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fr0g7yyo · 2 days ago
Ok I’m just a yapper and wanted to talk about them I’ll not lie to myself. (All of what Im about to say is basically the explanation of my last post about them, the meme of Neo getting flushed about holding hands and Tele just chill while thinking the biggest atrocities a human can think of……..)
Ok so we all know Neo went to war and blah blah blah right? Ok
All he ever knew was to take things, conquer them and all of this using his power, his strength, his force. He’s a brute, he’s used to being the one on the top. He always gets what he wants.
Now, this reflects to everything in his life, right? If he wants sexual pleasure he would just “hey, where is one of those captives we got from troy?” Get it?
He was born to go to war, he was teach to kill, to fight, to be a soldier who’ll slay all of his enemies by the sec he saw them. He wasn’t teach how to love.
So, what he’s supposed to do once he finds himself loving someone? Absolutely lost in this new emotion where he doesn’t want to hurt him, where he wants him to want him back. But he doesn’t know how, all he knows is how to hurt people, to take what he wants even if the other person doesn’t want that too.
Now, he is going through all the teaching of how to love and care for the ones that are dear to him, he doesn’t know how to act when he’s with Telemachus, he doesn’t know know what to say, he doesn’t know anything!! So when he’s faced with simple love demonstrations that actually shows how he feels he just go CRAZY!!
Like, who would have thought that holding hands as a way to show that u like to be near the guy u’re in love is such a big demonstration for someone who never actually really wanted to be affectionate to no one before 😃?!
Neo is just a big messy guy who don’t know how to act near his crush so he covers his feelings by acting as he hates everyone and everything.
Basically? This:
Telemachus: *flirts with Neo*
Neoptolemus (on the outside): “acts tough and say something like “you should be careful with who u’re messing with, prince.”
He just want to keep his appearance as long as he learns how to love properly<3 He does know how to be such a BEAST in intimacy tho, if Telemachus asks anything he’ll just do it honestly-
Telemachus is just a horny bastard to be honest lmao😭
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angelwolf985 · 12 days ago
they never got to be happy. they never got their peace. i need to lie down.
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mizzyislost · 11 months ago
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so i heard it was a certain silly slug game's birthday
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sakebytheriver · 3 months ago
Thinking about how when I told a "friend" who is pan/demisexual that I feel as though might be aromantic her first response was to interupt me before I could say literally anything else besides "I think I might be aromantic" to tell me that "maybe I just haven't met the right person yet" (literally her exact words) claiming she never felt romantic feelings until her current boyfriend when I had watched her date like five other guys before him and each one she told me she was in love with and had never felt romantic before them, and basically ended the conversation right then and there, but then I told my straight cisgender friend that I think I might be aromantic and her response was to ask me why I felt that way and was completely supportive and understanding as I told her my reasons, stating she didn't know if she could fully relate or even slightly relate, but that she would be there for me while I figured my shit out
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5-htagonist · 7 months ago
i am genuinely so crazyyyy about lbruuuuu.... like Genuinely Genuinely. its pretty bad guise
#like. im crazy about the.m#unfortunately ive been touched by autism and therefore the pattern seeking. they are so dirkjake#and also so me nand my husband <3#its kind of freaky actually#my husband and kabru both have ptsd overthinking masking disease. he said he didnt like kabru (anime only) and i told him about those trait#and he was like is he me. is that why i dont like him. and i was like LOL#he was ilke i dont like that he says what he needs to get what he wants... and i was like sir we literally just talked about how bad your#Fake Conflict Avoidant has gotten bro dont even play#im laios ofc.... ofc... not only is our autism like. similar in presentation. but also the whole never fitting in#and getting told off by a friend granted i wasnt told she always hated me but i was told about how annoying i am and on another occasion#how unreliable i am so LOLLLL that entireeeee scene seriously wrenched my soul#anyway im gonna commit egregious acts against myself to atone for this#alsoooooohis relationship with falin... is really relatable..#now this may sound harsh against laios but im his number one fan i will defend him to death but...#he left his struggling sister to avoid his own pain and didnt reconnect with her for years#like. Yeah. wow. i will say i was much more cruel to my sibling than laios ever was to falin lol he was just kind of a normal brotherly ass#and ofc he was a kid when he ran from home! and i was a kid when i had severe unmanaged adhd (with tism) and had 0 hold on my emotions#and then i withdrew from my sibling once i got on antidepressants lol#it was really difficult to deal with the guilt of having mistreated them to the extent i did while also acknowledging i was failed by our#adults its hard figuring out what exactly youre sorry for#anyways#i love oversharing here. do you guys like it. does anyone ever read these rants#DM
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strab3rr · 4 months ago
(long story and no short sorry) GUYSSS I DID ITT
IDK WHAT TO SAY (ok enough w capslock)
i have so much to say and not a thing at da same time idk how
anyway i want to begin with thanking you @b4ddprincess bc youre the reason i realized why i started this thing. thank you for making my life better and make me realized what i need to do: nothing. (its same for you guys, all u have to do is nothing)
two fuckn years ago i said to myself that i need a better life, quiter life, less fight with everthing bc everything was so loud and not clear i was feeling lost like a child in the market, and i wanted to make things better for myself in every way, but the main idea of my reasons to wanting to get in the void was: making anxiety go and having better people in my life. but the ''voidlist'' just never stopped bc im kinda greedy(having the idea of controling on your life, the idea of that power makes you greedy. yes thats a thing) anyway the more i add to the list the more i feel like im movin away from my desires then i feel depressed bc ive overcomplicating it bc theres so many things to do but i dont do anything so nothing happend bc i was waiting to be someth happen. and then i started doing awkwardly silly things such as: void routines and challenges and (im embarrassed of this one bc i was too desperate) drinking water
youve read it correct drinking water.
i was sooo desperate for having those things id do anything to get them.
i am simple. i want what everyone wants����🎀🎀: shifting realities bc i have so many crush and i need them to be crush me in bed(for 2020 girlies)
being an academic weapon is so easy for me🎀(bc of the urge to make my family proud) +dream collage
being the girl that everyone gets along w(basic needs)
being the girl who is pretty not cute(trauma response)
glowing aura(cats loves people w glowing aura yes thats a thing too)
dream body n hair(bc i deserve this🎀)
healthy (girlyfriend)friends(basic needs)
and of course him, my sp(i cant tell wich one at that time but i releived that its not him now, bc MY BELOVED CURRENT BF. guyss he is the one. dont u dare ask me how you know? i literally manifested him🎀)
then i realized i can have everything bc its my reality so why not add these:
new phone, +macbook air
dream apartment of my own
pinterest closet
lifa app for this reality
financially free-money(a lot. like really a lot)
knowing 4 languages like a native person(bc i want to be diplomat so bad) +sign language(its in general)
a little drama(its not gonna hurt anybody)
my parents being more lovable and away from me
every time i try to get in, either i was failing or falling
and im sick of it, sick of it so much i quit.(for a year)
then i go to the theraphy(ofc no im jk ilove being crazy)
one day i saw a post ss from tumblr about pure consciousness on pinterest and i was like whaat is thiiss. no mention of void so i thougt its a diffrent thing and i download the tumblr again and search everything abt it. and same excitement again after one year same thougts and same list popes up in my head. and i was like ok maybe this time itll happen.
still waiting to be someth happen so nothing happend, it was such a waste of time trying to get in while i was already be, i was already what i want to become. i was that girl that everyone gets along with but i couldnt even see bc i was too focused on wanting to be. but still tried every night and failed. and again tried-failed-quit circle bc.. have you ever met me🎀
4 month ago i saw the girl, iconic blogger and the goddess of my dreams, her @b4ddprincess thx again love u so much
a post pops in my fyp and i see the words ''pure consciousness'' i was like noo not again. and i was serious abt it i wasnt gonna read the whole thing but it attract me n i couldnt resist it so ive read it from the top to the bottom. and she got my interest so i stalked her page from the last and to the first post. it was quiet a beautiful journey for me. lasted like 3 days, the end of the 3rd day i was ''woaw it was this easy all along? u cant be serious.'' she was. i tried one last time, no breathing exercise, no ridiculous routines and no waiting something to be happen. it was just me being real me chilling out asf.
and it was this easy and it should be this easy bc being your 4d self is being nothing also being everything at the same time. if u wanna be everything you should be nothing first(as wizardliz saying: drop the old story, leave the victimhood, for being better stop being bitter etc.)u should make a space for everything first and then u can be everything.
for being 4d self of yours stop being your3dself.
sooo long story (no)short i am writing this from my mac in my new apartment(in middle of the night bc i couldnt sleep and then one tumblr notification reminded me i have a success story to share too) and my phone buzzing two minutes a time bc of my friends while im writing this, so if theres anything wrong ignore it pls.
oh u asking my bf how cute, hes sleepin in my bed now, exhausted from the work n school balance.
YWS SCHOOL!! im in my dream collage and im going to be in paris for a week. i deserve a vacation i guess(its for another conference), i kinda hate french men bc theyre so mansplaning(not like how i imagined, its hard to be friends w them)girls are cute but i feel like theyre aware im not permanent there so we just con buddies still cute and hepful for this foreigner.
and i canceled the lifa app thingy bc i can be my purest consciousness anytime i want, so i am my lifa app.
and thx to 4 languages i make a lot of money and that brings us to the pinterest closet, yesterday i realiased that. theyre not comes to me w an imaginary way like i imagined! i go outside for shopping casually and theyre there luckily i have enough money to buy them.
and my family theyre living in our hometown now so as i want it to be, we are away from eachother.
and the most magical thing: SHIFTING REALITIESSS
i did 5 world before i met w my bf. it was such a wonderful experience. if you have doubts abt shifting you can go fuck urself
because sir i did it and i am very sure that dean winchester being my husband is not a daydream, fantasy nor lucid dreaming. believe it or not he kissed me GOD HE KİSSED ME(someone should stop me i have a bf)
is there anything i missed let me see.. cats i have 2 cats now and theyre adorable. glowing aura-check
the girl who is pretty not cute- check +make anxietygo-checkcheckcheck
dream body and hair- check and check
i wanna give u a info i didnt have all my desires by being my4dself
not directly actually. but i have them all. and thats the point.
im not trying to be a blogger but if you have any question abt anything, id be happy to help
now i need to upgrade things in my farm byeess
loves, siena.
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mattsjuul · 1 month ago
GRAVITY. chris sturniolo
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༣ summary: chris is on tour and misses his girlfriend .ᐟ ♡
༣ pairing: clingy!reader & tour!chris
༣ warnings: suggestive, just a cute lil oneshot tbh, pet names ( i think only one tho ), long distance ???? idk
༣ authors note ♡: ok i rlly didnt know what to do for this tbh i js wanted to write for chris lol!!!! this MIIIGHT get a pt 2 tho. so twoshot!
you stand in your kitchen, your mind constantly filled with thoughts of your boyfriend while he's off on tour. is he sleeping? maybe he's eating something. i hope he's enjoying it. is he gonna call me? isnt he in new york? thats three hours ahead. three whole hours. so if its six pm here then its... seven... eight.. nine. nine pm there? so is he asleep? i dont know if tour's got him sleepy. gosh. can he call me? i bet he looks so good right now. fuck. then your thoughts are interrupted by a very specific text tone. it's chris! "Hey" "R u busy imy" you read, causing you to almost start jumping for joy in front of your open fridge. although you do a little squeal instead. "definitely not" "call me im begging" you reply. "I like that" he replies, making you giggle to yourself. seconds later, your screen lights up with a picture of chris with a big smile holding your dear friend, madison, 's cat.
"well hellloooo" you answer with a smile far too big. "hey sexy" he smiles back just as much. "i've been waiting for this call" you admit. "yeah? you been thinking about me?" he asks in a cocky tone. but it was lowkey doing things to you. well. highkey. "you'd like that wouldnt you?" you ask. "yeah." he proudly says. "i was actually about to rub one out since im alone. show me your tits" he jokes. "don't tempt me" you giggle. "i mean.. you're free to do whatever you want. you're an adult with free will in your own home" he babbles on. you take a deep breath, honestly debating it. why not? he's seen them pleennttyy of times. more so, touched them plenty of times.
"ya' know." he interrupts your debating. "i've had lots of time to think. especially to think about you. and ya' know, we're never really apart for longer then a week. and it's made me realize that you really hold me down. i feel like i need at least one night with you every week to function. not like night.. i mean one sleep. i feel like it's made me sleep not so well. is that crazy? i'm not making sense. but then also, it'll be like 10 am here and i'll argue with nick or matt and i cant run to you. you'd be asleep and i dont want you to be upset the moment you wake up. i hate this seperation. i hate making you wait.. like what if you stop liking me before i get back. fuck. you're not hanging out with that actor guy you like, right?" he goes ooonnn n on. well boobs wouldnt be too appropriate right now. "okay.. no" you reply for starters. "and i dont think it's crazy. i get it. but you're veeeryyy cute for thinking all this. i love you chris. i miss you so much." i say. "i love you. can i see your boobs?" he asks, a giggle escaping your lips at his very stupid words.
yet you lift your top up, getting a shocked look from chris. "oh.. i like those.. a lot." he says, a big smile on your face as you shake 'em a little. "just.. stay there for a second" he says, seeing him moving around, clearly pulling his sweats down. "join me, yeah?"
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a/n: ohhhhh em geeee.... idk if i like this tbh lol. but lmk if u want a part two w phone sex hehe. im sorry its so so short sad face.. i actually rlly liked writing this tho idk. yaaay hope u like :') ♡ lmk if there r any mistakes pls i didnt proof read!!!!!! (im in class..) 🐻‍❄️
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takes1 · 10 days ago
HOORAY I just read ur bokuto x reader p4 it was really cute :3 sorry havent updated in awhile i got busy with life… but i never forget to keep u in mind 🫶 love ur work as always, very memorable writer to me -🐈🐈‍⬛
[final] bokuto teaching inexperienced!reader
only fitting to respond to you for this last one. ughhh ilysm 🥹😭💕💕
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warnings. heavy nsfw, minors DNI
details. fem!reader / first time / soft kissy missionary / safe sex / BIG praise kink!bokuto / himbo!bokuto / sweet, dumb!bokuto / inexperienced!reader / possessive!bokuto / f!rec oral / guided handjob / kuroo's sister!reader / 2.3k words / last installment
links. my masterlist. my ao3. more haikyuu. part one here. part two here. part three here. part four. request box
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You tilted your head, eyes narrowed a little at the generous, clear bulge in his tiny shorts.
"Can I see it?"
He fisted the sheets in his excitement that you were thinking the same thing, biting his cheek so he didn't shout. Just by the obvious elation on his face, you could tell he was in the process of holding back a million bad responses.
Instead, he let his hands talk, lips crashing against yours all rough and thirsty as he pulled it out. You didn't want his kisses, though-- you grinned as you avoided what you could, so you could see.
Propped up on your elbows, you looked from his vigilant stare, trailing down his sculpted, smooth body down to his cock between your tummies.
It looked heavy.
You quickly learned that it was hot, too, as he guided your palm around it, and used your hand to pump himself. Your heart was racing- it was so weird, and you liked it so much, and he liked it even more.
Bokuto always stood by the idea that 'it always feels/tastes/sounds better when somebody else does it.' The kind of guy to only drink out of other peoples' cups, ask other people to read things out loud to him, massage a part of his shoulder he could get but won't.
While you didn't know what you were doing in the slightest, and he was controlling your pace, even the harsh grip, it still felt 40x better than all the jerking off he usually did.
His tongue got confident, and a bit curious, diving deeper past your teeth. He was just trying in whatever way he could to be inside of you. The weight of his body became more substantial.
You loved feeling his strength falter, his lust heightening, compelling him to get closer.
When he pulled away, he looked a little crazy- like he forgot to smile, or something. It was the nature of his eyes to not look very friendly, but it gave the impression that he was really holding himself back.
"Are- you okay?"
"Just-," He takes a sharp breath, eyes squeezing shut for a second, like he's recalibrating, "Feels really g-ood."
He wasn't prepared in the slightest for the smile you gave him. It was sweet, and prideful, and too cute with his cock in your hand.
That tortured look was back, briefly before he shoved his face in the nook of your shoulder.
"Fuck-! I need you s-o bad," He whined, pitiful, "Are- h-ahh, you ready yet?"
You could try.
With a question like that, asked so sweet, so sugary- you hummed against his hair, not quite understanding what 'ready' meant.
You hardly noticed how he plucked a condom from his shorts, somewhere in the mess of sheets to the left of you- and slid it on between clumsy kisses. Lots of practice must've made the process second nature.
It was difficult, to say the least, adjusting to him. His eagerness was already so spoken for, and you realized too late that you probably did need more time.
Bokuto could feel it too, though.
He could hear it in the thinly-veiled fear, making your voice waver, break, as you asked him to be gentle with you.
"Even if it takes all night," He kissed your nose while you couldn't move away, "I'll wait for ya."
Rough hands, so used to force and recklessness, practiced paying attention through running smooth lines across your skin.
Those hard kisses turned softer, slower, across your jaw and down your throat. He moved at a near imperceptible pace, just to get you accustomed to all of his size.
"Sooo pretty," He whispered to himself, forehead heavy on yours as he closed his eyes, "Fuck..."
The discomfort was just starting to be overshadowed with better, pleasurable, buzz. Your legs were slowly relaxing, a jelly-like feeling that spread from your thighs, squished comfy next to his hips, down to your toes.
Bokuto was capable of deliberate and soft sex. He wasn't always an animal, and he wasn't ignorant to somebody else's needs.
He was just excitable, and stupid. But all he needed was a whisper, a hint, or a reminder sometimes.
You kissed the tip of his nose, a way of telling him you were okay. Your fingers started to rake through his spiky hair, and the little smile on your face waited for him to he open his eyes.
"Shit--," He stole another few kisses from you, "Oh, you're so- mh- you're soo cute."
Between kisses, his tongue lagged, always proceeded by a sharp sigh. Almost like he was struggling to multitask. It made you curious when it started to get more frequent.
"Sh-it--h-ahh--," His curse broke into a shocked whine-- he stalled, deep.
Your higher, cuter sound at how good it felt did nothing to help to bring him down.
You watched him bite his own wrist, a small concern furrowing his brow.
Craving more, and only knowing one way to cheer him up, you rolled your hips up and locked your ankles around him with a squeeze.
"W-ait, waitwaitwait," He seethed, "Ahh- fuck-- stop moving babygirl- stop moving."
The person he looked down at was no longer a shy little nerd, incapable of handling his flirty second nature. Your mouth was curled into a coquettish grin, your pecks soft and affectionate and too much, scattered around his face.
He had to cum so bad that he felt sick. He had to look through you- draw blood to his palm, just to clear his filthy mind.
"Do I really feel that good?" You giggled- beyond flattered by his tortured expression.
There was no beat between the end of your sentence and his hushed response, "Yes."
You knew about vague stereotypes of guys with shitty endurance. You didn't have first-hand experience until you watched his expression shift, swirling, panic and euphoria taking one another over again and again.
He 'ruined' his orgasm by keeping your needs first. He knew you couldn't take what he wanted. His body was like iron, forced motionless, like a statue, except for the rapid, uneven rise and fall of his chest.
It looked like a delicious mix of pained and sexy as he came, almost perfectly still, so he didn't hurt you.
A kind of psychotic, intrusive desire made you tense-- the curious, hungry want to get rid of the condom between you. How much better would that have felt without it?
The sheets groaned, fabric snagging and snapping, under his grip. His body was all flexed up for you to watch. You knew he was trying to keep you in mind, so you didn't try anything too cute until he started relaxing, again.
"Hm-mmph--, fuck--," He groaned, a tremble in his arms as he slowly pulled out.
His exhaustion was short-lived, only manifested in a breathiness in his chuckle.
"Good thing I brought two."
This time you saw him take out a second one- but it wasn't just two. He had a whole row of condoms in his pocket this entire time.
You giggled at how he tore the second one off. What could he have possibly been thinking to bring seven along?
Bokuto harnessed some pornstar-like efficiency, tearing the outside open and pumping the latex onto himself with no waste of energy.
"Y'know," He cocked his head to the side, silly, despite his thumb sliding over your clit, "I've never cum that fast."
"Mmn-h-- Ah- that's- that's good--," You struggled.
A useful thing to know, sure, but it's not like you really cared- he never got soft. It was a non-issue because he was still clearly up for more.
He filled you back up so easy and slow, his thumb prodding stuttery waves of pleasure where there was once pain. He watched it with an air of pride about him. He sat up straighter, focused on where he disappeared into you. He soaked in all your twitching until he got his fill.
Only when he was satisfied did he lean down to his elbows to check on you.
Your had to fill your hands with his perfect muscles, all bouncy and twitchy at how overstimulated you got him. He was huffing, swallowing his groans so he didn't look uncool-- restrained or not, he would've looked just as cute.
He just wanted to fuck you good. For you to remember it well.
"Mmnh-! You're so big-,"
Those giant, fuck-me-harder eyes kept his shoulders tight. His hand was gripping your hip like a vice and bringing you down onto him.
His cock sank deep, a grumbly sound under his quiet, breathy whining-- your breath caught, and you had the brief revelation that you had been missing out on this for so long. How long had they been friends for? Years?
You wanted to make up for all the lost time. You locked your ankles around him for the second time, your hands pulling him back so you could put some hickeys all up and down his thick neck.
Though you had some vague idea that he loved when you hugged him close, you didn't understand the depth in which it turned him on.
It was one of those quick-affirming, sweet and wordless praises that resonated so hard with Bokuto's insatiable need to be validated.
He had to ask. He wanted more, he wanted to hear you.
"That feel good?" His hand cupped your entire jaw, forcing your eyes on his, ever so focused.
Your grip on his forearm was like an ant trying to push over a tree. It would never budge. And when it didn't, it took very little time to realize you actually liked it there. Your reflex did nothing to serve you, but you kept your hand still to prod at the muscle.
The breath you took to answer him was wasted on another moan.
"I want ya to tell me," His insistence was daunting, but filled with need.
Your nails were digging into his skin, and you were gasping, trying to tell him you were close- but none of it came out properly.
It was all just improper, uncontrollable, unmasked whining.
A bit late, he was witness to your adorable realization that you were cumming. He murmured a small, infatuated, "Aww..."
His lips pressed hard to your temple, and he let you pull him in, offering only the bulk of his shoulder as consolation for his deeper thrusts. It was a taste of what he could give you if only this wasn't your first, if you had been used to him from the start.
An orgasm had never felt so filled out, before. Like it was larger than you, stronger than anything you'd be able to craft on your own, from just your fingers. It was him. His cock, but moreso was his intensity and devotion to getting you there and fucking you all the way through it.
His hand was still cupping the bottom half of your face, but not covering your mouth. God, he wanted the entire world to know how good he made you feel. Especially Kuroo. Fuck that guy for keeping you a secret.
"Good girl, ohh- you did so good," He was slowing, still seeing those last, shallower, mellow waves through with dedication, "Sound sooo pretty."
Those eyes were softer, but still eating you up, savoring you while you were all messy for him.
Were you dating, now? It felt like you had been shot forward about ten years with this guy.
A light buzzing -the muted ring of a phone- was somewhere near you, interrupting your giggly, feel-good vibe. Again, and still just as surprising, Bokuto slowly pulled out of you and made quick work of that second condom.
He patted around the sheets for the source of the sound.
He let the ringing continue- he had to get his idea out immediately: "That totally reminds me! I should get you a vibrator or something."
Jaw slack, you weren't given the opportunity to respond, before he answered. You lay there, a bit shivery and empty-feeling, as he hugged your thigh over his own.
It was quiet. There was a faint, urgent, tone on the other side.
His fingers tapped against your skin. He was lost in deep thought of how to respond. You were glad you couldn't hear the words being spoken, because you knew it was not going to be a pleasant earful.
"Yeah-... I mean, we were just talking... and... stuff."
Bokuto got droopier. He sank, sitting on his heels, still sitting butt-naked and hugging your thigh. You squeezed one of your blankets to your chest and frowned.
"It's nothing personal, man..."
He held the phone away from his ear as he was verbally berated, a pout making his whole face look cartoonishly sad. It was difficult, on your end, to understand that he could both be super into you and want to stay friends with Tetsurou.
"Would it make it any better iiiif I told you we were dating now?"
Bokuto winced and slid his free hand back and forth over your leg as consolation, for himself.
"Yeahyeahyeah, I gotchu, yeahyeah. Okay'bye," He hung up at the soonest crafted opportunity.
"Soooo," He sighed, distraught, instantly making up any distance between you. He dropped so much weight atop your sore body and covered you like a warm, weighted blanket, that you struggled to get air in your lungs.
"He's... not... happy."
The big dummy on top of you deflated with each word in a dismal decrescendo.
You had to wriggle around to find somewhere to breath from; room for your chest to expand at least a little.
"I thought you knew that?"
Bokuto made a high humming sound, feet kicking in the air, "Mmmmmmyeahhh, kinda, but..."
You freed one arm to wrap around him, so you could play with his hair, "He can't stay mad forever. He'll see that you're not- harmful- I guess, eventually."
He let his brow relax, shoved hard into your shoulder, and took in your new comforting scent.
Part of you couldn't blame your brother for assuming the worst. It took until incredibly recently for you to understand the full scale of Bokuto's fixation.
Despite all his sad body language, he couldn't have been that worried, because he was already back to sly, tongue-centered kisses on your neck.
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@integers @paradoxicalwritings @yuchacco @megapteraurelia
taglist. thanks for your patience again!😫💕its been fun!
@tuamadrequellavacca @dumbpuppyluv @raracha @jenerator10 @thisiswhereishitpostalot @feiwelinchen @loodleloodle @partyinthepants @ghostreader0307 @101crows @asthmaticcchoeee @littlebunny-angel @ffismylaif @beet1ebum @charlotterosea13 @feiwelinchen @mammonsprettiestgoldie @poepard @intervalsofpeace @jiiisungpark @whymooniemoon @camc07 @lis4lipsi
@2dmenfr @justmanu @aldebrana @iheartyaemiko @sloppierjewel @karinaaanakamura
my masterlist. my request box. wanna talk? lmk here
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81folklore · 7 months ago
heaven - PIASTRI - final part
pairings: oscar piastri x private!reader (fc: gracie abrams + pinterest)
summary: on the 2 year anniversary of oscars first win in f1, everyone’s favorite couple has a surprise
type: social media au (smau)
note: well this is it!! the final part to heaven!! this ending has always been the plan and im so pleased i can finally post it, this win has been a longgg time coming and i am super stoked for oscar!!! obviously not the best race (esp for mclaren fans) but we got through it and oscar won!!!! super duper proud of my mclaren boys and i cant wait to see many more 1-2 with them!!
i honestly cant believe this is the last part to this series, this was one of the first fics i ever posted and its crazy how far its come!! to this day i get notifs that people have found the first part to this series and it blows my mind how big this has gotten. i know ive been inactive for a long time but i hope by finally finishing this fic i will find love for creating fics again!!!! love u all🩵
heaven masterlist masterlist
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set 2026
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 11,629 others
two years ago my best friend asked me to marry him, i said yes immediately. how could i say no to spending the rest of my life with someone i love so deeply?
today marks 6 months of him being my husband and i feel so incredibly blessed to be able to call him that, to be able to say that someone i love, loves me back just as much
but today is also the anniversary of my boys first win, which seems crazy now that he has many more under his belt but its true, its been two years since that crazy day in hungary and one that changed us forever
i have grown so much in the time we have been together and im so pleased i was able to do it with you, osc. i love you forever and always!
tagged oscarpiastri
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oscarpiastri my favorite forever🤍
oscarpiastri marrying you was the best decision i have ever made
youruser my boy🌟🌟
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liked by youruser, logansargeant and 1,382,003 others
i cant believe i get to call this gorgeous girl my wife, and i’ll be able to do so for the rest of our lives
you had never shone as brightly as on our wedding day, however youve continued to shine ever so bright since and i hope it never goes away, seeing you happy and content makes me feel like the luckiest man alive
thank you for saying yes all those years ago and thank you for trusting me with your heart, ill love you forever and always
your osc x
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youruser i love you so much osc
youruser you mean the world to me
landonorris congrats mate x
logansargeant i miss you guys :(
youruser we miss you too logie!!! we’ll be home soon and we will take you to dinner!!
logansargeant oscarpiastri promise?
oscarpiastri we promise
georgerussell63 happy for you both!
frederikvestiofficial come back soon i think logans withering away
oscarpiastri he’ll be fine for a few more days🙄
logansargeant nu huh!! i cant last much longer☹️
user66 oh my god she looks gorgeous 🥹🥹
oscarpiastri she is
user72 YOUR OSC😭😭😭😭
user6 im never getting over them☹️
user91 THEYRE MARRIED☹️☹️😭😭
user10 remember when yn said they werent getting married yet because they still had so much growing to do,, look at them now☹️
user47 i feel like everyones being too calm, WE DIDNT EVEN KNOW THEY WERE ENGAGED?!?!!?!
user22 bcs they are written in the stars and we all knew this was going to happen!!! liked by youruser
user30 yn with all the little babes oh i cant do this🥹🥹 liked by oscarpiastri
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liked by youruser, lewishamilton and 1,392,027 others
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lewishamilton so happy for you mate, it was a gorgeous ceremony💜
logansargeant my favorite people in the whole world
oscarpiastri we love you
logansargeant 🥹🥹 (i love you guys too)
youruser my boy forever and ever and ever
oscarpiastri 🤍🤍
landonorris you guysss😕😕
youruser love you lan!!!!
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourmum 11,483 others
a story told in many parts💐
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pinned youruser to osc, my best friend, my love, my husband i will love you until the end of time. i will hold your hand through everything and more, until death do us part x
youruser added to their story
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story song added heaven by niall horan text reads: my 🏠
seen by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 12,472 others
user63 ur literally perfect for eachother wtfwtfwtf
user6 oscar is so sweet🥹🥹
youruser the sweetest!!!!
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leclercsainzz · 1 year ago
BEGGING for a charles leclerc x reader smau based on “some one like you” please 🙏🏼 where he’s married to someone else after reader and him broke up .. you can make it however you want:)
PARINGS: charles leclerc x ex gf!reader
TYPE: social media au
part 1 - part 2
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername and 720,038 others
charles_leclerc: dreams do come true, i love you, my love 💘
view 6,736 comments
user: OMG OMG
user: “dreams do come true” 😭
user: he’s officially married, guys
carlossainz55: congratulations, mate 🍾
user: YN LIKED OMG 😭😭
pierregasly: congrats, bro! wishing you the best ❤️
user: congratulations 🥰
user: *liked by yourusername* 😢
↳ user: my heart SHATTERED, OMGGGG 💔
user: i just want to know how yn feels
user: can ya’ll move on from charles and yn?!?
user: yn 😭😭
joris__trouche: ❤️❤️❤️
user: he finally got what he wanted, omg 🥺
user: congratulations 🥳
user: i was doing fine until i saw that yn liked this post
user: im happy for him!!
landonorris: congrats, mate
user: idk why i was waiting to see a comment by yn
sebastianvettel: wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness
↳ charles_leclerc: thank you, sebs! 😊
lance_stroll: congratulations!
user: can’t believe so much time has passed since yn:(
user: i know all the drivers were invited but i NEED pictures
user: guess i won’t be mrs leclerc anytime soon 😩
danielricciardo: wishing you both lots of love ❤️
lewishamilton: congratulations
user: i wonder how yn must be feeling 🥺🥺
user: was hoping him and yn would get their happily ever after
user: i wonder if he calls his wife “mon cœur” or “mon ange”
↳ user: i doubt he calls his wife that considering those belong to yn but who knows
↳ user: maybe “my heart” but not “my angel” or idk
↳ user: ya’ll think she calls him “charlie” ?? the way yn did??
user: guess yn is never getting him back 😭
user: congratulations, charles! sending lots of love 💗
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liked by francisca.cgomes, lorenzotl and 610,840 others
yourusername: — la vie est belle <3
see translation: life is beautiful
view 4,810 comments
user: SHE’s HangING WITH KIKA 💗
user: babes, did you get the apartment you always wanted?!?
↳ user: wait— the one her and charles always wanted right?!?
↳ user: with the view, yes! it seems like it in the third post
pierregasly: hey! that’s MY girlfriend
↳ yourusername: OUR* get it right 🙄
francisca.cgomes: tú es belle 😘
see translation: you’re beautiful
user: “life is beautiful” LIES ik deep down you missing charles
user: i miss you and charles 😭😭😭😭
user: i really thought you and charles would’ve been endgame 😭
user: charles is married but not to yn 😭😭😭
danielricciardo: oui
see translation: yes
leclerc_pascale: belle comme toujours 😍
see translation: beautiful as always
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️
↳ user: mama leclerc 😭
user: how do you feel about charles’ marriage??
user: crazy to think how charles is married while yn’s not
user: i really thought you and charles would’ve been endgame
user: charles’ got a whole wife, bro 😔😔 and it ain’t you
user: charles got his dream but yn???? 😭😭😭😭
user: she got her apartment with the eiffel tower view
↳ user: but without charles 😢😢
user: times flies fast … it feels like her and charles were still together:((
user: wonder if she congratulated charles
↳ user: she definitely didn’t 🤣 why would she??
user: charles was suppose to be her love forever 😭😭
↳ user: well as they say, “sometimes it last in love, but sometimes it hurts instead”
user: her and charles were supposed to live in france together
user: ya’ll seriously need to move on from those two, he’s a married man ….
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liked by sebastianvettel, arthur_leclerc and 772,046 others
charles_leclerc: surprise!
view 5,940 comments
user: i just know yn feeling SICK right now
user: he got married, he’s gonna become a dad, now he just needs that ferrari championship (FERRARI GIVE IT TO HIM)
carlossainz55: you’re both going to make amazing parents! congratulations on your new baby!!! ❤️
↳ charles_leclerc: thank you, carlos!
user: he’S GONNA BE A DAD 😭😭😭
user: we’re getting a mini leclerc 🥺
lewishamilton: congratulations 😊
↳ charles_leclerc: thanks, mate!
user: he’s achieving his dreams
↳ user: without yn 😭😭😭
user: ya’ll gotta stop with the whole charles/yn relationship, they BROKE UP! i don’t think his wife appreciates you all bringing yn up every chance you get
user: can’t wait!!!!!
sebastianvettel: congratulations on your new adventure
↳ charles_leclerc: 😊😊
leclerc_pascale: ❤️❤️❤️
user: we’re all happy for you, charles 😌💗
alex_albon: congrats!! 🥳
↳ charles_leclerc: thanks, alex
user: i’d be crawling back into his life, if i were yn
lorenzotl: ❤️
user: he’s getting his mini leclerc 🥺🥺
maxverstappen1: favorite uncle max is gonna spoil her/him
↳ charles_leclerc: favorite uncle?!!?? absolutely not
joris__trouche: at your service 🫡
arthur_leclerc: ❤️❤️
user: he finally accomplished his dreams
user: this could’ve been yn’s life 😩😩
yourusername: congratulations, charlie!
↳ user: MOM, OMG 😭😭
↳ user: ik she’s lowkey crying about this
↳ user: “charlie”
↳ user: i want them back together, idc 😭😭😭😭
pierregasly: congrats ❤️
user: he’s living his dreams
user: yn 💔💔💔💔
user: mom’s comment 😢
user: i’d be feeling sick to my stomach, if i were yn
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 649,083 others
yourusername: bonjour
see translation: hello
tagged: @yourbrother
view 4,081 comments
user: when she listens to lana del rey >>>
user: LA LA LAND, OMG 😭😭😭 PAIN
pierregasly: yourbrother & toby >>> you
user: charles liked!!! OMG
user: she’s watching la la land!
user: i didn’t realize the 5th slide was @yourbrother
leclerc_pascale: ma belle fille 😘
see translation: my beautiful girl
↳ yourusername: je t’aime ❤️
↳ user: “my beautiful girl” i cant 😭😭😭
↳ user: pascale LOVES yn so much even after all these years
francisca.cgomes: 😍😍😍😍 my wife
lorenzotl: avez-vous oublié monaco? 😔
see translation: did you forget monaco?
↳ yourusername: jasmais ça
see translation: never that
↳ arthur_leclerc: 👍🏼
user: the way charles family still interacts with hers 😭😭
↳ user: i miss them 😔
user: third slide is lowkey for charles
↳ user: girl, MOVE ON! he’s married, get over them
user: i miss yncharles 💔💔💔💔
kellypiquet: 😍😍
danielricciardo: bonjour
yourbrother: mon chein est meilleur que toi
see translation: my dog is better than you
↳ yourusername: toby m’aime mieux que toi
see translation: toby likes me better than you
charles_leclerc: toby est tellement grand 🥺 @yourbrother
see translation: toby is so grown
user: missing mom and dad 😭😭
user: i know charles is married but i can’t help myself thinking about him and yn all the times:(
user: he commented
user: she’s the one that got away 😔
↳ user: what should’ve, could’ve, and would’ve been
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temiizpalace · 6 months ago
Ooh, maybe #6 with the tweels for the new event?
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CHARACTERS: floyd leech vs. jade leech
WARNINGS: no determined end couple, jealousy, violence (punching and stuffs), minor blood
NOTES: leech twins fight is crazy. i appreciate you, anon. thank you for your request!
reader is g/n, reader is yuu
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jade was a patient man.
very patient. he’ll wait as long as he has to for something, including your love. he’ll do anything he needs to to win your love. tend to you, defend you, fight for you, serve you, just name it and it’s already done. he knew human courting rituals were far different from those of a moray eels, but he’s oh so willing to learn just for you.
his brother on the other hand..
impatient. if floyd wants something, he wants it then and there. which also includes your love and attention. if you don’t speak to him within 10 seconds of calling your name, he will pout about it and make everyone else’s day horrible. while this was usually where jade got most of his entertainment of the day, knowing his brother chose the same person to be his mate was incredibly irritating.
especially whenever he’s trying to court you. seven forbid..
“prefect, there you are.” jade smiles, standing behind you with a bag in his hands. “hm? oh, hi jade. need something?” you ask, noticing his body language is much more chipper than usual. “i actually have gotten something for you. a token of my gratitude and an invitation of sorts.” he hands you the gift bag, the weight being much heavier than you anticipated.
“woah! what’s in here?” you raise your brow, looking up at jade to ensure this wasn’t some prank. you knew that jade liked stupid jokes as much as his twin, despite his gentlemanly appearance. “you doubt me? how cruel, id never lie to you.” he wipes away a tear, a sad look on his face that was more than obviously fake.
“mhm.” you hum, looking through the bag. there were terrariums, small potted plants, packets of flower seeds, just anything and everything a gardener could hope for. “oh wow.. this is all for me?” you ask, trying to calculate the cost in your head.
“why, certainly. as i said before, this is a token of my gratitude and an invitation. i was wondering if you’d like to—”
“boo! there ya are shrimpyyy!” floyd giggles, wrapping his arms around you tightly. “GAH—! FLOYD, YOU SCARED ME.” you shout in return, unaware of jade’s murderous glare. “just what i was goin for! what’s in the bag?” he asks, already rummaging through it. “floyd.” jade states, his tone stern and slightly annoyed if you listened closely.
“hm? oh it’s from jade ain’t it? probably a ton of terrariums or somethin boring.” floyd scoffs, looking to his brother. jade couldnt help his eyebrow from twitching, finding his twins antics much more annoying than it usually was. normally this would provide entertainment, not fuel to a fire. “well, i think it’s a sweet gesture.” you shrug, fiddling with the handles of the bag.
“whatever. just a buncha leaves.” he mumbles, feeling his jade’s smug expression burning a hole into his head. your phone buzzes in your pockets before jade can comment, your eyes widening as a sign of your concern. “sorry guys, gotta run. grim got his ear stuck in a mousetrap and i don’t even wanna know how.” you sigh, running off with a wave.
the twins stare at each other, the silence awkward for the first time in forever. “alright jade, fess up. i know you’re tryna court the shrimp.” floyd grunts, jade only laughing smugly in response. “let’s not act like you don’t have similar intentions, floyd. you won’t believe how difficult it is if you’re always there to interject.” jade feigns distraught, knowing floyd doesn’t buy it.
“womp womp, not my fault im tryna court em at the same time as you.” he frowns, sticking it his tongue in retaliation. the tensions in the air were high. just stepping into the same room was enough to intimate the bystanders.
their antics continued for the whole day. floyd could come up to you, smiles and all, only for it to be dissipated as jade entered the room and swept you away. same thing for jade. he could be explaining to you the different types of mushrooms from his well tended garden, before sending his brothers presence a moment too late. floyd stomps in, picking you up, and running off. poor you, it’s been like this all week.
“i know you’re going to see em, jade. quit hogging!” floyd whines, shoving his twin out of the way as he tried walking out of the mostro lounge. “i wouldnt have to if you just waited your turn rather than be a thorn in my side.” jade scoffs, pushing his brother off of him. “haah? you askin to be squeezed? been awhile since we fought.” floyd scowls, grabbing his brothers arm.
“oya? id like to see you try.” jade chuckles, grabbing floyd’s in an attempt to toss him to the side. however, he doesn’t go down easily. floyd quickly grabs his brothers hand before he could strike, kneeing him in the stomach harshly. jade winced at the pain, but couldn’t give up now. not when his pearl is on the line.
floyd tries locking him into a hold, but jade was a quick thinker with quick reflexes. he elbows floyd aggressively, kicking him to the ground as he was stunned. floyd drags jade down, letting him hit the cold marble floor. they hit each other against the ground as blood trickled down their noses. floyd had stamina for days, but knew when he hit his limits. he free spirited, not stupid.
red stained the floors as panicking students ran to the board game club in hopes azul would stop this mess. luckily, someone else was able to manage things. “JADE AND FLOYD LEECH, WHAT THE SEVEN IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!” the boys stopped in their fighting, turning towards the entrance of the lounge. it was you.
walking towards them with a frown, you separate the two from each other, tutting in disapproval. “what has gotten into you both lately?! all you guys ever do is fight now, i never thought it’d get like this.” you sigh, dragging them both by the hand into the kitchen. “oh my, it’s quite embarrassing for you to see me in such a state.” jade sighs, glaring at his equally beat up twin.
“tell me about it. if only someone didn’t try to rock my shit.” he hissed, wanting to grab at his brother for a second time. “don’t even think about it,” you groan, grabbing the first aid kit from the counters. you sat them onto the barstools outside and began to rub alcohol onto their wounds. bite marks, bruises, scars, scratches, just all kinds of injuries.
“i apologize for having you do this.” jade looks at you apologetically, actually looking genuine for once. “hehe, shrimpy it burns!” floyd giggles as the cotton swab grazed over his cuts. “don’t mention it, but you should probably get some guys to clean up before azul sees the blood on the floor.”
“of course. at your service.” jade smiles, bowing before you jokingly before ruffling your hair. “fineee. cleanings borin but azul forcing me to wait extra tables sounds worse.” floyd sighs, giving you a quick squeeze before grabbing a mop and bucket.
and as if on cue, you could hear azul scream in horror at the mess of his dining hall.
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A/N: idk how to fight 🧍🧍
date published: 8/30/24
© temiizpalace — do not copy, steal, or put my work into ai. thank you!
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agi-ppangx · 6 months ago
a face to remember (hwang hyunjin x gn!reader)
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no warnings tbh, just fluff; 0.5k works, not proofread
author's note: um, hi ?? do you guys remember me ??🥸 this is the first thing ive written in the past few weeks so pls be nice, i know its not the best, but writer's block sucks so when i finally managed to put words into sentences im gonna post it and you cant stop me🙂‍↕️
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“we finally got to talk to that old lady i told you about yesterday,” you said, pouring yourself some tea into the mug. you peeked at the screen and hyunjin smiled faintly at you, encouraging you to continue.
he was sitting at his desk, his phone leaning against the stack of books he kept there so that you could see him well. dim light in his room made him look so cosy, almost domestic, and it made your heart swell with love. “turns out she used to be a history teacher, so she told us about all of those cool stuff, like this one time-” you glanced at your phone screen again and noticed that hyunjin wasn’t looking at you anymore. he was holding a pencil, but you couldn’t see what he was doing. “hello? are you listening to me?” you pouted, but he only hummed, too immersed in whatever he was doing at that moment. “hey, if you don’t wanna talk i can just hang up,” you mumbled, hurt that your boyfriend wasn’t paying attention to you.
being away from your partner was hard – you missed hyunjin’s soft touch as he hugged you and played with your hair every night before you fell asleep and you missed making breakfast for him and kissing him goodbye when he went to work. your trip was only temporary, but it didn’t make things easier. those video calls were the only way for the two of you to not lose your minds completely, so seeing hyunjin busying himself with something as you talked about your day broke your heart. were you really that boring? 
“what? baby, no, don’t hang up,” hyunjin snapped his head up at your words. 
“then listen to me!” 
“i am listening to you, love.” 
“then what are you doing, huh?” you pointed at the bottom of the screen, right at the pencil in his hand. 
“i’m drawing you!” he responded with a mix of amusement and disbelief in his voice, picking up his sketchbook to show you the halfway done drawing. you recognized your face on the paper, letting about a little oh and blushing like crazy.
“why are you drawing me?” you mumbled in confusion as your whole face and neck turned cherry red. hyunjin giggled at your dumbfounded expression, putting the sketchbook down.
“i always draw you as we talk through the phone, you just never noticed. it helps me deal with the distance,” he confessed, letting out a loud sigh. “i miss you, y’know? so every time we talk i want to remember your face and that’s why i draw you.” you snorted at his words, your laugh echoing through the kitchen. 
“god, you’re so dramatic. i’ve been gone for two weeks and you’re acting as if you haven’t seen me in years.” 
hyunjin shrugged his shoulders with a small smirk. “feels like years to me. but i mean it when i say i miss you. my bed feels empty without you in it.” 
you felt a pain in your chest at his words. “i know, baby, i miss you too. but i’ll be home soon and you won’t have to draw me anymore.” 
“i’ll do it anyway. i love you too much not to draw you," he beamed, making sure to capture the spark in your eyes on his drawing.
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taglist ! @astraystayyh @laylasbunbunny @l3visbby @like-a-diamondinthesky @hanjsquokka @xichien @xocandyy @minhosbitterriver
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comet-forgot-you · 7 months ago
g!p student reader sharing an apartment with max and secretly crushing on her but max has a bf and he sleep overs often which drives r insane bcs whenever hes staying she can hear them fucking in the middle of the night and hearing max's moans makes her go absolutely crazy.
also r hates max's bf and the morning after she confronts him in front of max and makes fun of his small dick lmfao 😭 it ends up with "who has bigger dick challenge"
(bonus points if r and max get a chance to fuck and r is like super proud and cocky that she won and finally confesses her feelings)
hmmm. this was the hardest thing i’ve ever written guys in not gonna lie.
smut. 18+ pls
do not repost for any reason.
you hated the thin walls of your apartment. you hated when max had her boyfriend over. you hated him even more. you hated that you could hear max’s pretty moans, moans that would sound so much prettier if they were caused by you. you hated the fact that just hearing those pretty moans had you cock hardening slightly. you were jealous of him. you were jealous that he got to fuck max and you didnt. you hated that she was with him. you knew you treated her better than he ever could, and you knew you could fuck max better than he ever could.
seeing them the next morning was so much worse. seeing the sleepy smile max wore when she sees you, wrapping her arms around your frame, telling you good morning. you tried to be cool about it, he would leave soon anyways.
of course he didnt. he stayed longer than you wanted, he always did, though. you always wanted him gone the moment he stepped into yours and max’s shared apartment. but you guess he had gotten comfortable around you, comfortable enough to talk down towards max. he talked about her like he owned her, treating her like she was below him. it made your blood boil, your hatred for him only growing.
you could see the uncomfortable look on max’s face as he spoke to her and her attempt at creating space between the two of them. “come on max, why do you keep moving away? you act like you weren’t all up on my dick last night, c’mon,” he tugs at her shoulder, attempting to pull her closer to him.
your jaw clenches, fingers gripping the counter you leaned against. max lets out a fake laugh, her body tense as he pulls her closer to you. “max,” your voice booms from the kitchen and she turns her attention to you, nodding her head slightly in acknowledgment. “can we talk?” she looks over at her boyfriend hesitantly before pushing herself off of the couch. he grabs her wrist tightly.
“im sure you two can talk from here, yeah?” max glances up to you and your eyebrows furrow.
“i’ll be quick,” max mutters quietly, her eyes wide.
“no, its fine. he can listen if he really wants to,” you push yourself away from the counter, making your way to the living room. “he needs to leave, and he needs to leave now.” he scoffs at your words, letting go of max’s wrist.
“the fuck’s your problem?” he asks in disbelief.
“my problem? you’re my fucking problem. you treat max like shit and i don’t appreciate it. so get the fuck out of my house and don’t come back.” he looks to max, as if asking her if she was really letting this happen. max doesn’t meet his eyes, scooting closer towards you.
“really, max? you’re gonna let her kick me out?” he scoffs when max doesnt respond, glaring up at you. “you’re just jealous that i’m fucking her, huh?” you’re disgusted with his words, you know its true, but you’d never admit it to him.
“fuck no. i know damn well i’d fuck her better than you ever could. you’re dick’s too small, bet you can’t even make her cum, can you?” you can see the rage building inside of him, his eyes narrowing.
“shut up, bitch.” you fight the smile that tries to tug its way onto your lips.
“what, you know its true.” he stands from the couch, standing in front of you.
“shut up, i’ll fucking kill you,” his voice is filled with anger, and his breath stinks. you jerk your head away, trying to get out of the way of his breath.
“yeah your breath definitely smells like ‘i cant make a girl cum.’ get the fuck out of my house.” he glances over at max once again before rolling his eyes, making his way out of your apartment. “fucking dick,” you mumble, plopping yourself down on the couch, finally able to relax now that he was gone.
max is still for a moment, eyebrows furrowed. “are you?” she asks. you lift your head to look at her.
“am i what?” a smile tugs at the corner on max’s lips.
“are you jealous that he fucked me and you didn’t?” she straddles your lap and heat rushes through your body before it settle in your core. your hands find her hips instinctively as she shuffles to find a comfortable position on your lap. “you know,” she whispers, toying with the baby hairs on the back of your neck, “if you wanted to fuck me, you could’ve just asked,” her breath fans across your face, its a large difference from her boyfriend’s and you welcome it gladly.
you’re almost certain max can feel your cock as it grows in your loose shorts. normally, you’d be embarrassed, but you can’t find it in you to care at this point, you just needed to feel max wrapped around your cock.
“you had a boyfriend, i was being respectful, but god do these thin ass walls make it hard to stay respectful.” max brings her bottom lip between her teeth, her hands moving to cup your face softly.
“i just wanted you,” her lips are on yours the moment the words leave her mouth. you groan against her lips at the feeling. you should’ve done this sooner, you’re an idiot. max pulls back slightly, her forehead resting against yours. “i hoped you would listen, thats why i put on a little bit of performance. you really think he could have me moaning like that?”
you smile lazily, thumb rubbing just underneath the waistband of her panties. “god, you know how hard it is to keep my dick in my pants when you run around wearing just these?” you let the waistband snap against her skin and she arches against you, her hips jerking against your cock.
if you weren’t hard before, you were now.
you pull the panties to the side, running your fingers through her wetness. “so fucking wet,” you groan. max lets out a moan the second the pads of your fingers graze against her clit.
“oh my god, please,” she whimpers out, her hips bucking in an attempt to relieve the ache between her thighs. you wanted nothing more than to alleviate the ache between yours, but you had a point to prove.
you could fuck her better than he ever could.
your fingers prod at her entrance, forcing pretty sounds out of her. “you want my fingers, max? want me to show you just how much better i csn fuck you than he can?” she nods, stuttering out quiet ‘yes’’ like it was a prayer. thats all you need before you sink your fingers into her needy cunt. her warmth welcomes you, greedily sucking your fingers in.
the moment you curl them, mac is letting out pretty sounds, much prettier than the ones she forced out for your attention. your cock strains in your shorts, growing harder at the feeling of her wrapped around your fingers.
you needed to feel her wrapped around your cock, you weren’t sure if you could wait long enough. her pretty noises, the way her walls squeezed your fingers tightly, you weren’t sure you’d be able to get her off without cumming in your boxers.
your fingers fuck in and out of her at a steady pace, your free hand finding its way under max’s large t-shirt. the second your fingers meet her nipples, you’re teasing her about her lack of bra, toying with the sensitive buds.
amber’s whines fill the space between you two, her hips bucking into your palm to further her pleasure. “just wanted you to use me,” she whispers quietly. “wanted you to fuck me so good, wanted your cock so bad. can i have it? pretty please?”
you nearly fucking came.
she sure new how to make you just as needy for her as she was for you. “gonna have to cum on my fingers first, max. gotta prove you can take my cock, can you do that?” max whines out at your denial.
“please? just want your cock, want you to fill me up,” her impatience would be the death of you and you were finding it increasingly difficult yo stand your ground.
“no, max. gotta cum on my fingers first.”
your fingers scissor in and out of her, thumb starting the rub gentle patterns against her clit. her walls pulse against your fingers as her orgasm approaches. max’s whines fill your shared living room, and you almost feel bad for your neighbors.
almost. not really though.
not when her cunts sucks you in deeper as her orgasm washes over you, her cum coating your fingers as it does. her forehead rests against your own as she attempts to catch her breath. you’re quick to break the moment, your cock begging for attention.
you snap the waistband of her panties again, rubbing the stinging skin gently. “off, now.” max hesitates for a moment, still trying go ride out her high. you smack the fat of her ass and max hisses, hips jerking against your cock. she rubs against it so perfectly, moans falling from both of your lips. “please,” you whimper out.
max is quick to stand, pulling her panties off her body. you do the same with your own, your clothing pooling around your ankles, your cock slapping against your stomach the second its free from the prison of your boxers. amber’s eyes widen at the length, hesitantly straddling your lap once more.
“what, don’t think you can take it?” max’s eyes widen and she shakes her head quickly.
“nono, i can take it. please, i can take it,” she pleads. you tap her hip, signaling for her to sit up. she does so and before you even have a chance, her hand is wrapping around your cock.
the pressure against your cock nearly has you breaking, but you have to hold off, you need to hold off. max positions your cock at her entrance, her warm cunt just barely out of reach. max sinks down slightly, the tip of your dick making contact with her soaked cunt.
you cant help the desperate whine that leaves your lips. it takes everything in you not to slam her down on your cock completely, your grip on her hips becoming bruisingly tight.
max slowly sinks down on your cock, her warm cunt welcoming you so effortlessly. it takes every bit of self control that you have to keep yourself from cumming.
she feels so fucking good wrapped around your dick. her cunt swallows you whole, her warmth around your cock sends a shiver down your spine, breathing labored. “fuck max.”
you give her a second, a second you need just as much as she does. moments pass until max is lifting herself off of your cock, sinking back down on it slowly. moans fall from both of your lips, the pleasure coursing through both of your systems.
“so fucking,” max hisses out, a moan cutting her off. “so fucking big,” your eyes move to where the two of you meet, watching as her greedy cunt sucks you in. you cant keep it in anymore, forcing her to pick up ner pace.
your guide her to ride your dick, her walls squeezing around you. her loud moans only spurred you on even further, your determination to fuck her better than he ever could being the only thing keeping you from cumming. you will fuck her better than he could ever imagine.
you pull her shirt off her tits, taking her hardened nipples into your mouth. max whines, tangling her fingers in your hair, pulling you impossibly closer. your hands fell back to her hips, guiding her to ride your cock even faster, your thumb moving to rub tight circles against her pulsing clit.
“so good,” she whines out, moans falling from her lips. theyre so much better, so much more genuine than the ones you had listened to through the walls. “so fucking good.”
“yeah? better than him?” she nods, tugging your head to her neglected nipple. you cant help but smile at her affirmation, teeth grazing her nipples slightly.
she arches into you, desperate whines falling from her lips. you’re close, she’s close. “need you, fuck, need you to cum inside me, please,” her words are quiet, desperate plea. she says it like shes never needed something more in her life, and who were you to deny her.
“okay, okay,” you whisper against her tit. with the way max’s cunt squeezes around you, her filthy moans filling your ears, its not long before you’re unable to ward your orgasm off. “gonna cum now, max,” you whisper out. max nods, her own orgasm reaching its peak.
you’re orgasm washes over you, pumping her full of your cum, max’s own orgasm washing over her, milking your cock. her movements on your dick slow, the sound of her quiet whimpers as your dick twitches inside of her make you ready for another round.
“fucked you better than he ever could,” you mumble, guiding her hips to rock against your dick. “one more.”
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strwbrrykthv · 1 month ago
pt 2 to this story, but can be read alone. sorry it took so long i have a full time big girl job. and i need like a crazy amount of motivation. this ones big cheesy bc theyre drunk. not proofread!!!
cw: alcohol, sexual tension if u squint
katsuki assumed the group was going to one of those karaoke bars with the private rooms where its just your friend group cheering each other on, so imagine his surprise when sero and denki lead them to this american style bar with a bright led sign that reads ‘open mic karaoke night.’
“you have got to be kidding me” he grumbles as he pushes the door open to reveal an almost filled bar. “theres just a bunch of drunk middle aged people here.”
“katsuki be nice. denks said he really likes this place,” you scold him from his right, still connected to his side.
“yo guys theres a couple of tables up front by the stage. im going to go order a round of shots if you want to head up there and start warming up your voice,” sero winks which causes katsuki to groan again, even louder. as you make your way to the tables, mina pulls you towards her the table she’s sat at leaving katsuki to sit beside denki… again.
as the night continues and drinks are ordered, you finally get the courage to request a song. its a duet and luckily sero agrees to do it with you. your friends are cheering you on as slur through the lyrics of neva play by megan thee stallion.
the only line you say fully is “three things i don’t play about, myself, my money, or my man,” as you point at katsuki who just nods at the proclamation that he is, in fact, your man.
the song ends, and you make your way down to your seat that is opposite his as his eyes follow you. they don’t leave you even as izuku and ochaco sing some love song. he doesn’t care if youre not looking back at him, his favorite thing to do is just watch you, especially when hes got a few drinks in his system. which, honestly, makes him sound like a creep, but you know the difference between feeling his gaze on you and feeling a sleaze balls watching you.
you’re pretty much at your limit when mina orders another round of shots for both of your tables, and instead of being happy you feel your mouth instinctively fill with saliva.
katsuki could read your body language like book, so as they were handing out the shots he quickly took his and got up to go to you. “hey, mama, how about i take this shot, then sing that dumb song with the guys, and then we go home? how does that sound?”
he may not be slurring, but hes very close to being more drunk than hes ever been in public. he knows your shot plus his is what will probably throw him over that edge, but he doesn’t want your night to be ruined by throwing up in the bathroom.
you blink up at him and nod slowly. in your drunken daze you are just so mesmerized by him. his soft red eyes, his spiky hair thats fallen just a little, the scar on his face that only you get to touch, his shoulders…. yeah you really want to go home.
he grabs the glass from the table, but you stop him, “wait, can i give it to you?” you ask as you’re reaching for the glass. he doesnt respond, just lets you take the glass from his hand.
he knows all of your shared friends are watching because they can sense the shift in energy between you two. you stand from your chair as katsuki sinks to his knees in the grimy bar. you hold his jaw with one hand as he opens his mouth for you to pour the shot, never breaking eye contact.
he returns to his full towering height after swallowing the shot and turns to look at all of your friends who just watched the interaction with wide eyes and mouths open in shock. you reach up to swipe away a drop on his chin that managed to miss his mouth with a smile too innocent for what just occurred.
“thank you, suki,” you say as you drop your hand. “now go sing me a song!”
he pats your hip as he moves past you to stand on the stage next to kirishima, sero, and kaminari who picked the song. he feels a little more buzzed than before after standing up and moving, and he’s almost positive he’s going to slur around the words when it’s his turn.
youre halfway paying attention, just watching katsuki as grabs a mic when you hear the first notes of mr. brightside and burst into laughter. you cannot believe they got him up there without bribing him.
the song continues and you drunkenly wolf whistle after the end of katsuki’s turn. he sends you a middle finger that holds no meaning by the way his ears are red.
the song finishes and he makes his way to where youre seated, reaching a hand out to you. you gladly take it and spring out of your seat stumbling into him causing katsuki to instinctively wrap his free arm around your waist, holding you to him.
“you did amazing up there,” you whisper, “you shouldve been a singer instead of a hero.”
he scoffs as he looks down at you. “yeah? then i wouldve never met you.”
your body buzzes when he talks to you like this. “oh yeah. we wouldve found each other some way. were, like, soulmates.”
katsuki closes his eyes at your words to try and keep his heart from beating so fast. he knows you mean more than just friends soulmates, but he also knows right now the only label the two of you can have is “just friends who sometimes cuddle, sometimes kiss, sometimes do more, and are always together if one of them has a break” type of friends in order to keep you safe.
“mhmm, we are. now, whaddaya say we go home and go to sleep?” he hums.
“yes i would like that a lot. we have to talk everyone bye though.”
“no we don’t. they know youre leaving with me itll be okay.” he says still holding you by the waist but moving to your side to guide you outside to call a taxi.
youre already snoring by the time you arrive at katsukis apartment. he carries you from the car to his door before having to regretfully put you down.
“mama, you awake enough to stand up? i gotta get my keys out.” he asks setting you down beside him near the wall. you just hum with your eyes barely open, watching him.
“i had a lot of fun with you tonight ‘suki. and i know denki only came over to me earlier because he said something to you. i like being with you any way i can and i dont care what our friends say.” youre slurring your words and speaking softly during to sleep threatening to take over.
“and what do our friends say?” he asks opening the door and guiding you inside his apartment and to his bedroom.
“that its dumb to call ourselves friends when we dont do anything just friends do.” youre kicking off your heels and removing your clothes as hes digging in his dresser to find you a shirt to sleep in. “but i dont think its dumb…..”
katsuki just shakes his head as he walks over to you and helps you put the shirt on over your head. “its not,” is all he says.
“no!” youre a little more awake now. “its not! because i know you love me and you know i love you and thats all that matters because everyone else can kiss our asses.” you say with a small smile wrapping your arms around his neck.
“yup. thats right mama. youre all mine and im all yours. now, are you ready to go to bed yet?” he asks while leading you backwards to the bed.
you release him crawling into his bed and waiting for him to follow. he strips down to his boxers while you watch before getting under to covers next to you.
he pulls you in to lay youre head on his chest as your starting to close your eyes.
“if you throw up on me in your sleep im going to kill you” he warns.
but its too late. youre already asleep and you werent going to pay attention to him anyway.
hope you guys liked it and it wasn’t cringe!
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runa-falls · 9 months ago
Please write a story where Marc and Jake tease Steven for being soft in bed so he becomes this dominant rough guy who overstims the reader IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS ALL DAY I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE IT DOWN
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a/n: idk how to write it down either, but i'll give it a shot! btw, marc and jake would never talk to steven like this, but just for the sake of the story they're assholes :( also sorry this is a YEAR late 0-0
cw: smut (18+), voyeurism (3x), f!masturbation, mean/ooc!marc + jake, rough sex, overstimulation, oral (f!recieving), multiple orgasms!, slightly possessive lovemaking, slight breeding kink (creampie), sad-ish/insecurity, feelings, dom-ish!steven, fluff -- (idk why it got so soft so fast im sorry), L-bombs, commentary from the other moon boys~
wc: 3.5k
he watches from the doorway as you whine and mewl on the bed, desperately attempting to get yourself off.
your whole body glistens with heat as you squirm under the dull lighting of the room-- clearly, you've been at this for a while.
you are dressed in a familiar white undershirt that is definitely from the boys' closet, but your bottom half is bare and spread out, dripping onto the comforter as your fingers work their magic.
a perfect eye-full for your 3-in-1 boyfriend.
"this is why you're not allowed to have her on the weekends." marc taunts from a nearby mirror, though his eyes are locked on your writhing body. steven clenches his jaw as the grating voice in his head pulls him away from the alluring scene in front of him.
god knows why he decided to put up so many mirrors in the flat. it's like he's trying to drive himself crazy.
your eyes are squeezed shut as your finger delicately circles against your clit, spreading your slick all over your pulsing cunt until wet sounds begin to fill the air. you suck on your bottom lip as you frantically tease the sensitive bud, your legs tense from the build-up, and your back arches off the mattress.
"she needs a real man to take care of her after a long week of work."
that irks steven.
you've never talked about being unsatisfied by his slower pace -- by his need to savor each look, sound, and touch that you give him.
of course, jake needs to chime in as well, "look at our girl, stevie, she's so needy. let me have the body. i'll give her what she needs."
steven tries to block them out, but it's hard when their voices are coming straight from his own mind.
when he thinks back on your time together, everything is perfect. at least to him, it is.
he loves hearing your soft breathy moans, tasting the sweetness of your pussy dripping from his kitten licks, and feeling those delicate kisses that you share as you ride him gently. you fall apart in his arms, hold him close, and exchange whispered 'i love you's.
sure, he's always been the softer side of the three -- kissing over jake's bites or gently caressing marc's bruises -- but he thought you liked that. he thought that was enough.
but now you're getting yourself off without even seeking him out first.
you're close, so fucking close, panting out stuttered breathes, thighs clenching together, and body shaking, but --
it's not enough.
your heart beats rapidly against your chest as you start to come down from that unreachable peak you've been chasing all day. as your foggy mind finally clears up, you sense someone at the door.
"s-steven!" you're surprised to see him, especially just standing there, watching you fail to pleasure yourself.
his work shifts have been running later and later since marc's last mission (donna is forcing him to work unpaid overtime instead of firing him) so you weren't expecting him until dinner time.
the shifts have been brutal for him.
these days, he just eats sleep for dinner, too tired to do more than just collapse on the couch and cuddle you. you've tried to convince him to just quit, that jake's cab escapades and marc's more 'eccentric' job opportunities can pay for everything, but he really loves the job, despite the weirdly toxic work environment.
it's a flat greeting, a tone you've never heard from his lips, especially not when he's fronting. he doesn't seem happy to see you. actually, he looks quite upset.
you cover yourself up with a blanket, suddenly uncomfortable with your partial nudity when he's unhappy like this.
"why are you back so early?" the usual glimmer in his eyes is snuffed out, instead replaced with an eerie darkness. "what's--are you okay, honey?"
"take it off."
"w-what?" you know he's referring to the blanket, but the way he demanded it --
you hesitantly move the blanket, revealing the evidence of your unfulfilled desperation. you shyly look up at him, embarrassed and terribly turned on that he's making you do this.
you can't help but press your thighs together, already feeling another spark of heat simply from seeing your darling boyfriend with his head of messy curls.
"keep them open."
you obey his command and spread your legs, leaning back to give him a good view. his eyes meet your center, the frustration you couldn't get rid of. you immediately see need blooming in his body, particularly under his slacks.
soft-spoken steven has never been as forthcoming as his counterparts, but he doesn't need to be, his body does all the talking for him.
you're watching each other as he slowly approaches you, tension thick in the air. he's so desperate to give you exactly what you need and deserve.
steven's mind runs through all the times he had stuck around while marc and jake fucked you.
the first time it happened, he didn't mean to watch through marc's eyes, but once he saw how easily you submitted for him, how utterly ruined you are once marc is done with you, he couldn't help but pop in once in a while.
steven nearly flushes in shame from the memory. he's so perverted...
marc is possessive, steven learned. he likes to know that you're his. he marks you up with his hands and mouth so you'll never forget who you belong to, then he makes you scream his name as you reach your high as he fucks his cum into you.
of course, you're happy to give him whatever he demands, laying right where he wants you and taking anything he'd give you.
jake's methods are different: he makes you cry.
it's the overstimulation that gets him off the best. the sight of your body shaking and writhing to get away from his insatiable touch gets him hard, makes him growl against your tacky skin. he gets off to getting you off, and you love it.
so maybe a mixture of both is what you need.
he can do that.
"i need you to do something for me." he curses inwardly at how soft his voice is when he talks to you. it's a reflex. he's supposed to be confident and rough.
"anything." you breathe out.
"turn around for me, love." he's standing right by the bed, leaning over you. "on all fours."
the surface of your body ripples with goosebumps as you position yourself on the bed for him. he hasn't even touched you and you're already humming with pleasure.
you hear him sigh behind you before he shuffles closer and delicately caresses your bare hips and bottom with warm hands. you feel yourself melt against the mattress as you drop from holding yourself up by your hands to leaning on your forearms. he always makes you feel soft and cozy, even with the simple contact of his hand against your body.
steven watches you arch your back as you get comfortable, hungrily taking in the way you unconsciously push your ass toward him. you're effortlessly sexy to him. you could simply put your hair up into a ponytail and he'd be rock-hard in his slacks from seeing your bare neck. so this...is distracting him.
"so..." marc's voice pulls him out of his thoughts, "you gonna do anything or just stare at her all night?"
"I'm working on it!" steven grits out (in his mind).
"alright, show me how it's done then, loverboy."
you gasp quietly as steven suddenly forces your legs to spread wider for him. you would have lost your balance if it weren't for his steady hold on you.
he slowly kneels in front of the bed, briefly adjusting himself in his pants to relieve some of his desperation. you struggle to keep your legs apart when you feel his warm breaths brush against your needy cunt. you swear you're literally throbbing with need for him.
jake's done this before, steven recalls, eating you out from behind. you seemed to really enjoy it despite the intense overstimulation that pushed you to tears and the bruises left on your thighs from his tight hold and nipping mouth.
he can do this.
he leans in and lightly brushes his plump lips against your wet center to test the waters. your muffle a whimper against the pillow you cling onto, but he hears it loud and clear.
you're so soft and wet, already falling apart in front of him. he can't help but poke his tongue out to taste your sweetness. the warm softness of his tongue has you urgently pushing yourself against him and he takes that as his sign to go deeper.
this time he holds you closer, wrapping his arms around your thighs as he dips into the hot opening of your cunt, working his tongue against your tender walls. his mouth waters at the taste of you and he's desperately leaning in for more.
he thrusts his tongue into your cunt, filling the room with slurping noises that nearly make you blush with how lewd they sound. he's pressed so closely behind you that he's practically supporting your weight as your legs grow too weak to hold you up.
"s-ste-- a-aah-- mm..." you fall apart when he starts licking from your entrance to your clit, flicking eagerly as you start to gush against his tongue. he can already feel your legs twitch and tremble as you try to escape his hot mouth.
your eyes roll to the back of your head when you feel his soft lips wrap around your aching clit. it's almost too much for you to handle. he suckles on your sensitive bud until you're whining out against your pillow as your body trembles with the crash of your orgasm.
steven ignores your pleas and your attempts to escape his mouth as he continues to work you through your high. he cleans you up with a gentle mouth, making sure not to miss a single drop. drool pools against the pillow as your exhausted body struggles to stay conscious.
“hm, not bad…” jake admires your trembling frame from a reflective surface nearby, hungrily taking in the scene and wishing he were in steven's place instead. "maybe we were wrong about you, stevie."
steven watches you as well, but with a hint of reluctance. he's never seen you like this first hand. usually, you're the one staring down at him with a small smile as he attempts to catch his breath from your teasing antics.
he's not sure if he likes this any more than the usual dynamic the two of you have. of course he loves knowing that he can make you fall apart just as much as marc and jake, but it's not him.
"you're not done with her yet, right?" marc asks, "'cuz if you are, i'd be happy to finish her off."
jake is quick to argue, "actually markie, i'm pretty sure it's my turn to spoil our little princess."
steven finally bites back, "no, tonight she's mine."
he grumbles, making an effort to push his annoyances into silence so he can give all of his attention to you.
steven nudges you to lay on your back so he can see your face, "love, are you alright?" his tone is light, despite the fact he's eager to continue ravaging you -- even if you do end up falling asleep.
"mhm," your eyes flutter open, sparkling with satisfaction as you stare up at him. you're adorable with that post-sex flush on your skin, highlighting the tops of your cheeks. "i just... wasn't expecting this from you."
"did you like it?"
"steven, i can barely feel my legs."
he lets out a nervous chuckle like he's unsure whether that's a good thing or not, but you ease his mind with a soft smile. you reach up and cradle his face, "yes, baby, i loved it." he presses his cheek against your hand, enjoying your embrace, "i always like it when you touch me."
"then can we do more?"
of course, you want to have sex with him, but...that, no matter how mind-blowing it was, wasn't him. steven is the type of guy to hold eye contact with you while eating you out, wanting to catch every expression and moan of praise as he brings you to the edge. he's the type to hold your hand as you cum, squeezing lovingly to encourage you to fully let go because you're safe with him.
all night he's been acting off. he's been distant and in his head -- and you have a faint idea as to why (their names rhyme with "bark and bake") but you want your sweet and gentle steven back.
you take his hand, "w-wait...steven?"
“yes, darling?"
you sit up, "can you, um, kiss me first?" it's a bit embarrassing to ask when he's already been nose deep in your cunt, but you need that sweet embrace that he's always given.
"of course." steven’s eyes soften.
cool relief rushes through his body. maybe he was wrong, maybe you do like his soft touches and sweet kisses. maybe you like him for being himself. it's not like marc and jake are the same anyway. each of them gives you something special.
he leans in closer and presses his lips against yours, his body trapping you against the bed. he immediately feels you relax against him as you start to move your mouth over his. he kisses you gently, taking time to trace over the sensitive edge of your bottom lip before dipping in and laving his tongue against yours. 
when you separate from each other with puffy lips and heated breaths, you can't help but admire the pretty man above you who regards you with pure admiration in his eyes.
"make love to me steven," you whisper, "a-and hold me after, please." his soft brown eyes, full of longing and admiration, meet yours.
"always, love." he pecks you once more on the lips, "i'd do anything for you." you feel his lips move down from your mouth to the edge of your jaw, then your shoulder, and finally the top of your covered chest.
he sits up briefly to pull your shirt off before doing the same with his own clothes. once he's in nothing but his briefs, he's back on top of you.
steven has stars in his eyes as he watches his hand slide over the softness of your curves. he loves how perfectly you fit against him.
you gasp softly as he teasingly brushes his thumb against your nipple. your body is already so sensitive to his touch.
"you're so beautiful..." he whispers.
as he leans in and captures the bud in his mouth, his hand drags down to the spot where you need him the most, sending a wave of sensations through your body and causing you to arch against his mouth.
you're already wet enough for him to slip his fingers inside of you, so he immediately begins thrusting deeply against your spongey walls, letting sloppy sounds of your wetness echo through the bedroom.
you tangle your fingers into his curls and arch your back as he starts to suckle at your nipple. his slick tongue flicks over the hardened bud, sending tingles up your spine. you are already half-delirious from how expertly he's working your body.
everything seems to speed up when you start to squirm under him. he's pushing you harder onto the bed, he's nipping love bites at your tits, his hand is moving faster against you -- from the sounds coming between you, you're sure you've made a mess of his hand.
"s-steven...mm...please!" your thighs squeeze around his wrist as he gets overzealous, hitting your g-spot over and over again without giving you a breather. he groans against your breast when you tug at his hair.
without any warning, he pulls away.
you reluctantly let him get up (though you're definitely too weak at this point to stop him) and you're left to breathlessly watch as he licks his fingers clean and pulls himself out of his briefs.
pleasure continues to buzz against the surface of your skin as you hungrily stare at the way he pumps himself delicately in front of you, his cock is already dripping with desperation. he looks at you with glazed eyes and flushed cheeks while he touches himself.
what a pretty boy...
"need to feel you," steven mumbles, shifting closer to you to press his cock against the seam of your cunt.
"feel me," you beg, canting your hips upwards to meet him.
steven gently moves himself against you, rutting himself against your wet center. he pants when his tip just barely presses into your entrance, proving how ready you are for him.
slowly, he pushes himself in, shuddering at how soft and wet you feel around him.
you whimper softly when he starts fucking you at a slow pace, forcing you to feel how perfectly he stretches you out, over and over again.
your body shudders every time he bottoms out and presses so intensely against that spot inside of you, making you feel like you're about to burst if he doesn't pull out soon.
steven looks down at your face, wanting to see if you're liking this -- but it turned out to be a mistake. he meant to make this sweet, to hold back and make love to you like you asked, but when you look up at him with those shiny eyes and that blissed, fucked-out expression, he can't help the way his hips start to frantically grind against yours.
"i'm sorry, love, i can't -- uhh -- c-can't help it when you look at me like that!" steven pushes your thighs upwards, forcing them closer to the mattress on either side of your head. you cry out as the new angle pushes him deeper within you, hitting every buzzing nerve inside of your sopping cunt.
"mm...steven!" the bed below rocks as his hips violently slap against you in a rhythmic motion.
he groans as he watches his cock thrust inside of you, making a mess of your wet center as you gush around him. you look so small under him, yet you're eagerly taking every inch in that tight cunt.
"i-i want to be inside of you forever..." steven pants out, "and i want you to feel me," he reaches between your bodies to press against your stomach, "here, forever."
"ahh~" you pant heatedly as the added pressure of his hand makes him feel even bigger inside of you. you squirm under him from the intense feeling, but you can barely move out from his hold.
"i love you, darling." he chokes out as he grows closer to the edge, rutting deliciously against the top wall of your pussy. "t-tell-tell me you love me too."
"fuck -- i love you, steven. i'll a-always -- nmph," you flutter around him as the heat of your own climax explodes throughout your body. "love you~" you can barely get the words out as he finishes inside of you.
you don't mind the way he rests on top of you as he attempts to catch his breath. his body is hot and sticky against yours, but it feels comforting nonetheless.
"mm...i missed you and your sweetness." you sigh, enjoying his weight over you, even if it is a tad difficult to breathe.
steven sheepishly mumbles against you, "but that wasn't exactly sweet lovemaking."
"sure, but it was you."
he simply hums happily in response, dotting light kisses against your tacky neck before nuzzling his face against you.
when you both cooled off, you decidedly needed a little space from the man pinning you to the mattress, "ok i need to breathe a little, steven."
"oh, oops, i'll get up." he pushes himself up so he can give you some air. you can't help but shudder as he starts to pull out of you.
"ah~" you can feel the warmth of his cum start to drip from your center, "you came so much, steven. look -- you made a mess." you tease, opening your legs for him.
"m'sorry, love." he sits back on his knees in front of you, staring down at the mess he made (as if he isn't just as messy). "didn't mean to..."
it doesn't sound like he's sorry though -- not by the distracted way he mutters out the apology while scooping up his cum and shoving it back into you.
"i'm just trying to minimize the mess!" he defends.
you don't stop him because it feels oddly pleasant to be doted on like this. you'll just have to do a final cleanup later, you decide.
"imagine if i weren't on birth control," you joke, "i'd definitely be pregnant by now."
"steven are you hard again?!"
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flattocatto · 1 month ago
Viktor Modern!AU uni headcanons
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ohhh hes in my head i have so many thoughts i have so much to say about him. you guys just let me cook. ok. okay thanks. please reblog like whatever im new here LOL
warnings/key takeaways: mention of recreational drug use, freshman/sophomore year of uni, lots of studying, goofy meet cute, oblivious nerd viktor, both of you live on campus in dorms (same building), GENDER NEUTRAL (use of ‘you’, no specific pronouns)
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not like some crazy stuff. no. he smokes weed ti not feel PAIN. yeah you heard me. he smokes shit w high CBD content. doesn’t smoke it for the high, smokes it to feel better
think he would have it medically and everything
ohhh uni viktor would be the only fucker allowed to smoke in his dorm because if his leg got bad how could he go outside huh?? he didn’t share this news (of him being allowed to smoke indoors) but people knew since he’d have a window cracked open all the time. not fooling anyone
on this note i feel like he would only smoke if he absolutely needed to. yk how people go “i can quit anytime!” but never do? he’s the kind of guy to say that but MEAN IT. he just prefers his joints over painkillers because he finds they work faster
ok enough weed talk. he’s getting his masters in biomedical engineering. its obvious you guys ive seen this everywhere.
he wants to make people better prosthetics. he also got a degree in prosthetics and orthotics techs but it was only a 2 year so its ‘just a paper’ as he says
he studies hardcore. its surprising he even makes friends (sorry viktor) but he saw a lot of potential in jayce as a student from people watching. like in canon au :D!
on that note, biggest people watcher. its actually kind of how he got his friends. extroverts pick up introverts from introvert daycare (the corner of the room)
relationship headcanons
if you guys were to meet, it would be one of those silly meetcute things.
hear me out. you book a study room with your friends to study for exams, but none of them show. shame. one got sick, the other had to go home to see their parents or something. all in all, you were DITCHED by your homies
now. someone coordinating the rooms messed up. viktor had that room booked the SAME time you did! gasp! he just likes the space of the rooms to properly spread out his work.
anyway you were already in the room and he shows up. and just stands there. awkwardly. standing man emoji.
instead of apologizing, he STANDS HIS MFING GROUND. “i have this room booked for three hours.”
“thats crazy because ME TOO.”
you go back and forth, before you both realize the confirmation email you got was from the same person or whatever. who had booked the room for you two. not two separate rooms.
after viktor makes a small mumble of “of course”, you offer to let him stay anyway. and explain that you originally had friends going over but they dipped.
its exam season, you aren’t leaving and you aren’t gonna kick him out! thats so cruel!!!
at the end you end up exchanging numbers. and find out you’re in the same dormitory building!!!
he invites you to study with him in a study room next time, to ‘prevent the coordinator from messing up again’ — he just likes your presence
bing bang boom friends. occasionally one of you begins to break silence, asking silly questions about futures and families and holidays. conversation is limited, you are both locked in to studying most of the time
unfortunately YOU are the one to ask him out. viktor is literally just comfortable with your presence and too in his head to think you’d ever LIKE him romantically.
you take him to a museum. yeah. the local one had a free day for students. you’re also 100% chill with sitting whenever he looked uncomfortable. even if he denied needing rest, his face did that little scrunch thing and you just knew
after that you went to the uni again, to the dining hall. and he insisted on giving you a meal off of his meal plan. he said he ‘barely uses them all anyway,’ and forces you to take it. even if it kind of wasn’t allowed. he just lied to the clerk and said he was going to take it home.
very sweet if him, breaking RULES?
thats like the only rule he breaks for you
no, he won’t let you sleep in his dorm
no, he won’t sleep in YOUR dorm either
no, he won’t sneak out past curfew
(unless ur dying)
there was a time you texted him ‘help’ at midnight and he made his way all the way to your dorm very quietly.
turns out you had burnt popcorn. and it tasted horrible and you were honestly stressed to the point of tears. he thought you had gotten hurt. he proceeded to lecture you on appropriate texts to send at midnight past curfew. for like an hour.
glorious ovulation i need to smoke with him.
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