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villlainarc Ā· 2 years ago
im such a fool for this actually i couldā€™ve gone a much better route here this is so wishy washy. girl wtf do u mean ā€œroman believes ambition is bad so heā€™s a dark sideā€ BUT ā€œroman believes ambition isnā€™t all bad which is why he becomes a dark sideā€ youre a goddamn FOOL me of july 2020
bc obviously what happens is that roman thinks ambition is bad. he knows itā€™s bad and it is him accepting that ambition can be good that drags him out of this situation
and yes, he starts out being ambition as a result of janus telling him he was wrong + janus being accepted
only, why would the conclusion he draws be that ambition is good when janus, in his mind, is evil?
no, the conclusion is that selfishness, that ambition gets things done.
with romanā€™s black and white view of the world, how could i have misunderstood him so thoroughly as to believe he just. changed his mind on the fundamental truth of the morality of ambition?
rather, i think itā€™s a more accurate interpretation that against his will, he chooses the option that gets things done rather than what he perceives as The Right Thing To Do
because, as janusā€™ acceptance proves, itā€™s doing what gets things done that makes you the hero now, not doing The Right Thing
so no, romanā€™s worldview doesnā€™t change. his understanding of what c!thomas and the other sides want from him does.
so he becomes ambition!roman while still believing ambition is evil. he allows himself to become cutthroat and and selfish and desire things for thomasā€™ gain
the thing about what happens in this version is that roman hates himself for his choice.
thatā€™s why heā€™s a dark side.
thatā€™s why accepting that ambition can be a good thing allows him to be just roman again.
and isn't that so much better than the contradictions of my explanation before?
in my head and my heart, romanā€™s view of the other sides is part of what divides them into dark and light.
yes, patton as morality plays a part in that.
no, i have not rewatched the series in probably nearing two years at this point.
however. i have some recollection that in that dramatic way of his, roman was the first to vocalize the term dark sides
SO i will run with that idea and suggest that however much of a role patton may have played in the divide of the sides into light and dark, roman with his all-or-nothing mindset would have pushed that divide to the logical extreme, giving the dark sides their own specific name and deliberate association with evil
if so much of what the dark sides are is in their name and roman gave that name to them, it stands to reason that heā€™d be able to give it to himself as well
in dismissing his own interpretation of what is good, roman becomes the very thing he despises. he ignores what he believes to be The Right Thing in order to be loved and appreciated instead.
no wonder he hates himself for that fundamental betrayal of himself.
(yes, this reinterpretation would affect some of the other things iā€™ve written for ambition!roman, particularly the aftermath (which, tbh, would make more sense w this version lol itā€™s also wishy washy as itā€™s written rn). but not much externally since he Is an actor and not enough for me to do this for all of my posts lol)
i wanna hear more about how roman takes his ambitions to the extreme please and thank you!!!
!!!!!!! meri you spark indescribable amounts of joy
,,cue me trying Desperately to remember What The Hell i was thinking about when i made that post last night
okay so context from the original ambition!roman post: ā€œi can easily see roman pushing back against his own failings by taking the ambitions that heā€™d been ignoring before and just... pushing them to the extreme.ā€
iā€™m pretty sure what i meant when i said there was more here was just that it isnā€™t as simple as i ended up putting it, because roman wouldnā€™t decide to do something so dramatically against what heā€™d previously stood for without more reason than ā€œjanus said so,ā€ which is essentially what it appeared to boil down to in the post. thereā€™s more that happened before that, and more that will happen after that if roman were to truly become ambition!roman.
to start,, thereā€™s obviously the mental awakening of janus telling him that he chose wrong in pof, but it goes even past that, because janus is at least tentatively accepted almost immediately after that
now, what conclusion is roman going to come to but ā€œambition might be good, actuallyā€
(note that this conclusion likely wouldnā€™t be conscious. itā€™s going to take a little bit more than that to get roman to change his entire worldview, after all, but itā€™s a start, at least. it plants the seeds of doubt, and all that.)
in an ideal world, i would be able to remember Several More Examples where it was proven to roman that ā€œambition might be good, actually,ā€ but alas,,, it is not an ideal world and i have No Idea if those other examples even exist in canon, though in my head the world of ambition!roman, at least, they very much do.
point is, though, that roman has to believe that ambition isnā€™t all bad if he is to embody it.
even when he believes that he is completely dark, there is a small part of him that holds onto the idea of him being a pure, chivalrous hero
and that small part is what stops him from giving up on himself entirely
so! we now have a set up where roman realizes that ambition might just be what he needs to have to get Everything He Wanted (rooooll credits!)
and itā€™s vitally important to note that he still wants stuff. heā€™s thomasā€™s hopes and dreams, of course he wants stuff! 
and of course he wants whatā€™s best for thomas
and with janusā€™s ā€œyou made the wrong choiceā€ spiel fresh in his mind... what if he just did... what ever it took... to make thomas happy... to give him what he wants, not what morality might dictate is right? what if he just... wanted to prove... that he wasnā€™t useless? that he could still achieve things, still help thomas achieve things?
what if he just wanted to be appreciated?
doing Whatever It Takes to get what you want?
thatā€™s ambition, babey!!
yeah, roman would try to deny it at first. itā€™s in his nature to denounce anything he considers evil at this point in his arc, isnā€™t it?
but when it starts working? when the other sides start appreciating what heā€™s doing for them again? 
when thomas starts appreciating him again?
maybe he is ambitious, and maybe itā€™s not so bad.
so he starts doing more. starts convincing thomas to push away the friends that donā€™t do something for him, that donā€™t increase his social standing, donā€™t improve his image. he starts becoming just a bit more ruthless. if thomas comes across someone heā€™s auditioning against, someone who poses a threat to his career and they just happen to be near a flight of stairs... whatā€™s the harm in a little nudge, right? ā€œoh, calm down patton. it was a short flight of stairs!ā€ the other sidesā€”thomasā€”deserve to get what they want, after all.
even if it means stepping on anyone who gets in the way.
at least theyā€™re all happy now.
at least they all appreciate him.
#ambition!roman#sanders sides#this addition is inspired by me receiving a notif on one of the ambition!roman posts#and then by my going into my tag to re read all of them#as u do. and realizing that oh god i was so stupid this could be so much better#i do wonder how much of my ambition!roman writing is inspired by my mental state at the time#and how much of my reinterpretation is just me becoming cleverer or better at coming up with character arcs/motivations#bc ik when i wrote this before i was obsessed with the idea of fundamental good and fundamental evil and how it wasnt real and#that you could be a Good Person while also being selfish or ambitious or any number of things where you put yourself first#and now i care less abt that and a lot more about the idea of acting for yourself instead of for others which.#i think that theme is fairly evident here#the moral of the story is that no matter how many years go by i will inevitably project onto roman. its like clockwork its all cyclical#i cannot escape it i will always be here thats all thank you#(also the link in the og post didnt have the right username when i wrote this. but its updated in the og post just not from this rb#i hope that explanation was coherent. anyway thats for if u want the context to wtf im talking abt lawl)#ALSO SIDE NOTE I CHECKED AFTER I FINISHED WRITING THIS#AND I WAS FUCKING RIGHT ABT THE ROMAN SAYING THE DARK SIDES FIRST THING. BTW.#he also Explicitly says hes the one who made it up god im so smart and clever and and and#i was right i rlly cannot escape its been like two years and i still remembered. insane behavior
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im-basically-logan Ā· 6 years ago
me yelling abt the new sander sides episode because i have no chill
under the cut, friendos!
iā€™m typing this as i listen/watch the video btw so itā€™s all in order! also this is very long
thatā€™s... an intro.
i love joan so much hghfhgjfdhjk
new channel news yay
Tweet Tunes blz come back
ā€œgive me my shirt back!ā€
i still love the intro to sander sides so much
thomas what the fuck. iā€™m so confused
ā€œCast: Thomas Sandersā€ thatā€™s sander sides in a nutshell
also thats a big fuckin wine glass
dont eat bad chicken wraps blz
ā€œyeah but whatā€™s your actual job?ā€ oof
the beginning is very slow paced imo blehh. a good reflection on thomasā€™ mood in the video tbh
ā€œi feel bad about feeling badā€ me all the time
i cant believe roman got slapped in the face
roman x katana otp uwu
ā€œLogan!!! Itā€™s Patton!!ā€ that was both cute and kinda odd? did he think logan would be suspicious of him being deceit? probably not
logan really goin for those claps and syllables
ā€œAlthough I am overcome by a titillating, tingly sensation whenever deadlines are metā€ l-logan? what??? did you just say?? i agree with romanā€™s reaction on this one.
the poor 4th wall. also iā€™m not belittled
patton called himself, roman, and logan daddy
virgil flapping as heā€™s like ā€œAre you serious??ā€
the countless amount of beeps as roman and logan argue.
bestest duo
god the stretching shit
i mean we been knew heā€™s insecure but still
ā€œdo you know how dangerous that is?ā€
ā€œIā€™m shooting straight, even though Iā€™m gayā€
dfkghdfkjhdskj patton knows what everyone calms down with hghghgfh
i love how logan just immediately starts solving the cube lol
it was 25 seconds jfc logan
tfw youā€™re just so good at being creativity that you color the mona lisa with shitty colors
are.. are they making a vine reference?? with the loop thing??
F r o o t
S am e  s i  es  logan s w ea t y B L Z
ā€œget naked??ā€ ROMAN PL E A SE
he was ready to strip what the  F UCK
intact and wet?
hfgjkhdjk loganā€™s trying his best
Sometimeā€™s we donā€™t know that thereā€™s a question to be asked: clarified
i want a cogitating cap but itā€™s $25 sobs
textbooks, m I S T A KES (roman jfc), PUPPETS!!
yes virgil defend pat
tbh i had the same thoughts as logan at first abt the adult thing..
roman you over did the chin, buddy
ā€œyou are unbelievably extra any time you getā€ ā€œput a sOCK IN IT!ā€
and then virgil becomes a sock puppet
sweet coraline!!! BA BA BAAAAA
ā€œif by up you mean the opposite of down to do thisā€ that was very convoluted
what is with roman not liking the word figuratively??? are you ok?? is there some secret angst behind the meaning of that word?
patton cursed again
is... 5 by 5 a thing???
jfc logan, you wear light wash jeans?? i thought they would be dark
oh and you hit roman in the eye
ngl i laughed because heā€™s a puppet and couldnā€™t blink
oh my god logan looks so regretful w h a t?
also L is a new nickname
ā€œMaybe I should goā€ ā€œNOā€
o shit
slight throwback to when Logan left in moving on part 1??? :3c
hfdjkhfkjd like mAR IA
ew feelings
ā€œiā€™d rather go live in a garbage canā€ same
thomas we love you so much feelings are weird
jfc patton.
ā€œoh iā€™m sorry, EXCEPT Iā€™M NOT!ā€
big oof at roman being called out
ā€œoh my gosh, what is up your butt?ā€ ā€œ... an  ARMā€
i mean heā€™s not wrong but i feel like he couldā€™ve thought about that phrase a little more carefully
i really liked the text stuff when logan was talking about ā€œWhy?ā€
solid electric company reference yeet
logan flailing his arms is a mood
ā€œi could list off several factors that very well could be contributing to your doubtsā€ someone let him sp e a k
and itā€™s virgil.
lmao that was a big ā€œIā€™ll take what I can getā€ bit for logan ngl rip
hfgkdhjdkfs virgil as the count iā€™m
loganā€™s looks heā€™s giving virgil are m o o d s
ā€œthree depressing speculations, ah ah ah...ā€
ā€œfour uncomfortable characters in this roomā€
ā€œjeez you slobbily eat some jam and accidentally make a jew puns and now youā€™re suddenly sensitive about being taken seriously?ā€ ā€œIā€™m not a joke!ā€
the logan angst iā€™ve been craving
logan blz hhhhhh
headcanon: adjusting his tie is a big stim
you can see virgilā€™s expression in the puppet when patton calls him a cute muffin wowie puppeteering is neat!
roman ur being an ass
ā€œitā€™s too bad your brain isnt as big as your chinā€ ā€œwell you smell like FOOTā€ hfdjhgjfkdhs
thereā€™s so many more logan screenshots i gottttttt yessss
ā€œwhat? no-ā€ too late, itā€™s musical time
ā€œanother song, really?ā€ logan, you literally sang last episode
this patton angst return
ā€œDid that work?ā€ ā€œNope!ā€ loganā€™s face at that. b o i did you not pay attention? to moving on pt 2? he was kinda there as thomas right?? maybe?? oh no
ā€œI knew youā€™d listen to me as too scary to ignoreā€ hello @asofterfan got that thing down to a T.
logan just looks so shook like ā€œoh shitā€
ā€œbut when you lo-care for someone...ā€ virgil, we all heard it.
logan breaking down the musical into just the keyboard was p cool
hghgnhghfhsg THE ONE SHOT SLAM
ahdsdshjkdfsk i love this part with logan and thomas so MU CH
ALSO! I think there was a key change to something minor? sounded much more overlooming/scary as they ended their verses
ā€œYouā€™re lostā€ ā€œIā€™m right hereā€ ā€œItā€™s okay. I was lost once too...ā€ iā€™m just shook.
roman just hangs his actual dirty socks jfkdkfdh
that trumpet thoooooo
virgil just callin everyone out today
logince angst content yeet
ā€œlogic always has a part to play, loganā€ ye  s s s s ss  validate him, virgil
virgil is callin out and validatin everybody today
dont hug me iā€™m scared ref, nice
moxiety hug!!
ā€œthat god i can move my arms againā€
i canā€™t say i was surprised with logan becoming a robot sorta puppet
ā€œiron giant nerd!ā€ yeah
ā€œIā€™ve never felt anything in my lifeā€ no patton squeal?
oh my god logan just said beep boop what a nerd
virgil telling patton about the innocent talks thing was something i really liked and was expecting eventually tbh
logan giving roman a high five!!!
ā€œyou did the stretchy arm!ā€ ā€œitā€™s not as gross when a robot does itā€ i need to see the arm thing jfc
ā€œCan you tell me how to get-ā€ ā€œHow to get to sesame street!ā€ they just all... left him. rip
logan canā€™t summon well or control his shapeshifting powers that well?? hmm?
i love that ending with the sesame street throwback again aaaaaa
the way roman and patton laughed in the end card?? what the hell lmao
thomas throwing shade at himself with his own characters is a mood
Thanks to everyone who works on Sander Sides!! This was the longest episode yet, I think. The team grew so much
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