racswoon · 1 year
"you look so pretty badboyhalo i think this is really your style"
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missycolorful · 1 year
q!Phil will never accept q!Forever's love as it is now (and that's good for many reasons)
so, like, I totally understand why people are upset with Philza's rejection. Especially with how he kept repeating it over and over to Forever. A beating the dead horse kinda situation, it seems, yeah? Unforunately, this has to happen, with how Forever is acting.
He had made this very clear with BadBoyhalo the other day. When Bad asked "You don't like Philza for Philza?". Forever says "No, I never have."
Never, he said. Even if he might be lying a bit (like maybe he's saying this to ease BBH's feelings), for him to say that is... ouch.
And no, Phil wasn't there for that moment, but Phil seems to be aware of this, regardless. And Forever's heart is set on Brunim, not Philza. The references, the requests to imitate Brunim, et cetra. Right from the start, Forever only pursued Philza because of Brunim (that, and he gave him things, but that's still a plastic reason to have affection toward someone).
And Phil knows not to enable that. Imagining looking at someone, and realizing that they see someone else in your eyes. Imagine having moments that are probably genuine, but you can never be quite sure if you're both sharing a moment, because he's probably pretending he's sitting by someone else as the sun sets. That seems like such a shitty feeling, no wonder Philza keeps pushing him away.
Yes, he complimented Philza during the wedding, complimented stuff about Philza specifically (like his laugh), but that doesn't take away the feeling that you're basically just leftovers. Like "is he really saying this about me? or is he saying this so he can pretend I'm him when he has the chance?" Feeling like a replacement creates so much uncertainty, even if Forever acts genuine toward him.
And here's the thing: if Forever stopped obsessing over Brunim, if he accepted Philza fully as his own person, if he were to seek out Philza for Philza, Philza might give him a chance.
I don't know how likely in canon this is, tbh, because Philza, the content creator, has never really done gay rp, and it's clear he's a bit awkward and hesitant about it. Like, at most he'd probably just "give Forever a chance" by doing the whole flirting bit a la Fit. However, there's still some things that make me think that this idea isn't impossible.
For example, even when he rejects him, Phil emphasizes that he cares about Forever as a person; there's a connection there. Most of all, he keeps telling him it's because Forever is only thinking about someone else.
Look at any clip where he's pushing against Forever's advancements. That is pretty much the only thing he ever mentions when rejecting him. That's the huge obstacle here. It's about being projecting onto, and not feeling like you're valued for being you. If Forever were to treat him like his own person entirely, maybe they can have something.
(That, and I believe that q!Phil likes the attention Forever gives him, but this one I also can't be certain as to whether Philza intends it. It doesn't even in a romantic way, just, hey, he likes having someone to flirt around with cause it's fun. Because, like... Philza, why did you take a picture of Forever and then place your hand over your heart right after during Festa Junina? Motherfucker you literally let Forever (and others, granted) sit in your lap while saying "yeah this works" during Tallulah's birthday. You chased after him during the wedding to further rub in the "I'm not him" rejection.)
I'm... I'm just saying.
But overall, I really don't think this 'ship' is dead like others might. If anything I feel like this dynamic might be going in the direction it needs to develop and thrive. Like maybe we'll reach the point of "I like you for you. This is genuine. This is real. Let's have a healthy, balanced relationship." There's just no way they can get there until Brunim isn't a lingering presence.
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eomayas · 1 year
soft side • bbh [req]
req: okay so for baekhyun just like a cute husband!fluff, if you’re comfortable writing mafia au, you could make baekhyun like a mafia, but he gets super soft when he’s with oc
pairing: mafia!baekhyun x wife!reader
genre: fluff!
synopsis: baekhyun had a soft spot reserved for the reader.
warnings: sweet and soft baekhyun
you visit baekhyun a few times a week at his office. it’s never for anything special, but just because you want to see him. sometimes, you bring him food or a dessert you’ve made, but mostly you show up to see him.
today, you’re showing up to show him the nails he generously paid for, and to just check on him. he’s been stressed lately, coming home frustrated most days that when you hear the tires screech in the driveway you can already tell what mood he’s going to be in. you made him promise early in your relationship to leave his mob dealings where he found them, and to never bring them home to you. he’s kept his promise since then, dropping whatever frustrations he’s dealt with at work, at the door when he sees you perched on the couch waiting for him.
you hop out of your car and walk the short distance to the building he does his dealings in. from the outside, it looks like a plain office building, and on the ground floor there’s nothing eye catching except the door man, who isn’t really a doorman, and a simple end table by the elevators that has a new set of flowers on the table each week.
“hi, jongdae,” you say as you enter the building, pushing your sunglasses into your hair. he gives you a close lipped smile and tells you that you can find baekhyun in his office, where he is ninety percent of the time.
you press the elevator button and the doors slide open. stepping in, you press the ‘6’ button, the highest floor in the building and baekhyuns office.
you step out and hear him before you see him. “when i said everything goes through me, i meant everything!” it’s slightly muffled, but loud enough. it’s only you in the hallway, minus another man who appears to be watching the elevator, but really isn’t. “hi, minseok,” you say, giving him a small wave.
“hi, mrs. byun. he’s in there with somebody, if you want to wait,” he offers, but you never wait. you’re notorious for interrupting meetings, on purpose and accident.
you pass by minseok and make your way down the hall where baekhyuns voice gets louder and more audible. you frown at his words and tone, but push the door open anyway, his voice cutting out immediately. “hi, baby,” you say, not sparing a glance at the other guy. baekhyun visibly relaxes; his shoulders roll backwards and his chest goes flat, and his fists uncurl. the scowl on his face relaxes into a small smile, reserved for you and you only.
“you’re dismissed,” baekhyun barks, his eyes boring holes into the man across from him while his hands reach for you. the other guy quickly leaves, shutting the door behind him and letting you have baekhyun to yourself. “hi, pretty girl.” baekhyun says, pulling you into him and kissing you deeply.
you smile against him at the pet name and pull away, putting a hand on his cheek. “how are you?” you ask, and he pulls you down onto his lap, your legs dangling over the side.
baekhyun puts one arm around your waist while his other hand holds onto your exposed thighs. “i’m better now. let me see your nails,” he says, and you put a manicured hand in front of his face. he smiles and holds your hand, looking at every design on every nail. “they’re nice.” he compliments and you thank him.
“she did them a little too long, but i didn’t feel like arguing,” you say, admiring them for the 100th time since you got up from the chair. you look back down at baekhyun and find that he’s already looking at you, his eyes soft and his smile warm. “what?”
“i’m just… i just love you, that’s all,” he says, kissing underneath your jaw. you nuzzle closer to him and smile. nobody would ever believe baekhyun had a soft side like this, given his stern and hard exterior. he has walls built up that only you’ve managed to break down and expose the true him.
he has such a dangerous line of work, but he only has one weakness: you.
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batwritings · 3 years
I'm feeling super bad rn- dunno if it's because I'm sick or just cause I'm tired and need some food ;; But- This has inspired me!~ You wake up to a smiling demon who hovered over you and the bed, having a plate in his hands. "Good morning angel~ I made you some food." You give Bad a tired smile while thanking him, however shaking your head. "You didn't have to Bad-" "But I wanted to!" The demon pouts. "You're not feeling well so I'm going to make sure to take care of you!" He reassured with his kind smile, his tail flicking back and forth while you chuckle. You took the food and began to munch through it, noticing the demon didn't have a plate. "You should eat too." "I did, no worries love." He replied while lightly patting your head. You smile at the small bits of affection before finishing your food. The demon set the plate aside while he opened his arms for you, having you gladly accept the invitation as you curl around him. Bad slowly lifted you off the bed and downstairs into the kitchen, having previously making sure the lights were off so that it didn't bother you. The demon grabbed a bottle of some simple pain medicine for fever and such, asking you what you wanted to drink. You replied simply to get water for now, the hooded figure nodding and handing your cup filled with the substance inside. Then he handed you the medicine. You groan a bit from the sight of it, but you knew it would help. "Please muffin..? It'll make you feel better sooner, that way I can take you out to that restaurant that just opened that you kept going on about~" He coos, quickly convincing you as you took the respective amount of the medication. Bad showered you with compliments and praise, even for simple tasks like that, he never failed to tell you how proud he was of you. He held you close again, carrying you to the couch and letting you sit on his lap, leaning against him. His gentle hands would caress your sides, kissing along your head while whispering soft and sweet comments to you. He put on a simple show, mainly just to have as background noise since almost all of his attention was on you, rubbing your spine and tracing shapes against it. It was more than easy to relax in his embrace, giving him your own affection by kissing along his jawline. Anytime you said you'd need something he'd instantly go and get it. A blanket? Or maybe turn on the fan? A snack? Something to drink? He's on it! Anything to help you. 🌧
You continue to bless and feed this blog with BBH content and I'm so here for it!! BBH is such a father hen and I adore him for it. He'd take the best care of you no matter what!! Plus I feel like it's kind of a demon thing? Like there's pride in taking good care of your mate.
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timetoresurface · 4 years
secrets (4) / BBH
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5k, next part will be final
I apologize that it took me a while
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4 // PART 5
Hopping from one job to another, you really wanted to keep your position at Banking and Finance. If you would have to describe your perfect work environment, it definitely wouldn’t be at that stupid finance magazine that had the worst coffee machine in history. But hey, it did pay the bills, and that’s what everyone does, right? A perfect job doesn’t exist, right? A perfect life doesn’t exist, right? Only in cheap romantic comedies was life perfect, and you certainly weren’t in any. At least the last time you checked.
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The sunlight trickled in through the blinds. Slowly, and reluctantly you uncover your face. You sit up, dragging your feet off the bed while rubbing your knuckles onto your eyes. Everything is blurry. For a second, you don’t know who or where you are. Then everything processed. You are in Baekhyun’s suite, and the thing above you is the ceiling. The thing on top of you is Baekhyun’s duvet, which smells like him. The stuff underneath you is the pillow and mattress. The item you are wearing is not yours, and you can’t recall when you dressed in an unknown oversized white t-shirt that didn’t belong to you.
The strange room was like a perfect magazine cover. You’re afraid to sit in case you wrinkle the fabric or stain it with something imaginary on your body. The white curtains are linen, the expensive kind you’re afraid to touch. There is no television, no bookshelf and the highly polished wooden floor is dark and free of dust or clutter. It didn’t look like anything Baekhyun would choose, but then again this was a hotel suite and not his personal home. The only things reminding you Baekhyun lived here were bis clothes neatly folded over the chair in the corner. The room smelled like his aftershave like he had sprinkled it everywhere before leaving. 
You softly stood up, trying not to make any sound. Baekhyun wasn’t lying beside you anymore, but he could still be roaming in the other rooms. You peaked your head through the door, but there was no sign of Baekhyun anywhere. His smell lingered in the air, but there was nobody in sight. You were left all alone in his suite, without a note or a thank you. He could’ve thanked you for the amazing sex you had yesterday. He could’ve left a letter saying there was some food in the fridge, or he could’ve made you some coffee. 
You quickly took a shower, trying to get rid of Baekhyun’s touch under the hot water. You felt disgusted by yourself, you felt used, but most importantly, you hated yourself for falling for his tricks. He was a player by heart, and you hated that kind of man. You might not have the best dating record here, but at least you prodded yourself for not letting a fuck-boy fuck you over. And you just let a fuck-boy fuck you over. How ironic. How tragic.
You searched for your clothes at high speed but were quickly reminded of last nights events. Baekhyun had torn your blouse with his bare hands, and there was no saving it now. You searched through his clothes and found a simple white dress shirt that could fit you. It wasn’t too big, but it was clearly not yours, and you were afraid everybody could tell. You tried to arrange the shirt in your pencil skirt to make it look more yours, but everyone would see through your efforts.
With a final glance in the mirror, you left Baekhyun’s room in a hurry. Suddenly realizing you were late for work thanks to the little guy who hadn’t woken you. You awkwardly encountered with the room cleaning lady who had a knowing look on her face. Why hadn’t he put up the sign to leave his room for today? Maybe he had sent her to get rid of you. How rude. 
Luckily for you was the hotel not far from your work, and you made it in under five minutes to the entrance where the old security greeted you awkwardly. 
“Good morning. I’m sorry, I’m late. I’ll talk this afternoon.” You said while running through the crowd while bumping into people. They frowned at you when you walked passed them, but you just didn’t care. You needed to know if Baekhyun was at the office, and why the hell he thought it was a good idea to leave you alone. You might not have known him for long, but he should’ve known you were going to make a big deal out of this. You weren’t a toy he could just use and discard whenever he wanted. You’re a strong independent woman, and you don’t need a man to bring you down. You could talk to that on your own. 
“Hi, Y/N. You’re late again.” Sehun commented while you seated yourself at your messy desk. When were you going to clean up your life? Maybe your mess of an office was to blame for all your bad decisions? 
“It’s only my second day that I’m late. What are you insinuating Oh Sehun?” You bit back, but he didn’t even flinch at your tone.
“Someone got out of bed with the wrong foot.” A teasingly smile appeared on his face, and you really wanted to knock it off his face, but that wouldn’t be considered very socially of you.
“Someone is trying to test my patience this early in the morning.” You simply stated, moving away from Sehun.
“You look like hell.” 
“I still look better than you. Do I see eye bags under your eyes? Have you actually done your work for once?” You spit back, and he just kept on smiling. 
“Y/N!” Your boss interrupted the silent argument you had with Sehun. He simply smiled at you, and you couldn’t hold yourself back to glare at Sehun directly behind your boss’s back. You followed your manager into his office and quietly sat in front of him. He looked questionably at your shirt but shook his head like he didn’t care why you were dressed in a men’s dress shirt. You awkwardly fiddled with your hands, scared of what your boss was going to say. Maybe Baekhyun had spilt all your secrets after he had gotten what he wanted from the start. 
“Chanyeol will be visiting this afternoon, and he asked me to get you in on the project. He thinks you’re the perfect fit and would love to work with you.” Your boss smiled at you, and you couldn’t hide the shock on your face. Your boss had mentioned Chanyeol had taken a little interest in you. Still, you hadn’t anticipated for it to happen so quickly after the event. 
“Oh.” Was all you could say, and your boss softly smiled.
“I know we haven’t been given you enough opportunities, and we have been wrong to do so. You have proved to be a worthy colleague who could handle the more difficult parts of this job.”
“Thank you so much. You won’t be disappointed.”
“I hope not. Please pull yourself together as Chanyeol will arrive at two. Be ready.” He ended the conversation, and you took it as your cue to leave his office. You silently grabbed your back-up make-up bag from your desk and made your way to the restroom. Your manager had said you needed to pull yourself together, and you were going to show Baekhyun you were more than an inflatable toy.
“Wild night?” Mina asked as she exited the toilet. You quickly nodded your head and continued to apply some moisturizer on your face. You wanted to use Baekhyun’s, but then you would have been reminded of his smell all day long. You just couldn’t handle anything Baekhyun related today.
“Baekhyun also looked shaken up this morning.” She told you while washing her hands roughly. 
“It must be hard to be a CEO. He probably worked all night.” You tried to reason with her. You weren't sure if she was insulation anything, but you didn’t want anyone to link your look to Baekhyun this morning.
“He didn’t look tired or anything, he just looked stressed.” She explained herself more clearly this time while drying her hands.
“You’ve only seen him once, and you can already tell when he’s stressed?” You asked her in disbelief. She really was something that girl.
“Maybe not, but I did hear that his wife made a surprise visit this morning. They’re in a meeting as we speak, and Baekhyun definitely didn’t expected her to be here.”
“His wife?” You squeaked uncertainly. 
“Didn’t you know that he is married? I’m not surprised though, you didn’t even know who Baekhyun was before yesterday. You should really do your research, it might come in handy later on.” She told you while leaving the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You were in overdrive due to her information.
“Thank you.” You softly spoke, and you didn’t know why you were thanking her. Baekhyun’s wife is here? Did he know she was going to be here too? Why did he have sex with you if his wife was going to be in our office? What was wrong with the guy?
Stop. Thinking. About. Baekhyun.
Just apply some foundation, comb those eyebrows, and try to get through the meeting with Chanyeol. After that, you can go home, and complain about your life decisions to your roommate, who had been blowing up your phone ever since seven AM. She’ll have to wait. You need to blow away those investors with your competence while wearing a male’ dress shirt that didn’t belong to you, but to your company’s CEO. You were finishing up your face when an unknown female entered the toilets. She looked absolutely gorgeous, and like the insecure little bitch you were, you were jealous. She seemed to have everything, and you’d only seen her for five whole seconds before she dived into a cubicle. Some people leave an impression. Baekhyun had the same aura surrounding him.
You didn’t pay it too much attention and continued your mental pep talk. Stop thinking about Baekhyun and keep being awesome. Nobody knows that the shirt you’re wearing is Baekhyun’s, only you do. Baekhyun himself probably won’t even recognize his own shirt.
“Oh.” The stranger said when she still saw you standing there. You looked questionably at her through the mirror. She started washing her hands while her eyes never left your form.
“Good day.” You awkwardly said after a few moments of silent eye contact.
“Nice dress shirt.” She complimented you, even though you didn’t feel like it was a helpful comment at all.
“Thank you?” You questioned her.
“Rough night?” She asked you.
“No, why?” You tried to play coy. Maybe you weren’t as good at hiding your sex glow as you thought you were.
“Looks like you didn’t make it home last night.” She snapped at you, and you didn’t know why such a stranger would be so rude.
“I just woke up too late to finish up my routine. Happens from time to time.†You tried to play it cooly. You weren’t going to spill your little secret to this new girl you met in a bathroom.
“Sure.” And with these words, she left you all alone. What the hell was that? What was her problem? But again, you tried not to pay too much attention. Maybe she got out of the wrong bed this morning also. You don’t know what happened to her this morning. The girl’s bathroom was no place to judge.
A good cup of free coffee would definitely lighten your lousy mood. The coffee might be terrible, but at least they gave you free coffee. You’ve heard stories from friends that they have to pay for their coffee at work. It was something Starbucks related, but still, your company should provide you with a brown beverage.
“Are you making coffee?” Someone of your floor asked you, and you simply nodded your head. You didn't even know his name, and you felt a little embarrassed. Maybe you were a bit too self-centred.
“They took away the coffee machine this morning. They said they will replace it with a newer one by tomorrow morning.” He continued when he got no response from your side.
“Oh.” Was what you finally mentioned to say. He didn’t look impressed and left you alone in the kitchen. Where was our bad coffee machine? Did Baekhyun buy a new one so you could enjoy your coffee at work? What was he up to?
“Y/N! There you are.” Mina yelled once you entered the office floor.
“Is there anything you want me to check? I’ll start right away.” You hurriedly made your way over to your desk. You had been gone for half an hour, and you didn’t want to waste any more time thinking about Baekhyun. He most definitely didn’t deserve your thoughts.
“No, yes, but that’s not important right now. Chanyeol just came in early and is already in the meeting room waiting for you.” She explained with jealous laced in her tone. Still, she said Chanyeol was waiting for you. She could’ve said nothing, and let you make a fool of yourself. Maybe she was sweet, after all?
“Oh.” Was all you could mutter while getting up from your desk.
“Make sure to not embarrass yourself.” She said emphasizing the word 'not’.
“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” You told here while grabbing your laptop to go to the meeting room. Your heart was racing. Your palms were sweating. Would Baekhyun also be present at this meeting? Would his wife be there? So many questions fill your head, you barely missed the door to the meeting room.
You got this.
You repeated these words three times before you entered the meeting room. It was the first time you were expected to be there to really participate, and not to just bring the coffee. Just stepping in makes your breathing rapid and shallow. It’s a relief to get to your chair because between the heels and your shaking legs, you’e afraid you’ll trip.
“Look who decided to join us.†Chanyeol smiled, and you couldn’t help but smile back at him. He made his way over to your side and kissed your cheek, making you blush.
“I wouldn’t want to miss seeing your face.” You happily replied, and your boss smiled at the interaction. Chanyeol was a vital investor, but pure numbers and tricks don’t work with him. You need to become his friend, and somehow you’ve managed to spark an interest.
Chanyeol chuckled lowly and made his way to his chair. You finally had the chance to glance around the room. Everyone was seated around the table with their laptops taken out. You didn’t know half of the people in the room, but it didn’t really matter as your eyes immediately locked with Baekhyun. He was seated at the head of the table. He wore a dark blue suit, and his hair was pushed back. He looked like a snack, and you hated yourself for being so weak.
“This Y/N I told you about. She was at our last event and blew everyone away.” Chanyeol demanded your attention. It wasn’t that hard as Baekhyun was avoiding your eyes now. He shrunk a little in his seat, and you almost felt bad for him.
“Chanyeol can’t stop talking about you. You must have left a great impression.” Someone said, while entering the meeting room. You turned your head and were greeted with the sight of the lady from the awkward bathroom conversation.
“His brunch most definitely left a great impression on me.â” You told her with half a smile. She kept walking over to Baekhyun, and she took the seat next to him. Baekhyun didn’t look at you, or at the woman next to him, and suddenly it clicked. That must be his wife. The wife you met in the bathroom while wearing Baekhyun’s shirt. The wife that somehow wasn’t his wife anymore, according to his words last night.
“Baby, why are you so quiet?” She asked Baekhyun silently, and everyone removed their attention from the two, giving them a bit of privacy in a serious meeting. You had no clue as to why she was supposed to be present for this. Last time you checked she didn’t work for this company.
“So Y/N, we do need your help.” Chanyeol began speaking, ignoring the presence of Baekhyun and his wife. He looked annoyed.
“I’m all ears.” You told him earnestly. You were really excited to start up a project of your own. Maybe you were allowed to write something, and it would be published. That would be the dream.
“We need someone’s opinion of who is fresh. Someone who hasn’t changed into a walking banking dictionary.” Chanyeol started, and you remained still. “We would like the magazine to be a little bit more approachable, as our brand doesn’t fit with the stuck-up shit it is now.” His words left you speechless, but you tried to hide your surprise.
“You’ve managed to stun most banking people at my event with your honesty, and if I’m honest, I really like your view on the banking world.” Chanyeol continued quickly after noticing your expression. He smiled softly at you, and you couldn’t help but the smile back at him. Chanyeol was a handsome, tall guy who had seemed to have taken an interest in you. Who could really blame you?
“I’m glad you enjoyed Y/N’s presence at the event, but what would you like her to do?” Baekhyun suddenly spoke up, breaking the eye contact you had with Chanyeol.
“I’m glad you ask. I thought to do a weekly column, and maybe add some social media while we’re at it. Nobody buys paper magazine’s anymore, everything is on social media. I think we should focus more on being approachable than our content right now.”
“And who are you to decide what direction Banking and Finance should take?” Baekhyun asked him firmly, but Chanyeol didn’t really seem to care. His smile grew even more significant than before if that was possible. He knew what kind of power he had over Banking and Finance as his dad was the biggest investor in the company. Investors are what keeps our magazine going, so he was actually the perfect person to stir the wheel.
“Last time I checked you agreed, and that’s why you’re here. I thought you were just as impressed by Y/N as I was.” Chanyeol announced, and you could see Baekhyun’s wife snapping her head up.
"Maybe we should ask Y/N if she agrees to your plan?” Baekhyun’s wife suddenly spoke up, making all heads turn to her direction. Everyone except Baekhyun, he seemed to ignore her every move. You thought he said they were over, but you don’t think she already got the memo. The more you thought about it, it seemed he only mentioned it to you. You hadn’t decided how that made you feel.
“I think the world needs a bit of help regarding finance subjects. Before I started working here, I didn’t know a thing, but I’m feeling more confident about my capability in the banking world. At least I know what they’re talking about. I would love to be a translator and teach people the basics.” You confidently stated while maintained eye contact with Baekhyun’s wife who didn’t really look impressed. You really needed to learn her name.
“And you think you’re capable of doing so?” She questioned you sceptically, looking you up and down like you were the most disgusting thing in the world. Suddenly Baekhyun’s shirt weighed down on your body, and you felt yourself becoming smaller. The anxiety she stirred awake, sits below your smile and your actions. You felt over-caffeinated but without the option to drink a cup of your liquid luck.
“I'm the most capable person in here, but nothing is set in stone.” You tried to hide your blushing cheeks and sweating palms. Now was not the time to show your weaknesses, and most definitely not in front of Baekhyun and his wife.
“I completely agree. Y/N would do a great job, but we are nowhere further than just an idea. We still have to discuss things with possible other investors if they agree, and create a plan before we present this to the outside.” Chanyeol said, making everyone turn their attention back to him, and you softly smiled at him. Thanking him with showing him your teeth. Baekhyun noticed.
“Give me a plan by next week before I agree.” He declared confidently while his eyes never left your frame. You felt naked under his stare, and a short memory of last night flashed before your eyes. How he had torn your blouse in one go as he was to impatient to undo all the buttons one by one. He really described him perfectly. He always got what he wanted, and he didn’t want to wait.
“Y/N and I are going to spend a lot of time this week with such a short deadline.” Chanyeol chuckled, but you didn’t mind to spend some more time with him. He seemed like a genuinely good person who liked brunches just a little bit too much. There were worse people to spend late nights with. Baekhyun noticed your sparked enthusiasm, and his fake smile faltered for a second.
“Next Tuesday. Same time. Same place.” Baekhyun stated before making his way out of the meeting room. You finally let go of your breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
“That’s it for today. Y/N, I have a dinner meeting today, but as from tomorrow morning I’m all free to get this project started.” Chanyeol told you while making his way over to your side of the table. He seated himself on the table next to your hands, towering over you.
“That would be great. I can not wait to work with you.” You told him enthusiastically, and the both of you were smiling like idiots.
“Likewise. Can I maybe have your number?” Chanyeol asked you softly, and you almost melted under his intense gaze. It was not the same look as Baekhyun, it didn’t make your insides stir, but it felt good to be appreciated. Something Baekhyun had forgotten somewhere along the way. But could you really blame him? You had only met him this weekend and he might have turned your life upside down with a couple of secretive glances.You were nothing more than someone who worked for him who fell into his trap he had so beautifully placed.
“I have to go now, but please do call me tomorrow morning.” You told him after you had given him your number. You felt his gaze on you while you exited the room, but you really needed to get out. You just wanted to get absorbed in your work and forget about the past 24 hours. 
You ignored your other colleagues and went straight to work. The new coffee machine was already set in place, but you didn’t want to drink from it. If Baekhyun had installed a new one because he knew about your secret hate, you didn’t want to take a sip. What else would he do with you other secrets? You didn’t want him to change anything because it made you feel weak. It made you feel naked, and Baekhyun had your clothes. He was holding onto them with a smirk on his face, or that’s how you imagined it to be. 
“I’m out.” Sehun declared when the clock stroke five, and you immediately followed after him. You were going to work overtime for the rest of the week, and possible weekend. You deserved an early night in with your roommate. Who would be fuming because you hadn’t contacted her at all today? You had texted her you were fine and that you would discuss the details tonight, but knowing her, that wasn’t going to be enough.
“Where have you been?” Jennie asked the moment you entered your shared apartment. 
“Can I please change into something more comfortable before you grill me?” You asked her, desperation clearly heard in your voice. She didn’t give up, though.
“What in hell are you wearing? Is that a man’s shirt?” She exclaimed loudly, making you cover yourself up. You had momentarily forgotten about Baekhyun’s shirt. It was beautiful and comfortable and still smelled a little like him. You hated the fact that you loved is smell so much. 
“All in time.” You told her while trying to make your way to your bedroom. You really just needed to escape her.
“Now’s the time.” She told you firmly while guiding you toward the orange sofa in your living room. You took the shirt out of your skirt and kicked your heels very far away.
“Ok.” You said while crossing your legs.
“From the start.” She told you with a glare, and you couldn’t help but agree to her wishes. Jennie was a firm young lady, and she didn’t take no as an answer. 
“It actually all started this weekend.” And that’s how you explained the whole situation to your best friend. She had opened a bottle of wine, which made telling a bit more fun to do so. She nodded her head at the right time and asked the right questions. After you were done explaining, she remained quiet, which was a nice contrast to her past behaviour. 
“Do you like him?” She suddenly asked you. She was seriously questioning if you liked your boss. You weren’t an idiot. You didn’t want him like that because you didn’t really know him. But the physical attraction was something that couldn’t be ignored when the two of you were together.
“No, of course not. He’s my boss.”
“But you’re not the type to randomly have sex with someone.” She said while holding your hand. Why was she holding your hand? It’s not like your heart was broken.
“Maybe I’ve changed.” You told her while taking your hand out of hers. You didn’t need her pity. 
“You could have chosen someone else to pop your one night stand cherry with, though.” She reasoned with you, and god did you hate it when people reasoned with you. 
“That’s up to me, I guess.”
“That’s true. So, what are you going to do? He’s going to be there all week? And with his wife?” Her eyes lit up like when she was watching sex and the city, and you did feel like you were in the middle of a drama you were not even supposed to be in.
“Luckily for me, Chanyeol has started this project at the right time. I won’t be having any free time at work for a week. If I’m fortunate, I won’t have to see Baekhyun until our meeting next week.” You confidently told her, but she looked strangely at you. 
“From what you’ve told me about Baekhyun, I don’t think he’ll wait until next week.” She simply stated.
“He’s gotten what he wanted. There is no need to return his attention to me.” You softly explained to her, and you hated it that you sounded weak.
“He did get you a new coffee machine.” She reassured you, but you didn’t need the false hope only a friend can give you.
“That’s coincidental.” You muttered under your breath.
“Whatever.” She said before leaving to her room. It was already past nine, and it was time to get ready for bed. You quickly took off Baekhyun’s shirt, and you wondered if you should give it back to him. Maybe you could keep it, but that would be weird. But it would also be strange if you suddenly gave a shirt to your CEO. What were you going to do now?
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baekberrie · 7 years
c u p i d - bbh 💘6💘
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Cupid AU! Romance, fluff, angst.
Pairing: Baekhyun x Oc (Kim Nanhee)
Previous - Next
And that in this moment she knew, she wouldn't have wanted to see anyone else.
The rain was no longer dripping on her face,  but the tears were there to replace the cold water drops. Her eyes only half open in a daze as she took in the male figure standing close to her, covering her with an umbrella above her head.
In his eyes had a dark look, the usual glint of light was gone, now it almost seemed as if there were no emotions. He looked angry, mad, just raging. The more she looked into his eyes, the more she saw the hurt emotions. How distant his eyes were while he eyed her, helplessly.
Nanhee stood abruptly up, looking at him with pleading eyes, tears were still burning their way down her stained cheeks. Quiet sobs were escaping her lips, the expression on her face was begging him to take her in his arms. To tell her it wasn't her there was a problem with. But the boy didn't move, he just stared back, hesitant eyes. As if he wanted to move, but there was something holding him back.
Nonetheless his rejecting look, she dared and took a step forward, reaching out for him ever so slightly. Though before he could stop himself, he backed away from her, only to have  a painful travel through his chest once her face fell.
Her shoulders dropped together with her face, the tears were now falling straight onto the ground. Her arms fell to her sides, hanging there a few moments before she buried her face into the palms, crying loudly. She felt neglected, worse than before.
"Not you too..." She mumbled desperately against the skin of her hands, her body shaking slightly. She was alone even if an important person was next to her. She felt alone in this very moment because he was restraining from comforting her. She saw the hesitation, as if he wanted to, but there was something telling him he would regret it.
Nanhee couldn't bring herself to care about crying in front of him. She was sad, it was just natural to cry. So she didn't bother rubbing her eyes dry, the only think she kept hid was her face in her hands. Seeing her cry wasn't a big deal itself, moreover, seeing her distorted face, the makeup smudged under eyes, how pitiful she was in that moment,  that she didn't want him to see.
That was the only thing she wanted to hide from Baekhyun, for the rest, she wasn't scared of showing him her different sides.  She didn't know why, but the fact that Baekhyun wasn't making an effort to comfort her was paining her to the point that her whole chest was tightening. The feeling of disbelief was slowly washing over her, the fact that Kyungsoo had let her down, and now even Baekhyun, made her feel so foolish, humiliated.
Had she actually thought that someone was interested in her? Or that someone was actually going to care about her silly love problems? The whole situation felt almost ironic. If he wasn't going to comfort her, then why was he there in the first place? She couldn't understand. No matter how much she tried to set the puzzle pieces, his presence didn't make sense. How did he know she was here, crying?
Eventually she let her arms fall to the sides, ignoring the fact that she was probably looking pitiful. A deep left her now shivering blue lips. She was cold, the rain had made her clothes stick to her skin uncomfortably, but she couldn't bring herself to concern herself about her looks. Not now. As Nanhee gathered some courage, she swallowed back the tears, ignoring the throbbing pain in her chest and decided to ask what the matter was. Before she even could fake a smile and look up, her actions got interrupted.
The last thing she heard was the crash of the umbrella falling onto the wet, dirty ground before two strong arms wrapped themselves around her shoulders, her eyes suddenly meeting a broad chest. The embrace was strong and protective, and even if the umbrella wasn't there to shield her anymore, Baekhyun's back was preventing the rain from drenching her one more time.
Shock traveled through her and for a moment she couldn't do anything but stay still and blink. Suddenly becoming aware of every part of his body that was touching hers. His head buried into her shoulder, arms tightly wrapped around her. Nanhee's hands were helplessly resting on his chest as she was pressed against him. Not being able to help herself, Baekhyun's fit body didn't go unnoticed. Though the thought left as soon as it came, Nanhee tried to move, but the hold around her was too tight.
She couldn't bring herself to mind, there was nothing more comforting in that moment than Baekhyun's extremely sweet and cozy scent, the warmth of his stable yet gentle hug, holding her like she needed to be protected. Like she was fragile, breakable.
After a little while Nanhee finally relaxed into his hold, melting into his arms, letting hers rest loosely around his waist.  It felt good to have him near in such a moment, all the doubts from before were gone. The pain in her chest had eased, because he was there, when she needed him the most. Though the fact that Kyungsoo had stood her up was still hunting her and deep inside, the pain was consuming her.
"He- he ditched me..." The girl managed under her breath, the sentence sounding almost like a sob. Baekhyun only hushed her, his hand snaking to the back of her head, pushing it gently into the crook of his neck.
"Shh, let's not think about it." He murmured mildly in her ear, a rush running down her spine as he did so. His hands started brushing through her hair, slightly massaging her scalp every time, his moves slow and pleasing, Nanhee closed her eyes enjoying what he was doing to her. She had forgot they were in the middle of a park, hugging. But that didn't matter, as he didn't seem to care either. Everything that mattered that moment was that Nanhee wasn't crying anymore.
The combination of his comforting essence and his strong arms holding her tightly against him is ethereal, almost hypnotizing. Nanhee found herself falling into a drowsy state as the eyelids started to feel heavier, she couldn't help but let it take the best of her as she slowly closed her eyes, once again melting into him. When she buried her face deeper into his neck she could feel him do the same, his warm breath fanning her collar, her heart fluttered unwillingly at his intimate action.
Baekhyun's fingers were still running through her hair as he whispered gently into her ear, the sound of his voice became soon one of the many sounds of the background as she couldn't keep herself concentrated on anything but the dazing feeling his touch was giving her.
After what seemed an eternity, his arms eventually loosened themselves from around her, the moment she couldn't feel him against her anymore, a greedy feeling washed over her, she oddly wanted more. She felt colder than ever, the warmth from before trailed quickly away and she found herself shivering. It had been nice in his arms, warm and safe. It was like she didn't feel secure outside of his embrace, not when she was in such a vulnerable state, where she could break down again at any moment.
Though to her relief, Baekhyun didn't step back, but kept the close proximity, his body less than an arm away from hers. He reached out his hand, hesitantly leading it towards her face. She didn't dare to move, she couldn't, it was like her feet were glued to the ground. The breath hitched inside of her throat as every single muscle in her body seemed to stop functioning. When the warm fingertips of his graced on her cheek, his touch light as a feather, she swore her heart almost ripped out of her chest. An excited and nervous feelings making it's way into her nerves, her legs wobbly, her body trembling with an odd excitement.
Nanhee had never felt this way before and she didn't know how to consider this, if it was positive or bad. When his presence had this kind of effect on her, it made her feel confused of her own feelings. Why did her heart beat so fast in his close proximity? Why did a simple compliment from him make her blush? But whenever she thought about it, Kyungsoo's face would appear in the back of her head, and by then she knew, to shrug these strange feelings off.
But this time, she didn't know why it was harder to not mind the way his warm fingertips ghosted over her red and cold cheeks. Nanhee couldn't remember when they had got so close, but the next thing she knew was that his hands were molding her cheeks perfectly. His eyes boring into hers, their faces only a few inches away. She didn't hesitate to glance back into his gaze with a soft look, which he responded to, with a look of adoration, twinkles danced around his darks obs, making her get lost into the immense ocean.
His eyes wondered across her face, taking in her features carefully, inch by inch, eyes, nose, lips... Baekhyun's eyes stopped at her purple lips for a short moment, even if his gaze switched back too quickly, just that short glance had been enough for her heart to be tickled with butterflies flying inside of her.
Baekhyun's hands trailed only a minimal inch down, his hands covering jaw, continuing to the sides of her neck. Her lips shuddered the moment the pad of his thumb stroked ever so softly on her cheeks, trying to smudge away the stains of salty tears, not wanting to see the proof of her past pain.
Before any logical thought could reach her brain Nanhee's eyes closed shut, her cheek leaning further into his palm, not being able to resist the warmth of his careful touch. Baekhyun felt his eyes widen at her unexpected actions, but couldn't ignore the extreme warm feeling that had spread into his chest that moment. Only he knew what he had wanted to do to her into that moment, but he had to hold himself back.
This was wrong, this was too much, already past his limit. It had costed him a lot of will power to just bring himself to detach his hands from her face and not put them there again when her confused eyes came into his view. The hint of disappointment was visible in the girl's eyes an Baekhyun couldn't help but regret regret removing his touch, wishing he had held her a bit longer. But that thought was wrong, he was just not allowed, he couldn't let himself fall so deeply. He couldn't trust his heart again, never again.
Not again.
"I'll bring you home." Was what he said before taking her hand, holding it loosely, the warmth from before seemed to be long gone, not bothering to fill her expectations.
I don't have the motivation to write this anymore.
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timetoresurface · 4 years
secrets (2) / BBH
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Second part 6k
Will be more
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4 // PART 5
Hopping from one job to another, you really wanted to keep your position at Banking and Finance. If you would have to describe your perfect work environment, it definitely wouldn’t be at that stupid finance magazine that had the worst coffee machine in history. But hey, it did pay the bills, and that’s what everyone does, right? A perfect job doesn’t exist, right? A perfect life doesn’t exist, right? Only in cheap romantic comedies was life perfect, and you certainly weren’t in any. At least the last time you checked.
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“Did you enjoy your stay, miss?” The lady at the reception area asked you friendly. Your eyes were covered with black sunglasses, hiding the fact that you were terribly hangover. Maybe these cocktails weren’t such a good idea. Well, you were convinced these cocktails were a terrible idea. You just spilt your secrets to a stranger. A handsome stranger. What is wrong with you?
“Yes, it’s a lovely place. Thank you for your kindness.” You thanked her. She looked sceptically at you, but you decided to ignore her. Celebrities wear sunglasses inside, so you could too. 
“I still have to pay the bill for the cocktails last night.” You told her, forcing a smile on your face. Forces friendly conversations weren’t your forte. 
“They have already been paid.” She simply stated.
“No, they don’t need to be on the tap of my company. I will pay for them myself.” You tried to clarify to her. Your company didn’t need to know how many cocktails you could drink in under two hours.
“They’re not on your company’s tab, they were paid by another guest in the hotel.” She explained to you like you were a toddler. You didn’t like the way she was looking at you or speaking.
“Oh.” Was all you managed to get out. You nodded your head and tried to keep a straight face but inside you were in overdrive. Who the hell paid for your drinks? 
Byun Baekhyun
He’s the only one on your mind who would be stupid enough to pay for your drinks. Why would he do that? Probably out of pity. He probably thought you were a loser who couldn’t even hold her liquor. Why did you drink so many cocktails? Why did you tell him personal things even your roommate didn’t know? 
“Miss everything alright?” The receptionist looked strangely at you, but you just gave her another of your fake smiles before retreating outside of the hotel. Your cab was already arranged thanks to your company, and you quickly got in before Baekhyun highjacked your car again. Or did you highjack his? It doesn’t matter really. You just needed to get out as fast as you could. You wanted to go home and nurse your hangover with desperate housewives on your television. 
Your phone started to ring, and anxiety quickly took over as you saw the person calling you. It was your boss. Why would he call on a Sunday? Did Baekhyun already spill all your secrets to your boss? Maybe that’s why he paid the drinks. So the blow would be a little bit softer when you were fired. Did you tell him you lied on your resume? You probably did. How were you going to tell your parents the bad news? Maybe you should look for another job first and then tell them you were headhunted or something like that. What would Jennie think? Perhaps you should just pretend to go to work for a month or so before telling her the devastating news. Okay, you got this. You’ve got a plan.
“Good morning, Y/N speaking.” You answered the phone with your most professional voice that might sound a little fake if you listened intently. 
“Hi, Y/N. I heard you did a wonderful job at the event. I know I shouldn’t be calling on a Sunday, but I just wanted to let you know.” Your boss immediately said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. He was proud of you. He thought you did well.
“Chanyeol spoke highly of you. He just sent me a mail telling me he wanted to work on a piece with you. I will go over the details tomorrow. Have a save flight.” He quickly hung up before you could even say anything. What the hell did just happen? Chanyeol, the main advertiser of your company, wanted to work with you. Research girl might get that imaginary promotion after all. Maybe you should tell your parents the good news. You were being promoted.
Hold on.
Maybe you were moving to fast. There was still this Baekhyun guy who could take you down in a minute. Why didn’t you ask him who he worked for? Maybe you could’ve smoothed things over before your big promotion. Perhaps you could’ve asked him to ignore your drunken talk. Maybe you could’ve explained to him you weren’t thinking straight, and nothing was true about your overdramatic words. Tomorrow you would look up his name in your company’s database. He said everyone knew who he was, he must be in your system if he was that cocky. Everyone did seem to know him yesterday though, maybe he was also an investor? 
You kept thinking about Baekhyun, and how you could apologize to him all the way up to your shared apartment. Your thoughts were interrupted the moment desperate housewives was put on. Your hangover was utterly forgotten when Bree was cleaning one of her precious little things. Your mind was finally calm. You were at peace with your glass of rosé and your imaginary neighbours. Life was good.
“Good morning, Miss Y/L/N.” The old security guy greeted you with a beaming smile. His smile might even be more prominent than last Friday.
“Good morning. How was the ballet recital?” You asked him while badging in. You didn’t think it was possible, but his smile grew even more significant.
“She was great. She really was the star of the show.” He happily told you while grabbing his phone. You stood there for a good minute while the old man was fumbling on his phone to show you the pictures. You cooed and gave compliments at the right time to make the man more at ease. 
“Now you go, I heard people talking about someone important coming in today. You can’t be late.” You nodded your head and followed his orders obediently. 
“I’ll catch you for coffee this afternoon.” You quickly told him before hopping in the elevator. Some other people from your office were gathered in the small space. They kept talking about the big CEO visiting your offices today. You didn’t really care that much though, important people never visited your floor. You were safe.
“Y/N. Finally!” Your colleague Mina shouted when you entered your workspace. She was red in the face, and you immediately looked at her plant. You didn’t really kill it, right? The plant was not at fault, why must it die? Maybe you should water it when she leaves the office tonight.
“Have you heard?” She screeched, and you almost tried to cover your ears, but that would be considered impolite. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You told her hesitantly. Did she know you would be getting a promotion? Did the whole office know about this? Were they just pretending and waiting to open the champagne? 
“You never do. The big CEO is visiting us today.” She told you.
“Oh, that.” You had lost your excitement. You took off your coat and put it on the coat rack. Mina followed you from the coat rack to the coffee machine like a bunny on steroids. 
“You should be more excited.” She squealed once more while clapping her hands like a toddler. 
“Important people never visit our floor, you know that.” You tried to reason with her while brewing a cup of coffee. Or what they call coffee in this office.
“He’s going to inspect the working of the whole office. He wants to get in touch with our branch of the company. He flew across the world to be here. We must be doing something good if he wants to visit us.” She explained to you with excitement radiating from her whole body.
“Or something bad.” You quickly added which made her glare at you. Still, she was radiating pure happiness all because an old bastard decided to show up. You have bigger issues that needed your attention at this moment.
“It’s a great opportunity, Y/N. I can show my hard work, and he might promote me to another branch.”
“That would be great, indeed.” You whispered under your breath. She had heard you, but she had mistaken if for excitement instead of a massive dislike for her. She really lived in her made-up world of success. Well, she was successful, you couldn’t deny that. You just didn’t like her. That’s all, and that’s okay. You can not like everyone you cross paths with. 
“Everyone…” your manager started when he entered the work floor. Mina presented herself right in front of you so you couldn’t see who he was with. “I’d like to introduce this man next to me. He is the head of Banking and Finance, and the reason why this magazine has gotten so big over the world.” He kept on talking, and you still hadn’t seen the other man he had entered the room with. Mina moved away slightly, just enough for you to see who he was talking about.
“Give a warm welcome to Byun Baekhyun.” He finally said, and you could hardly contain your surprise when you saw the handsome stranger next to your boss.
The stranger you had babbled all your secrets too, was the big boss of your company. The company who hired you. The company who didn’t know you had lied on your resume. But he knew.
What are you going to do? You were just having an opening for a promotion, and now the damn man from this weekend was standing there in all his handsomeness. Like he owned the building. Well, he probably did, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that he probably forgot all about you? Why would he remember someone so insignificant as you?
You tried to hide behind Mina again, but she was as jittery as the most jittery thing in the world. She kept hopping from one leg to another, and you could hardly follow her pace. What were you going to do? 
“Hello, everyone. I’ve only ever visited this office when three people were working here. It’s nice to see so many motivated faces today. I hope you’re being treated well.” You heard the low voice of Baekhyun, and you had to control the eye roll. Why did his voice sound so sexy too? He really had everything going for him, didn’t he? How obnoxious. 
“Yes, we can not complain.” You heard some people say in unison. They all sat up straight, and you almost wanted to laugh at how apparent people were being. They wanted to be noticed by the big Byun Baekhyun. “Please, continue working. I’m only here to observe and learn how the other offices are doing.” He ended his speech, and some were applauding. How embarrassing. He’s not Bill Gates, you know. Just a finance CEO. Nothing big. There were more of him. Nothing special. 
“Y/N please go to your desk.” Your manager scolded you when you were the only one not running to your desk to impress some stranger. Baekhyun heard your name and his head quickly turned your way. You tried to hide the blush on your face when you walked past him to your cluttered desk. You really did try to clean your working space from time to time, but it was hard when your colleagues randomly dropped papers on your desk for checking. 
He probably forgot about all your secrets. They weren’t that important, after all. Why would someone like him remember stuff about someone like you?
“This is our research and checking department. They do all the research for the writers and reread the final article to see if any mistake has been made. They are the most important bunch, so that’s why we also like to send them to events. Advertisers like people who know their numbers.” Your boss explained to Baekhyun as if he didn’t already know what he was saying. He runs this company on his own, you know. 
“Good news. I heard the last advertiser's event went great. The person you send left a great impression on most people.” Baekhyun said while secretly glancing at you. You tried to hide your face while placing some folders from one side of your desk to the other side. Maybe an acting class wouldn’t be so bad. 
He probably forgot about your ex-boyfriend getting engaged drama. Why would he even care about something like that? He doesn’t look like the guy who has time for other people’s drama. He probably doesn’t even have time for his own drama. 
“Ah, that must be Y/N. I’ve also heard some great words about her.” Your boss agreed with him instantly. He motioned for you to come over, so you did. Slowly. At a snail’s pace. You didn’t want to let Baekhyun snap and spill all your secrets over the carpeted floor.
Why would he care you lied about speaking French? Your company doesn’t do business with France, so it’s not that important, to begin with. No one speaks French these days.
“You must be Y/N. Great to meet you.” Baekhyun told you while offering his hand for you to shake. You did shyly shake his hand, avoiding any eye contact with the man.
His hand feels really soft. 
“Nice to meet you too, mister Byun.” You finally said. You felt his eyes looking for yours, but you tried to ignore them by looking over at your boss. He didn’t seem to feel the weird tension that was building between you and Baekhyun. He simply was too happy because of Baekhyun’s presence. You wish you could’ve said the same thing, but you were highly stressed by his random visit. 
What else did you spill to him? Did you tell him about your weird Wednesday cravings for chicken nuggets?
“Let me show you the kitchen area. We have some great coffee to offer you.” Your boss said while gesturing toward the coffee machine. You quickly glanced up at Baekhyun, and you saw a small smile covering his face. 
Fuck. You told him about the worst coffee in history. Didn’t you tell him you would rather be dead than drink another sip of the brown poison? Did you?
“I don’t really drink coffee, but thanks for the offer.” He nicely declined while looking over at you. He most definitely remembered what you had said about the coffee at work. 
Your boss quickly left to his office with Baekhyun tailing behind him. The doors closed for the first time since you worked there, and stress took over your body. Why would they close the door? 
“You look pale.” Oh, Sehun commented when you returned to your desk. He eyed you suspiciously like he couldn’t understand what was so special about you.
“I’m not feeling too well.” You whispered softly, but Sehun didn’t care enough to question you further. He continued his card game as if the room wasn’t suffocating him like it was choking you. 
“You made an impression,” Mina stated when she walked by your office. She dropped some files on your desk to check. She looked pissed, and that only meant more work for you, you didn’t understand. Great.
You were halfway the file Mina had dropped on your desk when your boss returned with Baekhyun beside him. He cleared his throat, and everyone straightened their backs when they noticed Baekhyun.
“Mister Byun will monitor the working of the office for the following week. Please act as natural as if he wasn’t here. Thank you for your understanding.” Your boss explained while Baekhyun stood beside him. Your boss wasn’t an ugly man, but compared to Baekhyun he wasn’t really a match at all. Your boss spoke, but all eyes were glued to Baekhyun. His curls were midnight black, and his eyes were dark brown, framed by smooth brows. He skin was tanned. He had prominent cheekbones and a well-defined chin and nose.
“Please just ignore me being here. Just continue your day as if I wasn’t here.” Everyone loves him, they’re drawn to him. You see it in the way they hang on his words and reciprocate his smile so quickly. But you couldn’t smile. Your face was frozen in shock.
“Y/N have you already finished what I gave you this morning?” Mina asked you nicely. She never asked you things politely. She usually throws a fit and drops another file on your desk.
“I still have to check one thing.” You told her softly, trying not to look at Baekhyun who was making his way over to your desk.
“Oh, mister Byun. How are you?” Mina suddenly turned her attention toward him. He quickly smiled at her before turning his body toward you, completely ignoring Mina.
“What are you working on?” He asked you. He put his hands in his pockets and looked expectantly at you. 
“Oh, she’s working on something I researched. She’s the best for checking spelling mistakes, as I’m too busy checking our main articles.” 
“As you’re too busy, shouldn’t you continue working on those main articles?” Baekhyun told her off, and you had to hide your smile. She looked shocked for a moment, but she quickly composed herself making her way back to her desk. Leaving you alone with Baekhyun.
“So what are you checking?” He asked you again, but this time more friendly. Like you were old friends talking about their jobs at the local pub. 
“As she said, I’m making sure no spelling mistakes are made.” You repeated Mina’s words to him. Why was he playing dumb?
“And do you check any of the information?”
“Sometimes, but this has already been thoroughly checked by Mina. She spent weeks gathering information about certain banks and their loyalty bonuses.”
“Teamwork is crucial.” He simply stated.
“Yes, it is.” you didn’t know if it was okay to respond, but your brain wanted to end this conversation. Everyone was pretending to work, but were secretly spying on your discussion with mister Byun, and it made you anxious. 
“Well, keep going.” He told you, and you simply nodded your head. You really tried to continue, but the conversation with Baekhyun was just so damn uncomfortable it made you lose focus. Why was he focusing his attention on you? Why didn’t he say anything about your secrets? What was he doing here? Was it to expose you? Was he waiting for an opportunity to spill your secrets out in the open? 
He made his way to some of your coworkers but never asked them questions. He simply observed and looked over some files while shaking his head. After an hour of him fidgeting through the office, he made his way to another part of your company. Where he could bother other people. The moment he left your floor, everyone started to breathe again. You heard people whispering, but you didn’t care about the gossip. 
“He was very interested in you,” Mina said when you returned her file. You simply shrugged it off and continued walking toward the kitchen area. You needed to talk to a friendly face, and there was only one of those in the whole goddamn building.
Your favourite security guard was cleaning the floor when you exited the elevator. You had two cups of coffee in your hand. One for you and one for him, with a lot of milk. He actually didn’t really like coffee. Or maybe it was because the coffee in this building was exceedingly terrible. However, he still accepted every cup you gave him.
“Hello.” You said while seating yourself at his desk. He looked up and smiled when he saw it was you.
“Hi, miss Y/L/N. Have you seen the CEO?” He asked you enthusiastically. He seemed really pleased that Baekhyun was here. You just didn’t understand why. It’s not like he works for him. 
“Yes, I’ve seen him briefly.” You confirmed. He seemed to be expecting more.
“Handsome young man.” He stated.
“He does have a CEO look.” You confirmed while sipping tentatively from your coffee. It was getting cold.
“A young CEO.” He remarks.
“I don’t know how old he is.” You told him softly. He couldn’t be older than you, though.
“Haven’t you looked him up yet?” He asked you surprised. Why was everyone so obsessed with the man? He is good-looking, yes. And he did look good in his black suit, you have to give him that. But he is not worth obsessing over.
“I don’t see why I would have to that.” You gave him his coffee before his got cold too.
“He started this magazine all by himself without any knowledge of banking and finance.” He read from his phone. It was like he practised this in the mirror. He looked like a little schoolboy giving a book presentation. 
“Sounds like something difficult to do.” You agreed with him, not trying to care about Baekhyun or be impressed by his achievements.
“He wanted to make financing more approachable.” He did kind of make it more approachable. Someone like you could work here without any knowledge whatsoever. You tried to act as if you didn’t care, but he always sees through you.
“Do you look everyone up that passes these gates? Should I be worried?” You tried to change the subject from Baekhyun to something lighter. He was precisely the reason why you went downstairs. You didn’t want to hear other people talk about him. You didn’t want to see him. You just wanted him to disappear, and let you live in peace with your secrets safely hidden. 
“I only look up possible candidates for you.” He told you earnestly. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Was he looking for candidates? Candidates for you? For what? To help you invest?
“Candidates?” You almost choked out. What the hell was he talking about?
“You’ve been alone for so long now. When was the last time you dated someone?” He softly asked you so nobody else could overhear your conversation.
“I’m sorry?” 
“He’s your age.” Giving up was most definitely not in his vocabulary list.
“So?” You questioned him again.
“Isn’t it time to settle down?” He asked you sincerely. He had been interested in your love life before, but never this straightforward.
“Excuse me? I’ll settle down when I want to settle down. I’ll look up my own candidates. Thank you very much.” You told him while walking away from him. You didn’t need his meddling in your life. Why couldn’t he just keep talking about his granddaughter? That would’ve been better.
“Y/N!” He tried calling after you, but you were already inside the elevator with a scowl on your face. Why was everyone so obsessed with settling down and having babies. Maybe you didn’t want to have babies. Perhaps you didn’t want to have the same life as the others had? You weren’t sure what you wanted, but you most definitely didn’t need a man. 
“Are you ok?” Someone asked beside you. When did that person even enter the elevator? You could’ve sworn it was empty when you had entered. 
“Of course.” You said out loud when you noticed the guy be Baekhyun. Of course, it would be him. Why was he everywhere you went? Did he have your coordinates on his phone? Was he tracking you?
“Can I please speak to you in my office?” He suddenly asked you. His eyes had black circles under it, and he did look a little bit tired. 
“You have an office here?” You challenged him but immediately regretted your big mouth. You really needed to learn to shut the fuck up.
“Well, it is my company.” He reasoned, but you simply nodded your head.
“Right.” You awkwardly said. The doors opened, and he got out on the top floor. Did you miss your level? Why were you here? You’ve never been here in your life. This was only for the best of your company.
“Are you coming?” Baekhyun worriedly asked you while keeping the doors from closing. 
“Yes, sorry.” You hurriedly told him while exiting the elevator. It was gorgeous up here. You had a breathtaking view of the city from up here. You stopped following Baekhyun to simply take a look at your city. It has is flaws, and yes you didn’t like the vomit of drunken people covering the streets, but from up here you fell in love again. You only saw the beautiful buildings shining bright because of the sun’s warmth. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Baekhyun broke the silence. You had almost forgotten the reason why you were here in the first place. If he fired you right here, you wouldn’t be as mad. You did get to see the scenery of the only place you loved and feared at the same time.
You still remembered when you and Jennie rented your first apartment here. You were both so unprepared for real life, and the city has taught you many beautiful lessons. Don’t take the night bus, just spend money on a cab and you will be rewarded with your life and clothes intact. Don’t give the same homeless man al your spare change, he might take it for granted and follow you around the city if you didn’t have any change that day. Living alone in such a big city brings opportunities, but it also takes a lot. You can’t just roam free as you want. There is no room to take a breath as everything is fast-paced and hard. 
“It makes you think.” You told him softly, and his eyes were again searching for yours. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asked you.
“That I shouldn’t be so scared of something so beautiful.” You confessed. Why did you have to tell him all your thoughts? He just needed to look at you, and you wanted to bare your soul. Which you already did by the way, but he already knew enough.
“It’s always more beautiful from a distance.” He finally looked away, and you could finally breathe. Why did he have such an effect on you? He was your boss for crying out loud.
“Isn’t everything?”
“Not everything.” He told you while looking at you, and you had to fight a blush. He quickly composed himself and motioned for you to follow him, and you did this time. Does a pig know when they will be slaughtered? You hope they don’t as it is not a nice feeling to know your life will end. You might not get murdered, but right now, you really wished you would. You have been fired so many times in your life, but it never got easier.
He opened the doors to his office, and you softly made your way inside. He closed the doors behind you and sat down at his desk. There was nothing personal about his office, but that was to be expected. He was only here for a week. You tried to not be awkward, but you didn’t know what to do. 
“Please sit down.” He chuckled after letting you struggle for a couple of minutes. You gladly accepted the seat right across from him. He did look majestic in his black suit with just the right amount of buttons unbuttoned. You didn’t like the feeling that was going through your body. You didn’t like the fact that Baekhyun made you feel comfortable. If he was going to fire you because of your resume, you were just going to pretend you didn’t know what he was talking about. How could he prove you lied? 
“Why am I here?” You asked him forcefully, and he looked taken aback for a split second. “Is it because of my resume? That I lied?” You asked him, and you mentally smacked your head. 
“No, but you really shouldn’t have lied.” He chuckled lightly. He looked amused by you.
“So why are you firing me?” You weren’t the most subtle kind of lady. You liked to know what was going on at all times. 
“Who said I was going to fire you?” His smile fell from his face, and you kind of felt wrong to be so blunt to him.
“Why else would you want to see me?” You softly asked him, avoiding eye contact once again. There was something in his brown eyes that made you lose your cool. Not that you were usually calm and collected, but you could often pretend. Not with him, though.
“I have a favour to ask you.” He rested his head on his hand while looking at you expectantly. Like he expected you would throw a fit.
“Me?” You blurted out without thinking. What could he possibly ask?
“Yes.” He simply confirmed while he gave you time to compose yourself.
“Nobody is supposed to know I stayed at a hotel this weekend, and I would like to keep it that way.” He explained in a business-like manner. He lost the youthful look that was so characteristic for him in the short time you had known him, and it surprised you.
“Ok.” Was all you could mutter.
“Can I trust you?” He asked you hopeful. 
“Can I trust you?” You returned his question, and his playfulness returned in a matter of seconds. He suppressed a smile. 
“I won't tell the cute barista you want to have sex with him.” He joked with you, and you wanted to throw yourself out of his window. How embarrassing. 
“I never said I wanted to have sex with him, I just thought he would make a good candidate.” You clarified. “Why is it such a big deal you stayed in a hotel?” You were pushing your luck. You knew that the moment you had asked him that question. His smile disappeared again, and a frown was its replacement. It wasn’t a good look on him. He looked better with his mouth turned upwards.
“Not important.” He harshly stated.
“It seems important if you want to hide it.” Why couldn’t you just shut up and take your nosy ass somewhere else? 
“I don’t tell my secrets to strangers.” He blurted out harshly, and you immediately understood you had reached his limit. 
“Touché.” You told him while getting up and ready to leave the tension-filled room.
“So can I trust you?” He asked you again, with more determination for a concrete answer. He sat tired-eyed and slumped over his desk. You pitied him at that moment. He could ruin your life in an instant, and he knew all about your dirty laundry, but he was still human. And something was bothering him, and it strangely bothers you.
“Of course. I’m happy to forget that night.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” He flashed you a relief smile, and you couldn’t help but return it to him.
“It is no problem mister Byun. I’m glad to help.” You ended the conversation while exiting his office. It wasn’t much of an office, to be honest. Just a room with a desk and man with a big ego and secrets. Everyone has secrets, and suddenly yours didn’t seem so relevant anymore.
You kept pretending to work until everyone in the office left so you could adequately water Mina’s plant. Maybe it was time to improve yourself. Perhaps it was time for you to live a better life. You had recently read something about becoming better. Self-honesty is the key to learning how to become a better human. All the mindfulness in the world won't help you unless you are willing to see your own flaws. Maybe it was time to become more honest with the people around you, but most importantly, yourself. You’ve got to admit you sometimes started to believe your own lies.
You heard some noise from behind you, but you ignored it. Probably some co-worker who forgot something on his desk. It wasn’t that weird to water other people’s plants after hours.
“Are you still killing the plant?” Baekhyun asked you, startling you.
“I was giving it some healthy water.” You told him with a smile. It might be the first time you had given him a smile, and he was clearly stuck for a moment. “I might not like Mina, but her plant is not at fault here.”
“I don’t really like her either.” He told you while fighting a shiver. It was adorable to see him act so cute. 
“Why? You’ve barely spoken to her?” You asked him while laughing. He looked shocked again with your new attitude. You were kind of shocked yourself, but it was too late to change.
“It’s just a feeling I have.”
“I understand.” You stopped watering the plant, scared you might overdo it. The plant was certainly not used to getting water.
“Like I have the feeling you’re more capable than you think.” Your eyes found him, but you quickly averted. Do not look in the eyes of your handsome boss, bad idea, it made you feel things. You didn’t know what these things were, but they should not be present.
“Please don’t use the knowledge you have of me from that night. I told you I’ve forgotten all about it.” You tried to lighten the mood.
“It’s hard to forget such crucial information about one of my best workers.” He quickly understood your actions and played along. It was like he knew exactly how to play your mood.
“Just close your eyes and think of something completely different. You’ll easily forget it if you just gave it a try.” You put the cup down and examined the plant again. It was still looking alive, kind of. Luckily Mina didn’t really care about her plant. Fortunately for the plant, you really did care.
“What if I don’t want to forget?” He asked you while getting closer to you. The room started to get warmer, or maybe that was just your imagination.
“Because I’m your best worker?” You asked him softly. Were you guys flirting? 
“I didn’t say you were the best, I said you were one of my best.” He told you with a smile, you gladly returned. It felt great to be appreciated.
“Sounds the same to me.”
“Would you like to get a drink with me?” He suddenly asked you after a minute of silence. He looked taken aback by his own question, but he tried to play it cool. You could tell. He wasn’t that hard to read.
“Why? Are you trying to get me drunk again to gather more secrets?” You joked while touching his arm playfully. 
“You did that all by yourself last time.”
“Touché.” You didn’t really know what to do. The both of you were just awkward, staring at the other. 
“Well, would you?” He asked you again while shoving his hands into the pockets of his black suit pants.
“Don’t you need to get dinner with the managers or something?” You asked him while getting your coat from the rack. He silently followed you, just like Mina had done this morning. Somehow you attracted people today.
“We’ve already had lunch together. That’s more than I can handle.” He confessed. “I told them I was tired because of my flight.” He continued. 
“I do know a good bar with great cocktails.” You thought out loud.
“I don’t really do cocktails.” He confessed again. Maybe he would spill his secrets this time. That didn’t seem like such lousy spending of your time.
“You don’t drink coffee. You don’t drink cocktails. I think I don’t want to work here anymore.” You told him jokingly. You put on your coat and grabbed your things. He seemed to understand that you were showing him you agreed to his offer, even if you were playing a little coy. 
“I do like coffee. I was just scared to try the coffee here.” Another confession spills out of him, and you softly smiled.
“And you’re a fraud. Where can I resign?” You told him while making your way over to the elevator. 
“I’ll drink a cocktail of your choosing, but please don’t quit or make me drink from that coffee machine.” He practically begged you. He pushed the button to the ground floor, and the doors closed. Were you really going to do this? Getting a drink with your boss? 
“Okay, you don’t need to beg.” 
“I was hardly begging.” He whispered, and his low voice surprised you. You looked into his eyes, but they remained innocent. Much more innocent than his voice.
“Don’t make me change my mind, mister Byun.” You scolded him, but you couldn’t hide the smile that kept growing on your face.
“Please call me Baekhyun.”
“Let’s go Baekhyun. I don’t have all night.” He simply laughed at your impatience and followed you out of the building.
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