othala-lune · 1 year
As a HUGE Pokemon fan, you did not know how much I screamed when I saw this.
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kalosstarters · 2 years
I saw the new episode and here’s some commentary (idk, some bad, a little bit of good too):
I... dunno. This episode definitely had similar problems with the battle writing as the previous ones. Gengar making a steel type mon faint with a fairy type move? (well, okay, there was the will-o-wisp too but it shouldn’t have done it that fast). Dracovish going down very fast? Etc, etc. And last but not least, Pikachu, just like I predicted, 10000000000 x thunderbolted Metagross. Sure, he also hit it with an iron tail after that but... to me it did happen pretty easily (I kid you not, I could not stop laughing during that scene bc it was kind of absurd. Pika going from almost ded to doing the super full power move was just that funny to me.) Well, I blame the power of Alola for the op:ness of that move ♥ (in a way I love that that move has kind of become Ash’s trademark at this point... but I also wished that we wouldn’t see it until the grande finale vs Leon. I’m telling you, Tomioka, I don’t care about Lucario, I /don’t/ want to see it finish off the Charizard. But ofc it will.) Well, long story short, I do wish they’d let someone else write these battles too bc there was definitely potential there.
Then we need to get to case: Alain. I can’t believe that the only time he talked with Ash (kind of. Bc it was only a couple of words) was when he was about to leave the stadium. I definitely was expecting the commentary during the battle get a little more personal since he knows both Ash and Steven. I also can’t believe this might have been the very last episode where we see him (I don’t really dare to expect to see him again after this. Also, I could say much more about this whole Alain return thing but I don’t have the energy rn)
So, TR keeps being one of the things that actually makes these episodes better. They weren’t even trying to hide rooting for the Brat Boy this time :’D Loved it. 
The cameos were mostly great! Loved seeing DREW my boy. However I will say I was a teeny bit disappointed that Ash’s mama was not at the stadium (altho on the plus side, it allowed us to see Ash’s mons watching too and that part I liked). Also I was definitely hoping to see Alolan people watching Ash too because of JN112 but... no luck yet... Do not disappoint me with this during the future Ash battles, JN. 
A couple of more things on the plus side:
I did like hearing the first OP in the bg of the Z-move scene!
And Iris was great as always and I loved Hop being starstruck by her presence in the stands.
Well, that was it this time. For the upcoming battle episodes (maybe it’s a good thing we’re having a small break from M8) I have only a couple of wishes: 1) for the love of Arceus Tomioka cut it down with the one-shots, 2) let the other champions be back for the upcoming battles (I am trying to hold my horseas with this one) and 3) give. us. Ash’s companion and Alola fam cameos. Bc otherwise, what’s the point?
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tannertoctoo-blog · 7 years
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April 7, 2017
Apeiron, Vol. 50, #2, 2017 Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 47, #2-3, 2017 Erkenntnis, Vol. 82, #2, 2017 Hume Studies, Vol. 41, #1, 2015 Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 141, #4, 2017 Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 78, #2, 2017 Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 31, #2, 2017 Judgment and Decision Making, Vol. 12, #2, 2017 Mind & Language, Vol. 32, #2, 2017 Philosophia, Vol. 44, #4, 2017 Philosophical Studies, Vol. 174, #5, 2017 Philosophy of Science, Vol. 84, #2, 2017 Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, Vol. 24, #1, 2017 Phronesis, Vol. 62, #2, 2017
Apeiron, Vol. 50, #2, 2017 Research Articles Margarita Vega. Bridging the Gap between Aristotle’s Use and Theory of Metaphora. Carries Swanson. Aristotle on Ignorance of the Definition of Refutation. Justin Humphreys. Abstraction and Diagrammatic Reasoning in Aristotle’s Philosophy of Geometry. Ignacio De Ribera-Martin. Unity and Continuity in Aristotle. Fei-Ting Chen. A Hylomorphic Reading of Non-Genuine Qualitative Changes in Aristotle’s Physics VII.3. Back to Top
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 47, #2-3, 2017 Special Issue: Ethics and Future Generations Articles Richard Yetter Chappell. Rethinking the Asymmetry. Jake Earl. A Portable Defense of the Procreation Asymmetry. Melinda A. Roberts. Is a Person-Affecting Solution to the Nonidentity Problem Impossible? Axiology, Accessibility and Additional People. Pranay Sanklecha. Our Obligations to Future Generations: The Limits of Intergenerational Justice and the Necessity of the Ethics of Metaphysics. Tim Meijers. Citizens in Appropriate Numbers: Evaluating Five Claims about Justice and Population Size. Eric Brandstedt. The Savings Problem in the Original Position: Assessing and Revising a Model. Tim Mulgan. How Should Utilitarians Think about the Future? Janna Thompson. The Ethics of Intergenerational Relationships. Elizabeth Finneron-Burns. What's Wrong with Human Extinction? Johann Frick. On the Survival of Humanity. Stephen M. Gardiner. The Threat of Intergenerational Extortion: On the Temptation to become the Climate Mafia, Masquerading as an Intergenerational Robin Hood. Catriona McKinnon. Endangering Humanity: An International Crime? Brian Berkey. Human Rights, Harm, and Climate Change Mitigation. Back to Top
Erkenntnis, Vol. 82, #2, 2017 Original Articles Luca Sciortino. On Ian Hacking’s Notion of Style of Reasoning. Kevin Reuter. The Developmental Challenge to the Paradox of Pain. Matthew Frise. Internalism and the Problem of Stored Beliefs. Jeroen Smid. Material Constitution is Ad Hoc. Justin A. Capes. Freedom with Causation. Jakob Koscholke. Carnap’s Relevance Measure as a Probabilistic Measure of Coherence. Megan Henricks Stotts. Understanding the Intentions Behind the Referential/Attributive Distinction. Patrik Hummel. Against the Complex versus Simple Distinction. Edward Elliott. Probabilism, Representation Theorems, and Whether Deliberation Crowds Out Prediction. J. B. Paris, A. Vencovská. Combining Analogical Support in Pure Inductive Logic. Liam Kofi Bright. Decision Theoretic Model of the Productivity Gap. Book Review Florian Boge. Simon Friederich: Interpreting Quantum Theory: A Therapeutic Approach. Back to Top
Hume Studies, Vol. 41, #1, 2015 Articles Lisa Ievers. The Method in Hume’s “Madness”. Jennifer Welchman. Self-Love and Personal Identity in Hume’s Treatise. Book Symposium: Andrew Sabl’s Hume’s Politics: Coordination and Crisis in the History of England Willem Lemmens. “Sweden Is Still a Kingdom”: Convention and Political Authority in Hume’s History of England. Mark G. Spencer. “Distant and Commonly Faint and Disfigured Originals”: Hume’s Magna Charta and Sabl’s Fundamental Constitutional Conventions. Ryu Susato. “Politics May Be Reduced To a Science”?: Between Politics and Economics in Hume’s Concepts of Convention. Andrew Sabl. Reply to My Critics. Back to Top
Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 141, #4, 2017 Special issue on Moral Emotions and Ethics in Organizations; Issue Editors: Dirk Lindebaum, Deanna Geddes, Yiannis Gabriel Editorial Dirk Lindebaum, Deanna Geddes, Yiannis Gabriel. Moral Emotions and Ethics in Organisations: Introduction to the Special Issue. Original Papers Steven A. Murphy, Sandra Kiffin-Petersen. The Exposed Self: A Multilevel Model of Shame and Ethical Behavior. Adriana Wilner, Tania Pereira Christopoulos. The Online Unmanaged Organization: Control and Resistance in a Space with Blurred Boundaries. Marie Dasborough, Paul Harvey. Schadenfreude: The (not so) Secret Joy of Another’s Misfortune. Srinath Jagannathan, Rajnish Rai. Organizational Wrongs, Moral Anger and the Temporality of Crisis. Fahri Karakas, Emine Sarigollu, Selcuk Uygur. Exploring the Diversity of Virtues Through the Lens of Moral Imagination: A Qualitative Inquiry into Organizational Virtues in the Turkish Context. J. J. de Klerk. Nobody is as Blind as Those Who Cannot Bear to See: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Management of Emotions and Moral Blindness. Carol Linehan, Elaine O’Brien. From Tell-Tale Signs to Irreconcilable Struggles: The Value of Emotion in Exploring the Ethical Dilemmas of Human Resource Professionals. Paul Harvey, Mark J. Martinko, Nancy Borkowski. Justifying Deviant Behavior: The Role of Attributions and Moral Emotions. Benjamin R. Walker, Chris J. Jackson. Moral Emotions and Corporate Psychopathy: A Review. Back to Top
Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 78, #2, 2017 Articles Jacomien Prins. Girolamo Cardano and Julius Caesar Scaliger in Debate about Nature’s Musical Secrets. Henrique Leitão, Antonio Sánchez. Zilsel’s Thesis, Maritime Culture, and Iberian Science in Early Modern Europe. Wiep van Bunge. Spinoza’s Life: 1677–1802. Amos Bitzan. Leopold Zunz and the Meanings of Wissenschaft. Mark Bevir. John Rawls in Light of the Archive: Introduction to the Symposium on the Rawls Papers. David A. Reidy. Rawls on Philosophy and Democracy: Lessons from the Archived Papers. P. MacKenzie Bok. “The Latest Invasion from Britain”: Young Rawls and His Community of American Ethical Theorists. Daniele Botti. Rawls on Dewey before the Dewey Lectures. Andrius Gališanka. Just Society as a Fair Game: John Rawls and Game Theory in the 1950s. Back to Top
Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vol. 31, #2, 2017 Articles Arvi Särkelä, Justo Serrano Zamora. John Dewey and Social Criticism: An Introduction. Arvi Särkelä. Immanent Critique as Self-Transformative Practice: Hegel, Dewey, and Contemporary Critical Theory. Italo Testa. The Authority of Life: The Critical Task of Dewey’s Social Ontology. Arto Laitinen. Dewey’s Progressive Historicism and the Problem of Determinate Oughts. Roberto Frega. A Tale of Two Social Philosophies. Federica Gregoratto. The Critical Nature of Gender: A Deweyan Approach to the Sex/Gender Distinction. Emmanuel Renault. Dewey’s Critical Conception of Work. Justo Serrano Zamora. Overcoming Hermeneutical Injustice: Cultural Self-Appropriation and the Epistemic Practices of the Oppressed. Back to Top
Judgment and Decision Making, Vol. 12, #2, 2017 Articles Yuanchao Emily Bo, David V. Budescu, Charles Lewis, Philip E. Tetlock and Barbara Mellers. An IRT Forecasting Model: Linking Proper Scoring Rules to Item Response Theory. Paul M. Krueger, Robert C. Wilson and Jonathan D. Cohen. Strategies for Exploration in the Domain of Losses. Matteo Ploner. Hold on to it? An Experimental Analysis of the Disposition Effect. Nathaniel J. S. Ashby. Numeracy Predicts Preference Consistency: Deliberative Search Heuristics Increase Choice Consistency for Choices from Description and Experience. Onurcan Yilmaz and S. Adil Saribay. The Relationship between Cognitive Style and Political Orientation depends on the Measures Used. Michał Białek and Wim De Neys. Dual Processes and Moral Conflict: Evidence for Deontological Reasoners’ Intuitive Utilitarian Sensitivity. Rostislav Staněk. Home Bias in Sport Betting: Evidence from Czech Betting Market. Anna Katharina Spälti, Mark J. Brandt and Marcel Zeelenberg. Memory Retrieval Processes Help Explain the Incumbency Advantage. Tessa Haesevoets, Alain Van Hiel, Mario Pandelaere, Dries H. Bostyn and David De Cremer. How much Compensation is too much? An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Financial Overcompensation as a Means to Enhance Customer Loyalty. Back to Top
Mind & Language, Vol. 32, #2, 2017 Original Articles Glyn Humphreys (28 December 1954 – 14 January 2016). Martin Davies. Glyn Humphreys: Attention, Binding, Motion-Induced Blindness. Casey O'Callaghan. Grades of Multisensory Awareness. Tom Cochrane and Keeley Heaton. Intrusive Uncertainty in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Robert Schroer. Hume's Table, Peacocke's Trees, the Tilted Penny and the Reversed Seeing-in Account. Chiara Brozzo. Motor Intentions: How Intentions and Motor Representations Come Together. Back to Top
Philosophia, Vol. 44, #4, 2017 Special Issue contents: Forgiveness and Conflict / Guest edited by Paula Satne (pp 999-1124); Constitutive arguments and Kantian Constructivism / Guest edited by Sorin Baiasu and Christoph Hanisch (pp 1125-1246); Ineffability and Religious Experience: A Symposium (pp 1247-1438) Original Papers Xingming Hu. A Critical Survey of Some Recent Philosophical Research in China. Paula Satne. Introduction: Forgiveness and Conflict. Oliver Hallich. A Plea against Apologies. Geoffrey Scarre. Forgiveness and Identification. Paula Satne. Forgiveness and Moral Development. Monica Mookherjee. Healing Multiculturalism: Middle-Ground Liberal Forgiveness in a Diverse Public Realm. Maša Mrovlje. Forgiveness, Representative Judgement and Love of the World: Exploring the Political Significance of Forgiveness in the Context of Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Debates. Bill Wringe. Punishment, Forgiveness and Reconciliation. Christoph Hanisch, Sorin Baiasu. Constitutivism and Kantian Constructivism in Ethical Theory: Editorial Introduction. Christine Bratu, Moritz Dittmeyer. Constitutivism About Practical Principles: Its Claims, Goals, Task and Failure. Christoph Hanisch. Constitutivism and Inescapability: A Diagnosis. Caroline T. Arruda. Constitutivism and the Self-Reflection Requirement. Sorin Baiasu. Constitutivism and Transcendental Practical Philosophy: How to Pull the Rabbit Out of the Hat. Jochen Bojanowski. Kant’s Solution to the Euthyphro Dilemma. Carla Bagnoli. Kantian Constructivism and the Moral Problem. Thaddeus Metz. Is Life’s Meaning Ultimately Unthinkable?: Guy Bennett-Hunter on the Ineffable. David E. Cooper. Music, Nature and Ineffability. Guy Bennett-Hunter. Ineffability: Reply to Professors Metz and Cooper. Richard Brook. Berkeley and the Primary Qualities: Idealization vs. Abstraction. Shlomo Cohen. Are There Moral Limits to Military Deception? David Deming. Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? Dylan B. Futter. Philosophical Anti-authoritarianism. Christos Kyriacou. Are Evolutionary Debunking Arguments Self-Debunking? Vanessa Lam. On Smilansky’s Defense of Prepunishment: A Response to Robinson. Ole Martin Moen. An Argument for Intrinsic Value Monism. Graham Renz. It’s All in your Head: a Solution to the Problem of Object Coincidence. Benjamin Yelle. In Defense of Sophisticated Theories of Welfare. Aleksandar Fatić, Ivana Zagorac. The Methodology of Philosophical Practice: Eclecticism and/or Integrativeness? Back to Top
Philosophical Studies, Vol. 174, #5, 2017 Original Papers Jens Kipper. Propositional Apriority and the Nesting Problem. Davide Bordini. Is there Introspective Evidence for Phenomenal Intentionality? Nicholas Smyth. The Function of Morality. David H. Glass. Science, God and Ockham’s Razor. Hilary Greaves, Harvey Lederman. Aggregating Extended Preferences. Stephan Krämer, Stefan Roski. Difference-Making Grounds. Amy Berg. Abortion and Miscarriage. Maarten Steenhagen. False Reflections. Jonathan Brink Morgan. Naïve Realism and Phenomenal Overlap. Oisín Deery, Eddy Nahmias. Defeating Manipulation Arguments: Interventionist Causation and Compatibilist Sourcehood. Michael Bertrand. Fundamental Ontological Structure: An Argument against Pluralism. Santiago Echeverri. How to Undercut Radical Skepticism. David Rose. Folk Intuitions of Actual Causation: A Two-pronged Debunking Explanation. Erratum Mihaela Popa-Wyatt. Erratum to: Go Figure: Understanding Figurative Talk. Back to Top
Philosophy of Science, Vol. 84, #2, 2017 Papers Glauber De Bona, Julia Staffel. Graded Incoherence for Accuracy-Firsters. Michael Baumgartner, Lorenzo Casini. An Abductive Theory of Constitution. Sarita Rosenstock, Justin Bruner, Cailin O’Connor. In Epistemic Networks, Is Less Really More? William Bechtel. Explicating Top-Down Causation Using Networks and Dynamics. W. Ford Doolittle. Making the Most of Clade Selection. John P. Jackson Jr. Cognitive/Evolutionary Psychology and the History of Racism. Bryan W. Roberts. Three Myths about Time Reversal in Quantum Theory. Leif Hancox-Li. Solutions in Constructive Field Theory. Discussion Note Nevin Climenhaga. How Explanation Guides Confirmation. Essay Reviews P. Kyle Stanford. Bending toward Justice. Michelle Pham. Review of Making Medical Knowledge. Back to Top
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, Vol. 24, #1, 2017 Feature Articles Jarkko Jalava, Stephanie Griffiths. Philosophers On Psychopaths: A Cautionary Tale in Interdisciplinarity. Raymond M. Bergner, Nora Bunford. Mental Disorder Is a Disability Concept, Not a Behavioral One. Line Ryberg Ingerslev, Dorothée Legrand. Clinical Response to Bodily Symptoms in Psychopathology. Brian D. Earp, Olga A. Wudarczyk, Bennett Foddy, Julian Savulescu. Addicted to Love: What Is Love Addiction and When Should It Be Treated? Commentaries Walter Glannon. Psychopathy and Responsibility: Empirical Data and Normative Judgments. Derek Strijbos. What Is the Philosopher’s Role in Interdisciplinary Research? Gary J. Gala, Sarah L. Laughon. Conceptualization of a Mental Disorder: A Clinical Perspective. Peter Zachar. Mental Disorder, Methodology, and Meaning. René Rosfort. The Opacity of Bodily Symptoms: Anonymous Meaning in Psychopathology. C. S. I. Jenkins. ‘Addicted’? To ‘Love’? Neil Levy. Hijacking Addiction. Responses Jarkko Jalava, Stephanie Griffiths. Call Me Irresponsible Is Psychopaths’ Responsibility a Matter of (Data) Preference? Raymond M. Bergner, Nora Bunford. Mental Disorder Is Disability: In Support of Our Design. Line Ryberg Ingerslev, Dorothée Legrand. Responding to Incomprehensibility: On the Clinical Role of Anonymity in Bodily Symptoms. Brian D. Earp, Bennett Foddy, Olga A. Wudarczyk, Julian Savulescu. Love Addiction: Reply to Jenkins and Levy. Back to Top
Phronesis, Vol. 62, #2, 2017 Research Articles Thomas Kjeller Johansen. Aristotle on the Logos of the Craftsman. Patricio A. Fernandez and Jorge Mittelmann. ἡ κίνησις τῆς τέχνης: Crafts and Souls as Principles of Change. Andreas Anagnostopoulos. Change, Agency and the Incomplete in Aristotle. Hermann Weidemann. Potentiality and Actuality of the Infinite: A Misunderstood Passage in Aristotle’s Metaphysics (Θ.6, 1048b14-17). Other Christopher Gill. Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy. Back to Top
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