asyipyip · 4 months
They’re training me on pet care at work and I could eat my words here (knocking wood) but I’m loving it so far
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ilythena · 6 months
Request: Jack and Luke go to an animal shelter to adopt a pet (cat or dog, which ever is your favorite) and Jack falls for the adoption counselor that helps them pick out the perfect pet
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★SUM after Luke begs Jack to get a dog, he ends up lucky in more ways then one.
Fem!reader, straight fluff, no warnings! Kinda short tho, tbh I got too interested in Luke begging Jack for a dog 😭 req are open so don’t be shy to send in some, almost done w a lot of them just gotta find time to post em <3
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“Can you just hear me out-“ “no.” “Please! Just one!”
Sitting on the bed in Jacks room of their shared apartment, Jack throws his head back with an irritated groan. “Luke, I’m not going to keep arguing with you about this shit. We can’t have a dog. Who’s going to watch it? And clean up after it? We’re both professional hockey players and have zero time for an animal.”
With a pout, Luke hesitates before speaking again. “I’ll clean up after them! And I’ll spend all the time with them!” “Luke no. We have a game tomorrow. Go to bed.”
“Why am I even asking! I’m a grown man. I’ll just get one and bring it home.” “I wish you fucking would.”
Luke storms out of Jacks room and heads to his own. Immediately getting on his phone and ranting to Quinn about his problems, Jack turns his body and sighs.
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“…what’s going on with the Hughes’?” “Apparently Jack said no to a dog. Luke’s not taking the rejection well.”
The two brothers glare at each other from across the locker room, Luke tightening his laces and Jack grabbing his stick. He mouths an ‘I’m not changing my mind. No dog.’ And Luke huffs before walking out.
“…..well, he’ll get over it soon.” Nico says, patting Jack on the back and he just frowns. “Why is he so insistent on a pet all of a sudden? I mean, you understand why I’m saying no right?”
“Yes, I understand. But I can also see his side. You two will come to a compromise eventually. Let’s not worry about this stuff and just focus on trying to win the game tonight, okay?” Nico says and with a nod, both boys walk out of the room and onto the ice.
Everything was going well at first, Jack had even scored a goal! But it’s like this week just wasn’t on his side. The opposing team began crushing them after the first quarter, swiftly taking out their team with a score of 3-1.
On top of the crushing loss, it was pouring rain outside. And his umbrella broke, which meant he had to walk in the rain, with his brother who’s mad at him, after he loses a game. Great.
Both boys get to the car cold and covered in water—not a word spoken between the two. Luke closes his door shortly after Jack does and it’s pure silence between the two. Jack starts the car and turns the heat up to the max before driving off and making his way home.
“Hey luke?” “…yeah?” “I’m sorry. I’ve been really stressed out and honestly I don’t think it’s good for us to be arguing over something so stupid. Maybe we should get something to eat-” bark! Jack’s eyes snap over to Luke and suddenly it feels like the car is at 100 degrees.
“What was that.” “What was what…?” Bark! Comes from Luke’s side of the car once again, this time Jack can faintly see something moving inside of his jacket.
“Luke.” “….listen! Do you see how hard and cold it it outside? Poor thing would have freezed to death out there!” “I told you no dogs!” “Look at her!”
Luke pulls the small puppy out from his jacket and you can see her shaking. Wet, cold, and obviously very lost.
“…what do we do now?” Jack whispers and Luke doesn’t answer, pulling the animal closer to his chest. After a moment of discussing what to do, the boys decide to just go home and sleep for the night.
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“Hi, welcome in… how can I help you?” “We wanna adopt this dog-“ “no we don’t.”
Jack pushes Luke behind him and gently snatches the puppy from his hands, a sharp gasp cutting through the air when Luke feels the shove.
“Oh! Where did you find them?” “On the street, my brother couldn’t help but pick them up.” You gently take the animal out of Jack’s hands and inspect them for a second before looking him in the eyes. “I’ll have to do a cleaning and a check up for them, since they’re very dirty and I want to make sure the dog is healthy before I give them to you.”
Jack glances at you and when you two make eye contact all the anger he had directed towards Luke died down immediately in his throat. He quietly nodded and in less than a second, you were gone and in the back.
Another one of your coworkers came and got their information, and Jack had sat next to Luke in the small waiting area.
“…can we please keep the dog-“ “maybe.”
After what seemed like hours, you walk out with the dog put in a small kennel, handing it to your coworker. “Good news, puppy is very healthy! Bad news, you can’t keep her because she’s microchipped, which means she does have an owner.” Luke groans in disappointment, but his eyes flicker over to another dog playing through the window in a designated play area.
Jack notices this, and after standing there for a while, he speaks. “….are any of the dogs over there up for adoption?” “Yes sir! All the animals on the right side of the building are up for adoption. Are you interested in adopting today?”
“Um, yes.” Luke’s head snaps over into Jack’s direction. “That’s great! I’ll let you two look at the animals, and let me know if you decide to adopt.”
As you walk away, Jack looks at Luke and glares. “Don’t get too happy. I’m picking the dog.”
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“Hello Mr. Hughes, how may I help you today?” “Hey. I know this is really sudden, but I think he’s sick! He’s been throwing up a lot.”
Jack drags in a golden retriever, who his brother named ‘Jett’ and he doesn’t look to well. Slouching and obviously very tired.
“Oh no! Here, follow me. I’ll get him onto the inspection table and I’ll check what’s wrong with him.” He follows you down the hallway with the puppy in his arms and sets him down gently onto the cold metal table.
Watching you take a stethoscope and check up his heartbeat and trying to listen into his stomach, his heart briefly stops when you call in your coworker to do an x-ray on the animal.
After getting sent to the waiting room and waiting an hour, his worried face shifts to confusion when Jett quickly runs out the door and in between Jack’s legs.
“So, I thought he had an infection in his stomach from some sort of food, but as soon as I officially set up the x-ray and tried to put him under it, he refused and went from looking sick to looking completely fine. My diagnosis is that he was trying to get your attention by being dramatic.”
Jack scoffs in disbelief and looks down at the golden ball of fur in between his feet, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
“Wow. So I brought him here for nothing?” “Pretty much.” You try to hold back a laugh but fail miserably, smiling at the animal and preparing the register for his bill.
“Well, at least he’s okay! That’s all that matters.” You say and Jack lets out a brief chuckle before looking down at the machine.
“150 dollars?!” “Unfortunately, He did waste the supplies used to prep the x-ray machine…”
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“Back again, Mr. Hughes?” “He was eating grass, I’m concerned he’s sick.” “You said that the last time you came in.”
It’s been about 4 months since Jack officially adopted Jett, and coincidentally his owners been coming into your clinic non stop for those past 4 months.
“I’m just looking out for him, what kind of owner would I be if I just let everything slide under the rug?” He grins and you scoff with a smile before leading him and his dog into a private room so you can “investigate” the problem with Jett.
The happy dog jumps up onto the table and rolls over, making a happy sort of huffing noise when you rub his stomach. After doing regular check up procedures, you can determine that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Jett.
“As usual, there’s nothing wrong with your dog. Why do you keep coming in here when you know he’s fine?” Jett jumps on you and you can’t hold back a laugh when he jumps down onto the floor and stands in a playing position. You open the door to the dog play area and let him out to go socialize with the other dogs that stay in the clinic.
“Maybe I just wanna see the cute girl who works here.” “Well maybe there’s an easier way for you to do that instead of dragging him along with you and wasting your money.” Jack bites his lip into a smile and slowly walks closer to you with his hands into his pocket.
“Does that mean that maybe I can take you out on a date this weekend?” “Maybe it does.” You lean against the counter that holds all the paperwork and files in the clinic and take out a small slip of paper, writing something down on it before shoving it into his hands and walking back into a ‘staff only’ facility.
“ xxx-xxx-xxxx. I’ll see you this weekend, Hughes. ;)”
I would have added my pink banner BUT I ran out of picture space….. sorry this ended so suddenly, I was struggling w how to end it!
© copyright of ilythena. Do not repost or translate onto any other websites.
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mybutcheredtongue · 9 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
harry potter timeline sirius black x fem!reader
CHAPTER FOUR (see full series list here)
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You awake on a regular Wednesday morning a few days before the return to school, groaning and stretching as you sit up in your queen-sized bed. The sun is streaming in through your windows, and you can hear birds singing their first few melodies of the morning.
You hear a very croaky meow from beside you and you look over to spot Dubh awakening from her slumber, seeming very angry about it being awoken. Dubh's actual bed is resting in the corner of the room, but it has long since been forgotten and she much prefers to sneak up onto your bed covers during the night. This little habit of hers means you've had to deliver a quick cleaning spell to her every night before bed, but you enjoy her company anyways. You reach out and pet her lovingly, scratching under her fluffy chin.
"Yes, yes, good morning, Dubh," you say. You yawn, trying to muster up the will to properly get out of bed, before eventually you manage to swing your legs over the edge of your bed and step onto the soft rug beneath you.
You throw on your favourite pair of jeans and a sweater to accompany it, taking a quick minute to wash your face before heading downstairs and into the kitchen. Dubh follows you the whole time, complaining as she waits for you to get her breakfast.
This is the home you've lived in for the past 13 years. The home yourself and Sirius had bought after you got married. It's small and cosy: exactly how you had wanted. The walls are covered with photo frames and beautiful oil paintings that look straight out of a dream.
The kitchen is charming, especially as it's lit up by the August sun. You push open a window to let some air in, waving your wand to pour out some cat food for Dubh. You click the kettle on and drum your fingers on the countertop as you wait.
At that moment you hear a small hoot and a light thud outside your back door. You leave the kitchen, unlocking the door to open it and spot a small folded package on the front step. It's the newspaper, the Daily Prophet.
You toss the paper on the kitchen table, humming as you prepare breakfast for yourself. Finally, when you've finished, you take your plate in one hand and your ready cup of tea in the other, sitting down at the kitchen table. You pull open the twine wrapped around the paper, unfolding it out.
You nearly spit out your tea when you read the headline of the front page and spot a familiar face.
Sirius Black.
Sirius Black has escaped.
Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban.
What the fuck.
What the actual fuck.
What the fuck?
You swallow hard, looking at the article again. Your heart is thumping. Your hands are trembling. You feel like you're about to be sick.
Sirius Black, possibly the most infamous prisoner ever to be held in Azkaban fortress, is still eluding capture, the Ministry of Magic confirmed today.
'We are doing all we can to recapture Black,' said the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, this morning, 'and we beg the magical community to remain calm.'
You scoff. Fat fucking chance!
Fudge has been criticised by some members of the International Federation of Warlocks for informing the Muggle Prime Minister of the crisis.
'Well, really, I had to, don't you know,' said an irritable Fudge. 'Black is mad. He's a danger to anyone who crosses him, magic or Muggle. I have the Prime Minister's assurance that he will not breathe a word of Black's true identity to anyone. And let's face it — who'd believe him if he did?'
While Muggles have been told that Black is carrying a gun (a kind of metal wand which Muggles use to kill each other), the magical community lives in fear of a massacre like that of twelve years ago, when Black murdered thirteen people with a single curse.
You feel like you're dreaming. How the hell did he break out?
This article makes you feel so sick. The things they're saying — the things they've always said about him — they're not true. They can't possibly be true.
Sirius would never do that.
Your Sirius would never do that.
Your Sirius who kissed you on the Astronomy Tower.
Your Sirius who proposed to you in your first tiny London flat, lit only by candlelight.
Your Sirius who waited patiently for you at the altar.
Your Sirius who spoke in detail of his undying love for you during his vows.
Your Sirius who gave you the most perfect first dance you could ever ask for.
Your Sirius who spent your wedding night reminding you how much he loved you, gazing at you like you were the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, making sure there wasn't a single patch of skin on your body that went unkissed.
Your Sirius who bought you flowers every week, so the ones on your dining table were always fresh.
Your Sirius.
For twelve years you've maintained the belief that Sirius is innocent. There has got to be another explanation because the Sirius you know would never sell out his friends like that. He would never support Voldemort like that. He would never murder thirteen people like that! It's bullshit.
The Sirius you know would sooner die than rat James and Lily out like that.
Sirius isn't mad, like the way they say in that article.
Or maybe he is.
You wouldn't be surprised if 12 whole years in fucking Azkaban turned him loony.
Suddenly, there's a loud knock at your front door and you startle, dropping the paper.
What if that's him?
You slowly, apprehensively get up out of your chair, carefully walking to the door. You take a deep breath, and place your hand on the handle.
You turn it agonisingly slow and open the door a crack, peering out.
It's not him.
You don't know whether to be relieved or disappointed.
Well, you're definitely not happy anyway, as you're met with Cornelius Fudge and three other Ministry officials.
You gulp.
"Good morning, ma'am," Fudge says. "Can we come in?"
You sigh, nodding. "Yeah, yeah. Of course."
You open the door wide to let them in, wrapping your arms around your torso nervously. They walk into your kitchen, looking around and you gesture to the kitchen table with a nervous smile. "You can sit down there..."
The four of them sit. You notice how Fudge's eyes immediately land on the paper, and he looks quickly back up at you as you lean against the counter, anxiously fiddling with your fingers. Dubh's head lifts from her food bowl, eyeing the newcomers suspiciously.
"Tea, coffee?" You ask, forcing a smile.
The officials glance at each other, as if deciding whether or not it's safe to accept a drink from you.
"Um...no thanks," one squeaks, looking up at you fearfully.
You sigh.
"Ah, so you've evidently heard the news..." Fudge starts, tapping the paper with one of his large, pudgy fingers.
You nod wordlessly.
"Is it a...surprise?" he asks.
You blink at him. "Yes, Minister, of course it's a surprise. I hardly expected him to break out of bloody Azkaban."
"Yes, yes, it is a shock to all of us," Fudge replies, eyes glancing over at the wedding photo on your countertop. "Have you...heard from him? At all?"
"It's just that you are his wife, you would be the first person he'd run to."
You raise your eyebrows, folding your arms. "Oh? I would've thought you'd expect him to run to Voldemort?"
They all wince at the name.
Fudge sighs, trying to keep his composure. "Look, regardless of your personal feelings on the matter, Black is a criminal and — "
"You have no proof — "
"He is a convict!" Fudge snaps. "Regardless of whether you believe it to be wrongful or not, he is a convict! If you see him, you must contact the Ministry. The magical community is in shambles with him on the loose. People are afraid."
You scoff. "The magical community has been in shambles for centuries."
Fudge ignores your statement, standing up from his chair unsteadily. "We will have to monitor your home, in case he decides to...visit."
"We — uh, we'll be going now," Fudge says semi-certainly, motioning for the others to follow. They all stand, narrowly avoiding you as they exit the kitchen. You see one woman flinch when you move. You feel a hand on your shoulder, looking up to see Fudge's red, fudgy face looking at you pitifully. "I am truly sorry, dear. Remember what I said."
You watch as the party leaves and you shut the door behind them. You groan, running your hand through your hair as you slide down the door and sink to the ground.
Dubh appears around the corner, plodding over to you. You smile weakly at her, petting her softly. You feel your eyes starting to water and you sniffle, lip trembling.
You shake your head in disbelief.
"What am I gonna do?"
You wave your wand, levitating your heavy trunk up onto the overhead carriage of your train compartment. Most teachers don't take the Hogwarts Express — they just apparate to Hogsmeade instead — but you find that apparition tends to distress Dubh immensely and don't do it. You don't mind it really, the train ride gives you that little bit of extra time to look over lesson material.
Lucky for you, you have the compartment to yourself and freely let Dubh out of her carrier. She stretches with a long meowl, moving to settle on your lap, and you spend the ride reading a book and looking over lesson material, though your mind keeps drifting from what you're doing, choosing instead to fixate on Sirius.
You have a sickening seed of guilt and worry circling your gut ever since you heard of his escape, an overwhelming sense of dread looming over everything you do.
Heavy rain pelts the window harshly, wind battering the sides of the train, rattling it loudly.
You glance out the window pensively, wondering what he must be doing right now. Maybe he's been recaptured and you just haven't found out yet. You hope he's not out in this weather.
If sixteen-year-old Sirius had been caught out in torrential rain, he'd be busy complaining to you about how it completely ruined his hair and you'd just have to listen on and on because truthfully, you liked his hair after the rain.
The train starts to slow and you sigh, starting to pack up your things. Then, your eye catches the window and you squint out into the dark surroundings. You're not in Hogsmeade — you're not even close to it. You've been on this train enough times to know that you have a solid 20 minutes or so left in the journey.
Maybe there's something blocking the track and you'll all just have to continue on foot?
You stand up, gently plucking Dubh from your lap and placing her onto the seat beside you. You slide open the compartment door and stick your head out, looking up and down the hallway. You know well that Professor Flitwick is inside along with some of the Prefects so you step out, closing the door behind you and moving to their compartment.
You open the door and look in at Flitwick and three students, shiny silver badges on their chests. "Hey, Filius. What's going on?"
Flitwick shrugs, straining his neck to see up out the window. "I don't know."
You bite your lip, turning around uncertainly. "I'll ask the driver."
Suddenly, the train stops with a jolt and you stumble into the wall beside you, knocking your head against one of the flickering lanterns. You groan, bringing a hand to rub at the sharp stinging in your temple.
You try to make your way up the carriage but before you can the lights extinguish with a small puff and you're plunged into darkness. Rooting around in your pocket, you fish out your wand and mutter, "Lumos." A small bead of white light appears at the tip, illuminating a short distance in front of you.
To your horror, you look up and are met with a dark cloaked figure that towers to the ceiling. Its face is completely hidden beneath its hood. You feel your breath hitch in your throat as the room grows cold, freezing cold, making the hairs on your arms stand up.
A Dementor.
"He's not here," you choke, but it doesn't seem to matter as the dementor draws a long, slow, rattling breath. "He — he's not — "
You feel an immediate sadness overwhelm you. You feel every stitch of joy being sucked from you, your body desperately trying to cling on to whatever it can. You hear Sirius' voice, screaming raw and pleading, and it feels like the pain in your head is magnified a billion times.
Before your last stretch of consciousness can escape from you, you grip your wand tighter and, summoning all your will and happiest memories, you yell, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"
A bright, blue light bursts forth from your wand, taking on the form of large, scruffy dog and chasing the Dementor as it glides away from you. You stumble back, chest heaving, placing a hand on the wall for support, before remembering about the rest of the students and you turn, sprinting back down the corridor to the other carriages.
You throw open the door, moving quickly as you throw glances in each compartment window, checking that everyone was alright. Was there only one?
As you continue down the corridor, you look in one compartment and see the back of a tall figure blocking your view. You breathe a sigh of relief when you see it's not a Dementor, and slowly slide open the door to poke your head in, trying to carefully look past the figure in front of you.
"Hey guys, everyone okay? I think — Remus?" You stare in shock at the tired face of Remus Lupin, currently holding a gigantic slab of chocolate in his hands, loudly snapping it into pieces. "What are you doing here?"
Beside him is Harry, Ron, and Hermione, looking between the two of you in surprise. Harry is as pale as a ghost, his hair messy and untidy.
"Guess I took your advice," Remus shrugs, handing everyone pieces of chocolate. He hands one to you and you accept it gratefully, biting off a piece with a loud crack. "Taking up the Defense Against the Dark Arts position."
You grin. "Remus, that's brilliant!" You throw your arms around him and he chuckles, tapping your back softly.
You pull back, noticing Harry's shell-shocked face and turn to him in concern. "Harry, are you alright? You don't look too good."
"Dementor," Remus explains and you nod in understanding.
"There was one in my carriage too!" You say. "Bastards."
"What? It's true!" You say in defense, looking back at Remus' unapproving face. You glance at the three thirteen-year-olds also present in the compartment with you. "Er — sorry, guys."
"I'm going to go talk to the driver," Remus announces, tossing a small bite of chocolate into his mouth.
You nod. "Alright, I'll go check on everyone else." Remus moves past you, but before he can go in the opposite direction to you up the train, you grab onto his arm. "Next time, tell me if you're coming. Could've saved me a very boring train ride."
Remus chuckles. "I was asleep the whole time, not sure if I'd be great company."
You just give him a knowing smile, heading down to the carriage to check on the other students.
→ all kinds of interaction appreciated ♡
->-> read chapter five here!
p.s. it's easy to miss grammar/spelling mistakes when im editing it myself, so if you find any please let me know!! 💌
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Prompts 38, 40, 43, and 44 with Jason
And that's it, unless someone requests a prompt I skipped or until I add onto the prompts list WOOOO
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He freezes, thinking he had hurt you. Hes a little hurt, believing that you dont trust him anymore.. please tell him that's not the case and that it's something else. Just know, if your flinching is caused by someone hes going to be absolutely furious. Not at you, but at the person in question.. as well as the mere concept that someone would want to hurt you. Bonus, if you and jason were childhood friends jason feels bad knowing he wasnt there for you, even if logically.. he couldn't be there. He holds you for a while, turning over what to do in his head. If he ever finds out who did it hes going to make sure they never come your way ever again, by any means necessary
You had cleaned his mask after it got partially roughed up one night, leaving jason to wear his old sack. Hes still not at the point where hes comfortable going maskless around you, and he was going to clean his mask as it's more comfortable... but he just didnt have the time. So you took it upon yourself to clean and patch it up while your partner was out doing his work in the camp. To say he was.. touched.. when he saw what you had done is one way to put it. He nearly crushes you in a bear hug. He never asked for you to do it but you still did it, just to save him the trouble. Small acts like that get Jason feeling all soft and mushy..
I've written about a reader who's immortal and I've written a winged reader, but what about a demon reader? When jason finds out hes a little hurt you've kept such a huge secret from him, but he believes he still loves you.. he had always seen you as an angel, but.. you're definitely not that.. if you look like a normal person hes going to think you're messing with him until you show some kind of proof.. some powers or a secret second form or something like that! It does.. make him feel reassured that you're more.. resilient.. than normal humans.. maybe I'll make this it's own post!
Jason sees a lot of the forest critters as friends, so getting a pet isnt going to change much for him.. but if you want a pet to keep you company when hes out and about then he doesn't mind at all! Honestly I don't think Jason has much preference when it comes to choosing a cat or dog.. I can see him liking both, honestly! Regardless of which one you choose.. or if you choose something else..you both put time into it to make sure its healthy and loved. If there's room on the bed sometimes the animal crawls in and sleeps with you two. The only main worry Jason has is the animal wandering into one of the traps he has set out in the woods.. it may have to be an indoor pet, or at least very heavily monitored by one of you when its outside
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verdemoun · 25 days
Pspspsps! Just food for thought about pets inspired by your wonderful precious amazing incredible Micah art piece 🤭💕
In the modern au, I was imagining Baylock would be a dog, even though I can honestly see Micah being a cat guy because they’re so independent. Maybe he’s a pittie? Or some other “tough” breed that Micah gets to look badass, but Baylock is the sweetest puppy around. Micah tries to hose him outside to get him mean and “wake up his fighting spirit” but Baylock just gargles the water and does that pitbull lip flappy chomp on the hose
I think the Count would be a white Persian cat that Dutch constantly takes to shows. He takes priority over his actual human sons even though the Count would turn Dutch in to the cops for a piece of kibble
Bonus African Gray Parrot Silver Dollar that Hosea somehow inherited and adores nontheless
Thank you for all your amazing posts!!! You’re an inspiration mwah
If I'm an inspiration you're awe-inspiring poppet.
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Micah has a doggo called Baymax! Pets don't get reincarnated though a lot of the gang named their pets after their horses (rip only Arthur has a horse). Baymax is a massive white bulldog mutt Micah got as a 6month puppy from a shelter 1. thinking puppy was his adult size and 2. because the name Baymax reminded him of Baylock. Baymax was clearly neglected and has many scars from either other dog attacks or abuse and was the most cowardly dog Micah could've picked up. Despite growing to a very respectable 110 lbs and absolutely striking fear into the hearts of parents of small children everywhere with his looks Baymax is the biggest sook. Micah claims he is a guard dog only for Baymax to cower behind him at the slightest hint of confrontation (another dog tried to sniff his butt). Micah is not afraid to babytalk his dog in front of the gang. Everyone knows what little mental stability Micah has is linked to that dog. Of course Micah will also pretend he has no emotional attachments to Baymax and call him a dirty mutt at gathering, to which Baymax happily bounces over because it's pretty much the nickname Micah uses when he's dropped food for his living vacuum to clean up. Micah only learned to use a stove so he could cook steak and hamburgers for his dog while he lives on take out and frozen microwave meals. Baymax loves the hose but also when Micah took him to the beach he had to teach his dog to swim. The only doggy life vest in store in Baymax's size was baby girl pink and Micah still insists Baymax looks terrifying in it.
Dutch is the bird man! He has an albino canary called the Countess that is his favorite. Yes he would probably blow off actually leaving the psych ward to see the gang if he was too busy fussing over his birds. He has every color of canary you can imagine because Dutch can only form emotional attachments to thing he can keep in a cage.
Hosea doesn't need a pet he has Kieran and Javier to look after. Similar to owning cats he needs to remind them when to eat, deal with 'i won't drink out of that glass i don't know how long the water was sitting there' 'how did you survive as an outlaw', and keeps a spray bottle on hand to stop them making out on the couch. Kieran however has chickens and Hosea has walked into the living room to find out Kieran snuck the chickens inside because it was raining. In Kieran's defense they're very domesticated chickens who will just sit on his lap while he's watching his shows.
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scarletwritesshit · 5 months
🐱Jing Yuan x Stelle 🐱Once Just a Creation, Now Forever a Friend
Their cries continued to echo throughout the space station.
Ruan Mei, Ruan Mei, why did you abandon us?
Time and again, it would drive Stelle insane. It wasn’t simply due to the constant, loud noise; she had almost no way of silencing the creatures. Lying to them only got her so far. Some were all too eager and hopeful to believe her half-truths, others were far too deep into despair to even listen to a word that she had to say.
Stelle visited them when she could, though it wasn’t very often She would sit by them, petting the gelatinous shell of those who were willing to approach her, as well as those who needed it most. If only she could all of them with her on her journey, but Pom Pom would probably not appreciate the additional guests to clean up after. With the immense number of critters discarded in the space station, it felt like Stelle needed a whole planet to house them.
It would be cruel to dump them on a lifeless, practically inhabitable planet with little to no survival skills of their own. No leader of a planet would want an invasive species to destroy their ecosystem either, no matter how cute they may be. With those two options in mind, her choices are narrowed down to a planet without a natural ecosystem or a planet with a leader who has a soft spot for odd animals. Where was she going to find either one of those?
The Xianzhou Luofu. Of course. It was purely artificial with no wildlife, headed by a general who really, really loves cats. Of all people, Stelle knew just how much that general adored cats...
She tried to find a critter that she thought would get Jing Yuan’s attention the fastest. Knowing how he was, he would be on his knees begging to take all of them home, regardless of which one she showed him first. In fact, she wants him to take them all. It’s just that the right creature could mean the difference between him accepting it now rather than later.
...With “later” probably meaning five minutes at most. Okay, so maybe the specific type of cat didn’t matter. She could honestly take a picture of the entire room populated with the creatures and Jing Yuan would offer the space station a lump sum of credits to take them all for himself.
For now, Stelle settled on taking a picture of a rather pathetic, mopey looking creature.
"What? Here to point and laugh at me for my pathetic state?" the critter whined.
"Shh. Just you wait," Stelle said.
The creature continued to mew and complain, but Stelle turned her back on it. There was no comforting such travesty, as each attempt would only make it sob more and more. It stung Stelle’s heart, really, but she had become accustomed to doing this by now.
Stelle attached the picture of the pathetic creature to the message, then promptly sent it. She didn’t expect an immediate response back. Jing Yuan was most likely napping during this time.
General, I have something I’d like to show you, she typed.
And you are just going to show me that without offering to bring me one back?
As she was making her way out of their habitat, Stelle’s phone buzzed with a text message. It’s been probably five minutes, tops. Drastic difference compared to the five hours she was expecting.
Stelle sort of forgot how easily excitable Jing Yuan was in regard to cats, or cat-like creatures, for that matter. It didn’t matter if they were big, small, or strangely shaped, the general had always had a soft spot for them. She should’ve figured that she would receive such a rapid response from sending him a cat picture; it was almost like he had some sort of a sixth sense for cats.
I mean, very, very cute. What’s its name? the messages read.
He sleeps through every other message, but if it were a picture of a cat? Jing Yuan could be in the heat of battle and he would probably stop to check his phone to gush over the image. It was his greatest weakness. Don’t let the Stellaron Hunters find out.
It doesn’t have one. It was dumped here, she replied.
He fell in love with that creature faster than he did with Stelle. She had nothing but respect for this, though. Cats first, people second. If Stelle had a pet, she would be the same way. That’s like, prioritizing trash cans over Jing Yuan, though. Not exactly the best message to send across.
Oh, poor thing. How anyone could discard such a marvelous creature is beyond me.
…Never mind that. Stelle backed up against a wall to get a clear shot of the room to send a picture of even more creatures to Jing Yuan, when her phoned buzzed in her hands once more.
…So can we keep it?
Mimi kept nuzzling her nose into Jing Yuan’s hand that was holding his phone. She seemed quite intrigued by the image of the creature that he kept scrolling up to, but she was making it virtually impossible for him to type. That last message should’ve taken only 20 seconds, tops. Instead, it felt like it took him twenty minutes to get a few words down.
Meanwhile, on the Xianzhou Luofu…
“Mimi, I’m just as excited as you, calm down,” he said, pushing her away by the nose.
He received another text, this time with a picture showing countless other similar creatures, all varying in pattern. He could hardly contain his excitement, so much as when Mimi slowly crept up to peek over his shoulders, he failed to take note of her.
Which one? That was practically an impossible question! Jing Yuan wanted all of them. He could make room on the Luofu for them. Somewhere. His place of residence was large enough that he could house them there, though he might have to deal with the occasional displeased guard tripping over an oblivious creature’s tail. That didn’t matter; Jing Yuan was the general, and he issued the orders, meaning he could order them to treat them with respect just like any other residents and allow them to coexist peacefully.
Keep which one? Stelle’s text read.
Abuse of power? Maybe a little. But the Luofu was home to a multitude of different races. No reason why he should be any less welcoming to these cake-shaped creatures compared to the Vidyadhara, Foxian, and many others.
These critters were just smaller. And jigglier. And cuter.
I believe I could arrange for accommodations to be made, he wrote back.
I knew you would like them. I doubt Ruan Mei would care if I even took them.
But how do you expect me to bring them back to Xianzhou, unless I try to carry like 200 critters with me?
Jing Yuan thought for a moment. The Stellaron Hunters seem to have lost interest in the planet, and things have been relatively quiet, so perhaps he could spare a lower ranking ship to pick them up. If anyone asks, call it a personal rescue mission, or something.
Send me your coordinates. I’ll send a captain over promptly.
...I’ll get in touch with Herta to let her know that the Xianzhou Luofu isn’t declaring war.
Jing Yuan called for a ship to prepare for takeoff towards the space station. Neither he nor Stelle knew how many creatures to expect to be delivered, but the Luofu was spacious enough to accommodate as many of these critters as the space station could produce, and then some. Hopefully, no one (Mimi in particular) would mistake the cake cats as actual snacks.
That would be most appreciated.
Countless little cat-like creatures having practically free reign over the Luofu. It sounded like a dream to him.
In practice, however, the presence of these small creatures created slightly larger inconveniences than he initially bothered to consider. The critters were fairly sized, yet just small enough to be out of view of an unsuspecting Luofu knight. And they tripped over them. A lot.
The creatures may not be causing such a ruckus intentionally, but Jing Yuan refused to take other measures of taming these creatures. He argued that they were their own kind, and deserved to live within the freedom of the Xianzhou’s rules just like any other. Some thought of him as a wild man. Others considered him biased, given Stelle is the one who translated their whining to him.
Despite all of these claims, Jing Yuan wasn’t safe from the wrath of the critters either. They would lay down anywhere, but most favorably, directly on whatever he was working on at the moment. And when he would gently slide one of the critters of his way, another one would be quick to take its place. Though their shenanigans may annoy him on a particularly bad day, he couldn’t stay mad at them for very long. They were too adorable. He would even let them suffocate him to death if they so desired, which had admittedly almost happened a few times. On some mornings, Jing Yuan would wake to find what felt like a thousand pounds of pure cat on his chest, preventing him from rolling over to shoo away the ones attempting to sleep on top of Stelle’s head.
They mean no harm. They’re just...like that.
The once peaceful residence of Jing Yuan became a critter haven. Stelle no longer knew peace while resting with him, as she found it quite difficult to sleep even the bare minimum of eight system hours with multiple critters pinning her down in the worst positions. At least Mimi took up only one large spot, usually on Jing Yuan’s side, not multiple parts on Stelle’s body pinching her nerves and restricting her breathing.
A part of her regretted telling Jing Yuan, but it was a small price to pay if it meant saving the creatures’ lives from being discarded.
Jing Yuan was more than eternally grateful for the new, adorable friends as well.
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aria-ashryver · 5 months
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Welcome to the Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #3
We are starting strong once again: Anitha and Rin got a case of the plague, Evie got malaria, and hot damn do we need an actual doctor out here! (Hello, foreshadowing 👀)
In good news, however, the panther problem is no more! (For now)
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The MCs have been settled at Cedar Station for a couple of seasons now: purpose-specific rooms are being built; crappy barracks are being upgraded to little, individual houses, and we are getting more artsy with our crafting!
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Luca *gasping softly*: cauliflowers, of course! Omg I'm a genius.
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Anitha has taken non-cauliflower approaches to boosting settlement morale! Namely;
planting yellow, sunshiney flowers outside the rec room
singing songs to capybaras in the hopes they will come live with us (which... worked?! Go Anitha!! 💛)
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Our MCs have collectively decided capybaras are the perfect symbol of hard work, perseverance, and being extremely friend-shaped, so they are now our ✨ venerated animal ✨ (Sprites now get a mood boost when they spend time near a capybara lol)
!!A wild Oliver appears!!
Good news: We have found a doctor! Bad news: Said doctor has been wandering alone in the jungle for weeks on end and is clearly Going Through Some Stuff
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Dorian tried to calm Oliver down and talk him through The Horrors TM (and just managed to make things worse 😆)
(Dorian "Silvertongue" more like Dorian "Can I Offer You a Nice Berry In This Trying Time- ow why are you hitting me ow")
Anitha's got this, don't worry 🌻
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Here's Oliver, all cleaned up with fresh haircut and change of clothes, and feeling much calmer!
Welcome to the colony, Oliver! ✨✨✨ Great to have you aboard
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Having a real doctor in the group means we can safely go on caravan journeys! Today, half of the MCs split off to:
Attend peace talks with a hostile faction
Fulfill a trade agreement with a nearby settlement
Loot an ancient ruin to get Dorian a cool new sword
Get... uh, wait- get mugged by a random imp raider who wanted to steal Oliver's extremely cool t-shirt?
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um. Dorian's new sword got a test run and Oliver kept his shirt.
We did unfortunately run out of food on the way home, though, so our MCs have arrived back hungry, tired, and desperately in need of something fun to do.
Things were tense, folks. Rin might have snapped at Evie a little bit 😬
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aaahhhh the blorbos are brawling aaahhh this is our first social fight
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Things calmed down pretty quick when Evie went for the suckerpunch and cracked Rin's jaw. Rin got lots of quick jabs in too, so Evie has a ton of bruises to her torso, but I think since Evie went beast mode on this one, she wins 😆
Fortunately, Oliver knows just how to help 💗
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We are all friends again in time for the Skylantern Festival though!! Awww look at them go 🌈✨ (Marianna is helping Evie with hers, that's so sweet 🥺)
Anitha: we require more morale Anitha: *brainstorming so hard* Anitha: I've got it. TWO Capybaras!!!
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So, on top of our OG Labrador, Ricky, we now have Sunny and Sugar-Plum, our resident Guinea Bigs. We have also recently acquired an (actual) guinea pig and a cat!
I'm letting the smaller pets pick their owners on a "first nuzzled, first served" basis, so congrats to Evie and Oliver, who now have their very own pets!
@cadybear420 - what does Evie name the guinea pig?
@dr-colossal-pita what does Oliver name the cat?
(If it makes a difference, the guinea pig is male, the cat is female, both are 3 years old)
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Raids are getting tougher! This one was weird, because some visiting traders rushed to our defense with... with their pet bull? Guys, we have it. Its... its fine, you don't need to-- okay, sure. Fine. Send in the bull. Also misfire your bow and arrow and shoot Dorian in the leg, that's great too.
It was a tough scrape, this one! A bunch of tough adventurers, pushed to their limits, trying to survive in this harsh, unforgiving jungle, came to steal our supplies. A few of their people died, some of ours were injured, and we hauled the enemy survivors inside to tend to their injuries (because what is the jungle without a little humanity, right?)
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In what is perhaps the most metal move I have ever seen, here is Oliver talking Marianna through what to do when someone* has been stabbed in the kidney and is bleeding out
*"someone" in this instance is Oliver 🤘
OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED MARIANNA USED THE REALLY GOOD MEDICINE I WAS SAVING THAT klsjgksfjglkdf dammit 😂 thats fine, I'd rather Oliver be okay, but omg that stuff is expensive and I only had 1 ahh 😭😭😭
Curiously... the enemy adventurers are rather taken by our empathy. These are good people, they say. This is a small settlement, but it looks homely. These people are tough, but fair. Hmmm...
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"Do you really think we can trust them? We attacked their home." "We didn't have a choice! But these people seem... honest? They could have left us to die, but they didn't. Maybe... this could be a home for us, too." "Daenarya, that's madness. You can't just try to steal from someone, only to turn around and ask if you can join them!" "...Its worth a shot, right?"
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(uhh I forgot to take a "New recruit: Daenarya" screenshot, just pretend I did lol)
Welcome aboard to our newest pair of adventurers, Brienne and Daenarya!! 💖💖 (Brienne's lil horns are everything to me hehe)
And just in time, too -- our colony have received a tip-off about a lone, freelance detective in need of rescue not far from our base -- @stars-are-within-me 's Carina Rose! Maybe Brienne and Daenarya can help us pull off a daring rescue in the next episode 😎
as ever, thank you to @choicesmc @cadybear420 @rosesnink @storyofmychoices @dr-colossal-pita and @lover-also-fighter-also for letting me steal your darlings!
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magnetarmadda · 1 year
For the last day of @tmaappreciationweek, I've done a Somewhere Else statement fic! It's okay, it's a happy ending 💜
[excitedly] Martin, look at this one!
Jon, you've said that about the last four cats we've looked at!
But this one is perfect!
If you say so, love.
[quietly] You're so soft, and oh so fluffy. [louder] I think his fur is almost the same color as your hair.
[sighing fondly] We're taking him home then, are we?
Oh, I see you found our newest residents!
[together] Residents?
Yep! They're a bonded pair. The orange cat is usually in front, hiding the black cat. The black cat, poor guy, looks like he's been through a few alley wars. But it's a good sign the orange one likes you—we've been calling him Marmalade, and the black cat Blackberry, one of our kid volunteers was on a toast-themed naming kick that weekend.
I know, I know. They don't yet seem very attached to those names, though, so you'll be able to change them fairly easily. I'm Tabitha, by the way—I'm just going to clean some of the kitten cages while they're out in the day room. Let me know if you need anything!
[distracted] Thanks. 
Is it just me, or does the shadow in the back have eyes?
[snorting] That's probably Blackberry. Oh, Martin! He's coming toward us! Quick, put your fingers by the bars.
Yes, dear.
No need to be rude in front of the cats.
[softly, full of concern] He's very skinny, and it looks like there's spots where his fur isn't quite growing right. 
[equally soft] Just means we'll have to give him lots of love.
Well, we know you have plenty of that to go round.
H-hey! Careful there! Shoving me made Blackberry here unhappy.
[muttering] Blackberry. [louder] We need to find them new names.
[laughing] I think they agree.
So, we're taking them home? 
[happily] Yeah, we are. 
I'll go get Tabitha, see what paperwork we have to do. Then I'll go get the carrier from the car. Hopefully, they'll let us get away with the one, since I wasn't expecting two cats. [voice gets softer] Although I probably should have, knowing you.
He's a lot of bluster, don't worry. He's very happy with you both, too, I know. 
Tim will have a field day, though. I don't know how I'm going to live this one down, not on top of him being right about Martin and I hitting it off on a blind date. [laughing] It's been four years, you think he'd let it go. 
Marmalade, you haven't even met Tim yet! Sasha will love you, though, she's always wanted a fluffy cat. Oh, and Georgie will be so jealous—she's still sad the Admiral never got as fluffy as she thought he would when he was a kitten.
Why, hello there Blackberry. Yes, I'm more than happy to scratch your ears with my other hand. Four hands in our house means plenty of pets, that's for sure. And since both of our jobs have stayed work-from-home, there's lots of time for cuddling. Oh, well, you both seem quite good at that already. It's very sweet of you to clean Blackberry's head, Marmalade.
We really will need to give you better names. Don't worry, I've got a list—you'll just have to meow to tell me which ones you like. Sound fair?
Convincing them to go along with your plans already? Hardly fair, love.
You know they'll love you more than me anyway. I've got to gain an advantage somehow.
Ready to take these guys home?
Great! Let's get that paperwork done.
We'll be right back, and then, home.
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starsurface · 6 months
Not many pet regression stuffs so was wondering if we could get Headcanons for caregive Kano with a kitty pet regressor 🐾🐱
Of course!! I don't know a ton about kitty regressors, but I hope they're somewhat accurate!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kano w/ Kitty Pet Regressor Hcs
⚔️ He loves you!! <3
⚔️ There are many types of kittys, from sassy to cuddly, but no matter how you act, he still finds you adorable
⚔️ If you're a sassy kitty, he finds you so entertaining
⚔️ Huffing and looking away from him when he does something ‘wrong’, softly biting him because you want to, pushing something off the table before walking past him like nothing happened
⚔️ ^ Yes, you can get away with half these things, Kano doesn’t have many types of rules
⚔️ That doesn’t mean he has no rules though
⚔️ Soft bites are fine, but you’ll get in trouble if it was hard or could hurt someone (Accidents do happen though!! And he does udnerstand that)
⚔️ This does mean he gets to bite you back though >:3
⚔️ You can only push certain things off the table, like remotes
⚔️ But you’ll get in trouble if you spill something like food or drinks on purpose
⚔️ He has to clean that up, and you don’t get snack time >:(
⚔️ ^ Unless you were having a bad day and acted out, there are some acceptions
⚔️ He’d pay for your nails (no matter your gender) so you can have ‘claws’ for when your in your headspace!! :D
⚔️ ^ Does not know anything about nails though, so he can’t really help you about what color and stuff
⚔️ If your a sleepy kitty, he’ll buy you some nice fuzzy blankets and scatter then on the couch and bed
⚔️ And steal them- He bought them, he wants to use this one right now- You own another seven!! Why do you need this specific one?
⚔️ . . . . He does end up loosing the blanket to you 🙄 (anything to make his kitty happy <3)
⚔️ You know who makes a great bed? Kano :3
⚔️ He’ll find it funny if you lay on him for naptime, but won’t push you away
⚔️ Head scratchies and back rubs!!!! You get infident of them!! (Especially at nap time, or if you put your head in his hand)
⚔️ He’ll get so many toys for you!!
⚔️ Those feathers he’ll hold above you and let you try to snatch
⚔️ A squeaky mouse, which he’ll mvoe around the room so you can ‘hunt’ it
⚔️ He might accidentally unravel your ball of yarn though :\
⚔️ It fell out of his hands!! Or the couch!! Don’t worry, he’ll rereval it for you
⚔️ If you every try to ‘sneak up and attack him’ he’ll be like one of those Cheeta Moms that give big reactions . . . Even if you made the biggest thud on your sneak over
⚔️ He will scoop you up and cuddle you afterwards though, prepare for a very long cuddle session
⚔️ If your a bit of a shy kitty, he’ll be very encouraging!!
⚔️ Why don’t you try knocking the remote off the table, ‘Luv? Here, he’ll do it first, now you can try!!
⚔️ Calls you Kitty, Little One, Nugget, Mister/Miss (when you get in trouble)
⚔️ If your okay with those nicknames cat owners give their cats, like Chonky or Demon, maybe he’ll use them, but he’s very weary of accidently hurting his kitty’s feelings, your too important to him
⚔️ He’ll get you a human cat bed, and you can sunbathed in it, or prop it on the couch and watch your cartoons
⚔️ He’ll make sure to keep many treats on hand!! He loves spoiling you!!! <3
⚔️ Candies, goldfish, whatever you want really!!
⚔️ If your okay with a collar or choker, he’ll buy you whatever kind you want imeantly, he’s got the money, don’t worry too much about it, Sweetheart <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Really quick, he’d call you Kitten too!! (I don't know what else kitty nicknames there are)
I just didn’t add it because I personally don’t like the nickname (and reread my own headcanons), makes me feel too icky :\ (That doesn’t mean it’s a bad nickname though!!! It can be super cute, I’ve just never received it in a positive light, you know?)
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moonlight-tmd · 17 days
They have been chosen by the cat distribution system.
It's night, and they go to Prowl's room to cuddle and find a random cat that decided it lives there now.
Oh yah. I can see them just going out on a date and the base being so quiet one would think it's empty.
Then they come back and Bee decided to go ahead and prepare the berth for cuddles while Prowl brings the snacks. He comes in and sees something orange skidaddle under Prowl's berth. He comes closer and omg it's a kittyh-
Prowl comes in and Bee hushes him from any questions and excitedly waves him over to look. Prowl loves animals so he has an entire animal food stash in his cabinet to he can feed them when he goes out. He lured the cat out with a can of food, also gave it water to drink.
The kitty was an orange tabby, it looked like it was one of the street cat considering how dirty it was and neither of them cound sense a chip in it.
After a while of eating the cat got skittish and ran up the shelf and out the window- presumably the way it got inside in the first place. They were sad and hoped the cat would come back later.
Both of the got woken up by meowing the next day. It was the same cat, sitting near Prowl's berth and meowing loudly. Prowl noticed the can of salmon feed he gave to the cat was now completely empty, meaning the cat ate the rest and was now demanding more food.
He got up and gave it another canned feed along with fresh water. The cat ate it right up and stayed just a little longer before deciding to go away.
Bee got the idea of trying to name the cat- since it apparently didn't have a home therefore no name. He gave few suggestions and had a bit of an argument with Prowl- Bee wanted to name the cat something silly like "Gatorade" or "Greg the Devourer" while Prowl was more into traditional names like "Daisy" or "Jasper".They settled on naming the cat "Honeycomb".
The cat had visited few more times and each time it was more friendly with them. At one point Prowl even set up a little area for it to hang out at- few scratchers, boxes and bowls to eat and drink.
They told the others about the cat and they were so jealous- while they have seen the cat few times, it only ever came close to either Bee or Prowl. At this point the cat had decided to stay at the little cat castle in Prowl's room.
The cat seemed more affectionate with time, it even came up to brush against or cuddle with them. It was amazing. It also seemed the cat was starting to get more healthy as well because it seemed to get fatter.
One day however the cat didn't show up, they looked for it everywhere around and inside the plant but nothing. It didn't show up the day after either...
But then the next morning when they woke up Bee heard very quiet tiny meows coming from one of the boxes in the cat area.
They checked and there was Honeycomb laying in the blankets, nursing a fresh batch of kittens. There was 4 in total, all of them had orange fur with a bit of white.
They took the mama and the kittens to the vet to get checked out; the kittens were fine but the mama needed some meds for the parasites and fleas. They got her clean and chipped before taking her and the kittens back to base.
Sari was over the moon when she saw the kittens. Honeycomb was surprisingly chill with everyone else which made them happy. Bee and Prowl decided to give the kittens up for adoption after they were a month old. Honeycomb herself got a collar and a tag and has become the team's family pet, although she favorited Bee and Prowl.
They both taught her tricks like jumping onto their shoulders to ride. She also made herself useful by bringing dead rats she hunted down to them- the little rascals had been biting thru cables at the plant and Ratchet was running out of options on how to get rid of the persistent rodents.
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 2 months
Some original work
‘Always thought there was something off about her,’ said Dunk later as they drove up to his cabin on the moors. ‘Seems the type to ‘have you tried’ you. Oh gods she has a kid doesn’t she. Poor sod. Y’know once I had a lady in a pharmacy tell me retinol would probably get rid of this?’ he pointed to the port wine stain. ‘I told her to fuck off.’
‘Not surprised.’
‘Hot chocolate? I’ve got orange, toffee, classic and white and raspberry. You must be freezing, sorry it took so long to get to you.’
‘Raspberry sounds good.’
‘It’s pink!’
Dunk’s place was cluttered and cosy, fake wood floors (‘for the noise’) in deep brown and exposed beams in the low ceiling. It was like stepping back in time, a feeling only accentuated by walking into the kitchen. Bunches of dried herbs were garlanded around the oak cabinets, a copper pan simmered on the stove with thyme and orange slices. As she stepped in, Dunk dropped a few crushed juniper berries in too. ‘Energy has to be right,’ he said. ‘Purifying shit.’
‘What Yule plans so far?’
‘Party, obviously.’ He turned with a mug of chocolate. ‘Here you go. We’re doing gift giving and all that too. I think we’re all cooking? Can’t remember. I know it’s duck, and maybe a whole salmon. Any ideas?’
‘A pie? Might be nice. A savoury and a sweet. Pork pie and then blackberry and apple?’
‘Lush. Come sit down, I need to make notes.’
They went into the living room, which was dominated by a beat up leather sofa, its burgundy surface cracked in places. As Dunk went hunting for a beat up notebook in the bookcase, a small furry face peeked out from behind a stack of tabletop games shoved haphazardly into a corner. ‘You got a cat?!’
‘Yeah, mate!’ Dunk grinned and knelt down, reaching. The kitten approached, butting its head against his hand. He gathered it up and settled next to Arianne. ‘This is Tara. She’s technically a Yule present from dad, but he wanted her to celebrate with us.’
‘How is your dad?’
‘Oh, y’know. Still kicking.’
‘Hey Tara,’ Arianne sat on the floor and let the kitten sniff her hand, grinning when she stepped into her lap and settled. ‘Aww. She’s adorable.’
‘Sure you’re not a druid, mate? She doesn’t normally do that.’
‘I wish I could have a pet sometimes. They’re just lovely.’
‘Yeah, say that when you’re breaking your back cleaning the litterbox.’ Dunk was clearly head over heels for Tara; he had a sparkle in his eyes she hadn’t seen in a long time. ‘She’s the best though.’
‘Did you consult the cards about her or anything?’
‘Nope. She just dropped into my life. Sorry we weren’t like, in contact or whatever. Adi said you wanted space so like… yeah. Sorry.’ He sat heavily on the sofa with the notebook and a chewed pen. ‘What did we say? Savoury pie and a sweet pie, duck, salmon…’
‘It’s alright.’ A wave rose and broke in her chest, leaving her bereft. ‘I mean I didn’t. Want space, I mean. I was actually in a really dark place. Did you know that?’
Dunk frowned and turned fully to her. ‘How dark are we talking?’ ‘I was suicidal,’ she said. Even she heard the brittle, casual denial in the nonchalance. ‘It’s fine.’ Tara started purring in her lap. It seemed to neutralise the knot in her gut.
‘I’m sorry.’ There was nothing else to say. They sat in silence, one crushed under the weight of guilt, the other almost gratified by how much pain that seemed to cause. The silence stretched, yawned into something tangible.
‘Not your fault,’ she said finally. His shoulders dropped.
‘What happened?’
She shrugged. ‘Everyone trying to fix me I guess. It’s like I just wasn’t good enough as I was. I mean I know mum and dad don’t think that, but I can’t help feeling that way. I talked to mum for ages about it. She said it would do me good, and I should go for it, but when I tried out the surgery it didn’t even work. I was telling Adi a few days ago. It’s why I hid away I guess. Just felt like there was no point being here. Or well not that exactly but just there’s a risk every time you have surgery isn’t there? Like the last time I had surgery as a kid I dreamed I didn’t wake up. I didn’t want to go through that again.’
‘And hospitals are the worst.’
‘Yeah. Anyway I’m sorry. For hiding. I just dunno what anyone could’ve done.’
‘Well, you’re here now. Got to meet Tara, which honestly is the best. I knew you’d be friends.’
Arianne scratched the tortoiseshell behind the ears. Outside, rain pelted the windows. She burrowed deeper into the sofa and smiled as Dunk took her mug to make another chocolate. The silence was broken by the gentleness of Hozier’s ‘De Selby’, its lilting guitar a cocoon of sound. Dunk sang along, and for a brief moment she wondered how she could have ever wanted to leave the world, she felt so safe within it. ‘I don’t actually want to leave,’ she said, when Dunk returned. ‘I mean, the country. This thing Adi was talking about. I don’t know.’
‘You want to stay in the starting tavern, is that it? I mean I can’t blame you. It’s comfortable. Warm against the cold outside, there are friends, probably a dog, routine. You have to decide if you want to stay there or not.’
Arianne scowled. ‘That’s manipulative.’
‘Why?’ Duncan had a twinkle in his eye. ‘Just telling the truth.’
‘You’re an asshole. You know I can’t resist a call to something like that. Fine. I’ll do it, but only a few months. Six at most.’
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thefandomenchantress · 10 months
I could have sworn I have more questions about headcanons, but until then.. Take these! I'll send those questions in when I can. If the cast got turned into cats, how would they act like? (Since yk, it would be a little different if they're cats. I'll give a headcanon of mine as an example: David and Xander would always be walking beside each other and their tails would form a heart. They would also lick each other to help clean themselves) GIMMIE ACEVID ONES!! How do you think the cast acted when they were babies/kids? You can use this photo as a inspiration for ideas!:
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Don’t worry I’m super forgetful, too. The amount of times I’ve thought of really good jokes or theories to post only to immediately forget about them once I remember I wanted to post something is too many. I look forward to seeing the other headcanon stuff!
If the cast got turned into cats, what would they act like? (+Acevid)
I’ll try to do everyone in the cast for this one! Also, I’m not using real-life cats for a basis on their appearances, some of them are blue and red. Second also, I’m doing this on the assumption that this is a parallel universe where they’re cats and always have been.
Teruko: The saying that a cat always lands on their feet does not apply to cat-Teruko. She is constantly getting into accidents and her owner is getting sick of all the vet bills. She’s not very cuddly, often preferring to be left alone. Appearance: Brown with some patches of fur burnt off.
Xander: Pirate kitty. Cats probably can’t wear eyepatches in real life, but cat-Xander does. He is constantly climbing all over furniture as well as his owner, and he often harasses said owner for affection. Appearance: Red with cool eyepatch thingy.
Charles: Very anti-social. Getting him to let you pet him is a difficult task at first, but evantually he might warm up to you. Watches his owner make things in the kitchen with a strange fascination. Appearance: Purple with a bushy tail.
Ace: A literal scaredy-cat. Constantly hissing at people and hiding under furniture, and trying to pick him up is just asking for him to bite you. If he does end up liking his owner, he will quickly develop separation anxiety. Appearance: Maroon, fluffy and smaller than average.
Arei: Constantly doing things to annoy her owner. Example:
Owner: *Walks into the room and sees cat-Arei next to a glass of water, which she is pushing dangerously close to the edge of the countertop* Hey! No. Don’t you dare.
Cat-Arei: *Looks owner dead in the eyes as she slowly pushes the glass off the countertop, and it shatters on the floor*
Appearance: Light blue and…uh…majestic?
Rose: Always taking a cat nap. Usually in the most inconvenient places, like right in front of the front door while her owner is trying to leave the house. Her owner has tripped over her quite a few times by accident. She also always manages to get into paints, no matter where her owner hides them. Appearance: Dark brown fur (which usually has paint stuck in it).
Hu: Definitely the most well-behaved of all the cats. It doesn’t matter what she’s doing, if she hears her owner playing any instrument she’ll come running. Sometimes she’ll try to help them play (Ex: Walking across piano keys while her owner is trying to play). Appearance: Dark green-ish fur
Eden: Doesn’t have great eyesight, since cats don’t wear glasses (or maybe they do I mean I gave cat-Xander an eyepatch). Very social and will often follow her owner around the house. Has a strangely good sense of time. Appearance: Brown fur, maybe dark brown markings around her eyes that sorta look like glasses.
Levi: Very calm, but will attack any human he does not recognize that enters his owner’s house. (He’s a very good guard dog—er, cat). He will protect his owner with his life. Appearance: Light brown fur, piercing light blue eyes. Bigger than your average cat.
Arturo: Loves his owner and is very clingy to them. Anyone he deems unfit for their presence he will hiss at if they get too close. His definition of ‘unfit’ seems to be anyone and everyone his owner has tried to invite over. Appearance: Mint/Toothpaste green fur, very lanky.
Min: Sits next to her owner whenever they read, staring at the pages. Whether she can actually read or not is a mystery. Not very easily excitable, but she really likes milk (just like human Min). Appearance: Brownish-Black fur, a tuft of which will often cover her pretty purple eyes.
David: When his owner isn’t home he barely does anything, and is usually laying in the same place all day. Once he notices his owner is back he gets all happy again, and will follow them with stars in his eyes. Appearance: Dark blue fur, his eyes do the same thing his human counterpart’s eyes do.
Veronika: Will often enter rooms quietly just so she can pounce up onto her owner’s lap and scare them. Makes very demonic hissing noises whenever she feels like it, usually when her owner least expects it. Appearance: Red fur, and dead, grey eyes. Has long claws she likes to scratch furniture with sometimes.
J: Will act like she totally didn’t miss her owner while they were at work for a while, but caves after around an hour and bothers them for affection. She likes to initiate any cuddles, and trying to give her any without fair warning will make her mad at you for a bit. Appearance: Black, thick fur with blue and green highlights. Somehow.
Whit: Very affectionate, and instantly likes the romantic partner his owner brings over to the house. He can sense it’s meant to be. Also:
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Appearance: Has a heart shape on his chest (for an example of this, see the photo of a random cat I found on the internet). Blonde fur, pink hints throughout.
Nico: Hmm…I’m tasked with making them more cat-like, huh? I guess they hate bathtubs more now. They’re pretty anti-social and don’t hang around their owner too much, but appreciate their company when they do. Appearance: Black fur and red eyes, looks scary but is actually very sweet.
Acevid: At first cat-David thinks of cat-Ace as a bit too…energetic, if you get what I mean. But also finds him fun to mess with. Sometimes, they take naps together. A good way to summarize their relationship is this: Cat-Ace likes his personal space. Cat-David also likes cat-Ace’s personal space.
How do you think the cast acted when they were babies/kids?
Teruko: Actually sorta had a home, the orphanage, so that’s nice. She didn’t have any friends except for her brother, so they hung out a lot. She was more affectionate then, and often carried around a stuffed teddy-bear.
Xander: Liked school and did fairly well. He had a lot of friends, thanks to his more outgoing personality, but he was a bit too much for some people. Got into fights at recess a few times.
Charles: Rather sheltered, preferred to be by himself most of the time. Had a sense of child-like wonder about him, (and he still does, even though you’ll be hard-pressed to see him show it). It’s a shame he can’t remember most of his childhood.
Ace: Didn’t have any friends (until Taylor), since his off-the-walls energy was too much for most other kids, and he was just labeled as weird. Never stopped talking, despite the fact people constantly told him to shut up.
Arei: Her sisters got an early start on making her feel as bad about herself as possible, and they made it hard for her to make friends. She was compassionate nonetheless, but she slowly became more closed-off because of all the ridicule.
Rose: Didn’t sleep as much, since she didn’t have as much of a need for escapism (or at least I always assumed she slept as a form of escapism idk). She was very passionate about art and often got her pieces put in the school-wide art shows.
Hu: Got along pretty well with other kids, but was rather introverted. She had a lot of butterfly-themed clothing and jewelry, so it was well-known that was her favorite animal.
Eden: Had a few good friends, and really liked setting up play dates with them. She would often pick out art kits from the store, like bracelet-making kits, to do during them.
Levi: Rather quiet, didn’t have many friends. His closed-off nature and intimidating stature were most likely to blame for this. He had trouble reading who was in the ‘bad crowd’ and would sometimes get in trouble for being in the wrong place, wrong time.
Arturo: Didn’t have many friends, since he was often off in his own little world. Not sure when his beauty obsession started, but at some point it did and he would constantly read those celebrity gossip magazines and fanboy over every pretty person he saw in them.
Min: Had a few friends, but didn’t spend too much time with them. She was always studying, or doing schoolwork, or occasionally sleeping. She tried to hang out with friends sometimes, but would be constantly feeling guilty about how she was wasting time that could be spent studying.
David: Had many acquaintances and a few people he’d call friends, but he didn’t feel most of them actually knew him that well. He was way less…er…depressed? Than current David, and did anything for his parent’s approval and affection.
Veronika: Most kids either thought she was creepy (because of her psychoanalysis) or really cool, since she would often do things like hanging upside-down on high-up tree branches or other dangerous stunts. While intrigued by the spooky and gory, she wasn’t as into it back then.
J: Often forced to do things she didn’t want to by her mother, and hated every second of it. She felt as though most of her friends weren’t really her friends because they liked her, and that they just liked the idea of her, and the idea of being friends with a celebrity.
Whit: Didn’t have too many friends, since some considered him a little annoying. Wasn’t quite as ambivalent to terrible things happening, and wasn’t constantly positive. But he still really liked puns to an unhealthy degree.
Nico: Didn’t have any friends, but didn’t mind because they preferred to have their alone time anyway. Or maybe that’s just what they told themselves so they wouldn’t feel lonely. They would’ve liked to have at least one person to hang out with from time to time. But at least they had their cats.
Sorry this ask took forever for me to answer. I had never considered the cat question before and it took me a long time to come up with answers. But this was really fun, thanks for asking me stuff!
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kedreeva · 2 years
Hi! I live in a small apartment that allows small pets (so no cats, dogs, mini horses etc.), and I was thinking about getting some mice. This may be a dumb question, but do they recognise their owners? Like, will they know who I am and hang out w/ me?
The answer is complicated.
The short answer is largely "it depends on who you get them from."
All mice are not created equal. A feeder mouse or most pet store mice are just random mice. You may or may not get lucky and get one that is less scared and stressed by handling than its neighbor. You may be able to tame it with enough handling, but if you stop handling it for a pretty short period (and I mean for some, as short as a week), handle taming "wears off" so to speak.
As far as I know, they've done no studies on whether a mouse recognizes a specific human vs any other human. They can learn to recognize humans in general for sure, I see that in my own home. They have extremely poor eyesight, but very good hearing and smell, so they may learn to recognize certain things that way. My mice recognize when a human comes into the room (my door makes a noise) and they all get up and come to the fronts of their bins looking for treats and some will even climb readily into my hand if I reach in... But they'll also do this for anyone that reaches in, because that's what they have been bred to do.
Because that's the "it depends on who you get them from" answer. A private breeder selecting for temperament can breed mice that are super friendly and actually really enjoy handling (at least, they seek it out and show no stress behaviors during handling). I've had my mice get so comfy they fall asleep in my hands. They take treats from my fingers. They seek interaction when I open the lid. And a properly bred pet or show type mouse should have a temperament like that. They should have a human forward disposition which does not go away. I don't handle my mice, except during cage cleaning, and it doesn't matter- they'll always be chill the next time I go to handle them, because that's built right into their little mousey DNA.
But you're unlikely to find that straight from a pet store. So your best bet is to find a private breeder and ask about their breeding practices, and get at least a pair from them. Not all breeders select for things other than color, so if you're uncertain, look at the ears. If you look at the ears and think "man this mouse has got Ears" there's a good bet that breeder is selecting toward show SOP, and one thing a show mouse has to be is super laid back and easy to handle. Mice that bite or jump or stress too much can lose points or even get disqualified, so it's always in a show breeder's best interest to select away from those things. This isn't to say a mouse with small ears can't be super friendly, because absolutely they can, but just that if you see the big ears it's a better bet.
Last note, mice are largely scent animals. They tell hierarchy by scent, they recognize each other by scent, it's a big part of their lives. Which means if you are making a mischief, the group will get overall more stressed by its most-stressed member. Show type mice may become stressed by the addition of a high strung feeder or pet store mouse or mice. So if you're going to get from multiple sources, I would recommend different cages for the two types. It's also a matter of show types can easily get twice as big as pet store or feeder mice as adults, and sometimes this leads to the smaller ones getting hurt.
If you want a small pet that recognizes its owner and loves to hang out, I'd actually look for rats instead. Same deal, I would look for a private breeder, but rats are hugely more intelligent than mice and they definitely can recognize specific people. Mine come running to me but ignore my partner, even sometimes when he has treats.
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aidensteddybear · 7 months
HIII!! Do you think you could write a fic with little Chase and CG Zee where their walking and Chase sees a cat on the street, but when he tries to pet the cat it scratches him and runs away, leaving Chase confused and sad so that Zee has to comfort him?? SRY if this is a lot of if your busy rn, lots of love!!
Regressor! Chase w/ Caregiver! Zee
Chase was a giggling mess as he and Zee took a walk around the neighborhood. He loved going for walks and just being outside, especially while regressed.
As the two boys walked around, Chase had spotted a cat. He gasped out of excitement, pointing at the animal.
“Kitty!” Chase exclaimed. “Wanna pet the kitty!” Before Zee had time to react, Chase had already let go of his hand and ran over to the cat.
When he got close to the cat, he attempted to pet it. Though, in return the cat hissed at him, gave him a little scratch, then ran off.
Chase, only being around the age of four years old, didn’t understand why the cat did what it did. His lip began to quiver as Zee caught up to him.
“You okay, buddy? What happened?” Zee asked. Chase looked at Zee, tears in his eyes as he started to hiccup and cry.
“Kitty a meanie..” He mumbled, clinging to Zee. “Gave me a owie..” Chase sniffled while Zee picked him up.
“Let me see, Chase.” Chase whined softly, but showed Zee the scratch. It was nothing too bad, it was just a tiny scratch, but Chase did currently have the mentality of a toddler, so to him it was a very bad and painful injury.
“We can clean it up once we get back home, okay?” Zee said. Chase didn’t reply, he just whined and cried, which he did the entire time until they got back home.
When they did get back home, Zee brought Chase into the bathroom and got his scratch all cleaned up. Again, it was a little scratch that was barely noticeable, but it was caused by a stray cat and Zee didn’t want to run the risk of it getting infected.
Once Zee got the cut cleaned and put a bandaid on it, he took Chase to the living room and sat him down on his lap.
“Why kitty do that?” Chase questioned, clearly still upset. “I think it was just scared. It probably didn’t expect you to run over to it.” Zee answered.
“It hurt me..” Chase whined, tears filling up in his eyes again. “I know, little guy, but he was just defending himself. He didn’t know you didn’t mean any harm.” Chase whined some more and hid his face in Zee’s shirt.
“Next time you see a cat that you want to pet, don’t run at it. You have to slowly walk over to it, so it doesn’t feel threatened.” Zee told him. Chase looked at Zee, wiping the tears away from his eyes. “Okay..” He muttered. Zee smiled, giving Chase a small kiss on his head.
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demonytekav · 1 year
CW: None. Fluff. Found Kitten AU
Izuku was nervous.
He’d found an abandoned kitten towards the end of his patrol crying behind a dumpster and couldn’t just leave the poor thing there to starve. The mother was no where to be seen and the little cries asking for help pulled at every string in his heart.
Usually after he clocks out he showers at work and finishes some paper work before returning home but the little orange thing was shivering and covered in filth. Izuku had wrapped it up as best he could and held it against his body for warmth as he made his way to the convenience store and then home. Normally he would take the kitten to a shelter but a few days ago someone had decided to set fire to a local one. The bastard. Luckily almost all the animals and people had gotten out safely but they’d been placed in the other local shelters filling them up.
He’d have to keep the kitten at least for a little while before taking it in to the shelter or maybe find someone who wouldn’t mind having a new kitten. But that was for later. For now, he brought the little furry mess home.
It wasn’t until the tiny thing was bathed, warmed, and he was watching it scarf down some kitten food that he started to get nervous. He’d forgotten one key factor in all of this.
They’d never really discussed having an animal. Both of them too busy to truly give a pet the love and attention it would need. Izuku knows the blonde likes dogs but hes not sure about cats. Plus he knows Katsuki likes to keep their apartment as clean as possible and while cats can generally take care of themselves Izuku knows they sometimes have trouble littler box training or scratching things etc. Unfortunately this little one has fleas too. Which yes can be taken care of but still.
In the living room he nervously bites his thump nail as he considered the kitten. It was now napping curled in the corner of a big box Izuku had dragged out. In there was a cozy warm blanket, a stuffed panda bear which the kitten slept under its arm, some food and water, and in the furthest corner was a little litter box.
He’d planned to go get an actual litter box and some more supplies and keep the baby in their spare room. But for now wanted to make sure it was kept close in case it was/got sick. He’d take it to a vet tomorrow morning.
Izuku jolts as the lock on the front door unlatches and peeks out into the hallway entrance just as Katsuki is stepping into the apartment. The blonde mumbles a tired “I’m home.” As he takes his coat off and hangs it up.
Izuku smiles fondly at him as he pulls his boots off next and stacks them neatly to the side. “Welcome home Kacchan!”
Katsuki grunts in acknowledgement before hanging his keys and stepping fully into their home. Their eyes meet and Katsuki pauses to assess Izuku, instantly sensing something was off.
The blonde raises a suspicious eyebrow and asks “What?”. His deep voice is amplified by the hallway walls.
Izuku swallows and smiles through the nerves. “What do you mean what?”
Katsuki squints and starts to step closer to Izuku. “You tell me. Why do you look like you bent my favorite pan again huh?”
“That was one time!” Izuku squawks but a blush forms on his cheeks when a high pitched mewing interrupts them. Izuku tries to sputter an explanation but Katsuki frowns and barrels past him into the living room.
The blonde doesn’t stop and just goes straight for the box and Izuku watches as he squats down. “What’s this?” Katsuki questions voice devoid of emotion and straight to the point.
Izuku chuckles nervously and rubs the back of his head. “Well, you see…I found it on my way back to the office and had to bring it here since the shelters are still full. It was freezing and hungry so I couldn’t just leave it there you know,” his eyes catch Katsukis for a moment as the blonde turns to look at him. Looking away from that pointed stare he continues. “I got some food and stuff for it, I know we haven’t ever talked about it before-“ he keeps rambling not noticing Katsuki has reached into the box and the little cries have stopped.
“-so you see I just felt it was best to bring it here for tonight and…” Izuku trails off finally turning to look at the blonde and his mouth drops open in shock.
Katsuki has the little thing on its back in one large palm cradled to his chest and is wiggling his fingers of his other hand above the little paws batting at them before diving those fingers down and ticking the plump furry little belly. He watches stunned as Katsuki gently maneuvers the kitten and cradles it like it’s a precious thing.
And he’s smiling.
A whole ass real gentle smile that Izuku himself has only seen a handful of times. All while the kitten is nibbling his fingers and playfully swiping at them.
Izuku can’t even form words right now with how tight his heart seems to squeeze in his chest. The amount of cuteness he is seeing might just make him implode.
To add even more surprise the blonde starts talking gently. And giggling.
Izuku can’t comprehend the man he’s seeing right now.
“You’re just a little spitfire aren’t ya? Yeah….Just a little hunter ready to attack those fingers huh. That’s right.” Katsuki chuckles.
Izuku watches as he puts the kitten down back into the box but doesn’t get up to leave. Instead he sits down and reaches in to pet it.
Katsukis low voice travels through their living room as he gently talks to the kitten. “So fuckin cute aren’t you? Just a pretty little baby.”
The shorter man watches in awe as Katsuki continues to mumble sweet little nothings to the kitten. Izuku has never ever heard him use the soft loving tone he’s using right now.
“How come you never talk to me like that?” Comes out of his mouth before he can stop it. Embarrassment rushes through him and he feels his face heat up as the blonde gives him a look while side eyeing him.
Katsuki raises his eyebrow and sarcastically asks “Are you a baby?”
Izuku opens his mouth to deny it. “Yes.” Shit. He hadn’t meant to say that. His face burns furiously as Katsuki stops petting the kitten and then fully turns to face him with a shocked expression.
Blonde eyebrows raise as far as they can go before a very evil smile creeps on to Katsukis face. Izuku knows he’s fucked up.
“Is that right?”
Izuku shivers at the tone and starts to backtrack out of the room. “I mean NO! Obviously not!”
Katsuki tilts his head and relaxes his smirk into a smile. “Don’t worry, I think you’re a pretty little baby too.”
Heat sears Izukus cheeks as Katsuki uses the SAME tone he used for the kitten. “STOP IT!” He yells as he trips out of the living room on his way to the bathroom to wash his face and get away from THAT.
The blondes villainous cackles travels through the house right on his heels.
They do end up keeping the kitten and naming him Boomstick or Boomie for short. The little thing absolutely adores Katsuki and of course loves Izuku…but it’s not the same. He greets the blonde when he comes home from work and climbs on his shoulders. Sometimes Izuku thinks the cat looks down on him from up there like “Hah I have the high ground!”.
The teasing about Izuku being jealous of the kitten never does stop. Every chance he gets to catch Izuku off guard Katsuki speaks in that gentle soothing tone just to see Izuku squirm, shiver, and blush. Calling him a ‘pretty baby’ or ‘my good boy’ and watching as the shorter man literally short circuits. And if that makes it into their bedroom activities that’s no one’s business but theirs.
AN///Boomie is based on my own Kitty Oliver. Little thing used to cuddle up to a panda bear and sleep under its arm. And we always tell him he’s a pretty boy and call him “cute face”. Cat parent shit.
Anyway just a short idea I had about Katsuki being gentle and soft with a kitten and it getting to Izuku. Have a wonderful day/night! Thanks for reading! (Sorry for any errors i just barfed this out for funsies)
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fatandnerdy30 · 4 months
So it's official. I have to move out of my house. Let me explain.
Last weekend I had to go to a friend's house to watch her pets since she was going out for the weekend and had no one to watch them. She had 5 cats and 1 puppy and one of the cats has ibd so he needs medication 4x a day.
I had to leave a day early because she wanted to get out of the house early in the morning the next day. So I told my mother, and yes, I live with my mother still, fight me, lol.
My mother throws a fit and gets angry when I tell her because it was short notice, and I was a little angry at that as well. So I understood. So I was there from Thursday night until Monday night. I called my mother on Saturday night, and I told her I missed her. She said that she missed having help in the house. me. So when I got home is where it got bad.
When I texted my mother that I'll be home that Monday, she gives me nothing but attitude through the texts. So when I walked in the door, the first thing she did was attack me about my room, which I didn't ask her to clean but she went in and cleaned up the literally 10 bottles and 2 pairs of socks and blasted me for it.
First off, I have sjogrens syndrome, so that means I'm thirsty like all the time, so I drink a LOT of water. And I leave them in my room until Monday when the garbage goes out. She knows this and hasn't said anything about it. So I tell her thank you for doing that and that I didn't ask her to clean my room but I appreciate it.
So it was dinner time, so we all sat down, and I declared I missed everyone that weekend. There was silence, and then they started talking amongst themselves as if I hadn't said anything. My brother and my mother just talked about all the food they ordered out while I was gone like me not being there was such a heavy burden lifted that they could get take out.
Tonight was the straw that broke the camels back, though. I had baked a cake for my brother's birthday, and it cracked im half, and I was upset, and rightfully so. I commented with tears in my voice that everything I do for others gets messed up and my mother just tells me to 'shut the fuck up'.
Now I know where I stand in the household and I'm done. I pay for the internet, I pay my phone and I cook/clean. I'm done. I need out. So hopefully I'll be moving to Maryland next year after I've had time to save up some money.
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