get into his jeans and felt his rock-hard dick, her eyes kind of widen as she started to run down it, wandering when it was going to stop not to mention the girth of that big boy. Shit, this man is going to tear me apart.
After Dom was toying with her nipples, he stood up straight and rode up her skirt up to the waist and removed her red laced panties off, keeping her in her heels. Sara pushed down his jeans and boxers passed his ass and gazed down at what he was working with. Her mouth drawn into o-shape. The rumors were true about this man.
“What, is it to deformed for you?” He laughed.
“Oh god.” Was all she can say before bringing her eyes to his and again, they kissed. Dom wasted no time in grabbing his dick and rolling the mushroom tip around her entrance before pushing it in. Only that had send all kinds of trembles in his body. Sara’s tight hole was intense for Dominic. Unlike the bitch he fucked last night, it took time for him to get all the way into Sara. Poor girl hung onto him, whimpering right into his ear. As much as he wanted to fuck her hard now, he just couldn’t hurt her. What the fuck is wrong with me?
It took about three minutes to be completely inside of her. His arm was around her, holding her close to him as she still clung to him, breathing heavily. Slowly, he started to ride out, closing his eyes so they can roll back just from the feel of it. Eventually, he got Sara to stretch out and was able to pound into her. She seem to like that. Each thrust had the table rocking back and forth. Little did she know, her ass was sitting on some drawings of her employees and they were about to get wet.
“More…..fuck…..more Dom.” She said against his ear. One arm had to leave his built shoulders to plant a hand back on the table so she can lean back, giving them space in between them.
“Harder Dom!” Sara had no clue what had gotten into her but with her previous sex relationships, she always find the pussies that perfer, slow love making and crying at the end because it was so beautiful. Thus the reason for stopping, cutting it off for two years and now here she is, getting that pussy beaten by one sexy mother fucker.
So at her request, Dominic did not hesitate in giving her what she wanted. He started to assault, brutal savagely taking her. His eyes were plastered on her bouncing tits then up to the expression on her face. Sara’s head went back when she held back a cry. That familiar feeling started to come and as Dominic continued to give it to her hard, it all came out, “oooooohh…..myyyyyy.” She hissed after and looked down at his cock working fast and now seeing it glistening with her juices as she came, and came hard that she was trembling.
Dominic felt it and slowed it down to catch his breath, letting her orgasm ride out. Sara crushed her lips to his, whimpering and whimpering that drove the man insane just hearing that. “I want another….oh god just like that.” She whispered to on his lips.
This was truly not what he came here for but hey, who is he to stop it. Dominic pulled out, getting a pouty face from Sara. Like a true man, he handled her like she was a rag doll. He pulled her off the desk and forcefully turned her around and slammed her upper body down on the table.
Is this man fucking for real? I got to be fucking dreaming but I don’t want to wake up. Sara’s mind was rolling as she felt Dominic entered her from behind and gripped her hips and pounded into her and this time, she can hear his grunts.  Sara would say her body was being violated by her enemy but she couldn’t help but to love it. A dark fantasy of being taken so hard in her own place of work where the windows were clear for anyone to look in and see them fucking. It was crazy, adventurous…and she was in heaven as well as Dominic.
Keeping her pinned down on the table by his hand, he sought out his feeling of wanting to cum but he needed her to cum again. So much force in his thrust and so fast. Sweat began to drip down from his face to her ass as it rippled from the smack of him hitting her. Again, Sara moaned out loudly and she climaxed again like never before. She gripped the edge of the table and cried out his name. Instead of her riding it out, he continued to fuck her till he felt his jiz run out of his dick and into her, “fuuuuuck…….shhhhhiiiit. God damn!” He yelled out, dropping his head as he grasped her shoulder, pulling her down onto him as he kept buried in her, letting his semen spill out into her. Then he released her shoulder a bit and gave some more thrusting. That hit her again with a mini orgasm that she couldn’t stand. Her legs were weak but Dominic had his hold on her, again burying himself in her to let the rest out. Both of their genitals were throbbing in sync.
Dominic pressed his chest against her back, taking some time to catch his breath. Now came the moment of awkwardness. After Dominic caught his breath and started to see straight, he rose up and slowly pulled out, seeing all her juices and his semen pouring out of her hole. Damn, just seeing that he could go for round two.
He backed up and picked up his boxers and jeans, not liking the uncomfortable feeling his dick being wet and sticky, but he tuck his dick back in there and started to buckle up as his eyes stood on her ass. Finally, Sara found the strength to get up, legs shaky and all. She pulled her skirt down and turned around, fixing her messed up long curls. She smiled softly as he got her bra from the floor and placed it on. Both were quiet, now not even looking at each other. “Do you mind giving me some paper towels in the bathroom?” She asked.
Completely dressed with his cap back on, he nodded his head and went into the bathroom, taking out about five brown paper towels and came back to give it to her.
Sara cleaned herself up and whens he was done, she threw it in the trash. She even had to get rid of the drawings. Again, standing there in front of him, she had nothing to say. He had nothing to say.
“Alright….I uh….” Dominic started to walk backwards, “I got to go.” Sara held herself, nodding, “okay.”
“Later.” Dominic turned and rushed out the back door. If he didn’t get out there he would of fucked her again. Rushing across the street and getting into his car, Dominic sat there with his head rested back. Why did he come to visit her?
He completely forgot.
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
18 People Who Probably Shouldn't Be Allowed To Meet Celebrities
18 People Who Probably Shouldn't Be Allowed To Meet Celebrities
“Trying to disentangle my candy from an Emmy award winner’s arm hair was decidedly not a highlight for me.”
1. “I saw Nick Jonas and his girlfriend at the time, Olivia Culpo, on the streets of New York City and went to get a picture with them. I had no clue a paparazzo was filming across the street, so it was interesting when I came home to find the moment my skirt blew up from the subway grate was on YouTube. Now 160,000 people have seen my ass… Thank God I was wearing boy shorts that day.” – hayleyrae
2. “Gary Sinise does a lot of work with the USO and can often be found traveling the world visiting various military bases around the world, meeting the troops and performing with his band. He came to our base in Naples, Italy for July 4th, 2003. I was hammered thanks to the free-flowing margarita machines, and when our group got our turn to meet him and take pictures, I greeted him by hollering, ‘LIEUTENANT DAN, YOU GOT NEW LEGS!’ He must have heard this a bajillion times by now, so he was not amused, but tolerated it until I crowded in a little too closely for the picture and forgot about the sticky AF Ring Pop that was on my hand. It promptly adhered itself to his arm hair. Trying to disentangle my candy from an Emmy award winner’s arm hair was decidedly not a highlight for me.” – Sandra Navi Young, Facebook
3. “When I was about 10, I had the chance to meet President Obama through my dad’s work (he works at the air force base). When I met him, the first and only thing I said was, ‘That tie doesn’t look good with your grey hair.’ He laughed and tousled my hair, but I still think about it to this day.” – cassiej48d97d62b
NBC / giphy.com
4. “On Christmas Eve one year, Paul Rudd came into the store where I worked for a gift card. Desperate for something clever to say to him, I said, ‘Has anyone ever told you you look like David Schwimmer?'” – alih41dd2a5e5
5. “I went to the gym one day after work. The place was basically deserted, and I was excited because I really wanted to de-stress without feeling self-conscious. About five steps outside the locker room, I see Joe Keery from Stranger Things. I LOVE that show, and I loved him in it, but something about seeing him standing there in workout gear checking his smartphone kind of broke my brain. I forgot his name, his character’s name, my name, and how to walk and talk. Instead of saying something, I stopped dead in my tracks and kind of…yelped? I was so mortified, and of course because the gym was empty there was nowhere to hide. I kept running into him – by the water fountain! By the treadmills! I was so self-conscious I left after about half an hour, and frantically texted my best friend the whole way home. We agreed it was one of my more awkward moments.” – Emily Mason, Facebook
6. “I was working at swanky hotel and restaurant and Hugh Jackman had been staying there with his family for a few weeks filming a movie. I’d just pulled a 12-hour shift so my mind was mush, and I ended up serving him at a table. I went to pour him some water automatically, but forgot I hadn’t asked him if he wanted any and tried to stop myself. My tired mind had already started the process of pouring. I basically poured a bottle all over his leg, where his phone was sitting, while asking, ‘Did you want water?’ He was such a damn nice guy that he just looked up at me and said, ‘I usually prefer it in my glass.'” – charlies46d587761
ABC / giphy.com
7. “The company I work for has a lot of actors coming in on a daily basis, and Steve Buscemi was scheduled to come in one day. At the time I was drawing a blank trying to conjure a mental image of him because for some reason I tend to get him, Willem Dafoe, and Christopher Walken mixed up. I had Google Image searched him, gotten up, and was getting water or something, when I saw the receptionist leading him right past my computer. Of course, he glanced at the screen full of pictures of his face.” – zombie93
8. “My best friend and I went to Tampa Bay Comic Con in 2014 just to meet Evan Peters. When it was my turn for a photo I asked him to do the prom pose with me, and he put his arms around my chest and hugged me from behind. He definitely should’ve put his arms around my waist, but I guess he didn’t know that, so for a moment in time, I spaced out, forgot Evan was a major celebrity and readjusted his hands, not realising they were pretty much touching my boobs. If that wasn’t bad enough, I got a text message from my mother right before the photo was taken while Evan was hugging me from behind. He jumped a little, laughed and said, ‘Oh! Uhh I think you got a text!’ My phone was in my back pocket and it had vibrated on his crotch when the text came in!” – sarcasticsierra
9. “I attended a taping of Mike and Molly, and after filming, we got to meet the cast. When it came to meeting Melissa McCarthy, I told her that I identified with the characters she portrays and ‘it’s coming out of me like lava’. What I didn’t follow up to say was that I laughed the hardest at that scene in particular. She was repulsed and said, ‘That doesn’t sound pleasant.'” – kimberlyd4f5b81ae2
Warner Bros. Television / giphy.com
10. “I was at a Miranda Sings show a couple of summers ago with my mom, my sister, my sister’s best friend, and her mom. We were waiting in line to go in and we saw a bunch of girls taking a picture with a tall, attractive man. My sister’s friend’s mom informed me that they were taking a picture with Liam Hemsworth. I had no clue what Liam looked like, I just knew he was famous and wanted to get a good Instagram, so I chased him into the lobby and took a very awkward picture with him. I used my default celebrity meeting line, telling him that I loved his work. He looked confused, but thanked me, and we moved on. It was only after I posted the photo on Instagram that I realised how weird this was. What would Liam Hemsworth be doing at a Miranda Sings show? Why was he walking in with a random blonde girl and not Miley Cyrus? Apparently, other people shared my confusion, because some girl commented on my photo to inform me that I had in fact met Robert Graham from The Bachelor.” – caylai2
11. “One time my friend and I were on the subway and a guy came on and sat down next to us. I told my friend that I thought it was Ansel Elgort, but she wasn’t sure, so when it got to our stop I said to him, ‘Has anyone told you that you look like Ansel Elgort?’ He responded, ‘Yeah I get that a lot.’ As I got off the train I heard someone else say to him, ‘Is that because you are Ansel Elgort?’ He chuckled and said yes. Cue facepalm.” – jblass
12. “My friend invited me to go meet the original cast of Hamilton in New York City. We were admitted directly on to the stage in the theatre, and immediately we saw a man in a ponytail, centre stage, talking to at least 10 people. We walked over, and my friend is basically tripping over herself, stuttering words of admiration about the man. In my head, I’m like, ‘Why is she being so weird? Who is this guy?’ He was so warm and sweet. He introduced himself as Lin, and my friend is literally ready to pee herself. Instead of telling him my name, I asked him where Leslie Odom Jr was. It wasn’t until 20 minutes later that I realised I shrugged off a conversation with one of the most prominent playwrights in modern history, Lin-Manuel Miranda.” – cpacheco
ABC / giphy.com
13. “My husband and I had the lucky opportunity to go to a food and wine weekend at a luxury glamping resort in Montana. Laura Prepon from Orange Is The New Black was there as well. My husband indulged too heavily in the wine part of the weekend, and proceeded to spill her own drink on her.” – kelseyu4da6cfd12
14. “A couple of years ago, I met Michelle Williams (the actress, not one third of Destiny’s Child) after seeing her star in Cabaret on Broadway. I made sure to head to the stage door to meet her, and while she was graciously signing my playbill, I was mesmerised by her legit, make up-free glow. I just stared at her, dazed, and said, ‘I. Love. Your. Skin.’ It was totally creepy. I felt like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs.” – natalieh49b5c843e
15. “I saw Emma Watson at the Beverly Hilton the day before the SAG Awards about five years ago. I smiled at her politely without realising who it was, then made a sort of squealing sound when it clicked and instinctively began to follow her and her friend throughout the hotel. I spent the next 45 minutes peeking into hotel room windows to see if I could find them and get proof that I’d met her. I was eventually escorted off the premises.” – phoebeg4870dc518
Warner Bros.
16. “I was picking up takeout from a place in the Pacific Palisades with my friend and I accidentally opened a door into a man’s face. I immediately apologised, he shrugged it off, and my friend and I got into our car. The first thing she said was, ‘Dude, that was Ben Affleck.’ Apparently I slammed a door into Ben Affleck’s face. Not my finest moment.” – victorias4e1b807b6
17. “I met Peter Dinklage at a brewery in Asheville when he was filming Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. I got up the courage to talk to him and he was so nice! He made some comment about being there with Daniel Day Lewis, and gestured to the person to his right. It clearly wasn’t Daniel Day Lewis, so I kind of laughed and continued taking a selfie of the two of us. It wasn’t until I saw the two later that I realised it was Sam Rockwell. My boyfriend, who was with me, brings up the fact that we dissed Sam Rockwell at least once a week.” – Megan Williams, Facebook
18. “I brushed shoulders with The Edge and immediately vomited.” – annet4c7172ded
Note: Some submissions may have been edited for length and/or clarity.
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