scvedbylovearchive · 7 years
reminder to anyone who’s STILL following this blog that it was archived almost a year ago. you can find harry at @scvedbylove
hey, so i did the thing. i’m going to start following people on the new blog and change this one’s url to scvedbylovearchive. any threads i have here will carry over, & i’ll log in over here periodically to check on replies. if you reply, though, i’d appreciate sending me a message there so i know. i have asks/memes drafted here, & i’ll still reply to those, i’ll just turn them into a text post over there.
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
hey, so i did the thing. i’m going to start following people on the new blog and change this one’s url to scvedbylovearchive. any threads i have here will carry over, & i’ll log in over here periodically to check on replies. if you reply, though, i’d appreciate sending me a message there so i know. i have asks/memes drafted here, & i’ll still reply to those, i’ll just turn them into a text post over there.
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
hey, so i did the thing. i’m going to start following people on the new blog and change this one’s url to scvedbylovearchive. any threads i have here will carry over, & i’ll log in over here periodically to check on replies. if you reply, though, i’d appreciate sending me a message there so i know. i have asks/memes drafted here, & i’ll still reply to those, i’ll just turn them into a text post over there.
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
real talk for a second: if i were to remake this blog as a primary account, would you guys follow me? 
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
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“And I just made your life harder.”
Draco has a lot of regrets.
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
Send me an ✘ and I'll put my music on shuffle, get the song, and post my favorite line as a starter.
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
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                                        F O L L O W E R                                                 F O R E V E R ❤
Honestly … I’m in so much shock?? Like, I legit wasn’t expecting at all for Amelia to be this welcomed when I first brought her onto tumblr. A part of me was convinced people would be rather selective of her but instead you all have been so incredibly warm and welcoming - of both her and me - and it just makes me incredibly happy?? Seriously, each time I sign on here, you all light up my day so much. There are not enough words to express how grateful and appreciative I am of you all. Fudge, just– bless you all <3 <3
Anyhow to show my love for you flawless boobs I’ve thrown together a little follow forever of people that I chat with, roleplay with, stalk, chat, and/or just full on admire. Some people may be repeated on various blogs but that’s just cause I’m so hopeless at choosing just one blog to love on them. My apologizes to those who aren’t on the list - I swear I have goldfish memory and I think I might have accidentally forgotten a few - but I promise you I love eVERY SINGLE ONE of my followers
akxkios ● alicelongbottonn ● anexauror ● anxietyworn  ● areyouinthebeyond  ● aurordora  ● badgerpotter ● bloodbetrayed ● bonniedoesmagic ● booksmcrt ● brcwglory ● brokcnwiings ● bythedagger ● caffeinatedimmortal ● caffeinctedmess ● consiliariusweasel ● courteousmind ● cvnnweller ● darknessdementia ● drakonhesperios ● druiddescended ● elenaloveablekotsala ● fightingsouls ● fissarsi ● fleurxdelacour ● floraiison ● fovous ● frompadfoot ● git-isms ● graywolfism ● hazelswish ● hisangelrosalie ● invincibletoharm ● kindredbravery ● lcghtnxng ● makahwclfgirl ● mctamorphmagxs ● mooncxrsed ● moonthropic ● naturalrarity ● ofblissfuloblivions ● ofdraconis ● ofherage ● ofwandsandmischief ● omnipotenceisoverrated ● ontherxn ● pinkhairandclumsiness ● prodcsia ● pugfxce ● pxddedfoot ● realhumanbeiing ● reaperiisms ● riddle-of-the-augurey ● sabachthcni ● scarredanger ● screamiiisms ● scvedbylove ● sicklinski ● susurrc ● tamewerewolf ● timidbravery ● theodore-nox ● unexpectedways ● uncommonlyxkind ● unfadiism ● willowandphoenix ● xprongspotterx
special mentions; buckyjaymes - consultthemuses​ - dear-indies​
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
@pxreblccd (cont. from this)
{ Scarhead | TEXT }: Is Scorpius with Albus? { Scarhead | TEXT }: I can’t seem to find him.
{ Malfoy | TEXT }: Maybe? { Malfoy | TEXT }: I don’t know.  { Malfoy | TEXT }: Probably? They’re usually together, aren’t they?
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
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awkward and not so awkward beans
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
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→ Please death, come quickly, take me kindly
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
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                                                     peter pettigrew
marauder. gryffindor. traitor.
                       “ in the end I’m realizing I was never meant to fight on my own “
                                           indie + private + book based // written by AJ
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
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Day 23 - Slow
‘This is not a date. Not a date’ Draco kept telling himself as he walked beside Harry down the street, trying not to focus on the fact that Potter was basically walking him home. 
It obviously wasn’t a date, it couldn’t be. The fact that Harry’s lips were brushing his cheeks, his breath as warm as Draco’s face, shouldn’t mean anything, right?
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
i feel productive, i’m finally getting through these drafts! i’m queueing them, though, bc half of my issue is that i post ‘em & then you guys reply way too fast & they pile up again. 
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
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I don’t care anymore. 
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scvedbylovearchive · 8 years
casually drops harry's url
Do I Follow Them? Hells yeah.Why Did I Follow Them? Honestly, I was stalking for ages before they followed but I was far too nervous to follow them first what with Amelia being an oc twin relative of Harry so I just stalked and admired from a distance aND THEN THEY ACTUALLY FOLLOWED ME AND IT SEEMED TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE AND OMGOMGOMG KEEP COOL, BE COOL, BE THE COOL AND YEah basically following them back was no questions asked XDDo We Role Play? I don’t think we do o.ODo I Want To Role Play With Them: Omgomgomg yaaaas.An AU Idea For Our Muses: Give me everything and anything to do with these dorks. Give me the twins struggles actually accept the fact that they are family. Give me Amelia embarrassing the fuck out of Harry and being the typical annoying little sister. Give me aus of these two being raised together. Literally everything I have a mighty need *grabby hands*A Song For Our Muses: Gaah my brain is being a stupid boob and drawing a blank atm. Do I Ship Our Muses? Not including Amelia’s stubborn reluctance to acknowledge Harry as her bro when they first meet (XD) I do think they’d have a sweet brotp/sibling thing going on. tHEY CAN COMBINE THEIR SASS AND FUCK SHIT UP. MWHAHAHAHA. What I Think About The Mun: At first I was intimidated af cause I’m just a shy awkward boob but honestly once I started chatting to them and I saw how sweet they were that anxiety very quickly went away. They’re just so interesting to chat to and it really is nice being able to ramble about certain topics whether its love for certain characters or random stuff, or even when I need a little help with something. Like, they really are wonderful and deserve all of the love cause hell yes Overall Opinion:
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Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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