astronomodome · 8 months
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Wait this is so cool actually
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hatopixlriffs · 2 months
This week, on CHC:
Flowers, trees, and dragons, Oh My!
Welcome to the CHC recap, my name is Pixlriffs, our writer is ZloyXP, our physical copies printed by Lyarrah. So much has happened in the past week and a half since the last recap, so without further ado:
Let's take a look at all the events and mishaps that occurred on Camp Hermitcraft, this week!
Starting with @gem-the-oracle, who caught a nasty bug, and spent most of the week ill in the Big House. Being the Oracle of Delphi of course, absolutely nothing could go wrong! Besides, it couldn't be weirder than her vision of purple flowers that were quickly identified as Hyacinths, the same kind of flower plaguing every Apollo kid and especially Apollo himself! This spirals into madness as @sungod7-fuckyoupearl starts getting texts from none other than Daphne, known to her account name @notoriginallyatreenypmh and the sun god as "The One Who Got Away". Apollo quickly undergoes the five stages of grief as he realizes this isn't a prank and @boatboynr1- who was turned into a cat by Apollo literally ten minutes prior- berates him with yowls.
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Oh, and Apollo's dead boyfriend Hyacinthus seems to have been the one sending all the flowers. How @hyancithus is doing this beats all reason as he is stuck as a Hyacinth flower and can only communicate in 🪻 emojis. Daphne claims he's able to channel energy through her and the phone she stole but refuses to elaborate further. After a minor breakdown, Apollo teleports Daphne and Hya from their temporary prison of Italy to Camp Hermitcraft, where Daphne takes her axe- also stolen- and takes a breather in the camp lake. Apollo's hands are full as he does his best to take care of his dead boyfriend, whom is still stuck as a flower. A similar rescue mission is still ongoing, as @askhermesgrian, @camphermithater, and Joel have left on a quest to go retrieve @pearl-likes-hunting from some myserious woods. All at the request of @shutupapolloplease, of course.
And what do you know, a third retrieval is also ongoing! @hatotangoftek's metal dragon, Fotia, is loose in NYC and he scrambles to get her back before he ends up in more trouble than he already is.
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@undead-daughter-of-heb attempts to help Tango, but not before blacking out and waking up hours later, with the Hebe cabin rearranged, nice notes everywhere, and people claiming that Gem had briefly possessed her. The strangeness doesn't end there, as she finds and almost adopts a stray cat in camp, before eventually realizing it was @askxisumachc who'd gotten cursed while shifted and couldn't change back. Cleo takes X to Camp Jupiter, where @lovemushroomsandflowers successfully returns him to human form. Ignoring the purring, cat tail, and cat ears that stayed behind, of course. And according to Scott, Xisuma also seems to have retained cat-like attributes, such as the innate need to chase a laser pointer.
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(click for better size- couldn't enlarge it w/o crunchiness) Unluckily for Scott, or maybe luckily for X, @goldenqueenfalse ended up putting him in the hospital before he could test catnip on the acting camp director. This does mean that the fashion show, which most demigods have agreed to simply call "Prom", will be delayed some time, which is fine as some campers have yet to pick out outfits.
Some campers may need to re-choose outfits after ending up back as adults, as Cleo has figured out how to control her powers! Yay for Cleo!
Chaos isn't the only thing going on, as @asktheshreeper and @boatboynr2 spend the week hanging out and even make some shopping plans!
@askscarpjo makes head bead bracelets :)
@hatorendiggitydog also wants head bead bracelets. He then proceeds to dream about Tartarus and acts like thats normal. Etho is not convinced.
@askhatoskizz is not immune to his dad's dead boyfriend and after receiving Hyacinths, decides to do something else. He decides to take @erempulse to a musical and manages to get tickets from Apollo before the whole shrubbery shenanigans (see: above) go down.
@spoonsandmustaches spends his free time playing tech support for @hato-grumbot (ooc- run by the creator of the au himself: @ahllohehn).
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@askhatokeralis spends the week running camp in Xisuma's absence. He's doing fantastic.
And finally there's @askluckskall, who's been contemplating his gender identity and is seeking help from Cleo. As of writing this, we have yet to see where this is headed.
AND that's about it for this weeks recap, our writer is ZloyXP, and my name is Pixlriff, physical copies printed by Lyarrah. Don't forget to leave a like while you're here, and follow so you don't miss future recaps. Thanks for reading, and we'll see you next week.
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featheredenby · 3 months
"Ah yes global pop sensation Ariana Griande the oldest in Grian’s long list of alter egos, a singer who is secretly a drag queen, Grian had even worn one of her outfits to the masquerade."
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 1,231
Part Ten of: Show Your Fangs
A Superhero AU of Empires SMP/Hermitcraft/The Life Series/Artimator SMP/Adding Some Of My Mutuals
Grian sits on the roof of Cleo’s cafe in his new and improved Cuteguy look and thinks about his life, it’s been two weeks since the whole kidnapping thing and since he admitted to Hotguy that Cuteguy and Poultry Man are one and the same. Of course Grian could have told him “Oh yeah and I’m also Grian,” instead of still keeping that a secret but what Grian’s doing is illegal and he doesn’t fancy the idea of going to prison. He already has enough to deal with without more issues with the government. Nothing appears to be happening so he checks his phone but only sees some texts from a few days ago. 
9:56 AM - June 10th
Mumbo: Grian, Ariana Griande is doing her first concert ever and it’s gonna be at the arena in Empires City.
Grian: Cool.
Mumbo: Yeah! I got the three of us tickets for the 14th.
Scar: Awesome I can’t wait!
Grian: Sorry I’m busy that day. You can give away my ticket to someone else.
Scar: You wanna give the ticket to Jimmy, Mumbo?
Mumbo: Sure.
Grian: I hope you guys have a good time!
Ah yes global pop sensation Ariana Griande the oldest in Grian’s long list of alter egos, a singer who is secretly a drag queen, Grian had even worn one of her outfits to the masquerade. It’ll be fun for him to wear his stilettos again, Grian tucks his phone back into his pocket as he feels a pair of eyes land on him. Grian turns around and sees, of course, Hotguy. Grian would quite like to treat him like a friend but Cuteguy isn’t really Hotguy’s friend, Grian isn’t either, they’re rivals, “Hey there pretty boy,” Grian greets him, “It’s been a bit.”
“Yeah it has,” Hotguy agrees, “I like the new outfit.”
“Huh, oh yeah. Well I did rip up my old one.” Grian says.
“It’s nice, the pastel blue suits you.”
“Hm… Thanks.”
“Yeah you look really g-” A burst of fire can be seen in the distance as a bang cuts Hotguy off.
“What was-”
“Probably creepers,” Hotguy says while frantically tapping at the communicator on his wrist, “Okay now that I think about it, probably not creepers.”
Grian opens his extra eyes and scouts out the explosion where he sees a white cat mutant holding a spear and a large diamond. “I have no idea who it is but someone just stole a giant diamond. Let's run!” Grian takes a running start and takes off from the roof before flying toward the scene. When he arrives Grian finds a person with a flower mask, fighting the cat mutant, with a chainsaw. As he watches a raven hybrid lands on a roof nearby and shoots an arrow at the cat mutant who dodges only to get trapped in vines that the other person. Hotguy comes up behind Grian observing the scene, “Should we deal with this?”
“Nah, I think that these people have got it.” Grian tells him.
“Okay but should we at least keep an eye on it?” Hotguy asks.
Grian looks down and sees that the raven hybrid is lifting up the diamond while the human is tying up the cat mutant. He turns to Hotguy, “I have to go do something.”
“Okay bye.”
Grian flies down into a nearby alleyway where he changes into his normal outfit and grabs a notepad and pen from his bag. He runs up to the scene where the three people are still standing there. As Grian goes up the person in the flower mask spots him and walks over, “Hello,” they greet him, “are you okay?”
“Yep I’m fine. Actually I’m a reporter for the Hermit Times, I was wondering if I could interview you?” He asks.
“Sure, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Bard and I use she/her pronouns.” She says.
“Okay,” Grian replies while jotting down notes, “and who are the other people here?”
The other people hear him and the raven hybrid drags over the cat mutant, “I’m Poisoner, I don’t care about pronouns.”
“Mhm… who's the villain?”
“I’m Dandylion! I use he/him.”
“Okay, what exactly happened here?” Grian asks.
“Well-” The villain starts to talk only for a vine to gag his mouth.
“He blew a hole in the museum and stole a diamond. We got it back, pretty simple.” Bard explains.
“Okay, thanks for the interview.” Grian says before starting the journey back to his apartment. On his way back Grian sees Hotguy also running along a similar route so he picks up the pace to be able to find a place where he can change and open his wings. Then of course Hotguy sees him, “Hello there Grian.”
“Hotguy.” Grian says naturally.
“My favorite reporter, need a walk back to your house?” He asks.
“I think I’d get there faster if you left.” Grian replies.
“Aw, come on it’s gonna rain soon.”
“Okay, bye!”
Hotguy walks off in the other direction and as soon as he’s out of view Grian ducks into an alley and changes into a black hoodie and opens his wings. As Grian flies back to his apartment he watches the people below him as they walk around Hermitopia and sees nothing of note. As Grian moves to land on his fire escape he sees some of the people who live in the apartments around him out on their fire escapes or balconies. Not wanting them to learn that he’s an avian Grian lands on the roof and takes in his wings before climbing down the latter and onto his fire escape. After he climbs down Grian stands on the platform outside watching his neighbors on their balconies and waves to a few of them as he sees them. 
Grian walks into the living room and sets down his keys on the table before going into his room. Once in the bedroom Grian takes off his sweater and opens his closet door. He digs around the closet for a bit until he unearths a chest which he opens and grabs a dry cleaning bag from. Grian opens the bag in which there is a bright pink dress with a short skirt and a heart shaped cutout on the chest. The back of the dress also has a large cutout wear his wings can come out of. The waist of the dress has a white leather belt with a silver buckle and a few heart and star charms. Grian moves back over to the chest and grabs a bag full of makeup and accessories which he opens and grabs a long blonde wig out of. Along with it he grabs out a shiny pearl white hair tie and some matching pearl jewelry. Quickly Grian changes out of his normal outfit and into his Griande look and puts on his jewelry. Afterward he grabs a bag and puts the rest of the stuff that he needs in it along with putting on his wig and tying it up. He then moves to the bathroom where he uses a can of hairspray to color his wings a dusty pink.
Grian goes back into his room and changes his shoes, briefly stopping to stretch his talons, into pink stilettos. He then opens his window and jumps out into the night air and starts to fly towards empire city.
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A long post is under the cut, but I think we, as a fandom, moved on far too quickly from the endings of empires smp season 2.
Almost everyone got a happy ending.
Fwhip resigned from the role of the Goblin king.
Joel accended to true God hood.
Sausage grew old in sanctuary and raised Hermes to be an interdimentional warrior.
Gem finished Dawn and chose to stay in Hermitcraft because it was the best choice.
Katherine cured the curse plaguing her land.
Joey got to go on all sorts of adventures after defeating his arch-nemesis Skeletron.
Pix, while not finishing his work, got to tell the story of the ancient ruins.
Lizzie created a fully functioning city of animals to live as they want.
Shelby became one of the most powerful witches and got that date with Katherine.
Scott went off into the sunset with Owen to discover new lands and treasures to steal.
Heck, even Oli got out of debt, even if he ended up accidentally time travelling.
And while False never uploaded her finale, we can easily infer that she continued to expand her empire and make her name for herself.
Who did I miss?
Sheriff Jimmy.
The sheriff, who all the other emperors abandoned. The sheriff, nearly loosing his own identity to a joke. The sheriff, who lost his town to the fae.
Let's not forget Jimmy never left tumble town willingly. He was booted out when the fae corrupted his lands, spreading it throughout his home. He and the old sheriff, Roswell, made the best of a bad situation. I mean, what else can they do? Fight the fae? Fae are powerful creature. Not to be messed with. Fighting them is a one-way ticket to death if they don't decide to hold you a prisoner in their realm.
Jimmy also never got the chance to say goodbye to anyone. Everyone had already left him behind. Joel had accended without saying goodbye to his supposed best bud. Sausage never thought to check in on tumble town. There was no final passing of words—just a note from Fwhip.
And, let's not forget this big bit of information, the thing that still grinds my gears about empires season 2. He is the only villain of season 2 who got no closure, redemption or apology. Shelby was uncorrupted and saved. Sausage supreme was fused into Sausages soul. Skeletron was killed by Katherine, Joey and Shelby. They all got an end to their villainy, wether through being saved or killed.
Jimmy got nothing.
His ending was, in multiple ways, left unfinished. He was still bitter towards the emperors. He was still lacking any human respect. He wasn't given any apology or forgiveness. He was forced out of his home by powerful creatures, trying his best to make good of the darkness left to him.
But it's not all darkness. This isn't a bad ending. I think this end has an underlying subtext not even Jimmy planned for. Something I've seen almost no one talking about.
The sheriff walked away from a toxic environment.
Now is an excellent time to remind you that this is all about the characters. Not the actual content creators. Got it? Good.
Let's be honest. None of the characters in Empires Season 2 were 100% innocent besides maybe Katherine. Some were thieves. Some were filled with pride, some made dubious choices, and some were even a little corrupt. And Jimmy isn't an exception. He was a lil bit dishonest with power sometimes and a lil bit prideful in his name. But the sheriff wasn't evil at first. He still did things to help people. He helped Katherine arrest Joey for theft. He did his best to follow the rules, and he actively sought to stop those committing crimes and try to understand the issue at hand, like with Shelby. And his reward. Constant teasing and mockery.
Everyone, including his allies, still made fun of him. Even his best bud said things behind his back. And this is what made him snap. Not the jokes, but that no one, not even his allies, seemed to show any human decency to him.
And he never got an apology or a moment to put them in their place to tell them that they have done goofed. The sheriff was barely given a chance to build, hardly a chance to breathe. He knows he probably couldn't take them in a fight, but they didn't even give him a chance to talk. They made him sit there and take it like he had no choice.
The sheriff instead chose to walk away. Everyone had left him behind. And with the threat of the fae above him, he decided that the best course of action was to leave the toxic lands behind. Lands full of pranks and mistakes that would only ever remind him of his negative attributes.
The sheriff stayed with the one person who ever showed him any sliver of true friendship—the old sheriff. The old sheriff helped reverse the effects of the lore potion with an unnamed potion he found at Shelbys. He helped Jimmy defend the town from a raid. He stayed with him through thick and thin. Sure, he isn't the best influence, but he's better than the world around them.
Ultimately, Jimmy's finale wasn't the good ending like everyone else's. Villains rarely ever get those. Instead, it's a bittersweet goodbye from the two sheriffs off to find a new home far away to the lands of one that brought sorrow, even if at least one of them has some anger issues to work through.
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hey hey— i loved the angsty c!grian x reader fic (the newest one you uploaded, i mean), and was wondering if you'd do a sequel for it? not forced, obviously
as for a plot, that's entirely up to you!! i don't have any ideas atm so feel free to write whatever you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
thanks in advance if you do this !! /gen
Hi there! Thanks for the request! I had a bit of inspiration strike, so I hope you enjoy! The anon's talking about this fic!
Regrets Are Sweet (But My Heart is Stronger)
c!Grian x gn!Reader (one-sided)
Summary: You’ve moved on, but he doesn’t know.
Notes: Angsty, unrequited love (but reversed this time :3), could be read as mild yandere. The server that the reader has moved to is left up to you, pick your favorite! 
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This place is peaceful. You’ve carved out a nice little life for yourself on this server, made new friends and found a place for yourself among them. Here, you can walk around without seeing his builds, talk to people without hearing his voice, and live without a remnant of him in your mind. It’s been months since he’s crossed your thoughts.
“Thanks for the help!” You wave as the others strap on their elytras, waving back and blasting off with rockets to return to their homes. Turning, you smile. Your newest build stands proudly near your house, and despite the vast number of cows held inside, only a fraction of their “moo”s can be heard from where you are. The barn started as a personal project, but when your friends saw the skeleton of a build, they insisted on pitching in- and it’s all the better for it.
Sighing contentedly, you began to make your way back to the entrance of your home, stopping short when there’s a buzz on your communicator. Pulling it out of your pack, your eyes widen when you see the message in the general chat.
<Grian has joined the game.>
Why was he here? You stayed in place, frozen for a moment, unable to peel your attention from the message. Greetings came from your servermates, a couple questioning who he was, and he responded happily, unaware of your predicament.
Soon, another message came through:
<Grian whispered to you: Y/N! Where are you?>
It took a moment to register. Thinking for a heartbeat, you tapped out a response.
<You whispered to Grian: Don’t come to me. I’ll meet you at spawn.>
His next message was an enthusiastic acknowledgement. Stiffly, you packed a few essentials for traveling anywhere away from home, delaying as long as you thought was reasonable before setting out. Why had Grian come after you after so long, and after you left so abruptly?
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When you landed at spawn, Grian was pacing at the top of a nearby hill. Upon seeing you, he grinned.
“Y/N! There you are!” He rushed forward, wings spread so he could make large leaps to clear the distance between you. Before he could hug you, though, you stepped to the side, and he pouted dramatically. “Is that any way to treat your ticket home?”
You stayed still, only tilting your head slightly. “What do you mean?”
He holds out a hand. “You can come home! Don’t you want to come back to Hermitcraft with me?”
“I am home.” Your expression remained blank. “I have friends here- family, even. You were the only one I was close to there, and that tie was severed long ago.”
Grian frowns slightly, gesturing pleadingly as he spoke. “Y/N, that tie isn’t severed. Look, I’m here! I want you to come home- I care a lot about you!”
Shaking your head, you stared at him. “I already told you. I’m staying here. I’m happy here, without you.”
“But I’m not!” He was speaking far too loudly, almost shouting in his earnestness. “Y/N, I love you!”
“You shattered my heart.” There was a chill to your voice that had never been directed at Grian before, and he stepped back. “There’s no room left there for you. I am happier and stronger without you.”
Turning, you began to leave.
“Y/N, wait!” He called out behind you. You heard the flutter of wings as he rushed forward, and you turned for a moment to glare at him. Grian shrunk back, but didn’t back down. “I’ve searched every server to find you. Please! Just give me a chance?”
You laughed. “You had every chance. You chose Mumbo and Scar, remember? I’m sure they’re waiting for you at home. Just leave, Grian.”
His head dropped, and he looked so sad you almost pitied him. “They’re… We’re not together anymore. They were never my first choice. It was always you, Y/N.”
It tore at your heart, the way your former friend looked back up at you. Grian reached out a hand again, tears plainly welling in his eyes. “Please, Y/N. I need you.”
And yet you set me to the side, every time. The words echoed in your brain, though you couldn’t bring yourself to say them out loud. “I’m not leaving my home. Goodbye, Grian.”
Turning once again, you didn’t hear any further pleads he may have made. Pulling out your communicator, you tabbed over to the map and began to return home.
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lectern-fullcauldron · 7 months
Season 6 minigames that you may or may not know that I very much enjoyed:
Boombox 2 by Tango - step into his flooded labyrinth arena with a redstone block floor. blow each other up
R.U.N by Iskall (modelled by Keralis) - put a diamond into the machine. RNG will decide if the doors open to a random, high paced game. There's a prize wheel!!
The RollerToaster by Joe Hills - if you make good enough animal sounds, you might survive the rollercoaster and get tickets for the 'fabulous' prizes (don't worry about the lava)
Sahara speedy pines raceway by rendog - formula one ice boat road race track that ren worked on for months. Ignore the doom guy suit debris on the finish line. That's unrelated
Ravager run by cubfan - charge through this ravager infested town to recover wool blocks at high speed
Undying by Xisuma - welcome to his series of rooms. You get a new totem in each room. Use them. Fastest wins
Diamond drop by scar - jump out of a plane and catch falling diamonds. Don't die of floor impact. You've got an elytra for a reason
False's quickdraw (as played by Truesymmetry) - one lives, one dies. Are you the fastest gunslinger on hermitcraft?
Jousting by Stress - ok so you get on a horse and then you get a trident. One of you will die. Try not to kill the horse
Mr Pumpkin by Stress and Iskall - it's a Halloween puzzle game!! Three games in one (in a pumpkin from false). How's your fishing, musicality and sliding? You'll need it
The mushroom casino by doc - put in a diamond to roll the dice. Who knows, you might get lucky? (Or not)
Phantom run by doc - there's phantoms in here. You'd BETTER run. Fastest wins
Guess whom by false - who said you can't build guess who in Minecraft?? Think again #jingled
The elytra course by grian - Ren's train line too slow for your high speed hermitcraft continent tour? Try grian's breakneck elytra course, now featuring extra bamboo courtesy of cub
Tag tower parkour by cub - oh you've been tagged? Unfortunate. Up the tower you go :))
Escape by Cleo - an escape room to earn grandpa's inheritance, from the mind of devious pirate captain Cleo
RGB by zed - he's just learned to launch blocks. It's time for you to learn to catch them!!
And so so many more. Honestly check out Hermit jingle land and the other season six attractions
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applepato · 1 year
i've been catching up on hermitcraft and scar's ticket getting turned down when him and impulse were testing the turnstiles is so fucking funny
of course scar would possess counterfeit tickets to his own theme park, of course he would
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hccn-overseer · 1 year
Issue 4, 5/10/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
This week’s news is once again accompanied by a PDF version of your latest news brought to us once again by the lovely Cheer! Pick it up right here for your viewing pleasure!
The Incident and What it Means for You
By Virtual
News of The Incident has been making its rounds around the Hermitcraft server this week, and citizens have been left wondering what carnage will be wrought as a result. 
To those concerned about a second (third if you count the Mycelium resistance) civil war, rest easy. It is likely that the two perpetrators will be the only ones Doc targets. For those not affiliated with Grian or Scar, congratulations! You have free tickets to the show of a century. To those unlucky citizens affiliated with the troublemakers, it is likely The Horrors will be unrelenting. The last time Grian touched DocM77’s redstone, the Hermitcraft server experienced a civil war unlike any it had ever known. Since then, Doc has acquired new weaponry and game-breaking mechanics. The serverwide anvil launcher, goat mech, and living, breathing ender dragon have the potential to make any coming wars very bad for Grian and Scar specifically.
Sources from within the Perimeter say that Doc’s strategies will be psychological until he prepares his heavy weaponry for launch. Efforts currently seem to be focused on Grian, making his base a very dangerous place to be. The charged creeper launcher is once again an active threat, and citizens can expect everything to start breaking in ways that defy physics, reality, and all common sense. Those working for or living near the affected area may want to take shelter within Grumbot for the time being. Though Scarland is yet to be targeted, workers are already beginning to post evacuation routes and vacate the theme park, demonstrating a collective survival instinct far greater than that of their boss. This is an advisable course of action. 
All citizens will be watching the events following The Incident with rapt attention. Though the consequences coming towards Grian and Scar will be fun and games, citizens should still be on the lookout to keep themselves safe. To those citizens who want to avoid all possibility of being caught in the crossfire, the safest option will be to change your identity and begin working for Joe Hills.
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Now onto other news below the cut!
Astrology Corner
By Winter
Have you been feeling without guidance? Do you look at your birthday and look up your star sign and wonder, “Will the market fall, and due to my investments, I will become broke????” “Am I the capitalist?” Don’t worry, here at The Overseer, we can help you.*
Aries: Do not invest in the button, it may blow up in your face.
Taurus: I wager that you will need to invest in your local newspaper.
Gemini: Due to the rise of Etho heads across the market, you will be paid in Etho heads this week. Make room on your counter.
Cancer: Due to the rise in your boss's anger, you will take out a loan.
Leo: Your life insurance just went up due to your affiliation with GTWS/Grian.
Virgo: You will cash out on the prediction on how the TCG matches worked out. 
Libra: You should invest in Redstone as it will increase rather soon. 
Scorpio: You will start to see a decline in profits. Pray to the button. 
Sagittarius: It will become profitable to become a ghost hunting agency. 
Capricorn: You will be tipped a diamond to convince your boss to take part in the war. 
Aquarius: You are advised to invest in a protection shield. 
Pisces: No one will notice if you sit in front of the button all day. 
All star signs: Don’t worry, you are not being watched… yet. 
*Ignore how blatantly specific these are. Nothing bad will happen to you.
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From the Sidelines
By StarryFelix Scar, Grian, Bdubs and Doc affiliates+
The last week on the server was chaotic to say the least. With the recent happenings on the server, several of the affiliate guilds are either in shambles or laughing about the shenanigans of their employers. Bdubs’ guild is wondering if dearest Scar’s comment section will ever recover.
The Stress affiliates are happy that she has finally returned to the Hermitcraft server, and Iskall is welcomed back with massive warmth as well. Beside some of the chaos there are most definitely some good and heartwarming moments.
Now… Grian and Scar’s little accident, which I assume people have written about already, is making the citizens in Scarland question the extent of their safety. While they are celebrating all the beautiful new visitors throughout the park (courtesy of Cleo’s amazing armour stand work) and the rising of the absolutely stunning castle, the tensions are visible. 
After the intervention for Grian and the back of his base, the people in the area are questioning whether he will even get to finish it. The affiliates do not seem to be too concerned about their own safety, but this might be mainly because so many of them live underground, close to The Rift. Perhaps they’re more used to dangerous situations? The ever unexpectedly weird Grumbot might have influenced their way of looking at the world, and we may never know if this is the truth. This is, for the most part, speculation.
Generally, there still seems to be peace. The question is for how long because last time, “It all started when Grian touched my redstone,” so we don’t know what will happen. The citizens are following all of the events, the rise of tensions, the Tweets, and Youtube Comments of their affiliated Hermits on foot to partially ensure their own safety. 
On a happier note, the Beef affiliates are happy that there is finally a solid base instead of just the TCG area or the starter base. It has been both a busy and calm week, and it seems that soon there might be more interesting stuff happening to report about.
For now, it seems most citizens are waiting in anticipation for what might happen next. The speculations of war are ever more present than they usually are on the Hermitcraft server… many affairs and mishaps this week. 
I will be heading off and will be keeping an eye on how the citizens take all the sudden commotion that is going on. For now, this was From the Sidelines and I hope to see you in the next column!
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Museum Opening!
By Ilea
This week on Hermitcraft we were able to witness an opening of a museum. Of course all of the artifacts in it were ethically sourced and through some serious convincing (and sneaking into it through the back door) we managed to prepare a short guide to it.
Starting with none other than the TCG cards, that have been taking the server by storm. The exhibit was of course donated by VintageBeef himself and we absolutely want to shine more light on it as the TCG tournament is coming to an end.
Then we can see quite a collection of artifacts that are connected to the King's Rules on the server, which includes things like the infamous "No No No No" disc and an invite to the party at which it was played. From the same collection we may find heads of both evil and good King Ren as well as multiple King's Banners and even a shield with it. Probably our favorite artifact from this collection is the "You speak when spoken to!" horn, that over the months has brought a lot of joy and earplugs to many of us.
In a carefully secured glass box we can see the "Begin?" button that opened the Rift and had us connect with the Empires. Right next to it positioned is "King Sausages Diamond of Peace" to remind us about our Empires friends. For now the button is unclickable and we can safely say that this is an actual Grianproof casing.
What is not Grianproofed are Mumbo's vaults and right next to the button we see the first vault key of the season. We are sure that he is not using it anymore, but if anyone would ever feel like trying to get into it, then copying this exhibit should work.
Right opposite we can see a mysterious creeper that had us run away scared not to break something, but then we read the label. As it turned out this was Scar's prized creeper costume that managed to scare the life out of many people. We are really glad that it is safe in the museum now and no longer in his hands.
Speaking of Scar, in this museum we can look at the Scarland VIP pass, which we all can only dream about. What lies close to it is a Zedvancement trophy that had us wondering about what it was for and an old stream day torch, that quite honestly is a blast from the past.
Upstairs we firstly can see the giant dragon head of a Dragonbro that was given to Cubfan by Bdubs. Through the great Hermit Vine we have managed to find out that it was a prize for Cub completing a quest and later used by him as his Royal Magician attire.
After that we are greeted with an array of heads, starting with the ultra rare Baldubs(Bald Bdubs) head from his head shop. Quite honestly upon seeing this we were too stunned to speak. Right next to it there is an awful lot of hair provided by a dwarven beard. We absolutely love the style of it, the braids on this thing are incredibly intricate, but we do not recommend making pictures with it.
Lastly there hangs a sad proof of how washed up our old, but still beloved Etho is. Once again we give our condolences to his pvp skill and wish him a swift recovery.
That is all of the exhibits that we managed to find, hopefully it will grow over the next months, and who knows, maybe we will have a chance to visit it again.
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Lost and Found
By Virtual
The following items were collected from across the server over the past week. If you would like to report an item missing, or if you recognize any of the below items as your own, please contact us at [email protected]* *not a real email address
Item 1: A green shulker box, found on top of Zedaph’s netherite beacon. Though Zedaph seemed reluctant to give up the box, one of his affiliates delivered it to the Overseer offices last week. When opened, the box contained twelve anvils, a pair of green leather trousers, and three goat horns, all renamed to some variation of DocM77’s username. The purpose of these items is unknown, and their existence raises some concerning implications. If this box belongs to you, collect it at the Overseer offices as soon as possible.
Item 2: A nether portal without corners, found in the lagoons below Scarland Castle. The nether portal was found completely submerged yet still functioning. The portal was originally suspected to belong to DocM77; However, the goat has denied responsibility for it. When swam through, the portal dropped citizens into a strange, dark corner of the nether disconnected from any visible nether hub, despite its proximity to Scar’s portal. If this anomaly belongs to you, consider relocating the portal or putting up a sign.
Item 3: An unusable ender pearl, found in Cub’s TCG arena. When thrown, this ender pearl will not teleport the player. Instead, it returns to the user’s inventory in the same hand it was thrown from, regardless if a player is already holding something different. The ender pearl also puts out a constant stream of End ambiance no matter what biome it is in. If this item belongs to you, pick it up before next Friday. Cub has plans to begin experimenting on it.
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Ask the Seers
By Seers Jester, S, Vi, and Nes
Has your favourite little guy been put into a situation they can’t get out of? Do you have questions about how a mountain appeared on top of your house last night? Question no more, for The Seers are here to help! Questions can be submitted through the ask box and are collected throughout the week.
Dear Seers, Today, I was just doing my usual shift at Scarland, and then BOOM!! I got Hotguyed!! And also died!! This is a near daily occurrence. My back is killing me from all the repeated injuries. Send help/advice, please. I can’t keep doing this! - Porcupine of a Popcorn Vendor
While I'm aware of a pamphlet of advice produced by the associated Scarland staff, I presume you're needing more than that. While it's not exactly feasible to never be Hotguy'd again, there are some tricks that could make things easier for you.
Option number one, actually, is to complain to your boss. While OSHA doesn't really apply here vis-a-vis entitlement to a safe working environment, he'd probably be willing to move you to a position working indoors if this is really affecting you. I heard once that he was actually able to pull some strings and ask Hotguy himself to stop bothering a particular staff member after they mentioned all the sharpness arrows were, respawn or no, making their chronic back pain flare up really bad.
Another option, if you wouldn't like to talk to your boss about it (understandable), is to get your hands on a mascot suit. Hotguy has never shot someone in a Jellie costume (I suspect some sort of deal with Scar?) and you can use that to your advantage. I'm at least ninety percent sure all employees of Scarland are entitled to wear a Jellie fursuit if they can stand it in this weather, but policies could have changed, I don't know. Maybe enough merch would be close enough?
Final option - desperate option - is to try and wear camouflage with your environment. This means being out of uniform, but also not being an obvious target for aerial attacks (or at least less obvious than someone else). This might mean breaking dress code a bit, but… Well, if someone talks to you about it you get the opportunity to explain yourself and how the Hotguy attacks have been a genuine problem for you lately, which routes back to "complain to your boss" option, minus the part where you start the confrontation. If no one bothers you about being out of uniform/in a dyed-light-maroon uniform, you're now less of a target for random velocitay attacks.
Best of luck! If this advice can't help you avoid Hotguy attacks entirely, I hope it at least lessens them!
- The Seers
Dear Seers,  Back at it again, I used your advice on the shriekers! But I kept the TNT a bit, tested it out, and your advice worked! Now I have a tiny problem. I got a Warden chasing me around and I don't wanna kill him. I've grown attached to Bobby the Warden.. but he scares my cats and I don't have any place to keep him. Any suggestions? - Crazier Than The Beast Wranglers 
Hello, Crazier Than The Beast Wranglers!
So glad our previous advice helped. Hopefully the receiver of your prank appreciated it as much as you did!
As for Bobby, I suggest asking your local beast wrangler about appropriate care tips for a Warden of his size and age. You can typically find them in or around Decked Out 2! They can also provide you with advice on housing, or you can refer to how other citizens and Hermits are housing their Wardens - such as Scars pet Warden in the tower.
The cats are an entirely different issue. You could try desensitizing them to Bobby by having them in rooms next to one another, sort of like how you’d introduce a new cat by having the new one and one room and the old cat can smell them and get used to their scent before meeting them. 
Side note: keep Bobby away from fishing rods
- The Seers
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By Jamie
Come by Tango's Citadel today to get some of the best baked goods on the server! Fellow Citizen, Azelea, has opened up a bakery and shall be catering the Hermitcitizen Masquerade Ball later this year. Don't miss the first week’s sale!
Watcher issues? Hello, there! I have experience avoiding Watchers and having them not be able to actually convert me. If any researchers, scientists, or people struggling with the Watchers want to come by, please do! I'll try my best to pass along what makes me unable to be converted. Location: The small house in the birch forest near Grian's base Owner: Fleur
Calling out to all book lovers! This Friday we shall be meeting at Bdubs’ Moss Cafe to discuss our favourite books and give out any and all recommendations! Personally, I’m looking forward to ‘The Secret Life of Sunflowers’.
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Fun and Games
This week's fun and games are brought to you by Snuffy!
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Brain Teasers
In this game, there are four images of some sort and you need to figure out what each Brain Teaser is trying to say! For example, a brain teaser could be the word READ with lines above and below, and it would mean ‘read between the lines’. Have fun!
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And that’s all for this issue folks! Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful week!
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quaranmine · 8 months
6, 12, and 25 for the mcytblr fic author asks?
6. Do you like using the mcyt multiverse as a concept? (all SMPS and MC content exists in the same universe)
Yes!! To the point where it will bother me if I can't make them all fit, lol. Usually I like to keep the Dream SMP, Hermitcraft, Evo and Life Series all within the same universe. I like MCC as an event where people from these servers can intersect. Empires though is a problem to me, as it often contradicts things quite heavily due to the characters' lore. So whether or not Empires (S1 or S2) is canon sort of depends on what I am writing. I also often disregard random one-off SMPs as well--I'm not going to try to figure out how Rats SMP fits into Hermitcraft fits into Empires, it's just a nice little series in its own right.
12.Funniest comment you've ever gotten in a piece of work?
I think the funniest is when I posted a Firewatch AU chapter and @ivi-prism sent me a screenshot of her fake-buying plane tickets to Texas on an actual airline website to come kill me
Also I do find it pretty amusing that I am so loudly fixated on fire lookouts that I am aware of more than one person who have started reading my fanfic without even being familiar with Hermitcraft LOL
25.What works and/or authors in the fandom do you recommend?
Well, I've got to rep some of my friends first! Ivi is the creator of this ask game, and you should definitely check out her works -- Off-world vacations is a sweeping dsmp x hermitcraft crossover that has been in the works for years, great for Fundy fans. chrysalizzm is one of the most talented writers I've ever met, and I've seen firsthand the incredible research and depth and soul he's poured into the wasteland series. another excellent writer is prismartist, who probably has something for everyone since they've written life series, hermitcraft, dream smp, qsmp, and empires.
Really though, I need to get better at actually bookmarking my favorite works. I often kudos and then lose them oops
I have to recc definitelynotshouting's hunger au, although I feel like that's quite well known in the fandom already (for good reason)
sunlight over me no matter what i do by odaigahara is a GREAT oneshot, but mind the gore and body horror (grian cuts off his own wings to get rid of watcher influence)
I'm pretty fond of a specific subset of Watcher!Grian stories where the old Grian died and a Watcher/something else just kind of uhhhh took over his body with his memories? So I must recommend tempering by sixteenthdays, as well as You Say You Feel Hollow (and you know it's 'cause you are) by writing_and_worrying. still slightly similar in concept but not quite the same is the body is an object by ruffboi. And it's probably distinctly different enough that it shouldn't even be grouped here, but I also adore Covet by Oceanbreeze7 for a good Creature-y Watcher!Grian.
I like Enderwoah's Jimmy/Bad Boys fics. The two I have in my bookmarks is i've got problems (not just the ones that are little) and i can see the pattern (but i don't know what i can do)
Finally, I don't always blog about hermitshipping but I do sometimes read it, so I'll leave you with a scarian fic that has killed me like three separate times: Baby, just let me bleed in peace by mossman_mothman
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marzghost · 1 year
Red Queen au with everyone from hermitcraft and empires + Martyn, Bigb, and Skizzleman anyone? I know this is such a niche little thing but god do I love this book series and what type of person would I be if I didn't put my little block men into it. 👀
Like imagine it if you will. Scar as Cal ,Grian as Mare, and Cub as Maven (I'm living for the convex drama I also have no clue who would take on the role of Evangeline but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Thinking maybe Cleo but who knows it might change). Might make this into an actual fanfiction with Grian being born a female but identifying and passing off as a male because I can do as I please and who doesn't like the angst that comes from being forced to parade around as something you know you aren't.
if I make this a full on fanfic it'll be called The Red Blood On My Teeth Tastes Sweet On Your Silver Tongue (but our sins turn it bitter like a war over done) on AO3 but for short I'll be referring to it as the Red Blood Silver Tongue AU or RBST Au
Enjoy this snippet so you guys can somewhat see what I'm talking about. If I do make it into a full on fanfic I'll be sure to tag warnings because I know for a fact there will be a lot of misgendering and body dysmorphia since Grian will be forced to parade around as a female despite identifying as a male.
Grian was alive. Grian was alive that much he knew for a fact from the way his heart raced within his chest and his blood pulsed within his ears. He was alive when he should have been dead. His body should be nothing more than a charred clump upon the electric dome but here he was ,a mess, being watched by every important silver house there is.
He should be dead. Should be nothing more than a red and black stain upon the electric shield but instead he laid upon the ruined ground of the arena with his once beautiful new uniform burnt and smoking from the electricity that had been coursing through his body not too long ago. He should have felt pain when he fell down to what should have been his untimely demise but no. Instead of feeling anything he thought moments like this should entitle he felt more alive than he's ever felt before. It was like a blindfold had been lifted from his eyes and as he stood to his feet dazed and confused, wide dark eyes locked with intense and shocked lime green ones and like a fool he lifted his hand and waved with a nervous smile crossing his thin lips before saying, "Uhh, hi?"
That was all it took for the dam to break. The metal spheres the ginger and been controlling flew out towards him and in some sad attempt to save himself Grian quickly outstretched his hands in front of himself. One moment Grian was yelling wait at the top of his lungs and the next lightning was coming out of his open palms saving him from yet another untimely death. If the silvers hadn't been gasping before they sure as hell were now.
Then, like thunder, the king's voice cut through the air. "Guards! Seize him!" He commanded and like flipping a switch the guards all around snapped into action. Now Grian was no fool. He knew when to leave and as his eyes landed on his ticket out of the arena he took it. Running past the stunted girl he slid down through the lifted platform that had been used to bring up all the other ladies into the now destroyed area and landed down in some brightly lit hall. He could feel the energy powering each lightbulb but just as he focused on one it would explode in a flash of light and glass. Panic pushed his legs forward as lights exploded behind him ringing like alarms wherever he went and it wasn't long before the sounds of armored footsteps accompanied his own.
Taking another left Grian found himself looking out an open window and just as he hoisted himself up onto its frame two strong arms wrapped themselves around his waist and pulled him away from his only chance at freedom. Screaming and kicking Grian turned to snarl at the fool who had captured him but stopped dead silent for when he did he was met with two now familiar forest green eyes and striking scars.
"I'm so sorry Grian but go to sleep."
Scar whispered to him and just like that Grian watched as the world blurred around him and turned black with the last thing he saw being Scar's ,no Prince Rayn's, eyes glowing slightly gold in the light of the now setting sun.
(yeet there ya go btw I know it's very close to his real name but i didn't know what other name to give him and I really liked Rayn (pronounced rain) despite it basically being his real name with only the Y and A swapping places.)
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auriidae · 10 months
saw ur tags, please share your list of desert duo coded saint motel songs (if youre willing, if not ignore me lol) 👀
anon i am ALWAYS willing to share my ideas abt desertduo thank u for asking!! i have many thoughts so this is going to be v disjointed but here u go
(i actually made up a whole desertduo-centric au based entirely on the vibes of the songs in the original motion picture soundtrack a whiile ago o_o so almost all the songs from that album are linked with them in my mind,,,, but i won't go into that now haha. here's the list !)
first of all. old soul is the original desertduo song to me. "cause the more i get to know you / well the more i feel i knew you / in a lifetime a long time ago" but it's a post-3l au where everyone forgets except as the winners grian and scar start to remember.... (also i'm a mild watcher grian enjoyer so "i've seen heaven in the moonlight / blow it out / yeah, turn around" has a very clear mental image of, yknow, eyes in the moon and stuff. yeag)
also, make me feel like. there was a whole thing about scar and milkshakes and french fries in earlier hermitcraft that became like cemented in my mind as integral to his character for some reason so the first time i heard the "dipping your shake with the french fries" line the whole song became about him. "it started out like it always ends" oughhh that's such a line. 'there is no other end to this story' and all that. also "there's only so much that my heart can take / i get so close and then i hesitate / i don't want to die alone" and "don't let me down / give the run around / yeah you'll be my ticket to heaven" this is such a soulmate-coded song DO I NEED TO SAY ANYTHING MORE
SLOW DANCE AS WELL. i was listening to it the first time like "hey this is kind of them based just off the vibes" and then it went "i could be your best friend, i could be your centerpiece, i could be your soulmate, i could be your everything" and i lost my mind entirely. i'm not a purely romantic desertduo enjoyer so take that lyrical aspect of the song with a grain of salt but dude ough
a good song never dies is like very scar-coded in my mind it just has his vibes. i've never read the lyrics through but it puts me in mind of some charismatic charlatan and yeah that's him
bullet's "you don't stop a bullet that you set into motion / you don't stop a fire when you light an explosion / so then why are we fighting, already ignited / counting down, down, down, down" they are sooo self-destructive and this song's got that going for it so
and last but not least la2ny!!!!! "trying to get back / back to the place that we were / pure and dangerous / always just us versus the world" <that is literally. that is So double-life-desertduo-remembering-and-regretting-after-third-life core. "i had the damnedest day / you don't hear what i say / your head's up in the clouds" (soulbound to the man in the clouds by gideon anyone?). also "feel the distance, miles apart / in our beds" <me when i'm soulbound to this guy who i used to be closest to more than anyone else in the world but cannot understand why he's emotionally closed off for the life of me. this might be the most them-coded song here actually,, the rest are fun for vibes but this one's got the lyrics on point.
anyways saint motel's songs are the MOST FUN TO MAKE UP STORIES TO EVER and i love their stuff a lot. thank you very much for giving me an excuse to ramble about this ^-^//
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Grian’s Family and Childhood
so i think that Grian’s family and childhood are fairly complicated and I will be explaining who i think is his family (related by blood and marriage). I will be including lore from some of his previous role-plays and the like (YHS will be mentioned). This is all just a headcanon
so when it comes to the family he was born into he has his mum and his dad as well a his twin sister Pearl, who is about half an hour older. When he’s roughly five his parents get divorced and send him to Japan for some unknown reason and Pearl goes to live with a distant relative. He is stuck in Japan for a hot moment, eventually gets back to England where he lives on the streets until Sam and Taurtis send him a plane ticket back to Japan when he is roughly 16. then YHS happens and TS. During TS Lizzie comes to visit Grian to give him some interesting news. His father and her mother are getting married. They also have a new baby boy, Jimmy, who is about two years old. Grian is 17 at this point. Lizzie is soon to be is step-sister and he has a half-brother he never met. Lizzie came because his dad doesn’t even care, but his soon to be step-mother wanted him to know and be invited. Grian never does show up.
Eventually he meets Jimmy and sees Pearl again after TS and starts adjusting back to living a relatively more normal life on EVO, he finds out that his dad and Jimmy’s mum got divorced. They all get along on the server until the Watchers take Grian from his family again. Eventually he gets onto Hermitcraft and starts healing from all that trauma. Then 3rd life happens and he gets to see his baby brother again, but that ends sort of tragically. It was all a game but dude seeing your baby brother die first has got to be brutal. Then he is reunited with Pearl when she gets accepted onto Hermitcraft and all is going well.
Then last life happens and the whole gang is back together, Lizzie, Jimmy, Pearl, and Grian. Only Grian kills Jimmy as a part of the game, watches Lizzie get killed by a supposed ally and doesn’t live to see what happens to his big sister. 
That’s all I’ve got for now.
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hermits-that-craft · 3 years
Assigning Hermitcraft and Empires SMP people a type of driver in small town australia:
People in both servers:
Pearl (Empires): Burnout queen. Hasn’t been arrested yet but theres been a few near misses. No warrant out for her though because she drives at night with no lights on. Day driving is safe though
Pearl (Hermitcraft): Two charges of speeding and one charge of reckless driving and both were taken to court. Somehow won the cases but barely. She also has LED lights and custom stuff in her car that is just barely legal.
Gem (Empires): Does not drive. Fwhip takes her everywhere.
Gem (Hermitcraft): That person who rides a horse in town. You know the one. Lets the kids hop on the horse though.
Empires SMP: 
Jimmy: Drives safely, does the speed limit. Great for carpool if you’re not in a rush
Scott: Does not drive safely, speeds. Only carpool with him if you’re in a rush because he’ll go sixty in a 40 zone and get away with it.
Sausage: Technically can drive. Doesn’t own a car though. Walks most places.
Fwhip: Drives safely, speeds. He’ll get you to your appointment on time, but you have Gem in the front seat studying loudly.
Joey: Lost his license speeding, still drives anyway. Do not get into a car with him.
Joel: The one person in town with a sports car. Also has the most speeding tickets.
Pixlriffs: He drives his tractor into town. It’s great. Very slow though.
Katherine: She does drag races with Pearl on backroads, and will let you sit next to her while she does it. Hasn’t gotten into a crash yet, but she would if she didn’t know the roads so well
Lizzie: Has her license but doesn’t use it often. Drives Joel’s car if she has to drive anywhere. She’s actually a safe driver - but she does speed a lot and blasts her music really loud.
Shrub: Is on her Ps. However: she hasn’t gotten one DUI or ticket yet: a real trendsetter. She keeps getting pulled over because she’s on her ps but eventually the cops will give up on her.
TFC: this is your grandad who promises your parents he’ll teach you how to drive responsibly and then the first thing he teaches you is how to out run the cops. 
Bdubs: If you get into the car with him, you will end up at your destination an hour before you left. You will die. You will not be pulled over. You will have a high speed chase on the highway. 
Joe Hills: That one teacher that takes everyone to the maccas in town during study. A good driver overall but when you get on the backroads all hell breaks loose.
Cleo: The best person to teach you to drive. The worst person to be in the passenger seat with. Terrifying, but nice enough. 
False: Tells you where the speed traps and RBTs are. Will pay for your speeding ticket. Doesn’t drive though.
Stress: Horrible teacher, great driver. Ten over the speed limit at all times, like a normal fucking person
Grian: Lost his license, only lets Scar drive him around
Scar: Doesn’t have a license to begin with. A good driver though.
Mumbo: Cries when he gets pulled over. Also speeds.
Impulse: Slows down to the speed limit when people are tail gating him.
Cub: Safe driver, will speed if you’re running late.
Ren: All of the windows are down. Music is blasting. You missed your street but it’s fine because he’s got a short cut. You’re half an hour past curfew.
Doc: Worse than Bdubs. There is a warrant out for his arrest. He’ll drive to another town to get you kfc if you ask him to though. 
Etho: Walks during the day, drag races at night. 
Tango: Burnouts outside the cops house. He’s been caught but the cops find it funny so they let him off with a warning.
Hypno: Will make you pay for his fuel if he takes you places. Otherwise he’s chill. Lets you choose the music.
Jevin: Plays the radio, will narrate the adds with you.
Iskall: Watches Etho’s drag races. He’s a mechanic, so his car is NICE, but he brought it from a scrapyard and it wasnt road worthy for AGES
Keralis: Drag races with Etho, but no one believes him because he keeps his drag racing car at the edge of his property.
Beef: Also drag races and everyone knows it, but there isn’t enough evidence to get him on any charges. Mainly cause his uncles a cop.
Wels: Same as False but speeds everywhere. He’s also False’s main ride and the inside of his car is dirty
Xb: Lies to get you out of school and teaches you how to drift. 10/10 great mate.
Xisuma: 3am maccas runs? Yes. Drag racing? Yes. Need a ride to the city? you have the man that’ll take you right here. He only plays shitty 90s rap though.
Zedaph: Raised in the city, moved to a small town. Doesn’t speed, everyone hates being stuck behind him. Also jumping into his car is terrifying this mans steers with his knees and is always on a phonecall.
Demon bonus:
Evil X: Drag races but purposely causes accidents. He has been banned from the drag race.
Helsknight: Cop, but will let you off on a warning if you even so much as say ‘i didnt mean to’. he’s in it for the paycheck.
Xornoth: Pearl and Katherine’s favourite person to drag race with. Has crashed his car a lot though. It’s not road worthy anymore.
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aroaceacacia · 3 years
Everyone loves reading art explanation so here's a free ticket to talk about the details you drew and no one pointed out!
OOOOOOO man okay. okay. I'm going to talk a bit about where is your rider :)
1) I actually fucked up Jimmy's character design LMAO the one time I properly drew his chest, I gave him an A instead of an S
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2) the opening montage contains every player! I decided to draw their hands, which connects to Martyn's role as the hand of the king; the hands are all either doing or showing something representative of their connection to dogwarts (ex. Cleo shushing/keeping a secret, Impulse holding an arrow), or their general role in the series (Bdubs building the crastle, Scott putting on a flower crown).
3) the song, "where is your rider", is from the oh hellos' album dear wormwood. the whole album is actually an extended narrative, and I cannot recommend it enough! "where is your rider" itself actually has a first part, "pale white horse" - in pale white horse, the narrator exists in a war, surrounded by destruction, and yet the only thing that terrifies them is when they see death (one of the horsemen of the apocalypse) and realize his face is familiar. "where is your rider", then, is the triumphant confrontation - it describes how evil and death are being conquered. the oh hellos Love biblical allusions and religious music, so "where is your rider" is basically about jesus conquering death. which... to be fair, in third life ren DID rise again!
4) in the frame "the armies of night", the current thumbnail, bigb is shown with the moon behind his head. the next time we see bigb hes shown with a halo of green behind his head - the moon was placed to make sure bigb contrasted against the night sky, but also he technically got a halo both times because he was the only player left green in week 8. it's to suggest that maybe theres a power or holiness in being green still and bigb is the only one with it left.
5) ren is naked in the altar scene, which is biblically accurate. I gave him his cloak for a bit more modesty, but I did have to apply some anime-style smoke censorship. no, I did not draw renis underneath the smoke layer
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6) these arent clouds, they're phantoms! its a nod to how the phantoms were swarming and attacking during the whole altar sequence. the moon is also full because martyn points out how it's full at the beginning of the scene; the moon ended up being a recurring theme in last life for ren and martyn, so it's kinda funny to see the moon so prevalent in this video (between this frame and the frame of the zombie horde)
7) speaking of which.. what is up with moons? where is your rider and 3rd life had brief moon imagery, then last life had a moon cult. my video when you're an addams had prominent moon imagery and then hermitcraft had a moon apocalypse and a moon cult. wtf is up with that
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8) some people have recognized this frame as the netherite sword, but it's not 😭 this is the skizz blade! its implied here to be cursed, or have some kind of energy or power in it - that being both enchantment and ren's grief for skizz; its then immediately followed, of course, by ren's "the blood is dripping in me eyes!" speech
9) the one time scar's face is visible (when hes in silhouette), he deliberately has a face similar to the vex!
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10) this scene is ren's final speech to the red army before they die at the battle of dogwarts - standing on the bridge outside etho's burned castle, ren confesses that he cant go down without a fight and proposes they storm dogwarts. and he says that they'll have a drink together in Valhalla. like that still fucks me up bro, they knew they were going to die and they did it anyway.
11) when they're climbing the walls of dogwarts, only ren, martyn, and etho are visible - that's a nod to bigb suggesting they burrow under the walls instead of going over
12) my character designs are kinda inconsistent because I didnt really have character designs for most of these guys before making this video, and I rarely go back and fix frames after I draw them, so sometimes you'll notice errors like martyn not having the design on his t shirt, me not knowing how ethos mask/rens glasses work, bigb's hair being different lengths both times I drew him, etc.
that's what I'll say :D
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conarcoin · 2 years
I’m sorry if this is a stupid/obvious question, or if you’ve already answered something similar, but how does one send in a ticket or whatever they’re called to Ao3? Currently Evil Xisumavoid (and other variations of the tag) is synned to the Xisumavoid tag despite being his own separate character on Hermitcraft, and I was curious as to how I might inform the tag wranglers of this (if they weren’t already aware rather than having just not gotten to it yet, I know they’re pretty busy at the moment with all the mcrp fandom tags).
should be a link at the bottom
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Do you have something to say about the Chicago Cubs. 😐 (/j)
I grew up in St. Louis. I grew up reading books for the summer reading program at the library to earn tickets to the Cards games in the Old Busch Stadium (aka the only real stadium, the new building will forever be Lesser. Even if it's technically better, lol). I grew up watching Mark "Big Mac" McGwire set world records (...controversy aside), walking past statues of Stan Musial, and listening to my parents wax eloquent about watching Ozzie Smith make incredible leaps and catches. I grew up on names like So Taguchi and Alan Wainwright and Albert Pujols and J. D. Drew and Edgar Renteria and Jim Edmonds. I grew up on the smell of popcorn and spilled bear and hot pretzels that were too expensive to actually buy, and the taste of White Castle milkshakes after the game, and the sounds of buskers playing saxophone while the crowds streamed out of the stadium. My name and favorite color are Red.
I am a Cardinals fan for life.
And the Cubs are The Biggest Rivals of the Cards Ever (just barely beating out the New York Mets. Pond scum. Derogatory. /hj) and one of my favorite memories is sitting in the broiling sun of a 105*F St. Louis afternoon and watching the Cards smash the Cubs just before St. Louis went on to win the 2011 World Series. (The Cubs won in 2016. GG I guess, but the Cards still VASTLY outweigh them in terms of wins.)
So yes. I have things to say about the Cubs. BUT.
Because I am a loyal Hermitcraft fan even over being a loyal Cards fan.... I will still say that Cubfan is a great person and I don't hold his taste in sports teams against him. Mostly. ;P
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